#Character: Aurora Amell
sky-fire-forever · 24 hours
My prompt list for @dadrunkwriting
Please feel free to send me any prompt for any character or relationship, even ones I don't have listed, as I may be willing to try something new! My own OCs will be used for any player characters.
Here are some relationships and characters I'd be especially willing to write for! Asterisks (*) represent characters or relationships I prefer to write at the moment.
Romantic Relationships:
Zevran/Warden, Leliana/Warden, Sten/Warden, Alistair/Warden, Morrigan/Warden, Anders/Hawke*, Fenris/Hawke, Fenris/Anders/Hawke*, Varric/Hawke, Dorian/Inquisitor
Queerplatonic Relationships:
Fenris/Anders, Justice/Hawke, Justice/Anders*, Justice/Anders/Hawke, Varric/Hawke
Other Relationships:
Sten&Warden, Leliana&Warden, Morrigan&Warden, Alistair&Warden, Leandra&Hawke, Carver&Hawke, Malcolm&Hawke, Merrill&Hawke, Isabela&Hawke, Varric&Hawke, Aveline&Hawke, Cole&Anders
Orion Mahariel, Rose Tabris, Pigfrid Brosca, Benten Aeducan, Ralsei Aeducan, Orla Cousland, Eluvia Amell, The Flower System (Surana), Scorpius Hawke*, Kelli Hawke, Avarey Hawke, Aurora Hawke, Cygnus Adaar
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lcgacyofages · 3 years
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@celestiae sent:  👶 Do they want children? For vince + aurora!
Aurora has always wanted to have children. She always wanted to be a mother, even when she was a child and before she was taken to the Circle, she daydreamed about meeting someone nice and living a quiet, quaint life together with a family.
When she was taken to the Circle, she knew there was little chance for that. Even then, she did keep the dream close to her as a sort of comfort and a way to escape being trapped in the Circle, even if only mentally for a daydream.
After the revolt at the White Spire and the beginnings of the Mage Rebellion, that childhood dream seemed to be a little more attainable. When offered a marriage of friendship to maybe develop into romantic feelings later by Etienne, she was glad to agree to it, as both of them did desire children and to have a family.
The events at the Conclave ended that, though, and even though Aurora still wants children, she focuses on her work as a healer for the Inquisition.
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lcgacyofages-a · 5 years
@sabatatrice cont. from Velani being a bad patient.
“You wouldn’t remember it because you were passed out,” Aurora remarked, a slightly amused glimmer in her eye. She gently placed her hands on Velani’s shoulders to lower her back to an appropriate position for the wound on her side. “You were out on a mission and the Inquisitor found you. Apparently you’d gotten into a bad altercation and they brought you back.”
Aurora turned back to the nightstand by the bed, dipping a cloth in it and ringing it out. It smelled of herbs, ones typically used to help with pain and healing.
“And yes, I did mend you up, otherwise you would have bled out all over the floor and we can’t have that, now, can we?”
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jb-nonsense · 2 years
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viviae · 2 years
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"Lady Nightingale
As per your request I have been keeping a close eye on the daily routine of the newly crowned King Alistair Theirin of Ferelden. I am uncertain what the Chantry's interest in the young king could be but, as attached is a rough outline of his daily schedule.
Following this introduction paragraph is a number of rough notes following a timetable, divided by each hour of the week and has been observed for a month. Most details are missing from lack of information to avoid assumptions.
- The most consistent part of the kings day seems to include a stroll with the newly named Arcane Advisor of Ferelden, Aurora Amell. Nearly every evening after finishing his meetings he seeks out the young mage for her audience. They typically stroll along the Rose Gardens at the palace, including numerous quips from the King about giving his compliments to the gardener who planted them.
Of course as revealed in the earlier document the Rose Gardens is Amell's pet project. She merely laughs and waves off these compliments as she plays ignorant"
Beautiful Art was done by @twiddletaffy thank you so much for bringing my Amell and Alistair to life.
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shutupaboutandraste · 3 years
helloooo i know nothing abt ur ocs so go ahead and tell me everything u want ppl to know abt them! also, what’s are their favorite colors?
Ahhhh thank you for the ask!! I'm gonna go for the ones I have the most fleshed out bc I have... way more than I should.
Got really long so, under the cut!
Isadora Cousland - 7ft. Tall Warden-Queen. Alistair romance. Relies heavily on intimidation, especially with people she doesn't like, but is overall a good person. Once broke Thomas Howe's nose for calling her "Her father's half-qun bastard"-- proceeded to become fascinated with the Qunari and solidified her becoming a warrior. Tends to rush into things without a plan. Radically pro-elf and pro-mage. I made up a whole religion based on what we know of Avaar's religion and some irl Celtic inspired mythos for her bc I couldn't see her being fully agnostic but she can't stand the Chantry. Oghren taught her how to be a berserker. Sten and her are platonic kadans. Her favorite color is dark blue!
Michai Surana- As feral as Isadora, but keeps it more or less contained-- very good at The Game and knowing when to speak to his advantage. Incredibly intelligent and gets frustrated if he's outsmarted. Did call Cailin a shem to his face though. Alistair romance (he was my first bi mod) and helps his dear King in court. I have a whole tragic backstory about his first romantic relationship with Cullen that ended in tragedy (bc of the Kinloch stuff). In response, he decided to become everything Cullen would hate-- he outsmarts the desire demon and becomes a blood mage and then studies as an arcane warrior. Extremely close with Anders. Kieran is his son and he and Morrigan are actually very good friends who judge people together. His favorite color is goldenrod.
Jacobi Amell - Extremely shy and soft spoken spirit healer. Considers himself Wynne's apprentice. Immensely kind and empathic, cries easily when something is emotionally moving. Alistair and him are platonic soul mates. They are every bro meme. They are ride or die. Zevran marries Jacobi and basically gets Alistair as an eternal third wheel. Keeps Alistair a Warden and chooses to trust Anora. His favorite color is purple.
Garrett Hawke - Is Garrett really an OC? I feel like the standard purple mage Hawke is kind of his own character but he is a Fenris-mancer Force mage. Carver becomes a Grey Warden (and Isadora's right hand man!) and, while he sends Anders away, he spares him. Grows to regret that as Anders was part of his found family. His favorite color is also purple, based on his personality!
Ash Hawke - Oh Ash. Ash is non-binary mage who is starts purple but has an easy to switch to red temper. They are a force mage mainly. They were super close with Carver growing up and is fiercely protective of him. After they encounter Corypheous, they decide to leave Carver behind when they go to the Deeproads. Rivals Aveline as they blame her for Carver signing up with the Templars bc of her actions that barred him from the guard. Romances Fenris at first, but doesn't wait for him as they're not that kind of person. Ends up romancing Anders and approves of the Chantry explosion. Later, Fenhanders gets together around Post-Inquistion Era. Their favorite color is red.
Aurora Hawke - So. I tend to favor purple mage Hawke and Aurora is no different. Aurora is very good at pretending to be a proper lady like Leandra wants, but she's extremely raunchy and loud with her friends. Somehow, Sebastian falls for this-- though, they are a rivalmance that gets broken when Aurora spares Anders. Another Templar Carver timeline and you can see this and her featured in my fic Winter Rains if you like Canders. She does get left in the Fade. Her favorite color is a fiery orange.
Aingheal Hawke - I'm including her bc while she's less fleshed out, she's my warrior Hawke. Fiercely protective of her sister Bethany who ends up in the circle as well as her wife Merrill. While she sides with the mages, she kills Anders in an effort to keep them safe which... like none of my other Hawkes do. Her favorite color is black.
Shiva Cadash - From hardened killer to long suffering mom friend. Dwarf dual-wielding rogue. Shiva was trained to be an assassin from birth and doesn't know how to really relate to people at first. Varric especially helps her learn to be a person. She grows close with Cole, Dorian, Varric, and Bull but Vivienne becomes like a sister to her, with Vivienne buying Shiva her first dress something she never had before. Vivienne does end up becoming Divine. At first she has a strange relationship with Solas who isn't interested in her that way and eventually she pulls away as she catches on to his "even though you're a dwarf" attitude towards her. To both her surprise and his, she and Blackwall fall in love. Her favorite color is emerald green.
Asaara Adaar - Asaara lies about his origin, honestly. While he is Tal-Voshoth, his Tamarassan discovered he was a sarebaas at a very young age. She steals him and another imekari who was always protective of him away and names them Asaara and Arug (Arug is actually my friend's Inquisitor!). She marries another Tal-Voshoth who becomes their father. Is smart and hates being considered stupid and will verbally rip people a new one. Everything about Asaara's story tends to be about first impressions vs reality. On principle, he likes Solas and despises Cullen when they first meet. Iron Bull and him don't exactly get along at first. Dorian and him get off on a rocky start being a Qunari and a Tevinter. So on and so forth. But as he gets to know everyone and see their true colors, his opinions change and he even falls in love with Dorian. His favorite colors are turquoise and mauve.
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carpediem-celebrpg · 5 years
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This is the list of children that’s on the ships page. I want to make sure nobody is missing before I go update the kids page. If any of your characters have a child that isn’t listed here please send in the kids form filled out to the best of your ability. Please like this post so we know you read it. 
Adele Adkins & Simon Konecki* - Angelo Konecki
Ashley Benson & Jensen Ackles - Tristan Ackles
Cassandra Jean Amell* & Stephen Amell - Maverick Amell
Danneel Harris* & Jensen Ackles - Justice, Zepplin & Arrow Ackles
Deborah Ann Woll & Liam Hemsworth - Amelia Hemsworth
Gal Gadot & Yaron Versano* - Maya & Alma Versano
Genevieve Padalecki & Jared Padalecki - Thomas, Austin & Odette Padalecki
Hilarie Burton & Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Augustus & George Morgan
Joanne Tucker* & Adam Driver - "Rocky"
Katie Cassidy & Jared Padalecki - Harlow Padalecki
Katy Perry & Chris Pine - Abigail & Lillian Pine
Lucy Hale & Jared Padalecki - Samara Padalecki
Lucy Hale & Sebastian Roche* - Isabella Roche
Mollie Benedict* & Rob Benedict - Audrey & Calvin Benedict
Taylor Swift & Alex Gaskarth - Cory Gaskarth
Troian Bellisario & Patrick J Adams - Aurora Adams
Victoria Vantoch* & Misha Collins - West & Maison Collins
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a-tear-in-the-veil · 5 years
About the Character(s)
I was tagged by @aban-asaara (thank you! This is exactly what I needed right now).  I’m gonna fill this out for my Warden and Hawke! Unfortunately, I don’t have a solidified inquisitor at the moment.  
― a favourite picture/faceclaim for your muse: Sol has the classic Amell blue eyes, and she had dark hair as a child. When her magic abilities surfaced, her hair turned white. I’m not 100% sure, but I think her face claim might be Carolina Porqueddu. I also think she’s probably a short lady, like my Hawke. 
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― two headcanons you have for your muse:
ugh what can I use that won’t be a spoiler for my fic Vestige 
In the circle, she worked closely with Irving which gave her access to books and information that weren’t open to all mages. While in the circle she was able to learn forbidden magics in secret. 
With the magic she learned, she was able to sneak into the Templar quarters and pick the locks on their chests/steal their personal belongings. She often “borrowed” books from Irving, but those were usually returned. 
― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
She’s a tinkerer, and she crafts magic items! She has a book where she sketches her ideas and has her notes. 
She learns combat/self defense from Alistair. <3
She collects random objects during her travels because, being in the circle, mages never really had their own belongings. 
― seven people your muse loves/likes: Alistair, Morrigan, Shale, Leliana, Rinn Surana, Cullen, Jowan, probably the whole origins gang (excluding awakening- still figuring that out)
― a phobia your muse has: Being weak/helplessness, Being taken back to captivity (thanks Circle of Magi).
― a favourite picture/faceclaim for your muse: Ara has wavy dark brown hair, and turquoise colored eyes (which are her make of magic). My Hawke is a whooping 5′3″. Heavy eye-liner is her aesthetic. Ara does not have a face claim. Honestly, she’s kinda a self insert so I picture her as a more mature, hotter version of what I look like. This picture is probably the closest I have right now. 
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― two headcanons you have for your muse:
Ara used to essentially be a bard (by Dungeons and Dragons standards not Dragon Age World standards) before she moved to Kirkwall. She actually performed in a Satinalia festival once in Amaranthine. Also, at the said festival, that’s where she met Sebastian Vael for the first time and fucked him.
For two years, Ara traveled back and forth between Lothering and Amaranthine to work as a deep sea fish diver/oyster harvester because it was better pay and quite frankly a better job than being a bar maid at the local tavern. Also, she loved Amaranthine and, before Carver joined the fight at Ostagar, she was planning on moving her family there. 
― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
She likes to swim, typically at night because she’s not a morning person. Though, if she wakes up early from a nightmare she might go swim.
She still practices her bardic skills in private (singing, dance).
This is stereotypical Hawke, but  spending quality time with her friends: drinking and getting involved in various shenanigans. 
Okay, new head canon: she DEFINITELY does drunken, shitty tarot card readings at the Hanged Man.  
― seven people your muse loves/likes: Fenris, Carver, Bethany, Varric, Anders, Isabela, Merrill, Aveline, Malcolm.
― a phobia your muse has: Losing her loved ones, Being alone?
Bonus: I’m thinking about making her whole name Aurora, and her nickname being Ara. I feel like it goes with Bethany and Carver more. 
I’m tagging: @my-da-phase @lairofsentinel @apostatehawke @ithun
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theharellan · 6 years
DAY 05: favorite multimuses
i’ve been trying to bring multimuses in on past days b/c i want to acknowledge certain characters on said blogs, but here i’ll just highlight the blogs as a whole!
@aniente​ - muses: ameridan, merrill, evangeline, gatt, adrian, dalish, missne (oc), sabriel (oc)
a dragon age multimuse who i featured a couple times b/c i just. really admire their choice of muses as well as the writing! there’s not a muse on here i don’t love, even those like adrian that i’m not overly familiar with given i’ve yet to finish asunder. i can feel ciri’s passion when they write about each of their muses, and it invests me in each one. i’d honestly love a thread w/ each of their muses one day. gotta catch ‘em all. 
@burnsbriiight​ - muses: mai (a:tla), kitty pryde (x-men), marie-elise (da oc), annuneth (da oc), patricia anne (da oc), adahleni (da oc)
first, it was apparently rachel’s birthday the other day, so happy birthday! second, mai is one of my a:tla faves (i actually rped her back in the day) and although i just followed this multimuse i’m excited to see her rps w/ mai. she’s an underrated character.
@centuriesuntold - muses: all the doctors. every one.
i’ve been following this blog since my mass effect days, back when they were bowtied, and they provided a lot of rly inspirational posts to anons and such on their dash! seeing them again, only now with more doctors, was a very exciting experience!!! it’s not something i’d seen before in the dw fandom, and i’ve adored what i’ve seen from them, even as someone who is only familiar with new doctor who.
@dryhtenhold - muses: gareth cousland (oc), ves aeducan (oc), eleanor cousland, agravaine ker (oc), tamar (oc), loghain mac tir
i’ve only listed erran’s primary dragon age characters, but she rps tolkien as well as having a list of secondary muses! her ocs have interesting and complex backstories that really dig deep into dragon age lore, specifically fereldan lore and the civil war. they are such natural parts of the lore that i had to mark them (oc) otherwise you might confuse them with canons like eleanor and loghain.
@kaleiidoscopehearts​ - isabela, miryin brosca, peebee (mass effect), bolin (lok), sally malik (being human), azalea gothel (descendents oc), artemis crook (young justice), amellia smollet (treasure planet)
multifandom, and some are fandoms i’m unfamliar with, which just goes to show how talented they are b/c i’m v selective with non-da multimuses! i’ve talked about peebee and miryin, but i also have been v pleased with seeing bolin on my dash! he was one of my faves from lok. and every time an isabela hits on solas another five minutes are added to my life.
@lcgacyofages - ceridwen mahariel, atena hawke, myrrdin lavellan, zoria amell, dazbo amell, aurora amell, ronina lavellan, seigfried trevelyan, etienne de rousseau, xora orsiniel pharare, arik tabris, hildegard cadash
a blog full of lovely ocs based upon the pc backstories given to us in-game (for the most part!). don’t let the names fool you, though, as not all of them are the heroes. some are companion ocs, which are honestly some of my fave ocs in darp!
@mercysought - priestess (oc), maxima aurum (oc), himsulem (oc), manala (oc), anora theirin, emilie de clair (oc), abel de clair (oc), laone shatterspine (oc), moe (star wars oc)
there isn’t a muse here who isn’t fascinating and beautifully written. with the exception of moe, they’re all dragon age characters, and while i haven’t rped with all of them yet i hope to one day. skells is a wonderful writer and i’m glad a multimuse has enabled her to have more characters b/c that’s what we deserve.
@mindsmade - cremisius acclassi, liam kosta (mass effect), aiden shepard (me), gil brodie (me), celebrian (tolkien), and more!
also featuring more tolkien muses and characters from the good wife and mythological characters! i mentioned this the other day, but i adore their ship on liam with the aforementioned peebee! there’s not a muse listed here who isn’t worth reading about, even as someone unfamiliar with the expanded tolkien universe.
@teleidoscopic - khaliya lavellan, raleigh samson, morrigan, sera, zenyatta (ovw), jameson locke (halo), EDI (mass effect), ashley williams (mass effect), the black box (halo), john hancock (fallout 4), red (transistor)
i’ve been following pastry’s rp blogs for... idk... seven years now? a lot. a lot of years. i’ve seen a few of these muses in action on single-muse blogs, so i’m glad they can return in multimuse form. pastry’s samson and ashley in particular are old favourites, but looking at this list pastry has the magic ability to pull my faves out in general (i would die for zenyatta. and probably deserve it after how many times i’ve gotten him killed playing him...). 
@tothezeros - morrigan, minaeve, raleigh samson, melchior heeren (oc), cornelia solette (oc), clancy griffin (oc), corin thenn (oc), sylvus varnehn (oc)
again, i decided to only list the dragon age muses to save me from tabbing back and forth, but this blog has so many fun muses aside from that! like spyro, taking me back to the days i would ask my dad to take me and my brother to a clubhouse so we could play one of the games on the ps2. and christopher robin! as for their dragon age muses, i’ve thoroughly enjoyed them. i still have a few to get to know, but their samson and minaeve are great, and i’ve known clancy for a few years now! it’s comforting to see him on my dash after all this time. 
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ma-sulevin · 7 years
Fan Fic Writer Appreciation Day!
Time to participate!! I’m going to recommend some of my favorite fics and tag their authors (because I love the authors). These are all stories I’ve read multiple times and definitely think are worth the read:
*cracks knuckles* Here we go.
Eye of the Storm by @seabirdsong (rating: E, Cullen/Hawke, complete)
The first story that pushed me down the Cullen/Hawke rabbit hole, and such a well written story that I think I read it like four times. It amazing and the smut is A+. The sequel is already written and completed, and it’s wonderful too! 
The Lion of Skyhold by @cometeclipsewriting (rating: E, Cullen/Lavellan, complete)
Uhh... actually I recommend everything by her. The stories are always so unique and well written and she’s a very sweet person!
Andraste’s Witch by @mysdrym (rating: n/a, Cullen/OC, currently updating)
This is a really fun story where the Inquisitor isn’t a mage from Ostwick or a Lavellan Keeper. She’s (allegedly) a witch of the wilds and her story just gets more interesting as it unfolds!
Marigolds in the Hanged Man by @redinkofshame (rating: M, Varric/OC, complete)
I almost never read stories where Varric is the love interest because I feel like he’s my dad? But this one is SO good and unique and clever.
Neither Angels, Nor Demons, Nor Powers by @long-liv-prairies (rating: E, Cullen/OC & Solas/OC, complete)
An epic slowburn that’s just delicious. I recommend this story and the sequel, and generally just giving Liv a follow because she’s the best person.
Part of Your World by threehundredthirtythree (rating: E, Alistair/Amell, currently updating) - I’m not sure if they have a tumblr, but if you know it, let me know so I can tag them! And also follow.
This story is so good and I always get so excited when it updates--which is probably once a week? The writer as a way of getting into characters’ heads and making me feel sympathy for them that I never do during the game. She’s a really good writer.
As the World Falls Down by @khirsahle (rating: E, Cullen/Trevelyan, complete)
This is one of the first stories I read when I got into the DA fandom, and it’s really stuck with me. It’s worth multiple reads and its sequel is complte too. Khirsah also has a story called Fire, Walk With Me that inspired Part of Your World about soulmates.
A Whole New World by @roguelioness (rating: E, Solas/OC, currently updating)
Another story by a good friend! This was the first incomplete story that I started reading, and one of the first MGITs I read, and now RoLo and I are buddies. It’s a little bit of a darker fic, so mind the tags! It’s such a smart look on the MGIT thing, and it’s unique, and I’m always impressed by the little details that RoLo notices and includes!
How to Win Wars and Influence Nobles by @kaoruyogi (rating: E, Cullen/OC, currently updating)
Again, I really recommend everything by Kaoruyogi. She’s so smart and clever and her stories are just amazing. The smut is also top-notch too!
In Love, Serenity by @ladydracarysao3 (rating: E, Cullen/OC & Hawke/OC & Barris/OC, currently updating)
I always get really excited about this one too! Aurora is my child. It’s such a complex story that really delicately balances three distinct OCs with their unique backstories... I just eat it up. LadyD also has a story she writes with Liv that combines their two OCs (Abner and James) and they just do it all over the place. It’s some very nice smut.
Single Fereldan Man Seeks Female Companion by @reaping-cain (rating: M, Cullen/Lavellan, currently updating)
This story hits two of my biggest trope loves: “pretend relationship” and “oh my god they were roommates.” It’s very cute and I can’t wait to find out more about Kaeran! I think it’s on hold for a bit while the author finishes up her thesis, but I think she’s picking it back up soon (I hope... hint hint)
The Art of Love by @sloth-race (rating: E, Cullen/Lavellan, complete)
One more work by a friend, and again I recommend all of her stuff. I think this is one of the first stories I read when I got into DA, and I still really like it. It holds up to multiple reads and it’s just cute.
Dance Like No One is Watching by @kagetsukai (rating: E, Cullen/Lavellan, complete)
A story by a new friend, this one is really sweet! It’s a fun little modern AU that apparently has some Big Things happening in the background. Shan also has a MGIT that’s a cute, fun read!
Reparation by @slothquisitor (rating: M, Cullen/Lavellan, complete)
Okay... honestly, for a long time, I was afraid to read this one because I misunderstood the summary and thought it was about Cullen being dumped. When I finally read the summary again and gave it a shot, I really loved it. It’s ALL about Cullen opening his templar sanctuary and falling in love with the (mage) healer he hires to help him. She has another story called A Class Act that’s a modern au starring the same characters, and it’s also amazing!
I... don’t think that’s everyone. But it’s everyone I can think of right now!
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cluelessrebel1988 · 7 years
A video I made of all the canon characters and OCs currently in @theconvergenceroleplay. The song is “Marching On” by OneRepublic
The Characters are as follows: 
Naomi (Amanda Tapping)
Jenna Winters (Odette Annable)
Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki)
Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles)
Charlie Bradbury (Felicia Day)
Kevin Tran (Osric Chau)
Jo Harvelle (Alona Tal)
Ruby (Katie Cassidy)
Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino)
Eileen Leahy (Shoshannah Stern)
Crowley (Mark Sheppard)
Castiel (Misha Collins)
Max Banes (Kendrick Sampson)
Andrew "Drew" Haraldson (Grant Gustin)
Harry Potter
Taylor Weasley (Melissa Benoist)
Dominique Weasley (Indiana Evans)
DJ Lake (Seán William McLoughlin)
Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint)
Fred Weasley (James Phelps)
Alexandra Summers (Idia Eisley)
Lily Potter II (Holland Roden)
Ginny Weasley (Bonnie Wright)
James Potter II (Dylan O'Brien)
Lucy Weasley (Saxon Sharbino)
Molly Weasley II (Zena Grey)
Jacob Kowalski (Dan Fogler)
Colin Creevey (Hugh Mitchell)
Victoire Weasley (Amber Heard)
Tom Riddle (Frank Dillane)
Logan Mills (Munro Chambers)
Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton)
Seamus Finnigan (Devon Murray)
Shona "Nani" Duncan (Zooey Deschanel)
Hermione Granger (Emma Watson)
Teddy Lupin (Luke Newberry)
Dean Thomas (Alfie Enoch)
Miles Thomas (Ryan Potter)
Lysander Scamander (Colin Ford)
Lee Jordan (Luke Youngblood)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)
Natasha Romanov (Scarlett Johansson)
Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings)
Angie Martinelli (Lyndsy Fonseca
Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)
Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie)
Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow)
Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr)
Booker Harmon (Michael B. Jordan)
Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)
Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce)
Elektra Natchios (Elodie Yung)
Mantis (Pom Klementieff)
Leslie Shade (Kylie Furneaux)
Peter Quill (Chris Pratt)
Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)
Nebula (Karen Gillan)
Leo Fitz (Iain de Caestecker)
Daisy "Skye" Johnson (Quake) (Chloe Bennet)
Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen)
Pietro Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
Mycroft Holmes (Mark Gatiss)
John Watson (Martin Freeman)
Sherlock Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch)
Molly Hooper (Louise Brealey)
Anthea (Lisa McAllister)
Mary Watson (Amanda Abbington)
Irene Adler (Lara Pulver)
Greg Lestrade (Rupert Graves)
Eurus Holmes (Siân Brooke)
Doctor Who
Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)
Jack Harkness (John Barrowman)
Jayda Osmi (Nicole Bonifacio)
Jacob Robens-Osmi (Tristan Wilds)
Sky Smith (Sinead Michael)
Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman)
Percy Jackson
Hylla Ramirez-Arellano (Eiza Gonzalez)
Annabeth Chase (AnnaSophia Robb)
Hazel Levesque (Amandla Stenberg)
Frank Zhang (Booboo Stewart)
Kaiser Jäger (Max Riemalt)
Leo Valdez (Jake T. Austin)
Nico di Angelo (Jakub Gierszal)
Rachel Elizabeth Dare (Luca Hollestelle)
Will Solace (Burkely Duffield)
Zoë Nightshade (Anjli Mohindra)
Jackie Long (Melissa Benoist)
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano (Victoria Justice)
Clarisse La Rue (Leven Rambin)
Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman)
The Vampire Diaries
Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)
Katherine Pierce (Nina Dobrev)
Davina Claire (Danielle Campbell)
Damon Salvatore (Ian Somahalder)
Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley)
Lexi Branson (Arielle Kebbel)
Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev)
Caroline Forbes (Candice King)
April Young (Grace Phipps)
Rebekah Mikaelson (Claire Holt)
Indiana 'Indie' Davis (Lily Collins)
Jeremy Gilbert (Steven R McQueen)
Bonnie Bennett (Kat Graham)
Vicki Donovan (Kayla Ewell)
Tyler Lockwood (Micheal Trevino)
The Hunger Games
Primrose Everdeen (Willow Shields)
Clove (Isabelle Fuhrman)
Madge Undersee (Abigail Breslin)
Finnick Odair (Sam Clafin)
Dexterous LaFevers (Colin Ford)
Glimmer (Leven Rambin)
Christopher 'Kit' Odair (Douglas Booth)
Johanna Mason (Jena Malone)
Shilo Mellark (Alex Pettyfer)
Annie Cresta (Stef Dawson)
Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence)
Thresh (Dayo Okeniyi)
Willow Mellark (Emily Rudd)
Morgana Pendragon (Katie McGrath)
Gwaine (Eoin Macken)
Percival (Tom Hopper)
Lancelot (Santiago Cabrera)
Hunith (Caroline Faber)
Balinor (John Lynch)
Mordred (Alexander Vlahos)
Merlin (Colin Morgan)
Freya (Laura Donnelly)
Rielle (Indiana Evans)
Kara (Alexandra Dowling)
Sir Leon (Rupert Young)
Once Upon a Time
Peter Pan (Robbie Kay)
Graham Humbert (Jamie Dornan)
Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison)
Grace (Alyssa Skovbye)
Helena (Tristan Mays)
Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla)
Felix (Parker Croft)
Elsa (Georgina Haig)
Zelena (Rebecca Mader)
Aurora (Sarah Bolger)
Anna (Elizabeth Lail)
Killian Jones (Colin O'Donoghue)
Anastasia (The Red Queen) (Emma Rigby)
Fiona (The Black Fairy) (Jamie Murray)
Christina Kravitz (Zoe Kravitz)
Eric Coulter (Jai Courtney)
Tris Prior (Shailene Woodley)
Will (Ben Lloyd-Hughes)
Fox Marvel
Kassandra Dare (Nicola Peltz)
Amily Jacobs (Elle Fanning)
Daisy Oliviera (Tori Kelly)
Jubilation Lee 'Jubilee' (Lana Condor)
Scott Summers (Tye Sheridan)
Charles Xavier (James McAvoy)
Chase Maelstrom (Asa Butterfield)
Sean Cassidy (Caleb Landry Jones)
Ajax (Francis) (Ed Skrein)
Alex Summers (Lucas Till)
Ellie Phimister (Brianna Hildebrand)
Jasper (Lindsey Morgan)
Hope Cooper (Zendaya)
Anise Lovett (Adelaide Kane)
Peter Maximoff (Evan Peters)
Brooklyn Winters (Crystal Reed)
Laura Kinney (Dafne Keen)
Jean Grey (Sophie Turner)
Star Trek
Khan Noonien Singh (Benedict Cumberbatch)
James T Kirk (Chris Pine)
The Maze Runner
Thomas (Dylan O'Brien)
Minho (Ki Hong Lee)
Elizabeth (Maia Mitchell)
Newt (Thomas Brodie-Sangsta)
Harriet (Nathalie Emmanuel)
Sonya (Katherine McNamara)
DC Cinematic and Television Universes
Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist)
Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes)
Thea Queen (Willa Holland)
Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards)
Hunter Zoloman (Teddy Sears)
Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell)
Melanie Silver (Saoirse Ronan)
Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie)
The Joker (Jared Leto)
Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanaugh)
Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker)
Jesse Quick (Violett Beane)
Alex Danvers (Chyler Leigh)
Chato Santana (El Diablo) (Jay Hernandez)
Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten)
Floyd Lawton (Deadshot) (Will Smith)
Clark Kent (Superman) (Henry Cavill)
Ray Palmer (A.T.O.M) (Brandon Routh)
Adrian Chase (Simon Morrison) (Josh Segarra)
Sara Lance (Caity Lotz)
Barry Allen (Grant Gustin)
Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy)
William Clayton (Jack Moore)
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) (Gal Gadot)
Mon-El (Mike Matthews) (Chris Wood)
Winslow Schott Jr. (Jeremy Jordan)
Zoe Lawton (Shailyn Pierre-Dixon)
Jae-Yoon Hyunsik (Park Chanyeol)
Iris West (Candice Patton)
Dante Ramon (Nicholas Gonzalez)
Star Wars
Bennal Derek (Bradley Cooper)
Han Solo (Harrison Ford)
Aeli Serit (Shailene Woodley)
Kylo Ren (Adam Driver)
Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn)
Armitage Hux (Domhnall Gleeson)
Alter'Li Fond (Holland Roden)
Callen Derek (Kellen Lutz)
Barriss Offee (Nalini Krishan)
Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman)
Rey (Daisy Ridley)
Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher)
Lord of the Rings
Tauriel (Evangeline Lilly)
Legolas Greenleaf (Orlando Bloom)
Thranduil Greenleaf (Lee Pace)
Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman)
Gimli (John Rhys-Davies)
Raviel (Rachel McAdams)
The Mortal Instruments and Shadowhunters
Max Lightwood - TMI (Jack Fulton)
Cecily Herondale - TMI (Alexandra Daddario)
Shane Burciaga (Adam Lambert)
Magnus Bane - SH (Harry Shum Jr.)
Louis Adams (Dylan O'Brien)
Amelia Lockhart (Madison McLaughlin)
Clarissa 'Clary' Fray - TMI (Katherine Mcnamara)
Alec Lightwood - SH (Matthew Daddario)
Kayden Jacques - SH (Victoria Justice)
Jace Lightwood - TMI (Jamie Campbell Bower)
Maia Roberts - TMI (Meagan Tandy)
Disney Live-Action
Belle (Emma Watson)
Evie (Sofia Carson)
Rapunzel (Mackenzie Mauzy)
Little Red Riding Hood (Lila Crawford)
Sharpay Evans (Ashley Tisdale)
Mal (Dove Cameron)
Jay (Booboo Stewart)
Ben (Mitchell Hope)
Giselle (Amy Adams)
Henry Turner (Brenton Thwaites)
Carlos De Vil (Cameron Boyce)
Jane (Dakota Fanning)
Carlisle Cullen (Peter Facinelli)
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lcgacyofages · 4 years
Romantic/Flirting Sentence Starters | ACCEPTING
@celestiae sent:  “Even just the briefest gaze from you is enough to set my soul on fire.” flo / aurora!!
The flush of heat to Aurora’s cheeks told her she was bright red at the line. She looked at him, wide eyed and unsure how to respond. She quickly ducked her head to the book in her hand, not really reading it but using it to try to regain some composure.
“I—Well, that is, um,” she stuttered out. She looked up at him, opening her mouth to say something but closing it as she couldn’t think of something.
“Is there something you need help with, Ser Trevelyan?” She finally managed out, deciding to use the clinic and being a healer as a way to regain some composure. She wasn’t...One for flirtations, as she would become too flustered by sudden ones.��
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lcgacyofages-a · 5 years
@chantcftrials cont. from here because snow
She gave a shout of surprise at how quickly he’d gained on her and lifted her so easily into her arms. Aurora instinctively wrapped her arms around his shoulders, shouting his name with a slight laugh in her tone. She looked up at him with a small little smile, blue eyes glimmering with playful affection.
“Well, this healer says you need a little lack of discipline in your life every now and then,” she teased him. “Now put me down. This isn’t fair at all!”
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Get to Know Me
I was tagged by @rlc19 (Thank you Buddy!)
Warning: This is very long. Enjoy or scroll past at your leisure
1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?
My laptop has the TARDIS in space and my phone has a quote for my lock screen “Always be yourself unless you can be Felicity Smoak then always be Felicity Smoak”, and my home screen is Stephen Amell shirtless because why not?
2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? 
3) What was your last text message? 
“Thank you” with a bunch of emojis
4) What do you see yourself doing in 10 year
I’m an English major that doesn’t want to teach so probably nothing fun
5) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be? 
Home with Buddy
6) What was your coolest Halloween costume?
I’m pretty generic when it comes to costumes but when I was little I was Aurora and I was really excited because she was extremely rare then.
7) What was your favorite 90′s show?
It’s a tie between Friends and Buffy?
8) Who was your last kiss?
Never been kissed (and no I’ve never seen that movie)
9) Have you ever been stood up?
No, but to be fair I don’t date. If I did I’m guessing probably all the time.
10) Favorite ice cream flavor?
Depends on my mood, but coffee or chocolate.
11) Have you been to Las Vegas?
Lots of times but interestingly enough not since I turn 21
12) Your favorite pair of shoes?
My black slip on Vans
13) Honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?
Never had anyone to cheat on
14) What is your favorite fruit?
Apples (red not green)
15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible?
16) Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships?
Hell if I know. I have issues.
17) Do you smoke? If so, what?
18) What do you do to get over your anger?
Talk/write it out to myself. My journal is not a happy place.
19) Do you believe in God? 
As a physical being no.
20) Does the person you’re in love with know it?
I’m not in love with anyone so there’s nothing to know
21) Favorite position?
Curled up with coffee and a good book.
22) What’s your horoscope sign?
23) Your fears?
Failing and hurting the people I love.
24) How many pets do you have? What kind?
A cat and a dog
25) What never fails to turn you on?
Middle-aged actors
26) Your idea of a perfect first date?
27) What is something most people don’t know about you?
I actually do warm up the longer you know me.
28) What makes you feel the happiest?
Spending the night alone.
29) What store do you shop at most often?
30) How do you feel about oral? Giving and/or receiving?
I’m a virgin so I have no idea
31) Do you believe in karma?
32) Are you single?
So single. So so single.
33) Do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?
I think you should buy something specific to the person you’re apologizing to. For me that’s books.
34) Are you a good swimmer?
35) Coffee or tea?
I like both. Dark roast for coffee and green tea for tea
36) Online shopping or shopping in person?
Depends. Since moving to a city I shop online a lot. Outside is too people-y.
37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age?
Younger as long as I can retain my current knowledge otherwise…I guess still younger. Give myself another shot to not suck.
38) Cats or Dogs?
I have both and I love both.
39) Are you a competitive person? Depends but not usually
40) Do you believe in aliens?
41) Do you like dancing?
With and/or around others? No. Alone? Yes.
42) What kind of music do you listen to?
I listen to basically everything. I’ve been into soundtracks lately (Thank you Hamilton) Yay Hamlet!
43) What is your favorite cartoon character?
Elsa from Frozen
44) Where are you from?
Arizona, but I was born in California. I don’t remember that though.
45) Eat at home or eat out?
Home. I can’t eat when there’s too many people around me.
46) How much more social are you when you’re drunk?
A little. I don’t morph into a socialite or anything but it dampens my anxiety to the point I don’t feel the need to die.
47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
I’m a student without a job.
48) Why do you think your followers follow you?
Who knows. I’m a horrible human.
49) How many hours do you sleep at night?
As much as possible. It’s death, without the commitment.
50) What worries you most about the future?
Everything. Literally everything.
51) If you had a friend that spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, how long would you be friends?
I don’t know. I am a doormat so it’s possible I’d be friends with them until they got bored and found a new punching bag.
52) Are you happy with yourself?
No, not in the least.
53) What do you wish you didn’t know?
I could stand to forget some family stories I’ve heard over the years.
54) What big lesson could people learn from your life?
Be honest. Avoiding things doesn’t make them go away. It makes you forget and then you’re lost in the dark abyss unaware of how you got there or how to get out.
55) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?
Does the Bunker from Supernatural count? What’s not to love about a Bunker with a library? You’d have to wheel my corpse out on a stretcher to get me to leave that place.
56) What’s your favorite website?
Tie between Tumblr and YouTube
57) What’s the habit you’re proudest of breaking?
I’m pretty much a walking collection of habits that need to be broken.
58) What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles?
I’m pretty sure it was in October when I went to Palm Springs.
59) What’s the best bargain you’ve ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?
I don’t know.
60) What do you order when you eat Chinese food?
An appetizer assortment mostly. I love eggrolls and rangoons.
61) If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?
62) If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be?
My authority over subjects is limited so…something fiction/fandom related.
63) Favorite kind of chips?
Banana chips.
64) Favorite kind of sandwich?
Turkey with Brie and spicy mustard.
65) Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?
66) Have you ever been stung by a bee?
Proud to say, no I have not. I live in fear though so *knocks on wood*
67) What’s your favorite form of exercise?
Used to be weightlifting but my anxiety and my bank account don’t allow that anymore so I’m sad about it.
68) Are you afraid of heights?
Theoretically yes. I have dreams all the time about being afraid of heights and when I think about it I’m afraid but if I go stand on something tall I’m fine.
69) What’s the most memorable class you’ve ever taken?
British Lit.
70) What’s your favorite breakfast?
Tropical smoothie.
71) Do you like guacamole?
72) Have you ever been in a physical fight?
73) What/who are you thinking about right now?
Buddy because he said he’s been in a physical fight and I did not know that so now I am retroactively worrying.
74) Do you like cuddling?
No. Don’t touch me.
75) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
Yes. All the yes. All the things. Just—so many.
76) Have you ever experienced one of your biggest fears?
No, but I face it every semester when I sure I’m going to fail.
77) Favorite city you’ve been to?
Not a fan of cities in general. I didn’t hate Munich or Seattle though.
78) Would you break the law to save a family member?
79) Talk about an embarrassing moment?
My whole life is an embarrassing moment.
80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?
I believe people need to rationally and intelligently be able to speak to one another in order to find common ground and make the world a better place but considering the news I don’t think that’s ever going to happen so my belief does nothing I’m afraid.
81) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I can’t think of anything. I have a high pain tolerance and have never broken anything.
82) Favorite day of the week?
The day I don’t have to go anywhere. This semester happens to be Friday.
83) Do you consider yourself sexually open minded?
84) How do you feel about porn?
Indifferent. Don’t care to watch it, don’t care that others do.
85) Which living celebrity would you like to know?
I don’t know. I feel like that’s not a fair question because for me to know them they’d have to know me and that’s kinda mean.
86) Who was your hottest ex?
I don’t have any ex’s to consider hot. I’m generally an ignored human.
87) Do you want/have kids?
No. The world is a shitty place why would I do that to an innocent?
88) Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you?
Haha no.
89) Do you get easily distracted?
Yeah kinda
90) Ass or titties?
91) What is your favorite word?
Kerfuffle. <-- yes. Thank you Buddy
92) How do you feel about tattoos?
I like them. I have one.
93) Do you have any pets?
94) How tall are you?
95) How old are you?
96) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?
My eyes. That’s it.
97) Is there anything you’re really passionate about? Fiction
98) Do you have trust issues?
99) Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not even a little.
100) What are some words that you live by? Why?
I don’t know if they’re specific words, but I just try to remember to look inward and not outward because if you’re looking for something, chances are you’re not going to get it from someone else. You have to be ok with you before you can add other people to the mix. For better or worse, at the end of the day you’re all you have.
Alright, that was fun. I’m tagging anyone who sees this and wants to. It’s really fun I highly recommend it. I was quite upset and this made me feel way better :)
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bloodshedfalls · 7 years
Tumblr media
Much to the surprise of the entire residency of Red Creek, Christmas and New Year passed, it what can only be described as a thoroughly uneventful fashion. Though there were parties galore, and drama to be found around every turn, it was merely the kind of drama you’d expect to find around that time of year. There were family arguments over the dinner table, I mean sure - maybe not every family draw a shotgun on each other, but not everybody’s brother just found out he’s a werewolf. There were lovers tiffs at parties because it’s the worst feeling when you finally find your boyfriend in the crowd of people and he has someone else lipstick on his collar - or maybe it was blood? There were missing people reports, robberies and a few reports of burnt Christmas puddings and broken hearts on New Years Eve, but nobody died - well, almost nobody, Mean Old Man Herbert finally whispered one final ‘Stay off my lawn’ before passing away peacefully in his sleep at the beginning of the coldest winter Red Creek has witnessed in a hundred years; but look on the bright side, Kids are now free to play on his lawn without fear!
Speaking of the coldest winter in a hundred years, the snow storms of Red Creek did not cease over the holiday period, much the opposite - to the dismay of the entire town who found it harder and harder to go about their day to day lives as the snow piled up around them. Eventually, the roads out of town became too treacherous to drive on, leaving residents trapped yet again, but if only they’d known that was far from the worst to come. Weeks passed and the town eventually ran out of salt to grit the roads and the sidewalks, people gave up shoveling their paths, many even gave up trying to leave the house entirely. The town came to a standstill, yet the storm raged on. Situations hit a critical point earlier in the week when the entire town lost power, knocked out by the heavy snowfall - officials said nobody could get out to them to do repairs until the storm stopped, and the snow melted.
The Mayor and the Sheriff pooled together all available resources and split them across three locations around town that were known to have backup generators; the Hospital, the High School, and the Sheriff’s Department. Word was sent out that those that were still able should make their way to one of these three locations immediately, for shelter, food, and warmth. The residents made their way to the three safety points in dribs and drabs, some headed out immediately - wasting no time, not wanting to get stuck in their ice cold homes, others made their way a few days later as the temperature dropped below zero, and others had yet to be seen or heard of.
But with the winds picking up outside and the temperature continuing to drop, even those that had found sanctuary with the generators were beginning to feel the cold. The town found themselves huddling together freezing, wondering if this storm would ever let up.
And then there were the rumors of a house, just off Main street, who’s lights were still on… another generator?
Welcome to January’s event - starting a little differently this time round, we’ll jump in mid-event, so to speak, in the midst of the action. Your characters will be at one of the three generator locations, and will be listed below. Please try to interact with as many new characters that you might not have spoken to before during this time.
It should also be noted that some species will be effected by the cold more so that others:
Tetra’s will deteriorate quickly, they cannot rely on frozen water and the drop in temperature will have dried out all moisture in the air.  
Reapers will also find themselves in a worse condition, due to already running at a lower than average temperature, they will be the first to suffer not to mention that they are still a mortal creature.
All other mortal creatures that run at a normal temperature (Human, Witch, Banshee, Hunter, Imps and Shapeshifters) will be effected by the cold, but less rapidly.
Werewolves and Phoenixes naturally run at a higher temperature and therefore will find they can withstand the cold for longer than most.
Vampires are immortal, and though they cold cannot kill them, and will effect them slower, they will start to deteriorate.
Ghosts have no physical body and are therefore unaffected by the cold.
Also please note that not everyone would have heard the rumor about the house with the lights on to start with, a search party will be chosen later in the event (by the admins) to go and check it out. Please feel free to message us if you are interested in being involved.
The event will start 17/01/17 @ 11:59PM GMT and end on 21/01/17 @ 11:59PM GMT
Remember, put a hold on all pre event threads, you may pick them up again once the event has finished. Also remember the three starter rule still applies, so once there are three starters posted for each group you must answer them before posting your own! Tag starters with: bloodshedstarter & your character’s location. Also make sure to run any major plots by the main for admin approval. But most importantly, HAVE FUN!
Lyra Carmikael
Jericho Kane
Fletcher Swan
Eleanor Drake
Dominic Willingham
Gabriel Westwood
Wisteria Fontaine
Finley Darius
Giana St James
Caitlyn Thompson
Mercedes Peltier
Kayleigh Fairmont
Nolan Chase
Catherine Hamilton
Diana Vaughn
Sarah Davis
Vincent Petrov
Ripley Kincaid
Dawn Cassidy
Matilda Hunt
Kirsten Lawe
Liam Stephens
Logan Marshall
Sawyer King
Jack Dawson
Harlow Halliday
Ace Doherty
Leslie Murray
Victoria Kyle
Heath Lllewellyn
Sesha Kaur
Alexander Dragov
Shelby Fontaine
Seth Talbot
Rory Talbot
Ronan Carmikael
Kara Michaels
Dora Saint Claire
Aemilia Carmikael
Ryan Darius
Lucas Astor
Jaxon Dubois
Francesca Mendoza
Joslyn Curie
Christian Donovan
Jordan Darius
Kenzie Hale
Levi Fairchild
Noah Carmikael
Brooke Marshall
Owen Hurst
Eli Livingston
Mathias Roux
Tate Emerson
Tanner Ayers
Elizabeth Blackwood
Carter Kane
Matthew Peterson
Emma Teague
Adrian Chevalier
Mace Wyler
Cornelius Lindstrom
Lenore Dauphine
Laurent Bernard
Cameron Jackson
Faye Archer
Bonnie Dragov
Clark Roschell
Felix Marius
Quinn Stephens
Allison Gilbert
Thalia Levesque
Agneis Amell
Djohariah Olvera
Clarice Dagny
Temperance Goldthwaite
Jonah Burke
Benjamin Knight
Aurelia Winters
Wyatt Talbot
Cassidy Talbot
Micah Carmikael
Hope Cress
Tripp Blais
Keaton Baird
Nico Oron
Rhaella Colwyn
Carmen Exposita
Jonathan Drake
Bishop Danes
Maddox Chase
Thea King-Roschell
Christopher Talbot
Grace Sheridan
Ophelia Jermaine
Andrew Stephens
Rowan Harrison
William Adler
Rosalina Sanchez
Damien Hunt
Dawson Wooddruff
Lara Talbot
Brandon Rutherford
Caleb Marshall
Otis DeMarco
Lexa Reznik
Savannah Fontaine
Alice Roschell
Ruaraidh Vasile
Simone Artois
Ransome Gullage
Desmond Vaughn
Brennan Talbot
Devlin Clary
Jace Walsh
Anastasia Johnson
Jasmine Turner
Josephine Clover
Kaz Vietteleva
Aurora Blake
Dominique Demorian
Murphy Halloran
Jamie Knight
Wren Fontaine
Zeke Callen
Asher Carmikael
Remi Carmikael
Nora Cress
Lyssa Deveraux
Rose Beck
Kevin Tenniel
Byron Verlaine
Ezra Lin
Garen Turner
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lcgacyofages · 4 years
Fluff & Romance Starters | ACCEPTING
@celestiae sent:  "May I have this dance?" flo!!! aurora!!!
Aurora had been standing outside of the clinic, the evening a bit warmer than normally, but still a bit nippy. She drew the shawl around her a bit closer as she watched the group outside of the tavern. A few had instruments and were playing while others danced, having a pleasant time.
To say she was surprised at the question would be an understatement.  Her eyebrows shot up as she looked up at the Inquisitor’s brother, a dusting of a blush creeping onto her cheeks.
But she allowed the surprise and shyness to slink away as a soft and graceful smile came to her lips. Gently, she placed her hand into his outstretched one.
“I see no reason not to,” she said warmly, allowing him to guide her to the area others were dancing.
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