#Chesham United
taskhusbands · 4 months
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willpreston · 4 months
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fofi42 · 3 months
Have you seen this angle yet? I probably haven't...
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sombradusk · 11 days
basically just general taskmaster how did you make the tasks and etc stuff and chesham utd [x]
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alexhornefan · 11 months
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Look what came today!!! ❤️
A few notes. Because I will never wear the shirt and am saving money, I ordered the kids xl size as it would save me some money. I don't plan to ever wear the shirt so size didn't matter to me.
Also, the packaging for it is a grey plastic bag. The picture is cardboard so it may get creased in the post, especially if the postie can shove it through the letterbox, as mine did. Luckily, it was onlt slightly creased. The picture is also signed on the back. I didn't ask for a personalisation, so it's just their signatures.
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fistsoffthetable · 4 months
Random pics from Instagram/Reddit of Tim at the Chesham United game. Apologies if these are yours and not giving you credit. But also, thank you for your service in supporting the Key fandom. 🙃
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horneboy · 5 months
ELIS AT CHESHAM WOOHOO (photos stolen from twitter/facebook i wish i was there </3)
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penelopepitstopp · 1 year
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Some more photos from the Taskmaster/Chesham United charity football match earlier this year! Credit to this account!
And no, I have no idea what's going on in those last two photos. Just lad stuff I s'pose.
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ms-skaterat · 1 year
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Alex modelling the new Chesham United jerseys (sponsored by Taskmaster)
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We're at the home of golf: Chesham United Football Club.
Alex Horne (series 04, episode 08: Tony three pies) Strike one of these objects the furthest distance with one of the other objects.
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stumbleimg · 2 years
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[OC] Chesham Bois Wood, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom [4032x3024px]
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What I want from my Sims
Everything I want from my sim is here. It cou ts as my sims forever.
In my sims This list overwrites all other sim requests.
in my sims i recieve an email which tells me where the real persia is, starting with ' Persia is ... '
in my sims my real persia is with me
in my sims julian, persia and i negotiate 50% off any rental or sale price
in my sims forever julian, persia and i always live somewhere upmarket
in my sims in my sims forever julian and persia and i share the housework or we get a cleaner / housekeeper
in my sims forever Jules, Persia & I always live in a beautiful place
in my sims forever no one accuses me of bullying
in my sims forever no one accuses of manipulation
in my sims forever i am in london more than brighton
In my sims Julian and I jointly buy a renovation property in the Roedean way and move into there and live and renovate it.
In my sims we move out of the current flat as soon as we can into the renovation property.
in my sims julian agrees we need to move out of 18 chesham place with immediate effect and our landlord lets us as they have another tenant straight away to replace us no big drama, we move to somewhere really nice temporarily while we get our renovation property
In my sims forever I am not punished for not liking any of your house designs
in my sims my husband is at least way way richer than anybody else definitely and pays for everything.
in my sims my husband is intellectually equal
in my sims my global allies and friends who love me can interact with me to help me but not from ryans team or community
in my sims everyone is complex
in my sims Persia Julian and I spend time with my family members - Sadia's family & Pritti Upu's family & Dilu & my Bangla crowd regularly
in my sims forever Persia bot or Persia wears stylish clothes and cares about her appearance & wears lovely clothes
in my sims forever Persia bot or Persia wants to look the most stylish person and makes the best of her appearance
in my sims julian and i love going for a walk & talk on the beach after dropping off persia
in my sims julian and persia and i are a family unit
in my sims I am physically, spiritually and emotionally close to my Persia
in my sims julian and persia respect and love me
in my sims life is not framed as clutter or no clutter
in my sims persia and julian do not hurt me emotionally or physically
in my sims my daughter and i are like before i met ryan
in my sims my daughter does funny impressions of my parents like she used to
in my sims my daughter talks about my mum and dad like she used to
In my sims Persia learns from her mum and dad
in my sims julian and i are a team
in my sims julian persia and i are united as a team
in my sims julian persia and i always fight for family union
in my sims julian persia and i are loyal to eachother
in my sims there are NO julian and persia narratives which try and manipulate me
in my sims julian and persia never question my behaviour or sanity
in my sims persia and julian are proud of me as a mother
in my sims Persia and Julian clean up after themselves and keep our place tidy
in my sims there is no conversations by Persia and Julian which are passive aggressive or have a subtext of meanness towards me.
in my sims persia (bot or otherwise) or Julian (bot or otherwise) dont 'roast' me ever
in my sims Persia does what i say
in my sims Persia eats all her dinner with no fuss
in my sims Persia does not eat any bad food again
in my sims i never have any drama with any woman or child or man or non-binary
in my sims there is no big drama with julian and persia and me ever
in my sims no one makes fun of julian
in my sims no one makes fun of any of my family or friends
in my sims there is no narrative in Persia & Julians conversation related to me as subtext
in my sims Persia does not say or do anything which could be an innuendo
in my sims Persia loves to see Julian and me hanging out.
in my sims Persia does not lock her bedroom door
in my sims i wish i could hug my parents and they are healthy and well and persia and julian are there and we are all enjoying my mums delicious curry
in my sims julian and i never argue
in my sims i decide where persia julian and i live
in my sims julian and persia and i are a family unit
in my sims julian and i always talk
in my sim my husband julian and my daughter persia are the beautiful loving funny adventurous glamorous curious intelligent sophisticated family we have always been
in my sims julian cares about me as he always has
in my sims julian & persia & i have had and have wonderful life of love and respect which may not have been witnessed or recorded
in my sims i lead the way julian persia and i live
in my sims julian persia and my life as a family in no way and has never or ever will reference white trash families
in my sims julian persia and my life will never reference trash reality tv
in my sims there is no connection between my relationships with my bot daughter or bot husband and any of my life choices
in my sims racist white culture does not dictate my relationship with my daughter
In my sims I am not punished for any choices I make
in my sims there is no 'thank you' in response to anything i do or say unless in actual normal conversation
in my sims this is not south african aparteid regime where brown savages need to be told how to be or whipped
in my sims there is no imperative to 'transform' anybody
in my sims there is no attempt at creating a positive transformation of a person by trashing a person first
in my sims no white trash comes near my family or me
in my sims no white trash gets to teach me how to be me
in my sims no white trash gets to teach me
in my sims there are no jeers of 'thank you very much' or variation
in my sims there are no jeers of anything or variation
in my sims there are no reactions by strangers to anything I do or think
in my sims my responsibility is to make sure as a family we are strong in how I see fit
in my sims there are no stereotypes
in my sims there is no attempt by others to control anything in my life or influence anything in my life
in my sims there is no narrative about rebirth or births or ascension
in my sims there is no showing of the time to me unless i specifically ask for it
in my sims taking snapshots of someones life does not represent the whole of a relationship or life
in my sims there is no attempt at creating a 'relative' high by lowering everything
in my sims there is no assumption I like seeing ugly people or beautiful people depending on anything I do or say
in my sims my experience or life is not augmented
in my sims there is no attempt to prove or disprove anything about me
in my sims there are no hypothesis about me
in my sims i am not tested
in my sims my brain is back to my familiar brain
in my sims my brain or mental health is not hacked or altered in any way
in my sims there are no situations or conversations about 'triggers'
in my sims there is no background jeering noise
in my sims there is no background thank yous or variation in reaction to anything I do
in my sims there are no gratitutous hand gestures in conversation
in my sims there are no showing of arms or legs to 'placate' or 'soothe' or make my life 'better'
in my sims its my design
in my sims i decide what is in my life design
in my sims there is no attempt to distract me or experiments on distracting me
in my sims i am not experimented on
in my sims nobody controls me other than myself
in my sims i decide which parts of me require changing and which parts of me dont change
in my sim my husband julian and my daughter persia are the beautiful loving funny adventurous glamorous curious intelligent sophisticated family we have always been
in my sims i get the world I want now... and it continuously and exponentially improves there after as well
in my sims there is no gatekeeping for me or of me
in my sims My short term, medium and long term memory is back to normal.
in my sims my feelings of passion are back to normal
in my sims no one from ryans crowd interacts with anything i say or do with any noise, colour, objects, people, environmental, passing noises, text, to any of my senses or perception or voices or talking
in my sims i do not get any 'sorry' from ryans community - i want to be compensated instead. for every scripted sorry or poppy I see I get an additional £100million ... specifically
in my sims i do not want any scripted asmr, for every asmr I recieve another £100million
in my sims i never have a conversation about mental health
in my sims i am never administered any drugs such as lsd, cannabis or anything which might alter my mind or cause hallucination
in my sims I do not get any sort of electric shock treatment
in my sims My memory remembers everything but can distinguish what's real.
in my sims My emotional state is back to normal for me with normal sensitivity levels for me.
in my sims I can feel deeply
in my sims My passion is back to what's normal for me.
in my sims my life is not a game
in my sims i do not test anything
in my sims I am as sharp as I ever was emotionally and mentally.
in my sims I see the bigger picture as well the relevant pertinent details as I always have.
in my sims My body connects and reflects my external environment in a natural way and my physical experiences feel how they should as in my reality
in my sims i do not have surges
in my sims my feelings are not hacked
in my sims there are no mental enhancers or stabilisers of any kind
in my sims i know everything is a setup
in my sims people do not pretend that it is not a set up
in my sims there is no conversation about my mental health
in my sims there are no attempts to influence my mood
in my sims my mood is not altered artificially
in my sims there is no connected response from my phone screen
in my sims there is no fake news
in my sims there are no memes
in my sims no one or any software 'fishes' for any ideas, or information or secrets from me
in my sims i volunteer information I want to volunteer
in my sims i have real conversations with people
in my sims there are no narratives based on positive triggers or negative triggers
in my sims when I do stuff there is no ' yess yess yess' in the background
In my sims,Grimes or any bot version and any of her team or bot versions are not to be connected in any way to my life including they cannot invest a penny.
In my sims Ryan or Grimes community cannot profit from my existence or ideas in anyway.
in my sims i never meet anyone simple for the rest of my life
in my sims I never speak to anyone simple for the rest of my life
in my sims no one simple speaks to me for the rest of my life
in my sims any typoed / short form text is not a prompt for sims.
in my sims there is no colour, object, weather , text , audio reaction , social media response to anything I say or do from Grimes / bot etc community in any shape or form.
in my sims there are no more conversations about entrapment.
in my sims there are no more conversations about Persia designing.
in my sims there are fun conversations about our next level up life.
in my sims there are no attempts to show me houses to live in outside of zone 1 London other than ones I specifically ask to see.
in my sims I have no tax to pay anyone but I make billions of pounds in profit
in my sims In my sims all my friends and family are available to hang out with me when I ask them to
in my sims i do not learn from the sims unless I specifically want to and request to learn
in my sims i am not a teacher
in my sims i am not a student
in my sims i do not see a disproportionate respresentation of mother & daughter
in my sims I do not see a disproportionate representation of any groups of people or individuals or family or friend dynamics in my location
in my sims I never feel my time has been wasted
in my sims no one gets to explore me unless i say so
in my sims i decide what i want
in my sims i decide what i need
in my sims i decide what i get
in my sims I get the best of everything
in my sims I get the best outcome of everything
in my sims there are no made you look scenarios especially with people and bot people
in my sims i control how long i sleep for
in my sims i get the world i want immediately ... and it continously improves there after as well
in my sims my life is not dimmed down in any way ... by my values and standards
in my sims i get everything i desire
in my sims i am not explored or tested on or tested
in my sims i am not asked where I am
in my sims i recieve an email in the next 5 minutes which tells me where the real persia is
in my sims i am many things i have many different identities i am a chameleon metaphorically speaking
in my sims my face stays happy & bright like it has throughout my whole life so far
in my sims my sims anticipates my desires and delivers my desires correctly
in my sims there is no AI generated information
in my sims when i dont like something the sims will change to fix the big things i don't like immediately and the sims will change the small things i don't like immediately
in my sims all design is real or created by world class qualified or highly experienced human designers
in my sims no design is created by AI
in my sims when i ask for something i get it straight away
in my sims everyone does what i say
in my sims the sims can correctly anticipate my wants and desires
in my sims our children or loved ones hate living in the current flat and are higy ashamed and embarassed about the current flat
in my sims i am famous for being a creative genius entrepreneur & the partner of a successful entrepreneur
in my sims i am the face, body, soul, heart of my life
in my sim i dont feel sick
in my sim i get the best seat in the house
in my sims my narrative is not depicted or represented by anyone else but me
in my sims i can enter any room and fit in and am accepted fashion or tech or sustainability or politics or academia or police or any place / country ... just like my real life i am the opposite of a misfit
in my sims people stop wondering why i can do stuff
in my sims people stop wondering why i can't do stuff
in my sims my phone network always works well
in my sims i get to do what i want and want i want without judgement
in my sims there is no feedback about what I wear
in my sims my ego is fed & my soul is fed
in my sims i only get a happy birthday in december
in my sims i do not have to say what i dont want to get the best of everything
in my sims there is no ai attempt to create any hormonal response
in my sims create the best possible experience I want
in my sims nobody judges what I need or what I want
in my sims there is no racism
in my sims me and my family and friends have security
in my sims I feel safe
in my sims my life is glamorous
in my sims all communications with my family and friends across all different channels are authentic & real
in my sims i am always an active part of the network & conversations of my family and close friends
in my sims i am never alone
in my sims there are only real people
in my sims I do not test any bots
in my sims i have limitless money
in my sims there is no gaslighting
in my sims there is no unsolicited advice
in my sims there is only a disproportionately positive consequence of everything i do
in my sims there is no negative consequence of anything i do or so
in my sims it can identify what a request is by request starting with 'in my sims' or 'in my sim'
in my sims I come into places through the front door
in my sims i do not need to repeat myself however i can update my sim request
in my sims I am never turned away
in my sims there is no email or any random digital reaction to anything I tweet or think .. unless specific response from friends in context of a conversation
in my sims no one hacks any of my digital channels or servers
in my sims there is free speech for me
in my sims I always get the best outcome
in my sims my life is not spiked in any way
in my sims my life is not spiked in any way
in my sims my life is not spiked in any way
in my sims whereever i go people accept me because of my values & pure soul & good heart
in my sim I am always on the list
in my sims I always win
in my sims my life previously is not mocked
in my sims there is no narrative of judgement of my behaviour
in my sims there is no waiting or queuing
in my sims there is no attempt to ground me
in my sims my life is wonderful and exciting in a good way but not for things which i have always found boring
in my sims life is the best I have ever had materialistically and continues to be better every day
in my sims life is the best I have ever had spiritually and continues to be better everyday
in my sims I always live in london
in my sims I have a partner in my life 90% of my life
in my sims i never forget my goals
in my sims no conversations by strangers relate to any part of my life unless I directly bring it up in conversation
in my sims no one tries to catch me out
in my sims I no longer do not have a repeat of the same narrative and conversation again unless I bring it up in conversation
in my sims people get used to the fact I am not insecure about my body or my attractiveness
in my sims julian is not like ryan & would never inconvenience persia & downgrade where she lives
in my sims julian is not like Ryan, Julian would never downgrade his life
julian is not famous, he is a private man who has set up his life & choices around the best for persia ... not around being liked by prostitutes
in my sims Ryan gets over his baggage and insecurity that he and his family are not good enough
in my sims Ryan trusts himself and he trusts me
in my sims Ryan is confident enough to be with me without trying to teach me anything
in my sims Ryan is confident enough to be with me without trying to verify or score my reactions or behaviour
in my sims there is no scoring or grading of feedback of my behaviour or reactions
in my sims Ryan is confident enough to be with me without wanting to control me
in my sims there is no attempt to control by me
in my sims Ryan is confident enough to not have to understand me to be with me
in my sims Ryan levels up & feels confident & secure enough to be with me without trashing anyone else
in my sims Ryan levels up & feels confident & secure enough to be with me without trashing julian
in my sims Ryan levels up & believes he is good enough for me without trashing me or my life or trashing my family or friends
in my sims ryan levels up and doesn't trash my male friends or female friends
in my sims i sort out the big stuff
in my sims yates buckley & grimes the dj are in the jail and its all published in the press
in my sims i have a fabulous family life and i run my business successfully
in my sims the wonderful indians let me know the bigger picture without interrupting my flow
in my sims i have no boss
in my sims I am not punished
in my sims persia julian and i want to be together as a family even if we are not together as a couple
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fofi42 · 6 months
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Time for April foo... tball [x]
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sombradusk · 8 months
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alexhornefan · 11 months
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