knario47 · 2 years
Momificación en Canarias ¿momias o xaxos?
IẒUṚAN. La momificación constituye uno de los rasgos más emblemático de las culturas amazigh de las Islas Canarias. Este hecho, despertó y sigue despertando, el interés de investigadores y población general ya sea canaria o extranjera. No obstante, aún perduran algunas ideas reduccionistas sobre esta práctica marcada por el referente que supone la momificación egipcia, así como otros aspectos pocos conocidos por el público en general. Por otro lado, este fenómeno nos aporta algunos vocablos amazigh isleños de cierto interés que veremos en este artículo.
Pero, ¿la momificación era una práctica desempeñada por todos los pueblos nativos de Archipiélago? Lo que revela arqueología es que tan solo los canarios y los guanches (amaziges de Gran Canaria y Tenerife) la realizaron por lo que las puntuales conservaciones en algunas islas occidentales se debieron a algunos casos excepcionales que permitieron esta conversación.
No obstante, esta momificación debe ser matizada puesto que presentaría importantes diferencias con la realizada en el antiguo Egipto y no queda nada clara que existiera una intención expresa de conservación del cuerpo al menos en el caso de Gran Canaria. Así, como afirma la especialista Verónica Alberto Barroso la existencia de momias se debería a “un proceso natural de conservación de las partes blandas del cuerpo por las condiciones ambientales del lugar donde fueron depositados”. Sería pues el uso de cuevas como cementerio lo que ha “influido en la ralentización o paralización del proceso de descomposición de algunos individuos”. En cualquier caso, en el caso de los guanches de Tenerife, las fuentes etnohistóricas nos describen un proceso de aplicación de sustancias naturales con el objetivo de mirlar los cadáveres:
“(…) tomando el cuerpo del difunto, después de lavado, echábanle por la boca ciertas confecciones hechas de manteca de ganado derretida, polvos de brezo y de piedra tosca, cáscara de pino y de otras no sé qué yerbas, y embutíanle con esto cada día poniéndolos al sol, cuando de un lado, cuando de otro, por espacio de quince días, hasta que quedaba seco y mirlado, que llamaban xaxo.”
Alonso de Espinosa (1594[2018]:79)
A juicio de Verónica Alberto, la aplicación de estas sustancias pudo deberse a un proceso ritual que no debió suponer “necesariamente encaminada a la preservación eterna del cuerpo.” En cualquier caso, resulta obvio que la conservación de estos cuerpos y el embalsamiento con pieles o fibras vegetales para su protección evidencia una ritualización de hondo significado y respeto a los finados. Por tanto, se trataría de una práctica que supone una seña de identidad de estas poblaciones por su particularidad.
Guanchismos del mirlado.
En cualquier caso, al no tratarse de una momificación ‘a la egipcia’ se ha propuesto una denominación alternativa más acorde al fenómeno en Canarias como mirlado, y a los cuerpos desecados como ‘xaxos’. No en vano, ya los canarios de los siglos pasados que hallaban estos cuerpos mirlados en las cuevas los denominaban ‘enzurronados’. Veamos pues, algunos de los vocablos canarios de origen amazigh insular que hemos conservado:
Vocablo que recoge Espinosa de los guanches para denominar al cadáver secado y embalsamado. Wölfel lo relaciona con el amazigh aggu o ahu ‘humo’. Reyes García lo relaciona con el verbo azeɣ ‘desecar’ y propone la recontrucción zaɣuh > haɣo.
Voz conservada en el español canario de Tenerife con el significado de Parihuela o camilla utilizada para transportar a los cadáveres, o al cadáver llevado en camilla. Así Alvarez Delgado recogía usos en frases como “Allí traen el chajasco”, “Tieso como un chajasco”, “Frío como un chajasco”…Wölfel relaciona el término con el amazigh ezku ‘poner en la tumba’ y esker ‘estar en un recipiente rígido’. Reyes García con el mismo verbo azeɣ ‘desecar’ y propone la reconstrucción zaɣagh > šaɣaqq > šaɣasq.
Voz recogida en el español canario de Tenerife del siglo XIX por el escritor Álvarez Rixo con el significado de ‘cadáver, cuerpo yerto’. Reyes García lo vincula con el verbo azɣəɣ ‘estar tendido sobre la espalda’ y propone la reconstrucción hipotética tezɣəɣt > tezeqqeqq > tezeqqeq ‘hecho de estar tendido sobre la espalda’.
-Alberto Barroso, Verónica. (2020). Rozando la eternidad. La muerte entre los antiguos canarios. La Isla de los canarios, 3. Ediciones del Cabildo de Gran Canaria.
-Bogajo, Nestor. Los xaxos. Revista Mundo Guanche.
-Méndez Rodríguez, Daniel Miguel. (2014). Momias, xaxos, y mirlados. Las narraciones obre el embalsamiento de los aborígenes de las Islas Canarias (1482-1803).
-Tejera Gaspar, Antonio y otros. (2010). La cueva de las mil momias.
-Tejera Gaspar, Antonio. (1988). La religión de los guanches (Ritos, Mitos y Leyendas). Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
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aeonsforever · 2 years
Lash (Aeon's End)
Quartz Shard is very random and honestly I'm not a huge fan of it. Not that it's weak by any means, the probability of revealing a player turn order card is approximately 60%, making Quartz Shard give an average of 1.6 aether on play, which is an entirely fine amount of aether to give. Now, the fact that it can put the revealed card on bottom makes revealing a nemesis turn order card not an entire whiff. If there's a minion in play or a power that the players need to pay off, Quartz Shard can potentially make the difference there. Furthermore, putting a player turn on bottom when the board is cleared out means that the players will have a guaranteed turn to react to anything the nemesis may put out. Lash's breaches are very solid. He's somewhat shoehorned into opening his II breach on turn 2, though because his IV breach is in such a good position it's more than possible to (assuming you won the 60% chance with Quartz Shard) focus IV turns 1 and 2 for an early open. Finally, his is quite similar to Mist's ability. Giving a player an extra turn is pretty similar to allowing a player to draw 5 cards, although it does give an extra casting phase and all. I think it's an entirely fine ability, but won't be breaking the game by any means. Unless he goes infinite of course. Lash going infinite is something that's "core" to his character. In practice, though, I don't think I'd ever do it in an actually hard fight. The sheer amount of setup needed to go truly infinite is obscene (In the base set, I think the easiest way it could happen is by having Xaxos as an ally and having a deck of 3 mage's talisman, 2 essence theft, and 1 card to discard to Essence Theft). I usually find that if I'm trying to set it up in some way, the game is practically over by the time its set up or even before then. Still, it's definitely fun to pull off. I've found Lash to be decently powerful. Nothing in his kit is really weak, and I've found that even if he doesn't get lucky with Quartz Shard he's still more than able to pull his own weight.
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invisibllegirl · 2 years
Eu queria saber mais dessas curiosidades haha
Deixe de xaxo q vc sabe de algumas, sabe onde descobrir, ou pode me perguntar, ou não.. 👀 tô com medo agora kkkkk
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adondeirhoy · 4 years
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⁠🎵 NEW MUSIC FRIDAY 🎧 Continued ... (For English version go to first comment)⁠ ⁠ Xaxo ft. Mario Puglia presenta su sencillo “Fogata” ⁠ ⁠ ⁠Ya la escuchaste en Pontik® Radio (radio.pontik.com)? Que te pareció? Te gusta o no es de tu estilo?⁠ ⁠ Tag a quien le guste esta canción. Comenta y dinos que quieres escuchar en @pontikradio⁠ ⁠ ⁠Con sede en la soleada Miami, el dúo de artistas XAXO, nominado al GRAMMY, es conocido por su música etérea y atmosférica infundida con el sabor latino y el espíritu bañado por el sol del sur de Florida. Para su último sencillo, "Fogata", se han asociado con el cantante y compositor nacido en Caracas y residente en Toronto Mario Puglia para ofrecer un aturdidor soñador y sensual que es a la vez sensual y melancólico.⁠ ⁠ Los riffs de guitarra te transportarán a través de décadas, mientras que las letras te llenarán de nostalgia. La canción viene acompañada de un video musical grabado para imitar los videos caseros de bricolaje que caracterizaron los años 80 y 90. Con sus hermosas voces y melodías, esta es la canción perfecta para escuchar a altas horas de la noche cuando estás pensando en alguien que te robó el corazón.⁠ ⁠ ⁠⁠⁠SALVA este POST para que puedas volver a leer esta info⁠ ⁠ ESCUCHA nuestra playlist en Spotify en http://bit.ly/PontikNew⁠ ⁠ Noticias de Entretenimiento, Musica, Conciertos, Tendencias, Estilo de Vida y Moda - Pontik®⁠ ⁠ ¡Todas las semanas lo mejor de la música nueva!⁠ ⁠ @xaxosounds #xaxo #fogata #mariopuglia @mariopuglia⁠ ⁠ @universalmusicgroup @universalmusica @umusiccolombia @umusicmexico @umusica @universalspain @umusicchile @universalmusice @umargentina @universalmpe @umitalia @universalmusicgermany⁠ ⁠ #pontikradio #pontik (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLKiEJYnoS7/?igshid=kd38wbux2chq
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xaxosounds · 7 years
Our good friend @_vesperteen_ came and spent a few days with us back in the spring... and the result of that is his newest single #Insane you can listen to it on @spotify we got to produce it and write on it, and it's a very special tune, by a special guy, made in a special vibe, for very special fans... We're also super excited to join him August 18th at the @theroxy in #LA during his summer tour... #XAXO #Vesperteen // Special thanks to @blackflamingofilms for the film. (at Miami, Florida)
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loveroftime · 3 years
I don't know if there is a Fandom out there but I am starting one. For Aeons End and for Void Bringer Xaxos and Breach Mage Adept Xaxos.
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elizahgodswood · 3 years
Worldbuilder Wednesday Open Ask
Hey all! For this week, since I’m focusing a lot on my villains for my draft 2 rewrite, tell me a bit about your villains and how they challenge your protagonists! Do they work alone, or as a group? What is the hierarchy? Are they the only malevolent force in the story, or are there more than one antagonist/villain? 
For my WIP the Gilded Knights, I technically have 2 antagonists. 
There are the Red Dawn, a cult of the God of Chaos, Phobos, that are trying to eliminate the storm callers (people blessed by the goddess of life and nature, Hama, to uphold balance and peace in the world) and free Phobos from his prison in his realm Xaxos (pronounced zah-zohs). They are the more immediate threat to the main cast, following them wherever they go and trying especially hard to eliminate Sadra, the world’s only link to the goddess of Fate and Death, Kirada. With her gone, the goddess cannot give her verdicts to the Order of the Four Winds, and thus their organization is essentially dead in the water without her. Since the Gilded Knights is the first book in a series of at least three books, the cast doesn’t know who is running the Red Dawn, so they are merely encountering lesser agents that attempt to assassinate them as they go about their mission. 
The other antagonist/villain is much more tangible and known, but not as immediate of a threat. Mons is a Titan, a dangerous fire elemental/dragon that has lived for over 1000 years and witnessed the fall of the previous iteration of the Gilded Knights--dragon riders that made peace between the elementals and the races of the world. Bitter and full of hate over the death of many friends and family after the fall of the Knights, he has many reasons to wish to destroy the world as it is and reclaim it for his primordial, elemental kin. While Mons is only seen before the story starts and closer towards the end, the threat he poses is the main conflict throughout the story as the cast attempts to revive the Gilded Knights and bring balance back to the world by either placating Mons and his followers, or killing them. 
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toucheexclamacao · 4 years
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"Xaxo" - SUAVV (capa single 2020)
Single novo do projeto SUAVV lançado dia 02 de outubro de 2020 em todas plataformas de streaming pelo Selo Portal e NHL MUSIC
Continuação conceitual da capa de seu primeiro single "Sem Pressa" lançado em 2018.
Escute: https://open.spotify.com/track/4IUgU5zaDxHzRPJiKQwlkI
#art #collage #instalation #montagem #instalationart #coverart #singleart #music #redart
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kri25 · 5 years
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Callieflynn Xaxos - commission by CristianoReina
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admelioraii · 2 years
The Canary Islands: The secret of the xaxos, the Guanche mummies in the ravine of the dead
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Gran Canaria, The Canary Islands
The waves of the Atlantic Ocean are persistent, they keep hitting the sharp edged cliffs, time after time.
As a perpetual punishment they insist on coming, violent and wild, as if they want to reshape the entire coastline.
It has been going on for thousands of years and will continue to do so until the ocean, wind and rain shape all the cliffs round, as erosion eats on the volcanic rocks reducing them to black sand.
Breaking the seal of the cave of a thousand mummies 
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How the caves might have looked like
The tireless dance of the waves, their determination and the distinct smell of the salty ocean could even be noticed from up here, on the high cliffs in Barranco de Erques looking down on the Atlantic.
It is here history is about to be written, as three resolute men walk down the narrow path leading down to the Ocean.
They are here to meet up with some locals, who promised to reveal a secret.
One of the men suddenly stops and looks up at the looming face of the enormous rock, it is as if it’s staring back at him, bewitching him with its treasures.
The rock holds hundreds of caves, built over centuries from the lava flows of Mount Teide in Tenerife.
Any of them could be the cave they’re looking for.
A sharp, loud whistle wakes the man up from his daydreaming.
The source of the whistle came from one of the four locals who were going to lead the way to the treasure.
The seven men continue their dangerous route in between the ravines and the sharp volcanic mountain side that frames the trail.
After a long walk seemingly leading to nowhere the locals stopped, without warning and started to break stones away from the opening of the sealed cave.
Suddenly opened before them, a chamber, holding the promise of a journey to the island's past.
At first it was too dark to see anything, even the torch and the thin ray of light coming from the broken seal in the cave’s opening, were not enough to light up the spacious, pitch black cave.
But when their eyes got used to the darkness, marvellous things started to appear.
A thousand xaxos, Guanche mummies, laid in front of them.
These were not the first mummies to be unearthed on the islands, but it was certainly the cave with the greatest number of xaxos ever discovered.
The cave was embedded in complete silence, as it had been for centuries, but if you listened carefully, with your heart, its walls and everything inside the necropolis was telling stories of the past.
The mummies were mute but the cave was speaking in their stead.
A story of a son's last farewell to his father, a grieving family’s last moments with their loved one, before leaving and wishing he could have a peaceful rest.
But only the xaxos knew if their rest was peaceful, not everyone got to rest in peace, and in contrast with everything else in this cave they could not speak.
They looked asleep, but they were frozen in time, still tied to a faraway past, when they were brought here.
The cave of wonders had spoken and revealed precious moments, and had proven to us that the “primitive” Guanche population were warm hearted, kind, it further showed that they sincerely cared for their dead, preserving the deceased for eternity.
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Replica of a Guanche mummy, Tenerife
After having inspected the precious content of the necropolis and written down the historical accounts and observations, the men took a few mummies with them, for studies, resealed the cave and disappeared.
The location of the cave remained a scrupulously guarded secret. And there was no record of it anywhere, which only served to increase the public's curiosity and elevate the mystery to an apex.
Locals maintain they don’t disclose the location in order to protect the memory of their ancestors, who rested there, the Guanches.
This stunning cave was found in 1764, by Spanish regent and infantry captain Luis Román, the writer José Viera y Clavijo and a contemporary local priest.
The writer described the finding in a book on the island's history: A wonderful pantheon has just been found, so full of mummies that no less than a thousand were discovered.
And thus the legend of a thousand mummies was born, the place where it was found in the ravine of Erques, became known as “the ravine of the dead”.
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Erques; ravine of the dead
Curiously, the writer Clavijo who summarised a report of the finding, omitted the location. If his intentions were to protect the cave from plunder, he regrettably failed.
The rumours and mystery of the cave “of a thousand mummies” got the better of some looters and by 1833 multiple sources confirmed, very few bodies remained.
But the precious few from that cave and other similar caves that remained intact are now held in museum collections helping us unravel the unanswered stories about the archipelago and its first inhabitants, and to fill in the empty spaces in history.
As the Castilian conquest of the islands almost completely erased the Guanches from history, we are left with questions, questions that until now remain unanswered.
One question we do have the answer to is: How did the Guanches preserve or mummify their dead?
Preparing their loved ones for eternity
The method they used for preserving the corpses for their battle against time and nature was surprisingly simple.
It is the same method being used to preserve food.
Their bodies were treated with dry herbs and lard, and were left to dry in the sun then smoked by fire.
It took fifteen days to prepare a xaxo (mummy), compared with 70 days for an Egyptian mummy, besides the two methods are fundamentally different.
Some of the Guanche mummies have withstood the battle of time better than the Egyptian ones.
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Guanche mummy
The definition of its muscles can still be observed, and the hands and feet in particular are outlined in detailed relief, like a wooden sculpture.
But the most significant difference in the finding was hidden: unlike its Egyptian counterpart, the Guanche mummy had not been eviscerated.
Its organs, including the brain, were perfectly intact, thanks to a mixture of minerals, aromatic herbs, bark of pine and heather, and resin from the native dragon tree, that halted the bacteria and thus decay, inside out.
Later the family of the deceased handled the xaxo, placing it in a cured and carefully stitched bag made of animal hide, usually goat.
The number of hide layers corresponded to the person’s social status. The practice was not limited to Tenerife. Mummies have also been found on neighbouring Gran Canaria island, decorated or painted in multiple hues, wrapped in a reed mat, and then deposited in hollow tree trunks.
Corpses also have been found there in funerary caves. More than mummies, the xaxos resemble wooden statues.
A pact with eternity 
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Cave by the ocean
The mummification process started with the washing of the deceased twice a day with cold water or boiled and cooled water infused with herbs or with salty  water from the ocean, the methods varied from different time periods.
Especially the weaker parts of the body were thoroughly washed, as armpits, ears, in between the fingers, nose, neck and pulse.
In the Guanche society the embalmers or “achicasnai” (in Canarian Berber), belonged to the bottom layer and they were not looked upon well because of the nature of their work.
They lived an isolated life, as people perceived them as contaminated by death.
With time they developed into some kind of priesthood, with knowledge of secret rituals and mummification.
Once the xaxos were embalmed and ready, they were taken to caves, in ravines, cliffs and mountain sides, places with difficult access, to make sure they were left to rest in peace.
Sometimes even ropes or ladders were needed to get to the unreachable caves.
The caves were generally spacious, to be able to accommodate large numbers of collective burials, individual burials were rare.
The deceased were placed horizontally in the centre of the cave. Each body had its own private space and was separated from the floor of the cave by a wooden bed, made of pine wood or savin.
There are also cases where the xaxos were put in a simple coffin of wood, possibly reserved for socially higher ranked personalities, like Menceys (kings) or tribe chiefs.
Foetus mummies 
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Mocan, used for mummification
Hidden in a volcanic tube in Guía de Isora, Tenerife, the remains of two foetus mummies were found, at a height of 1.400 metres above sea level.
The reason for such burial was probably that the location was “safe” and isolated.
The cause of death is unknown, but usually prenatal deaths in prehistory were due to prenatal problems or complications during birth.
The xaxos, mummies, were discovered by coincidence as two hunters were searching for an unusual kind of spider that lives in caves and volcanic tubes.
The hunters entered in pursuit of the spider and by chance found the two mummified foetuses.
This is a perfect example that  not all mummies were buried closed by the sea or in similar locations.
As everything else on these mythical “fortunate islands” the mummification process and burials vary from island to island and from one time period to another.
Just like when the Guanches first arrived on the islands, they didn’t come from the same place(in North Africa or Maghreb) nor at the same time.
The population in each island have their own peculiarities, so the archipelago is not homogeneous.
The island's history is distant and faint, we are as usual left with more questions than answers.
The lack of historical documentation and records makes the scientists and archaeologists work very challenging, for to be able to get anywhere they will have to look deeper.
The answer may lie within an unexplored cave, a necropolis or an etching. The island's topography, its gullies and ravines, hardened lava flows, caves and wind blown sands, all helps to preserve those secrets.
Back in the fable cave “of thousand mummies”, whose location was lost in history and from which its occupants had been plucked, a feeling of desolation rules.
After revealing its secrets, the cave is now silent, it is empty and submerged in darkness.
It was here history was once written, but where history ends legend begins, to fill in the empty pieces of forgotten history.
The mystery of the Guanches remains, they took their secrets with them as they disappeared, these souls that for centuries populated the islands.
Some of whom came in silence to this dark, inaccessible, funeral cave, with the intention to rest, beside the reassuring sound of the Ocean waves, perpetually, in a pact with eternity.
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Fuerteventura, The Canary Islands
Further reading;
Álvarez Sosa, Tierras de las momias (Lands of the Mummies)
Emma Lira: Búscame donde nacen los dragos.
(A historical novel set in Tenerife)
Cátedra de Tecnologías Médicas de la ULPGC, Gran Canaria.
Historia Guanche, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife.
A long personal connection to the islands.
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knario47 · 2 years
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Momificación en Canarias ¿momias o xaxos?
IẒUṚAN. La momificación constituye uno de los rasgos más emblemático de las culturas amazigh de las Islas Canarias. Este hecho, despertó y sigue despertando, el interés de investigadores y población general ya sea canaria o extranjera. No obstante, aún perduran algunas ideas reduccionistas sobre esta práctica marcada por el referente que supone la momificación egipcia, así como otros aspectos pocos conocidos por el público en general. Por otro lado, este fenómeno nos aporta algunos vocablos amazigh isleños de cierto interés que veremos en este artículo.
Pero, ¿la momificación era una práctica desempeñada por todos los pueblos nativos de Archipiélago? Lo que revela arqueología es que tan solo los canarios y los guanches (amaziges de Gran Canaria y Tenerife) la realizaron por lo que las puntuales conservaciones en algunas islas occidentales se debieron a algunos casos excepcionales que permitieron esta conversación.
No obstante, esta momificación debe ser matizada puesto que presentaría importantes diferencias con la realizada en el antiguo Egipto y no queda nada clara que existiera una intención expresa de conservación del cuerpo al menos en el caso de Gran Canaria. Así, como afirma la especialista Verónica Alberto Barroso la existencia de momias se debería a “un proceso natural de conservación de las partes blandas del cuerpo por las condiciones ambientales del lugar donde fueron depositados”. Sería pues el uso de cuevas como cementerio lo que ha “influido en la ralentización o paralización del proceso de descomposición de algunos individuos”. En cualquier caso, en el caso de los guanches de Tenerife, las fuentes etnohistóricas nos describen un proceso de aplicación de sustancias naturales con el objetivo de mirlar los cadáveres:
“(…) tomando el cuerpo del difunto, después de lavado, echábanle por la boca ciertas confecciones hechas de manteca de ganado derretida, polvos de brezo y de piedra tosca, cáscara de pino y de otras no sé qué yerbas, y embutíanle con esto cada día poniéndolos al sol, cuando de un lado, cuando de otro, por espacio de quince días, hasta que quedaba seco y mirlado, que llamaban xaxo.”
Alonso de Espinosa (1594[2018]:79)
A juicio de Verónica Alberto, la aplicación de estas sustancias pudo deberse a un proceso ritual que no debió suponer “necesariamente encaminada a la preservación eterna del cuerpo.” En cualquier caso, resulta obvio que la conservación de estos cuerpos y el embalsamiento con pieles o fibras vegetales para su protección evidencia una ritualización de hondo significado y respeto a los finados. Por tanto, se trataría de una práctica que supone una seña de identidad de estas poblaciones por su particularidad.
Guanchismos del mirlado.
En cualquier caso, al no tratarse de una momificación ‘a la egipcia’ se ha propuesto una denominación alternativa más acorde al fenómeno en Canarias como mirlado, y a los cuerpos desecados como ‘xaxos’. No en vano, ya los canarios de los siglos pasados que hallaban estos cuerpos mirlados en las cuevas los denominaban ‘enzurronados’. Veamos pues, algunos de los vocablos canarios de origen amazigh insular que hemos conservado:
Vocablo que recoge Espinosa de los guanches para denominar al cadáver secado y embalsamado. Wölfel lo relaciona con el amazigh aggu o ahu ‘humo’. Reyes García lo relaciona con el verbo azeɣ ‘desecar’ y propone la recontrucción zaɣuh > haɣo.
Voz conservada en el español canario de Tenerife con el significado de Parihuela o camilla utilizada para transportar a los cadáveres, o al cadáver llevado en camilla. Así Alvarez Delgado recogía usos en frases como “Allí traen el chajasco”, “Tieso como un chajasco”, “Frío como un chajasco”…Wölfel relaciona el término con el amazigh ezku ‘poner en la tumba’ y esker ‘estar en un recipiente rígido’. Reyes García con el mismo verbo azeɣ ‘desecar’ y propone la reconstrucción zaɣagh > šaɣaqq > šaɣasq.
Voz recogida en el español canario de Tenerife del siglo XIX por el escritor Álvarez Rixo con el significado de ‘cadáver, cuerpo yerto’. Reyes García lo vincula con el verbo azɣəɣ ‘estar tendido sobre la espalda’ y propone la reconstrucción hipotética tezɣəɣt > tezeqqeqq > tezeqqeq ‘hecho de estar tendido sobre la espalda’.
-Alberto Barroso, Verónica. (2020). Rozando la eternidad. La muerte entre los antiguos canarios. La Isla de los canarios, 3. Ediciones del Cabildo de Gran Canaria.
-Bogajo, Nestor. Los xaxos. Revista Mundo Guanche.
-Méndez Rodríguez, Daniel Miguel. (2014). Momias, xaxos, y mirlados. Las narraciones obre el embalsamiento de los aborígenes de las Islas Canarias (1482-1803).
-Tejera Gaspar, Antonio y otros. (2010). La cueva de las mil momias.
-Tejera Gaspar, Antonio. (1988). La religión de los guanches (Ritos, Mitos y Leyendas). Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
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Iẓuṛan Canarias
🔥La momificación constituye uno de los rasgos más emblemático de las culturas amazigh de las Islas Canarias. Este hecho, despertó y sigue despertando, el interés de investigadores y población general ya sea canaria o extranjera.
🔥No obstante, aún perduran algunas ideas reduccionistas sobre esta práctica marcada por el referente que supone la momificación egipcia, así como otros aspectos pocos conocidos por el público en general.
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rodadecuia · 3 years
Grammy Latino 2021: confira todos os vencedores da premiação
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Na noite da quinta, 18, o Grammy Latino premiou os melhores músicos da América Latina - incluindo brasileiros O Grammy Latino 2021 começou. Reunidos em Las Vegas, centenas de músicos e acadêmicos se juntam para eleger as melhores produções do ano. A premiação é dividida em duas: primeiro, um jantar, com anúncio de alguns dos ganhadores. Depois, o programa televisionado para anunciar as maiores categorias da noite. O Brasil concorre com algumas dezenas de nomes. Os destaques são Caetano e Tom Veloso, com "Talvez", em Record of The Year, e Giulia Be, concorrente à Artista Revelação. Na apresentação, haverá uma homenagem ao país, com Anitta, Carlinhos Brown, Giulia Be e e Laercio da Costa. Há, também, categorias em língua portuguesa, onde o país aparece mais.
Confira a lista de indicações e ganhadores do Grammy Latino 2021:
GRAVAÇÃO DO ANO 1. SI HUBIERAS QUERIDO Pablo Alborán Nicolás "Na'vi" De La Espriella & Julio Reyes Copello, record producers; Nicolás "Na'vi" De La Espriella, Pablo Pulido, Natalia Ramírez, Julio Reyes Copello & Natalia Schlesinger, recording engineers; Nicolás Ramírez, mixer; Gene Grimaldi, mastering engineer 2. TODO DE TI Rauw Alejandro Rauw Alejandro & Luis J. González, record producers; José M. Collazo, recording engineer; José M. Collazo, mixer; José M. Collazo, mastering engineer 3. UN AMOR ETERNO (VERSIÓN BALADA) Marc Anthony Motiff & Julio Reyes Copello, record producers; Nicolás “Na’vi” De La Espriella, Natalia Ramírez, Julio Reyes Copello & Daniel Uribe, recording engineers; Nicolás Ramírez & Julio Reyes Copello, mixers; Gene Grimaldi, mastering engineer 4. A TU LADO Paula Arenas Maria Elisa Ayerbe & Sebastián Mejía, record producers; Maria Elisa Ayerbe & Sebastián Mejía, recording engineers; Maria Elisa Ayerbe, mixer; Camilo Silva, mastering engineer 5. BOHEMIO Andrés Calamaro & Julio Iglesias Carlos Narea, record producer; Ángel Martos & J.C Ulloa, recording engineers; Ángel Martos & Carlos Narea, mixers; Ángel Martos, mastering engineer 6. VIDA DE RICO Camilo Édgar Barrera & Camilo, record producers; Édgar Barrera, Richard Bravo & Nicolás Ramírez, recording engineers; Luis Barrera Jr., mixer; Mike Bozzi, mastering engineer Track from: Mis Manos 7. SUÉLTAME, BOGOTÁ Diamante Eléctrico Juan Galeano & Andrés Rebellón, record producers; Diamante Eléctrico & Andrés Rebellón, recording engineers; Andrés Rebellón, mixer; Gavin Lurssen, mastering engineer 8. AMÉN Ricardo Montaner, Mau y Ricky, Camilo, Evaluna Montaner Richi López & Ricardo Montaner, record producers; Richi López, Aaron Sterling & Guillermo Vadalá, recording engineers; Manny Marroquin, mixer; Michelle Mancini, mastering engineer 9. DIOS ASÍ LO QUISO Ricardo Montaner & Juan Luis Guerra David "Xaxo" Julca, Jonathan "Xaxo" Julca, Yasmil Marrufo & Ricardo Montaner, record producers; Luis Alejandro Bermúdez, Allan Leschhorn, Yasmil Marrufo, Dario Moscatelli, Raniero Palm & Ruben Salas, recording engineers; Javier Garza, mixer; Michael Fuller, mastering engineer 10. TE OLVIDASTE C. Tangana & Omar Apollo Alizzz, Rafa Arcaute, C. Tangana & Federico Vindver, record producers; Rafa Arcaute, Nathan Phillips, Jason Staniulis & Federico Vindver, recording engineers; Delbert Bowers, mixer; Chris Athens, mastering engineer Track from: El Madrileño 11. TALVEZ Caetano Veloso & Tom Veloso Mário Adnet & Cézar Mendes, record producers; Lucas Ariel & Lucas Nunes, recording engineers; Daniel Carvalho, mixer; Daniel Carvalho, mastering engineer ÁLBUM DO ANO 1. VÉRTIGO Pablo Alborán Pablo Alborán & Julio Reyes Copello, album producers; Nicolás "Na'vi" De La Espriella, Vitek Kral, Pablo Pulido, Natalia Ramírez, Julio Reyes Copello, Natalia Schlesinger, Daniel Uribe & Luis Villa, album recording engineers; Nicolás Ramírez, album mixer; Pablo Alborán, songwriter; Gene Grimaldi, album mastering engineer 2. MIS AMORES Paula Arenas Maria Elisa Ayerbe, Sebastián Mejía & Julio Reyes Copello, album producers; Maria Elisa Ayerbe, Sebastián Mejía, Natalia Ramírez & Julio Reyes Copello, album recording engineers; Maria Elisa Ayerbe & Robin Reumers, album mixers; Paula Arenas, María Elisa Ayerbe & Julio Reyes Copello, songwriters; Camilo Silva, album mastering engineer 3. EL ÚLTIMO TOUR DEL MUNDO Bad Bunny Mag & Tainy, album producers; Josh Gudwin, album mixer; Bad Bunny, Mag & Tainy, songwriters; Colin Leonard, album mastering engineer 4. SALSWING! Rubén Blades y Roberto Delgado & Orquesta Roberto Delgado, album producer; Oscar Marín, Ignacio Molino & Daniel Sanint, album recording engineers; Roberto Delgado & Oscar Marín, album mixers; Rubén Blades, songwriter; Daniel Ovie, album mastering engineer 5. MIS MANOS Camilo Édgar Barrera & Camilo, album producers; Natalia Ramírez & Nicolás Ramírez, album recording engineers; Maddox Chhim, album mixer; Édgar Barrera & Camilo, songwriters; Mike Bozzi, album mastering engineer 6. NANA, TOM, VINICIUS Nana Caymmi Dory Caymmi, album producer; Mario Jorge Bruno, Mario Gil, Kira Malevskaia & Gabriel Teixeira, album recording engineers; Mario Gil, album mixer; Vinicius De Moraes & Tom Jobim, songwriters; Mario Gil, album mastering engineer 7. PRIVÉ Juan Luis Guerra Juan Luis Guerra & Janina Rosado, album producers; Allan Leschhorn, album recording engineer; Allan Leschhorn, album mixer; Juan Luis Guerra, songwriter; Adam Ayan, album mastering engineer 8. ORIGEN Juanes Juanes & Sebastian Krys, album producers; Said Edid, Daniel Galindo, Juanes, Sebastian Krys & Pepe Ortega, album recording engineers; Sebastian Krys, album mixer; Brian Lucey, album mastering engineer 9. UN CANTO POR MÉXICO, VOL. II Natalia Lafourcade Kiko Campos, album producer; José Luis Fernández, Rubén López Arista, Alan Ortiz Grande & Alan Saucedo, album recording engineers; Rubén López Arista, album mixer; Michael Fuller, album mastering engineer 10. EL MADRILEÑO C. Tangana Alizzz, Victor Martínez & C. Tangana, album producers; Alizzz & Jaime Navarro (LilTek), album recording engineers; Delbert Bowers & Lewis Pickett, album mixers; Alizzz, Victor Martínez & C. Tangana, songwriters; Chris Athens, album mastering engineer CANÇÃO DO ANO 1. A TU LADO Paula Arenas & Maria Elisa Ayerbe, songwriters (Paula Arenas) 2. A VECES Diamante Eléctrico, songwriters (Diamante Eléctrico) 3. AGUA J Balvin, Alejandro Borrero, Jhay Cortez, Kevyn Mauricio Cruz Moreno, Derek Drymon, Mark Harrison, Stephen Hillenburg, Alejandro Ramirez, Ivanni Rodríguez, Blaise Smith, Tainy & Juan Camilo Vargas, songwriters (Tainy & J Balvin) 4. CANCIÓN BONITA Rafa Arcaute, Ricky Martin, Mauricio Rengifo, Andrés Torres & Carlos Vives, songwriters (Carlos Vives & Ricky Martin) 5. DIOS ASÍ LO QUISO Camilo, David Julca, Jonathan Julca, Yasmil Jesús Marrufo & Ricardo Montaner, songwriters (Ricardo Montaner & Juan Luis Guerra) 6. HAWÁI Édgar Barrera, René Cano, Kevyn Cruz, Johan Espinosa, Kevin Jiménez, Miky La Sensa, Bryan Lezcano, Maluma, Andrés Uribe & Juan Camilo Vargas, songwriters (Maluma) Track from: Papi Juancho 7. MI GUITARRA Javier Limón, songwriter (Javier Limón, Juan Luis Guerra & Nella) 8. PATRIA Y VIDA Descemer Bueno, El Funky, Gente De Zona, Yadam González, Beatriz Luengo, Maykel Osorbo & Yotuel, songwriters (Yotuel, Gente De Zona, Descemer Bueno, Maykel Osorbo, El Funky) 9. QUE SE SEPA NUESTRO AMOR El David Aguilar & Mon Laferte, songwriters (Mon Laferte & Alejandro Fernández) 10. SI HUBIERAS QUERIDO Pablo Alborán, Nicolás “Na’vi” De La Espriella, Diana Fuentes & Julio Reyes Copello, songwriters (Pablo Alborán) 11. TODO DE TI Rauw Alejandro, José M. Collazo, Luis J. González, Rafael E. Pabón Navedo & Eric Pérez Rovira, songwriters (Rauw Alejandro) 12. VIDA DE RICO Édgar Barrera & Camilo, songwriters (Camilo) Track from: Mis Manos MELHOR ARTISTA REVELAÇÃO 1. GIULIA BE 2. MARÍA BECERRA 3. BIZARRAP 4. BOZA 5. ZOE GOTUSSO 6. HUMBE 7. RITA INDIANA 8. LASSO 9. PALOMA MAMI 10. MARCO MARES 11. JULIANA VELÁSQUEZ ESPECÍFICAS MELHOR ALBUM POP VOCAL 1. DIOS LOS CRÍA Andrés Calamaro 2. MIS MANOS Camilo 3. MUNAY Pedro Capó 4. K.O. Danna Paola 5. DE MÉXICO Reik MELHOR ÁLBUM POP VOCAL TRADICIONAL 1. VÉRTIGO Pablo Alborán 2. MIS AMORES Paula Arenas 3. PRIVÉ Juan Luis Guerra 4. DOCE MARGARITAS Nella 5. ATLÁNTICO A PIE Diego Torres MELHOR ÁLBUM DE MÚSICA NORTENHA 1. VAMOS BIEN Calibre 50 2. DE VIEJA ESCUELA Gera Demara 3. DIEZ La Energía Norteña 4. AL ESTILO RANCHERÓN Los Dos Carnales 5. RECORDANDO A UNA LEYENDA Los Plebes Del Rancho De Ariel Camacho y Christian Nodal 6. VOLANDO ALTO Palomo MELHOR CANÇÃO EM LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA 1. A CIDADE Francisco Ribeiro Eller & Lucas Veneu Videla, songwriters (Chico Chico e João Mantuano) 2. AMORES E FLORES Diogo Melim & Rodrigo Melim, songwriters (Melim) 3. ESPERA A PRIMAVERA Nando Reis, songwriter (Nando Reis) 4. LÁGRIMAS DE ALEGRIA Tales De Polli & Deko, songwriters (Maneva & Natiruts) Track from: Caleidoscópio 5. LISBOA Ana Caetano & Paulo Novaes, songwriters (Anavitória e Lenine) Track from: Cor 6. MULHERES NÃO TÊM QUE CHORAR Tiê Castro, Emicida & Guga Fernandes, songwriters (Ivete Sangalo & Emicida) MELHOR ÁLBUM DE MÚSICA DE RAÍZES DE LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA 1. SAMBADEIRAS Luiz Caldas 2. DO CORAÇÃO Sara Correia 3. ORIN A LÍNGUA DOS ANJOS Orquestra Afrosinfônica André Magalhães & Ubiratan Marques, album producers 4. EU E VOCÊS Elba Ramalho 5. ARRAIÁ DA VEVETA Ivete Sangalo MELHOR ÁLBUM DE MÚSICA SERTANEJA 1. TEMPO DE ROMANCE Chitãozinho e Xororó 2. DANIEL EM CASA Daniel 3. PATROAS Marília Mendonça, Maiara & Maraísa 4. CONQUISTAS Os Barões da Pisadinha 5. PRA OUVIR NO FONE Michel Teló MELHOR ÁLBUM DE MÚSICA POPULAR BRASILEIRA 1. CANÇÕES D'ALÉM MAR Zeca Baleiro 2. H.O.J.E Delia Fischer 3. TEMPO DE VIVER Thiago Holanda 4. BOM MESMO É ESTAR DEBAIXO D´ÁGUA Luedji Luna 5. DO MEU CORAÇÃO NU Zé Manoel MELHOR ÁLBUM DE SAMBA/PAGODE 1. RIO: SÓ VENDO A VISTA Martinho Da Vila 2. SEMPRE SE PODE SONHAR Paulinho Da Viola 3. NEI LOPES, PROJETO COISA FINA E GUGA STROETER NO PAGODE BLACK TIE Nei Lopes, Projeto Coisa Fina e Guga Stroeter 4. SAMBA DE VERÃO Diogo Nogueira 5. ONZE (MÚSICAS INÉDITAS DE ADONIRAN BARBOSA) (Varios Artistas) Lucas Mayer, producer MELHOR ÁLBUM DE ROCK OU DE MÚSICA ALTERNATIVA EM LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA 1. ÁLBUM ROSA A Cor Do Som 2. EMIDOINÃ André Abujamra 3. OXEAXEEXU BaianaSystem 4. ASSIM TOCAM MEUS TAMBORES Marcelo D2 5. FÔLEGO Scalene 6. O BAR ME CHAMA Velhas Virgens MELHOR ÁLBUM DE POP CONTEMPORÂNEO EM LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA 1. COR Anavitória 2. A BOLHA Vitor Kley 3. DUDA BEAT & NANDO REIS Nando Reis & Duda Beat 4. SERÁ QUE VOCÊ VAI ACREDITAR? Fernanda Takai 5. CHEGAMOS SOZINHOS EM CASA VOL1 Tuyo MELHOR ÁLBUM DE MÚSICA CRISTÃ (LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA) 1. CATARSE: LADO B Daniela Araújo 2. SARAH FARIAS (AO VIVO) Sarah Farias 3. SEGUIR TEU CORAÇÃO Anderson Freire 4. SENTIDO Leonardo Gonçalves 5. ELI SOARES 10 ANOS Eli Soares MELHOR ÁLBUM DE MÚSICA FLAMENCA 1. ALMA DE PURA RAZA Paco Candela 2. UN NUEVO UNIVERSO Pepe De Lucía 3. AMOR Israel Fernández & Diego Del Morao 4. HERENCIA Rafael Riqueni 5. EL REY María Toledo MELHOR ÁLBUM INSTRUMENTAL 1. ENTRETIEMPO Y TIEMPO Omar Acosta y Sergio Menem 2. CRISTÓVÃO BASTOS E ROGÉRIO CAETANO Cristovão Bastos e Rogério Caetano 3. CANTO DA PRAYA - AO VIVO Hamilton De Holanda e Mestrinho 4. LE PETIT GARAGE (LIVE) Ara Malikian 5. TOQUINHO E YAMANDU COSTA - BACHIANINHA - (LIVE AT RIO MONTREUX JAZZ FESTIVAL) Toquinho e Yamandu Costa MELHOR CANÇÃO TROPICAL 1. BOLERO A LA VIDA Santiago Larramendi & Gaby Moreno, songwriters (Omara Portuondo Featuring Gaby Moreno) 2. DIOS ASÍ LO QUISO Camilo, David Julca, Jonathan Julca, Yasmil Marrufo & Ricardo Montaner, songwriters (Ricardo Montaner & Juan Luis Guerra) 3. MAS FELIZ QUE AYER Alfredo Nodarse, songwriter (Chabuco) 4. PAMBICHE DE NOVIA Juan Luis Guerra, songwriter (Juan Luis Guerra) Track from: Privé 5. UN SUEÑO INCREÍBLE (HOMENAJE A JAIRO VARELA) Jorge Luis Piloto, songwriter (Dayhan Díaz y Charlie Cardona) MELHOR CANÇÃO RAP/HIP HOP 1. BOOKER T Bad Bunny & Marco Daniel Borrero, songwriters (Bad Bunny) 2. CONDENADOS Akapellah & Pedro Querales, songwriters (Akapellah) 3. LA VENDEDORA DE PLACER Lito MC Cassidy, songwriter (Lito MC Cassidy) 4. SANA SANA Rafa Arcaute, Gino Borri, Illmind, Ángel López, Nathy Peluso & Federico Vindver, songwriters (Nathy Peluso) 5. SNOW THA PRODUCT: BZRP MUSIC SESSIONS, VOL.39 Bizarrap & Snow Tha Product, songwriters (Bizarrap, Snow Tha Product) MELHOR ÁLBUM TROPICAL CONTEMPORÂNEO 1. LEGENDARIOS Billos 2. RÍO ABAJO Diana Burco 3. BRAZIL305 Gloria Estefan 4. ACERTIJOS Pedrito Martínez 5. LA MÚSICA DEL CARNAVAL - XX ANIVERSARIO Juventino Ojito y Su Son Mocaná MELHOR ÁLBUM TROPICAL TRADICIONAL 1. GENTE CON ALMA José Aguirre Cali Big Band 2. CHABUCO EN LA HABANA Chabuco 3. CHA CHA CHÁ: HOMENAJE A LO TRADICIONAL Alain Pérez, Issac Delgado y Orquesta Aragón 4. SOLOS Jon Secada & Gonzalo Rubalcaba 5. ALMA CUBANA Leoni Torres MELHOR ÁLBUM DE CUMBIA/VALLENATO 1. LAS LOCURAS MÍAS Silvestre Dangond 2. PA’ QUE SE ESMIGAJEN LOS PARLANTES Diego Daza & Carlos Rueda 3. DE BUENOS AIRES PARA EL MUNDO Los Ángeles Azules 4. ESENCIA Felipe Peláez 5. NOCHE DE SERENATA Osmar Pérez & Geño Gamez MELHOR ÁLBUM DE SALSA 1. SALSA PLUS! Rubén Blades y Roberto Delgado & Orquesta 2. EN CUARENTENA El Gran Combo De Puerto Rico 3. EL DÍA ES HOY Willy García 4. COLEGAS Gilberto Santa Rosa 5. EN BARRANQUILLA ME QUEDO, EL DISCO HOMENAJE A JOE ARROYO (Varios Artistas) José Gaviria & Milton Salcedo, album producers MELHOR CLIPE LONGO 1. UN SEGUNDO MTV UNPLUGGED Café Tacvba Miguel Roldán, video director; Antonio Contreras Moya & Luis López, video producers 2. MULHER Carolina Deslandes Filipe Correia Dos Santos, video director; Pedro Caldeirão, video producer 3. ENTRE MAR Y PALMERAS Juan Luis Guerra Jean Guerra, video director; Nelson Albareda, Amarilys Germán, Jean Guerra & Edgar Martínez, video producers 4. ORIGEN Juanes Kacho López Mari & José Tillán, video directors; María Tristana Robles Reyes & Ilia Vélez-Dávila, video producers 5. QUIEN ME TAÑE ESCUCHA MIS VOCES (DOCUMENTAL) Gastón Lafourcade Bruno Bancalari, video director; Natalia Lafourcade & Juan Pablo López Fonseca, video producers MELHOR CLIPE CURTO 1. UN AMOR ETERNO Marc Anthony Carlos R. Pérez, video director; Maricel Zambrano & Joanna Egozcue, video producers 2. REZA FORTE BaianaSystem Featuring BNegão Belle De Melo, video director; Marcelo Cintra, video producer 3. MI HUELLA Fuel Fandango Featuring Maria Jose Llergo Alex Gargot, video director; Alberto Tortes Catelló, video producer 4. VISCERAL Fran, Carlos Do Complexo & Bibi Caetano Pedro Alvarenga, video director; Marcos Araújo & Bernardo Portella, video producers 5. DE UNA VEZ Selena Gomez Los Perez, video director; Kim Dellara & Clark Jackson, video producers PRODUTOR DO ANO 1. ALIZZZ • El Madrileño (C. Tangana) (A) 2. EDGAR BARRERA • Botella Tras Botella (Christian Nodal & Gera MX) (S) • 100 Años (Carlos Rivera & Maluma) (S) • De Vuelta Pa' La Vuelta (Daddy Yankee & Marc Anthony) (S) • Mis Manos (Camilo) (A) • Pa Ti (Jennifer Lopez & Maluma) (S) • Poco (Reik & Christian Nodal) (S) • #7DJ (7 Días En Jamaica) (Maluma) (A) • Vida De Rico (Camilo) (S) 3. BIZARRAP • Cazzu: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 32 (Bizarrap & Cazzu) (S) • KHEA: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 34 (Bizarrap & KHEA) (S) • L-Gante: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 38 (Bizarrap & L-Gante) (S) • Nathy Peluso: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol.36 (Bizarrap, Nathy Peluso) (S) • YSY A: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 37 (Bizarrap, YSY A) (S) • Zaramay: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 31 (Bizarrap & Zaramay) (S) 4. MARCOS SÁNCHEZ • Amor y Punto (Manolo Ramos) (A) 5. DAN WARNER • Blanco (Tracks: 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 11 & 14) (Ricardo Arjona) (A) MELHOR ÁLBUM DE ENGENHARIA DE GRAVAÇÃO 1. BPM Nelson Carvalho, engineer; Leo Aldrey & Rafael Giner, mixers; Tiago De Sousa, mastering engineer (Salvador Sobral) 2. BRUMA: CELEBRATING MILTON NASCIMENTO Roger Freret, engineer; Claudio Spiewak, mixer; André Dias, mastering engineer (Antonio Adolfo) 3. Read the full article
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aeonsforever · 3 years
Xaxos (Core Set)
Xaxos has utterly abysmal breaches. Despite being a "Breach Mage Adept", he has some of the absolute worst breaches in the entire game. What Xaxos does have is a signature card that deals approximately 2.2 damage per cast and a pretty powerful ability (though it's situational on your allies having strong abilities as well). The majority of Xaxos's power comes from Flare, which has an ever so slightly than 60% chance of revealing a player turn order card, assuming you're casting it at random with 4 player turn order cards. However, Xaxos can also pay attention to the turn order discard pile to maximize his chances of landing a Flare hit. But even in the random case, the expected damage output is about 2.2, which allows Xaxos to quite reliably take out early minions. Furthermore, Xaxos's ability allows him to give a ton of consistency to the turn order deck at a very low cost, essentially one charge to re-order the turn order deck assuming that all of the four charges he gives out are used well. Do these pieces make up for his utterly awful breaches? In my experience playing the character, I would generally prefer to play a mage with better breaches. Flare is great, but the breaches being as poor as they are make him a really tough mage for me to use, as I do love getting those spells up and running. Admittedly, it could be that I'm not playing him properly. His poor breaches means that he's pretty bad at scaling his damage, but he starts with a pretty amount of damage anyways, so he could be quite good at scaling economy and destruction, rather than raw damage. It just seems a bit out of character that Xaxos isn't good at scaling damage, knowing what his character is like now.
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srbachchan1 · 3 years
Day 154
Chowdhury bari, Burdwan       June 25, 2021 Fru, 9:01 pm
With regard to our problem, which can justifiably be called a quiet problem and fastidiously addresses itself to only a few ears, it is of no little interest to discover that, in these words and roots which denote ‘good’, we can often detect the main nuance which made the noble feel they were men of higher rank ..
True, in most cases they might give themselves names which simply show superiority of power (such as ‘the mighty’, ‘the masters’, ‘the commanders’) or the most visible sign of this superiority, such as ‘the rich’, ‘the propertied’ (that is the meaning of arya; and the equivalent in Iranian and Slavic) ..
But the names also show a typical character trait .. and this is what concerns us here .. for example, they call themselves ‘the truthful’ .. led by the Greek aristocracy, whose mouthpiece is the Megarian poet Theognis ..
10 The word used specifically for this purpose, equivalent, 11 means, according to its root, one who is, who has reality, who really exists and is true; then, with a subjective transformation, it becomes the slogan and catch-phrase of the aristocracy and is completely assimilated with the sense of ‘aristocratic’, in contrast to the deceitful common man, as taken and shown by Theognis, ..
.. until, finally, with the decline of the aristocracy, the word remains as a term for spiritual noblesse, and, as it were, ripens and sweetens ..
Cowardice is underlined in the word xaxo/v, 12 as in deilo/v13 (the plebeian in contrast to the a0gaqo/v): perhaps this gives a clue as to where we should look for the etymological derivation of the ambiguous term a0gaqo/v. 14 In the Latin word malus15 (to which I juxtapose me/lav) 16 the common man could be characterized as the dark-skinned and especially the dark-haired man (‘hic niger est –’),17 as the pre-Aryan occupant of Italian soil who could most easily be distinguished from the blond race which had become dominant, namely the Aryan conquering race, by its colour ..
.. at any rate, I have found exactly the same with Gaelic peoples, – fin (for example in Fin-gal), the word designating the aristocracy and finally the good, noble, pure, was originally a blond person in contrast to the dark-skinned, dark-haired native inhabitants. By the way, the Celts were a completely blond race; it is wrong to connect those traces of an essentially dark-haired population, which can be seen on carefully prepared ethnological maps in Germany ..
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babebtch · 4 years
Foi 7 sim, eu contei certinho kkkkkkkk, siim, fnx é um sobrenome ai e XP Xora Pato kkkkkkk, mas acho melhor continuar com XP, você já fez até tag kkkkkkkk
xora pato???????? Meu Deus q porra é isso
inferno, FALA LOGO ferreira neves xaxo 😂 sl
Eu vi um curtir e descurtir de um post, mas esse q curtiu um vc disse q n era vc.. espero q n tenha mentido.
Vc ja me seguia a mt tempo ou seguiu agr???
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xaxosounds · 7 years
#TBT // @070shake // @redbull // #XAXO #FiveTwo #Miami (at Miami, Florida)
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