#Christine and Evelyn
ilovemydolls · 9 months
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Really excited about my progress!!! Made before and afters cause they make my brain go brr
Deglossing the lips was unintentional but I definitely prefer them this way
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lessirussolvr · 11 months
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letterboxd-loggd · 7 months
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Ninjababy (2021) Yngvild Sve Flikke
February 14th 2024
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kimwexlers-brownhair · 8 months
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Christine (by way of Sarah Brightman/Evelyn Nesbit) and Meg (Fernanda Muniz/Leslie Caron).
I'm never not thinking about them.
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scarletgemstone · 8 months
Frankenstein playlist
disclaimer I own nothing everything belongs to the rightful owners please go and support them and be nice
Evelyn evelyn
monster by starset
monster by imagine dragons
monster by shinedown
how did you love by shinedown
blood in the water
gasoline by Halsey
the nowhere king
waking nightmare
love will tear us apart
after all
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mercerislandbooks · 1 year
50 Years of Island Books: Our Sales Reps
In this installment, we’re seeing Island Books through the eyes of our sales reps. Dan Christiaens, Christine Foye, David Glenn and Kurtis Lowe all have decades-long relationships with Island Books, with lots of stories to share.
Miriam: Welcome Dan, Christine, David, and Kurtis! I'm excited to talk to all of you. As key sales reps for the big publishing houses, you've all had long-standing relationships with Island Books, and we wouldn't be the place we are today without your contributions. Tell me some stories! It can be about your first impression of the store, how you came to work with us, a particular title that did well at Island Books, or any other fond memories.
Dan Christiaens (Norton): I’ll start off. It was around 20 years ago that I started covering accounts in the PNW. I was still living in SoCal. Island Books was on my account list so on my first trip I stopped by and met Roger. He was pretty terse, made it clear that he didn’t see reps, but would review my stuff and send me an order for anything that he wanted. The store was lovely, well curated, with the typewriters all over and a small music section featuring CD’s, which caught my attention. I would stop by the store when I was in town, say hello, and always buy a CD or two.
When I moved up here in 2004, I started visiting the store more regularly, chatting with Cindy or Nancy, or even Roger—and would buy a CD or order some music that I wanted that they didn’t carry, and began to suggest music they should be aware of. Then our books became the topic of conversation, and I started recommending various books of ours. Roger slowly came to respect my knowledge of our books—and we became friendly, and then MAGIC HAPPENED! And he started ordering from me!
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Christine Foye (Simon & Schuster): Here's one of my favorite photos of all time, a picture of Laurie, Taylor Jenkins Reid, and me on tour for the hardcover of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Which leads me to.... 
A book that did especially well at the store and why—The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo! Laurie and Victor came to the prepub dinner that I had for TJR in Seattle. Laurie immediately embraced the book and shared it and hyped it and talked nonstop about it until finally pub day came and by gum, Island Books was outselling all of my other accounts within a month. This was the perfect storm of great book, passionate reader and responsive customer base. It's wonderful to find a book one can really get behind, and Laurie and the whole staff did that with this marvelous novel. Also, don't we look lovely in green? 
Remembering my first days selling to Island Books—I started selling to Roger in 1993. I knew nothing about anything, I was fresh out of the St. Martin's Press office in New York, selling trade paperbacks and mass markets and children's books and perfectly confident in my ignorance. Roger made short work of my inexperience but was kind about it, and commented on how I tidied up the store shelves and faced out titles. Had I worked in a bookstore, he asked. I sure had, and after that things were always affectionate between us in the Roger way. Which is to say, he let me sit and chatter for probably 10 minutes longer than he would have otherwise. And often I got a laugh out of him, which was wondrous. We did bond over having both been to Newfoundland — did you know he co-edited a book about it titled Outport: Reflections from the Newfoundland Coast? He did. (It's out of print.) I always loved Island Books, it was a pleasure to visit and see what kind of books Roger had decided to buy for the community. What a lucky community. 
David Glenn (Penguin Random House): Durn, my first visit to the store was so long ago I’m not sure I can even dredge it up from my addled brain. If I had to guess, I’d say it was probably way back in the mid-90s? Of course that was back in the “Roger Days,” and I think it’s fair to say that, within our tightly-knit rep community, Roger was known as kind of a tough buyer. He relied a lot on jobbers and didn’t particularly like being “sold,” especially if it was by someone he felt perhaps didn’t necessarily measure up, or wasn’t sufficiently prepared to defend a title if questioned about it. Roger did not, as they say, suffer fools gladly and, quite honestly, I was pretty intimidated by him at first. He gave me a bit of a rough few seasons there at the beginning—always good-naturedly, for sure, but also making sure I understood who the buyer/owner was. Early on, though, I decided that I was going to do whatever it took to win Roger over. I was gonna get a belly laugh outta that guy one way or the other. So every season I made sure to bring my A-game, and began my campaign to be “welcomed” by Roger. It took me a lot longer than I thought it would—at least a couple years—but eventually, the respect I had for Roger as an owner and businessperson, was replaced by just the simple goodness of the man. I loved his dry sense of humor, and if you could coax it out of him, he had a truly impish grin. So Island Books at that point became one of my favorite stores to visit.
When Roger decided he’d had enough and it was time to sell, I was pretty bummed. And in what was an odd quirk of fate, the fellow that helped Laurie come to a decision about buying the store was an old fraternity brother of mine who lives on the island. Happily, Laurie and Victor have been the ideal stewards to move Island Books along, post-Roger. The store has always had a wonderful vibe, a superb staff, a great location, and a tremendously supportive community.
As far as books go, I have to mention a title I feel is perhaps the finest novel any of my imprints have published during my 34-odd years with Penguin Random House: The Heart’s Invisible Furies, by John Boyne. Full disclosure: Island Books has sold a solid, if unspectacular 40-plus copies of it since it came out in August of 2017. So, not a real barn-burner. But more than the “zero” it would have sold had Laurie not been willing to take a chance, and an example of the fruits of the give-and-take between a rep and a buyer. It may not have set the world afire, but my fervent hope is that it will remain a staple at the store for years to come.
In January of 2018, I hosted a dinner for three PRH authors: veteran Amy Bloom, and newcomers Tara Westover and Karen Cleveland. Both Laurie and Victor attended that dinner and, at one point, Victor noticed that while nearly everyone was chatting away left and right, Karen Cleveland was looking a little lost and forlorn (whoever the rep host was that night should have been paying more attention). So he marched right over and began chatting her up. Well, cutting to the chase, Victor read her debut thriller Need To Know (based on the author’s own experiences as a former CIA counterterrorism analyst) and made it his own personal crusade to make it an IB bestseller. In short order, IB sold over 70 hardcovers, and another 100+ more in paperback, which is just an outstanding result for a debut novel. Tara Westover’s singular memoir, Educated, also struck a chord with Laurie and Victor that night. And while it’s true the book was a massive bestseller for nearly every bookstore in America (spending over two years on the NYT hardcover bestseller list in hardcover no less), IB more than held their own and, in fact, really punched above their weight, selling nearly 600 copies in hardcover alone. This is the power of the independent bookstore in general, and the superpower of a store like Island Books. Every community in America should be so lucky to have such a store, and I can’t help but believe that if this were actually the case, the country would be a far less frightening and chaotic place.
Kurtis Lowe (Imprint Group): When I started as a commission rep back in 1997, I did not work with publishers that ranked for a meeting with Roger Page. However, in early 2001, I joined Book Travelers West, so Roger was ready to meet with me to scrutinize the lists of Workman, Ten Speed Press, Running Press, Watson-Guptill, and more. As I pitched book after book (only the best), Roger would pause before a title, pen hovering over the printed catalog page… sometimes he would he would score a one, for one copy... saved! It would have a chance. Two copies. Looking good! Three copies… just about as high as he would go with me. That is because local wholesalers had no better indie partner than Island Books when it came to restocking a title if it worked, and the high shelves were too full displaying vintage typewriters to make room for overstock.  Roger’s team could be on the phone minutes before the deadline and receive a shipment by the end of the day. An initial order of one, two or three copies of could become 20, 50, or 100s sold over time.
When a title did not make the grade, Roger was not cruel, as he slashed a diagonal across the page, but at least he was definitive: “Not quite,” he would state, and often add a helpful comment of feedback for the publisher.  Perhaps the greatest feeling of triumph as a rep was to throw a Hail Mary, one more point to get that book on the shelf, and Roger would page back, look again, squiggle out the slash and enter a number and circle it for order entry.
The times that Roger really went for a book were beautiful, and he was ready to do something a little special. Back in 2014, Island Books picked The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry for their April store pick. I committed to touring Gabrielle Zevin to 27 Pacific Northwest bookstores in three days to celebrate this gift to the bookselling (and rep) community. Roger loved the idea; he set up a display in front and gave a little speech to the the late morning gathering. 
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(Photo Credit: Kurtis Lowe / Roger Page introducing Gabrielle Zevin /The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill) / April 2014 Book of the Month Pick for Island Books / April 7th, 2014)
I’ve observed many bookstore succession stories. Laurie Raisys taking over, respecting traditions, and creating new ones, while bringing her own experience and energy to the store has clearly been a great success. Lillian Welch is my buyer now, and she eerily brings some of that challenging scrutiny that reminds me of Roger, but also a new and vibrant commitment to the best books for all readers in challenging times. Thank you to the many booksellers at Island Books who carry on your great tradition and congratulations to Island Books for 50 years as a shining literary light on Mercer Island!
Thank you to Dan, Christine, David and Kurtis, for giving us a glimpse into how those books get on the shelves at Island Books!
To our Island Books community: In the next 50 Years of Island Books installment, I’ll be talking to Cindy Corujo, who has been a bookseller for 36 years and has the longest tenure of any Island Books employee.
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towelclips · 1 year
Thought Alien Blues fit one of my ocs
(click for better quality)
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perfettamentechic · 1 year
29 agosto … ricordiamo …
29 agosto … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Yoo Joo-eun, attrice sudcoreana. Ha interpretato nel 2018 il ruolo di Casey nel serial televisivo sudcoreano Big Forest, mentre nel 2019 è apparsa in Joseon Survival Period, interpretando Cho-sun. Si è suicidata all’età di 27 anni, lasciando un biglietto d’addio. (n.1995) 2022: Charlbi Dean, Charlbi Dean Kriek, modella e attrice sudafricana, nota per le interpretazioni nei film Spud (2010)…
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lyralit · 2 years
books for every song off of reputation
...ready for it? - ☆ All of Us Villains, Amanda Foody & Christine Lynn Herman
end game - ☆ Our Violent Ends, Chloe Gong
i did something bad - ☆ Foul Lady Fortune, Chloe Gong
don't blame me - Six Crimson Cranes, Elizabeth Lim
delicate - Scythe, Neil Schusterman
look what you made me do - ☆ If We Were Villains, M.L. Rio
so it goes... - The Afterlife of Holly Chase, Cynthia Hand
gorgeous - Legendborn / Bloodmarked, Tracy Deonn
getaway car - Six of Crows, Leigh Bardugo
king of my heart - Looking for Alaska, John Green
dancing with our hands tied - Once Upon a Broken Heart, Stephanie Garber
dress - The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Taylor Jenkins Reid
this is why we can't have nice things - ☆ The Secret History, Donna Tartt
call it what you want - Legend, Marie Lu
new year's day - ☆ These Violent Delights, Chloe Gong
(bonus) i don't wanna live forever - ☆ The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, V.E. Schwab
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lokidokieokie · 1 year
A Clumsy Pursuit
Summary: Stephen wants to ask you out, but the universe seems to be against him.
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Receptionist!Fem!Reader
Warning(s): none really, fluff and humour
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Stephen had always been a man of precision and control. He could manipulate time, space, and reality with a flick of his wrist, but when it came to matters of the heart, he was completely clueless. That was until he met you, the receptionist at the Avengers Tower.
You were one of the few people in the tower who could make him feel at ease. You had a way of calming his nerves, and he found himself seeking your company more and more. He had never felt this way about anyone before--not even Christine--and it was a completely foreign feeling for him.
He had decided that he was going to pursue you. He had planned to take you out on a date, but things never seemed to go as planned. He was always so clumsy around you, and everything he did seemed to make you laugh.
One day, he had brought you a cup of coffee, but as he handed it to you, he spilled it all over your desk. You had just laughed it off, helping him clean up the mess. He had never felt so embarrassed in his life, but your laugh had made him feel a bit better.
Another time, he had tried to impress you by showing off his levitation skills, but he ended up losing control and crashing into a bookshelf. You had rushed over to make sure he was okay, and once again, you had laughed it off.
Despite all his clumsy attempts, he never gave up. He was determined to win your heart. He had finally mustered up the courage to ask you out, but just as he was about to speak, he accidentally tripped over his own feet and stumbled into you.
You had caught him, and he looked up at you, feeling mortified. But then, you had smiled at him, and he felt like everything was going to be okay.
"Stephen, I think you're adorable," you said. "And I'd love to go out with you."
He felt like he was on top of the world. He couldn't believe that you had agreed to go out with him. He grinned from ear to ear, feeling like he was finally getting the hang of this whole romance thing.
As you walked away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over him. He knew that he had a lot to learn when it came to love, but he was willing to do whatever it took to make you happy.
He had finally found the missing piece to his life, and it was all thanks to you.
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A/N I'm back baby!
🏷 @thewaithfuckingannoyme @evelyn-kingsley @moonlight-ee  @ironstrange1991 
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operachristine · 9 months
Holiday Gifting Day 4
Day 4 of 5 features some Christine understudies!
Christian Müller (u/s The Phantom of the Opera), Martina Rumpf (u/s Christine Daaé), Lucius Wolter (u/s Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny), Evelyn Werner (alt Carlotta Giudicelli), Ernst van Looy (Monsieur Firmin), Fernand Delosch (Monsieur André), Gabriele Ramm (Madame Giry), Daniel Brenna (Ubaldo Piangi), Annabel Knight (Meg Giry) July 15, 2006; Essen Matinee
Dale Tracy, Susan Derry (u/s), Scott Gregory, Michael Starrs, Reinhard Schulze (u/s), Vera Borisova (u/s), Pamela Laurent, Colenton Freeman, Gabriela Nicholson March 31, 1997; Hamburg
Saulo Vasconcelos (The Phantom of the Opera), Lolita Cortes (u/s Christine Daaé), José Joel (Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny) 2000 (2); Mexico City || Notes: Act 1 only
Ivan Ozhogin (The Phantom of the Opera), Mercedesz Csampai (u/s Christine Daaé), Evgeniy Zaytsev (Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny), Irina Samoylova (Carlotta Giudicelli), Yuriy Mazikhin (Monsieur Firmin), Aleksey Bobrov (Monsieur André), Elena Charkviani (Madame Giry), Sergey Borzov (u/s Ubaldo Piangi), Valeria Migalina (Meg Giry) December 25, 2014; Moscow
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lessirussolvr · 1 year
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darkpeacemusic · 2 months
ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕪𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕒 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤: 𝔽𝕦𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤
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Jeff the Killer - Jeffrey "Jeff" Alan Dan Woods
Homicidal Liu - Liuis "Liu" Victoria Woods
Sully - Sullivan "Sully" Akira Woods
Randy - Randall "Randy" Allen Warren
Keith - Keith Harvey Davis-Green
Troy - Troy John Green
Ben Drowned - Benjamin "Ben" Scott Lawman
Jane - Jane Todd Richardson-Vaughn
Mary - Mary Annabelle Vaughn
Ticci Toby - Tobias "Toby" Erin Rogers
Masky - Timothy "Tim" Buck Wright
Hoodie - Brian Hunter Thomas
Skully - Jay Gabriel Merrick
Kate the Chaser - Kate Eleanor Milens-Hayes
Charlie - Charles Matheson Jr.
Laughing Jack - Laughing Jack in a Box
Eyeless Jack - Jackson "Jack" Nicky Nyras
Slenderman - Simon (middle and last name unknown) (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Splendorman - Jim (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Trenderman - Beau (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Tenderman - Cedric (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Sally - Sally Maryam Dawn (formerly Williams)
Dr Smiley - Azerael Jesse Smiley
Nurse Ann - Annie "Ann" Lusen Mia
Nina - Nina Selene Hopkins
Candy Pop - Unknown
Candy Cane - Unknown
April Fools - Unknown
Jason the Toymaker - Jason Caleb Meyer
The Puppeteer - Jonathan Cole Blake
Clockwork - Natalie Priscilla Ouellette
Rouge - Heather Bridget Marshall
Wilson - Wilson Liam Marshall (neé Jones)
Zalgo - Z͠a̛'l͘ga̶t҉ot̡h
Queen Blackheart (oc) - Elizabeth Cindy Phillips (name prior to death)
Lazari - Lazari Natalie Swann
Stripes - Eloise Sarah Bellarose (name prior to her death)
Nathan - Nathan Maxwell Lux
Bloody Painter - Helen Delilah Otis
Kagekao - Unknown
Laughing Jill - Laughing Jill in a Box
Sadie - Sadie Marie Bennett
Hobo Heart - Unknown
Cat Hunter - Rodrigo Milo Ortiz
Chris the Revenant - Christine "Chris" Wendy Meyers
X-Virus - Cody Larkin Drake
Dollmaker - Erina Jezebel Kerenzalys
Frankie the Undead - Frankie Hades Asher (his real name prior to his death)
Judge Angels - Dina Angela Clark
Lifeless Lucy - Lucy Ava Jones
Lost Silver - Ethan Kin Fuji (his real name before his death)
Glitchy Red - Red (his real name remains a mystery)
Strangled Red - Steven Garrett Stoughton
Dr. Locklear - Evander Agnar Locklear
Lulu - Lucille "Lulu" Tiffany Greatfeil
Killing Kate - Katherine "Kate" Evelyn Knight
Screaming Dawn (oc) - Dawn Evelyn Woods
Will Grossman - William "Will" Gordon Grossman
Lulling Lauren - Lauren Robyn Ross (neé Evans)
CR - Carl Morton Ross
Emra - Emra Amelia Blake (neé Albridge)
Zero - Alice Marie Jackson
Slendrina - Charlotte (first name prior to death/experimentation)
Lily - Lily May Kennett
Nightmare Ally - Adeline "Ally" Ashley Abendroth
Zachary the Proxy - Zachary Julius Gibson
Oliver - Oliver Gorgon Henderson
Alex Kralie - Alexander "Alex" Joseph Kralie
Amy - Amy Callie Walters
Jessica - Jessica Ellie Locke
Seth - Seth Apollo Reid-Wilson (neé Wilson)
Sarah - Sarah Cassie Reid-Wilson (neé Ried)
Third Base - Richard "Doby" Vincent Doggers
Vailly - Vailly Suki Evans
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kimwexlers-brownhair · 8 months
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Not only do Evelyn Nesbit and Jean Harlow remind me of Sarah Brightman and Janet Devenish physically, but my head canons for Christine and Meg's career and personal trajectories are very similar to Nesbit and Harlow as well, but with hopefully happier conclusions.
Evelyn Nesbit was considered the greatest beauty and model of her day, inspiring Dana Gibson and taking the stage by storm. Yet much like poor Christine, Nesbit's life was derailed by manipulative men who preyed on her in her youth, and by a man's obsession with her which led to murder. Yet unlike Nesbit, Christine didn't marry a Harry Thaw but a Raoul de Chagny, and so hopefully she eventually finds comfort and contentment with family and home. Although her career would forever be shadowed by the events of her past, maybe a happier home life would enable her to another stage triumph, unlike Nesbit, whose life and career never fully recovered from the "trial of the century" scandal that followed Thaw's murder of White.
Jean Harlow was the first blonde bombshell, a tough modern woman with a heart of gold for newer audiences to latch on to. Like Meg, Harlow had a very close relationship with her mother, who tended to stake too much on her daughter's career and was always around, hovering. Although I see Madame Giry as being far more dignified about it, there is the potential that she pushes Meg too hard to make something of herself. Yet like we see in Meg throughout, Harlow didn't let familial and career pressures tarnish her naturally sunny disposition. Jean Harlow was everyone's pal, and that's how I see Meg. Like with Christine, I can only hope that Meg has a happier ending than Harlow, living past the brutally young age of 26.
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floralcavern · 8 months
Me going way into depth about one of the best written songs ever
Everyone always talks about how sad the song Evelyn Evelyn is, but no one ever talks about the absolute MASTERPIECE of depression and existentialism that comes from Sandy Fishnets. The entire Evelyn Evelyn album is so underrated and it’s so sad that only one of their songs blew up (even though it is one of the best in the album, but not the best). 
T/W for child trafficking and sexual abuse
Sandy Fishnets is in the point of the story when the Evelyn sisters are sold off to a child trafficking ring, where they were visited by ‘uncles’ for unsavory purposes. And everytime a girl turned 13, she disappeared. Even later in the album, we never learn about what happens to the girls when they turn 13. 
Sandy was one of the kinda older girls. She was around 11-12 when the twins met her. She was one of the only people there who treated them kindly. Sandy was kind of an older sister figure to them. She told the girls pirate stories. 
Sandy was also the most popular girl amongst the others, having lines of ‘uncles’ who want to have a.. ‘date’ with her. 
I like to think of her telling the pirate stories as a way to imagine herself as someone who is free, and can go and do whatever she wants, without fear of being thrown away. 
But, we can also infer that Sandy likes the attention. Which makes sense, considering the environment where if you’re not popular with the men, you’re treated poorly. We learn that while all the other girls had to do work, she had to go on dates with the uncles. In a way, she is favored, not being put to work like the other girls. 
But Sandy is getting older. And so, less and less “uncles’ come to see her, and thus is started to be treated poorly by the runners of the trafficking ring. Her stories of pirate stories stops, perhaps meaning she’s lost all hope in being free, since now she’s been completely thrown away. 
And on Christmas morning, everyone got presents.. except Sandy. Which is just a slap to the face for her. 
We learn that the last ‘uncle’ who would come to see her said he now liked Christine better, who we can probably safely guess is a younger girl (Sandy is now 3 days until she turns 13). Perhaps the reason she doesn’t get a present is both to be petty to her, but also to tell her “You’re not a kid anymore, so you don’t get Christmas presents anymore.”
Now Sandy is being forced to pack her bags, as she will be leaving in 3 days, on the day she turns 13. 
Just.. wow. Wow. 
And we never learn what happens to Sandy. There’s lots of theories. Some that she was killed, some that she ran away, some that she was sold off. We don’t know. 
My theory is that she was killed and thrown into the ocean, explaining the lyrics “Sandy Fishnets washed up on the shore.”
Now.. let me talk about my favorite lines from this song. 
“Sandy, we’re all getting older. What will they do to us, when they are through with us? Sandy, what are we sailing for?”
I see this as them asking Sandy what’s the point of staying here, going in circles when they’re going to get older and disappear anyways. 
Sandy, what’s the point?
Sandy, why are we staying?
Sandy, what are we sailing for?
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companion-showdown · 9 months
Showdown 2k24 Nominations!
alright, redoing this post now that I can give a concrete start date of Monday the 15th of January!
Nominations for the tournament are open up until the start date, and you can submit anyone who could reasonable be considered a companion, either by sending me an ask or by filling out
this form.
If you make your nomination via the form you can also submit some propaganda to go alongside the poll. Anyone who was considered a regular at any point in the last year will automatically be included, as well as anyone who was in the original tournament (+/- a couple I might miss or misremember as being a regular because I don't have old lists anywhere). The exception to this is last years winner, Rose Tyler, she will not be getting a place in the main tournament, however after the final I will run a poll to see if our new winner can beat her. (oh and also maybe I'll leave the TARDIS out but not fully decided yet)
The tournament is going to be run in the same way I did @adventure-showdown, meaning I'll keep companions from different periods of the show and different mediums segregated at first so the nicher ones don't immediately get knocked out, and slowly get mingled together. The exact details are going to depend on just how may characters get included.
Errm yeah, so go wild, nominate whoever you like (as long as they are a companion). If they are from teh TV show they have to be on this list to qualify, and for EU companions I'm going with them needing a TARDIS wiki page, and also I will give them a quick proof read to make sure they pass, the bar is low but it is there
if you want to submit an alternate version of the character sorry but main version only unless you can give a really good reason, eg regenerations of a time lord
also, if they are primarily from another franchise that'll be a no
The full list of contestents is under the cut and will be updated as nominations come in. Its sorted by medium and then to be alphabetical by first name. if an eu companion exists in multiple mediums i just sort of picked one or I put them under the other category, people who exist in real life are also sorted into their own category. There are some characters under Classic Who/NuWho who were not companions on TV but were in the EU. Companions who's names are in green have had propaganda submitted for them, if they're not in green then they don't, and just because someone has propaganda doesn't mean i wont accept more
Classic Who
Ace McShane
Barbara Wright
Ben Jackson
The Brigadier
Chang Lee
Dodo Chaplet
Grace Holloway
Harry Sullivan
Ian Chesterton
Jamie McCrimmon
Jo Grant
Liz Shaw
Mel Bush
Mike Yates
Peri Brown
Polly Wright
Romana I
Romana II
Sabalom Glitz
Sara Kingdom
Sarah-Jane Smith
Sergeant Benton
Steven Taylor
Susan Foreman
Tegan Jovanka
Vicki Pallister
Victoria Waterfield
Zoe Heriot
Adam Mitchell
Amy Pond
Bill Potts
Canton Everett Delaware III
Clara Oswald
Dan Lewis
Donna Noble
Graham O'Brien
Grant Gordon aka the Ghost
Inston-Vee Vindor
Jack Harkness
Kate Stewart
Martha Jones
Mickey Smith
River Song
Rory Williams
Rose Noble
Ruby Sunday
Ryan Sinclair
Wilfred Mott
Yasmin Khan
Alex Campbell
Anya Kingdom
Cass Fermazzi
Charley Pollard
Cousin Eliza: Christine Summerfield: Horus
Dalek Test Subject 2
Evelyn Smythe
Helen Sinclair
Hex Schofield
Iris Wildthyme
Liv Chenka
Lucie Miller
Mark Seven
Molly O'Sullivan
Oliver Harper
Sheena (The Starship of Theseus)
Tania Bell
Anji Kapoor
Anna (Good Companions)
Bernice Summerfield
Business woman (Time on a Vine)
Catherine “Cat” Broome
Chris Cwej - have propaganda but in conjunction with another contestant
Claudia Marwood
Dorothy (The Wonderful Doctor of Oz)
Fitz Kreiner
Guinevere Winchester
Hector (All Flesh is Grass)
Irving Braxiatel
Jack McSpringheel
Marie (Alien Bodies)
Penelope Gate
Peter Summerfield
Rosie Taylor
Roz Forrester - have propaganda but in conjunction with another contestant
Ruth Leonidas
Sam Jones
Sibling Different aka Mae
The Mortimer Family (Ida, Alan, Helen, George)
Trix MacMillan
Wolsey the Cat
Abslom Daak, Dalek Killer
Angus ‘Gus’ Goodman
Child Master (The Then and the Now)
Cindy Wu
Dave Lester
Fey Truscott-Sade
Gabby Gonzalez
Gillian & John Who
Hattie Munroe
Izzy Sinclair
Jayne Kadett
John Jones
Josie Day
Ly Chee the Wise
Majenta Pryce
Maxwell Edison
The Squire
Weeping Angel (Origins)
Real Life
Alan Turing
Claudia Winkleman
John Lennon
Jules Verne
Mary Shelley
Peter Cushing
Alison Cheney
Andy Davidson
Antimony (Death Comes to Time)
Brian the Ood
Dormouse (The Red and the Blue)
Emma (curse of fatal death)
Romana (Battle for the Universe)
Susan Who
Tom Campbell
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