#Cappu been here
capputinos-harp · 2 years
Hi, I was thinking about your yandere sun wukong and canning reader and thought about the idea that once wukong kidnaps reader, they could only feed on him, like, you know, regenerative powers and all
To lay to write an axtual oneshot but here is an imaginee-
Talking about wukong, yes you would only fed on his blood, but as a kumiho/kitsune they are cunning and manipulative being, so they are a play in your part to. So the 'victim' you would also fighting back in one way or the others with words. Of course he cant continue feeding you his blood since your kin need so much blood to survive, he may gave you some unwantes guests alive to feed you.
Regenative powers in hand, i havent been that focused on Lmk to much, but i would say in his prime he would be regenating like crazy. But as time went on his power in generation slowly lower in a bit (i mean a very little littleee portion like an atom but still noticeable.) but he does so often gave you human blood.
But at the lady bone demon episode season 3(?) where wukong turn into a mortal, that you finally escaped.
Also sorri for my dissapearance~
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In contrast to the black coffee
May I order an Affogato? (Fluffiest Nightmare x Ccino available) please?
Howdy, thanks for asking! Here are some fics that might fit what you're looking for!
Gloxinia by mikeal_jones_5 (Mature, Incomplete)
Nightmare and Ccino, one was an emperor reigned over the Empire, the other a cafe owner that happened to wander in his world. They would never chance upon each other if not for that one day as Nightmare walked into Ccino's shop looking for a distraction. And what a distraction did Ccino is.
Cats and Concerns by WrittenKinzy18 (General Audiences, Complete)
It's been a while since Nightmare visited the café. Or, Ccino and Nightmare have a chat.
Have a Cappu"Ccino" by coolbattlegirl (Not Rated, Incomplete)
Ccino tries to ignore the darkness creeping. He tries to ignore his loneliness. He tries to not have high hopes for the future. He's given up on getting a happy ending. Maybe someone "special" will come into his life soon…
The failed (or not) abduction of Persephone by mikeal_jones_5 (Teen And Up, Complete)
They say three times a charm, or in Ccino’s case, three chances to escape the devil. If only if Nightmare hadn’t been so charming.
Counting my Stars [FluffyNight/CcinoMare] by CoralOnTheSea (General Audiences, Complete)
Nightmare and Ccino hangs out, Ccino has thoughts, Nightmare understand them his own way.. —— FluffyNight being dorks and gay
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sour-heart-treats · 7 months
[Almnesia Was His Name Pt. 5 - CW: Implied Child Neglect, Memory Loss - Previous]
The scent of afternoon coffee wafted through the air as Almond poured himself a cup. The quiet sound of the kid who insisted on being his playing with what was apparently her teddy bear kept the house from being too quiet. Mug in hand, Almond wandered into the living room and watched the kiddo enjoy herself alone. Why was she here, again? Someone as young as her should be in school right now, or at least, on the bus. With a sip of his coffee, he'd take a glance at his calendar. Boldface Xs lined the top of the month, with more wobbly Xs towards the bottom. Seems like the kid has been the one marking the days off recently. Makes sense, it was hard to tell what day it was. And today was... Saturday. "That checks out." Almond would mumble to himself, carrying himself out to the living room and setting his coffee on a nearby table to kneel down next to the one that he still didn't know the name of.
"Hey tot, do you want something to eat?" The little one looked up at him, seeming almost surprised that she was being acknowledged. She'd take a second to process the question, looking down at her plush and looking... guilty? Saddened? Why? "I'm... not hungry..." The child quietly replied. Almond's heart felt heavy. "You sure? I could whip you up some, I dunno..." Oh, he actually didn't know. What was in the fridge at this point? "I can see what we have." "I'm... I'm good, really, mom." The title was familiar, but it still didn't feel right being called that. Alm barely knew this kid. The detective sighed, knowing full well that the kid was lying but deciding not to press further. The sound of crying children rang way too familiar in his ears. Something something, it's happened a lot recently, something something, it hurts his head.
As the investigator picked himself up and returned his coffee to his hands, there was a knock at the front door. Almond watched the small one perk up and practically start making a dash for the door. "Kid-!" Almond would cautiously raise his voice, "Let me answer it. I don't want something to happen to you." Especially considering how this very likely wasn't even his own child... the real parents would be pissed to find out something happened to her. Though hesitant, Walnut would quietly groan in annoyance and let her caretaker take the reigns. She pressed her stuffed animal close to her chest as she watched Almond check the door's peephole and become confused. Another person he forgot about, maybe. It wouldn't be the first person this week... Heck, she lost count of how many of her mom's coworkers and friends he'd dropped contact on.
Alm would gently motion for Walnut to get out of the way, and she'd do so, though of course tried to get as good of a look as she could. And with a second coffee scent with a hint of smoke being brought into the house along with the sight of brown and white hair, she knew exactly who it was. "Cappu!!" Walnut would chirp happily, waving despite the door not even being the whole way open. The reaction nearly startled Almond. "You know this one, kid?" The detective would ask, before sighing and shaking his head. "Good afternoon, who are you and what are you doing here?" As much as Almond wanted to sound polite, he didn't care that much to be. The person at the door furrowed his brow, but didn't seem all too bothered externally. "Cappuccino. You may not know me, but we're coworkers. Kind of." A rough explanation would be enough, right? "I'm the prosecutor that most of your cases' evidence gets sent to. I know you probably don't remember that, but it's whatever." Cappuccino would reach into his black overcoat, pulling out a few containers of what appeared to be leftovers. Looks like some takeout from the local noodle restaurant. "I brought over some food for you and Walnut. I figured we could chat, have a coffee or two, and y'know... figure some things out?"
Walnut, Walnut... Oh, that's the little one's name? Seems to fit her very well. Though this Cappuccino guy wasn't someone that Almond remembered, among many others, since Walnut looked so happy to see him... So long as he kept a watchful eye, things would be fine. "Don't cause any trouble." He'd mumble, opening the door wider and sidestepping to let Cappuccino inside. On the way in, the prosecutor gave Walnut a smile, which got some of the weakest sparkling eyes he's ever seen in response. Ha... has this kid really been without anything more than cereal and sandwiches for this long? That... hurts. Guess that's what happens when a mother keeps forgetting that kid's food is being made part way through and lets it spoil or burn...
Whilst the food for the three of them was taken by Almond to prepare, Cappuccino would watch over him to make sure that he wouldn't forget what he was doing. Though it was a little irritating on the detective's end to be corrected multiple times whilst the food was being made- he swears he didn't forget most of the things that he was being reminded of, though he truly did misremember- that wasn't the main thing that Cappu was concerned about. With Walnut standing by his side, he'd set a gentle hand on her helmet and sigh. "I hope it hasn't been too rough on you, kid. Uh... how's school?" Walnut would keep the smile she'd had since Cappuccino entered the house, though there was some uncertainty behind it once questioned. "Um... It's been... okay! I think! The other kids at school make fun of me and my mom sometimes... But I make sure they know not to mess with us!!" Cap chuckled, giving a brief side-eye to Almond before responding. "Not causing any fights, are you?" There was further laughter from the prosecutor as Walnut would beat on his leg and exclaim how she'd NEVER do such a thing. "Right, right. Well, if those bullies ever try doing anything to hurt you, get your mom's phone and call me, got it? I'll sue them into the ground." It's the least he could do. Even if his job had him wrapped up in sleepless nights, there was nothing that would stop him from keeping this kid from having it anywhere near as bad as he had it.
Seeing the young one hug his leg brought a fondness to Cappu's heart. It took all of his energy in that moment not to just scoop Walnut up and hold her like she was his own kid. He'd never be a good parent, but knowing what Almond was like at this point... it was a consideration, but... "Alright you two, the food's up." Almond's voice broke the coffee-named fellow out of his thoughts. "Get to the table, I'll get plating." And, wordlessly, he'd lead a very excited Walnut to the living room to sit around the table. The kitchen was too small to eat in, after all. There'd be small 'thank you's shared as Almond would come out with two plates in hand, handing them over before heading back into the kitchen to get his own food... though it was taking longer than anticipated. The little talk that Cappu was having with Walnut about the teddy bear that she eagerly showed would come to a concerned silence as he'd wind up staring towards the kitchen. "Does he normally take this long?" He'd ask, getting a shake of the head. Walnut would furrow her brow, tilting her head. "Maybe he forgot where he was? ...again?" Cap would mumble a 'maybe', only to get startled by the sound of an agonized scream from where Almond had gone.
It was a sudden sound, one that spurred Cappuccino into action so fast that he wound up hitting his knee on the bottom of the table as he got up. "Shit-" He'd growl to himself, darting to the kitchen. "Almond! Almond are you-...?" And yet there the detective was, a softly glowing hand over his nose with a discarded bandage on the countertop next to a half-complete plate of food. That thing usually never came off, and... not to mention that glow. Healing magic? "Since when did you...?" The stare the attorney got was that of confusion and mild annoyance from the investigator. Alm would stand himself properly, giving a heavy breath. "Look, I don't know either. At least my nose doesn't feel like it's on the verge of crushing itself." Ah, his voice was so much... clearer without that bandage on. Almond would stare towards Cap, "I don't where the magic came from, don't ask me. Look let's just," There was a small grunt from the gumshoe as he properly disposed of the bandage in a nearby trash can and took to finishing his plate, though not without a pause before picking it up as if he was pondering why the plate was there in the first place. "Let's just get back to having lunch. Or dinner. Whichever one this is."
Alm would walk right past Cappuccino, who only blinked at the very faint scent of vanilla. The small voice of Walnut gave the prosecutor a small start. Ah, she followed him and he didn't even see it, huh. "Mom doesn't like using that... But he doesn't remember that, does he?" Well, that's news to him. Never had he heard about Almond being able to use any kind of magic- let alone something so helpful. As much as he'd want to ask about it, considering the look of worry that Walnut had, maybe... maybe it was best to leave that alone. For now. As much as it would nag Cappuccino for not knowing...
The attorney gave Walnut a light pat on the back, trying to ignore the pain in his knee as that started to finally catch up to him. "C'mon, Wal. You're still hungry, right?" The heaviness in Cap's chest didn't lighten one bit at the weak nod the kiddo gave. "Right. Then let's get back to that. Then you can tell me more about-" Cappu vaguely motioned to the plush that the child hadn't let go of through the entire time he'd been here. "That's their name- Ted? Yea, them." And though the thought of her mother becoming less and less like herself would weigh on Walnut's mind, she'd nod and mutter just above a whisper. "...yeah, okay."
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walnutcookie · 10 months
hello there mister almond sir i just read your Misfortune infodump and i. am intrigued. i would like to hear more pretty please /nf
part 1 here
so . Unfortunately i am a sucker for fluff and also capchat so that is precisely the ending my fanon gets HXVDKDB
langue comes to visit cappu in her office the day after he saw misfortune again and finds her like half dead with a hangover and theyre like Hey. What the fuck happened. shes a little hesitant because yknow not everyone will believe you when you say theres a giant 10 foot raven inside of you!! but he tells langue EVERYTHING and based on what cappu tells them. They believe her!! they are horrified and greatly disgusted (thhey dont like the thought of a giant bird covered in blood crawling in and out of cappus mouth so they make her swish out his mouth before they kiss him /hj)
but langue is a stubborn fuck. a perfectionist and an overachiever. they are going to fight misery itself just to prove they can. So!! misfortune feeds off of cappuccino being miserable? then they just have to make her life As good and lovely as possible so that he never feels miserable. or at least not enough for it to feed off of her
they manage to convince their parents (who were never very fond of cappu and just saw her as a bad influence for their precious lovely child) to let cappu move in with them temporarily and they quickly start to adore him because Of Course They Do. Langue is going to nag him about every little thing until he Actually Does It so eventually they manage to get him a proper sleep schedule, wean her off of cigarettes, heavily cut her daily coffee intake, and most importantly keep her from being isolated so often. Love wins !
obviously it takes a loong time and misfortune is NOT happy that this little fuck is managing to ignore all of the disasters its causing (falling furniture. fires. shattered windows. anything it can manage to do) and somehow not die from any of it and eventually They succeed ! Cappuccino is actually happy! even though misfortune still tries to make her life a living hell she now has support from langue AND their parents and so shes able to actually push through and recover from his bad luck instead of just having to sit there and endure it (or desperately find ways to escape it)
right now the silly ending is misfortune senses a very very miserable being walking down the street and goes to hide in them instead but it turns out it was ROGUEFORT and misfortune has thousands of year old beef with their sentient cloak goddess (lupine) and it escapes heavily weakened.
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it is so itty bitty now. but it has found that movie theaters produce a good amount of misery for it to feed off of and it lives in there now lol. Diversity win! The spirit of misfortune likes popcorn!
this is all just a silly ending though idk if its canon or not . Either way misfortune leaves cappu and finds another victim HXBDKFB
meanwhile cappu is FUCKING DYING!!! It clawed its way out of his chest since it no longer cared if she died or not and had no use for her it just left her to die. Thankfully it was in langues house so he was rushed to a hospital as soon as langue saw her with his chest literally wide open (they frew up) and Cappu Survived!!!!
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thats basically it HXVDKF cappu rides in a car while conscious for the first time in years when langues parents drive her home from the hospital and he is an Anxious Mess because of how many accidents hes been in and how its caused her to be absolutely terrified of cars. but langue is there to hold his hand and. um. yeah just kind of hold her hand because they are AWFUL at comforting people. But their parents try to say some comforting things !!! poor thang is trembling
if anyone has any questions i would love to answer :3!! i love this silly raven thang so much
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charlottecbordeaux · 11 months
The fic I commend for my b-day came and I’m SCREAMING
Like literally now I have a new headcanon that Macchiato calls Cappu “Cap’n” and OH GOD IM GIGGLING SO DAMN LOUD NOW
I kinda want to share this to EVERYONE here so first!
Definitely will commission them again once they’re free and once I doodle a scene out of this ehhehehehhehejeheheej-
Cappuccino let out a heavy sigh as he dropped his briefcase and slumped into his chair. The satisfaction of winning the case had washed over him like a heavy wave, and now he had wiped out. He was so unfathomably tired that it was hard to quantify; and yet, some part of him was working double time keeping him awake. He wasn't sure if it was the 5 black coffees keeping him up, or the worry that he’d wind up passing out on his assistant again. He was more than willing to admit it: Caramel Macchiato was a far more respectable and competent assistant than he really deserved. She was a charming, quick-witted and organised woman who could talk a sheep out of its wool; he was a man who chronically teetered on the edge of burnout and practically had caffeine for jam.
“How’re you holding up, Cap’n?” Caramel Macchiato called out to him. All Cappuccino could muster in response was a groggy “Don’t call me Cap’n.” as his eyes grew heavy and his head started to lull forward. At least he'd be falling asleep at his desk this time - last time this had happened, poor Macchiato had to jostle him awake lest the pair miss their stop on the bus back from the courthouse. Eventually, he laid down his pen and rested his head on his desk, welcoming a fresh dreamscape with open arms…A fresh, inviting world he could enjoy with the cool breeze and the girl of his dreams.
Caramel Macchiato looked over at her boss, his head nestled in his arms with a blissful look on his face. For how little he slept, he sure looked cute when he did it. And she honestly did think he deserved it, after all that work he did building up their latest case. She didn't mind babying him every now and again, even if it was mostly to see the flustered look on his face whenever she pointed it out - after all, Cappuccino had a heart of gold, even if it was constantly covered in a veritable desert of exhaustion and coffee grounds. Unfortunately, coddling was not an option right now: He had told her on the way back that there was something important he wished to ask, and she wanted to hear it. A small part of her was hoping it was that, or maybe even that - some sort of verification that the feelings she held inside were mutual. Even putting that out of the way, she knew that a few of Cappuccino's peers would be over soon to congratulate him, and while she imagined that them walking in on such an esteemed prosecutor drooling onto his desk was not a surprising sight, she had no doubt that it would be an unwelcome one.
And, since it had been a while since she’d seen his face go red, she decided to go for a different approach.
Cappuccino relaxed on the beach with his lover, his soulmate, the woman he was certain he would spend the rest of his life with. She hadn't yet revealed her face to him, but a part of him just knew, without a doubt, that she was the one. Nothing else mattered right now except him and her. And he could do anything, so long as she was by his side. And as she leaned into him for a kiss, his heart began to flutter and he felt as if he might float away…
Except…something was amiss. Why did she look so much like-
Cappuccino awoke with a loud gasp and almost fell out of his chair, only barely managing to catch himself on the corner of his desk. And standing in front of him, with a mischievous look on her face, was none other than his assistant. He felt something slightly sticky on his forehead, so he hurriedly grabbed a tissue to wipe it off.
It was lip gloss. Specifically, the soft gold, plumping lip gloss commonly used by a certain Caramel Macchiato.
In record time, the prosecutor’s face went as red as a fire poker, and he began to stammer like a broken DVD. “I- my- uh- excuse me- WHAT?!” His assistant, as expected, let out a soft chuckle. “Had a feeling that'd work. So, how was your nap~?” Cappuccino quickly scrambled to his feet and tried to put himself together, though he was obviously still a mess. “D-don’t tease me, Macchiato!”, he said, trying and failing to suppress his steaming face, “I-it was fine. Completely and utterly fine. Nothing to look into, at all.” Macchiato looked at him incredulously. “Oh, really? I overheard you giggling in your sleep! And besides, didn't you say you had something…important you wanted to ask me~?” Cappuccino immediately steamed up again. Why did he have to put his foot in his mouth like that? He’d only given her ammunition! “Could it be that you were dreaming about, say…your lovely assistant~?”
There was no other choice. He’d have to drop the bombshell. It was the only way for him to possibly walk out of here with his last shred of dignity intact. “...Yes. I…I was dreaming about you, Caramel Macchiato. We were on a beach, drinking your favourite drink, and I woke up as we were kissing. It was…really nice.” The room went silent, save for the soft rocking of the ceiling fan. Had he made a mistake? Cappuccino wasn't sure. Macchiato walked up, took him into a hug…and let out a hearty laugh, tears welling in her eyes.
“You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say something like that, Cap’n! I had a feeling you loved me back~!”
Loved me back. The words echoed in his mind as he reciprocated the embrace. All this time, while he was wringing his hands over whether or not to tell her how he felt…she was doing the same? A warm feeling of validation filled his chest. In that moment, he didn't even care that she had called him Cap’n. All he knew, in his heart of hearts, was that he made the right call. As they broke out of the hug, he noticed that his warm blush had transferred to her face as well. “I’m…sorry for holding it in for this long. I was worried you’d brush me off.” With a warmness in her tone he hasn't heard before, Caramel Macchiato responded with “I was worried about that too.”
“So…about what you wanted to ask me…”
“Oh, that! Well…uh, I was wondering if you'd want to go get breakfast together sometime. There's this café I get my beans from that I think you'd really like!”
“Is this a work breakfast, or a…you know…a date breakfast?”
“A date breakfast.”
“Well, there's no way I could say no to that~! Now then, let's get you all fixed up. It's time to celebrate another case closed!”
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[In an interrogation room after having been captured]
Interrogator: Ok freaks, just what the hell were you two up to?
Dabi: Okay, I'm gonna stop you right here, bitch. First of all, we just woke up from a very nasty shock and I'm still feelin' fucking woozy, so Imma request you fetch us some coffee before we get into this. I mean everyone gets coffee in shitty movies with scenes like this, am I right?
Interrogator: Uh...
Dabi: I want something ICED, bitch! What do you want, Mister?
Mr Compress, pretentiously: I'll have a neapolitan cappuccino, more cappu than cino, make sure it's got no more than four ounces of milk, the beans won't have the right texture otherwise, and make sure they spell my name correctly on the cup, they always put 'At Zero' or 'Ass Hero', I hate that. If you can't handle that, I'll have a venti traditional Misto; please use soy milk with two blonde shots affogato AND RISTRETTO. I'd also love three vanilla pumps at the very bottom, then add the coffee after, then...
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noctiilio · 3 years
On the ninth hour of the ninth day of the ninth month, I ask you but one simple question. What do you think of Cirno?
ACTUALLY i have been participating in my friend Cappu's one cirno fanart a day through september collab (cleverly named Cirntember!) so i'll post mine on the 14th since it's scheduled for that day!!! you should def check that out if you can i've also been on a shared aggie.io canvas -v-/ BUT YEAH LEMME AT IT -sound of me comically cracking my knuckles and the impact reverbs through the solar system- ok ok ok cirno cirno cirno my beloved. back to my critically acclaimed essays with free character psychanalysis up to level 60 and the free expansion fanart. ok so. She's a charming character and i understand why she's so popular. Ppl again push too far into certain tropes with her but considering the touhou fandom at large its a given :') Cirno is SOMETHING ALRIGHT. She's just a kid with too much hubris for someone her size who's hellbent on flexing on people twice more powerful than she is. And you know what? I love that. genuinely.
Fairies are just all around fun characters in the touhou series and I love what ZUN made with them, from the three fairies of light to clownpiece, they're just all very enjoyable. But cirno? Cirno is the crown jewel of this bundle of joy. She's the premium experience.
My favorite instance of Cirno is 12.8: great fairy wars. Its just delightful. None of the decisions taken by either of the fairies make sense and that's what i love abt them all. Like she isn't stupid in the literal sense of the word, her thought process is just incomprehensible because that's the fairy experience for you. She'll take overly convoluted directions that are just unnecessarily complicated for absolutely zero reason and only a fairy would understand and her attention span is VERY short, she's in the moment you guys, she's really in the moment and i love that for her. She's got no forethought and she'll jump into trouble head first and NEVER see it coming. She just never learns and keeps charging there's no stopping that sassy lost child. My favorite example to illustrate that is when she tried to sell water flavored popsicles. Y. Yeah. It's that nonsensical, almost cartoony sense of goofiness that keeps me coming back for more every day. Seriously if i had to pick only ONE touhou character that reads like an animated toon, hands down it's cirno. (clownpiece is a close second, dare i say.... she's on thin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.)
I also love the direction that she's not your typical winter-themed ice fairy. She's that sweet feeling of getting shaved ice in the middle of a hot midsummer day personified. And i LOVE that for her. Summer is THE extrovert of the four seasons its commonly accepted this way in media, summer is the noise complaint season by excellence so it fits.
I love that when she's a playable character (like in hidden star in four seasons) she ends up accidentally helping the other protags just because she wants to flex on the WORLD, not because she wants to solve the incident. Like she doesn't know what she's doing for gensokyo she just does it bc she wants to prove something for herself. And thats so funny to me. Like, what Okina was doing? Through one ear and out the other, she just wants to win she's not here to hear you monologue, she'll put herself in airplane mode until you're done she just wants to prove her own strength as recklessly as possible. And this is the exact reason why i hope we get to see her more as a playable protag in mainline games she's just hysterical to me.
Thank you and happy belated cirno day i'll be back with a fully illustrated on the 14th, so while we wait here's my doodle on the shared aggie.io canvas!
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(fun fact: i draw her w triangular eyebrows to match the shape of her wings -v-)
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pocket-luv101 · 4 years
I’m really into the song “Lonely Eyes” by Lauv right now and I want to see if I can challenge myself to make 6 completely different fanfics with different ships around the song. (This list is in the order of the song lyrics but I might post them in a different order).
She was sixteen the first time She had her heart broken Truth is, I've never had mine
Mahiru goes through a bad break up. That night, he walks through a park to clear his mind and he stops in front of a fountain. He jokingly wishes “I didn’t have a heart so love wouldn’t hurt me”. He doesn’t have money so he throws a rose into the water to make a wish. Sloth, a demon, appears before him with the intention to grant his wish (he needs a human heart to be free from the fountain). Then, he sees Mahiru’s lonely eyes and decides not to take his heart but comfort him instead.
Now she goes on vacation In expensive places To get away from her mind
While Tetsu is buying supplies for his onsen, he accidentally breaks an expensive vase and he’s panicking because he can’t pay for it. Misono, a tourist, steps in to help him pay for the broken vase. Tetsu offers to show Misono around the town and the best places to visit as a way to pay him back. They walk along the beach and Misono tells him how the vacation was supposed to be with his family but his parents recently had a divorce. He decided to go on the vacation alone to get away from how quiet the house is now.
I don't mean to be rude There's things in myself that I see in you
Licht is at an afterparty where he doesn’t know anyone. He would rather return to his hotel room but Kranz forces him to go. People asks him to dance but he rejects them all because he doesn’t want to dance. Soon, the room is filled with rumours that he’s a conceited pianist and Licht just brush their comments off. Hyde approaches him and asks “Will you do me the honour of a sword fight?” It breaks the tension and Licht decides to dance with him. As they dance, Hyde tells him that he understands the pressure of being a public figure since he’s an actor. He respects that Licht doesn’t pretend to be someone else for the camera.
Lonely eyes She had those lonely eyes I only know 'cause I have them too Lonely eyes No, you don't have to hide The things you feel inside, I feel too
Kuro sits alone in the library because everyone in the castle is afraid of his father. He goes to return his book to the shelf and he lazily puts it on a random shelf. He’s surprised when Mahiru, a librarian, suddenly approaches him “That book doesn’t go there. Are you the one that has been messing up the order of the books.” Kuro assumes that Mahiru doesn’t know who he is and thinks it’s his chance to make a friend. They spend time together reading and sketching storylines from their favourite books. Eventually, Mahiru tells him “That day we met, you actually put the book back in the right place. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you. I always see you with this lonely expression and I know how you’re likely feeling.”
Gluttony Pair
We might speak different languages And we might have differences But where you are, I'm right there too
Niccolo feels a lot of pressure since he’s the leader of the mafia. He feels like everyone’s watching him but no one sees him. He doesn’t think he can protect his own family. The night he makes a contract with Illdio, he sits with him in front of the rival mafia’s building to wait for his friends to come (this is a small canon divergence where Cappu didn’t arrive immediately). Niccolo takes the chance to get his feelings out but he tells Illdio his feelings in Italian. He apologizes that he might lean on him more than his past Eves because he’s weak. He’s completely shock when Illdio replies that he isn’t weak. The contract between Servamp and Eve automatically translates their words to each other. “Even if that part of our contract didn’t exist, I can understand your feelings, Niccolo.”
Stay the night, stay the week When you're gone, I don't sleep When you're gone, I feel weak
One day each month, Mikuni would sneak out of the house and tell JeJe not to follow him. JeJe trusts that he wouldn’t do anything dangerous without him and he would return before their distance limitation takes affect. He would stay up and watch the clock while he waits for him to go home. One night, it became dangerously close to the 3 hour mark of their distance limitation and JeJe goes to search for Mikuni. He can sense him through their contract and follows him to a grave. It turns out Mikuni was visiting his mother’s grave and he took longer that day because it was the anniversary of that night.
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There are 6 angst fanfics here and I’m debating if I should think of another one. I can have a week of angst and post a fanfic each day :P Don’t know who I would use for the seventh ship though. I have 27 finished fanfics that are queued and I’m taking on a project like this xD
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uglypastels · 6 years
When You Say Nothing At All - Tom Holland movie AU (1/3)
(a/n) First story on the new blog!! I’m scared. 
This story is a Notting Hill AU. I have always loved this movie and when I recently rewatched it, I really realized how cheezy and pretty fanfic-y the plot it...so I decided to actually write a fanfic. The story is in a movie-turned-into-book format, so it is literally inspired by the movie. So, I do not own, nor claim any of this story as my own. Already putting it out there.
Alrighty then, here is part 1. I am not sure if I will actually post the other parts, because I’m not so sure if this is really that good. I also haven’t exactly finished the rest and it takes a loooooong time to do so. Tell me if you want to read the rest.
This is a re-post, because I am an idiot with anxiety and deleted the first one accidentally
word count: 10,281
warning: swearing, sexual themes, SPOILERS for NOTTING HILL
part 2
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Tom’s POV - 1999 - London - Characters are in their late 20′s 
Of course, I have seen her films and always thought she was, well, gorgeous, but, you know, a million and million miles from the world I live in.
The world he lives in, which was here, Notting Hill. His favorite part of London.
Just as he did every day before going to work, Tom took a morning walk to enjoy the bizarre atmosphere that this region had. Like any other weekday, the market was spinning with people, where every fruit and vegetable known to man was sold and men were yelling: “Rock hard bananas, five for a pound!” To his right was the tattoo parlor, where a  man stepped through the door, looking rather confused at the new addition to his body. He looked as if he had just woken up on the couch that was inside and Tom wondered if he remembered why he had gotten “I love Ken” tattooed on his arm. He also wondered who Ken was and if he knew that his name was now permanently written on this blokes’ arm. Opposite the tattoo shop was the radical hairdressers, where everyone came out looking like the Cookie Monster, whether they wanted to or not. Just like the poor girl in the purple denim jacket.
Even though it was early in the morning, there were people everywhere. Tom was glad it wasn’t the weekend where from the break of day hundreds of stalls appear out of nowhere, filling Portobello Road, right up to Notting Hill Gate and wherever you look thousands of people are buying millions of antiques, some genuine, and some not quite so genuine.
Lots of friends have ended up in this part of London. For example Tony, who Tom could see talking to some delivery men, a bundle of fish in his hands. Tony looked rather happy with his new buy. Tom waved at him, hello, but his friend didn’t see it.  The architect turned chef had been busy for months with his new restaurant, which he invested in with all the money he ever earned.
That was pretty much all of Notting Hill, where Tom spend his days and years. In the small village in the middle of the city, in a house with a blue door that he had bought together with his wife who had left him after four years for a man who looked exactly like Harrison Ford. Which was ironic, because this was where he now lead a strange half-life with a lodger called:
“Harrison!” he yelled as he opened the blue door and almost immediately fell over a bike. Harrison ran down the stairs into the kitchen which was at the end of the corridor in which Tom stood right now. As usual, he wasn’t wearing anything but some khaki colored underwear. He didn’t want to think about if that was the original color.
“You couldn’t help me with an incredibly important decision, could you?” he said in his thick accent.  
“Is this important in comparison to, let’s say…” Tom started thinking as he walked to the kitchen to put down the loaf of bread that he had bought earlier. “Whether they should cancel Third World debt?”
“That’s right. I’m at last going out on a date with the great Janine and I just wanna be sure I’ve picked the right T-shirt.” He started explaining. Tom was turned with his back to him and couldn’t help but smile at the difference in their priorities.
“What are the choices?”
“Well, wait for it,” he said and ran back upstairs to his room. Tom waited as he put the bread in the toaster, taking his time. By the time he was done and in front of the stairs, Harrison was already running back down, pulling down the shirt. It was a slightly too big white t-shirt. It would have been fine if it wasn’t for the huge text that said: “I LOVE BLOOD” and the actual sticking out fish head in the middle of his torso in the pool of red.
“First, there’s this one,” He flicked the fish head, making it bounce back and forth, and made a little growl, “Cool, huh?” Tom stared at the shirt for a little bit, trying to figure out the right words to say to his flatmate. “Yeah, it might make it hard to strike a really romantic note,” he suggested.
“Point taken. Don’t despair.” Harrison ran back up the stairs, still talking: “if it’s romance we’re looking for, I believe I have just the thing.” Tom highly doubted it. He looked for some yogurt in the fridge while waiting for Harrison to get back.
He came back, with a now much tighter fitted shirt. The message was very simple: “GET IT HERE” together with a big black arrow pointed at his crotch.
“Yeah, well, there again, she might not think you had true love on your mind.”
“Right.” He seemed to understand but clearly didn’t have the same feeling about it as Tom did. “Just one more.” He ran away once again. Tom smiled to himself and walked back to the kitchen, grabbed something extra for his yogurt and then heard it was time again to take those three steps back to the stairs: “True love, here I come.” Harrison sang happily. Tom watched him run down those stairs for the tenth time and pulling down, another, white shirt over his upper body. Tom put a hand over his mouth at the sight of it. It was better than the last two options. Still not good, but better. The words “You’re the most beautiful woman in the WORLD” were surrounded by big red hearts. Harrison looked at him, awaiting an answer.
“Well, yeah. Yeah. that’s, that’s perfect.” he managed to say without laughing.
“Great. Thanks. Wish me luck.” Haz still looked at him waiting.
“Good luck.” He walked back upstairs with big steps of pride. When he had turned around Tom could see the message written on his back. “FANCY A FUCK?” He wanted to say something but thought better of it. He had to get to work.
It was just another hopeless Wednesday, as he walked a thousand yards through the market to work. Work, by the way, was the little travel bookshop “The Travel Book Co.”  which, well, sold travel books and to be frank, didn’t always sell many of those.
The store, just like the door of his house, was blue. The big window displayed a number of books that were for sale and two globes, in case it wasn’t clear to anyone that it was travel books that they could find here. In front of the window, outside, stood a small table on which more books were displayed.
“Morning, Martin” the small bell above the door rang as he pushed it open. The smell of old books was immediately present.
“Morning, Monseigneur,” said Martin as he was looking through some papers. He handed Tom the post and bills of the day. He knew what awaited them next. It was time to count up the sales. He walked up to the desk and pulled out the rest of the papers and a calculator. He dreaded this part of the day, that is why he had early on decided with Martin to do it in the morning. This way it would be over quickly, at least.
“Classic,” he sighed as the last numbers popped up on the small screen. “Profit from major sales push, minus £347.” He shared a look of disappointment with Martin and then wrote the sad number down in the notebook in front of him.
“Shall I go and get you a cappuccino?” Martin suggested. “You know, ease the pain a bit.”
“Yeah, yeah. Better make it a half. All I can afford.” his friend and employee laughed awkwardly. He just smiled, both of them were trying to ease the pain currently with some horrible humor.
“Get your logic. Demi-cappu coming right up.” He glanced at Tom and then walked to the door. The bell rang again as he pulled the door towards him. His green cardigan disappearing behind the corner as he walked to the small coffee house a few doors away. Tom wondered what he had done to deserve him in his life. Such a good person. Martin could easily find another job, a better job, but he didn’t want to leave his friend.
The moment he left, someone walked in. Tom barely glanced. The only thing he saw was a blur of black and white. The person carefully closed the door behind them. He looked again, feeling something familiar about them as he looked more properly. He couldn’t exactly place it, but it felt like he had seen the stranger before. Maybe she had visited the store earlier this week? Or the week before?
She was wearing a black, leather jacket over a plain white shirt. On her head, a black hat, with brown hair under it, and her eyes were covered by dark glasses. She walked over to the first bookcase and started to look around, every now and then pulling out a book and paging through it. From the position Tom was in, he could only see her shoulder properly, moving as she placed a book back in its original place.  
“Uhm, can I help you at all?” he asked. The woman peaked out her head from behind the shelves, looking a bit startled. At least he assumed so, as her eyes weren’t visible through the glasses.
“No, thanks, I’ll just look around.” Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. The American accent clear. He knew that this was a bookstore and people often tried to be quiet. But there was literally nobody else there except for them.
“Fine,” he said a bit dazed off. He still couldn’t place that face or that voice for that matter. He was sure he had at least heard her before but much louder. Not in the bookstore, then. She walked to the other side of the shelf, facing away from him. Now he could have a little more proper look at her…  or at least her back. Her shoulders were small, in a cute way. Her jacket oversized. From the way the top of her head reached a certain height of the shelves, he could assume that she wasn’t much shorter than him. He could also see a bag hanging off of her other shoulder. As she was looking through the books, she momentarily put her shopping bags on the ground.
She pulled out a book from the shelf, Tom could read the title, the Turkish Delights, from where he was standing behind the desk.  He had a great urge to say something to her, only he didn’t know what. As he looked at her go through the book, he blurted out: “That book’s really not great.”  She turned her head in his direction. “Er - just in case browsing turned to buying, you’d be wasting your money.”  he laughed nervously as he was clearly rambling on. She just smiled weakly. Letting him dig himself deeper into embarrassment. “But if it’s Turkey you’re interested in, this one,” Tom picked up a copy of a book that lay next to him on the desk, “on the other hand, is very good. Uhm...” he had no idea what to say, but she kept looking at him and he felt the need to keep talking. Her stare was getting a bit too much for him so he looked down at the book. “I think the man who wrote it has actually been to Turkey, which helps. Uhm, there’s also a very amusing incident with a kebab… which is one of many amusing incidents.”
The beautiful stranger (because she was definitely beautiful, there was no denying that) smiled and said: “Thanks, I’ll think about it.” She already looked away, putting her attention back to the book she was holding, but his tongue slipped up again and the rambling continued.
“Or, in the bigger hard-back variety, there’s…”  He looked at the bookcase behind him. While he did, his eyes slipped down to the small tv screen next to it, where he could see a man putting a book down his trousers. “I’m sorry, can you just give me a second?” He put the book down and walked to the back corner of the store, that was separated by a wall and slightly bigger shelves.
“Excuse me,” he said. The man popped up from behind the books. His eyes were wide, his hair all over the place and the shirt untucked messily.  “Yes?” he asked.
“Bad news.” Tom crossed his arms and looked at him.
“What?” The man looked very confused and startled. Tom pointed at the corner of the ceiling. “Er -We’ve got uhm, a security camera in this bit of the shop.” The man still didn’t seem to understand as he asked: “So?”
“So, I saw you put that book down your trousers.”
“What book?” He was changing his weight from one leg to the other, making it even more obvious that he was anxious. Tom sighed, pointing at his crotch and saying: “The one down your trousers.”
“I don’t have a book down my trousers.” His words were slightly slurred, making Tom worried that he could be drunk or high. He looked away from him in frustration.
“Right, I tell you what,  uhm, I’ll call the police and uhm, what can I say, if I’m wrong about the whole book-down-the-trousers scenario, I really apologize.”  Tom was not sure if it had been possible, but the stranger’ eyes widened even more.  
“Okay. What if I did have a book down my trousers?” Tom couldn’t believe this guy. Was he so drunk, or actually just that big of a moron?
“Well, ideally, when I went back to the desk you’d remove the Cadogan Guide to Bali from your trousers and either wipe it and put it back, or buy it.” He smiled at the drunk idiot. “I’ll see you in a sec.” he left him back there and walked back to the desk. The girl in the leather jacket was now standing there too. Tom had heard footsteps so he already expected it. “I’m sorry about that.” he walked behind the small piece of furniture. She was looking down at her book.
“No, it’s fine. I was gonna steal one but now I’ve changed my mind.” She smiled and Tom couldn’t help but laugh slightly. He glanced back at the tv screen to check up on the weirdo.
“Oh, signed by the author, I see.” she glanced at the front pages of the book. It made him look up from the screen.
“Uhmm, yeah, couldn’t stop him. If you can find an unsigned one, it’s worth an absolute fortune.” She puffed out a laugh. Right then the man from the back of the shop walked up. Tom was about to send him off when he approached his other customer. “Excuse me.”
“Yes?” she looked a bit uncomfortable at him.
“Can I have your autograph?” he handed her a piece of paper. The girl looked unsure at him and then around for something to write with. Tom gave her the pen he had in your hand: “Here.”
“What’s your name?” She asked. Her tone was very monotone and he knew that, really, she didn’t want to do it.  
“Rufus.” He rolled on the back of his feet like a child, scratching his patchy beard. Tom watched the girl in the leather jacket scribble down a few words on the paper. It took him some time to figure out the words as he had been looking at it from upside down, but once he had it, he let out a little snort. She handed the paper back to Rufus. He, apparently, still couldn’t read it because he asked: “What does it say?”
“That’s my signature, and above it,” she pointed at the top of the old paper, “it says, Dear Rufus, you belong in jail.” Rufus clearly didn’t seem to get it because he smiled and said: “Good one.” The girl gave him a smile that was the equivalent of an eye roll and turned to you. Rufus asked again: “Do you want my phone number?”
“Tempting, but no.” there was a silence. Rufus started walking away. Tom just stood there, trying to comprehend what had just happened. This girl was famous, he knew that. He had seen her before somewhere, but where?
“I will take this one.” she pushed the book a bit towards him and that got Tom out of his frozen state.
“Oh, right, right.” He opened the book to check the price, “So, well, on second thoughts maybe it’s not that bad after all.” He ticked in the numbers into the machine, the paper started printing. “Actually, it’s sort of a classic, really. None of those childish kebab stories you find in so many books these days.” He tried to joke. It didn’t work as she handed him a banknote without a reaction except for a polite smile. It was more than the prize, so he started to look for the correct coins to give as change.
“You know what, I’ll throw in one of these for free.” He showed her a book that just happened to lay nearby. He wished he could sink underground, or at least that she would say something back. Still, he couldn’t manage to close his own mouth: “Useful for, you know, lighting fires, wrapping fish, that sort of thing.” She finally managed to break out a smile. He packed the two books in the basic orange-brown bag and handed it back to her.
“Thanks,” she said.
“Pleasure,” he replied. Both of them smiled politely and she started to walk away. Soon that bell rang again and she was gone. Tom was alone in the store. The confusion now spread over his features. Who was she? Why did she feel so familiar? Should he have asked her for a signature too?
His legs moved him towards the table in the big space at the front of the shop. He wasn’t sure why he walked there. Maybe to get another glimpse of her? But by the time he got to the window, she was already gone. There was another movement on the street, though. The green cardigan and brown tie flopped around Martin as he walked back. Two cups of coffee balanced on top of each other in one hand as he tried to open the door with the other.
“Here we are. Cappuccino, as ordered.” he put one cup in front of Tom, who still looked out the window in a daydreaming kind of way. Only he wasn’t daydreaming. He knew that the girl was actually real. Only, who was she?
“Thanks,” Tom said as he watched the other man sip from his hot drink. Still, the thought of the girl was in his mind. Was it her? But what would she be doing in Notting Hill? Still, it couldn’t be... “I don’t think you’ll believe who was just in here.” Martin looked up from his cup, eyes full of excitement, but the excitement that could also be anxiety.
“Who?” His head shot towards the window and then back. “Was it someone famous?” Now that Martin had said it out loud, the idea seemed too crazy to be real.
“No, no, no,” Tom changed his mind.
“Would be exciting though, wouldn’t it, if someone famous came into the shop?” He was about to put the cup back up to his lips when another sentence formed: “Do you know, this is - this is pretty amazing, but I once saw Ringo Starr.”
“Where was that?” Tom asked curiously.
“Kensington High Street.” there was a scratch in his excitement. ‘At least I think it was Ringo. It might have been that man from Fiddler On The Roof. You know, Toppy.” He scratched his nose.
“Top-ol,” Tom corrected his friend. The story seemed more and more unlikely to have happened, but it was still rather enjoyable to listen.
“Yes, that’s right. Topol.” Martin drank some more of his coffee. The small amount of it was already mostly gone as he had to work for it to get into his mouth, Tom started thinking.
“Actually, Ringo Starr doesn’t look at all like Topol.”
“Yeah, but he was quite a long way away from me.”  
“So actually it could’ve been neither of them,” Tom suggested. There was a silence.
“Yes, I suppose so, yes.” Another silence between the two men.
“It’s not a classical anecdote, is it?”
“Not a classic, no. No.” They both agreed on it and once again, another silence fell as they both sipped from their incredibly small coffees. It was gone in less than two sips.
“Another one?”  Tom asked once they were both finished. Martin sighed deeply, looking down at his paper cup. Then, a spark lit up in him as he changed his mind: “No! Let’s go crazy. I’ll have an orange juice.”
As Martin was the one who had gotten the coffee the first time, it was only right if Tom bought the juice now. He stepped outside and started walking right. Behind him, there were two men trying to lift up a big painting that would be sold in the new Panton Gallery that would open soon opposite of the bookshop.
Once in the small coffee shop, which was really a sandwich shop, Tom ordered the orange juice and a something more for a second breakfast. He hadn’t gotten to eat as much as he had liked since Harrison kept on nagging about his upcoming date with Janine. While he waited for his order, he looked around at the already well-known to him purple walls and the new advertisements that were stuck to the notice board. There didn’t seem to be anything interesting.
“Okay, thanks. Bye-bye.” The clerk gave him his drink and sandwich.
“See you later,” Tom said and made his way back outside. It was crowded in the sandwich shop, with people sitting at all the tables, of which a few barely fit in the space by itself already. Outside, there were also some people sitting and enjoying their food and drinks.
The sun hit Tom in the eyes as he got out. He followed the collection of small trees that stood in front of the unused garages all the way to the corner of the street. The sun was even brighter, making Tom look away.
Suddenly he felt something solid against him, scaring him a bit and spilling the orange juice in his hand everywhere, including on himself and the girl he had just bumped into. They both exclaimed in shock. The girl, unfortunately, had caught most of the blow of the cold beverage. Her white shirt now mostly bright orange.
“Shit! Bugger!” Tom threw the cup and his forgotten sandwich on the floor.
“Oh my god!” The girl from the bookshop was still in shock from the sudden cold that hit her in the chest.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” He repeated himself. He had a tissue in his pocket and took it out to wipe off the possible. “Here let me…”
“Get your hands off!’ She shrieked. There was a little laugh hidden in there. Tom understood that the move wasn’t very appropriate. He could see a few people around them give him a few strange looks.
“I’m really sorry. I… live just over the street.” He pointed out front of himself, in the general direction of his house. The girl was trying to get any juice she could, off of herself and her bags. “I uhm, have water and soap. You can get cleaned up.” She didn’t seem to be very enthusiastic about the idea.
“No thank you. I just need to get my car back.” She shook off some last drops from her hands and started to walk away, looking around for (probably) her car. Annoyance was very clear in her tone.
“I also have a phone. I’m confident that in five minutes we can have you spick and span and back on the street again.” He realized quickly how that sounded. The girl had turned around to look at him. “In the non-prostitute sense, obviously.” She was still mad and didn’t want to laugh, but when she had turned her head away, he could see the corner of her lips go up just a little. She brushed off some hair that had stuck to her cheek.
“All right,” She gave in, but not completely yet, “Well, what do you mean “just over the street”? Give it to me in yards.” Tom wasn’t sure how many yards exactly it would be to his blue door, but he gave it a shot: “Uhm, eighteen yards. That’s my house there with the blue front door.” He pointed again to his door The girl turned around to look for herself. She looked very hesitant but agreed to it in the end. Probably because the now sticky shirt was getting uncomfortable.
They walked in silence to his house. Tom prayed that Harrison had cleaned up at least a bit before he left to go see Janine. That was not the case.
“Come on in. I’ll just, I’ll just…” he ran in front of her into the corridor to clean up as much as he could before she could see the mess that the house actually was. There were old pizza boxes everywhere, shoes lying around in the middle of the floor. On the table lay plates from yesterday's breakfast. He didn’t know where to put them as the sink had been full for over four days already.
“Uhm, right. Right.” The girl was still at the door. “Come in. It’s not quite as tidy as it normally is, I fear.” He hoped she would believe him. “But the bathroom’s on the top floor. And the telephone’s just up here.” he showed her up the stairs and behind the wall. Even with a gigantic orange stain on her shirt, she still looked very well put together. She looked down at her bags, not sure what to do with them.
“Here, let me…” he took them from her and put them next to the stairs. She slowly walked up, not sure where to go next.
“Round the corner, straight on - straight on up.” She disappeared on the second part of the staircase. The time she was gone, Tom took to tidy up a bit more. He cursed Harrison for leaving it such a mess. He had clearly left him a message to clean up this morning. He started to gather around plates and cups and threw them next to the sink. There stood an old pan of baked beans too, he tried to throw it out, but the beans had gotten cold and hard and wouldn’t budge from their container.
He was about done swiping clean the table when he heard footsteps upstairs. He looked up. The girl looked stunning. She had exchanged her simple black pants - white shirt combo with a two-piece black sparkling ensemble… was he using that word correctly, he didn’t know for sure. The crop top and knee-length skirt showed her midriff perfectly. She was still wearing her oversized leather jacket and her beret and glasses were now gone. Tom could finally see her face properly. He couldn’t believe it. It was actually her!
They shared an awkward smile and Tom felt again the need to say something: “Er -” She let out a small sigh, looking a bit annoyed. It threw him off a bit. “Would you like a cup of tea before you go?”
“No.” She shook her head.
“Orange juice?” She gave him one of those are-you-kidding-me looks. “Probably not.” He felt like he owed her something. “Uhm, something else cold?” He went over to the fridge to look inside. She was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Coke? Water?” He looked around some more. There wasn’t much else in the fridge that he could give her. “Some disgusting sugary drink pretending to have something to do with fruits of the forest?”
“No,” her voice came out as a whisper.
“Would you like something to eat? Something to nibble?” What was wrong with him? Those were not words you should say to strangers. “Apricots soaked in honey? Quite why, no one knows, because it stops them tasting of apricots and makes them taste like honey, and if you wanted honey you’d just buy honey instead of apricots.” He pulled the glass jar out of the fridge. He needed to have something in his hands or at least something else to look at except for her.
“But nevertheless, there we go, they’re yours if you want them.” He showed her the jar full of honey covered apricots.
“No.” It was the millionth time he heard her say it.
“Do you always say “no” to everything?” He was thinking out loud. She looked around, thinking about her answer and then said, with half a smile: “No.”  Tom closed the fridge. “I’d better be going. Thanks for your, uh,” She was looking for a word, “help.”
Tom leaned against the fridge. “You’re welcome. And may I also say, um, heavenly. I’ll just take my one chance to say it. After you’ve read that terrible book you’re certainly not gonna be coming back to the shop.” He looked down at the ground.
“Thank you.” She actually smiled.
“Yeah, well, my pleasure.” He smiled back. The girl now turned around and made her way through the tight corridor towards the door. Tom followed her.
“So… “ They stood next to the door now. “It was nice to meet you.” Looking at her, he had no idea what he was doing. He could feel his hand run through his hair as he said: “Surreal, but nice.” She just smiled, glancing at the door. Tom pulled at the lock and opened the door for her, saying a quick “sorry” for making her wait. She walked out without saying a word and he closed the door behind her.
“Surreal, but nice? What was I thinking?” he whispered to himself, in case she could still hear him through the heavy door. He was already walking back to the kitchen when the doorbell rang. He didn’t want the person to wait, so he jogged back to the door and opened it. There she was again. Her sunglasses back on her face. She smiled widely and said: “Hi.”
“Hi,” Tom replied, not expecting to see her again.
“I forgot my other bag,” she explained.
“Oh, right. Right.” A part of Tom was happy that he could see her again, but another was disappointed that she only rang the doorbell to get her bag. He let her back in. He walked to the chair he had put the bag on before and could hear the sound of the door closing. When he got back to her, she stood next to Harrison’s old bike. He handed her the bag and she mumbled “thanks”.  
Now they stood in silence again. She smiled and Tom could see her eyes glance down at his lips. So, he did too. Her lips were getting bigger, no closer. He wasn’t sure how that was possible. And then, he could feel them on his own. She put an arm around his neck to be even closer to him.
Tom couldn't move. His arms were on his side. It was a very simple kiss, but it lasted ages. Only when they needed to breathe, did she pull away. Very slowly. She took a step back. Tom didn’t know what to do. He had never been in a situation like this before. To be kissed by a girl he had just met? It was surreal! Surreal.
“I’m very sorry about the surreal, but nice comment. Disaster.” She kept looking back between his lips and his eyes.
“That’s okay.” She focused on his eyes. “I thought the apricot and honey thing was the real low point.” Tom laughed. They looked into each other's eyes in silence until the clattering of the doorknob broke the moment apart. She turned to look what it was, and so did he. Tom knew what was next to come.
“Oh, my god! My flatmate. I’m sorry. There is no excuse for him.” he quickly apologized for Harrison’s sake before the blond opened the door. The two watched the door open and Harrison walked in. Half a smoked cigarette still in his mouth. He was wearing a brown shirt, probably from the female section, that was two sizes too small and blue jogging pants, which were so low that half his ass was falling out. He walked past them, not even acknowledging their company.  Even though they exchanged “hi”s.
“I’m just going into the kitchen to get some food.” He shouted through the house as he walked. “Then I’m gonna tell you a story that will make your balls shrink to the size of raisins.” He heard the fridge door open.
“Probably best not to tell anyone about this.” She raised her eyebrows, implicating what they had just done.
“Right. Right, no one… I mean, I’ll tell myself sometimes, but, don’t worry, I won’t believe it.” She smiled and the two of them walked to the door. He opened it for her one more time and she walked through.
“Goodbye,” she smiled. Tom could only make out a small “Bye.” before the door was closed.  He leaned his arm against the lock and, just, stood there for a moment. Trying to comprehend what just happened. He had kissed (Y/F/N)! The (Y/F/N). The biggest up-and-coming actress Hollywood had to offer. How? What had he done to be able to say he kissed… no, she kissed him.
“There’s something wrong with this yogurt.” Harrison shook Tom out of his own thoughts. Tom looked at the small container. “It’s not yogurt. It’s mayonnaise.”
“Oh, right. There we are, then.” and he took another full spoon of the condiment into his mouth. “On for a video fest tonight?” he suggested with his mouth full. Tom was barely listening. The kiss still fresh in his memory. “I got some absolute classics.”
Tom wasn’t sure if Harrison was joking him, because the first movie he picked was one of hers. Gramercy Park, it was called. Her face was on the cover of the movie, together with some bloke named Matthew Modine. It didn’t look great, but Tom didn’t have anything else to do, so he agreed on watching it.
“Smile,” Modine’s character begged hers in an art gallery. For some artistic decisions, the movie was black and white. Tom couldn’t understand why. The two characters walked around, looking at the paintings in the room. He couldn’t remember why they were there, he wasn’t really paying attention to the movie itself, honestly. Just her. He still couldn’t believe it that he had met the beautiful girl on the screen. Of course, her hair was different, but for the rest, it was definitely her!
“No.,” she said.  
“Smile,” Modine repeated himself. He had done it already four times. Each time as annoying to watch.
“I’ve got nothing to smile about.” the two sat down on a bench that just happened to be in the otherwise, furniture free, gallery.
“Okay, in about seven seconds, I’m going to ask you to marry me.” the two characters shared a look. Then, (Y/N) started smiling.
“Imagine,” Harrison spoke up. In his hand a piece of pizza that had been hanging there since three scenes ago. “Somewhere in the world, there’s a man who’s allowed to kiss her.”
“Yeah, she is…” Tom couldn’t look away from the small tv screen, “fairly fabulous.”
Tom stood in his bookshop. As usual, it was empty, except for one man.  He had been standing around for a few minutes already. In the middle of the shop, just looking around himself. “Do you have any books by Dickens?” he finally asked. Tom looked up from his inventory.
“No. No, I’m afraid we’re a travel bookshop. We only sell travel books.” The man didn’t seem to understand. He didn’t look exactly to be well. A bit pale and dried up. His suit also looked slightly too big for him.
“Oh, right. How about the new John Grisham thriller?”
“Well, no, because that’s a novel, too, isn’t it?”
“Oh right.” His eyes looked a  bit glassy as he continued to gaze around the room, nowhere in particular. The man sighed deeply. “Have you got Winnie-the-Pooh?” Tom was officially done with this individual. The knew that Martin should be there somewhere, so he called out: “Martin, your customer.” Martin, this time wearing a big red cardigan, purple shirt, and a blue tie, popped up from behind a wall. He definitely had not heard the conversation Tom had with the man because he pleasantly asked: “Can I help you?”
A ring of the bell above the entrance made Tom turn around. It was probably just the strong wind that had been roaming around the street the whole day because there was nobody there when he looked. What he did see, was a double-decker bus driving in front of them right then. On there, the advertisement for the movie HELIX. He knew it would be coming out in cinemas soon, but that was about it. As the bus moved along, he saw her face. Of course, she would be the star of it. There almost hasn’t been a movie without her for the last two years.
It had been two days since the orange juice incident, Tom felt like he couldn’t avoid (Y/N). Her perfect face was everywhere. It was sad because he knew that in reality, he would never see her again.
The next morning Tom was making his way up the stairs, to the bathroom, when Harrison came walking downstairs. For some unknown reason, he was wearing Tom’s red scuba gear. His flatmate walked past him with a nonchalant “Hey” and left Tom confused on the stairs.
“Just, incidentally, why are you wearing that?” Tom asked at the breakfast table. He was looking at Harrison who stood by the (still very full) sink eating a bowl of cereal, a cigarette between the same fingers in which he held the spoon...
“Combination of factors really,” he said as he ate. “Uhm, no clean clothes…”
“There never will be, you know, unless you actually clean your clothes.”
“Right,” he nodded, “Vicious circle.”
“Yeah.” Tom agreed.
“And I was, like, rooting round in your things and I found this and I thought: Cool.” Tom looked at Harrison properly. Cool, was not a word he would use. The scuba-suit was definitely one of the less extravagant pieces of wardrobe Harrison has ever worn, but it was still a scuba-suit.
“Kinda spacey,” he added.
It was a Saturday, so the two men decided to do what they usually did when they didn’t have plans. They went up to the roof. It was a very pleasant spot where you could look out on the city, without the city looking back at you.
Tom sat down on a chair, under a parasol, while Harrison lounged himself on a slightly higher bit of the roof, next to the flower pots of which the residents had died many moons ago. He lay down on his side.
“There’s something wrong with the goggles, though.” Harrison tried to adjust them to his face.
“No, they were prescription,” Tom explained, not looking up from whatever article he was reading.
“Groovy.” Harrison sat up.
“So I could see all the fishes properly.”
“You should do more of this stuff.” He adjusted the goggles again. Tom doubted if his friend over there could actually see anything through them whether or not he moved them around in some way.
“So, look, any messages today?”  He put down his article on the small table next to him.
“Yeah, I wrote a couple down. Harrison got up and walked over to another piece of the roof, where his own set of table and garden chairs stood. It was fully in the sun and Harrison often, unfortunately, lay there naked. Hoping to get a tan someday.
“So, there were two, there were two messages? Right?”  He watched as Harrison walked over to the other chairs and sat down, putting his feet up on another chair in front of him. He pulled down the goggles so they would hang around his neck. “You want me to write down all your messages?” He waved with his cigarette as he talked.
Tom didn’t understand how he managed to live with this idiot for this long. He also didn’t understand how he had not yet bought an answering machine. Massaging his temple, he asked: “Okay, Who are the ones that you didn’t write down from?” Harrison took a swing from his cigarette and thought for a moment.
“No, gone completely.” But immediately after that, he remembered again: “Oh, no, there was one from your mum. She said: don’t forget lunch, and her leg’s hurting again.”
“No one else?”
“Absolutely no one else.” Tom looked at Harrison for a moment, ready for him to add something to his sentence. But he only leaned back relaxed in his chair. After six seconds, Tom gave up and went back to the article he was reading. Of course, right at that moment, Harrison started talking again. “Though if we’re going for this obsessive writing-down-all-the-message thing, some American girl called (Y/N) called a few days ago.” Tom’s head shot back up. She called? How was that even possible?  He wanted to play it a bit cool.  “What did she say?” he asked.
“Well, it was genuinely bizarre. She said: Hi, it’s (Y/N). Then she said, Call me at The Ritz. And then gave herself a completely different name.”
“Which was?” Tom dragged him on.
“Absolutely no idea.” He took another breath of his cigarette. “Remembering one name’s hard enough.” Tom groaned in frustration and got up from his slightly uncomfortable chair. He made his way downstairs, to the living room-study where the phone was located. He had to look for the telephone book to find the number for the Ritz. Of course, it was hidden underneath a pile of Harrison’s dirty clothes.
Once he had the number for the hotel, he ticked it into the machine and waited for the other line to answer. It soon did. A man asked him who he wanted to speak to. Tom knew that it probably wouldn’t be (Y/F/N). It was probably the name that she had left with Harrison… which he forgot. He tried anyway. The man said that there was nobody staying here under this name.
“No, I know that. She said that. I know she’s using another name. The problem is she left the message with my flatmate,” Tom looked at Harrison who very calmly and casually sat down on the couch in front of him and opened up the newspaper. A new cigarette in his mouth. “Which was a very serious mistake. Uhm…” he didn’t know how to explain it to the man on the other line. “Imagine, if you will, the stupidest person you’ve ever met. Are you doing that?”
“Yes, sir, I have him in my mind.” he heard.
“And now double it. And that is the, what can I say, the git that I am living with. And he can’t remember this other…”
“Try Flintstone,” Harrison said. His voice sounded very nasally because he was wearing those goggles again. Tom looked up at him in complete disbelief.
“Sorry,” he said to the man from the hotel. “What?”  
“I think she said her name was Flintstone.” Tom rolled his eyes. A cartoon character? Really? But he had no other options, so he took his shot in the dark: “I don’t suppose Flintstone rings any bells, does it?’ He was expecting the man to laugh at him, but instead, the man said: ‘Well, I’ll put you right through, sir.”  He couldn’t believe it. While the line was being switched he tried to think of what he should say. That was cut short when her voice was heard. “Hello.” He put the phone back to his ear.
“Hi. Sorry. Uhm…It’s Tom, Holland.” He wasn’t sure she would know who he was.
“We… I work in a bookshop.” He sat down, not sure his legs could hold him up during this conversation. He wasn’t very hopeful that she remembered who he was. But she did. “You played it pretty cool there, waiting for three days to call.”
“Oh, no, I promise you I’ve never played anything cool in my entire life. My flatmate, who I’ll stab to death later, never gave me the message.” he tried to explain himself. She didn’t say anything. This was his chance. “I don’t know, perhaps… uhm, I could drop round for tea later or something?” She didn’t say anything for a while.
‘Things are pretty busy here. I might be free at around 4:00.”
“Right. Right. Great.” They said their bye’s and he could hear the other line hang up. He held the phone in his hand for a second or nine before putting it down. He looked at Harrison, who had put down his paper and took a long swing from his cigarette. Before blowing out the smoke that had built up in his lungs, he put the goggles back over his eyes. Tom could suddenly see smoke coming out from underneath the goggles.
At around 3:30, Tom decided to leave the house. Not only have at least ten minutes to spare in case any traffic came up but also because he was starting to get tired of Harrison blowing smoke in his goggles and then yelling that his eyes burned.
He took the bus. Getting out as quickly as possible. He crossed the street and looked at the entrance of the Ritz. He had never even been close to the building. With his lower than low income, he didn’t exactly feel worthy to be around it.
Walking in, a whiff of richness could be felt. It wasn’t very pleasant. He had walked to the front desk and asked in which room “Miss Flintstone” was staying and then headed to the elevators. The man had said to go to the fortepiano and to the right. So that is what he did.
A man in a black suit walked in with him. In one hand he was holding a briefcase and in the other a cup of coffee.
“Which floor?” Tom asked.
“Three, please.” That just so happened to be the same as his. The doors closed and they were ascending. Not much later the elevator stopped and they got out. Tom glanced at the little navigation sign on which it stated which rooms were on each side of the corridor and made his way to the right. The man took a bit more time doing so but followed him in the same direction. He walked behind him until the very end of the corridor, all the way up to room number 38, the Trafalgar Suite. Before Tom knocked he turned around to the man. “Are you… sure?”  Was he here too to see (Y/N).
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, Sure.” He smiled. Tom knocked on the door. They waited for the door to be opened. Even though the other man stood a good distance away from him, Tom still had the feeling he could feel his breath on his neck. He felt very uncomfortable. Who was he? What was he doing here?
The door suddenly opened, revealing a woman around his (and maybe also the other man’s) age. Tom had never seen her before. She was barely looking at them, too occupied by whatever it was in her hands.
“Hi. Hi. I’m Karen.” Karen handed him a booklet, on which a the same picture was that he had been seeing all over town recently. It was (Y/N), in her futuristic bob-cut, from her new movie HELIX. “I’m sorry, things are running a little bit late. Here’s the uhm, thing. Do you wanna come this way?” She went back inside.”Through here.” Not knowing what to do, Tom just followed and so did the ginger man. There were many other people in the room. All looking like they have been waiting for a while, all holding the same booklet that Karen had given to him. Tom finally understood what was going on. This was a press conference.
“So what did you think of the film?” Karen clicked her pen, ready to write down their words.
“Yeah, I thought it was fantastic. I thought it was Close Encounters meets Jean de Florette.” the ginger man said. Karen smiled satisfied. Then the two of them looked at Tom, expecting him to add to it. He did not know what he thought of the movie as he had not seen it, nor - honestly - was he actually planning on seeing it. Because he had to say something, he choked out: “I agree.” The man nodded approvingly and swung his coffee cup back to drink the last bit of his drink.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t get down what magazines you’re from.”
“Time Out.” the man said.
“Great,” she noted the name, then looked up at Tom, “and you’re from?” Tom was very much freaking out. He was definitely not from any magazine. He can’t even remember the last time he read one. He tried to look around unnoticed for some inspiration. Thankfully, on a small table nearby, there was a whole pile of magazines. Hidden behind a vase of flowers. It was the only option he got.
“Er- Horse & Hound.” The man next to him smiled impressed. Tom smirked back. Karen wrote down the name too. As (Y/N) had said that they could meet up today, he assumed that she was expecting him.
He cleared his throat: “The name’s Tom Holland. Actually, she might be expecting me.”
“Oh, okay.” She didn’t sound very impressed but went along with it. “Take a seat and I’ll go check.” Karen smiled and walked away. The ginger man still stood by him. He pointed at a small couch and asked if they should sit down. They did so. As they walked over to it, the man started a conversation: “I see you’ve… I see you’ve brought her some flowers.” he pointed at the small bouquet. Tom had completely forgotten about them. It was rather pathetic now that he thought about it. He started laughing: “No. These are.. for my… grandmother. She’s in a hospital down the road. Thought I’d kill two birds with one stone, you know.” The man nodded.
“Sure, right. Absolutely, yeah.” Tom turned around slightly, hoping the conversation was now over. Unfortunately, for him, it was not. “Which hospitals that?” Tom wanted to tell the man to mind his own business but thought it would be quite rude to do so.
“Do you mind me not saying? It’s a rather distressing thing, isn’t it?” he was impressed by himself, really. “The name of the hospital kind of gives it away.”
“Absolutely. Sure.” the man agreed. Tom thanked him with a “Cheers.” There was a very awkward silence between them. Tom did not know if this was much better than the conversation.
“Right, Mr. Holland,” Karen popped up through the crowd of journalists from a different corridor than into which one she had disappeared, “If you come this way.”
“Right.” Tom got up. He walked over to Karen who showed him towards a room a bit away from where everyone was standing and waiting. “You’ve got five minutes.” She opened a door for him and walked away. The room was oval shaped. Very roomy and very classy. The beige color of the walls was repeated in the furniture, ceiling, drapes, and carpet. Parallel to the door was a big window looking out on the city. In front of it stood (Y/N). she had her back facing him but turned around the moment he walked in. Just like the last time he saw her, she was beautiful. Even with the light making her only a silhouette. She walked away from the window with a big smile. Tom could now see her more properly. Yes, she was beautiful. Dressed in a full suit, including a tie, she showed all the power in her that the world needed to see. Her hair was tied back in a slick ponytail.
“Hi.” He said. She responded with a simple “Hello.”
“Uhm, I brought these, but clearly…” he looked around the room, where gigantic bushes of flowers stood in every spot that fit.
“No, they’re great. They’re great.” She smiled and took them from him. Tom didn’t know what to do.
“I’m sorry about not ringing back.” he apologized when she put down the flowers on the table in front of them. “The whole two-names concept was totally too much for my flatmate’s pea-sized intellect.”
“No, it’s a stupid privacy thing. I always pick a cartoon character.”  thankfully she didn’t seem to be very angry at him, technically, ignoring her for three days. “Last time I was Mrs. Bmbi.” she laughed at her own choice. The door of the room closed as a man stepped in, making them both look away from each other. The man was older, already at the point where his barely-there hair was completely white. He was wearing all black, so Tom assumed it was some type of security.
“Everything all right?”  he asked.
“Yes, thank you.” (Y/N) smiled at the man, who brought his attention to Tom.
“And you’re from Horse & Hound?” Tom just nodded. “Good.” Then he turned around and started going through some papers.
“Is that so?” (Y/N) smiled, probably holding in a bigger one underneath it, and sat down on the big couch. Not wanting to be inappropriate, Tom sat down in a chair next to it. His eyes were still on the man. He couldn’t have the conversation he wanted to have, while he was there. They would have him kicked out before he actually asked anything.
“So..uhm, I’ll just fire away, then, shall I?” he looked unsure at (Y/N), who glanced at the man in the round corner of the room and smirked. She waited for his first question.
“Right...er- The film’s great.” Always a good way to start, he thought. “And I just was wondering whether you ever thought of having more, uh, horses in it?” The man cleared his throat. It was unsure if it was towards Tom and his ridiculously idiotic question, or it was actually needed. Especially, that he didn’t even seem to be paying attention, as he was checking her mail. (Y/N) answered as she glanced over at him: “Well, we would have like to, but it was difficult, obviously, being set in space.” Tom seemed to blank out for a minute. At this moment he felt like a bigger idiot than Harrison.
“Space, right, yeah. Yeah, obviously very difficult.” The door opened again and the man left. Tom didn’t even wait to make sure he couldn’t hear them. “I’m so sorry. I arrived outside, they thrust this into my hand.” he showed her the movie booklet that he had earlier on put down.
“No, it’s my fault. I thought this would all be over by now.” she sighed. “I just wanted to sort of apologizing for the kissing thing. I seriously don’t know what came over me.” Tom could feel the smile on his face slowly lower itself. He didn’t know what he had expected from this conversation, but this somehow was not it. “I just wanted to make sure that you were fine about it.”
Tom froze for a moment. Of course, he was fine about it. The kiss was amazing. He knew that he probably should say it out loud too. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely fine.” He had to play it cool, though. Once again, the heavy door opened and closed. The bold man came in again.
“Do remember that Miss (Y/L/N) is also keen to talk about her next project which she is shooting later in the summer.” He walked over to them to pour a glass of water for (Y/N). Tom was sure she could perfectly well do it herself and that there was no particular reason for the man to be there now.
“Yes, excellent. Excellent.” He did not want to talk about her next project, but since the man was still there, he had no other choice. “Any horses in that one?” She looked at him with a sad smile. He knew very well that this attempt at an interview was not going great at all. “Or hounds for that matter?” he added quickly. “Our readers are equally intrigued by both species.”
“It takes place on a submarine,” she explained disappointedly.
“Oh, well, bad luck.” he glanced over at the man, who did not seem to be very keen on leaving. “But if there were horses in it, would you be riding them, or would you be getting a stunt-horse-double-man-thing?” he could hear the man walk away with a sigh, opening the door, and closing it behind him.
“I’m a complete moron, I apologize.” he took a deep breath. “This is very weird. It’s the sort of thing that happens in dreams, not in real life. I mean, good dreams. It’s a dream, in fact, to see you again.” He looked away, not believing what he had just said. Her next words were soft, almost a whisper: “What happens next in the dream?”
Her smile took his breath away for a moment there. Once he managed to talk, he thought for a moment. “I suppose that in the uhm, dream, dream scenario, I just change my personality,” he wished he was more confident around her, less of a bumbling idiot. “Because you can do that in dreams and uhm... “ They were looking into each other's eyes. Tom was not sure if she was actually moving closer to him or he was just imagining it. “And walk over and kiss the girl. But…” they both started to lean in. This was happening. Now he was prepared. He could do it.
The only problem was, it was not happening. The old security man came in through the door, making Tom and (Y/N) sit up and look away from each other. Breaking any tension there was between them.
“Time’s up, I’m afraid. Did you get what you wanted?” Tom wanted to punch the stupid grin off of his face. Of course, he didn’t get what he wanted. But he had to keep calm.
“Nearly. Nearly,” he said, fidgeting in his chair a bit.
“Well, maybe just one last question,” he smirked towards (Y/N). It was very unnerving to look at. She smiled and said: “sure, sure.” The man left again. It was all very annoying.
“Are you busy tonight?” Tom asked when the door clicked in the lock.
“Yes.” She simply stated.
“Right. Right.” He understood. Of course, the biggest movie star in Hollywood would be busy. She doesn’t have time for him. What was he thinking? There was a silence between them. Very awkward.
“Come in,” The man walked in, This time followed by a Clark Kent looking type. (Y/N) got up, so Tom assumed it was really time to go for him. They politely shook hands and she said: “Well, it was nice to meet you.”
“Yes, and you.”
“Surreal, but nice.” She smirked. Tom laughed at the comment. It will haunt him for the rest of his life, probably.
“Thank you,” he said, “You are Horse & Hound’s favorite actress.” the comment made her laugh out loud a little. “You and Black Beauty tied.” He wished he could kiss her, but the men next to them made it impossible. So, he walked away. Not looking back. He was not exactly pleasantly surprised to see the ginger man standing outside. When he saw Tom, he told whoever he was talking to on the phone, to hang on.
“How was she?” He asked interestedly.
“Oh, um…” the question threw him off a bit. “Fabulous.”
“Excellent.” they were about to part, but the man stopped him again. “Wait a minute, she took your grandmother’s flowers?” he looked confused. So did Tom. Grandmother’s flowers? What was he on about? Then he remembered his poor excuse.
“Yeah, yeah. That’s right. Bitch.”
“Mr. Holland.” It was Karen, coming out of a corridor. What was it now? Couldn’t he just leave? He was fine, honestly. “If you’d like to come with me, we can just rush you through the others.”
“The others?” Karen walked away, but Tom stood still in his spot. What others?  There weren’t any others for him. Just (Y/N). Karen didn’t stop or respond, so he had to follow her. The woman leads him into another room, where a gentleman was seated.
“Mr. Holland is from Horse & Hound,” she told him and walked away, but not before gesturing to Tom to sit down.
“How ’s it going?” the man asked. They shook hands.
“Very well. Thank you.” Tom was going to pass out. He couldn’t interview him! And Karen had talked about others. That was definitely plural. Was he expected to talk to the whole cast? He couldn’t.
“Have a seat.” They sat down. Tom was ready for the next hour of torture to begin.
Should I write and post more of this story? Do you want to be tagged? Any other request or comment?
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capputinos-harp · 2 years
Hello 👋. I saw your post that you write yandere headcanons and I was wondering if I can request Yandere headcanons of either Sun Wukong or Macaque. The NSFW is completely up to you. If you’re not taking requests at all, then please ignore this request. Thank you and have a good day 😁🐵
Authors Notes;I'll write both my traveller~ I also basing this off my ideas of my first fic btw- and nonsmut for today I'm too lazy
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Six-Eared Macaque
- Yandere macaque, is interesting, to say the least. His cold, smug, and mischievous but not borderline prankster. His Mini Villain, different episodes different outcomes, due to how he acted for each of them being straight out cold and handy to know a bit of boundary between.
- For him to fall for you, and his sanity 'Snapped' it would be near impossible, but the impossible is always possible right? Well, luck may be on your side if you haven't made him snap.
- This man is dangerous, macaque can sneak around, and stalk you with simply shadows. You don't know where or when he will stare daggers into your whole figure.
- The reason for along in love with you is simply interest, power, and authority. If you have one of those boxes or all of them checked, you're screwed.
- would he kidnap you immediately? No, it will take time to know you, likes, dislikes, food preferences, style of clothes, even your house keys and where you put or took them with you.
- Even when he does kidnap you, it's only for a brief minute, insisting your stay with him for a few days. He knows how to use manipulation, either Emotional or Verbal manipulation, brainwashing is there for the option but he won't take it that far, yet.
- Even if you trust him full heartedly or half heartedly, he still and will use brainwashing to make you think, his doing the best for you, the only one who supports you, helped you in your darkest times.
- It's until your mind is blank, eyes are dead, your ambitions and dreams been crushed to smithereens. Only an empty husk of a body that been turned into submission.
" Why so cold? I though you said you want to stay by my side? Changed your mind so quickly? "
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Sun Wu Kong
- Wu Kong is a different case, with his chill and a bit laid back personality, it can be deceiving.
- One way, his chill and showed no manipulation or be a bit touchy. And the other way would be silently making hints to make others go away from you.
- This can be interpreted as platonic or romantic, depends on what reader we have. But falling in love with you is out of questions as it would be innocent at the start until later on, you would have a bit time to get away.
- Like macaque, this man is dangerous, an obsessive yandere, making you stay on his home instead of letting you free. Even if you escaped, this man can use his golden vision to see a far. So good luck running away.
- No, he will not let you go, the most freedom you could get is wandering around the mountain or the island. Depends on what reader you're intepretating.
- The only way he can take you away is your full trust in him, his and immortal and can be patient (at times)
- If his patience enough, he will take you away without any suspicion and with reluctant with you, without force I mean.
- if his patience run out, well things won't be the same impression when you though of him the first time.
- Though, he will give you anything games, kids, immortality, you name it he will get it. Except freedom (depends on what route you took.)
" Peaches! Guess what! I got you a game you always wanted! "
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troofless · 2 years
servamp chapter 117 thoughts and pseudo-summary
Amazingly enough, I was spoiled thru spoilers before I even found the new chapter! And then when I read it I was disappointed because the /spoiler/ part happens at the end so it basically ends on a cliffhanger...
First off, Imma say Nicco with short hair is very cool, just sayin
Nicco: For my neutral special, I wield a GUN-
Okay no, not really, but he explains more into detail about his Lead. When 6 of his nail/stakes/bullets hitting his target, he can render people powerless for 36 hours. What is this, the watered-down version of Sex Pistols?
Lawless & Misono, who have only ever encountered short-ranged Leads in their life: Wow! Poggers
Nicco: Oh yeah, by the way, anyone can shoot the vampire and my Lead will still activate. Any volunteers?
Nicco originally had 36 of these bullets at first (oh thank god, that’s more than one reload), but he can only have 18 special ones (bruh), and he’s already shot 2 into Envy and 3 into Pride. 3 of them Pride removed, and 2 of them were also destroyed by Pride, so he’s left with 8. Funky math times.
Nicco: I need Il do actually use my GUN properly so you’re stuck with those 8 bullets for now. 
So much for a trump card, Nicco.
Anyway he says something about how he’s weak and doesn’t trust himself but trusts his nakama more than anyone else, bla bla his usual self-deprecating and ‘I’m not alone’ speech (which ties to the chapter title), and then they go to fight
Anyway, they also do a quick summary for you: They need to put 6 bullets into Envy. Envy already has 2 in him, so you only need 4 more, out of the 8 existing bullets they have left. Neat math, huh?
The chapter title is ‘It’s ___er not to be alone’, implying it could be better or worse. Because, you know. Nakama gets shot later.
Shuuhei and Cappu shoot 1 each into Envy. So 2 more to go. We also get another nice shot of what looks to be Envy’s contract item, a windup key.
Then on their next shot, Envy does a WTF move and deflects the bullets and somehow managing to hit them with 2 bullets on his own. 
Licht and Lawless land on the ground after jumping out of the building a chapter earlier, Nicco safely in Lawless’s hands. Lawless’s also lost his glasses. Damn.
Then Lawless hands Licht his GUN and in an amazing feat of WAIT, LICHT CAN SHOOT??? shoots Envy in the side. That’s anime logic for you. Even Lawless comments on Licht’s prodigious abilities.
So they only need 1 bullet left before Envy (supposedly) goes down.
And then we cut to Mikuni, who I personally couldn’t care for even if he turns out to have sympathetic motivations that will be revealed later on. Anyway, he tries to say something before Tsurugi throws a cloth over him and tries to kill him, failing (sadly). 
They both pull out their weapons (oh yes surely the rope will beat the sword, obviously), and go in to fight while the Alicein dad watches at the side like a coward.
Envy: Oh no, I’ve been shot. Better do something to get out of this tight spot! *cocks gun*
Lawless asks Licht to hand him the GUN because Envy will be less cautious towards him (definitely a WAIT, LAWLESS CAN SHOOT??? moment), and also, he won’t die if he’s shot a bit. Truly, Lawless’s self-preservation instincts have been shot to pieces a long time ago.
Anyway, Envy cuts in because he hates gay thoughts and tosses the gun aside. 
Licht gets injured, Lawless knows that Envy knows about the bullets, and he thinks that Envy’s going to go for him because he’s the most dangerous enemy here (yeah, totally), but instead Envy turns towards Licht in the most genius move he’s done all day. To quote FMA, if you want to shoot the general you gotta first shoot the horse, which in this case is Licht, and also don’t think too much into that analogy.
Lawless stands there for a moment before performing a beatdown on Envy, getting annoying that Envy correctly points out Licht as his weak point. (A pointless realisation, but Lawless refers to Licht in his head as Licht and not Licht-tan.)
He shouts that it’s on and declares that he’ll definitely beat Envy up, in a very Shoujo-manga like.
Lawless then lifts Licht’s hand in drinks his blood in the most gay way ever and powers up, and the chain manifest, something we haven’t seen in ages. Also, where is Lawless’s rapier?
Lawless, in the dumbest feat ever, tries to grab Envy. 
Tsuyuki prepares his Four and Twenty Blackbirds magic (supposedly), and Misono calls for Envy to stop.
Envy dodges Lawless and goes for Licht, who dodges, and Lawless chases after him, telling Envy not to underestimate him, and that he won’t let Envy shoot Licht. 
And then he starts turning into goop.
Distracted by the WTF moment, Licht gets shot in the arm. Meaning he probably can’t play piano in the near future. 
Then Envy switches targets and goes after Nicco and threatens to kill Nicco if he doesn’t deactivate his Lead.
And we get a nice panel of Licht dying on the ground with his wing torn off for symbolism.
Tsuyuki, in his report to C3: And then Greed turned into a pile of goop. Yumikage, who has already heard that Sloth and his Eve have turned into liquid: Are you fucking kidding me
Anyway, what this means is probably what’s happening in Chapter 114: A takeover! Lawless’s demon is taking over his body! He’s slowly turning into his inner demon - aka, slime! Now that we’ve already seen this happen with Snow Lily and Ildio, it’s finally Lawless’s turn! Hell yeah show us his inner demon I’ve been waiting forever. 
Btw if you’re asking where you can read the chapter you can find it here. I got it from a Russian website so just proceed with caution, yada yada source not mine, etc.
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sour-heart-treats · 11 months
you know who ill be asking for ..... overworked cappuccino cookie please🎉women when they are Suffering!!!
"Guh-" Cappuccino awoke with a start, hand shooting out from its position beneath him and knocking over a neatly stacked pile of empty cappuccino cups. Something felt like it had gripped him in his entirety, though whatever it was didn't hold him in place. Trying to keep his heart from freaking out further than it already was, the prosecutor would reach across messy documents and take a sip of a long-gone cold coffee that was disappointing at best to consume. "What… was that a nightmare?" He'd wonder to himself, sitting up and giving a stretch, stopping when he nearly felt himself pull a muscle in his back. Cappuccino glanced out the window, seeing a crescent moon shining amongst clouded stars. "Wonder what it was all about… Oh well, back to work."
And back he would go, picking up where he left off on some case he constantly needed to remind himself on the details of. Cases were so much simpler when magic wasn't involved, but when they were, things became much more complicated. It didn't help that this case involved a form of magic that wasn't well known even in Parfaedia… Moonlit magic. Ancient magic toted by wizards long ago, now only used by very few, and understanding of it was so minuscule it made the possibilities in this case so much harder to decipher. Spinning around in his chair and accidentally crushing some discarded cups of caffeine under his wheels, the giant corkboard behind him held enough to make even a scholar go mad. Though to Cappu… it at least made some sense. "So if the suspect was here, and the magic readings were found here… Ugh, but it wouldn't linger that long! Someone else had to have been there to cast that featherweight spell!" Rambling to himself, the red string between images would be shifted here, there, and a third where. Nothing here was adding up, but there had to be something here that he just wasn't seeing! The prosecutor would sigh and get up from his chair, going around it rather than spinning it back around, in order to grab and drink his cold coffee without spilling it. Though as he approached the board again, that same feeling of being gripped made his entire body tense. Losing grip on his cappuccino, the person of the same name would watch helplessly as it fell and spilled all over the carpet. Ugh… Another drink for the floor, huh.
"Geez…" Cappu would groan, " I didn't think that lack of sleep would cause such drastic seizing…" "It doesn't." A second voice, bitterly familiar, would reach the prosecutor's ears. Whipping around to confront the voice, and grabbing a desklamp to shine the intruder, Cappu would find that a certain phantom thief had found their way onto his desk. Standing there. Holding… his… soulstone?! "What- how did you-?! Put that down this instant!!" The prosecutor barked, pushing forward and attempting to scramble onto his desk, only knocking down towers upon towers of empty cups while the thief simply took a step back and off of the desk, leaving them on opposite ends. "Now now," Roguefort teased, unphased by the bright light being shined upon them, "I do not intend on doing anything with your soul. Toying with people's lives isn't my line of work… though that would be interesting if it were true." "What are you doing in my house?! Why are you here!? To laugh at me after you got away!?" Though Cappu would growl and scowl at the thief, Rogue wouldn't do much more than smile and shrug. "I am simply here to prevent your soulstone from being destroyed by your own actions. There's a certain someone who's grown highly concerned about your state thanks to the number of cases you've taken that happen to match against them." Cappuccino would blink, taken aback. "You mean to tell me… that defense lawyer sent you here to check up on me?" How demeaning… He didn't need this- as much as he did appreciate the sentiment. "I would have preferred they would have visited me themself instead of sending you here. They should know how much I despise you…" "Ah, but they did not ask. They merely… implied it." Roguefort would chuckle, looking at the shining stone in their hand and tilting their head at it. "Your soul has certainly grown dim as of late. It is not worth stealing something that has not been well-polished." These insults were certainly not making the prosecutor feel any better, even if the stone getting gently pet sent an ironically warming chill through him. "You are not very good at hiding when you are in true need of help… and as someone who knows the true worth of all I come across, your worth in yourself has been dwindling, hasn't it? With all the late nights and the constant losses against that passionate lawyer…"
"Could you stop with the incessant monologue and tell me what on Earthbread you could possibly want?" Cappuccino snipped, ignoring the strange sensation of having someone touch the purest form of his soul with such gentleness. No one should be doing that- especially not someone as despicable as Phantom Bleu. "Look, sure, Langue is worried about me. Sure, these past few months have been… rough… so what do you want me to do about it?!" "Simply… take better care of yourself. I will be remaining with you until you do so, as a favor for the one who kept me out of prison." "Yea?" Housing the phantom thief? What bullshit is this? "Well good luck, buddy! You've got someone ridden with so many problems that the song with ninety-nine problems would be blown out of the water ten times over! Not to mention I'll just report you the second you let your guard down!" "Hmhm. That's cute." The thief would grip the stone in their hand, causing Cappu to gasp and seize, losing grip on the light in his hand and making the room go dark as the lamp landed with the shade covering the bulb. "Unfortunately, if you were to report me for residing with you, would that not put your reputation under scrutiny? The headlines would abhor you, darling. Rumors would eat you up… Not to mention we would go through the whole song-and-dance again with me winding up disappearing from the courtroom in a flash! It would be better if we just focused on taking care of you, wouldn't it?"
Cappuccino would catch his breath, glaring into the dark as he took longer than before to recover. Had he been squeezed harsher than last time? "You neglected to mention your… the fact that you have my soulstone, and could kill me anytime you wanted." "Kill you? Oh, no, no, no! I am not a beast!" Rogue would step back onto the desk, looking down at Cappu in the dark, eyes shining like a feline shrowded in the shadows. "Though I do plan on using this as a contingency. Would not want you to pass on of your own accord before I had a moment to aid you, would we? Now, care to let me aid you, for that intriguing defense attorney and your own sake?"
"…fine," The prosecutor hissed, crossing his arms and looking only at the thief's eyes. It was the only part he could really see, after all. "But know that I will land you back in court and win, regardless of how much help you give me. I hate you." "Cute. Well then, let's start your little 'rehabilitation' that you often claimed I am the one who needs it so desperately."
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cranneo · 7 years
First, I'm super new to your art but I am in LOVE with it. And god I wish I could see more for that blue headed Skeledae you made for adoption! I use to have blue hair and that character appealed to me so hard my jaw dropped XD You've probably been asked before but I was curious. What is that species anyway? It's beautiful and I can't say I've seen anything like it. I hope you plan to do more. I'm hyped to see it.
Anon thank you so much!!
and god, I've seriously been meaning to make a species sheet for my skeledae but I just never get to it-thank you so much for the interest however! Here's the main thangs about 'em:
-They're skeleton demons, their name comes from "skeleton" and the latin word "daemon"-their demon forms(their horned/tailed/nailed versions) give them extra strength-their extra strength in their demon forms is directly proportional to the length of their horns-as the more bones they consume the longer they grow up to a certain point(about up to a foot and a half? because christ, imagine one with like...6ft+ horns LOL)-they're capable of retracting their horns/tails/nails in all at once or individually-the way they consume bones is inspired by bearded vultures(stomach acid) and hyenas(bite force)-buuut since most don't need the extra strength in the modern age in order to survive,most are extremely laid back in bone eating-they can live long lives, the more bones they eat the longer
But of course, the buyers don't have to write these deets in to their daes at all. It's all up to 'em really once I finally get the sheet done
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tsuki-109 · 3 years
it's your birthday!??!!?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉🎉🎉 sorry I'm probably very late I am quite busy lately, happy birthday to you (what can I call you?) here have some tsukasa :)
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njkenrkrnkwfrklwr Tsukasa- Oh gosh you're gonna make me cry T^T Thank you soooo muchhhh!!!! Don't worry about the timing at all! Late or early I still appreciate it a lot. And I understand.. June is exam month and I've been busy too lol (dude I swear my grades do be dropping faster than the apple that landed on Isaac Newtons head). As for the name, I really don't mind what you call me. Though, Tory is a nickname some people call me but you don't have to if you don't want to. Like I said before, anything is fine. (Should I just call you Cappu?).
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pocket-luv101 · 5 years
Summary: Licht returns from a week long trip and Hyde is excited to see him again. Yet, he can’t seem to find a moment alone with his boyfriend after he returns. (LawLicht, Modern AU)
“Can you see the dock yet? Why is the boat so slow?” Hyde asked Licht over the phone. He stared at the sea and searched for the ship Licht was on. It had been a week since he last saw his boyfriend and he was impatient. The seven lonely days and quiet nights were unbearable for him. He couldn’t wait to see him and hold him in his arms again.
Licht had to leave for a recital and they both wished he could’ve gone with him. Since Hyde recently opened a restaurant, he couldn’t leave on a long trip. They would talk over the phone every night but Hyde missed seeing his cute expressions during their discussions. “I can see the shore. I’m going to get my suitcase from the cabin so the reception might cut. Talk to you later when we dock.”
“I miss you,” He whispered after the call ended. At the moment, the ship was five minutes late and that was less time he could spend with his angel. Hyde wanted to scream at the ship to travel faster but he knew it would have no effect on its speed. He sighed deeply and sat on a bench nearby to wait for him. “I’m starting to hate ships.”
“What did ships ever do to you?” Hyde looked over his shoulder to see Mahiru standing behind him with a kind smile. He was holding a large bag of groceries so he guessed he was returning from the market. He moved around the bench to sit beside him and put down his bags. “I’m on my way to see Kuro and make him a special dinner. I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“I’m picking Licht up. He should be stepping off one of those ships any minute now.” He explained. When he thought of the past week, he became more downcast. Hyde couldn’t explain why he felt so lonely without Licht since he was surrounded by people in his restaurant. He would often talk with his siblings and friends as well.
A boat in the distance caught his eyes and Hyde rushed to his feet. Standing at the bow of the ship was Licht who waved at him. He went to the end of the dock and stood dangerously close to the loading area. He rocked impatiently on his feet as he waited for the steps to lower. The moment he saw Licht at the top of the stairs, he raced up to meet them.
“Welcome home, Lichtan!” He threw his arms around him and smothered him in a hug. Licht didn’t seem to mind as he nestled his face against his chest. He looked forward to seeing him again as well. He wasn’t expecting Hyde to lift him off his feet and spin them in a circle.
He peppered kisses onto his cheek until Licht placed his hand over Hyde’s lips. “I missed you too but stop. We’re in public. Are you even listening to a thing I’m saying, Shit Rat? Everyone’s staring.”
“Let them. I don’t care.” He laughed when Licht kicked his leg lightly but he stopped at his command. He took his hand a little more firmly than usual, just to feel his warmth. With his free hand, he grabbed Licht’s luggage and all but dragged him off the ship. Hyde was intent on having a quiet afternoon together and a very eventful night.
“Welcome home, Licht. Did you have a fun trip?” Mahiru interrupted Hyde’s escape, smiling all the while. The rational side of him knew that Mahiru was merely greeting a friend. Yet, he was greedy and he wanted to steal Licht away. He held onto his waist as Licht and Mahiru spoke. “I’m making dinner for Kuro tonight. How about you two join us and we can catch up.”
“I would love to play with Neko-san again!” He accepted with a large grin. Hyde wanted to spend time with him alone but he couldn’t argue after he saw his blue eyes brighten. He told himself that he would have all night and the hour before dinner with Licht.
“We’re finally home! I closed the restaurant for the day so you have all of my attention. Do you want me to throw something together to eat?” Hyde closed the door to his restaurant with his feet because he didn’t want to let go of his hand. He spun Licht around in a circle until he could press his back against the door. With a grin, he tilted his chin up. “First, I want a proper welcome home kiss.”
The sound of stifled laughter and giggles stopped them and Hyde turned to see several men watching them. Licht quickly left his embrace and put a respectful distance between them. The men were wearing suits and he recognized them but he didn’t know how they broke into his restaurant. His answer came when World End stepped out of the kitchen.
“Hey, Lawless! I decided to visit you but you weren’t here. I hope you don’t mind that we let ourselves in. Cappu is making tea for everyone. He can make some for you two as well.” He told him before he sat in a chair. Hyde had given his brother a key in case of emergencies. He wished he remembered that World End considered a late lunch an emergency.
“The restaurant is closed for today. I left a sign in the window,” He said. He gestured to the sign but he found that it was gone. Hyde knew that it was rude to kick out World End and his friends. He sighed and sat down. “We’re having dinner with Kuro and Mahiru so we can’t eat much. Licht just got back from a trip so he’s tired too.”
“Don’t speak on my behalf, Shit Rat.” Licht took the chair next to him. While his words were curt, he edged his chair closer to Hyde. He discretely slid his hand onto his leg and gave him a sly smile. He had to take his hand back before anyone noticed. As they talked, time passed until it was time for dinner.
Their small dinner quickly turned into a reunion of friends as everyone invited themselves to Kuro’s home. It was loud and crowded but everyone was smiling. After they graduated and found different jobs, it was difficult for everyone to find time to meet. Usually, Hyde would enjoy a fun party but he would rather spend time alone with Licht.
After the dinner, they decided to put on a movie as well. He watched Licht play with Mahiru’s cat and his smile eased the irritation he felt. Hyde was glad he was having fun at least. His attention was pulled away from Licht when Mahiru entered the room with a tray of snacks. “Food’s ready! We can start the movie now that we have snacks.”
Everyone gathered around the television to watch the movie. Mahiru placed the tray on the table and sat back to sit between Kuro and Licht. Hyde was about to take the remaining seat next to Licht but Misono took the spot. His smile was tainted by his growing frustration. He only wanted to be alone with Licht. He lightly tugged on Misono’s arm and said, “I want to sit next to Lichtan.”
“You can sit next to me.” Kuro patted his brother’s shoulder and pulled him onto the couch. He dipped the chip into the salsa. “This is good, Mahiru.”
“Thank you.” The compliment made Mahiru smile. While the food was delicious and the movie was engaging, Hyde barely noticed either. The movie felt like forever to him but he reminded himself he would have Licht all to himself later. Then, Mahiru suggested: “How about all of us stay over and have a sleepover? That would be fun.”
“Actually, I’ll like to spend time with Li—” Hyde tried to protest but a voice shouted over him.
“Why is everyone taking my alone time with Hyde? I want my Demon back!” Licht threw up his arms in frustration. He walked through everyone until he took Hyde’s hand. He was too stunned to react as he was dragged out of the house. Everyone could only stare after them. After the door closed, the room burst into laughter.
“Okay, who had money on Licht breaking first?” Mahiru took out a bowl of money hidden beneath the table. They knew that both Hyde and Licht were deeply in love with each other. The group was curious who would snap first if they were kept apart after Licht’s trip.
“I should feel guilty for tricking my brother like this. But I did win a lot of money because Money Bags over there betted on Hyde. I know my brother.” Kuro chuckled.
The sound of rustling sheets woke Licht but he didn’t open his eyes yet. He wanted to sleep a little more since he couldn’t rest much during his recital. He felt someone play with his hair and twirl it around their finger. Even with his eyes closed, he knew that it was Hyde. He hummed happily and rolled closer to him. Licht missed him while they were gone and he clung to him more than usual.
“Time to wake up, Angel Cakes. I would love to lay in bed with you longer but I made breakfast. It’ll be a shame if it gets cold.” He leaned over him and kissed him softly. “Pancakes with sliced melons, your favourite. I missed you so much, Licht. You must’ve missed me too to make such a big scene.”
“Oh, shut up, Shit Rat.” He crawled onto Hyde’s lap and leaned against his shoulder. He hummed happily when he slipped a slice into his mouth. “I missed you too.”
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capputinos-harp · 2 years
Yan!Swk/Mac x Kumiho like! reader? the reader DROP DEAD GORGEOUS but at cost of this gorgeous is cannibalism. Say what if these two Characters got obsessed?
All in all the reader is a cannibal who eats all genders
personality:Manipulitive,Flirty ect
I'm sorry I had almost little to no idea for this :(
My vibe traveller~ I'll do sun wukong, since you didn't specify what you want I'll be guessing semi head canons and semi one shot.
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Sun Wu Kong
- You were a beauty, no one would fallen harder than him. Sun wu Kong, the sage equal as heaven. Oh how he want to let you touch him, no matter where, he just want to be touched by you.
- But you were so busy, being crowded by... 'Mortals' who doesn't even deserved your presence. Syncing their moves to match yours as they tried to romance you, it disgusted him.
- You would often see him, you were smitten by him even following him whilebhe trailed behind you, it was a nice game to play when you have nothing else to do, but nice things have to end sadly and you don't pay any attention to him.
- He always see you giving a glance to him and smile to gave him, it made his heart strings tighten to make it hurts and yelled ' Marry Me! ' out loud in public while in disguise. But when you ignored him, it didn't make sense were you playing hard to get? Are you trailing on him? Playin games with him? Whatever it is he will make you look at him no matter if he have to slaughter a few mortals.
- Oh, he knew your little secret. How you lure multiple men and women to your home, sometimes even children. To at their lungs, heart, liver and flesh. Oh how you look magnificent with red. It suits you oh too well.
- he wants to drag you with him, make you his, and the look at your face, when you smile.. But he have to be patient, he doesn't want to scare you dont he?
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