world-of-advice · 3 months
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wiirocku · 8 months
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Psalm 85:8 (NLT) - I listen carefully to what God the LORD is saying, for He speaks peace to His faithful people. But let them not return to their foolish ways.
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xamaxenta · 2 months
Jesus just stumbled across an artist whos work ive seen in passing but clearly I didnt even encounter their best work because ive never seen anyone with such a vibeant mastery of colour theyre genuinely insane are they a mantis shrimp? Do they see colour differently absolutely
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get HUGGED nerdddd
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tangledinink · 1 year
oouggh swanatello has been consuming my brain and its your fault,, /pos
actual question tho, have swanatello's bros tried explaining to him that they're his brothers? and if so, howd he react?
If Swanatello doesn't recognize them when they come to visit him, and they don't obey his commands to leave and try to convince him of their identities... in a best-case scenario, he will ignore them entirely and drive them off regardless. More commonly, he will grow confused and upset by their arguments. (Because now part of his brain is screaming at him that he DOES know them-- and the other part is screaming at him that he DOESN'T, and he doesn't know who to listen to.) They are now, to him, not only dangerous threats that must be driven away, but also actively causing him harm and distress, and he will only grow more aggressive and violent as a result. These scenarios have resulted in some of the worst injuries for his siblings.
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photozoi · 8 months
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Facing off against the Big Guy, Mr the Mung Bean vs the Young(ish) Prince
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Mr the Bean wondering if he has at last bitten off more than he can chew.
Mr the Mung Bean, Silken Windhound and the Young(ish) Prince, Borzoi.
Just FYI, for anyone unfamiliar with coursing dogs... we do not let the Borzoi play with the Silkens unsupervised. And when anyone looks like they are getting a bit amped, out they go. The size difference can be a real hazard, and even though the Prince is 10 years old and thinks he gave birth to the Bean and so is appointed his caregiver for life, mistakes can happen.
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jeandejard3n · 6 months
Spider-Man 2: Carefully
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tyrnn · 11 months
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Corydonn Cheering Carefully
When Corydonn wants to support his favorite team but can't quite fit in the ZIP code they're playing in, it pays to have a decent backup plan to sprawl in the vast open space of desert just north of the city...
Posted using PostyBirb
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Also if I don't have at least one flirtatious tension filled bonfire night this fall I think I'll actually lose it
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okimargarvez · 2 years
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Music stuff
Dedicated to @veronicafiore88
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shaniacsboogara · 5 months
holy shit i forgot how good carefully was what the FUCK ben
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vio-starzz · 1 year
this is. in no way violent /sarc
Riake belongs to @/trippygalaxy!!!!
I am. A saint. A very big saint. 😇💜
Riake was breathing heavily, running through the forest desperately to get away.
Whatever they saw wasn’t normal. Yet while running through the leaves, it was like the world turned on them.
Tree branches and roots bent causing them to trip and stumble, leaves blew, despite the lack of breeze, thorns jabbed at their ankles, yet nothing was there. Another arrow flew, missing and practically dissolving a part of the tree it hit.
It was as if the area twisted and denied logic as is, things spiraled around, and it was like every turn led to the beginning, a maze with no way out.
After a bit they get caught on a root, no- something? Nothing?
It was too hard to tell, as she hits the ground hard, going tumbling down what seems to be a hill.
Nothing felt like reality in the slightest, as they come to a stop in what could've been moss. It felt soft and relaxing, yet they had no time- someone- something was after them, and time was not in their favor. She had to keep going, get out of wherever ‘here’ was.
Quickly pushing herself up again, they freeze.
Standing above them is the… Thing, that followed them.
Whoever they were, they seemed out of it. Their green eyes were dead, yet filled with bloodlust and curiosity; a kind of curiosity from what could’ve been a child, a teenager maybe.
They weren’t in the right mind, as if someone else was pulling at its strings. Yet if not someone, something deep. A certain kind of insanity stemmed from something mental.
Their purple hair seemed to practically glow and glimmer in the night sky, as if a kind of magic.
Riake tried to quickly get up and move back, but was met by powerful dark magic, which wrapped them in strings, and held her down forcefully. She was pinned, and this curious being above her didn’t scream friendly.
The ‘strings’ or, rope even, pulled her to her back, some sort of needle jabbed their arm, and it was like their control broke. Their body completely disobeyed them, as if mind and body didn't connect. Riake couldn’t move, their body wouldn’t allow it.
Whatever was happening, wasn’t right.
Magic surrounded them, keeping them calm and almost fully numb, except any sort of pain was pulled to its extremes. Something about this made it seem as though they were forcing Riake to stay alive? What… were they planning to do?
They slowly sat down next to her, whispering out two words.
“I’m sorry.”
They seemed sympathetic, truly sorry for a moment, only to switch to pure sadism. No care behind their eyes, as they delicately open up Riake’s neck.
Looking around and messing around as blood slowly flows out, and they brutally grab and rip her vocal cords out.
The pain is excruciating, yet nothing in her can react, except the tears that start to fall slowly, yet her eyes seem to be unable to close, and she has to stay awake, and alive through this torment.
This person, being- thing, isn’t a hunter at all.
They don’t seem interested in cutting her horns, skinning her legs for….
The knife drags across their clothes, cutting through her delicately, as they seem to open her chest. Using something to practically hold her open, as the ‘fun’ begins.
It proceeds to slowly dissect, and pull her apart.
Slicing her skin off, pulling apart her own insides, taking apart her lungs, organs- everything. Showing most interest to her heart, brain, and bones… Bones that they snap or pull off, removing her ribcage with most interest ad violence.
There was so much curiosity, and pain to their methods, yet even as they single handedly pull apart Riake, as if a teenager with lots of curiosity behind them, Riake can’t die.
She can’t close her eyes, even as the pain becomes unbearable, she can’t even scream. There’s something forcing her to stay alive, and awake, yet; her blood is everywhere, pieces of skin and vital organs littered around in the moss…
After hours, they seem to finally finish their exploration of Riake’s body, and holding out some sort of…Tool? They go to Riake’s eyes…
Before she knows it, everything goes black.
The pain is unbearable, yet finally, the magic seems to let her go- Let her die.
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Psalm 85:8 (NLT) - I listen carefully to what God the LORD is saying,    for He speaks peace to His faithful people.    But let them not return to their foolish ways.
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doctorstarlock · 7 months
*stands up and nearly blacks out in an iron deficient haze* "Lol girl moment!"
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look i know people all have their own feelings about ben platt, but can we agree he kinda when off when he wrote a bridge that was just the line “i could leave all this behind me if i could remember you kindly” over in increasingly desperate begging?
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obviouschild2014 · 2 years
Joanna newsom fans grab your harps
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