#Cat Pee Neutralizer
petcatandkitten · 9 months
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The Best Way to Remove Cat Pee Odour from Clothes and Bedding
Cats frequently urinate outside of the litter boxes. Litter box issues affect roughly 10% of cats at some point in their lives. It's critical to eradicate cat poop odor as soon as possible and completely. The scent of cat pee gets stronger the longer it sits. Your cat will most likely go back and urinate there again if the odor is strong. Cat urine contains a variety of germs in addition to uric acid. This leaves behind a potent smell that keeps coming back. Urine from male cats and older cats typically smells harsher. Read More...
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autismnation · 1 year
Summary: You and your friend go to a haunted house, expecting scares but recieving romance.
Pairing: Scare Actor Hobie Brown x Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: Not beta read + wrote this at 1am so if it sucks that’s why. Fluff (I guess?). 2nd person POV. Hobie Brown wearing a skirt. Reader’s friend is terrified of everything/Reader is fearless. Reader simping for Hobie in internal dialogue. Flirty Hobie (kinda?).
Words: 900.
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You rarely got scared.
You could watch a million horror movies and fall asleep through them all, people could jump out at you all day long and you would laugh; you went to every haunted house available and only managed to yawn.
Your friend, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. They were an utter scaredy-cat, hiding behind pillows before the horror movie even began and unable to even enjoy kids’ scares.
But you promised to fix that — and that’s why you were at the new haunted house that recently opened up.
“Let’s do the worse one and get it over and done with,” You suggested.
Your friend shook their head firmly, looking like they were already a few moments away from shrieking in fear, “No! Let’s work up to them. That way, I won’t, you know, pass out in the first one.”
You stared at the map in your hand and gestured to a ride beside you, “Well, that one’s supposed to be the least scary but—“
Before you could finish, your friend had grabbed your hand and dragged you along with them as they got on the ride. It was only a few minutes long and you sat in a cart that looked like a coffin.
“Cute,” You hummed at the ride’s decorations as it began.
You didn’t expect much to happen. The only people you’d seen get on the ride were pre-teens so you expected cheap jump-scares and awfully annoying creepy music. And you were pretty much right — it made you yawn, and sometimes wince when your friend squeezed your hand too hard.
Finally, you had reached the end, bumping into an empty cart that seemed to have been left behind.
“Okay, you can stop screaming now,” You said as you grabbed your friend by their shoulders and gave them a rough shake.
“I’m going to pee my pants,” They whispered.
You let out a snort of amusement, “You probably already have. Now, let’s wait for these restraints to lift so we can see something that’s actually—“
And that’s when they got you.
Someone jumped out of the cart in front of you. They lunged forward, sharp and spiked teeth bared, as they let out an ear splitting shriek.
You jerked backward involuntarily and let out a small yelp. It was nothing compared to your friend’s reaction since you had to physically muffle their scream with your hand, but it surprised you nonetheless.
The restraints finally lifted and you both got out of the cart. Teeth still bared, the actor that scared you started to walk forward.
You had to admit, their costume was pretty cool: one of the scariest you’d seen, actually. Their makeup was a pattern of bold and sharp spikes and they even had white contacts in to erase their pupils, as well as piercings that flashed different colours under the lights of the haunted house. It seemed like their outfit was handmade too. They wore a t-shirt made out of other different t-shirts, safety pinned together and splashed with fake blood. Their long red skirt that looked very much like real organs sewn together made shivers run down your spine. The actor also wore ripped fishnets and had big clunky boots on.
A smile came to your face as you pointed at your own identical shoes, “Hey, me too!”
The actor tilted their head, sticking their tongue out. Somehow, it had been stained red too, adding to the whole killer aesthetic that was going on. For a moment, it seemed like they were going to say something…Then they darted straight toward you.
Your friend screamed and leapt back, but you stood your ground, used to the fake-outs the actors usually pulled.
The actor stopped a few centimetres away from you. They raised their hand, waving it in front of your face. You realised they had silver rings on too, some plain silver bands and some horror-like such as a skull or a realistic human heart.
You stared up at the actor, opening your mouth to say something, but became absolutely speechless as they chuckled.
A low, deep chuckle.
Your eyes widened as you realised the person in front of you was a man. A man with a very attractive voice.
“Nice costume,” was all you managed to get out, almost tripping over your words, as you shifted on your feet. Suddenly, it felt like every nerve of yours was on fire.
The man chuckled again, “Thanks, love.”
He had a British accent. You chuckled awkwardly, trying to ignore how hard your heart was pounding. The man leaned forward, waiting for your response as he smiled softly.
“Your rings are really cool,” You finally said before quickly walking past him, accidentally knocking his shoulder with yours.
Before you could leave, his hand was gripping your wrist tightly and turning you around. He took your hand and placed a ring inside — the one shaped like a skull.
“See you around, yeah?” He grinned as he closed your fist around the piece of jewellery, tapping it gently, “Name’s Hobie, by the way.”
The next few moments seemed to go by in a blur. You told him your name, learnt he’d be on break soon, got told to see him. You left the ride with a goofy grin on your face, your friend complaining in your ear about how unfair it was that you got such a good guy in such a small amount of time…
But you couldn’t focus on anything other than Hobie and his attractive voice and his pretty ring wrapped around your finger.
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nakachuchu · 2 years
A Warm Feeling | Gojo Satoru
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SYNOPSIS: On one of his rare days off, you enjoy a nice day together in your household.
READER: gender neutral
WORDS: 1.2k
WRITTEN: 01/25/2023
NOTE: This is for @sunaslay 's Heart at Home collab! I personally love this piece and how it turned out. It took me a while to write, but I think it was worth it.
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Gojo Satoru didn't get many days off — on record, at least. There were definitely days when he simply left his students to go shopping around Japan.
But being the most powerful man in the world had its downsides. He was constantly watched and scrutinized. Because of his abilities, no one could touch him but he still had to be careful for you.
You didn't have his abilities and people knew about you. You were his lover, after all. You were his one weakness.
But he was confident he could protect you. No one would be stupid enough to mess with you because that would mean messing with him, and no one wanted to mess with him.
Because he was always protecting you, you did your best to do the same. You weren't as powerful as him, but as his significant other, you could make him feel safe in other ways.
The first step was to let him sleep in. The two of you weren't early risers at all, but Satoru could easily out-sleep you.
It was a bit difficult to get out of bed without completely waking him up. He did stir out of sleep and ask where you were going, and when you responded with "I need to pee," he went back to sleep.
You did pee, but then you also brushed your teeth and washed your face before quietly tip-toeing out of the bedroom to go to the kitchen.
You decided to make soufflé pancakes for Satoru to wake up to, but you had to be quiet since you didn't want to ruin the surprise.
You made the soufflé pancakes as quietly as you could, but there would be an occasional banging of pans or clattering of wooden spoons as you attempted to mix everything before putting it on low heat on a pan.
You had never made them before, but you didn't realize how much work truly went into them. If Satoru didn't say thank you for these, you were going to kick his ass.
Once both sides of the soufflé pancakes were finished cooking on the pan, you placed them on a plate and topped it off with whipped cream and fresh strawberries.
Satisfied with your work, you placed the plates on the dining table and put the dirty dishes in the sink. You poured two glasses of milk and placed them on the dining table, then washed and dried your hands before walking back into the bedroom where Satoru was still sleeping.
You leaned over and gently shook him, even though you knew that wouldn't wake him up. Even if it did, he liked to fake it so that he could sleep more.
"Wake up and come get breakfast, 'toru," you gently said. "I made pancakes."
He slowly opened his eyes and blinked away whatever drowsiness he had earlier, then grabbed your hand and placed it on his cheek. You smiled as he rubbed into your hand like a cat.
"Pancakes?" he questioned.
"Mhm. Soufflé pancakes."
"Yep. I made them myself," you said.
"I'll be right there," he said eagerly as he let go of your hand and sat up in bed to stretch before walking to the bathroom to get ready.
You smiled before walking to the dining room and taking a seat. You waited patiently for Satoru, but it didn't take long before he skipped into the dining room.
He must have brushed his teeth at an unholy speed just so he could eat your pancakes sooner. He sat down across from you and his eyes practically sparkled at the sight of soufflé pancakes in the morning.
"They look like they're straight out of a bakery," he complimented.
"Thank you, 'toru. I made them for you," you said as you grabbed a fork and knife.
You cut a small piece and held it out to him. He looked at you with a smile before greedily eating from the fork.
You laughed. "It's not going anywhere, 'toru."
He opened his mouth and waited patiently for another bite. You rolled his eyes, knowing just how childlike he could truly be.
You continued to cut pieces for him, but eventually, he began to do the same for you. The two of you went around in circles, feeding each other until it was all gone.
"Ah, that was so good," he said with a heavy sigh.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," you said as you leaned forward to swipe a crumb off from the corner of his lip.
His infinity turned off to allow you to do so, but as soon as you left his space, it was turned back on unconsciously.
You licked the crumb off your finger and stood up to clear the plates. Satoru immediately stood up and snatched the plates from you.
"I'll do the dishes since you cooked for me," he said.
"Hmm, the Gojo Satoru doing dishes?"
"Hey, I do dishes," he retorted.
You laughed as you followed him into the kitchen. While he stood in front of the sink to wash the dishes, you hugged him from behind.
His infinity stopped you from fully touching him, but as soon as he felt you against it, he turned it off without a second thought. You fell against his body, smothering your cheek against his back.
"I'm glad you're home," you said quietly.
His white eyelashes fluttered down, closing his eyes. He repeated the motion of scrubbing the plate in his hands while enjoying the feeling of your body against him.
"Me too," he said softly.
It scared him to say things like that — statements so pure and raw that he feared they would come crashing down with the power of a million Curses.
He didn't want to talk about things that made him happy in fear of the universe deciding he wasn't worthy of such happiness. A man of his power — of such destruction — shouldn't have been allowed to feel safe and happy.
But here he was, feeling so thankful that you were in his life. If he had to become the villain against humanity to save you, he would. But he wouldn't admit that to anyone.
"Oh! Let me go get my phone to play some music," you said, unwrapping your arms from his torso to scurry off into the bedroom.
He immediately felt cold, and he knew he would be in trouble when he had to go to work tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that.
It was so easy to get addicted to your touch, body, warmth — everything and anything about you. To him, you were addicting.
"I'm back," you said as you shuffled around the corner in your fuzzy socks, sliding against the floors.
"Be careful," he warned quietly, absentmindedly scrubbing the mug in his hands as his eyes were glued onto your body.
"I know, I know," you reassured.
But did you truly know? Satoru always thought he was going to have a heart attack at his young age because of how much he worried about you.
You walked over to him, eyes glued to the screen of your phone as you swiped to find a suitable song for the domestic moment. Once you found it, you hit 'play' and placed your phone on the counter, then hugged Satoru from behind again.
His body relaxed against you. This is what it felt like to have a home. He would do whatever it took to protect you because you protected him in your own way.
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water-to-drink · 2 years
Secret Cuddle Bug!reader
(Pairing): Childe x gn!reader
(Warning): Mention of cat pee (not too detailed though)
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The sun has long set over the horizon in Liyue casting the harbor into night. Most of the usual citizens have retired for the night but not a certain redheaded harbinger
Childe sits in his office filling out paperwork for the bank. The scribbling soon ceases as the ginger puts his pen on the table and leans back on his chair
“Hey are you done working?” You asked from your spot on the sofa
Childe pushed his chair back and his arms out inviting you to sit on his lap which you accepted gladly. Arms wrapped around your figure you rest your head on his shoulder
———————————— ♡ ————————————
When the two of you first meet you were at best indifferent to him and cold at worst. Not responding too positively to his outgoing personality and response negatively to his touchiness
Whenever he would put a hand on your shoulder you would take it off with a stoic expression
You got so sick of him and his physical closeness you started to push him away with a stick that you called your “personal space stick”
There were even times you threatened to spray him with a spray bottle filled with cat piss but now looking back on it he’s convinced it was just water
After a while of you getting used to his presence you didn’t pull out your “personal space ensurers” and Childe making an effort to give you your space
As the two of you get closer Childe got to see your normally neutral exterior and eventually started dating
The first time you asked him to cuddle he was so dumbfounded you retracted your request out of embarrassment. He told you it fine, he just wasn’t expecting you to ask for something he considered be too “intimate” for you
Childe felt so tense when you first snuggled up together. Being so close to you to smell the scent of your body wash and see the length of your lashes had his heart hammering against his chest
After that he would make a slightly cocky remark to hide the blush creeping up on his pale face whenever you would ask to hug him
He would be lying if his heart didn’t almost burst out of his chest whenever he sees this soft spot of yours. It doesn’t help that whenever you ask if he can cuddle with you in the meekest voice ever (his answer is always yes)
Now it’s almost a routine for the both of you, after a stressful day of work the two of you cuddle on the couch and talk about each of your day
Childe’s so used to your cuddling sessions he looks forward to it after a long day at work. He doesn’t know why but there’s something about the warmth you give, heartbeat, and rhythmic breathing, it gives a sense of comfort
He gets a bit antsy when he doesn’t feel your embrace for a long time, it’s the exact reason he hates being on long missions away from you
At this point Childe probably needs these sessions more than you do
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ladyfurbton · 11 months
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Day 30: Fire
Jacques uses a camp fire to roast a marshmellow.
Image Descriptions:
1: Jacques is a 1998 furby with grey fur. His ears are grey with neutral coloured insides. He has a bone white coloured face plate and eyelids with a yellow coloured beak. He has a grey mane going down his back. His eyes are a light blue colour and his feet are yellow with three toes each. He is wearing a grey woolley hat with a pompom on top of it on his head. He is wearing a flannel shirt that is red and black with white buttons on thr front of it. There are two pins on his shirt. One silver tee pee pin and another Canadian flag pin. Jacques is using a camp fire to roast a white marshmellow on a stick that he has in his beak. There is a white caravan behind him. Beside Jacques is a blue backpack the backpack has pictures of koalas on it and red maps of Australia.
2: This is prompts for Furbtober. At the top is "Furbtober" written in white pixelated text. The background is black with a blue border. There are prompts for each day written below in white text. The prompts are as followed: 1. Moth 2. Poison 3. Clown 4. Zodiac/stars 5. Magic 6. Hot chocolate 7. Shrek 8. Retro 9. Oddbody 10. Autumn flowers 11. Horns 12. Witchy 13. Sewing/stitches 14. Long furby 15. Crow 16. Pizza 17. Moon 18. Vintage 19. Angel 20. Demon 21. Candy 22. Ghost 23. Cat 24.monster 25. Feather 26. Scarecrow 27. Goth 28. Vampire 29. Corn 30. Fire 31. Jack O Lantern. At the bottom the hash tags are written in blue text they say "Furbtober" and "Furbtober2023". There are two user names mentioned in pink below the hash tags they say "a_silly_of_furbys" and "cozyfurbcafe" There are three furbys pictured on the bottom. The first furby is a buddy who is in a polaroid photo. "Kevin" is written in pink text on the bottom of the photo. Kevin is a light grey furby buddy with a light pink belly. On his grey fur are black dots. He has light orange feet and a tail and tuff of hair which which is light pink. The inside of his ears are pink. He has blue eyes. Next to the photo of Kevin is s drawing of a black 1998 furby wearing a blue hat that is shaped like a witches hat. The hat has a pink band and pink crystals on it. There is another furby next to the hat wearing furby. The furby  is a l grey furby buddy with a white belly. They have a white mane. The inside of their ears are pink. They have brown eyes. The furby has white dolls arms and legs. End Descriptions.
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vonderbarr · 3 months
It's been awhile since I've done a cat update! In December we adopted a kitten. He was found outside of a haunted castle (or a building that is referred to as a castle), so we named him Edgar. He is definitely more of an Eddie.
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He has a little Clark Gable mustache and his nose is a heart 🖤
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He is very sweet and cute.
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Oscar just turned 10 and hates him.
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Eddie is, of course, obsessed with Oscar. We did all the things you're supposed to do when introducing cats, but Oscar is a big ball of anxiety that hates change so it's been difficult.
There are brief moments of peaceful co-existing.
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But Oscar started spraying for the first time in his life and has been prescribed anxiety meds that I can't make him take on a regular basis. I've tried literally everything. I can manage to put a calm cat probiotic on his dry food and that helps some. I've also bought a motion capture camera to make sure he's using the litter box on a regular basis. We have two, but Oscar prefers one and Eddie prefers what Oscar prefers so I double clean that one. I've gotten really good at neutralizing cat pee.
It's been stressful, but we're going to make it work. We started letting Eddie out at night instead of sequestering him and it went all right, but Oscar's starting to get squirrely so we're putting that on pause.
Sometimes they play/fight and it's difficult to tell which. The vet said that Oscar might not know either. Oscar makes noise, but he's a talker and I've never heard Eddie hiss. I watch for ears going back and hissing/growling. If I see that I separate them, but most of the time it seems like playing.
We have feliway, we have catnip and toys and silvervine and meds and we're doing all the things. Oscar is just a really anxious cat and I didn't realize how anxious until we brought Eddie home.
We're working on it.
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airoarts · 2 years
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[Image description: Better Call Saul fanart depicting Jimmy McGill and Mike Ehrmantraut as anthropomorphic animals. Jimmy is depicted as a brown tabby cat with a pale snout and paws. He is sitting on the ground, leaning against a rock with two travel bags and a bottle of pee next to him, looking down at the ground with a defeated expression. He is wearing a salmon pink shirt with a large blood stain on it and blue pants, and he has a torn ear with dried blood around it. Mike Ehrmantraut, as a brown and white basset hound, is standing on a rock above Jimmy, wearing a gray-green hat, a brown jacket, and gray-green pants. Mike is carrying a large rifle bag and is looking at the desert and sky before him with a neutral expression. The drawing is done in a painterly style with earthy tones. End ID.]
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fagnumopus · 9 months
Whay does it mean to have a good day? A good week? A good year? Or a bad one? How much does a stubbed toe count against a comforting cup of coffee? What measurements are we using, and what's the conversion rate of "good" and "bad"?
How many Goods make a good day, and how many Bads make a bad one?
Was it a bad day? Even if I woke up to a warm cup of coffee with my partner, even if I pet my cats and played with them, even if I went for a walk, even if I looked in the mirror and thought my hair looked nice?
What's the measure of a Bad Thing, and why does it feel like it's always so much heavier than a Good Thing?
How many bad days make a bad month?
What about the neutral things that just happen, too? Taking my meds. Doing the dishes. Working. Peeing. Showering. Are they truly neutral? Have I not succeeded at doing tasks that keep me healthy, safe, and comfortable? When I count my blessings against my curses, why don't I count the things I do nearly every day oh my life to ensure my well-being?
I feel like I count my curses like I count cards, and life is dealing me hand after hand, trying to tell me, "You're alive. You're alive. You're loved and full of love, too", and I don't believe it. I'm always gambling, I always feel like a stubbed toe is a royal straight flush and a good cup of coffee is just a 3 of spades. But maybe life's a little bit less like Poker and a little bit more like Go Fish.
Maybe every day can be a good day because I lived through it and came out the other side a little bit better, a little bit richer, a little bit wiser... and believing in love just a little bit more.
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ratbastarddotfuck · 1 year
I have put you on a pedestal in my head. Not like a "you're a perfect person" pedestal but like a "you are standing over me and intimidating." maybe it's more I put myself in a hole. idk.
Hdshhsh anon come here let me tell you a secret.
No, closer-
Oh shit, look at that! We're on equal footing now!
Anyway - I'm just some guy. I love you and I appreciate you. But look at me, I'm just some guy, you're just some guy (gender neutral), we all are just some guy (gender expansive). I'm not even any good at parties! I spend most of my time wishing I were doing something "better" with it. I don't change out of my pyjamas most days. I slept kinda weird last night and now my neck hurts. I'm putting off getting up (even tho I'm really hungry and need to pee) because my cat is sitting on top of me.
Look at me! I'm just a fruit with heart shaped glasses. You could be that too, if you wanted! These glasses cost me $30!
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I love you and you are special in the same way everyone is and we are both just people and I am shaking your hand and giving you a hug if you want it!!!
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bluebeetle · 2 years
Woke up at 6 am to finish cleaning and was done a lil bit before 10. Person for photos not here yet still. Cat got pee on the case for my grandmas sewing machine and damaged the outside and im trying my best to neutralize the smell but h&
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Playing the sims 4 be like:
Game takes an eternity to load.
Sims have their romantic and sexual attraction changed for some reasons.
Cannot fucking find where I can change my sims' boundaries. They are all stuck as monogamous.
Sims keeps on putting on her wedding dress, which is not her formal outfit but the weeding outfit the game randomly generates.
Sims cannot use a furniture they could use before, they say the path is blocked but it isn't.
Try to enter buildmode to fix it. The game crashes.
Pet needs to be taken to the veterinary. The veterinary never take a look at my pet. It's been hours, my sims is hungry and need to pee. My sims is now stuck on the toilet and will just not stop peeing. The only way I can get out of this purgatory is by clicking the phone to go home. A full day in game past and THE PET STILL NEED TO GO TO THE VET.
Game takes eternity to load lots.
Get invited on a date, go to the date, the date leaves immediately. Great. Happens everytime.
Go to the restaurant, never gets food.
Game takes an eternity to load lots. Or maybe it crashed again. Nope, just loading.
Sims complains about the decorations. It's the colors they love, they do not hate any style, and they do not have the snobbish or materialist traits. They are always uncomfortable in their perfectly cute apppartment, I don't understand.
Sims I just befriend wants to move in, I pick "No" because I don't wanna. They get really mad. Happen everytime I befriend a sims.
Sims I started dating wants to get married now, I pick "No". They get really mad. Really annoying, we went on your first date yesterday dude.
Cupidcorner takes an eternity to load profiles. Starts loading profiles for sims my sims is turned on by, but changed the sims available for ones that are neutral when it finishes loading.
Married sims have no relationship satisfaction thingy, the game doesn't recognize them as in a relationship just for that.
Cat get stuck on some furniture and is now starving. There is nothing blocking them, they could always get down before, but now it's been stuck here for a full sims day and it's crying for food. There's food in their bowl.
Game refuses to let me do anything. I cannot click on anything. I cannot even change sims.
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goldencatuae · 29 days
Cat scratch pads for floor
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Cat owners have to invest in the right supplies for their felines, meaning food, feline litter, toys, preparing packs and such. Despite the fact that it probably won't appear to be vital from the get go, however a feline scratching post is fundamental, and it gets many advantages conversation. With respect to canine proprietors, the adage is something similar and you have numerous items accessible, including doggy preparing cushions, reasonable for housetraining.
The feline scratching post is reasonable for felines of any age and it makes the life simpler for feline proprietors also. For instance, cats that have a ton of energy will value having their jungle gym. They will conform to their new home effectively and will turn out to be more agreeable and partial to. On the off chance that you even hang some toys to the post, you will find harmony of psyche and a blissful kitty. Felines have a characteristic inclination to scratch and in the event that you don't offer them something they will take on what they have around the house, the furnishings.
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It occurs on many events to get back and find your valuable furniture scratched and, surprisingly, obliterated by your fuzzy companion. You can redirect the feline's consideration towards the scratching post and train it to play mostly there. Obviously, you probably won't prevail all along and this doesn't mean your furniture will be left safe, however the feline can be prepared. You can put a few treats on the post or even catnip. Numerous proprietors think about scratching an unfortunate behavior pattern, yet truly the action is good for felines. Their hooks are kept in a great shape and they get to practice too and become more quiet and more settled.
Solid felines will scratch without stressing over anything and thusly it is suggested purchasing and introducing a scratching post inside the house. You can find numerous accessible sizes and shapes, in view of how much space you have, you can pick the thing that turns out best for yourself as well as your feline's necessities. In the event that you end up having numerous felines, you can take advantage that they generally prefer to scratch and assist set up a shared conviction with the assistance of the post. They will play and communicate around the post and along these lines, they will improve. There are many benefits worth considering and numerous items to browse.
Canine proprietors have some work on their hand too, particularly when they have a doggy. Playing with it and having it around the house is a delight, yet it must be prepared appropriately too. Pup preparing cushions are incredible choices to litter boxes or papers. Utilized as a brief arrangement, the cushions are profoundly helpful to utilize, and you won't feel that housebreaking is such a task. They will safeguard the floor and they have pheromones inside to make doggies pee on them. A few imaginative items likewise have scent neutralizers, meaning they limit the smell.
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angelohathway · 8 months
Odor Removal - How to Go About It
An odor is a chemical compound which is volatilized and remains in reduced focus. Animals and people regard odors by the sense of odor; they are occasionally described as scents. Refrigerators are susceptible to odors particularly when the food that is stored is spoiling or is ruined. The moment one takes notice of solid odors coming from the refrigerator, it is important to look for the resource of the smell.
Such smells are an indicator that mold, mold and microorganisms are reproducing in the fridge. This is an unhealthy atmosphere for storing food and consequently Odor removal in this appliance should be done as quickly as the scent is discovered. As soon as the fridge has actually been plagued with negative smells, it is necessary to start cleansing it instantly to be able to remove the odor. The first thing to do is to get rid of every little thing in the fridge and throw away all the food which has been kept for an extended period. A kitchen area cleaner or a mix of water and cooking soft drink needs to be made use of to clean up the within the fridge. Much concentration ought to be positioned on getting rid of spots or spills within to ensure that the fridge is deodorized and after that rubbed clean.
If the odors prove to be persistent, then it might ask for some extreme procedures. On means is by putting a pan that has some sodium bicarbonate in the refrigerator. Preferably the door of the fridge must be exposed and also disconnected to ensure that there can be complimentary flow of air and for the baking soda to soak up the odors. The refrigerator must be cleaned regularly and grocery store in securely fit containers. Smell removers can be made use of to get rid of odors also. They can be utilized on a variety of home furnishings, garments and home spaces. Basically, the smell removers work in two methods; one is by creating a more powerful smell than the existing one while on the other hand it can be made use of to counteract a smell.
One more common odor is that from family pets which transpires as an outcome of family pet urine and fur. The pet dog odor elimination is hard and it requires perseverance. Pet dog pee controls amongst all the odor related troubles. This is since there are specific times when the pee goes through carpet backing and may reach the below flooring also. When this happens, there is no selection but to get rid of the carpet. Smell removal on the rug can first and fore needs to be done by cleaning up the carpeting using a neutralizer; an instance is the products which are enzyme based which are offered in many vet practices. These ought to after that be used for rubbing the below floors utilizing a brush.
Neutralizers and vinegar can be utilized to eliminate the pet smells within the home like canine urine areas. The pee must firstly be blotted, https://www.colomba.bg/usluga/premahvane-na-mirizmi-ozonirane/ and then the item used utilizing the instructions offered. Repeat applications might be required prior to the odor is absolutely eliminated. Ammonia must never ever be made use of in odor removal as it makes the smell even worse.
Inexperienced pet cats or dogs have a tendency to dirty the floor or upholstery the majority of the times leaving a long-term sink and stain behind. At those times, you may have attempted different urine smell elimination methods in order to eliminate it and got frustrated to see your pet cat still going back to the exact same area and pee again.
Actually, numerous approaches function efficiently however, the majority of the pet cat proprietors fail in getting rid of the feline pee smell since they make one typical error. The blunder is to apply the incorrect method in various situations. As an example, you can not use the very same approach which removes the pet cat urine smell from a rug to eliminate pet cat pee on furniture.
You should bear in mind that firstly a pet cat's urine has ammonia that offers feline urine a poignant odor and therefore utilizing any type of material that contains ammonia to eliminate the scent will just intensify it and second of all attempting to scrub off a pet cat pee stain with a cleaning agent won't aid. feline pee stains are stubborn if you don't make use of the right approach.
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only-lonely-lovers · 10 months
tags: pee, blowjobs, sick during sex
notes: includes discussion of personal experiences with chronic illness and sex
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
[discussing a draft of our fic, which involves assisted peeing]
つ:oh my surprise at… pee…. ah my embarrassment is so immense over it that I get shy like n-no you don't have to cater to meeee don't force yourself!! but. I know bird likes too and, this is very tasteful…. I like uhm, that it feels like sucking it clean is actually such a natural tsukasa impulse, if licking tears is… why not? I like that Amane's response is as good as being raspberry'd on the tummy, like WHEEUUhh hehe but like hrgh stop at once, as much as it is with anything…. Tsukasa really does feel like a little alien without a naturally forming sexuality, it's more like all of amane's body is equivocal… there can't be disgust about tears, pee, boogies, anything…..
I like that this would be earlier in the TL, maybe when he's more like 3 or something…. not the world's sickest kid. but a very sick kid. an early 3 i mean
あ:Uhuhm, I wanted it to be like… You're starting to be more quarantined and missing out on stuff, and it's frustrating because you miss it. But you're not going to DIE from the strain, it's just foolish, a genuine hubris…
つ:its just inadvisable…. not yet feeling enough intense consequences as to completely understand you can't do it…
あ:Anddd... when I think about being very sick at 3, it really feels like ah, wouldn't it be soo easy to get into incidents where you wet yourself or something. Just didn't plan it. But amane also being like sooo the kind of kid who is going to want to die at such a mistake
つ:would be so humiliated…. you imagine this is a kid who was quick to potty train, anyway….
あ:Wanna do it m'self. Always more geared to that mindset, like mleh no thanks i got it…
Hehe I was hoping to just kinda keep the contents a surprise. but i want it too and I hope Avvy can keep that in mind when she looks over something like this hehe💞
in general tsukasa comes off as such a 'oh, you missed a spot. mlem.' kid , genuinely just showing affection this way, isnt able to at all worry about the optics
つ:such an earnest PoV…. mm I just do like nothing ah, 'interrupting' in its tone or tenor, just cuz weenie involved… since it's tsukasa's PoV, the neutrality of it all, and benign curious interest and ah, the desire to problem-solve for Amane is the root of doing anything…
あ:Despite everything he has a caretaker learn and is trying to think about Amane's wellbeing and entertainment
There's really no dramatic emphasis its like oop. careful with your weenie here let me just
and on Amane's end it's almost like sigh i did this to myself. But i liked the thought of this just being a sensation he kinda has in the back of his brain like mguh….
It happened so quick and also so seamlessly with everything else and he wasn't even looking. that it's like. what was that. something
つ:shouldn't have complained bout this or that… being fussy about anything just creates more circumstance for tsukasa to be forward-thinking
あ:ahh yes. a kind of boy… Lick you clean you up
つ:nobody likes to be messy… amane is like a cat
but its like ah…. Tsukasa is legitimately and consistently the thoughtful sibling, memorizing your favorite things, and needs… I like that Tsukasa is this, but not responsible… shows here. his allegiance is to Amane, and that's that there would be no disobeying Amane's command even if it was inadvisable, even if it would be better to listen to mom…
あ:It's really like, I cannot not-listen to Amane…. It's what he wants…. Tsukasa simply trusting that if Amane wanted him to fetch parents, that he would cave and beseech
つ:and the lack of empathy, means he can just watch you cough and note the cadence, repetition, how often it is… less mm, overwhelmed or panicked than someone else would be…. if amane said to wait and he can do it… then…. ok! i wait.
あ:i am good i wait. rub rub. nuzz. i love you simply in observation of amane's pain.. perhaps, feeling too much admiration of him during it. but not malicious!! so key
つ:and it's touching, if he's enduring it to be outside with you…. that feels beautiful.
あ:it's like oh… I promise I will appreciate it sooo much i do i do
つ:uhm but, bird did a good job capturing the energy… I'm feeling like our take on tsukasa's ah, interest, is ssso satisfying and rewardingly congruous with the canon…. it feels like a pure kind of love. I like that Amane, who is a bit more typical in his brain shape in some ways, is mystified by it… he has a sliight more natural inclination to be like, urghk… tsukasa…. [a little exasperated]….. its so… ah why are you like this.. (shouldn't you know its a little…..) but, not even at an age where its like, you know, "dont do that its weird/sexual/etc" as much as a natural sense of protectiveness i think anyone has for private/embarrassing things or 'gross' things….! its really not a… no homo at that age, its a. [just sortof feeling boundaries a bit crossed over, and that it's self-evident as well]
lacking the language to really state any of that, either
つ:uhhhooo I will saaay…~ that you don't likely remember anything said during Big Blowjob, buuuuut there was an instruction amongst the rambling, and it's enabled a certain kind of fantasy since…. genuinely a kind I wouldn't indulge without the urging! I feel so: hai. About it. ! Amane said… that I should think about doing this (smex) with him at any point… that he should have been doing it from the start. He wanted me to think about it! Naturally, it just isn't plausible or a thing that happened, so I don't just think of it….. but, thinking of completely different timelines… its very nice~ in particular very little sick blowjob is pleasant… having to be extremely gentle, slow by design…. being pet while Amane lays back, and yet when he coughs it tenses the body in such a way to shortly buck him up into mouth a few times, so even the coughing fits intermittently, are a treasure… an aspect not to be sad about, but to cherish…. more of a soothing sensation to share than anything…. and rewarding for him, to have something nice. Very clipped in words… having to focus on breathing. Just muttering 'thank you' or 'good job….' now and again… not talkative.
あ:Uoh. Well….. …… … it's like Amane just wanted to take you where he has been at I suppose. Don't leave me here all alone with these thoughts … …… but also enjoy yourself too….
Feel soo basic about sick blowies but I like the thought of them too… it's the thought of getting a taste of pleasure amidst such a troubled time. As embarrassing as Amane could feel I think the brain is just so desperate for a soothing sensation, the binkie of a slow blowjob could be immense. Long and very slow… don't want to leave it… In a way it's as kind as Tsukasa sneaking you extra ice cream or something, have to just be appreciative. Thank you for. being willing to do this.
It'd be a low pressure enough situation where he doesn't have to think about performing much, it's nice to just lay back and receive. And space out through the experience
つ:I like Amane becoming very casually spoiled… and yet also, arrogant about it a bit… his life is so hard, and it all hurts so bad, it's not something he's embarrassed or shy to ask for once it's going…. if tsukasa is so healthy, if breath isn't so precious to him and hard-earned, he may as well be here doing this
I imagine like for Bird it can feel like it keeps symptoms at bay sometimes….. a brief interlude
あ:seems like the sort of thing that one could just get acclimated to like (doesnt lift head or look up, just reaches hands in the direction of, grabby motions.) give… come here…
It's really like whatever sex fires off in you, sometimes just dulls everything and you stop coughing or sneezing so much.
Sick boy is removed enough from having to think about idk the consequences of doing such a thing, it doesn't feel risky or bad to teach Tsukasa this. it's like his personal right. if i like it, then it's my choice and it's fine. [like not capable of worrying abt what this does to your relationship or something]
almost like a bit too confident like: ehh tsukasa likes it ofc >> much like tsukasa will like many thing. its my choice tho just looking for pleasure. [griffin voice] ohh any moisture at all
つ:it is like.. tsukasa is not picky…. about his time… and he's always putting stuff in his mouth, whateverrrr
あ:oh to see you like sobbing when days go by and there is no tsukasa
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the fact that amane is really more quick to cry and frequently crying…. makes it soo easy to imagine just miserable. so sad
つ:oh it makes me think of the brainlessness of the amane looking for tsukasa like hehe where are you. [looks around] …..
あ:it surely started out ala jake singing where - is - finn! and then devolved into this
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finds your teddybear and just sorta feels like ❔ idgi
つ:sleep with both bears….
あ:oh all the stages of grief a newly healthy amane can have. he's , just a kid, i think it really was like sobs. but likely not in front of parents i think, it's like. you watch your parents freaking out and trying to call the police and going out looking for tsukasa and you're shut down for that. but i think laying alone in bed is like [facedown crying]
and surely just being like . maybe he got lost. maybe he's in the backyard somewhere maybe he saw something…
つ:hnnhnhnnnnn snfsnf.... i imagine mom/dad are also very like... its gonna be okay amane... we'll find him soon.... and he's just . ok.
あ:to his face they are surely placating and reassuring, don't worry son. but i think he can observe as they are frazzled and panicked…
i think amane just has to feel so stupid like. …. i not sick anymore. ………. ………… .. [doesnt. want to do anything outside.] maybe really becoming two bears everywhere boy. its the last thing he touched. ohhh roachie…. oh my god roachie no no no… [intrinsically sad that this is the last thing tsuaksa put his mouth on]
with my new healthy boy body i run around the yard calling tsukasa's name, further devastating my grieving parents inside the house that stupid emotion like, you're gonna find tsukasa asleep under a log or something. he got lost and was on his way home and got tired and fell asleep behind a tree
つ:thinking maybe the police don't know where to look…. you know where tsukasa would go… use your newfound stregt to yell into storm draains. maybe he chased a frog down into one….
あ:amane, bearer of 500 emotions: why tsukasa… why did you have to run outside… [angry] why did you leave me-!!! what did you see something shiny. MG D FHD!!! FDHG [crying] or…. maybe he… he didn't like the birthday….? [devastated] ….. … or, he- [idk imagining him falling into a river] nooo
what if he's in the well
つ:he's in that storm drain
あ:Truly its like. but hte police don't know tsukasa. They don't know he could've been beguiled by a shiny beetle
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ladyfurbton · 1 year
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Furbtober 2023
Day 6: Hot chocolate
Jacques enjoys a nice hot chocolate out of his new cup.
Image Descriptions:
1: Jacques is a 1998 furby with grey fur. His ears are grey with neutral coloured insides. He has a bone white coloured face plate and eyelids with a yellow coloured beak. He has a grey mane going down his back. His eyes are a light blue colour and his feet are yellow with three toes each. He is wearing a grey woolley hat with a pompom on top of it on his head. He is wearing a flannel shirt that is red and black with white buttons on thr front of it. There are two pins on his shirt. One silver tee pee pin and another Canadian flag pin. He is sitting next to a brown table. The table has a white teacup on it. The tea cup is white and has a Canadian flag on it with red text that says "Whistler Canada" below the flag. The Canadian flag is white with red sides and a red maple leaf in the centre. Huck who is a yellow worm on a string is near Jacques feet.
2: This is prompts for Furbtober. At the top is "Furbtober" written in white pixelated text. The background is black with a blue border. There are prompts for each day written below in white text. The prompts are as followed: 1. Moth 2. Poison 3. Clown 4. Zodiac/stars 5. Magic 6. Hot chocolate 7. Shrek 8. Retro 9. Oddbody 10. Autumn flowers 11. Horns 12. Witchy 13. Sewing/stitches 14. Long furby 15. Crow 16. Pizza 17. Moon 18. Vintage 19. Angel 20. Demon 21. Candy 22. Ghost 23. Cat 24.monster 25. Feather 26. Scarecrow 27. Goth 28. Vampire 29. Corn 30. Fire 31. Jack O Lantern. At the bottom the hash tags are written in blue text they say "Furbtober" and "Furbtober2023". There are two user names mentioned in pink below the hash tags they say "a_silly_of_furbys" and "cozyfurbcafe" There are three furbys pictured on the bottom. The first furby is a buddy who is in a polaroid photo. "Kevin" is written in pink text on the bottom of the photo. Kevin is a light grey furby buddy with a light pink belly. On his grey fur are black dots. He has light orange feet and a tail and tuff of hair which which is light pink. The inside of his ears are pink. He has blue eyes. Next to the photo of Kevin is s drawing of a black 1998 furby wearing a blue hat that is shaped like a witches hat. The hat has a pink band and pink crystals on it. There is another furby next to the hat wearing furby. The furby  is a l grey furby buddy with a white belly. They have a white mane. The inside of their ears are pink. They have brown eyes. The furby has white dolls arms and legs. End Descriptions.
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akikoseagle · 1 year
Tips to Pet Pee Odor Removal
Among the most amazing experiences for any household is bringing your brand-new pup or kittycat home. These cute as well as cuddly children quickly become members of the household, however they can wreak havoc on furnishings and carpets until they are fully house trained. It prevails for a dog or cat to have crashes from time to time, some also discover a room in your home that they consider their toilet, which can lead to years of problems.
The biggest trouble is that pet dog urine is just one of the hardest odors to eliminate from fabrics and also carpets, you need to take unique care the min that you notice your family pet has actually stained the carpet, щракнете върху тази връзка сега and after that contact a group of specialists that can utilize their innovative modern technology to get rid of the smell completely.
Failing to get rid of the odor will keep drawing your pet dog to that location, as they believe this is the area they are meant to go, so taking on the issue as soon as possible is the only way to truly quit your animal from staining in the exact same area time and time again.
The min you notice your family pet has actually stained the carpeting or has actually gone to the bathroom on your favored fabric couch, it's time to get into action. When you have actually reprimanded the family pet as well as put them outside or in their "rowdy" location, you want to get to work. The very best things to make use of including an absorbing towel as well as some paper towels.
Beginning by soaking up as a lot of the liquid as possible. If the dog has done extra that urinate, you will certainly wish to eliminate it utilizing your paper towels, so you can focus on the stain that may develop.
Absorb the liquid very carefully, use paper towels if required, however whatever you do, do not scrub the area. Blot the area over as well as over again, putting the towel on the area, permitting it to take in the liquid and then positioning a tidy towel and also repeating the procedure until it is a somewhat damp area as well as not soaking damp.
Since this has actually been completed, you intend to get rid of the danger of the family pet going there once again, yet likewise get rid of the risk of a stain, specifically if you have a light tinted rug or furniture. Beginning by mixing a tsp of carpet cleaning agent to half a pint of warm water and after that add a further teaspoon for white vinegar. Carefully dab the combination onto the location, beginning with the outdoors and also working your way in. Ensure you don't over-wet the location, rather dip your fabric right into the service and after that swab it on the location.
Always wash the area extensively with a blend of water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Again completely dry the area by dabbing it with a tidy absorbent cloth. When the location has been cleaned up and rinsed, you want to ensure your animal urine smell removal has functioned which your family pet will not be inclined to return to the location over and over once again.
You can buy a pet dog smell neutralizer at your neighborhood family pet store which you can use on the location, this must prevent your family pet, but while this keeps your animal at bay, it's suggested to search for a reliable carpeting and also upholstery cleaning business that can come in and place their specialized cleansing treatment to work. A lot of the trusted upholstery cleaning companies provide a pet dog urine smell neutralizer, which can leave your carpetings as well as furnishings tidy and scenting fresh.
ChemDry of Broward Area is a carpeting cleaning expert with years of knowledge as well as experience in the market. This reputable firm has a devoted group of professionals who concentrate on providing the finest quality cleaning services to property and also commercial customers. They use their own The Naturals solution, which has been awarded a green accreditation. This all-natural, risk-free and also non-toxic formula uses much faster drying times. ChemDry of Broward Region use carbonated deep cleaning, making use of less liquid to minimize the danger of mold and mildew and mildew under your carpets.
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