#Celia COULD also be lying about the age
victorianasshole · 5 months
Guys Celia's Jack is probably the little Jack from Jon's statement about Callum Brodie's Domain in TMA episode 173, that's why Celia is alluding to so much about alternate universes and timelines. She wants to get back to him. "Hold on Jack I'm on my way"
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theanxiousghostartist · 5 months
A collection of theories and speculation from TMAGP 13
Celia: It's interesting that (assuming she is telling the truthee about Jack/his age) that she would have chosen the name Jack for her baby. Jack is an old nickname for John. I know names aren't really a big factor in the show (Jonathan Sims took his name for the main character of TMA lol), but it's still interesting. Also, she mentioned that it had been a few years since she "moved here" but we know that Chester, Norris, and Augustus showed up about a year and a half ago (the first episode mentions a year, but Same mentions in this episode that it had been about 6 months since he got the job). So we have 3 possibilities, assuming that Celia is from TMA and that Chester and Norris are Jon and Martin (and Augustus is probably Magnus):
1. Time works differently. Celia showed up a few years ago, probably 1-2 years before Jon and Martin, therefore time could work differently for Jon and Martin in the computer system.
2. Celia is lying. I don't remember hearing an glitches while she was talking, so this may be unlikely, however, it is possible that Celia showed up around the same time as Jon and Martin and lied about it to Sam to giver her more of a past. In this episode, she said Jack is around a year old, which could fit into this timeline, if Jack was a premie or if Jack came with her either from TMA or he randomly showed up when she arrived.
3. Celia could have just said the time frame wrong. It's possible that Celia could have said a few years, when she actually arrived around a year and a half ago. This would be untrue, but technically not a lie as a year and a half could be counted as 2 years, which could be counted as a few years. It's possible that she did this intentionally or it's possible that she actually thinks it was a few years. Since she was having "a werid time," her memories could be messed up, especially if she traveled from TMA.
Sam's past: Sam said everything started going wrong after the Institute, which eventually landed him at the OIAR. Could this be the Web's doing? We know that the Web has manipulated a future archivist before, with the Web being the first to mark Jon, so it's possible that it's doing the same to Sam.
Lena & Gwen's discussion: Lena says that her group is "managing the bad guys" which makes me wonder: Is something else controlling the fears? Did the Web take over? Or did this world just figure out how to deal with the fears?
Personally I think it's either a different entity entirely controlling the fears/keeping them in line or the Web (we already know that the Web has manipulated most of the fears before, with Gertrude's/Agnes's bond, Jon, the eyepolcolypse, ect).
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 2 months
TMAGP 23 Thoughts: Not Not NotThem
After quite the hiatus we're back with another guest writer. This time it's Harlan Guthrie of Malevolent fame. A show I likely won't ever get around to listening to but have heard nothing but good things about. So everyone go check it out if you liked this. This one is very obviously from a guest writer too. Its style and contents are pretty distinct from TMA. Which is not a bad thing by any means and it's a really great episode overall.
Spoilers for episode 23 below the cut.
There isn't a huge amount to dig into in the opening scene. I do like that the paperwork is a continuing process and it's pretty likely there will be some sort of pay of too it. Lena doesn't seem to be lying in this scene either. She really does seem to think that it's a prank. So assuming it's not a prank she doesn't seem to have as tight a grip on the office as she thinks she does. It's also interesting how engrossed it makes Sam but that might just be a character quirk rather than anything greater.
I really liked this incident but, honestly, I really don't have a load to say on this incident. I thought it was a really well written incident but quite explicit as incidents go and not a huge amount to dig into for larger puzzle pieces. It's also always tricky to know what's meaningful to the larger story when there is a guest writer. Jonny and Alex do give input but it's not like we know what that input is. Either way there is only two things I can think to mention here for it. The first is the time discrepancy in the post dates. The penultimate post comes a months after the final post. Which might not really mean much of anything to be honest. This is a doppelganger incident and those have typically had time discrepancies in them but the nature of this one doesn't lead to an easy explanation of that. So it might mean something, or it might be a mistake. I don't think it's a particularly important detail as of yet in either case.
The other bit in the mention of copper. Copper is a planetary metal, along with things like silver and mercury that have recently appeared, but the symbolic nature of those is a tricky subject to get into. Alchemy as a subject is mixed up with a lot of newer takes on things and so any its not always wise to assign too much in the way of importance to that. But that being said copper is the metal of Venus, both the planet and the god. Venus/Aphrodite obviously have some strong connection to this sort of incident. However part of the reason for copper being associated with Venus is copper's role as a metal to make mirrors from. That's a more compelling angle to this one for me. Alesis did pretty literally make their mirror double here.
Newman is a very on the nose name here too.
Sam and Celia's Institute sleuthing has not a whole lot of interest for me either if I'm honest. Basira and Helen are Basira and Helen, not much to say there until we meet them. The version of John and Martin Sam identified is weird though. It's weird in that it doesn't actually make any sense. He said they were "close to the right age" but that doesn't really track. It either means they were born at the right time, or died at the right time. But in either scenario it's sort of just nonsense. If they were born at the right time they died around 10. That's obviously possible but it raises a lot of questions about why Celia would be looking into some 10 year olds. If they died at the right age then they're offset by about 20 years which also doesn't track with anything else we've seen. The only other scenario is that she's not looking for TMP's John and Martin but rather TMA's as that could account for a time discrepancy but if that's the case neither of those ages are the right age. So all of that is probably a red herring.
Gwen and Alice opening up to each other is really nice to see too. Even though they do both hate each other outside of Sam and Alice they're the characters with the most history and it's great to see that having some weight. There isn't anything new here from our perspective, other than [Error] having too many eyes but that's not a big shock, but it's nice that the characters are actually talking about this stuff. It did seem pretty likely that they'd all be having their own insular adventures around the mid-season point but having them all come together like this is a nice thing to see.
I’ve not been “arsey”- bzzt
Great ep all around.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet
DPHW Theory: 3536 seems pretty normal to me on this one. The more data I get the less I feel like anything comes up that needs explaining in my theory. Beyond the initial shift from my conceptions of these groups as fears to broader thematic elements I think this is proving to be pretty rock solid now. I'll keep this section around but I do think there will be not much of interest in these at this point.
CAT# Theory: 13 is great for my "It's not People/Places/Objects" essay. There wasn't an object in this one. Coral are animals and so count as people, the host is person, the Not Not NotThem also a person. If you say that animals count as objects it creates large problems in the theory. I really should have a sit down to puzzle this one out.
R# Theory: BC is interesting because initially I thought that was a bit low as the most similar case to this format was RedCanary's and that's AB. But that also had a lot more interaction and photos included which would bump it up for my theory there. So this one does actually check out.
Header talk: Transformation (Dysmorphic) -/- Doppleganger (Infection) is very peculiar. Daria's incident has a very similar header but Dysmorphic was the crosslink and Full was the subsection. Hard to know if it means anything but it's interesting in some sense of the word.
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redstringredeye · 7 months
OKAY OKAY I know we are all so happy right now but we ARE listening to a horror podcast so let me SPEAK
(TMAGP 08 spoilers/theory)
my hot take is that Gerry's paintings ARE supernatural, outward expressions of his subconscious link to the fears (???) and that link is why he was in the Magnus gifted program in the first place
GERTRUDE HAS TO KNOW THOUGH you can HEAR that something is up with her. And she tells Gerry the paintings take up too much space and he has to keep them out back??? Gertrude is playing her own game with Gerry's special talents but she is FULLY trying to keep Gerry in the dark about it hence trying to get Sam and Celia the fuck out of that apartment.
Also maybe she “adopted” him as her grandson when she found out what he could do?? Was she working at the Magnus Institute? Did she know Eric Delano and vow to take care of his son again? Or just like… see this kid in danger with these powers and decide to take him on… Gerry wouldn't know if she was lying to him about their familial connection and why she was acting as his legal guardian, he doesn't even remember the Magnus program, whether because of his age or his trauma And I think she wants it to stay that way
I don't think it's nefarious, I am sure she cares about him but ALSO i know that woman can PLOT when she needs to and I’m thoroughly unconvinced by her grandmother act
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nephriteknight · 2 months
Okay time for Actual Coherent Thoughts about 23: Pre-posting edit: this is still fairly coherent but BOY is it longer than i intended. when will my husband (dear friend wyv) come back from war (get caught up so i can do this in his dms like i used to)
jesus christ. tldr: Helen will probably be a Human Tory and not my beloved Helen!Distortion, I am BEYOND EXCITED TO SEE BASIRA AGAIN, and I'm holding out hope for Daisy also showing up because Celia may well just not know her as Alice Tonner so she's having trouble finding her. Also Sam's being compelled. Yikes. Also Jmart dying around the same time is very suspicious but I couldn't find any reason it would happen.
Helen will presumably be Tory Helen and not Distortion Helen, which is. Devastating. I miss my not-a-girl every single goddamn day.
It's interesting that Celia found Basira but not Daisy. Did Melanie just not mention her? Are they not together? Then again, it's very possible that Celia's heard of Daisy but not Alice Tonner
[deep breath] this was meant to be Actual Coherent Thoughts
I wonder if Celia's already found Melanie? It would make sense for her and Georgie to still be friends
More to the point, what is Celia's angle here? Is she just looking for anyone who might have also come through from tma!universe? When it was just Jon and Martin (and probably Georgie depending on how that relationship came to be) it made sense for Mystery Solving but Helen doesn't really line up with that
Jon and Martin died "nearly 20 years ago" (this is for actual coherent thoughts--), putting them at around 18 years old (Sam's main reason to think they're the right people was that their ages matched TMA -- interestingly, though, both Jon and Martin lied about their ages, and Jon is known to look much older than he is. Still, Georgie would know Jon's age, and by the time Melanie came around Martin wasn't lying about his CV, so it's probably still the right ones). It's suspicious as all hell that they both died young at around the same time. "Nearly 20 years ago" doesn't line up with any important dates I can think of -- the Institute bruned down 25 years ago, and if they timing was close I think Sam would've flagged it; FR3-D1 talking and Jack's birth are both one year ago; Celia implies she came to the tmagp universe "a couple of years" ago, although it's possible she was referring to something else since I feel like it makes more sense for that to line up with the computers starting to talk; and there are no incidents in that time frame except for 23's itself, which was 18 years ago but seems unrelated. Maybe it really is just a coincidence. I highly doubt it. (Thought the causality could be the other way around -- maybe Jon and Martin (and Jonah, if Augustus is him) being dead already is why they got stuck in the computers or something)
Sam is definitely being compelled to fill out that paperwork. Which is very concerning! I don't believe Lena glitched at all when she said it was probably Alice hazing him or that it was useless and the response department doesn't exist, but she also doesn't speak in precise statements much so it could be getting past the glitch filter thing ("probably"/"i suspect"/"you are aware that...?"). I'm curious what's going on there. Lena did mention ages ago that some of the forces are benevolent (in her opinion, which im taking with so many grains of 🜔) so it could be that force, whichever the OIAR belongs to (which would line up with the OIAR being Web-aligned as some have theorized -- even though it seems very likely that Smirke's 14 no longer applies, if any of the fears were going to hold themselves together it would be the Web, and there are similarities)
I'm still so curious what the deal with Error and the tape recorders is. It was locked beneath the Institute in what I assume are the tunnels (which could mean it was still built on the panopticon?? but that seems unlikely), it has more than two eyes, and it has a tape recorder that bites. In TMA (spoilers lol) the tapes belonged primarily to the Web, and the biting doesn't seem very eye-like, but who can say? I still don't think this is Jon. Not just because he's dead lol, the abilities and timing just don't line up. My bet is that this is some other kid from the program, someone Alice and Gerry (and Sam, maybe) might have met before, who I guess got turned into this? But what does this have to do with their big turn of the century thing? Who knows. We know they were collecting artefacts, though, so
Is Error an archivist? Maybe! I recently watched a video about the arg so I know about that shit now, and the tmagp Institute had a digital archive, which is interesting. So far, we've seen that written transcripts of Error's victim's statements can be digitized--at least by FR3-D1, which could be an exception to the rule (whether because it's special or just because it Feels Old, like the tapes did). so far we've only heard them spoken on tape recorders, but that's more because of the situations its happened in
Also because Alice brought up the first time she encountered Error, I'm still suspicious of her brother suddenly being unexpectedly successful with two bands called "Penny in the Well" and "Dredgerman" but I have nothing to go off of
Oh boy. This is what happens when I'm suddenly further ahead than the person who got me into TMA in the first place. Y'all are dealing with this now.
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cassiedrey · 1 year
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Cassie Drey | Fantasy author & illustrator
ABOUT Hello, I’m Cassie (she/her)! I did an introduction a while back, but it’s been a while, so I thought I’d do another!
I’m a disabled, chronically ill writer who lives in Michigan with the snow, pine trees, and moose. I’ve been writing since I was eleven, and I’m 32 now, so for over 20 years, which is insane to think about. XD  I write mainly high fantasy, but I also really love to write romance, adventure, and dark/horror fantasy.
I also love anime/manga, Harajuku fashion, crafting, and gaming of both the video and tabletop variety. I also love animals, and have both a cat and a pet leopard gecko, both of whom I adore, and hope to have more pets someday!
I’m planning to self publish and have decided to go the indie publication route. I don’t have any books yet, but plan to promote my work and whatnot during my writing process.
I’m also planning to do Camp NaNoWriMo this month!
WORKS IN PROGRESS The Circus of Spectres (Camp NaNoWriMo - April 2023) Hospitalized in an asylum at age eight in a strange, bloody incident that murdered several children, Rosalia Espina has always longed for more. Forced into horrible performances for donations by the asylum coordinator, Rosalia found she could charm guests through singing. One night, Rosalia’s best friend, Enid Mortis, sneaks them both out to see the Night Circus, a wondrous display of magic, wonder, and illusion unlike either of them had ever seen. However, the night is cut short by a supernatural attack of the ghostly variety, and Rosalia unlocks a power against the spirits she never knew she had. She meets the Spectre siblings, who come from generations of hunting and killing the supernatural. Rosalia finds herself fascinated by the mysterious and troubled Ashton Spectre, who carries the burdens of his legacy with great weight. As she finds herself brought into the fold of the Night Circus, Rosalia finds herself caught in a maze of the hauntings the dead left behind. The Fairy Storyteller Circelia Amaranthe Lefay was born in a beautiful seaside village in the mountains to her human father and her late fairy mother, who died when she was barely young enough to remember. Despite this, she wanted for nothing in her childhood, lavished in love by her indulgent father and her warm village family. However, as Celia grew older, she began to wonder about her fairy heritage–a heritage her father had always kept secrets of, for her own protection, or so he insisted. One night, everything changes when the mysterious human Prince Perseus Arcana arrives in their small village, asking after Celia, for she has been requested by the Queen of the Seelie Court to become the Court storyteller. Through this, Circelia learns she is one of the leanan sidhe, a rare fairy bloodline dedicated to the arts of storytelling, song, and visual composition. What Perseus doesn’t mention is the strange beings that follow him, attracted by his rare magical power, and are further enticed by this new leanan sidhe. After the village is attacked in an effort to kidnap Celia for power, her father is given no choice but to let her go with Perseus. Celia leaves her small village to attend the Fae Court for the first time in her life. As she enters Court and learns of its dangers, she learns the Old Magic no longer thrives as it used to, and a dangerous, evil being that feeds on fae and magic users alike is the one chewing at its roots. Dreamland (Book 1 in the Gothivian Quintet) An air of celebration surrounds Princess Kaia Dahlia Genesis as she celebrates her eighteenth birthday the day before she is to be coronated as Queen. However, she is not without her worries, as there are rumors that the insurgents who murdered her parents when she was a child lurk in the castle, lying in wait to overthrow her imminent reign and take over the mysterious magical legacy that has been left to her by the many Queens who came before. Not to mention, there's been a strange God-like being that keeps appearing in her dreams to offer her the entire universe. But still, celebrations move forward as they normally would, and that night, everything changes when she is betrayed by a mentor she dearly loves, and discovers a mysterious power connected to her royal bloodline, forcing her to flee her kingdom. The Id Series (Working Title) All Angelique Hanrahan remembers is waking up underneath a great tree created by her own magic, with a note in her hand that says ‘wait for me, I will find you again,’ evidence of an unknown spell she cast. Left with this mysterious note and the deep, profound emptiness that something is missing, she has been plagued by vague dreams of someone dear to her whom she loves very much. For the last year, Angel has been searching for answers. What Angel doesn’t know is that she cast a spell that rescued her long time love, Astrophel Morgenstern, plagued for most of his childhood by the volatile and manipulative Mary, one of the Fear Dorcha, a great being of shadow from the dark and mysterious Black Realms. But every piece of magic comes with a cost, and for Angel, the powerful spell that saved her love also took her memories of her relationship with Astrophel, erasing him from the memories of all who knew their love. That is, except for Angel’s sister, Namine, who is tasked with remembering, unable to tell others of the spell, lest it break. Burdened by the great sacrifice Angel made, her sister must take the memories to her grave. Meanwhile, the brilliantly smart heiress of the CEO of mega corporation Hallow, Amaya Castilla, finds a magical tomb within the skeleton of an ancient progenitor spirit, believing it will solve many magical problems. However, everything goes wrong the day she and her team explore the tomb when one of the soldiers protecting Amaya, her good friend and crush Ronan Vertice, loses his teammate and best friend Ekko in a strange magical incident, costing his trust in both Amaya and Hallow. Despite the complicated, rare magic of the spell that protects him, Astrophel has sworn to recover Angel’s memories without breaking it, so they may be together again. However, Astrophel, Angel, and Amaya find themselves threatened by powerful spirit summoner Harper Banesworth, a holder over one of the Great Spirits of Nature who has been corrupted into a taboo practice that steals magic from others. As Astrophel’s efforts to recover Angel’s memory provokes the wrath of Mary, Harper is stopped only by her twin brother Haran, her former love Ellis Beck, and his best friend Elaysa Khan, another Great Spirit holder, as Ellis chases her in the hope of rescuing her from herself.But Mary is bent on destroying everything, leading to an attack on everyone’s family and friends that plunges Namine and her friend Pyrrhus into the Black Realms, causing Amaya to question her family’s legacy and the steep cost at which magical power comes. As she finds herself conflicted between troubled, sad Ronan as he begins to question everything Hallow stands for, and the values she was taught at her father’s knee, Angel and Astrophel set out on a journey after Namine and Pyhrrus--a journey that might just recover Angel’s memories of Astrophel once again.
LINKS You can keep up to date with my works via my Facebook, and of course, here on Tumblr! I also have a Ko-fi, as well as a website! WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | KO-FI
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void-botanist · 1 year
For the random WIP game: books, pen, and cross please!👀
As you wish!
📚 [Books] Is this WIP part of a series or standalone? I am low key incapable of standalones, lol. Nicea was intended to be one but then I got interested in what would happen in the sequel (I just love these characters a lot). TFA pretty quickly became part of a series when I realized I could not stuff that much planetside stuff PLUS a 1.5-year space mission into one book. Triad is sort of a standalone in the sense that it doesn't have a sequel but it does have a companion, Sheri, since I need to explore what both of the ex-royal twins are doing. AOM also does not have a sequel exactly. But it sets up a lot of characters and dynamics that will show up in what I guess is kind of the sequel to Drowning in the Stars? It doesn't have a name or any clear vision other than Leon has murderous intent. In other words my characters are so mixed up with each other I rarely have true standalones.
(Here's my full WIP idea list if you're curious about any of these less active ones.)
🖋️ [Pen] Describe your WIP in a single, terrible sentence. sorry not sorry I had too much fun with these Nicea: starship crew gets laid, the book Nicea 2: surprisingly, several men suck less than our models predicted Drowning in the Stars: I've only had this librarian for a day but if anything happened to her I would be very sad :( AOM: perhaps Sorian was not as wet of a noodle as we thought TFA: of course you have purple hair and a history of being called a toaster Syndy & Hoven: he would be a little meow meow but she's committing all the atrocities Triad: listen I know we wanted to fuck but my mom fucked around and it's time for her to find out Sheri: I've been lying to you: I was imagining you naked in lecture
❌ [Cross] What would your WIP get cancelled on Twitter for? I did this for Nicea and TFA already but AOM/Sorian and Avis is fun too.
AOM in general would get canceled because Sid's parents are too cartoonishly bad or because it's unrealistic that Sid would trust this weird angry witch (Avis) over his cartoonishly bad parents or he cries too much, again about the actions of his cartoonishly bad parents. He also looks too gay what with the rainbow hair. Celia is way too horny (more furry propaganda smh) and why does Leon own a mantelpiece sword if he's not going to use it? Horatio is canceled for having a fault ever so that he is not the Unproblematic Fave or for not immediately going "since this man I have only just met at the age of 14 is my biological father I will now not be referring to anyone else as 'dad'".
Speaking of Sorian, what wouldn't Sorian and Avis get canceled on twitter about? Avis is mean and bitter and "manipulative" and Sorian is pathetic and malleable and "unmanly" and they're both obviously middle-aged and still find each other extremely hot. Avis should be more "maternal" about helping Sid/being his secondary parental figure, and Sorian should demand recognition as Horatio's dad or demand that Avis take him back or demand anything at all ever. But more than anything they are collectively canceled for getting back together after he cheated.
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...Here is a crossover of Descendats and the Addams Family.
Because why not, right?
So, imagine if the two movies existed within the same universe. The Addamses would decide to move on the Isle, because of the aesthetic, of course. The baby blue and light pink in Auradon? Pastels? No, thank you. We prefer the black aesthetic and dim light of the Isle.
They'd absolutely vibe on the Isle, becoming positive role models for the VKs, while also being delightfully creepy and just themselves as ever.
Anyway, here is a collection of headcanons for that scenario:
They adopt Carlos de Vil as soon as they learn of his living conditions. Cruella doesn't notice that her son is not living with her anymore, because they send Thing in the Hell Hall to do the work Carlos was supposed to do. Carlos and Pugsley bond over their mutual love for explosives.
All of the VKs are always welcome to visit their home.
Gomez regularly sword-fights Gaston and Judge Frollo over not respecting women.
Morticia and Mama Addams teach young Isle girls to brew potions and poisons and medicine.
Dizzy loves to show off her accessories to Morticia and she is always very supportive, even if those are not her style.
Morticia and Gomez dance literally anywhere and anytime, even in the middle of a crowded marketplace, because, Oh, how long since we've last waltzed? And because the light was just right.
The VKs learn that it is okay to like each other and to show affection from watching the two. Also, Harry Hook and Uma copying the dance!
Morticia visits the Evil Queen at her castle, because she couldn't care less about the supposed banishment. It goes like this:
The Evil Queen and Morticia are talking about their daughters:
EQ:„...So, how is Wednesday doing?“
Morticia:„Oh, you know, she's at the speical age when little girls have only one thing in mind!“
EQ:„Oh, boys?“
Evie, visibly perking up:„Wait, we can do that?“
EQ:„No. You need to find a husband first.“
Gomez would adore Celia's fortune telling and would pay her a literal fortune any time she read his cards.
They'd keep in touch with their friends in Auradon via very confusing letters: They'd say things like: „Oh, it's just lovely there! All the trash really adds to the overall mood here, but we would ask you to tone down the plastic you are throwing out; it's not really good for the environment, you know?“ or „Adding a bit of cyanide to the used coffee grounds really does improve the taste,“ and „Could you send over some more weapons, please? We run out of our reserves and the kids have nothing to fight with and defend themselves with!“
Any time the Villains mention that love makes you weaker near Gomez, he gets into „I'd kill for her. I'd die for her. Either way, what a bliss.“ mode. It's not really effective at getting the point across, but the villains do not want to hear this exact monologue every other day so they learn to shut up quickly.
If they say this in front of Morticia, she just looks at them and calmly states: „I've killed for my family before and I will do it again.“ They're not sure if she is lying, but they are not going to risk it.
...Yeah, I might add to this if anything else crosses my mind.
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cynicism-on-ice · 3 years
BTD / TPOF Roleplay search
Hello! I’m searching for a 1x1 Boyfriend to Death or The Price of Flesh Roleplay particularly right now. OC Friendly! 
As this fandom is not for minors, neither is this RP request. I am now only taking people who are 20+ for BTD roleplays no exceptions. I will not put up with people keeping their age from me or lying about it.
As for who I play for BTD, I mainly play Ren, Strade, and maybe Rire. However, I strongly am looking to play as Ren or Strade but of course I can do Rire as well if an idea interests me enough.
For TPOF, I’m most confident in The Announcer, Derek, Mason, and then Celia in that order for the main routes, and for more side characters I also play Dragon, Komodo, and Tom. Maybe even The Demon(to avoid spoils) if you suggest a good idea?
For who you play, I’m OC friendly and though I strongly prefer canon characters and I’ll take just about anyone, I will also take OCs with no problem, so don’t worry! Bonus points for interesting/unique OCs.
Some ideas I have had come to mind:
This one includes Ren and Strade where the positions get flipped. It could happen when Strade gets attacked (or at some point before it), but instead of Ren freezing up, this time Ren ends up saving him only to take him captive in his own home, taking advantage of his injured state and it goes from there. I just think it's fun. I prefer to play the Ren there, but I could do Strade in it instead if you prefer.
Or, a roleplay where Ren does end up saving Strade when he was nearly killed and maybe Strade wants to include Ren more on his antics?
Now, a (perhaps odd for BTD) OC idea premise. What if the OC, for one reason or another, has Ren staying with them and wants to help him heal? Be they someone whose home Ren broke into after running off at one point, an officer or investigator if the home was found and raided before or after Strade's death? Idk. Healing wouldn't be smooth or go well at all, and that route could go in a number of different routes tbh. It kinda interests me.
That’s the basics of those ideas, the rest such as levels of smut and gore can be discussed privately if you are interested! 
But if you aren’t interested in those ideas, then that’s absolutely fine! I love to discuss roleplays, and if you come to me with a character(or characters I can help choose from), we can definitely discuss something that will work together. c:
I’m also very open content wise, so there is fairly little that I will turn down, so no fears in suggesting things to me!
If you’re interested in any of the characters I play and think you’d like to RP with me, or have questions, you can message me here or ask for my Discord!
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julemmaes · 4 years
Can you write more of the Nessian modern au where they have 5 kids plz?
Prompt ideas:
They go camping
Ezra goes on his first date
One of the kids (probably like Cal or Celia) feels like their parents done love them as much as they love the others / that they don’t get as much attention as they others
Obv u don’t need to use any of these prompts if u don’t want to, these are just some ideas
I loved your fic !!!
I Love You
Set in this universe, Nessian fourth child feels like she’s isn’t given the same amount of love her parents are showing her siblings and after a particularly bad day goes by, she bursts.
A/N: The ages: Ezra (23), Cal (19), Nora (14), Celia (12) and Andra (10). Nate is (18) and Iria (Emerie and Azriel’s firstborn) is (13).
It was hard to write this one, cause if one of my children came to me like this, telling me what Celia is going to say, I would probably kill myself you know. Hate these situations:(
Also, I’m definitely gonna write the other two too, cause they’re interesting and I think you all want to read about Ezra’s first date. So don’t worry, we’ll see them camping and struggling with love some more!
Word count: 4,370
"Cal, can you help me with my homework?" asked Celia as she entered the boys room.
Her brother didn't even spare her a glance, waving a hand in mid-air, "I can't right now Cece, I'm playing with Nate and I can't pause, sorry." then burst out laughing at something his cousin had said to him through his earbuds. He cast her a quick glance over his shoulder, "Maybe when I finish."
The girl huffed, muttering a don't worry and closed the door behind her. She walked down the hallway, towards her room and Nora's. She didn't bother knocking, but froze in the doorway, staring at her sister with hopeful eyes. She knew she wouldn't find help there either when she heard her say Iria's name into the phone's microphone.
She could feel that she might be about to let out a scream of frustration.
She was about to leave the room when Nora noticed her, "Iria wait a second," she put a hand on the phone, smiling at Celia, "Do you want anything? I can leave the room if you need to study in silence," she offered her.
Celia shook her head, "I can't do this geometry problem." she said furrowing her brow as she looked at the strange figure on the sheet her math teacher had assigned her. She looked up at Nora and she had a bored look on her face. Celia had confirmation of what she had thought as soon as she walked in. Before her sister could find an excuse to escape that task, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll do it myself."
Nora didn't even try to retort and resumed talking to her cousin, yelling at Celia to close the door when she left.
"Yeah, I'll close the door for you," she muttered to herself.
She didn't want to go to her mom and ask for help with her homework because she knew it would end with one of them yelling, but she had no other choice. Huffing for the millionth time, she headed downstairs, mentally ready to face an intense math session with her mom.
When she entered the kitchen, Nesta was leaning on her chair with her knees and half lying on the table, holding a yellow pencil and coloring one of the suns on Andra's exercise book.
Her sister was the first to see her, "Hi." she said in a flat tone.
Celia snickered, thinking "we're in the same boat sis". Doing homework with mom had always been tiring, whether it was math to solve or simple drawings to color, Nesta had the ability to squeeze their little brains to their last nerve.
Cassian had always told them that one day they would thank her, but Celia hadn't reached that moment yet. She was sure Ezra, who was finishing college, hadn't thanked her yet either for making him maintain that level of consistency in his studies.
"Mom," she called hesitantly, "could you help me with this problem?"
Andra glared at her, frowning, "She's helping me."
Celia knew she didn't mean it in a bad way, she knew she was probably just as tired as she was at that moment. After all, it was seven o'clock on a Sunday night for everyone, and if Andra had found herself finishing studying so late too, it was because she too had been given too much homework. She ignored her, waiting for Nesta to speak.
When he didn't answer her, Celia pushed with more annoyance in her voice, "Mom."
Nesta's head snapped toward her, and even this time, Celia knew the answer would be no. The weariness clear in her features. Nesta closed her eyes, scratching a temple with the tip of her pencil, "Can't you ask one of your siblings?"
"Nora and Cal are busy," she let her know, "I don't know where Ezra is."
Andra pointed her to the back door, "He's out with Dad, they're working in the gazebo."
Celia nodded, "Thank you." Nesta gave her a tired smile and then went back to coloring in the sun.
She clutched the book and notebook to her chest as she pushed the door open and the cold outside made her shiver. She could hear the hoarse laughter and low voices of her dad and brother, but she couldn't see them anywhere.
She stepped barefoot into the grass and wiggled her fingers through the blades of grass and then there was silence and Celia was suddenly afraid. If she turned around she could see Nesta and Andra at the table, but in front of her there was only darkness and silence, until a loud bang came from the gazebo and then she heard Cassian cursing, before Ezra burst out laughing.
She grinned, tiptoeing towards the two men.
As soon as she moved the curtain that was the door to the gazebo, a dart flew past her head and she jumped back, eyes wide. She felt her heart in her throat.
"Celia!" had shouted Ezra, sprinting toward her. His eyes, too, were full of fear and he had grabbed her by the arms. Cassian immediately behind him stroked her hair, checking to make sure he hadn't poked her in the face. They both let go a breath of relief when they saw that she was okay.
"Cutie you have to be careful when you come in here, you know that," her dad told her with a carefree smile on his face, "If I caught you, mommy would skin me alive."
All three cackled, Ezra pulling himself up and removing the darts from the board.
"Did you need anything?" asked Cassian.
Celia nodded, remembering the real reason she had gone there, "I can't do this problem-" she started to open the notebook, but Ezra interrupted her.
"Dad and I are just finishing up fixing this actually," he told her with a apologetic grimace, "Could you wait a half hour?"
Celia looked at Cassian hopefully, but her dad was already back handling tools and nails.
She turned to her brother, "But you were playing darts." she said impassively.
Ezra shrugged, "We were just taking a few minutes off, we've been working for hours." then turned to Dad, "Where's the wire?"
Cassian pointed to a spot on the other side of the gazebo and Celia took that gesture as her cue to leave them alone again.
"Nevermind." she whispered, closing the notebook and leaving the gazebo.
She eyed the table at which they ate breakfast every summer morning, thinking that if she started studying there maybe she would die of hypothermia and finally someone would deign to help her. Laughing at how extra she could be at times, she walked back into the house, passing her mom and Andra in silence and heading back to Cal's room. She was going to wait for him to finish the game and then force him to solve the problem for her.
She threw open the door and Cal let out a shriek, startling her.
"God, Cece you scared the shit out of me." he breathed, bringing a hand to his chest, finishing pulling on his pants.
Celia furrowed her brow, "Weren't you playing with Nate?"
Cal nodded absentmindedly, looking around, "See my wallet?"
She pointed it out to him. "Where are you going? You said you'd help me," she said in a whiny tone.
"I said maybe," he smiled slyly at her, "and Raina called me and I'm spending the night at her place." with that he turned and opened the drawer, pulling out two aluminum foil envelopes. As soon as Celia realized what they were, she brought her hands to her eyes.
"Gee," she sighed, then turned around shaking her head, "I didn't need to see that."
Without looking at him, she raised a hand, smiling tightly at the empty space in front of her, "See you tomorrow, have fun."
Cal chuckled as he walked past her and darted down the stairs, "Sure will. See you tomorrow."
Celia shook her head again and then again, trying to erase the image of- she walked back down the hall, opening up the door to her room.
Nora in a completely different position was still talking on the phone and when she saw her she rolled her eyes, telling Iria to wait yet again. She turned on her stomach, raising an eyebrow, "What is it?"
Why is everyone so grumpy today?
Celia was fed up with that attitude and raised her arms to the sky, "Nothing, whatever."
Then they stared at each other for a few seconds and Nora nodded her chin, "Could you please go out? I'm talking to Iria on the phone and-"
"This is my room, too," Celia retorted, pointing out the obvious.
Nora huffed, leaning her head back, "Yes and I'm asking if I can please talk to our cousin in private."
Celia was getting even more nervous. "If you would help me with this problem I could go mind my own business in the living room and I wouldn't have to bother you every five minutes anymore."
Nora stood up, grabbing her by the arm and pushing her out of the room, "I'll help you when I'm done talking on the phone."
Celia didn't even have time to realize that her sister had literally just thrown her out of the room that the door behind her had already been closed. She wanted to go back in and throw herself at Nora and work it out the way they used to work it out when they were kids, when they could still hit each other if they fought - not that their parents ever let them go beyond the first slap or hair pull.  
She walked into the bathroom in the middle of their rooms to see where Cassian and Ezra stood, but from the second floor it was impossible to see inside the gazebo.
She went to Andra's room so she wouldn't risk running into condom wrappers and having to breathe the testosterone-smelling air of her brothers' room and sat down on the bed. She opened the notebook on her lap, rereading the problem statement aloud.
"A rectangular parallelepiped has basic dimensions that measure-" then she stopped.
It was pointless. She couldn't figure out what formulas to apply to calculate what was asked of her in the fourth question. Rereading the text wasn't going to help.
She brought her hands to her hair.
Why is this so hard?
She heard Nora laughing down the hall and felt anger sizzle under her skin.
Ever since she'd gotten the phone for her fourteenth birthday, there hadn't been a night that was one in which she hadn't called Iria. And it had only been a few months since she'd started high school, but Celia didn't understand how those two things had managed to change her sister like that.
She knew Nora still cared about her, but it was getting harder and harder to spend time with her, and Cal was always out with Raina and the twins and it was possible that she didn't see him for days at a time. Although that last part had become an occurrence in recent years.
Nesta had explained to her that it was normal, that they were just growing up and there was nothing to worry about, that they'd get closer once she got older too, but it had hurt Celia to lose Cal in many ways and now she was just scared that the same thing would happen with Nora.
She had nothing against spending her free time with Andra, but she was still little and still liked to play with dolls and Celia would rather hang herself than pretend to be a Doctor Peluche one more time.
She chuckled again this time, imagining herself announcing her death to her parents after her little sister asked her to play.
Then she heard Andra scream with happiness and run up the stairs. She was just in time to get out of the bed and out of the room that her sister was at the top of the stairs.
"I finished my homework!" she yelled, balling up her fists in the air.
Celia smiled at her, "Great."
Then Andra sagged, "Now I'm going to go take a victory nap."
"You've earned it." she walked past her as she yawned and headed down the stairs two steps at a time.
"Mom!" she called skipping the last three, "Can you help me now?"
Nesta made a frustrated sound, turning to her with a bag of frozen green beans in her hand.
"I just finished with Andra, is there any way we could think about this after dinner?"
Celia was about to start crying, but nodded anyway. She went into the living room when her mom resumed cooking, turning on the TV and putting on a channel where they showed how food is made.
When her dad and Ezra came back into the house they were so dirty that Nesta sent them straight to get washed up with the threat of not letting them sit down if they didn't smell flowery and clean.
Celia would have gone along with her mom, adding a sassy retort to make it even more dramatic, but at that moment she couldn't speak.
Cassian had passed behind the couch to go to the bathroom and shower, ruffling her hair and leaving a kiss on her head.
Even there, Celia didn't respond or say any "I love you too" back.
She didn't realize until a few minutes later that she wasn't really watching the show, and when she felt she was about to start crying - from too much accumulated stress and frustration throughout the day - she decided she needed to find a place where she could blow off steam.
Her room was apparently off-limits, Andra's was occupied and she couldn't hide in either her parents' or her brothers' room because both Ezra and her dad would go there to get dressed after their showers.
This only added to all the bad things of the day and on top of all the crap, she knew her mom was going to go to sleep right after dinner. When Nesta was this tired there was no way she was going to be able to stay up a minute longer and even if she could convince her it would just be hell.
Doing math with a calm and rested Nesta was already a nightmare on its own, she didn't want to think about what it would be like to do it with a cranky and tired Nesta.
She silently opened the door that led into the tavern, where the brothers normally spent their Saturday nights with their cousins and friends. The girls still weren't allowed to go down there when everyone was there, and Celia was looking forward to high school so she would get a free pass to attend their nights.
That is, if they would accept her.
She closed the door carefully behind her and ran down the stairs, turning on the light first.
She threw herself on the couch and then hugged her legs, sobbing once. And then again and again until a liberating cry was wracking her body.
She didn't know if it was just the math assignment she couldn't do or if it bothered her to see how much everyone didn't need her at that moment. Andra had mom and Ezra had dad and Nora and Cal had their respective friends and Celia… she felt so lonely right then.
She sobbed particularly loudly and clamped her mouth shut with her hand when she heard her father's footsteps pass by the tavern door. She didn't want him to hear her, it would worry him for nothing.
Yes, it was just because she couldn't get a stupid math problem right. She was overreacting.
She didn't need her parents. Or her brothers.
Or her sister for that matter.
She was sure all of her classmates were getting the exercise done.
She loosened her arms from around her legs and lay down on the couch, closing her eyes and clutching one of the pillows to her chest. It had a vague earthy smell to it, but it smelled like Cal too, and it angered the girl even more as she grabbed a corner of the pillow and threw it across the room, yelling not too loudly.
She didn't know how long she'd been down there, but when Nesta called the family to let them know dinner was ready, Celia sprang to her feet. She pulled the sleeves of her shirt over her hands and ran them over her face to remove the residue of the crying in frantic movements.
She took three deep breaths and then walked slowly up the stair
s. She opened the door just as Ezra walked into the living room and their eyes met.
She immediately lowered her head, so he wouldn't see her face, but her brother put a hand on her shoulder, "Lia..." the silent request to look at him clear as day.
"What?" she replied too surly. She cursed in her head when she noticed her brother stiffen. It was as if she could see his surprised expression.
So much for playing dumb.
"Are you okay?" he asked, then squeezed her shoulder, "Why were you downstairs?"
She moved to escape his grasp, then ran a hand over her face, huffing, "I was looking for something." she replied evasively, trying to make her way to the kitchen. Ezra grabbed her wrist, spinning her around, at which point Celia was forced to look at him.
Ezra had a conflicted expression, somewhere between angry and worried, "What happened? Why are you crying?" he asked, in a tone that didn't allow for a non-answer.
Celia remained silent, her brows knitted in a frown as she tried to swallow the knot that was forming in her throat.
Perhaps he had spoken too loudly, because Cassian's figure appeared in the kitchen doorway, "Who's crying?"
Celia looked towards her dad and it only took a second of seeing him for the crying to return, only harder.
Cassian's face turned completely as he moved Ezra from in front of his daughter and hugged her, lifting her off the ground. Celia wrapped her arms around her father's neck, hiding her face between the crook of his neck and his shoulder, and only sobbed louder as Cassian's hand began massaging her back in circular motions.
She didn't care if she would be thirteen in a few weeks. She didn't care that her father was rocking her like he used to when she was little, she just wanted him to hold her close.
She wrapped her legs around her dad's waist and heard Cassian take a shaky breath, "Ezra why don't you go ahead? We'll be right there."
Celia didn't see or hear her brother's response, but she was grateful to her dad when he moved to the couch, settling down and bringing her to him. She pressed herself tighter against him.
"Lia, what happened?" he whispered in her ear. This only made her sob more loudly, "Ssh, cutie," he murmured as the little girl's breathing became more erratic, "It's okay."
"Celia." her mom's voice made her sit up and Nesta was there, who with only a few steps was behind the couch. She'd seen Andra and Nora's heads pop up from the kitchen as well, but Ezra had called them back and they were gone immediately.
Nesta took a seat next to Cassian, her arms outstretched toward her daughter, but her gaze fixed on her husband's. Celia launched herself at her mother, but kept an arm around her father's neck and Cassian took her hand, squeezing it in his.
The child's tears had soaked his pajama shirt and Nesta's chest tightened. She brushed Celia's hair until she had a clear view of her daughter's face, "What's wrong?"
"I have-" she sobbed, "I had to solve a problem and I couldn't and no one-" every breath she tried to take was broken by a sob. She sniffled, "And then Nora kicked me out of the room and Cal- Cal didn't want to help me and he left and you were-" she ran the hand that wasn't clasped in Cassian's over her face, "You were helping Andra." then she turned to her dad and started crying again, "And then you and Ezra sent me away."
Nesta felt tremendous guilt and was about to apologize to her, for ignoring her, but then Celia said something that completely broke her heart.
"You don't love me like you do the others," she sobbed into her mom's chest.
"Oh, Lia." murmured Cassian, in a hurt tone. He slipped a hand between Nesta and his daughter's stomach and pulled her away from her mother, forcing the woman's arms off Celia.
Cassian sat her back down on his lap and looked into her eyes, leaning down just enough to be at the same height as her. His brow was furrowed and she could see how upset those few words had made him.
"That's absolutely not true." he whispered in a firm tone, watching the redness of his little girl's face, the tears that continued to fall undisturbed.
Nesta stroked her hair, "Your father is right." she added.
"You are all on exactly the same level. There's no such thing as loving one child more than the other," he repeated, "It's not possible."
Celia took more shaky breaths, struggling to speak, "Cal and Nora hate me now."
Nesta felt bad for her little girl. She didn't dare imagine how long she had kept those doubts to herself, couldn't imagine how she could think those things. How she had let one of her children feel that way without even noticing.
"Cal could never hate you and you know it. He loves you too much. Exactly like me and Mom and Nora too, even though it might not seem like it." said Cassian. Then he ran a thumb under her eyes, wiping her cheeks. "I'm sorry if we made you feel left out today, that wasn't our intention, okay?"
Celia nodded, but resumed crying.
"We're a family, we all love each other so much, but we're also numerous," Nesta tried to explain, "It may happen sometimes that no one is available to help you at that moment, but that doesn't mean they don't love you or care about you less than the day before."
Cassian squeezed her hips, "Why didn't you tell us this before?" he asked her, later clarifying, "That you were feeling this way."
Celia shrugged, resting her hands on her daddy's chest, just as she did when she was little.
"I don't want it to get to a point where you can't hold back anymore and you have to hide to cry, okay?" said Cassian to her. Nesta looked at him and saw that his eyes were glazed over. She placed a hand on his leg, but the man's attention didn't shift from his daughter's face. "If you feel that Mama and I and anyone in this house are misbehaving with you, you come tell us and we'll talk about it, without the need to yell at each other and fight." he gave her a hesitant smile. Then he wrapped her up and pulled her against him, kissing her temple, "Please don't think I love you any less just because I'm a stupid, clueless big man who can't manage his time optimally, okay?"
Celia nodded against his neck, starting to play with the end of his hair strands.
"And I'm sorry if I made you think that for even a second," he closed his eyes as he whispered those words to her.
"I love you dad." said Celia in a muffled voice.
Cassian held her tighter to his chest, "I love you cutie."
Nesta cleared her throat, laying a hand on her daughter's back, "I'm sorry if I didn't pay enough attention to you today too and if I sent you out of the kitchen," she murmured, urging her to look at her. Celia broke away from Cassian, getting off his lap and launching herself at her mother, who caught her and stifled a laugh at the sudden weight.
God, she was growing up so fast, too.
"I love you, Lia." she whispered to her, "Don't ever doubt that, please."
"I love you mom."
They stayed rocking their baby girl for a few more minutes, then Cassian made a joke about the food that was getting cold in their plates, and all three of them got up from the couch and walked into a particularly quiet kitchen.
Nesta took a seat next to Andra and kissed her forehead as she took a green bean from the serving plate with her small hand.
Cassian glanced at all his children present and blew out a cough, "Maybe we should talk about eavesdropping as well."
Ezra turned to Celia, who was wiping her face with her napkin despite the fact that it was already dry, "Sorry for making you feel that way." he smiled at her, "I love you."
Celia nodded, focusing on her food.
"I want to apologize too," Nora said more softly, playing with the edge of the tablecloth. "I shouldn't have kicked you out of the room like that, and if you want to later I'll help you with the problem."
Her sister looked at her and opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, "I would love to."
"Sorry." said Andra, with a rather cute frown on her face. She probably didn't quite understand what had happened, but Celia appreciated either way. Even as she gave her the widest smile as she said, "I love you."
Celia looked at everyone at the table, swallowing noisily, "I love you."
She would talk to Cal another time.
They ate between jokes and pranks and after dinner they all jumped on their parents' bed, cuddling until they all fell asleep there. Cassian and Nesta were forced to give up their room for the night, taking refuge in the guest room instead, but not before showing their children how much infinite love they felt for each of them.
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richincolor · 3 years
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New Releases for the Week of May 3, 2021
It's great to see so many new books hitting the shelves this week. I know I've been waiting for several of these and am happy to be able to finally read them. 
The Ones We’re Meant to Find by Joan He Roaring Brook
Cee has been trapped on an abandoned island for three years without any recollection of how she arrived, or memories from her life prior. All she knows is that somewhere out there, beyond the horizon, she has a sister named Kay. Determined to find her, Cee devotes her days to building a boat from junk parts scavenged inland, doing everything in her power to survive until the day she gets off the island and reunites with her sister.
In a world apart, 16-year-old STEM prodigy Kasey Mizuhara is also living a life of isolation. The eco-city she calls home is one of eight levitating around the world, built for people who protected the planet―and now need protecting from it. With natural disasters on the rise due to climate change, eco-cities provide clean air, water, and shelter. Their residents, in exchange, must spend at least a third of their time in stasis pods, conducting business virtually whenever possible to reduce their environmental footprint. While Kasey, an introvert and loner, doesn’t mind the lifestyle, her sister Celia hated it. Popular and lovable, Celia much preferred the outside world. But no one could have predicted that Celia would take a boat out to sea, never to return.
Now it’s been three months since Celia’s disappearance, and Kasey has given up hope. Logic says that her sister must be dead. But as the public decries her stance, she starts to second guess herself and decides to retrace Celia’s last steps. Where they’ll lead her, she does not know. Her sister was full of secrets. But Kasey has a secret of her own. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Meet Cute Diary by Emery Lee Quill Tree Books
Noah Ramirez thinks he’s an expert on romance. He has to be for his popular blog, the Meet Cute Diary, a collection of trans happily ever afters. There’s just one problem—all the stories are fake. What started as the fantasies of a trans boy afraid to step out of the closet has grown into a beacon of hope for trans readers across the globe.
When a troll exposes the blog as fiction, Noah’s world unravels. The only way to save the Diary is to convince everyone that the stories are true, but he doesn’t have any proof. Then Drew walks into Noah’s life, and the pieces fall into place: Drew is willing to fake-date Noah to save the Diary. But when Noah’s feelings grow beyond their staged romance, he realizes that dating in real life isn’t quite the same as finding love on the page.
In this charming novel by Emery Lee, Noah will have to choose between following his own rules for love or discovering that the most romantic endings are the ones that go off script. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
They Better Call Me Sugar: My Journey from the Hood to the Hardwood by Sugar Rodgers Black Sheep
Growing up in dire poverty in Suffolk, Virginia, Sugar (born Ta’Shauna) Rodgers never imagined that she would become an all-star player in the WNBA (Women’s National Basketball Association). Both of her siblings were in and out of prison throughout much of her childhood and shootings in her neighborhood were commonplace. For Sugar this was just a fact of life.
While academics wasn’t a high priority for Sugar and many of her friends, athletics always played a prominent role. She mastered her three-point shot on a net her brother put up just outside their home, eventually becoming so good that she could hustle local drug dealers out of money in one-on-one contests.
With the love and support of her family and friends, Sugar’s performance on her high school basketball team led to her recruitment by the Georgetown Hoyas, and her eventual draft into the WNBA in 2013 by the Minnesota Lynx (who won the WNBA Finals in Sugar’s first year). The first of her family to attend college, Sugar speaks of her struggles both academically and as an athlete with raw honesty.
Sugar’s road to a successful career as a professional basketball player is fraught with sadness and death–including her mother’s death when she’s fourteen, which leaves Sugar essentially homeless. Throughout it all, Sugar clings to basketball as a way to keep herself focused and sane.
And now Sugar shares her story as a message of hope and inspiration for young girls and boys everywhere, but especially those growing up in economically challenging conditions. Never sugarcoating her life experiences, she delivers a powerful message of discipline, perseverance, and always believing in oneself. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry by Joya Goffney HarperTeen
Quinn keeps lists of everything—from the days she’s ugly cried, to “Things That I Would Never Admit Out Loud,” to all the boys she’d like to kiss. Her lists keep her sane. By writing her fears on paper, she never has to face them in real life. That is, until her journal goes missing…
An anonymous account posts one of her lists on Instagram for the whole school to see and blackmails her into facing seven of her greatest fears, or else her entire journal will go public. Quinn doesn’t know who to trust. Desperate, she teams up with Carter Bennett—the last known person to have her journal—in a race against time to track down the blackmailer.
Together, they journey through everything Quinn’s been too afraid to face, and along the way, Quinn finds the courage to be honest, to live in the moment, and to fall in love. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Hurricane Summer by Asha Bromfield Wednesday Books
Tilla has spent her entire life trying to make her father love her. But every six months, he leaves their family and returns to his true home: the island of Jamaica.
When Tilla’s mother tells her she’ll be spending the summer on the island, Tilla dreads the idea of seeing him again, but longs to discover what life in Jamaica has always held for him.
In an unexpected turn of events, Tilla is forced to face the storm that unravels in her own life as she learns about the dark secrets that lie beyond the veil of paradise—all in the midst of an impending hurricane.
Hurricane Summer is a powerful coming of age story that deals with colorism, classism, young love, the father-daughter dynamic—and what it means to discover your own voice in the center of complete destruction. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Indivisible by Daniel Aleman Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
There is a word Mateo Garcia and his younger sister Sophie have been taught to fear for as long as they can remember: deportation. Over the past few years, however, the fear that their undocumented immigrant parents could be sent back to Mexico has started to fade to the back of their minds. And why wouldn’t it, when their Ma and Pa have been in the United States for so long, they have American-born children, and they’re hard workers and good neighbors?
When two ICE agents come asking for Pa, the Garcia family realizes that the lives they’ve built are about to come crumbling down. And when Mateo returns from school one day to find that his parents have been taken, he’ll have to come to terms with the fact that his family’s worst nightmare has become a reality.
With his Ma and Pa being held in separate detention centers, Mateo must learn how to look after his sister and himself. The choices Mateo makes, and the people he turns to for help, might reunite his family… or tear them apart for good. With his parents’ fate and his own future hanging in the balance, Mateo must figure out who he is and what he is capable of, even as he’s forced to question what it means to be an American teenager in a country that rejects his own mom and dad. — Cover art and summary via Goodreads
Counting Down with You by Tashie Bhuiyan Inkyard Press
Karina Ahmed has a plan. Keep her head down, get through high school without a fuss, and follow her parents’ rules—even if it means sacrificing her dreams. When her parents go abroad to Bangladesh for four weeks, Karina expects some peace and quiet. Instead, one simple lie unravels everything.
Karina is my girlfriend.
Tutoring the school’s resident bad boy was already crossing a line. Pretending to date him? Out of the question. But Ace Clyde does everything right—he brings her coffee in the mornings, impresses her friends without trying, and even promises to buy her a dozen books (a week) if she goes along with his fake-dating facade. Though Karina agrees, she can’t help but start counting down the days until her parents come back.
T-minus twenty-eight days until everything returns to normal—but what if Karina no longer wants it to? — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
All Kinds of Other by James Sie Quill Tree Books
In this tender, nuanced coming-of-age love story, two boys—one who is cis and one who is trans—have been guarding their hearts to protect themselves, until their feelings for each other give them a reason to stand up to their fears.
Two boys are starting at a new school.
Jules is just figuring out what it means to be gay and hasn’t totally decided whether he wants to be out at his new school. His parents and friends have all kinds of opinions, but for his part, Jules just wants to make the basketball team and keep his head down.
Jack is trying to start over after a best friend break-up. He followed his actor father clear across the country to LA, but he’s also totally ready to leave his past behind. Maybe this new school where no one knows him is exactly what he needs.
When the two boys meet, the sparks are undeniable. But then a video surfaces linking Jack to a pair of popular transgender vloggers, and the revelations about Jack’s past thrust both Jack and Jules into the spotlight they’ve been trying to avoid. Suddenly both boys have a choice to make—between lying low where it’s easier or following their hearts. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Luck of the Titanic by Stacey Lee G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
Southampton, 1912: Seventeen-year-old British-Chinese Valora Luck has quit her job and smuggled herself aboard the Titanic with two goals in mind: to reunite with her twin brother Jamie--her only family now that both their parents are dead--and to convince a part-owner of the Ringling Brothers Circus to take the twins on as acrobats. Quick-thinking Val talks her way into opulent firstclass accommodations and finds Jamie with a group of fellow Chinese laborers in third class. But in the rigidly stratified world of the luxury liner, Val's ruse can only last so long, and after two long years apart, it's unclear if Jamie even wants the life Val proposes. Then, one moonless night in the North Atlantic, the unthinkable happens--the supposedly unsinkable ship is dealt a fatal blow--and Val and her companions suddenly find themselves in a race to survive.
Stacey Lee, master of historical fiction, brings a fresh perspective to an infamous tragedy, loosely inspired by the recently uncovered account of six Titanic survivors of Chinese descent.
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there was a moment from yesterday’s episode that set off so many alarm bells in my head and i haven’t seen anyone talking about it yet so i’m going to get my thoughts out there. i’m putting the majority of this post under a readmore bc it got very long thanks to all the transcript quotes i pulled but i really want to know what everyone else thinks about the Implications™
Okay. So… what do we know about Hill Top Road?
Not much.
Another blind spot?
No, it’s – I could look at it, but it… it was… it was like a… a hole. You know that feeling you get when you look down from a, a great height, like you’re being pulled into the abyss?
Kind of?
[Getting lost in thought] Well it was… was like that. Normally I can see it, see the… webs, and feel the power of The Spider emanating from it, but… as I would look… it’s like my mind…. follows the paths of The Web,
the strands going down and… out… [Catching self] It’s quite disorientating.
my first thought after hearing this exchange was “huh, that sounds eerily similar to the description of the table the not-them was trapped in.” here it is from mag 3 - across the street:
I’d become enraptured by the table on which he’d placed my tea. It was an ornate wooden thing, with a snaking pattern of lines weaving their way around towards the centre. The pattern was hypnotic and shifted as I watched it, like an optical illusion. I found my eyes following the lines towards the middle of the table, where there was nothing but a small square hole.
my first instinct was that this was some foreshadowing for jon meeting some kind of horrible fate, because well... remember what happened the last time someone got mesmerized by the table?
Oh, hey. I’ve found… I’ve found that table you were talking about. Don’t really see what all the fuss is about. Just a… basic… optical illusion. Nothing special… just… just a… wait…
[Hushed and panicked] Jon! Jon, I think there’s someone here. Hello? I see you. Show yourself!
but then i started thinking more about why the table specifically would be referenced, and i remembered the earliest we see it used as artifact of the web, and where: with raymond fielding in hill top road in mag 59 - recluse:
On Sunday evenings, however, we’d all gather for the evening meal, and before we sat down to eat, he would remove the bright white tablecloth that covered it, and we’d gather around the dark wood. I remember it was carved in all sorts of strange swirling designs and patterns. It felt like if you picked a line, any line, you could follow it through to the center, to some deep truth, if only your eye could keep track of the strands that had caught it.
it was while i was checking the transcripts to find the above quote that i also remembered the hole in center of the table that the web pattern leads towards wasn’t always empty - it used to contain a box, and that box contained an apple.
again from again from mag 59:
The center of the table looked, at first, like it was simply part of the wooden top, but if you looked closely, as I did so often, you could see an outline marking the very middle as a small, square box, carved with patterns just like the ones that laced their way over the rest of the table. I don’t remember how long we sat around the table those evenings, nor do I have any memory of what we might have eaten.
I reached over and pulled the wooden square from the center of the table. On its own, it appeared to be a small wooden box, and the lid opened smoothly, as my hands moved in a practiced motion. Inside was an apple, green and fresh and still wet with morning dew.
I knew I was going to eat it. I could feel tears desperately trying to push themselves out of my eyes, but I instead decided not to cry. I placed the box down on the table, reached over, and picked up the apple.
the box from the center of the table makes its first appearance in the very first hill top road statement, mag 8 - burned out, where we learn that apparently the apple was full of spiders. 
considering the web’s predilection for filling it’s victim’s bodies with spiders (carlos vittery, annabell cane, the spider husks trevor encountered, the victim of the chelicerae website, the old woman in annabell’s statement, francis, etc.) i think this goes a ways to explain what happened to raymond’s other victims, and what would have happened to mag 59′s statement giver if he’d bitten into the apple:
They lay still now, wrapped in their sticky cocoons. Their bodies seemed warped and bloated in a way I didn’t recognize. But that’s only because at that point in my life, I had never before seen a spider egg sac.
more importantly though, we also learn that the box was buried under the burnt up tree in hill top road’s garden, the one whose uprooting was implied to be linked to agnes’s death: 
At that moment I made my decision. It was easy, like destroying this tree was the only thing to do, the only path to follow ... When the tree lay on its side, uprooted and powerless, I gazed into the hole where it had sat and noticed something lying there in the dirt.
Climbing down, I retrieved what turned out to be a small wooden box, about six inches square, with an intricate pattern carved along the outside. Engraved lines covered it, warping and weaving together, making it hard to look away.
Except… We cannot prove any connection, but Martin unearthed a report on an Agnes Montague, who was found dead in her Sheffield flat on the evening of November 23rd 2006, the same day Mr. Lensik claims to have uprooted the tree.
and keep in mind that the only reason the statement giver in mag 59 didn’t eat the apple, didn’t succumb to the web... was agnes’s kiss:
As the man in the suit told me to follow him in a clipped BBC accent, Agnes walked over, and gestured for me to lean down and listen to her. I did so, but instead of a conspiratorial whisper, she just gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, then ran off down the hall.
All at once, my cheek erupted in pain. It was like someone had pressed a hot branding iron into my face, and I could swear that I heard the flesh sizzle as I let out a scream and fell to my knees. I raised my hands to my face and realized in that moment two very important things. The first is that my face seemed to be untouched; I could feel no injury or burn. The second was that raising my hand had been a truly voluntary act. I had willed it myself, and whatever power had been gripping me, tugging me into its web, I was free of it.
at this point you’re probably wondering why i think all this is relevant in terms of what might happen with hill top road, and i have two potential ideas: 
my first idea has to do with the theory that agnes is lingering on as a ghost. this theory isn’t mine, i first encountered it shortly after mag 167 - curiosity aired through this post’s attempt to fix what bits of the timeline were thrown out of wack by the new info. if anyone has any other posts or general thoughts about this theory feel free to share them, i’d love to read them!
this theory is relevant to my speculation that agnes might finally make an appearance because she might have been the ghost seen by one of the statement givers in mag 100 - i guess you had to be there:
Right. Right.
Statement of Lynne Hammond, er, recorded 2nd of May 2017, regarding…
Uh, what, what’s this one about?
I saw a ghost.
O-kay.. Regarding a… a ghost. Statement begins.
who appeared as one of the cultists in mag 190 - scavengers: 
[Puzzled] Celia?
Probably. The, um… place I was trapped in, they took my name. I never got it back. But I like Celia, so… yeah! Celia it is.
Uh… H-Hello… Celia.
and was recognized and directly confirmed to be the same person by martin in mag 191 - what we lose:
Hey, I meant to ask. Do you recognise that woman, Celia?
Um… no, I, I don’t think so. Why?
I’d swear she gave a statement once.
having her only pop up in mag 190 would have just been a fun easter egg, but having martin directly call out her presence the next episode sounds to me like jonny telling the audience to pay attention, to remember that her statement had to do with the ghost of a young woman on fire who might have been agnes. 
my second idea involves web lighter.
over various statements throughout the previous four seasons we’ve been shown that the web and the desolation have been at war, and hill top road has been their battlefield. the best examples of this come from mag 139 - chosen and mag 149 - infectious doubts respectively. 
on the one hand we have agnes being planted in hill top road by the cult of the lightless flame in an effort to both control her powers and derail the web’s plans, which seems to begin the conflict:
The compromise we came to was Hill Top Road. We knew it was a stronghold of the Web, full of other children Agnes’ age. We would supervise from a distance, but were confident she would be in no danger. The Mother of Puppets has always suffered at our hand; all the manipulation and subtle venom in the world means nothing against a pure and unrestrained force of destruction and ruin.
and on the other we have the web binding gertrude to agnes, thus thwarting the desolation’s ritual, which also involved hill top road:
Alright. Agnes. How’d you do it? Never did understand it, not really.
Ah. That’s a fair enough question. It was the Web. I didn’t know it at the time, of course, and I would call it an accident, but it never is, with them. It’s only after the fact that you can see all the subtle manipulations
So, I began researching what I thought was a counter-ritual of sorts. Like I said, I was young, naive. I somehow found just the right books, made just the right connections, and even got what I thought was a piece of blind good luck when I found a tin box in the ashes of Hill Top Road, containing some perfectly preserved cuttings of her hair.
wouldn’t it seem symbolic, fitting with the dream logic we’ve been working with all season (and that the fears have always tended to work with), if what ended the metaphysical war was an artifact touched by both the web and the desolation? 
say perhaps... a device that creates fire while being marked by a symbol of the spider? one that just so happened to be delivered to the institute at the same time as a certain table?
Er, what is it?
A lighter. An old Zippo.
You smoke?
No. And I don’t allow ignition sources in my archive!
Okay. Is there anything unusual about it?
Not really. Just a sort of spider web design on the front. Doesn’t mean anything to me. You?
Ah no. No.
Well… show it to the others, see what they think. You said there was something else as well?
Oh, ah yes, yeah, it was sent straight to the Artefact Storage, a table of some sort. Ah, looks old. Quite pretty, though. Fascinating design on it.
all signs point to the best hope of escaping whatever plans the web has for jon lying with the desolation, or at least with fire, and who should be waiting in hill top road than someone who’s been known to burn statements in the past... and someone who, as of mag 162 - a cozy cabin, was the last person to mention the lighter: 
So, should we destroy it? Before we go?
I honestly don’t know if we can.
Besides, there’s – far worse out there. Better to try and avoid it, I think.
We’re not even gonna try? Look, we’ve got your lighter; maybe if we just –
i haven’t even begun to touch on the multiple instances of spiral marked individuals interacting with hill top road, or the potential role of the rift leading from the world without the institute to the reality with the institute from mag 114 - cracked foundations, or the foreshadowing we’ve gotten throughout this season that the archive might be destroyed by fire and how it’s looking more and more like that means jon might die, or the significance of the tapes and what power might be behind them...
but it’s nearing five in the morning where i am and i’ve been working on this frankly gargantuan post since about midnight, so i’m going to let more meta-inclined minds take it from here. tell me what you think! where do you agree with me, where do you think i’ve gone astray? hell, tell me if you think i’m just spinning my wheels, this is the first real theory post i’ve ever made so i might be completely off base, at least i tried lol.
the call back to the imagery surrounding the web table and its long history with hill top road and the desolation is leading me to believe that whatever plans the web has in hill top road for jon, fire is going to have a significant role in whether or not the web gets what it wants; either agnes herself might finally make an appearance or the web lighter might finally come into play.
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Last one! I swear! Prompt #97 with Lucie and Matthew
Yessssss!! I love Matthew and Luciee!!
Prompt #97:  “I need help.”
Characters: Matthew Fairchild & Lucie Herondale (platonic)
Lucie’s fingers hovered over her typewriter as she racked her brain for a word. It was on the very tip of her tongue, she could practically taste the word, and yet it still wasn’t there. She squinted her eyes in hopes that the word would come but she had no such luck. Lucie turned in her seat, placing her forehead on the back of her chair.
“Matthew?” She asked the blond boy reading on the couch behind her. “Do you remember the name of that period before a flood? The one from the bible?”
Matthew looked pensive for a moment, and then wrinkled his nose. 
“Ante—” Lucie said, remembering only the beginning of the word.
“Ah,” Matthew said after a while, snapping his fingers. “Antediluvian.”
“Yes! That’s the word! You’re the greatest reverse dictionary, Matthew!” Lucie said, quickly typing out the word.
“How ironic that I remember a term from the bible, while I myself am drowning in my own sins.” Matthew remarked. 
Lucie stopped and turned.
Matthew was turned away from her, looking out the window, so that all she saw was his side profile. Though his stoic expression made him seen unreachable; uninviting even, Lucie was strangely reminded of Uncle Henry. The way there was an emotion hidden behind those dark, emerald eyes, a secret hidden in them so very deep, you would drown before you could reach it. Different from Henry, however, Matthew’s eyes danced for show and never for the sake of joy. She could make out his near invisible freckles in the sunlight, how they made constellations across his concave, button nose. Individual strands of his hair caught in the light and took on a white color. Lucie couldn’t help but think of the times she had used the color in her novels: white that signifies purity and innocence. Yet, all she could think was how Matthew’s shoulders were always ever so slightly hunched, how his smile rarely reached his eyes. The sheer perfection of his face that left girls flustered and adults charmed. Many didn’t look deeper into the bottomless eyes that cried for help. How could you when the sunshine from his smile made it nearly impossible to see his pain?
Lucie, however, was a writer. She always looked much deeper than the surface. 
“You should really consider joining the Townsend’s musicale, Matthew. You are a wonderful actor, after all.”
Matthew turned his face, looking at Lucie with a bemused smile. “How would you know, Luce? I’ve never acted in front of you, nor have I tried it except for once when I was perhaps fourteen years of age and even then, it was a horror.”
“Nonsense, Math. You act in front of me all of the time.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The way you always act like you’re alright, when everybody who cares can clearly see you’re not.” Lucie said, her sudden seriousness cracking like a whip.
Matthew stopped dead. When he spoke, he did so quietly. “What makes you think I’m not alright?” 
Lucie got to her feet, annoyed. “Oh, please. You cannot simply sit there and lie to me. I know there’s something the matter, and I’ve asked you about a million times about it, only to have you turn me down each time.”
“If I keep turning you down, perhaps you’re just being delusional.” Matthew said through his teeth.
“Or maybe, it’s yourself who is delusional, pretending you don’t need help, meanwhile trying in every way possible to get somebody’s attention so that they might help.”
“Trying to get somebody’s attention?” Matthew said incredulously. 
“Yes. More specifically, your mother’s. Don’t look at me like that, Matthew, you know it’s the truth. You drink partly because it makes you forget but also because you so desperately want Aunt Charlotte to come and tell you to stop.” 
“And does she?”
“Then answer me this, if you know everything, why would I keep drinking if I knew my mother wouldn’t do anything about it?”
“Because that doesn’t change the fact that you need help. Did you honestly believe I wouldn’t realize you drink more when she’s around? When Jamie’s around?”
Matthew put his hands on his head. “Stop, Lucie. I don’t want to hear your absurd theories anymore.”
“Say it, Matthew. I’m tired of trying to ‘save’ you when you don’t want to save yourself. I’m not going to chase around, praying you’ll listen this time.”
Matthew looked like he had just been slapped in the face. He tensed, building a wall against himself. His hair became golden in the soft sunlight seeping through the window, making him resemble what Lucie could only describe as a greek god; perhaps Achilles, the demigod that saved thousands, but couldn’t save himself. 
Then, Matthew sunk down on the chair as though in defeat. Just as Paris had done, she’d found his weak spot. The one place where his invincibility was non existent. His walls came crashing down and Lucie was reminded of a puppy on the street; hurt, alone and frightened. 
Matthew took a shaky breath before speaking. “Fine, Lucie. You want to hear me say it? I’ll say it: I need help. I need help, Lucie.” His voice cracked. “There are days when I lay in bed and wish I had never woken up and they have been coming more frequently. 
“I’m tired of pretending everything is alright, I'm tired of burying my sorrows in alcohol. I’m tired of lying to my family and my parabatai and my friends and you too. I’m so tired and yet when I try to fall asleep at night, rest never comes because my sins are weighing me down so much that I can’t slip into unconsciousness without feeling them on my chest, not letting me breathe. Most nights, I suffocate and I feel like I’m going to die. I don’t want this, Lucie. Please, I beg of you, help me.” 
Tears slid down her eyes matching Matthew’s. She crossed the room and sat down beside him, holding his hand in both of her’s. “What’s wrong, Math? Tell me and I can help you.”
Matthew reached over and wiped one of her tears despite the heavy stream falling down his own face. “No, Luce. You can’t help me with this. There’s nothing you can do. This is something I have to fix on my own.”
“Then let me be here for you.” Lucie said, breaking eye contact for the sole purpose of leaning over and wrapping his arms around him. He seemed to freeze before his arms came down and embraced her tightly.
“I’ll be here for you, Math. I’ll make sure you walk through this cave and into the light, and if I can’t be the one to lead to, at least I’ll be there, standing next to you until you make it out.”
Matthew mumbled something, perhaps a thank you, and they embraced for what could have been an hour or two minutes. Matthew’s hair tickled her cheek and she was yet again reminded of a puppy or a small child, at such loss of the vast world, and in desperate need of an embrace or a kiss on the cheek, to know that everything will be alright.
“Everything will be alright, Math.” Lucie said, kissing his cheek and embracing him until the sky turned a gradient of pastel blues, pinks and oranges. The day was ending, but sometimes you need to end a horrible chapter before you can start a new one and work to make everything better again.
Tagging: @celias @hitheresomeoneusingthus @rinadragomir @tsccreatorsnet @atla-lok143 @youngreckless @autumnangel20
If you want to be tagged, please let me know!
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derekmorganscrocs · 3 years
Nancy Drew 2x12
Pls poor grant getting neglected 😩
Nick rly just hired him as soon as he could huh? Not that I blame him or anything. ACE NAMED THE DEEP FRYER RUTH OMG SO CUTE. I love that he names everything “you’re removing the flavour layer” THE WHAT NOW?! ACE WHAT- “your last restaurant closed due to lack of flavour” OW OKAY AGGRESSIVE MUCH?
Ace I like AC/DC too!!! Sorry I’m having a moment here.
SO GRANT IS HIS MIDDLE NAME? OK FRANK. (Sorry I’m sooooo rooting for the hardy boys to come in). Poor ace only being the link to nancy 😭
Pls the way Nancy’s like “Yeah... I get the life of lies thing.” SO CASUAL FOR WHAT- GIRL
“Stone Age of the 90s” WHAT NANCY-
OH M G. ODETTE LEAVING LOVE LETTERS TO BESS WAIT STOP- if there was no body timeshare I’d be here for it. SHES WRITING BACK AW
BROTHER MOMENT! That is not Florence.
OH SISTER MOMENT! “It’s bath time boyz” OMG PLS I SNORTED. omg bess about to get caught no 😩 FANSON CALL!! oh no nick dont get murdered pls.
Carson radiates wholesome helpful dad energy and I love him. Do I spy chemistry??? Maybe a lil?
“Is this a thing?” Nancy yes it is girl they need to figure each other out! They’re the hardy boys to be 😫
“Ace run!” Oh so grant can just go fuck himself I guess! Jkjk i know she grabbed grant lmao. BoyScout Ace returns!!! Oh heroic grant letting nancy go first omg, so sweet! I still think he’s frank, that’s a frank thing to do. “Trust me, I’m your brother” I SAY HARDY BOYS! Srsly though that was adorable. “Which ninja turtle?” ACE THE MAN JUST ALMOST DIED GIVE HIM A BREAK
Nicks phone must be tapped or something?? Idk but that’s a lot of red flowers.
NANCY’s THUMBS UP PLS! BAHHAHAHA I CANT they’re covered in dirt. “Ace don’t break my tv” mr. d, Ace is the least likely to break your tv come on, besides he’ll fix it if he did lmao OH NO THE DAD- COME THRU THOM!!!
YES THOM COME THRU!! Lyrics are good, DATE IS BETTER! Ace is boutta get kidnapped. Sir pls don’t steal my bf!!
He stole my bf.
Oh ok rly you could’ve called richboyryan but you called GRANDMA? WHY?
OH NO ACE IS ON A LEDGE- PLS NO STOP. who is he?? The actor looks familiar lmaooo SHIT NO- ACE DONT DIE BABE PLS. IM SO SCARED RN THAT DUDE IS SCARY AS HELL. OH THANK GOD. oh okay wow that was a big hug- ACE PLS I CANnOT.
this is gonna be a rough 2nd half of the season for ace. NO NO GRANT U HAVE TO STAY. YOU NEED TO STAY AND BE FRANK. FRICK YOU FOR GETTING MY HOPES UP AND LEAVING. oh no Ace is gonna hate that nancy owes Celia for him. Oh nancy and ace are gonna be pissy @ each other now 🖐😭 pls I like them as besties.
SISTERS FOR LIFEEEE I LOVE THEM! She sabotaged the clams omfg I love her! Aw nick is excited too STOP I CANT TAKE THIS IM LONELY AND FANSON IS CUTE. what did Ryan do. RYAN WTF DID YOU DO- Ryan doesn’t even know what he did lmao or is he lying lmao OMG R WE GONNA GET PRISON RYAN?
Okay so lastly I need to say I respect the nace and their shippers and I know the ship is probably inevitable, but I’m not the biggest fan of that ship so if we could keep nace to a minimum on my page that would be greatly appreciated!! Much love ❤️
Oh and lastly for real, lastly: I love all of them: Ace, Nick, Grant, Owen (rip), Riley Smith (Ryan kinda sucks lol), Carson on the dl 👀 THEYRE HOT OKAY? And the ladies too WOW they’re all so pretty and I am in loveeeee with George
Not many thoughts from my sister, just a lot of gasping @ grant and she also says he should be frank hardy. She also thinks prison Ryan would be interesting btw
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multimetaverse · 5 years
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These photos were shown during the series finale ending credits montage and come from the cut 318 that was filmed for 5 days at Snuck Farm and required the use of adult extras aged 35-55 who had to be able to work all 3 days between Tuesday-Thursday. It was likely one of the most expensive eps of the season and is the only ep other than the series finale that featured the entire main and recurring cast members in the same episode and location with the notable exception of TJ. We may never get official confirmation on what happened in this ep but I think it’s likely that it was a vow renewal ceremony for Celia and Ham.
The outfits and set decorations are clearly for a wedding event and the age of the extras range from Bexie to Helia’s age. The working title for 3x17 was I Do Over and Ham was in that ep which would fit with him announcing to Bex and Bowie that he and Celia were renewing their vows and asking Bowie to be his best man just like Bowie had asked Ham to be his best man in the uncut version of 3x09 that aired in Australia. A Helia vow renewal would allow the show to have both the lavish wedding that makes for good TV and the low key wedding Bex always wanted. Vow renewals are a fairly common romantic trope though irl they’re often a sign of an impending marital collapse as couples use the spectacle of the ceremony to distract from long standing issues or to assuage guilt over an affair. Realistically the show wouldn’t have spent so much money on this ep unless the main focus was the Mack family and it would have provided an easy way for Celia and Bex to reconcile and for Bex to realize that she does really want to get married. 
There’s one more small piece of evidence; in Something to Talk A-Boot, Andi talks with her parents about SAVA and it’s mentioned that SAVA only has a 5% acceptance rate and that Andi is worried that they won’t take the girl who makes lamps out of Cd's. That only 5% of applicants getting in likely a reference to something we would have learned in the cut ep and the last time Cd lamps were mentioned was in 3x11 when Celia and Andi argued over whether Bex would want Andi’s Cd lamps as a wedding decoration. Celia asking Andi to make the decorations for her vow renewal would be a sweet gesture and tie in with Andi’s art. The A plot probably would have been great and 318 was likely one of the most visual stunning eps they filmed.
The B and C plots though probably would have been a mess. The Jamber plot in  3x17 would have ended with Amber storming out of Cyrus’ and with Machel sinking at the bowling alley. We know this because the Jamber breakup and the Muffy friendzoning scenes in 3x17 were re-shoots. So Amber would have known that Jonah was lying to her and roped Cyrus into it yet still gone as Jonah’s date and then only at the ceremony would Cyrus have apologized and Jamber sunk. And Marty agreed to go with Buffy and then would confirm that Rachel had broken up with him and that he no longer has feelings for Buffy and that Buffy needs to see a doctor. Indeed, the photo of Buffy in the dark looks like it may have been a still from a scene she had with Marty where he told her he didn’t like her anymore.
And it explains why TJ’s story line was written around this ep, Tyrus ends on a strained note in 3x15 and they kept TJ away for 4 eps before the re-shoots which is the longest they keep major love interests away for. Which makes sense since there’s no way Cyrus could ever have been allowed to bring TJ to a wedding since there’s no way to disguise that as just two guys being dudes. Although one darkly funny side effect of the Tyrus plot being written around the cut ep is that it was the only story line not affected by the re-shoots and was the only story line to actually turn out better to some extent thanks to the FBI’s good work.
It also fits with the shows timeline between eps 12-21 being only around 6ish weeks. Buffy says in 3x14 that the wedding was only weeks away and I think it’s likely that Celia just decided to have a vow renewal because she had already booked the Alpaca farm for the Bexie wedding and couldn’t get a refund on such short notice. 318 probably took place the weekend after 3x17 and then Something To Talk A-Boot is the following Monday since that’s Buffy’s first appearance with her boot. 
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ceciliaisms · 4 years
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» • * — ( josefine frida pettersen, cisfemale, she/her ) . i think i hear heaven by pvris coming from apartment 2306. doesn’t cecilia lancaster live there ?? i heard they are a twenty-three year old writer from munich, germany, but they’ve been living in the apartments for two years. they come across a bit fanciful and restless, but they also seem like they could be creative and articulate. whenever i see them , i think of piled-up open books, cigarette-smoke and the midnight train going anywhere. oh , and don’t forget to follow them on instagram at @dearestcecilia ! ooc . shannon, 20, british summer time, she/her. 
hi there everyone — my name’s shannon, and i’m gonna be this rp’s resident british disaster lesbian !  i’m excited to get things running with you all, so here’s a little bit about my precious bean cecilia. if you wanna plot just like this and i’ll get around to you !
birth name: liesel cordelia meier-lancaster
current name: cecilia victoire-jane lancaster
nicknames: cee, lia, celia
gender: cis female
birthdate: 18th february, 1997 — munich, germany
age: twenty-three
nationality: british-german (dual)
orientations: bisexual / biromantic (strongly leaning toward women)
mbti: esfp-t
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
zodiac: aquarius-pisces cusp
fc: josefine frida pettersen
BRIEF BIO — tw alcohol, drugs
cecilia lancaster is less of a singular being than an amalgamation of people she’s magpied things from — all of the books she’s read, the films she’s seen, anything she could take to get away from the genuine mess that was her true life. born liesel meier-lancaster, her british-german parents went through a messy divorce when she was very young, and she was left living with her german media mogul father while her elder brother returned to london with their mother. 
while she was never left materially wanting due to her father’s money, emotionally was... another story; he was always working, one of the many reasons her mother left him, and he often had office-flings around the house with whom she can remember a great many... unfortunate run-ins. none of them stayed long, no stable parental dynamic manifested, but what was consistent was the steady flood of gifts that often consisted of books and such like to stimulate her language-learning and education. 
she would visit her mother in london over the summers, a trade-off with her brothers, and with her she would see everything — museums, aquariums — as she was free, of course, to do in germany with the staff her father hired to ‘look after her.’ but the difference was that she and her mother engaged in such activity together, which never occurred in munich. so she lost herself in whatever she could to escape the growing lack of order in her household, a trend that would keep going throughout her childhood and was supported by the inattentive father giving his daughter whatever she desired that would keep her away from the doors of his office.
and particularly, she attached herself to a character who seemed to feel the same yearning desire to be needed as she did. the same hopeless restlessness as she did — cecilia tallis from ian mcewan’s ‘atonement.’ and there were others, too, other characters more carefree, but the sad ending of mcewan’s lovers’ tale inspired the young girl to begin writing herself. because the protagonist, briony — however lying and loathsome — taught her one thing: that you could change anything with words. and if the words were clever enough, you could help others to escape, too.
however — unlike the more refined cecilia tallis — she was also pulled into the party circles of the rich. the drugs, the drink, the late nights and ending up on the train tracks with no idea how she got there. and the states she got into, when she got them just right, were the most deliciously inspiring. that form of self-punishment ( for the consequences would catch up to you ) too good to calm down. unsurprisingly, mikael meier did not notice. or maybe he didn’t care. she never wants to know which.
so, when she finally decided at the age of twenty-one to leave germany, she picked up cecilia as a name. changed it legally, and started only telling people her mother’s last name so she could detach herself from her father’s lesser role in her childhood despite his lesser distance compared to the oceans between her and her mother. and she’s still got access to the family bank, so it’s not a loss, is it ?
- someone who critiques her writing ?
- her ride-or-die / partner in crime ( taken by wren ! )
- someone who might’ve encountered her in her old life in germany idk
- her travel buddies who are just willing to get on the midnight train to anywhere with her ( brittany, casey, natalia )
- someone who’s friends with her just for her money maybe
- an ex of hers BLEASE
- someone who pulls her into more reckless stuff, like, i’d love that.
- enemy???
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