#Camilla Cuevas
xxtsumu0016xx · 1 year
Why dose some of my favorite creators have to be problematic?
So just so you’re aware I’m no longer going to draw Bête Noire. It’s just the situation with Camilla and the things she did I just don’t want to be apart of it. And on top of everything I have excepted that Bête is a self insert and a terribly written character,it like Camilla was so lazy to write a good story for her :/
I know this all happened like a year or something ago but I felt it had to be mentioned <3
She will be joining loverofpigs on my list of “Undertale AU creators that are problematic”
(I hate when this happens)
Anyways I hope you have a great day and stay determined ❤️
(Also I’d like to point out that I still like glitchtale but I hate bête and the creator)
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utdrmv-confession-box · 2 months
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Transcript: Why does Camilla Cuevas have so many people still supporting her 😭
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rainbowgod666 · 9 months
Welcome to the Multiverse
Colors sendable (the first image is from @sizzlingcandyjellyfishhh while thesecond image is from @gaybichon), and also the @wynmu vibes thing. While the divider was made by @sister-lucifer (weird url ik but mines weirder soooo)
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To all RPers: my very existence takes the narrative and uses it as toilet paper. The 4th wall is my onahole. You can use the askbox to talk to your blorbos.
To let you get started, here are some of my best posts. Remember that the Ourple ones are KINDA mandatory if you want ANY background on wtf is this blog.
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List of my powers / Its the end of the world as you know it (and i did it on purpose) / an admin kicked me off the island lmao / Mental Health Time / You Absolute Buffoons / The Numeron Game / Well thats a thing that happened! / Out of touch: leap yeap / 🅱️usiness / Magnus did nothing wrong, except its steven universe / welcome to the internet, SCP edition / #HALLOLLAH# / AMERICA IS FASCIST HEAVEN BECAUSE FUNNY / Lost Childhoods / please save those poor gay americans / Free Disco Elysco / Bone to the bad / Priting Wrojects / the True Range of my abilities / the fuck's an apocalypse knight anyway? / @punkitt-is-here fucked Geronimo Stilton and i think its a good thing / Alex goes batshit insane and forces everyone to do as he says... again 🙄 / Screaming in a Pattern. / wizardposting: because powerscaling needed fuckign Zeno Dragonballsuper apparently / BEN 10 BUT LANCER? FUCK YEAH! / So i went batshit insane again / High Geology / fantasy settings on tumblr are really fucking cool actually / RIFLE. IS. FINE. BUT YOU FUCK UP DESIGN YOU UROD. / i technically claimed ownership of Dr. Bright and Betty from glitchtale do you seriously think im NOT gonna do that for homestuck? / XenasOuch / SCP-8000 contest, OR: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUC- / LEMMINO but like, 8 years ago / Hazbin Hotel: a necessary... something i guess. / research attempt: the wizardposting wine aunt /
Below is who i am, and also the tags you can (and should) search for
Hi, name's Alex.
Born on the first ever day of 2005 and also having aspergers, i am a guy from italy trying to make it impossible for anyone to spend a day without knowing who i am. Also i literally trascend powerscaling so hard the only things that can even put a DENT on me are... decided by me. Welcome to the multiverse i guess.
DNI: people who support genocide, people who tolerate corporate bullshit, racists, and terfs.
The following list is ALL THE TAGS USED TO NAVIGATE THIS BLOG. Seriously. This masterpost is an explaiantion for the "portal hub" i placed in the search bar
Lore Post: sometimes the lore of the multiverse, sometimes my personal life.
Welcome to the multiverse: sometimes MASSIVE textpost telling everyone "oh yeah right, this dude has autism", usually me existing. tHE MAIN TAG.
Alex's Answering Machine: literally my asks
The magical workshop: turns out the wizards of tumblr are the reason the phrase "some of y'all have gotten too comfortable saying stuff without getting punched for it" exist. And its up to my autistic, protagonism-fueled low self-esteem high self-awareness ass to... fix shit up.
Belowstory: undertale but REALLY FUCKED UP: so basically frisk falls down and is greeted by a feminine voice that calls itself chara (it becomes slightly visible after getting out of the ruins) and like the good boi undertale character he is he proceeds to save the world. This entire thing exists because one time I was like "how fucked up OP can a sans be before its My Immortal levels of wtf?" And uh yeah here we are uuuuuuh sans greets you by pointing a .44 magnum at you so thank the head of the guards (papyrus) for saving you. Everyone here is broken and just wants A Fucking Break. Also you gain levels in pacifist because LOVE is Level Of VirtuE. Fuck you lmao
Undertale.exe: so I looked at Camilla Cuevas being an awful person. Then i looked at the beautiful anime that is @jakei95's underverse... then i smushed it all toghether to basically create the perfect AU. Frisk is a pansexual fuccboi that Has Game, Chara is THICC and powerful, Betty is built like a ballerina and is 1000 years old, and Asriel is a Streemur. All of them live in this house far away from the city thats literally a larger version of sans' house. All charachters can legally drink (prepare for Drunk Chara shenanigans where its Betty Glitchtale the drunk one instead) and the only one who (probably) isnt gay is Asriel (even though frisk covets the Dreemur Dong) (one day soldier, one day...). Many chatachters from many AUs sometimes come to visit cause, you know. Its a nice place.
Curseworld: massive writing project of mine which is just "adventure time shaped mass of autism". The world is cursed and fucked over, and everything is colorful. Its also part Owl House because fuck you the magic system is FUCKED here.
Internet friends: basically internet stereotype-shaped people. We have a furry thats normal, a reddit/discord mod that just wants to work in peace, and the protagonist is Just A Guy but a-ha! He has both an xbox an...d ps5 thus fucking over any CAD reference. The last sketch i made was a mr.monopoly shaped guy who really wants youngsters to actually AFFORD shit who is married to a very obvious reference to Meru the succubus. Also i 100% intend to put a gag about mr beast living in an ATM when he isnt making videos
Im looking respectfully: look. Back then tumblr was basically Rule 34 with twitter users. Now its way better at the cost of a fraction of their value. Have fun looking at attactive women!
TOH:NEXT GENERATION: not even @moringmark's comics are safe! Enjoy the adventures of ayzee commented by me... telling everyone that shes STRONG strong. Like holy shit girl inherited will much?
Warhammer 50k: listen. This is just me looking at games workshop and fucking emperors tts and going "fuck that. Heres mine". This is a project where my "shard" assegned to this universe basically copies the imperium because, and im not joking, "the emperor is kind of a baka, but then again tzeentch is a thing so...". Also btw TTS is canon as SHIT. Like fr its all canon. Yes even the shadowsun fling, let kitten rest.
Pluripotent Impotence: an scp canon of mine thats basically "the foundation is so cold and clinical they MASSIVELY misunderstood shit". 6140, 6500, 5500 and 7000 are canon. 2718 and 5000 are in the files but they basically might as well not exist. 3812 is living tech support. 166 is in her early 20s and 239 is 19 and they fuck nasty (theyre also childhood friends. Girl Love i guess~) because fuck you clef love wins especially yuri go snort telekill dust. 2317 loves humans and thins theyre cute and squishy and when its seventh child turned out to be fucking JoyBoy? Yeah get this: he DID condemn the fortune teller that was like "dude your sevent child is one of those prophecy children that are so in vogue these days" but also messed with fate so that her death ended up being the coolest and most inspiring shit ever because he was like "considering the average Evil King story, i might as well just... let this happen! Maybe i can convince my literal offspring to spare me!" And it fucking worked. Also a bunch of shit is canon. @i-am-dado looks like a Kpop star and is somft. Dr Jack bright is my character and mine alone and also elias shaw is there i guess. My OC bangs the first one of these 2 amulet boys on a regular basis and the second one occasionally, dont ask why is there a gay polycule when im straight, there are some things that escape my mind. I have been in SCP for a long time and regardless of me making my account 6/1/2024 (LA BEFANAH) i have been here longer than you believe in. From my perspective it took a year before a 5000 contest was announced, so fcuk yoyu
Earth-ℵ₀: the best way to take care of the DC and Marvel universes is... let an autistic dude fix damages done by money-hungry idiots in hollywood. The joker is unimportant. Dr.Manhattan is Done With This Shit. I made a squad with random charachters i like. Lmao suck on uranium rods UwU
ytposting: (Funkdela Catalogue: Encounter starts playing)
Omni-shit: ben 10 is actually a good series guys, and the reboot is an interesting way of showing what would Ben 10 Classic look like if it was made Now
1% enhancement: basically i look at something and go like "hey what if the charachters were basically part me but not in a Knights of the Apocalypse way"
Tumblr italia: aò sono italiano che cos'altro vi aspettate
components: basically i use tumblr as image hosting. LoL.
Items: images turned undertale items. For reference, i have 2³¹-1 HP and my stats are ATK 100000 and DEF 65535. Yes the attack is a yugioh zexal reference. NOSTALGIA IS PTSD BUT GOOD.
Mungeon Deshi: dunmeshi is a good anime and marcille is italian
Full Nelson Analchemist: if FMA exists in my presence im going to give the 20k mg weed gummy to Truth
Evangelion 4.0: look, hideki anno has gone insane. Every time he makes evangelion as the most brain damaging version of telling someone to go touch grass people inevitably miss the point. I take it upon myself to give the @jakei95 treatment to the poor creatures (also fun fact: KAWOSHIN CANON. THEY KISS ON SCREEN. FUCK YOU AMERICA.)
The hoes are stuck: homestuck. What you thought they were safe from my grasp? 人間 you havent seen sheiße.
FeeF the BeeB: minecraft mod bullsheiße
[[Nothing Is Worth The Risk]]: lets just say that sometimes, the multiverse isnt that "cool and good"
Ultimate Sonic: i have a Sonic AU where... uhm... just. If i have a post about that. Just look at it. LoL.
Multiverse Polls: i make tHEM-
Autistic and Artistic: (draws happily)
Side effects of reading this blog can vary between true insight into the inner workings of the universe and self-defenestration from the top of the burj khalifa.
Anyways welcome to the multiverse
Do yourself a favour and dont go out without a loaded gun.
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under-lore · 2 years
I don't know if you ever saw Camilla Cuevas' theory about Gaster created determination, but I wonder what you think about it
Assuming you are refering to this post, i heavily disagree with it.
This is to me a great example on how NOT to make an Undertale theory. It is filled with flaws, it assumes multiple fanon beliefs to be truths, and makes innacurate assumptions to end up with a conclusion that contradicts what is shown in the game.
Which isn’t necessarily surprising coming from the person behind Glitchtale...
I have no intention to be rude to Camilla, i do respect having the time and dedication to create such a series about a game we both love, but theorising is simply not her domain just as animation is not mine.
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aegis-vamp · 2 years
Fuck Camilla Cuevas 🖕
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knario47 · 2 years
Momificación en Canarias ¿momias o xaxos?
IẒUṚAN. La momificación constituye uno de los rasgos más emblemático de las culturas amazigh de las Islas Canarias. Este hecho, despertó y sigue despertando, el interés de investigadores y población general ya sea canaria o extranjera. No obstante, aún perduran algunas ideas reduccionistas sobre esta práctica marcada por el referente que supone la momificación egipcia, así como otros aspectos pocos conocidos por el público en general. Por otro lado, este fenómeno nos aporta algunos vocablos amazigh isleños de cierto interés que veremos en este artículo.
Pero, ¿la momificación era una práctica desempeñada por todos los pueblos nativos de Archipiélago? Lo que revela arqueología es que tan solo los canarios y los guanches (amaziges de Gran Canaria y Tenerife) la realizaron por lo que las puntuales conservaciones en algunas islas occidentales se debieron a algunos casos excepcionales que permitieron esta conversación.
No obstante, esta momificación debe ser matizada puesto que presentaría importantes diferencias con la realizada en el antiguo Egipto y no queda nada clara que existiera una intención expresa de conservación del cuerpo al menos en el caso de Gran Canaria. Así, como afirma la especialista Verónica Alberto Barroso la existencia de momias se debería a “un proceso natural de conservación de las partes blandas del cuerpo por las condiciones ambientales del lugar donde fueron depositados”. Sería pues el uso de cuevas como cementerio lo que ha “influido en la ralentización o paralización del proceso de descomposición de algunos individuos”. En cualquier caso, en el caso de los guanches de Tenerife, las fuentes etnohistóricas nos describen un proceso de aplicación de sustancias naturales con el objetivo de mirlar los cadáveres:
“(…) tomando el cuerpo del difunto, después de lavado, echábanle por la boca ciertas confecciones hechas de manteca de ganado derretida, polvos de brezo y de piedra tosca, cáscara de pino y de otras no sé qué yerbas, y embutíanle con esto cada día poniéndolos al sol, cuando de un lado, cuando de otro, por espacio de quince días, hasta que quedaba seco y mirlado, que llamaban xaxo.”
Alonso de Espinosa (1594[2018]:79)
A juicio de Verónica Alberto, la aplicación de estas sustancias pudo deberse a un proceso ritual que no debió suponer “necesariamente encaminada a la preservación eterna del cuerpo.” En cualquier caso, resulta obvio que la conservación de estos cuerpos y el embalsamiento con pieles o fibras vegetales para su protección evidencia una ritualización de hondo significado y respeto a los finados. Por tanto, se trataría de una práctica que supone una seña de identidad de estas poblaciones por su particularidad.
Guanchismos del mirlado.
En cualquier caso, al no tratarse de una momificación ‘a la egipcia’ se ha propuesto una denominación alternativa más acorde al fenómeno en Canarias como mirlado, y a los cuerpos desecados como ‘xaxos’. No en vano, ya los canarios de los siglos pasados que hallaban estos cuerpos mirlados en las cuevas los denominaban ‘enzurronados’. Veamos pues, algunos de los vocablos canarios de origen amazigh insular que hemos conservado:
Vocablo que recoge Espinosa de los guanches para denominar al cadáver secado y embalsamado. Wölfel lo relaciona con el amazigh aggu o ahu ‘humo’. Reyes García lo relaciona con el verbo azeɣ ‘desecar’ y propone la recontrucción zaɣuh > haɣo.
Voz conservada en el español canario de Tenerife con el significado de Parihuela o camilla utilizada para transportar a los cadáveres, o al cadáver llevado en camilla. Así Alvarez Delgado recogía usos en frases como “Allí traen el chajasco”, “Tieso como un chajasco”, “Frío como un chajasco”…Wölfel relaciona el término con el amazigh ezku ‘poner en la tumba’ y esker ‘estar en un recipiente rígido’. Reyes García con el mismo verbo azeɣ ‘desecar’ y propone la reconstrucción zaɣagh > šaɣaqq > šaɣasq.
Voz recogida en el español canario de Tenerife del siglo XIX por el escritor Álvarez Rixo con el significado de ‘cadáver, cuerpo yerto’. Reyes García lo vincula con el verbo azɣəɣ ‘estar tendido sobre la espalda’ y propone la reconstrucción hipotética tezɣəɣt > tezeqqeqq > tezeqqeq ‘hecho de estar tendido sobre la espalda’.
-Alberto Barroso, Verónica. (2020). Rozando la eternidad. La muerte entre los antiguos canarios. La Isla de los canarios, 3. Ediciones del Cabildo de Gran Canaria.
-Bogajo, Nestor. Los xaxos. Revista Mundo Guanche.
-Méndez Rodríguez, Daniel Miguel. (2014). Momias, xaxos, y mirlados. Las narraciones obre el embalsamiento de los aborígenes de las Islas Canarias (1482-1803).
-Tejera Gaspar, Antonio y otros. (2010). La cueva de las mil momias.
-Tejera Gaspar, Antonio. (1988). La religión de los guanches (Ritos, Mitos y Leyendas). Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
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kingbluetheamze1 · 1 year
Watch "Glitchtale full series" on YouTube
I am watching this now and I think it seems great
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creativesploosh · 2 years
Some Glitchtale art I did a decent while ago. Credits to Camilla Cuevas (hope I spelled that right), the creator of the Glitchtale AU.
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jxrm · 13 days
book log - 2022
his last wife by gia pere
a very merry bromance by lyssa kay adams
behind the messages by ella-may williams
the wife upstairs by rachel hawkins
pride, prejudice, & turkish delight by k.c. mccormick ciftci
the long way to a small, angry planet by becky chambers
honeymoon for one by rachel bowdier
let it snow by beth moran
resting scrooge face by meghan quinn
window shopping by tessa bailey
the family upstairs by lisa jewell
poster girl by veronica roth
x by sue grafton
queen bee by nina manning
the vibrant years by sonali dev
untamed by glennon doyle
book lovers by emily henry
the zookeeper's wife by diane ackerman
daisy darker by alice feeney
mating in captivity by esther perel
miss meteor by tehlor kay mejia
carrie soto is back by taylor jenkins reid
a good girl's guide to murder by holly jackson
the lesbiana's guide to catholic school by sonora reyes
fat chance, charlie vega by crystal maldonado
lakelore by anne-marie mclemore
you love me by caroline kepnes
happiness for beginners by katherine center
not my daughter by barbara delinsky
last tang standing by lauren ho
no filter and other lies by crystal maldonado
the southern book club's guide to slaying vampires by grady hendrix
does my body offend you? by mayra cuevas
i'm the girl by courtney summers
the expatriates by janice y.k. lee
emily, gone by bette lee crosby
after hours on milagro street by angelina m. lopez
i'm glad my mom died by jennette mccurdy
my best friend's exorcism by grady hendrix
#murderfunding by gretchen mcneil
looking for jane by heather marshall
midwife murders by james patterson
final cut by s.j. watson
darling rose gold by stephanie wrobel
all the pretty people by barbara freethy
when i was you by minka kent
been there, married that by gigi levangie
malibu rising by taylor jenkins reid
covery story by susan rigetti
the paris apartment by lucy foley
stiletto sisterhood by fallon demornay
her perfect secret by t.j. brearton
take a chance on me by beth moran
the watcher girl by minka kent
no conscience by phil m. williams
reminders of him by colleen hoover
her last move by john marrs
we were dreamers by simu liu
the book of cold cases by simone st. james
all i stole from you by ava bellows
violeta by isabel allende
once of us is next - karen m. mcmanus
just the way you are by beth moran
the latecomer by jean hanff jorelitz
klara and the sun by kazuo ishiguro
the sorority murder by allison brennan
one italian summer by rebecca serle
what lies between us by john marrs
the maid by nita prose
sex and vanity by kevin kwan
funny you should ask by elissa sussman
the seven day switch by kelly harms
three perfect liars by heidi perks
everything must go by camille pagan
no ex before marriage by portia macintosh
the other mother by carol goodman
california girls by susan mallery
one little secret by cate holahan
apples never fall by liane moriarty
the promise by teresa driscoll
ghost boy by martin pistorius
close to you by ana jolene
oona out of order by margarita montimore
the stepson by jane renshaw
all adults here by emma straub
his & hers by alice feeney
mexican gothic by silvia moreno-garcia
anatomy by dana schwartz
the resting place by camilla sten
will by will smith
good me, bad me by ali land
while we were dating by jasmine guillory
the lion's den by katherine st. john
when we left cuba by chanel cleeton
left neglected by lisa genova
the suspect by fiona barton
park avenue summer by renee rosen
group therapy by b.b. easton
the half sister by sandie jones
shipped by angie hockman
when we were sisters by emilie richards
the chain by adrian mckintu
not a happy family by shari lapena
clap when you land by elizabeth acevedo
if the shoe fits by julie murphy
the girlfriend by michelle frances
let me hear a rhyme by tiffany d. jackson
death by dumpling by vivien chien
yoga pant nation by laurie gelman
the cousins by karen m. mcmanus
in a holidaze by christina lauren
people we meet on vacation by emily henry
the candy house by jennifer egan
you've been volunteered by laurie gelman
broken by jenny lawson
you can't be serious by kal penn
the final girl support group by grady hendrix
home before dark by riley sager
one of us is lying by kate m. mcmanus
the vanishing half by brit bennett
the cross and the switchblade by david wilkerson
the henna wars by adiba jaigridar
the fashion orphans by randy susan meyers
the good girl by mary kubica
the comeback by ella berman
the magician's nephew by c.s. lewis
the bright lands by john fram
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c4ndyd34l3r · 4 months
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anyone below trying to interact will be dealt with an immediate block. don't test me.
—— basic dni criteria stuff (i.e. proshippers, pedos, zoos, etc etc.) —— zionists —— andy and leyley fans that support incest —— toxic hazbin hotel fans and hazbin hotel fans that support viviziepop's actions —— camilla cuevas supporters
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artisticcrybabyqwq · 11 months
Felt like making a blacklist, so yeah. Here's a list of people who I do not support, and if you support them, please DNI. I am trying to filter out who interacts with my blog, for my own comfort and mental health.
Snowshoe Cotton
The Quartering
Matt Walsh
Ben Shapiro
Jordan Peterson
Steven Crowder
Rev Says Desu
Hero Hei
Camilla Cuevas
Tsundisgrace/Poisondesserts (On Twitter)
I will continue adding on to this post, as time goes on. I apologize if I misspelled any names.
Ditzylittle (On Twitter)
Theshotaking (On Twitter)
Traumabunny (On Twitter)
Candypinkdolly (On Twitter)
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itssinfulacee · 1 year
So about Elija...
So, its kinda weird and stupid that you get an OC that's supposed to be in an AU when you've got no info, WELL LOOK NO FURTHER
Elija is actually a half-human and half-monster (skeleton, actually)
how did he become that?
well its a reeeeaaaaally long story that I intend to put here
this AU is called GlitchSoul, its an AU that has a combination of GlitchTale, XTale and UnderVerse
Elija was a part of the XTale cast when it first started off, he always played around with XFrisk and XChara but when he tripped and fell into an abyss, XGASTER met XFrisk and XChara, and forgot about Elija.
Starving, and slowly dying Elija thought he wasn't going to survive when he met Ink
Elija didn't really want to go back on the surface because he felt so forgotten when he never got any help
so Ink brought Elija to the GlitchTale universe (which is an AT of the Classic Undertale) and Ink turned Elija into a skeleton, so that people aware of AUs wouldn't be confused
So Elija took the name Servel and lived his life in the GlitchTale universe as an orphan during the Prequel Times (once Meropos releases, i'll make some changes on what's about to come), though he was not able to raise enough money to live, he was found by Agate Lightvale, and well obviously he was raised there as a prince...that is until he was killed after he saw Amber and Copper get killed by Agate
Agate (now with the pink hair to show-off hate) kills Servel, but that's what she thinks, these events were after the Monster War and Servel was kept a secret to all, except for the Wizard Council, at the time Kody Fallenfire was his closest friend, and he saw his dying body, which hasn't died due to his DETERMINATION, with the help of the rest of the council (excluding Copper and Agate) Servel is revived as they give a portion of their SOULs to Servel as he revives...but not in that part of the timeline...
GlitchTale belongs to Camilla Cuevas and XTALE and UnderVerse belong to Jakei :D
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sariels-world-ella · 3 years
SWFallenswap but it's Glitchswap/Glitchtale
Glitchtale by Camilla Cuevas
SWFallenswap by me
Sibling fights.
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rainbowgod666 · 1 month
You know, if X was less shitter and more twitter, i could do do much funny shit. Like making threads upon threads entirely based on Camilla cuevas whining cause "muh betty!!!1!1!1!" And me going "wow, sucks to suck huh, next time how about you dont be an awful cunt crevice whydontchu. Anyways off i go sterling illuminaughtii's design so that bill cipher gets a form that DOESNT make me shit a planet from the off-modelness"
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bopkins · 3 years
Betty Noire
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@camilaart tried my best to draw her <3
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justmoreenokay · 4 years
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