#Christmas Vision Board ideas
cirilla-fiona-riannon · 10 months
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Beauty & the Beast's Christmas
This is simply a fan translation and is not intended as a replacement for the game. Expect grammatical errors. Not proofread.
Silvio's story (JP) from the last collection event.
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~ Christmas and a Surprise Party on Board ~
Silvio invited me onto a ship and guided me to the open sea on a snowy Christmas night.
Emma: "The ocean looks amazing on a snowy night!"
Emma: "This is my first time spending Christmas on a ship!"
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Silvio: "Yeah? You were so antsy to get out on deck that you were fidgeting even during dinner."
(Just spending time at the sea is so nice.)
(He even prepared a lot of food and a cute Christmas cake with shell-shaped candies on it.)
Emma: "Sure, I was restless, but I was also happy with the meal and the cookies!"
Silvio: "When I gave you one for Christmas before, you got so excited and stuffed your face like a kid."
Emma: "Hehe, that's true."
Emma: "Someone told me that those cookies were made for sailors to enjoy during Christmas."
Emma: "By eating them on board, I feel like I can understand how the sailors felt back then."
A smile naturally spread across my lips, remembering the sweetness of the cookies in my mouth.
Unable to contain my excitement, I peered over the railing to look at the sea, wanting to see more.
Emma: "But the way the snow melts into the waves is really beautiful."
Silvio: "Hey, careful! Don't lean out so much. You might fall into the sea."
Though he looked exasperated, he gently smiled and watched over me. Eventually, he pulled my arm, perhaps unable to watch any longer.
(It's my first Christmas at sea. I'm so happy to be with him that I can't help but be excited.)
(Oh, I have an idea!)
Emma: "Prince Silvio, wanna dance with me?"
Silvio: "Ha? Why would we dance in this freezing weather?"
Emma: "Today is Christmas. Even though it's just the two of us here, it's still a party!"
Emma: "Plus, dancing with someone you love is a must!"
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(It's a completely illogical argument, but I really feel like dancing with him no matter what.)
I took his hand pleadingly, and he put his hand on my waist, his ears turning red.
Silvio: "Tch, fine! Let's go."
Feeling the snow and the sound of the waves, I stepped to his lead, and a sense of happiness enveloped me as if I were in a dream.
Emma: "This is so much fun."
Silvio: "We don't even have any music. I should've brought an orchestra or something."
Emma: "To me, the sound of the waves is the most romantic music."
Silvio: "Well, if that's how you feel."
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Silvio: "Next time, I'll make sure to prepare an orchestra. It'll be easier for you to dance that way."
Emma: "Hehe, thank you so much. Prince Silvio, I love you!"
Silvio: "........."
Blushing, he lightly stepped to the rhythm of the swaying ship.
I also stepped forward, feeling content, but my foot slipped on the deck covered in snow.
Just as my vision was about to flip, Silvio instinctively supported my back and caught me.
Emma: "Waah! S-Sorry!"
Silvio: "See? You're getting too carried away."
His nose was dangerously close, causing my heart to race.
I couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed in response to his mocking laughter.
Silvio: "Your nose is all red."
He grabbed my chin and roughly pressed his lips against mine.
Emma: "Nn... Prince Silvio!"
Silvio: "Even your lips are this cold."
His kiss was so intense that it felt like it was trying to steal everything from me.
With each change in the angle of our lips, feverish sighs escaped through them and melted into the snow.
When he finally pulled away, he blushed and forcefully pulled me closer by the waist.
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Silvio: "Party's over."
Emma: "Huh, already? I'm still not satisfied!"
Silvio: "Shut up. I've reached my limit."
Emma: "What do you mean by 'limit'?"
Silvio: "You're too cute. I've reached my limit."
Emma: "........."
Silvio: "Let's go inside. I'll warm you up in bed."
Emma: "I-If you put it that way, I guess I'll call it a night."
My body and heart, both completely on fire from the kiss earlier, longed for him.
On Christmas night, Silvio and I were alone on this sea.
Thinking about the love that would be given to me by the person I love, my heart raced even more.
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➟ Ikepri Translation Masterlist
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edutainer2022 · 4 months
A little thing riffing off the concept of Scott, probably, getting mistaken for Alan’s father quite often. It turned out sadder than I hoped.
The loose end of his scarf got tugged lightly and he swiped his hand low to catch baby brother's palm, without shifting attention from the rows of pasta on a stall. Allie had hop-skipped away to the end of the aisle, mumbling something about waffles for dinner, and now probably demanded his immediate input. His hand grasped nothing but thin air. A scarf, however, got another insistent tug.
The scarf was not an eye-wateringly expensive brand-name cashmere that would usually go with his coat and the "Tracy Industries appropriate" look, but was infinitely more precious. Long, blue, hand-knitted and a bit loopholed, it was a gift from Virgil his last Christmas on leave from WAF. It was rediscovered in one of Dad's drawers on the island, apparently a keepsake of the things the GDF returned to the family after Scott himself was lost in That Place. Now it was Scott's keepsake after Dad... A full circle.
Scott peripheral vision detected a movement of blond and skinny far down the aisle, as Allie was, it appeared, reaching up for his waffles. They were in NYC together. Not only the Tracy Industries Board demanded a piece of him for one reason or other, but Tracy Legal and the family private solicitor required tweaks in the custody documentation. Scott took the opportunity to show pre-Christmas NYC to Alan. The boy was only seven when they visited the last time, bar Dad's massive public memorial service Allie barely remembered, wrought with grief. Scott hardly remembered much of it himself through the blur of shock, pain, doubt, and a kind of fatalistic determination. Anyhow, it wasn't a ten years old Alan demanding his attention now. Scott looked down.
A pair of huge grey eyes regarded him from under a gigantic pink bow. A small hand was tugging his scarf again, like a doorbell string. Up from Scott's height the little girl seemed positively tiny. He folded himself down, not to intimidate the child. Even crouching, Scott was still towering over her.
"Hey, sweetheart! Are you lost?"
Attentive eyes regarded him, then a pink clad arm shot out to point at the general expance of the rest of the supermarket.
"Mommy 'der!"
In between Gordy and Allie, Scott was proficient enough in three year old speak. Johnny, it seemed, was communicating at AP English level all the way back at two, or not at all.
The little girl's mom was, obviously, "there" - but nowhere to be seen down the aisle and behind the shelves. Out of a years ingrained habit Scott kept half and eye on Alan, engrossed in comparative analysis of the various boxes of waffle mix. The prudent thing to do wound be to call a store employee - Scott was aware it would send an alarm if he, all of the imposing 6'4, Armani coat and a Young Jeff Tracy face of him, walked away with a little girl. But the nook of the store was empty of anyone in telltale uniform. Huge grey eyes kept regarding him in expectation of some effective Mom-finding action. An idea occurred. Scott bent down some more and made sure to smile.
"Is it okay if I pick you up, sweetie?"
The child gave it a moment's thought and nodded. Scott sprung up easily, the girl securely in his hold, and propped her up on his shoulder. Tiny pink shoes kicked the air (and his ribs a bit) excitedly. There was some enthusiastic waving going on above Scott's head, well above the shelves, and even more delighted squeeing:
"Mommy! Mommy! Look'er! Mommy!"
That produced a young woman with a shopping basket AND Alan, running to him from the opposite side of the isle. He transferred the eager girl into her mother's arms in a fluid motion and reached out without looking again, to stop Allie from colliding with him full force. Alan bounced in place and looked up at him quizzically. Scott put an arm around the boy's shoulders. He saw the mother's eyes widen in surprise, once she was done thanking him for helping out a lost Polly.
"Oh, is he yours? So big already!"
Scott's hand tightened on Alan’s skinny shoulder on instinct. He could see the boy's face shift from curiosity to confusion. And it could be a matter of seconds before confusion gave way to anger or worse - tears.
Scott himself was used to that. He was getting those questions ever since Mom was gone and he had to pick Allie up from nursery after his own classes. Tall for his age, athletic and marred by grief and way too many worries - he was definitely spawning a "teen Dad" rumor among the pick up line Moms and babysitters more than once. He didn't have the energy to explain to anyone not in the know back then, no more than he had the energy to explain their whole situation now.
"Um... Alan is ten. You have a Merry Christmas, Polly! Don't get lost again!"
He could see the math recalculated in an instant behind the young woman's eyes, as she counted silver threads at his temples, stark in supermarket lights, and dark circles under his eyes towards a higher age bracket she thought he was. He wasn't. Dad's explosion in Zero-X and everything that followed added to the silver That Place wove into his hair. And he hadn't been doing much sleeping anymore. He didn't think he ever would again. Before the conversation could lead any further down those lines, he offered another polite smile and steered Alan away toward the exit.
Scott managed to order a hovercab without breaking a stride. The original plan was to walk back to Tracy Tower, maybe look at some Christmas window exhibits. They spent the afternoon gift shopping for everyone back at home and Scott could tell Alan was getting tired. But the boy seemed exited for their special time together, even if part of it was spent in the boring opulence of the family law-firm. Scott promised to cook dinner, not wanting to foster with baby brother his own habit of take-away Tai and more work crunched through the night.
Now, pressed to the window of the cab, small frame leaning away from Scott (a fact that was sending sharp pangs through his chest), Allie was quiet and listless.
"Are you my Dad now?"
Alan was still looking outside the window.
Scott was seriously dreading that conversation, but the incident at the store, apparently, accelerated the inevitable.
He reached a hand to ruffle soft blond hair. Then landed his palm between hunched little shoulderblades. Alan didn't flinch, which was maybe a good sign.
"Allie! Dad is always Dad. But I am your guardian now, and I will do EVERYTHING to protect you! Just as always!"
Small bony shoulders shifted in a sigh. Alan was puffing fog on the glass and drawing shapes with his finger. The hovercab stopped by the entrance to Tracy Tower, but Scott made no move to break the moment and leave just yet.
"Can I call you Dad sometimes? I told Nikky you were my Dad, back in Kansas. Mom didn't come to pick me up, so I didn't want to not have Dad pick me up too, so I told him you were Dad. Is it okay?"
The words came out a bit jumbled and interlaced with pending tears. Huge blue eyes turned to look at Scott finally, anxious and glistening. His own eyes were burning. So was his heart. His very soul.
"Oh, Allie... Of course it's okay! Always!"
His arms opened invitingly and were instantly filled with a crying child. He leaned down to press a kiss on the top of blond head and hug the boy closer, wrapping his coat around a little trembling body. It took a moment to conquer his own heaving sobs, but he still didn't trust his voice at full volume.
"I love you so much, kiddo! I've got you!"
Scott ended up just carrying Alan, quiet by then, but firmly clinging to him, to the penthouse, while a concerned head of security shift helped out with the shopping bags. Allie was probably feigning sleep - Scott didn't care. He toed off his own shoes, shrugged off the coat, settled against his headrest, the child still in his arms, and shifted to tighten his hold. There would be no sleep for him that night either, but that was just as well. He had been watching over little Allie (and little Gordy) since he was born and a tenfold that after they lost Mom. No name or legal capacity could change much about that, till Scott was breathing.
He wasn't anyone's son, though. Not anymore. Not ever. And that made breathing so much harder.
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anki-of-beleriand · 9 months
Bad Liar ch. 11
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers
Warnings: Slow burn - slightly Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - idiots in love - homophobia - more tags as the story progress.
Author's note: It was Agatha all along, America confronts Wanda, and you and Wanda are walking on thin ice about ready to break.
As always, English is no my mother tongue, so please forgive the grammar, spelling and funny mistakes!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 11
Setting Expectations
The Winter Festival was one of the most important festivities celebrated in the school.
It had been the founders tradition, your grandmother had always inspired others, and was always ready to give them a chance to shine by showing on their leadership and creative thinking. The fact that you were paired up with Wanda Maximoff so many years after the tradition started was something you never imagine possible. Her ideas, as well as her willingness to always be kind made of that year one of the most impressive festivals ever.
The week had been divided into seasons, and each day held a different kind of decoration as well as different offers of cultures, food and entertainments that resembled Christmas in different parts of the world. The students had been lucky enough to share the colours of Spring, Summer and Autum so far while Winter was reserved to the last day of the week and when the Winter Yule Ball would be done.
Wanda had been so proud to see the school decorated and enjoying the different activities you two had planned. For her it was always a joy to see the fountains decorated with LED colours while the stands were filled with food and games, with movies and music representing the world and showing the students the diversity of the world. Natasha and the rest of the school board had been impressed, Tony was already trying to convince Wanda to be part of his engagement team and Thor and Sif had asked Wanda her skills to organize birthday parties.
The young woman found herself soon being praise by these people she had just gotten to meet a few months ago. A part of Wanda was amazed at what she had missed most of her life, the doubts would come into her mind from time to time, but she was always ready to quiet them down by looking at all the progressed she had made. Wanda’s mind drifted towards the divorce papers she had signed, along with the documents for the full custody of the twins. Her life had certainly changed, and now all she got to do was to live her life to its fullest; and in this very thought, she couldn’t help but see you there.
Wanda allowed a tiny smile to show on her face, America shifted on her chair glancing at the message that you had sent a few moments ago to let your sister know you had arrived at the school grounds. America had gotten used to you coming over, every day you had been there ready to supervise that everything was working as it was supposed to, Maria would send you some notifications to your mobile to keep you up to day to the office but most of the time you found yourself sharing your time with the woman and the children that had, little by little sneaked inside your heart and life in ways you or your sister never imagined.
The sound of laughter filled the classroom, America jerked around when a hand fell on her desk and she could see Loki giving her a knowing glance. The young woman sighed turning to her friends then to her teacher that was writing the assignment for the Winter break on the board.
“Are you going to do it?” Loki almost whispered, Yelena tilted her head shooting America a quick glance before returning her attention to her notebook.
“I think so, yes.” America cocked her head, she bit on her lower lip before turning to Kate.
Kate offered a sympathetic smile, she hesitated before placing her hand, “do you want us to stay over?”
America glanced at Kate’s hand then back into the girls eyes.
“Nah, I think this is something I need to do alone. You guys go on ahead and I’ll meet you in the park.”
Just as America was saying this Wanda turned around wearing a grin, her hands placing themselves on the desk while her eyes swept around the room. Everyone was already packing their stuff, many of them talking and laughing while watching their watches and the door. Wanda rolled her eyes with the same smile still in place.
“Well, guys, seeing as everyone is ready to just run out of the window,” Wanda snorted when there were some cheers from the back, she lifted her hands waving at them, “yes, I know everyone is excited for the dance and the festival, so I will give you these ten minutes and see you tomorrow.”
“Professor Maximoff!! You are the QUEEN!” Sam Wilson screamed from the back and soon he was leaving the room.
The group all glanced at one another before everyone grabbed their things, Wanda had busied herself with her phone wearing the all-familiar smile the teens had come to associate with the conversations she had with you. Kate stayed behind her hand firmly placed around America’s one.
“I’ll wait for you outside, good luck.” The young brunette hesitated before leaning in and kissing America on her cheek, the both of you shared a timid smile before Kate also left the classroom.
Soon the classroom was empty with only Wanda and America in it.
America sat with her back completely straight up, her dark eyes focused on the young woman sitting by the professor’s desk. She had played with these thoughts for more than a week, the decision to actually have a conversation with her sister and with Wanda taking form after America had find out about the past of her teacher. She had never had the need to intervene in her sister’s personal life, America understood her place but also the limits of her relationship with her sister and while the both of them listened to one another and advice one another, they had never dared to go this far.
This was the reason of her doubts.
To actually step closer and have a conversation with Wanda, even before anything had happened would risk everything Y/N had been working on to gain. America knew her sister was more than a little attracted to Wanda, she knew Y/N so well she was pretty certain the older woman was already far too in love with Wanda to back down now. America let out a heavy sigh, she grabbed her bag and stood up making her way to a now shocked Wanda.
“America, is everything alright? Do you need something?” There was something in the seriousness America was wearing that made Wanda nervous. She tried to look casual, following with her eyes as America sat down putting her back on the floor.
“America?” Wand asked tentatively.
America took a deep breath, “I’ve wanting to talk to you, professor.”
The request caught Wanda by surprised, she leaned over furrowing her brows and trying to hide her nervousness with a half-smile.
“Sure, is there something the matter? I mean, this is quite surprising.” The question this time around came insistent, her voice strained as she tried to gauge America’s intentions.
For more than a minute America remained silent looking everywhere but at Wanda. The other woman tapped on the table before leaning forward, her lips twitching slightly trying to hold back how strange this moment was for her.
“America, you are kind of making me anxious here.” Wanda finally stated leaning forward. “Did something happen with Billy and Tommy? With your sister? With you?”
“I’ve been planning this conversation over and over, and I think there is not a right way to start it,” America sighed leaning back while dropping her head back, smiling with her eyes now totally focused on Wanda, “my sister is everything to me, you know? And I know how much she has sacrificed for me and for herself. Right now, you and her…well, something is happening, isn’t it?”
There was a deep tense silence all around the classroom, Wanda was left speechless with her eyes slightly opened and the air leaving her lungs. America just waited for the shocked to leave Wanda, perhaps to hear her give the explanation she was looking for.
“America…” Wanda started but she could not say anything else, this was something she knew she would need to confront sooner or later. But she just didn’t expect for America to be the first one to bring the subject up.
Though, Wanda shouldn’t be surprised, America and Y/N had a sisterly relationship that had deepened after their parents death. Wanda had seen the overprotective nature of Y/N when talking and helping America, and she had seen the way America was always trying to protect her sister and make sure that happiness was something possible for her.
“Look, I know you and Y/N had not talked about anything at all, but I’m not fool, you know? I have seen you and I just…” America clamped her mouth shut before speaking again, “do you like my sister?”
The question was finally out there, and while Wanda had already been confronted by Hope and Natasha, she was now facing a different person that actually could be affected by Wanda’s answer. The woman took a deep breath not able to hold America’s eyes any longer and instead looking right outside the window.
“I know you do, you know? I mean, it’s pretty obvious, really.” America rolled her eyes when Wanda turned sharp, green eyes her way.
“Obvious?” Wanda almost stuttered and America merely smirked.
“You have spent most of your time with us ever since Tommy got sick, and I have seen the way you are around Y/N, I just want to make sure that you’re not going to hurt her.” America shrugged resting her elbows on the table while looking outside the window as well. “I want my sister to be happy, and you know? You have made her happy as of late, so…”
“Is it really that important for you to know?” Wanda dropped her face furrowing her brows, “if I answer your question things may change, you know? And I’m not sure…I don’t think…”
Wanda trailed off unable to finish her sentence, there was a long silence once more in which America had thought about the conversation. Not many things were aid, and yet she knew she got her question answered, Wanda did like Y/N she was still unsure on how to proceed. Which was not surprising, America had the feeling this was the first woman Wanda had been attracted to. With more courage that she really felt America decided to finish the conversation with what she had really come to say.
“I understand. You don’t have to say anything to me, Professor.” Wanda lifted her eyes, dread filling up her mind the moment she crossed eyes with America, there was something in the serious façade of the young woman that was making Wanda nervous.
“What else do you want to say to me, America?”
America leaned back and, after a moment of doubt she spoke, her voice deep and concern broke into Wanda’s mind like a bucket of cold water.
“I know you are still married, professor, and that the reason you are here is because your husband is a bad man.” America could see her words affecting Wanda, but once she started she couldn’t stop. “I know that you are hiding from him, and I will assure you, Professor, that your secret is safe with me, I would never put you or Billy and Tommy in danger.”
The air around Wanda was sucked into a void, the world around her eyes turned blurry and unsteady just as she opened her mouth to say something. She couldn’t say anything, though, she just sat there trying to comprehend what was happening.
“I know that your husband is a bad man, and that he hurt you and the twins so bad that right now he has a restraining order against him and a petition of divorce on your part, and full custody of your children.” America clamped her mouth shut, waiting silently as Wanda processed everything she just said.
The silence that followed America’s words was deafening.
Tension grew in between them, Wanda had her eyes fixated on an invisible spot hearing the blood bombed through her ears. She could feel her lungs filling up with air, only for it to leave as soon as it was in, the world started spinning around and she was just grateful of being on her seat. Her hands clenched tightly, with her brows knitting together.
“How?” Wanda was confused and extremely annoyed. Did Y/N know about this? Was she aware of Wanda’s situation the whole time? Did she send her sister to talk about this?
Questions like these ones ran through her mind, she was getting red in the face and being it by shame or anger she was not sure anymore. America could see the overwhelming range of emotions crossing on Wanda’s face waiting patiently for the final outburst.
“I---I suspect something was up with you, and my sister…” America trailed off tensing the muscles of her face. “Look, Professor, I love her so much, she is the only family I have left. She may not show it too much, but she really is like a marshmallow inside hot chocolate.”
Whatever anger or confusion Wanda felt at the moment was soon diminished by this comment; it had been the best description she could heard of you.
“She really is…she likes you, a lot,” America continued, “and you are this new person with two kids, you were a mystery in itself, I need to make sure you are good enough for my sister.”
“By violating my privacy, America?” The question came with a cold reproach.
America winced lifting her hand to scratch the back of her neck, much like her sister did whenever she was nervous.
“I…I just…look, everything pointed to something strange, and the twins, well they did help some by telling me things they shouldn’t. Probably.”
Another uncomfortable silence fell between them, Wanda leaned back holding back the tears that were threatening to leave her eyes. 
“Does she know?” She finally asked in a thin voice.
America opened her eyes wide, shaking her head.
“Y/N doesn’t know I couldn’t tell her!”
“But if you could tell her…” Wanda pressed but America scoffed, still denying this with gestures.
“No, I love my sister but this is not my story to tell, Professor.” America shrugged before continuing. “Look, all I know is that in the last couple of months you and my sister had become closer, and as time passes I can see the affection she holds for you and the twins, I don’t want her to get hurt because she has done so much, and she has also suffered so much I just want to make things as easier for her as she does for me.”
Wanda was not sure how to react to such a confession. On one hand, she felt her trust betrayed by her student, she had trusted America from the very first time Natasha recommended her and hearing this invasion to her privacy made her doubt the young woman in front of her. On the other hand, she understood why America had done it, it didn’t excuse her, but Wanda understood.
“I know what I did was wrong, and perhaps I should have asked you first.”
“You should have, yes.” Wanda replied cooly, America winced shrugging.
“I know, but I did it and I just…” America trailed off lowering her eyes. “I’m sorry you have to go through all of that, Professor. I’m kinda glad I know this mainly because now I understand Tommy and Billy better. And even you.”
Wanda shifted on the chair lowering her eyes, America continued knowing she didn’t have much time of this conversation.
“Now, Professor, my confession to my crime comes also with a demand.” America made sure to never back up from the glare Wanda was sending her way.
“Do you think you are in position of demanding something of me?” Wanda inquired with a hint of disbelief; America nodded curtly.
“My sister deserves to know everything, Professor.”
Wanda dropped her jaw at such demand, but America didn’t change her posture or the glint of determination in her eyes.
“Y/N really likes you; I don’t think this is a secret, and as such, I think she deserves to know everything about you and the situation you are in.” America gulped leaning closer. “I promise you won’t regret it, and I know Y/N would be able to help you, she won’t let anything bad happen to you and the twins. But before you and her cross that line you and I both know you will cross, I think she deserves to know everything.”
Wanda sat dumbfounded on the chair, her mind processing everything that America had just shared with her. The fact that America knew everything, all the gross details of her past with Vision, of her divorce, of the court orders; Wanda felt her life exposed in ways she never thought possible. Her past was something she tried to protect from shame and fear of it coming back to haunt her and repeating itself. She was afraid of falling into Vision’s hands again, but more so of his threat of ending the life of her children while taking her to places where she could never escape.
Wanda was no fool, she knew sooner or later this part of her life would come out into the light, it was part of the process of healing and facing her demons. But she wished it had come out on her terms, she lifted her face and could see America was getting nervous, the guilt hidden behind her overprotective nature. Wanda understood why America had done what she did, it was quite obvious America didn’t let pass the strange events at the very beginning of her career as a babysitter to the twins, or those scars she could have seen when helping them getting dress, or even Wanda’s erratic behaviour at the very beginning.
“You betray my trust, America.” Wanda all but whispered, her voice breaking at the very end making America winced. “When I first came here I only trusted Natasha, and then you came in like an angel to help me with the twins, and now finding that you went out of the way to find about my past, it is disappointing.”
America’s face fell, “I know.”
“I understood why you did it.” Wanda continued frowning. “I just wish you have come to me first, I don’t know what to say or do now, I just…”
“Professor, there is nothing to do or say, I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have and that’s why I’m telling you this.” America hesitated chewing on her lower lip before continuing, “I really love Billy and Tommy, you know? And then, when you start spending more time with Y/N, I just knew that I need to know you were good enough for her, then after finding out everything I…I give it a thought and well, is not my story to tell, is yours, Professor, that’s why I want you to consider this and tell my sister everything.”
Wanda was taken aback; she shook her head, opening her mouth in disbelief.
“You want me to tell Y/N this? Why would…” Wanda started but America stopped her by standing up and approaching the older woman.
“Professor, my sister is everything to me,” America started without letting go of Wanda’s eyes, “and you have become everything to her, she needs to know and believe me when I tell you that you won’t regret it. You won’t lose her. If anything, I think this is the last piece of the puzzle to make whatever you two want to happen.”
“You are asking too much, America.” Wanda looked away scowling.
“Do you love my sister?” America pressed over; Wanda felt her cheeks burn but she refused to back down. “Are you in love with her?”
“I don’t think…” Wanda stood up as well, “I think you are overstepping…”
“Please, Professor,” America dropped her stance, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears, “I know what I did is wrong, don’t punish her, please…I…I’m risking everything by telling you this, and is not fair that once more she has to sacrifice her happiness because of me. I just…think about it, please? Believe me, you won’t regret it, she will still love you regardless of your past, just…I’m sorry, ma’am.”
America sat down again, Wanda could see the tears rolling down the young woman’s cheeks and the confused stare in her eyes. It was quite evident she had not planned this conversation in the way it had come out to be. 
“I did plan to tell her, America, just not yet.” Wanda passed a hand through her hair, not really knowing what else to do or say, “this is not easy for me.”
“I know.” America mused over her own reasons before speaking again. “You and her had become close in the last couple of weeks, she is always out there protecting me and making everything in her power to make me happy, Just this time, I want to make sure she is happy.”
Whatever anger Wanda felt at the sudden invasion of her privacy, and whatever fear she held for her past and what it meant to her dissipated under the soothing statement coming from America. The both of them sat quietly for a moment, both of them going over their thoughts and what they should do next. 
“Y/N is getting here soon,” America finally broke the silence, she lifted her stare but Wanda was looking at some invisible spot on the wall, “I guess I better get going, Professor.”
The young woman stood up grabbing her bag pack again, she turned around but stopped at the door when Wanda called to her. 
“This won't change our relationship, America.” Wanda measured every word, gaging the reactions from the young woman, “it may take some time to process this, but I do understand why you did it.”
“Do you promise you won't hurt her? Can you promise that?”
The request came with a heavy load, Wanda could see that behind those simple questions America was trying to make sure you wouldn't be left in the dark with something as important as Wanda, Billy and Tommy's past. It was not fair to you and even with them if, whatever was happening with you and Wanda was built on a lie. Or a half true. 
“I won't hurt her, America. I couldn't.” Wanda hesitated before closing the conversation with a last confession. “She has become part of my world now and I couldn't bear to see her suffer because of this.”
America opened her eyes, she opened her mouth before nodding curtly and leaving the classroom. 
Wanda was finally left alone, she rested her back against the chair. Her eyebrows knitted together trying to comprehend what just happened. If she were to be honest with herself, she was not angry, upset yes, but not angry. Closing her eyes, she tried to identify the emotion navigating through her system, it made her limbs lighter with a glimpse of tranquillity in her mind. 
Wanda was relieved.
However they had found out about everything, however America had decided to get that information, the secret was out and Wanda was relief. She had feared the reaction from others but all she got from America was understanding and acceptance, she didn't see blame or disgust, or worse yet, a card they could take advent age of. 
Wanda glanced out of the window, she knew she needed to have this conversation with Y/N, it was something she had come to realize after that Saturday afternoon. With a heavy heart, and a tingle of anticipation, Wanda grabbed her things and went outside ready to meet with you. 
She would tell you everything. Soon. 
The afternoon was cold, filled with newcomers that wanted to enjoy the Christmas Market that the school had opened for not only their local population but by those living around the city. You smiled proudly at the people coming in and out the place, everyone happy to shop and enjoy not only the different products but also the games and the entertainment you and Wanda had organized for that week. 
Natasha stood by your side, she turned a half smirk your way putting her mobile away. 
“You two really did a good job with this festival.” Natasha eyed you carefully, her arms resting at her sides. “And what you did in the auditorium, let me tell you they are going to love it.”
You chuckled putting a hand on your pocket, your head tilting slightly while your eyes travel around the sea of people coming in and out the school grounds and the street. 
“Well, we did try to make our best and Wanda was magnificent. She was the one who really came up with most of these ideas.”
Natasha arched her left eyebrow her lips twitching upwards. It had been a while since she heard that tone of voice in you, and even now it sounded different. There was not only affection by gentleness in there, but your whole features also softened while your eyes gleamed contentedly. It had been like that from some time now whenever you talk about Wanda or the other woman was close by. Natasha was happy to discover this newfound affection, she had seen it from afar and, while she had been a sceptic about Wanda wanting to go in a relationship with a woman, after having been with the both of them in meetings for the Winter Festival the older woman didn't have any doubts. 
They were standing on thin ice, waiting for the tension to be unbearable until the only option left would be to say what they need and they want from the other. 
There was one topic that bothered Natasha and that had been the Jarvis topic. She hated leaving you in the darkness about the man, but Maria had assured her everything was going according to plan, though as of late the man had been acting strange trying to get far closer to you. Asking questions about your whereabouts and where you live, about your family. Maria had been quite good at avoiding the direct confrontation, but this only showed both women that the man was not used to someone saying no to him. 
“Hey, earth to Tasha, are you here?” You waved a hand in front of her eyes, the woman blinked clearing her throat. 
“Sorry, I zoned out for a moment.” Natasha tried to ease your concerns by offering a wink. “Maria was asking me to be early today.”
“Ah, I see, hot sex with the wife.” You replied wiggling your eyebrows Natasha rolled her eyes slapping your shoulder playfully. 
“Jealous much?”
“Humph, please, why would I be jealous of her or you?” You winced noticing the smirk on the other woman's face. 
“Perhaps because I am getting some while you're still dancing around Wanda?”
“Shut up.” You tried to cover your blush, but it was too late. 
Natasha knew you well enough to know she was right. You dipped your head to the side, your eyes finally finding the woman you had been looking for. Natasha stood by your said leaning in she let her words sink in making sure the seed of longing was well-sow inside your heart. 
“There she is, smiling at you and her eyes lock on you. You should stop dancing around and go for it, Y/N, you two can be so happy if you just… Let go.”
Natasha stood to the side letting Wanda come right at you, just as you met the other woman half-way. Your heart leap inside your chest, with a horde of butterflies fluttering in your lower abdomen when Wanda sneaked her arms around you hugging you tightly. You fluttered your eyes closed enjoying the smell of her shampoo, the warmth of her body, and the overall affection she usually held in those green eyes for you. 
“Hey, you're here early.” Wanda whispered, stepping back before turning to Natasha. “Hey, what do you think. Natasha? Did it meet your expectations?”
“It exceeds them, Wanda, I told you that. I have always thought you were good at this.” Natasha couldn't hold back her smile watching as Wanda stepped closer to you, not leaving a lot of space between the both of you. 
“This is all thanks to Y/N,” Wanda turned to you smiling shyly at you when you grabbed her hand shaking your head while placing a single kiss on her knuckles. 
“She is being modest; this is all Wanda's idea.”
Natasha rolled her eyes lifting a hand to stop the reply from Wanda. 
“I knew you two were good for each other, I'm glad you guys are getting along just fine.”
Natasha kept the smirk on her face unfazed by your glare and Wanda's blush. 
“Now, if you excuse me, my wife is waiting for me and your children are coming this way.”
You kept your glare in watching as Natasha left leaving you with a blushing Wanda who was looking everywhere but at you. 
“Mommy!” Tommy came running until he was hugging Wanda tightly, Billy was also making his way to her but the other boy was slower with his eyes down. 
“Hey, sweetie, how was school today?” Wanda heard Tommy with her eyes falling on Billy who was now sniffing seeking with his hand that of America. 
“Hey, you didn't come by the classroom, where were you?” America asked you narrowing her eyes at you. 
“Making sure everything was working okay.” You nodded to Billy who was standing closer to your sister. “Is he okay?”
“I think he is coming down with the flu or something.” America turned to Wanda and both of the crossed stares before America turned to you. “You guys stayed until late yesterday, I think that didn't agree with the little guy over here.”
“Oh, Billy, how are you feeling?” This time around Wanda knelt to look at her child who was now pouting. 
“I'm fine.” But he sounded weak, with traces of a sour throat. 
Wanda frowned turning to you then to America, with Billy sick it would be almost impossible to stay there. Tommy stood by the side glancing at the scene with a concern frown. 
“Oh, baby I think we need to go home.” Wanda said standing up, she turned to you smiling apologetically. 
Ever since that almost confession on Saturday, the both of you had had a hard time to actually be alone or get a nice conversation. Wanda had chosen that day because of the storytelling event; it would be the perfect moment for you and her to just do something different. Just the two of you. 
“I think you're right.” You turned to America who could read you like a book, she rolled her eyes stretching her hand to you. 
“I'll take care of it.”
You grinned hugging her tightly while whispering in her ear. 
“Thank you, lil sister.”
“What…what are you..” Wanda started but you shrugged leaning closer to her, Wanda's breath caught in her throat when your hand sneaked inside her pocket and you grabbed the car keys in there. 
“Let me take you, Tommy and Billy home.” You spoke. “You can go in the back and I can drive you home and to the pharmacy if needed.”
“You don't have to do it.” Wanda replied in a weak tone, though her heart tugged painfully at her chest. 
“I know, I want to.” You turned to America. “Be careful and write me or call me. Don't be late.”
“Yes, yes, go on then, Billy really is not looking well.”
You knelt in front of the boy leaning in. 
“Billy, can I carry you?” 
Billy huffed grabbing America's hand, he glanced at you then at his mom, with a pout he nodded. You smiled thank him before picking him up in your arms, you turned to Wanda then fixing the boy in your arms letting your eyes go from Wanda to Tommy. 
“Okay, let's go home guys, and once there we can make dinner and make sure Billy feels better, you like that plan, Tommy?”
“Yeah.” Tommy replied shyly grabbing Wanda's hand. 
America watched as the four of you left the crowded field, she chewed on her lower lip think back on her conversation with Wanda for a moment she played with the idea of going with them but America decided against such an idea. She was being overprotective of her sister and the twins, she had come to love them and she would hate for them to be hurt in any way. The same went for you, America knew you were a fool sometimes, and even if you liked to make others think you were strong and untouchable in reality you were a romantic by heart, and a softy in general. America wished she could see the end of this growing relationship between Wanda and yourself for now she would need to be patient. With time the both of you would either stop dancing around one another or you would end up as good friends. America felt her phone vibrate and just as she was about to grab it she saw a woman with her phone out taking pictures of the road leading to the parking lot. 
America frowned but before she could see what the other woman was interested in her phone rang and she pick it up with a smile. 
“Hey Kate bear where are you at?”
The drive back home was filled with Tommy's babble about his day and what he and Billy had done with the rest of the class in the festival. You would glance to the trio sitting in the back of the car every once in a while, your questions directing Tommy to a new subject that would distract him from being overly concern for his brother. 
It didn’t take too long for the twins to be put to bed; Wanda would fuzz around with you trying to hold her back while helping out Billy to get into bed after taking his medicine. Christine had been kind enough to provide the instructions, and a quick diagnostic based on the symptoms, with a promise to be there by the next morning. Wand was not sure how she could thank you for the attention, or what she did to earn your help and your affection.
The young woman leaned against wall; she was watching as you continued telling the story that was supposed to be shown that day to the rest of the students. Billy was drifting on and off to sleep while Tommy was listening attentively holding his dino plushie tightly against his chest. Wanda observed attentively to your gestures, the attention you pay to her children and how amazing you were being with them at all times.
Wanda knew at some point she had fallen for you.
“He doesn’t have a fever anymore.” Wanda blinked confused, she didn’t even notice when Tommy had finally fallen asleep or when you had stoop right in front of her.
“What?” You cocked a brow smiling at Wanda.
“Billy doesn’t have a fever anymore, are you alright?” Your whole face softened; your hand lifted to cup Wanda’s face. “He is going to be okay; you know? Some rest, and medication and he will be as good as new tomorrow.”
Wanda crossed her arms offering a weak smile, her thoughts had drifted away focusing in her relationship with you.
“Thank you, for being here.” She whispered leaning into your embrace, her face resting on your shoulder with her eyes closed.
“Hey, I don’t mind at all. I really love them, you know?” You whispered back, your words carrying with them a meaningful secret that Wanda was not yet ready to face.
At least, not that night.
“I know.” She straightened up, her face filled with unshed tears. “What do you say if we go for a cup of tea and watch something on the TV?”
“I think that’s a fantastic idea!” You grinned widely, following Wanda out of the twins room and into the kitchen.
It had become a routine to just fall into easy conversations about your day or hers, getting to know one another while sharing opinions on an specific topic. You loved it whenever you were able to rail Wanda up just by sharing a controversial opinion about something she liked, it was amusing to seer her eyes flame up and the words pilling out on her mouth while discussing and maintaining her point of view. That night could be like any other, if it wasn’t for the fact that you and she were dangerously close to one another, that Wanda had not stopped her casual touches on you or let her eyes drifted away from you for far too long. If it wasn’t for the fact that you were dying to just break the distance and kiss her they way you meant to kiss her last Saturday. The memory of that night still haunting you.
“That’s so no true!” She exclaimed hitting you with a pillow, you kept laughing lifting a protective arm to evade the pillow hits.
“It is!”
“How can you say they were on a break?!” Wanda huffed pointing to the TV in which you had paused Friends while making a face.
You lifted your arms, putting a leg on the sofa to face Wanda better. The tea had long been forgotten on the table, and Wanda was really looking offended at you though it was easy to guess she was quite amused by the whole discussion. It had been the only time during the afternoon and the evening that you could make her forget about her concerns, Billy had woken up twice now and while he didn’t have a fever, his throat and head had been hurting a lot.
“Look all I’m saying is that it was not clear, okay? Ross shouldn’t have slept with anyone no less than twenty-four hours after the ‘break’,” in here you made a quotation sign with your fingers, your lips tugging upwards, “but still, it felt like a breakup so really Rachel shouldn’t be complaining.”
“Now you’re just saying that to placate my wrath,” Wanda narrowed her eyes, you lifted your hands in a peace gesture shaking your head.
Wanda rolled her eyes, her lips finally breaking into a smile she had been holding back. You rested your head on your hand, your elbow on the back of the sofa; Wanda kept her eyes on the TV then turned to you.
“Do you think…” Wanda stopped thinking about her question, you dipped your head waiting for her to continue.
“What?” you asked curious.
“Do you think they should have ended up together?” The question came with a whisper, your eyebrows shoot up while you leaned back trying to catch the real question.
Wanda was not looking at you, instead of that she was playing with the hem of her shirt while waiting on your answer. You contemplated the possibilities that came with your answer, and what exactly was Wanda looking for. Without knowing exactly what you were getting into you cleared your throat straightening up to grab your mug filled with lukewarm tea.
“I think sometimes we do not chose who we fall in love with,” you kept your attention on your tea, out of the corner of your eyes you could see Wanda looking intently at you, “they were not good for one another the first time, and they had to work a lot in their relationship, but I think in the end they realized that love was not enough, you actually have to work for what you want and make sure that you do everything in your power to make it work.”
“My, Y/N that was quite deep.” Wanda teased though when you locked eyes with her you could see something else there.
You offered a weak smile chuckling, “I guess that’s experience, right?”
“I’m not sure, my own experience was…different.” Wanda replied wincing, you furrowed your brows but Wanda didn’t elaborate.
“And you, Wanda, do you think they should have ended up together?” You asked back, Wanda hesitated for a moment before sitting closer to you.
Your body went completely rigid, her hand rested softly on your knee and you could swear she was moving closer to you. Your heart was thumping so fast and so hard, you could almost make the tapping sound inside your ears, and you were pretty sure Wanda could hear it too.
“I think they gave themselves the chance to love again, and they found out that they really do work together.” Wanda’s voice was almost a whisper, and she squeezed your knee tenderly calling your attention and your eyes back to her face. “I think they should…be together, perhaps…hat time around everything will work out in their favour.”
You nodded leaning closer, “so, love is enough?”
“No, I think both of them are enough…”
You chuckled nodding while leaning closer as well, you could almost make out the shade of green in her eyes. How soft her skin looked, as well as the soft pink colouring of her cheeks and the timid smile on her puffy lips. Being this close to her was everything you had dreamt off for quite some time, and you knew the moment you close the distance you wouldn’t be able to kiss other lips or to think anything else but to try and make this woman happy. Wanda dropped her eyes to your lips then back to your eyes, she parted her lips and waited for you.
“Wanda…” You started but before you could close the distance, your phone rang.
You jumped startled, and Wanda just jerked away from you with her face a deep shade of red. You sought your phone while cursing lowly to the responsible for the interruption; your hand found your phone and soon you were glaring at the name of the screen. You lifted your face offering an apologetic smile that Wanda tried to return weakly.
“Hey, Hope, how you doing?” Your voice sounded strained, but you tried to pay attention to what your best friend was saying.
Wanda offered a weak smile before standing up and leaving you alone in the living room. She let her hands rested on the counter of the kitchen, closing her eyes she tried to regulate her heartbeat while making the mental image of you and your lips, of what almost happened.
“God, what am I doing?” She whispered knowing full well that all she wanted to do was to kiss you, to lean in and let your lips touch yours and perhaps forget all about the past and start living in the present.
Wanda placed a hand on her face, the memory imprinted in her mind smiling softly until you appeared in the kitchen clearing up your throat. By the look in your eyes, Wanda could teel you were leaving.
“Sorry, Hope was trying to help me out with something, and now it seems I will need to go.” You lifted a hand to scratch the back of your head, your eyes wandering around until the fell on Wanda. “But if you need anything at all…”
“I…I will call you, don’t worry.” Wanda tried to hide her disappointment but she couldn’t, you approached her taking her face in your hands.
The young woman gasped with her eyes going big, she leaned forward into your touch with anticipation. You gulped wanting nothing more than to kiss her, to finally close the distance and offer a chance to her and to you. But you stopped yourself before you could do something that you both regret; you kissed Wanda at the corner of her lips, lingering just enough to enjoy the soft touch before stepping back.
“I think we need to talk before we give in.” You offered a weak smile, and Wanda nodded trying to return the smile.
“Yes, I think we should.” The conversation she held with America that day fresh in her mind.
“I will like for you to be my date tomorrow, Wanda.” You couldn’t stay any longer, but you needed to know that tomorrow would be the day.
Wanda blinked chewing on her lower lip, “but we are chaperones and…”
“And you can still be my date and give me one dance, right?” You asked pouting lightly, Wanda melted right away fully aware of what you were asking of her.
“Yes, I will be your date and we…we will talk, right?”
“Right, then…see you tomorrow, Princess.” You stepped back almost falling on your ass, you chuckled and Wanda just rolled her eyes. “Call me if Billy needs something, see you.”
Wanda put her hands on her face, the scene of moments ago still replaying in her mind knowing full well that it would haunt her all through the night the same way that her almost kiss with you on Saturday made her spent a sleepless night. Wanda opened her eyes looking at the lonely kitchen, her heart jumping in her chest at your words.
Tomorrow would be another day, and this time around neither you nor her would let the conversation and the tension to go unsolved. Whatever this was about, you and Wanda were done playing the game.
And this was something that scared and excited Wanda to no end.
Next Chapter: Wanda and Reader finally close the distance, America and Kate kiss, and someone had been watching the pairing closely forming a plan to bring everything to a fatal end.
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This left a mark: Christian Dior & Saks partnered for Light up the NYC Night for Christmas 2023
No doubt "DIOR Contract" was at the top of the 2017 RMM- DIANA 2.0 vision board & megxit manifesto. In other words: Sparry's 'honey do' for MeMe list: Meet Beyonce (on yellow carpet)✔ Disney (princess) gig✔. oh to be a fly on a Cali wall after that Dior ANNOUNCEMENT: guttural moans & tears for weeks! 😬
Dior in 2018: MEgain's inappropriate Dior cocktail dress w/pinwheel headpiece for 1st balcony appearance. She also appeared to lose a tooth during the reception.
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2021 & 2022 New York City
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2022 Jubilee as Wallis Simpson & 2023 Sparry
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A word to the wise and to the Meghans: The REAL Santa knows whose on the MARKLED List.
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Play stupid games and MARKLE yourselves!
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I'll buy that Jill Smoller (formerly Gina) badgered Dior on behalf of MEgain, but no way would Dior sully their brand with the toxic, mentally unstable, over seas royals who can't be bothered to iron 🙄
"Oh & I took FRENCH for 8 years in high school or was it 4 years?" 😉
"...but but I'm not a model, I'm just a mom. Thankfully Sparry was here to coach me that I can be both. I wonder how he became so wise?" Variety 2022
Please follow the link to subscribe to "Woman Behind Kate" & LIKE👍
Princess Diana 2.0 caught in the act
Sparry, YOU MARKLED yourselves. Stop blaming the BRF for your failures to launch.
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Princess Diana 2.0 Tom Bower
The Sun: What is the history between Dior and the royal family?
December 12, 2023 || Born in 1905, Christian Dior, the fashion designer, climbed the ranks of several Parisian fashion houses before establishing his own establishment in 1946.
One of the early royal admirers of the designer was Princess Margaret, the sister of Queen Elizabeth II.
She became a client of the fashion house and one of Dior's most famous designs, the "Margaret Dress," was named after her.
Queen Elizabeth II also shared a close connection with Dior.
She appointed Doir to design her Coronation gown for the crowning ceremony in 1953.
The gown, famously called the "Hartnell Dress," was a collaboration between Dior and British couturier Sir Norman Hartnell.
Over the years, various royal family members have continued to wear Dior creations for public appearances.
Dior dressed Prince Harry for King Charles' coronation in May 2023 - as the royal forwent wearing a military uniform. 
Shortly after the coronation ceremony, Dior took to its social media to reveal Kim Jones was the designer behind the suit. 
"Tailoring fit for royalty. Dior is honoured to have dressed Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, for the coronation of King Charles III in a custom design by Kim Jones," the brand wrote on Instagram.
"Seen arriving at Westminster Abbey, gain an insight into the savoir-faire of his three-piece suit next," it added. 
Why was it speculated that Meghan Markle would have a deal with Dior?
In June 2023, it was reported that Meghan was in talks about taking on a deal with Dior.
Following the cancellation of her Spotify podcast after just one season, there was widespread speculation that the Duchess of Sussex was poised for a new role with the French fashion house.
Meghan has worn Dior several times throughout her time as a working royal, including at the late Queen Elizabeth's funeral in September 2022.
However, sources close to the Royals said no contract had been inked.
Dior also expressed its surprise and confusion when the idea of a deal was initially brought up.
A source told the Telegraph: "The Duchess of Sussex is not in talks to sign a deal with Dior.
"There is no truth to the claims that she will partner with the French fashion house,"
A Dior insider said its team was "nonplussed as to how the story came about".
Who became 'the Duchess of Dior' in 2023?
Meghan lost out on the opportunity of a lucrative Dior job to a Kate Middleton actress.
It was revealed in November 2023, that Meg Bellamy, 21, who plays a young Kate Middleton in season six of the hit royal drama The Crown is to be the new face of Dior.
An insider told The Daily Mail: "They have been queuing up for Meg, she is playing the most famous woman in the world in a globally famous television drama, so many labels and brands want some of that.
"She is a total unknown, but she is being treated like Kate, an A-list princess."
What deals and contracts does Meghan Markle have?
After leaving the royal family and their royal duties, Prince Harry and Meghan vowed to become financially independent.
It was reported that the couple would support themselves through Prince Harry's $10 million inheritance from his mother, Princess Diana.
With the world eager to know their story, lucrative million-dollar deals started rolling in from AppleTV, Netflix, and Spotify.
The couple signed a deal with Netflix through their production company, Archewell Productions, with a hefty payment of $100 million for multiple projects.
They have since released one documentary, Harry and Meghan.
Their upcoming documentary series titled, Heart of Invictus, is in the works.
While their third documentary is to be shot in South Africa, the Sussexes are also planning to delve into the rom-com genre with the streaming giant
In June 2023, the couple made headlines when it was reported that their 25-million-dollar deal with Spotify had ended.
According to Rolling Stone, the couple would pay back a portion of their deal money and look for another company to produce podcasts with.
In a joint statement, they said: "Spotify and Archewell Audio have mutually agreed to part ways and are proud of the series we made together."
Royal biographer Tom Bower believes that the couple's "joint ventures are falling apart" and that Meghan is finding it difficult to sell her brand.
"They're beginning to taste the medicine that they handed out after the Oprah interview and they're finding it very very hard to keep their brand reputable," Bower told new magazine.
"They're constantly having to defend themselves and grasping at opportunities that don't exist anymore."
41 notes · View notes
trulybetty · 9 months
dec' x 31 - fireworks
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Prompt: fireworks Pairing: sequins!joel x reader Word Count: 1,381 Warnings: mentions of alcohol, domestic fluff Summary: ringing in the quiet of the new year with Joel once the party is over. AO3: Linked
x. masterlist
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The party's energy had ebbed away, the countdown was a memory, and the festive debris littered the living room in the form of gold tinsel and glitter. You’d seen off your guests, Sarah at her mother's so now it was just you and Joel.
The echos of the city's fireworks display could be heard from your home there in the suburbs, and with a quick glance out of the window, you could see the embers of sparks from the rocket you'd heard take off only moments earlier.
Sliding down onto the old worn couch, you tucked your feet up under you, your heels long ago traded for the Ugg slippers Sarah had bought you for Christmas. You suspected it had something to do with her wanting a pair of her own and used it as leverage with Joel. You weren’t going to complain, since they did well at keeping your feet toasty while looking pretty cute at the same time. 
Yawning, you debated if you could just convince Joel to leave you on the couch and sleep down there. The idea of not only trekking up the stairs but also the act of undressing also, made you yawn again just at the thought of the effort it required.
You looked up as Joel walked back into the room, he dropped down into the space next to you and welcomed your head resting on his shoulder. 
Joel spied and reached for the gold-coloured Stanley tumbler he’d taken note of out of the corner of his eye, “Whose is this?”
You lifted your head to look up just as Joel unscrewed the top and took a sniff of the drink inside, “Do you really need to ask?” you questioned with a raise of your eyebrow as Joel coughed, overwhelmed by the strong smell of champagne.
“Jesus,” he dared another sniff, “this is just pure champagne.”
You nonchalantly responded, “I think he added a splash of orange juice.”
He raised an eyebrow, “Just a splash?”
“Maybe just a thimble-full?” you joked.
Joel managed to screw the lid back on before settling it back on the side table, “How was he even able to walk out of here in a straight line?”
You sunk further into the couch and into Joel's embrace, “I think his tolerance level is beyond human, to be honest.”
Joel brushed off a smear of glitter from his shirt, “This fuckin’ glitter is everywhere, it's gonna be here until next New Year.”
You yawned again, “You can thank David for that.”
You didn't need to look at him to know he was rolling his eyes, however his fingers idly tracing circles on your arm, told you he was far from annoyed.
The quiet that befell the house was a comforting warm blanket thrown over the two of you. You were nestled against Joel, he had draped his arm around your shoulder, keeping you close. Less than an hour into the new year and it felt full of promise. This had been your first festive season together since you'd moved in at the start of summer. 
Taking the plunge from long distance to live-in had been daunting, but six months in and outside of the growing pains of adjusting to sharing space, it felt like the best decision you'd ever made. 
Silence gave way to quiet conversation, your hands gestured as you spoke about your latest project with a sparkle in your eyes. “...and I’ve got this Pinterest board for the office. I think we can make it functional for both of us to use it,” you explained, too wrapped up in your vision to notice Joel's attention had wandered.
He didn’t mind the details of your decorating schemes, the office being just one of many. It had been his, a space for nothing more than stacking unopened mail and random tools. When you moved in, conceding the room to you hadn't felt like a loss. But as you shared your plans for the house, expanding on projects he'd put aside, he realized at that moment it was more than just about the space—it was about the life you were building together.
His focus turned a sharp corner and became not the words you spoke, but the passion behind them; the way your nose crinkled with excitement, how your eyes lit up despite the tiredness that was evident, the fervour you carried into every aspect of your existence. Suddenly, he saw how your essence had transformed the house yet respected and elevated what he and Sarah had already created, filling spaces he hadn’t realized were void.
Amidst the quiet of the settling early morning hours, with the soft backdrop of the city's firework display and the promise of a new beginning, a wave of clarity washed over him. “Marry me,” he interjected, the words tumbling out into an impromptu proposal.
You stopped mid-sentence, your enthusiastic chatter suspended, as you turned to him with wide eyes. “What did you just say?”
His gaze locked with yours, “Marry me.”
The word “Yes” escaped your lips on a whisper before he could even ask again. The concept of marriage had been a dance of hypotheticals between you two, a path tread with caution due to scars of past relationships. 
However, it wasn’t a topic either of you shied away from. You both had just agreed that it wasn't urgent, a piece of paper couldn't trump the commitment of you moving states and into his home with Sarah. 
The two of you sat stunned as you looked at one another, “I don’t have a ring,” Joel confessed.
“Did you plan this?” you asked, wondering how you'd gone from discussing recessing the office wall space into the garage to accommodate some built-in bookcases to marriage.
He ran his hand over his bearded chin, the beard he could never grow in and held more flecks of grey than when you first met him years ago. A soft smile graced his lips, almost hidden by his hand.
“No,” he admitted, “I just–” his words trailed off, not one for grand gestures or even the purchase of birthday cards, at least not until he met you (and very much with the push of Sarah's insistence), he struggled to find the words. “Shit,” he cursed, “I've never proposed to anyone before, I'm sorry.”
You couldn't help but smile at his vulnerability. Joel, the strong, silent type, was laying bare his heart in a way that was both exposed and incredibly endearing. It was moments like this that reminded you why you'd fallen so deeply in love with him.
“It's okay,” you reassured him gently.
There was a pause, a comfortable silence that settled between you. Then, with a playful smirk, Joel said, “One day, I'll do this properly. With a ring, maybe down on one knee, all romantic and shit.”
You laughed, your heart light and full. “I'll hold you to that Miller.”
Joel planted a soft kiss on the top of your head, a simple yet profound gesture of love and commitment. At that moment, everything felt right.
The conversation drifted into a comfortable lull as the weight of the night began to settle in. The clock had crept well into the early hours of the New Year, and the exhaustion from the long evening of entertaining guests was catching up.
Joel let out a yawn, stretching his arms above his head. “I think it's time we called it a night, don’t you think?” he suggested, his voice laced with tiredness.
You nodded, feeling the fatigue in your bones. “Bed sounds perfect.”
He stood up, offering you his hand. As you rose, he pulled you close, his arm wrapping securely around your shoulder. You leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his body against yours, a sense of contentment washing over you.
As you settled into the comfort of the bed, Joel turned to face you, his eyes soft in the dim light. “I meant what I said, you know,” he whispered, despite the two of you being the only ones in the house, almost in fear that the moment wasn't truly to be believed. 
You smiled, reaching out to trace the lines of his face, so familiar and yet still so capable of taking your breath away. “I know.”
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merv606 · 9 months
Speaking of Twig…I had this idea of Chslristmastime in Omegaverse/Puritianverse. Terry and Daniel are young, maybe high school age. Terry already knows that Daniel will be his when they graduate, and sees an opportunity to “stake his claim” when he catches Daniel being bullied, and saves him. Daniel is very grateful to this young Alpha, and sweetly and innocently asks him what he can do for him in return.
Of course Terry says the payment is a kiss…Of it’s Puritianverse then Terry has to trick pious Daniel into doing so, haha. Either way, one kiss leaves Daniel wanting another…
So let’s go with that - Twig saves Daniel and he knows that the gorgeous little omega is his future mate.
Daniel is very grateful and he gives Twig that kiss - it’s only proper after all - to thank the alpha by granting this request.
As soon as their lips touch, Daniel knows that Twig is his alpha - that he was meant to belong to him.
The alpha is so sweet and charming, Daniel can’t help but fall for him.
(The alpha also causes some delightful tingling in his special omega place).
We could also say for this Twig version of puritan verse - as soon as Daniel turns 18 he knows Twig will claim him.
In this one Twig would only be a couple years older than Daniel.
More under the cut - not too spicy though.
Their dates are chaperoned - and as this is Twig - he would never disrespect his little omega and everything is completely above board - although he does sneak a kiss whenever he can - something the little omega happily obliges.
It’s easy to turn this into a Christmas verse then if Teig plans to make him as soon as he can.
Daniel turns 18 on December 18 - so their first Christmas as a mated couple is a week after that.
Twig of course, although a perfect gentleman in their courtship, has the ceremony planned for December 18.
So Daniel will gain a husband and a new home that day.
It’s the house that Twig had built specifically for his future mate.
Lots of rooms, and a nursery ready to be set up next to their bedroom. Being only children, the both of them, they both want a large family - sooner rather than later.
Twig has already decided that his little omega will not be taking suppressants.
Daniel will be a stay at home omega, of course, taking care of their pups and home, although it is fully staffed and he’ll have help once the pups come along.
In preparation of this first Christmas so soon after their mating, some of the chaperoned dates leading up to December 18 involved taking his mate to get Christmas decorations and then decorating the home so it would all be ready.
Twig already knows they’ll be spending much of their time leading up to Christmas in their marital bed.
So this way, everything would be perfect for their first Christmas as mated omega and alpha (and Twig is hoping that by then Daniel will already be with child - he is hoping is takes quickly).
They’ve both had their required medicals and are healthy, the doctor suspecting a blessing will not take long, which delights Daniel.
They do the required marital courses, Twig only doing it for Daniel’s sake. He himself doesn’t believe, and there are only certain duties he truly cares about.
They have the ceremony in the church, of course, with the reception full of friends and family back at their house - Daniel’s idea - and Twig, of course, deferred to Daniel’s wishes.
All he cares about it making Daniel his and all he wants is for Daniel to be happy in his new life.
When the friends and family depart though, it is time for him to properly claim and breed his omega.
He waits outside the bedroom door as Daniel is made ready for him.
He’s ia vision n the white nightshirt picked out for him by Terry - it’s oversized, falling off a thin shoulder and stops just above the knee.
It’s a sheer material, and Daniel stands, shyly, as his husband’s eyes rove up and down him - he wasn’t given anything to wear underneath.
On his head though is a surprise, a crown of green leaves and red holly berries.
He’s nervous, but Twig kisses him, something Daniel has become addicted to, as they have been stealing kisses whenever they could, and it calms him.
He thinks their martial night will be them sharing a bed, kissing through the night and he can’t wait.
But what he ends up being shown is much better than he even could have imagined ……
Twig showing him exactly what is means to b a mated omega and the special duties that is entails.
Being introduced to the pleasures of his body, coming on his husband’s mouth, fingers, and cock, experiencing being filled with his alpha’s seed for the first time.
Like wise, being show how to pleasure his husband with his mouth and hands, and the spread of his legs as his husband takes him throughout the night, filling him over and over.
As predicted, he spends most of that Christmas in their marital bed eagerly performing said duties, making sure his husband is satisfied - his top priority (along with being blessed) although he is happy to learn that they are one and the same - a blessing will come from satisfying his husband in such a manner.
Come Christmas Day he is already pregnant with his alpha’s child - one of many.
This first Christmas is also going to be the only Christmas they spend - just the two of them - for a long time.
Come this time next year, Daniel has a baby on his hip Christmas morning, while their brother or sister grows inside him.
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browsethestacks · 2 years
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Original Art - Marvel Comics Christmas TV Special Concept Art
Art by Will Meugniot
New World Entertainment (c.1990's)
From ha.com...
"The nefarious supervillain Dr. Doom kidnaps Santa and it's up to a cadre of Marvel Comics' superheroes to come to the rescue and bring Doom to justice. This was the premise of a proposed holiday television special dreamed up by the great Stan Lee (1922 - 2018) for New World Entertainment in the early '90s. Noted comic artist Will Meugniot was tasked with creating this one-of-a-kind promotional concept art as a visual to pitch the idea to studio execs. The artwork includes a collection of some of Marvel's best known characters mixed with a few of the more obscure. Captain America, Hulk and Spider-Man lead the pack, with the Fantastic Four, Cyclops, Silver Surfer, and Thor close behind. Off in the distance are Dr. Strange, Vision, Sub-Mariner, Daredevil, and Tigra. This is, to our knowledge, the first time Vision and Tigra were considered for an animated role. It's a remarkably eclectic crowd that has mobilized in Santa's defense. The character art is rendered on acetate overlays with the black line art printed on front and the colors meticulously hand-painted on back. It is presented over its original background, hand-painted in gouache on illustration board. The space above was to carry the headline "Join Your Favorite Marvel Superheroes As They Team Up to Save Christmas from Dr. Doom!" A similar image created from Mr. Meugniot's original pencil art for this piece was featured on the January 2019 cover of Alter Ego Magazine. The character artwork measures 17" x 17" over a 24" x 20" hand-painted background and the acetate is held in place with clear tape. It's a large and impressive composition. The TV special never made it to production, making this artwork a true lost Marvel treasure."
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cuntydreamgirl · 2 months
okok tell me everything you want for our future apartment/house together!!! what decorations are you thinking what’s the vibe
*insert lola tung's "omg i love this question"*
first non-negotiables! we have to buy a fresh flower arrangement every week to brighten up the place. and there should always be a candle burning for our place to smell nice.
random but for the kitchen, we're going to need a a fancy kitchen aid mixer. i can't cook but i know that if I had my own place, I would be motivated to. with that said, our apartment would always smell like fresh baked cookies or some kind of pastry because i want to be that person that can say baking is her love language. also steph's "this kitchen is for dancing print" is a MUST. and we need an espresso machine or a keurig or whatever for our morning coffee. AND we'd have the cutest glassware and shit to host dinner parties and stuff. and we'd have the best mugs
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a cork board is also a must! i want to pin our movie and concert tickets and any souvenirs. and letters from friends and family. and we have to add stuff to our fridge! magnets from our travels, photo booth pictures, cool prints, etc. and we have to have pictures on our walls and around the place in general. it needs to be homey and look "lived-in" if that makes sense.
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and we need bookshelves! and a record player somewhere because we love music and reading. AND we need a fun welcome mat, taylor swift inspired of course. and a cute dining table to have dinner together and gossip about our day
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we'd obviously be those people who bought decor based on the season aka fall, christmas, etc. and we'd have journaling sessions in the living room while watching our favorite shows. and we'd make vision boards together. and we'd have a designated mirror for selfies and outfit pics. it'd be about the vibes and living our steph bohrer lifestyles together <3
now tell me your ideas!!!!!
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callsign-owl · 2 months
Festive Betrayal
Trigger Warning: alcohol, physical violence
London, United Kingdom - December 2002
The family mansion was cold and silent, the chill of the atmosphere magnified by the absence of any festive warmth. Despite the season, not a single Christmas decoration adorned the vast corridors—no twinkling lights, no fragrant pine, nothing to indicate the time of year beyond the biting December weather outside.
Owl had just returned home for Christmas break after his first semester at a boarding school in Switzerland. The time away from home had been a revelation for him. Away from his father he'd found a semblance of peace, but now, back in the stark reality of his father’s house, the familiar tension crept back. Bartholomew was away on a business trip, leaving the mansion more tomb-like than ever. Owl knew the quiet would only last so long, the calm before the storm of his father’s return.
Owl quietly slid down the hall, each step taking him closer to his father’s study—a sanctum where Bartholomew kept his most treasured possessions, including a collection of rare and expensive whiskies. The study was strictly off-limits to Owl and his brother, guarded by the unspoken threat of their father’s wrath. Owl’s hand hovered over the door handle, hesitating as a knot of apprehension tightened in his stomach. With a deep breath, he opened the door and slipped inside. Owl’s eyes adjusted to the dim light, as he moved toward the liquor cabinet with a mix of determination and trepidation. His fingers brushed against the cool glass bottles, tracing the labels until they found what he sought—a particularly old and expensive bottle of Scottish whisky, the pride of his father’s collection.
Owl uncapped the bottle and poured a small amount into a glass, the amber liquid shimmering in the light. Lifting the glass to his lips, he took a tentative sip, immediately recoiling. The whisky was revolting, burning his throat and making his eyes water. He grimaced, struggling to swallow the fiery liquid. It was nothing like he had imagined; it was not soothing, nor did it seem like the elegant indulgence his father made it out to be.
Despite Owl's disgust, he took another sip, then another. He winced as the liquid burned its way down his throat, his face contorting with each swallow. Owl was driven by a stubborn desire to experience the intoxication he had heard and read about—and a deeper, unspoken need to escape.
With each sip, the room began to spin slightly more, the edges of his vision blurring as the alcohol took effect. Owl felt a warm buzz spreading through his limbs. It was an odd sensation—was this how it was supposed to feel? Owl continued and the world around him softened as the alcohol numbed not just his tongue but his thoughts and senses.
Owl slumped into his father’s chair, the leather cool against his skin. Time lost all meaning as he reveled in the numbness that the stolen whisky provided. He was distantly aware of the sound of the door creaking open, but it seemed irrelevant until a familiar voice pierced through the haze of his inebriation.
"What the hell are you doing?" Percival's voice was low, laced with a threat that was all too familiar. He stepped into the room, his gaze flicking to the open bottle and then back to Owl. For being only seventeen, Percival already carried himself with an authority that belied his age.
"Just... trying something," Owl replied, his words slurring slightly as he attempted to straighten up in the chair.
"Trying something? By breaking into Father's whisky? Do you have any idea what he’ll do if he finds out?" Percival's tone was sharp.
Owl looked down at the glass in his hand, then back up at Percival. "I just wanted to know what if feels like," he said, the words thick in his mouth.
Percival sighed as he stepped closer. "You can't just break the rules and expect to get away with no consequences."
Owl's eyes widened as he slowly began to grasp Percival's intentions. "You're going to tell him, aren't you?" Owl's voice was barely a whisper.
Percival's expression hardened. "Yes, I am," he replied firmly. "Father needs to know."
Owl's heart sank. He stared up at his brother, the room spinning slightly more with each passing second. "Please, Percy, don't. I—I just…." Owl trailed off without finishing the sentence.
Percival looked down at his younger brother, his expression unwavering. "It's not just about the whisky, *redacted*. It's about responsibility. About understanding the consequences of your actions. I'm doing this for your own good."
"But Percy, please," Owl pleaded. "You know what he's like. You know what he’ll do."
Percival's face remained impassive. "I do know. You need to finally understand the importance of discipline and boundaries."
Owl felt a sharp pang of betrayal, the realization slicing through him with icy clarity. Once again, it was evident that Percival’s allegiance to their father outweighed any concern for Owl’s wellbeing. There was a ruthless calculation in Percival's actions, a cold pragmatism that prioritized currying favor with their father above all else. To Percival, the preservation of his status within the family hierarchy seemed to justify any measure, even if it meant Owl had to endure the fallout.  It was a harsh truth to swallow—Percival, driven by ambition and duty, was willing to see Owl suffer if it meant securing his own position.
"Please, Percy. Don’t do this," Owl tried one last time, his voice breaking with the strain of his emotions.
"I have to," Percival said quietly, before turning and walking out of the room, leaving Owl alone with his spinning thoughts and the looming dread of their father’s inevitable wrath and punishment.
The tension in the dining room was palpable. The air was heavy with anticipation, and the silverware seemed to shimmer ominously under the chandelier’s light. Bartholomew’s presence alone was enough to darken the mood further.  Owl knew what was coming; Percival had not wasted any time informing their father of his transgression.
“I hear you found your way into my study yesterday,” Bartholoew began, his voice low and menacing.
Owl’s heart pounded in his chest. He had hoped, naively, that maybe, just maybe, Percival wouldn’t tell. “I don’t know what you're talking about,” Owl replied, trying to keep his voice steady.
Bartholomew’s eyebrow twitched slightly, the only sign of his escalating fury. “Do you take me for a fool?! Percival told me everything. You stole from my private collection and got yourself drunk.”
Owl’s resolve wavered, but he continued feigning innocence. “I did no such thing.”
Bartholomew slammed his fist on the table, making the china rattle. “You dare to invade my private space, steal my property, and then lie to my face about it?”
"I didn’t— It wasn’t like that," Owl stammered, his face turning red.
"Enough!" Bartholomew abruptly stood, his chair scraping back with a harsh sound that echoed through the room. His face was a mask of controlled rage as he towered over the table, looking down at Owl with contempt.
Without another word, Bartholomew strode around the table, his movements brisk and purposeful. Owl’s stomach churned with fear; his father’s expression left no doubt about the severity of the impending punishment. As Bartholomew approached, Owl instinctively shrank back, but there was nowhere to go.
Bartholomew grabbed Owl by the collar, yanking him up with such force that his chair toppled over. "You will learn respect," he hissed, shaking Owl slightly as if to emphasize his point. Owl struggled against his father's iron grip, panic flaring.
Percival, who had been silently observing the exchange, remained in his seat. His expression was unreadable, his eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before him, but he made no move to intervene.
Bartholomew pulled Owl closer, then with his free hand, he struck Owl across the face. His head snapped to the side, pain radiating through his cheek, his eyes watering both from the physical pain and the humiliation of being struck in front of Percival.
"You think you can just do as you please? Under my roof?" he bellowed, his face inches from Owl's. "You are nothing without my name, without my money. Don't ever forget that."
Owl, dazed and hurting, barely managed to nod. Bartholomew released him abruptly, and Owl stumbled back, nearly falling to the floor. He clutched his throbbing cheek, the taste of blood filling his mouth from where his teeth had cut into his lip.
Bartholomew turned and walked back to his place at the head of the table as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. He smoothed his napkin and resumed eating as though the interruption had been merely a minor inconvenience.
The story continues here
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lfc21 · 2 years
Picking up the Christmas tree - Day 1
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TW : Fluff
Summary : to allow the festivities to begin you and Jordan went on your annual yearly Christmas tree pick up. With Jordan being the most grumpy yet cheery man you had no idea how you would make it all work.
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Today was the day the Christmas festivities could finally begin. With months of preparing and endless hours searching for ideas on Pinterest you where finally starting to see a vision of what Christmas at home was going to look like. Jordan had never wanted to intrude on your preparing for Christmas, deep down he could trust you he knew that no matter what you picked, no matter the colour, length or amount of glitter something had on it he trusted it would look just as perfect as any other day at home. There wasn't a day in which went by when you didn't think off what baubles to have on the tree or what tone of lights where going to be hanging from the garage. You had become obsessed. Ever since a child you had found a certain fondness in the month of December, you weren't sure what it was but whatever it was you fell head over heels for.
The clock struck nine am and you and Jordan where about to embark on an hour trip to pick up your perfect Christmas tree. Having a real Christmas tree was something you dreamt of since a small child, it seemed so magical to have the real deal instead of a fake one pushed out of a box. You wanted to search and search for your perfect tree, the one that would make your eyes light up and your feet jump of the floor, the one that you would admire every time you walked down the stairs with the warm light's twinkling and the shiny baubles hanging.
"I am so excited" you explained with a joyful smile as you pushed open the car door out onto the car park. Jordan and you had been belting out to every Christmas song known to man on the way and you where more than sure you would be doing round 2 on the way home.
"i am not because I'm the one that will have to carry it!" Jordan replied with his piercing accent as he slammed the door shut with a laugh and made his way over to you. Your hands reached around to his neck as you looked up at his grumpy expression.
"cheer up babe its Christmas" you softly said as you kissed his soft wet lips and grabbed his hand with your own with a laugh escaping your mouth. His anger seemed to fade at the act of carrying the Christmas tree as his body was clashed with yours and you both made your way to the hundreds of Christmas trees. You heard the sounds of children's laughter and many adults trying there best to pick out the best tree. Your eyes scanned the deep green trees which stood high waiting for there festive home. It was a word of green as nothing else seemed to take away the magic in which was Christmas.
"3ft. 4ft. 5ft. 6ft." Jordan read out as you passed the outside aisles of many sized trees. "Y/n what size do we need?" Jordan quickly added as he had no idea where his feet should be taking him.
"The biggest one babe!" You replied back with a laugh as you pushed him over to the largest ones. Jordan's body aimlessly waddled over to the end aisle with you quickly following behind with both hands on his back. There where herds of people missing out the large trees as they where more than aware of the stress it would bring but you where sure of your vision. You believed Christmas should be the most over the top and exciting time of the year and that was not changing for anything.
"look at that one" you shouted as you pointed over to the one beneath your eyes. You quickly made a beeline to the green structure making home within your eyes. It looked as if you where admiring your Pinterest boards.
"hmmm that would actually fit to be honest" Jordan admitted with tight lips as his hands pushed down in his coat pockets. His hands where freezing by the second and his nose was glowing red with promising snow within the hour.
"I can only agree" you said as if you knew already it would fit. you had no idea, measuring was not your strong point. Your idea of measuring was using your arms and hoping for the best.
"you have absolutely no idea do you?" Jordan asked with a smile as he blew into his red hands in aim to create some warmth. You answered him with a side glare as you moved closer to the tree of choice. You attempted to grab the plant with both hands as you felt your husbands eyes dancing all over you. "Do you need help?" he added with a laugh as he watched your face turn into a frown as the lack of movement from the object you wanted to release.
"yes please" you mumbled as you stepped back and let Jordan do the hard work. secretly he loved helping you out, he was there whenever you needed a helping hand with anything - killing a bug, putting a shelf up or simply opening a bottle. Although he loved helping you he did earn pleasure from being his sarcastic and cheeky self, you didn't mind too much though, you where actually drawn to his mischief and constant entertainment.
As soon as you and Jordan had payed for the tree and got it to your car you knew you where faced with the hard task of fitting it on the top of your shared car. Years and years you where faced with this very same task with your parents - minutes and hours went by of arguing, struggles, sweating and loosing parts of the tree.
"god help us" you mumbled with a laugh as you watched Jordan force it up onto the top of the roof. His face went red and you where sure his arms where going to burst out of his coat but with every push the tree seemed to move closer and closer to the top of the car. Thankfully. Your sleeve was resting over your lips as you cautiously watched his actions towards the huge greenery moving up the large range rover. With one last push the tree made home on top as Jordan's shoulders seemed to drop and leave every responsibility he had ever had as he saw the masterpiece he had made.
"done" Jordan said with a low breathe and hopeful eyes as he looked down at your small frame. You looked up with a beaming smile and glowing eyes at his efforts.
"what would i do without you?" you asked with a laugh as his cold hands took hold of your waist and pushed you up to his eye level. As your eyes locked into each others you couldn't help but feel like the whole world completely stopped and it was just you and him in the moment. The world stood still and nothing else seemed to make sense until the sky's opened and let out the pieces of white glow that created the world to seem so quiet and small.
"absolutely nothing babe! you would be a bit stuck" he said with a laugh as he kissed your soft wet lips and felt the cold from your nose on his. "Right get in that car! I'm freezing" he added as he pulled open the car door and guided you into the vehicle. The white orbs fell onto the car window making nothing but small mountains on the glass in-front of you. He made his way around the car with a warm smile and an exciting buzz filling his veins.
"Jordan listen" You said as he plummeted into the drives seat and you turned up the volume with a stretched arm. Jordan's concentrated face fell onto him as he listened to the Christmas song blast through the speakers.
"Its officially Christmas" he said with a smile as he tuck your face in his hand and kissed your squashed plump lips. Your heart doubled at his small act of affection, Jordan never failed to make you feel like the most amazing and luckiest girl in the world. It was officially Christmas.
DAY 1 of the Christmas advent calendar 📅 I really hope you have enjoyed reading this ✍️ I hope you are excited for tomorrow.🤗 Please leave feedback and requests as I will try and do them as well as the daily Christmas imagines. 🥰I hope your well and have an amazing day! 🙏MERRY CHRISTMAS. 🎄 @prettylittletrent @cornertakenquicklyyyy @trentalexanderarnold @robbo38 @robbothegoat @kostasstsimikass @chelseamount @chloereddy @tsimikasfamily @avenirdelight @blueathens @jordanhendersunshine @mrs-henderson @thatonesexycancerian @hendersons1truelover @nyctophilic0vitnir @peekapeaches @tsimikxs @tsimikostas @trentalexarnofan @leddows @moneymasnn @superkittywonderland @virgilvansike @virgilvandickmedown @hopefulromantic1 @robbo-trent-fanfiction26
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gyllenhaalstories · 2 months
presumed innocent episode 7 word vomit <3
i swear to god if raymond dies ... if he dies ... IF HE DIES
why the fuck are tommy and nico there just the sight of them will give ray another attack GO AWAY but lorraine in the scene with the doctor oh my godddd 😭 protective rusty ily
mya YES DO THAT YOU CAN CARRY ON you go queen!!!!!!
rusty DONT THATS NOT NO DONT REPRESENT YOURSELF THATS SO STUPID LEAVE MYA TO DO IT????????? what is he gonna do, get a boner in front of the jury just saying carolyn’s name? he can’t even testify as a witness because he’s messed up like*** 😭 RUSTY HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID HOW CAN ONE PERSON BE SO DUMB nononononono im so against that no nope let mya do it she can win YOU CANT RUSTY welp he’s fucked now
i can see it already, he snaps he gets angry he ruins everything he loses he dies in jail thats it thats the finale called it
ON MORE SEX SCENES oh the cinematic sequence cradling her stomach oh he loves her 😔
he doesnt even let mya lead? like? he just? well he lost the trial just then good job rozat
barbara encouraging this is suspicious… like i love you b i love you so much you’re so smart and beautiful but… she’s the only one besides ray who could have talked some sense into it and on the opposite, she encourages it? sounds like someone is being set up for failure
i keep bringing this up!!!!!!!!! carolyn’s no contact thing with her son that no one dared to talk about. WELL SOMEONE IS FINALLY QUESTION CAROLYNS DECISION ABOUT HER SON it had to be rusty wowwww well DUMB MINDS THINK ALIKE 😃
“careful” yeah you tell him Lorraine keep your man in check
“the idea that she didn’t want you in her life, but that she would have affection for me” bold of you to assume she had affection for you rusty
wow it almost went not terrible wow rusty I CALLED IT HE WOULD GET ANGRY AND HE WOULD RUIN EVERYTHING the thing about how michael studied carolyn’s cases WAS SUCH A GOOD POINT HE COULD HAVE ASKED ABOUT THAT BUT NOOOO
well done beyond a reasonable doubt fucked INDEED THATS RUSTY HES FUCKED but okay i would like to see nico go at it i hate him but tommy is a danger to the case almost as much as rusty is so like bring him on isnt he in office? wasnt he elected and all he does is collect dust and get angy at tomtom for under performing?
also wtf 😭 i dismissed the father of michael so long ago but they focus on him too much. dalton and michael? an impulsive death, a careful set up and tie up. hmm. the focus on barbara after rusty lashed out was also interesting. hmm. i hate being stupid.
the scene with eugenia? so emotionally charged why is eugenia so emotionally involved? the kid? CAROLYN WANTED TO KEEP THE CHILD? NO FUCKING WAY
“what a hero” 😭 nico stroked his own ego so hard after that and i cant even blame him, if he lead the trial instead if tommy rusty would be signed sealed delivered to jail
*** not me guessing on accident that rusty was gonna testify i hate myself
tommy’s vision board with cut up ties and bowties??? the creepy music is so 😭 how carolyn didnt hug him back is so 😭 scary man at work confirmed again
ray “the slay” horgan I KNOW THATS RIGHT
also not me spelling his name as hogan??? the whole time??! fake fan straight to jail
okay raymond coming back felt like jesus coming back from the dead when does jesus resurrect? i have no clue i was busy playing nintendogs in church at the one and only christmas mass i went to as a kid but ... oh my god wow thank you god for raymond HORGAN hoRgan
KUMAGAI RATZER THEY LITERALLY PULLED EVERY FUCKING PERSON ON EARTH AND LIKE RATZER HAD IT COMING after rusty had it coming for trespassing but he trespassed nicely he didn't bang at his door and scared his baby BUT LIKE JESUS FUCK
rusty wanted to spend the rest of his life with carolyn he was so in love. and when he talked with carolyn about how he cant stop thinking of her and wanting to be with her she looked bored. bored like when he was looking at her with love all over his face on the couch. bored bored bored.
i hate to see tommy succeed i hate to see nico succeed i hate to see anyone succeed except barbara and raymond and mya and jaden STOP SUCCEEDING
the fire poker??? WHO PUT IT THERE WHO CAN IT BE THE FATHER WHO!!! poor kitty the cat didnt deserve to be involved with this
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nicegaai · 11 months
having nor/ice thoughtssssssssssssss sad sad whiny kitty cat noises. wahhhh. im thinking about them wahhhhhhhh. WAHHH
what if i took all my small canonverse ideas and compiled them into ONESHOTSSSSS........................................ and what if they were CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED ..... and showed RELATIONSHIP PROGRESSION over the course of 1000 years ...... and it wasnt that deep but i pretended it was and called it something like "i was meant to keep you warm" because i love to steal fox/i/ng lyrics. maybe even id find a way to make this a 5 times + 1 time format.
if i can wrestle my way into figuring out what goes on in nors head i could do it. ive figured that i want ice to never ever see him as a brother. my vision is that nor is iceladns hot babysitter fantasy and first crush that never goes away. he wants to marry him when he grows up but then his feelings stay that way and it never ever ever ever ever goes away and only gets worse. u understand? do u see it
and UNFORTUNATELY nor knows ic/eland likes him from the beginning. he can tell from like ice's adolescence onwards and is like yeah idk about all that...... but the attention is flattering and he loves this little guy so much and thinks its sweet. he doesnt get to visit often but ice writes him a lot because hes in love with him ykwim and nor loves him so much too (platonic) and always writes back.
and yeah they go through periods of living together for various reasons. sickness unions famines etc etc. not ever for long and nothing ever happens. if adolescent iceland pushed boundaries, nor would humor him a little with like...a kiss, bc he spoils him, but ultimately he hard-shuts it down. and ice would be traumatized forever and block the memory out / be eternally tormented at night by the time he did such and such so is the worst person alive etc
and ice begins teen life with the whole he will never love me and i am a tormented soul shtick. now he writes to him less, tries to put more distance between them... so it hurts less and all that. hes not GOOD at pretending he hates nor or whatever but its easy to lose connection when messages are rare and visits are rarer
he spends much more time at denmarks than with no.rway. he sees den.mark as a proper older brother / uncle / fatherly figure. hes closer emotionally to him and lives with him more and all that. his tutors are danish and he goes to boarding school in cop.enhagen in the 1800s. idk how this ties into the romance necessarily but its timeline relevant. whether or not denmark picks up on the crush , i dont know. i could go either way lol. also, den + nors relationship is strictly brotherly btw. ironically. because theres not enough fics where theyre platonic and i really do enjoy them that way too
nor and ice remain distant for several hundred years. its once ice gets into his pushing for independence mixed with modern technology for better communication ..... somewhere between say, the invention of the airplane and landline phones, nor and ice repair their relationship. iceland is coming into adulthood (independence) for real, and is SO mature about his international relationships. he can be so mature and normal about norway. he can sit down with him and have lunch and discuss business and norway wont talk down at him for being young at all (lie) and he'll be so chill about that and not yell at him (he only does it once) (he only has to do it once)
all this isnt to say n.orway himself didnt attempt to stay close over the years, but ic.eland wasnt reciprocating, and even if they saw each other every year at christmas (doubt) that doesnt make them really CLOSE. but i think iceland was always particularly special to him bc of how close they were as kids. and they WERE both kids back then. little icela.nd sent him letters while nor was like 14 at best. i believe in teen mom norway and his eldest sondaughter icey. at least from nors perspective. even tho hes so absent so much of the time. when he comes around he showers him in gifts as a love language even way back when
anyway, ice.land still has an obvious crush on nor and nor finds it SO cute. like he could just pinch his cheeks and coo at him for it. ice tries to keep a lid on his emotions but can only do so much. nor doesnt SAY anything to point sus behavior out. but as soon as he notices,,,, its like there was no time apart, to nor. ice is so closed off and stiff and weird around him and nor wishes he would relax so they can connect properly and he honestly CANT
the solution is to drink otgether i think. at some point. maybe not immediately but they'll get to it.
icela.nd isnt like oohg im too young to drink, i think hes just lived long enough that hes a bit Over It / doesnt want to act like an idiot / really doesnt want to act like an idiot in front of nor. but nor could peer pressure him into anything if he really tried so they finally get tipsy together and i think that goes a long way to repair their relationship.
they do this many times and as long as ice is careful to not drink a lot he'll be fine. hes gotta keep his wits about him and still be able to feel shame. one time he indulges a little hard and i think ice trauma dumps on him and they kiss to make up for the time nor pushed him away and nor didnt realize he was still hurting so much about that. nor is tipsy enough to do it (not even drunk) and afterwards he goes ohh wait i kind of enjoyed that. and do it a few more times then make out for a while and it doesnt go anywhere, they fall asleep
the next day they completely remember kissing and know the other remembers it and just mutually dont talk about it.
icelan.d is VISIBLY struggling even harder around him for at least a few days until he gets a handle on his emotions. and nor has a lot to think about. in general.
i dont know where the dna stuff comes in. im falling asleep while typeing this
but icelan.d obvioiusly is like wtf? we arent related. thats impossible. i cant even fathom this. and nor.way is like you are the closest i will ever have to family and i am your biological father and icel.and is like what the fuck ew you can say brother as much as you want but never say father again im begging you and nor is like Bet.
and then they test and they're first degree related. father or brother would be appropriate. and nor is like yeah obviously (already believed this when he kissed him) and ic.eland is like (max harlow voice) SUICIDE !! SUICIDE !!
icelan.d sits with that information for a while but his crush still doesnt go away. nor gives him space and also sits with the information. he never thought he'd end up here but he decides that hes into it. its kinda hot. I Do believe in slutty n.orway supremacy i thnk hes slept with most of europe and doesnt have a strong internal sense of familial boundaries considering he is a landmass and is like yeah id do that again we're both adults hes cute whatever
next time they see each other nor comes onto him. and ice is squeemish about it but this is also everything hes ever wanted. whats he gonna do, say no?
at this point i fell asleep but im awake again uhhhh
ic.eland gets to cope with being a creep a weirdo and getting what he wanted in the worst way possible and nor gets to torment him with the brother thing not as a kink but bcz it makes him uncomfortable and he thinks its funny.
i forgot to talk about the actual oneshot ideas that inspired this in the first place didnt i. oh well
aaaaaaaaaaaaand post
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roseposts-stuff · 6 months
HELLO!!! thought i'd share my ranking of doctor who series 3 episodes today!!!! been a while since i posted series 2 ranking so yeah:D
1. Blink - I LOVE this episode so much, everyone probably gets why, it's so well written, the weeping angels are a brilliant idea, it has great characters, it's visually beautiful (seriously there are so many frames i just look at like "wow the colours are SO COOL i want to paint this" or like the composition looks nice or something) and the way the viewer counts with the angels not moving is SO COOL, what more can a girl ask for???
2. Human Nature/Family of Blood - again so so good, i LOVED martha my girl was so amazing, the acting was so good, the plot was great, i liked the side characters, just really really good guys
3. Gridlock - no one will ever understand how much i love this episode, i love love love how we jump from one car to another it feels so cosy like jumping to tiny worlds it was so amazing fr do y'all see what im saying??? it's so nice and feels so real and i love old lesbians and random kittens and!!!! also it was cool to see face of boe (he's an icon) and anyway the story was enjoyable and i really really liked it
4. Smith and Jones - i love this introduction to martha, the story is great and interesting and i was IMMEDIATELY on board like hello martha i like you already, AND it had funny moments too!!
5. Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords - man this is a great finale, martha, jack and 10 together were so fun to watch and the master's reveal is great and y'all i'm SO proud of martha she was an ICON i love her, anyway the plot is great and i also kinda like how the master was basically defeated with hope, i think it was beautiful, also i love martha's departure it's one of my favourites
6. Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks - really liked the side characters, especially solomon and tallulah, they were great, and i liked the idea of one of the daleks kinda turned good you know? or at least realised that there are better ways to survive, and anyway i just like the story
7. 42 - LOVE how this is in "real time" i think that's such a great idea, i enjoyed freema and david's acting and the story overall it's great
8. The Runaway Bride - donnaaaaa!!! this is pretty funny (as stuff with donna tends to be ngl) and the story is alright, but not my fav christmas special and i wasn't the biggest fan of the villain
9. The Shakespeare Code - i like the idea of carrionites and that words can be used like that it's so cool and the ending was funny with the queen just telling folks to execute the doctor but like this episode isn't my fav + i was SO mad when 10 compared martha to rose like im sorry i just never got into timepetals i didn't really like the ship, like i did NOT care enough to get that moment 😭
10. The Lazarus Experiment - it's enjoyable and i really like tish i kinda wished she'd become a companion with martha are you seeing my vision?? and i love some 10 moments in this, but overall it's kinda mid
welll there we are!!!! hopefully will do series 4 soon!!! also remember these are my opinions y'all are free to disagree and if you wanna tell me if you disagree or agree feel free to do that:D
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linzsaw · 9 months
75 HARD: day one
[x] read 10 pages - Atomic Habits
[x] 45 minute workout outside - AM outdoor walk
[x] 45 minute workout inside - PM arms + elipitical
[x] gallon of water
[x] followed diet - high protein: protein pancakes, Mexican veggie bowl for lunch, protein shake, banana, brownie and nuts for snacks, and tonight's dinner included Lemon Basil Turkey Meatballs & Creamy rice
[x] took progress photo - good thing I remembered to do this after a big meal :)
[x] no alcohol - nope, and in fact I was pretty ready to give it up and didn't even drink on NYE. I had my last drink on Christmas and not sure I'll ever go back.
Today was a huge success and I'm feeling accomplished! I honestly was in a bit of a rut for the month of December after coming back from Thailand and feeling quite broke and worn out. It felt really amazing to get back into a routine again. I set myself up pretty well for this challenge. They say that New Year’s resolutions are kind of out of place because goal setting should really begin in spring, and that this is a time for rest. I fully get that and support those who are participating in a relaxing period. For me, though, I’ve always done really well when I set my goals at the top of the year. I think monthly check-ins to make sure you’re following your set goals is crucial though! I think having a visual like a vision board or creating a Mind Movie works so well. The background on my phone is a vision board I made a while back and I’ve accomplished almost everything on it. This year, I plan to create a Mind Movie and I’m really excited! If you’re not familiar, these are short videos that you design yourself to get your mind in peak 'manifesting' mode, that you watch first thing in the morning and last thing at night. The idea is to see yourself as having whatever you want now, played out in the movie with hertz frequencies in the background. The goal is to get excited about your dreams, to stop focusing on what is and envision on how you want your life to be.
This last week I spent some time collecting recipes, I wrote down all the things I'd like to do daily and weekly, made a workout schedule and plan, and organized a system for how to realistically accomplish these tasks/goals. I also did an intention setting ceremony last night with Yoga Girl's annual podcast which I absolutely love.
On NYE my love and I went out to eat at one of our favorite Italian restaurants and I drank a delicious mocktail that had blackberry, mint, agave, and soda water. I was definitely in bed before midnight (MST) but I did watch the balldrop on tiktok live and got my new years kiss lol. I think this was another way I set myself up for success, just knowing that I did not want to start off the new year hungover. It's not worth it to me and I've really outgrown that poison.
I wondered how well I would do with the outdoor workout with it being winter, but honestly it was really refreshing to jump out of bed and force myself to get outside. The cold woke me up and it was a great start to the day. I listening to a walking meditation. The last time I did this consistently, I very quickly quantum leaped into my dream career from a very depressing job, I passed the ASWB licensing exam by a landslide, and I started my UGC side gig career which has also been quite a success! I'm seriously so damn excited to see how life can get even better than it already is.
The self-development book I started reading is called Atomic Habits by James Clear, and I can already tell I'm gonna love it. I've heard such good things about it. It's about how to build good habits and break bad ones, noting that tiny changes in your day to day life can have a huge impact on your life long-term, whether good or bad. Here's a quote from the book that stood out to me today:
"The impact created by a change in your habits is similar to the effect of shifting the route of an airplane by just a few degrees. Imagine you are flying from Los Angeles to New York City. If a pilot leaving from LAX adjusts the heading just 3.5 degrees south, you will land in Washington D.C. instead of New York. Such a small change is barely noticeable at takeoff- the nose of the airplane moves just a few feet--but when magnified across the entire United States, you end up hundreds of miles apart."
Thanks for tuning into my journey! Can't wait to see the transformation both physically and mentally.
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dolls-and-cats · 9 months
An AG story I like and have posted about before is Maryellen's winter story. Her immediate family, in Florida, is not planning to get together with Maryellen's grandparents in Georgia for Christmas. Maryellen wants to see her grandparents and also has a vision of herself ice skating in snowy woods. So she proposes a plan to do something different than the default family plan.
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Sometimes the AG stories are kind of fanciful in having 9 year olds play major roles in historical events (looking at you, Felicity) but I like this story because it's modeling a kid using her voice in a pretty realistic scenario.
The mostly market-driven demands of the season fall on everyone.....Christmas music in every store, whether customers are Christian or not; gifting obligations; food, with all the ambivalence that brings up; expectations about travel and getting together. Work party expectations fall at the same time many of us try to see many different parts of our family. Many different things cost money and it's not like extra money appears. It can all be fun for some people in some situations and it can all also be really un-fun.
What doesn't help is an expectation that everyone only be happy, helpful, grateful, and on board with whatever someone else has planned.
I know using voice isn't always enough on its own....there are some things (like the Christmas music at every business) that are more systemic. But it can still help in circumstances when talking directly with coworkers and family members. For us in our individual lives, I hope we can all use our voices to negotiate with our loved ones how we want to handle this month.
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Btw Maryellen is sitting in an ice skating rink from kiwico that can twirl small ice skaters around.
The kit includes a motor driving gears that hold magnets that can can connect to metal for the skaters. Maryellen is a bigger scale than goes easily with this kit and my idea of having her skate has not immediately worked. If I can figure out how to make it work later, y'all will be getting an update.
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Pure Christmas Fluff Masterlist
all i want for christmas is you (ao3) - cliffords michael/luke G, 3k
Summary: in which Michael wants to stay in bed for the whole of Christmas, but Luke has something else planned.
Apricity - @ashtcnirwin (elivigar) michael/ashton T, 23k
Summary: In which Ashton and Michael miss their flight home for the holidays and are forced to spend Christmas together.
break and burn and end (ao3) - strxngersagain luke/calum G, 3k
Summary: “Cal’s probably the nicest guy you could ever ask for,” Ashton’s voice pulls Luke from his thoughts. He smiles softly at Luke in the mirror.
“I’m just scared.” Luke croaks.
“I know, but this isn’t history repeating itself, okay?” Ashton rubs at his shoulders. “I know the past eight months have been really hard, but there’s no pressure. Whatever happens, happens.” Luke nods shakily. “Cal’s not him, you know?” Ashton smiles at him.
Luke looks in the mirror, takes a deep breath, picks up his keys, and walks out the front door.
Luke hasn’t been on a date in over eight months. He’s been too scared to even entertain the idea. But in a café with Calum, he watches it begin again.
‘Cause I don’t know where it’s goin’ (there’s a part of me that loves not knowin’) (ao3) - Calumthoodshands (tndart) luke/calum G, 3k
Summary: All Luke wants is for his plane to take off and him with it to go home for Christmas — but the snow has other plans for him, and a day destined to be terrible gets lightened up from a rather unexpected place.
Chimney Heart (ao3) - rollercoastar michael/luke T, 4k
Summary: A low moan escaped Luke’s lips as Michael started to play with his lip ring, pushing Luke as close to him as possible. ‘’Okay, enough’’ Ben laughed, ‘’I think you left our Lukey boy all hot and bothered’’. Luke blushed furiously as Michael let out a laugh, ‘’this is nowhere near as bothered as he can get’’.
Or, Luke and Michael spend Christmas eve at the Clifford's playing board games, and Christmas day being teased and asked about their sex life by Ben and Jack.
Christmas Eve, after Tour (ao3) - Memoire (nowherebound) michael/luke G, 1k
Summary: After being on tour for weeks, Michael and Luke cuddle up under the Christmas tree. Michael has a surprise gift for Luke.
I Don't Want A Lot For Christmas (ao3) - senioritastyles luke/calum G, 1k
Summary: Calum kisses Luke's lips again, switching to his nose and both of his cheeks before backing away and looking at the tree again as Luke moves to stand beside him. Calum holds the younger boy's hand as they watch the lights blink on their tree, Luke's heading resting on his shoulder. "You know what I really want?" Calum asks, leaning his head on Luke's as the younger boy hums in question. "A puppy."
Luke snorts softly, a fond smile on his face. "Of course you do, Cal."
Or: Calum wants a puppy for Christmas.
It’s The Time Of The Season For Loving (ao3) - fourdrunksluts luke/calum N/R, 6k
Summary: “You're all so much different from the other elves,” Calum's forced to bring up when Luke thanks him for the hot cocoa. 
“Should I be insulted or flattered?” 
“ Flattered ,” Calum insists. “Definitely.” It said with much conviction, and Luke’s responding laugh is music to his ears. “You just, uh, you don't have very pointy ears.”
“But I have pointy feet,” he tries to justify. Calum can’t see with the counter in his way, but Luke leans forward on his toes. He's a vision.
Wintertime always brings out the best in Calum. Colors light up the street, the snow crunches under his feet, and when a Christmas elf named Luke walks into his cafe, things only get merrier. 
like yong love still waiting under mistletoe (ao3) - expectopatronuz Luke/Calum G, 4k
Summary: Luke and Calum search for the perfect Christmas tree.
Meet Me Under the Mistletoe (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes) michael/ashton, background luke/calum T, 15k
Summary: Michael has been letting everyone at the office believe he has a boyfriend for the past few months. Things become complicated when they ask to meet his boyfriend at the company winter party.
play it again and again and again (ao3) - bellawritess michael/ashton T, 2k
Summary: “Mikey,” Ashton says, drawing out the end. He takes a Star Wars jumper off the rack and, holding it up, says seriously, “I find your lack of cheer disturbing.”
“I have plenty of cheer,” Michael says. “Just not for Christmas.”
the only gift I want to see under the tree (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes)
Summary: Ashton knew he was screwed the moment he picked Luke’s name out of the hat for Secret Santa.
This December - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) luke/ashton T, 21k
Summary: “I’m gonna stay here,” Luke returns pathetically, “by myself. I’m gonna be alone for fucking Christmas.”
“Well you won’t be alone alone,” Calum replies. When Luke looks up, confused, he nods his head to the side to where Ashton is setting his bag down and pulling out a chair. “Ashton’ll be here.”
Or, the one where Ashton and Luke are stuck together for the holidays, Ashton hates Christmas, and Luke is trying to make him fall in love.
under the mistletoe - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) michael/luke, calum/ashton, sierra/crystal T, 4k
Summary: Michael needs a date to his work's Christmas party. Luke offers to be his fake date. Michael should be thrilled about this, but Michael's had a crush on Luke ever since they met each other. Now he has to fake date Luke for a party when his feelings aren't fake at all.
walking in a winter wonderland (ao3) - mukelftv (eddiethebanisheds) luke/ashton T, 889
Summary: luke comes home to snow in his home.
You Got My Soft Side Showing (ao3) - reversecow michael/calum N/R, 6k
Summary: When Michael draws Calum’s name for Secret Santa, he’s determined to find the perfect cringey, jokey gift for his crush to make him laugh. But what he finds when he opens his own gift is the very last thing he’s expecting - and might turn the night into a Christmas catastrophe.
you're all that i need (underneath the tree) (ao3) - lifewasradical luke/ashton G, 3k
Summary: When Ashton insisted that they shouldn’t do Christmas presents for each other, Luke immediately set his mind in motion on what he could do to get around Ashton’s request. He had to think of something that wasn’t a conventional gift. He refused to not get Ashton something on their first Christmas together, but he also didn’t want to taint the memory of this year with a fight over gift giving.
Or, Luke (and Ashton) plan holiday surprises for one another.
You Were a Window to a World (ao3) - reversecow michael/luke N/R, 11k
Summary: Luke’s flight from Edinburgh to London gets cancelled, and with it, his hopes of meeting his family for Christmas. He’s ready to go back to his student housing for a lonely holiday when a stranger saves the day. Unfortunately, due to the snowstorm, it takes much longer than expected to get where they need to go. Hours alone in the car and a night in a bed and breakfast leaves Luke with one burning question in the back of his mind; Why is Michael alone for Christmas?
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