#Care-a-lot Butterfly Unicorn Cat
sweetcat3908 · 2 years
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Care-a-lot is so sweet ya' know, and this is my artwork made by the end of January
Base - PukoPop (on DA)
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loutalks2much · 1 year
Hpma Main Character Profile : Minji Kirin ! ♪
"Oh, yes, very interesting—plenty of smarts, a bit of bravery, too. There's talent, of course. And something more."
— The Sorting Hat regarding Minji whilst sorting her.
more information below! tap tap tap ⊹ ₊ ☟︎︎︎
↳ Birthdate: September 15, 1996
↳ Blood status: Muggle-born
↳ House: Ravenclaw
↳ Wand: 12½", Hawthorn, Unicorn Tail Hair Core
↳ Boggart: Dementor (usually), other unknown
↳ Patronus: Undecided (suggestions are encouraged!)
↳ Likes: Cats, Books, Mangos, Strawberry Yogurt, Astronomy, High Grades, Tulips, Periwinkle (favorite color)
↳ Dislikes: Arguments, Loud Noises, Low Grades, Lightning, Thunderstorms, Messing Up
↳ Good at: Dueling, Astronomy, Cooking, Playing the Piano
↳ Poor at: Divination Class, Maintaining a Proper Sleep Schedule...
↳ Weakness: Thunderstorms, Dust (allergy) ☠️
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ⵢ₊˚ MORE .
↳ Her niffler is named Toulouse, and her snowy owl's named Oko. She doesn't know whether to name the golden snitch following her, but she's hanging on 'Lux.'
↳ Minji is generally very sweet and friendly. She's quite the social butterfly. (Her personality is exactly just like MC in-game ^^;)
↳ Because of that ^, she's quite well-known. Not necessarily popular, but a lot of people know her.
— "The Ravenclaw with the red hair clip? I think I know her, yeah."
— "Yeah. She's my seatmate. I asked her for her notes during class in a panic because I forgot mine. She's nice. She even offered to tutor me."
↳ She gives flowers to her friends randomly. Er, let's hope she doesn't pick a poisonous one anytime soon.
↳ Pets every creature she sees, though mostly stray cats and dogs. Oh it has fleas, probably has rabies, and likely carries 23 infections? So cute. It's wagging its tail. Hehe.
↳ Minji acts confident for the sake of others feeling less anxious and scared, but deep down she is quite insecure, and tends to doubt her abilities. (given her insecurities as a muggle-born)
↳ Minji tends to burden herself when she makes mistakes. Feeling immense guilt when she does something wrong.
↳ Oddly enough, there's not a lot of things known about her background or family. Other than the fact that her father is a doctor and her mother is a business analyst of the company he works in. She either dodges questions skillfully or full on refuses to answer them completely.
↳ Her intelligence is completely off the charts. Though she doesn't show this very smart side of her as much as Kevin does, she's quite easily one of the most brightest kids.
↳ She knows an incredible lot about various things, and often gives full-detailed explanations/logical answers—say, music, or animals, etc. If you ask whether she's greatly interested in the topic, she'll say no and that she just happens to know a bit about it.
↳ Minji is too humble for her own good. She doesn't not thank people, but she often turns the credit around and targets it towards them.
↳ Minji is a night owl. She often sleeps too late because she's either studying or exploring the Forbidden Forest.
↳ Additional to that, she's not a morning person ☠️ She's not in a bad mood, but best believe she's half-asleep 80% of the time she's preparing in the morning. One time she literally kneeled down the common room of Ravenclaw to sleep on the floor if it weren't for Ivy and Lottie stopping her.
↳ Minji is very caring and is a good listener. She offers the best hugs if you ever feel sad, and she will cup your face and wipe your tears, and maybe even kiss your forehead if you let her!!
↳ Minji is actually very wise and tends to have a wiser approach on things. Her friends tease her and joke about her being 'an old soul.'
↳ Minji smells like vanilla. That's all lol
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Fourth General Reference Post!
(sorry if I reblog, it's only to keep from losing this to the sands of time! Also anyone's free to reblog or save this as is the mode on Tumblr Dot Com. Links go to my blog because it's the best, easy way I have to make sure I don't lose posts to deletion.)
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sameteeth · 3 years
an incomplete list of tiny details in The Adventures of Tintin that make me unreasonably happy:
the intro, being 2D and more cartoony in style while also making callbacks to the tintin comics
having herge actually be in the beginning of the movie, drawing tintin
he also has several portraits set up in the background of characters that don’t show up in the movie but were still in the comics
when tintin walks by the mirror and we see him try to pat his hair town! such a small thing but adds depth and character imo!!
Tintin obviously frequents the open air market that we first see, as herge knows him + has drawn him before, and the man who sells him the Unicorn also knows him by name
snowy finds tintin’s magnifying glass for him twice in the movie
tintin leaves his windows unlocked, enough for the cat to be able to get in
it may just be to move the plot along, but Tintin seems mostly unconcerned with his apartment being wrecked by snowy and the cat, and by it being ransacked - he’s not one for material possessions, you would think, but he took the time to frame/collect big cases he has solved. ik that is also to establish tintin as a famous reporter but idk it’s just interesting that when he’s in the heat of the moment, he will do anything to chase a story!
when thompson and thomson corner the pickpocket and he crashes into someone outside the petshop, three canaries fly around his head like they do in cartoons. a man from the petshop catches 2 of them in a butterfly net and the third lands on the net
the wallets the pickpocket has stolen are alphabetized, and also are labelled with the owner’s name and the date stolen, as seen on tintin’s wallet when thompson and thomson find it
when tintin steals the keys from the karaboujan’s men, the shark hung by the hammocks appears to be a juvenile white shark or (less likely) a salmon shark, based on teeth, size, and markings. obviously it is inaccurate, as real great whites have black tips on the inside of their pectoral fins and the movie shark lacks this detail, but I’ll take what I can get. it’s more accurate than some sharks that i’ve seen in movies
there are four swordfighting scenes in the whole movie! the first two between red rackam and sir francis, then haddock and saccharine face off in the cranes, and then again with Saccharine and his cane vs haddock and whatever he found on the ground (idk what it is lol)
another thing about the swordfights! every time, rackam/saccharine use something to obscure or trap sir francis/haddock - in the past, rackam lights his cape on fire and throws it over sir francis, and then in the present, saccharine uses the crane to throw dust and debris on haddock and later throws a net on haddock when they fight in person
nestor’s ancestor (presumably) is sir francis’s first mate, or at least someone who looks like nestor is
the rottweiler that guards the haddock estate is named hector :)
snowy is able to find ways into places that tintin would otherwise miss - we see this when tintin breaks into the haddock estate in the beginning of the movie, and again at the end when snowy gets to the walled-off treasure! snowy does the real detective work tbh <3
i also love the part when tintin swims up to the plane he shot down and his tuft of hair sticks out of the water like a shark fin :)
after the dam is burst and the front of the hotel bagghar ends up by the water, the owner (presumably) affixes a starfish to his hotel’s rating, making it a three star hotel
in the entire movie, there’s a lot of collateral damage, but they do take care to show that most people don’t die- the airplane pilots jump to safety, the police make it out of the car when it is wrecked by the crane, etc
as they wander through the desert, snowy finds a huge ass femur bone that is never explained??? and the bone is really big?? idk what it could have been from off the top of my head but i always love that snowy finds it and carries it around for a while
thats it for now but idk i will probably rewatch this movie and find more details :) i love this movie a lot and it’s super well animated!!!
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
I HAVE A REQUEST!! i saw you were a new writer and decided to help start you off sort of🥺i’ve never requested anything before so please bear with me. maybe kageyama (literally love him) with a genius setter gf just like him👀 i literally have no plot but if you need one i can try and come up with one 😭😭
Kageyama x His Ultimate Setter Dream Girl ✨
A/N: Thank you sooo much for requesting and helping me start off!! I definitely do not need a plot it’s optional on your part so what you sent is perf! Kageyama is lowkey bae so I hope you like it!! This is your meeting and depending on if you like it I may do a part 2 of how they are when they actually date!
It all started when, during Nationals, Hinata convinced Kageyama to accompany him to the other side of the complex to watch the girls play
Hinata had a few friends that he promised to go and watch from back in middle school when they allowed him to practice with them. Plus he owed them a thank you
“Shōyōōōōō!!!!! Ouuuuuu are you guys going to watch the girls?! NICE! Can we come?!” Nishinoya pleaded standing up from where they were sitting in the bleachers. Tanaka was right beside him pleading too as always.
Before Hinata could agree Daichi who was sitting behind them—glowered at Yuu and Ryu and pulled them back down by their shirts.
“Absolutely not.” The captain said sternly. “These two knuckle-heads already got banned from the girls side of the complex.” He glared at the two second years who cowered immediately.
Kageyama shook his head at his upperclassmen. “I don’t even want to know......” he mutters under his breath before following a skipping Hinata.
Kageyama went despite the fact that he was a little bored by volleyball if he wasn’t watching future opponents
he could use the break and they had time to kill anyway so no harm no foul
SIKE. Prepare for a lot of harm and a smidge of foul. He didn’t expect to see you there
Kageyama and Hinata found a great spot on the above bleachers and Hinata pointed to the team you played on since he knew you.
“There! Number 14! That’s Y/N — she’s in our year can you believe—“
Kags’ jaw dropped
He definitely didn’t hear Hinata anymore once his eyes stopped on your numbered jersey
Listen... I know in most teenage boys minds they think something similar to ‘omg there’s a hot girl!! look at her hair look at her legs look at her rack’ but when Kags saw you he didn’t see any of that
Well, not immediately.....
Instead, he was completely captivated by your playing style.
Tobio couldn’t help but think that if Karasuno were crows then you must be a freaking unicorn. Your technique was outrageously unique that incorporated back sets so beautiful that made you seem unreal......much like a unicorn.
The way you played is like you are pulling off miracle sets time and time again... except you made them look easy
Your wrist motion was captivating
Your spiral-stops were perfectly executed
The setter plays you called were impeccable
“She’s better than me....” Kageyama whispered to no one in particular. He doesn’t even realize he said it. Hinata just gaps at him before nodding and adding a “Duh.”
Hinata honey don’t write your death wish this isn’t death note
Good thing Kags was too distracted by your playing
He was a goner okay. Watching you play was slightly short of erotic
The way you adjusted to each one of your spikers was unprecedented
The blocks you made were clearly highly calculated
Your setter dumps were even enough to make him whimper under his breath. Kageyama had to punch Hinata so he would stop asking why he just made that sound.
Kags’ mind was—as Hinata would say: KA-BLOOM 💥— or way out of his depth here
And to make matters worse.....when you finally stopped playing and joined your team to celebrate your victory, Kageyama’s “I’M A MALE” instincts finally kicked back in as he realized just how breathtakingly beautiful you are.
He was able to suppress it because he was captivated by your playing style but now that you weren’t playing--a tidal wave hit him with the ‘omg there’s a hot girl!! look at her hair look at her legs look at her rack’ thoughts......
To make matters EVEN worse x2 his eyes bugged out when he realized you were the co-captain.
“A-first year???? Captain????” His eyebrows met in the middle in disbelief.
Hinata beamed. “Yup! Y/N is rated the #1 setter in the country for high school girls. She taught me how to set. She’s awesome and such a people person they would be stupid not to make her captai—hey!”
Kageyama was up and out of his seat in an instant. He pulls Hinata out of the stands by his arm.
“You will introduce me. Now.” His mind: Goddess.
Hinata whined like a toddler until Kageyama let him go. Shōyō rubbed his arm while pouting, saying that all Kageyama had to do was ask nicely since he was going to say hi to you anyway.
Kageyama waits on the court for your team to collect their things. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you and he felt his heart start pounding
You were quite possibly the best setter he’s ever seen at a tournament. Oikawa would quake in his boots
Kageyama suddenly felt rage at the idea of ladies-man Oikawa taking any interest in you. Whoa, that was weird. He hasn’t even met you and he’s already feeling some type of way
Anyway, you tell your team to take their lunch as you walk off the court. You look around hoping to find your friend Hinata that you haven’t seen since middle school!
Out of the corner of your eye you spot a familiar orange ball jumping up in the air and waving his hands. He was yelling your name and people were shooting him dirty looks. Smiling, you held your bag closer to your shoulder and jogged over to your old friend “Hi Shōyō!”
You hugged him and listened to him go on a rant about how good you were and how much he thanks you for teaching him how to play until someone clears their throat rather loudly.
You look over and see a taller boy in the same uniform as Hinata looking pointedly annoyed with Hinata’s blabbing. He had dark hair, dark eyes, and frankly his entire demeanor was dark
But was he ever HOT AS HELL DAMN (you would opt for never seeing light again if that meant you could bask in his darkness)
You stared at him for a little until Hinata spoke
“Oh right. Y/N, this is my scary setter Kageyama. He really wanted to meet you—“
Kags turned red at Shōyō’s last words which took you back. This mean-looking totally attractive guy just blushed?! And he wanted to meet you? Why???
“Hi, I’m Y/N.” You put your hand out for Kageyama to take and he did, staring at you intently.
You would be lying if you didn’t feel butterflies. Neither of you said anything you just got lost in each others gaze.
“So! Kageyama here is in our year too. He’s the one I told you about that I played and he was so rude... otherwise known as the king of the—hey!”
Bumping him into next week with his hip, Kageyama pushed Hinata out of the way roughly.
So you know how every time Kags meets a great setter he creepily bombards them with a string of setter questions in order to get better ? It’s like automatic for him
Ya well there are no exceptions to that rule
He doesn’t care that you’re a girl— he doesn’t care that you’re the sexiest girl he’s ever met— the boy is a robot when it comes to the setter position and so he lets it loose just like he did when he spoke to Kenma for the first time after the first crow vs. cat game : speaking so fast that he sounded like he was speaking in tongues:
“HowLongHaveYouBeenASetter?WhoTaughtYouHowToBeASetter?WhatWouldYouCallYourStyle?HowDidYouSetter-DumpLikeYouDidInTheFirstSetLikeThatEvenThoughThose2BlockersWereInFrontOfYou?YouCanPass,SetAndSpikeSoWhyDidYouChooseSetting?HowAreYouNotTheTallestButYourJumpSetIsSoPrecise?WhatTypeOfTrainingRegimenDoYouDo?HowLongDidItTakeYouToBeTheBest?WhatDoINeedToDoToBecomeLikeYou? Will you please let me take you out on a date next weekend?!”
shocked, half because Kageyama is still shaking your hand while he speaks like he doesn’t know what sentence pauses are, the other half shocked because you think he just asked you out?!
“Umm......” Your mind tries to catch up with your body that just increased to an incredibly high degree.
Kageyama gives you a look of determination that makes you gulp. You recognize that look. You know that look. All setters know that look. It’s the look of determination when we tell ourselves that we will not lose this game. A shiver ran through you when you realized it was you that he was so determined to win. 
A game, huh?
Meanwhile, in Kageyama’s mind... though he realized that he asked every setter question under the sun like he always does — the asking you out part was so automatic that it hadn’t registered yet because he’s never had to worry about that before. That’s the only reason this cutie isn’t combusting damn
I know y’all were wondering
Kags is in setter mode and love mode he doesn’t know how to act
Finally, you release your hand from his just as your teammates call you over for food. As Captain, duty called.
Looking up at this sexy setter in front of you, you nod. “Uh, sure, Kageyama. I’ll tell you what - I’d love to go out with you. But just as a little pay back for being so mean to my friend Shōyō over there— back in middle school and now.... then I’ll only agree if you win your next game. Then and only then can you get my number from Hinata, okay? I gotta jet.” You give him a warm smile and a wink before jogging out of the gym to meet your team.
Kags, finally registering what you said........ he combusts. He can’t get over how hot you looked when you just winked at him and that he actually asked you out without meaning to.
You said you’d LOVE to go out with him!!!!!!
Well.....if he wins the next game. All because of her thinking you need to treat that stupid bug Hinata better.
Hinata sticks his tongue out at Kags as he rubs his side.
“That really hurt Kageyama. And what happened to you being a dumby or an asshole when it came to cute girls? Now you know how to ask them out??? Man I wish Y/N was smart enough to make the condition that you had to be nice to everyone for her to agree to go out with you because you don’t deserve a girlfriend as pretty as her— and I want to win too.” He starts walking back to the boys’ side of the gym.
“That was my first time ever asking a girl out for your information. And watch the way you talk about my future wife, boke. Just hit my sets and win this next game.”
smirking, Kageyama’s thoughts filled with mental images of you setting, you winking at him sexily and the way your smaller hand fit in his large one perfectly. He thought about how he would make your date next week one for the books.
He really wanted you.
Let’s just say how badly he wanted you was very apparent to Hinata due to the fact that in Karasuno’s next game in Nationals: Kags was the honorary ace. And they won.
I’m a new writer so please give me feedback! Thank you for suggesting 💜
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accioavocados · 3 years
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{ CHARACTER BIO; marcelina bloem-weasley} she’s proof that you can walk through hell and still be an angel.
Pinterest board: click
basic information
Full name: Marcelina Gravity Bloem Pronunciation: Mar-tse-lee-nuh Nickname(s) or Alias: Marcie, Marce Gender: Cis female Species: Half-blood witch (pureblood mother, half-blood father), metamorphmagus Age: 25 Birthday: February 14th Zodiac Sign: Aquarius Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Libra Rising Sexuality: Pansexual Nationality: She has a double Belgian and British citizenship – she moved to England when she was 11 Religion: Agnostic City or town of birth: Brussels, Belgium Currently lives: Cambridge, England w/ Reese Weasley Languages spoken: French, Dutch (Flemish), English, Spanish and some German Native language: Growing up in a bilingual country, she spoke both French and Dutch depending on her setting but she used French more Relationship Status: Married to Reese Weasley
physical appearance
Height: 5’4 Hair colour: Jet black Hairstyle: Waist long, naturally wavy, worn down when she’s out, almost always in a messy bun or a ponytail when she’s at home Eye colour: Dark brown Tattoos:  notable tattoos: names of her parents on the sides of her pinkies, a rose on her left side, a cat with a heart just below her elbow, tiny galaxy on her ankle, a small badger on her wrist for her dad,  a raven tattoo  for her being a ravenclaw and a snake tattoo– after the mom), a quidditch tattoo matching with hugo, a unicorn tattoo on her right side + a dancing skeleton on her calf matching with dylan’s. part of reese’s wedding vows on her rib. two teddy bears for her sons. she also has dozens of other tattoos that she got because she liked them. overall inspo: CLICK. when she’s working, she uses magic and her metamorphmagus skills to hide those that are visible. Piercings: two in each ear Scars/distinguishing marks: Various small scars all over her body from Quidditch Preferred style of clothing: Smart casual. She always wears heels unless she’s working out, once in a blue moon she’ll put sneakers on. In spring/summer she usually wears flowy dresses Frequently worn jewelry/accessories: A watch, a bracelet, a necklace, and a pair of earrings
Smoker?: No Drinker?: Yes. She often drinks wine. Recreational Drug User? Which?: No. Addictions: Houseplants and tattoos. Allergies: Bees. Neurological conditions: anxiety, slight PTSD from her attack, birth trauma. Sleeping habits: She’s a very light sleeper, she fidgets a lot in her sleep. Exercise habits: She is a frequent guest at the gym, she usually works out with Dylan or Reese, she also jogs and swims, does yoga. Emotional stability: she tries her best to be as stable as possible but she keeps overthinking a lot and in the end starts spiralling. It got worse after the attack and now that she’s a mum, it happens more than she would like to. Sociability:  she’s a social butterfly, the life of a party, she tries to be friends with everyone, but of course has her own limits. Body temperature: Warm.
Label: the astrophile, the benevolent, the bibliophile, the anthomaniac, the aesthete, the wine mum, the mamabear Positive traits: cheerful, ambitious, generous, caring, organized, determined Negative traits: stubborn, overdramatic, overemotional, overthinking Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral.   Goals/Desires: To become Chief Warlock. Likes: quiet mornings, sunrises and sunsets, the meadow behind her house, macaroons, wildflowers, old books Dislikes: Fears/phobias:  losing her loved ones, something happening to her sons, spiders, she’s also slightly claustrophobic. Favourite colour: Darks Hobbies: quidditch, singing, dancing, baking, diy, disney, gardening, learning new things and languages Habits: wakes up no later than 6:30 am, starts the day from a cup of green tea, skincare routine and a morning jog with Olaf; when she’s nervous she fidgets, bites pens, and plays with her hair. Taste in music: Rock, Eurovision, pop
Talents/skills: DIY, baking, flower compositions Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles?: Yes, she passed her driving licence exam as soon as she turned 18.
eating habits
Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): Vegetarian Favourite food(s): Brownies, Belgian fries, Belgian waffles and chocolate, she mostly eats all kinds of salads with different ingredients every day Favourite drink(s): Green tea, wine, hazelnut cappuccino Disliked food(s): Pineapple pizza Disliked drink(s): Fizzy drinks
house and home
Describe the character’s house/home: CLICK Do they share their home with anyone? Who?: She lives with her husband. Significant/special belongings: various trinkets that remind her of home, a locket with a picture of her and her dad (gifted to her by Reese before their wedding)
Level of education: Hogwarts, then finished Law at the University of Oxford, also trained in Magical Law   Current job: Wizengamot judge Name of employer: Ministry of Magic. family line of work: ministry workers, socialites, quidditch players, muggle lawyers.
family, friends and foes
Parents names: Leon Bloem and Laila Mansour Are parents alive or dead? Both are dead. Her mother passed away at childbirth and her father passed away due to an accident when she was 11. Parental figures: Harry Potter and Pansy Parkinson Siblings? She’s an only child. Teddy’s kind of like a big brother to her. Other Important Relatives: her grandmother Lisa Flores, who raised her after her father’s death. Spouse: Reese Weasley Children: Twins: Leon October and Gene Arthur Bloem-Weasley Best Friends: Dylan Parkinson, Cassie Malfoy Other Important Friends: Gabriel Graves-Travers, Teddy Lupin-Potter, Jackson Krum, Rose Weasley Casual relationships: Alastor Lestrange, Scorpius Malfoy, Catalina Perez, Nikolai Nott, Jacob Kim Exes: Dylan Parkinson, Phoenix Zabini Pets: Two dogs: Pumpkin and Olaf, and two cats: Mistletoe and Henry Enemies? Why are they enemies?: Phoenix Zabini – they did not break up amicably plus, he tried to kill her 🤷🏽‍♀️
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shiishki · 3 years
okay wait, i changed my mind. you should answer all of these questions as well, if that's what you want from me >:)
oof there's a lot of it, that's what i get for wanting to be ✨aesthetic✨
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
vowels (and the importance of being me) - hunny
honeypie - jawny
pretty young thing - michael jackson
mirrors - justin timberlake
sunflower - red orange county
paradise - rude-a
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
a therapist.
ok someone else.. uhh,, my grand grandma because i only have scratches of memories but i dunno if that counts since she passed away...
*rummages through ancient scripts* uhh ok someone who isn't dead.. uhm,, tommie? yeah I'd like to meet them if i could meet anyone on earth
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
ok, the closest german, english or polish book? nvm i have english
"suddenly was. So I just said thank you a few times too, and Mum" ironically this is one of the normal lines in this book
4: What do you think about most?
the fact that I'll have to do something after school. and I don't know if i want to go to college or get a job bc i have no legitimate idea on what to do with my life. it gets overwhelming, just the lack of knowledge about the actual experience.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
with, tho i sleep with just shorts in summer
7: What’s your strangest talent?
not sure if it's a talent, but i can fall asleep anywhere
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
girls are pretty. boys are pretty
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
by me, yes. no one else has written a poem about me specifically. nvm, tommie wrote one and it shall rest on my wall, or desk, i need to find a place for it
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
uhh i think last month?
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
i don't think so, but i am hella afraid of the possibly gigantic, terrifying things in the ocean depths that humans haven't discovered yet
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
yep, beloved legos as a lil child
13: What’s your religion?
i can't ever remember the name, but i believe gods (from all religions) exist in some way or form. so i believe in different pantheons and etc.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
walking my doggo, skateboarding, thinking about how to make the lives of my characters worse
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind it.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
uhmm the arctic monkeys? or the strokes
17: What was the last lie you told?
i know what i want
18: Do you believe in karma?
yes, the rule of three specifically
19: What does your URL mean?
i don't know. it's something me and my sis came up with and that's just my whole identity now.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
uhh greatest weakness.. i can't finish things. strength is that I'm very stubborn so maybe I'll finish that thing out of spite
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
i grew up thinking crushes were like unicorns. my ex was odd enough to argue with that i didn't love her if i didn't have a crush on her. but I think if i had to guess.. selena gomez, especially in the role of alex russo in wizard of weverly street
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
i write angry letters. sometimes they're sad letters. i write a lot of letters. except i never send them out and no one made a movie about them :}
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
jars and witchy bottles, books? scented candles
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
phone calls are stressful enough as is, i don't need you to see my reading off what i frantically wrote to not stumble over my words
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
i think so, yes, but that won't stop me from becoming better
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
hate flies buzzing right by my ear, love cat purring
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if I'd been born in a place where it was illegal for me (nonbinary) to live, in a time when others thought of me as a curse?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
they be chilling.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right arm, doggo, left arm, pillow
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
fresh air and doggo, because doggo is with me and I can't live without open windows
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
i dunno tbh
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
which one is less homophobic?
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
every gender is my opposite gender. selena gomez and justin timberlake
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
to make it easier for people down the line
36: Define Art.
make thing, thing goes woo
37: Do you believe in luck?
38: What’s the weather like right now?
it's nice actually, very sunny, slight breeze
39: What time is it?
12.59 am
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
i don't, but i once crashed into a fire department vehicle with my bike. bike ded.
41: What was the last book you read?
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
i legit ass don't know what gasoline smells like.
43: Do you have any nicknames?
many variations of my name, aka. Luce
44: What was the last film you saw?
i think it was Robin Hood: King of Thieves, but it might have been that half of spider-man homecoming i managed to watch with my poor internet
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
oh man i dunno... it's not an injury, but i was very sickly as a lil kid and almost died :)
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
once, years ago
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
hmmm horizon zero dawn i think
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
proud pansexual ^^
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
not really, i don't think they're big enough to be actual rumors,, meh
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
meh. they suck, i know they suck, that's it.
52: What is your astrological sign?
cancer ♋
53: Do you save money or spend it?
i attempt saving. attempt
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
for my own money, sweets. i bought lizards for my cats so they can brush their teeth from my dad's amazon acc
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
nope, i buy my own cookies
57: How many relationships have you had?
1, kinda toxic toward the end, very stressful, don't recommend
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
nu ><
59: Where were you yesterday?
on the fields walking my doggo
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yep, a pastel pink hoodie in my closet uwu
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
yis, thicc warm socks
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
cuddles and food.
64: Where is your best friend?
bold of you to assume i have a best friend.
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
tommie-hildebrandt, kageyuji, nekomas-kuroo, joyful-soul-collector
66: What is your heritage?
I'm a demon boi from Poland tho that's not a thing to be proud of, i mean, look at the economy. awful.
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
sleeping, trying to sleep.
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
Pinkton. or Satan.
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
this is such an odd combination of words i had to look it up. yea.
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
a friend who won't laugh at me when i ask them to order smth for me because I'm too anxious to.
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
excuse me? i am saving the doggo wtf. f u boss, I'm gonna sell my tragic story to the news.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) i tell my parents. b) live the hell out of them uwu c) nope uwu.
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
history maker - dean fujioka :]
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
communication, trust, some more communication.
77: How can I win your heart?
let's not pretend to be something else to please each other, and bring some bitter chocolate.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
maybe. it could. i don't have a say in it since my sanity is held by tape.
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
eat the pizza. stop caring about others not liking me/parts of me. just living for myself uwu.
80: What size shoes do you wear?
uh i dunno how the american sizes work and i don't wanna look it up so, 39, 40 fits too.
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
demon boi
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
the bloody organ that sits in your chest and pumps blood into your body so you don't die.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
uhm im not sure if that counts as a saying, but fake it till you make it
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
blinding lights - the weeknd
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
oh a normal question people use for ice breaking, sea blue and pastel variations of it.
87: What is your current desktop picture?
like my wallpaper? or the actual picture that sits on my desk? or how my desk looks like atm? it's ugly, a lot of papers and pens and schoolbooks.
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
donald trump. or the next asshole who'll try to take the rights of the lgbt and poc away
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
this. this is the question.
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
yo there's a pizza somewhere in the refrigerator, want me to heat it up? we can have a sleep over and talk about our feelings :3
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
telekinesis! or shapeshifting! i could do such fun things with telekinesis ^^ yeah I'd totally eat some radioactive veggies
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
that time my "friends" got me into shoplifting, half-hour is more than enough to punch some sense into my brain and develop good music taste
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
can i save this one? i don't think i have an experience horrible enough to be erased haha
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
sleep as in.. uh no thank u. but I'm down for a sleep over with sam smith ^^
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
just me? what about my pets? my fam? it's lowkey illegal for me to go just anywhere without them owO
uhhmm, greece. imma become part of the greek pantheon out of pure spite. and maybe toronto canada.
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
not any that i know of o.o
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
i think i may have but i honestly don't remember
98: Ever been on a plane?
nope, i dunno if i like planes, but I'd probably sleep if i were on one.
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
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HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY KIT KATTTT!!!! I love you so so so much n your birth is 100000000% something to be celebrated because YOU are awesome!!! N beautiful n smart n kind and a friggen awesome friend and I love you!! Anyways how bout a friends to lovers with Petey from list A - “I can’t stop thinking about you” (bonus points if he says this on friend in question’s fire escape after patrol because we love to see it)
THANK YOU CAREBEAR!! I love you moreeee and you’re gonna make me cry. Also I had so much fun writing this blurb and love the result so enjoy!
WC: 946
Peter sighed as he sat on the ledge of the roof, eating his way through a large sized pizza. It was his favourite, pepperoni with extra cheese and yet all he could taste was defeat. He hadn’t been able to focus all night, sure he still caught the bad guys but most of them were idiots. 
No, what really bothered him was what he was letting slip through his fingers with every moment that passed. The same person who occupied his thoughts from the moment that he woke up and had been for years now without him even realising. 
You had been his friend since the first day of high school when you’d literally bumped into him and had accidentally swapped books with him as you collected them up from the floor. He’d found you to collect his books and noticed you were crying because you were having a hard day, he’d comforted you and gave you a hug and you had been friends ever since. 
You were the first person he wanted to tell everything to and he always wanted to see you smile, even better if he was the one to make it happen. Peter knew that his feelings went beyond friendship and he knew that it was unlikely you felt the same so he kept his lips sealed but it was getting increasingly harder.
Even as he ate his pizza alone, you were the only one he wanted to share it with. He was sick of feeling trapped with his own feelings and he needed to tell you, he knew he did, no matter the outcome. 
That’s how he found himself swinging to your apartment block, holding the pizza box in his free hand and running through his speech in his mind. The same speech he had been practising in front of the mirror for weeks.
He knocked gently on your window, loud enough to be heard of your earphones but not so loud as to be heard by everyone else. As soon as you heard it, you looked up and smiled, quickly making your way to the window and opening it. 
“Pete what are you doing here?” You smiled at him and Peter lost his train of thought, every comprehensible thought flying from his mind until he realised what he was holding. 
“I brought pizza!” He smiled, presenting the box and you took it happily.
“Thank god! You’re a lifesaver.” You kissed his cheek, making Peter turn red. “My mom made tuna casserole for dinner.” 
Peter nodded knowingly, watching as you opened the box and took a slice happily. He opened his mouth to speak but he couldn’t remember a word of his speech, he internally panicked before the uncontrollable word vomit came out.
“I can’t stop thinking about you.” 
You almost choked on your pizza, reds flaming red as you looked up at Peter. “W-what?” 
“I-I mean-” Peter sighed and climbed inside, sitting on the window ledge. He took a deep breath before trying to speak again, avoiding your questioning gaze. “I really like you Y/n. Like a lot. You’re the first person I want to talk to when I wake up and the last person I want to speak to at night and I can’t even think straight when I’m with you, you drive me crazy in the most wonderful way and yeah I really like you.”
Peter rubbed the back of his neck and let out another deep breath, eyes downcast, watching his feet swing against the wall. A moment of silence passed and if Peter had only glanced up, he would have seen the widest smile on your face and the small pool of tears in your eyes. 
“It’s o-okay if you don’t feel the same. I-” 
Before Peter could finish his sad ramble, you had cupped his cheeks and caught him by surprise. When he finally saw your smile, he felt his whole body and mind sigh in relief.
“I really like you too.”
Peter almost didn’t let himself believe your words were true because surely it was too good to be but then you were leaning in closer and his heart was racing in time with yours. He started to lean in and closed his eyes and when your lips finally met, a whole round of fireworks and butterflies exploded in his tummy. 
It was magnificent and scary and beautiful. He’d always hoped and imagined his first kiss would be with you but the real thing was better than any of his silly daydreams. It was real and as your lips moved against his, it felt so good like this was how it should always be with your lips on his. 
Neither of you wanted to part but the air was running out of your lungs and you knew you had to eventually. You were the first to pull back and catch your breath, opening your eyes slowly to look at Peter almost cautiously to see if he would regret it. He did the same but he couldn’t keep the wide smile from his face for long. As soon as it broke out, you smiled back and Peter pulled you close, nuzzling his nose against yours. 
“That was a good kiss.” He admitted with a blush and you giggled, nodding. 
“Yeah but I think I’m gonna need to run more tests.” You smirked and bit your lip, making the both of you laugh before Peter cupped your cheek gently and pulled you back in. His lips meeting yours in another explosion of fireworks. 
Peter didn’t care about eating the rest of the pizza alone because he was much more enjoying tasting it on your lips. 
Permanent taglist: @spidey-reids-2003 ~ @tomhoran  ~ @rebekkah4766 ~ @unbelievableholland ~ @hollandcreep ~ @eeyore101247 ~ @localpeter ~ @tomhollandssecurityguard ~ @yeeyeeitsme12589 ~ @chaoticpete ~ @thinkoutsidethebex ~ @serenaparker96 ~ @halfblood-princess-505 ~ @marvels-blue-phoenix ~ @abrielleholland ~ @farfromtommy ~ @sunshine96love ~ @sleepyhollands ~ @definitely-not-black-cat ~ @sunflowerhollands ~ @phrogtheguitarist ~ @laney-g23 ~ @spidereader ~ @parker-holland-osterfield ~ @pastelpeter ~ @glowunderthemoon ~ @whitewolfandthefox ~ @unicorn-princess-1999 ~ @serendipitous-amor ~ @hazmyheart  ~ @averyfosterthoughts ~ @dorbiksbitch ~ @peterparkoure ~ @god-knows-what-am-i-doing ~ @overlydeluded ~ @dragonflyashes ~ @tutuabby28 ~ @kickingn-ames ~ @parkrpeter-blog ~ @maybemona ~ @unfortunateshelby ~ @un-limit-edd ~ @howdyherron ~ @destinyluvkrime ~ @matsumama ~ @galaxystern08 ~ @the-crazy-fanfictionist ~ @quaksonhehe ~ @wonder-spidey~ @whatthefuckimbisexual ~ @keithseabrook27 ~ @namoreno ~ @sovereignparker ~ @musicalkeys ~ @joyleenl ~ @theamazingtomholland ~ @namoreno ~ @hollandsamor ~ @icyhollands ~ @miraclesoflove ~ @onceinalouie ~ @petersreactor ~ @call-me-baby-gir1 ~ @itstaskeen ~ @buckybigbutt ~ @madebyleftoversouls ~ @dummiesshort
Peter Parker Taglist: @shakespeareanqueer
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askmcs · 4 years
RFA + Saeran playing Animal Crossing Headcanons
“What is this strange game? I don’t understand the appeal”
“Look, honey! That cat villager looks just like Elizabeth”
He becomes addicted in a couple of days
His sole interest in the game is having just cat villagers and making everyone else leave
Yeah, he’s that person
“Jumin, love, it’s 2 am, can you please come to bed?”
“Not now, Monica! Rosie wants to move away! I need to convince her to stay, by all means!”
Also complains a lot about Tom Nook
“He’s not supposed to anticipate all costs. His business is faulty and reckless! How can he be so rich?!”
He’s probably gonna pay Nintendo to introduce new cat villagers, including a villager that resembles Monica and one that is identical to Elizabeth 3rd
Doesn’t really care about other stuff, but manages to be rich even there, he’s really methodic
“Zen! You should totally check this game out!”
“Well, I’m not really into games but if that makes you happy I’ll try it, babe”
He would have never played if it wasn’t for Miriam and Yoosung
But once he starts, he can’t stop
Became BFF with Sable as soon as the Able sister’s shop was unlocked
He is a frequent visitor
His only interest is to have the best style out of all, and decorate his house the best way he can
Always broke
Like, he can’t fish or catch bugs, he’s really bad at it
So he asks friends to lend him bells
“Zen, I love you, but I won’t give you 1’200’000 bells for a crown!”
“Come on, babe. It looks so good with my outfit!”
Other than that, he also likes to use emotions as much as he can
And goes around his fans’ islands to hang out and make them happy
He is not the type to dislike “ugly” villagers, but he kinda prefer good looking ones
Like “Whitney is so cute and beautiful!! I want her!!”
“Hey Martha! Guess who’s already cracked the game?”
Of course he hacked the game from the very beginning
Rumors says he’s the one responsible for the tarantula’s glitch in New Horizons
His island usually has rare fish and bugs
And rarely normal ones
Sea bass is a long forgotten nightmare on “Space station Island”
He has unlimited bells 
And he created an accurate and beautiful Elly villager that Jumin would kill to have
He pranks Yoosung on daily basis
His villagers doesn’t really like him because he pranks them too
But at the end of the day, they never move out
They can’t muahahahahah
He always helps Martha when she needs something for her island, and hang out a lot
They make a formidable duo
He gets the more fun out of everyone else in the RFA
“Sae, I think this game is really therapeutic, you should try it”
“I see, Angel, maybe I’ll give it a try”
Hacks the game too
But he just makes the game nicer and more relaxing
Fishing is easier, and you know the fish beforehand
He adds Ice cream
…and that’s pretty much it, since the game itself is pretty chill
Loves to water flowers and make nice patterns and decorations
Loves to add usually unappreciated villagers or creepy ones
His favorite is Coco
Not a real fan of design. His house is pretty normal 
He only uses gifts, never buys anything for himself
So he’s loaded
And buys gifts for others
“What, Zen, you want a crown? Sorry, I just bought one for Coco”
If some visitor tries to do something bad to one of his villager
…or messes up his flower pattern
he better watch out his save files
Anyway he really likes the game, especially when he plays with Margo
He can’t afford it, to be honest
So Mindy buys it for him 
They play together
Yoosung is a pretty normal player
Goes fishing, catches bugs, sells stuff, tries to pay the mortgage 
He’s always nice to his villagers 
And gets pretty sad when they are mean to him
“Why do you hate me Eloise?! T.T”
“Aww, cutiepie, no one could ever hate you!”
“She gave me a trash can and said “This reminded me of you” T.T”
Eloise mysteriously disappeared the day after
His life in animal crossing would be pretty normal if it wasn’t for Seven’s pranks
He’s a fan of events
And also likes to have outfits similar to LOLOL ones
He really likes the game, all things considered
“Why should I play this game?”
“Come on, Baehee, It’s really stress relieving”
She doesn’t play much
Like once or twice a week for like half an hour, to relax a little
She likes the museum
Dislikes Tom Nook at heart
She just does normal activities like watering flowers, fishing etcetera.
Has a Zen themed island
Other than that, not really into decorations
She takes what she gets
Not picky at all, accepts any villager
But has a soft spot for Caroline, since she was one of the first villagers she had
If The Roost was still present she would have loved it and Brewster
Too bad
To be fair, she doesn’t understand the hype, but has a nice time with it so whatever
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So I’m doing this 100% for fun but like
Remember I mentioned a dream I had after reading to many of those salty “AU where Marinette’s sort of adopted and her bio parent(s) is rich/famous/powerful” of an mlp crossover where Mari’s bio moms are Twilight and Rarity from mlp? Yeah let’s expand on that a little!
Also, while this is kinda salty and has salty origins, this ends up being pretty sugary because that’s the nature of mlp stuff. 
So like there’s some interdimensional fuckery.
A little over 10 years prior to Canon the Equestria and the ML world kinda connected.
Twilight Sparkle, as Princess of Friendship, was sent as an ambassador to the new dimension.
Of course Earth sent someone to Equestria but whatever they’re not important.
Also involved is Twilights wife, Rarity, and lil baby Marinette pony.
Side note: while in Equestria they’re ponies, but interdimensional travel turns them Human in the ML world. Kinda like EQG but they have normal human skin tones.
Anyway! Mari is a lil pink Unicorn, but in the Human world she looks Human. She ends up wearing a lot of pink clothes because she misses her pony coat.
Because of several things, like wanting Mari to have a normal childhood and also some political stuff that her moms want to protect her from, she ends up being taken care of by Tom and Sabine.
I’m gonna say that Twi and Rares met Tom and Sabine through Pinkie, who has a habit of getting low-key adopted by bakers, and had met them through wanting to learn about Earth cuisine (and T&S wanted to learn Equestria cuisine, so it was a win-win).
When Twi and Rares are thinking about this plan, T&S are trying for a kid and haven’t had much luck.
Mari lives with Tom and Sabine for the day-to-day, but Twilight and Rarity visit as often as they can, spending plenty of weekends with their daughter, even if it’s low-key to keep her safe.
As far as Mari is concerned, she has four parents. Twilight=Mom, Rarity=Mommy, Sabine=Maman, and Tom=Papa.
Other than visits with her moms and trips to Equestria, there’s only a couple differences to Mari’s childhood.
First is that she gets visits from other mlp characters too. They don’t cause too many issues because
1.) they know how to not blow her cover and
2.) the ones who would do it accidentally can be reined in.
By that I mean that if Discord starts to act up Mari just says “I’ll tell Auntie Fluttershy” and he nopes the fuck out.
Mari’s classmates think she just has a lot of aunts and uncles with weird names and haircolors, not connecting them to the Pony stuff.
The other thing is that Marinette is a little more confident and somehow even more forgiving. Like, this is shown best in her interaction with Chloé.
Marinette stands up to Chloé from day 1 and doesn’t take her shit. She protects others and shuts down any of her petty schemes. Etc.
But she also doesn’t write Chloé off entirely. Marinette constantly offers her friendship, because she’s grown up with stories about her various aunts and uncles who were like Chloé or far worse, and that they eventually reformed. When she sees Chloé try to change, Marinette welcomes her with open arms and works with her to help her be a better person.
Anyway one more thing for Mari’s childhood before Ladybug: her Cutie Mark!
Marinette’s special talent is her eye for detail. Mostly she uses this to be a designer just like mommy(Rares is so proud!!), but it helps her be an expert at planning and organizing like her mom(Twi is also very proud!!).
Her actual Cutie Mark is an image of a Ladybug threading a needle.
Onto the Canon Timeline!!
Okay! So! Origins happens and Marinette gets the Ladybug Miraculous.
Mari is paranoid that it was given to her because someone found out about her being a Unicorn Princess. So she interrogated the hell out of Tikki.
Tikki’s like “okay I didn’t know that. I knew you had powerful Magic and that explains it but no. You were chosen for general compatibility with it!”
Ladybug’s secret identity lasts until Twi and Rares visit because they’re like “honey why are your earrings a powerful magic artifact???”
“Our little girl is all grown up and using Magic jewelry to save the world! Just like her moms!!”
So the whole family knows. Tikki does say that it breaks the rules, but there’s not much that can be done because of the circumstances.
Mari’s parents all kinda debate on whether or not she should try and figure out Chat Noir’s identity.
Twilight and Sabine argue that they would feel better if they knew who the boy was so that they could trust him. Twi’s reasoning is more “while you trust him now, your teamwork will grow stronger as you learn more about each other!” while Sabine’s is more “I want to make sure he’s not some creep/entitled dudebro.”
Rarity and Tom are okay with the mystery. Tom because obviously whoever chose Chat Noir to be a hero saw the same things in him that they saw in Marinette when making her Ladybug, so of course he must be a good guy. Rares just loves the drama of the whole thing! Secret identities! Romance! Etc.
Tikki is the deciding vote on that, saying it’s supposed to be secret.
That also doesn’t last long. Because Mari tells Rares about the crush on Adrien. And naturally Rares has to meet the boy! And they notice his ring and yeah…
She tries to keep the secret but as much as she loves the drama, the fact that her daughter is actually sad thinking Adrien isn’t interested in her when he absolutely is just breaks her heart.
Whoops the lovesquare is solved real early! Like, ‘sometime in Season 1 early’.
Of course they bring Adrien into the whole ‘secret royal horse family’ thing.
Mari’s a little scared on that because species difference.
Like, in Equestria interspecies relationship isn’t an issue because it goes by the basic ‘Harkness Test’ rules. So her interest in Adrien is normal to her.
But some Humans get weirded out by the idea so she didn’t know how Adrien would react.
It throws him for a loop but he’s cool with it!
This also involves telling Gabriel about the horse girlfriend.
Lucky for him, he decided to leave the Butterfly Miraculous upstairs during dinner or else he would’ve been found out too.
Anyway, the whole ‘royal horse princess’ thing is definitely enough to make Marinette a good candidate for dating Adrien. So Gabriel is okay with the relationship.
It also helps that Gabriel and Rarity actually somehow get along. She’s used to stuck up rich people so she can play his games without getting frustrated, and she can discuss fashion with him!
They get into a long discussion about Equestria fashion vs. Earth fashion, and Mari is sitting there taking notes because her goal is to make a fashion line that incorporates both dimensions!
Gabriel is kinda low-key thinking about how they’d make powerful Akumas, but tbh… magic horses are things he doesn’t want to risk messing with. Yeah they’d be powerful, but if they go rogue or have issues with merging the different types of Magic… it could be a bad time.
That said, he does try to low-key find out if Twilight and Rarity know of any Magics that might help him save Emilie other than the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous. He doesn’t ask outright as he doesn’t want to tip his hand, but he feigns curiosity in some subjects.
They don’t tell Gabriel about the superhero thing because Adrien begs them not to, knowing that he’d try to stop him if he found out.
One more thing that changes is Mari and Adrien’s relationship with Master Fu as a mentor!
Because of Twilight’s experience with Celestia as her mentor, Marinette is encourage to question Fu’s decisions. 
They quickly realize that yeah, Fu’s not always right. In fact, he’s fucking up a lot. 
Fu and Twilight can get along as ‘protectors of Magical Artifacts that could either save the world or cause doomsday’. They debate about methods, and while Twilight agrees with Fu’s logic, she can also to get him to see the flaws in it. 
So. Outside of occasional pony stuff and various shenanigans involving the ‘aunts and uncles’, and the fact that Adrienette is canon, not much changes. I’ve written outlines for other AUs where Adrienette was Canon early on, so y’all can go dig those up. And I can’t think of specific instances where weird Pony stuff happens outside of like, Marinette’s birthday or something.
But this did start from a salty dream so we gotta get to Lila being a fuck.
Lila comes in and does her usual shit.
She lies about knowing Ladybug and various other celebrities. Of course.
She tries to flirt with Adrien. He turns her down as soon as he realizes because he’s in love with Mari. This gets Mari on her radar.
Between that, and Mari calling her out on her lies, Lila decides to try an ruin her.
So, Mari and Adrien’s responses to this are a little different than Canon.  
Marinette feels comfortable telling Adrien that Lila threatened her. So he’s not going to sit by and be quiet since he knows this is a threat, not just a girl lying for attention.
Despite the threats, both are too soft and sweet to write off Lila completely. Especially Mari, oddly enough. As I said. She grew up with stories about her aunts and uncles that changed for the better. So the two of them think that they might be able to be friends with Lila.
That said, they don’t put up with her shit. They call her out when she lies, and don’t tolerate her lying and manipulating people. It doesn’t usually work because Lila is good at thinking up more lies and turning it around, but they try.
The idea that Marinette hates Lila out of jealousy over Adrien is slightly more believable, because the classmates never saw Marinette be jealous before.
Chloé stopped ‘flirting’ with Adrien as soon as he and Mari got together because she respects Adrien as a friend. She makes it clear that they’re just friends and her flirting is mostly joking/possessiveness, and the relationship itself is the first thing that helps Chloé want to change so she can not lose Adrien over being mean to Mari.
Kagami was a little interested in Adrien, but shut it down as soon as she found out that he was dating Marinette, so she and Mari never got off on the wrong foot with jealousy, becoming friends rather quickly. (Mari might have tried to set her up with Luka after she rejected him but you know.)
Mari is usually nice to Adrien’s fangirls, barring any creepy actions.
So this is the first time the class is seeing her react to a ‘legitimate threat’ to the relationship.  
Now, while I like salt stuff, I don’t go full ‘the classmates durn into worse bullies than Chloé ever was because they’re convinced Mari is bullying Lila and believe Lila’s word like gospel’ thing.
I could go on a hell of a rant about how that’s a lot of victim blaming but that’s for another time.
Anyway, the classmates are still friendly with Marinette, but they are frustrated at her fighting with Lila. And Lila is lying, manipulating, orchestrating events to make it look like Mari attacked her, etc. It would take a decent amount of manipulation and gaslighting the class to get them to think Mari’s actually horrible, so this is a long-term plan.
One of the biggest things she does in the meantime, is try to isolate Marinette. If she sees someone talking to her, suddenly Lila needs their help with something! She tries to schedule hanging out with the class on days that Mari’s busy. Or just says she’s uncomfortable with Mari being at a hang out, so don’t invite her to this one(it works on smaller hangouts and ones where they’re at someone’s home, but big groups don’t work.). If she is forced to interact with Marinette directly, she starts a fight and blames Mari.
There’s a lot of tension. But Marinette learned from the Princess of Friendship herself. This can be mended, once they figure it out.
This all comes to a head when it comes time for the Class Trip.
The class gets permission to go out of the country, and Marinette suggests Equestria!
Her thought process is
1.) they can help mend things by learning about Equestria’s history and importance of Friendship.
2.) Despite the recent hiccups in their friendship, Marinette loves and trusts most of the class enough to tell them about the ‘I’m secretly a Pony Princess’ thing. And taking them to see Equestria is a good idea to help hammer it in and really wow them!
The school board is hesitant at first, because Equestria is technically another Dimension and all. But they tell her ‘if you send a letter to the Equestrian Government and they say yes, then okay’.
So Mari just calls up her mom and asks. Twilight is immediately planning the trip’s itinerary!
When Marinette announces it to the class, they’re all estatic.
Lila, of course, lies about stuff.
She claims that she went to Equestria before and when turned into a Pony by dimensional Magic stuff, she was totally an Alicorn!
Mari calls so much bullshit on that.
Because the only ways to be an Alicorn are either being born one, which means she’d have to be related to the Royal Family and that’s impossible, or Ascending, which is so goddamn rare.
Not to mention that even if a Human who crossed over became an Alicorn legitimately, that would’ve been major news.
Thankfully most of the stuff Lila lies about regarding culture/celebrities in Equestria/etc are either things Mari can spin as ‘actually that’s a misconception’ and redirect the class to real facts, or something that is coincidentally true, just fuckin buck wild.
When it comes time for the actual trip, Twilight and Rarity show up personally! Partly because they have to, as the link between Earth and Equestria, but also to see Mari and dote on her, glad to formally meet all her friends!!
The class begins to notice things when they are actually transported to Equestria.
First, they notice that Mari seems way too friendly with Twi and Rares. Like, yeah she’s a friendly person, but this is excessive.
They also notice that Marinette is a bit… too used to walking around as a Pony and using Magic, while everyone else is like ‘fuck how do hooves work???’.
There’s, like, a half second after they first go through the portal and are transformed where it seems like Lila wasn’t lying, as she looks like an Alicorn.
But then Twilight recognizes ‘Oh. You’re not an Alicorn. You’re a Changeling. I understand the disguise, as some Ponies are still a bit wary of Changelings, but you shouldn’t go around as an Alicorn as that will get you some unwanted attention and cause a lot of issues!’.
Everyone asks about that, and Twi happily explains that Changelings are shapeshifters!
So like, the excuse here is that Lila didn’t lie about going to Equestria before. She did once a few years ago with her mom. But she was a Changeling, not an Alicorn. She’d hoped that she’d be able to trick the classmates, and possibly even Twilight, but didn’t count on being called out so soon!
Unfortunately, everyone believes the reason Twilight accidently gave instead of the ‘Lila’s a dick’ thing. Mari’s frustrated because ‘damn it mom!’ but you know.
Side notes: What kind of Pony everyone is and their Cutie Marks!
Marinette: Pink Unicorn. Cutie Mark is a Ladybug threading a needle.
Adrien: pastel green Pegasus. Cutie Mark is a fencing saber with a neon green pawprint behind it.
Chloé: Black with white markings Crystal Pony. Cutie Mark is a golden crown, but with honeycomb shapes. (Basically imagine Diamond Tiara’s Cutie Mark, but gold and with hexagons instead of circles on the ends)
Alya: orange Unicorn, Cutie Mark is a Wifi signal with a foxtail
Nino: Deep green Earth Pony, Cutie Mark is headphones with a turtle shell
Juleka: Purpleish-black Unicorn, Cutie Mark is a mirror with claw marks behind it/
Rose: pink Earth Pony, Cutie Mark is a rose but the stem is real curly
Nathaniel: lavender Earth Pony, Cutie Mark is a tablet pen and a feather quill (Ya boi has so much trouble attempting to draw!!)
Alix: light blue Pegasus, Cutie Mark is a pocketwatch with wings
Mylene: tan Pegasus, Cutie Mark is a mouse-like theatre mask
Ivan: dark blue Earth Pony, Cutie Mark crossed drumsticks with a pair of ox horns above it.
Kim: red Pegasus, Cutie Mark is a star with a staff weapon in front of it.
Max: brown Unicorn, Cutie Mark is a computer screen in a horseshoe.
Sabrina: Turquoise  Earth Pony, Cutie Mark is a dark turquoise notebook with a purple diamond on it.
Lila: orange Changeling. No Cutie Mark. Uses a foxtail design when transformed to look like a regular pony.
So, as I said, the class is realizing that Marinette is a little too comfortable in Equestria. They eventually ask.
Marinette explains the whole ‘Okay, so didn’t tell you because I didn’t know to trust you guys, and then after I did trust you I wasn’t sure how to tell you but actually…’.
She goes over the whole ‘Twi and Rares are the bio moms, Tom and Sabine are her sort-of-adoptive parents but all four are parents to her’ thing.
Everyone’s like ‘Wait… you’re actually a Pony???’ then they’re like ‘HOLD HE FUCK UP YOU’RE A PRINCESS???’
Lila does kinda try and spin the whole ‘oh she didn’t tell you guys’ thing, but Twi and Rares explain the whole thing was about keeping Mari safe. And if certain people found out about her, it’d be bad.
Time for a little bit of the trip itinerary!
The first few days are spent in Ponyville, with the class staying in Twilight’s Castle.
I feel like I should mention that the last couple seasons of mlp aren’t canon to this timeline but whatever.
While they’re enjoying the sights and learning about Equestria, a chunk of the time is spent learning about how to be Ponies. How to walk on four legs and function with hooves, and how to use their various Magics. Nothing too wild. Just flight lessons for Pegasai, controlling strength for Earth Ponies, and basic spell casting for the Unicorns (along with control so they don’t blast something.).
Lila already knows how to use her Changeling spell stuff, unfortunately.
Marinette does discuss Lila with Twi and Rares.
They go into mom mode and are ready to throw down, but don’t.
Twilight asks them to just keep an eye on what Lila says, correct her if she lies, and maybe also ban her from shapeshifting?
Thankfully, Twilight is smart. She knows that banning Lila from shapeshifting altogether might end badly because there’s have to be questions of why. But she can subtly tag Lila with a specific ban.
Basically, Lila’s Magic will malfunction if she tries to shapeshift into Marinette, any of the classmates, or some of the more important Ponies. Lila won’t know about it unless she tries to do that specifically and finds she can’t.
Lila does, of course, try exactly that. She attempted to change into Marinette and be a jerk, but didn’t even get that far.
When she complains, Twilight just handles it by saying that it’s standard that Changelings nearby Royals and such have that ban.
Other highlights of the trip:
They hit some major cities in Equestria. Like the Crystal Empire, Manehattan(Which annoys Chloé a little because ‘I got to go to Manehattan before Manhattan fuck you mom!), Cloudsdale. And eventually, Canterlot!
Meeting various Royals is a trip in itself. I mean, this is Magic Pony Royalty!! But they’re also absolute dorks.
Adrien gets heckled by all of Marinette’s Aunts and Uncles and he’s a little terrified but loves her.
Diamon Tiara attempts to adopt Chloé somehow. Spike reminds her that Chloé does technically have parents back home, but Diamond’s like ‘no! she reminds me of me so much!!!’.
They get to see a Wonderbolts show in Cloudsdale, and a play on Bridleway.
As usual with me and ML fics, Chloé figures out that Mari and Adrien are LB and Chat. She had some strong suspicions before the trip, but after seeing the Cutie Marks of both them and other suspected Heroes, she’s like ‘you motherfuckers!!’.
Later on once they’ve gotten used to being Ponies, they get to go to the old Castle in the Everfree Forest, which is currently half archeological study, and half ‘training for all those bullshit Indiana Jones-like traps that Pony Archeologists have to deal with’. Which means it’s basically an obstacle course!
The final MANE event is an invitation to the Grand Galloping Gala!! With Rarity making all their outfits because she’s GENEROUS like that!!
Last plot point: Lila.
Of course Lila’s lies will be revealed somehow. But tbh…. Since this is a mlp crossover, I sort of want to try giving her some kinda redemption.
I think the best way to do that is to be able to feel the emotions. I mean, Changelings are empaths, basically. She can now physically feel what others feel about one another.
I mentioned in TMOLR that Lila’s lies are part of a cycle. She lies to make people love her, but they don’t love her, just the lies. So she continues the lie to keep the love.
With her empathy powers, she can feel that the love aimed at her is no different than the love they aim at each other. And at first, she brushes it off as her fooling them too well.
It’s actually only once the lies are exposed that she begins to realize that, despite the anger and betrayal her classmates feel, they still care. They still, on some basic level, love her.
She’s not going to be free of consequences, but she might be able to turn it around.
Legit though, I think a mlp crossover is the only time I can genuinely think of having a Lila Redemption because of the kind of bullshit the Ponies have done with redemptions.
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sweetcat3908 · 2 years
Tumblr media
Happy 100 years of wonder Disney and thanks to Care-a-lot Butterfly Unicorn Cat (Originally Care-a-lot Bear) by celebrating this
Her bio: Care-a-lot Butterfly Unicorn Cat is a purple-ish pastel pink, pastel purple, and pastel blue colored unicorn cat with purple butterfly wings with pastel pink hearts, pastel purple diamond shapes and pastel blue stars and she was based by her original design, Felicity from Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty and Shrignold from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, she is also Bluster the Bad Raccoon's acquaintance and friend.
For your art style: I want her wings to be more decorative
In human form: Care-a-lot's dress is a princess + magical girl and it's pastel purple and neon purple with a little bit of pastel pink, neon pink, and pastel blue and neon blue, her hair is long and wavy, and her hair color of her hair pieces are like this https://i.ibb.co/3p77Pvs/Care-a-lot-Butterfly-Unicorn-Cat-hair-piece-color-palette.png
Base made by PukoPop https://www.deviantart.com/pukopop/art/F2U-BASE-chibi-poses-865260735
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spiltscribbles · 5 years
Pearly White Lincoln
She’s fierce.
Steven Hyde has always known that much about Jackie Burkhart, even before she began dating one of his best friends. Back when she was just a doe eyed, cheerleading, force of nature and glamor. Back when she was the first underclassmen to win the illustrious title of homecoming queen, and would sashay down the halls with an impenetrable air of arrogance mixed with a superiority complex a mile wide. Too pretty for her own good and too smart to give a damn. Acting like for all the world, this dingy ass, rundown town owed her. That if nothing else, Point Place needs to pay it’s dues for holding her back from which ever dream she has for that week, with all it’s trappings of mediocrity.
The worst part of it is that she might not be totally off base.
She’s the only Freshman that any of the senior guys look at with a twinkle in their eyes, the only one with a shrill enough voice to make’m cower in submission. She’s loud, and abrasive, and does this thing where she wrinkles her upturned nose right before ripping to shreds anyone who she deems worthy of her ninety pound, label whoring wrath of fury.
He hates her purely on the principle of the thing.
Teenage dirtbags and prom queens to be don’t mix, that’s just logic. Just like it’s logic that cars aren’t supposed to ride on water, or that anything Mrs. Forman bakes is bound to be fantastic. And it’s only logic that he starts to resent the pint-sized beauty queen for getting her perfectly manicured claws into his oldest friend right around the same time his other best friend is finally trying to make a move on the only girl Hyde has ever loved in any kind of way, and right when Edna makes her monthly topple off the wagon.
It’s only logic that he, Steven Hyde, hates everything Jackie Burkhart has ever had to offer.
Hyde’s defected.
He’s sure of it, there’s something wrong in his DNA or some shit. Something that prevents him from conjuring up the appropriate feelings corresponding towards the right people. That’s why he can’t find it in himself to hate Edna— the only one of his parents who actually bothered enough to stay, even when she’s smacking him upside the head after losing her lot in that night’s poker match, or however many times she loves to remind Hyde that he’s the sole purpose why her all too promising career as a performer at the Barnett Water Show met it’s bitter end. It’s almost like a pastime for her— telling Hyde that he’s a mistake, in every sense of the word. He’s the worst version of a kid that any parent would ever want. It’s why Bud left before Hyde hit puberty. Why she resents him for it. Why she’ll never forgive him for fettering her to the ugly underbelly of a small town existence. Forcing her to be a drunkard, single parent barely holding onto the vestiges of youth she still has left.
On those nights, when Edna would get so plastered that she couldn’t stand straight, that she’d start singing some sappy ballad about time lost and scorning all her ex lovers, were the nights Hyde hated the most. More than the hitting or teasing. It was those nights that solidified the fact in his mind that he’s really not worth a damn, and he should stop pretending as much. He’ll be blessed if he doesn’t end up in prison, or knocking up a chick before he’s graduated high school.
But whatever, Hyde’s a mistake. A dirtbag. An insignificant piece of shit on someone’s shoe. He knows that. He’s over giving a damn about his inevitable fate, he’s excepted as much after living the truth of it for going on seventeen years.
In fact, Hyde doesn’t care about anything.
not a damn thing.
Well excluding the hand full of pot heads he’s somehow grown an unwavering loyalty towards, and attachment with. A cluster of mismatched individuals who’s friendship was manufactured from a shared unconformity, and solidified by a decade of spending every god damn day in each other’s orbits.
Hyde thinks they’re the closest thing he’s ever known to a family, and he hates the idea of altering that dynamic.
So one night, early in their junior year, , when he knows that Forman’s gonna give big red his class ring, he tells Donna he cares for her, that he knows she cares for him too. Because Hyde knows it in his bones that the gang could deal with them being on again, off again. They’re a casual match, he and Donna. More alike than not, with a shared cynicism towards how the establishment’s keeping them down. Nothing particularly remarkable, or amazing in their union. They’d never be the sort to have their names written in the skies, or flourish into some sort of ridiculous caricature of the Little House On The Prairie . But Hyde thinks that they’d be decent to one another. That it’s all kinds of fun when he kisses Donna. He knows that he won’t ever blame her when she eventually move to Madison for college, and then to like Prague or some shit, following her dreams. Hyde and Donna wouldn’t be much of anything after all, so it wouldn’t be a big deal.
But her and Forman?
Eric and Donna are this generations Romeo and Juliette waiting to happen. Both way to lost on each other— trading heart eyes and dopey grins like it’s an olympic sport. THey’d never be able to keep their feelings safely tucked away behind tinted shades, and an aloof exterior. And when they inevitably have their heartbreaking breakup, it’d demolish everything that Hyde has built for himself with this crew of dumbasses. A relationship sealed by brimstone and sheer force of will. The only relationship he’s ever allowed himself to care for with any other person. One that’d probably hurt like hell losing.
So no, he can’t let Forman admit his precious little feelings to the busty, girl next door. And if he has to get in the way, so be it. It’s not a big deal, it’s not like Hyde doesn’t like Donna? That’d be insane! Even if she wasn’t totally smoking.
Hyde likes the way the light catches in her pretty, ginger hair. Likes that she’s not dandy when it comes to her opinion, or playing a round of ball. He likes just about everything that has to do with Donna. And fuck off if he doesn’t get it when Forman talks about feeling queasy in his stomach when around her, like some girlie ass butterflies were swarming down there. Or that his palms don’t get sweaty, like how Kelso’s do whenever he’s with Jackie. They probably only do that because she’s berating him about being an idiot for something or the other, or Kelso’s feeling guilty over something stupid like losing one of her pretty, pink unicorns.
That shit’s unnecessary. At least he likes her as a person, which is way more than any of Edna’s trashy fuck boys could ever say about whatever chick they’re nailing. They’ve told Hyde time and time again that the only important quality in a broad is whether or not she can give’m a stiffy.
Screw that, at least Hyde respects Donna as an actual person.
That respect is why once he finds out later that night that they’re finally together— subsequent to a sobered up Donna and Eric finally growing a pair to ask her to be his girl— Hyde’s happy for them. Even if it’s their own funeral they’re paving the path towards.
He tells Eric as much, with the only caveat that he’s not gonna let them fuck up the group. Warns him that he’s not taking any of their dumbass sides if they break up.
Eric just laughs, cause he’s never known what it’s like to have the ground slipped right from under you. And Hyde just smiles, because he’d never want Forman, his brother in all but blood, to experience that kind of hurt.
Hyde reckons he’s a hypocrite, or maybe just too dumb to heath his own warnings.
But here he is, on the night of prom, renting a suit because he’s begrudgingly agree to escort none other than the epitome of prep herself, Jackie freaking Burkhart, to his junior prom. And all because his dumbass of a best friend cheated on her by pawing at Pam Macy in public, and Jackie sobbed until Hyde lost his resolve.
Fucking hell, he’s going weak.
The doorbell rings, and Hyde ignores the cursed taunting by his ma to answer, swiftly picking up the corsage he’d bought her on his way.
What Hyde doesn’t expect is opening the door and promptly having the breath snatched right from his longs.
“Wow… You look beautiful.”
She beams up at him, light curls framing her pretty face, and sugarplum pink dress making the green in her chestnut eyes flare with an unbridled amount of mirth.
Hyde doesn’t know why his heart thuds at the sight, or why he suddenly has no words for this girl who he’s always figured was the living embodiment of everyone that’s ever told him he’s not worth a damn.
“So do you.”
Hyde barely registers himself handing her the corsage, or leading her away from Edna’s uncharitable ribbing.
Someone like her belongs in-between the leather bindings of a fairytale book, and definitely not somewhere like here, in the dark recesses of society. Not where Hyde has created his own little corner of the galaxy.
It’s no surprise when the pretty cheerleader ends the night in the arms of her moronic ex-boyfriend, and Hyde finishes off in between the legs of the girl who broke them up in the first place.
Nor is it really a surprise when Kelso’s incessant cheating catches up to him, finally blowing up in his face, and making him lose at least one of the girl’s he’s been juggling.
What is a surprise is that he gives up on Jackie so easily, opting to prance around with the she-devil herself. Especially after months of bitching about how much he loves Burkhart.
Another surprise is how much fun it is taking Jackie under his wing, teaching her the art of zen, and even getting to watch a totally sexy cat fight with her and Laurie. Which is never not a good sight— especially considering how Jackie totally beat her ass.
So that’s it. Hyde thinks of Jackie as just another— if not a occasionally vapid— friend. Prom night was just a fluke, and sure she’s hot. But hell, so is Donna, and even Laurie, you know, in her own special, hellish kind of way.
Jackie’s just that. A hot chick who he can chill with. Ya know, when she’s not running her trap.
Everything’s cool. Hyde’s just as aloof and untethered as always.
Jackie thinks she’s in love with him, and Hyde’s convinced she’s finally gone off her rocker.
But to be fair, Hyde reasons that so has he , considering the fact he’s taken her side in every Kelso induced argument, went to jail— leading him to get kicked out of the only home he’s ever felt welcomed in— over her bag of pot, and then punched some idiotic prick for actually calling her a bitch.
No, never mind. Hyde’s sure of it. He’s medically insane, and that’’s why he cuts out of the Forman’’s Veteran’s Day barbecue early, to take Jackie out on a stupid date.
The worst part of the whole ordeal is that it’s not the worst date he’s ever been on— by a long shot. He’d probably deny it till his dying day, but Jackie’s funny in her own quirky way. He likes hearing her talk passionately about crap that really has no importance outside of her shiny, Versace veneered bubble. He likes that she looks at him like he’s not some injured, little fuck up. Like she’s happy to be here, sitting besides him. She’s not slumming it, she genuinely wants to give them, give him, a fair shot. And that’s pretty cool… Really cool if he’s being honest.
By the end of the date, they actually share a smile, something warm, something like nothing’s Hyde’s ever felt with a chick before.
Their eyes are still boring into each other when he ducks down, and she inclines her head forwards.
Hyde kisses the homecoming queen atop her daddy’s pearly white Lincoln, and it doesn’t feel like the end of the world as he knows it.
She tastes like lilac skies, and the gumdrop cookies Edna use to make while singing Sinatra on her especially good days, and like something quintessentially Jackie. . It’s a kiss just on this edge of amazing, and Hyde hates that he might have to admit that she’s actually been right all along.
But then she pulls away. Tells’m that there’s no spark.
She shakes her head no, before he’s forced to agree. Because fuck, what’d he think? That this is some sort of chick-flick. That the pampered, pretty girl would ever really choose the lowly, orphan boy in real life?
What a fucking joke.
He hops off the lid, and opens the door for her.
They grab a couple burgers and fries and talk like his tongue wasn’t down her throat only half an hour prior, and it’s fine. It’s good.
He’s never let his feelings for anyone cloud his judgment before, he won’t start now.
Months later, after she puts the final nail in the ever tumultuous coffin that was her relationship with Michael Kelso, they kind of fall into one another.
They spend the summer leading to his senior year kissing behind every shadowed corner, and tucked away crevasse.
She tells him it means nothing, and Hyde tells her the same. Because it doesn’t. Because whatever he might’ve felt for Jackie was efficiently scuffed away by the heal of her red bottom shoes months prior, and what they’re doing now is just all heat, and lust, and mostly to do with the boredom of the summer getting to them.
That’s what Hyde tells himself at least.
“Oh my God! I win!” Jackie crows, leaping off her seat and shaking around in a risible excuse for dancing.
Hyde loses all interest in the chessboard, nodding approvingly at the way she moves in her tiny shorts and spaghetti top before she smacks him playfully.
“Hey man! I’m just appreciating the consolation prize!”
“Uncouth pig.” She  rolls her eyes at him before flopping back in her powder pink duvet, long soft hair fanning around her like a dark halo.
“You wanna stay over tonight?” Hyde thinks she’s trying to ask as casually as possible, but he can see the hope in the quirk of her brow.
“Naw, man Forman had to tell his parents that I wasn’t at breakfast this morning cause I was at the library. I didn’t even know this town had a library!” He kind of feels his heart constrict at her disappointment. “You know Red’d freak if he found out I was spending the nights here, probably assume shit.”
“Yeah, true.” She pouts, averting her gaze. “You better get going then before Red starts to flip.”
“Right… So your ma still isn’t back, huh?”
Hyde would like to pretend that he doesn’t shrink back at the sudden flash of rage in her eyes.
“No Steven! I told you! She’s still working on her tan in Mexico.” Jackie sits up, crossing her arms defensively. “We Burkhart women have a reputation to uphold! If we’re not the epitome of beauty, what’ll people like Donna have to live up to!” Hyde idly wonders how she’s become such a pro of diversion.  “It’s really a hard job Steven, we constantly have to be on our A game, or else the whole pyramid of beauty standards crumbles!”
“Ah huh…?”
Her lips pinch, brows scrunched together with no small amount of frustration.
“Look just take your surly attitude and get going, will you? I have a Tiger Beat to read.”
“Jackie I’m not gonna leave you alone here. Now c’mon, tell me what the hell’s actually going on! Your mom’s been working on her tan for the last month!”
“Steven, it’s real hard to get the perfect golden brown—“
“Is your mom even coming back home?”
The stutter in her answer right then is enough of a tell for Hyde to demand she packs an overnight bag. “You’re staying the night with me at the Forman’s.”
She doesn’t move, stance rigid, and set jaw.
“I don’t need to stay with you Steven. I’m fine. I have my house keeper coming tomorrow morning, I’ll be fine.”
Hyde wants to argue, wants to shout that like fuck he’s gonna leave his chick here in this enormous place all by herself overnight. That she shouldn’t have such a fucking hardhead when it comes to him. That he knows that they started this thing off with steamy makeouts, but she should know it’s moved way passed that. They— their relationship… it means the fucking world to him. This thing they have going for them is probably one of the most important things in his life. Hyde would’ve never risked his friendship with one of his oldest pals if it weren’t.
Honestly, Hyde wants to shout that she should’ve told him when she realized Pam wasn’t coming home. She should’ve trusted him, because yeah Hyde kind of sucks at the whole communicating with words thing. But he still would’ve tried, for her. Hell, he’s pretty terrified because he’s just about sure that there’s not a single thing he wouldn’t do for Jackie freaking Burkhart.
He does none of that. Partly because he has no idea where to even begin, and partly because he knows that even with all their differences, he and Jackie were cut from the same cloth. Both to stubborn for what’s good for them, and both to independent to admit they’d need anything at all from anyone.
So instead of all that, Hyde just putters up to her, rubs a hand up and down her arm with feeling.
“Look i’m kinda accustomed to having someone plastered all up on me while I sleep, and waking up cold cause she stole the blankets. If you don’t come with me I’ll probably never be comfortable in my cot alone.”
Her glower is securely set on her face, but Hyde feels a thaw in her exterior.
“I don’t steal the blankets, you throw them on me.”
“Whatever you say doll,” he kisses her temple, and when she squeezes him in an embrace, he pretends he doesn’t feel her tears seeping through the material of his t-shirt. Just holds her tighter than ever before.
She’s all bubblegum laughter, and butter scotch kisses. Hyde thinks he loves her, thinks he’s always loved her. Hates that it’s taken him so long to tell her as much.
Hates it even more that the first time he’s ever told her so is when the break between them is too raw— too jagged— to be able to mend with pretty platitudes like I love yous. When the thought of him and some random nurse is still seared in her mind, and tales the end of everything he manages to say to her.
Hyde isn’t surprised when she storms out, when she tells him she doesn’t feel the same way. Not anymore. And why should she?
Hyde hates that he let himself fall in love with her. Let himself feel the butterflies in his gut, and the sweat on his palms. Hates that he still thinks she’s the most beautiful, brilliant girl on the face of the planet. Hates that when Kelso tells him that he’s still going after her, all Hyde could think is that she deserves anyone but him, even a prick like Kelso.
Hyde hates that the only girl he’s ever loved is the only girl he’s ever hurt so irrecoverably.
He realizes that he still has a shot with the one girl that’s ever been worth a damn.
He fights for her. She leaves him for the summer, with the question of who she’ll choose still suspended in his every breath
He kisses three other girls that summer, and none of them make him feel like his insides were bursting with something greater than glee. He concludes that the only person who’ll ever make him feel like that is the one person he can never be with again.
Until she tells him she wants to be with him, and he kisses her like the fate of his world depended on it.
“I missed you puddin pop.”
Hyde smiles against Jackie’s lips, swears he’ll never let go of this feeling again.
“I need to know that there’s a future for us.”
It’s the one thing Jackie’s always wanted, and the one thing Hyde’s never been able to give.
Hyde’s seen what marriages do to people. Seen the utter contempt in Edna’s eyes whenever she even so much as looked at Bud. The absolute shit show circus that was the Pinciotti household. The way Pam left her only daughter so callously after finalizing the divorce from the man she married for his money. Hyde knows that the Forman’s are a one in a million kind of deal, and Hyde’s never been one in a million for anything.
Besides Hyde knows Jackie, knows all the intimate parts that string together her person. Knows that she’s a beautiful whirlwind of jutting cheekbones and cunning smirks. Knows that no matter how hard she’d always dreamed of the debonair lifestyle, that she would’ve never been content with him as a partner. A man child with a family history as complicated as Marx’s manifesto, and who’s never been enough for anyone a day in his life.
She goes to Chicago before hearing his answer, (because of course she does). She gets her own segment on the morning show after three and a half months of working there, (because of course she does.) She’s the perfect amalgam of beauty, and wit, all while keeping a finger on the pulse point of popular culture. The camera loves her, and the audience is completely smitten. (Because of course they are.)
Donna tells him all this, and Hyde can do nothing but nod. She’s only confirming what Hyde’s always known was Jackie’s fate. One that’s always been destined for greatness, and had no room for the dirtbag she kissed on her daddy’s pearly white Lincoln when she was sixteen because she was a dumb, starry eyed homecoming queen who thought that she could ever love someone like him.
It hurts like fucking hell, but Hyde knows she’s better off.
But if he keeps the little velvet box still tucked under his favorite Zeppelin shirt in the drawer she use to keep her spare toiletries and tops in for whenever she spent the night— the one that still has a couple of her things that Hyde’s studiously forgotten to remind her were here— well that’s only for him to know.
The Forman’s hold a huge get together for the turn of the decade, with all their family and friends.
Kelso’s playing an intense round of peekaboo with Betsy, while a endeared looking Brooke smiles at the pair of them. Laurie and Fez are off getting handsy upstairs, and Eric and Donna are practically plastered to one another’s sides after so many months apart. Hell even Red and Mrs. Forman are holding hands and sharing fond gazes.
Hyde knows that somewhere in the crowd there’s a pretty, strawberry blonde that Fez invited from work (“because you also need some lovin after Jackie shattered your heart”). He knows that she’s waiting for him to give her the time of day, but knows just as well that he never will.
Hyde opts to grab a beer from the pile, and get away from the lot of love whipped morons he’s surrounded himself with by getting a breath of fresh air in the driveway.
What he doesn’t expect is after ten minutes of contemplating where he’s exactly found himself at twenty years old, a pearly white Lincoln slides up on the curb.
Stunned and a little petrified, he watches as Jackie— still beautiful after almost six months apart, and still haughty looking as all get out with a Gucci bag slung across her shoulder— steps out.
Her pretty, mismatched eyes widen only a fraction once catching sight of him. But she doesn’t demure, walks up to him like it’s nothing. And he thinks that absolute abandon, the way she wore her heart on her sleeve without caring about the consequences, is what proved how much stronger she was over him. How she’s always been the strongest chick he’s ever known.
“Steven.” She speaks his name like a treasure.
“Jackie,” he says like a prayer.
“Thank you for the flowers— all of them, for every show.”
Hyde mentally staggers back, wondering just how she figured it was him that sent them.
“They were Calla Lilies,” she shrugs, seemingly reading his mind. “I always told you that they’d be the flowers for our wedding.”
Hyde takes off his sunglasses, wants to have an unobstructed view of her after so much time apart. Wants to drink her in for as long as possible for when she eventually leaves him again.
“You deserved them. You were always amazing on screen whenever I got to watch you while visiting WB in Chicago.”
She kinks up a brow in silent question.
“We’re thinking of opening a new headquarters there— he wants me to run it— ya know, cause I’m his son and all.”
“Is that so,” the corner’s of her mouth curve up into a small, enchanted smile. One that Hyde returns in earnest.
“Yeah, well that,” he clasps her mitten clad hand with his bare one. Gingerly, questioningly. . 
“And I told him that the only person I want to be around happens to live their, and I’d deal with all of Angie’s craziness if it meant that I could be down there with that one person.”
Her smile stretches into a full blown grin, equal parts beautiful and breathtaking. Making Hyde’s insides feel like he’s just been bathed in sunlight.
He doesn’t feel it when the snow starts to trickle down on them, or hear the bell of the new year ring true. All Hyde can focus on is the way Jackie presses up on the tips of her toes, and how her lips still fit so perfectly against his own. How it still feels like his stomach is doing gymnastic routines.
All Hyde could think is that he’s kissing the girl of his dreams in front of her daddy’s pearly white Lincoln, and how it feels like the start of his world as he knows it.
They part only to catch their breath, pressing foreheads against one another, as if terrified to stay apart for long, less the other person will dissipate right before their eyes.
“Hey Jackie.”
“That person I was telling WB about… That was you, believe or not.”
“Shut up you pig,” she punches him in the arm and all he could do is smile, feeling something wonderful bloom somewhere deep in his chest.
“Yeah, but you love me.”
“Yeah, well you love me back!”
“Yeah… Yeah I do.”
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crazyrandomfucker · 4 years
Hero Apprentice Twins 3
Chapter 3:  Stormy weather
This akuma in particular is very similar to canon, but instead of summer it's October, the whole twin thing going on and some love parallels of later akumas.
-At the Dupain-Cheng living room-
"Manon! Mina! Give Marin those hats back!" says Marinette chasing two little girls across the living room.
"But we want to be designers too" says Mina dodging Marinette again.
"Those aren't finished!" says Marin trying to catch Mina but failing again.
"Please girls! Marin needs to finish those! He should be working and not chasing you two!" says Marinette as she hits her head against the table.
"And remember, press 1# for Aurore and Aria and press 2# for Mirielle and Miriam" says the TV presenter.
"Mirielle! I love Mirielle!" says Mina grabbing Marin's phone and sending a message to the TV station.
"I love Miriam" says Manon grabbing Mari's phone and copying her sister.
"Hey!" say the designers at unison.
"I forgot today was the weather girls competition, Aurore mentioned it if I'm not wrong" says Marinette.
"You know Mirielle and Miriam?" ask the little girls.
"Well, we were classmates once" says Marinette.
"Yeah, but they are really timid. We know better Aurore and Aria" points Marin.
"Can you present us to them?" say the girls with puppy eyes.
"Well... I-" says Marinette trying to resist the puppy eyes.
"We can't unless they want to" says Marin as he catches the hats.
"But we-!" begins Mina, but the doorbell rings.
Marin opens the door and the Césaire twins are standing there. "Hey man, you busy?" says Alen.
"A little bird told us that your crushes are doing a photoshoot in the park" says Alya smirking.
"It's not a crush!" says Marinette blushing.
"I don't have a crush Alya. Besides, we're both working" says Marin.
"Another request from your crush boss or is it from THE boss?" asks Alen.
"First, only god knows how many times I've told you that I'm not crushing on Adrienne" says Marin. "Second, I have a request from Gabriel to make a hat for Adrienne's Halloween costume, which I have already finished".
"Thanks god, because I think that I DO have a crush on her, lucky me I won't have competition. Let's go see her" says Alen.
"Yeah, no. Also, me being the only competition? Are her model friends and army of fans not enough competition for you?" says sassily Marin.
"Man, you're the only one I'm afraid to lose to. You've got it all: baked goods, baked looks and baked talent" teases Alen.
"Bro, stop it with those half-baked puns. Besides, you're more handsome than I am" says Marin.
"Shut up you two and kiss already. What are you working on Marinette?" asks Alya curious.
"I'm babysitting the daughters of my mom's friend. They are... Little precious angels" says Marinette. Mina and Manon appear from behind Marinette.
"Well, luckily for you, we're experts in dealing with little precious angels and we know that a walk in the park can help to tire them" says Alya.
"And what a better opportunity to show your progress on the hat to the one who is going to wear it?" says Alen winking to Marin. "Besides, taking a break is necessary when working and I want to see her but I'm not going without my bro".
Marin sighs. "Okey, I'll go  with you scaredy cat, but you owe me".
"Wait, who are them?" ask Mina and Manon.
"We?" asks Alen smiling.
"We are unicorns from the magical planet Wualulu trapped in the bodies of these two gorgeous teens" says Alya getting down.
"No you're not" says Manon laughing, but then she doubts. "Are you?"
"Do you grant wishes?" ask Mina excited.
"We only grant wishes to well-behaved children and we eat bad-behaved ones. What are you little monkeys?" says Alen.
"I don't know, they sometimes do behave" says Marinette smiling.
"We'll behave!" say both little girls.
"Then let's ride to the park!" says Alya as she and Alen put Manon and Mina in Marin's and Marinette's shoulders.
-At the Kidz+ TV station-
"Now it's time to announce the winners of the Kidz+ weather twins contest!" says the TV presenter. "And the winners are... Mirielle and Miriam! Congratulations you two! And don't be sad Aurore and Aria, you've only lost for..." says as he looks at the paper. "Half a million votes! Yikes, better luck next time!"
Aurore and Aria leave the studio furious and they enter the elevator. "We should have won! We are more cute, more confident and we're dressed a lot better!"
Without the girls noticing it, two dark butterflies enter to the elevator and the elevator stops. The girls, surprised, turn around and see the akumas approaching them just as the elevator lights began to fail. In a desperate attempt of defending themselves, Aurore and Aria fence their umbrellas trying to scare away the butterflies, but as soon as the umbrellas touch the cursed butterflies, they turn to a very dark purple and a light purple butterfly symbol appears on Aria's and Aurore's faces.
"Hello Stormy Weather and Hail Queen. I am Hawk Moth. You should have won that contest but worry not, you can be my weather girls. In exchange, I want you to bring me the miraculous".
"With pleasure Hawk Moth" say the girls and a dark blob covers them.
-At the park-
Adrien and Adrienne are sitting on a fountain with the new winter line their father was releasing in weeks and posing for their Italian photographer, Vincent, when they notice four familiar people coming into the park. Adrienne's face lights when she sees Alen and Alya, but then her expression turns into a strange mix of blush and confusion when she notices that Marin and Marinette are carrying kids on their backs. Adrien also brightens up when he sees the Césaire twins, but then he looks confused because of the little girl on Mari's shoulders, and finally his gaze turns bitter as he glares Marin, who returns him a similar glare. While Adrien now understood better Marin thanks to the little chat with Adrienne some weeks ago, he still didn't trust him because of his odd behaviour around Adrien. Now that he thought about it, Adrien finds weird that both Dupain-Cheng twins behave different only around him.
"Oh no. No no no no no. Don't put hat face. Cheer up, think of Mamma's spaghetti" says Vincent.
The models remember that they still are on a shoot and they regain focus again, putting on a model facade and fake perfect smiles for the cameras. Even so, after twenty or so pictures it gets really boring and the Agreste can't help but to lose their focus. Then, as the expert photographer he is, Vincent notices the boredom of his models and gives them a little break as he searches for something to spice the photoshoot up a bit. The models happily wave at their friends and Marinette waves at Adrien with a dumbfounded expression until Alya hits her softly on her back, making Mari regain some composure. However, Alen just begins to tease Marin about him having a crush on Adrienne (again) and the designer just rolls his eyes. Adrienne goes to the girls and pulls them into a hug while Adrien just shakes Alen hand and holds a kind of staring competition with Marin. Noticing that, Vincent comes up with an idea and, while Mina and Manon beg to the designers to go and play with them until they resign and accept, he approaches the young models and carefully scans the Césaire twins, nodding in approvement.
"Friends! Some emotions are lacking on the young models and what is better than some friends to bring out great emotions than friends" exclaims Vincent without making much sense. "Are you two interested on being in a photoshoot with the young Agreste's?"
"Uh, us?" asks brilliantly Alen.
"I'm sorry sir, but we're horrible picture material" says Alya with a smug grin. "But our friends Marin and Marinette who are over there would be an excellent choice".
Adrienne blushes and Adrien frowns. " But aren't they busy with... those kids?" asks Adrien.
"Don't worry sunshine, we could take care of the little angels if that brings out your model smile" says Alya winking.
"Yeah, imagine making the shoot with sweet old Marinette, she's really cute and hey, maybe she could give you a treat or two as a thanks later" says Alen as he and Adrien gawk thinking on food.
"Idiots" say Alya and Adrienne deadpanned.
"Wait a moment! Those beauties, those cute little features!" says Vincent. "Forget about friends, those two little girls would bring out the excellent adorableness that we need for the picture!"
"What?!" exclaim the teens together, backing away.
"Excuse me! Young sitters!" says Vincent ignoring the surprised teens. "Would it be okay if I borrowed those two cuties for a photoshoot?"
"Uh- I-" stutters Mari unsure of how to react.
"I'm sorry sir, but unless their parents’ consent, I'm afraid we can't" says Marin diligently.
"Of course, that's understandable. Could you perhaps ask their parents?" asks Vincent.
"It would be difficult; we don't have their father's phone number and their mother is currently working. I'll try to send her a message, but I can't assure she'll answer" says Marin and sends a message to Nadja.
"Thank you for being so understanding young man. May I know your name?" says Vincent, examining Marin's clothes.
"I'm Marin Dupain-Cheng and this is my sister Marinette. The girls are Mina and Manon" says Marin.
"Oh, I see you've met already Marin" says Adrienne. She puts on a proud expression. "He's my personal designer and my father has taken interest in him. You will probably work with him in the future, he and Marinette are both really talented".
"We're not that talented" says Marin blushing a bit and rubbing his neck.
"Is that so? Then it's my pleasure to meet you" says Vincent.
"Likewi- Oh, Nadja answered. She says that it's fine as long as there aren't many photos and they are revised by her before using them" says Marin.
"Wait, Nadja?" asks Adrienne confused. "As in Nadja Chamack? The reporter?"
"Yes, she is mom's old friend and we sometimes babysit her daughters while she works" says Marinette sheepishly.
"Anyway, let's just simply finish the break and take the pictures" says Vincent, but Manon stops Mari.
"But I still want to ride the carrousel!" says Manon making puppy eyes.
"Sir, couldn't we have an extended break, we'll be in better shape later" asks Adrienne succumbing into the puppy eyes.
"Fine, but I'll expect only the best afterwards" says Vincent resigning.
"We'll ride the carrousel with them, we already have kept Adrien and Adrienne for ourselves" says Alya as she and Alen pick up the toddlers with smug faces.
"Alya, I love you, but I hate you so much right now" thinks Marinette. Then she notices Adrien approaching and her mind disconnects.
"Hello Marinette, what are you doing here?" says Adrien.
"I- We- Uh- We are Nadja babysitting- I mean, we're daughters Nadja- I mean-" stutters Marinette before Adrienne puts a hand on her shoulder.
"They are babysitting the daughters of Nadja Chamack" explains Adrienne.
"Really? Wow Marinette, I didn't know you were a babysitter" says Adrien impressed.
"I-I'm not really a ba-babysitter. I-I-I've just taken c-ca-care of them and N-Nino's yo-younger brothers" mumbles Marinette awkwardly as she plays with her fingers.
"I see..." says Adrien looking down, remembering what had happened some weeks ago on her rooftop.
"A-Are you o-o-ok Adrien" says Marinette noticing it.
"I'm fine, don't worry" says Adrien gloomy, getting a soft pinch from Adrienne.
"Hey, Marin! The girls want a balloon of Mirielle and Miriam!" says Alen and Marin goes to buy them mumbling something.
"What are you doing here by the way?" asks Adrien.
As Marinette opens her mouth to reply that he is obviously not fine, two akumas descend from the sky. When they see the balloon guy only selling  Miriam's and Mirielle's balloons, they get mad and Hail Queen freezes the poor guy. Marin, who was already back with Mari from giving the balloons to the girls, instinctively puts himself in front of Marinette, Adrien and Adrienne to protect them. Adrien is surprised by that and doesn't have time to react, but Adrienne blushes and mentally fawns over Marin. But unluckily, the akuma notice them and approach, freezing the Agreste's bodyguards who tried to immobilize them.
"Wait, those umbrellas, those faces... Aurore! Aria!" jumps Marinette before she can stop herself.
"Aria and Aurore are gone Marinette. We are Hail Queen and Stormy Weather!" says Stormy Weather.
"And look who do we have here, Agreste twins and Dupain-Cheng twins. Tell me, who did you vote at the contest?" says Hail Queen getting close to them.
"You two of course, I stopped from working just to cheer you two from home" lies Marin.
"I also vote you two" says Marinette quickly.
"Yeah, so did us. We even told our photographer, Vincent" says Adrien.
"We voted Mirielle and Miriam" say Manon and Mina, oblivious to the danger.
Hail Queen freezes the carrousel, trapping inside the little girls with Alen and Alya, and Stormy weather unleashes a storm that covers all of Paris. Adrien takes Adrienne and goes to the limo, letting both of them transform privately and go to their bags to find their kwamis, who were mysteriously gone until the models pull out a piece of cheese. The black kwamis appear and try to bite it, but the models call upon their transformation. Once they have suited up, they exit the limo using the opposite door to avoid suspicion.
Marin and Marinette, on the contrary, rush to the now frozen carrousel to check on their friends and the little girls. Alya and Alen reassure that they are okay and rush the designers to take cover as soon as they can. After promising their return, the designer duo run to the nearest bushes and check that no one could see them transforming. Their kwamis smile knowingly and the designers call upon their transformation, changing into their superheroes personas.
"We have to save them" says Ladybug.
"Agreed" responds Lordbug already leaping and landing near the carrousel.
"Lordbug! Man you need to call your sister and get us out of here" says Alen.
"No need to call me" says Ladybug landing. "I'm already here. I was just talking with two teens who begged us to save you. I recall their names are Marinette and Marin".
"Those are our friends!" says Alya excited.
"Have they abandoned us?" asks Manon and Mina.
"Of course not, they went for help, like us or the firemen" says Lordbug.
"Come on brother, let's try to break this igloo" says Ladybug backing off.
The red clad heroes throw simultaneously their yoyos in opposite directions, rolling them up around the iced carrousel, and pull to break the ice but the yoyos slip away without leaving even a scratch, but landing on the heroes foreheads. Meanwhile, Stormy Weather keeps shooting lightnings to the Mirielle's and Miriam's balloon and Hail Queen keeps shooting big ice chunks at them. People panic and everybody tries to run away, but the akumas chase a couple out of the park and they prepare to shoot once again, until a certain black cat appears on top of the park's fence that is in front of them. Then, Kitty Noir jumps behind them, cutting a possible escape path and thus creating a pincer attack pattern.
"Hey ice queens, why all the terrorizing?" says Kitty Noire moving her tail.
"Why don't you pick someone your own temperature?" says Chat smiling smugly.
"Our names it's not ice queen!" says angered Stormy Weather.
"We are Hail Queen and Stormy weather!" says Hail Queen with an angered but cold tone.
"Listen. I'm feline more generous today than usual" says Chat Noir as he slowly slithers down the fence while playing with his tail. "So cool down and we'll call it quits, okay?"
"Come on, don't give us the cold shoulder and surrender" says Kitty grinning.
The akumas give them a dead stare and Stormy Weather opens her umbrella evoking a gust of wind that sends Chat Noir flying across Paris, who lands on a car and, due to the strength of the impact, bounces to another car and bounces back again. Luckily for him, their superhero magical costume absorbs most of the hits they take, which if you combine it with the strength boost they had, the damage was almost non-existent, but they still felt that they were hit. To avenge her brother Kitty jumps to the akumas, but Hail Queen opens her umbrella and Kitty is tossed to the sky. When she's about to crash to the floor at the speed of sound, Stormy Weather opens again her umbrella and sends her flying in the same direction as her brother. However, before she hits the floor Lordbug catches her on his arms as he swings by. He lands and lets her down by herself, just as Ladybug lands next to them.
"And here I thought that cats always landed on their feet" says Ladybug amused, helping Chat to stand up.
"Well, thanks my Lady and my Lord, but we had it covered" says Chat leaning to kiss Ladybug's hand, but she boops his nose pushing him softly backwards.
"There's no time for your childish charms Chat Noir, but you're welcome" says Ladybug.
"We have some akumas to beat!" says Kitty Noire.
"We should be expecting lighting storms like, right now!" says Stormy Weather as she and Hail Queen descend. She lifts her umbrella and shots a lightning to the sky, which gets stormy and begins to roar with thunders.
Lightnings fall straight to the cat heroes and the bugs tackle them just before the lightnings strike them, rolling and ending with the bugs on the floor and the cats pinning them down. Chat Noir is surprised and smiles sheepishly as he rejoices internally for the unusual luck, but Ladybug deadpans and push his head towards the akumas to make him focus again, unimpressed by Chat's behaviour. Meanwhile, Lordbug thanks the gods for the amazing view he's getting to see, with Kitty pinning him down and her hair all down kind of blocking everything except her. Kitty at first is surprised, but in a moment of smugness, she pulls her hair back and smirks at Lordbug, making him fluster.
"Enjoying the views, my Lord?" says Kitty Noire with a wink.
"W-We sh-should foc-c-cus on the a-akuma f-fi-first, m-my Dame" stutters Lordbug being a blushy mess.
"Come on sis, those akumas have just won themselves a cat fight!" says Chat getting up and charging towards the akumas.
"Flat ice!" says Hail Queen smiling as she points to the floor and covers almost the whole street in ice.
Chat slips and falls, but before he hits the ground, Stormy Weather opens her umbrella, summoning a gust of wind that sends the heroes away. Ladybug and Lordbug react quickly and grab the nearest fixed objects, which resulted to be post lamps. The cats aren't that lucky, but Ladybug manages to catch Kitty Noire's tail and pulls her closer so she doesn't slip away. Lordbug doesn't catch Chat Noir at first, but he somehow gets a firm grip of his yoyo and throws it to Chat, getting the yoyo stuck on Chat's belt and pulling him closer. Then, Stormy Weather closes her umbrella and the wind disappears leaving the heroes mid-air, who fall to the ground and get up complaining. The akumas ignore the superheroes recovering from their fall and turn around to continue their march surrounded by a gust of wind that spun around them, pushing back cars and anything that came near them in a five meters radium. A broken electronic billboard lights up and shows an image of Mirielle and Miriam, catching the akumas attention. Hail Queen and Stormy Weather share a look as if they were mentally speaking to each other and destroy the billboard before heading to the TV station with a devilish grin on their faces.
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latristereina · 5 years
Tag meme
tagged by: @eyes-painted-with-kohl
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls?
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read?
I have no idea.
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets?
Not really.
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month?
Does buying some trinkets count? Because in general this month isn't the luckiest for me.
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself?
That I will take some Turkish language lessons.
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests?
The forests.
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits?
apricot drift; how do you feel right now?
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having?
My grandmother's funeral during which she begged not to be buried.
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now?
lavender dream; turn ons/offs?
Intelligence/lack of manners.
water lilly; when was the last time you cried?
On Friday/Saturday night.
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize?
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream?
honey perfume; favorite movie ever?
The Godfather.
desert rose; do you like yourself?
There are things about myself that I like, but I don't like myself as a whole.
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity?
Yeh, twice, those were a Polish swimmer and then a Polish musician.
night owl; how many countries have you visited?
Only two: Canada and Germany.
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle?
Yes, I've been in the Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork.
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done?
I persuaded my childhood boyfriend to undress himself in public, I didn't conceive it as something inappropriate back then.
lantana; what’s on your mind right now?
Pretty much nothing, there's void.
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign?
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself.
I was the youngest grandchild for my paternal grandparents.
I absolutely love Tricity.
I'm sensitive.
I have synesthesia.
I'm a loner.
daphne; do you believe in karma?
Yes and no.
queen of the meadow; ever been in love?
No, but I've been smitten with several boys and then men.
wisteria; whom do you admire and why?
I admire brave, self-dependent people.
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?
I didn't have a favorite.
remember me; did you make someone laugh today?
iris; do you believe in ghosts?
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?
Late 15th and early 16th century, as well as the 80s of the 20th century.
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not?
Only if my family and I could be always young.
primula; what makes you sad?
Suffering of people and animals, death of people I love.
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not?
Yes, it was. I do pretty much nothing on Sundays.
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most?
My mother.
Lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today?
I don’t remember.
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life?
Yes, I do, I would certainly act different in some situations.
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe?
I don’t have any.
violet; favorite tv show?
sunflower; share a favorite quote.
Can’t think of any right now.
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like?
Waking up early and having a lot of energy would be my ideal day, nothing fancy.
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies?
Collecting books, learning languages, making gifs and graphics, history, writing stories.
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you.
Can’t really think of any.
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared?
Parachute jump.
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger?
I don’t do dates, but I usually prefer older men or my age.
sweet pea; who means the world to you?
My family, including my dog, and my friends.
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read?
One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Godfather (the Godfather’s maniac here), Cartas autógrafas de los Reyes Católicos de España Don Fernando y Doña Isabel: 1474-1502, etc.
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character?
I like Disney villains. Maybe Ursula or Maleficent.
magnolia; coffee or tea?
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved?
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person?
A dog person, although I like cats as well.
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction?
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?
moonflower; what’s your favorite color?
I have many, but maybe red.
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not?
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person?
A night person.
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness?
Yes, I have been dealing with different forms of it for the last 16 years.
clover; how would your friends describe you?
I would have to ask them.
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert?
An introvert.
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do?
I like watching stupid Latin American and Turkish soap operas, but I’m not really embarrassed to admit it.
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words.
Sensitive, short-tempered, loving.
lotus; best memory as a child?
My childhood in general is one good memory, I consider it happy.
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color?
dahlia; do you like crystals?
I don’t care.
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
There wouldn’t be poverty and wars.
baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house?
calendula; biggest pet peeve?
Lack of manners.
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet?
I would stay home.
blazing star; share a secret.
I have no secrets.
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier?
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why?
I take inspiration from different people and characters, no one in particular.
bluebell; do you wear glasses?
nymphea; forest or river?
orchid; do you like exercise?
No, but I like some sports, like swimming or bicycling.
pansy; do you like poetry?
Some, but I’m not a poetry person.
morning glory; any special talent that you have?
Tagging: @mayaofatlantis, @katherynparr, @tiffany-of-wales.
Don’t feel obliged to do it.
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psychicmedium14 · 5 years
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How Much Does Celtic Astrology Know About You?
Celtic astrology, also known as the Druid Sign, originated from the Ogham which, unlike Western or Egyptian astrology, is comprised of 13 signs. What does the Celtic zodiac know about you? What is your symbolism from the Celtic point of view?
Those who were born from March 20 to April 14 belong to the Alder Tree sign of the Celtic Zodiac. The natives of this sign of the Celtic Zodiac are renowned for their fearlessness. They tend to be stubborn and if something doesn’t go their way they know how to change things in their favor. The natives are very mobile and passionate. Their energy is enough for them to be passionate about lots of things at the same time.
Those born from April 15 to April 20 belong to the Willow Tree sign of the Celtic Zodiac. The vivid imagination is the most prominent feature of the natives of this sign. They tend to be creative. A lot of this sign’s natives are poets or writers. Usually, from the very childhood, they tend to make up stories and daydream. They are also very intuitive. Their sixth sense helps them a lot in their lives.
The animals connected with those born during the first period are the bear, the fox, and the hawk. The hawk symbolizes the natives’ alertness to any sudden change. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the adder, the hare, and the sea serpent. The sea serpent symbolizes psychological growth, regeneration, and healing.
Those who were born from April 20 to May 12 belong to the Willow Tree sign. Their imagination tends to be very vivid. The natives of this sign are artistic: many of them become writers, poets, and artists. Usually, their abilities to create appear from the very childhood. They often paint, make up stories, and daydream as kids. Their intuition is also very strong.
Those who were born from May 13 to May 21 belong to the Hawthorn Tree sign. The natives of this Tree sign tend to be patient and thoughtful. Sometimes it is hard for them to stop their inner monologue. They tend to over-analyze things: it’s not easy for them to relax and loosen control. The natives of this sign are good listeners and always very attentive to the needs of their surroundings.
The animals connected with those born during the first period are the adder, the hare, and the sea serpent. The serpent symbolizes the ability to heal. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the bee, the fox, and the owl. The fox symbolizes shrewdness of this sign’s natives.
Those who were born from May 21 to June 9 belong to the Hawthorn Tree sign. The natives of this sign of the Celtic Zodiac are usually interested in spirituality. Their tendency to over-analyze issues they have to face sometimes makes life difficult for them. They also tend to be good listeners and are always helpful.
Those who were born from June 10 to June 21 belong to the Oak Tree sign. It is typical of the natives of this Tree sign to be reliable and trustworthy people. They are renowned for their strength of character. They tend to protect those who can’t protect themselves. The natives of the sign are generous and helpful. They have a deep respect for traditions and sometimes tend to be a bit too conservative.
The animals connected with those born during the first period are the bee, the fox, and the owl. The fox is the symbol of intelligence. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the otter, the wren, and the white horse. The white horse is the symbol of purity, protection, spirituality, and freedom.
Those who were born from June 21 to July 7 belong to the Oak Tree sign. The natives of the sign are renowned for their honesty. They tend to be reliable and loyal friends. The strength of their character is remarkable. They are helpful and always protect those who can’t protect themselves. Traditions are very important to the natives of the sign. It is difficult for them to change things radically.
Those who were born from July 8 to July 23 belong to the Holly Tree sign. The natives of the sign are renowned to be natural leaders. It is easy for them to overcome any obstacle they have to face. They always come up with a clever idea when it’s needed to solve an issue. They don’t admit defeat too easily. That is why many people don’t mind following them as their leader.
The animals connected with those born during the first period are the otter, the wren, and the white horse. The white horse represents spirituality and freedom. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the cat and the unicorn. The unicorn represents the balance of elements and harmony of light and dark.
Those who were born from July 23 to August 4 belong to the Holly Tree sign. The natives of this Tree sign are usually good leaders and fighters. Overcoming an obstacle to succeed is the easiest thing for them. They are creative and always quick to come up with an idea that solves an issue they face immediately.
Those who were born from August 5 to August 23 belong to the Hazel Tree sign. The natives of this sign are renowned for their intelligence, maturity, and efficiency. They tend to be very organized. They are usually gifted and quick learners. Their memory is surprisingly good, probably the best of all signs. It is easy for some of the natives to recite long poems by heart: this ability to memorize helps them in life a lot.
The animals connected with those born during the first period are the cat and the unicorn. The unicorn symbolizes the harmony of good and evil. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the crane and the rainbow salmon. The salmon symbolizes the deep understanding of life.
Those who were born from August 23 to September 1 belong to the Hazel Tree sign. The natives of the sign tend to be mature and intelligent. It is easy for them to learn new things due to their natural intelligence and good memory. Some of the natives of this sign are extremely good at math.
Those who were born from September 2 to September 23 belong to the Vine Tree sign. The natives of this Celtic Zodiac sign tend to be sincere and open: they rarely suppress their feelings. It is easy to understand what they are thinking about just by looking at their faces. The natives sometimes tend to be indecisive. The reason for it is their ability to understand and sympathize with each side of a conflict.
The animals connected with those born during the first period are the crane and the rainbow salmon. The salmon represents wisdom. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the lizard, the hound, and the white swan. The white swan is renowned for its inner strength, longevity, and loyalty. It also represents the ability to reestablish things with an ease.
Those who were born from September 23 to September 29 belong to the Vine Tree sign. For the natives of the sign, it is not easy to hide their feelings. They tend to share them with their friends and loved ones. Sometimes, it’s difficult for the natives to make up their mind. They spend much time analyzing both sides of a conflict.
Those who were born from September 30 to October 23 belong to the Ivy Tree sign. The most prominent feature of the natives of this Tree sign is their willpower. Their ability to overcome all odds often surprise their surroundings. They tend to be compassionate and loyal. They always want to be helpful to their loved ones. The natives of the signs also tend to be interested in spiritual matters.
The animals connected with those born during the first period are the lizard, the hound, and the white swan. The white swan is associated with loyalty and strength. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the boar, the goose, and the butterfly. The butterfly represents this sign’s natives’ ability to be very socially active. It’s easy for them to have small talks with strangers and meet new people.
Those who were born from October 23 to October 27 belong to the Ivy Tree sign. The natives of the sign tend to have a strong willpower. They won’t admit their defeat no matter what happens to them. They tend to be very loyal friends who are always ready to help others. They tend to be interested in philosophy and spirituality.
Those who were born from October 28 to November 22 belong to the Reed Tree sign. The natives of this sign tend to be sophisticated, spiritual, and open-minded. They always welcome new experience. They are also renowned for their ability to find the core of the matter. They are shrewd and easily see the real meaning of things. Their capability to convince people around them is impressive: sometimes they even use it to manipulate their surroundings.
The animals connected with those born during the first period are the boar, the goose, and the butterfly. The butterfly symbolizes the natives’ ability to make new friends easily. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the white hound and the owl. The hound represents loyalty and ability to see far.
Those who were born from November 22 to November 24 belong to the Reed Tree sign. The natives of the sign tend to be interested in the spiritual matters. They are open-minded and always ready for a new experience. They tend to be shrewd and easily see the core of the matter. It is also extremely easy for them to convince people.
Those who were born from November 25 to December 22 belong to the Elder Tree sign. This sign of the Celtic Zodiac is associated with wisdom and, paradoxically, love for adventures. The natives sometimes seem to be a bit wild and unpredictable to the natives of other signs of the Zodiac. At the same time, they are thoughtful in nature and analyze every possibility they see with care.
The animals connected with those born during the first period are the white hound and the owl. The hound is associated with loyalty and cleverness. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the badger, the black horse, and the raven. The black horse represents the sign’s endurance – both physical and mental – and strength.
Those who were born from December 22 to December 23 belong to the Elder Tree sign. The natives of the sign tend to be wise, clever, and thoughtful. They analyze the issues they face from different perspectives and usually make the right decision. At the same time, they tend to be adventurous and eager to take risks.
Those who were born from December 24 to January 20 belong to the Birch Tree sign. It is typical of the natives of this sign to be somewhat innovative and have an unusual outlook on things around them. They know how to motivate other people to do something challenging or even heroic. It is easy for people born under the influence of Birch to become leaders. They tend to reach for more.
The animals connected with those born during the first period are the badger, the black horse, and the raven. The black horse symbolizes strength and wisdom. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the golden eagle and the white stag. The white stag symbolizes the sign’s intelligence and swiftness. This animal is very aware of whatever is happening around it.
Those who were born on January 20 belong to the Birch Tree sign. The natives of the sign tend to be innovative and creative. It is easy for them to motivate their surroundings to do something challenging. The natives of the sign are natural leaders. They are not afraid of obstacles they have to face.
Those who were born from January 21 to February 17 belong to the Rowan Tree sign. People born under the influence of this tree are renowned as thinkers and philosophers. They like to think every little thing through and analyze every turn of events from different points of view. They rarely rush things. Sometimes they spend too much time to make up their mind. They also tend to be creative.
The animals connected with those born during the first period are the golden eagle and the white stag. The white stag represents intelligence and the ability to decide fast. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the crane and the green dragon. The green dragon is the symbol of spiritual growth, according to the Celts. Dragons are able to see far: this ability helps the natives of this Celtic sign spot the issue immediately and solve it.
Those who were born from February 18 to March 17 belong to the Ash Tree sign. In the Celtic Zodiac, the Ash tree symbolizes peace and solitude in a good sense. The natives of this sign are usually comfortable with being alone. But they don’t mind meeting new people and chatting about trivial matters, too, - their willing to be alone and their love for social activities live in the perfect harmony.
Those who were born from March 18 to March 20 belong to the Alder Tree sign. The natives of the sign tend to be courageous and often stubborn. It is not easy to convince them that they are wrong and, if they face an obstacle, they will do anything to overcome it. They also tend to be very energetic and passionate.
The animals connected with those born during the first period are the seahorse, the seagull, and the seal. The seahorse symbolizes the flexibility of mind. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the bear, the fox, and the hawk. The hawk represents cleverness and ability to adapt to changes.
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Class 1-A in Hogwarts
Character: House, Wand core, Patronus, Favorite Subject, Pureblood/Half/Muggleborn
Yuga Aoyama:  Gryffindor, Veela hair, Persian Cat, Charms, Halfblood
Aoyama´s grandmother on his mother´s side is a Veela. She´s the one that provided his wand core. The veela blood is in him is pretty diluted meaning he doesn’t transform when angry and he can´t throw fire with his hands but he does inherit some of their mesmerizing aura and is remarkably good at charms.
Mina Ashido: Gryffindor, Dragon Heartstring, Crocodile, Flying, Halfblood
Mina is one of the best Chasers Gryffindor´s Quidditch team has had in years. She even became Captain in her later years. Her mother and Aoyama´s mother went to Hogwarts together and both ended up marrying muggles.
Tsuyu Asui: Slytherin, Phoenix Feather, Japanese Tree Frog, Potions, Pureblood
Asui´s wand is quite remarkable since it´s got Phoenix Feather and is among the most bendy of the wands there are. She´s a jack of all trades when it comes to magic doing well in all her classes though she doesn´t really stand out in any of them.
Tenya Iida: Hufflepuff, Phoenix Feather, Peregrine Falcon, Charms, Pureblood
He became Prefect of Hufflepuff as soon as he could and does the job impeccably. He´s from a renowned wizard family with his parents working for the Ministry and his brother being a well-known auror.
Ochaco Uraraka: Hufflepuff, Unicorn Tail Hair, Muskox, Defense against the Dark Arts, Muggleborn
Uraraka never really showed signs of magic talent but nevertheless received a letter from Hogwarts. She was almost certain that her going to that school had to be a mistake until the first time she made a feather levitate. She´s not as naturally gifted as some of the others so she generally has to try two to three times harder than everyone else. This led to her being very knowledgeable when it came to practice experience so if anyone is having a hard time understanding a certain subject, they usually turn to her.
Mashirao Ojiro: Hufflepuff, Unicorn Tail Hair, Kangaroo, Flying, Halfblood
Ojiro is the keeper on Hufflepuff´s Quidditch team. He was put in the team when he was in his first year because of his flying talent and great physical abilities and played his first match when he was in his second year. There have been scouts showing interest in him ever since.
Denki Kaminari: Gryffindor, Dragon Heartstring, Hedgehog, Flying, Halfblood
Kaminari is on the Quidditch team with Mina. He started out as a chaser but eventually found himself more suitable for being a beater. He´s among one of the top flyers at Hogwarts. Pretty much all his other grades are not really satisfactory though.
Eijiro Kirishima: Gryffindor, Unicorn Tail Hair, Armadillo, Transfiguration, Muggleborn
Despite being Muggleborn, Kirishima similar to Asui has become a jack of all trades doing fairly well in all subjects. His favorite is transfiguration simply because it poses the greatest challenge to him. Him and Bakugo are the living proof that Gryffindor and Slytherin get along.
Koji Koda: Hufflepuff, Horned Serpent Horn, Hare, Care of Magical Creatures, Pureblood
Koda was born speaking Parsletongue so everyone assumed he´d be sorted into Slytherin. Neither of his parents were in Slytherin though and Koda ended up feeling very comfortable the minute he stepped foot in the Hufflepuff Common room after the Sorting Ceremony, so everything turned out well.
Rikido Sato: Hufflepuff, Dragon Heartstring, Rhino, Herbology, Muggleborn
When it comes to sheer power his spells are up there with the best of Hogwarts. Even though that is the case he doesn´t particularly like learning about fighting and spells that can be used in duels. He doesn´t look it but his favorite subject is Herbology. Sometime into the second year someone (Kaminari) started calling him kitchen witch and ever since than that´s been his nickname.
Mezo Shoji: Ravenclaw, Dragon Heartstring, Anaconda, Transfiguration, Halfblood
Shoji and his mother have always been keeping their abilities a secret from his dad. She had never told him simply because he seems so comfortable in his muggle world that she didn´t want to disturb the peace he had found. After Shoji showed signs of magical talent, she finally told her child about the wizarding world. Shoji taught himself to understand Parsletongue with the help of Vlad King after meeting Koda for the first time. He is not able to speak it though.
Kyoka Jiro: Ravenclaw, Unicorn Tail Hair, Hog-nose Bat, Divination, Halfblood
Jiro made it through most of her career at Hogwarts without really being noticed by many people. That stopped as soon as Divination classes started. Divination is regarded as a throwaway subject and many people just take it to fill a slot. Jiro is the only person in her year to have made a prediction with 100% accuracy. And that happened within her first semester of taking Divination. Ever since then she´s been highly regarded by any of the students not only in her but other years aswell.
Hanta Sero: Ravenclaw, Unicorn Tail Hair, Australian Shepherd, Potions, Muggleborn
Most of the school knows him pretty well since he became the Quidditch commentator in his third year. Even though he can be a little hard to notice next to all the amazing people in his year, he´s always ranked high in popularity being generally liked by both students and teachers. His parents are both muggles and barely understand what´s going on in school but they´re very supportive.
Fumikage Tokoyami: Ravenclaw, Thunderbird tail feather, Magpie, Astronomy, Pureblood
Tokoyami is an Animagus which has made him more popular with others than he´d like to be. He didn´t inherit the ability from anyone. He just tried it when he read about Animagi in his childhood and thought they were so cool. His parents chuckled when he walked up to them in elementary school and said “I´m gonna turn into a bird.” and were absolutely shocked when it just… worked.
Shoto Todoroki: Gryffindor, Phoenix Feather, Arabian Horse, Care of Magical Creatures, Pureblood
Todoroki´s parents are in an arranged marriage of two very prestigious wizard families. The issues he´s had with his father remain the same. He is the top student in all and every subject Hogwarts could offer. The only subject he´s really investing a lot of time into is Care of Magical Creatures.
Toru Hagakure: Gryffindor, Unicorn Tail Hair, Glass-wing Butterfly, Charms, Muggleborn
A lot of the girls are jealous of her patronus because it is incredibly beautiful aswell as powerful even if it´s small. She is a fan of flashy magic since she´s often lost in the crowd. When she got her letter of acceptance, she started practicing muggle magic tricks since she had no idea what awaited her. Many first years were shocked by how she could already make cards and other small objects disappear before they found out it was actually just a trick.
Katsuki Bakugo: Slytherin, Dragon Heartstring, Wolverine, Defense against the Dark Arts, Pureblood
Bakugo has his eyes set on becoming the greatest auror there ever was. He only does really well in subjects that are of interest to him. DADA is one of those and Midoriya´s serious competition has been a thorn in his side ever since they started. Despite his attitude he´s fairly popular. Probably also because he´s a pretty good beater on Slytherin´s team.
Izuku Midoriya: Hufflepuff, Dragon Heartstring, Grizzly Bear, Defense against the Dark Arts, Muggleborn
Midoriya wants to become a great auror just like Bakugo does. All Might is his absolute idol so to be taught by him gives him extra motivation. So he does not back down from Bakugo like he used to do but stands up to him bravely in order to impress All Might in DADA. Uraraka, Iida and him are the main trio of Hufflepuff in a way.
Minoru Mineta: Slytherin, Unicorn Tail Hair, Snow Fox, Arithmancy, Pureblood
Just like Hagakure, many girls are jealous of his patronus because it is… so unexpectedly cute. Honestly Mineta is the only person that really likes Arithmancy but he´s also the only one that actually gets good grades in it too. He´s this short because many generations ago there was a goblin in his family. Both of his parents are normal height but somehow the gene peaked through with him again. His family has good relations with Gringotts still.
Momo Yaoyorozu: Slytherin, Veela Hair, Okapi, Astronomy, Pureblood
Just like Iida she comes from a renowned family of wizards and witches. She has the potential of exceling in every class but sometimes her dashes of insecurity get in the way of her being successful. For some reason Astronomy is different. Gazing into the stars silently reminds her that her and everyone else is simply part of a big system and reassures her that minor embarrassments are not going to be the end of the world.
 - Love, Mod Anni
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