#i broke the curse in the funniest way I guess
the-chibi-sempai · 1 year
she came to Chaldea after being thrown some tickets and called Koyanchihuahua
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Don't worry, you're going to repay me for all the trouble you gave me during the main story by working yourself to the bone~~
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tinytalkingtina · 1 month
Fancy Falling Into You Here
Written for the August @steddiemicrofic prompt, using the word "plug" and 437 words.
437 words | Rating T | Ao3 link
On their first date, Steve and Eddie come to realize they had first met under much more embarrassing circumstances.
Tags: EMT Steve, Coffee shop owner/clumsy Eddie, first date, minor injuries (nothing described in detail), modern AU, embarrassment, BBC's Sherlock haunting all of us when plugging in our phones
Inspired by @dreamwatch for making me think of steddifying this post! Author's notes under the cut
"G-d damn BBC Sherlock," Eddie grumbled as he fumbled plugging his phone into its charging cable for a third time. "Stupid Benedict Cumberbatch and his weird attractive cheekbones." 
A snort from the couch reminded him he actually had company, oops.
Eddie gave his date a grin. "Sorry, I'd love to say that I'm normally as graceful as a swan or something, but as you've seen, unfortunately abject clumsiness is par for the course. It's a miracle my coffee shop's still standing."
It was fine. He could still salvage this and come off as less of a disgruntled sad wet cat man to Smooth Hottie with Glasses and That ButtTM of daily matcha latte with oat milk order fame. Still, Hottie (who went by "Steve", apparently) didn't really seem turned off by Eddie's whole deal. He just laughed.
"Oh, trust me, I've seen much worse. My first year as an EMT, we got a call to a college dorm. This unlucky dude fell off the top bunk and somehow broke both legs and an arm.”
Eddie froze, his quest to charge his phone completely forgotten.
“Plus the guy managed to down the shade on the way too, honestly it was an impressive amount of damage from a 4 foot drop," Steve continued on, oblivious. “One of the funniest calls me and my partner have gotten, and we once had to take care of someone who accidentally fell on a Buzz Lightyear toy and somehow got it stuck up their—you okay man?"
"I panicked and thought the cord would hold my weight." Eddie hid his face in his hands.
"Oh shit. You're 'broke all his bones man'?”
This was a nightmare. "Oh my G-d, I was so woozy. Please tell me I didn’t say anything weird.”
“You asked if I could ‘kiss your booboos better.’ Guess you’ve grown out your hair since?”
"I had to buzz it all off that semester because I had an Incident with some gum," Eddie groaned. "You can go now, I won't hold it against you."
He heard Steve slide closer. "And what makes you think your whole 'Bambi on ice' thing isn't working for me?"
Eddie cracked open an eye. "You sure about that?"
"Pretty sure," he said with a wink. "Plus, if you meet my friend Robin, she's known me since high school. Which means she unfortunately has photos of my braces years. You’re gonna have to stick around long enough to see em."
Eddie stared. Smooth Hottie still wanted him somehow? "Okay Big Boy, looks like I will." 
Steve smiled back. “Good. Now, lean back, I owe you a few kisses.”
Authors notes:
In case you weren't on Tumblr in the early-mid 2010's and remain blissfully unaware of BBC's Sherlock, please watch this clip to understand why Eddie is cursing Benedict Cumberbatch when he fails to plug in his phone fully sober
Eddie, Jeff, and Chrissy run a little coffee shop (complete with monthly open mic/karaoke nights) that EMTs Steve and Robin frequent. Not to worry, Robin will eventually meet her future wife Vickie at the shop after Vickie wins her heart with a rendition of "Before He Cheats."
Originally I had injured Eddie ask Steve about his biblically accurate angel form, but since I decided that Eddie's accident took place around 2010, and the angel meme only took off in 2020, I rewrote the line to be about kissing his booboos. Let's pretend this happens after a separate accident befalls Eddie (he'll be fine): Eddie: Ouch, I was out of it after they gave me the painkillers. I think I called you an angel? Steve: Yeah, you asked if my biblically accurate form had eyes as pretty as my human ones.
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nekohime19 · 11 days
Heart behind the lie # 2 : Guess I'll be the babysitter
They all decides what to do with feral Wukong.
Wukong is just following Mac around like a lost duckling!
Macaque didn't expect much when he agreed to fight the ice wraith. He knew that with his history he wouldn't be welcomed with open arms no matter how much he contributed to the victory. Who in their right mind would wholly embrace the man who made them bleed? No. The best he would get was a brief goodbye. Then he would go on his way and roam the earth like he did eons ago. Alone. Traveling shadows through shadows until his magic depleted and he met his unavoidable end. He certainly didn't expect to be healed, cared for, and sat in a large room with his arch-nemesis latching on him like the mere thought of him not being near was unbearable. 
The heroes were all before him, standing a few meters away. Each time they tried to approach him the King growled and stood before him, as if he was trying to protect him. Which was surely the funniest joke Macaque heard in a while, him being protected by Sun Wukong of all people ? Hell was freezing over. The only one who could somehow approach the sage without being growled at was MK but the moment he did so much as lift his hand to touch his mentor he was mercilessly clawed at.
“What did you do to him ?” Accused the pig, which was by far the most normal reaction Macaque got from someone these last few days. Suspicion was familiar, it was something he saw in the eye of others when they learnt of his nature. Shadows were suspicious, formless things roaming in the dark, listening to each of your secrets. He knew how to deal with suspicion, how to forge his mask, how to wield his words. It was easier to deal with this than the unfamiliar encompassing kindness he was shown lately. 
“I didn't do anything, it's the possession, from what I heard.” Explained the macaque, carefully hiding his unease. 
“Then why is he so attached to you ?” Retorted the pig, if he recalled right his name was Pigsy, but he wasn't sure. . 
“Trust me, that's what I want to know.” Snorted the ebony monkey as he tried to push away the sage, in vain, Sun Wukong was as clingy as a touch-starved octopus. Macaque wasn't used to touch anymore, and he was trying his damn best to hide how his enemy’s touch was unnerving him. 
“Macaque is right, LBD is the one who broke the Monkey King.” Chimed the boy, ever the defender. 
“But why is Mr King glued to Macaque of all people? I mean didn't he hate the guy? That's hella suspicious.” Retorted the dragon girl with crossed arms. 
“Perhaps something happened when Monkey King fought with Macaque, something that warrants this behavior.” Macaque cursed the scholar for being so insightful, he didn't want to talk about how he jumped after his enemy like a brainless fool, he didn't like to show this sort of weakness. 
“I just kicked his ass, that's all.” Replied the ebony monkey with an overbearing smug face. His smirk was quickly wiped away by the great sage wandering paws, Sun Wukong was pawing at his face, lightly tracing his skin with childish wonder. Macaque growled at him, but the sage didn't seem to take his warning seriously. Rude. He only cooed curiously and continued his endeavor. Bothered by the intrusive paws, Macaque battled the sage, pawing aggressively at him as he flashed his fangs, but Sun Wukong only giggled, a high pitched monkeyish sound.
“Aw, you look like two cats.” Cooed the young hero, Macaque immediately stopped his onslaught of hisses and straightened himself, acting like he never pawed the sage in the first place. 
“Are we really going to let Macaque take care of Monkey King ? He wants to kill him.” Cried the scholar, pointing at the ebony monkey with a shaking hand, Macaque liked to see fear in his eyes, fear was more predictable than kindness. 
“I think we could give Mr Macquack a chance.” Replied the blue giant. 
“And we don't really have a choice…He's the only one who can approach Monkey King.” Sighed the MK. 
“Do I have a say in this ?” Asked Macaque, trying to look stern but failing because of the golden leach glued to his side. “Because I don't really want to babysit this overgrown child, I never agree to this.”
While it is true that he owed something to the dragon girl, and thus the kid, involving himself in Wukong's messes was another story altogether, he didn't know what possession could entails, and what would be the secondary effects except for this strange mind regression. What if the sage lost control of his powers, who would take the burn of this ? He wasn't strong enough to canalize an unruly King. What if Sun Wukong regained some memories and thought of him as an enemy. 
What if he tried to kill him again ? 
Macaque knew he would die no matter what he tried to do, but, at least, he didn't want his life to end the same way it ended the first time. If he could choose to die on his own terms, this would be a small mercy in the wrecked thing he called life. 
“You're healing in my house, emo monkey, so you can at least try to help him.” Bickered the dragon girl. 
“Besides, I don't think Monkey King is going to let you go.” Argued MK, Macaque sighed at that. 
“I don't want to be stuck with this guy. I'm not a doctor either, what do you expect me to do ?”
“Red Son said Monkey King was afraid, so maybe we need to reassure him.” Explained the blue giant. 
“In this case, I'm really the last person for this job, I suck at reassuring.”
“No kidding.” Snorted the dragon girl. 
“Could you at least stay tonight with him, and maybe tomorrow. You still have to heal after all.” Proposed MK, and Macaque couldn't refute this. His body was still aching everywhere, and he had some trouble walking. One or two days more of rest, with a proper roof, sounded nice
"… Alright, but after I'm out of here."
"Yes, of course."The heroes looked at the kid with skeptic eyes, no doubts questioning his reasoning, but the kid shushed all their inquiries with loud coughs. 
Macaque knew the kid must had some sort of plan to make him agree, but he didn't care about it, he didn't want to spend the rest of his days with the man responsible for so much of his misery (admittedly also responsible for so much of his happiness, but that was irrelevant). The ebony monkey left soon after that, using his own recovery as an excuse to escape the heroes' useless chatter. He greatly enjoyed Sun Wukong's surprised chirp when he rose. 
He wobbled in the lavish corridors, leaning over the walls when his muscles cried in pain, unable to hold his weight. He stopped after a bit, frowning at the sound of steps other than his. Macaque turned and groaned at what he saw. Sun Wukong was there, following him around, walking on all four, dutifully stepping in his shadow (perhaps too afraid to step out of it). 
"Are you serious ?" Groaned the macaque, he threw a burning glare at the golden monkey, and the fool known as Sun Wukong looked behind him, as if Macaque was upset at someone else. "How did the kid even allow this." Muttered the ebony monkey. "You know what, whatever, but bother me and I send you to the Shadow realm."
Macaque whipped around and kept walking, ignoring the sage's curious coos and his hurried steps (the fool was trying to keep up with him). He quickly reached his room and slipped in the measle comfort of his sheets. He saw Wukong, from the corner of his eye, skipping in the room, curious and cautious at the same time. The sage sat at the foot of his bed, watching him with round eyes, as if he didn't know what to do except follow him. Macaque huffed, amused by such irony (him, the follower, being followed) and closed his eyes. 
He reopened his eyes when Sun Wukong jumped on his bed. Settling comfortably besides him as if it was common between them. 
"Wha–get down."Grumbled the macaque, but Wukong only huffed, like the warrior was nothing more but an unruly infant not wanting to sleep, the nerve of this guy. "I'm serious, get down."
Macaque pushed the sage out of the bed. Sun Wukong yelped and stumbled on the floor. He threw him a heated gaze, full of annoyance, which, excuse him mighty King, he was the annoyed one here. The sage jumped on the bed once more, not deterred by his distaste, his tail tying itself on the ebony monkey's wrist. 
"I am not gonna be bullied by you of all people." Groaned the macaque as he tried to push the sage out of the bed, again. Sun Wukong fell out, again, and hissed at him, but kept jumping on the bed nonetheless. "Are you kidding me, I'm too tired for this shit." Sighed the macaque, his muscles were aching and his confrontation with the heroes tired him, so he gave up and scouted away, on the other side of the bed. Sun Wukong tried to follow him but the ebony monkey hissed at him, voice thundering. The sage chirped sadly, but didn't breach his privacy, and let him sleep in peace (except for the tail still firmly tied to the warrior's wrist). 
Macaque slept rather peacefully, a dreamless, painless slumber, like an endless fall. He woke up after hearing a rowdy noise, his peace shattered by coos and cracks. He blinked, still sluggish, and looked around. The one responsible for the noises was Sun Wukong, nothing too surprising, really. The golden monkey was on the dresser, sniffing around, tail widely wagging behind him. He had dropped some expensive looking dragon sculpture on the floor, and looked like he didn't even care about it. 
"Can you just let me sleep ?" Sighed the macaque, the golden monkey chirped happily, but never got off of the dresser. Laying on it like an oversized house cat, and mayhaps this was what he really was in this state, nothing but an unruly lap cat. 
It could be amusing to see such a mighty legend being reduced to such a pitiful existence, if he wasn't the one designated to take care of him. Why was he even pulled into this masquerade ? Didn't he give enough already ? As he thought about this, he noticed that the sage still had the claws marks he gave him. His face was marred by two long, red slashes, going from his forehead to the end of his left ear. His left eye was partially closed, white and red at the same time, a crude reflection of his own scar. 
"Why aren't you healing ?" Mumbled the warrior with furrowed eyebrows. Sun Wukong possessed incredible healing, his body was honed with multiple forms of immortalities, it shouldn't be so easily scarred. 
The sage was still wearing his armor, perhaps the heroes failed to change him. The golden breast was soiled with blood, clawed and scratched. His hanfu was dirtied with mud and filth, his russet fur matted, resembling the one of a bristling lion. If he narrowed his eyes, the warrior could see wounds bleeding beneath his battered clothes. The King looked rough, beastly almost. Macaque wondered if he had trouble seeing from his left eye. The warrior felt a sick satisfaction at the idea, a petty sense of vengeance. 
"Come closer, I can't see you well."Groaned the warrior, but because the sage was petty he didn't heed his word. "Are you really upset because I pushed you ?" The King averted his eyes, tail thumping against the dresser, annoyed. "Gods you're insufferable." Macaque tried to rise, but he was too quick and winced painfully. The King immediately straightened up and got off of the dresser, trotting towards him with a trail of worried coos. "Stop nuzzling me." Sighed the ebony monkey as the golden monkey jumped on the bed and smothered him with concerned chirps.
Macaque looked more closely at the King, he couldn't see what was happening beyond his flesh but he could sense the flow of his magic inside of his veins. It was weak, more weak than it ought to be. It was like magic evaded the sage, as if he gave it away, or someone took it. A side effect of the possession perhaps. Of course he would replendish himself naturally (contrary to him) but it would take time.Perhaps, this loss of magic was the reason Wukong's healing was so slow. It weakened his flesh. Weakened his body. Hindering the natural abilities given by his multiple forms of invincibility. 
The warrior felt better after this short power nap, better than normal. Macaque looked at the state of his body, sensing the magic flowing inside of him. He was quite surprised to see he had more magic than before his nap. This wasn't possible, his body didn't have the strength to do that anymore. Macaque looked at the sage with furrowed eyebrows. He didn't want to believe it, but that was the only thing that could make sense.
Did Wukong gave him his magic? 
If he was right, this changed a number of things. Babysitting the great sage sounded dangerous, and annoying, but if he could gain something (something as valuable as more time living) he would be willing to do it. The idea of not dying was strange, he was so sure of his end. But now, his murderer appeared with, maybe, a way to extend his life. And if a part of him was reeling with disgust at the thought of leaching off his murderer, another was desperate enough to indulge it. 
He was at death doors, did he really have the luxury to choose from whom he would steal ? This was only but an equivalent exchange, he would take care of the sage, and in exchange he would leach off of him. 
Even if the King didn't give him his magic, he could still find a way to take it. In this state Sun Wukong wouldn't know better, and it wasn't like he could die from magic depletion (the guy was too immortal for that). 
"Hm, well I think we're gonna stay a bit longer together, my guy." Sun Wukong cooed at him, looking at him with round eyes, he booped the warrior's nose with his claw and cackled like a madmonkey. Macaque rolled his eyes and pushed the smothering sage away, the guy was really forgetting what personal space meant. 
MK entered the room shortly after, looking at the sage with twinkling eyes, perhaps happy to see him outside of his hideout. Sun Wukong wasn't as happy, he hissed, fur bristling, and crawled towards the macaque, backing away from the boy. Macaque put a hand on the sage's face and pushed him away, behind him, placing himself between the King and the kid. The sage cooed at him, surprised by the gesture, and Macaque shushed him with his tail. 
"Hey kiddo, I didn't think I'd see you so soon." Greeted the macaque, trying to appear at ease, even with a cooing sage in his back, the bastard started playing with his tail. Macaque let him do it only because it shushed him. 
"Yeah, hm, Red Son is here." Answered the boy. 
"Okay. So what ?" 
"Well, we couldn't inspect Monkey King before because he was quite resistant, but I was wondering if, with you, he would be more… agreeable."
Macaque sighed, already knowing where this would go. He didn't want to aid Wukong, or even to assist him in any means possible, but, if he had to play the do-gooder part, he should begin now to not arouse any suspicion. The ebony monkey knew quite well that the kid wouldn’t like his “magic theft” plan, the boy liked the Monkey King too much for allowing something like that. He had to be discreet, to be swift, a pretender, like he always had been. 
People wore masks on a daily basis, this was nothing but another piled upon mountains of others. 
"I don't like it. But I guess I could do that, this idiot kinda needs it." Grumbled the warrior, and the kid beamed like a thousand suns, a light that burned crisps of the macaque's mask. 
Macaque rose, abandoning the soft sheets and the grumbling King. Sun Wukong whined at his departure, he followed him (to the warrior's great displeasure), walking in the heart of his shadows, eyeing the kid suspiciously (as if MK was the one at fault for his sudden departure, which wasn't entirely untrue). 
MK was walking upfront, he did try to walk alongside the warrior, but the sage growled every time he dared to approach the ebony monkey. Macaque didn't understand why Sun Wukong was so protective of him. Was this because he saved him when he fell out of the cliff ? It was quite foolish of him to give such trust for such a small gesture, especially since he seemed very hostile to any others. Maybe there was another reason, unknown to him, but Macaque didn't dare fathom it. 
He feared what he would learn, and what it would mean. 
Red Son seemed quite annoyed to mingle with Wukong's mess, waiting impatiently in a lavish room, machines buzzing in his back. His fiery face softened ever so slightly when he caught a glimpse of MK there was a blooming respect within the young bull, something akin to acceptance, a feeling quite rare in demonic kind, but he guessed the kid had a way of worming his way in every hearts, even the most dry and cold. 
Sun Wukong hissed the second he saw the young bull, claws etched in the floor, ears pinned back, eyes narrowed, reduced to two murderous slits. The two kids froze on spots, one openly anxious, the other trying to hide his unease with a shattering scowl. The Monkey King, even mindless, stayed a dangerous foe, a golden threat unkillable by heaven itself.
Macaque growled back at the King, fangs glittering in the dim light. He wasn't very intimidating with his battered body and his struggling breath, but he hoped the sage would be fond of him enough to listen. Sun Wukong glared at him, eyes full of fire and outrage, and Macaque had to repress the fear overtaking his heart. 
Those eyes, glittering rivers of blood, shaped like raging bolts, he hated them. They were the last thing he saw when Diyu claimed him. An image burned behind his eyelids, something he saw, again and again, when he was chained and cleansed in hell depths. He feared them, feared the powers they held, and what cruelty they were capable of. 
Fortunately, Macaque was good at lying. He knew how to use every inch of his skin to hide the true beating of his heart, to conceal what was flowing through his veins. 
He was born to cheat, at least that's what he's been told. 
Sun Wukong ceased his growls, even if his eyes were still burning with rage. He trotted towards the ebony monkey and sat at his feet with a lashing tail, some of his wag were beating the macaque's legs, a sign of rebellion, mayhaps. 
"What do you need to do ?" Asked the macaque, unsure of what the sage would allow. 
"A quick scan would be enough, for now."Replied the young Bull." If you could… persuade him to jump on the table, it would be easier."
Macaque approached said table, the sage hot on his heels. He didn't want to pick up the Monkey King, he also didn't know if the King would let him in the first place, and he didn't want to know, he cared too much about his own hide for that. The warrior sat on the table, hoping the King would be curious enough to follow after him. Sun Wukong watched him with a tilted head, tail anxiously waving in his back, perhaps he didn't like to be so cautiously watched by the two kids. He followed the warrior, and curled up at his side, eyes narrowed at the two boys, daring them to get closer. 
Macaque huffed at that, finding this overbearing protectiveness hilarious, and disgusting. Sun Wukong wasn't supposed to be like this, not with him, not anymore. His furrowed eyes weren't supposed to be thrown at MK, quite the contrary. The warrior felt like an imposter, someone wearing a skin he shouldn't. He ought to flee to the other side of the earth once Wukong recovered his mind, for fear of being killed, again. 
"Will it bother you if I stay on the table ?" Asked the warrior, eyeing the great sage with worry, worry for himself, of course. 
"It would be easier if you're not. But I don't want to be attacked." Mumbled the red boy, Macaque took that as form of agreement and stayed alongside the sage. He didn't like to be scanned with the King. He didn't want to think about what sort of gruesome painting his corpse-like body would show. But he knew the little Bull wasn't the kind to disclose his private information so easily, at least he hoped.
The scanning was fast, the table heated a little, but nothing worrying. The sage did trash around slightly, perhaps sensing what they were doing, but he calmed down the second Macaque put a hand on his head. The warrior felt his heart squeeze itself dry, bothered by such close proximity between him and his killer, muscles tensing ever so slightly at each of the sage's flinches. 
It was a mentally taxing, to resist fleeing when the one capable of ending you was pressed against your hips. Macaque wasn't a coward by any means, he quite hated that particular word, but he didn't forget easily, his heart didn't let him forget. Either love, or fear, he lived with those weights forever, each day pressed down by memories of a long gone past. 
The little bull did gaze at him with something akin to pity, but he said nothing of his shattered body. He was an imposter among the living, glued together by a rapidly fading away magic. But that could change, hopefully, if he was successful in his endeavor. 
As always, hope was beating in his body, and he couldn't extinguish it at will. 
"His magic is low." Informed the little bull. "Too low, he will not die of course, he is blessed with immortalities that repulse death itself. But his body had been scarred and the low level of his magic hinder the natural healing ability given by his immortalities.I don't know what the witch did to him, I can't know until I do a thorough inspection. But I am quite certain that his condition is the result of a preservation instinct. Possession has always been the art of breaking the mind, each demon responds differently to it. In this case, it seems Sun Wukong returned to a more juvenile mindset, spirit completely shut down by fear of it being broken."
"Spirit shut down… like-"
"Like a forced self-induced coma." Cut Red Son. "Beings that know their mind well enough can enter this sort of deep meditative state, this… juvenile persona… is temporary, basic functions, primal memories, taking over the body to sustain it. At least, that is my theorie."
"He will wake up, right ?" Asked the boy. 
"It is difficult to say without a proper inspection, but the existence of this juvenile persona sugger that Sun Wukong has control over what's going on. He will probably wake up when he feels safe enough to do so. However, his low magic is a little concerning, it will be better for him to be in a safe environment, with a high enough rate of magic."
"Like flower fruit mountain!" Exclaimed the boy. 
"Indeed. I also advise the black simian to stay with him. For a reason or another, Sun Wukong sees him as someone safe. It would appease him if he had a trusted being at his side."
There was a pregnant silence veiling them for a moment, Macaque was still processing the idea of returning home. His heart was incapable of comprehending such a simple thing, beating with fear and excitement. After eons of wandering, of following, of roaming, of emprisonnement, eons of chasing away the very thought of home, because his home was the kingdom of his murderer. Would he be allowed to return ? 
He had killed the idea of returning to the mountain a long time ago, pushing away the memories of sun drenched grass and kind touches. Knowing very well that if he longed for his home, he would crumble forever, not capable of pushing through his life without the comfort of it. 
Liu’er Mihou was dead. Buried by the hands of his King, lost to the eternal soil. The mountain had been Liu'er's home, but still, Macaque had been Liu'er, and the mountain the only home he ever had. 
Was he allowed to nap under the summer sky once again ? He would trade the world for that chance, and every drop of his blood or even another. 
"I'll… stay with him." Mumbled the warrior, voice frail enough to be buried under the winds. 
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peepslibrary · 6 months
Introducing~ Lay Bankz
This is probably one of the funniest things I've ever written. I guess this qualifies as a song fic? If you've been on tiktok a couple months ago, you'd probably recognize this song.
Synopsis: What would happen if the LU boys heard the song Ick?
Warnings: Explicit lyrics, mentions of sex
Y'all can thank @trippygalaxy for this.
... Why is there a portal right outside the camp?
Why is there
You're fairly confident the whole town heard your sigh and the chain's groans as y'all packed everything up and linked hands to go through the stupid portal. The other side of the portal was - in fact - NOT another Hyrule. It was a stadium. A stadium filled to the brim with people, a gigantic stage, and multicolored lights moving all around. Ok wait- the portal might've been the least of your problems.
The group looks around with emotions varying from confused to overstimulated. Honestly, if you squint you could see their braincells work together. You turn around, doing a quick headcount. “Wait, where’s Wind?” You count again and… nope still 9 including you. Fuck
I don't mean to judge off a first impression. Or his part-time job at 7/11. But he's a broke-ass peasant ask-
You feel your eyebrows furrow. Where do you know this song??
(ick) and he's got bad credit (ick) and he got a foot fetish (ick) DNR, but he tryin' paramedic
Shit... that's where you recognize this from. Tiktok
You're quick to move and cover Sky’s ears, making a silent prayer to whatever poor soul is listening. You need to get everyone out. You guys need to find Wind and you're fairly confident that everyone present will get red in the face when they register the lyrics.
"Time." Thankfully he managed to hear you despite the current situation. You see him angle his head up for a milisecond. Just subtle enough for you to reply with a tilt of your head towards an emergency exit. He doesn't hesitate to nod, moving to Wars and Twilight to help move everyone along. It's not a stretch to think that he's overstimulated with the environment. Has any of them ever heard this much noise so close?? You wouldn't wish that on your worst enemy.
Actually... Dink can kiss your ass. He's literally the one that pulled you into this craziness in your pjs. Like... dude coulda waited until you were decent t-
“Hey, what’s going on?” You curse and look up at the question-er. His eyes stuck looking at the ground, his ears lowered under your hands while his playing with the fabric of his sailcloth. “Sky I’m trying to get you guys out of-“
(Ew) Lady boner gone (Oh no), He dry humpin' me and huffin' like a dog (Hah, hah), And he whispered in my ear did I get off?
You didn’t think it was possible to cringe laugh *this* hard. But oh boy, the collective faces made shouldn’t have been that funny. Red in the face and trying to move everyone faster - incredibly hard considering they’re all standing like statues - are Time, Wars, Legend, and Twilight. Sky, Wild, Four, and Hyrule have moved to cover their own ears, with some crouched against the floor.
Somehow everyone is able to leave the stadium with only their innocence (or lack of thereof) injured, only to find Wind standing with a security guard eating a string cheese and a can of soda next to him.
“There you guys- what happened?” Wind makes his way to y’all and you use that chance to check for visible injuries, making sure no one injured him.
“Although it’s likely they would be the one injured.” Your brain supplied helpfully.
“Uhh…” you look at the group’s states, “let’s just say they weren’t expecting what was inside the stadium.” Wind nods in understanding, “Yeah, Sam wouldn’t let me in because it was ‘for adults.’” You spare a glance towards the guard, who gives a humored nod and sends you guys on your way.
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catullansparrowlet · 2 years
S/o to my grandma for answering "Yeah, I can't come over tonight, someone broke into my car and I'll need to have that window fixed first" with the most exasperated "You had to be special again, didn't you?"
Every time tragedy strikes for one of us (which is worryingly often, no one in this family is able to catch a break), she just sighs and says "they had to be special" or "they were jealous of what happened to you and didn't want to feel left out". Like that is both the funniest and saddest way to deal with traumatic events. Someone nearly got killed? Psssh, they needed to stand out". Someone heard they didn't have long to live? "Yeah, I wanted to feel special too". Someone got in their fifth freak accident in two years time? You guessed it. It's as if that's the only way she can keep sane with each one of us unwittingly outdoing one another in the "How shitty can life be" Olympics. I love her so much, but we do need to find whomever cursed the bloodline for sure because she deserves a break.
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bluejaem · 3 years
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❝ The seven things I like about you. Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's. When we kiss, I'm hypnotized. You made me laugh, you made me cry, but I guess that's both I'll have to buy. Your hand in mine when we're intertwined, everything's alright. I wanna be with the one I know. And the seventh thing I like the most that you do. You make me love you. ❞ — ♫ 7 things by miley cyrus
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↳ PAIRING — jaehyun × gn!reader
↳ GENRE — tooth-rotting fluff lmao, slight angst in the end, post-break-up!au
↳ WORD COUNT — 2.16k ; « 8 min »
↳ WARNING/S — a kiss, mentions of food at one point, like one curse word ig
↳ PLAYLIST — paris in the rain by lauv :: fly away with me by nct 127 :: king of my heart by taylor swift
↳ A/N — perhaps I fell in love with jaehyun while writing this fjsnfjdjf. low-key plagiarised some of my own works while writing this lMaO. Anyways, I just hit my 3-month mark with this blog on this hellsite. So this is a celebratory work ig?
↳ SYNOPSIS — Sure, he broke your heart. But you still weren’t over him. No matter how much you tried, he was the only one in your heart.
And here lie the 7 things you love about jaehyun.
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the first thing — your eyes looking in mine
“Ooh, do you remember this one? We took this on our first ever date. You were so cute then — not that you still aren't—” you pulled out the polaroid picture of the two of you from the album and showed it to Jaehyun, who was sitting beside you.
But he turned out to be staring at you.
His eyes were like an empty canvas, gradually being painted with love after every moment that passed. His eyes were always gentle. They looked at you with a softness you had never encountered before. The gaze that was filled with nothing but warmth and fondness. His eyes that spoke a thousand words at once. With a thousand tales to tell.
You were lost.
Lost in his eyes. For who knows how long. But all that mattered was that he was too.
“What?” you giggled when you saw him smile. “nothing, you're just really endearing,” he gushed.
This statement was soon followed by a shy smile taking over your face. He couldn't help but chuckle at this sight. How you'd always shy away whenever he complimented you. Or how you'd try to be the flirty one, but when he said something next, you'd be the flustered one.
He loved the fact that he still had the same effect on you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the second thing — your smile
“hi bubs, and what's your name?” you crouched down to talk to the little toddler holding onto her mother's hand. “I'm Zoey!” the girl replied. 
“Hi, Zoey! I'm y/n!” you flashed her your sweetest smile and put your hand forward for a handshake. She returned your smile with the same amount of affection and shook hands with you.
“And this is uncle Jaehyun,” you take Jaehyun by his hand and make him crouch down beside you.
“Hi, Zoey! That's such a pretty name!” Jaehyun cooed with delight. “Thank you,” the girl giggled, and you did too.
The way his smile grew wider, the dimples making an effortless appearance. He adored you so much, and you had no idea about it.
“Bye!” you waved Zoey and her mom goodbye and turned to look at a smiling Jaehyun.
His eyes, his lips, and his spirit all at once smiled at you. He paints a ray of sunshine all over his face. His smile lights up your world — always. His smile was one of happiness growing, much as a spring flower opens. You could see how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him. In his sweet smile is all the love you'll ever need.
And there you went, falling for him all over again.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the third thing — your hand in mine
“Do you trust me?” he asked as he finished tying the black cloth on your eyes.
“with my life,” you replied, feeling the soft fabric of the clothing on your eyes.
“Well, then,” he smiles, taking your hand in his as he leads you to a surprise that awaits you.
The warmth of his hands penetrating through your skin. The way your hand fit perfectly in his. The feeling of his fingers intertwined with yours was one that couldn't even be described in words.
It felt like holding onto your world at your fingertips and never wanting to let go of it.
“And we're here! Please don't open your eyes until I tell you to do so,” he untied the cloth and ran to the other side.
“Can I open my eyes now?” you snickered because you kind of knew where this was going.
“Yes!” that was the last thing you heard before opening your eyes to a smiling Jaehyun holding a huge card that read, "”ill you be mine again?”
You slowly made your way to him, a candle-lit pathway made just for you. “happy 1st anniversary, love” he gave you a peck on the cheek as he kept the card down.
“you didn't have to do all this?!” you let out a shocked chuckle as you looked at the rest of the decoration. “Now you're making me feel bad that all I did was gift you a bottle of perfume!”
He smiled at your comment and took out something from his pocket. He went behind you, and you felt a cold chain making contact with your skin. He locked the necklace from the back and made you turn to face him.
“Don't feel bad — your presence itself is a gift from heaven above.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the fourth thing — your ears when you're shy
You woke up to the sound of the sizzling of eggs on the pan. You broke into a big yawn as you sluggishly made your way towards the kitchen.
“Good morning to you too,” he chuckled when he looked at you barely able to open your eyes.
You instantly found yourself smiling when you heard his voice. You walked up to him and hugged him from behind, resting your chin on his shoulders as he continued cooking.
“we're eating eggs again?” you groaned out of boredom. “What did you want to eat?” He snickered.
You wore a sly grin as an idea hits you at the right moment, "I want you.” you whispered in his ear. His eyes slowly grew wide, processing whatever the fuck that you just said.
He turned around — only to see you, a laughing mess. And as soon as you saw that smirk on his face, you knew it was time to run.
“aww, your ears are turning red. What happened, loverboy? Were you flustered because of what I said?” You teased him as you both were waiting for the other one to leave their side of the couch and run.
It was one in a million moments when jaehyun was the flustered one, and you were the one who provoked him to be. And so, these moments really had to be the most memorable ones.
“Jae, no–” you sprinted to your room as he followed you. “Let's not–”
Your legs hit the end of the bed, and the next thing you knew was that you had fallen on the bed and jaehyun got on the bed with you, tickling the life out of you.
“Wait, do you smell that?” you said as you sniffed dramatically. Jaehyun stopped tickling you for a moment, and the look on his face when the realization hit him was honestly the funniest thing you had ever seen. You let out the weirdest chuckle when your heard him shouting in horror,
“my eggs!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the fifth thing — your lips when we kiss
"”want a sip?” he offered you his coffee while you were sipping on yours. “How'd you know I wanted to try it?” You let out a soft chuckle while you take his coffee to try.
“I mean, even when you're sipping on yours, your eyes were on my drink. What else should I decipher it as?” he continued walking along with you, smiling when he saw your reaction to consuming his cup of coffee.
You let out a dissatisfied cough after drinking a little bit of his coffee. You hand him his coffee back. “How do you drink that stuff, dude?” you gulped hard, trying your best to get rid of the bitterness by taking long sips of your drink.
“Not like yours is that great,” he said in his cockiest tone in an attempt to provoke you.
You stopped on your tracks, disbelief was written all over your face, “Excuse you, for this is my best buddy!” you scoffed. Well, almost choked, but we won't talk about that right now.
“Then let me try yours—”
“Nope, sorry. And now you've lost the both of us.” Sure, you were fighting like an elementary school kid at that point. But in your defense— yeah, no. You were just being petty, and Jaehyun was just playing along.
You walk ahead of him while he stood there, trying to think of how to get back at you. An idea perks him as he looks at your figure slowly getting smaller the further you walked. He quietly jogged his way towards you, wearing a smug smile on his face.
Oh, dear y/n. You signed up for something you didn't know was about to come.
When he finally caught up to you, he tapped on your shoulder. As a reflex, making you turn around to look at who it was. But instead, you were met with a pair of lips on yours. Not just anybody, but the only guy ever, Jung Jaehyun.
Resistance — was something you were always pretty bad at. And especially when it came to Jaehyun.
No matter how hard you'd try, you always end up giving in. And as a matter of fact, that's what happened then too. He smiled in between the kiss, knowing very well that you had once again given in to him. Your other hand runs through his hair while he pulls you closer to himself, closing any distance between the two of you.
God, you missed kissing him.
He finally broke from the kiss, and started walking, leaving you totally confused. He wore a smile of triumph as he said, "I never liked Mocha anyway," not once did he look back at you before saying that.
For a hot minute, you were pretty confused as to what he meant by that. And that's when you understood that he was talking about the coffee.
You stood there, totally baffled — screaming on top of your lungs while he still kept walking,
“Get back here, Jung gorgeous-ass-man-who-just-tricked-me-like-that Jaehyun!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the sixth thing — your voice when you call out my name
“you coming?” you shouted as you got out of the water, walking your way up to where jaehyun was standing. He seemed to have been writing something on the wetter side of the sand.
“And, done!” He presented you with the small surprise he had prepared for you. You smiled when you saw what it was. He took you by your hand, giving it a kiss before making you stand beside him.
“Jaehyun + y/n forever” he read it out loud while pointing at the sand.
The way your name rolled off his tongue so easily, yet giving it its own unique color. It felt foreign but at the same time, it was so familiar and resounded through your whole self. No matter how many times he calls out your name, something about it still gives you a sense of serenity and you could never get tired of it.
“you plus me forever indeed,” you softly said, burying your head in the crook of his neck as you hugged him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the seventh I like the most that you do — you make me love you
“This is the last one for today, I promise,” Jaehyun said as you both climbed up the stairs of an unknown building. You both entered what looked like an empty terrace with a bench in one of the corners.
He sat on the bench and signaled you to sit beside him. “We're ready!” he shouted.
You were kind of confused by whatever that was going on at that moment. “For what?” you looked at him. Anticipation getting the best of you when you saw the proud look on his face.
“For that,” he put both his hands forward, pointing at the other side of the terrace, basically the wall.
And that's when the led lights lit up, and you could see some words coming the other way like a long led banner.
He read, “There are days when I feel down, and there are days when I feel joy, but the best part of it is going through it all with — you. I know what I'm going to say next is kind of cheesy, but”
This time he turned to you, reaching out for your hand “— will you be my once upon a time?”
It was like the flower of love bloomed once again. There’s something about him that you find so intriguing. Something to his aura that never fails to bring in pleasant surprises. It was like this weird force of attraction that never failed to make you fall for him all over again — if that was even possible. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
But as history has seen it before, every story has an ending. And the one of yours and jaehyun's was of no exception.
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© BLUEJAEM, 2021
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Tysm for reading! Feedback is very much appreciated <33
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alittlelove4u · 3 years
haikyuu boys saying ,,I love you“ for the first time
Including: Bokuto • Tendou • Iwaizumi
warnings: none
note: there is a mha version too :)
requests are open 
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Bokuto Kentour
He didn’t plan on saying it, but he was just so happy in that moment that he couldn’t hold it back any longer.
It was during a game. You were watching and cheering them on as always but it was the first time that you were wearing his jersey. He didn’t recognize it at first but when you put your hands in the air he could see his number on your chest.
Bokuto just froze for a second and looked at you. You were next to some friends, screaming and cheering him on. Your smile reminded him of the first sunshine after a long storm. So bright and beautiful, he couldn’t believe that you were his s/o.
Without even thinking he sprinted into your direction, ignoring the calls of his teammates. He couldn’t hold it any long otherwise he’d probably explode.
,,I LOVE YOU, Y/N!!“ he shouted as loud as he could. He didn’t care that people started staring at you.
You could feel your cheeks burning and the stares from the others. But to be honest you didn’t really care because you love him too. ,,I love you, too!“ you weren’t as loud as he but he could hear you, right before someone from his team grabbed his collar and put him on the field again.
Bokuto was smiling the whole game through and played even better and more enthusiastic. Every once in a while he looked at you and formed a ,,I love you,“ with his lips.
After the game, he came to you as fast as possible. His hair was still wet from the shower and he wasn’t wearing any shoes or socks. Bokuto ignored all the reporters, he just pulled you in a tight hug and spun you around. ,,I love you,“ he said over and over again.
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Tendou Satori
Tendou had a rough day and all he wanted was to crawl into his bed and hide from this terrible world. He didn’t want to see anyone and he definitely didn’t want anyone to see him.
You knew he had one of these days, because he was weirdly quiet during the day and didn’t even looked you in the eyes. Your heart broke when you found Tendou in his bed. If he could just see him the way you do. ,,Satori?“ you asked with a soft voice as you kneeled down and slowly pulled his blanket away. Satori didn’t say a word but his eyes said enough.
,,Do you mind any company?“you smiled at him but he stayed quiet anyway. Tendou just moved to the side and you layed gently next to him. Your head on his chest and your arms around him.
,,Why are you here?“ he finally asked. He sounded so emotionless, it hurted. But you knew better. Satori didn’t meant it that way, he just didn’t know what else to do.
,,Well, my boyfriend seems sad and what s/o would I be if I didn’t show him how amazing he is.“ He didn’t respond, he didn’t even looked at you, so you kept talking.
,,You know, you’d like him. He is so amazing and beautiful, I thought I died and went to heaven. He would never let anyone down or judge someone. He’s one of the funniest persons I’ve ever met. He’s also a lil crazy wich is even better because I love that about him.“ Tendou was still starring at the ceiling but a little tear rolled down his cheek, wich you softly wiped away. You got closer to him and pulled him in a hug. His head was laying on your chest and you could feel how he hold onto you.
,,He’s also very smart even tho he‘s sometimes an idiot. He still believes that we don’t love him, but he’s wrong. We love him, especially me. I think he’s the love of my life and I don’t think I could live any longer without him.“ You could feel more tears dropping on your shirt and how he pulled you tighter to him.
Satori didn’t cry because he was sad but rather because he couldn’t believe how lucky he was. You were by his side and you actually said that you love him. There was still a little voice in his head, telling him he’s nothing, but you were louder. You were there and you loved him so much, he forgot to hate himself.
After his tears dried out, he finally dared to look you in the eyes. You were still smiling lovely at him and he could start crying again. ,,I love you too,“ he said and kissed you.
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Iwaizumi Hajime
You and Hajime were chilling in his room and watching some movies. It was a horror movie and you have this habit to talk a lot when you’re scared or nervous. You couldn’t stop talking.
,,Why are they always splitting up, that’s stupid?!“
,,You dumb idiot, habe you never seen a horror movie?“
,,Of curse. He would never find you unter the bed. Dumb bitch.“
Hajime didn’t plan this night like that. He thought if you would watch a scary movie you’d get sacred and cuddle. Instead you were sitting next to him, with your legs over his lap and nonstop talking.
The two of you were 30 minutes into the movie when he lost it. ,,I love you, but I swear to god if-“ Hajime froze as he realized what he just said.
,,What?“ You were coughed completely off guard. Iwaizumi doesn’t really tells someone how he’s feeling. Most of the time you were just guessing what he actually wants or thinks.
Hajime wanted to punch himself in the face. This wasn’t the right time and especially not the way he wanted it to say. Hajime had planed a nice Valentine’s Day date. ,,Nothing. I said shut up,“ he mumbled and kept staring at the TV. He could just hope you didn’t hear him.
,,Oh,“ you said and looked back at the screen, trying not to talk or scream.
Hajime balled his hands into first as he saw how hurt you looked. Of course you heard him! How could he be so stupid and childish.
,,I...I love you,“ he finally said and waited for your reaction. He knows that he can be harsh or mean sometimes and he doesn’t even know why you actually stay with him.
,,You do?“
,,Of course! I love you, Y/N!“ he straightens up and cups your face with his hands, so you can look into his eyes. ,,I love you. I’m just not so good with words.“
You smile and lean closer too kiss him softly. ,,I love you too.“
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seancekitsch · 3 years
Powerplay: a Marko x Reader fic
part 3 of 3, previous part here
Warnings: harassment, vamp typical shit, cursing, death/killing, smut mentions, reference to the book
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Marko was a good boyfriend, it turned out, except for when he wasn’t. You liked the sweet little kisses, the teasing way he snaps his jaw at you when you catch him staring, the way he holds you while you’re falling asleep even though he doesn’t have to.You like that he listens, more than your friends do. You rang another friend the other day, and were left waiting with the endless ringing again. You want to be upset, but they weren't as close as you were hoping they’d be. Your close friends were back in New York, three thousand miles and a year of working behind you. And they were Marko and his brothers now.
You love the way he keeps you safe, your protector being probably the deadliest thing you could encounter. You love the way he laughs, always joking and jovial. You always thought his smile hid a joke like some mystery, but now you're in on it too, and it's the funniest thing. There is no secret  joke, just Marko seeing the world with eyes full of humor. He sees the little things, and now he shows them to you. You love the way you can speak without speaking. Silence followed by heavy laughter, kisses, and understanding.
You even love that week you were on your period and every night he ate you out until you screamed yourself hoarse.
“Marko,” you’d say, “lets ride.”
And he would obey, letting you hop on the back of his bike, always after work, always too fast. You'd like to imagine him crashing as the wind whips your hair, stings your face. What that would be like, huh. It's what you assume he feels like when he flies, free and wild in the night. He caters to your every whim, makes you feel the happiest,  as long as the sun has set.
He was less a good boyfriend when he was hungry, brooding and refusing to get close to you. He would be irritable, pick fights, silent treatment. He would purposely leave you in silence, but he wouldn't ask for a taste, despite your offering. He respected you enough not to try that. Other times, he would make sure that you could hear every thought in his head. His thoughts sounded like shouts, always telling you to get the fuck away, always reminding you how vulnerable you were, how easy to kill you’d be. It's almost maddening. You never knew which nights he would be the silent ones, or which ones would be the loud ones.  
“Marko,” you’d say, “This is just temporary.”
You don't even have to think the words for him to know what you mean. Or those moments during the day when it's highlighted just how different he was, would always be. He would always be twenty and handsome and having fun, with a guaranteed group of friends. With a family he belonged with. You would always age, you would have to find something else to do eventually, and you would probably have to leave Santa Carla, because he wouldn't. You could always bore him, with Marko one day realizing you can't keep up anymore. You would always be weaker, and no matter how often Marko puts you first, he always holds the power. You’re only the decision maker because he lets you be. He could always take that power back. Find someone new when you get old and he stays the same age. He will always be this way, and you will always change.
It's those nights you think of pulling away from him, and you hope he never hears those thoughts. You love him, but he’ll always say it's not temporary. It's not true.
You love Marko today.
The jingling of the bell snaps you from your thoughts, head rising only to be face to face with one of the surf nazis. Huh, guess the boys didn’t clear all of them out. This one was tall, a skinhead with an upturned pug-like nose, wearing a lot of denim with eyes alight with mayhem in his agenda. Oh, please don’t fucking break anything.
“Hey Baby,” he sneers. God, his voice was even worse than his looks and his smell.
“Not your baby,” you deadpan, wishing desperately for him and his friends to leave without stealing or breaking anything forcing a sickeningly sweet customer service tone, “But what can I help with?”
Maybe good customer service will get them in-and-out quicker.
“That hot little body of yours could help me out,” his tone is outright mocking. God, is this how dudes like these think they can pull? You can’t even hide your grimace as you flinch at the words. If there was anyone else, just one other person working tonight, this wouldn’t be happening. You know this. Working nights alone practically invited this brand of harassment.
fuckfuckfuck. It’s way too early for Marko to be sniffing around, and if you can get them to leave the next four hours of your shift will be miserable. The man laughs, and it makes your blood run cold. He leans over the counter, past the little curtain of incense haze; breaching your only barrier of safety.
“I bet it could. Couldn’t it, baby?”
His large arms press against the glass of the counter and your eyes immediately flicker from them to the back room, where your knife is. He straightens up.
“Cat got your tongue?”
You frown, meeting his eyes now.
“Do you plan on buying anything we sell?” The Bauhaus record you have playing over the speaker skips, and you almost jump. It's just enough to break the tension, the rising bile in your throat clearing.
“I come in here for you, girlie,” and he affirms what you already know. Now that half of the surf nazis were gone, they were struggling to maintain their turf on the boardwalk. So harassment and torture at their hands were on the rise. Many people over the past few weeks had been dodging them in the stores around here, and now apparently they had caught wise to that. Done with it, you take a step back, leaning yourself against the back shelf to retreat further into the curtain of nag champa.
“You can fuck off,” you offer, gaining confidence as you realize the bong behind your head was more than affordable, and if you broke it over his head, you could cover it.
He opens his mouth to respond, but-
The bell on the door jingles again. A familiar smile fades into a scowl. Marko looks like one of those greek heroes tonight, maybe if only because his presence saves you from the gross comments (or anything worse) of the shaved head across the counter. He immediately distracts the surfer from you.
“Why don’t you get outta here, buddy? Me and the lady were just discussing me trying her out later,” the man spits, and you almost gag at the mental image of that.
Marko laughs, that high pitched full body laugh you love so much.
“That’s funny, buddy,” He throws the man’s nickname back at him, “Cause that’s my old lady right there.”
You loved and hated when he called you that. Technically, you are a year older than the year he turned. The first time you all realized that, Paul gave himself a stomach ache laughing over the ‘older woman’ Marko brought home. Tonight though, the nickname brings the biggest smile to your lips.
“Damn right I am,” you chime in, “and you couldn’t take the hint.”
Marko seals the deal by striding over to where you are and pulling you into a kiss over the counter. It doesn't take much more for the surf nazi to leave, the jingling of the door opening announcing his departure.
“I’m gonna make sure we kill the rest of them before the week is out.”
He waits the three hours it takes for you to be able to lock up behind the counter with you, loosely holding your hips and following you around, only moving away from you to pick out new records when one ends. 
Come over tonight, Marko thinks, and you know it isn't a suggestion. You kiss him hard on the mouth, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him to press against you. His arms automatically find themselves around your waist, squeezing you as he eagerly returns the kiss. This wouldn’t be your first time at their dilapidated hotel, with sprawling caves and chandeliers and beautiful spray painted murals on the walls. The first time you were there, he brought you there while the others were hunting. He fucked you on any surface not covered with knick knacks they'd collected or takeout containers, leaving you to sheepishly blush while he proudly talked to the others when they returned, deep red hickies and a bite mark on your collarbone you couldn't hide. The next time, the boys and Star and Laddie welcomed you in with booze and a feast and a fun night where you had to crawl out of the cave at dawn looking like a mess. Either way, he waits for you to agree before he leads you to his motorcycle.
“Star, Why don't you just become one of us already?” Paul whined, holding his half eaten eggroll like a cigar, “You're already living with us, Mama. We just want to be friends forever.”
She scrunches her nose, smoothing the long hair of Laddie’s head in her lap. The boy was tired, their unofficial little brother or not, he was still an eight year old.
“Or maybe,” David starts, dropping down from the rim of the check in counter of the hotel, “Star can just have some fun with them and we don’t even have to do what Max wants.”
The boys all laugh, Dwayne’s shoulders turning inward, while Paul smacks Marko in the chest behind you. Whoever Max was, he was someone that could give the boys orders; something you didnt think possible besides their own little group hierarchy. You'd figured out pretty quickly that David was the leader, Marko was his right hand, Dwayne was the left hand; with Marko enforcing, playful and impulsive, and Dwayne being the level head, logical and the one who often kept the boys from fighting and made them all remember why they loved each other so much. Paul was the baby. Both literally and figuratively. He was the messiest, the most likely to slip up;. He was also the one turned last. So when Star decides to be one of them, she’ll be the new baby. Then Laddie.
“No,” Star affirms, “No, I can’t do that to Michael.”
“Michael,” David tests the name on his lips, tongue darting out to lick them after he says it. The curly haired brunette on the boardwalk had a name. Then his eyes flick to you. There's a sharpness to them that feels so different from Marko’s. David is trying to stare through you, not to look inside of your head, to look past it, to see any weakness. A challenge.
“Who’s Max?” you speak up from your spot on Marko’s lap. You can feel him tense under you, but David smiles.
“You don't know about Max? Marko, you didn’t tell her about Max?”
Marko’s hand wraps around your wrist as David continues.
“Max knows all about you, y/n. There’s a reason you're here.”
Here as in, still alive in a vampire den, or here tonight specifically?
Mind thing? You think, and Marko leans his head down against your shoulder as he nods.
“So he knows Marko and I are X-men? Is he Professor X?”
You hear Dwayne and Paul chuckle from the other side of the circle, and Dwayne mutters, “Yeah something like that,” as he swats his hand at Paul’s mesh-covered chest.
“He sired us,” David clarifies.
“You feel it right?” changing the subject, “You feel like you need to be near Marko?”
Marko squeezes your wrist in encouragement, and you nod.
“He’s my boyfriend.”
“That's not what I mean.”
You know what he means. It's the way you feel Marko before you see him, the way you can never sneak up on him.
You nod again.
“That’s what Max wanted to know. Marko, do you wanna tell her, or should I?”
What does he mean? You think and the man below you perks up.
Come with me. His palms grip your hips and gently push you to stand, and he follows suit before taking the lead.
He leads you towards the mouth of the cave, where you enter and away from any listening ears.
“So you know how David is dating Star?” he asks, voice low and close to you in the shadows.
“If that’s what they’re doing,” you joke, and he laughs along with you.
“Well, he thought they had what we have, and that's why she’s with us.” He reaches for your hands to hold them, dropping any playfulness from before.
“I’m supposed to turn you, Max thinks. He’s a lot older than us, and he says some vampires have mates or something similar to that. Others they have some deep mental connection with. The guys… we can hear each other sometimes if we try hard, because we’re a pack. I don't have to try with you and that's why Max thinks it's different.”
Turn you? Like, capital T- Turn you? Into one of them? If he turned you, you’d never see the sun again; never feel its warmth. You’d have to drink blood, and human blood at that. You’d become a killer, and you’d have to keep killing. While you aren’t innocent, killing kind of seems like it would be a stretch for you. Some of their victims had to be innocent, but would your hunger corrupt your morals one day?
It's like he can see the wheels turning in your head, ability to hear your thoughts or not.
“Y/n, you don't have to. Fuck, this was dumb to bring up. David thought you were ready, but if you don't want to I won't make you…” He trails off, visibly a little more deflated.
But if you did, you would be on the same level as Marko. All of the insecurities you have about your relationship would just… stop existing. Your relationship’s expiration date would disappear, your fears about having to leave him or him leaving you would disappear. You'd have people and a place to belong and lover and guaranteed group of friends to be a new family.
“How does it work, Marko?” your voice surprises him, and in honesty, he brought you to the mouth of the cave to give you an out. If you wanted to leave here, leave him specifically, he was going to let you.
“You gotta drink, uh, vampire blood.”
You shrug.
“Are you sure? There's no take backs for this,” Marko’s voice is stern, unlike you ever heard it before.
Deadly sure, Marko.
He smiles, slowly like the moon rising in the night before it crescendos into the wide toothy grin you're so used to seeing.
Marko leads you back into the den of the cave where the others are hanging out.
Dwayne is the first to approach the two of you.
“Everything okay?”
You nod thankfully, offering him a smile.
Paul swoops in next.
“You better be tellin’ me you're joining the fam, chica!”
He tries to drape his arm around your shoulder, but Marko pushes him away playfully, both of the boys smiling.
“Let’s get this girl a drink!” Marko shouts, and the guys start up hollering and laughing.
Marko leads you back to where you had originally been sitting, his designated folding chair. He gestures to you to sit down, while he looks to David for something. Over his shoulder, you can see Star frowning as she watches on.
“Glad you got to talk it out,” David remarks as he hands a bottle of wine to Marko. Maybe you’ll be able to get used to his mannerisms in half a century. Marko hands off the bottle of wine to you, and your hands dip with the weight of it.
The wine bottle is bejeweled, another do it yourself project that the guys seem to love so much. It's heavy in your hands, dark and unseeing down the neck of it, but full. Marko crouches down between your legs, palms flat against your thighs as everyone waits with bated breath. You uncork the bottle, noticing the dark red staining on the cork, and knowing exactly what’s in it now. Two shaky hands bring the bottle to your lips, tilting your head back as you let the contents flow into your mouth, filling it. The ‘wine’ is thick, warm and salty but feels like it's already intoxicating you from just being in your mouth.
“That’s all Marko’s blood, you know,” David remarks, and you swallow deeply. All Marko. He drained his blood for you, weakened himself for you. Your eyes flicker to him, and he smiles up at you from his spot between your legs.
You smile back at him, widely, teeth stained with blood.
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Soulmarks, Part 3
After what felt like years, J.J. stopped laughing.
Joker, on the other hand, was laughing like he’d just heard the funniest joke in the world. Even as Batman broke free and threw a knife at his head, even as he was sprinting away from the vigilante, he wouldn’t stop. He certainly had a lot to laugh about, he’d won before everyone had even got there. No matter how terribly the vigilantes won that night, there was nothing they could do to fix what had happened to Robin.
Marinette pulled her head from Harley’s grip and locked eyes with Batgirl. 
Batgirl swung down and crashed into Harley, sending them both flying.
Marinette touched her scalp where a chunk had been torn out of her hair.
Nightwing touched down next to her. “Are you alright?”
She nodded slightly and let her hand drop.
“That’s good. I’m glad. Get Tim out of this environment for us, please.”
She nodded and sent him a wave. “If we live I’m teaching you slang! You sound like a textbook!”
“Don’t say ‘if’!”
She rolled her eyes. Chat Noir would love this guy.
Her yoyo buzzed as her partner called her. Speaking of…
She picked it up and pulled it open, and Chat managed to get out a “M’lady!”, then she snapped it shut. She had problems to deal with outside of missing their normal meeting time for patrols.
Her gaze found its way to Tim and she hesitated.
They’d both been doing vigilante-work for about the same amount of time, if she was going off of when she’d gotten her soulmark, but she guessed that he’d had training beforehand. His fighting would likely be more polished.
On top of that, she’d be pulling whatever punches she did manage to land. He was a human and, when she was wearing the suit, she wasn’t. She didn’t know how much damage she could do if she really tried, but after the Nightwing fiasco earlier that night she wasn’t about to try and find out.
She would have to hope that it wouldn’t turn into a straight fight.
“Tim…” she said softly.
He was staring at her yoyo.
She fastened it back to her belt. She’d thought a lot about what she’d say if she ever met her soulmate over the years, but all the dumb pickup lines and polite questions she’d thought up didn’t exactly fit the situation she was currently in.
“I don’t know what they put you through... but it’s over now, okay? I’m going to take you home, okay?”
He looked at her blankly.
She stepped towards him carefully, her hands up in a kind of surrender. She didn’t know what to say. She was only fourteen, why was she expected to know what to do? Fuck, she didn’t even know if he spoke French, or if he could hear what she was saying at all.
She pulled a pleasant smile to her face as she neared him. “Let’s go...” She hesitated as she tried to recall the English word. “‘ome?”
Marinette held out her hand.
He stared at the outstretched hand for a few seconds, then looked back at her. He slowly reached out and took her hand.
And then he pulled.
She cursed as she was thrown off-balance. A knee slammed into her stomach and she groaned.
Marinette hooked her arm over his back and pushed down, looking for one of the pressure points she’d been taught.
His legs swept hers out from under her and she hit the ground with a dull thud, only barely managing to roll out of the way as his foot came after her.
She flipped to her feet and regarded him carefully as he advanced on her. She couldn’t fight him; it wouldn’t work out in her favor, win or lose. She couldn’t talk it out with him. What else was --?
Her yoyo buzzed again and she winced as she pulled it out. She flipped it open. “Not right now, Chat!” She hissed, then closed it again.
Well, since she had her yoyo out...
She sent Tim a tiny wink before hooking her yoyo around a pipe overhead and swinging herself to the second floor. She didn’t waste a second, ducking for cover behind a pile of dusty boxes labelled ‘props’.
She needed a plan! She was known for her plans! She just needed to think of one!
He climbed up. His feet creaked on the old floorboards as he searched for her. She brought her hands to her mouth to muffle her breathing as he passed by her boxes. He slowly continued on --.
Her yoyo buzzed.
His footsteps stopped.
The box above her head splintered and she squeaked, her hands coming up to shield her face as wood and plastic props rained down on her. She abandoned her hiding spot, using the dust as cover as she opened the yoyo.
“This better be really important, Chaton!” She hissed, glancing back and cringing as she saw Tim pick up Harley’s abandoned bazooka.
She dove under the table for the second time that night and looked down at the screen.
Chat looked incredulous. “You mean you don’t see Bona-parts?”
“No, obviously not.”
“Where are you?”
“In America, fighting my soulmate.”
Chat Noir looked concerned.
She shrugged and lifted up the edge of the tablecloth to show him what Tim looked like, she figured it was pretty self-explanatory, only to find he was right in front of her. A scream slipped from her lips as she quickly fell back and scrambled out the other side.
Ribbons streamed past her face and she squeaked, ducking out a door and running down the hallway.
“Anyways, I won’t be there for a while, so you’re going to have to stall.”
“I’ve been stalling for two hours! He’s almost beheaded every important person in Paris!”
She ducked into the stairwell and jumped down a flight. There, that was some good distance… She looked back at Chat. “Get Rena Rouge and Carapace. Hell, get Chloe if you have to!”
“Chloe is dead! And, if we don’t do something quick, Rogue and Carapace are next.”
Marinette cursed again. Great. She weighed her options.
Option one: stay and finally find out what happens when an akuma gets what they wanted, or let Chat Noir beat them without her and have every single major political or economic figure die because she can’t fix damages of a fight she wasn’t involved in.
Option two: somehow take Tim back to Paris, pray he didn’t get akumatized the moment Hawkmoth finds out about him, and fight both him and Bona-parts at the same time.
Or option three: leave Tim here for the bats to deal with if -- when -- they won.
She sighed, listening to her soulmate kicking open doors. He was getting closer and closer…
“Get Master Fu to open a portal.”
They’d be losing their numbers advantage, but it would at least be three-on-three. Hopefully, that would be enough for them to win.
A portal opened in front of her and she sighed, glancing back at the top of the stairs...
Only for her eyes to widen as Tim launched himself at her. He crashed into her and sent them both flying.
They fell through the portal together.
Next part
@pawsitivelymiraculous @golden-promises @salty-fang @kitsunebell @sassakitty @octobitch @glastwime859 @miyla-lokidottir @onlyabatfan @ira-sairain @2confused-2doanything @ultimatetornshipper @ladybug-182 @laurcad123 @we-want-mini-mini @roguishredaxion @just-reblogs-by-h @futursworld
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catzula · 4 years
How to cure a broken heart
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Synopsis: love might come in in various shapes. With Kuroo it came with a snowball.
Honorable mentions: tw cursing, it's 2.4k words, genre is fluff, hope you guys like it!!
Its a short lil fluffy Kuroo blurb since its snowing very heavy here and I kinda broke your hearts with that last angst lol
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You never thought you were the type to partake in something so cliche, something as falling in love with your next-door neighbor. It was overused at this point, it wasn't even your favorite trope to read anymore, and you would've died laughing if someone told you you would meet the guy you fell in love with like this.
But overused as it is, it still came in as a surprise, and that was Kuroo Tetsurou for you, managing to make even the most monotonous thing surprising. 
It was the morning after a night of heavy snow, hearing the rustle of walking on fresh, unpressed snow beneath your feet making you bite back a smile. It had been a while since it snowed this much where you lived, so you didn't refuse when your mother offered you to take a walk. 
 I'm sure you'll feel better if you take a breath of fresh air, she told you, taking note of your foul mood.
She was right, it smells like winter, and the familiar smell didn't fail to make you take a breath of relief, as if you were suffocating the past few days. 
It had been a while since you even left your house, you realized, even before the quarantine started, you weren't the type to go out and socialize around the block. You usually met with your friends at a cafe around your school or an arcade or something, but it was rare for you to hang out in your neighborhood area, thus ended with you not knowing any of your neighbors. 
You had never intended to get to know them either, but it wasn't your choice to make anymore when you noticed a perfect sphere of snowball flying towards you, you dodged it the last second with reflexes you didn't even know you had (you didn't. it was pure luck). 
As you turned to where the snowball came from, your eyes locked on a smug, sneaky grin, obviously amused by the shocked expression on your face. It was a boy about your age, leaning proudly on a snowman that was almost as tall as him, his smile more noticeable even than his odd, inky black ruffle of hair or the piercing golden eyes that had something of a clever glint to them.
His grin felt infectious, and you could feel a smile tugging on the corners of your lips, and it was the smile that would never fail to make you smile back, except for that particular day.
It hadn't made you smile, nor had it disputed the mean frown on your lips as you quirked a brow at him, only making his grin spread wider on his lips. "Sorry," he muttered, not sounding the slightest bit apologetic, nor had he stopped smiling teasingly. "Didn't mean to throw it at you."
You took the apology with a soft nod, turning your back to him, and started walking, sighing when you felt a hand tap your arm gently.
"Hey, me again." He grinned, and you mustered a smile. "Hi." You answered back, pressing your lips together awkwardly. 
"I'm Kuroo Tetsurou," he informed you. "Your next door neighbor, I think."
"Y/N, L/N." You answered, "nice to meet you, Kuroo-san."
"Nice to meet you, too." He then tilted his head, eyes grazing on you for another while, and he looked like he wanted to talk even more even though the conversation was very obviously over. "That was pretty impressive, you know?" Another smile formed on his lips as he scratched the back of his neck and averted his eyes away from you, and you could feel butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"Thanks. Your snowman is pretty impressive, too." It was. The guy was almost 2 meters, and it made no sense for the snowman to be as tall as him, too, but it still was pretty impressive.
Not expecting him to throw his head back and start laughing loudly at your comment, you couldn't help but watch him like you were witnessing some miracle. You couldn't look away as he bent forward, holding his stomach all the while his body shook. It was infectious, you realized, since you also found yourself chuckling not half a minute later.
He took a deep breath as his laughter died, still chuckling now and then, he turned to you. "It is impressive, isn't it? Had nothing better to do in quarantine, you know?" He shrugged, trying to look modest, but he beamed with pride. 
He weaved his hand through the raven locks of hair that fell on his face, making you wonder if they were as soft as they looked. You quickly discarded the idea.
"Well, I won't bother you any longer." He grinned, "but I'll see you around!"
You watched him as he turned his back to you, giving you just a second to admire how tall and broad he was before he flashed you one last smile and a wave.
You found yourself still smiling as you entered your house, tapping your feet on the wood to rustle off the snow off your shoes. 
"Wow, maybe I should take a walk, too." Your mother teased when she took note of your smile and relaxed posture. "Did you have fun?"
"I met our next-door neighbor today." You told her after nodding your head. "The poor boy, approaching you at your moodiest. I hope he's still in one piece." She teased, brows quirking when you laughed along instead of protesting.
"Have you met him already?"
"Yeah, we crossed paths once or twice, cute boy. I think he studied in Nekoma Highschool?" She shrugged when she couldn't remember clearly. "Still, it's nice to see he was able to make you smile."
He was nice, you had to admit. Maybe you would pay him a visit to apologize for your -slightly- rude behavior today? Nah, you'd rather wait till the next time you crossed paths, you decided. 
As you averted your eyes to the wall both the houses shared, you thought if you'd cross paths soon.
You did. The next day, if you wanted to be exact.
You were startled by the sounds coming from the bushes separating your garden from your neighbors, rasing from your chair, you gazed from the window to see what it was, only to see a head of messy black hair poking through the leaves.
It was impossible not to smile as you watched him lean towards something you couldn't quite see, reaching his hand to your garden and making kissing noises with a desperate expression on his face. "Mika," you heard him call out, "come here boy, that's not our garden."
It was a cat, you realized. (Either that, or he was a pervert.) Taking a breath of relief when you saw the furry tail of the animal, you thought it was time to show yourself (and tease him about it if you could)
"Kuroo-san?" You exited out to the garden, watching the boy as his eyes widened with shock, his body immediately pulling himself back, only to stay stuck between the branches of the bush. You stifled your laughter as he forcefully pulled his way out of it, cursing at the branches scratching him, his face flushing either because of the challenge he gave trying to free himself or of embarrassment.
"H-hi." He muttered as he finally regained his composure, tall enough to have a comfortable conversation with you over the bushes. (He could even lean in to kiss you over them without any problem, something you discovered sometime in the future)
"Are you okay?" You asked softly, still laughing as you watched him pull a small branch out of his hair.
"Yeah, I'm okay. More than okay, I was just- my cat ran into your garden, and I was trying to pull him back." He stammered as he noticed your chuckles. "Cat?" You repeated innocently.
"Yeah, my cat, he's right here- Mika?"
You couldn't hold your laughs back when you saw the baffled look on his handsome face when he noticed the cat wasn't there or anywhere to be seen.
"I swear he was right here!" He exclaimed, panicking. "I wasn't trying to peek in your garden, my cat- he- he-" He stopped his panicked explanation when he finally noticed how hard you were laughing. "You already knew, didn't you?"
"Yup, saw the whole thing." You answered between your occasional chuckles. "Wow, how mean!" He frowned, but you could tell he also found the situation amusing.
"You know, you didn't have to push through the bushes." You snickered. "you could just come in from the door like a normal person." A slight shade of red tinted his cheeks with your words, averting his eyes in embarrassment and scratching the back of his neck with a chuckle. "Yeah, that's probably a better idea." 
It had turned into a routine quickly after that. Kuroo would knock on your window, a grin plastered on his face and waving at you from the other side of the glass. 
At first, he always had some excuse, sometimes showing up with a plate of freshly baked cookies, telling you his grandma had cooked a little too much. "I'm sure you could smell them baking, and I didn't want you to miss out on the best cookies ever." He would beam. You didn't miss out on the smile that adorned his lips when you told him you could make coffee for the both of you and you could eat it together.
Talking with Kuroo was relaxing, at the very least. 
He was a good listener, and his presence enough was soothing. He could calm you when you felt stressed, oddly good at it, too, laughing when you told him that one day. "I have a friend like this." He had shrugged. "A childhood friend, we used to live pretty close, too. I got used to it after a while, I guess."
He would watch you with thoughtful eyes as you spoke as if you were saying the most important thing, even if you were telling him about your day.
Kuroo was also one of the funniest people you knew. He had so many stories from when he was the captain of his volleyball team in high school, the things he told you always making you have a stomach ache from laughing so hard. 
A friendship developing so quickly, it would usually end with you getting scared and pushing people who were getting so dear to you away from you, afraid of trusting them, even more than you did.
But not with him, you couldn't, wouldn't. Trusting Tetsurou didn't feel terrifying like it did with everyone else, instead, it felt good. It felt so safe, so cherishing to finally be able able to trust someone with everything you had, and you had never felt this protected and secure being so vulnerable with anyone. 
It was the next winter you showed up in his garden, picking up snow from the ground and working on it for a few minutes to make sure you had two perfect spheres you felt all warm inside despite the cold weather. 
Throwing the first snowball on his window, you grinned to yourself as you waited for the boy to come out, waiting for the chance to catch him off guard and hopefully manage to hit him square in the face. 
Your eyes narrowed when he didn't come out after a few minutes, grabbing more snow from the ground and throwing another snowball on the window. This one you had sent a bit harder, and he must've heard it if he was at home. 
When he didn't come out after that either, you frowned, standing up. Just then, you noticed a snowball flying towards you, dodging it the last second before turning that way with wide eyes. 
"No-" You managed to choke out before the grinning boy wrapped his arms around you, caging your body against his, and threw himself on the snow, pulling you with him to be buried in the snow together.
"Tetsu!" You whined, even though you were laughing so hard that you were gasping for air. "That wasn't fair!"
"And yours was?" He laughed, his body still over yours, making it hard to breathe for you. "Get off me, I can't breathe." You managed to choke out between your laughter, your eyes lingering on his smiling lips that were a few inches away from yours. 
"Because I'm so handsome?" He teased.
"No, because you're heavy." You answered, laughing even more when he faked a gasp. 
"So mean, always breaking your boyfriend's heart." He shook his head side to side, not moving an inch that would allow you to squirm out from under his body. 
"Come on," you whined, emphasizing the last word. "Lemme breathe!"
"Nope! You broke my heart, so painful that I can't breathe, either! It's only fair, chibi-chan." He grinned, making you roll your eyes. 
"Okay, okay." You sighed. "What do you want?" You already knew what he wanted since ever since he had crushed you beneath his, his eyes had never left your lips.
"Let me think. How can you cure a broken heart?"
He had his answer when you leaned forward, pressing your lips to his smiling, soft ones. 
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thearcana-junkie · 4 years
Hi there! May I request a headcanon for main 6 dating MC that is covered with scars? They have scars everywhere! Legs, arms, cheats, stomach, head, face and even b-! Funniest part is that they got them by purest accidents! (Crashed into the tree? Scar! Fell from the stairs? Scar! Cut themselves thinking about something while cuttings carrot? Scar!)
You most certainly can my friend!! I can sufficiently say I’ve exspirenced this first hand (Except instead of scars its bruises.) I shall also put my own spin on it by adding Clumsiness and a high pain tolerance to the list.A-Also OOPS muriels turned into a small fluff Drabble.
MC Who Gets Scars Easy
Granted at first Nadia didn’t notice it much. After all you both hadn’t been dating long so she had no reason to look over your body that much.
However, when she and you DO eventually get to the part in the relationship where your doing the naked tango, its only when she’s worshipping your body that she takes note of where ever scar is as well as any other marks you may have. She intends to map out you whole body for her to remember.
Gradually she starts noticing more and more scars showing up when she’s worshipping your body like a lustful goddess she is.
At first she just figured she missed a few the first few times around. Maybe the new position let her see more of them on your arms or legs or what have you.
But she puts her foot down when she notices a big bruise on your thighs, she broke down and asked you. (Purely because she refused to let you keep seeing ANYONE who gave such a dark bruise.)
Of course the way you got it was pure accident. You were restocking shelves behind the counter while standing on a chair so you could reach the top shelf. You lost your balence for a moment and bumped your thigh in an awkward way on the counter.
Nadia didn’t believe you thought.
Not until she witnessed it happen before her.
That morning you and her got a little frisky before heading out for the day. That evening at dinner she saw you bump your hip into the corner of the table and even later that evening while she was making up for he teasing that morning she noticed the dark bruise on your hip.
Not gonna lie she thought of putting baby protector guards on the corners of things. She didn’t though in fear you’d be embarrassed.
Now when she whorships you and she finds a new scar or bruise she asks for a quick story, teasingly chastises you for being clumsy, and kisses the marks affectionately.
Julain’s.... Well he’s Julian. He’s a big lanky, all legs, rowdy man.
It goes without saying that he’s probably pretty clumsy as well, he just either doesn’t know it happened or doesn’t care. (Pretty sure he gets turned on when he accidentally gets hurt so it works.)
SO! What happens when you put two clumsy babies together? You have one falling over and the other one clumsily trying to catch them before falling on top of them.
The man likes to pick you up and carry you around as a dramatic show of affection (Or to carry you to the bedroom) all of which has gotten your head smacked into doorways before.
Bruises and scars is just something that happens in your relationship with him. Granted at first he’d go all mother hen if he accidentally dropped you and he’d feel horrible if you got a bruise or scar from it. But as time goes on with you two being together you’ve both learned to roll with it and make up stupid stories to tell the other about how you got certain bruises or scars knowing they probably already know how you got it.
He still mother hens over you and will apoligize profusely if he bangs your head on the headboard of the bed when he tries to be sexy and toss you, but you’ll both laugh it off.
Body. Worship. Is. Key! He will gently smother ever mark on your body with kisses.
Asra is the opposite of clumsy, in fact you’ve hardly ever seen him fall or get hurt by accident.
He usually tries to steer you away from something if he see’s you about to get hurt.
Already knows about you getting scars easily, in fact you did before you were resurrected.
He likes to sit down and have you tell him how you stupidly got the newest bruise or scar.
“Your just a magnet for accidents sweetheart... I guess I’ll have to be your doctor~”
Totally gets off on the fact he can play doctor for you. He’ll hype it of by saying you need imminent medical attention to a certain scar and just start kissing his way over your body.
He does try to make it so you don’t bump into TOO many things in the shop by cleaning the place and not having to much furniture in one place.
Muriel didn’t notice at first, not until you came by with a new dark bruise on your arm with a scar in the middle of it. He didn’t say anything about it figuring maybe you just did something dangerous and got hurt— but you were here and fine so clearly you could handle yourself.
Then the next time you came over, the bruise-scar was almost healed but now you had scars all over your legs and knees. He had to admit that now he was getting worried. His mind quickly went to the worst. Someone was clearly hurting you.
You noticed that Muriel had been acting odd all day, to be honest you’d forgotten about the mark’s you’d gotten from falling off the horse while riding with Nadia. But something really stuck out when he kept making up reason for you to stay and help him, normally you didn’t stay all day with him.
“...Inanna needs a bath, do you wanna help?” “...Black berries are in season, do you wanna stay to pick some for Asra and your friends?” “....Do you want to stay for dinner...?”
You took a chance and Drew the line we he mumbled something about you being able to stay the night since it wa so late. Sure it could have been Muriel gradually having you stay for dinner to sneakily have you stay for the night by having you do chores with him all day, but that just didn’t seem like him. You asked him what was up.
“....The marks on your legs.... And the bruise on your arm... Are you okay?” Muriel cracked easily and told you what he was worried about, not before blabbering out quickly how he knew you were safe with Asra and that he wasn’t suspicious of that, he just wanted to make sure you were safe from everybody else.
The thought warmed your heart.
Portias like a cat. She may be short and stout but because she’s closer to the ground she doesn’t ever fall (Or so she says)
Portias probably the cause of 99% of your marks, not on purpose of course. She gets you both into impossiable situations.
“Hey lets go sledding!” Face first into a tree. “Let’s play ball with some of these kids!” Scraped knees. “I found this amazing romantic place through these bushes!” Thorn cuts all over.
Portia also gets small cuts and scrapes easily but she just calls it life and moves on.
“If by the end of the day you don’t have sticks in your hair, dirt on your face, and scrapes on your knees. Are you really living?”
At the end of the day she does of course bandage you up with kids bandaids and peroxide giving herself the title “Your little Nurse”
Lucio likes you. Your personality, your goals, your quirks, and good, your bads, and obviously your body. He thinks your the most perfect thing in the whole world, its everything he can do not to touch you at the beginning of your relationship.
So of course Lucio noticed right off the bat that you got bruises and scars easily, it just made you look that much tougher.
He never mentioned it because in fact he himself has a very big scar he’s self conscious about.
Once you guys get into the make out part of your relationship, he’s deffinately more tentative as to where he puts his hands but you just take it for him being gentle. He is! He’s gentle because he wants to show you all the affection in the world but also because when he has you pressed into a closet and holding your leg up by your thigh so he can lean in closer to you he’s also trying to make sure he doesn’t touch the dark bruise on your thigh that he KNOWS must be sore.
When it does eventually escalate one evening in his bedroom you can deffinately tell somethings up with him. He’s his normal tentative self but every time he grips onto your thigh with his flesh hand so hard his nails leave little crescents he quietly curses himself for being to rough.
He also REFUSES to touch you with his metal clawed hand making it that much more awkward and hard for him to get positioned right.
It’s not until you say this one specific phrase that he knows you can see through him like glass and it causes him to just M E L T and give up on trying to keep from leaving any more marks.
“Lucio, Darling. I’m not glass.”
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mugi-chan · 4 years
Hiii! I have in mind this request when I discovered that on the Twst world there is the ITALIAN CUISINE!! (You know in the first chapter? When Grim accidentally drop the carbonara of that guy?) Well, what if MC Is Italian and some time she talk in her native language and when she is veeeeeryveryveryvery much angry (but,I mean,SO.MUCH.) when she is alone (but get caught in the act) SHE SCREAM IN HER DILECT!? Choose you who will be the most funniest😂 , I will wait for your answer!!👋
ლ  Content: First years and a Mad Italian MC!
ლ  Warnings: None!
ლ Comments: I really like this request! This request reminds me of my mom who is japanese and when mad would yell at me in japanese. Ngl that’s the fastest way to learn a language   ρ(- ω -、)ヾ( ̄ω ̄; )
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Ace was coming over because he broke a rule and was trying to hide out for while
He didn’t notice that he had came in 
You were blasting out music in another language 
Ace never heard this language before so he wanted to know what it was 
He snuck up behind you and placed his hands on your shoulder
“Guess Who~” 
That scared the living soul out of you 
You started to yell and whipped around seeing Ace
He was going to tease you until he saw your face go red
Uh oh is this another Riddle moment?
You started to talk in an another language he didn’t understand
You sounded annoyed and that’s all Ace got from you. 
“Uh Kantokusei you good?” 
You just kept mumbling to yourself and kept mentioning his name
“Hey your saying my name so it must be good right~?” 
You just turned and started to lecture him really loudly
He didn’t get anything you where saying just sat there confused
Crowley came to hear you lecturing Ace
“Oh my Ace really talked like that?”
Now that confused the poor boy
He later asked what you were saying and all you said was 
“Learn to speak to someone with manner next time”
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Poor Deuce he wanted to make pasta 
He learned from you that you really liked Farfalle 
So he decided to make it!
He asked you to come over to help him 
He already got it started thanks to Trey-senpai who was also curious about it
Oh boy when you walked in and saw them use to wrong seasoning 
You just yelled “oh no tesoro! (Oh no Honey!)”
You snatched the spice from Deuce and glared at Trey who had no idea what’s going on
You started to lecture Deuce about seasoning the pasta the RIGHT way the ITALIAN way
You DO NOT make it any different and call it FARFALLE, that is NOT FARFALLE
Trey was trying to understand what you were saying so he can make it correctly 
But mainly you were looking at Deuce glaring at him while grabbing the right spices and putting it in the pasta. 
You were going to use MEAT for your FARFALLE???? 
NO NO NOOO, You were just losing your head. 
Telling them very loudly but not shouting what they should be doing and grabbing all the ingredients they actually needed 
Deuce kinda just shrunk away as you kept staring him down while pointing a spice and telling him why he should us it in italian 
“I have no idea what you're saying Kantokusei, but I’m sorry” 
You just huffed and kept mixing the pasta adding the spices in
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He was having a normal conversation with you in Ramshackle dorm
They be chilling on the couch 
Sports came up as a topic and oh boy that was a can on worms
You were talking about the football team back in Italy and how they would’ve beat Savanaclaw in football
Jack advidlly deny doubting how good the players where from Italy
Now that triggered something in you, normally you don’t argue with your friends but this 
You should never poke fun at an italian’s football team
Ruggie came in to tell you to keep it down as Leona was taking a nap to see you lecturing jack in who other language 
Ruggie just looked around seeing if anyone else was around 
Saw no one sighed and left 
He’s for sure Jack can handle it 
But nope he was trying to understand but you were just moving around talking 
Football and Italia is all he was able to make out
This went on for hours and hours
You were drawing up their symbols, you showing the moves that some of them did 
He wants to understand what you were saying 
Writes in a little notepad “ask (y/n) ‘when their in a good mood’ to teach you italian”
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You two were in Epel’s room 
And you two were talking about the provinces in Italy and vastly different they are
The topic of north and south italy came up 
“North and South aren’t they the same?” 
You turned to face him with a deadpan on his face
What did he just say?
Did he? Did he just say that Northern Italy is the same as Southern Italy?
You were just sitting there staring at him 
“Uh are you okay?”
You just openly started to rant about the difference between North and South Italy
As you continue to rant, it slowly turn into the another language 
He was sitting there sweating not knowing what’s going on
You were pointing at maps and at some time you drew the map of italy and was pointing the northern side 
Then pointing to southern side
You were holding the paper up and showing him what you wrote
It’s in italian he can’t make it out 
Rook appeared to see what the the noises where about
But quickly left once he saw the map of Italy 
That’s something he knows not to get involved in
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Oh boy oh boy
Lilia and Silver are running in to Diasomnia lounge to see you and Sebek yelling at each other
Sebek is just yelling nonsense while you were screaming in Italian
(warning there is cursing) Kinda like this video 0:05-1:01  (warning there is cursing) 
Malleus is sitting on his throne leaning forward intensly watching this happen right before him
You where still yelling at him when Lila quietly asked what happened to Malleus
“Sebek said Italy isn’t the most beautiful country in the world and (y/n) got really mad over it” 
“Oh my that’s not good” 
You two were going at it
He was moving his hands around 
While you were just pointing at him and screaming something about “patria”
Silver is to tired for this 
Sebek just kept saying how the Valley of Thorns is the best 
While you were telling him with words like  Italia! Patria! 
The normally quiet dorm is disturbed by the noises created
Malleus may have to put a stop to this if this keeps getting out of hand
You two are just to proud of your own countries to back down
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Would you like to order something? Look at our Tea shop rules first!
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chipsfics · 4 years
Part 6 1/2 - Doubles Therapy
Half of part 6! The second half is coming soon ;)
Rated: PG (for swearing and heavy themes)
One morning, the sun rose exceptionally orange, filtering through the leaves and harsh through the windows of the hotel. Yinyang was awoken abruptly by a ray of sunshine peaking out from behind the nearby mountains and hitting him directly on the face- He blinked and wrinkled up his face. Another morning... Yang cursed under his breath and turned away from the window. Through squinted eyes, though, he saw his roommate, the Cherries, place what looked like a small brochure onto his bedside table silently. Before they could process what just happened, the Cherries were out the door. What in the...?
After a couple minutes of resting, trying to wake up- Yinyang heaved himself out of bed and stretched their arms towards the ceiling. He reached over and inspected the paper that the Cherries gave him- It read in big, blocky font:
Yinyang stared at it a couple seconds before sniffing and opening up the brochure. 
"Today, 3:30 PM - Hotel OJ event hall B Any and all objects who are 2 or more connected and/or merged are invited to talk about their experiences."
Yinyang read it about 4 times before they placed it back onto the table, thinking. 
"I don't... We don't need therapy." Yang growled under his breath.
"I think Cherries gave that to us just cause we're, y'know..." Yin said. "I don't think they meant any offense. And... I think we kind of do."
"You might. I'm doing fine," Yang said. Yin furrowed his brow at his other half. 
"Anyway, let's go down to the kitchen."
"Fine. But are we going to show up today?" Yin said. 
"Not if i can help it. I've got plans," Yang said. 
"Plans? That I don't know about?" Yin said, standing up off the bed.
"You don't know everything about me." Yang said.
"Yes I do," Yin continued.
"No you don't." Yang contested.
"Yes I do!" Yin exclaimed.
"No you don't." Yang stood his ground.
"We're literally fused!" Yin said, waving his hand.
"Dumbass, we've been split before," Yang said, leading them out the door and towards the elevator.
"For like 20 minutes." Yin continued, talking as they walked.
"Well you still don't know EVERYTHING." Yang said.
"Name one thing that I don't know about you." Yin said.
"I can't, cause then you'd know it and it'd defeat the purpose." Yang responded.
"That doesn't even make sense!" Ding. Yin pressed the elevator button. 
"You don't make sense," They went down and turned the corner towards the snack cabinet- Their usual route. They usually ate a chocolate chip granola bar for breakfast- Because it was just healthy enough for Yin to tolerate and just sweet enough for Yang to tolerate. When they reached up and grabbed the box, it was surprisingly light- They shook it around and there didn't seem to be anything inside of it. Yinyang sighed and threw away the cardboard box in the small trash can in the corner of the walk-in cabinet. They trudged their way out of the snack cabinet, getting even more upset. It was around 11:45- A thought hit him. He wondered if there was any coffee left in the breakfast bar.
Yin hated coffee for how unhealthy it was- plus the old, worn out coffee maker in the hotel looked so.... Dirty. The wear and tear on the machine didn't help the already skunky smell of cheap coffee that filled the air every morning. But, beggars can't be choosers, and they were already making a beeline for the breakfast bar. Yinyang scanned the room for the old coffee machine, still steaming and half-full of coffee from earlier that morning. Yinyang sleepily grabbed a mug off the rack and poured themselves a cup- As they were about to exit the other side, they paused as they saw someone they didn't recognise spreading cream cheese on a bagel. 
They were a pair of blue swimming goggles with a small orange stripe on the outside plastic- one arm on one side, and another arm on the other. There was one face on each of their glass panel "eyes"- and when they noticed Yinyang standing and staring, they awkwardly glanced over and quickly glanced back. Hurry, say something!
"Ummm... Hi." Yinyang said. "I don't believe we've met."
"Oh! Um. Hello, we're Goggles." They turned around, and the two faces spoke in unison.
"Were you on Inanimate Insanity? I don't remember competing with you." Yinyang continued.
"Umm. Cutting right to the chase, huh?" One of Goggles' faces took a bite out of the bagel and chewed while the other spoke. "Nahh, we were never on II. But we're friends with the Cherries, and they invited me to the doubles therapy circle thing going on this afternoon. We live pretty far away, and we didn't know how long it'd take to drive here. I guess we overestimated, haha... but your pal OJ said we could chill out here until the event officially starts."
"Huh... cool. Wait, you drove here?" Yinyang continued. "Its been forever since i've driven or even been in a car."
"Oh, we don't drive a car." Goggles said, and failed to elaborate.
"Really? Then what do you drive?" Yinyang said, his interest peaked.
"We drive a tandem motorcycle." Goggles said, smiling. 
"Tandem motorcycle?" Yinyang said.
"Yeah! It's like a tandem bicycle, but a motorcycle." Goggles continued.
"Huh." Yinyang said, taking a sip of their coffee (which was quickly cooling down). "By the way, we're Yinyang."
"Oh, we know. We've seen you before! On TV. Man, you were one of the funniest characters! We loved the bit about the vending machine." Goggles said, and swallowed. One of the arms passed the bagel to the other face, and they took a bite and started chewing while the other face smiled at them.
"Funny?... Bit?" Yinyang looked puzzled and a bit offended. There was a short but stuffy silence.
"Anyway, I assume you two are coming too? To the therapy circle?" Goggles continued. 
"Yes!" Yin said. "No," Yang contested. "Maybe." Yin added. 
"Well, we'd be happy to see you there!" Goggles said, and finished off their breakfast. "See ya around!" They said, walking off, seemingly in a hurry. What a weirdo. 
Yinyang sipped their coffee. The interaction made them want to go to this event even less... But somehow even more at the same time. That weird sort of curiosity. 
Yinyang took his mug into the game room, where Tissues was already sitting on the floor eating out of a box of cereal as if it were crackers, watching the tv. 
"Oh, hai guyse. I've been waiting for you!" Tissues said, and shoveled a handful of cereal into his mouth and crunched loudly. "What do you wanna play first? I think that we can make it past level 5 in Space Bubble: Galaxy Quest today." Tissues said the title of the video game in a commercial-esque voice. 
"Hmmm.. Yeah! I think so too." Yin said. "I'm gonna blast the hell out of those aliens!" Yang added.
Tissues laughed and loaded in the cartridge, handing the other controller to the two. He booted up the game, selected two-player, and started on their old routine. This was a particularly difficult game to beat- especially the platforming aspect. Neither of them were very good at it. After a couple minutes of playing, Tissues occasionally taking breaks on loading screens to eat another handful of cereal (Yinyang doing the same with his coffee), Yinyang broke the conversational hum.
"Tissues?" Yinyang said.
"Yeah?" Tissues answered, still preoccupied with his game.
"Have you ever been stuck in a situation where... where you want to do something adventurous, but you aren't sure if you should?" He said, and Tissues quickly brought his full attention back to the conversation.
"Hmm. Yeah... I usually go for staying at home. But that's just the kind of person I am," Tissues said. "Oh- Uhh, Here's a good example. When i was given the offer to join Inanimate Insanity like... a million years ago... I thought about it for a long time and I figured "why not." I.. Well, i didn't do so well in the umm. Actual show, but im glad i said yes, because i got to meet you guyse." Tissues said, setting down the controller, as they were between levels.
"Huh." Yinyang said, and smiled. "Thanks, Tissues."
"Now... let's go on to level 6," Tissues smirked, and there was a sweet, knowing silence.
Once they ran out of lives for the 3rd or 4th time, Tissues paused and heaved himself up onto the couch in order to see better, leaving the half-empty cereal box on the ground. He nuzzled oddly close to Yinyang... that or he was just sliding towards them because their weight weighed down the cushion. Either way, it was kind of nice. He was very warm. I guess it distracted him, because before he knew it, they game over'd for a 5th time.
3:30 PM. Yinyang walked past the pale orange double doors of event hall A and stood silently in front of event hall B, thoughts racing. Should they? Shouldn't they? Their two halves started to blend together, to the point where it was kind of disorienting. Yinyang took a deep breath. Maybe just for a little while? He thought on what Tissues had told him earlier that day- Adventure, new opportunities. Who knows, they might even learn something. 
What's the worst that could happen?
Yinyang pushed open the double doors and leaned in, the medium sized event room mostly vacant except for the aforementioned Goggles character, the Cherries, and one other object- What appeared to be a traffic light with 3 faces, one on each of the different colors. He was attempting to stay quiet- But Goggles spotted him and waved, causing the other objects' attention to be directed on him.
"Yinyang! You made it." Goggles' two faces said in perfect unison. "We were starting to think you wouldn't show."
"Welcome, welcome!" The green face on the traffic light said. 
"Take a seat, I guess." The yellow face on the traffic light suddenly dinged on and spoke. 
Yinyang sighed and walked through the door, taking a seat on one of the folding chairs they'd set up.
"Alright. Now that everyone's here, should we start?" one of the Cherries spoke up. Everyone looked around and nodded a sort of awkward universal agreement, and the speaking cherry clapped their hands together. 
"Alright! We should go around the room and introduce ourselves, and explain a bit about ourselves. We'll go first." The Cherries smiled. "We're Cherries, and we're twins connected by a stem. We think exactly alike, although Right Cherries handles creative tasks, while I, Left Cherries, handles logical tasks." The Cherries elaborated, the right cherry nodding along to what the left cherry was saying.  "Alright, you next, Goggles!" 
"We're Goggles," Goggles said in perfect unison. "We share the same mind. Sometimes we talk seperately and bounce ideas off each other or tell each other jokes, but most of the time we're in perfect sync. Alright, you next, Traffic Light!" 
The green traffic light dinged on. "We're traffic light! I'm Green, and I'm happy and positive." The yellow traffic light dinged on. "I'm uhh.. I'm Yellow, and I'm indifferent or whatever." The red traffic light dinged on. "I'M RED AND I'M WAY BETTER THAN THOSE OTHER TWO IDIOTS!"
Yinyang chuckled. "Yknow, he kind of reminds me of you, Yang." Yin thought. "Shut up," Yang glared at his other half. 
Cherries sighed. "Alright, you next Yinyang!"
"SHUT UP!" The red traffic light shouted.
"See?" Yin thought, and Yang huffed. After a short silence, Yinyang realized that everyone was staring at him. 
"Oh. Umm. I'm Yin, and he's Yang." Yin said. "I'm good and pure, and he's.... well, he's passionate. We don't always get along, but we need each other. We're two halves of the same whole." Yang didn't feel like arguing with that, because as much as he disliked himself, it was true. 
"Something me and Yinyang have in common was that we were both on Inanimate Insanity season 2," The cherries spoke up. "It was... A little traumatizing. I think i speak for the both of us," The Cherries laughed. "But i had fun while it lasted!" 
"It was weird to have our... whole thing broadcast on live TV like that. It felt like they were making fun of us," Yinyang said. "And when we split... It was really stressful." Yin said. "Well, I thought it was fun. But yeah..." Yang continued.
"I know what it's like to have people make fun of you," The Goggles spoke up.
The yellow traffic light sighed. "Us too, especially Green and Red." 
"Mm. I think we've all been there," The Cherries said, paused, and then perked up when they thought of something. "Wait, Goggles, have you ever been on a bus, or in a movie theater, and you couldn't find two seats for the both of you?" 
"All the time!" Goggles gasped. "Wait, on a similar topic- Have you ever been separated from each other somehow?"
The Cherries looked a bit uncomfortable. "Yes, once... It was kind of scary." Cherries said. "We felt... incomplete. After a little while Right Cherries started to-" The Left Cherry shuddered. "Decompose? I dunno. Disconnected from the stem, they just started rotting. It was really freaky!"
"Woah. That sounds rough." Goggles said. "Our bond is pretty strong, but one time we snapped in two. It was kind of like stapling our brain in half? Unfortunately we died like 2 minutes later, and it was a huge relief once we were recovered and still connected."
"Thats heavy. I think Yinyang can understand, too." The Cherries looked over at the two.
"Oh. Well, yeah... It was. Stressful is all I can say... I just felt incomplete." Yin said. "I could have made it on my own." Yang was completely deadpan. 
The two got really quiet. After that, they kind of tuned out the conversation. They were sitting in the metal chair, weirdly uncomfortable, in a dizzy thought jumble that made them feel like their brain was being scrambled. The other objects' voices got really muffled and far away- and it was hard to form a coherent thought. Some kind of all-consuming bad feeling. Like a shadow suddenly cast over them. What was this feeling?
Yinyang snapped back to reality when he was touched gently on the shoulder by Goggles' right side- He yelped and grabbed their wrist and squeezed it, hard. Once he realized what he'd done, he jumped back and apologized profusely.
"Oww, What the hell?!" The Goggles said, slightly out of sync. "What's wrong with you, man! The session is over. Traffic Light and Cherries are already gone,"
"Oh god, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Yin said, "Don't touch me." Yang growled. 
The Goggles sighed. "Ugh... Just... Man... You've been quiet the entire session. Is something wrong?"
"I don't..." Yinyang clenched his teeth, hard. "I just... I.... I'm... We're.." He opened and closed his fists.
"Whatever. Just don't do it again, ok? Jesus." The Goggles got up and put away their chair. 
Once he was sure that he was alone again, Yinyang cried in the empty event hall until he didn't feel like someone anymore. What was happening to him? How did it get this bad so fast?
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royalblue-star · 4 years
opening up- sokka
Pairing: Platonic! Sokka x Earthbender!Reader Summary: The Gaang begins to question the reader about their personal life because she never talks about herself. Luckily Sokka is there for them when the memories are too much.
(Gif not mine)
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~ "So (Y/N), you never talk about your family," said Aang. 
This caught me by surprise. I thought that it had been some unsaid thing that I never talked about my family, and the Gaang never asked.  My head snapped towards Aang in mild shock.
"Your family. You never talk about them."
"Yeah, you're right, I don't." I looked back down at my journal, hoping that the subject would be dropped. But when I snuck a glance up from it, it was clear that that wasn't an option.
"So, talk about them." Said Toph offhandedly. I would've thought that she, out of all people, would understand not wanting to talk about parents, another wrong assumption on my part.
"Pass," I said, returning my gaze to my journal. I had started a lovely sketch of a fire lily that I really wanted to complete.
"Oh, come on (Y/N)!" exclaimed Toph. "You know everything about all of us! Even Zuko opened up to you!"
"What Toph means is," started Katara, glaring at the blind girl, "That we want to know more about you."
"You never talk about yourself. You're a complete mystery," added Zuko.
 I sighed, if no one was going to give up willingly, I’d just do it for them. "How about we don’t discuss them. That’s always an option? Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going on a walk."
I made my way away from our little makeshift camp and into the forest surrounding us. I had barely made it into the woods before tears started to pour down my face.
"Pull yourself together, (Y/N)," I coached. Unfortunately, my efforts of calming myself down failed.  Soon what was once only a few tears became a full-fledged ocean. Tears started to cloud my vision and stopped by the nearest tree. I had no idea how far I had wondered, but that wasn't important at the moment. 
I slid down to the base of the tree and pulled my knees into my chest. Quickly, the tears escalated into full-on sobs. I hadn't thought of my family for so long. Old memories and old wounds were starting to resurface.
I had almost succeeded in hiding my memories from remembrance. But Aang had to come in, all concerned for my well being, and ask me about my past. I get that they care and want to ensure that I'm okay, but they don't understand. I don’t want to remember. Not remembering helps me know I’m okay. But how could they know? I never gave them a chance. But would I want them to understand? How would they react if I told them? I don't want pity, and that's what I would get. Especially if they found me right now, sitting on the forest floor sobbing into my knees. 
"(Y/N)?" someone questioned from behind me. I froze, this couldn't be happening. Naturally, the Gaang sent someone after me. I should've expected it. They all care too much. And now Sokka stood behind me. Well, at least it was him. Sokka was like a brother to me, out of the whole Gaang, he was the one I was closest to. We had an odd bond, it was kind of like a mutual understanding of one another. We had found someone who was always there, whether that meant seeking advice, listening to rants, or just sitting in a comfortable silence. We understood each other and what that person needed, making it easy to talk about almost anything. 
"(Y/N) don't lie to me and tell me that you're okay or that you don't want to talk about whatever's going on. It's not okay to keep things bottled up like this. I don't care if you talk to me, Katara, or even Zuko! But let us be there for you, let us help you." 
He moved to sit next to me at the base of the tree. We made eye contact, and something inside of me broke. More tears came crashing down, and he instantly pulled me into him. 
"I'm sorry you have to see me like this." I managed to get out between sobs. He just rubbed my back said, "You don't need to apologize for anything."
It felt like hours that we sat there, me crying and Sokka holding me. Eventually, the tears stopped, and once they did, I realized I was going to have to open up to Sokka.
We sat in silence for a few minutes. I didn’t know how to begin, I had never talked to anyone about anything that had happened to me. 
"Are you ready to talk?" He asked quietly, releasing me from his grasp. I nodded. I guess I would just have to start from the beginning. "I don't talk about my family because I don't have one."
“What do you mean?” He asked. It’s like he could read my mind and knew I was just going to leave it at that. Curse him and his good friend instincts.
"I don't know who my mom is. It was always me, my dad, and my brother. The three of us used to work in the Earth Kingdom mine. It was oddly pleasant, working with them. We didn’t ever have much, but we got by. And I liked life with just the three of us. Of course, the second I showed signs of earth bending, I started lessons to improve my bending. I did still work in the mines, just not as frequently. 
"One day, I had an earth bending lesson, just like any other day, except that I really didn't want to go. I begged my dad to let me skip the lesson to spend time with him and my brother in the mines. He said no of course, and told me that training to be a proper earth bender was more important. Boy, was he wrong.
"The one day he didn't let me come and help out was the day the mines collapsed. I could've stopped it if I was there. Sure, I wasn't as strong of a bender as I am now, but I could've saved someone. Everyone who was in that mine died. The entrance collapsed first, leaving everyone trapped. Next went the ceiling and it-" I cut off quickly, trying to suppress a sob. 
"(Y/N).." Sokka started but I cut him off.
"As soon as I found out, no one in our village would help me. I wasn't the only one with such a loss, I know. So I left. I fled to a neighboring village and turned to lying and stealing as a way to survive. I would perform songs and dances for people in the streets and pickpocket them during the day. Sometimes I’d tell stories. At night I’d head out of the village and practice my bending. I'm not proud of what I’ve done, and I know for sure that my dad is disappointed in me, but I couldn't see another way. When I met you guys, you showed me that other way of life. 
"I never told you guys because I was embarrassed. All of you have someone that cares about you, and I have no one. I didn't want to become a charity case because I've been on my own for so long. I've done so much to hurt so many people."
"(Y/N)" Sokka said, this time cutting me off. 
"It doesn't matter who you were in the past. What matters is who you've become. And that girl is one of the strongest, kindest, funniest, and the most independent people I know. That girl is my best friend, and I wouldn't trade her for anything. And I think your dad would be more than proud to see who you've become."
"Thank you, Sokka," I said quietly, pulling him into a hug. 
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"Don't Look at Me, I'm Sick!"
Author's Note:
So, I know no one will believe me but I've been working at this for a month 😂 I swear my intention was not at all COVID-19 related, but rather from a random prompt I found online somewhere! The prompt is bolded. 
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female!Reader
Summary: Y/N has the flu, and who better to save her than a friendly, neighborhood Spiderman?
Warnings: None? I guess descriptions of the flu if that counts!
Word Count: 4,068, because I have no self-control 😂
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A painful, chest heaving cough racked through my body, leaving my stomach muscles feeling sore and my chest burning. I flopped back into my cocoon of pillows and blankets with a sigh. Nothing like a bad case of the flu to remind me of just how hopelessly inadequate my non-existent abs were. 
What had started as a small tickle in the back of my throat yesterday had mutated into a full-blown flu. Not just any flu either. No, this was the 'every symptom you could possibly think of, oh my god am I dying?' kind of flu. I felt like I’d been run over by a truck, and if my mom was any indication, it was a safe bet I looked it too. She’d poked her head in my doorway for a solid 10 seconds before dialing the school attendance line and informing them that I wouldn’t be there. She left for work not long after, shouting at me to keep drinking fluids and to take some Tylenol. Since then I’d been drifting in and out of consciousness all morning, waking only long enough to either cough or sneeze my guts out. If I didn’t know any better I’d swear I had the actual plague. 
My phone had been buzzing on and off all morning, but in my fever-riddled, sleep deprived state, I elected to ignore it in favor of more sleep. The buzzing reached a fever pitch sometime in the mid-morning before it mercifully stopped. I sighed again, flopping over to my stomach and snuggling my sweaty head deeper into my pillow. I huddled the overwhelming number of blankets around my shivering form like a safety net as I idly wondered how far away the medicine cabinet could possibly be. Realistically, it was all of 6 feet away, but just the suggestion of having to move my body was enough to make my muscles feel like mush. I groaned, flopping uselessly around my bed as I internally weighed the pros and cons of getting up to grab some Tylenol. 
I was so wrapped up in my mental battle that I didn't hear the distinct 'thwip!' coming from the fire escape outside my bedroom window. Normally I'd hear the sound no matter how loud the music was in my headphones or how fast asleep I was. I guess it was more of a feeling I got, a low hum of excitement deep in my belly that alerted me than a sound really, but regardless I was completely oblivious at the moment. I also missed the practiced, rhythmic taps on my window due to the sneezing fit that overtook me and the subsequent rush to rummage around my sheets for any non-crumpled tissues. 
A slightly panicked voice was the sound that finally broke me out of my illness induced haze. I yelped loudly and, reacting out of pure instinct, flung the first thing within reach at the intruder. Unfortunately for me the closest thing to me was a near-empty box of tissues, and based on the lack of thump that followed I don't think it even hit my intended target. It was hard to say for sure though because immediately after my feeble attack I dove deeper into my cocoon, covering myself completely with the mountain of blankets. 
“What the FUCK!” I exclaimed. Though I wish that my voice sounded strong and threatening, the shock rippling through me coupled with the way my nasal passages were currently blocked and the muffling effect of the blankets covering my face made my fierce roar sound more like a surprised squeak. 
"Whoa whoa whoa!" the voice placated quickly. "Y/N, it's just me!"
The familiar tenor tones of my intruder began to seep into my sick brain like a cloud of smoke. I frowned unconsciously as my mind worked in overtime to try and place the voice with a face. I winced for a moment, the sudden onset of thought enough to send a stabbing pain shooting behind my eyes and leave a throbbing, dull ache in its wake. My brain whirred on for an embarrassing amount of time before the recognition hit me like a truck. 
"Peter?" I questioned humbly, peeking my eyes out from the blankets just enough to see. I blinked quickly and fought against the dizzying pain that overtook my brain against the onslaught of light. 
Standing over near my opened bedroom window was my adorable, if sheepish looking, boyfriend. His face was wrought with a look of pure anxiety --  big brown eyes practically swimming with worry and normally sweet features all contorted downward. The messy brown curls I loved were stuck tight to his sweaty forehead, and he clutched his Spidey mask tightly in his right fist. He wasn't wearing his suit, so he must've thrown on only the mask before making his way over. Even in my post-panic/flu-induced fog I felt a touch of irritation at his recklessness. 
"It's just me, sorry," he apologized breathlessly with one hand still outstretched appeasingly towards me. "I just...you weren't at school and you weren't answering your phone and I got worried."
Guilt flooded my already-churning stomach at his gentle admission. That explained the incessant buzzing of my phone this morning. Of course Peter was worried, the boy literally could not stop worrying over everything. And to be fair, he had much more reason to than most. I silently cursed myself for forgetting to text him and tell him I wouldn’t be at school. I opened my mouth to apologize just as another realization filtered into my brain. 
I screeched. 
Not a normal screech either. This was a gross, nasal-sounding cry of sheer terror that I could tell made Peter flinch from all the way across the room. I dove even more quickly into the mountain of blankets and pillows than I had back when I was pretty sure I was going to be murdered. 
“What?! Y/N what’s wrong?” Peter exclaimed, clearly still a bit panicked over everything. I couldn’t hear him walking over, but I felt my bed dip under his weight as he near-instantly was at the edge of the mattress. The blankets shifted and I could tell he was attempting to pull back one of the many covers that I’d engulfed myself in. I huffed, twisting my body deeper into the tangle of sheets and rolled so away from my poor boyfriend that I almost fell off the bed entirely. 
“Y/N?” Peter questioned, tone laced with concern and confusion. 
“Don’t look at me!” I shouted. Or as close to shouting as I could muster through the scratchy, dry rasp that was my voice currently. “I'm sick!" 
There was a long pause before Peter's sweet chuckle sounded outside the confines of my cocoon. 
"Yeah I kinda figured that out," he laughed. I couldn't see his face, for obvious reasons, but I even so I could tell it held his wide, genuine smile. As if to punctuate my point further, another dizzying coughing spell came over me and bent over as I proceeded to cough all but my actual guts out. 
"Oh, Y/N/N," Peter murmured sympathetically. I felt his hands rest on the blanket again as if he were going to pull it away and I jerked away from the contact once again. "Hey? Why are you hiding?"
"Because I'm sick," I grumbled defensively. "I don't want you to see me like this!"
Peter clicked his tongue in disbelief. 
"Come on," he whined. "You know I couldn't care less about that!"
He could try all he wanted, but there was no way I was going to face him at the moment. I hadn't taken a good look at myself yet today, but I was certain I looked like a half-dead pile of garbage. I could feel the way my hair was matted and knotted from all the tossing and turning, my nose felt like it was on fire from all the snot pouring out of it, there was a dry spot on my chin that I was certain was leftover drool, and to top it all off I could practically feel the crushing weight of the bags from under my eyes. I crossed my arms petulantly from the confines of my blankets, not caring that he couldn't see my small act of stubbornness. 
I heard Peter sigh from his place beside me, and the weight on the bed shifted until I could feel him sitting right next to me. 
"Y/N, you know that I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever met, right?" he questioned softly from beside me. My face flushed wildly at the implication, although I don't think he would've been able to tell even if he could see my face due to the raging fever I was sure to have. Butterflies silently began to flutter in my tummy. I hummed in nonchalant agreement, unable to trust my voice at the moment. 
"Well you are. You're the prettiest, funniest, smartest, cutest, and most stubborn girl I know", he replied firmly, putting unnecessary emphasis on the last bit. "And seeing you when you're sick isn't going to change any of that."
I grumbled lowly, silently feeling my resolve weaken but unwilling to concede just yet. Peter evidently took my silence to mean he was getting through to me and began talking once more. 
"I was really worried you know?" he continued casually. "When you weren't at school today, I mean. I thought something bad might've happened..."
The same feeling of guilt from earlier came crawling back to me and began to weigh heavily within my already sore chest at his admission. His voice sounded like he was desperately trying to sound unaffected, but I could hear the remnants of the fear and panic he'd felt this morning. The guilt intensified and ran it's way up my body and rested into my eyes and throat, burning them with unshed tears begging to be let out. 
I cautiously peeked out from the blankets, still covering everything but my eyes from Peter's vision. He smiled at the small victory -- that perfectly crooked and adorable smile that never failed to make my heart melt and my knees feel weak. I smiled back, although it quickly drooped into a frown when I realized he couldn't see it. 
"I won't stay if you don't want me to," he stated plainly while looking down at his lap. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I want nothing more than to be here with you and take care of you -- actually that's not true I just want you to feel better, regardless-- but what I mean is I won't if you don't want me to."
I giggled lightly at his near-incoherent babbling, causing his eyes to snap back up to my blanket-covered face and his face to break out into another one of those smiles I loved so much. I sighed indecisively. 
"You're sure you're not going to, like, freak out, right?" I questioned cautiously. Peter shook his head quickly, brown curls flying wildly around his face. 
"Positive." he affirmed. 
"And you swear that you aren't going to, like, take off running? Or, more likely, swinging?" I clarified. I was being purposely exaggerative, but underneath my sarcastic facade there was a part of me that was very much scared. Scared that Peter, the absolute best guy I knew and the person I relied most heavily on, would be disgusted with my illness-riddled self. Peter frowned, a look of genuine distress overtaking his features. 
"I would never." he vowed incredulously. I searched his handsome face silently as I contemplated. 
Finally, after several long moments of deliberation, I sighed in defeat and slowly pulled the blankets away from the rest of my face. Peter just looked on encouragingly as my dramatic ass took its time, a tiny proud smile playing on his lips. 
"There's my pretty girl," he cooed soothingly as I finally detangled my upper body out of the mass of bedding. I shot him a look of pure annoyance which only seemed to fuel his glee further. He chuckled lightly, pulling my overheated and yet somehow still shivering form to his chest. I willingly allowed him to pull me into the comfort of his embrace, suddenly feeling too tired and weak to protest further. 
Peter's arms were my favorite place to be. Hands down. I'd discovered long ago that his chest provided the perfect pillow: it was soft, yet firm, warm, but not too hot, and smelled like the perfect mixture of his body wash, laundry detergent, and his natural scent. Also not to be taken for granted was the way his strong arms instantly wound around me whenever we cuddled. Being in his arms never failed to make me feel safe and protected. I sighed contently, rubbing my tired and throbbing head deeper into his embrace. He rubbed small circles into my aching back, voice crooning in my ears with unintelligible words of affection. 
"Still the prettiest girl I know," he declared fondly. I lifted my head just enough to look at his face, a display of near-herculean effort on my part, and shot him the most incredulous look I could muster. 
"You're a dork," I grumbled lightly, tucking my fever-and-blush tinged red cheeks back into the comfort of his chest. I felt my makeshift pillow vibrate as a chuckle followed. 
"Yeah. But I'm your dork," he replied cheekily. I hummed in agreement, too tired to argue back.
 I dropped my head further into my own chest as I was unexpectedly hit with another wave of uncontrolled hacking. I could feel Peter's arms rubbing against my back as I did, and after all was said and done I winced at the rush of pain through my head, throat, and lungs. He tsked sympathetically before asking when the last time I took any pain meds was. Unable to find my voice I simply shook my head stubbornly. 
I grumbled incoherently as Peter gently removed me from his arms, unhappy at the loss of contact. He chuckled once more before promising to return quickly as he strode out of my bedroom door. I groaned childishly before my body decided that now would be an awesome time to make me sneeze any and all phlegm that had built up in my nasal passageways. 
I sneezed violently for what felt like hours -- by the end tears were streaming down my face and there weren't enough balled up tissues in my vicinity to stop the flow of snot running from my poor, sore nose. I plopped back onto the pillows, completely worn out and miserable. 
Almost like he could sense my discomfort (and I'm sure if anyone could, it was him) Peter rushed back into my room, arms full. He placed a litany of items unceremoniously onto my comforter before silently handing me a glass of water and a few pills. 
I gratefully accepted, sitting up slightly to take them. The cool water against my burning, scratchy throat felt simultaneously painful and relieving at once. Peter smiled encouragingly, taking the half empty glass back and placing it on my nightstand. Next he pulled out a damp washcloth and motioned for me to lean back once more. Curiosity overtaking me, I complied. 
Ever the sweetest boy I knew, Peter began lightly wiping my overheated face with the cool cloth. I let out a moan of appreciation that I was certain was going to embarrass me later if Peter's reddened cheeks were any indication. Currently, however, I couldn't have cared less if I tried. The cooling feeling spreading across my sweaty, fever ravaged skin was almost hypnotic. I closed my eyes and leaned into the cloth as he methodically maneuvered it around my face.
"S-sorry if it's too cold," Peter's nervous voice interrupted my near-trance. I opened my eyes to see his adorable face very close to mine, expression full of concern. "I can stop now,"
"Why though?" I whined. "I was enjoying that!"
Peter's face turned bright red once more, face turning downwards briefly to hide his wide smile. 
"I'm glad," he replied bashfully. "But you're kind of starting to really shiver, so I think we should stop for now,"
He tossed the rag expertly across the room, landing it neatly on the back of my chair without even really looking. I rolled my eyes. 
He just grinned. 
“Okay, I also brought you more tissues, some cough drops, some cold medicine, your laptop, some new blankets...”. 
Peter’s voice changed completely, dropping down to a more serious tone as he waved his hands over each item as he explained. I felt tears start to collect in my eyes, wholly touched at the sheer sweetness of his thoughtfulness. I was trying to come up with a response as the tears began to drop down my face in big, fat droplets when Peter took note of my emotional state. His eyes went wide with worry -- he instantly shuffled closer to me and wrapped scooped me up, blankets and all. His arms wound around my body tightly as he placed me on his lap and his cheek rested lightly against the crown of my head.
"Hey, hey," he soothed quietly. "You're okay, I'm here. What hurts sweet girl?"
I chuckled breathlessly at his response, thoroughly enamored with his protective concern for my well-being. 
"I'm okay Petey, nothing hurts," I mumbled quickly. The throbbing of my head and ache in my chest immediately flared at my words, clearly enraged to have been downplayed like that. I grimaced. 
"Okay that's a lie -- everything hurts," I amended begrudgingly. "But that's not why I'm crying."
He pulled his head back just enough to look me in the eyes, expression riddled with confusion. 
“I just -- you’re so --,” I struggled to put the way I was feeling into words. Peter waited patiently, concern-filled eyes never leaving my face. 
“I just love you,” I murmured finally, looking deeply into Peter’s eyes. “Like, a lot.” 
His face softened immediately and his cheeks filled with the gorgeous pink blush that I adored as he gazed lovingly down at me. I felt time stop, the way it always seemed to when he looked at me like that. I held my breath, captivated by the proximity of my very handsome boyfriend and the feeling of his arms wound so tightly around me. 
“I love you too,” he whispered softly, face bowing down towards my own until I could feel his breath fanning against my lips. I felt my brain short-circuit for the millionth time this morning, though this time it wasn’t fever-related. Peter’s face drifted closer and closer to my lips at what seemed like a glacial pace. Just as our lips were about to connect, a thought ran through my mind, clear as a bell, and I jerked backwards so suddenly I fell off Peter’s lap and into a heap on the floor. 
“Oh my god! Y/N, are you okay?!”
Peter hurriedly picked me up and placed me gingerly back on my bed. I chuckled breathlessly, still a little dazed from the close encounter. 
“What the hell was that?” he questioned incredulously. 
“You can’t kiss me! You’ll get sick!”
Peter looked stunned. 
“You -- you’ve got to be kidding me,” he groaned, body flopping backwards onto my bed momentarily before he sat back up and looked me straight in the face. “You’re joking, right?”
I crossed my arms stubbornly against my chest and stared defiently at him. He studied my expression for a beat before he sighed and flopped onto his back once more. I giggled at his frustration, and he sat up once more to shoot me an exasperated look. Then, his eyes lit up with a mischievous look and he grinned at me. 
“You know, I haven’t been sick once since I got bit,” he mentioned nonchalantly. I raised an eyebrow, urging him to continue. “I don’t even think I can get sick anymore honestly.”
“Nice try Spiderling,” I rolled my eyes. “I’m not chancing it. Queens needs you.”
“Yeah but I need you,” he whined. “I can’t go a whole day without affection, I’ll die!”
I snorted. 
“Nice try Tinkerbell,” I chuckled. Peter’s pout deepened. “Aww, don’t do that. You know it’s for your own good!” 
Peter stuck out his bottom lip childishly. 
“Alright, alright, you win,” he grumbled. “But cuddles are non-negotiable! I will literally die without them.”
I smiled widely at his response, scooching up to the head of the bed with him and allowing him to pull me into his chest once more. He fiddled with my laptop for a few moments and not long after I was drifting off on his shoulder as our favorite movie played. One of his hands was splayed across my back, trapping me against him (as if I’d ever want to move) and the other was tangled in the messy hair against my head. I was fading, falling into sleep steadily. 
“Mmmmm Petey,” I breathed softly. “Love you.”
I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I felt him smile against my hair. 
“I love you too sweet girl,” he whispered. I raised my head tentatively, eyes closed and lips searching his cheeks for their favorite spot. I felt Peter’s breath hitch, and his face dip down towards mine just slightly. “Thought you were worried about getting me sick.”
I set my mouth in a pout. 
“But you said you can’t get sick, right?” I mumbled hopefully. Peter chuckled, the vibrations from his chest tickling my cheek.
"Thought you weren't gonna chance it?" he questioned breathlessly. "Q-queens needs me."
"I need you," I whined. He chuckled again, the deep timbre sending shivers down my spine. 
"Well, I can't let you down now can I?" he whispered playfully before finally connecting his thin lips to mine. 
The rest of my illness went by like an insane fever dream. Peter stuck by my side like glue the entire time, taking care of me like the sweet boy he is and spending the majority of the time entangled with me on my bed as we watched wayyy too much Netflix. The times he left were brief -- just long enough to convince my mom and his aunt that he was still sleeping back at his apartment. 
I was finally back in school, feeling refreshed and eager to be out in the world once more. I walked over to Peter's locker, greeting him with a kiss on the cheek and waving hello to MJ and Ned. His ears and cheeks flushed pink at the display and I grinned with pride. Ned just smiled while MJ rolled her eyes fondly. 
"Someone's glad to be back," she quipped dryly. I laughed, carding my fingers through Peter's as we all began to walk down the hall. 
"I actually am," I replied cheerily. "I'm as surprised as you are."
As we walked Ned began filling me in on everything I'd missed while I was out. I listened to him chat excitedly about Flash's new car and the change in the Decathalon team's lineup with amusement, wholly happy to be back to my normal routine. My mood was broken suddenly as I felt the fine hairs on the back of Peter's arm stand straight up from the spot where our arms brushed together. I looked up at him anxiously, wondering what could be lurking in our midst that sent his senses off.
Peter looked as baffled as I did. His eyes scanned the halls furiously, searching for the source of the danger. The two of us slowed to a complete stop in the middle of the hall. 
Ever perceptive, MJ eyed Peter and I suspiciously before bluntly asking what was wrong. Ned turned and looked on curiously after he finally noticed that no one was following him anymore. I glanced at Peter, unsure of what to say. He cleared his throat nervously.
"I dunno, I just got this really weird--"
He started to explain, but part way in he paused and let out the biggest sneeze I'd ever heard. And that's coming from a girl that just spent the last 4 days coughing and sneezing like it was her job. MJ and Ned chuckled knowingly as Peter just stared at me, utterly bewildered. I couldn't help but giggle at the incredulous look on his face before smiling sheepishly at my poor boyfriend.
"I did warn you!"
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Will there be Free! Season 4 cause i’m so looking forward what Albert dude is up too ?? And oh god i laughed so hard when Rin and Ikuya fought over Haru in the movie lmao don’t worry Rin Haru is yours no one can take him from you esp when our protagonist has his eyes only on you lol !
I really think s4 is going to happen, because they designed way too many new characters that appeared just by the end and I don’t think they’re just for the “olympic” movie. Plus way too many plotlines that just begun.
Yeah, tbh Albert is the only interesting thing about these new ppl (he seems very nice but very sad), I think it’s gonna be really cool to see this whole “swimming bc you love it” vs “swimming bc you’re forced to” thingy. I’m curious how they’ll play it out. I just hope it’s gonna be smth more interesting than the usual now we’re all have fun and love swimming. Imagine how fun would be if Albert actually thrashes water, cause he fucking hates it so much bc of his coach, that he wants to poison the water for everyone else too lmao. I’m half kidding of couse, but idk, I want smth new.
But did you guys realize the Albert poisoned the water for Haru and he couldn’t swim after that, but then when Haru got in the water with Rin, he broke a record. I knew the Rin gives Haru wings in the water, but the power of their love broke this Odin’s curse or whatever the fuck that was and I’m laughin. Btw, when they said Haruka Nanase is 1st and Rin Matsuoka is 2nd I literally screamed, I mean, I knew that’s gonna happen but still it made me so happy to hear that. My flawless babes took all the spotlight.
LMAO Imagine Albert and Haru get in the water and Albert makes the water all horrible for him, but Rin like walks to the pool and puts his finger in it and is like “I got you, babe.” :D
Yes, the Rin, Ikuya and Hiyori scene lmfao I’ve waited for this.
Tbh, he funniest thing to me was the fact that when they said “this is Rin Matsuoka” Hiyori immediately went “so you’re the Haruka Nanase’s guy”. They might’ve as well put it like this (bc I fucking know what u meant, Hiyori)
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LMAO Since that 3x04 episode I was thinking... what are his files on Haru and Rin look like? “Nanase Haruka. In love with Matsuoka Rin. Weaknesses: Matsuoka Rin.” and “ Matsuoka Rin. In love with Nanase Haruka. Weaknesses: Nanase Haruka.”? xD I’m dead.
I also love how its not even the 5th time when ppl think of us as a first special person for one another. Like I know that all our people already know this, but it’s good to know that now all the new ones have been informed, too :D
And I don’t even know what’s funnier, the fact that everyone knows that we’re involved or the fact that Rin himself introduces himself as “My name is Rin Matsuoka and I’m Haru’s.” and “My name is Rin. Have you heard about Haruka Nanase?”. I already feel like Haru’s is his life specialty, you know, how ppl usually go “my name is smth-smth. I’m an engineer.”, but this guys goes “Rin Matsuoka...:
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But I also kinda loved that even though it was before Haru told Rin that relays with everyone else can’t even compare with a relay with him, I’m guessing from Rin’s confidence that he knew that already. Cause even though he marked his territory immediately, when Ikuya told him “I swam with Haru too” with that serious face, Rin started smiling and that Natsuya comment was definitely a “you’re still wet behind your ears.” It seriously looked like this:
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It was also really funny how Ikuya kept genuinely serious face during this talk like he really thinks he can compete with what Harurin has. Man, idk if it’s Hiyori and Natsuya’s fault but Ikuya turned out such a baby. Don’t let him hear what Haru said to Rin or he’ll cry lmao.
Btw I’ve said it back then in s3, but in this movie it was even more obvious. The fact that Haru, Rin, Sousuke and Makoto don’t seem the same age as Ikuya, Hiyori and Asahi. Like idk why they wrote it like this, but the OGs behave so much more mature, the newbies and their tantrums actually look embarrassing at times. Like I feel like we were more adults in s1 than these guys in university.
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