#Chibs telford X OC
tumbleweed-writes · 5 months
Now That I Have You: Chibs Telford X OC Fic. Chapter One
This was the very first fic I wrote for this fandom like a million years ago. I'm currently giving it a rewrite/edit on A03, but thought I'd post it as I'm editing in case anyone wanted to check it out. Not sure it's my best work but it was my first.
Molly Garrett let out a sigh pure irritation taking over as she turned the key in her little rundown blue Volkswagen bug. The ignition sputtered a few times as the car struggled to come to life.
Her honey blonde bangs hung in her dark eyes, damp from the heat of California sun and her lack of air conditioner. She struggled to bring her sad old car to life grumbling under her breath.
"Shit." She blurted out as the car sputtered a few more times refusing to start up. She widened her eyes realizing the word that had just slipped out of her mouth.
She glanced in her review mirror looking at the little boy strapped into the backseat clutching a Spiderman action figure.
Cursing wasn't exactly a good habit to have in front of a five year old boy who would more than likely pick up on the impolite language.
"Sorry baby. Don't say ever say that word okay." She apologized not surprised that the boy didn't respond to her.
Mason hadn't spoken in days. This entire situation hadn't been easy on either one of them.
Thinking about how frightened her little guy was made her want to break down. Her son was the most important thing in her life. Mason was her world.
She closed her eyes holding back the tears; she had sobbed enough in the past few years for a lifetime. Her son needed her to stay strong.
Molly let out a laugh feeling a small victory as her poor little bug finally came to life. She took a final glance in the review mirror making sure that Mason had remembered to fasten his seatbelt.
She smiled at the sight of the family dog sitting up beside Mason, a little fat female pug named Rocket. The poor dog was panting just as hot as her masters.
Molly made sure the coast was clear hoping that she could see as well as she thought she could around the small Uhaul trailer. The uhaul was hitched to the back of her bug blocking most of her view. She said a small prayer as she pulled out of the McDonalds' parking lot.
They had to eat cheap for this road trip, so cheap burgers and fries had been on the menu for days now. Luckly there was a McDonalds everywhere and that was often the easiest thing to get a five year old to eat.
She felt a little irresponsible letting Mason eat so much unhealthy food, but she reminded herself that it was just for this trip. As soon as they got settled she could get him back on a more well rounded diet.
Today all she'd managed to get down for lunch was a crappy salad and an iced tea. It had been the cheapest thing on the menu. At least Mason had eaten all of his chicken nuggets though. It seemed to be his favorite food and she'd hoped that it would cheer him up.
It would be okay, she reminded herself. Once they got to California and she was able to start her new job at Saint Thomas then everything would come together.
Charming, California seemed to be the perfect place to start anew. She'd sent in her application to several hospitals all over the country, but Charming had caught her eye and much to her relief the local hospital there had hired her on the spot with just a phone interview.
She'd chosen her new home partially for the name; Charming. It was silly she knew picking a home because of its name, but what better place than to start a new life than in a place called Charming?
At twenty seven years old, Molly Garrett finally felt like she was starting her life on her own terms.
She had faith that it would be a better life; a safer life for her son and her. She hoped and prayed that it would be a life that would hopefully be free of the violence they'd both long endured.
She'd escaped an almost six long years in a marriage from hell with a man who hit first and asked questions later.
Brian Parker had seemed like a sweet guy at first, Molly and he had met in college both in their final year. He had swept her off of her feet and had seemed to be a good match for her.
She'd been impressed by her husband when they first met. She's felt like he was a practical prince thanks to his affluence and his gentlemanly charm. She was just a poor girl on scholarship who had grown up in a trailer right outside of New Orleans with a single working mother and two siblings. She had come from so little and Brian had come from so much in comparison.
Brian came from a nice wealthy family; he had a promising future at a job at a nice well-established real estate firm. The job was at a firm that his family had owned for years. He'd grown up with privilege and he'd been so willing to share that privilege with Molly. He'd showered her with gifts and promises.
He had promised her a comfortable life with a nice safe home and a future full of children and maybe someday grandchildren. She could admit she'd been blinded by both the promises and the presents he'd bestowed upon her. He'd made her feel so special to be worthy of such expensive nice things. He'd given her jewelry and nice shopping sprees. It was more than she'd ever known. She felt like a fool looking back seeing how he'd showered her with such things and love bombed her as a way to lure her in
Two months after dating Brian, Molly had become pregnant. Soon after she'd found out she was carrying his child, they'd gotten married. She had been so excited starting a life with a man who she was sure would protect her from all of life's horrors.
It had turned out though that the only horror she would have to fear would be her husband.
The violence hadn't started until Mason was two. No he hadn't been always kind to her before that but it was the first time he'd put his hands on her at least in a violent act. He'd been belittling to her up until that point and sex had at times felt like something she was pressured into. She'd always blamed herself for his verbal abuse and had been in denial about the lack of consent in some of their sexual acts. She'd told herself she was ungrateful and horrible to deny him and when he'd insulted her she'd believed that it was her fault. She'd been taught to believe that she was so less worthy than him. She'd been conditioned to think that she was just the poor piece of trailer trash that he'd given an opportunity to rise above her station. When he lashed out at her, she told herself that it was her fault. The act of physical violence had stunned her.
Molly had excused the violence the first time it'd happened. She'd made excuses for her husband.
She'd tried to tell herself that Brian was under a lot of stress; his temper had just gotten the better of him. His father was his boss and he was the prodigal son expected to be a model employee and that wasn't easy when he was trying to support a young family.
Brian had apologized to her, promised her it would never happen again, but he'd lied. It seemed that his temper got the better of him over and over again. Soon the physical abuse was as just as regular of an occurrence and the emotional and sexual violence
It was the same cycle over and over again. He would apologize and claim he was a changed man or worst convince her that it had all been her fault really. When she thought about leaving he'd lure her back in. She would come back to him hoping against hope that this time would be different. It was insanity she knew; believing that each time would be different. Wasn't that the definition of insanity though; doing the same action over and over again expecting a different result?
She knew that she should have left the second Brian hit her but she'd been blinded by naïvety and a poor sense of self worth. Honestly she knew she should have been out the door the second he started to mistreat her verbally. She'd been blinded by him though. It felt as though she'd been under a spell.
Brian had killed her self-esteem telling her that no man would ever love her like him. No man would ever want her especially after she'd had a kid. She was his and that was that. He reminded her of how lucky she was; how privileged she was to have the life he provided.
Molly had had believed him for three long years. She'd hidden it all from family and friends and from Mason as well. She had played a happy loving wife pretending that her life was just peachy with her adorable son in her husband's nice old house.
Her breaking point had been when Brian had struck her in front of her baby. He'd had a long day at work and she'd made a mistake in his eyes by not having dinner waiting on the table when he got home.
Her brother had discovered the bruises on her body. Jack Garrett was no fool. Her brother knew about the violence and he'd tried to talk his baby sister into leaving time and time again. He'd even threatened to call the police.
Molly had finally started to see the light after that beating, and had started to listen to her brother. She had enlisted him in helping her leave, helping her find a job far away.
Brian found out about her plans to leave somehow, he had made her pay for ever thinking about leaving him. Bruising her body and cracking one of her ribs.
The abuse that night had been severe more severe than it had ever been. Mason had witnessed the entire thing.
The boy had witnessed his mother on the floor crying begging him to go upstairs and play. He'd watched as she'd cried out telling him that it was all okay when it clearly wasn't.
The boy had been silent since that night. Her body still ached from the violence her soon to be ex-husband had put her through.
It was as though a light switch had gone off in her brain when the violence had ended. She'd looked in the mirror studying her battered body when it hit her; she knew that she couldn't live like this. This wasn't a way to live; it was a way to die. If she stayed she would die and if she died her child would be left without his mother to protect him.
She had to save her baby from this life and from his father. She had no doubt that without her there to protect Mason, that Brian would turn the violence onto his child. He was already neglectful of the boy at best. Without her there to shield her child the anger Brian had inside him would have nowhere to find an outlet other than his son.
The morning after that beating, Molly's sister Candace had helped her pack up her things while Brian was at work. The two women had stuffed what little she had into a Uhaul trailer. She had left setting out west that night leaving her old life behind without a trace.
Candace had wanted her to stay in New Orléans, but Molly knew that she couldn't stay in Louisiana. The only way Mason and she would be safe would be if they disappeared.
That had been a week ago. Molly and Mason had been on the road for a week now and we're finally right outside of Charming heading for the rental home she'd recently signed the lease on.
The little house wouldn't be much; just a tiny two-bedroom house with one bathroom and a kitchenette and joined living area. It was dainty but in a quiet neighborhood.
Jack had found the rental for her; he'd been the one responsible for setting up her new life, arranging her lease and cosigning for her. She just hoped that someday she'd be able to find a way to repay her big brother. The home would not be much but it would be hers and that made it feel like a dream come true.
The little rental property was a big step down from the sprawling old plantation home that Brian and she had lived in for years. It had been in his family for decades a grand home that she had been so entranced by when they'd first married.
The people she knew had all been so jealous of her life; not realizing that it was a lie. Behind the old glorious home and fine lifestyle, it had been years of pain and fear.
She just hoped that the fear was over. The pain had to be over and it could never happen again, she told herself.
This was a new life. She knew that she had to make it work, not just for her but for Mason. Her baby boy deserved a good happy life. They both were worthy of a good life.
Molly rushed to get Mason ready for his first day of daycare. It was summer time so he wouldn't be able to start school for a few more months at least.
So for now the hospital's daycare would have to do. She had managed to land a job as a phlebotomist.
People were often a little freaked out once they found out that she drew blood for a living. She used to joke that she was the resident hospital vampire at her old job in Louisiana. She was always amazed Brian had even allowed her to maintain a job back home. She guessed he liked the way her job made him look. He'd been able to brag that his wife worked in healthcare and was so giving and kind. Her accomplishments at work made him sound better to those he wanted to impress. He'd been able to present them as a hardworking couple successful in their own careers. It was a career she loved. She knew now that her career was hers alone. She had worked hard for it. She was responsible for her accomplishments. Brian didn't get to take credit for her hard work.
She knelt down in front of Mason straightening his dark hair noticing that it had gotten a little too shaggy, but he wasn't too keen on hair cuts. His dark hair was one feature he'd inherited from his father.
For the most part Mason took after her; they shared the same hazel eyes, the same slightly round face, and the same smaller features such as their noses.
Molly spoke trying to sound cheerful and not stressed. "You're going to have a fun day today. You'll meet a ton of new friends, I bet. You're going to have such a blast. Maybe mommy can meet some new friends too. I bet we're both going to have a good day today."
Mason didn't reply. He only nodded his head as she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
She pulled at her blue hospital scrubs knowing that she looked like hell. She hadn't had the time to straighten her hair, so she'd just pulled it back into a messy bun.
At least she'd managed to put on a little makeup though. So hopefully she didn't look like the walking dead. She knew she was exhausted though. She knew that the exhaustion would be all worth it. This was the first day of the rest of her life.
She hadn't had much time to unpack anything the night before. She'd spent all day before unloading the uhaul on her own. The first thing she'd made sure to do was unpack Mason's bedroom.
Her bed still remained disassembled and most of their belongings remained in boxes around the rental home. She had slept by Mason's side the night before, in his little bed on his Spiderman comforter. They'd eaten cheap pizza the night before surrounded by boxes and watching kid's movies on the portable dvd player she'd packed.
The little house was not what she'd hoped for. It was so hot inside that it felt like an oven. She had spent hours on the phone trying to get a hold of her landlord. She'd hoped that he could come take care of the problem, but so far she had been unsuccessful. He dodged her calls until finally making an excuse that it would take a while to get someone out to look at the problem. She'd been told that she was just one of the many properties her landlord owned, so she would have to be patient.
For now it seemed that Mason and she would just have to sweat it out and make do.
She took Mason's hand in hers as they left the house. She held the one hand that wasn't clutching his action figure.
The Spiderman toy seemed to be a comfort to him. He brought the toy everywhere he went. He even slept with it like it was some kind of teddy bear. She'd worried he might leave it at the daycare, but he seemed unwilling to even consider parting with it this morning. She was willing to allow him the comfort despite her concerns about a misplaced forgotten toy.
Molly turned on the radio to an alternative rock station as soon as they got into the car, hoping that she could entice Mason into his favorite activity. He loved to sing along with the radio though he was too young to get most of the lyrics right.
It always managed to make her smile seeing him sing along like he didn't have a care in the world. She lived to see her child happy. It had been the one thing that kept her going throughout her marriage to Brian. Her child had been a lifeline through the misery.
Her smile failed to come though as Molly glanced in the backseat and spotted her silent son.
She shook her head as she pulled out of her driveway hoping that maybe the daycare would help Mason come out of his shell.
She feared that Mason might never recover from what he'd witnessed. He was afraid, she knew that.
She had done her best to explain things to him in a way that a five year old would understand.
Molly had told him that they were going on an adventure, to a place called Charming. They were going somewhere where he would meet new people and get to live in a whole new house. She'd tried to sound upbeat and make it sound as though they were doing something so grand. She'd tried to keep positive hoping that it would hide her anxieties and fears.
She had been unsure what to say about Brian. Molly knew that the time would come when she would have to explain to Mason why he had seen daddy hurt mommy and why daddy wasn't here with them.
She just hoped that she could find a way to explain it all. It wasn't right, a five year old child having to see something that horrible. She felt so guilty for letting him witness it all. Deep down inside she knew Brian was the only one to blame for his actions. She knew she had been a victim in this.
She hated herself for exposing her beloved child to something so terrible though. She felt pure shame for allowing herself to stay with a monster out of fear.
Molly took a deep breath knowing that she would never allow that to happen again. No one would ever lay a hand on her or her baby ever again.
This was the right choice, she reminded herself. She was doing the right thing.
Of course Molly's bug chose that morning to get a flat tire. She was just lucky that she made it to a garage before she got herself into a wreck. She had to think it was a miracle that there happened to be an auto mechanics close enough to reach. Perhaps God was looking out for her? She had to hope someone was looking out for her despite the flat tire.
Chibs Telford raised an eyebrow as a pathetic looking Volkswagen Bug pulled into the parking lot of TM Auto.
The car was a sad sight; the paint on the right side was chipped and fading and the transmission sounded just awful.
It was still early; the garage hadn't even opened yet. He had come in early though wanting to bury himself in his work to avoid thinking about his personal troubles. He was thankful for the work even if the garage was still technically not open. He knew that he could manage to get the owner of the car checked in and take care of business despite the closed sign on the door. He was grateful for the distraction of work. It was a relief to his over exhausted brain and aching heart.
Chibs made his way over to the car as it came to a stop and a young woman opened the drivers' side door giving him a smile.
"I've gotten myself into a real mess." Molly stated giving the man who was slowly approaching her a sheepish smile.
She ran reached up tucking her side bangs behind her ear as the man spoke. "I'd say I agree love. How are ya even runnin that thing?"
She raised an eyebrow a little taken back by his Scottish accent, and the word love. She had expected to hear neither from the mechanic. A Scottish accent was an odd thing to encounter in Northern California
Molly felt her cheeks flush as she found herself staring at the thin scars along the Scotsman's cheeks. She looked away fearing that he thought she was rude for staring. She mentally scolded herself for being so rude. She'd been raised with far better manners than to gawk at something someone couldn't help. She felt like a jerk for even staring away making so clear she'd been gawking.
Chibs wasn't surprised that she turned her eyes away from him after staring for a bit.
He had long ago become accustomed to people's reactions to the scars Jimmy O' had given him before he'd taken Chibs' family and banished him from Ireland.
The pain had finally ended now that he'd gotten his revenge. Now that Jimmy O' was dead and gone and he knew that his girls were safe.
He tried not to let his mind focus on his girls for too long. His girls made his heart ache more than ever lately. He knew they were safe but they were so far away. Things had changed between his girls and he so quickly.
Fiona and he had come to an agreement just a few months ago; their marriage was over. There wouldn't be a divorce on Fiona's insistence. In Catholicism marriage was a sacrament that couldn't be broken, so divorce wasn't an option...or that was what Fiona had claimed. Chibs felt bitter over the refusal to even consider the divorce. He felt bitter about it all to be honest. It hurt though he knew in the end it was right...ending the estranged relationship entirely...agreeing to just be coparents to Kerrianne.
It had hurt losing the wife he had so long pined for. No, he'd not been faithful to her during their time apart. He'd allowed himself to fall into the chaos of SAMCRO and the women who serviced the club. His heart had belonged to Fiona though. It felt painful to realize that his heart could no longer be hers. He had no idea where to place that love now.
At least he still got to see his Kerrianne. He made a trip to Belfast as often as he could to see his soon to be fifteen year old daughter, hoping that they could build the type of relationship a father and daughter should have.
Kerrianne had been told so many lies about her father, by Jimmy. It had been hard for Chibs to convince her that her da was a good man despite his status as an outlaw biker. He'd done his best to prove his love and devotion to her. He'd allowed her to remain in Belfast knowing it was her home. He'd sacrificed the chance to take her back to the states with him. He'd given up that dream letting her remain in her home knowing it was what she needed.
As time went by and Kerrianne and he became close. They spoke on the phone weekly and developed a relationship. He sent her gifts often. It felt as though a void that had long existed in his heart had finally been filled. He was getting a chance to be a father. He loved having his little girl back in his life again.
Chibs could admit that he was a little taken back by Molly's accent as well. It was distinctly southern; strange to hear in Northern California.
He was also taken back by the woman's features; he would be lying if he tried to say that she wasn't a beautiful woman.
She wasn't very tall she barely came up right at the center of his chest. Although she was petite she had a nice figure, full hips and breasts. He could spot the figure even in the unattractive scrubs she wore. Her hair was a dark blonde; almost the color of honey and her eyes were a pretty hazel.Her complexion was milky and smooth looking. Her hands seemed petite and her short nails were painted a lovely shade of lilac.
He found himself glancing down at her left hand at her ring finger. He was a little shocked that there was no ring there. Still though that didn't mean that she was single.
A girl like that had to have a man somewhere. He felt foolish for even looking for a ring. He knew that even if she had no man in her life. she would probably never want a man like him. It was a foolish hope thinking of her in that way; checking for signs of her being available. He felt like an old fool for even considering her relationship status.
It was her smile that really caught his attention. It was friendly despite the fact that Chibs often intimidated people given his appearance and his ties to Samcro. Usually people didn't smile at him. She had a pleasant smile though her eyes looked tired. He was not accustomed to people smiling at him so politely. The smile made him feel warm inside. He felt silly for the thought; feeling a soft cozy glow under her gaze.
Chibs snapped out of admiring her looks as he managed to speak. "Looks like ya hit a nail on the back right tire... and yer transmission is shite."
"Yeah...like I said, I've gotten myself into a mess...and now I'm late for my first day of work...great." She replied though the last part of her statement seemed to be more to herself than to him.
He was shocked as she opened the backseat and leaned in helping a little boy out of the car. The boy was tiny; delicate. Chibs was certain the kid was small for his age. The boy seemed healthy at least; his hair was dark, loose shaggy curls that made him look angelic. His eyes were identical to Molly's hazel bright and clear. The boy held on to Molly's hand staying close to his mother.
Chibs felt a sense of embarrassment realizing that he'd just cursed in front of a child. Sure he had done far worse in his life but he was sure that the boy's mother wouldn't appreciate his language. He grimaced sure he was about to get an earful about the foul language in front of a child even if had only been one word.
He did his best to give the boy a smile as he spoke up hoping to smooth over any upset he may have caused the kid's mom. "Sorry I said a bad word little lad."
Mason stared wide-eyed at the strange man not saying a word. He moved behind his mother's form hiding from Chibs' gaze.
Molly cleared her throat quickly speaking up trying to explain her son's silence hoping that the Scot didn't take it as rudeness. "He's shy."
Chibs nodded his head understanding. He'd found that most kids that didn't know him well enough were just as intimidated by him as adults were. Which he could admit was hurtful. He had always loved children. He had loved his nephew back in Belfast when the lad had been growing up. He'd spent so much time with him and had appreciated being involved in his life. Now though he knew that most kids tended to shy away from him. They took one look at his face and felt fear. He had found comfort in the Teller boys at least. He liked being Uncle Chibs to them. It had felt healing to be around the boys. He knew Jimmy O' had not taken being Uncle Chibs from him at least when it came to the Teller boys...his heart ached knowing that Jimmy O' had taken his nephew from him though.
Chibs pulled his mind from thoughts of his late nephew as he spoke nodding back to the poor Volkswagen. "We're a bit backed up ere, but I can get yer car in this afternoon. Don' know how long it'll take though, Love. Like I said, we're a wee bit backed up. Lotta wrecks last week, lots of folks coming through for summer trips getting into wrecks. Plus we gotta a few custom bike jobs ahead of ya. I can't promise fast work, but we'll get ya fixed up anyhow."
Molly gave him a smile thankful that her car would be repaired and not break down on her anymore. She spoke taking a look at the name stitched into his gray works shirt: Chibs, she found herself unsure if she should call him that or not. She was quite certain the man's parents had not given him such a name. "Thank you so much...uhm.."
Chibs raised an eyebrow realizing that she was asking his name. He took himself by surprise saying his real name and not the name everyone but his family called him. "Filip."
"Filip." She repeated causing him to do something else that he found astonishing. He felt a genuine smile develop across his face. He couldn't help but to like the sound of his name on her lips.
She spoke again reaching out to take his hand. "I'm Molly and this is Mason."
Chibs nodded in response as he took her hand in his giving it a firm shake, unable but to enjoy how soft her skin felt against his calloused hands.
He was shocked that he was so reluctant to let go of her hand. He shook his head wondering what had gotten into him.
Maybe it was just that he'd been alone for too long. He found himself unable to really get back into the biker lifestyle once Fiona and he had agreed to end their relationship.
All those years Fiona and he had been estranged he had found himself easily falling into a pattern, booze and croweaters.
He'd sleep with any one of the girls who hung around the clubhouse, a different girl just about every night.
Nights of drunken sex with women whose names he couldn't even remember by the next morning no longer felt fulfilling to him.
After Fiona and he had agreed to end their marriage, Chibs had found that he could not sink back into the life of meaningless sex with crow eaters. He had discovered that he just didn't enjoy it anymore. It felt cheap and it made him feel empty. At first he thought that maybe he was just getting old, but then he'd realized something.
He was lonely. He longed for something more, something real. He watched Jax with Tara and Gemma with Nero and he felt so alone. He laid in bed at night without anyone by his side and fretted over his future. He had come to the realization he would die alone without love. He'd so long hoped Fiona and he would reunite but that dream was dead and he knew it was for the best...but it still hurt. He had finally realized that he was truly alone. It was a realization that made his heart ache and yearn.
He felt so foolish but as he stared at the pretty blonde he found himself wondering what it might be like to lie by her side at night. He shook the thought from his mind knowing he was just an old fool. There was no way a woman like her would ever lie by the side of a man like him.  
Molly spoke up as she stared down at her cheap red plastic watch unaware of Chibs' inner turmoil. "Is there a phone I can use?...I need to get a rental car and I need to call Saint Thomas Hospital and explain why I'm late."
Chibs nodded his head not astonished by her workplace. The scrubs made it obvious, there was only one hospital in Charming. He sighed more sure than ever now that she would never have the time of day for him. She was a responsible adult with an important job who would not be interested in the outlaw biker. Sure, he knew Tara had loved Jax despite her mainstream job, but there was history there. Chibs knew he held no history with Molly. They were from two different worlds. She would not want anything to do with his world. 
"I can have someone give ya a lift to the car rental place. As far as a phone, I'm sure I can sort that out too." Chibs stated as he turned getting the attention of one of the prospects motioning over to the man.
He spoke to Ratboy as the man came up to him. "Can ya take Molly and her boy ere down to Davis Rentals, and let er use yer cell too. She needs to call her work."
Molly widened her eyes a little surprised by the friendly gesture of allowing her to borrow a cell phone.
She spoke hoping that it was clear just how thankful she was for the kind action. "Thank you, Filip. I appreciate it more than you know."
Chibs ignored the look on Ratboy's face as he spoke the smile once again developing along his face. "Yer welcome, Love. Just leave yer number with Ratboy here and We'll get to ya when yer cars ready."
Molly nodded trying not to show how strange she thought that the man who was giving her a ride was called Ratboy. What was it with this place and the employee's nicknames? "Thank you so much."
And with that she let the prospect lead her and her son away to a tow truck.
Chibs watched her walk away cursing the yearning in his heart. He told himself he was an idiot for the feeling. He was trying to bat out of his league and he was too beaten down and worn to even dream that he could charm her. Charming her would be foolish. She was a mother and most likely just saw him as the older dirty mechanic who had been providing good customer service.
Chibs was surprised as Mason turned to face him looking at him through the back window as the tow truck pulled away. Mason did the last thing Chibs' had expected considering the kid's silence. He stared as Mason waved.
Chibs raised his hand waving back without having to even think about the action.
He shook his head as the tow truck faded out of view. He let out a sigh trying to knock Molly and her boy out of his mind.
As lovely as he found Molly, there was no point in daydreaming about her ever giving him the time of day.
A girl like that didn't need a man like him.
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Mo Shíorghrá - Chapter Five.
Thanks to the few people reading and interacting with this, you make the effort worth it.
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed
Words - 5,870
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
“Oh my god. Oh, Jesus, Fil. Look at them. They’re so little.”  
A sob followed those words, Abi reaching for his hand as she blinked tears down her cheeks after being wheeled into the NICU to see her sons for the first time, her own condition now stable enough to allow for her to leave her bed. She’d taken her first steps the day before on her new hip with the physiotherapist and the aid of a frame, finding it much easier than she’d anticipated it would be, but still very painful.  
Painkillers following that had helped, but there was nothing she could take to get over seeing her precious babies within an incubator, wires and tubes sticking out of them. Her husband had been very right when he’d told her they were not much bigger than one of his hands.  
He crouched by her side, kissing her hand, his other skimming her inner forearm while she reached in to touch Henry for the first time, her little finger stroking his hand, the baby responding instantly to his mother's touch, his tiny fingers flexing at the contact. Still, she continued to cry, Chibs wiping her tears, kissing her head tenderly as he gently wrapped an arm around her.  
“They’ve gained just over half a pound each since their delivery, they’re gaining at the upper end of the expected weight gain, so this is great progress. Bearing this in mind, we hope for you to be able to hold them when they reach four pounds, so realistically it’ll be around another three weeks," Tara explained, handing Abi a tissue.
“I hate that I can’t hold them, though I understand.” If Chibs could identify with anything, it was that. His arms ached to hold his babies close, strong as his fatherly protective streak was. For Abi, it was a hugely emotional moment, reaching through to Riley as well to gently stroke his foot where he wriggled, pleased to hear that it had only been in the last few days he’d become strong enough to do that, their steady progress reassuring. Still, seeing them so small, compounded by the upset she felt at not being able to hold them, colliding with the rage that someone had put their mortality at such grave risk, it all stirred up within and left her very emotional.  
“Shhh, darlin’. Try not tae upset yourself,” Chibs told her softly after she’d returned to her room, Abi crying uncontrollably. “Do you need anything?”
“A hug. I need a big hug.”  
“Okay. Shuffle forward a wee bit.” With his help, she edged down the bed, Chibs kicking off his boots and shrugging himself out of his jacket and kutte, climbing onto the bed behind her, letting her rest back against him as he held her carefully. Oh, she’d needed that, to lie back against the steadying, comforting embrace of her husband, breathing in his scent, turning her head and listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat against her ear. Still, for a time, she couldn’t quite rest, though.  
“They’re not even out of the woods yet, the fucking list of issues they could go on to have. Cerebral palsy, hearing and sight trouble, learning difficulties, psychological problems, asthma, increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome. It isn’t going to be as simple as they put on weight, leave incubation and eventually come home. This could be something that leaves them with afflictions for their whole lives!”  
“Abi, you’ve got to calm down, darlin’,” he began, taking her hand. “If they do, then they do, and as their mum and dad, we support them through it. If they’re deaf, we learn sign language, have cerebral palsy, get them to the right specialists to cope with it, blind, train the pups to be guide dogs. We adjust and we cope.” She smiled a little, at hearing his suggestion to train their dogs to guide dog standards. They’d be distracted at the first sniff of an ice cream cone. That flicker of amusement didn’t last long, though.
“I want to fucking murder the bastard that did this.” Of course, he knew that her upset was fuelled by a burning rage within to exact revenge upon the man who had almost taken hers and her children’s lives. It was very much in line with the woman she was, after all.
“You’re not alone there, hen. It’ll happen. As soon as he’s found, I’ll make him suffer, you have my word there.” He stroked her face gently, Abi sobbing against his chest, twitching with discomfort when her broken clavicle began to throb. Turning slightly to her right side made it bearable, tucking her head beneath his chin, tracing the top line of the bill tattoo on his chest with her thumb. He could have used that moment to reveal they’d at least found which direction her attack had come from, the Russians responsible, but calming her down again was of greater importance at that moment. Fuelling her anger wouldn’t do her any good, she didn’t need it while recovering.  
What she needed was his comfort, of which he gave, stroking the side of her neck as he felt her breathing steady, her crying beginning to cease. It was nice, to simply hold her close again. For Abi, that closeness was the kind of comfort she’d craved, just to be near to him, to feel his warmth. It made her physical pain a little more bearable to withstand, too. God, the c-section site hurt like hell, all her muscles burning with fury from being yanked apart and cut. Listening to his breathing calmed her further, her fingers coming to stop against his chest as she began to drift, Chibs smiling down at her as he kissed her head.  
“I’m here for a while, then.” There was no way he was walking her up. Whenever he visited her, she always looked so tired, her sleep mostly pharmaceutically induced rather than naturally occurring. Now that she’d fallen asleep without the aid of such, he wasn’t prepared to disturb it. Instead, his mind wandered back to the first morning he’d ever woken up with her lying against him like that, which from memory was likely after the fifth occasion he’d ended up in her bed...
Belfast, 1994
“Well, I think it’s fair to say I knackered you out plenty last night," he spoke when Abi finally roused from slumber, sitting up, her eyes widening a little when she realised where she’d been resting.
“Oh Jesus, I’m sorry.” Embarrassed, she scooted back over to her side of the bed, Chibs raising an eyebrow.  
“For what?”
She pointed at his chest, the place she’d been very comfortably sleeping against. “Sleeping on you. Probably the last thing you want.”  
He was amused at her assertion, leaning close to her. “I’m not made of stone, Abi. Not averse to a pretty wee thing falling asleep on my chest. What I’m not so fond of is feeling like a badger curled up in my mouth and died. Can I borrow your toothbrush?”  
She laughed there, sitting up, finger combing her mountain of unruly hair, wondering what kind of state she looked. “Yeah, no worries. There’s a spare one in the cabinet, actually. Just use that.” He got out of bed, Abi treated to the feast for the eyes that was him naked, all lithe muscles and tattooed arms.  
“Stop staring at my arse.”
She snickered, looking amused. “Why? It’s gorgeous.”  
And he knew he was gorgeous, and had an enviably trim body, but still, a sexy, seventeen-year-old who could have her pick of any bloke she wanted was the one who wanted him. He’d never get over the inner gleam of such knowledge. While he was cleaning his teeth, Abi made a few rounds of toast and some coffee, taking it all back to bed with her.  
It had been just over a week since they’d first had sex, and this was the first time he’d stayed over after finishing doing a superb job of shagging her utterly senseless the night before. He joined her, Abi pushing the toast plate over a little, Chibs thanking her before taking a slice.  
“Oh, thank fuck you use actual butter. Fi buys that Flora crap and it tastes vile,” he exclaimed, Abi shuddering.  
“So does my ma. Da got me this from the farmers market yesterday, we sat there eating it with fresh soda bread while watching Men Behaving Badly. Ma won’t have it on at home, absolutely can’t stand it but it makes us cry laughing!” Rubbing her eye as she remembered the antics of Tony and Gary, she then looked at her finger, seeing a huge, black smudge. “God, I bet I look an absolute state, so I do!”
Chibs turned, eyeing her. “You look smoking.”  
“Even with my makeup all smudged?”
“Especially with your makeup all smudged,” he grinned, leaning to kiss her shoulder. Once they’d finished eating, Abi found herself back against his chest, very content to lie there being lazy. She hadn’t really thought he’d be all that fond of little moments of affection and closeness like that when they weren’t actually having sex, being that she was just a casual bit on the extramarital side, but he surprised her greatly. “Has anyone ever told you just how gorgeous your eyes are? I swear, you’ve got the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen.”
“You think?” she asked, tilting her head back a little, Chibs leaning to kiss her.  
“Aye, they’re like the fucking sky. You’re bloody beautiful.” He kissed her again, Abi humming happily. She honestly didn’t expect him to be like this, so it took her by surprise greatly. She didn’t truly know how to feel about that either. He was married, after all, and despite the fact he seemed very invested in having sex with her whenever he could, he loved Fiona. She knew that. The way he behaved with her that morning did seem somewhat contradictory to her assertion, though.
Or was she just being seventeen and naïve? Being nice to her didn’t mean he loved his wife any less. Thinking differently to that, she knew, would lead to her getting hurt.  
While she was chastising herself for overthinking something that was merely supposed to be a bit of fun to be enjoyed, she had no idea that the man whom she lay against was struggling with something quite similar. Even though he found himself making it sexual very quickly that morning, he’d be lying to himself if he said that was solely what he felt towards Abi, sexual interest and nothing more.  
Apart from her being gorgeous, funny, cute, crazy as hell and into a lot of similar things he was, he felt a connection to her that he truly couldn’t explain, a link, something unseen, undescribed by words, but which stirred his emotions heavily. He found it a little distressing, if he was frank, that what he felt, he’d experienced with no other, not even Fiona. It scared him a bit, that he could fall so headlong into something, something that was likely the last thing a fun loving seventeen-year-old wanted from him.  
So, he kept to what he knew she definitely sought.  
They shared fervent kisses as his fingers raked at every depth inside her soaking cunt, one of her gorgeous, long legs rested over his waist as they lay facing one another, Chibs glad that Fiona was away visiting her mother in Ballymena, so he didn’t have to hurry home. He could spend as long as he wanted sending his young lover to the edges of heaven, so that’s exactly what he did.  
He moved his kisses to her neck, fingers retreating to begin stroking at her with long rubs through her slit, spreading her wetness around, the heat of her against him absolutely blazing. Moving his focus to her clit, he softly circled, touching her so gently he was barely making contact, little by little increasing the pressure, watching her intently as she lost herself to what he inflicted upon her.  
“Is that nice?” he chuckled in whisper at her breathlessness, Abi’s helpless groan making him laugh a little louder.  
“Oh, you’re too bloody good by far!” He loved it when she was utterly beside herself with pleasure.
“Just you wait until it’s my tongue.”  
“I can’t wait, don’t make me!”  
Oh, what a state he’d worked her into, dark eyes watching her as she continued to softly mewl, his fingers suddenly speeding up. “Be patient.” Kissing her again, he silenced her until sliding his mouth to her breasts, sucking her nipples, having her practically sobbing with bliss, his fingers now working a quickly rubbed circle at her bud. Abi cried out as she broke apart against the hot throb they evoked, the flames of her release licking her spine, her shuddering body spent, yet craving more. “Okay, now you get my mouth.”  
He laid open mouthed kisses down the centre of her body, the smell of her arousal, her fragrant womanhood calling his mouth, beckoning the swipe of his tongue, which he duly laid after levelling his face with her burning slit, wet pressure bathing her sensitive bud, a slow swirl to begin with, gentle flicking added, his hands stroking her slender thighs as she tipped her head back and moaned prettily for him, his mouth gorging upon her as he began to suck, stopping only to bob his tongue inside her a few times, feeling her clench on him as she gasped and shook.  
“Fuck, you have such a pretty little pussy.” He complimented, moaning as he sucked her, her insides sparking with incandescence. Her hands held his head, nails flexing in his hair as he took a mouthful of her and sucked again, evoking her wail, watching her with lust blown pupils, covetingly gazing at the beauty who he was aroused out of his senses by.  
The wet drag of each lick languidly rolled through her slit, up to her clit again, circling, nudging, glimmers skittering through her when he aimed his next suck right there, her breath catching in her throat, her little bud sucked plumper before bathed in the fast beating of his tongue. Fast... faster... faster... oh... how was he real?  
Her body arched off the bed, her toes curling, an orb of fire rolling through her groin before boom, it exploded and she came hard, her legs wrapping around his head, her clit throbbing against his tongue. He moaned against her slick pink, tongue continuing to explore her, hands roaming up to grasp her breasts and roll her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.
“You look so goddamned pretty when you cum.” he praised her with, taking mouthful of her and sucking thirstily, eyes closing, hands continuing to stroke her curves, Abi gently writhing against his face.  
There was no other way to explain it, she was lost in pleasure, unmoored, adrift on the wide, dark sea that was a man who knew exactly how to turn her on until she felt senseless and boneless. She had never known arousal like it, never been tended to quite so thoroughly, by someone who held such extensive knowledge of a woman’s body and exactly how to play with it.  
His fingers pushed back within the heat of her core, laying soft kisses all over her slit, up her abdomen, tongue circling her navel before slipping down again to continue eating her. He granted her no clemency with the sublimity of his tongue, rapid and unyielding as he gratified her fervently, her womanhood the altar where he laid his worship of such beauty, given unto him.  
He was almost predatory with his mouth, not ceasing or slowing, his fingertips seeking the place they had before to press precisely, her insides twitching aggressively as his tongue swept her bud with rapid circles, her body keening as she felt herself driven closer, her core close to absolute convulsion as she panted and wailed, the surge of orgasm tearing through her.  
“Oh... my... fucking... god...” she panted, Chibs kissing her thigh, watching her fighting for breath. She then looked at him with a glint of utter feral desire. “Get on your damned back.”  
“I’m not much in the habit of being ordered around, but since it’s you.” He turned at speed, cock rigid against his hip, Abi climbing astride him and sinking down on that big, thick hardness with a shuddered breath. Oh, how she’d ridden him into that bed. Fuck. It was a memory that hadn’t left him, sex so good it still made him tingle when he thought of it, as well as what followed. Just six days later and they’d told each other how they knew they felt, not able to fight the fact that against all odds, they’d fallen deeply in love with one another.  
“Filip, have you got a hard on?” Abi suddenly spoke, waking after napping for half an hour. His chuckle confirmed.  
“You’re bloody unfair! Lying there like a bloody tepee and I’m too broken to enjoy it!” It was a moment of comic relief they both needed, Chibs stroking her arms as he leaned to kiss her head, waiting for himself to calm down a little before moving back to the seat. “I suppose I should take it as a compliment.”
“Yeah, you should. What can I say? I miss my wife, in more than one way.” His wink cracked her up, Abi holding her side as she tried to compose her chuckles. Her lung was still very sore, but she guessed having a shattered rib poke a hole in it would do that to anyone. “I was lying there thinking about the first time I slept over at your old flat, when you woke up and freaked out that you’d fallen asleep against my chest.”
She remembered it like it was yesterday, her mind revolving in the horror of ‘oh my god, as if he wants his shag piece all curled up around him. Abort, Abi! Abort!’ before she’d scrambled away from where she’d so comfortably rested. She laughed about it now, now of course that he was hers, the humour of trying to remain somewhat aloof with the man whom she’d fallen so hard in love with. She thought of it later that night after he’d left, the day he’d taken her down to Armagh to get the tattoo she wanted for her birthday, the artist of her choice residing there. Kevin Dougherty had been the man who’d done her first, a snake winding around her right wrist, his work famous throughout Northern Ireland.  
She could picture it so clearly in her mind, walking towards his shop hand in hand with her outlaw...  
Belfast, 1994
Armagh. Nobody knew them in Armagh, meaning that for the first time ever, Abi could walk along with her boyfriend hand in hand, and it didn’t matter. There’d be no prying eyes ready to run back to either her father or Fiona with the scandalous information, so if she wanted to suddenly stop in the middle of the street and kiss him, she could.  
“What was that for?” he asked after she’d done just that.  
“Because I fucking love you.”  
He arched an eyebrow. God, she loved it when he did that. It made her throb, both in her heart and between her legs. He was just too sexy for his own good. “Good enough reason as any, CB.” He kissed her again then, a big, open mouthed, tongue swirling kiss, drawing a few comments of disapproval from passing elderly people, neither of them caring at all over the distain their filthy kisses provoked.  
While walking, Abi noticed that they attracted further attention too, as was the norm with outlaws. People knew who the Sons were, even if nobody there knew him personally, the stories of the club travelled, of course they did. Outlaws spelled danger, and while Abi thrived on such, others did not.  
They were the men mothers warned their daughters to steer clear of, and Abi, she was the kind of girl those same daughters were told never to end up like. Her dress code alone raised eyebrows of disapproval from women, and looks of longing from men. That day, she’d chosen her standard fishnets, a pair of platform PVC boots, and a black cropped top and hot pants set, her usual plethora of necklaces and chains and her old, battered leather jacket on top.  
Yes, the outlaw and his barely dressed young girlfriend raised more than a few eyebrows as they walked the street, even more so when they entered the tattoo shop, the men within it giving Abi some very favourable glances. One of whom had Chibs in fits while Abi was checking the placement of her tattoo in the mirror as Kevin looked on.  
“She your girlfriend, fella?”
“Aye,” Chibs beamed, the large man with the shaved head and the near full bodysuit of tattoos shaking his head as he looked back at her.  
“You lucky fucking bastard.”  
“I know.”
“How do you let her out of bed? I swear, I’d never be off her if she was my girl!”
Chibs laughed, winking at her when she blew him a kiss. Of course, she could hear their entire conversation, the large man next to her boyfriend not being particularly quiet. “Trust me, she gets ridden more than my fucking Harley.”  
“Fucking fair play, sonny.” He offered his hand, Chibs shaking it with laughter before joining Abi.
“So, all ready for your tramp stamp, crazy baby?”  
Kevin snorted laughing, loading the tattoo machine with black ink.  
“Stop calling it that!”  
“Never!” he leaned forward and kissed her, Abi grumbling at him before wincing as Kevin began.  
“Arrgh, bloody hell! I forgot how much is fucking stings to start with!”  
“Yeah, like a cat with red hot claws scratching the shite out of you, isn’t it?”
“That’s exactly what it feels like, so! I remember Monica getting hers done on her ribcage, remember, Kevin? She likened it to hot razors.”
“I do, aye. You having to fan her with a copy Skin Deep so she didn’t pass out, bless her. I miss that girl,” he lamented. Kevin had once dated Monica very briefly after she’d originally gone to him for her first tattoo and they’d hit it off, the relationship fizzling out due to neither of them having the time to travel the near hour journey to see each other regularly. “Not half as much as I bet you do though, eh?”
“Likely not. She was the best.”
“She was, a bloody grand lass, so.”  
She continued to wince and grumble as the outline was added to, having her mind taken off it by gripping Chibs’ hand and receiving kisses from him. At doing so, once again he was the envy of all of the men within the shop, grinning to himself smugly. Sexy, heavenly body, utter badass, and she was all his. As for Abi, his affections took her mind away from feeling a little mournful over her sister, and the fact that her lower back was currently on fire.  
“I’ve a good plan to take your mind off it later,” he whispered, kissing the side of her neck. He was never really one for public displays of affection, but with her, he truly couldn’t help himself.  
“Oh? And what does this plan of yours entail?” she inquired, looking at him with a lower lip biting grin.  
“Letting you sit on my face until you forget how sore your tramp stamp is.”  
She narrowed her eyes immediately, but the grin that followed was that of megawatt magnitude. “The first part, I like. You continually referring to my lovely tattoo as a tramp stamp, not so much.”
“I’m paying for it; I get to call it whatever I like. Happy birthday, beautiful.” It had been her actual birthday two days previously, but Kevin only had space to tattoo her after the event. Besides, she wanted to get drunk off her face all day, and alcohol and tattooing didn’t mix, so there’d been that, too. And god, how drunk the SAMBEL lads had gotten her. As soon as she’d walked into the clubhouse with her friends in tow, the roar of ‘shots!’ had gone up like a siren.
“I could do with some of that right now.” she grumbled back in the present, shifting in order to get comfortable, placing her arm back in the sling to alleviate the pain in her broken clavicle. It always did hurt after her walking physio, having to take weight on her left arm to support herself as she walked, getting the muscles working around her new hip. At least it all wasn’t quite as painful as she remembered in the moments between her morphine dazes upon first waking after her accident. She thanked god that apparently, he was watching out for her.
Her healing was progressing just as it should have been, meaning that after a further twelve days in hospital, she was given the all clear to head home. Not that she particularly wanted to. Not without her boys.  
“I’ll be back to see you first thing in the morning. You get to meet your aunt Venus too, she’s going to bring me up here while daddy is working, yes, she is,” Abi pledged to her babies, stroking their hands lovingly. “I love you both so much. See you tomorrow.” It took her a few moments to compose her tears before she stood, aided by a crutch in one hand, holding onto Chib’s arm with the other. Walking was still painful, but not as bad as it had been, now three weeks on from the accident and subsequent replacement. She just had to be careful not to overdo things, since she still got out of breath fairly easily after the trauma she’d suffered to her lung.  
She could have killed for a cigarette, but didn’t think it wise beyond taking two puffs off the one Chibs lit once they got outside, with him eyeing her disapprovingly. “Don’t come crying to me when you cannae breathe right,” he warned, Abi tightening her jaw a little.  
“I think after everything I’ve been through, I can be forgiven for wanting a small hit of nicotine.”
He nodded. “Aye, I suppose you’re right.”
“I might need you to put that on a t shirt, since you so seldom concede,” she teased, walking steadily to her car.  
“Shut up, you wee shite.” She laughed, and it felt good, good to laugh and joke with him, to see him smile rather than look perpetually scared to death. Once he’d helped her into the car, he took her home, carrying her things in and then grabbing hold of two very excited dogs so they didn’t dive all over her as she carefully made her way inside. “Steady, lads, steady.” he told them, letting go of their collars once she was seated in the armchair, Ozzy and Jimi staying low, their entire bodies quivering with excitement that their mum had returned, receiving scratches and tummy rubs from her, Abi thrilled to see her again.  
Looking around, she was glad to be home, the sights and smells comforting to her. “Is that furniture polish I smell?”
“It is.”
“Oh. Venus came by and cleaned, then? She said she’d call in to make sure the house hadn’t reverted back to, and I quote, a bachelor pad comprised of dusty surfaces, overspilling ashtrays and the scent of ripe underpants.”
“She did, but I did the cleaning.”
“Pardon?” Her eyes widened so much, he couldn’t help but laugh softly.
“Just because I don’t like to, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to. I cleaned and did laundry, and Venus cooked enough food to feed a small army so you’d be all sorted and wouldn’t have to do anything other than take things out of the freezer or fridge. And she walked the dogs as well. That woman is an absolute diamond.”  
Abi smiled, certainly believing so. “Anyway, my love. I have to shoot off. Duty calls, but I’ll try not to be too late home. Love you.”
“Alright, don’t worry about me. I’ll just be sitting here having a 90’s film marathon. Love you too.” While she relaxed with her very happy dogs and the first of a long run of her favourite films, Chibs rode out with the rest of the club to meet with the remaining west coast based Russians, determined to get to the bottom of who the hit and run driver was.  
The bar they met at was seedy and stank of vodka and stale urine, a typical meeting place between men who most definitely fell upon the wrong side of the law. It was the kind establishment regular, law-abiding patrons eschewed by a very wide berth.  
“Gentlemen, welcome,” Leo Lenkov, the man who had ascended to power within the west coast fraction of the Russian mob spoke, gesturing to the red leather seating section he and his guys rested within. “Although, I am at a loss to understand the purpose of this meet. Your Mexican friends tied up any, ah, loose ends between us, shall we say.”  
He eyed them carefully from behind the thick framed glasses he wore, his turnout immaculate, smelling strongly of expensive cologne, his suit pressed crisply, the top buttons of his black shirt undone to reveal a similar tattoo to that of the man they were attempting to locate.  
“Except for the one that lead a Russian to attempt to murder my wife and unborn children,” Chibs spoke, his dark eyes practically boring into the back of Leo’s skull.  
“And you know this, how?” Clay took the image from his kutte, unfolding the paper and sliding it across the black, chipped lacquer table. Leo lifted it, studying it carefully. “Russian, he most definitely is, this is obvious. Alas, I do not know his identity. I know of course from his tattoos that he is indeed bratva, but not of my particular franchise.”
Chibs virtually snarled at his reply. “I’m calling bullshit on that.”  
Clay moved on instinct, halting the reach for his gun with a hand pressed to his arm. Leo remained passive, unmoved. “You can call it whatever you want, mister Sergeant at arms. No number of bullets will jog a memory that is simply non-existent. This was not a planned hit from my side. We did that already, of course, as you know. Your wife, I would likely assume, was a target on a personal vendetta basis, for nothing was sanctioned by me. This, I swear on the pride of my motherland. Also, a personal code of mine would forbid me from calling for the harming of children. Especially of the unborn kind. A man has to have his uncrossable line.”
He sank a shot of vodka, placing his glass down. “Does she have any links to my people, perhaps there is a hostility there which needs to be uncovered. Is she Russian herself, your wife?”
Chibs intrinsically knew when he was being lied to, knew the little tells to look out for, the plays, the gestures. Leo Lenkov did not display any of them. He was telling the truth, and from the looks of it, did actually want to offer assistance. “No, Irish. And yes, there’s a tentative link. She used to date a man you’ve likely heard of, Vladislav Morozov.” He was, of course, one of the men whom had died at the hands of the club in their retaliation against the Russians, on the night of Opie and Lyla’s wedding.  
Immediately, Leo’s eyebrows fluttered in recognition. “You are married to the gadyuka?”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Clay questioned, about as perplexed as everyone else not fluent in Russian.  
“Gadyuka is the Russian word for viper. Vlad spoke of her to me once, told me of the insane IRA arms dealer he had been with for around half a year. Her reputation precedes her. Gentleman, I would not personally go after a woman with that kind of propensity for blowing up those who anger her, for I am not a stupid man. Whomever did this, I would likely wager is either a stupid man, or a man hellbent on revenge for something she did to him, but I state once more, this did not come from me. Perhaps your net needs to be cast further afield. I am sorry I can be of no further assistance, and I do mean that. As far as I am concerned, we are even now.”
Clay looked to Chibs, who nodded, satisfied by what Leo had stated, but not why his wife had been targeted. He mulled it over as they left, suddenly stopping outside of the bar when it hit him, his eyes widening in realisation.  
Jax turned, pausing from placing his helmet on. “What is it, bro?”
“He’s fucking right, about it being personal.” How it hadn’t dawned on him until that moment, he didn’t know, but he could have fucking kicked himself. “Who was it that got us the information to begin with over where Jimmy was hiding out? Who reached out to her ex-boyfriend, a call that ultimately led to him ending up dead?”  
Jax closed his eyes momentarily. “Jesus fucking Christ.”  
“We need to start digging into Vladislav’s family.”
“And you need to get home to your wife, because that guy is still out there, and if he knows she ain’t dead...” Clay began, Chibs racing to his bike.  
“Shit!” Of course, there’d been no sniff of further retribution while she’d been at the hospital, the guys considering their debt paid in the harm that had befallen Abi. But now they knew differently, with the perpetrator still out there in the wild and Abi now released, anything was possible.  
“Hey, Chibs. Take this with you. For all we know, Abi is the best person to ask, if she met any of his family back while she was with him.” Taking the picture, he stuffed it into his kutte before departing at speed, Clay ordering Ratboy to follow him back and keep a lookout, sending Phil to the hospital to be stationed outside the NICU unit, just in case an attempt to harm the babies was made. Chibs must have broken every speed limit there was in racing home, his heart calming immediately at entering the house to the sounds of happy barks from his dogs and a content looking wife. Thank Christ.  
“You’re back much earlier than I expected,” she spoke, pausing the film, receiving a kiss from him happily.  
“We spoke to the Russians, and while we’re confident it didn’t come from their specific fraction of the bratva, it did throw up a line of thinking we hadn’t pursued,” he began, reaching into his kutte and unfolding the picture. “This is an image of the man who hit you. Do you recognise him at all?”
Taking the picture, Abi only needed to study it for a second, her body stiffening slightly. “Aye, I do. That’s Ivan Morozov, my ex-boyfriend Vlad’s elder brother.”  
Now, here you are at the end of the chapter, and your author is asking you that you please, please comment and/or reblog. User interaction is dwindling and visibility within tumblr is becoming so poor that content creators are literally vanishing. You can help with that. If I created something you liked, don’t just click heart, SHOW ME. TELL ME. Please!
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I can't stop updating this.
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papa-chibs · 1 year
Hey so I know it’s been years lmao but I found the trailer @tiggys-bitch made for our fic Highway to Hell, so I’m going to post it because it’s amazing.
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Flower Crowns
🦆: Finally finished I really hope you guys enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writing it
Pairing: Happy Lowman x OC (Katherine Morrow)
Warnings: A few swear words nothing else I think let me know.
Word count: 4,203
♥︎ MainMasterlist ♥︎
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Happy, standing amongst the other bikers of the club, surveyed the event with curiosity. As he looked at the various activities set up for the children, he spotted a flower crown making booth led by a young woman. She was helping the children make their own crowns, while teaching them about flowers in the garden. Her soft and nurturing nature seemed to draw all the children to her, her delicate features and light brown wavy hair adding an air of gentleness to her presence.
Intrigued, Happy couldn't help but take note of her. He had heard of her from the other members of the club, knowing she was the daughter of the club's president and sister to the VP. Her reputation for kindness and gentleness, contrasting with the rough and tough world of the Sons of Anarchy.
Unable to look away, he continued to observe her. He noticed the way she smiled softly at the children as they crafted their flower crowns. Her delicate hands gently guided them to weave the stems. There was a certain purity in her actions, a innocence that seemed untouched by the darkness of the club.
Sensing someone approaching behind him, Happy spoke without looking. Back.
"Shouldn't you be at your booth Bobby? Gemma will castrate you if u bail on another event brother"
"I'm on a break man get off my balls" Bobby replies
Happy chuckled as he turned to face Bobby, a smirk on his face. He crossed his arms over his chest as he replied
"A break, huh? More like avoiding responsibility as usual."
He teased Bobby, knowing all too well that he had a fondness for shrugging off his duties whenever he could.
Bobby rolled his eyes but couldn't help but grin. He knew that Happy was right, he had a reputation for avoiding work whenever possible.
"Hey, I'm entitled to a break every now and then, brother. Can't be on duty 24/7." He retorted.
Happy let out a smirk, enjoying the playful banter with his brother. He shook his head in amusement, knowing all too well that Bobby's excuse was as weak as his excuse to skip out on church.
"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that, Bro. We both know you'd rather spend your time chasing women than doing your job."
Bobby feigned offense at Happy's comment, his hand going to his chest in mock hurt. He was well known for his love life.
"Hey, man, I'm just a man with...certain needs. Can't blame a guy for having some fun, can you?" He replied, a sly grin on his face.
Happy gave a hearty chuckle, finding amusement in Bobby's feeble attempts to defend himself. He knew all too well that Bobby had a wandering eye and a reputation for being a ladies' man.
"Yeah, just keep telling yourself it's all about your 'needs'. We all know you're just looking for the next woman willing to keep you warm at night."
Bobby let out a mock gasp, pretending to be offended but unable to keep the smile off his face.
"Hey, I'll have you know that I'm a romantic, brother. Not my fault these women just can't handle all of this" gesturing to himself.
Just then Gemma approaches "Hey Bobby Elvis!! There are kids wanting to take photos with you get your butt back to your booth or my boot is going up your ass"
Bobby chuckled and held up his hands defensively.
"Okay, okay, I'm going. Jeez, Gem, I was on my break!" He jokingly protested but knew better than to argue with Gemma. He shot another playful glance at Happy before heading back to his booth.
Happy snickered as he watched Bobby leave, amused by the way Gemma could always crack the whip. He had always admired her no-nonsense attitude and the way she kept the club in check.
"Hey Hap, have you seen the prospect around?? Katherine needs some more flowers from the van, but she can't leave the booth, and I ain't carrying them boxes in this heat"
Happy raised an eyebrow at the mention of Katherine's name. He had yet to have the chance to meet her properly.
"No, I ain't seen him for a while Gem"
"Clay better not have sent Half Sack off somewhere I need him later to tidy up.... You wouldn't mind getting them, would you?"
Happy shrugged and nodded. He wasn't about to decline a chance to get closer to the source of his curiosity.
"No problem, I can grab 'em for you. Where's the van parked?"
"Great, it's just round the back, its the only one that says florist on it you cant miss it" Gemma says, handing him the keys. "And don't drop any of them. Katherine wants them all looking perfect for the kids" she adds heading back in the direction of her chilli booth.
Happy took the keys from Gemma with a sharp nod, knowing better than to upset Gemma.
"No worries, Gem. I'll handle 'em with care."
He reassured her as he headed towards the back to find the van.
As Happy approached the van, his eyes scanned the area, taking note of any potential threats. The club's security was always on high alert, especially during events like these. Satisfied that there was nothing out of the ordinary, he unlocked the van and climbed inside.
He rummaged through the back, looking for the boxes of flowers that Gemma had mentioned. Finally, he spotted them, carefully stacked among various gardening supplies. He hoisted the boxes with ease, their weight insignificant to his muscular frame.
With the boxes in his arms, he closed the van door and started making his way back towards the community centre. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the woman he was about to meet. When he had heard about Katherine from Gemma and the others, she was always described as kind and soft-hearted. It was refreshing to hear about someone untouched by the club's violent nature and he was curious to what she was like.
As he turned the corner, he caught his first glimpse of her working at the flower crown booth, her delicate features focused on the task at hand. His steps quickened as he approached her.
His heavy steps caught Katherine's attention, and she turned breaking out in a greatful smile, ready to thank whoever her mother managed to rope into helping.
When she locked eyes with Happy he got distracted. So distracted he stopped looking where he was stepping and didn't see the curb...
"MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Happy shouted as he lost his footing falling forward landing on the boxes crushing all the flowers stacked neatly inside. Definitely not the ideal first impression he wanted to make.
Katherine gasped as she watched Happy stumble and crash into the boxes of flowers, the colorful petals scattering everywhere like a colorful explosion. She quickly rushed over to him, concern etched on her face.
"Oh my goodness, are you okay?!"
She knelt down beside him, worry in her eyes as she looked over his condition. Her attention briefly shifted to the ruined boxes and the crushed flowers, but her main priority was making sure he was alright.
Happy grunted, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration as he sat up, nursing a slight bruise from the fall. He looked at the mess of flowers around him, a hint of guilt on his face.
"Ah, shit..." he muttered. "Gemma's gonna kill me for this."
The surrounding bikers couldn't help but burst out laughing at the scene. Seeing big, tough Happy fumble like that was not something they saw every day. Tig, Chibs, Juice, and Opie approached, all wearing grins on their faces.
"Dude, that was graceful." Tig snickered, teasing Happy like any good friend would.
Chibs chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Yeah, really graceful, mate. Smooth as silk."
Juice just shrugged, trying to suppress his own laughter while Opie smirked, clearly enjoying the moment.
Happy shot daggers at his brothers, clearly not amused by their teasing. He pushed himself up, dusted off his jeans, and tried to salvage what little dignity he had left.
He looked back at Katherine, who was still looking at him with a mix of concern and amusement in her eyes. He could tell that she wasn't judging him, but still, he felt embarrassed at his clumsy entrance.
"Uh shit, sorry about that," he muttered vaguely gesturing to the boxes.
"it's okay, it was just an accident. I'm sure some are still salvageable, and if not, I can just turn them into potpourri" Katherine replies kindly
Her soft voice and gentle smile helped to ease his embarrassment a bit. He shot another glare at his club mates, who were still chuckling in the background, before turning back to her.
"Yeah, sorry about making such a mess... I, uh..." he trailed off, not sure what else to say.
"Hey miss, can you help me? I can't get this daisy to stick on." One of the little girls from the booth called over.
"Sure sweetheart i'll be there in a minute ive just gotta tidy something up first" Katherine called back starting to collect the scattered flowers into one of the less damaged box.
Happy watched as the little girl asked for help, and seeing Katherine starting to gather the scattered flowers into one of the less damaged boxes.
He stepped forward, feeling the need to help after causing such a mess. Happy moved with a surprising gentleness as he collected the delicate petals.
The others also joined in, their rough exterior contradicting their careful handling of the flowers. Opie helped separate the still-intact plants from the damaged ones, while Tig and Chibs gathered the more salvageable blossoms.
Soon, the mess was cleared, and the club members stood around the now semi-organized boxes of flowers, looking a bit out of their element in the flower-filled environment.
Katherine's giggle caught Happys attention he noticed it was directed at him.
"What are you laughing at girl?" He gruffly asked.
"Sorry its just...erm..here let me just..." She reaches over and plucks a bright yellow daisy which somehow latched onto one of his patches.
Happy froze, his rough exterior cracking for a moment as he watched Katherine reach over and pluck the daisy from his patch. He hadn't even realized it had landed there, blending almost perfectly with his dark clothing.
"Uh, thanks," he mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed at the unexpected move. "I'm not exactly the flower type, you know."
"Well I better head back to my booth before the kids start a revolt." Katherine says starting to reach for some of the boxes but the guys step in picking them up first Happy a little quicker than the others.
"Aye lead the way love well offer back up if the little shits decide to act up" Chibs heartily stated.
Katherine smiled gratefully as the Sons picked up the boxes, led by Happy. They followed her back to the flower crown booth, their presence overshadowing the delicate and peaceful atmosphere.
When they arrived, the children looked up in awe at the intimidating bikers carrying colorful boxes of flowers. Some looked a bit intimidated, but others seemed excited to have the tough bikers join the activity.
One little girl hands Opie her crown "can u fix this for me please? It keeps falling apart"
"Erm I don't know but I can try..."
"Thankyou" the girl answers cheerily
Eventually all the members start helping making the crowns some enjoying it not that they would ever admit it though
Happy chuckled as he observed the club members struggling with the flower crowns. It was a sight to see them, these tough bikers usually found in a bar or boxing ring, now carefully weaving daisies and baby's breath into delicate works of art. Opie in particular looked like he was enjoying himself way too much, while Chibs kept grumbling about "girly crap".
None of them noticed some of the parent approaching worriedly seeing their little kids surrounded by the bikers. They were fine with them being around but they didn't like the idea of them being around their kids.
As the parents started approaching, concern etched on their faces, Happy caught sight of them. He knew what they were thinking, that he and the other bikers were a threat to the little ones. Even though they were very wrong, all of them would jump in front of bullets for any kid, but he understood the club has brought alot of trouble to Charming.
The atmosphere changed as the parents started to pull their kids away. Happy felt a pang of frustration, knowing that their reputation was working against them. He looked over at Katherine, noticing her crestfallen expression as the booth once filled with laughter and joy was now deserted.
The other members also noticed the parents' reaction, their faces falling as the children were being taken away. They all knew how they appeared to outsiders, with their tattoos, rugged appearance, and overall intimidating aura. It stung a bit, but they were used to it.
Chibs approached Katherine, trying to offer some solace.
"Hey, don't worry about it, sweetheart. They're just scared of what they don't understand."
"Yeah, believe me, I know being the daughter to the scary biker gang president. I'm used to it, dont worry," she replies, trying to sound indifferent, but everyone at the table hears the sadness hidden in her words.
The guys exchanged glances, understanding the underlying pain in her voice. They knew all too well that their lifestyle had consequences, and in this case, it was affecting the daughter of their president.
Happy clenched his jaw, feeling a mix of frustration and guilt. He looked at Katherine, her dejected expression tugging at his heart.
After a long pause Katherine clears her thoat and speaks up "...would you guys mind helping me tidy up may as well start packing up now"
The guys started to slowly pack away the booth she spent days preparing and planning for the kids
"Hey er what's this flower called again?" Juice asked picking up the closest flower to him trying to distract her
Katherine looked up from packing away some supplies and observed Juice holding the flower. She chuckled, appreciative of his attempt to distract her.
"That's a snapdragon," she replied with a small smile. "It's known for its unique shape that resembles a dragon's head. You see, the flower opens and closes its mouth as it dries." she replies a spark of joy returning to her eyes talking about her favourite subject.
"Really?..huh cool. Does it have a meaning like the different roses do?" Juice asked inspecting the plant closer.
Katherine nodded, appreciating his interest. "Yes, it does. Snapdragons represent grace, strength, and resilience. They are often used to signify hidden feelings and can be given to someone as a way of saying "I'll try to understand your unspoken thoughts and desires."
"Really this wee flower says all that?" Chibbs adds catching onto Juice's idea.
Katherine giggles, nodding her head in affirmation "Yes, it does. Each flower has its own language, so to speak, like a secret code that florists use to convey emotions and messages. Snapdragons, with their unique shape and symbolic meaning, are one of my personal favourites."
Happy listened in, finding himself actually interested in the conversation. He knew about the language of flowers to some extent, but listening to Katherine talk about it with such passion and knowledge was captivating. He found himself admiring her even more, impressed by her unexpected depth.
The Sons finished packing away the last of the booth's items, the once vibrant display now packed into neat boxes. Though he wasn't one for sentimentality, Happy couldn't help but feel a bit sad that all her work had been for nothing. He caught Katherine looking at the now empty space, holding onto one of the crowns a kid left behind, her eyes filled with a mixture of resignation and disappointment.
He stepped closer to Katherine, feeling the need to say something, anything to lift her spirits.
"Hey, don't worry about it. I am sure those kids had fun while it lasted." He tried to sound casual, but his gruff voice betrayed a hint of concern for her well-being. His eyes caught sight of the flower crown she held, and he added "At least got that as a memento, right?"
"Yeah..I guess but they were made to be worn...and this one got left"
Happy nodded slowly, understanding her point. The flower crowns were supposed to be worn with joy, not left behind like discarded toys.
He paused, thinking for a moment, then an idea came to him. With a sly grin, he extended his hand out to her.
"Here, give it to me."
Katherine eyed him with curiosity but handed over the flower crown, wondering what he was planning. She watched as he took it in his hands, his rough fingers gently holding the delicate petals. He placed the crown on his head, a comical sight that contradicted his intimidating appearance.
"flowers suit you" she giggled
"Hey no fair I want one I thought they were just for the kids" Tig whines. "Here give it to me it will suit me better it's wasted on you" Tig goes to reach for the crown.
Happy swats Tig's hand away, a smirk on his face.
"Back off, man. I look good in it."
He retorted, adjusting the flower crown on his head, enjoying the ridiculousness of the situation. The other members snickered at the sight.
Clay and Gemma approach, only to find Happy and Tig locked in a comical struggle over a flower crown. Their faces were caught somewhere between disbelief, amusement, and annoyance.
The other members tried to hold back their laughter, but the sight of their tough as nails friends bickering over a flower crown was too much. A chorus of snickers and chuckles echoed around them.
"Hey don't break it...Tiggy I can make your own one what ever colors you want there is no need to fight over it" Kathrine says in-between laughter
Happy and Tig were broken out of their bickering by Katherine's offer. They both turned to her sheepishly, embarrassed by their childish behaviour. Tig scratched the back of his neck, trying to act nonchalant.
"Uh yeah, okay fine." He grumbled, secretly relieved to get his own flower crown.
"Oh I want one too with lots of yellow" juice chimes in.
"Well hell I'll have one" Chibbs adds "you got any blue and white ones left??" He asks opening the boxes looking for the flowers he wants.
"You want them now?" Kathrine asks thinking they weren't being serious
"Well yeah...wouldn't want these flowers to go to waste" Tig says nonchalantly
Katherine laughs at the unexpected turnaround, still wrapping her head around the fact that tough bikers were now requesting flower crowns like giddy schoolchildren.
"Alright, alright, I'll make all of you a flower crown," she agrees, unable to suppress her amusement.
Happy stands there, flower crown still perched on his head, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement on his face. The other club members, meanwhile, eagerly wait for their crowns to be made.
They all sat in the grass watching her weave the flowers and listing off all their meanings Opie left and returned with his kids and Donna, who looked on with a mix of curiosity and surprise at the scene unfolding. Opie, ever the peacemaker, felt that this was an opportunity to show Donna and the kids a different side of the club.
Katherine continued weaving the flower crowns, listening to the bikers' requests for different colors and flowers.
Soon they all wore crowns except her even her Dad took one after hearing about her booth being deserted.
Happy was sat on the edge of the group, awkwardly attempting to weave the flowers together. His large fingers were far from delicate, and the petals kept slipping from his grasp. He muttered curses under his breath as his attempts looked more like a tangled mess rather than a flower crown he wanted to make for her as she was kind enough to make ones for all of them but he could give her this it looked like shit compared to her ones.
The other members glanced over at him from time to time, enjoying the sight of happy struggling with the flower crown. they whispered and chuckled amongst themselves at the sight of their friend, known for being rough around the edges, attempting to make something so fragile.
Happy grumbled at the snickers and comments coming from the other members, his face growing slightly red with embarrassment. He knew he looked silly, trying to make a flower crown when his hands were better suited to wielding a wrench or a gun. Still, he persisted, determined to create something somewhat presentable for her.
Though he was trying his best the result was somewhat pathetic the flowers were clumsily woven together, the petals sticking out in strange directions. He looked at the other members' crowns, neatly woven and vibrant, then down at his messy attempt. He knew it was nothing compared to her artistry, but it was the best he could do given his limited skills.
Finally, he finished tying the messy crown together. It looked a bit lopsided and rough around the edges, but he was oddly proud of himself. As he looked up at the others, he braced himself for the playful banter and mockery that was sure to come.
Happy muttered to himself, trying to rationalize his actions. he told himself he was only doing this to make up for ruining her flower booth, nothing more. He clenched the flower crown in his hands, feeling foolish and out of place surrounded by colorful petals and laughter.
He looked over at her, seeing her chatting and laughing with the other club members as she continued making the flower crowns. The sight stirred something in him he couldn't quite understand. he couldn't deny the pang of guilt he felt seeing her joyous expression, knowing that he played a part in ruining her day.
Well it's now or never he wasn't sure how to go about giving her his attempt at a flower crown, he's never given none before so isn't sure what to do so decides to just reach over from behind her and place it on her head.
Happy swallowed, taking a deep breath as he mustered up his courage. He reached out from behind, gently placing the flower crown on her head. He held his breath, waiting anxiously for her reaction, hoping she wouldn't laugh at his pathetic attempt.
She turned her head, surprised to feel the weight of the flowers being placed on her head. She looked back at him with a mixture of surprise and amusement, a soft smile on her lips. She could tell he was feeling a bit embarrassed, and reached up to adjust the flower crown, feeling the soft petals against her finger tips.
Happy watched her touch the flower crown he made, noticing the way she gently adjusted the messy petals into place. He scratched the back of his neck nervously, waiting for her to say something, anything. But all she did was smile at him, her eyes sparkling with an emotion he couldn't quite place.
The other Sons chuckled at the scene in front of them, unable to resist teasing Happy about his sudden burst of chivalry. Tig whistled approvingly, while Opie and Chibbs exchanged knowing glances.
Happy shot a glare at his fellow Sons, silently warning them not to say anything. He knew they were itching to tease him about his flower crown gift, but he wasn't in the mood for their jokes. He focused his attention back on her, watching her admiring the flower crown he made, hoping she didn't find it too pathetic.
She caught him watching her, and turned to face him fully. Her eyes met his, and she smiled, a genuine smile that made her eyes sparkle and dimple her cheeks. She looked down at the flower crown, feeling the messy petals against her skin, then looked back up at him, her eyes softened, and said softly
"Thank you, its beautiful." Sensing his awkwardness about it she decided to leave it at that and turned back joining in on the conversation again.
Happy's heart skipped a beat at her words. He hadn't expected such a genuine thank you, especially since the flower crown he made looked far from perfect. He nodded stiffly, his usual gruff demeanor replaced by a sense of vulnerability.
He sat back down next to Chibs, trying to hide his relief and elation over her kind words. The other Sons couldn't hide their amusement, but for once they refrained from their usual jokes and instead gave him approving grins.
The evening carried on, and Happy found himself stealing glances at her from time to time, seeing her interacting with the other club members, her smiles and laughter lighting up the gathering. He felt an unfamiliar pang in his chest, a mix of pride and protectiveness seeing her fitting in with them, even if she was surrounded by rough-around- the-edge bikers.
If you want to read more of my OC Katherine and her time with the club click here
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Tags: @darqchilddaydreamz @ravennaortiz
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117 notes · View notes
garbinge · 3 months
Drunken Night
Jax Teller & Teller!SisterOC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller (a little Chibs cameo too) 30 Day Fic Challenge (19/30)
Word Count: 2.4k A/N: Another slice of life fic for Joanne Teller outside of my multi-chap Charming life but as usual I'll still be using that tag list :)
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Drunkenness, drug use, drug selling, pining, hungover, alcoholism in a way.
Charming Life Taglist: @drabbles-mc​ @livingdeadblondequeen​ @justreblogginfics @chloe-skywalker @kmc1989
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When Jax’s phone rang, he knew answering it was going to piss off pretty much everyone around him, but when he saw Jo’s name with the time in the top left corner, he walked away immediately and answered. 
“Hey, what’s up?” He could practically hear the scoffs clear as day of the men who ranked a lot higher than him burning their glares into his kutte as he walked away. They were likely getting more mad as they stared at the fresh rocker that was sewed into the back of his kutte, since he and Opie just finished their prospecting period. 
All Jax could hear on the other line was loud music, yelling, and then he heard Jo’s voice. “Jax?” It was extremely slurred, and very faint, like it wasn’t her who was on the phone. “You called Jax?!” And that remark confirmed it. 
“Hey Jax,” One of the voices Jax knew as Jo’s close friend was calmly speaking into the phone despite the chaos going on in the background. 
“Mare?” He asked, confused. “Where’s Jo?”
“Well um, currently? She’s making her way to the coffee table–oh no, she cut across to the keg to do a keg stand. She’s drunk, Jax. She won’t listen to me, I didn’t know who else to call.” 
“Shiiiit.” Jax was laughing slightly. “C’mon Mare, give her a slide of bread to soak up the beer and a cigarette outside and you’ll be able to push her into a car and drop her in the plants on the side of my moms. She’ll find her in the morning.” Jax was laughing at his own joke. 
“Jax,” She was cut off by a lot of noise which made Jax frown. “It’s bad Jax, I think it’s more than just alcohol, she was upset before, I don’t know. But I need help. We’re at Laney’s house.” 
“Alright, yea I’m on my way.” Now he was more concerned, the idea of his older, definitely more responsible than him, being on drugs, and being taken advantage of at a party was off-putting. 
“I gotta go.” He spoke up to the group as he walked back putting the cell back into his pocket. 
Some of them groaned, some laughed, most were pissed. 
“Nah, man.” Tig shook his head with a smirk. 
“You’re not going anywhere, son. We’re on a run, we need you.” Clay’s tone of voice left little to be argued with, but that didn’t bother Jax. 
“It’s Jo.” Jax knew those words were the magic ones. 
Clay’s eyes closed in frustration and he brought his hand up to his head like a headache was forming. “Can’t you call Gem?” This time his voice left much to be argued with and was drowning in desperation. 
“You wanna call mom at 1:30 in the morning to go to pick up a completely smashed Joanne?” Jax’s eyebrows raised. 
The rest of the crew looked at each other knowing none of them would have wanted to deal with that or the aftermath of it. 
“I can ride with him.” Opie spoke up, his hands resting across his chest. 
“Nah, bro. I’m good.” Jax shook his head, knowing the likely reason Jo was like this right now was because of Opie. 
“You gotta bring someone with you, it’s 1:30, you ain’t goin’ alone.” Clay pointed, his anger coming back out. 
“Chibs.” Jax nodded to the man before looking at Opie who looked wildly confused. “It’s better not to have both our bright white brand new rockers driving through Mayan territory to get back home at 1:30, bro.” Jax scrunched his face up. 
“Let’s go, Jackie boy.” Chibs slapped his shoulder as he walked towards the bikes. 
“Take the tow, she’s probably not in the best riding shape.” Clay spoke annoyed. “We’ll load your bikes up in the van.” 
The ride was quick, they made a 40 minute ride back to Charming, 20 minutes, without incident. Both of them stepped out of the truck as they stared at what was clearly a large house party still unfolding in the house. 
“Alright, I’m gonna go in and find her, you stay out here, only come in if things get rowdy.” He turned to Chibs who was grinning and pointing to the house. 
“Seems a bit rowdy already, lad.” 
Jax smirked and waved him off as he jogged up the driveway. The door was open but it was still tough to squeeze through the crowd. He dodged spilling drinks, annoying drunk people, and ashes of cigarettes being discarded until he spotted his sister, face down in the sink throwing up. 
“Jo.” He said as he pushed through the people now to make his way over to his sister. 
“I’m fine.” She pushed Jax’s arms off her the minute they touched her. 
“You’re clearly not fine.” 
“Here, I got her a water bottle.” Mare, Jo’s friend, appeared on the other side and handed Jax the water bottle. “She’s been like this for the last 10 minutes.” 
“Thanks, I got it from here.” Jax was shaking his head as Jo rolled her eyes clearly at the both of them. “C’mon, I’m gonna take you home.” 
Jo wasn’t in a place to argue anymore, the spinning was taking over and she was wishing she was back home. 
“Gemma’s gonna kill me.” Jo mumbled as she tried to balance herself against the counter. 
“Gonna bring you to my apartment at the clubhouse, I’ll tell her you were hangin’ with Wendy or some shit.” 
“She won’t believe that, she knows I got into it with your girlfriend last week.” 
Jax recalled their little argument last week that happened in front of everyone, Jo grilling her about something with her current boyfriend Micky that turned heated. Just as Jax thought about his sister’s boyfriend, he was in the room, like he spoke him to existence. 
As Jax closed his eyes in frustration, he mumbled under his breath. “Yea, not the biggest fan of yours either. C’mon, Jo.” He moved so that his sister was tucked under his arm and started leading her out of the party. 
She was mumbling a lot of nonsense, Jax not only chose to ignore it but it was honestly too hard for him to understand anyways. It was like that until they reached outside when Jo panicked. 
“My bag, I need my bag!” That was a sentence that came out clear as day. The panic in Jo’s voice meant there was something in her bag that she couldn’t leave without. 
“We’ll come back in the morning.” Jax tried to convince her as she flailed around in his arms. 
“I need my bag, NOW.” She was turning around, practically pushing Jax too go back inside. 
“Alright, alright. I’ll go grab it, you go with Chibs.” He was looing down the driveway in hopes that the man would see his struggles and come help. “Chibs!” With one call of his name, the man was appearing and Jax was pushing the girl into his arms. “Put her in the car, I gotta get her shit.” 
Jax was stepping back into the madness of the house party. His eyes immediately scanning for Joanne’s bag, her backpack was something that she’d bring everywhere with her since she was 12, and despite her being older now, he knew she still would have brought it. 
He clocked it on someone in the crowd and as he followed it he realized it was Micky. 
“Of course.” He mumbled before pushing through the crowd. “I’ll take the bag, Micky.” 
He turned around, pretty quickly, ready to fight but then smiled when he saw Jax. “Jackson.” He nodded. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep the bag safe for Jo.” 
“Yea just like you did for her.” He puffed his chest out. 
“I ain’t tryna fight you Jax.” The man escalated the conversation just by mentioning the word fight. 
“Never said anything about fightin’ Micky, just give me the bag.” 
“I ain’t given’ you shit, Teller.” Micky stepped to Jax who within the next two seconds, was ripping the bag off his shoulder and looking inside. 
He let out a breathy scoff when he pulled the bag of drugs out of his sisters bag and held it up to Micky. 
“I know for a fact this isn’t Jo’s.” He slammed it against his sister’s boyfriend’s chest. 
“I don’t know, she’s been really in the dumps lately, maybe she’s self soothing.” Micky smirked as his hand wrapped around the bags. 
“You know what, if that’s the case, I think I’ll take these with me.” Jax had started to think through how not only could he prove a point to Micky but also use this to get some quick cash for the club. 
Micky didn’t say anything, just tightened his grip on the bag. 
Jax pulled it out from behind his arms and stuffed it back into the backpack. His teeth sucking against his lip as he did it. “Stay the fuck away from Jo.” 
“Can’t help that she keeps running back to me. You’ll get it one day, Teller. Maybe when I have that reaper on my back.” He poked at Jax’s kutte which Jax quickly brushed off. 
“You’ll never be patched in Micky, you’re too much of a junkie creep to step foot in any SOA charter.” He was tossing the bag over his shoulder. 
“When I’m Jo’s old man, it’ll be pretty hard to stop me.” He was taking a step back now. “Enjoy the cash my drugs bring the club, maybe I’ll tell Clay if I’m funding SOA, I deserve a seat at the table.” 
Jax scrunched his face up at the comment but did the same as Micky and walked away. Moving the bag back down his shoulder to look through it. Finding a book, a notebook, and a makeup bag under the drugs. Inside the book, acting as a marker was a picture of Joanne, Jax and JT. Jax knew what it was before even looking at it fully. But when he went to place the book back in the pack, a piece of notebook paper fell out onto the driveway. As he moved to pick it up, he saw it was a note from Opie. 
“Know you’re leaving for cosmo school, Gemma mentioned it last time she was at TM – wanted to let you know that Donna and I are planning the wedding in June, wanted to let you know ahead of time so you could be there.” 
It looked like he had dropped it off or taped it to her door or something by the looks of the tape on the top of the sheet. He immediately knew this is what spiraled his sister. He pushed it back into the bag and made his way towards the tow truck. 
“Here.” Jax handed the girl the bag in which she hugged it tightly. Chibs looked at both of them a bit confused when Jax spoke up. “It’s JT’s bag. Gave it to her when we were kids.” 
That was all it took for Chibs to understand it’s sentimental meaning. 
“Where to, kids?” Chibs pushed the car’s gear into drive. 
“Back to the clubhouse, I’m not chancing dumping her at home and waking Gemma.” 
The ride was silent, the only sound being from the loud engine of the tow truck. As they pulled into TM the jerking of the truck over the potholes woke up Jo and she came to. 
“I feel like shit.” Her hand flew up to her head. 
“You look like it too.” Jax teased her as he glanced over at her hair all messed up. 
“Smell as well.” Chibs scrunched up his nose. 
“Fuck.” Jo looked down and saw the dried up puke stain on her shirt. 
“There’s clean clothes in one of our drawers. Gemma just did laundry. You’ll find something to change into.” 
“Gemma.” Jo started to piece together things. “She’s gonna be pissed I didn’t come home.” 
“Aren’t you leaving for cosmo school in like a week? She’s gotta get used to you not being home.” Jax said as he jumped out of the tow truck. 
“I think that’s exactly why these last few days home will be so crucial for our loving mother.” 
“I’ll tell her we were having a sibling bonding moment and drinking ourselves silly at the clubhouse bar.” Jax shrugged trying to think of something. 
“Aye, I can back that statement up.” Chibs agreed as he jumped up on the picnic tables to wait for Ja so they could head back up to meet the club. 
“Thanks.” Jo nodded in agreement. “You can go, I’ll be fine, I’ll take one of the prospect’s shirts, he keeps his things freakishly organized.” 
“Ahhh, Juicey.” Chibs laughed at the thought of their brand new prospect. 
“Did I say anything…” Jo whispered to Jax as her hands leaned against the clubhouse door to push it open. “..Stupid.” 
“Nope, just your normal bitchy self.” Jax joked which earned him a push. 
“I still feel so drunk.” Her hand moved to her head. “Thanks for picking me up. Mare call you?” 
“Yea, she was worried.” Jax grabbed a cigarette to place in his mouth. “For the record, if Micky can’t be there for you in moments like this, maybe he isn’t a good match.” 
“I broke up with Micky. Tonight. He’s dealing. Why I was fighting with Wendy last week.” 
Jax sighed and nodded. “You got shit in your bag.” He pointed to it which caused Jo to drop it off her shoulder and look inside. 
Her shoulders dropped, still being too inebriated and hungover mixed together to deal with it. 
“Give it to me, I’ll handle it.” His hand was extended out. 
Jo handed the plastic bag that was filled with a bunch of different pills and powders to Jax. “Can’t promise he won’t come looking for it.” 
“He won’t.” Jax grabbed it and tossed it to Chibs who caught it as he laid on the picnic table. Jo nodded and went to go inside the clubhouse when Jax called her name one last time. “You know, it’s his loss.” 
Jax wasn’t talking about Micky, but he knew Jo was assuming he was. 
“Thanks little brother.” She tapped his arm before she disappeared back in the clubhouse where she’d spend the rest of her night, alone. 
As she walked past the blue bike that was JTs, she stopped and placed her hand on it. 
She mumbled as her hand glided across the bike and fell off as she stumbled down the hallway of apartments. 
“Wish you were here.” 
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juancarlos-ortiz · 6 months
Juancarlos-ortiz Masterlist
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Marked for Carnage - Juice Ortiz x OC
Haunted - Juice Ortiz x Reader
Denial - Juice Ortiz x Reader
Nonsense - Juice Ortiz x Reader
Safe - Juice Ortiz x Reader (Daughter!Reader x Dad!Happy Lowman)
Harder - Chibs Telford x Reader
Distraction - Happy Lowman x Reader (NSFW 18+)
Espresso - Happy Lowman x Reader (NSFW 18+)
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ravennaortiz · 1 year
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CountDown Chapter List
As always this is an 18+ only story. This story is AU based and not your typical Sons of Anarchy story. Some readers may find some plot lines and changes to some characters to be problematic please read at your discretion. This story also time jumps heavily so keep this in mind as you read!
Warnings: General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing etc, minor age gap.
Not So Happy     
Day After
One Week
Two Bullets
Three Months
Right Thing?
Let Her Be Happy
No Mother
Meeting with the Enemy
Missing Daughter
Not An Angel
Not A Devil
Rescuses and Relieve
One Year
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keenzinemugstudent · 1 year
I haven't seen this around but here I go Jax finds out he has twin daughters from an old friend who he had a relationship with friends with benefits but she left Charming after getting into a good college out of state or so he thought she did get accepted into college three different colleges but wasn't able to go to college because she found out she was pregnant and not wanting her children to be involved with their father's lifestyle she left I am writing it right now but I'm also at work so hopefully I'll have some time to post it
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tumbleweed-writes · 5 months
Now That I Have You: Chibs Telford X OC Chapter Two
Previous Chapter HERE
Molly sat back in the break room the receiver of an old white rotary phone up to her ear. She had made the phone call quickly knowing it would have to be fast given her break wouldn't last long. She was dying to make this call though. She knew that curiosity killed the cat, but she had to know.
She took a deep breath trying to keep a lid on her anxiety. She felt like vomiting afraid to have the knowledge of what had happened when Brian had realized her abandonment of him.
She knew he'd go to her family searching for information. She had no friends left; none that would not betray her to her husband. Her only friends were Brian's friends...and they were not truly people she could trust. She knew Brian would go to her family to find her. It would be his first step once he realized she left him.
 She had the feeling that shit had probably hit the fan since she had left a few days before. She just hoped Brian had not lashed out at her brother. She cringed at the thought of him trying to harm anyone in her family.
She feared knowing what was going on back home. She knew though that she couldn't relax until she knew how things were going on her family's end. She prayed for their safety.
She had managed to keep her anxiety at bay today at least. Her first day at work had been a good one so far. Her coworkers had made her feel welcome and she had found herself able to get into the swing of things easily.
Molly was really missing her cell phone about now, but she'd had to toss it when she ran. She had plans to get a cell phone once she had the funds for such a purchase. She would need a new number of course, but a cell phone was needed in this day and age. For now landlines would be her friend though.
She couldn't risk anyone using her smartphone to track her. She didn't trust Brian not to try.
She wasn't sure what Brian would do now that he knew she'd actually left him and taken Mason with her. She feared just what he was capable of when he had nothing left to lose. She'd always heard people claim that most dangerous time for a woman in a domestic violence situation was not during the relationship but when she left the relationship. She feared becoming another statistic of a domestic violence victim who was killed by her abuser when she tried to leave. 
Brian had always told her he would kill her if she left him. She believed it. He was too angry to be bluffing. She knew he had guns and she knew he wouldn't hesitate to use them. He showed them to her often. She was afraid of them. She felt like he showed them to her as a reminder that he could use them on her if she stepped out of line. 
She spoke her voice not hiding the anxiety she felt. "He hasn't talked to Candace or you has he?"
"If by talk you mean make threats to anyone who will listen." Her brother Jack responded irritated with his little sister's asshole husband.
When Jack had found out just what Brian had done to his sister he had wanted to kill him. He'd wanted to take the hunting rifle his father had left him and put a bullet through the bastards head. He felt so guilty. He knew that the man was a jerk, but he'd not expected it to be this bad. How could he have missed this? How could his sister who he loved so dearly have hidden this for so long? He was her big brother. He was supposed to protect her. He felt like he'd failed her.
He knew that he had to be smart about how he went about Brian. He had to help his sister in any way possible. Getting her far away from her soon to be ex husband was the best thing for her and his nephew. He knew the focus needed to be on keeping them hidden. Brian could never know where to find them. 
Molly closed her eyes trying to fight back tears. She was afraid, not just for Mason and her, but for the loved ones they left behind in Louisiana. She feared Brian would hurt her family to hurt her. She was afraid he'd hurt her family to punish her for leaving him. She wouldn't put it past him with as cruel as he proved to be time and time again.
"I'm so sorry." She apologized hating that Brian was harassing her family trying to find out where she went. She felt so ashamed. 
She felt so stupid; hiding the pain from her family for so long. It felt like they were cleaning up her mess. They had to put up with the fallout of her mistakes while she ran away. 
Jack spoke his voice firm; he'd always been the strong one. "Don't apologize Molly. Mason and you being safe is all that matters. Brian can run his damn mouth all he wants. He's not getting information from anyone. Geoff and I told him to get the hell out of our faces and told him we'd call the cops and report him for trespassing if he showed his face around us again. The bastard's not getting to you Sis. You're going to divorce his ass and he's going to leave you the hell alone. You're better than him, don't forget that. You've done nothing wrong."
Jack sighed knowing he had no choice but to be strong one. Their father had died when Candace was an infant. Jack was the oldest and the only male in the household, he'd stepped up and been a father figure to his two younger siblings. Molly had been the middle child and they were close enough in age to have grown up pretty close. Molly was the one he'd come out of the closet to. She was the one who had accepted him and loved him always. He knew he'd do what it took to protect her always. 
Even though Jack's sisters were both grown women now, he hadn't stopped playing the overprotective big brother. He would die before he would ever let someone touch a hair on Molly's head again. The same story went for his nephew. He would die to protect them. As long as he lived and until his last breath he'd keep them from Brian Parker. 
Molly twisted the spiral cord of the phone of the rotary phone around her finger as she spoke up. "Has he gone to the police? He hasn't reported me missing right? You don't think I made a huge mistake leaving so fast?"
"Yeah, he's gone to the cops, but they aren't listening. I mean you went to the cops first and told them you were leaving so not to believe if anyone reported you missing and they know what he did to you. How many times have the cops been called to your place by the neighbors? You told them your husband is a threat and you're leaving. You told them if anything happens to you then they will know who did it. You finally got that damn detective to speak with you and you clued him in on what you're doing. I know you don't think they took you seriously...I mean let's face it Molls...all the damn help they were to protect you all this time. How many times have they been called out and no arrests were made when it was obvious what Brian was doing."
"I wouldn't press charges, Jack. I was so mortified and afraid that I'd never admit what he did to me. They couldn't make an arrest for assault without me pressing charges. I mean they held him overnight once or twice to keep us apart...but his dad always bailed him out. So, the cops just did what they could with what they had." Molly interrupted cringing at her past dealing with the police when it came to Brian.
Jack let out a heavy sigh and she was certain her rolled his eyes at her comments. Her brother had a general distrust of law enforcement as it was and this entire situation had just made him all the more bitter. "Yeah, whatever...That cop took a report at least. You showed them all those pictures as proof of what you had to say. They aren't taking Brian's dramatics seriously. They aren't going to tell him shit. There's no law against you leaving town without telling your husband. He tried to claim you kidnapped Mason, but they aren't buying that one. They told him it's between you and your lawyers if you're divorcing him. There's no custody arrangement in place so it's not like he can argue you violated anything by taking Mason with you."
He paused for a moment Molly shaking her head. "I am divorcing him...I don't even want to think about custody right now. I am afraid of what will happen with that...look at what Brian has to his name and look at me."
"Hey, he's not getting my nephew. The courts are going to favor you. Find a lawyer and get the ball rolling. Geoff and I will front you the money if you need it...anything to help get the process started. The sooner Brian is out of your life the sooner Geoff and I will sleep at night. You still have the Polaroids, right?" Jack responded the noise of the bar he tended on the French Quarter, clear in the background.
Molly cringed thinking of the Polaroid photos; pictures of all the bruises Brian had ever given her. They were proof of his depravity. 
She still had them knowing that she would need them in the divorce. They along with the police records were her secret weapons in the divorce battle that was sure to come.
"Yeah, I have them." She replied her stomach knotting up.
She knew that she had a long road ahead of her. The first thing she needed to do was get a lawyer and put the divorce into action. She wanted full custody and no visitations. It was the only way Mason would be safe. Brian could not be allowed access to their child. She knew if he had access to Mason he would take the boy to punish her. She couldn't trust that he wouldn't take Mason out of the country or worse kill him to punish her.
She wanted nothing from Brian but her freedom. Brian Parker could have the house, the cars, and the money. She only asked her freedom and her maiden name back. She just asked for the safety of her child. She wanted her child safe and kept far away from Brian. She would fight until her dying breath to keep Mason from his father. She wanted Mason and her both to be free of Brian Parker. 
She knew her lawyer had to be a damn good one. She needed the best if she was going to fight Brian. He had the money for a team of lawyers. She need someone willing to fight for her. She needed someone clever and someone who was ballsy enough to take her case.
She cringed hoping she could afford someone decent. She had a feeling she didn't have the budget for a retainer for anyone worth a salt. She had a feeling that her brother and his boyfriend had enough savings to at least help her for a while...but she felt gross accepting the help after all they'd done for her.
Jack spoke again breaking her out of her thoughts of what needed to be done. "How is everything there? Is the rental house okay?"
Molly spoke up the lie sliding out of her mouth easily. "Everything is going fine. The house is great. Mason loves his room and the neighbors seem nice."
Actually the apartment wasn't great; the air conditioner didn't work. The water pressure in the kitchen and the bathroom was a joke. Her landlord was more of a slumlord. And it seemed her closest neighbors to the right fought at all hours of the day and night and her neighbor to the left just glared at her attempts to be friendly.
She knew though that this was her problem. Her brother had already done so much for Mason and her. She couldn't ask for more. He could never know how horrible the house was. He had to believe that everything in Charming was just fine.
She knew if he had a clue how horrible the house was then Geoff and he would rush out to California and insist on finding her a better place to live. They'd drop their lives and rush to her rescue.
She could not constantly count on her brother and her brother in law to rescue her. She had to learn to stand on her own two feet for once in her life.
She had to be a big girl and take her life by the horns. She couldn't be weak anymore. She had been weak for too long now. She had to be the type of woman she had known she could always be. Mason needed his mom to be strong. She couldn't run crying to Jack to fix her problems.
"So, you're settling in okay then?" Jack asked always the father figure wanting to make sure that his little sister and his nephew were safe and sound.
Molly decided to leave out the part about her little VW bug breaking down as she replied. "Yes everything is going well. My job seems great so far and Mason is adjusting. The Bug got me here in one piece."
She felt her cheeks flush as she thought of her car and the handsome but rough looking mechanic she had spoken too.
It was strange finding someone attractive after being in a loveless marriage for what seemed like so long. She'd not allowed herself the pleasure of gazing longingly at another man in so long. She'd not allowed herself the opportunity. She'd thrown her focus into being a mom and forgotten that she was also a woman who had desires.
Brian hadn't shown her any love in so long; unless he was trying to lure her back to him. That was the only time he would kiss her or tell her she was beautiful; when he wanted to trap her back in the marriage. She'd not felt desired in so long now. She'd forgotten how it could feel to feel desire for anyone. Brian disgusted her. She forgot how it felt to long for a man.
Filip or Chibs or whatever his name was, was the complete opposite of Brian. She wondered if this was why she found him so handsome.
Yes Chibs was a little rough at first glance given the scars and the tattoos she'd spotted under his workshirt. He was not her usual type. It was what she'd seen after looking at him for a while though that had struck her.
He had kind eyes and an even kinder smile. His hand had felt strong against hers so different from her soon to be ex-husbands hands.
She could tell that Chibs was the type of man who worked hard. His hands were rough but his grip on her hand was gentle. She had a feeling that underneath the tough exterior was a warmhearted person. He'd been so sweet to her during that small interaction. She'd felt as though he truly was kind despite the rough appearance.
Brian's hands were soft from never really having to lift a finger nor ever knowing a hard days work in his privileged life. His hands were harsh against her skin. Underneath the professional polite southern gentleman he pretended to be was a cruel man. She couldn't even call him a man. He was a monster. He had no kindness within him.
Chibs' dimples didn't help her little growing crush on the man; she'd always had a thing for dimples. And don't even get her started on his accent. Her knees had grown weak when he had called her love.
Molly had found herself checking for a wedding ring amongst the biker rings Chibs' wore on his hands. She had felt a little sense of joy when she had spotted no wedding ring.
Molly felt ridiculous; here she was developing some sort of school girl crush on a mechanic who probably didn't even notice her. She felt pathetic for even checking to see if he was taken. This was not the time for love.
She knew that now wasn't the best time to develop a relationship with someone, not when Mason and she were still so fragile.
She knew that Mason and she needed time.
No matter how handsome she found Filip Chibs Telford, there was nothing she could do about it.
A man who seemed to be that wonderful didn't need a disaster like her, she told herself. Any attraction she felt would have to be her little secret. Besides who was to say she would ever see him ever again?
Molly wanted to cry tears of joy when she walked towards the daycare at Saint Thomas Hospital and spotted Mason playing with a little blonde boy.
They were building a little city out of Lego blocks. Though Mason was quiet, allowing the other boy to do all the talking, he looked happy.
Molly had feared that her little guy would retreat into his shell and find himself unable to connect with any of the other children. She had feared that all her son had been through would hold him back from being a happy normal five year old boy. She wanted so badly for him to have a chance at happiness.
Seeing that her son had apparently made a friend was reassuring. It was a sign that hopefully her baby boy stood a chance of being happy here in Charming.
Both boys stood up each boy spotting their mothers. Mason ran to Molly and the little blonde boy ran to a dark-haired woman in a white doctors coat.
The little blonde boy spoke up to his mother his voice clearly full of excitement his words practically stringing together with as quickly as he spoke. "Mommy, I met a new friend. His name is Mason and he doesn't talk but he's really cool and he has a Spiderman toy. Can he come to my birthday party?"
The dark-haired woman smiled down at her son as she spoke. "That's great baby. I have to ask his mommy first though, Abel, and make sure that it's okay."
The dark-haired woman turned to face Molly as she spoke. "I'm Tara Knowles Teller and this is my son, Abel Teller. It seems our boys have become friends."
Molly reached out to shake the woman's hand spotting a brace on the woman's right hand. She glanced down at the stroller the woman was pushing spotting an infant within it. She couldn't imagine having two little ones with as exhausted as she was with Mason. She glanced at Tara not helping but to notice the woman seemed polite but tired. She imagined it must be exhausting being a working mom of two.
Molly tried to pretend she hadn't been studying her new acquaintance so intently as she spoke knowing she was probably also talking just as quickly as Abel Teller she feeling anxious at the chance to make a friend. "I'm Molly Garrett and this is my son Mason. I'm glad to meet you both. I just started here down at the lab. I'm the new phlebotomist. I'm new in town."
Molly found it strange not using Brian's last name Parker. Garrett wasn't even her mother's maiden last name. It was acutally her grandmother's maiden name. She'd been going by it as an attempt to hide from Brian.
Her maiden name was Dupuis. She was hoping that if she got her way she could return to that last name. She had to hope that she could get her way enough to let Mason take her maiden name as well. She hated the idea of him having his father's last name.
For now at least outside of any signed documents she was telling people her last name was Garrett.
She had wanted to pick a name that Brian wouldn't think to look under if or when he came looking for her. Her rental agreement had been signed under her brother's name in hopes that Brian would not find her. Her work documents had been signed with the Parker surname but she trusted the hospital would not release such personal information to where it would available to Brian.
The two women shook hands as Tara spoke up apparently not minding Molly's obvious anxiety. "How do you like Charming and Saint Thomas?"
"Oh, it's wonderful. I love Charming. It's so quiet compared to New Orleans. The quiet is a welcome change from the city. I really feel at home here. The hospital has been great. I feel right at home here as well." Molly explained hoping she didn't sound too peppy. She scolded herself for the thought knowing that Brian had always berated her for sounding too happy. He told her it came across as fake and sounded annoying. She knew it wasn't true. She tended to be a positive person. She knew people didn't find it fake. She knew Brian just couldn't stand to see her happy.
Tara spoke not helping but to notice that Molly seemed to be caught in some inner dialogue by the small frown on her face. She rose an eyebrow writing it off as just a case of nerves. She imagined it might be intimidating being new in town and starting a new job. She spoke hoping that she could offer a chance at friendship for the woman. There was something about her that seemed sweet though nervous. "That's good to hear. If you aren't busy this Saturday, my son is having his sixth birthday and we would be happy to have you over if you don't have any plans."
Molly smiled loving the idea. It was good for Mason to do what any normal kid would be able to do despite their personal drama.
It was good for both of them to socialize. Life here in Charming would be easier if they both made friends.
"We'd love to." Molly stated thrilled that her son had seemingly made a friend. She had to hope that she could make a friend as well. She missed having friends. It was something Brian had never allowed. He could never stand her having any friendships outside of his approval. Her only friends were his friends and she hated them all. They all treated her like she was less than important. It didn't feel like a real friendship. 
"Great, let me write down the directions and the time." Tara stated reaching into her purse and pulling out an old receipt and a pen before scribbling down the information about the party.
Molly took the receipt from Tara not hiding her elation knowing that things were taking a positive turn for Mason and she.
The boys both waved goodbye to one another as did their mothers.
Maybe both Mason and his mother had made a friend? Maybe this really would all turn out okay?
Chibs found himself bent over Molly Garrett's Volkswagen bug focusing on what was under the hood. He grumbled to himself at the disaster below him.
The car was a mess and he had to wonder how the woman had driven the damn thing anywhere.
He had already fixed the flat and now he found himself focusing on the transmission. He'd also maybe noticed the air conditioner and don't even get him started on the mess with the windows barely rolling up and down. There was also the issue with the door handle on the drivers' side sticking.
Yes, she'd only paid TM Auto to fix the flat and the transmission, but Chibs had felt the need to fix all the other problems as well. He knew the other repairs would have to come out of his pocket. He was not about to shock the woman with a bill for extra work she did not agree too.
He wasn't sure what had gotten into him. He tried to tell himself that it was just that wasn't right Molly having such a shitty car when she was more than likely a single mom of a very young boy. He felt awful thinking about her driving in such a lemon with a kid to care for. She seemed so sweet and lovely. Her kid was cute though quiet. He felt terrible picturing them in a mess of a car that might be unreliable for their needs.
He tried to tell himself that he was just doing a good deed. He tried to convince himself that he was only throwing a coin in the karma well. He'd done so much bad shit in his life, that he might be wise to do a kind selfless act to score some points with the man upstairs.
He tried to pretend that this had nothing to do with how attractive he found Molly Garrett.
He knew that he was lying to himself though, Molly was a beautiful woman and seemingly good-hearted. She had smiled at him without any fear of the scars on his face and his rough appearance. Her smile had made him feel so warm and lovely. It was a feeling he could grow accustomed to.
In his opinion even though the interaction had been so brief he couldn't help but to sense that there really seemed to be something special about Molly Garrett. He had told her his real name after all. He'd be lying if he tried to say his heart didn't skip a beat when she'd said his name.
Most women didn't smile at him. Most women weren't so polite to him.
Well the croweaters smiled at him and were plenty sweet, but they didn't look past the scars on his cheeks or the fact that he was a biker who looked dangerous. They only saw the novelty of hooking up with a samcro member. Any sweetness they showed him was false. They didn't even know his real name. He hooked up with them and forgot them.
He had never let the croweaters get close to his heart. How was it that a woman he barely knew had gotten so close to his heart?
Chibs looked up from the bugs' engine when Jax spoke approaching him frowning at the Scot and the fact that he was clearly putting far too much work into this job. "I thought you were just fixing the flat and the transmission? She isn't going to pay for any extra work."
"Aye the damn things a mess though. I was goin to fix it all...I'll pay fer whatever she doesn't want ta pay for." Chibs explained ignoring the look of confusion on Jax's face.
Chibs spoke again trying to play off the fact that he was doing something so considerate for a woman he barely knew. "She's got a little lad. It isn't righ er havin a mess of car when she's tryin to be a good ma. No use ta make things harder than they should be on er. She seemed stressed. Feel bad thinkin this damn car could add more stress on her plate. Jus tryin to do a good deed."
Jax raised an eyebrow wondering what had gotten into his brother. Chibs had been working on this car for a few days now not letting anyone else touch it. He rose an eyebrow at the good deed comment. This was so out of character for his brother. He had no clue what had gotten into his Sgt of Arms.
He found his answer as Ratboy spoke up looking up from the bike Tig and he were fixing. "She's pretty freaking hot too man...total milf. Great ass and tits for having a kid. Cute little blonde with a sexy southern accent."
The look of boyish glee quickly disappeared from Rayboy's face as Chibs glared at him not saying a single word. The intense gaze he shot him dared the man to keep talking though and see what happened.
Tig apparently missed Chibs' glare as he spoke adding on to the discussion of Molly Garrett. "If you don't hit that I may. Girls gotta nice figure. Like Rat said, great tits for having a kid. It was a shame they were hidden under that scrub top."
"Fuck you." Chibs blurted out, his voice harsher than he meant it to be, surprising all three men. None of them had expected to see the Scot speak so passionately and so defensively about a woman that he barely knew. Talk about a woman in this manner was nothing new to the men. Chibs had never reacted like this before to talking about a woman's body.
A few years ago he'd probably have happily discussed how hot the single mom was. He would have happily thrown in a few comments about wanting to have a quick screw with her.
Something had gone off in him though hearing the men who he shared a patch with discussing Molly like she was just some croweater. The thought put a sour taste in his mouth. He felt sick hearing them discuss her like she was up for grabs by the mc. He felt disgusted hearing them discuss the sweet blonde as though she was some croweater willing to sleep with anyone in hopes of becoming an old lady.
He spoke again his voice tense. "She ain' a damn croweater. Don't talk bout her like she's up fer that shite."
He swallowed the thick lump developing in the back of his throat gazing down at the car again ignoring the looks of confusion on his brohters' faces. He was relieved as they moved on to talking about one of the croweaters thankfully choosing to leave the subject of Molly Garrett alone.
Molly Garrett remained at the forefront of his thoughts. He was overcome with the realization that Molly was different from any woman he'd encountered in a long while. This thought both fascinated and disturbed Chibs. He was becoming attached to a woman who he'd only spoken with for a few minutes.
It had been a wonderful few minutes though and he found himself craving more. He had to wonder if he was losing it. Perhaps he was taking the end of his marriage to Fiona harder than he thought. A voice in the back of his head told him that there was something more there than him just taking the change in his relationship status hard. 
Molly Garrett had invaded his brain and he found himself defenseless against the invasion. He found himself thinking of her when he allowed his mind to stray away from work and the club.
He didn't know how he had become so entranced with the woman. Yes she was sweet and she had a nice smile and a nice figure. He saw pretty girls all the time. What made her so special? It wasn't like him to become so...infatuated.
Part of him wanted to go find some croweater; a blonde maybe. Someone that sort of looked like Molly to work out his frustrations on.
He had found himself unable to do just that though. It wouldn't seem right and it wouldn't be the same.
No croweater would have Molly's smile or her those hazel eyes. They wouldn't have her accent. He knew they wouldn't give him the same feeling that seemed to overtake him when he'd met Molly.
He felt like a schoolboy all over again; having a crush on some pretty girl who probably didn't even notice him.
It was pointless he told himself. Why even bother to dream of what he could have with her? He was playing a foolish game.
A girl like that didn't look for guys like him. He was dangerous too dangerous for a sweet woman and her little boy.
He cringed knowing the past few months had proven his dangerous side. Jax, Tig, Opie, and Chibs had recently gotten out of jail for a murder charge of Damon Pope's daughter....well Jax, Tig, and Chibs had gotten out of jail....Opie had not been so lucky.
The charges had not stuck of course given their freedom...but the arrest alone was proof of the danger that lurked around Chibs.
He knew SAMCRO's business dealings made him a threat to those who were closest to him. Drugs, guns, prostitution, and porn were not worlds in which security could be found.
He'd watched loved ones die due to this world. Tig had lost a daughter. Opie had lost his first wife and then his own life. They had all lost brothers. This life was one of death and endless threats.
At least Fiona and Kerrianne were too far away for his sins to touch them...Kerrianne only had her mother's dealings with the True IRA to contend with.
Chibs knew that the life he had chosen had no place for gentleness nor safety.
Molly was a mother and mother's looked out for their young. They didn't choose outlaw bikers to share their lives with.
He would only have Molly in his dreams.
It would be best to just forget all about Molly Garrett.
Why did it feel so impossible though? Why did the thought of forgetting her sound so awful?
Jax sat back in bed with his wife Tara his mind still wrapped around how strange Chibs had been acting lately.
He had known Chibs Telford for a decade. He'd known him ever since Chibs had patched over from SAMBEL to SAMCRO. He had never seen the man act like this in all those years.
It was as though the cute blonde with the Volkswagen bug and the little boy had ensnared Chibs' mind.
Something was happening within his SGT At Arms and Jax felt lost as to what to do or say about it.
Jax knew that things hadn't been easy for his friend lately. The end of Fiona's and Chibs' relationship had been hard on Chibs though he'd admitted he knew it was right.
They'd parted from one another Chibs leaving her in Ireland and they'd seemed to come to an agreement to remain estranged for a little while at least. Chibs had seemed to sink back into croweaters and the club for a while.
He'd thrown himself in the club during the fourteen month stint the vast majority of the club had done upon returning from Ireland and making sure Jimmy O' was dead.
He'd not focused on his relationship with Fiona then. He'd tried to live as he had during their estrangement.
Shit with the club had been hectic. Clay had stepped down and Jax had stepped up. They had buried brothers. They had gone through traumas and chaos.
Chibs had little time to consider Fiona then.
There had been a longing there though, the hope that his wife and child might somehow return to him and they'd be a united front here in California. It had been a fool's hope.
Chibs had a few months prior attempted to talk his estranged wife into reuniting admitting he'd missed her and he hoped it was time to live as a married couple, now that Jimmy O' was gone and they'd had time to think about the future without the threat of the man hanging over them.
Fiona had rejected the idea though and Chibs was left reeling from the reality that the marriage was over.
Fiona and the end of their marriage had broken Chibs. The man had spent so long wishing for and wanting his wife by his side only to discover that it wasn't going to work out. He had admitted that he knew it was time to let go but it still felt bittersweet.
Of course Chibs hadn't been faithful to Fiona in their time apart prior to their reuniting in Belfast and after. He had been unfaithful all those years before he got her and their daughter back, but they had been estranged. Fiona had been "married" to Jimmy O' leaving Chibs alone on a different continent unable to do a damn thing about it.
Chibs had to sit back knowing that his wife was being held prisoner by Jimmy O' and his Kerrianne was being raised by the bastard.
Chibs had been heartbroken over it; the loss of his wife and daughter to a man he had trusted. He had been left scarred and emotionally destroyed.
SAMBEL had taken him in and he'd thrown his misery into the club. He had dealt with the pain by being as hedonistic as possible. Hoping that the women and the booze would kill the sorrow. That cycle had continued in SAMCRO.
He had proven to be a loyal Son in both charters despite his hedonism.
When the Sons had returned from Belfast there had been an understanding that Fiona would remain in Belfast with Kerrianne. She had zero interest in leaving the cause. The True IRA was her first love, not Filip Chibs Telford. Chibs had been told by Fiona to live as he had prior to their reunification.
Chibs had drunkenly admitted to Jax that he resented Fiona's insistence that he remain living the way he had even after he'd promised to kill Jimmy O' to protect his girls. He had hoped she would be his wife again. He had longed for his wife and she'd shown him that the longing was not enough to make her want to cross oceans for him.
After Fiona had given him the most recent rejection, Chibs had become a shell of a man.
Chibs had found himself unable to sink back into a lifestyle he'd lived for over a decade. It had been a shock to those who knew him. It seemed that something was happening within the man that no one truly understood.
The only thing Chibs did at parties now was drink his body weight in Jameson. He seemed heavier emotionally. He seemed resigned to a sense of loneliness.
Jax looked to his wife as he heard a familiar name he barely picking up at it in his thoughts of his brother's odd behavior. "What did you say?"
Tara rolled her eyes irritated that her husband clearly hadn't been listening to her. She spoke as she continued to apply lotion to her dry legs. "I said Abel made a new friend at daycare a couple of days ago. I invited the little boy and his mom to Abel's birthday party this weekend. The mom seems like a sweetheart...a little awkward socially...but sweet all the same. She's new in town and her kid is cute but doesn't really talk according to Abel...the kid seems shy. Anyway, her name is Molly. She works down in the lab, just started at Saint Thomas."
"Molly Garrett? Southern, blonde, looks like she's probably in her twenties right? Five year old kid, kind of scrawny for his age?" Jax asked wondering if it could be the same Molly that Chibs seemed so stuck on.
"Yeah, Molly Garrett. Her son's name is Mason. She doesn't look to be our age. She looks like she's barely in her late twenties. She's a cute little thing. I can't place her accent... but you're right, it sounds Southern, maybe Louisiana. Like I said she seems nice, but nervous. Abel really likes her son, even though the kid doesn't talk. Like I said, I think he's shy or something. How'd you know her full name? How do you know any of this? Do you know her?" Tara explained a little confused by the look on Jax's face.
Jax laughed not believing the irony of it all...well he wasn't quite sure if it was actually irony. It was probably more of an odd coincidence than anything. "Chibs is fixing Molly Garrett's car. He's been super weird about her. He's insisting on doing extra work on her car out of his pocket, and he practically ripped Rat and Tig's heads off for getting a little too vulgar talking about her looks. I think he's into her even if he's claiming he's just doing a good deed for a single mom. I've never seen him act like this before. I mean, don't get me wrong. Chibs has a big heart but he usually reserves it for people he knows and trusts. I've never seen him act like this towards a woman he's just met. Pretty sure he's not just thinking with his dick on this one."
Jax could clearly see the cogs turning in Tara's head as he explained the situation. He spoke again rolling his eyes. "Don't do what you're thinking about doing."
"What?" Tara asked trying to feign innocence.
Jax shook his head wondering what it was with women and trying to play matchmaker. It was like every woman had a cupid complex.
"Don't try to set those two up. Don't interfere." Jax replied already having the feeling that his orders were going unheard.
Tara placed her lotion bottle back on the bedside table suddenly wondering why she cared so much.
To be honest she had always had her issues with the Sons and this life. She had hopes that Jax would leave the life but his stepping into the role of club president showed he had no interest in leaving. She felt bitter towards SAMCRO more often than not.
She felt resigned to this life.
Chibs had always been good to Jax and her though and he'd always been good to Abel and Thomas.
Not to mention Chibs had been sweet enough to make a Celtic blessing when Jax and she had gotten married. He really cared about Jax and their family. Chibs had unwavering loyalty to those he loved.
Chibs had always been respectful to Tara and she appreciated it. She knew that Chibs would protect Jax with his life. That was why he'd been chosen to serve as SGT of Arms by Jax after all.
Tara felt a twinge of sympathy thinking of Chibs' personal troubles. Jax had been open about them with her and had shared Chibs' few drunken rants about his estranged wife and his disappointment in the estrangement and end of the marriage.
She felt for the man. She knew it must be difficult being apart from a woman he'd longed for only to realize that the longing had been meaningless. She also knew it was heartbreaking for him to be apart from his child.
She had questioned why he didn't just leave SAMCRO and go to his family if he wanted them so bad...she had realized though that most people didn't leave SAMCRO, not by choice and not alive.
Still though she felt for the sense of loneliness that was written all over Chibs' face. It wasn't right him clearly being as lonely as he was.
Molly seemed sweet which made Tara question if she was setting the poor girl up for disaster trying to bring her into this life.
She felt conflicted about the thought. She wouldn't wish what she'd gone through as an ol lady on anyone. A voice in the back of her head told her it would awful trying to bring Molly into the life Tara had known.
Another voice in the back of her head insisted though that Molly might be good for Chibs even if the life might not be good for Molly.
Tara knew that if Molly decided the life wasn't for her at least she gave the pair a chance. She knew that Chibs might benefit from some softness from Molly. Tara had to trust that Chibs wouldn't mistreat Molly if she were to influence the two towards one another. It wouldn't hurt to reintroduce the pair would it?
If Chibs was as interested as Jax said then it couldn't hurt to maybe try to help the two find one another?
Despite her own issues with the club perhaps Molly would fare better?
Tara could admit that maybe she was doing this for selfish reasons. Maybe it would make her feel less miserable to have a seemingly normal ol lady to commiserate with? Lyla was nice enough but her past was different from Tara's. Gemma was...well Gemma. Molly seemed so normal. Tara wanted someone she could relate to on that wavelength.
She decided that she wanted to throw a kind gesture karma's way and this was not misery seeking company, as she spoke up. "I'm not going to interfere...I'm just going to...push things in the right direction."
She ignored the look Jax was giving her as she spoke again. "What? Molly might be good for Chibs. Like I said, she seems sweet. And he's been really down lately...with Fiona and everything. You mentioned he's been miserable lately."
She paused trying to make her point seen. "And it's better than your mother getting involved. You know she's going to grill Molly once she figures out what's going on. Once she sees that Chibs is paying out of pocket for all those repairs and connects the dots that Molly is an attractive young woman she might assume the worst. Your mom won't hesitate to accuse Molly of taking advantage of Chibs. If Chibs practically ripped Tig and Ratboy's heads off for little comments then imagine how he'd react to anything your mom might say. It might be smart to get the two acquainted outside of the garage. Maybe if we reintroduce Chibs and Molly and get the ball rolling on something more than some free auto repairs then Gemma will stay out of it."
Jax let out a huff realizing that his wife was right. Gemma Teller Morrow was protective over the men in the club. She had long been the queen of SAMCRO, the den mom.
Even though Tara had stepped into the role of the Pres' ol lady...Gemma still walked around like she was queen.
He knew Tara and his mom had a love-hate relationship that usually favored hatred. He knew his mom could be brutal if she thought someone was taking advantage of a guy in a kutte. She saw it as a threat to the club.
He had a feeling from what he'd heard about the woman, Molly was soft enough to be terrified if his mother approached her. He had a feeling a miserable Molly would make an even more miserable Chibs. The man seemed stuck on her and most likely would not appreciate Gemma making her uncomfortable.
The last thing he needed was a pissed of SGT at Arms and a pissed off mother. He had enough shit on his plate with the club alone.
Gemma would play twenty questions with Molly once it was clear that Chibs had a thing for the blonde. It was better she play twenty questions if Molly was dating Chibs than play twenty questions if Molly was just a customer getting some free auto repairs.
Maybe Tara had a point? Better his wife and he interfere than his overbearing mother.
Maybe they could push things in the a favorable direction for all involved?
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wrestlersownmyheart · 6 months
"Her Outlaw Hero" (Sons Of Anarchy-Chibs Chapter fic) Chapter 6
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Disclaimer: I own nothing but the Original Characters in this story. I am only using Kurt Sutter's characters from Sons of Anarchy. He created the characters and the show—I am in no way taking any credit for his creations. This story is for entertainment only. Content/Warnings: Violence against both men and women including rape. Summary:
Adelaide Watson is fleeing Tennessee—on the run from her violent past.
When she has a car accident on a lonely road in Charming, California, she has no choice but to walk to town for help. But help comes to her instead. In a very unexpected way.
Note: I must confess, this is all I have written so far, and I have no idea when I'll get more posted because I don't know where to take it. Hope you understand and enjoy regardless!
Chapter 6
Angela tried to calm her heart rate as she disconnected the phone call. "So the cops know Addy's missing now," she thought out loud. Please, Lord… Let them find her car in the river. Let them think she's dead. Please keep her safe from Liam, she prayed. She sat at her desk in her den, in the middle of grading a test paper for her ninth-grade English class, and rubbed her temples. "Please, forgive me of the lies I told, also. I know they were to protect Addy, but they were still lies nonetheless."
Taking a moment to think over everything she'd said to the detective, she could recall no detectable mistakes in her story. I hope she got far away from here and they never find her, she thought. She shuddered to think what would happen to her should Liam find her.
Oh, Lord, what will I do if Liam shows up here to question me, she wondered. I'll just have to be prepared to tell him what I told that detective and stick to it. And not back down.
Telling herself that matter was settled, Angela forced herself to dive back into her paper grading and pushed Liam Toller out of her mind.
She only had a few papers to finish when a loud crackle of thunder sounded outside and she nearly jumped out of her skin. The sound of hard falling rain came next and she couldn't help but think of Adelaide.
"She always loved the rain and thunderstorms," Angela whispered to herself. She was such a happy, fun-loving person. She took pleasure in the little things. Will she ever get to be that way again, Lord? Is she doomed to always look over her shoulder and be scared? Please, watch over her, Father. Where ever she is, keep her safe. Send someone into her life that will protect her and fight for her.
She sobbed softly as she thought of her friend. I miss her so much, she thought, sniffling. I know we did what was best for her, but it doesn't stop me from missing her.
Too depressed to continue with her paper grading, she stood from her desk and prepared to get ready for bed, making a mental note to get up a little early and finish the last few papers in the morning.
Adelaide was aware of a shiver racking her body as she struggled to open her eyes. Her lips parted as she attempted to speak, but only a soft whimper emerged. Her eyes finally fluttered open and she gazed around the darkened room she was in.
A bed, she thought, as she noted the familiar feel of a mattress beneath her. She moved slowly to a sitting position, gasping softly as her ribs exploded in fiery agony. She nearly cried out from the pain as she made her way wobbly to her feet. It was then that she noticed she was only clad in her under garments. Alarmed, she quickly grabbed at and wrapped the sheet around her slender frame for some modesty. As she moved farther away from the bed, she felt a slight tugging sensation on her hand. Turning to see what was making her mobility difficult, she noticed the IV hooked up to her hand. She followed the tubing with her eyes trying to see where it ended, which led her to also notice the man sitting in a chair next to a makeshift IV stand. He appeared to be asleep, with his head propped in his hand. Peering slightly at him, Adelaide recognized him as the goateed Scotsman who'd…
Frightened me to death, she thought, apprehension filling her heart. She turned back to the IV bag and began inspecting the tubing, trying to figure out how to free herself from the constraint. She eyed the IV port and contemplated pulling the needle out. The mere thought brought on a wave of queasiness and made her lightheaded all over again. She didn't deal well with needles. Gingerly, she began to remove a strip of the tape that held the tubing in place.
In the next instant, a light came on in the room and a warm hand took hold of her arm, gently turning her around. She faced the man who was asleep only seconds before. She was taken aback by his striking features. He was even more handsome than she recalled earlier in the day, though older. He appeared to be in his late forties—maybe early fifties. His black eyes scanned over her face and lingered for an instant on her mouth before moving back upward to her own eyes. His dark but graying hair was lightly mussed, but he brushed it back as he moved closer to her.
In her fear, Adelaide stepped backward and her foot fell on her sheet. To her dismay, the makeshift garment slipped from her grasp and fell to the floor. She gasped softly and tried to back away even further but the man kept hold of her arm. Add in the fact that her back literally hit the wall—she was quite trapped. The man's dark gaze wandered over her now mostly exposed slender frame and panic seized her.
Not again, she thought. "No, please…" she cried, trying to tug her arm free. "Don't…"
To her surprise, he released her arm and reached up to her face. His hand caressed her cheek for a moment before moving to her neck and lingering at her pulse point.
"Your heart is racing," he murmured in his thick Scottish burr. "But your skin is cool enough." He let out a sigh laced with frustration when he noticed the look of fear on her pale face. "Don't be afraid, lass. You're safe. We brought you here for medical attention since you were adamant that you didn't go to a hospital." He then bent down to retrieve her sheet "I won't hurt you," he said softly. "I was only trying to keep you from ripping that IV out. You need it right now." He paused a moment, and spoke again. "I'm sorry for staring at ya. I can see you've been through a lot. But, I am a man, I'm afraid, and I can't help ogling the beauty of a woman more often than not," he chuckled. He tossed the sheet onto the bed and then lifted her suitcase onto the bed as well. Why don't you pick something out of here to wear? You'll feel less vulnerable that way. But, pick something as thin and light as you can. You need to stay cool for now." He moved toward the door as Adelaide dug through the suitcase. "I'll go get you something to drink. You need all the fluid you can get."
"W-wait," Adelaide finally spoke out softly before he could leave.
He turned back to face her, "Yeah?"
"Your name," she asked with timidity. "You saved my life and I don't even know your name."
His lips curved upward in a smile and a dimple appeared in each cheek above his scars, "It's Chibs. And you're Adelaide. We saw your ID."
With that, he left the room and Adelaide quickly grabbed a silky, teal-colored nightgown and tugged it over her head. Then she found a hairbrush and unplaited her hair. She began running the brush gently through her waist-length hair, getting rid of any tangles. Wincing in pain when she had to reach upward to her scalp, she opted to leave the thick tresses down for simplicity's sake. She turned to put the hairbrush back in her suitcase but moved too quickly, however, and struggled to fight off another wave of dizziness. She heard something being set down on the dresser then and in the next second, felt strong arms envelope her as she sank toward the floor.
"Whoa, I got ya," she heard Chibs utter softly. "You need to be in bed. You're too weak to be up and about."
"I'm beginning to see that," Adelaide replied, holding her swimming head as Chibs carried her to the bed and gently deposited her onto it. "What happened to me? I haven't felt this horrible before in my whole life."
"Sunstroke," Chibs answered. "You'd walked a long distance in the heat and it nearly killed ya, woman." His tone turned lightly scolding as he approached the dresser and retrieved the glass of drink, "Have you ever had a fever of 107 before?"
His question was rhetorical, she knew. He'd asked to make it clear she shouldn't do anything so stupid again. He handed her the glass of drink and sat down beside her on the bed, "It's just Gatorade," he assured her as she looked at the drink quizzically. "It'll help get your electrolytes back in balance. Just sip. Gulping will make you sick."
"Can't say as I have ever had a fever that high, no," Adelaide finally answered after a few sips of fluid. "Well, that explains why I was almost naked. Thank you—for saving me. And I'm sorry I made it so difficult." She heard Chibs chuckle lightly and dared to make eye contact with him.
"You're welcome," he replied softly. "And it wasn't actually what I'd call difficult. Don't flatter yourself," he joked with a twinkle in his eye.
Adelaide recalled a hand going over her mouth, then gasped at the next memory that surfaced. "Did I bite you—your hand," she asked, feeling immense guilt.
This time Chibs let loose with a full-fledged laugh, "No, that was my friend, Tig. It wasn't as bad as it looked. Don't worry."
She nodded, as she finished her drink and then settled against the pillows.
"You need to rest, till we make sure your temperature is permanently stable now," Chibs told her as he took her glass and set it on the night table, then covered her again with the light sheet.
"I'm freezing," Adelaide said. "Could I cover up a little more? Please?"
Chibs considered it, and gave a slight nod. "I guess so. Your skin feels very cool. But I need to keep an eye on your temperature," he added, covering her with a lightweight blanket.
"Thank you."
Adelaide almost sighed in ecstasy from the extra bit of warmth that enveloped her. "You seem to know your way around the medical field. Are you some sort of doctor or something?"
"No, lass. I was a medic for the British Army many years ago."
"Is your real name, Chibs? Or is that a nickname?"
"It's a nickname of sorts," he replied. "I received a Glasgow smile years ago—the scars on my face—and the Scottish slang for the weapon used to do it, is a chib."
"My God," Adelaide cried. "I'm sorry. I can't believe people can be so evil."
"I would think you had a pretty good idea of how evil a person can be," Chibs told her.
She stared at him a moment, not sure how to respond.
"I know you were attacked," Chibs confessed in a gentle tone. "I've seen the bruises and cuts on your body. I've heard you crying out in your sleep, begging 'Liam' to not hurt you. "
Adelaide's breath caught in her chest. How could I have been so careless, she thought. He could easily find out about Liam and lead him here—even unintentionally. I have to play dumb, for now.
"I…I-I," she stammered, "I don't know any Liam. I must've just been having a nightmare."
"Okay, obviously, we should have this conversation at another time," Chibs said, immediately detecting her lie. "I understand. You're scared and ya find it hard to trust someone ya just met. But I promise, Adelaide, whoever he is… He will not get anywhere near ya. But you're gonna have to help us. We need to know more about him in order to keep him away from ya."
A tear fell down Adelaide's cheek and her lip trembled. "I-I…can't. You don't understand. He…h-he…"
Chibs leaned toward her and placed a finger over her full lips, "Shhh. You don't have to do this right now," he whispered. "Just rest. We'll talk this out later, yeah?"
She nodded shakily, and he gave her a comforting smile. Reaching up a little further, he gently swiped at the tear on her cheek with the pad of his thumb. "You're gonna be okay. We won't let anyone hurt ya."
He turned to move away from her to return to his chair next to the bed, but Adelaide took his hand and gently tugged him back down to the bed's surface. "What is your real name," she asked. "Would you mind telling me?"
He gazed into her eyes a moment before reaching up and tucking a lock of her dark hair behind her ear, "It's Filip."
"Would you mind if I called you Filip," she asked softly. "I mean… I just… I think calling you by your nickname feels almost like I'm condoning what was done to you."
He smiled slightly and nodded, "You can call me whichever you want, lass. Either one is fine with me."
Adelaide returned his smile, "Thank you…Filip. For everything. I'd probably be dead if not for you." Reflexively, she reached up and wrapped her slender arms around his neck, bestowing him with a hug.
He was taken aback, yet Chibs couldn't help but take pleasure in the feel of the woman's arms around him. He returned her embrace and stroked his hand over her hair. "Get some sleep," he whispered near her ear. "I'll stay in one of the other dorms so I'll be nearby if you need anything."
He finally pulled away, and caught the dazed expression on Adelaide's face. He knew then something was going to happen between them. She was as affected by his presence as he was by hers. In truth, he wanted her. She was beautiful, seemed kind and warm-hearted. He'd never felt as affected by a woman as he did with Adelaide. Not even with Fiona, or Allie. He shook his head of the thoughts and stood from the bed. "Goodnight, lass."
"Goodnight, Filip."
If you want on my tag list, just ask! 🙂
@mrsfilipchibstelford @ravennaortiz
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Just a hypothetical...if I were to pick this fic back up and start writing it again after zero updates since like 2021...would anyone be even slightly interested in it?
I got focused on real life stuff and other hyperfixations but have always held a special place in my heart for this silly little Chibs/OC fic. I've thought about adding onto it throughout the years but was always tied up with life.
I don't know if anyone would even care to read it still...but wanted to throw the concept out there... I mean updates would be slow as I work full-time and am in the process of finding a job that actually goes with my bachelors degree...but I might be into updating it at my pace...
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Fun and Responsibility
Description: Jax wants to take his 4year old little sister for a ride on his bike, what could go wrong.
Word count: 2,230
Warnings⚠️: swearing and general SOA warnings.
Taglist: @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @arkytiorlecter
(If you wanna be added or removed from the SoA taglist just comment or message me)
♥︎ MainMasterlist ♥︎
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Jax carefully fastens the straps that holds his four-year-old sister, Katherine, against his chest, a small but proud smile playing at the corners of his lips. The other club members snicker and chuckle as they watch the scene unfolding before them.
Jax grins back at them, their laughter only fueling his mischievous nature. He climbs onto his Harley, the engine roaring to life beneath him.
As he revs the engine with a loud rumble, the sound seems to catch the attention of both his mother Gemma and Clay. Gemma comes running over, her eyes wide with horror.
"Jackson Teller, what on earth do you think you're doing!?" she demands, her voice rising in pitch with each word.
Jax grins back at her, the wind whipping through his hair as he prepares to ride off. "Just taking the kid for a ride, Ma. What's the big deal? She'll be fine," he calls back over the noise of the engine.
Meanwhile, Clay joins Gemma's side as he hears the commotion, his face darkened with anger.
"You know damn well what the big deal is, boy. You're not taking our daughter out for a ride," he snaps, his voice sharp and authoritative.
Jax just rolls his eyes, his usual cool demeanor wavering for a moment. "Come on. She'll be fine. I've done this plenty of times before, she loves it. Nothing has ever happened."
"What do you mean you've done this before!?!" Gemma glares
Jax shifts in his seat, trying to keep the bike straight as he faces his mother's anger. "I mean, I've taken her for rides before. It's not a big deal. She loves it," he repeats adamantly, refusing to back down.
"And what if something happens? What if you crash and she gets hurt?" Gemma's voice trembles as she voices her worst fear.
Jax rolls his eyes again, scoffing at her anxieties. "Nothing's gonna happen, Ma. I'm a good driver, I've been riding this bike since I was sixteen, I think I know what I'm doing. And I'd never let anything happen to her. I love her, too, you know," he protests, a hint of defensiveness in his tone.
Clay crosses his arms, eyeing his step son closely. "That's not the point, Jax. You're still young. You're 18 and you're still learning to be responsible."
Jax bristles at Clay's words, his pride wounded. "I am responsible. And I'm not a child anymore. It's just a ride on the bike, not like I'm gonna take her out on the highway or anything," he argues.
"It doesn't matter, Jax. It's not responsible to have a four-year-old strapped to your chest while you ride a motorcycle. It's not safe, period," Gemma bites out, her hands on her hips.
Jax clenches his jaw, his stubborn nature refusing to give in. "She'll be fine, stop being so paranoid."Jax revs and starts to pull off the lot
"Dammit, Jax, don't you dare!" Gemma yells after him, her voice shrill with anger and worry.
Clay moves to stop him, but it's too late. Jax speeds off with Katherine strapped to his chest.The other club members watch as Jax zips away, their grins disappearing as they anticipate the storm that follows.
Meanwhile, Gemma and Clay stand there, their faces pale and stricken. Their only daughter is riding away on a motorcycle with her reckless brother.
The ride is smooth at first, the wind brushing through Jax and Katherine's hair as they gain speed. The freedom of the open road is exhilarating, and Katherine's soft giggles and squeals of delight confirm her enjoyment. Jax grins, feeling proud to be the cool older brother who can give her this experience.
But soon enough, Jax starts to push the limits, weaving in and out of traffic and taking sharper turns than usual.The adrenaline rush is intoxicating, and Jax forgets the consequences, living in the moment. He pushes the bike to its limits, feeling the rush of wind in his face as they speed down the road.
Katherine, strapped to his chest, is blissfully ignorant of the danger, her small hands gripping Jax's arms as she laughs in joy.
They continue their high-speed journey, Jax growing more reckless with each mile. He knows he's pushing his luck, but the thrill is too good to pass up.
Suddenly, a sharp turn approaches, and Jax takes it at a dangerous angle. The bike skids slightly, but he manages to right it before it tips over.
Katherine lets out a frightened squeal, her grip on Jax's arms tightening. Jax's breath catches temporarily as he feels the bike's instability, but he quickly regains control. "It's okay, Kitty. We're okay," he tries to reassure his little sister and himself, his voice shaking just a bit.
Jax knows that was a close call, he slows down and he stops the bike at the side of the road, his hands trembling just slightly as he unstraps Katherine from his chest. He picks her up in his arms, holding her close, feeling a pang of guilt at having put her in danger.
Katherine clings to Jax, her small body trembling slightly from the fear she just experienced. Jax strokes her hair, trying to calm her down.
"I'm so sorry, Kitty. I got carried away," he mutters, his voice apologetic. He looks down at her and sees the fear in her eyes, and it breaks his heart.
"I won't do that again, okay? I promise," he whispers, cradling her gently. What could of happened playing in his head.
Just then, the rumble of other motorcycles fill the air, and Jax looks up to see the rest of the SoA pulling up next to him. Clay and Gemma are among them, their faces etched with anger and concern.
"What the hell were you thinking, son?! You could have gotten her killed!" Clay explodes as soon as he dismounts his bike.
Jax holds Katherine tightly against his chest, her small body trembling. "I... I didn't mean to get carried away. We're both fine, aren't we, Kitty?" he tries to defend himself.
"Don't try to downplay it, Jax. You took that turn way too fast," Tig chimes in, his voice stern but concerned.
Gemma pushes through the group, her eyes on her trembling daughter. "Give her to me. Now Jax," she demands, holding out her arms.
Jax hesitates for a beat. He knows he screwed up, but the thought of losing his little sister's trust and love is even more painful. Reluctantly, he hands Katherine over to his mother.
As Gemma takes her daughter into her arms, Clay gets into Jax's face, his expression hard as stone. "You're damn lucky she's okay. But you've pushed it too far this time, boy."
Jax grits his teeth, his pride wounded. "It was one mistake, okay? I got carried away. I didn't mean to scare her," he retorts stubbornly.
Clay's eyes narrow, anger and disappointment mixing in his gaze. "That's the problem, Jax. You never mean to. But you're careless and reckless, and it's gonna land you in trouble someday... or worse."
Jax's jaw tightens, the words hitting him hard. He's grown up in the Sons of Anarchy, surrounded by chaos and danger, and he's always thought he was invincible.
"This isn't a goddamn therapy session, Clay. I get it, I messed up. I'm sorry. It won't happen again," he snaps, his voice sharp and defensive.
Clay stands his ground, not backing down. "You're damn right it won't happen again. Because from now on, you're off the bike until you prove you can be responsible enough to handle it. And that includes taking your sister on joyrides."
Jax's eyes widen in shock and anger. "You... you can't do that. You know how much the bike means to me." he protests, his voice rising.
Clay crosses his arms, his expression still stern. "I can, and I am. You wanna act like a reckless kid, I'll treat you like one. The bike stays off-limits until you learn to respect and control yourself."
Anger and disbelief flare in Jax's eyes. The thought of being separated from his bike, his only freedom and escape, is almost unbearable.
"You can't do this, man. You're grounding me for one mistake? That's bullshit, and you know it," he protests vehemently.
"It's not about a mistake, Jax. It's about your attitude and your lack of maturity and responsibility. You put your sister's life at risk, and that's unacceptable. Until you learn to control yourself, your bike stays in the garage, Tig will go back to TM bring the truck round," Clay's voice is firm, not leaving any room for argument.
Jax's anger and frustration boil over. He feels betrayed, being held responsible for something he feels wasn't entirely his fault. "This is bullshit. You're taking away the one thing that matters to me. What am I supposed to do now? Sit around and twiddle my thumbs?"
Clay doesn't waver, his gaze unwavering. "That's exactly what you're gonna do. You're gonna sit, you're gonna think about what you did, and you're gonna learn some damn restraint and responsibility. You're 18 years old, and it's time you start acting like it."
Chibs steps forward, resting a hand on Jax's shoulder. "Come on, lad. This is for your own good."
Jax angrily shoves off Chibs's hand, his eyes ablaze with frustration and resentment. "For my own good? You've gotta be kidding me. You're all just using this as an excuse to keep me under your control. Well, newsflash, I'm not a goddamn kid anymore. I can handle myself."
"Look at your sister!, Jax look what you did..what you COULD have done..and tell me again how you are a responsible person" Clay shouts
Jax looks at Katherine, her small, shaking form still clutched in Gemma's arms. The fear in her eyes cuts through him like a knife. Guilt and remorse wash over him as he's forced to face the consequences of his actions.
He takes a deep breath, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I... shit...im sorry i wasnt thinking i just wanted her to have some fun."
Clay's expression softens a fraction, seeing the remorse in Jax's eyes. "Fun is fine, but not at the expense of someone's safety. You need to understand that."
Piney steps forward, his voice calmer than the rest. "We're not trying to keep you under control, Jax. We're trying to look out for you and your sister."
Jax clenches his jaw, the fight in him slowly ebbing away. Deep down, he knows they're right, but his pride and anger make it hard to accept.
He runs a hand through his hair, his eyes flickering towards his sister, who's starting to calm down in Gemma's arms. "Yeah, I get it. I messed up."
"Now go give your sister a hug while you sit and wait for the truck...you will strap your own bike on...you will drive the truck back home and you will put it in the garage where it will stay until you prove you deserve to ride it again" Bobby adds
Jax feels like a scolded puppy, his pride wounded. But he swallows his ego and walks over to Gemma, who still holds Katherine.
He gently takes his sister into his arms, holding her close. "I'm sorry, Kitty. I was an idiot, and I promise I'll do better from now on," he whispers, his voice genuine.
He then looks at the other members of the Sons, his gaze filled with resignation. "I'll drive the truck back... and I'll keep the bike in the garage."
The Sons nodded, a mixture of relief and acceptance on their faces. They knew it wasn't easy for Jax to take responsibility, and seeing him do so showed maturity.
Clay pats Jax on the back, his expression softer now. "You better damn well keep your promise."
Jax looks at Clay, his expression a mixture of guilt, regret, and determination. "I will. Trust me."
He turns to the rest of the group, his eyes lingering on Tig. "Can we just get this damn truck now? I want to get her home."
Tig nods, his usual smirk replaced with a hint of concern. "Yeah, I'll go back now and grab it."
He heads off, leaving Jax standing there with the rest of the Sons and Gemma. An awkward silence hangs over them for a moment, the tension and anger slowly dissipating.
"Jaxie...bike bad?" Katherine says looking up at her brother. Jax looks down at his sister, her innocent question cutting through the tension. He feels a pang of guilt and remorse for what he's put her through.
He forces a small smile, his voice soft. "No, Kitty. Bike's not bad. I was bad, riding it too fast. But I won't do it again, okay?"
Katherine nods, seemingly appeased for now. Jax holds her close, his arms tight around her. He feels the need to protect her, to make amends for his mistake.
Clay and Gemma share a look, a silent conversation passing between them. Clay then turns to Jax, his voice firm but softer now. "We'll leave you to get her home. But remember, son. That bike stays in the garage, no exceptions."
Jax nods, his expression solemn. "Understood." He knew well enough that challenging Clay wasn’t going to change a goddamn thing.
He holds Katherine a little tighter, her small body pressed into his chest. "Let's get you home, Kitty."
If you wanna read more about Katherine and her time with the club click here
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samcrosfaith · 3 months
A LITTLE LOST 𝟬𝟮| 𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙨
Happy Lowman x fem!oc
You can find the introduction chapter and chapter one here, just click on it. You can also find them, and all the future chapters, in my masterlist {pinned post!}
Let me know if you wanna be tagged in future chapters!
a/n; I promise Happy will finally appear in the next chapter. I just had to get this story started in a somewhat logical way. I hope you enjoy! 🤎
word count; 2900
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IT WAS TWO DAYS LATER, two days after Juice and Jax made a horrifying discovery, when four speechless men stood across the street from the burger restaurant, shock and fascination etched into their faces.
"Shit man, that's creepyᅳ and it takes a lot to freak me out", Tig spoke first, his hands prepped on his hips, eyes covered by dark sunglasses. "Death seems prettier than everᅳI'd definitely tap that."
"What the hell, man?" Jax' face twisted in disgust, he snapped his head to the side to glare at Tig. "It's still Hap's Old Lady, have some respect."
"Did he ever have respect?" Juice asked from the left, a sigh leaving his lips. But for a brief moment the slightest grin crossed his features. "I don't think he knows the word respect when there's someone with two legs and a hole he could use."
"Hey, we don't talk about women like that." Tig smacked the back of Juice' head, shaking his head as if he hadn't started it. "Have some respect."
"Boys, enough", Chibs' thick Scottish accent interrupted the little teasing game, earning a grateful look from Jax as his serious gaze landed on the three men. "What d' we do now? Go inside and talk t' her? Juicy? Did ye' check her records?"
"I did", the Puerto Rican nodded, not exactly enthusiastically as he tilted his head to the side. "No one by the name of Josephine Lowman works hereᅳ but a Josephine O'Connell."
"That's her maiden name", Jax thought aloud, rubbing a hand down his face as he let out a deep sigh. "What the hell is this? She was declared dead. Hell, Happy saw her, checked for himself because he didn't believe the doctors."
"Since she's officially declared dead, tha' explains why she uses her maiden name", Chibs also thought out loud, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared thoughtfully through the large window into the burger restaurant, still fascinated by watching someone who was actually dead. "We need t' find out how that's possible, what really happened t' Josy."
"How? We can't just ask her", Juice stated matter-of-factly, uncertainty flashing in his brown eyes. All he wanted was to talk to Josy, to hug his very much alive best friend, to tell her how glad he was that she was still here. "Besides, I can't believe she would ever do this to Happy; letting him suffer and allᅳ that's not like her at all."
"Well, she didn't recognize me, which means she must've suffered some kind of memory loss", which was the only logical explanation in Jax' eyes.
"Or she just faked her death", Tig said dryly as he took off his sunglasses, shrugging his shoulders. "We're going in there now and talk to her."
"Tig!" Jax called after the man, but the man with the black curls was too determined and already halfway across the street, which gave the others no choice and practically forced them to follow him, which all three did with a shake of their heads.
The bell above the door rang as the four bikers entered the restaurant and attracted different glances. Glances that they had long been used to. They looked around carefully until Josy finally appeared, with a sweet smile on her lips that everyone could still remember.
"I know why Hap fell in love with her", said Chibs, without sounding creepy in any way. It was no secret how beautiful Josy was.
"Yeah, she really was a jackpot", Juice agreed wistfully, clearing his throat as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "Or still is..apparently."
It was so strange to see the young woman alive, and yet it was a huge relief, a shock in a good way.
As the four men stood in the middle of the restaurant, still considering how exactly they should address Josy, she was already heading towards the small group, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Can I help you?", she asked, polite as always. "If you're looking for a table, I can offer you one over there", she added, spinning around to point to the free table.
"You can help us, darlin'", Jax began, trying his best to hide his fascination as he spoke to the redhead. "Can you give us five minutes of your time? We have a few questions."
"Uh..Iᅳ I'm working right now." The redhead clutched the menu card to her chest, swallowing nervously. Why did four bikers want to talk to her? "Maybe our manager can help?"
"No, we need t' talk to ye', lass." Chibs stepped forward and placed a reassuring hand on Josy's shoulder, but removed it quickly when the young woman tensed up. "Sorry, sweetheart", he apologized sincerely. "We just have t' figure somethin' out, ye' know? It won't take more than five minutes."
"We really don't want to cause any trouble, we just want to talk." Juice sent a warm smile in Josy's direction, also stepping a little closer. "Would you give us a moment?"
Somehow the redhead managed to relax at the younger man's smile but she didn't know why. But what she did know was that she should be much more intimidated, much more worried, about the fact that four men from a biker club wanted to talk to her.
Were they old clients from her dad? Maybe they had hired him as lawyer and her father managed to piss them off somehowᅳ which wouldn't be the first time Arthur had angered someone to the point they were seeking for some kind of revenge.
But if there was one thing Josy wasn't, it was judgmental. Her sweet nature, her kindness, would probably, hopefully, always stay a part of her.
"Okay", she said finally, exhaling loudly. Apparently it really did seem important and her curiosity was piqued. "Five minutes, that's all I can do."
"Thanks, lass", Chibs nodded sincerely, as did the other three men. "Maybe we should sit down for tha', I think tha' would be better for all of us."
As if everything wasn't confusing enough already, an uneasy feeling was now brewing in the pit of her stomachᅳ a strange feeling that she couldn't quite shake off.
Josy, her beautiful freckle-covered face framed by her ginger strands, nodded slightly before leading the small group to the free table in a quiet corner and waited until everyone had slid into the booth to take a seat.
Pulling a chair from another table, she placed it in front of the table and slowly plopped down onto it, asking her colleague, who had just scurried past with a slightly confused look, to take over her tasks for a moment.
"Are you okay?", asked the brunette, her voice lowered as she placed a protective hand on Josy's shoulder.
"She's fine, doll", Tig winked with his typical smirk while his eyes checked out the beautiful woman. "I'd feel even better if you sat down too."
"Tig", Jax warned, glaring at the man once again. "Not now."
"Creep", the brunette scoffed; in contrast to Josy, she had a quick tongue.
Clearly amused, Tig raised his hands in the air. "I'm sorry, doll, sometimes I can't keep my mouth shut when I see a pretty face."
"Oh my God, here we go", Juice muttered under his breath, only able to shake his head at Tig's boldness.
"That's enough", Chibs grumbled, a certain vibration in his voice as he saw how uncomfortable and uncertain Josy's expression suddenly seemed. "I'm sorry, lass. My friend here can't control himself sometimes."
"It's okay", the redhead murmured before giving her colleague and friend a reassuring look. "I'm okay, thanks Summer."
"Good." The brunette shot the men a warning look, each and every one of themᅳ although she sheepishly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear at the Puerto Rican, who gave her an apologetic smile before her features turned hard again and she was pointing a scolding finger at them. "Keep your hands to yourself, all of you!"
Josy watched her friend with a small smile, grateful for her boldness, before she looked back at the men. "What could four bikers want from me? How about one of you finally gives me an explanation?"
"Nothing would please me more, darlin'," Jax winked as he shot her his signature smile, his broad shoulders sinking against the orange cushion of the seat. "Your name is Josephine, right?"
"You know my name?" Swallowing the forming lump in her throat, Josy shifted nervously in her seat. "How? I don't know any of you."
"Yes, yes ye' do, lass", Chibs explained with a sigh, his tone calm and reserved. Freaking her out even more wasn't what he wanted. "We know how absurd that sounds, and we'll understand if ye' throw us out in a minute, but give us a chance t' explain everythin', aye?"
"This is getting really weird, I hope you know that", the young woman uttered as she crossed her arms. "What do you want from me?"
"You died a little over one and a half year ago. At least that's what we thought." Tig dropped the bomb before they could make the woman any more nervous, empathy in his tone as he spoke. "And you were married to one of our brothersᅳ that's why we're here."
"I know this sounds crazy", Jax said immediately, his hands resting on the surface of the white table as a frown took over his face. "But it's the truth. At least if you're Josephine O'Connell, born in Roseville on October 10th, 1984. Is that right?"
Josy's lips opened and closed so many times that she would probably get a jaw cramp later, but not once did she utter a word. Instead, an almost hysterical-sounding chuckle slipped past her lips, a sea of emotion pooling in her eyes.
"And you are the mother of a one-year-old girl", Juice explained calmly, sympathy in both his voice and his eyes as he could see the deep shock cross Josy's face. "Well, she's one and a half now, looks just like you. Same red hair and all", he added with a beaming smile. "Her name's Esmee."
"Stop..please..", Josy whispered, sheer horror in her eyes as she listened to the words they were saying. "This has to be a bad joke. A sick, fucked up joke."
Suddenly her chest felt tight, as if someone was squeezing it. Her heart was beating so hard against her ribcage that she could feel it in her throat while the blood rushed through her veins faster than ever before, sending a feeling of dizziness to her head.
"We wish it was just a bad joke, believe me." Jax leaned over the table a little as he was the one sitting closest to Josy. The redhead looked as if she was about to pass out, so Jax put a strong hand against her arm just in case. "Are you okay? Is there anything we can do?"
Her head snapped up, astonished and partly speechless, she stared at the blonde man. "You wanna know if I'm okay?"
The hysterical laughter that sounded from the back of her throat sent a chill down the guys' spines. "You didn't seriously just ask me that, did you?"
"Josy", Juice began, trying to grab Josy's hand from the other side of the table as the redhead's breath faltered and she slowly began to hyperventilate. But the girl pulled her hand back in fright, a film of tears now covering her eyes, shattering Juice' heart. "You have to believe us, please. We may do a lot of questionable things, but joking about things like thatᅳ that's not our style."
"Then why the hell am I here if I should be dead, huh?!", she choked out, her splayed fingers pressed against her chest as she tried to take deep breaths. "I would know if I was married and had a child! What kind of mother would forget about her own child?"
"Normally people don't, that's right", Jax noted with a sigh, feeling bad for the woman who seemed absolutely frightened and desperate. "You had an accident when you were pregnantᅳ you died, the baby, Esmee, was saved."
"Someone must've played us really good, after all you're sitting in front of us, no idea who we are", Tig continued as he leaned forward a little, his arms crossed on the table as his piercing blue eyes searched for Josy's. "And your husband is losing it the more time passes without you by his side."
"I can'tᅳ I can't believe this." The first tears rolled down her pale cheeks, which she quickly wiped away with her palms before shaking her head frantically and shooting up from her seat. Smoothing her apron, she exhaled shakily. "I had an accident, yes. And yes, I've been suffering from anterograde amnesia since it happened", she explained, the words practically bubbling out of her. "But this..", another hysterical laugh fell over her lips. "This is absolutely crazy."
"Who told ye' all of tha', lass? Who was there after you woke up?", Chibs asked urgently as he also stood up without getting too close to the redhead. She was already upset and frightened enough, almost seeming like a little deer without a mother. "Can ye' at least remember what happened after the accident?"
"My family, who else?" All of this was too much for her, her brain no longer able to process all the information that she didn't even know if it was true. "I'm sorry, Iᅳ I can't do this."
"Josy, please!" Jax was the first to grab Josy's arm, causing the young woman to defend herself and yank her arm out of his grasp before stumbling two steps backwards, which caught the attention of the other employees and guests.
"Don't touch me", the redhead snarled, which wasn't normally her style. But at the moment she was so overwhelmed that all she wanted to do was to run away. "Leave me alone, all of you. I don't know what kind of sick game this is, but play it with someone else!"
"You heard her", the brunette from before intervened after she had immediately rushed over to her clearly upset friend, her gaze stern and warning. "You better leave now before I get the managerᅳ or before I call the police."
"Alright." Jax threw his hands in the air with a sigh while Chibs scribbled something down on a napkin. "Come on guys, let's go."
There was no point in staying here. In hindsight, someone would actually call the cops and they didn't need that at the moment. After fourteen months inside, a police station was the last place they wanted to see right now. Maybe they would try again in a few days, outside the restaurant.
"It was nice to see you again though", Jax added sincerely, wistfulness in his blue eyes before he shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded the guys over.
"If ye' change yer' mind", Chibs shoved the napkin into the small pocket on Josy's apron, an almost fatherly smile grazing his lips. "That's the address of our clubhouseᅳ ye' can visit us there anytime."
Josy's body stiffened, the muscles under her skin slowly began to burn from all the tension. Still, she didn't miss how calm she became when the man with the scars on his face shot her that smile. It felt familiar, but she couldn't remember ever having seen the man before.
"We'd love to hear from you." Juice was also back on his feet by now, suppressing the urge to hug his best friend with all his might. Still, he gently bumped her shoulder with his as he walked past her, smiling at her. "It's a relief to know that you're alive."
Tig was the last to walk past the women, giving Josy a warm smile before winking at the brunette, Summer. "You can join her if your friend decides to come by."
"Jesus, you're not giving up, huh?" Slightly annoyed, the brunette rolled her eyes, comfortingly rubbing her friend's arm as she watched the four men reluctantly leave the restaurant. "What a bunch of freaks."
The guests forgot about the incident quicker than expected and went back to their food while business continued as normal. Summer, on the other hand, led Josy into one of the back rooms so her friend could have a quiet moment.
"Do you need something?", asked Summer, concern evident in her tone as Josy slowly sank into a chair. "Want me to call Debbie?"
"No, please don't", Josy answered quickly, not in the mood to have to explain all of this to her sister right now. "I'm okay, Summer. You can go back to work."
The brunette raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, thank you", Josy assured with a weak smile and a nod, watching her colleague leave the room with a shrug and a sigh.
Only then did Josy reach for the napkin in her apron and stare thoughtfully at the address. Maybe she should look into it. If there was any chance that there was any truth behind what the men had said, then she wanted to know. Above all, she wanted to know why her father and sister, who supposedly only wanted the best for her, had lied to her.
Maybe, just maybe, she would take a little trip to Charming this weekend.
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broiderie · 8 months
Lost Princessa: Meet the Reaper 24
It's a short one. Like... I don't think I've ever posted a chapter this short. However, I'm just getting back in the saddle so you'll have to forgive me. I do have plenty more written. We're not done with Megan and Hank. It's about to get interesting.
Please don't copy my shit. This is the only place it's published. Don't translate it. Don't steal it. Don't copy it. I'm just getting it back. Don't piss me off now.
Warnings: Fluff. I don't even think I cuss in this part. It's just a bit of filler.
A short while later, Taza chuckled as he realized that it would be a tight fit for all of them in the Bronco. It was an older model and could only comfortably fit five. There were seven of them. 
Bishop sighed looking at the vehicle as he came to the same conclusion. “Shit.” He finished his cigarette in frustration.
Chibs laughed. “Well… tha’ lass is tiny, but tha’ rest of us ain’t.”
Angel shrugged. “I’ll sit in the back with the pooch. Put Shorty on someone’s lap though. With a seatbelt.”
Marcus nodded. “It’s fine Primo. It’s not a long ride.”
They piled in with Bishop driving and Marcus in the front. Taza took the middle seat in the back with Chibs and Hank against the doors. Megan sat in Hank’s lap and snuggled down so Taza could fasten the seat belt for them with a giggle.
“Comfy, Chica?” he asked with a chuckle.
“Mmmhmm.” She tucked her feet in between Taza and Hank’s legs and her head under Hank’s chin. Hank just grinned and pressed a kiss to her hair since Bishop had put her hat on the dash for her.
A short ride later, Bishop parked the truck on a side street near the center of the city of Santa Madre. “We’ll walk from here. Where are we meeting them in the market?” he asked Angel.
Angel checked the burner phone from his kutte pocket. “They’ll meet us near the church. We’re a little early though.”
“That’s alright. We can take Poquito shopping…” Marcus said grinning as Megan stuck her tongue out at him.
They wandered to the open square where an open air market was held continually. At the far end of the square a beautiful church stood. Megan could see the steeple from where they were. As they entered the square, the buildings blocked the warm sun causing the temperature to drop several degrees. Megan cuddled close to Hank’s side as he automatically wrapped an arm around her back to warm her. Megan hooked Rex’s leash to her belt loop to free up her hand and took a deep breath as they entered the crowd.
They browsed several stalls. Megan enjoyed looking through the different vendors. She grinned as she found small hand carved figures at one of them. A horse made of light wood caught her eye and she couldn’t help but show it to Taza. “Papa, look. It’s Rocket.”
Taza grinned at the flagged tail and flowing mane on the figure which looked to be in full gallop. “It does look like him.” He waved down the vendor and in quick Spanish bought the little horse. “There, Chica. Now you can take Rocket home with us.”
Hank chuckled as Megan tucked the little figure into her hoody pocket. She looked up at him with a smile. “What?”
“Nothing, mi reina. Just enjoying the market.” Hank pressed a kiss to the top of her hat and guided her to the next stall.
Bishop laughed and sidled up beside Taza to ask under his breath “So does she realize how much that thing cost?”
Taza shushed him. “Don’t even say it. She doesn’t know conversion rates and I’m enjoying it for a bit.”
Marcus laughed aloud at that. “If Poquito enjoys it - who cares?” He pointed to a stall further down the row. “Think she’d like another cowboy hat?”
Eventually all the men carried bags of things that they’d managed to point out to Megan. Even Chibs had a bag with a pin in the shape of a Celtic knot for her kutte and another to fasten shawls or rebozos with. 
Megan was staying close to Hank in the crowd and kept Rex’s leash short. She couldn’t help but notice - their group seemed to be drawing a lot of attention. That wasn’t exactly the best thing for a covert meeting with what actually qualified as international terrorists. Four men and a woman that she didn’t recognize kept popping up at stalls nearby. Something about them just bugged her.
Angel’s pocket beeped as Hank was buying Megan a bag of candy. “They’re here and ready to meet,” he said quietly to Marcus and Bishop. 
Bishop nodded. “We’ll head that way then.” He flagged Hank down as the big Mayan handed over the cash for Megan’s treat.
As a group, they all headed for the church. Megan noticed that the woman had moved to the balcony of a nearby house and the men kept getting closer as they started for the church. She didn’t like it. Adelita and another man waited on a side street as they got close.
“Luisa!” Megan said, smiling. “Imagine seeing you here. Papa and the tíos wanted to show me the market!” She stepped closer as if she and Adelita were just friends who happened to meet in town. “We had visitors from our overseas friends so they came along for the ride.”
Adelita paused, but then went along with Megan’s act. “Ah… Hola Megan. The market is always a great place to bring visitors.”
Hank glanced around to see several men who were paying too much attention to their meeting. He nodded at Taza to draw his attention to them as well. Somehow - despite not having the training - Megan had picked up that they had a tail before any of the men. Instead of drawing undue attention to it, she’d taken matters into her own hands. She smiled and popped up on tiptoe to kiss Hank’s cheek and whispered “They’ve been there this whole time, but close for about fifteen minutes.” He smiled a bit and nodded.
“Papa,” Megan smiled at him. “Can Luisa show me that carving we were talking about? The one in the church? It won’t take long…”
“Of course, Chica. Your tíos and I can wait. We’ll head home when you’re done-” Taza said as he subtly moved to put himself between Megan and the tails.
Angel looked confused, but kept his mouth shut, and the others trusted that Megan had a reason for suddenly acting like she and Adelita were childhood friends.
She handed Hank Rex’s leash reluctantly, but moved to link her good arm through Adelita’s and move towards the door of the church chattering away. To anyone nearby it looked like two friends wandering off for a moment. Adelita played along. 
Megan leaned close. “Are they L.O.?” she asked quietly, keeping a smile plastered on her face.
Luisa shook her head. “No. Not mine. We thought they were yours.” She made a show of smiling as they walked up the church steps. 
“Just the seven of us. Did you recognize any of them? Maybe as Galindo’s?” Megan asked. They paused for Luisa to cross herself like a good Catholic girl as they entered the sanctuary.
“Not any that I have seen.”
Megan nodded and followed Luisa to an alcove off the sanctuary where they could see everyone coming or going. “Then we have to assume…” 
“That they’re unfriendly,” Luisa agreed.
Megan nodded. “So - neither group knows who they really are. Do you want to continue with the meet, or should we try again later?”
“We should wait for the official meeting,” Luisa said quietly.
Megan nodded. “Agreed. We do, however, have our Irish connection in town. Is there any information that I can give him to help settle their minds? Even the name of the port they’d be shipping to?”
Luisa turned to face Megan and watched her face for a moment, then she nodded. “Ensenada is the port. We’ll work the rest out when we can. Your liaison - do you trust him?”
Megan snorted a bit. “Angel? For the most part. As long as he’s not too pissed off and not making any life changing decisions that affect me…”
Adelita nodded. “Good. I’ll set a meet with him to pass on more information.” She smiled. “You tend to draw attention with your escorts.”
That made Megan smile. “We are a bit conspicuous. We’ll send Angel to the meets for now with our prospect - his brother. EZ has a cooler head for strategy and a trained memory.”
“Good.” Adelita smiled. “We should get back. Only so much excuse we can use. When we part as friends, my man and I will lose any tail. We’ll contact you within twenty-four hours.”
Megan nodded. “Agreed.”
Adelita squeezed Megan’s good hand gently. “Be careful. Don’t push yourself too much.”
“You be careful too.”
The two women strolled out, just as they’d strolled in to the church and made a show of parting outside like best friends.
Megan struggled to keep up the act a bit once they were back with the men. She took a minute to fuss with Rex’s ears to compose herself. Cloak and dagger didn’t come easily to her.
“You good, Princessa?” Angel asked.
Megan smiled her Southern Belle smile. “All good, Angel. Just getting tired.”
“Well Poquito - let’s get you home then,” Bishop said. “You’ve had a long day.”
Once they were all piled back into the Bronco, Megan breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Alrigh’ now. Wha’ the fuck jus’ ‘appened?” Chibs asked.
Hank rubbed a hand down Megan’s spine and relieved the weight of her sling a bit. “Megan clocked that we were being followed to the meet point.”
Chibs’ eyebrows nearly hit his silver hairline. “How many?”
“At least four…” Bishop said. “After Megan started acting off, I caught sight of them.”
“Five,” Megan corrected. “There was a woman on the balcony of the square…”
“Who the hell…” Angel asked.
“Adelita didn’t know. She thought they might be ours.”
“Poquito, that cool head of yours just saved our asses. Again,” Bishop said, watching his mirrors for a tail. “Acting like you were just meeting Adelita for a chat… perfect.”
Taza and Marcus nodded. 
“Well, luckily, Adelita believed me that they weren’t ours. We pushed the meeting. She’s going to contact the burner within twenty-four hours for another meet.” Megan turned to look at Angel over the seat where he sat in the bed of the Bronco with Rex. “Angel - you’ll go meet ehr with EZ and be our go between for now.”
Marcus sighed. “Probably best. We have too many eyes on us.”
Chibs ran his ringed fingers through his silver hair. “Did she give you anything I can take back to the Kings? Anythin’ at all?”
“I got the port name. The L.O. control Ensenada port. That’s where the shipments will go. It’s all she’d give me under the circumstances.” Megan leaned her head onto Hank’s shoulder tiredly.
Chibs smiled gently at her over Taza. “Good Lass. That will help.” He reached over and patted her knee. “You look exhausted.”
Taza frowned. “Are you hurting, Chica? You haven’t had any pain relief since this morning.”
Hank immediately dug in his pocket for her pill bottle. “He’s right, Princessa. You shouldn’t let the pain get ahead of you.”
Megan smiled tiredly. “I’m okay. Just the adrenaline.” 
“And tension,” El Padrino said. “Take your pain meds, Poquito. We’ll be home soon.”
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triviadimplesblog · 1 year
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Chibs Telford x OC Brianne O'Connor
Brianne O'Connor's life takes a thrilling turn when she becomes entwined with the infamous Charming's Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club. Amidst the brotherhood, she finds an unexpected connection with the charismatic Scottish member, Chibs. As their bond deepens, Brianne starts to believe in a chance at happiness, until her haunting past resurfaces, threatening to shatter her newfound peace. But it is revealed that the Sons' loyalty and protectiveness run deep, and they're ready to stand against any danger to safeguard what they hold dear.
The Crimson Horizon masterlist:
Prologue/Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Fanfic edits:
Fanfic edit #1
Fanfic edit #2
Chibs edit - not mine! credits to the owner!
Note #1 Brianne's faceclaim is changed to Rachelle Lefevre
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