cedriiii · 2 months
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Gabriel ft some outfits
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GR. ZUNDER (Groß Zünder) - now Cedry Wielkie, Poland
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anyzstuff · 28 days
One of the things I love and hate Oneshot for, is how small our knowledge about it's world actually is, and how much place for discussion and speculation we have. Which is why I also look forward to The Margin of the Strange (I'm gonna use MotS for short) so much.
I am not the first person to bring up the theory about MotS and Oneshot existing in one multiverse, like this one, which is the strongest evidence we have to back up this theory (for now)
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From the official MotS site/steam page description :
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I am saying "for now" since we can't know for sure, and since MotS community has found an ARG on the official site. (Shout out to Margin of Error on YT) And though I do not know if it's been solved, this may give us more lore info and maybe some signs that it IS a part of the same multiverse the world of Oneshot takes place in, but it's now its just a speculation.
Tho if MotS WILL be a part of that multiverse it could give us an incredible amount of information we didn't happen to know about before regarding the Real world Oneshot originates from. Like for example why do worlds die? Is it a common event in the multiverse? How does the process of the world dying looks like and is it similar for all of the worlds? Is there any kind of system of balance, where if one world dies, the other ones can be affected by it as well, like some kind of a domino effect? What's the space BETWEEN the worlds? Void? Right now we cannot answer any of these, and it would be really nice if MotS could maybe give us at least some information about it, since from what we can see, in Ling's world the whole topic of researching about another worlds and the multiverse itself is a much larger and more important part of the game then it was in Oneshot, where we pretty much saw nothing except Author's notes, George and some info the solstice trio gave us.
These are just the topics i would've loved the fandom to talk about more. As if for my own thoughts: the process of the world dying is probably a common thing in the multiverse (at least i would think so, that's more of a headcanon since we don't have anything on this topic AT ALL). But it's genuinely scary to think about how the dying world looks like. I would speculate that it's pretty much a cold weather that gets even colder as the time goes on (since the sun is dead), lack of clouds or snow(for the same reason) and lack of food like fruits, vegetables or plants in general, if they weren't able to adapt to cold temperatures and dry air (which I'm sure most plants wouldn't adapt to). That's just something i imagine when i think of the process of the real world dying based of of information we're given. We can also see that a lot of Oneshot characters who we see outside DO wear warm clothes, scarfs, coats, ect. (Lamplighter, Cedric or even Niko themselves) Or have feathers/fur can help to warm up (yeah I'm talking abt glenfolks and Rue). Even Author himself is seen wearing a warm jacket, scarf and a hat in every official art we've seen. But this all can be explained as just design elements and not actually mean anything, but it's still a funny thing I've noticed.
Despite the fandom pretty much pushing this character aside compared to the rest of the Solstice trio, which upsets me a lot not only because I've had a literal hyperfixation on this guy for nearly 8 months, but also because he's literally one of the most interesting characters in the whole game. He's literally THE SON OF THE AUTHOR, ONE OF THE CHARACTERS THAT WE DON'T KNOW SH- ABOUT. THE CREATOR OF THE TWM. GUYS, I MEAN-
We also do NOT know about his origin, but I am personally heavily leaning towards the "Cedric is a robot" theory, not only because of one dialogue that we all know about (the one where Cedric and Rue answer Niko's question abot how it is to be a robot), and that one tweet Night made that "Cedric technically counts" while talking about cute anime tobot boys, but also because of the lack of his mother-
Okay-okay, I know it sounds weird, BUT. We literally have ZERO mentions of Cedric's hypothetical mother/Author's wife, which I highly doubt could've been a case if she DID exsist at all, because of how Cedric refers to The Author a lot, and because of the fact that i think that if Cedric's mom DID exist, Author would've tried to save her in the simulation, or at least would've mentioned her at least once in any of his notes, even if she was dead. So this all makes me think that Cedric did NOT have a mom at all, and has.
Also, as we know, Cedric is pretty fckn young, not much older then Proto, which mean that the world was already decaying by the time Ced came to life (born or made, I'll use the word made since I'm assuming he's a robot). This makes me ask a question: Why was he made? Author couldn't just waste time on something like this while he was working on TWM and trying to save the dying world? So that makes me think that Cedric, just like Proto, was made with a purpose. We do now what it is, maybe it's operating the flying machine, maybe Author already made a backup plan that later became the solstice route, or maybe Author created Cedric as someone who would in the the future continue his own research on the multiverse in the simulation. We don't know.
But here's a problem with this theory: we clearly have a picture of Cedric, where he's seen as a child.
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(official art by Nightmargin, based on a sprite we see in game)
This. This can either be explained as Cedric having two or three different versions of the body (kinda like Proto being the first design for Prophet bot), but adjusted to imitate him "growing up" OR an indicator of Cedric not being a robot/not completely being a robot. Sadly we do not have any information to back up either the first or the second theory. Tho I saw a third one about Cedric dying at some point in live and being revived as a robot, this is a pure speculation since again, lack of information, tho there was a mention of Cedric previously crashing into a wall on a flying machine and in my mind, i have no idea how the hell did he survive, if he didn't jump off in time (and we know he has a parachute lmao). Tho i also do not know when it could even happen. Maybe in the real world or the previous iterations of The World Machine.
Cedric truly fascinates me as a character. We know so little about him and his and his siblings past life. He seems to have such a traumatic and heavy past, he's a literal TEEN who's a part of a master plan and one of the few on who's shoulder there's a literal fate of the digital remainings of his homeworld and his own life. His father just DISAPPEARED and we still have no idea where and how Author is, in what state he is. A ghost? A spirit? A God just like us? Or is he in the Void somewhere and that's why he can't see what ACTUALLY happens in the world, tho he can feel what's happening? Or maybe he's in the core of The World Machine, since it needs a living soul inside of it to operate? So many questions, so many theories, yet they're pretty much left out in the fandom.
I fckn love Oneshot and i can talk about it for hours. If i missed something or you have something to say - be free to reblog, it's an open conversation and I am more then happy to read y'all's thought and opinions.
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sleepyfan-blog · 11 days
Author’s Note: This is the next part of Cedric’s adventures in the Husbandry AU! A big thanks to @kit-williams for allowing me to borrow her ocs Arnault, Roland, Angela and Backerin! Masterlist here
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @i-am-a-dragon34 @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Warnings: Mentions of Petras and his bullshit, please ask me to tag something if I missed it/somethign bothers you
Summary: Cedric introduces Pallius and Olivar to Roland, Arnault and their bonded humans. 
“Olivar, Pallius how are you doing today?” Cedri asked curiously as he watched how two still-healing Brothers carefully stretch and limber up for the low-intensity physical training class that they were going to be participating in later today.
“... Pretty good. Why? Are they going to torment us with some other kinds of boring, basic exercises while not letting us outside of the base?” Olivar grumbled, a surly frown appearing on his face as he slowly eased himself through the leg stretches that he’d been ordered to use. Why the micromanaging bastards thought all of this was necessary when he’d been left to tend punishment-inflicted wounds on his own before, and had managed well enough on his own, thank you very much… The young Black Templar did not know. On the other hand, Cedric did say that his wounds had killed him in M42. 
“Are they concerned that Ancient Terra is so perilous that we need to be at our absolute best, when outside of the base? I know the legends say that cruel and mad sorcerer-kings fought over dominion of HOly Terra for years uncounted before He smote them  and the false idols they worshipped as Gods… But I thought that had been during The Long Night… Has Humanity already scattered across the stars?” Pallius asked, his blue-brown eyes shining with curiosity and nervousness in equal measure.
Cedric hesitated before answering “THe chief apothecary is limiting your movements in order to ensure that you both are healing correctly. There… As for the dangers of Ancient Holy Terra… The most dangerous threat to us as Astartes are the similarly time-displaced renegade and Heretic Astartes. However their witch-bond connection to the Warp is significantly reduced, and using the Warp for unnatural acts is much harder. In part due to the fact that the Eye of Terror does not exist at this point in time. At this time, only Holy Terra holds Humanity.”
“.. Does that mean that there are only three major ruinous powers at the moment?” Olivar asked, straightening out of his stretch, a curious expression appearing on his face “Why do our hosts -who are allegedly loyalists too, suffer traitors and worse to live?  The heretics could corrupt the mortals of this time. Why would they allow-” Olivar stood up, agitated and worried, starting to pace around “Is that why you’re being so cautious in what you tell us, Cedric? What… what bargains have you made in order to ensure that the supplies and time we are luxuriating in using to heal?”
Cedric blinked, reaching out to try and placate his easily riled brother “There are maybe upwards of five-hundred thousand Astartes total on Ancient and Holy Terra. There are less than ten billion mortals total on Ancient  Terra. Luna and Mars have yet to be colonized… Much less the Jovian shipyards and supporting moon colonies to be built. I have been told that should an all-out war happen between the different Astartes factions, it would only devastate humanity in it’s infancy and sabotage everything we stand for and wish to protect.”
“And what about the heretics and their corrupting natures? Or have the firstborns who run things not told you?” Pallius chimed in, visibly concerned. He had also stopped stretching, the information his brother was telling them was too important not to give his full and undivided attention to.
Cedric sighed “I have been told that there is a treaty in place that goes over those questions and a great many other concerns. Chaos and Witchery in general is much more difficult to use and reach here and now. I’ve been told this repeatedly… And both Claude and Jophiel agree with that, that Witchery is much harder to use.”
“Who else is here, that we know?” Oliver asked curiously, mind racing. He wasn’t sure how much he trusted the information about Witchery, but he could tell that Cedric was telling him the truth as he knew it.
“Alive? Ramiel, Olly, and…” Cedric swallowed hard “Chaplain captain Petras. The Honorable Chaplain leads a small band of Firstborn Brothers and wanders as the God Emperor wills them to. Dead? Malachai and Lestras. THey also arrived on Ancient Terra Badly injured… Unfortunately, they were too injured to survive their wounds, despite best efforts to keep them alive.”
The three of them weren’t the only ones in this training room - there were about a dozen or so injured Firstborn Brother-Cousins in groups of three to six, being monitored by an apothecary or well-trained mortal as they stretched and went about their exercises. The chance that their conversation might be overheard was very high, so the young Apothecary was trying to hint to his fellow Primaris Brothers to choose their words carefully without saying or signing such outright, and potentially get more scrutiny placed on them. Cedric had already been dodging the questions about why and how so many of the primaris Black Templars were arriving on Ancient Terra with the same kinds of injuries and state of near-death.
“Ugh. Of course he is here. Is he as much of a heavy-handed bastard here as he is at home?” Olivar asked with the tact the God-Emperor gave a buzzfly. 
Cedric silently whispered a prayer of protection, grace and patience before answering with as much neutrality as he could conjure in his voice “Olivar… Your bluntness gets you into trouble… Please take care with how you speak.”
Pallisu whacked Olivar on the back of the head lightly at the same time “Olivar! You can’t say that out loud about a chaplain! You’re going to get all of us doing penitent punishment for weeks, if not longer.”
“I want my question answered!” Olivar pouted, glaring up at both of them “And you both know I”m right about him.”
“... I haven’t had the opportunity to interact with him directly yet. I haven’t been on Ancient Terra for very long, and he rarely visits this base.” Cedric hedged before changing the subject “However there are a couple of firstborn Brothers who live here in town. I like and respect them both quite a bit.”
“... Like you respect Apothecary Xonfreid… Or like us and Ramel?” Pallisu asked, covering his mouth with one hand as he asked quietly, his voice barely a whisper. Uncertain hope flickered across his face.
“Hrmph. Just who are these Older Brothers? Why do they stay in one place?” Olivar huffed, not wanting to get his hopes up.
“Battle Brother Roland Lichtner is bonded to Miss Becky, who is very nice. She makes baked goods for a living. Do you remember the brot that I shared with you two last week?” Cedric began, suppressing a mischievous grin with difficulty. 
“That was the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten. Of course I remember the bread.” Olivar answered, wistful “I want more…”
“Yeah, the taste! The texture! It was almost overwhelming in a good way. You called it sourdough?” Pallius answered, grinning.
“Miss Becky made that loaf of sourdough herself.” Cedric revealed. “As for the other Older Brother… He is bonded to Miss Angela. She’s a quiltmaker and I think a seamstress as well? Do you remember that weighted quilt that I brought over for us to huddle together under during the thunderstorm yesterday?”
“Yeah.” Pallius answered quietly.
Olivar nodded silently, shuddering a little at the memory of the horrible sounds that the thunder had made. “Wait… The renowned sniper, Roland Lichtner?”
Pallius’ eyes widened. He had been undergoing training in M42 as a Sniper -while Glorious Melee was best, he had a steady aim and a good eye - and besides. The Cowardly Xenos and bastard Heretics used long-range, and so a certain number of Brothers were chosen to learn to use similar but sanctified weapons in order to pick them off before they downed their melee brothers. “He… He lives here?” He saw the other as an exemplar of what it was to be a Black Templar Sniper. 
“He does! In the town, not specifically on base.” Cedric explained, a grin on his face, watching Pallius’ eyes light up with awe and delight.
“You mentioned a second Firstborn Brother? And his… Bonded? What do you mean by bonded?” Olivar asked curiously.
Cedric quickly explains what he understands of Bonding, before revealing “Miss Angela is bonded to Brother Arnault Wach. She’s the one who made that lovely quilt.”
“As… As in Emperor’s Champion Arnault Wach?” Olivar asked, his voice a startled squeak.
Cedric nodded, still grinning “Do you want to meet them? I’ve been given permission to take the two of you off base and to meet brothers Roland und Arnault and their bonded?”
“... Today? Now-ish?” Olivar asked, voice still shaky, eyes wide.
Cedric nodded “We’d have to walk over to where they are, but ja. I was thinking we’d go to the Bakery first, talk to bruder Roland und his Bonded, get something to eat - don’t worry, I have enough local currency for the three of us and then head over to Bruder Arnault’s und his Bonded’s home.” He looked them both other “Unless you’re not feeling up to it? They want to meet you. Oh! We’re not supposed to tell Brother Arnault he’s an Emperor’s Champion, as he was pulled from a time before he became one.”
“Oh… That makes sense.” Pallius hummed, nodding a little. “I’d like to shower first, and change into the nicer set of civilian clothes that were given to me, but otherwise I’m ready to meet them.”
Olivar nodded “I would like a bit of time to prepare, but I am ready to face - er. Meet them today as well.”
Cedric nodded, smiling a little. He’d asked Ramiel if he wanted to come on this trip too, but the young Judicar was busy with training today. “Alright. Meet you at the front desk in an hour?”
The other two Primaris Black Templars agreed, before heading off to their assigned rooms to get clean and changed.
It was a pleasantly sunny day, and Cedric was unsurprised to find that the bakery had a line of eager and hungry mortals waiting to purchase their baked goods that stretched out of the door. He gestured for Pallius and Olivar to join him at the back of the line, humming a little to himself.
Thankfully, despite the length of the line, it moved swiftly, and soon the three Primaris Marines found themselves within the charmingly decorated and mouth-wateringly delicious smelling shop. Many of the baked goods had been sold out, but what was remaining still looked and smelled amazing.
The mortal behind the payment counter spotted the three of them and briefly headed into the back of the shop, followed back into the main room by Roland, who smiled a little as he spotted Cedric, his gaze looking over the other two Pimaris Marines curiously. He walked over to the three of them and murmured “Hallo Cedric Are these two Olivar und Pallius?”
Cedric nodded, beaming as he gently laid a hand on the slightly shaking Pallius’ shoulder “Ja! This is Pallius.” he paused for a moment before nudging Olivar “Und this is Olivar.”
Neither one of his fellow Primaris Brothers spoke for several seconds, their eyes wide, their breathing fast and shallow. Cedric silently nudged both of them and Pallius spoke up first “It’s an honor to meet you, sir. Cedric had us try some of the sourdough that is made and sold here. It’s very good.”
Roland’s eyes lit up “A fellow bread lover! Ja, mein beloved’s broten has no equal in this or any other world! Come, follow me, the three of you. She has been just as curious about the two of you as I have been. She is busily working away, kneading.”
“Yessir.” Olivar and Pallius answered at the same time, dutifully following after the Older Brother. 
Cedric grinned as he followed them as well, calling out as soon as they were close “Hallo miss Becky!”
The short human woman set down the bag of flour that she’d been carrying and rushed over, hugging him as best as she could manage “Hello, Cedric! Are these your newly arrived brothers?”
Cedric nodded, beaming “Ja! This is Pallius und this is Olivar.” He explained, gesturing to his brothers in turn, gently hugging her back. 
She let him go and went up on her tiptoes, peering up at the two newcomers “You two certainly do look like Cedric’s brothers. Come closer, please. I promise not to bite.”
“Careful, my love. They are both injured from whatever they’d been up to before they arrived here on Terra. I believe that Pallius has fractured ribs, und the reason why Olivar is holding his left arm like that is because of broken bones as well.” Roland hummed, staring directly at Cedric as he said that.
Cedric could hear the silent question in the older Black Templar’s voice, but he needed to talk privately with his fellow Primaris marines before they decided what it was they were going to tell the others here. “They are well enough to take short trips out of the base, though.”
Olivar was the first to move closer to the mortal woman, both guarded and curious “Hallo miss Becky. Your sourdough is very tasty. What are those pale lumps of matter you were squishing when we came in?”
She gave him a quick side hug before taking a half-step back “That’s called a dough… Olivar, is it?” Miss Becky gives a quick explanation as to what dough is, and the process of turning dough into bread, a slight blush appearing on her face as she finished with a quiet “Ah… My apologies. You probably didn’t want that much information about such things…”
Pallius looked genuinely fascinated, and Olivar had drifted over to one of the lumps of dough, a focused expression on his face.
“Please don’t say that! I was finding your lecture to be both interesting and quite informative! We weren’t taught how to make food like this - basic foraging, yes. But nothing so technical.” Pallius answered, blue-brown eyes shining with fascination. 
“So you just.. Squish the bread? Und it makes it stronger and tastier?” Olivar clarified, looking very much like he was seconds away from poking one of the lumps of dough sitting out on the counter with a finger.
“If you want to help knead the dough, you must first wash your hands und ask.” Roland drawled, walking over and lightly nudging Olivar over to the sink “Would you mind if the ducklings helped us for a little while?”
“Not in the least! Their help would be quite timely, given the massive line of people we have out of the door, and the dough that requires kneading.” Miss Becky answers with a sigh “If you three are willing to help, of course. If you don’t want to, I won’t insist.”
“But we want to help.” Cedric, Pallius and Olivar answered at the same time, turning to peer hopefully down at the mortal baker. 
Cedric paused for a moment before saying “I can show them how to use not too much of their strength, and cause the dough to tear - und how to mold it into two pieces, if it does accidentally tear.”
Miss Becky beamed and nodded “Thanks, Cedric! You’re a lifesaver. Now I’ve got to get these croissants in the oven.” One of the timers went off, startling Olivar and Pallius with the loudness.
Roland went over to the oven and pulled out several very hot loaves of bread, setting them carefully on the cooling rack “I will help with that, mein schatz.” 
Cedric gestured for Pallius and Olviar to join him at the sink, showing them how to properly wash their hands in order to get ready for kneading the dough. He showed them the proper technique, letting them get a feel for the strength required for the repetitive task, and what they were looking for, for when the bread was ready to be baked.
Both Olivar and Pallius listened and watched carefully, doing their best to mimic what he was doing.
Miss Becky had been kind enough to give them a loaf of freshly cooled banana bread for the three of them to share, after the couple of hours they had spent kneading loaf after loaf of bread into being ready to be cooked, cooled and sold. 
Cedric had texted Arnault as the three of them were leaving the bakery on the communication device he’d been given [We are on our way. Do I need to to give you some more time?]
Cedric was well aware of the fact that Arnault loved his bonded very much, and enjoyed flirting with and touching her whenever he could get away with it. Sometimes that would escalate and Arnault would steal away his bonded to kiss and do… Things with her that the young Apothecary had only heard of in theory and did not want to think about in depth in conjunction with his honored elder brother, thank you very much. Also Arnault had asked him to text before hand for those kinds of reasons.
[Mein Engel and I are ready for guests. She is finishing up a project for a client, und I am helping her by holding up the last part of what needs sewing together. The front door is unlocked, just knock before coming in.] Arnault answered promptly.
Cedric nodded to himself on instinct as he sent back [Understood. We should be there in twenty minutes or so.]
Cedric led Olivar and Pallius to Arnault’s and Angela’s home, pausing at the front door, realizing that both of them were standing and staring at the house from the sidewalk. He sighed silently and walked back over to his brothers, voice gentle and coaxing “We’re nearly there. He’s a wonderful big brother, I promise.”
“He… He’s an Emperor’s Champion… Well, will be, from his standpoint. Are… Are we worthy to be in his presence?” Pallius asked, uncertainty causing his voice to shake a little.
Olivar shuffled alongside Pallius, unwilling to voice his own concerns, but nodding along to what Pallius said.
Cedric took in a deep breath and gently held one of Olivar’s and Pallius’ hands, squeezing gently, and answered “We are worthy. Each of us is as valuable as a firstborn brother of our rank and standing. He’s looking forward to meeting you, as is his bonded. I wouldn’t ask you to meet someone who I don’t trust while you’re still healing.”
“... Okay. Let’s do this, then.” Olivar answered, a determined expression appearing on his face as he took in a deep breath and did his best to center himself.
Pallius nodded, taking a couple of moments to center himself as well before saying “Okay… I’m ready. Let’s… Let’s go meet them, then.”
Cedric nodded, smiling encouragingly at his brothers as he led them over to the front door, knocking and then entering as he’d been asked. He informed the other two “It’s considered rude to walk around in their home walking in the shoes that we were walking around outside in. Outside shoes go in this bin over here, and there are guest slippers here, unless you want to walk around barefoot, or in your socks, both of which are acceptable as well.” he took off his own shoes and put them away properly, content to meander about the house in his socks.
Pallius and Olivar obediently took off their shoes and placed them in the correct bin. Neither elected to take a pair of the astartes-sized guest slippers and Olivar also took off his socks, pairing them and placing them in his shoes, so that they wouldn’t get lost. 
Cedric called out “We’re here!” loud enough so that his voice would carry throughout the house, while also not being too loud so as to accidentally cause alarm.
“Come on in!” Miss Angela called out, closer than he’d anticipated her voice to sound “Arnault and I are in the living room, finishing up a project. Please don’t step on the fabric, when you come into the room.”
“Yes ma’am.” Cedric responded, smiling a little as he carefully led his brothers into the living room, carefully picking his way over to where she was sitting and sewing - Arnault carefully holding onto the fabric she was stitching together in order to help keep it steady. “This is Pallius - he’s the one with the slightly darker eyes and hair - and this is Olivar. He’s shorter and -”
“I am less than five inches shorter than the both of you!” Olivar sulked, sending a grumpy pout Cedric’s way “I am well within standard parameters. The fact that I am more compact only means that I can move in more cramped areas better than you two.”
“- grumpy.” Cedric finished with a teasing grin on his face.
“I’d offer you boys some tea, but I’m a little busy at the moment, and so is Arni.” Angela responded, looking up from her work and looking at the three of them. “Goodness! Look how lovely you all are. And there’s no shame in being shorter than others, Olivar. Don’t let the talls bully you! You’re wonderful just the way you are.”
Olivar - who had started to wind up at Cedric’s gentle teasing - deflated a little, blinking in utter shock and mild surprise, struck silent by her words.
Pallius blinked twice and took a half-step forward to cover his Brother’s shock “I’m sure Vie will thank you for your words once he finds his tongue again. None of us have much experience interacting with baselines, and Olivar is not great at making first impressions.”
“Hey! I am… Adequate at socialization!” Olivar pouted, content to be half-hidden behind his larger brothers. He was trying not to be overwhelmed and mostly succeeding. 
“Ja, of course you are, Vie.” Cedric hummed, gently patting his grumpy brother a little, trying to suppress the grin that threatened to appear on his face. “I could start the electric kettle, if you wanted?” He offered.
“That would be lovely, thank you Cedric. It’s in it’s usual spot in the kitchen.” Miss Angela answered with a smile. She then looked to Olivar and Pallius “Please, come sit down, there are a couple of chairs not buried under fabric you can use.”
“Yes ma’am.” Pallius murmured, carefully moving so as to not disturb the fabric in the room.
Olivar fidgeted a little. One of his legs was still on the mend and he had a slim cast that fit under the clothes he was wearing. He wasn’t sure if he had the dexterity to make it across the room without stumbling over the fabric and didn’t want to get into trouble, so he stayed at the entrance of the room. He did lean against the door frame on his good leg. “If you don’t mind, ma’am, I’ll stay here.”
“If you’re sure… There are a couple of chairs free…” Miss Angela pointed out.
“I don’t mind standing, ma’am.” Olivar answered, which was a partial truth.
Arnault hummed a little “There is a sturdy enough folding chair in the closet in the hallway you walked through. Sit, lad. I can smell the pain you’re in from your broken leg.”
Angela gasped a little, a worried frown on her face “You walked all the way here on a broken leg without crutches? Honey, do we have any astartes-grade painkiller? You must be so sore, you poor dear. Hang on, let me move some of this fabric out of the way, so you can sit properly.”
“I… Uhm. I’ll be fine, ma’am. I don’t want to interrupt your work.” Olivar deflected awkwardly.
“Nonsense! It’s easier if the quilt is all laid out like this, but it isn’t strictly necessary. Arni, love, help me move things?” Angela tutted, shaking her head a little.
Arnault nodded, knowing how and where to move the fabric to, before giving Olivar a quick once over and a quiet order “Come here and sit down, Olivar.” He made sure that his voice was gentle, but firm, to brook no argument from foolish apprentices. 
“Yes sir.” Olivar responds, obediently reacting to the tone of command, doing his best to move as carefully as he could manage, sitting down on the far edge of the couch. Some of the pain leaving him, as he was able to get his weight off of his injured leg. “What is it that you are making?” Olivar asked, curiously as he looked at the fabric around him. It looked to be deliberately and expertly stitched together, some of it dyed different colors in a lovely pattern.
Miss Angela grinned as she briefly looked to Arnault before answering “I am making a weighted quilt. I recently finished making one, and this one should be finished by the end of the month. What do you two think of this one?”
Pallius answered first and earnestly “I think your client is very lucky to receive this uilt. I can tell this is expertly made, and the quality is so much better than the thin blankets we were allotted aboard The Sigismund.”
Olivar nodded in agreement “I can’t imagine the time and effect that you put into making this. It is a beautiful piece of art, ma’am.”
Miss Angela seemed to lose the ability to speak for several seconds, blinking rapidly before setting down the needle and finely spun thread and reached out to gently cup one of Olivar’s cheeks “That is such a sweet thing to say, both of you, thank you.”
“Yeah… Cedric’s so lucky to have one of these…” Pallius sighed “It was so comfortable to snuggle together, during the thunderstorm yesterday. Olivar and I were still pretty out of it and…”
“The thunder reminded us of artillery fire in the worst ways. Bad memories and heavy pain killers are an awful combination.” Olivar grumbled, pouting a little though he leaned into her gentle touch, trying to blink back treacherous tears that threatened to fall. He’d never been touched this gently by someone who wasn’t a Brother or a Cousin before and he had no idea how to react. He had no idea how much a quilt like the one Cedric had cost, but he planned on getting money and the supplies necessary to create such a thing and ask Miss Angela to make one for him. Cedric would probably know what to get and how much it cost. Ramiel too, as both of them had those wonderful quilts. He planned on asking for one for Pallius first, as a surprise gift for his only surviving squadmate. 
Cedric came back into the room with one mortal sized mug and four astartes sized mugs in his hands, along with several bright orange fruits that smelled sweet. “I’ve got drinks and a snack for everyone.” He passed both the fruits and the mugs around,c careful to avoid stepping on the fabric. 
Pallius curiously inspected the orange fruit that he’d been given. It had bright, smooth skin and smelled faintly sweet and floral. He didn’t recognize it at all “What is this?” He asked curiously as he brought the fruit up to his lips and carefully took a small bite.
“These are persimmons. They should taste sweet and have a slight drying effect on the tongue.” Arnault explained, an amused smirk appearing on the older Black Templar’s face as he took a bite of the fruit.
Olivar was put off by the slightly grainy texture of the flesh of the fruit, and the flavor was odd to him as well. But everyone else seemed to be enjoying their fruit and he wasn’t one to turn down food when it was offered to him freely, so he quickly ate the rest of the persimmon, washing down the taste and texture with the tannic-tasting tea. It was amazing to learn just how much variety of foods there was on ancient and holy Terra… And overwhelming to the young Astartes, who was used to the carefully created and bland tasting nutrient pastes, ration bars and similar such food-stuffs that were made to sustain the Adeptus Astartes. 
“Is the persimmon not to your liking, Olivar?” Miss angela asked, sounding concerned.
Olivar blanked in surprise. He’d tried to keep his mild distaste for the strange fruit from being obvious. “It’s… Very different from what I’m used to, ma’am. But I did finish it.” Olivar answered, resisting the temptation to fidget with the mug in his hands. 
“Persimmons can be an acquired taste. I was given these by a neighbor who has a persimmon tree that is fruiting heavily this year. I’ve also seen the start of the Zucchini Shenanigans season earlier this week.” Angela hummed, smiling a little.
“I will be on guard, to ensure that we are not ambushed by too many squash. THey are tasty, but too many at once to eat before they spoil is… Vexing.” Arnault rumbled shaking his head a little.
Pallius silently wondered what the two of them were referring to. He looked to Olivar silently, who shrugged, equally confused before they both silently looked to Cedric, in hopes that he would offer them some kind of explanation.
“Free, fresh vegetables are always welcome at the base, should you be gifted with more zucchini than you can eat before it goes bad.” The young apothecary offered “Also miss Becky recently taught me how to make zucchini bread, which I find to be quite tasty, though on the sweet side.”
“Was that the soft brown bread with the spices you fed us earlier this week?” Olivar asked curiously, eyes widening in recognition. “You made like… Ten loaves of the stuff and we had to hide them from nosy firstborn brothers while they cooled, so that they could be used in trade.”
“Those were indeed Zucchini bread.” Cedric confirmed with a small grin.
“What did you end up trading that Zucchini bread for, anyways?” Pallius asked curiously, head tilting a little at his apothecary Brother “You mentioned that you’d made them specifically to be used in trade, which is why we hid them from hungry Older Brothers.”
Cedric’s eyes shone brightly with a playful kind of mischief “Something that I wanted and knew I could get with the proper application of sweet tasting breads.”
“I suppose that’s Cedric for “I’m not gonna tell you” then?” Olivar grumbled, pouting a little “Is there a particular reason you won’t tell us? Or are you practicing Secret Keeping?”
Cedric chuckled, his eyes still shining brightly with playful mischief “I’m not telling~! If you need to find out, you will in time.”
“Fine.” Pallius sighed, pouting a little that Cedric wouldn’t tell them but not willing to try and push the issue… At least not in front of the firstborn and his bonded. 
“... Why would you need to practice keeping secrets?” Miss Angela asked curiously, as she had finished eating her persimmon and had gone back to stitching the quilt together.
All three young Astartes looked at one another uncertainly before looking to Brother Arnault. They weren’t quite sure what parts of astartes training they were allowed to speak of, and what was to be kept silent on. 
Arnault chuckled “Basic astartes training leaves many young ones to be quite blunt und direct with their words and methods of speaking. Some missions require a degree of… Hrm. Subtlety and discretion, so we have the young ones practice how to Keep Secrets with low-stakes items and information that they are told to hide for a certain length of time, so that they know how to do so when it matters.”
“Ah, I see. I suppose that makes sense…” Angela hummed, nodding a little. “How long have you two been on Earth?”
“... I’m not sure, ma’am. But not longer than a month or two at most? I was brought to the base pretty badly injured because of… Uhm. Reasons, and I’ve been in recovery after they stitched my wounds closed, ma’am.” Pallius answered, shifting a little “This is the first time I’ve left the base since arriving, actually.”
Olivar nodded “I think I've been here for about three weeks at most? Maybe a month, by the way you figure the days and nights.” It was by unspoken agreement that they were not going to explain precisely how and why they had acquire their grievous wounds - the firstborns had assumed that they’d been nearly killed by Chaos Astartes from the kinds of weapons their wounds had been inflicted by… Which while untrue, was close enough to the truth to be functional. “From what little I have seen of Ter-err Earth, it’s a beautiful world.”
“It can be a beautiful place to live… Though I can’t help but wonder what it’s like to wander the stars, as Arni has occasionally told me he’s done. What’s it like to explore other worlds?” Angela asked, a soft sigh leaving her.
The three Primaris marines glanced at each other before looking to Arnault, unsure how to answer her question, each shifting uncomfortably. While it was possible that some of the many worlds that they had visited during their tenure as Astartes had once been beautiful, most of that beauty had been blasted and perverted into misery and suffering by the enemy they had been sent to fight. 
“We’re not supposed to talk about what we did before we came to Earth, my love.” Arnault reminded her, voice gentle as he gave his Angela a kiss on the lips that caused all three of his baby brothers to fluster and turn away, to give them a bit of privacy, their ears burning bright red. 
Angela kissed him back, a soft hum in her voice “Very well then, I won’t ask more about it. I wouldn’t want to get any of you into trouble for prying into your mysterious pasts.” 
Cedric’s phone chimed, as a reminder went off. He looked at the notification and sighed “Vie, Palli, we need to get going back to base soon, or they’ll start sending out search parties for us and we’ll be grounded for wandering around too long without a check-in.”
Olivar grumbled “Can’t we check in via vox?”
Cedric shook his head “No, we need to check-in in-person, because you and Pallius are injured.”
Pallius sighed and nodded “Very well then. I suppose it makes sense…” He got up and saluted Arnault and Miss Angela on instinct “Thank you for your time, tea and the fruit.” He started to carefully make his way across the floor. 
Olivar also got up and saluted the two of them, hiding the pained wince as his weight was partially on his broken leg once again “Thank you sir, ma’am.” and hobbled out of the room as gracefully as he could manage.
“Alright, you boys stay safe, alright?” Miss Angela answered with a small smile and a nod, leaning a little into Brother Arnault as she spoke.
“Heal well, und try not to get into too much mischief. At least not without me or Roland present.” The Emperor’s Champion hummed, a small smile on his face as he held his Bonded lovingly. 
“Yes sir! We’ll try to stay out of trouble, sir!” Cedric chirped for his brothers, stepping so that he was helping Olivar and Pallius move without it being abundantly obvious. 
Arnault snorted a little “Uh-huh. No fist fighting Chaos Cowards out of armor, Cedric.” 
Cedric pouted a little as Olivar and Pallius looked at him curiously “That was one time, big bruder!”
“Ah-huh.” Arnault answered, still smirking a little as the three apprentices made their way out of his and his beloved’s home.
Cedric helped Pallius and Olivar get back to base, making sure to insist that they sit on  benches that were occasionally near the sidewalk, so that they could give their still-healing bodies a break. He also dutifully recounted his encounter with the Slaaneshi Bastard and his reasoning behind tackling the fucker and duct-taping empty glass jars to his poison-dripping fingertips.
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Sai tu la terra ove i cedri fioriscono? Splendon tra le brune foglie arance d’oro pel cielo azzurro spira un dolce zeffiro umil germoglia il mirto, alto l’alloro.
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scorcidipoesia · 7 months
Certo, odorano i cedri bagnati di rugiada,
ma io sento, solo, la tua bocca:
stella di profumo;
certo, l'alba sparge i semi della luce,
ma io vedo
perchè mi guardano i tuoi occhi.
Ti scolpirò sul petalo d'una magnolia,
nei boschi di mirra,
ove i notturni degli zampilli,
nelle culle di raso, addormentano farfalle.
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 9 months
Whump Ahoy!
Okay, so. Imagine Princess Sofia helping out Cedric in his workshop one day, working on a potion together when something just... explodes in Cedric's hand. Completely out of nowhere, despite much care in handling, some beaker or jar or pipette or something filled with a dangerous chemical ingredient shatters with force, piercing through his glove, embedding glass into his skin and spilling the ingredient all over his hand.
Imagine Cedric's initial reaction to that: the shock after the explosion, the instinct to make sure that Sofia is safe... and then the pain kicks in. He tries to suppress his reaction, not wanting Sofia to be frightened in this situation, but it doesn't work. The pain is incredible. I'm sure you can imagine the agonized sounds that leave his mouth, the tears that suddenly begin to blur his vision. He panics. He has to get the chemical off of his hand and remove the glass before his ability to think and function properly are overwhelmed by the pain. There's horror as he grasps at his wand only for the counter-spell to not leave his mouth properly - he's stumbling over his words and then quickly forgets how to speak.
Imagine Sofia's reaction to this. Imagine her desperation to make sure Cedric is okay, and then her determination to help him upon realising that he is absolutely not. She tries her best to comfort him whilst also leaping into action, scouring books for the right healing spell; a task that Cedric cannot help her with. Seconds feel like an eternity as Cedric keels over, whimpering and spasming, trying his best to utter the right spell only for it to come out as a wail instead. He'd covered in blood and sweat and the skin on his hand is beginning to bubble and contort like wax under the mangled glove. Finally, the pain begins to die down slightly as the pain receptors in Cedric's hand are burned functionless. It is only when that fiery numbness takes over that Cedric is able to haphazardly cry out the counter-spell and slowly reverse some of the damage.
Imagine then a teary-eyed Sofia tenderly bandaging the mangled hand of the now shivering Cedric. Every now and then he stammers out a spell or two in an attempt to heal his injury, but oh, the regrowth of nerves and the reversal of such severe skin damage hurts. It will take a while for him to be able to heal this wound. He's lucky to be such a learned sorcerer or he likely wouldn't be able to heal it at all. He thanks his lucky stars that it was him to receive such injury and not Sofia: this is the reason why he doesn't allow her to handle such dangerous materials.
Imagine Sofia helping Cedric clean up after the incident, sponging the blood from his sleeves and sweeping up the glass. No nine year old should be handling such sharp objects or cleaning literal bloodstains, but Cedric can't do it with his munted hand for the life of him. Anyway, Sofia insisted that he try to just recover and conserve his energy - cleaning via magic would do him no good and he's already feeling dizzy and out of sorts. He's cleared away the chemical spillage - he insisted on doing so before Sofia went even remotely close to the scene of the accident. Visions of Sofia being the one to be injured instead haunt his dreams.
Imagine a few days later, Cedric's hand is relatively healed but still bandaged, aching and tingling like pins stabbing his skin. He hides the wound away under the sleeve of his robe. Nobody has really caught onto the fact that he's been wounded yet. Sofia and Cedric (Cedric especially) both know that it would've been better to inform Roland or Baileywick or anyone about what had happened, but they have an unspoken agreement to refrain from doing so. Sofia is petrified that Roland will ban her from practicing any more sorcery with Cedric, and Cedric is utterly ashamed that he allowed such a thing to happen in his workshop (and with Sofia present, no less). It's their little secret - that is, of course, until Baileywick notices that one of Cedric's arms is out of commission and interrogates him about it.
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noturusualpotato · 7 months
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Boba Fett & Jango Fett, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Asajj Ventress/Quinlan Vos, past Shmi Skywalker/Qui-Gon Jinn Characters: Jango Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Boba Fett, Bant Eerin, Satine Kryze, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Padmé Amidala, Quinlan Vos, Asajj Ventress, Myles the Mandalorian (Star Wars), Silas the Mandalorian (Star Wars), guest appearances by multiple other canon characters and some ocs Additional Tags: romantic dramedy, seriously this started cracky and escalated quite quickly into something more serious, Jango Fett is an asshole chef, Obi-Wan Kenobi is a restaurant manager, this might or might not have been inspired by watching Hell's Kitchen, Jango Fett is a mess, and he has a sexuality crisis at like 44, but he can be broadly read as greyromantic/aromantic allosexual, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Past Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze, now they are functional divorced couple of wine aunts, Skywalker Family Drama (Star Wars), Anakin Skywalker Needs Therapy, and skips it regularly, Anakin Skywalker Being an Asshole, so anidala be toxic, Postpartum Depression, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, also in reference to anidala, discussions of mental health, Anakin Skywalker Has BPD | Borderline Personality Disorder, Protective Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi is So Done, Flirty Obi-Wan Kenobi, Seriously guys, he doesn't stop, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Happy ending for the main couple, ambiguous ending for Skywalker Family Drama, it will make sense at the end, I promise, immigrant life, a very British fic, the author is biased which results in a lot of hate on poor London, Meet-Ugly, Not Beta Read, Relationship Discussions, Jango Fett is a Disaster, Alternate Universe - Chefs Summary:
It so happened that Kenobi was passing by. It so happened that Jango might have (with emphasis on might) swung the pan a bit too enthusiastically.
Which brought Fett to the present moment.
Kenobi was sprawled on the floor, unconscious, blood splattering on the floor, light hair surrounding his hair like it was a halo. A treacherous pan was still firmly grasped in Jango’s hand.
The cameras were rolling. The phones were out. The film crew was in a frenzy, everyone running around in fear. Some were calling the ambulance. Some were trying to wake Kenobi up. There was screaming. There was shouting. Myles was trying to give Kenobi first aid.
Jango Fett, a soon-to-be-one-star Michelin (he did retain two stars at his previous job though for good five years) chef, an owner of the best new restaurant in London, a culinary sensation and a budding celebrity chef (also a single parent of one and an absolute disaster of a human being) was officially fucked.
Or, Jango Fett is a chef and a royal asshole who recently relocated to London. Obi-Wan Kenobi is a restaurant manager. They happen to meet in a rather unconventional manner.
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turangalila · 5 months
Giaches de Wert (1535 - 1596)
Il settimo libro de madrigali a cinque voci novamento composto & dato in luce (Antonio Gardano, Venice, 1581)
– Vaghi boschetti di soavi allori
Vaghi boschetti di soavi allori, / di palme e d’amenissime mortelle, / cedri et aranci ch’avean frutti e fiori / contesti in varie forme e tutte belle, / facean riparo ai fervidi calori / de’ giorni estivi con lor spesse ombrelle; / e tra quei rami con sicuri voli / cantando se ne giano i rosignuoli. // [Ludovico Ariosto]
– Io mi vivea del mio languir contento
Io mi vivea del mio languir contento; / E, se doglia portava al mondo sola; / Un riso, un cenno, un guardo, una parola / D'eterno oblio copriva ogni tormento. //
Or, che non veggo, senza voi, nè sento / Cosa, ch'appaghi il cor, che mi consola? / S'altro terren l'aura vital m'invola / Onde avranno i miei spirti il nudrimento? //
Riman solo il pensier, che in parte rende / Cio che altri toglie, ah lasso, e questi ancora / Assai mi giova, ma via più m'offende: //
Perche, quanto maggior pinge talora / Il bel, ch'empia fortuna, mi contende; / Tanto più cresce il duol, che l'alma accora. // [Luigi Tansillo]
Giaches de Wert – Il settimo libro de madrigali. The Consort of Musicke, Anthony Rooley. (1989, Virgin Classics Digital – VC 7 90763-2)
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curiositasmundi · 1 year
La realtà esige che si dica anche questo: la vita continua. Continua a Canne e Borodino e a Kosovo Polje e a Guernica. C’è un distributore di benzina nella piazza di Gerico, ci sono panchine dipinte di fresco sotto la Montagna Bianca. Lettere vanno e vengono tra Pearl Harbour e Hastings, un furgone di mobili transita sotto l’occhio del leone di Cheronea, e ai frutteti in fiore intorno a Verdun si avvicina il fronte atmosferico. C’è tanto Tutto che il Nulla è davvero ben celato. Dagli yacht ormeggiati ad Anzio arriva la musica e le coppie danzano sui ponti al sole. Talmente tanto accade di continuo che deve accadere dappertutto. Dove non è rimasta pietra su pietra, c’è un carretto di gelati assediato dai bambini. Dov’era Hiroshima c’è ancora Hiroshima e si producono molte cose d’uso quotidiano. Questo orribile mondo non è privo di grazie, non è senza mattini per cui valga la pena svegliarsi. Sui campi di Maciejowice l’erba è verde e sull’erba, come è normale sull’erba, una rugiada trasparente. Forse non ci sono campi se non di battaglia, quelli ancora ricordati, quelli già dimenticati, boschi di betulle e boschi di cedri, nevi e nebbie, paludi iridescenti e forre di nera sconfitta, dove per un bisogno impellente ci si accuccia dietro a un cespuglio. Qual è la morale? – forse nessuna. Di certo c’è solo il sangue che scorre e si rapprende e, come sempre, fiumi, nuvole. Sui valichi tragici il vento porta via i cappelli e non c’è niente da fare – lo spettacolo ci diverte.
Maria Wisława Anna Szymborska
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qualbuonvento · 1 year
Piangono muri.
Detriti e orrore
anche dai cedri.
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Ade cuyir te vencuyot (10529 words) by Cedrys Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett & Jaster Mereel, Boba Fett & Jango Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ahsoka Tano, Grogu | Baby Yoda & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kanan Jarrus & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Reva Sevander | Third Sister, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Cal Kestis Characters: Jango Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Boba Fett, Jaster Mereel, Ahsoka Tano, Grogu | Baby Yoda, Reva Sevander | Third Sister, Kanan Jarrus, Mij Gilamar, Bunch of OCs and other SW canon characters, Cal Kestis Additional Tags: Past CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Post-Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Post-Order 66 (Star Wars), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, basically all the main characters are born a generation or so later, Imperial Era, Order 66 Aftermath (Star Wars), set two years after order 66, Good Parent Jango Fett, Protective Jango Fett, Jango Fett hates the Empire, Mandalorians (Star Wars), Mandalorian Culture & Customs (Star Wars), All Mandalorians Have a Competence Kink (Star Wars), Jaster Mereel Lives, Good Parent Jaster Mereel, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Obi-Wan Kenobi Has a Different Jedi Master, Stewjoni Obi-Wan Kenobi, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, I mean they did survive Order 66, Obi-Wan Kenobi Gets a Hug, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs Therapy, Bounty Hunter Jango Fett, Star Wars Galactic Empire Era, Kid Fic, yes i've written another one, Protective Obi-Wan Kenobi, adopt all the childrens!, Mandalorians and the Jedi discover that they agree on a surprisingly large number of things, Sex Work, in the background by the OCs (Obi-Wan is a bouncer/barman in a courtesan house), Force-Sensitive Boba Fett, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Not Beta Read, Slow Burn, Jedi as Found Family (Star Wars) Summary:
When his son betrays signs of being kara-touched, Jango Fett sets out into the galaxy in a search of people who could help. Before, it wouldn’t be a challenge. The Jetiise were everywhere, roaming the galaxy and fighting the Separatists. Now though, they are the only people the Empire hunts more viciously than the Mandalorians. Arriving on Coruscant to work a job that is supposed to fund his mission, Jango hears a story of so-called Angel of the Underworld, a semi-legendary, magical being who helps people in the Coruscant’s lower levels. He decides to investigate. He also meets Ben, a red-headed thief/barman/bouncer with more secrets than your average ISB agent. And, as more and more of them come to light, Jango becomes convinced that there might be more to Ben than meets the eye.
Or a JangoObi! Imperial Era AU you didn’t know you needed! Jango is his grumpy self, but instead of hating the Jedi, he hates the Empire (they did blow up his planet), and Obi-Wan, Order 66 survivor, is making ends meet in the bowels of Coruscant, protecting a bunch of adorable Jedi younglings that he managed to smuggle out of the Temple. Feels ensue.
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floating-on-avalon · 1 year
Merlin is so passive agressive. He just whacked Cedris in the stomach then apologised
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scorcidipoesia · 2 years
Certo, odorano i cedri bagnati di rugiada,
ma io sento, solo, la tua bocca:
stella di profumo;
certo, l'alba sparge i semi della luce,
ma io vedo
perchè mi guardano i tuoi occhi.
Ti scolpirò sul petalo d'una magnolia,
nei boschi di mirra,
ove i notturni degli zampilli,
nelle culle di raso, addormentano farfalle.
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ilpianistasultetto · 2 years
Certe sensazioni sono lievi come la neve che cade sui cedri. (@R.B)
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noturusualpotato · 9 months
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Boba Fett & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Boba Fett & Jango Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Jaster Mereel Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel, Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin Skywalker, Bruck Chun, Bunch of OCs, Silas the Mandalorian (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Jedi Agricultural Corps | AgriCorps (Star Wars), AgriCorps Member Obi-Wan Kenobi, Planet Naboo (Star Wars), Trade Federation Invasion of Naboo | Naboo Crisis (Star Wars), Stewjoni Obi-Wan Kenobi, Dualsex Stewjoni | Stewjoni Produce Both Ova and Sperm (Star Wars), Stewjoni Biology (Star Wars), Planet Stewjon (Star Wars), Planet Stewjon is Space Scotland, Worldbuilding, So basically made up a whole Stewjoni culture basing it off like thousand years of Scottish history, mixing it all up and using it as a loose inspiration, then put it in the space setting and added a bloody revolution into the mix, so Obi-Wan is pretty much Anastasia in this one, Boba is Obi-Wan’s and Jango’s biological child, (he’s also born a few years earlier than canon), Single Parents, Obi-Wan Kenobi Has Issues, this time the cake is taken by, Trust Issues, Good Parent Obi-Wan Kenobi, Past Relationship(s), Getting Back Together, Slow Burn, (Jango doesn’t show up till like chapter 3), Demisexual Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett has Issues, Protective Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel Lives, Force-Sensitive Boba Fett, POV Multiple, Not Beta Read, Post Mpreg, I guess I’ve written another, Kid Fic, Obi-Wan Kenobi Has Self-Esteem Issues, Stewjoni Culture & Customs (Star Wars), Romantic Comedies references, but it's not romantic comedy, too much sadness and complications for one Summary:
At the ripe age of six months “Obi-Wan Kenobi” leaves Stewjon and his real name behind. He doesn’t know why and for his safety, the Order decides that it is better to keep the truth for him. The same secret is the reason Obi-Wan never becomes a Jedi Padawan and instead is sent to the AgriCorps.
After one too many of his requests for transfer is rejected, Obi-Wan runs away and due to his own naïveté and desperation finds himself on board a pirate ship. He doesn’t think that meeting a Mandalorian bounty hunter who temporarily travels with Ohnaka will change the course of his life forever.
One contraceptive implant failure later, desperate and with no one else to turn to, he returns to AgriCorps.
Fast forward five years and little Boba starts asking questions about his father. Soon, Obi-Wan meets an ex-Mand’alor who finds Boba eerily similar to his allegedly dead son, a certain Jedi Master and his childhood bully, babysits the Chosen One and has Stewjonian nobility popping on his doorstep looking for their missing prince. It's only the beginning of the journey that will make him rediscover his lost history.
All while trying to deal with reappearance of Boba’s father in their lives.
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