#Can't wait to rescue my boy Knuckles
piko-power · 2 years
I'll get back to playing Frontiers in a moment, I'm still processing that insane boss fight. XD
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
Resident Evil 4
SUCH A GOOD BOY!: Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader
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Summary: As they rescue the trapped wolf, Leon's lover has a very important question to ask.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
Someone get this man a dog!
Warnings: swearing, mentioned violence, bad little beartraps
"Poor puppy, the beartrap got you too, huh?" she mumbled to the hurt, whimpering wolf as Leon was doing his best to pry the beartrap open. "We'll help you, don't you worry."
"There you go, buddy." Leon spoke to the wolf as well after he was finally able to force the trap open. He waited until the animal pulled its leg out, which wasn't an easy task - his tensed up muscles told her that much.
When the wolf was finally free it looked back at them, while it licked it's hurt leg. Then it did its best to get the well known proud and straight posture back as it barked as a thank you.
"Look at this guy! How adorable!" she spoke up as the wolf turned around and ran away, even if it had a limp what seemed to slow it down.
"Yeah, you're right." Leon agreed as he stood up and let the beartrap close up again with a loud noise.
He looked at his lover, who was still looking after the wolf hoping she'll catch another glimpse of it in the high bushes. He couldn't help but smile as well at her soft features and small giggles. So loving and kind, yet so dangerous at the same time.
"What is it, sweetheart?"
"Can we please-"
"No." Leon interrupted with a chuckle, knowing what she wanted to say. "I'm afraid we can't."
"Why?" she seemed hurt at his answer. "Look at how cute it was! And it's hurt now!"
"But we can't bring it with us, darling." he explained as he took one of her hands and pressed a kiss into her palm.
"Sure thing we can!" she argued, but her gestures were still soft, making Leon know that she wasn't actually angry with him. "Just imagine our days off; you, me and the dog on the couch watching some shitty movies."
"A wolf, sweetheart. It's a wolf, not a dog. We wouldn't have the time to take care of it, we don't get that many days off." Leon pressed a kiss to her forehead as he hugged her, his voice was still patient and kind. "Although it would be funny to see the neighbours faces."
"Exactly! Especially after that girl was all over you."
"She wasn't for long. You scared her to death." Leon laughed at the memory of her lover with the typical jealous 'you're dead' glance.
"Sure thing I did. I couldn't let her steal you away from me."
"No one will steal me away, I promise."
Their lips met in a short, but sweet kiss; while her hands found their way up to his hair and neck. She pulled away and hugged him, hiding her face in the crook of his neck.
"We have to go, sweetheart. We have to find Baby Eagle."
She giggled and took a step back, looking up at him. "Wait 'til I tell her we call her Baby Eagle."
His hand found hers as they got going. She intertwined their fingers and she felt his thumb gently stroke her knuckles.
"Actually... I think she'd agree with me. We should take the puppy home..."
Leon just sighed as he tried to hide a chuckle. There was no way she'll let that topic go - not for a while at least.
She groaned as she grabbed Leon's arms, who - like the gentleman he is - was kind enough to help her up. As soon as she was on her feet again she got attacked by his hugs, his hands keeping her close to his chest, his lips kissing the top of her head. It was a thing that always melted her heart. After every enemy, after every hard path he was right next to her, kissing her, checking up on her, looking at her limbs to make sure she didn't get any cuts or bruises.
"Are you all right?"
"Yeah, yeah I am." she answered, still keeping her face hidden in his chest, only pulling away to look up at him and make sure he was fine as well. "What about you?"
" 'Never been better."
She playfully smacked his arm at the answer, worry was still on her face.
"No need for any of that macho bullshit. I'm being serious, are you okay?"
"Of course I am, darling. Thanks to you... and your buddy."
And there it was, her buddy was standing on a cliff, its posture proud and happy as it panted, because it got tired after the fight with the 'big boy' as Leon called that thing. It howled and looked down at them again.
"Yeah, my buddy. I told you the little guy is the best help around here."
"That you did sweetheart. That you did." Leon mumbled as his lover let go of him to walk towards the cliff to say thank you for the wolf's help.
"Thanks buddy." he spoke to the animal as well when he walked up to it, remembering how the wolf distracted the monster so it didn't attack his lover.
"Such a good boy, right?"
Leon turned to look at his partner, examined the way her eyes were shining, how her voice got a small pitch when she talked to the animal. He loved how her lips formed a big, happy smile and how her whole posture relaxed.
"Yeah, you're right." he looked at the wolf again. The animal was standing at the edge of the cliff, looking down at them, wiggling its tail. It didn't seem to be afraid of them or angry at them. It seemed pretty cute and curious - even Leon had to admit that. "Do you want to pet him?"
"Can I?" the way her eyes lightened up at his words made it impossible for him to say no.
"Come here."
He grabbed her waist, being careful to not put too much pressure on her ribs, and lifted her up, until she could be on the same level as the wolf. She then stretched out her arm, letting the wolf sniff her hand and when it made sure she wasn't there for an attack, it took a step towards her, letting her pet its head.
"Leon?" she asked at her fingers brushed along the animal's fur.
"What is it sweetheart?"
"Can we please take-"
"No, I'm sorry but we can't." he chuckled at her words. "But I promise you that we'll get a puppy when we get home."
Her sudden excitement almost made them fall over - but just like always, he was there to catch her and look out for her safety.
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i-heart-hxh · 6 months
Whenever you can I'd really like to hear your thoughts about this and if you think it's accurate! ❤️ I absolutely adore your hxh meta and can't wait to hear more!!!
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Hello! Thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot to me! ❤️ These are fantastic observations and questions, as these traits are an important part of the basis of Gon's issues, and this tendency of his to rush into danger leads him into a lot of dark situations throughout the series. It's one of the most concerning aspects of his character.
His self-esteem issues are definitely at the root of this. Gon seems to have a fundamental belief that his life isn't worth much--hence why he tells Killua he's allowed to talk about dying, but Killua isn't. I think a big piece of this comes from the abandonment issues, as well as his issues with guilt (which I still need to write a post about). If even his own father won't stick around for him, what is he worth? And notice he frames Ging's choice in such a way where he doesn't assign blame to Ging--he believes that in a choice between him and being a Hunter, he must just be the inferior choice. Not a great basis for self-worth.
As much as he looks up to Kite, I don't think his encounter with Kite when he was younger helped--he was blamed directly for the mama foxbear's death and Kon becoming an orphan. And while I don't doubt at all that Mito loves him, I think Gon may see himself as a burden on her to a certain degree, and he tries to be as self-sufficient as possible as a result. (That's more of a headcanon of mine, but I do think the complex way their relationship is framed and Gon's behavior in the series supports this to a degree.)
Because he doesn't see his life as being worth much, he tries to take on everything alone, and he sees strength and power as a method to prove that he does have worth after all. If he can prove he's strong, maybe he isn't worthless after all! If he's strong, maybe he won't be a burden to others or unintentionally cause them harm (think about the mama foxbear, and ultimately Kite himself)! If he can become a Hunter and find Ging, maybe he can understand why Ging didn't stay with him, and he won't have to wonder why he left him behind any more!
I definitely think dangerous situations and escaping death give him a a sense that he is capable and worthy, plus it's a rush to him--a form of excitement and stimulation that he craves. Also, keep in mind that Gon grew up among nature, including many wild animals. While "survival of the fittest" is an oversimplification of how nature works, certainly at the same time, a weak animal is more likely to fall prey to a predator. So of course being strong is the more advantageous position to be in, and especially as a person who isn't sure of his worth or his place in the world.
I think he believes the stronger he becomes, the more dangerous situations he can escape, and the more strong enemies he can defeat, the more capable and worthy he'll feel. Because of how much his self-esteem then hinges on whether he's strong or not, things like Hisoka punching him and giving him his badge make Gon struggle to feel like he has value. The times we see Gon cry, like in his conversation with Kurapika in the airship about that moment with Hisoka, or in the scene after he couldn't win against Knuckle and couldn't go to NGL to rescue Kite, often relate directly to him not feeling strong enough.
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Also yet again (back to my usual refrain), this is in fact another subversion of shounen expectations. Shounen protagonists tend to be energetic and feisty teen boys who throw themselves into dangerous situations easily, and in most shounen series this is a trait that's not treated with much weight--they can handle it, nothing truly bad generally happens to them as a result, this trait of theirs is treated as something brave and admirable and "cool."
But with Gon, Togashi does give it weight--others worry about him and comment on this trait of his, his recklessness has real costs for him that escalate over time (think about the results of Gon tailing Hisoka in the Hunter Exam, Gon vs Gido, the end of Greed Island, and of course CAA), and ultimately his disregard for his own worth and safety essentially leads him to throw away his own life. In Gon, it's not an admirable trait, but a concerning and tragic one, with deep roots in his psyche.
It's brilliant to me how many of Gon's traits all link together--his low self-esteem comes from his abandonment issues and leads to his recklessness, he has a selfish streak because he's young and still somewhat immature and grew up isolated, and his short-sightedness as a result of that manifests in his sense of morality not being fully developed. And yet even with all of that, he's still a sweet, cheerful, kind, smart, and encouraging boy. I absolutely love the complexity of his character and how, if you carefully analyze him, the way he is makes so much sense.
Thank you for asking!
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the-bi-space-ace · 1 month
13, 16, 21 for the Bad Batch ask!!
13. What jobs do you think each of the Batchers would have in a Modern AU?
Crosshair: I think he's the grumpy manager at a small coffee shop that every employee loves and every customer is terrified of. Any time a customer makes one of the baristas uncomfortable Crosshair is right there ready to throw hands. He's kicked out so many people. That protective streak is going to make him an employee favorite.
Hunter: maybe some kind of camp counselor. Takes the kids on hikes. Is the dude at the bonfire that is really committed to keeping the fire going.
Tech: bro is either a professional gamer or he is a scary good hacker that erases people's medical and student loan debt. Ya know what, maybe both. He is a streamer as his regular job and uses his skills to help people on the DL.
Echo: I think he is either an engineer or he is some sort of doctor. I think he'd thrive helping people but would need something fast paced or challenging to keep himself interested. Oh! Oh wait!!! What if he was a fire fighter?!?! That could work! It's dangerous, it requires a lot of strength and endurance, and it very much helps people. I think he'd be a fire fighter. Fits him perfectly.
Wrecker: I think he'd like being a personal trainer. Someone that helps people reach a certain goal. He loves helping people improve their strength or gain more flexibility or confidence. That's a lot of fun for him.
Omega: Vet. I feel like this just fits.
16. What are some headcanons you have about Echo?
Oh boy. What headcanons do I have about Echo?!?! Well I'm GLAD YOU ASKED!!!
I think Echo has always had anxiety. I think he's channeled that anxiety into learning the regs, honing his skills, and trying to be a top performing (just like a lot of us with anxiety did as kids. we have to be the best so we sure do try.)
He's a tricky little thief. He can steal something right out from under someone's nose and they'd never know. He picked that habit up early on and it never went away. Sometimes he does it just to see if he still can and to practice. He's an excellent thief.
He has broken his knuckles punching someone in the face before. Why do I think that? IDK. He just has.
Sometimes he follows the batch around the ship. Sometimes he talks, sometimes he doesn't. But he tends to pace (can't sit still) and he doesn't like to be alone so it's almost absentmindedly.
Has learned (particularly with Crosshair) that his silence hurts worse than anything he could say to them during a fight. If he's quiet for too long the rest of them get really uncomfortable about it. They'd rather apologize than endure silence from him. It feels too much like disappointment and Echo being disappointed in you is THE WORST.
He tie-dyed one of Hunter's bandanas as a prank once and then hid all the other ones so Hunter HAD to wear it. Hunter still has no idea who did it. Tech knows. Tech has never told anyone. Echo will remember the look on Hunter's face sometimes and laugh to himself.
He actively seeks out Wrecker when he needs a distraction. Wrecker is great at that. Whether it's a physical distraction like sparring, a dance party (let me have my dance parties I neeeeeeed them), or some cuddles Wrecker is the BEST and Echo will seek him out if he needs to.
Speaking of dance parties!!! Echo loved going out to bars/clubs with Fives to go dancing. They had a song that they loved so much they made a dance routine to it. It came on at most clubs and they really stole the show.
With the same idea: He wasn't too sure about dancing in public after being rescued from Skako so it took him a little bit to warm up to the idea but the batch LOVES dancing and he finally caved and went with them. Turns out Wrecker and Tech can learn dances in ten minutes and love to be the life of the dance floor. Echo had a lot of fun that first night and has since learned to just drag Crosshair and Hunter into their antics otherwise they'll sit on the sidelines and watch instead of participating. He's stopped waiting for them to join. He's going to go get them, make them join. They don't get a choice anymore they're gonna dance with them.
ok i'll stop now i got carried away
21. Road trip with the Batch! Where are you going? Who’s driving? Who has the snacks? Who is in charge of music? Who got left behind at the gas station? And other headcanons you have about going on a road trip with the Bad Batch. 
We're going to somewhere like... the grand canyon or Yellowstone bc I've never been and I want to go SO BAD and I've never been that far west before and just need to go so I'm choosing a nature/sight seeing trip. Maybe some stops along the way. Maybe there's a fun amusement park or zoo or something on the way!!!
Tech is driving bc I feel like he'd be annoyed with everyone else's driving and he likes to drive. Plus he can handle driving long distance and has it all planned out. Plus he speeds so we'll get there faster.
Wrecker is in charge of snacks. He'll bring A TON. And he knows the best snacks. We'd never go hungry.
Music is tough for me bc I feel like Crosshair and I have similar taste so I'd pick Crosshair but then I think the rest of the batch would complain about the music the whole time. So I'd also consider Echo who has a decent mix of music that I love and music that I've never heard before so I'd find new bops. Cross and Echo fight over the aux cord final answer.
Hunter gets left behind at the gas station. He spent too long looking at the nuts in the snack section. No one did a head count when they were back in the car.
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Fic Prompts: Snippet Thursday
We return to the Gremlinverse, a bit after Daxter has been rescued because I'm not done with that part yet. Long post incoming.
"Jak?" Damas paused in the hold of the air train and looked down with confusion. "...what are you doing?"
The boy sat with his eyes tightly shut, face scrunched up in concentration. In his hands he held Damas’s staff.
"I'm trying to remember something," he grunted.
A pang spasmed through Damas’s heart, and he winced. Jak's memories -- or lack thereof -- seemed to be becoming an increasing source of insecurity to him.
Taking care to broadcast his movements, Damas crossed the hold to sit beside the boy on the bench seat.
"Don't try to force them," he cautioned, "Let your memories flow at their own pace."
Jak opened his eyes and scoffed. "Why can't I do this?! Mar can remember, so why can't I?!"
He wanted so badly to have the same connections as Mar. To be able to point to a specific place and say "this is where my people are". To have someone who didn't see him as a burden and investment to be pawned off on others -- someone who actually wanted to claim him as their own.
And even if he did unearth some memories, Jak feared the distance he felt from them. Even if he were to remember his parents, even if Damas proved to be someone he actually recalled, would Jak still have any emotional connection to him?
What if he was no longer capable of loving like Mar did?
Unaware of the hurricane brewing in the boy beside him, Damas laced his fingers together under his chin and blew out a breath.
"Mar is...for him, there are only two years between him and his memories. For you, there are twelve. That is a long time, Jak, and your other experiences have buried them. Sometimes, as we get older, our early memories come to us in flashes. But it's not your fault if they don't."
Moving slowly and steadily, he laid a hand on the crown of Jak's head.
"You are still you, with or without those fragments. And you will always have a place with us."
Jak's fingers tightened on the haft of the staff until his knuckles stood out, starkly white against rosy brown. For several seconds, he did not speak. But he didn’t shrug off Damas’s hand, either.
After nearly a minute had passed, Jak turned to look up at the king with haunted eyes.
"I had them sometimes. The flashes, I mean." He swallowed hard. "But...I don't know if they're real. I made up so many things in that prison, just to stay sane. How do I know I didn't just make these memories up?"
Damas smiled at him. It was a bittersweet expression, but hope hovered at the corners.
"Well," he said softly, "why don't you tell me about them? I may share some of those memories, if they took place before your kidnapping."
Jak quailed. "But what if they're not real?"
There wasn't a good answer to that, and they both knew it. Though he wracked his brain for something that wouldn't sound dismissive of Jak's traumatic amnesia, Damas was left with few options.
"Perhaps," he said carefully, "You can think of them as things you want to do, rather than things you have already done? If there are any memories that don't match, I see no reason you can't make them real."
It wasn't much comfort to Jak, but he appreciated the effort. Damas was trying. He'd been trying, since the moment he walked into the Naughty Ottsel. The least Jak could do was try as well. He resisted the childish impulse to lean against Damas’s side -- he wasn't ready for that yet, no matter how much he might wish to be -- and tried to work up his nerve. Twice he opened his mouth and shut it again, and the third time he managed some stumbling, stammering sounds that trailed off into silence. Damas didn’t push him to try again; he waited as patiently as Daxter always had.
Finally, Jak felt like he could force the words out without immediately thinking of the worse memories surrounding the snippets of what might have been his past. He swallowed hard three times, and brought the staff closer to his chest as if it were a favored toy.
"I...sometimes see this...rock. This...this really big rock. There's paint on my hands and I'm really happy about something. I'm not sure what I'm doing."
He glanced nervously up at Damas.
The king leaned back against the hull and stroked his chin. "Big rock..." he murmured, "And you said there was paint? Was it all over your hands, or only in spots?"
Jak squinted as he tried to grasp at the memory. "Uh...I'm not sure. There was a lot though. Kind of blue-ish."
"Ah!" Damas snapped his fingers. "I think I know what that was."
Shocked, Jak twisted on the bench to face him fully. "You do?!"
Damas nodded, and Jak thought he looked wistful.
"There's a couple different boulders around the city that children like to make marks on. Sometimes, when your mother and I had a lot of work to do, some of the teenagers would take you out to play. More than once you came home covered in paint."
He smiled softly.
"You followed those kids everywhere. They...they took it hard when you were taken."
Jak thought of Mar, tagging along at his heels when he was in his older body. "That tracks, I guess."
So that had been a real memory, then. That meant he couldn't immediately dismiss the others as figments of his imagination, either! Emboldened by this knowledge, Jak reached for a memory that used to drive him -- and his adoptive uncle -- crazy back in Sandover.
"Okay, okay. Um...ah this is going to sound really stupid."
"Fire away," Damas retorted.
Jak made a face. "Okay...uh...it's a polka-dot crocadog toy that smells like polished leather. I think its name was Poppy Croc."
At this, Damas physically jolted. His head whipped down with an incredulous expression.
"You still remember Poppy Croc?" he asked in surprise, "After all this time?"
"Ohhh." Jak leaned forward. "Well, I guess that's why Uncle never knew what I was talking about. I thought he gave it to me and I lost it or something."
"It's still in the nursery," Damas replied, still sounding mildly stunned. "I don't know if Mar will share it though."
Grimacing, Jak waved the idea off. "I'm too old for toys."
He sounded like he was repeating something that someone else had told him.
"Anyway, what kind of name is Poppy Croc?"
"You couldn't pronounce polka-dot," Damas answered dryly.
With a thump, the air train hit a pocket of turbulence. Across the hold, Sig opened his eye and grumbled, then readjusted his grip on Mar. The preschooler slept like a rock, completely unaware of the rough air their transport flew through.
Jak watched them for a second, then returned his attention to Damas.
"So...the paint rock was real, and the stuffed animal was real. That's...more than I expected."
"An encouraging sign," Damas said.
Jak twisted his grip on the staff.
"What about- okay it's...not a good memory. I think it's real, because I don't know why I would make up a scenario of being so upset about someone leaving that I cried until I threw up. I don't even know who it was! I just...really didn't want them to go."
Damas visibly winced at that. For several seconds he was quiet. Then he sighed heavily.
"I...remember that."
"Oh. Uh...Why was I crying so hard?" Jak squirmed a little in his seat.
The words seemed to stick in Damas’s throat for a moment. Then he frowned.
"Your- your mother is a deep-sea angler. She helps provide a massive portion of the city's everyday diet. But- well, every now and then she has to be out at sea overnight."
This was the first time there had been any talk of mothers. Jak's spine stiffened and he latched onto the present tense "is". He -- or rather, Mar -- still had a mother. A mother! What was that like? Neither he, nor Daxter, nor even Keira had ever had one growing up.
"Does she um- does she know about-"
Jak motioned to himself, and then to Mar.
"Aye." Damas tugged at his short beard. "She's steward of the throne in my few absences from the city when Sig isn't present. That's why I was able to infiltrate Haven at all."
Abruptly, he let out a sheepish chuckle.
"She hates it when that happens. And honestly, it was as much her right to come for you and Mar as it was mine. But I know secret ways into the city that she does not, so it fell to me."
"So I- I really did throw a fit until I puked over her going to work?" Jak cringed. "Daxter can not know about this."
Damas leaned back and folded his arms across his broad chest. "You could hardly be blamed. You adored your mother."
"Will I still love her?" Jak wondered.
When Damas flinched, he realized to his horror that he'd voiced the thought aloud.
The king -- his maybe-father -- was silent for a long time after that. And when he did speak again, there was a roughness to his voice that spoke of uncomfortable amounts of emotion.
"Love is-" he cleared his throat. "Love is an action, young one. It is not a possession to be lost or won. It's something we choose to do, though we all show it different ways. But it has to grow; you can't just turn love off and on like a switch."
He tipped back his head and loosed another sigh. "I...certainly hope that you and your friends will grow to care about us and our city-"
"I probably will. I get attached too quickly when people don't treat me like garbage," Jak interrupted with a kind of resigned nonchalance. "That's why I trusted the guy who ended up being the metalhead Swarm King."
Damas’s cheek twitched noticeably at the mention of Kor, but he gamely attempted to finish his thought.
"-but I will hold no expectations over you. You are not required to address us as your mother and father if you do not see us as such. And we will do our best not to hold you back on account of your stature."
He paused.
"Well, you will not be permitted to enter the Arena and earn a gate pass, but that would have been the case regardless of which body you inhabited. It is forbidden for anyone under the age of eighteen to enter the Arena of Death."
"The Arena of what?!"
Jak let go of the staff with a clatter.
"Why do you even have that?!"
Across from them, Sig snorted, badly stifling his laughter. Noticeably, he did not come to Damas’s aid. Instead, he settled more comfortably in his seat and raised his brows expectantly.
Aiming a dirty look at Sig, Damas did his best to explain.
"Before I was king, it was a strictly gladiatorial arena meant for pure bloodsport. Now we use it to determine citizen candidates' merit as warriors."
"By making them kill each other?" Jak did not look impressed.
"Not other candidates, except in cases when someone has a score to settle." Damas waved a hand and realized that this didn't sound much better.
"It's- alright, look: out in the desert there are many dangers, but you can boil them down to three: ambush by Marauders, dangerous environmental elements, and metalheads. If you want a gate pass out of the city, first you have to prove you can handle those dangers in a controlled environment."
"Still sounds weird to me," Jak grumbled.
He scooted just the tiniest bit closer -- pretending not to notice he was doing so -- and tapped his fingers together.
"Alright, this one I know has to be made up: a river inside a house."
Damas’s smile returned in full force. "Four for four, that's right, too."
"What?" Jak blinked. "No it's not!"
"Yes it is!" Damas smirked at him. "My throne room is an indoor oasis. That's where your mother taught you to swim."
"Mar can already swim?" Jak looked over at the sleeping child and pulled a wry face.
"Good thing we never took him with us to the waterfront. He would've given Dax a heart attack."
Then he leaned back -- ignoring the brush of his shoulder against Damas’s side -- and tugged at his lip. "I know there are more flashes. Little broken maybe-memories. But they're like...textures. Smells. There's probably other detailed ones, but I can't remember."
He shrugged.
"I...didn't actually expect any of them to be real, I-"
He cut himself off and looked away, suddenly keenly aware that his control of his emotions was not the same as it had been before the young Precursor's "blessing". He didn't have a name for what he was feeling at the moment, but it was big, and confusing. He had confirmation that he'd had a life before Sandover -- and it was incredibly validating, he wouldn't deny it -- but he was...sad? But at the same time excited? He was afraid to let his guard down and possibly be rejected yet again, and yet he was relieved to have identifiable common ground with Mar's father.
He wanted a father, but he was afraid of having one turn out like Praxis or Samos. He wanted a mother, but he feared disappointing her with his altered nature.
"Um...what about thunderstorms? I think of music when I think of thunderstorms, but that might be something from back in Sandover," Jak said in an effort to distract himself.
"Hm." Damas shook his head. "We didn't have many thunderstorms in Spargus when you were a toddler; you were born during a dry spell. That must've been the coastal village, then."
He tightened one of his bracers and quirked his lips to one side.
"We're nearing summer now. We won't see much rainfall -- if any at all -- until harvest season. Just a lot of damp fog."
Jak wouldn't admit it out loud, but he hated foggy weather. Too dangerous to go out on the water, or exploring. And at night, everything hid from view and he could feel the eyes on him everywhere. It just felt clammy and wrong. He only went out in the fog in Haven when Daxter was with him. Daxter's eyes had been better suited to the low light as an ottsel then. They probably weren't anymore.
As if on cue, Daxter dropped down the ladder to the cockpit with a thunk, wearing a goofy smile. By his flushed face and the pink smears on his lips, Jak had a pretty good idea of why he and Tess had been hiding out up there. That poor pilot, stuck listening to them make out! Jak grimaced, and Damas looked amused.
For his part, Daxter hung from the ladder, humming snatches of showtunes in a dreamy, distracted kind of way. It was not, Jak realized, wholly dissimilar to that time he'd gotten into Krew's booze stash.
Damas shook his head, but his eyes twinkled.
"Sig," he said pointedly, "Go get your boy before he daydreams his way straight out of the hatch."
Sig laughed heartily and reached out to snag Daxter's sleeve as he stumbled past. "First kiss is a doozy, huh, kid?"
"Uh-huh," Daxter sighed happily.
Jak snorted. "Hey loverboy, are we over the water yet?"
Daxter blinked slowly, then flushed and cleared his throat. "Ahem! Er, we're about five minutes from the southwest edge of the Wasteland island. The pilot said he'd drop us at a temple or something?"
"Precursor monastery," Sig confirmed, "Anybody traveling to the mainland leaves a vehicle up there if they're smart. It's suicide to walk all the way home."
"How did you hear anything the pilot said over you and Tess trying to glue your faces together?" Jak teased.
Daxter sank onto the bench beside Sig and Mar. "You'll understand when you're older," he retorted.
"I am older," Jak answered primly, "And I don't think I want to understand anymore."
Damas conspicuously turned to the side and made a valiant attempt at disguising a laugh as a fit of coughing.
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
No Scrubs
Well a scrub checkin' me, but his game is kinda weak
And I know that he cannot approach me
'Cause I'm looking like class and he's looking like trash
Can't get wit' a deadbeat ass
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Words: 3.1k
Summary: You try to keep Steve from dying of boredom at an Avengers charity gala.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (oral sex (f receiving), fingering, unprotected vaginal sex, squirting, public sex), little bit of a fight, SMUT!!! 18+ ONLY!!!!!
A/N: My official entry for @cockslut-padalecki’s “Not My Ninth” challenge!! My prompt was No Scrubs by TLC and Charity Gala. I picked our boy Steve for this one, but like post Avengers pre Winter Soldier Steve. Also, is Thor the best wingman? I feel like I’ve been using him in this role a lot. Happy 9K babe!
Check out my masterlist and join my taglist if you want!
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Steve had never felt so uncomfortable in his life.
He hated talking about himself normally, and having to parade around in front of a bunch of rich people was a special kind of torture. But Tony was insistent that the whole team had to be there, and it was for a good cause so he couldn’t say no without being a complete asshole.
He downed the rest of his champagne as some other billionaire asked him the same damn question about how different things were for him now, how much he must miss the 40s, like the war was some golden age of Americana. He just smiled and gave the same polite answers he’d been giving all night, wishing he was able to get drunk. Maybe Thor had snuck in some mead, that could usually do the trick.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt, Captain Rogers, but Mr. Stark sent me to come find you. Something about the silent auction.”
Steve felt his face relax as he turned to look at you, his breath coming out in a deep sigh. You looked amazing in your silver gown, all shimmery and gauzy.
“Sorry folks, duty calls.” He said with a shrug as he followed you away from the stuffed suits. “What does Tony want? I don’t have anything to do with the auction.”
“Yeah, I know, but your jaw was clenched so hard I was worried you were gonna snap something, so I figured I’d come rescue you.” You said, grinning over your shoulder at him.
“God, you’re the best.” He sighed, following you to the bar and leaning against it as you ordered yourself a cocktail.
“I know, right? You want anything?”
“Not unless Thor snuck anything in. It’s only been an hour and I’m this close to ramming my head through a wall.”
“Sorry Cap, I hate these things too but it comes with the territory.” You said with a shrug, sipping on your Manhattan as you turned to face him. “Now, lets go find our Asgardian friend. As your handler, I can’t have you destroying property out of boredom, and I’m pretty sure I saw that giant sipping from a contraband flask a little earlier.”
He grinned as he moved to follow you, weaving through the crowd as you expertly turned away the whales that kept trying to approach him. You were his fifth handler since the battle of New York, and the only one that had lasted longer than a week. Mostly because you didn’t actually try to handle him, just let him be Steve and deal with any PR fallout that came with that. It helped that you had an easygoing nature that he found endearing, and you could always make him laugh. The fight you’d gotten into with Tony about changing his suit had really done it for him though, he hadn’t seen anyone make Stark back down so fast.
“Odinson!” You shouted, beaming once you found the massive blonde. He’d been cornered by a group of old blue hairs who were tittering and trying to touch his biceps. “Sorry ladies, the god of thunder is needed elsewhere, auction business.”
They all made sounds of disappointment as you extracted the relieved looking god from the group of old biddies, pulling him away towards one of the empty corners of the ballroom.
“What is this auction you speak of?” Thor asked once the three of you were separated from the crowd.
“A clever ruse, my good friend.” You said with a smirk. “You’re welcome by the way. The Captain here is on the verge of committing violent acts out of boredom, and expressed a desire to get drunk.”
“Yes, thank you Y/N.” He said with a grin. “I don’t think I can help the Captain with his problem though, maybe he should head to the bar.”
“Oh, you can’t help?” You said cocking your eyebrow at him before shoving your hand inside his tux jacket and pulling out a silver flask. “What’s this then?”
Steve chuckled as Thor tried to stammer out a reply as you just shook your head and tutted at him, handing Steve the flask.
“Listen, just be a good boy and share. Now, I need to go to the ladies room but if any of these rich assholes tries to come bother you again, just start talking about the horrors of war, and get graphic. They hate that shit.”
Steve handed Thor back the flask after taking a sip, already staring to feel a bit of a tingle in his fingers.
“That woman is not to be trifled with.” Thor said appreciatively as he took a swig, handing it back to Steve. “Have you slept with her yet?”
Steve choked on the mead, his eyes bugging out of his head as he tried to cough up a lung and Thor clapped him on the back, scolding him for wasting good liquor.
“Jesus, Thor! What are you talking about? I don’t want to sleep with Y/N!”
“Oh my god, you midgardians and your hang ups. Your hormones spike every time your around her, it’s very distracting.”
“What?!?! How do you know that?” Steve loosened his tie a bit as he felt himself starting to warm up, telling himself it was just from the booze.
“I’m not just the god of thunder, I’m a fertility god.” He said with a grin. “And every time you two are near each other, it’s like being around a couple of rabbits in the spring.”
“Oh god, please stop.” Steve said as he ran his hand over his face in embarrassment.
“No you stop. We’re in a hotel, just get a room and , what’s the phrase I’m looking for ‘fuck her brains out’.”
“Jesus Christ, who taught you that? Never mind, I know it was Tony.” He said, waving a dismissive hand at Thor as he gave him a wicked grin.
“Oh no.” Thor said suddenly, looking over Steve’s shoulder towards the ballroom.
“What now?” Steve said with a heavy sigh, turning to follow his line of sight to where you were standing, talking to an unsteady looking man in a sloppy tux. “Rumlow.”
“Yes, apparently your STRIKE team leader has been sniffing after your handler for months.” Thor narrated, leaning against one of the columns and taking another pull from the flask. “She’s always rebuffed him, though. I don’t think he’s ever tried when he’s drunk before. Wait, Rogers!”
Steve ignored him as he strode towards you, growling under his breath and loosening his tie even more as he watched Rumlow wrap his hand around your bicep and yank you towards him. Steve was close enough to see you roll your eyes, but couldn’t hear what you said to the man as he wrapped his other arm around your waist and smashed his mouth against yours.
“Hey!” Steve shouted, his brow furrowed as Brock pulled his face away from yours to see what the interruption was about.
You took your chance and head butted him, a curse leaving his mouth in a hiss as he released you. You gripped his left wrist around his thumb and drew it back hard, smirking when you felt a snap at the same time you drove you fist into his ribs.
Steve had to pull you off him as you started beating him with your clutch, opening it up at the same time to search for your brass knuckles.
“You don’t fucking touch me, you goddamn sloppy deadbeat motherfucker!” You screamed as Steve carried you away from the main floor, your limbs flailing as you tried to charge back at Rumlow. “Learn to tie a fucking tie you cocksucking son of a bitch.”
Steve did his best not to crack up at the shocked looks the blue bloods were giving you, a chorus of offended gasps following the two of you as you released a steady stream of profanity. He pushed open the doors to the balcony with one hand as he kept his other hand wrapped tightly around your waist as you were still trying to squirm free.
“Damn it, put me down Rogers! I’ll kick your ass too!” You hissed, turning to swat at his chest.
“Okay, okay, Jesus Christ!” He said as you started to kick him, catching him in the shins a couple of times. “Ow.”
“You’re fine.” You said with a shrug, taking a couple deep breaths to calm down.
“Yeah, well Rumlow definitely isn’t. Who gave you brass knuckles?” He said, pulling the weapon out of your clutch.
“Nat did. And it’s not like I even got to use them on that asshole.”
“Yeah but you would’ve.” He said, shaking his head as he handed them back to you. “He didn’t hurt you did he?”
You just snorted as you shoved the knuckles back into your clutch, leaning your back against the railing.
“Good.” He mumbled, suddenly not knowing what to say to you.
You somehow looked even better after your altercation. Your hair was a wild tangle now, loose strands blowing in the breeze. Your lips were swollen from the unwanted kiss, and Steve could feel the heat coming off you as your chest heaved with deep breaths. He hissed through his teeth when he noticed the torn skin on your knuckles.
“Shit, Y/N, you’re bleeding.” He growled, grabbing your hand to inspect the damage.
“Huh, guess so.” You said, watching him through your lashes as he brought your hand closer to his face.
You felt your breath hitch as he ran his thumb over the back of your hand softly, his brow still furrowed with worry. Maybe it was just the adrenaline from the fight, but all you could think about just then was sucking on his thick fingers.
“Hmm?” You must have zoned out for a second.
“You sure you’re ok?”
“I’m great.” You said, your voice a little squeakier than you would’ve liked.
He took a step closer to you and you gasped, suddenly feeling very light headed as you felt a rush of slick flood your panties. His hand left yours and moved to cup your cheek, his thumb tugging at your bottom lip where you had it pressed between your teeth.
“I think I’m gonna kiss you now.” He muttered, his eyes boring into yours, pupils blown wide with lust.
“Good.” You whispered.
His mouth devoured yours, his teeth pulling your lips open so he could slip his tongue inside, curling it against yours as he wrapped his arm around your waist and pressed you against him. You moaned as you felt his cock hardening against your abdomen, your pussy throbbing with need as he ground himself into you.
He started to sink to his knees and you followed him, your mouth still pressed to his desperately. His hand moved from your waist to dig under your skirt and he let out a growl when he brushed his fingers against your core, pressing them against the soaked silk of your panties.
“Fuck, I wanna taste you so bad.” He grumbled, his lips still pressed to yours. “Wanna see if you taste as good as you smell.”
“Oh god, Steve.” You moaned as he hooked his fingers through the side of your panties and ripped them off you, the elastic snapping against your skin and a shove going up your spine as the night air cooled the wetness between your thighs. “Do it.”
He grinned and gave you a quick peck on the lips before he started to move his mouth down your throat. His hand between your legs started rubbing you in big slow circles as he laid you down, putting just enough pressure on you that you were quickly turning into a wriggling mess.
“Hold still, honey.” He ordered, pulling the sleeves of your dress down just enough that your breasts could pop out, your nipples pebbling in the chilly air. “I’m gonna take my time with you.”
“Fuck.” You moaned as he dragged his tongue over your nipple in a heavy stripe before flicking it softly. Your hands dug in his hair as he sucked and licked at it, just barely brushing it with his teeth until it was raised to an overly sensitive peak before he moved to the other nipple and repeated the process, making you whine.
Once he was satisfied with his work, he pressed a soft kiss to each breast before moving his face between your legs. His hand was making soft wet sounds now as he kept rubbing your sex, and he groaned when he removed it to take a good look at you.
“Fuck if that ain’t the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.” He murmured as his lips brushed over your inner thigh.
Your cunt was pulsing with need under his gaze, your plump folds swollen and flushed with heat as he watched you clench around nothing. Everything between your legs was coated in a thick layer of your arousal, and he bit his lip as he watched even more leak out of you.
“I bet I could make you cum with almost nothing, sweetheart.” He teased as he nipped at the soft skin of your inner thighs, inching closer to your pussy before moving away again.
“Steve, please!” You whined, trying to arch your back into his face as you tugged on his hair.
He just grinned before pressing his tongue over your pussy and swirling it through your folds. He had to press his palms down on your hips to keep your body from curling back on itself as he ran his tongue over your sex, lapping at your pussy like his was the first meal he’d had in weeks.
“God you taste so good.” He murmured as he gazed at you through his lashes. “Like fucking peaches.”
You sobbed as he thrust his tongue inside you at the same time his lips wrapped around your swollen clit, making you come immediately. He curled his tongue inside you as your release flowed into his mouth, moaning into your pussy as you spasmed against his face.
Your breath was coming in ragged gasps as you came down, your muscles still twitching randomly as aftershocks shook through your abdomen. He grinned as he sat up over you, undoing his tie before moving to take off his belt as you writhed underneath his gaze. Your brain finally reset and you sat up between Steve’s legs, nuzzling yourself into his neck as you worked to unbutton his shirt.
“You back, honey?” He chuckled as you ran your teeth over his collarbone, dipping your hands under his shirt to press against his chest. “I was a little worried.”
“You’ll find I’m extremely resilient, Steve.” You murmured before sinking your teeth into his pec as you started to undo his fly.
“Shit, good to know.” He groaned as you drew his cock out of his pants and gave it a squeeze.
He gripped your chin and drew your face up to his, raising you up to your knees as he gave you a soft kiss. You moved his cock in your hand to line him up with your entrance, teasing his tip against your folds. Steve wrapped his hands around your waist and lifted you a bit higher before slowly drawing you down onto his length.
You let out a thin keen as he stretched you open, relishing the sting as your cunt fluttered around him, adjusting to his girth. He rested his forehead against yours as he started moving his hips at a languorous pace.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He muttered against your lips before moving to bury his face in your shoulder. “So tight and warm and soft.”
You gripped the hair at the base of his neck tightly as his hips started moving faster, slapping against yours. You felt yourself clench around him as he ground against your clit, making you gasp.
“Shit, Steve! Right there!”
“Jesus, already?” He murmured, running his lips over your throat.
“Just... fuck, you’re so big, Steve. Oh my god, I’m cumming.”
He hooked a hand under your ass to keep you from collapsing as your entire body arched violently, almost bending backwards on itself as you swallowed a scream. Your cunt fluttered and spasmed around him as he lifted you to wrap around him, his breath hot against your neck.
“Holy shit honey.” He muttered as he pulled you down against him, making you whimper. “You ok?”
“I’m great. Don’t you fucking stop.” You said, tilting his head back so you could press your mouth to his.
He grinned against your lips as he fucked his hips up into you, keeping his eyes locked on yours as his cock dragged over every inch of you, nudging against your cervix and making your breath hitch.
“Right there?” He asked as you dug your nails into his scalp and bit at his lips.
“Fuck, oh goddamn it, Steve.”
You shrieked into his mouth as you came apart, your muscles seizing as your pussy strangled his cock. His hips stuttered and you were suddenly flooded with warmth, his spend sitting into you and coating your canal in thick white ropes. He sat back on his heels and pulled out of you, and you shuddered as your release squirted all over the front of his pants.
“Shit, did you just squirt honey?” He asked, giving you an appreciative glance as he started to tuck himself back in and button his shirt up.
“I think so. Fuck, that’s never happened before.” You said with a shrug.
“Well, damn baby.” He said as he stood up, offering you a hand to help you to your feet.
“Shit, we’ve gotta go back in there.” You said, running your hand over your face. “Oh my god, Stark is going to kill us. Hold on and give me a second to think.”
Steve just leaned back on the railing and gave a satisfied smile as he watched you pace back and forth, wringing your hands.
“Ok I think I’ve got it, just one second.”
You went to the door and opened it a crack, popping your head through, jumping when you found Thor leaning against the wall right there.
“Hey, Thor. What’s up buddy?”
“Just keeping the other guests from wandering out and seeing you and the Captain humping like rabbits.”
“Appreciate it. We need a distraction though, cuz we’re both a little messy, and I don’t really feel like explaining that to everyone.”
“Got it, what if I blow out the lights in that chandelier?”
“I think that’ll probably work.” You said, giving him a nod before turning back to Steve. “Alright Rogers, we’re making a run for the elevator. Thor, blow it.”
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violetsoju · 3 years
page 30彡★
kageyama tobio · fluff · 3.2k
a/n: came up w this idea based on a tiktok vid of this trend that randomly popped up on my feed (which i can't find anymore T_T) do let me know if you enjoyed it! ❤️
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“Hey, Tobio.”
The mop of raven hair doesn’t look up to you, eyes fixated on the jiggly onsen tamago on top of the curry tonkatsu.
“There’s this new trend going on.”
He hums in response, fingers gripping onto a pair of wooden chopsticks, manoeuvring the fragile soft lump towards the spoon. Just a few more steps till being cradled snugly in the deep end of the cool ceramic spoon.
“And we’re gonna learn the moves and film it right here after this.”
His fingers twitch. One of the long pointy chopsticks loses its cool and stabs the tamago right in the core, streaks of yellow bleeding across the crisp golden brown tonkatsu. Its counterpart desperately tries to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding, but too much yolk has been lost, and more jabs were made in the frantic rescue mission. Not even the string of ‘shit’ muttered could save the day. So long, dear onsen tamago.
You’re finally met with piercing blue eyes glaring at you.
“No. And look at what you did to my onsen tamago.”
“You should’ve scooped it up with your spoon instead of pushing it with your chopsticks. Common sense much?” You thank the waitress for the hot steaming tempura udon. “Plus, you’re supposed to break the yolk and coat the luscious essence over your rice, unless you’re a freak and eat it in one go.”
Kageyama’s scowl softens when a piece of fried tempura lands in his bowl in exchange for a piece of tonkatsu. A glint of delight gleams in the two pair of eyes at the first bite of delicious food, taste buds tingling in satisfaction.
It’s a rainy Wednesday night. And rainy nights call for warm comfort food to make up for the gloomy wet weather brought by the pitter patter parade of fat rain droplets. So after a spontaneous text message, here you are, with an old close friend of yours, inside a small cosy shop hidden in an alleyway without any prior arrangements.
“And let me repeat myself. I’m not going to do any dumb dance trends with you again.” Kageyama restates his point firmly.
“Come on, you had so much fun the last time! Even Tsukki sent a good job sticker in the group chat.” You reason.
“You mean he enjoyed seeing me almost tripping over my feet.”
“That was the highlight, to be honest.”
He smacks your chopsticks away with his at your attempt to snag another piece of tonkatsu, not giving in into your pout.
“Anyway, I was just kidding. You’re in luck this time because it’s not a dance trend.”
Kageyama raises an eyebrow at you suspiciously, tilting his head to ask you to continue on.
“This time it’s a trend where you grab your nearest book, turn to page 30, and the first sentence will describe your love life. Interesting, isn’t it?”
“Just when I thought you’ve outgrown these ridiculous nonsenses.”
“Says the one who still insists on drinking a box of strawberry milk before matches.” You jab your chopsticks towards his direction accusingly.
“That’s different because it actually works. And it’s good.” He counterattacks by returning your gesture.
“I hate to say this but, point taken.”
He triumphantly snickers as you sigh in defeat.
“Aren’t you curious on how my love life is described?” You question, blowing off the steam from your spoon full of udon.
Kageyama chomps on another piece of pork cutlet, unamused at your question. “If you’re generous enough to share, I’d be honoured.”
“‘He smiles’”
“That’s the first sentence on my page 30. ‘He smiles’.” You reply matter-of-factly, taking a sip of your hot green tea.
“What’s that even supposed to mean?” His brows knit in confusion, hands momentarily forgetting the spoonful of curry rice in hand.
“Use your imagination, Tobio. Awaken your romantic cells.” You gesture with your hands dramatically, earning a deadpan look from the boy seated across you.
“Does it mean whoever’s smiling is the love of your life? Or someone who’s always smiling?” Kageyama rests his cheek against his left knuckle, trying to connect the dots together.
“Wait a minute! Don’t tell me it’s Suga-san. Because if it is, I won’t allow it because Suga-san is way too good for you.”
He yelps as you not-so-accidentally dip your chopsticks stained with broth into his green tea.
“Shush, we both know how much Suga-san adores me. And everyone else.” You smugly take another bite of your fried tempura as he frowns in disgust after drinking the now broth infused green tea.
“I guess it’s feeling of love at the sight of his smile? Like feeling all warm and fuzzy seeing him smile.”
“Is there someone who makes you feel that way with their smile?”
You swirl the udon with your chopsticks mindlessly for a moment. “Maybe there is.”
You look up to the pair of blue eyes staring back at you, holding the intense gaze firmly, neither side backing down to break the tension.
“Do I know him?” Kageyama falters, a hint of anxiousness cracks in his voice.
“Since when were you so interested in my love life?” You laugh awkwardly, hoping to conceal your nervousness.
Despite the surrounding bustling chatter, the world suddenly falls painstakingly silent, with the irregular beats of two young hearts thumping deafeningly and out of rhythm.
The raven-haired boy succumbs first, looking back down to his half empty bowl. You continue swirling your bowl of udon, mentally slapping yourself at your answer and cracking your head to come up with something to save the mood.
“Well, I could help to scan him for you, if you want. Boys know boys better after all,”
You snap back up to look at the boy seated across you, eyes not meeting yours. This is a surprise.
“Plus, you can save the tears and snot to yourself because I might not be free to attend to your midnight crying sessions. If it really happens.”
A surge of warmth radiates throughout your body at his words. Definitely not from the hot bowl of udon.
Kageyama still has his eyes on the bowl before him, looking anywhere else but you. He tries to keep himself busy by scooping more rice, groaning as he further destroys the onsen tamago, unaware of the faint blush painting his cheeks. Definitely not from the hot bowl of curry, too.
“Don’t worry, he isn’t a jerk. I’m sure you’ll like him too.” You chuckle, adjusting your chopsticks to pick up more udon.
Oh, Kageyama Tobio, what exactly should I do with you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽.* :☆゚. ───
Scroll. Refresh. Switch apps. Repeat. Sigh.
You’ve been stuck in this constant loop for the past hour. Instead of getting much needed sleep for the next day, you subject yourself to the chains of the device held in your hand, despite the drooping eyelids and strained arm muscles.
What’s so fascinating about social media anyway? If it’s not friends or random acquaintances posting sinful food pics of ootds, it’d be someone ranting about either their work or love life, or memes you’ve already seen before. Sometimes you wonder if you’ve been casted a spell by social media.
Crying out a yelp as the gadget lands right in your face at the slip of your hands, you massage your nose bridge and forehead from the impact, grimacing in pain. It’s not easy being a slave to social media, huh.
Tossing your phone to the side, you roll over to lie flat on your back, sprawled like a star fish on your bed. A long sigh escapes your lips, eyes staring blankly at the bare celling above. Maybe you should really call it a day.
A beep from your phone tells you otherwise.
Tobio [23:17]
I did it. You owe me one box of strawberry milk.
You immediately plop yourself up to sit cross-legged on your bed, tapping on the notification to open the message. As expected of Kageyama Tobio, it was a full-page picture of a book, with a small number 30 on the top left-hand corner. But unexpectedly of Kageyama Tobio too, the page wasn’t from those volleyball books or magazines stacked in the corner of his room. Looks like the mini ramble session you gave him on the way to the metro station worked.
“I know volleyball is the love of your life too, but we’re talking about your actual love life here! So no volleyball books or magazines, go rummage Miwa-san’s book shelf for one random romance novel. Just one. She’ll thank me for taking care of your love life.”
Sliding both your thumbs outwards on the screen to zoom in, your lips press together to form an ‘o’, brows arching in fascination at the first sentence.
She knows.
Your fingers dance across the screen swiftly.
me [23:20]
Ohhh interesting. See, it’s exciting, isn’t it?
Tobio [23:21]
I guess so
me [23:22]
Do you think it describes your love life well?
To actually imagine Kageyama Tobio having something that he loves as much as volleyball is, an odd and foreign feeling.
Tobio [23:24]
I’m not sure tbh
me [23:25]
Well spill the tea so I can help you analyse it
Tobio [23:25]
You swear you would throw punches at him if he was beside you now.
me [23:26]
Tsk tsk, so who’s the girl you’ve been hiding from me
Tobio [23:27]
Since when were you interested in my love life?
The use of your own words against you has you clicking your tongue in amusement.
You were contemplating between a civil or sarcastic remark when a new message bubble pops up.
Tobio [23:29]
But do you think she knows?
me [23:30]
About what?
Tobio [23:31]
Nvm, forget what I said
Seriously? This conversation is by no means, ending like this. You tap on the video icon on the right-hand corner of the screen hastily.
It takes a few rings for the familiar face to appear on screen, face a little too close to the camera, brows furrowed, lips pursed.
“What the heck, do you know what time it is?” Kageyama huffs in annoyance, running his fingers through his dishevelled black hair.
“Says the one who sent me such juicy information at this hour.” You bend your legs up, resting your hand on your knees for a better angle.
He throws his head back exasperatedly, muttering something inaudible along the static noise from the speakers, resting his head on a wooden frame you recognise. He still hasn’t changed his bed that he has long outgrown, complaining about soreness in his legs and arms that dangle off the edge every night.
“How do you expect me to go to bed with you hanging me like this? You have the worst timing ever.” You raise your hands in protest.
Kageyama buries half of his face in his palm. “I shouldn’t have listened to you.”
“But you get a box of strawberry milk from this! It’s worth it.” You gesture a finger gun to him knowingly.
He moves two fingers away from his face, peeking to see you through the screen like a child. Heaving a long, heavy sigh, he shifts his weight to sit up properly, half of his face still cradled in his palm.
“So, ‘she knows’, huh. Back to your question. What do you think she knows?” A tinge of excitement and fear bubble up your throat.
Kageyama avoids your gaze, looking to the side. “Well, I mean, about my, er- my feelings, I guess?”
“You mean your heart.”
The sentence has his eyes back on you, vivid blue eyes clouded by the shadows of dimly lit room.
“Yeah, uhm, well, I guess.” His voice trails off.
“Well, have you told her before?” You keep your voice steady.
“No, of course.” His words come out like a whisper.
“Then how is she going to know without any words or actions?” It comes out like a blunt statement, but somewhere deep down, a wave of relief washes over you.
“But I’m always there for her. Whenever she needs me, wherever she is, I try my best to be there for her,” Passionate flames ignite across the vast blue ocean. “I know something is on her mind when she bites the insides of her cheeks, when she flicks the tip of her thumb with her index finger constantly, or when she plays with the piercings on her ears. I’m not one with words, but I stay by her side when she needs me to, listening to her rambles or vents, or wiping away tears that stain her cheeks soft like mochi.
“I set notifications the night before to give her morning calls during her exams or important days because she tends to snooze the alarm on days like these. I always have extra band-aids ready on hand because she always somehow cuts and hurts herself, which hurts my heart too. Heck, I even learn ridiculous things that would be the death of me just for her, because nothing compares to the sparkle in her eyes when she flashes her precious smile, brighter than the sun that takes my breath away every time. I-”
Kageyama stops midway, face painted with horror as if he just let out a million-dollar secret. Panic flares in his eyes, mouth agape in incredulity as his body rigids, dumbstruck with terror by what rolled off his tongue so smoothly. You wonder if the line got disconnected because he turned into a static image, with a full-blown flustered look on his face.
You wave at the screen. “Tobio, you still there?”
It takes a few seconds for the raven-haired boy to snap back to his senses and regain his composure, coughing awkwardly in attempt to calm himself down. Small patches of blush blooming furiously on his cheeks peek out from his hands covering his mouth.
He looks cute.
No, he’s cute.
He’s always been cute.
“I- Er- Ye- Yeah, I’m still here.” Kageyama struggles to find words from his tad-larger-than-average vocabulary vault that has seem to disappear into thin air.
“Gosh, breathe Tobio, breathe. Come on, take a deep breath with me. One, two, three.”
He exhales deeply at the count of three with eyes shut close, hoping that all his jitters have been expelled away in the air.
“There you go. Feel better now?” Your lips tug up gently as the boy on the screen visibly relaxes, shoulders loosening from the tension, face free of creased lines.
He opens his eyes slowly, blinking a few times to adjust his vision before returning a soft smile to you. “Yeah, I do. Thanks.”
A tranquil silence blankets over the both of you. This time, the steady beats of two young hearts thump in tune like a metronome. Two young souls gaze at each other, basking in the calmness and comfort of the sincere warm smiles that felt so much like home; but too proud to admit they were like lovesick fools, brushing off the feelings that were screaming loudly to be heard, feelings that they were afraid to face.
“Do you think she knows?” It’s a genuine question, one that takes a mountain high of courage to come up with.
“I’m sure she does.” It’s a genuine answer, one that takes a of couple hundred meters of might to emerge from the deep ends of the sea to come up with.
And you both hope that you’re on the same wavelength.
“So back to square one. Who’s the girl?”
“None of your business.”
“Another piece of crap from you and I’ll leave without you at the metro station tomorrow.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽.* :☆゚. ───
When you reach the designated exit of the metro station the next day, a pair of eyes as blue as the day immediately catches your attention among the crowd, feet shuffling on its own accord towards them. As if there was a detector sensing your presence within him, the owner of the beautiful pair of orbs turns to you, raising a hand in greeting.
Kageyama gives you a smile, a smile that says, ‘I hope my smile makes you feel warm and fuzzy’.
You smile back at him, with a smile that says, ‘I hope you know that I know your heart’.
It’s hard to shake off the pride to be damned, but the two lovesick fools find themselves discarding it slowly, bit by bit with each step taken, together.
Kageyama is a creature of routine. He always has his day planned out in detail and hates it when it doesn’t go according to plan, or when something pops out of the blue. But there are a few which he can make exceptions for. So when he receives your text asking for dinner after his training session, he agrees in a heartbeat.
He felt his heart sink deeply in his guts when you said there was, indeed, someone who made you feel warm and fuzzy with their smile. But who was he to have his say when his status was merely just a close friend?
Miwa thought he had lost it when he barged into her room without notice that night, scanning her bookshelf for novels, specifically of the romance genre. It was more nerve-wrecking than retaking exams back in high school with Hinata while flipping through the pages, and it didn’t help much when he finally found the particular page, with the first line inked in black staring back at him in doubt.
He doesn’t know why he sent the picture of the page to you. What exactly was he expecting?
Worse, he doesn’t even know why he started blabbing about how he was always there for you, how much he cares for you, and how much you mean to him. It all just came out so naturally that he could actually score an A+ for impromptu speaking.
But when your eyes were filled with concern while calming him down instead of making fun of him or pestering him for more, something flutters in his mind. Maybe it was from the rush of adrenaline from before, or maybe it was his heart that had leaped out from his chest taking over. He brings up the question once again, with more confidence this time.
He knows you’re not one to lie with your eyes. And he sees the kindness and honesty in them.
A ray of hope flickers in him.
So today, Kageyama musters up every ounce of courage he has, and tells himself it’s now or never: to close the gap he has longed for so long between two hands that swayed side by side. Instead of retreating his hands away when they brush against yours, he curls the tip of his fingers with yours delicately, as if your fingers would melt at his touch.
He hopes that he made the right decision.
And when your fingers curl back, intertwined with his, he knows he has made the right decision, and that his question has been answered.
She knows.
And the fact that he’s the one behind the smile that makes you go all warm and fuzzy, he swears it feels like he could run for miles and miles without running out of breath, soaring even higher than the clouds in the skies. None of the perfect sets he has set in his lifetime could compare to the satisfaction and bliss he was feeling right now.
Because you had set his life ablaze the moment fate brought the both of you together, and you’re his end game.
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silverisbestboy · 4 years
Sonic Boom x Reader
Requested by @blackace1993: Conversation was accidentally deleted but from what I remeber of it, they wanted hc for the Sonic Boom characters who has a partner who frequently gets into trouble and/or captured by Eggman. They didn't specify which character they wanted so I just did all of them minus Tails. Hope you enjoy!
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There's no denying it
Sonic was smitten
The moment you set foot on the island Sonic was taken aback by you
To him, you were drop dead gorgeous with a great personality so I guess you could say it was love at first sight for him
This boy is a fool for you
It's actually quite funny watching him zip across the island at the slightest remark that you need something
"Man, you what? I'm feeling kind of hungry"
"Say no more!" He'll say as he zooms away and reappears seconds later with a chili dog in hand
But, unfortunately for you, being in any sort of relationship with Sonic is not wothout complication
Eggman sees you as a new oppurtunity to best Sonic and ends up taking you hostage on a regular basis
The first time it happens, Sonic all but destroys Eggman's fortress looking for you
But after it continuously happening, it starts getting kinda old
"Greeting Sonic! I see you've come to rescue your little girlfriend"
"Yeah, yeah. Can we just we just get to the part where I clobber you?"
It gets to the point where Sonic starts teaching you how to defend yourself so you can hold your own against Eggman
Not that he doesn't mind rescuing, it's just he can't always be there to protect
With the amount of times they've had to save you, the team are already very familiar with you and consider you apart of their friend group
But as you get better is self-defence, Sonic officially announces you as part of the team and you start joining them on missions
While Sonic does tend to stick to your side more than his other teammates during battle, he's glad to have you fighting alongside them
After all, he's happy to spend as much time with you as possible, even if that means having to bash Eggman's robots to do so
You're not a bad person
So what if you have anger issues
So what if you get into fights from time to time
So what if you've been in trouble with the cops before
Doesn't mean you're a bad person, it just means you've.... got some issues
One day you're not in the best mood and have already had a pretty shitty day, and you're just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode
So it's no wonder that when a big guy bumps into you and causes you to drop the tray of food you're holding, you go off on him
Unfortunately for you, this guy is huge, a tall red echidna with bulking arms that looks like he could punch you into next week
But you're not one to back down from a fight, you've beaten up guys twice your size before and you're not afraid to do it again
"Woah, hey, sorry about that, didn't see you there."
What, is he dense?! Who does this guy think he is barrelling into anyone he pleases just because he's big? You bet he was just gonna walk off without even helping you. Well, you'd show him!
Without warning, you lunged at the echidna with the intent of knocking him over the same way he almost did to you
But you underestimated his initial strength and reflexes and he caught you midair with your legs kicking and your hands clawing for his face
"Woah, dude chill! I said I was sorry!"
He just kinda holds you up in air at arms length with you kicking and screaming until you eventually tire yourself out
The echidna stares at you cautiously
"Are you good now?"
After a moment, you reluctantly nod, and he gently sets you back on your feet
He then carefully leans down without takong his eyes off you and grabs your burger which is still wrapped in foil and reaches it out to you
"How about we start over? I'm Knuckles."
You thought after that encounter, that was the last you'd see of him
But one day, you've gotten yourself into another fight, and to say you're losing would be an understatement
It's once again, a guy twice your size and he's absolutely beating the crap out of you
But by some miracle, Knuckles happens to be walking by and immediately notices you
He steps in to save you, and the guy you're fighting knows about Knuckles being part of Sonic's team and doesn't even bother attempting to fight him
Knuckles takes your half conscious body to Tails's work shop where they fix you up
After that, Knuckles refuses to leave you alone
Even if you try to leave, he always ends finding you to make sure you don't get into more trouble
He helps you find outlets for your anger by sparring and working out with him
You grow a soft spot for Knuckles that you'd never thought you'd have for anyone
He's your big goofball that somehow always manages to calm you down and get you out of whatever trouble your in
Though it's beyond you why anyone would want to put up with you, eespecially a lovable ray of sunshine like Knuckles, you're so grateful that you have someone like himin your life to keep you in check
A/N: Might make more hcs for that because I absolutely love the idea of big, strong goofball Knuckles having a little ball of pure rage as a partner.
Amy Rose:
Some would say you're a pacifist
Some would say you care too much
Some would say you're too nice
But you like to think that you're just trying to do good in the world
You're definitely the type of person that hates conflict and wants everyone to get along, and you're more often than not a bit of a pushover
You like to give people benefit of the doubt and prefer to see the good in people, although sometimes, this affects you negatively
A kindly looking (or at least in your opinion) wolf with a showman's top hat and a certain glint his eyes one day stops you in your tracks and asks you ever so politely if you would kindly lend him some money to help feed his family
Of course, you're quick to help, but little do you know that this is none other than T.W. Barker himself, and he's been watching you carefully for some time
He notices the way you jump at the oppurtunity to help someone in need, and he being a con man at heart, decides to take advantage of that
But before you can lend the man all the money you have in your pocket, a certain pink hedgehog decides to interfere
"Hey, you leave her alone Barker! Go find your own ATM machine!"
Amy Rose herself stands not far behind you, hammer in hand and ready for trouble
"N-now, now, let's not be too hasty. I was simply accepting a generous donation from this unsuspecting-- I mean self-less young lady."
"Yeah right. Beat it before I hammer you into next Tuesday, punk!"
You're in utter shock as the seeming wolf in sheep's clothing (pun intended) makes his escape
"Gotta look out for scumbags. Seems this village is getting more and more of them everyday. Anyways, I'm Amy, what's your name?"
Since then, Amy keeps a close eye on you to make sure you don't become prey to anymore scam artists
Now Amy will never admit she has anger issues, but she does get... irritated from time to time
On more than one occasion, you're there to help her calm down and have a sleepover planned or a spa day for when things get particularly rough for her
Whenever she needs help choosing which paint to redo her wall with, or which dress she should wear to a party, she calls you up, because no matter what you're interests are or how inconvenient the timing might seem, you're ready to help a friend, even with mundane things
Amy has you become a part of the Sonic family, and while you never do join them in battles, you help keep the peace between the team whenever there's an argument
And Amy always makes sure your overly caring attitude isn't being taken advantage of
No matter the time or the place, Amy knows she can always count on you, and you know she's always got your back
Well this is quite the predicament you've gotten yourself into
A lot of people would descibe you as clumsy, but you knew you just bad luck
And to prove just that, here you were dangling upside from a rope trap after deciding to take a liesure stroll through the forest
What are we, nomads? Who sets out traps in the middle of the woods anymore?!
After about 20 minutes, the blood is rushing to your head and you're starting to feel faint
But just as you think that your bad luck will finally be the end of you, figure bursts from the bushes with a fierce battle cry
It's a badger girl with a boomerang clutched in her paw, ready for a fight
But after a moment she realizes just who's gotten caught up in her trap
"Hey, what's the big idea?! Why're you in my snare?"
"Why am I in your snare? Why did you put out a snare you loon?!"
After about 5 minutes of arguing, Sticks reluctantly cuts you down, begrudgingly explaining that she set out a trap for any woodland monsters
You run into her again on another walk, crossing a small stream before tripping on one of the stepping stones and almost falling in before a furry arm wraps around your waist
"You outta be more careful out here. The wilderness is no place to be a klutz."
"Hey, I'm not a klutz. I just have bad luck is all."
And what more to gain the attention of a superstitious badger than the possibility of supernatural forces at play
"You could've been hexed by a witch. Or worse, there could be a vengeful spirit after you! We gotta get you an exorcist!"
"I'm fine, I'm just unlucky. Always have been always will be."
"We should still burn some sage in your home just to be sure."
You let Sticks do what she wants with you, after all, her superstitious perspective is a nice change from everyone just thinking your clumsy
You think her attempts to "cleanse" you are endearing, she tries something new everyday, and you end up learning a thing or two about survival and the corruptedness of politics from her
Weeks later, her attempts slowly dwindle down, and she just comes to accept she's just gonna have to keep an extra close eye on you, especially when she sets out booby traps
The time y'all have spent together, although it was somewhat motivated by Sticks not wanting to get whatever curse you exposed her to, lead to y'all having a close bond
Everyone has their quirks, she's paranoid and you're clumsy, but you two always manage to work things out
And that's the beauty of a relationship
A/N: Sorry I haven't been that active lately, so take this as an apology. Four hcs for the price of one!
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somersetmummy · 3 years
(A/N): This fic takes place immediately following book 1 chapter 11 (after being rescued by Sam from Sofia's closet). Not going to lie, I originally posted this monster fic (7000+ words) on Wattpad as a whole (my first fic, I didn’t know better!) so I’ve taken the opportunity to re-write and condense but thought it read better as two parts. 
Series/Pairing: The Nanny Affair (M!Sam Dalton x MC Katie Hide) 
Original characters - all property of PB: Katie Hide (MC), Sam Dalton, Mason & Mickey Dalton, Jenny Blake, Robin Flores (Part Two only)
New characters: (Present in Part Two) Serena-Rose Warren, Tessa Finch, Lucinda Hansen 
Rating/Content warning: 18+ Light sexual language
Word Count: 1880
Summary: Driving home together, Nanny Katie Hide and her boss Sam Dalton get a little hot and steamy after she receives an offer of a night out with the girls. 
Find Part Two here.
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Part One -
The companionable silence within the car provides a stark contrast to the chaos of rush hour on the streets outside. Sam leisurely meanders through the traffic seemingly taking care not to rush the journey, enjoying a rare opportunity for the two of them to steal a fleeting moment to themselves. With their fingers laced together resting on his thigh, as his other commands control of the steering wheel, she steals a lingering glance in his direction relishing in the flutters which catch in her stomach as he notices her watching him. His lips curl into a comfortable smile in reply of her unspoken affection and it takes all his might to keep his eyes on the road.  
In the footwell below her feet the distant hum of a phone, neglected in her bag, buzzing faintly to itself punctuates the quiet once again, as it has been for the last ten minutes. Tired of being ignored, the buzzing transforms into a piercing ring causing its owner to startle and refocus. Untangling her fingers from Sam's she reaches down to collect it, her frustration at being interrupted quickly forgotten when she sees her friend's name on the home screen.  
"Finally!! So you are alive!" Jenny squeals down the phone without restraint.  The smirk on Sam's face is unmissable as he recognises the shrill voice on the other end of the phone. Katie returns his glance with an eye roll of her own as she braces herself for an interrogation.
"Ok, ok I get it, I'm here now. What's up?"
"You need to ask that gorgeous boss of yours to give you Friday night off, we're taking you out and I won't take no for an answer! It's about time we had a girls night, we've barely seen you since you've been living it up with that sex god."
Katie winces hoping Sam hadn't heard that last bit, subtlety was never Jenny's strong suit. She knows she doesn't need to consider her answer, just thinking of how much she's missed her friends the last few months sparks a pang of guilt deep in heart. A night free from the drama of fiancés, stolen glances and torturous longing sounds perfect.
"That actually sounds great Jen, I'll try my best to come. Aren't we pushing it to get a spot at any of the good places though if we're leaving it this late..."
Jenny scoffs, feigning disbelief that Katie would think she didn’t already have a master plan. If she wasn’t her best friend she’d feel a little insulted.
"You don't think I'm already all over that?! And I mean literally, I've got Josh on the case for us and I definitely got all over that!" 
The smugness in her voice carries her words and Katie can't help but giggle as she pictures how her unabashedly forward friend would've convinced her current flavour of the month Joshua Demarco, to use his connections to get them access to the hottest new bar in town. She'd no doubt that while a few flutters of eyelashes and some kind words would have sufficed, it was more likely that Jen would have insisted on giving him something more in return. And that something would most definitely not have been PG. 
As the more outgoing and vocal half of their partnership, Jenny has always had a way of charming everybody she meets, her connection with people is effortless, something which Katie finds both admirable and terrifying. 
While some could argue that Katie too could charm and impress people effortlessly, she is undoubtedly more comfortable in the background, observing and understanding how things work before weighing in. She notices the details, picking up on key points of conversation, getting to know people on a personal level and drawing on their connections to help assert herself. Jen needed to be visible at all times, she was like the sun, drawing people in to her warmth and reflecting her own energy back at them in return. 
"I'll leave it with you then Jen, just text me with the details and I'll see if I can make it. And I don't mean the steamy details of you and Josh, you can save those to share with me over cocktails!" Sam's intensely brooding gaze falls upon her, no doubt trying to glue together the pieces of conversation he'd just overheard. She turns to him realising he probably already suspects there’s a further story to be told. They’d not yet shared much about their lives beyond the penthouse but he’d heard enough to know that she could be easily influenced by her impulsive friend. 
"Jen I'd better go, speak soon."
Returning the phone to the depths of her bag, she catches Sam's eye, his expression warm but curious, clearly waiting for her to elaborate.
"Would you mind if I took the night off on Friday? Jen's asked if I can meet her and some friends, we haven't seen each other for ages...."
Unsure where the feeling comes from, the urge to say more rushes over her like a wave crashing on the shore. It’s the same as the feeling of nervousness she had that night a few weeks ago at the diner, almost like first date nerves. Perhaps, she realises,  they’ve resurfaced because her whole life has been tangled with his for the last few months, she's not really sure how to break out of it and step back into her own, or whether he'll let her. 
"Obviously I'll make sure I get the boys dinner sorted, the place tidy, laundry done and get them to bed before I head out....and I won't stay out late, I wouldn't want to cause any disruption....unless you've got any pressing work or meetings which means you'll be home late... I can cancel, I know it's short notice..."
"Woah, who are you, Cinderella?!"
The mirth in his tone instantly relaxes her as she realises he's only teasing. While attempting, and failing, to look defiant her nose inevitably crinkles, unable to contain the laughter bubbling to the surface at the silliness of her outburst. He leans over gently resting his hand on her knee to placate her, stroking her delicate skin with his thumb.
"Of course you should go out with your friends."
"Definitely." He continues, "as much as I would love to keep you to myself I know that you have a life of your own to live too and you, more than anyone, deserve to go out and enjoy yourself."
Sweeping his hand into her own, she gracefully brings it to her lips, tickling featherlight kisses along his knuckles.
"Thank you....but I don't know that you'd really want me to let my hair down if you knew how our girls nights usually play out..."
A wicked smile casts on her lips as she looks at him from under her long eyelashes, she continues to caress his hand, her lips teasing his skin with every word. He struggles to keep his eyes on the road, his mind racing with the many possible indiscretions which he imagines could take place on girls night, especially with Jenny at the helm. The visions in his mind entrance him and he can't decide whether he wishes he was part of them, or that she wasn't.
"I see, a bit of an every man for himself situation is it?!" 
He pulls her hand over to his lap where he secures it on his thigh under his own. His hope that by keeping his hand on hers he can keep her grounded to him before losing her to the inhibitions of the impending night out.
"Let's just say it'll be a hot mess of short skirts, high heels, cocktails and getting sweaty on the dance floor."
Realising that the car has come to a stop at a red light she turns to Sam looking him straight in the eye as she slides her hand brazenly up his thigh. She can feel his pants straining to contain what's growing within them while his chest visibly rises and falls more rapidly, struggling to control the pulsing hunger running through him. 
"But don't worry, we usually only break a few hearts".
Unable to restrain himself any longer, he launches across the centre console, holding her head in his hands and devouring her mouth with his hungry wet lips. She lets herself fall deeply into his kiss, smiling against him as she thinks to herself that she should ask for time off more often.
The light turns to green and then red again, disgruntled drivers behind sounding their horns in annoyance as the immaculate silver Audi blocks their path, but neither occupant notices as they loose themselves in one another.
Her gentle hands press against Sam's muscular chest, marvelling in the ripples beneath her fingers, before sliding them up into his hair pulling him deeper into the kiss. He keeps one hand firmly at the back of her neck, anchoring her to him while the other roams down the curves of her body, his thumb tweaking a now erect nipple before grasping at her hip.
Intruding on their entanglement, the sound of the in-car phone system echoes around the plush detailing of the car, with 'Home' appearing on the display. Breaking apart in surprise, they finally catch a breath. Sam rests his forehead intimately against hers as he gives the voice command to answer the call and Mason's innocent voice pours out of the speakers.
"Hey dad, are you gonna be home soon? We're staaarving." It's impossible for Katie not to break into a smile as she thinks about the boys at home with Carter, no doubt teaching him all sorts of tricks which she'd never let them get away with. Sam notices her thoughtful smile and matches it with his own as their minds work as one imaging the same scene. Their eyes once again meet as they resign themselves to the intimate moment being lost, instead committing it to memory to recall again when the urge to immerse themselves in thoughts of each other inevitably come to call.
"Yeah buddy, I've just picked up Katie and we're heading home now."
The smile in Mason's voice is evident as his tone becomes more upbeat. 
"Oh great, Katie's with you?...Hey Katie!"
"We missed you today, why'd you have to spend the day with Suck...I mean with Sofia anyways?!" Mickey interrupts, his fear of missing out pushing him to insert himself in the conversation.
Sam and Katie stifle their giggles at Mickey's slip of the tongue, aware of the microphone above their heads. Sam places a soft kiss on Katie's forehead before pulling away begrudgingly as she in turn adjusts her position, smoothing over her now crumpled skirt. 
"Hi boys, I missed you too. I was just helping her with some grown up work stuff, definitely not as fun as a day with you monkeys though.”
Much to the relief of the drivers behind them, Sam's already breezing through the now green light towards the penthouse, this time with more urgency as the sky above begins to melt into dusk.  
"How about your dad and I pick up some pizza on our way back...."
Without even a moments hesitation the twins excited voices burst through the speakers once again.
Tag List:  @shewillreadyou @txemrn @silma-words @thefrenchiemama @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @fanjessfic
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
Fallin’ All In You (Pt. 44)
Title: Fallin’ All In You (Pt. 44)
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​​
Words: 3,203
Warnings: mentions of blood, gore, torture, fighting
Tags: @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​, @two-unbeatable-beaters​, @randomness501​, @sevvysaurus​, @paryl​, @fioccodineveautunnale​, @talesfromtheguild​, @secretsihideinside​
Author Notes: So oddly enough I loved writing this one. Alexi makes a reappearance and our boys go out a rescue mission for our girl. I wanted to show that even if you’re trained for this type of stuff it can still get to you. This will be more explored next chapter.
Gif Credit: Google and @a-gent-galahad​
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                       Pain bloomed in your skull as a large beefy hand grasped a handful of your hair and yanked backwards. You gritted your teeth as your neck was extended backwards at an unnatural angle. The stench of tobacco and meat assaulted your nose and you grimaced in disgust. Cracking open your right eye that wasn’t swollen shut you stared into the green orbs of Alexi as he smirked at you.
           “Вот этот красивый глаз. Держите его открытым, драгоценный. Ты не можешь заснуть на мне.” (There's that pretty eye. Keep it open precious one. Can't have you falling asleep on me.) he says tauntingly and you smirk softly feeling the scabbed over cut on your bottom lip open up again at the movement.            
           “Моя компания скучна, я ничего не могу поделать.” (My company is boring I can't help it.) you respond in a low raspy voice. You can feel the bruises around your neck as your vocal cords work underneath the skin.
           “Скучно ли я? Позвольте мне показать вам скучный драгоценный.” (Boring am I? Let me show you boring precious one.) comes Alexi’s harsh words and suddenly your world goes dark not being able to get out of the way of the right hook he landed on the side of your temple.
             You don’t know how long you’re out this time but suddenly you’re awake and pain is coursing through you as you feel something being clamped onto your middle finger nail on your left hand. Your fingers flinch and try to move away from the uncomfortable sensation but it’s no use since they had tied your wrists against the arms of the chair that you’re sat in. The Russians had figured out very quickly how capable you were at fighting and effectively subdued you. You try shifting in the chair away from the figure in front of you as you feel the clamp coming down harder on your fingernail.
           “Нет, ни один драгоценный не двигайся. Просто оставайся на месте, я хочу, чтобы тебе было больно.” (No, no precious one don't move. Just stay still I want this to hurt you.) you hear Alexi’s voice intone to you softly as his large hand comes up to cradle the right side of your head and you jerk backwards from his hand. He growls deeply at your movement and harshly claps his hand to the right side of your neck and yanks you forward. Your right eye opens slightly to look at him and he grins evilly at you. “И тебе будет больно.” (And it will hurt you.)
           You gasp softly as the clamp on your fingernail jerks away pulling the fingernail with it. Pain has become your home ever since the Russians have captured you, what with Alexi’s numerous visits to you. You figured you have a swollen black left eye, a broken nose, and now the ripped off finger nail. But through all that pain that he’s inflicted already the pain receptors are still firing in your body making the pain known.
           “Такой хороший маленький драгоценный для меня. Не волнуйся, я тебя пока не убью. Не тогда, когда у нас есть два агента, которых ваше агентство захочет вернуть.” (Such a good little precious one for me. Don't worry I won't kill you yet. Not when we have two agents that your agency will want back.) Alexi said in a hushed tone as he continued to cradle your head in his palm. You silently listened to him knowing he was speaking about Comm10, and it wasn’t the first time Alexi had mentioned the communications agent. You were hoping that since the Russian kept mentioning him that the Statesman agent was still alive.
           “Они не будут искать нас, если вы так думаете. Мы не так важны.” (They won't come looking for us if that's what you think. We aren't that important.) you respond nonchalantly as you stare up at Alexi.
           “О, не правда драгоценный. Они уже ищут тебя и твоего товарища. Мы надеемся, что они скоро найдут нас, чтобы у нас было больше агентов, с которыми можно было бы поторговаться.” (Oh not true precious one. They're already looking for you and your comrade. We're hoping they'll find us soon so that we'll have more agents to bargain with.) Alexi says back as he shifts back away from you and you feel him clamp down on another fingernail and your body tenses knowing what’s coming next. You try to focus more on his words wondering if Jack had insisted on searching for you. Maybe him and Tequila were leading the rescue. You want to say something back to Alexi but you feel as if now is not the time. “Жаль, что к тому времени, когда они найдут тебя, ты умрешь. Не правда ли, драгоценный?” (Too bad by the time they find you you'll be dead. Isn't that right precious one?) he surmises as he rips another fingernail out of your hand making you gasp in pain. Your head lulls forward as you try to will the pain away promising yourself that once you’re free from this restraints Alexi will feel your wrath and fury.
             You’re woken again from a light sleep as one of Alexi’s lackeys is roughly removing you from the chair you’ve been sat in for lord knows how long. You weakly wonder how long you have been captured by the Russians. Time has melded together to the point that you just count the time by when you’re conscious and when you’re not. You grunt softly as a hard shoulder is thrust into your stomach and you’re flung over a sturdy back like a sack of potatoes.
           “Не причиняй ей слишком много боли. Я хочу, чтобы она проснулась от этого. Я хочу наконец услышать эти красивые крики.” (Don't hurt her too much yet. I want her awake for this. I want to finally hear those pretty screams.) comes Alexi’s voice from somewhere in the room. You don’t bother trying to find him in the room, you’re trying to save your energy to survive the torture you know doubt he’ll enact on you today. You’re just hoping it’s not the waterboarding again, that one gave you nightmares for a while as you sat in the chair. Pity because you had always loved the water, but now it was tainted.
           Just then you feel a second pair of hands grasp yours and hold them together while you feel a rope begin to wrap around them. You halfheartedly struggle to get away but you know it’s only for show and you conserve your energy. Your right eye is the only one able to open as you’re shifted off the shoulder and onto your feet with your hands held above your head by the rope. Groaning softly you’re lifted high enough that the sole of your boots are just touching the floor and you’re able to brace yourself against the ground. After being sat in a chair for what has felt like days your knees are a little weak and you’re thankful for the support of the rope around your wrists.
           You can see Alexi step closer to you and he smirks at you as his large hand comes around to grip your chin forcing your head to look head on at him. Gritting your teeth you stare at him with indifference.
           “О, дорогой, если бы ты только посмотрел на меня так, как я хочу. Мы могли бы так повеселиться вместе.” (Oh precious one if only you'd look at me like I want you to. We could have so much fun together.) he says softly as he tugs your face forward and plants a soft kiss your bruised and split lips. You open your mouth to try and take a bite out of him and he jerks back with a tsk as he stares at you with amazement. “Так много веселья, драгоценный.” (So much fun precious one.)
           “Ешь дерьмо.” (Eat shit.) comes your swift response and suddenly your head is reeling back as Alexi throws a punch straight at you. You gasp as your head flings backwards and you blink your right eye trying to clear the black dots dancing in your vision.
           “Ты заплатишь за то, что говоришь со мной таким образом. О, дорогой, я бы хотел, чтобы ты этого не делал.” (You will pay for speaking to me that way. Oh precious one I wish you hadn't done that.) he said as he stepped away from you and you moved your head forward again. You scrunched your nose slightly and groaned softly as you felt the pain blossom in your face. Your nose was broken again, great. The sound of metal against metal caught your attention and you looked over to where Alexi had stepped back to. Your eyes widened slightly and you quickly curbed the reaction as your eyes took in the metal table with a slew of weapons splayed out on it. You noticed your brass knuckles, a metal bat, an assortment of knives and a 9 millimeter Glock. Alexi was gently running his fingers over your brass knuckles and you stared coldly at him. “Это будет хорошо, если ты получишь послушание. Тебе не кажется ироничным, что я использую твоё собственное оружие на тебе?” (These will do just fine to gain some obedience from you. Don't you think it ironic that I'll use your own weapons on you?) he asked lightly and smirked at you evilly.
           You waited as you watched him slide the brass knuckles over his fingers and step up to you. He smirked wickedly before he let his fists fly. Your grunts were heard after each punch that landed. You could feel each impact and when his fists reached your ribs you hissed as felt a few of them giveaway under the force.
           “Вы знаете, что они должны научить вас переживать пытки, потому что я пока не смог вас сломить, драгоценный. Мне будет почти грустно в тот день, когда я сломаю тебя.” (You know they must train you to survive torture because I have not been able to break you yet precious one. I will almost be sad the day that I do break you.) he said close to your face and you gritted your teeth before rearing your head back and slamming it into his face. Alexi howled in pain and you smirked tauntingly at him as blood began to flow from your forehead and the corner of your mouth.
           It wasn’t until Alexi had lowered his volume when you heard, the distant blast of a shot gun. Your body shifted to the side and you strained your ears trying to listen for it again. When it came again you felt like crowing with triumphant, that was Tequila’s shotgun. Unfortunately Alexi heard it also. Your brief relief that Tequila was here was snatched from you as you watched Alexi grab the metal bat from the table near him. You watched him warily as he stalked closer to you.
           “Я не отдам тебя так легко, драгоценный. Если они заберут тебя обратно, они вернут тебя на куски.” (I will not give you up so easily precious one. If they are to take you back then they will take you back in pieces.) he growled out as he stalked closer and then swung the bat into your stomach. Groaning lowly you tried to pull your knees up from the floor to protect yourself. As you lifted your right leg Alexi swung his bat and connected with your knee cap. A scream tore from your throat and you felt yourself teetering on the edge of consciousness suddenly. “Там это драгоценный! Кричи за меня!” (There it is precious one! Scream for me!) Alexi shouted with glee as he swung back to take another swing. You shut your eyes in agony as you wait for the bat to connect with your knee cap. Once it did another scream erupted into the air and Alexi laughed delighted. Your head fell forward as your body went into numb shock. Your knee throbbed in pain but you didn’t feel it any longer, your body was going into survival mode again and trying to protect you.
           Suddenly you saw Alexi swing back again but then a deafening blast rang through the air and your head shot up to see Tequila standing in the doorway with his shotgun raised. Alexi was leaning against the metal table with all the weapons and clutching his chest staring at Tequila in shock.
           “Get away from her.” Tequila commanded harshly and you almost wept in relief. He was here.
           “Вы не говорите мне, что делать мудак.” (You don't tell me what to do asshole.) Alexi responded as he shifted from the table to move closer to Tequila. He was still holding the bat as he advanced on Tequila. Another gun blast rang through the air and you watched as Alexi fell to his knees and then slumped on the floor.
           “I don’t speak Russian dipshit.” Tequila said harshly as he swung his shotgun in his hands before quickly moving over to you. “Hey Cur, I gotcha sweetheart. Lord have mercy what did they do to ya?” he hushed to you as suddenly you sobbing and gasping for air. The relief that he had come to rescue was overwhelming your body and taking over. Uncontrollable sobs wracked your body as you began to fight against your restraints. “Easy, easy sweetheart.” Tequila tried to calm you down as he hurriedly undid your restraints. When you felt the rope come loose your whole body slumped forward and your hands came down on Tequila’s biceps to catch yourself. You whimpered in pain as your weight fell on your shattered kneecap and you almost tumbled out of Tequila’s arms. “Easy sweetheart.” He said softly as he wrapped his arms around you. “Once we get you out of here we’ll get medical but let’s get you out first.” Tequila explained softly.
           “Did you get Comm10?” you asked softly as you slowly calmed down.
           “Don’t worry we got ‘im Cur. He’s save and out of here.” Tequila responded easily as he began to step away from you to lead you out of the room. You took a step and whimpered in pain as you felt yourself collapsing. “Shit Cur.” Tequila said softly as he caught you quickly.
           “He shattered my knee cap I’m pretty sure.” You explained and Tequila stared at you in shock. “Yeah I know, shitty day at work.” You tried to lighten the mood and Tequila chuckled softly as he shook his head. He then swept you up into his arms easily and moved to the door. “Wait get me the Glock in case anyone is out there waiting for us.” Tequila moved back to the metal table and you quickly swiped the Glock.
           But it seems like your concern for other waiting for you outside the room was unwarranted as the two of you stepped out into the hall. There were bodies everywhere. Most with gunshots littering their bodies but quite a few were cut in half and you instantly knew it was because of Jack’s electric lasso.
           As Tequila turned a corner you both came upon the sight of Jack fighting a Russian lackey with his electric lasso. The lackey didn’t stand a chance and was quickly put down by the senior agent. You watched as Jack panted as he kept his back to you.
           “Jack?” you called out softly feeling your voice rasp against your throat. He didn’t turn to you and you watched as his body tensed again readying for another fight. “Whiskey!” you called out again and Jack turned to look over his shoulder at you and Tequila. You watched as his eyes focused on you and instantly he was calmed. He began rushing over to you carelessly stepping over the bodies in his way and you motioned for Tequila to set you down.
           Jack’s arms came around you and tugged you close to his body crushing you to him. You huffed out a breath and wrapped your arms up under his shoulder blades and your hands gripped over his shoulders. Tears fell from your eyes and you gasped in air as you embraced him. There were times when you were sat in that damn chair that you wondered if you would ever see Jack again.
           “They said they killed you.” He whispered to you as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. “They said they killed you and I saw red.”
           “They tried.” You joked softly as you gasped on a choking breath. Jack’s watery chuckle echoed in your ears and you gripped him tighter.
           “We have to go you two.” Tequila said softly and you nodded as you began to pull away from Jack who loosened his grip on you. You stepped back and groaned softly as you gripped Jack’s biceps tightly. He was instantly surveying you with concerned eyes.
           “My knee they shattered my knee.” You gritted out from clenched teeth as you tried to breathe through your nose. Jack nodded and swept you up into his arms before following Tequila out of the Russian base that they were keeping you in. You let your body relax in Jack’s arms and your head fell against his shoulder. Easily you fell into a deep sleep letting your mind and body slowly relax as you knew Jack would take care of you.
             Jack quickly put the jet in autopilot and stood from the controls nodding to his copilot before moving out of the cockpit towards the back of the plane where you, Tequila, Comm10 and two other agents were sitting together. As he entered the back area and he heard Tequila talking to Comm10 as the other two agent sat typing on laptops and setting up a recording system so that they could debrief Comm10. His eyes trailed away from Tequila and spotted you laying on one of the couches asleep with a light blanket splayed over your body.
           “Is she going to be okay?” came Comm10’s question as Jack moved over to them.
           “From what I could tell she’s got a few broken bones that they’re probably going to have to reset which is going to be painful and I’m pretty sure her knee is going to be permanently damaged. But she’ll live. She’s a tough cookie.” Tequila explained as they all looked over to you.
           “You know they talked about her whenever they would come to me and ask questions. They would always say that she’s unbreakable, wouldn’t give up any info even with all the shit they put her through. And they put her through shit. They got a kick outta tellin’ me what their leader was doing to her.” Comm10 said shaking his head as he looked at you. “She came to rescue me and they pretty much threw her in a blender every time.”
           “She did her job, she got us to you. She’ll survive this.” Jack said firmly.
           “Yeah Whiskey and I will make sure of it. Won’t we Whisk?” Tequila asked affectionately as he looked up at Whiskey who stood not far from him.
           “Of course we will.” Jack said resolutely nodding his head. Tequila smiled softly at the older man and nodded his head.
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The Trials of Emi
Pairing: A little Minho. A sprinkle of Frypan. Gally x Emi(OC)
Summary: Emi, her twin brother Thomas, and a small group of gladers had been rescued and taken to a safe haven. Or so it seemed. It doesn't take long for Thomas to realize something is wrong. What happens next is a true trial for all of them but Emi's trials began the moment she was ripped away from a dying Gally. Watching someone you love die right before your eyes truly takes a toll.
Finally meeting the right arm could have been the end but betrayal leads to even more chaos and loss. A new mission to rescue those taken from them leads them to a city. The last city. After Emi finally comes to terms with everything that's happened something unfolds that changes everything again. She will have to not only deal with helping her brother take down WCKD and save their friend but also deal with all the new problems in her head and her heart.
Rating: As of right now it’s at most PG13. Some strong language that’s about it but it could change.
(This is the 2nd part/book to my other story "The Maze trials: A Gally Fanfiction". This will cover the events of the scorch trails and the death cure.)
Chapter Thirteen
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Newt and I worked together to torch the door to the compartment open. Thomas was the first to push threw the door. Newt and I were quick to follow behind him. Harriet was close behind me.
"Aris" Thomas whispered then moved to a seat near the front.
"Hey, you guys okay?" Thomas questioned.
I stepped up behind Newt so I could see both Aris and Sonya sitting there chained to their seats.
"We're fine" Sonya nodded.
Thomas slowly continued towards that back. We all looked around at each of the faces hoping to find one in particular.
"It's okay, you guys are safe. Just hang on some more." Thomas said softly as he walked towards the back of the compartment.
"We need the bolt cutters." I heard Harriet say behind me.
Thomas stopped when he reached the back wall then slowly turned to face me and Newt.
"He's not here," Thomas said in disbelief.
"Shit" I whispered.
Newt and Thomas made their way out of the compartment while I stayed inside to help Harriet cut open all the chains. Once the kids were all free Harriet and two others led them outside to meet with Vince. I caught up with Thomas.
"What now?" I asked him quietly as we both watched the kids pass us by.
"I have no idea." He sighed.
"We'll figure something out," I whispered.
"Come on in you guys!" I heard Vince shout from around the corner.
Thomas and I stepped to the corner of the building so we could watch Vince speak to the new arrivals.
"Alright guys, listen up. I know you've all been threw hell. I wish I could say our troubles are over. We're not threw this yet. WCKD is still out there. They're not giving up. You got something they want. They took you because you're immune to a plague that's wiping out the human race. They think you're worth sacrificing to find a cure. Well, I don't." Vince spoke like the true leader he was.
The kids in front of him cheered and applauded.
"So in two days when we get this tub of rust seaworthy, we're gonna go to a place where WCKD will never find you. A place you can start over. A place you can call home." Vince continued.
Thomas turned away to head back up the path. I took one last look at Vince then quickly followed behind my brother. We walked between two of the old buildings. Thomas slowed for a moment as he caught sight of Brenda and Jorge then continued on. We walked into a room where Newt, Harriet, Aris, And Sonya were sitting. Sonya was attempting to clean the dry blood from Aris' face.
"Here drink this" Harriet said handing two cups to Sonya and Aris.
Thomas and I joined Newt to sit across from the two we'd just rescued. Fry was standing behind me. Aris took a slow sip of his drink then turned to look at Thomas.
"Took you guys long enough to rescue us," Aris said with a smile.
"It's good to see you too bud." Thomas chuckled.
"So what happened?" Thomas asked gesturing to Aris' face.
"I fought back. Tried to anyway." Aris shrugged.
"You're lucky you found us at all. They had us on the move a lot. I feel like something big was happening." Sonya said.
"Any idea where they were heading?" Newt asked them.
"All I know is they kept talking about a city," Aris said.
"I didn't think there were any cities left," Harriet said glancing at me.
"That's because there aren't. Not still standing anyway." Brenda said from behind us.
I hadn't even realized she followed us in here.
"Okay, wait, what about Minho? Why wasn't he on the train?" Thomas asked Aris.
Aris and Sonya shared a look of sadness and fear before turning back to us.
"I'm sorry Thomas. He was." Aris said slowly.
Thomas was immediately in a hurried frenzy as he dug threw some of the boxes of our supplies. He had gathered a small group of us in one of the makeshift storerooms. I stood between Newt and Fry as we watched Thomas searching for something. Vince, Jorge, and Brenda stood on the other side of the table watching Thomas as well. A few minutes passed when Thomas finally pulled something out of a box. He turned around slamming it down on the table. We all stepped closer to see an old discolored map. One area on it was circled. Thomas pointed to the circle.
"There that's it," Thomas said.
He smoothed out the map so we could all see it better.
"It's a few hundred miles. Based on the railways and everything that Aris told us that's gotta be where they're heading. That's where they're taking Minho. We take everyone that can fight. Follow the roads where we can. We can make it back in around a week." Thomas explained.
"A week? It took us six months to get here. We've got over a hundred kids here now. We can't just hang out here forever. After what we just pulled? You wanna wander off to some random point on the map? You don't even know what's there." Vince said sternly.
"I do," Jorge spoke up.
Everyone in the room turned to look at him.
"It's been a few years but I've been there. The last city. That's what WCKD called it." Jorge continued as he walked closer to the table.
"It was their home base of operations. If that city is still standing that's the last place you wanna go Hermano. That's the lion's den." Jorge said pointing at the map.
"It's nothing we haven't done before," Thomas said simply.
"Yea, with months of planning, reliable information, and the element of surprise. None of which we have now." Vince informed Thomas.
"Vince, I've thought this threw can you just hear me out?" Thomas asked quickly.
Vince raised his voice finally losing his cool with Thomas.
"Hey! The last time we went off half-cocked I lost everything! You remember that?" Vince shouted in Thomas' face.
Vince sighed then took a deep breath before continuing.
"Look, I know it's Minho. Alright? But you can't ask me to put those kids on the line for one man. I won't do it." Vince said in a calmer voice but he was still stern.
Vince and Thomas stared at each other. I glanced back at Fry who had been silently standing behind me. He gave me a knowing look. I had a feeling he knew what Thomas was going to do just like I did. The radio sitting against the wall started to crackle as distorted voices tried to speak threw it. The words were chopped here and there but we all knew what it meant.
"Shit. Get the lights." Thomas said quickly.
Every one of us scrambled to get where we needed to be. Jorge was quick to pull the lever and cut the power. Fry and I ran to the other side of the building to check everything had went out. Our whole base was now dark as the sound of aircrafts could be heard in the distance.
"They can't be that close," I whispered as Fry and I listened to the distant sounds.
I walked away from him to go outside where I found Thomas standing alone. I went over to him then turned to look in the direction he was. The aircrafts were searching the mountains in the distance. They really were getting close to us.
"You alright?" I asked Thomas.
"Fine," he said simply then walked away from me.
I knew immediately that he wasn't fine. I knew he was going to try to run off to that city even if he had to do it alone but he wasn't going to go alone. I wouldn't let that happen. I ran back inside to find Newt and Fry. They were both trying to gather things up in the dark.
"Boys, you know what we gotta do right?" I asked them.
Both boys stopped to look at me. They both held up a bag as they smiled.
"Already on it love," Newt said.
After we packed everything we needed into the bags the three of us silently went off to where the jeeps were parked.
"You two go ahead and get in. I'll wait for Tommy." Newt said as he went to lean against a table.
Fry and I climbed into the jeep. Fry took the driver seat while I climbed into the passenger seat. We sat in darkness waiting for my brother to try to sneak off by himself.
“You really up for this?” Fry asked me quietly.
“Of course I am. He’s my brother. I’m not gonna let him do anything this stupid by himself.” I chuckled softly.
“Not gonna lie I’m a little terrified but you’re right. I can’t let him, you, or Newt do this without me.” He said softly.
He grabbed the wheel then tightened his hands around it until his knuckles were white. I reached over then pulled one of his hands off the wheel. He looked at me as I wrapped both my hands around his. He gave me a small smile then seemed to relax in his seat. It wasn't long until we heard the footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Where do you think you're going then?" Newt asked through the darkness.
Thomas stopped in his tracks. Newt turned on the lamp that was on the table next to him.
"Newt" Thomas said quietly.
"Don't be a twat about it. I'm already in. Come on." Newt said as he took the bag from Thomas.
Newt walked over to the jeep then opened the back door to toss in the bags.
"No, no, not this time. Look, even if we find Minho there's no guarantee we'll make it back from this." Thomas told Newt.
Newt chuckled softly as he leaned against the jeep.
"Right, then you need all the help you can get," Newt said.
He turned then pulled open the front driver door. Fry leaned forward against the steering wheel as I leaned over his back so Thomas could see me. Thomas smiled but scoffed.
"Well, we started this together. May as well end it that way too." Newt told him.
"Okay, let's go get him back," Thomas said with a small smile.
I jumped into the back seat with Newt as Thomas took my spot. Fry pulled out slowly trying to make as little noise as he could.
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thegingertrekkie · 5 years
Lost in a Dream World
Part 7: onwards to the edgelands
Note: part 6 is nsfw and is located in my Ao3. Link below
By the time you and Iida make it back Midoriya and Uraraka have already broken down camp and are ready to go. Todoroki and his horse are gone much to your relief. You didn't want to has a the grumpy Prince today, not after that all nighter you pulled with Iida. You glanced at the knight and he avoided eye contact, causing you to frown. There seemed to be a pattern of this. You glanced at Midoriya who also avoided your gaze, then over at Uraraka you smiled at you and waved. She was a ray of sunshine.
"The Prince went ahead to gather supplies. He didn't want (Y/n) to know the castles location..." Midoriya said to Iida, handing him a pack and a canteen.
"That's for the best. They were able to make contact with their world last night and their... Bakugou" Iida said the name as if it physically hurt him and the others flinched. "I broke their tiny mirror so there will be no more contact with that monster"
Midoriya looks conflicted, but Uraraka starts pouting "You broke the magic mirror? Not cool Iida!" She crosses her arms and huffs.
You pull out your phone and the cracked screen glows faintly. Even though it works, your battery is dying. It would be useless soon, but you shove it into your bag anyway. Once all the supplies are gathered and distributed throughout the ground you start along the path. If what Iida said last night was true you should be at the edge of the kingdom before dark. After that you would have to travel alone. The thought of it scared you. You had only been in this world two days and you've been rescued three times.
The sound of a horse brought you back from your thoughts and you looked up to see Todoroki pull up beside your group. His white horse was pulling a small cart of supplies. "Let's hurry. It should only be a two hour walk to the Edgelands" Todoroki's voice was monotone and it made you uneasy.
"The Edgelands?" Midoriya squeaked "We can't leave (Y/n) there! We were going to take her to the merchant's path!"
"My Prince they'll die in the Edgelands alone!" Uraraka exclaimed, wrapping her arms around yours.
"Surely we can get them escort them to merchant's path by the end of the day!" Iida said, his hand making a chopping motion in the air.
"I don't want them on my land any longer than necessary." Todoroki responded without looking at them "If they are strong they will survive. I brought them enough supplies to make the journey."
Your stomach dropped and you looked at the mountain of supplies in the cart. "All of this?" You squeaked
"It should just be enough, if you're smart." Todoroki still didn't look at you, but you saw him grip the horse's reins so tightly his knuckles were white. "Be lucky that I am being so generous"
You couldn't tell if he was serious. Did he want you to die in some horrible way? The rest of your group had grim expressions, their faces were pale. Uraraka squeezed your arm. You walked in silence, mind racing, wondering what was in store for you. Todoroki slowed and motioned for everyone to stop. Were you there already. "Come out beast" Todoroki' s voice was calm but commanding.
"That's not very nice..." A looming figure appeared before you.
Iida had his hand on his weapon and Uraraka screamed, holding you tightly. You couldn't help but smile nervously. "Shoji!"
Todoroki and Shoji looked at you surprised and the taller boy cocked his head to the side. "You know me?" He asked, pointing to himself with one of his hands, another arm turning into a mouth to speak.
Uraraka screamed again and you pulled your arm away from her. Midoriya shot you a look and then gazed at the six armed person in front of him. The green haired boy seemed to understand, but still looked concerned.
"Here's the person I spoke of" Todoroki said, gesturing to you and dismounting.
Shoji nodded and helped the Prince remove the cart from the white horse. He looked at you with kind eyes, he clearly wanted to say something but kept his mouth shut. "I'll guide you through the Edgelands. It shouldn't take us more than a day's worth of walking."
'Only a day?' You thought looking down at the cart full of supplies. You furrowed your brow and looked at Todoroki with questioning eyes. The Prince didn't acknowledge you and was turning to leave. "Wait!" You called after him.
He turned to glare at you, and you group looked at him nervously.
"Thank you... For everything" you smile weakly and the Prince nods, continuing down the path.
"I guess this is goodbye" Midoriya said, touching your arm.
"I hope you find your way home!" Uraraka says through a sad smile.
"Don't die." Iida says with a flat voice.
You wave goodbye as your new friends turn to leave. Quickly you pull your phone out of your pocket and open the camera "guys!" You call and they turn around surprised.
You snap a picture of them standing there looking back at you, Todoroki kingdom in the background. It looks like a dream. "Thank you for everything!" You wave until they are out of view and then you turn to Shoji to let him know that you're ready to go.
"Stay close and do exactly as I say, when I say it" he commands, putting the supplies from the cart into his large back. "We're about to go through hell."
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cutegirlmayra · 6 years
Recalling when Sonic called off his race with Tails just to get eggs for Amy, I can't help but think that maybe their relationship developed into something of slowly going romantic where they'd act couple-y without even realizing such as when Sonic fetched eggs for Amy like the "good boyfriend" would or a hypothetical scenario: Sonic wants to taste something Amy is eating, so Amy hands it to him and Sonic just bites it down casually. How's that for a headcanon? Or is it too far-fetched? XD
Please remember that Prompts are on Shutdown! Do not send me any! Sorry! I still have a lot to do!
“W-woah!” Amy was attempting to shimmy across the thin, tree-plank that led to where her and her friends were adventuring to retrieve a valuable artifact disturbed by Knuckles’s antics. While trying to move across, she saw a bug and lost her usually perfect balance.
“Amy! Take my hand!” Sonic, just ahead of her, stopped and reached back. She immediately, while moving left and right on one leg, grabbed it and sighed, seeing him lift it up to the rope above their heads.
“Thanks, Sonic. B-but now-!” the rescue caused a shift in the rope as well, shaking as Amy placed both hands on the rope.
“Grrr…” Sonic judged the situation quickly, biting his teeth down as he looked around him. “Okay.” He nodded, then lowered Amy’s hand that he was holding so they were down in the middle of them. “Just use one hand to cross, I’ve got you.”
“Alright.” Amy nodded seriously, and the two continued to scoot across the branch.
Sticks narrowed her eyes behind her, “Hmmmrrmmm…” she seemed to be sizing up their activity…
Sonic was in the market place, looking over things before seeing something shiny and pink. “Hey! It’s a bracelet!” he looked it over before a goofy smile skimmed his cheeks. “I bet Amy would like this.” He placed it in his chart, and on the other side of the market place, Amy was eyeing a blue watch that made racing car noises. “Haha!” she giggled into her hand, “Oh, Sonic would love this!” she placed it in her basket and walked on.
Sticks, popping her head out of the ‘expired/no good’ waste bin dumpster growled once more, narrowing her eyes at the two…
-Another time~-
“Oh! These cookies just don’t look right.” Amy frowned, wearing the pink bracelet as Sonic was fiddling with the blue watch, making it create car engine noises.
“Hehehe…” he giddily fixated on it’s endless fun, but Amy’s sigh suddenly drew him away and he looked at her cookie tray she had placed out of the oven. “What’s wrong with it? It smells great!” Sonic sat more upright, lowering his knee that was up a moment ago and turning more directly to Amy.
His eyes stayed glued to hers as she spoke, “Oh, it’s just that… well, the picture made them look so good… I hope they’re okay… I was going to give them to those poor, sweater-less orphan penguins but…” she put her hands to her hips, “I can’t give them these!”
“What about these?” he picked one up, “Ow! Hot, hot, hot!” he shook his hand, burning his glove a little bit on some melted chocolate on the side of the cookie.
“Oh no! Here…” Amy reached over, about to bite on the gloved-finger to get the chocolate off.
“Hey! This chocolate’s mine!” Sonic immediately withdrew the hand and sucked on it himself. “I went through all the hard work of getting it!”
“Oh, but it would have burnt your finger!” Amy protested, but he just shook his other pointer finger at her, as though telling it ‘nuh-uh, this one’s all mine!’.
Then, his eyes widened. “Emmm~ These are good!” he went in for another, taking a bite. “Amy! You can’t give these to the children!”
“H-huh? Why not! I thought you said they were good!?” Amy quickly took the tray away, holding it back from him and examining them. She placed it by the window as he continued-
“Because they’ve got to be all mine!”
He laughed, thinking himself funny but Amy just rolled her eyes, “You really like them? I mean, I guess I could add some ‘flare’ to them, that way, their presentation is a little more decent…”
“I say let the kids have them the way they are!” he relaxed back, smiling brightly to her in comforting optimism. He placed his hands behind his head, closing his eyes, “They’ll be shoving them in their mouths before ever having the time to look at them!”
His cheeriness brightened up her insecurity, “Ohhh… You!” she jumped over the table to hug him, disorientating him a moment as his arms flailed out from her sudden affection.
“H-hey! I was only stating my opinion here! Ames!”
“Hehehe~ And I encourage you to state it as much as you want!”
“Well, that’s a first.”
Amy laughed. The two were distracted so much, they didn’t see Sticks’s camouflage into a plant’s top-level foliage as she growled and reached in, grabbing a cookie and ducking back down into position.
-Tails’s place, again, at a later date-
“I don’t get it, Tails. It’s like a conspiracy… but it isn’t.” Sticks gripped the table, looking angry for some reason.
“Is this about aliens and the government again?” Tails didn’t even bother looking up from his inventions, but Sticks just snarled on the side of her mouth.
“Grraawwwhhhh… It’s not about the government, Tails!” she flung her arms up, “This is of a whole new caliber of lies and deceit. It’s been right under our noses… no… this has to do with a company… a friendly sort of company of friends… friends who can’t even noticing how deceptive they’re being towards each other and their other friends!” she gripped her head, showing her own confusion as Tails’s ears finally perked up.
“Sounds like corruption in the market, if you ask me.” He thought she meant a literal company…
“Ugh.” She shook her head, seeing he wasn’t getting it. “Whatever, I’ll keep eyeing the two before I make any further assumptions. But I’m tellin’ ya!” she rose a finger up. “Something fishy is going on with Sonic and Amy! They’re all giggly lately, talking about each other from across the way, trying out cookies recipes and the like!” She threw out some words that made Tails finally lean up, away from his gear.
“Wait… you mean… they’re not fighting or anything, right?” Tails seemed concerned on her second comment.
“What? No! I said giggly! Weren’t you listening to me!?”
“D-don’t get offended! You said they were talking about each other behind their backs… I got worried.” He put his hands up, covered in black gear-gunk to try and calm her down.
“Oh. I said across the way! Not behind their backs!” she defended, “Just come see for yourself.” She started to waddle to the door, looking more ticked off than ever before…
Tails finally followed her, giving her to her ‘spying’ ways and saw the two walking down the street.
“They just look like they’re talking.” Tails seemed a bit skeptical, hiding with Sticks in a bush. “Doesn’t this invade their private friend-life?”
“Ohhhh, it’s far from being started yet, Tails.” She passed him the binoculars. “Destruction of trust between friends in 5….4….3…2….” she pointed as suddenly a puddle came out in Amy’s way.
“Oh no!” she flinched her foot up, but Sonic bowed graciously and suddenly dived backwards, turning at the last moment with Amy’s gasp to push himself up and create a bridge over the puddle.
It was so extra, it made Amy giggle girlishly, covering her face a bit from her blush and walk over him.
It was a terrible idea though because even though Sonic was showing off his strength and chivalry, it also caused discomfort walking over his quills that poked or scratched up against Amy’s ankles.
“Ow, oh, ee!” she passed and then smiled down to him as he got up and looked over at being separated from her by the other side of the puddle.
He could have easily spin-dashed over it, but to be dramatic, he pretended to reach for her, throw more rocks in the water to create a bridge, and then hopelessly despair as Amy continued to laugh at his jokes.
Tails’s mouth hung down as Sticks’s anger peaked, tapping her finger on her folded arms. “They’re so adorable… it’s like they lied to our faces and then each others!” she was about to jump out of the bush. “YOU TWO ARE LIARS-!” she was thrown back into it by Tails.
“No, Sticks!” He held her down as she tried to struggle back up from his grasp.
“Let me at those lying, good for nothing-!”
“Calm down, Sticks! They probably don’t even know what they look like!”
“How can they not know how it looks like!? If they’re together, they should at least have the decency to tell their most trusted friend ever—that is to say me. But instead, they lie to our faces and continued to call each other ‘a good friend’. If THAT’S a good friend, I want to know what they think a dating dance looks like!” Sticks gestured furiously over to them, showing she didn’t buy that crap for jack!
Tails sighed, shrugging with his shoulders slightly. “Honestly… I’m glad they’re getting along so well. It wasn’t always like this… They probably just don’t want to ‘rock the boat’, so to speak.” He nervously twiddled his fingers a moment, blushing. “I-I kinda get that, you know? When the friendship’s going so well… you don’t really want to disrupt it by asking something kinda embarrassing like that.” He smiled over to Zooey, working daintily at her stall.
“I-I-It might ruin the great, wonderful… charming interactions you already have with each other…” he melted as the red on his face grew brighter. “Y-you know what I mean?” he looked around, seeing Sticks had disappeared suddenly. “S-Sticks?”
“Move, loser. I have some so-called ‘friends’ to bust.” She tried to move around a dude holding flowers out in front of her.
“B-b-but-!” the poor boy was ignored completely as she side-swiped around him and dashed to Sonic and Amy, his arm held out to her as she took it and they walked towards a movie theatre, just chatting excitedly to each other.
“No! Sticks!” Tails took off after her, “Oh, pardon me!” he maneuvered around the boy, before seeing how disappointed the stranger looked and realized…
Sonic and Amy weren’t the only ones who didn’t notice blossoming romances that were right in front of their noses…
The stranger nervously ran behind a wall, “Phew, that was close! If Sticks knew who I was then…” The boy took off his covering, revealing his intern-self. “Then I’d have to introduce her to my mother. And after all the times she’s come to Meh Burger and asked for extra fries… I don’t know, man. My mom might think it’s serious!” He clutched his head in fright.
Ever since that plane ride, her asking to ‘get closer’, he’s never looked at her the same way as all the other customers…
But that’s a misconstrued story for another day.
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