#Celebrity endorsed
billa-billa007 · 1 year
Truffoire is not expensive - It’s proven Quality Skincare products
Skincare is a personal and evolving process, as what works for one person may not work for another. It's important to pay attention to your skin's needs, be cautious of potential allergens or irritants, and gradually introduce new products into your routine to monitor their effects. Additionally, a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep, can also contribute to overall skin health.
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monicascot · 1 year
Truffoire offers proven quality skincare products that deliver exceptional results without the exorbitant price tags. Despite being a luxury brand with exclusivity and celebrity endorsements, Truffoire remains committed to providing accessible and effective skincare solutions for all. Their products boast a unique blend of rare and effective ingredients, catering to diverse skin types and concerns. With Truffoire, you get the assurance of top-notch skincare that doesn’t break the bank, making it a sought-after choice among beauty connoisseurs and everyday customers alike.
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darcyolsson · 18 days
people actually genuinely shipping eric bogosian and assad zaman is so revolutionary to me I think all rpf should be between a 71 year old man and some theatre twink. quit it with the 20 year olds from youtube and boybands. only this from now on
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iwatcheditbegin · 10 days
All this talk about “ what took so long???” as if actual political analysts and Harris campaign organizers haven’t said the timing was impeccable
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rogueddie · 11 months
Noah Schnapp and Shawn Levy all signed the no hostage left behind letter.
The letter is full of celebrities names, but i wanted to highlight the ones tied to stranger things. I am not optimistic enough to believe that this is any indication that other members don't agree.
The real kick is that the letter is pointless. The media made the "mistake" of allowing a recently released Hamas hostage speak live on the news.
She revealed that she, and the other hostages, were treated well. She spoke of reassurances that Hamas gave her, telling her that she wouldn't be harmed. They made sure the hostages were well fed and cared for. They were sharing their own food.
This is the same terror group that Israel is using as an excuse to commit genocide. Not only are they bombing Gaza, explicitly aiming for anyone (including civilians), they are also bombing the west bank.
47% of the population of Gaza are children. The hospitals are going to run out of power any hour now. The west bank has literally nothing to do with Hamas. They're only being targeted because they're Palestinians.
If you still support Israel, or are still under the illusion that Palestinian people are the villains, you aren't paying attention.
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lesbian-space-fish · 8 months
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lol his ass is NOT getting redeemed BUT. he's MY blorbo and i wanted to see him in the cutesy pastel heaven palette.
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
hey i get what youre trying to say with the taylor swift post but as of a few days ago shes trying to sue a college student who posts her (publicly available) flight logs. she very much does not give a shit about her carbon emissions and she shouldn’t be celebrated for her mediocre attempts to seem climate-conscious
I get what you're saying, definitely. I also did actually know about the thing with the college student when I posted that, so I wanted to give some context about why I made that post:
First, I personally didn't view it as celebrating her so much as celebrating progress. I think that if we never acknowledge wins, we'll end up dispirited very quickly
Second, recognizing when people decide to be less shitty is, at least I think, an important carrot in the carrot-and-stick dynamic of using public opinion to influence public figures
Lastly - and this may well be an unpopular opinion - but I don't actually hold her actions re: the college student against her
Well, for one, it was a cease and desist letter, not an attempted lawsuit. A cease and desist letter isn't legally binding, nor is it the start of a lawsuit - it's more like she's Putting Him On Notice. A cease and desist order can be followed by a lawsuit, if it's ignored, but it doesn't initiate one. Likely Taylor Swift will try several other steps of resolution before actually telling her lawyers to sue this guy, if only because the headlines would Not look good (x, x)
But more than that, I don't hold it against her because when Taylor Swift says that it's a matter of life and death for her, I believe that's very true.
Like, don't get me wrong, I'm not mad about her flight data being up either. And I'm not particularly a fan of Taylor Swift
But I also think that if I had to read through the rape and death threats she gets on an almost-certainly-daily basis, I'd want to vomit.
And I think that was true before Trump and his minions got obsessed with the idea that she's the keystone in the next Biden-election-stealing Pentagon psyops plot. Now - especially in the days right before the Superbowl, when this alleged conspiracy is supposed to happen - I don't even want to think about the brutality of the threats she's receiving
(For anyone going "Uh, wtf?" about the MAGA Superbowl Taylor Swift conspiracy thing, yes, I hate to inform you that it's A Whole Thing. More info here: x, x, x, x, x, x)
Taylor Swift does have stalkers, and now she has a bunch of MAGA paramilitary conspiracy theorists absolutely furious with her. If I were her, I'd want to do every single thing I could to keep information on my movements and in-the-moment location off the internet, too
tl;dr: I don't necessarily think she cares about the environment, but I'm not mad at her for sending a cease and desist letter because I think without her extensive security, she would be in real danger now, including possibly danger of being killed by armed MAGA conspiracy theorists
You're allowed to be mad at her and dislike her (obviously!), you're allowed to totally disagree with my attitude toward the cease and desist. I just wanted to share my rationale for including the post (and it is something I went back and forth on tbh)
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burnitalldownism · 1 month
Breaking News: [Celebrity] turns on Donald Trump, throws support behind Harris.
Do…do you want a cookie? You’ve had more than eight years since he entered politics, and decades of him just being him before that. You wanna be cheered for realising in the 11th hour what a fuckton of us realised from the get go?
No participation trophies for last place.
I don’t fucking believe you. If you thought he had a snowball’s chance of winning you’d definitely still be 100% MAGA.
Are you pulling a Kyle Rittenhouse? Throwing a tantrum coz Daddy Don the Felon and his cronies didn’t suck you off like you thought they would?
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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sseditorialrunway · 7 months
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Celebrities attending the Thom Browne Fall-Winter 2024 Collection Show.
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Okay can we like stop pressuring Taylor to endorse Kamala or really to take a side in this election in general??
The media is being incredibly nosey, pushy and annoying about Taylor being silent politically and always putting her in the headlines to get clicks like with all the speculation about her coming to the DNC for instance (like she was on tour that would make no sense) like I get shes the biggest celebrity on the planet but people like Don Lemon and other mainstream talking heads needs to shut the fuck up if she wants to support Kamala she will on her own accord not because Don is begging her to make a decision now (god he sounds pathetic and embarrassing on this Insta clip) and same goes for the Trump and the Republican idiots as well creating AI posters faking her endorsement to get clicks (I so hope he gets sued to oblivion for that) like this Taylor political hysteria is ridiculous and pathetic
Point is she don't have to endorse anyone it's none of anyone's business who she votes for and we all know she'll do the general reminder to register and vote regardless of party anyway which she's always done in the past and honestly the more appropriate thing to do. All I can say is if I was in her shoes right now I would be so uncomfortable with people begging me to endorse or choose a side like leave her alone let her enjoy her tour break lol
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monicascot · 1 year
Truffoire is not expensive - It’s proven Quality Skincare products
Truffoire offers proven quality skincare products that deliver exceptional results without the exorbitant price tags. Despite being a luxury brand with exclusivity and celebrity endorsements, Truffoire remains committed to providing accessible and effective skincare solutions for all. Their products boast a unique blend of rare and effective ingredients, catering to diverse skin types and concerns. With Truffoire, you get the assurance of top-notch skincare that doesn’t break the bank, making it a sought-after choice among beauty connoisseurs and everyday customers alike.
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to be frank i have to hope that t*ylor sw*ft's endorsement won't change people's opinions too much because otherwise i have to accept that thousands of people decide who they want to vote based on what some random celebrity thinks and i. really don't want to entertain that thought.
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mythoughtsxxblog · 8 months
I'm gonna say this again, if you vote for Joe Biden after all of this, you deserve to rot.
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I’m scared for the kids who might unknowingly buy the Harry Potter game or the books or the movies without knowing what’s going on. We need to ACTUALLY ban this franchise. Burn copies in stores. Smash your friend’s computer if you have to. I don’t know why we’re simply telling people to “read other books” and not going full scorched earth. There’s children out there who could be entrapped into this thing and not know until it’s too late…(It’s not censorship because it’s actually bad. Only minorities should be allowed to censor things because we know best.)
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Nice try, buddy.
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just drawing hphm characters in some of my fav met gala looks as a sort of study
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