#Church of St Nonna
vox-anglosphere · 2 years
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Altarnun is one of those Cornish villages too timeless to be real
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brokebonewritings · 6 months
Into the Dark Fire
Sodo x TransMasc! Reader
Tags: 18+, Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Searching for your soulmate, you begin life in new surroundings. How easy will it be to transition from being alone to gaining a new family?
Word Count: 2.8K
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Chapter 1
Destiny is not a thing that defines you. It is the actions you make towards your destiny that creates who you are.  The words played in your mind throughout the train ride. Your Nonna had given you a journal that her mom had found buried in her backyard. 
She had told you that something had compelled her to save it for you. It certainly was strange to him. You thought about the quote some more and wondered if you had read it in a book somewhere. For some reason it sounded very familiar to you. Like a lyric to a hymn you loved to hear as a child.
As you studied the leather journal on your lap, your fingers graced over the two names printed in the book. Dimitri and Seamus. Two boys who had fallen in love, and were accused of being witches. Such as life was in the 1700s. Dimitri was hanged and Seamus managed to escape the town’s wrath and hid in the woods until he died of the cold winter air. 
‘What a tragedy’ you thought, this boy lived day to day without the love of his life. You watched as the train passed old shops and slowed into the station. The reflection of his face showed the grim expression that was permanently plastered. 
See, you were only 18 years old and had no one left in your life. Nothing really scared you, except death. You never understood why though. You didn’t understand anything really. Like why was this journal’s story so similar to your own. You looked down at the leather booklet and sighed.
You sat quietly reading the journal entries. All composed of sadness, love, and regret. The writer must have put their whole thoughts into this little journal. You looked up as the train stopped to see if this is where he got off at. It wasn’t, but as you looked up a boy got on. Someone you had seen before? No, it couldn’t be. You had never left your hometown before this. The boy looked around for a seat, then by some divine intervention, he locked eyes with you. 
You both gawked at each other even as the train began to move. The boy walked over calmly and sat in front of you. You couldn’t describe him in any way, except for a wonder. You shook your head and opened the journal to the last entry you were on. Halfway through you heard a voice that was barely above a whisper.
“What are you reading?”  You looked up and saw the boy was staring at you. His dark green eyes looked deep into your soul. It was haunting.
“Huh?” You looked down at the booklet. “Oh, just this journal my nonna found.”
“Can I see it?”
You hesitate at first. You didn't even know this person’s name, or if they’d just end up stealing the book. Something does compel you to hand over the small journal. Cautiously you hand over the journal and your eyes never leave the boy's gaze. He took the journal delicately, almost reverently, as if he knew that it held something of immense value. His fingers traced over the worn pages, and a flicker of recognition crossed his face.
"Dimitri and Seamus," he whispered, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and sorrow. The boy's gaze lingered on the names before meeting your eyes again. "Where is your stop?"
"Oh uhm, it's the next one."
"You're going to the church?"
You think for a moment. Was church the right word? It was definitely a form of religion. “Yeah I am joining the ministry I suppose.”
“Well we can walk together. That’s where I live.” The boy smiles before handing back the book. “I’m Rain, by the way.”
“Devyn.” You give a polite nod.
Rain studies your face before quietly testing your name, “Devyn…”
As the train came to a stop at their destination, you gathered your belongings and stepped off onto the platform, followed closely by Rain. Together, you both walked side by side towards the church, your footsteps echoing through the quiet streets.
The sun began to set, casting golden hues across the buildings around them. It was breathtaking. You had never seen anything like it before. Approaching the church, you noticed a small cemetery adjacent to it, its tombstones standing solemnly in rows. The sight sent an unexpected shiver down your spine.
As they reach the steps, the priest opens the door wide enough for you to smell the incense inside. The man was tall, and wore dark robes. He definitely wasn't intimidating to say the slightest.
“Rain, you silly ghoul, who is this?” He spoke in a thick Italian accent. It was comforting really. It reminded you of your nonna, and the way she spoke.
"A new sibling, I think." The other responds. "I met him on the train, papa."
"Ah yes! Yes, come in. Er, what was your name again?" 
"Devyn... sir." You state shyly, you were never an extrovert.
"Devyn, yes, Welcome." The old man begins as he steps out of the way to let you both in. "I am Papa Emeritus IV, but you can just call me Papa."
Rain walks besides Papa while you trail behind. The interior was dimly lit, with stained glass windows casting vibrant colors onto the pews. The air smelled of old wood and candles. It was a place of serenity and solace. He led them to a small room adjacent to the main sanctuary, an office to be more precise.
"You may have a seat, we will get the paperwork all sorted for Sister." Papa says to you before turning to Rain. He whispers something into the boy's ear before they turn and look at you for a moment. It was only slightly unsettling, were they talking about you? 
As you look around, you begin to notice that it was not a traditional church. There were dark portraits, and records upon the wall. Upside down crosses pinned above the door. You hear a throat clear before you turn and see Papa closing the door behind Rain.
"Devyn," he begins, his voice low and solemn. "This may come as a shock to you, but the truth is, this church is not like any other. It is a sanctuary for those who have strayed from the path of light." Papa's eyes bore into yours, searching for any sign of understanding.
"Yes, Papa... I know." You respond, unable to tear his gaze away from the older man’s mesmerizing eyes.
"Why have you chosen to seek us out?"
"For understanding. I guess I was drawn here, to search for myself." 
Papa hums in response as he sits behind his desk. "We do not get a lot of young people, I will admit. How old are you? 18, yes?"
It was your turn to silently nod, and he smiles before writing on the parchment in front of him. "Tell me," Papa continues, his voice filled with both warmth and curiosity. "What have you experienced so far on your journey?"
"Well, there's this journal," You fidget in your seat. "My nonna found this journal in her attic, and I can't really explain it, but I think it brought me here to find the other half of it."
"Curious..." The priest spoke slowly, "Nonna, you say? Sei Italiano?"
You nod sheepishly, "Si, Papa."
"Good, very good. I believe you will get along just fine then." He says, "Do you have the journal of which you speak?"
Devyn reaches into his bag and pulls out the worn leather booklet, handing it over to Papa Emeritus IV. The priest takes it with reverence, his fingers delicately tracing over the intricate patterns etched into the cover.
"This is intriguing," Papa murmurs, his eyes fixed upon the journal. "The journey to find the other half, you say?"
"Yes," Devyn confirms, his voice filled with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. "I believe that this journal holds a connection to my own story, to my soulmate."
Papa nods thoughtfully, flipping through the pages. The room is filled with a heavy silence as he reads, occasionally pausing to absorb the words written on each page. After what feels like an eternity, he closes the journal with a snap.
"Vieni qui." He says loudly, making you jump in your seat. As if on cue, a tall man comes into the room followed by another shorter man.
You don't notice anything peculiar about the two except for the masks they wore. To cover their identity? Some religions did this as a common practice so you chose not to think too hard about it.
"Mountain, please take our new sibling to the living quarters." Papa asked politely. "And Swiss, could you please take them to see Sister and Papa Nihil"
Both men nod before turning to you and wait quietly. You stand and look at the priest nervously. He smiles and shoos you away. "Go, go. I will see you in the evening."
Something in Papa's kind eyes reassures you, and with a deep breath, you follow Mountain and Swiss out of the office.
As they walk through the dimly lit corridors of the church, you can't help but feel a sense of anticipation. You know that your journey has only just begun, that there are mysteries waiting to be unraveled within these walls. The air is heavy with the scent of incense, and the sound of distant chanting reaches his ears.
"So Mountain and Swiss? Are those your actual names?" You ask them both.
"It's not our actual names." A deep voice says to your left. You look up towards the taller man and see his mask turned to you.
"What are your real names then?"
"If we tell you, we'll have to kill you." The other man said. Turning your head in shock, it takes a moment for the three of you to burst into laughter. It was like music to Mountain’s ears. It was a momentary release from the weight of the unknown that lay ahead. As they continued walking, he found himself growing more comfortable in their presence.
"So, what do you guys actually do here?" You ask
Swiss thinks for a moment before responding, his voice like melted butter. "We assist Papa with various tasks and rituals."
"It is a solemn duty, but one that we take great pride in." Mountain adds.
You hum in response while glancing at Swiss, noticing the way he held himself with an air of mystery. "And what about Sister and Papa Nihil? Who are they?"
Mountain exchanged a knowing look with Swiss before answering. "Sister is a wise woman with incredible knowledge and-"
"And Papa Nihil is the man who started all of this!" Swiss finishes.
Before you can ask any more questions, you all arrive at a small door. Swiss turns the knob and it swings open easily. It was a quaint little bedroom. A bed, wardrobe, and more space than you ever had.
"This will be your living quarters," Mountain says, gesturing towards the room. "Make yourself at home."
You nod gratefully, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. It had been a long journey to reach this moment, and now, you were finally here.
Mountain and Swiss linger by the doorway, their masked faces unreadable. They seem to be waiting for something, their eyes fixed on you expectantly. You hesitate for a moment before breaking the silence.
"So, what now? What happens next?" you ask, your voice filled with curiosity.
Swiss steps forward, his voice soft but full of conviction. "Now, my dear sibling, it is time for you to meet Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil."
With that, he gestures for you to follow him out of the room. As you walk through the winding corridors of the church, you can't help but feel a mix of apprehension and excitement building within.
Finally, you reach a large wooden door adorned with ornate carvings. Swiss pushes it open, revealing a spacious room filled with flickering candlelight. Sitting by a fireplace is an elderly woman in a dark dress. Her eyes striking like a cat preying on a mouse.
Another figure sits across from her, an elderly man in white robes. You can't see him very well, but you didn't feel as intimidated by him.
"Sister, Papa" Swiss speaks softly, "this is our new sibling, Devyn."
Sister Imperator's piercing gaze shifts from the fire to you, her eyes narrowing for a moment as if assessing your worth. Papa Nihil, on the other hand, offers you a kind smile, his aging face showing traces of wisdom and compassion.
Papa Nihil, his voice gentle and soothing, beckons you closer. "Come, child. We will not bite, well I cannot speak on Sister's behalf" He chuckles earning a pointed look from Sister.
You obey his command, stepping into the room. The warmth of the flames dances across your face as you await their words.
Sister Imperator leans forward, her eyes fixed on yours with an intensity that sends shivers down your spine. "It is not often that new blood finds its way to our sacred haven. Tell me, Devyn, what has led you here? What is it that you seek?"
"I seek answers, guidance... I've been drawn here to find something, or someone." You explain.
Sister Imperator's lips curl into a slight smile, her eyes glinting with intrigue. "Ah, the pull of destiny. It is a powerful force, isn't it? Tell me, Devyn, do you believe in soulmates?"
Your heart skips a beat at the mention of soulmates. The journal, the half you possess—the notion of finding your other half feels palpable in this very room.
"Yes," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper. "I believe that somewhere out there is my other half, my destined companion."
Papa Nihil leans forward, his voice carrying a calm wisdom. "You have been brought to us for a reason, Devyn. Are you prepared to embark on this journey? To unravel the mysteries that lie before you?"
A surge of determination fills your chest as you meet Papa Nihil's gaze. "Yes..."
"But first," Sister interrupts. "We must discuss your duties, as a sibling."
You turn your attention towards her and nod. She smiles before taking a piece of parchment off the side table next to her chair.
"You are to report to the Cardinal- er I mean Papa's office at 8am sharp. You will be overseeing his personal library, and needs." She orders, your eyebrows knit together in confusion.
"But what about Swiss and Mountain?" You ask innocently.
She tuts, before shooing you off like Papa earlier. "Get some rest, child. You'll be needing it."
You smile at her before turning back to the door. Surprisingly, both Swiss and Mountain were waiting for you at the door, their masked faces tense. 
As you all walked back to your room Swiss places a hand on your shoulder, his voice filled with concern. "Devyn, I need to warn you about something. Sister Imperator can be... demanding. She expects perfection in everything she assigns you."
Mountain nods in agreement. "It's true. She is a formidable figure in this church, and her expectations can be overwhelming at times."
"I understand. I will do my best to meet her expectations."
"And don't worry, we'll make sure you're well taken care of." Swiss assures.
You smile gratefully at both of them, feeling a sense of comfort in their presence. As you walk back to your living quarters, Swiss begins to explain the intricacies of your role as Papa's overseer.
"You see, Papa Copia has an extensive collection of ancient texts and manuscripts," Swiss explains. "Your task will be to organize and maintain his personal library. It is a position of great importance and trust."
Mountain chimes in, his voice steady and reassuring. "Remember, Devyn, our work here is shrouded in secrecy. The information contained within these walls must never leave this sanctuary."
You nod, absorbing their words and feeling a growing sense of responsibility settling upon your shoulders. You understand the weight of this position, not just in terms of maintaining the library but also in upholding the trust placed in you by Papa and Sister Imperator.
As you enter your living quarters once again, Mountain and Swiss bid you goodnight and leave the room. You find yourself alone for the first time since arriving at the church. The silence is comforting, allowing you to reflect on everything that has led you to this point.
You sit on the edge of the bed, taking out your journal and carefully flipping through its pages. Each word holds a piece of your soulmate's story, and as you read it once again the feeling of peace begins to settle within you.
Closing the journal, you set it aside and lie back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. The flickering candlelight casts dancing shadows on the walls, and a gentle breeze rustles through the open window.
You can't help but wonder what lies ahead in this journey you've found yourself on. What secrets does this church hold? What will you discover within these sacred walls? And most importantly, when will you finally meet your soulmate?
As the anticipation stirs within you, sleep slowly envelops your tired body.
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Among Welsh Catholics, as well as those in England, March 1 is the liturgical celebration of Saint David of Wales.
St. David is the patron of the Welsh people, remembered as a missionary bishop and the founder of many monasteries during the sixth century.
David was a popular namesake for churches in Wales prior to the Anglican schism, and his feast day is still an important religious and civic observance.
Although Pope Benedict XVI did not visit Wales during his 2010 trip to the UK, he blessed a mosaic icon of its patron and delivered remarks praising St. David as “one of the great saints of the sixth century, that golden age of saints and missionaries in these isles, and...thus a founder of the Christian culture which lies at the root of modern Europe.”
In his comments, Pope Benedict XVI recalled the saint's dying words to his monastic brethren: “Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things.”
He urged that "St. David's message, in all its simplicity and richness, continue to resound in Wales today, drawing the hearts of its people to renewed love for Christ and his Church.”
From a purely historical standpoint, little is known of David’s life, with the earliest biography dating from centuries after his time.
As with some other saints of sixth-century Wales, even the chronology of his life is not easy to ascertain.
David’s conception is said to have occurred as a result of rape – a detail that seems unlikely to have been invented by later biographers, though it cannot (like almost all of the traditions surrounding his life) be established with certainty.
His mother Saint Nonna or Nonnita has her traditional feast day on March 3.
David appears to have been the cousin of his contemporary Saint Teilo, another Welsh bishop and monk.
He is described as a pupil of the monastic educator Saint Paulinus, who was one of St. Teilo’s teachers as well.
There are doubts, however, about the story, which holds that David and Teilo traveled to Jerusalem and were ordained together as bishops.
It is clear that David served as the Bishop of Menevia, an important port city linking Wales and Ireland in his time.
His leading role in two local councils of the Church is also a matter of record.
Twelve monasteries have their founding ascribed to David, who developed a reputation for strict asceticism.
His monks modeled their lives on the earliest desert hermits – combining hard manual labor, silence, long hours of prayer, and a diet that completely excluded meat and alcohol.
The monks did not use animals to take care of their fields. They relied only on bread, vegetables, and water.
One tradition places his death in the year 601, but other writers believe he died in the 540s.
David may well have survived to an advanced age, but evidence is lacking for the claim (made by his 11th-century biographer) that he lived to the age of 147.
Pope Callistus II canonized St. David of Wales in 1120.
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anastpaul · 11 months
Saint of the Day – 5 August – St Nonna of Nazianzen (c305-374) Widow
Saint of the Day – 5 August – St Nonna of Nazianzen (c305-374) Widow of St Gregory Nazianzen the Elder, (c276-374) the saintly Bishop of Nazianzen and Mother of St Gregory Nazianzen (330-390) Doctor of the Church, his younger brother St Caesarius Nazianzen (c331-368) a Physician and St Gorgonia (Died c375) Married, Mother. Born in Nazianzen in Cappadocia (modern day Turkey) in around 305 and died…
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 8.5
Bogotá's Carnival begins (Colombia)
Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead Day
Fiesta de San Salvador (El Salvador)
Genes For Jeans Day (Australia)
Homeland Thanksgiving Day (Croatia)
International Traffic Light Day
National Blackmail Day
National Failures Day
National Underwear Day
National Youth and Children’s Day (Kiribati)
Nuestra Señora de África (Ceuta, Spain)
Return of the Queen (Johnny English)
Tutti Frutti Hat Day
Umuganura (Harvest Thanksgiving; Rwanda)
Victory Day (Croatia)
Work Like a Dog Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
805 Day
Green Peppers Day
National Couscous Day
National Waffle Day
Oyster Day
First Friday in August
Braham Pie Day (Minnesota) [1st Friday]
International Beer Day [1st Friday]
International Mustache Day [1st Friday]
Moxee Hop Festival begins (Washington) [1st Friday]
National Water Balloon Day [1st Friday]
Tomboy Tools Day [1st Friday]
Twins Day Festival begins (Twinsburg, Ohio) [1st Full Weekend, begins 1st Friday]
Independence Days
Burkina Faso (from France, 1960)
Feast Days
Abel of Reims (Christian; Saint)
Addai (Christian; Saint)
Afra (Christian; Saint)
Albrecht Dürer, Matthias Grünewald, and Lucas Cranach the Elder (Episcopal Church (USA))
Cassian of Autun (Christian; Saint)
Clipping the Church Day (Yorkshire, UK)
Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major (Catholic Church)
Enola Gay Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Emygdius (Christian; Saint)
Lucretia Borgia Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Memnius (a.k.a. Menge; Christian; Saint)
Oswald of Northumbria (Christian; Saint)
Putanesca Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Sacrifice to Salus (Ancient Roman Goddess of Health)
Tango (Muppetism)
Tasso (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because the yellow car was invented.)
Crimes of Passion, by Pat Benatar (Album; 1980)
Luck (Animated Film; 2022)
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1967)
Punch the Clock, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1983)
Revolver, by The Beatles (Album; 1966)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Film; 2011)
Risky Business (Film; 1983)
Running Up That Hill, by Kate Bush (Song; 1985)
Shout, by The Isley Brothers recorded (Song; 1959)
Suicide Squad (Film; 2016)
To Catch a Thief (Film; 1955)
Today’s Name Days
Dominika, Oswald (Austria)
Marija, Nives, Osvald, Snježana (Croatia)
Kristián (Czech Republic)
Osvaldus (Denmark)
Salme, Salmi (Estonia)
Salme, Sanelma (Finland)
Abel (France)
Maria, Oswald (Germany)
Nona, Nonna (Greece)
Krisztina (Hungary)
Osvaldo, Vincenzo (Italy)
Arvils, Osvalda, Osvalds (Latvia)
Mintarė, Nona, Osvaldas, Rimtas (Lithuania)
Oskar, Osvald (Norway)
Cyriak, Emil, Karolin, Maria, Nonna, Oswald, Oswalda, Stanisława (Poland)
Hortenzia (Slovakia)
África, Nieves (Spain)
Alrik, Ulrik (Sweden)
Aphra, Areta, Aretha, Naomi, Neomi, Noami, Noemi (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 217 of 2022; 148 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 31 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Lányuè), Day 8 (Geng-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 8 Av 5782
Islamic: 7 Muharram 1444
J Cal: 7 Hasa; Sixday [7 of 30]
Julian: 23 July 2022
Moon: 50% 1st Quarter
Positivist: 21 Dante (8th Month) [Tasso]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 46 of 90)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 14 of 31)
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Week 5: Rome at Night and Puglia
With the weather getting somewhat nicer, I've been going on evening walks and visited St. Peter's Basilica and the Colosseum. I really enjoyed seeing these landmarks at night as they were very beautifully lit up and not crowded at all.
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Top Left: Colosseum ; Top Right: St. Peter's Basilica ; Bottom Left: St. Peter's Basilica from afar ; Bottom Right: Castel Sant'Angelo on my way home
My second class (Art & Archaeology) started on Wednesday and so for the rest of the weekdays, I spent my days getting adjusted to the new schedule. Over the weekend, my roommate and I visited Puglia, the heel of Italy!
We flew into Bari Friday morning and got a tour of the city. We were able to learn about the history, visit the churches (and witness a wedding at one of them), and walk along a street known for having nonnas sit outside and make orecchiette (ear shaped pasta). We even got to make orecchiette at a restaurant which was really fun and tasty! The shape was hard to get at first but after a couple of tries, I was able to get the hang of it :)
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Top: Orecchiette made by nonnas sitting along the street ; Bottom Left: Orecchiette I made from scratch ; Right: My orecchiette after it was cooked
We then dropped off our stuff at our Airbnb and headed to Polignano A Mare. We had a boat excursion booked but due to the weather, it was cancelled. In turn, we explored the city, walked through a flea market, and had a delicious aperitivio dinner.
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Left: View of Polignano A Mare ; Right: Aperitivo Dinner
The next morning, we headed to Alberobello, a town known for their "white huts" aka trullis! It was really fun to explore as there were shops within the trullis. We planned on exploring Monopoli next but because of the bus situation (we couldn't get onto the bus we wanted because it was full and so we had to wait an hour for the next one :/), we only had two hours and so we went to a beach and watched the waves / sky before heading to Conversano (where our Airbnb was). Once we arrived in Conversano, we grabbed dinner and walked around. My roommate and I noticed that during the day, Conversano was completely empty. However, at night, almost everyone is out, whether it be eating dinner or taking an evening stroll which was really nice to see :)
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Top: Trullis in Alberobello ; Middle: Snacks as we enjoyed the waves and scenery ; Right: Conversano at night :)
Afterward, we headed back to our Airbnb to pack up our things as our flight back to Rome was early the next morning. Overall, Week 5 consisted of relaxing activities which was very much needed. I wish we were able to stay in Puglia longer as there were many more cities we wanted to explore but hopefully I'll be able to come back another time :")
Sabrina Huynh
Materials Science and Engineering
Engineering in Rome, Italy
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 8.5
Bogotá's Carnival begins (Colombia)
Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead Day
Fiesta de San Salvador (El Salvador)
Genes For Jeans Day (Australia)
Homeland Thanksgiving Day (Croatia)
International Traffic Light Day
National Blackmail Day
National Failures Day
National Underwear Day
National Youth and Children’s Day (Kiribati)
Nuestra Señora de África (Ceuta, Spain)
Return of the Queen (Johnny English)
Tutti Frutti Hat Day
Umuganura (Harvest Thanksgiving; Rwanda)
Victory Day (Croatia)
Work Like a Dog Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
805 Day
Green Peppers Day
National Couscous Day
National Waffle Day
Oyster Day
First Friday in August
Braham Pie Day (Minnesota) [1st Friday]
International Beer Day [1st Friday]
International Mustache Day [1st Friday]
Moxee Hop Festival begins (Washington) [1st Friday]
National Water Balloon Day [1st Friday]
Tomboy Tools Day [1st Friday]
Twins Day Festival begins (Twinsburg, Ohio) [1st Full Weekend, begins 1st Friday]
Independence Days
Burkina Faso (from France, 1960)
Feast Days
Abel of Reims (Christian; Saint)
Addai (Christian; Saint)
Afra (Christian; Saint)
Albrecht Dürer, Matthias Grünewald, and Lucas Cranach the Elder (Episcopal Church (USA))
Cassian of Autun (Christian; Saint)
Clipping the Church Day (Yorkshire, UK)
Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major (Catholic Church)
Enola Gay Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Emygdius (Christian; Saint)
Lucretia Borgia Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Memnius (a.k.a. Menge; Christian; Saint)
Oswald of Northumbria (Christian; Saint)
Putanesca Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Sacrifice to Salus (Ancient Roman Goddess of Health)
Tango (Muppetism)
Tasso (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because the yellow car was invented.)
Crimes of Passion, by Pat Benatar (Album; 1980)
Luck (Animated Film; 2022)
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1967)
Punch the Clock, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1983)
Revolver, by The Beatles (Album; 1966)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Film; 2011)
Risky Business (Film; 1983)
Running Up That Hill, by Kate Bush (Song; 1985)
Shout, by The Isley Brothers recorded (Song; 1959)
Suicide Squad (Film; 2016)
To Catch a Thief (Film; 1955)
Today’s Name Days
Dominika, Oswald (Austria)
Marija, Nives, Osvald, Snježana (Croatia)
Kristián (Czech Republic)
Osvaldus (Denmark)
Salme, Salmi (Estonia)
Salme, Sanelma (Finland)
Abel (France)
Maria, Oswald (Germany)
Nona, Nonna (Greece)
Krisztina (Hungary)
Osvaldo, Vincenzo (Italy)
Arvils, Osvalda, Osvalds (Latvia)
Mintarė, Nona, Osvaldas, Rimtas (Lithuania)
Oskar, Osvald (Norway)
Cyriak, Emil, Karolin, Maria, Nonna, Oswald, Oswalda, Stanisława (Poland)
Hortenzia (Slovakia)
África, Nieves (Spain)
Alrik, Ulrik (Sweden)
Aphra, Areta, Aretha, Naomi, Neomi, Noami, Noemi (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 217 of 2022; 148 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 31 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Lányuè), Day 8 (Geng-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 8 Av 5782
Islamic: 7 Muharram 1444
J Cal: 7 Hasa; Sixday [7 of 30]
Julian: 23 July 2022
Moon: 50% 1st Quarter
Positivist: 21 Dante (8th Month) [Tasso]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 46 of 90)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 14 of 31)
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gentlyepigrams · 2 years
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The village of Altarnun, Bodmin Moor, Cornwall by Baz Richardson (away until 10 July) Altarnun must be one of the prettiest rural villages in the whole of Cornwall. A Norman church was built here in the 12th century, but the present church was built on the same site in the 15th century from unquarried stone from Bodmin Moor. The church is dedicated to St Nonna, mother of St David, who lived in the sixth century. A Celtic cross from the time of St Nonna is located by the church gate. As the largest parish church on Bodmin Moor, the Grade I-listed church is known as the Cathedral of the Moor. It is thought that construction of the tower may have commenced in the late 1300s, but most of the current church was built largely in the next century in the Perpendicular style, with its bell tower standing 109 ft high. Simon Jenkins considers this to be one of England's Thousand Best Churches. The stream which flows through Altarnun is known as Penpont Water and eventually joins the River Tamar. The narrow little medieval pack horse bridge (on the left) dates from the 15th century. The cottages beyond the bridge are both Grade II-listed and are thought to date from the late 1600s. https://flic.kr/p/2nsY418
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sparrowposting · 7 years
It's my name saint dayyyyyy :')
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nowisthewinter · 3 years
I have a proposal...
It was Columbus Day recently and, yes, there is a rising tide to change it to Indigenous Day for obvious reasons. However, Columbus Day was created to celebrate Italian Americans, Italian immigrants and cultural Italian heritage during a time where being Italian was looked down upon by so many bigoted Americans. 
So, here is my proposal, we change Columbus day to Indigenous Day. Columbus is 86′d. He’s not someone you would want to point out and say, “Hey, he is part of my heritage. He’s the best!” anyway. Now, to save an Italian heritage day, we move that over to October 3rd. About a week earlier. Why? Because that is the feast day of the Patron Saint of Italy, St. Francis of Assisi. Think about it, we have turned the feast day of St. Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland into an Irish heritage day with great success. Why not do the same with St. Francis? St. Francis has a way better background. He’s not only the Patron Saint of Italy but the Patron Saint of animals and ecology as well. Many Catholic churches hold their, “Blessing of the animals,” where people can bring in their pets for a blessing on the feast day of St. Francis. So, which person do you want to be associated with, a tyrant who terrorized and killed the indigenous population or a tree hugging friar who wanted everyone to be kind to animals? Come on you know which one Nonna would pick.
Long story, short: Get rid of Columbus Day. Change it to Indigenous Day. Start celebrating Italian heritage on St. Francis of Assisi’s feast day of October 3rd. Everyone gets to have their day except for Columbus, who can go and kick dirt. 
What do you think?
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silvaris · 4 years
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15th century Church of St Nonna by chrisiversenphotography
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The Church of St Nonna, Altarnun, Cornwall
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@sebastianshaw​ asked  A, C, G, L, P , Q, S, T, W
A: Who are their exes? Do they still keep in touch?
It sounds funny to Tony, when he says he only has two exes and they’re both women. Well how can that be? He’s a gay man, and he’s never had sex with a woman, but both of his exes are women, and both of them (rightfully) pin the downfall of their relationship on him. 
At least with Wendy, they ended somewhat amicably, even if he stood at the front of that church for two and a half hours, waiting for her, worried that something had happened to her. When her bridesmaid had shown up and told him that Wendy was calling the wedding off, it had been a relief. Tony hadn’t really wanted to be married anyhow. It was just what had been expected of him, and that was the wrong reason to get married, the wrong reason to trap someone with him, tie them down.
Jeanne... well, what could he say about the woman who had accused him of murdering her father, who had tried to get him locked in prison for a crime he hadn’t committed? He didn’t blame her at all. After everything he’d done to her, the lies that he had told her, he’d deserved to be treated the way he was, to be accused of murder, to be treated however she saw fit. Hell, if she’d wanted to kill him, he wouldn’t have blamed her. He was the reason her father was dead. 
Not being in contact with either of them was what was best for them, and him. They deserved better and he- well all he wanted was peace. He didn’t want fighting, didn’t want to feel the need to justify his actions. He’d done what he’d done, and it was terrible. He knew that. He could never take that back. Best for all of them if they just moved on.
C: If they had to pick one sport to play/watch which would it be?
Getting into football had been an accident. He’d needed to pick a sport when he was at RIMA and he hated riflery with a passion. But he could throw a ball like no one’s business, so he’d joined the football team. When he’d discovered that he was actually good at it- well it had taken care of his bullying problem almost immediately. No one wanted to bully the star quarterback, even if he was only a freshman with ADHD and behavior problems. 
Maybe that’s why he loved it so much. Football had been his sanctuary, the thing that had saved him from being harassed by the other kids. No one liked the rich kid, no matter that most of the other kids were also from well-off families. No one liked that he knew more about war than they did, despite not coming from a military family. No one liked that he was constantly making jokes, that he couldn’t hold still in class.
Oh, but they liked him on the field. When he threw that ball in a perfect spiral, everyone liked him then. That was when everyone cheered his name, wanted to be his friend. Football made him popular, in a way that he’d never thought he would be. It was amazing, how much people changed the second they discovered he was good at the sport. He just wanted to bask in it, in the praise that they heaped upon his head. It was such a nice change from the derision that was usually pointed at him, he didn’t think anyone would blame him.   
G: What was their first job? 
It was a busy Friday night. He was late to work because of the football game, the same football game that meant that they were busy. He skidded into the kitchen wearing his post-game sweatshirt and apologized in rapidfire Spanish, pulling off the sweatshirt and hanging it up, grabbing his apron instead. There was a sink full of dishes, but he was good with that. It wouldn’t take him long to wash them all up, get everything clean. He was good at that, at physical work like that. He’d had a lot of practice.
Tia Maria came and patted him on the shoulder, congratulated him on the big win, and Tony smiled at her, his entire face brightening. He loved this job, loved the family that he’d come to have here, the people he’d befriended. Between Maria and Pablo, the owners of the restaurant, he never went hungry. They were always sending him home with food, and Joaquin was always teaching him how to make new recipes when they had some downtime. There wouldn’t be any downtime tonight, but that was okay. He was ready to work. That’s what he was paid to do, after all.
L: How often do they post on their social media accounts? 
Twitter was a new thing to him, but he liked it. He could follow all his favorite actors, comment on their movies. He’d once upset Mark Hamill by mentioning the Star Wars Holiday Special, something his Nonna had gifted him with when he was six. 
He didn’t post often though. He couldn’t afford to. He was still an undercover agent, after all, and he couldn’t afford to blow his cover. Risking his job for the sake of posting a few selfies seemed dumb, childish and immature, and Tony wasn’t about to do that. It wasn’t safe, for the people that he protected when he went undercover. It was why he didn’t have a Facebook, or any other social media outlet. It wasn’t like he knew anybody he would want to keep in contact with using social media. The only frat brother he was still friends with was Steve, and they called each other on the phone, met for coffee. There wasn’t the need for social media. 
Maybe he was just old. He didn’t see the point behind these websites he would never use, though. They weren’t for him. 
P: What are their thoughts on going vegan? Could they do it?
He’d gone kosher after Ziva started working for NCIS. It was an easy change to make for him. The hardest thing to give up was shellfish, but he’d made the adjustment. It was just easier. They didn’t always label their lunches, had habits of grabbing whatever bag was in the fridge and just eating what was inside, no care for whose it was. Tony wasn’t about to make Ziva eat something that she couldn’t because he was too selfish to give up pork, too selfish to adjust his diet. 
But vegan? He had no problem with vegetables. There were certain times of the year, centered around certain Jewish holidays, where Tony didn’t cook with meat at all. But that had everything to do with the fact that Ziva was always grateful when she grabbed his lunch and it was something she could eat, saving her the trouble of having to order out, hoping that the Jewish deli had someone who could get onto the Navy Yard. They both knew McGee wasn’t going to change the way he ate, so Ziva grabbing his lunch was out of the question.
Still, vegan... as much as he loved vegetables, Tony also loved meat, loved the taste of it, the way it added flavor to his food. He had no problem with other people going vegan, that was their choice. It wasn’t the healthiest dietary choice they could make, and that was coming from the athletic nutrition courses he’d taken when he was studying for his degree, but it wasn’t the worst either. It just- it wasn’t for him. He needed proteins from meat, needed the flavor too. He respected the choices others made for their own bodies but it wasn’t for him, that was for sure.  
Q: Do they have a good luck charm they often have with them? 
It was stupid. The thing had been given to him as a joke. Holding onto it was just silly. But there it sat, on the corner of his desk where everyone could see it, where it had sat for years, since his Captain in Baltimore had given it to him. He didn’t even like Mighty Mouse, had never seen the show. So why was it that the stapler meant so much to him? He couldn’t rightfully say. But the thought of getting rid of it-
He couldn’t do it. That stapler had been there through too many rough cases, too many cases that Tony shouldn’t have solved, by all accounts, but he still had. He’d used it on too many reports that he never should’ve been able to close. Maybe it was dumb, to consider a little blue and red piece of metal and plastic his good luck charm, but he did. Some cops had their St. Michael medallions, and he respected that, but he wasn’t Catholic, and he’d never really believed in the saints. 
His stapler though. His stapler brought him luck. It brought him success. He loved his stapler. Even after it came out that the Captain was a dirty cop, Tony couldn’t get rid of his stapler. It had seen too much, had done too much for him. The stapler and he, they were a team. He wasn’t going to give up on it. It hadn’t given up on him.
S: How do they tell someone they’re sorry?
Rule 6 existed for a reason. Never say you’re sorry. So Tony had to find other ways to apologize when he screwed up, because he screwed up a lot. He couldn’t just not apologize and move on. Because while Gibbs may hate apologies, he also hated it when Tony ignored his mistakes, completely acted like everything was normal. It was a tricky game he was playing, a complicated dance, but he was figuring it out, slowly but surely.  
He didn’t apologize anymore, not after the first half dozen times those words had passed his lips. No, now he owned up to his mistakes and sucked it up when the slap came to the back of his head, biting back the wince that was inevitable. Gibbs never pulled his punches with Tony the way he did with McGee and Ziva. 
“Right boss. Won’t happen again, boss.” That’s what Gibbs wanted to hear, the only apology he would accept. It left a dirty taste in Tony’s mouth, but if that’s what Gibbs wanted, that’s what Tony would do. This wasn’t about Tony’s preferred method of apology, it was about what Gibbs wanted.
T: How quick are they to cry?
He didn’t cry after Kate died. He was emotionally drained, but he didn’t cry. He didn’t think that he could, too drained and angry at the world, at Ari, at Gibbs, at himself. He couldn’t cry. He could only think about revenge, about getting back at the bastard who had taken his partner away from him.
He did cry when Jeanne left him. He’d loved her, in his own way. Loved her as best as he could. But everything he’d ever told her had been a lie. Everything about himself, about their relationship, about all of it. It had all been a lie. How could he have loved her if he had lied to her constantly, if he hadn’t been honest with her? So why did losing her feel the way it did? He hadn’t ever slept with her but their relationship was something more, something emotional, something that he could just- it hurt to lose it. And he cried.
He wasn’t positive what he was crying for. Maybe it was the loss of Jeanne. Maybe it was the loss of himself. After all, he’d given up a lot of his own self respect and pride in order to go undercover the way he had. He’d sacrificed a lot of who he was in order to be who Jeanne knew. He didn’t even know who he was anymore, half the time. Maybe that was why he was crying. Maybe it was just the broken heart. He didn’t know anymore.    
W: Would they be starstruck if they met a celebrity? 
Growing up the way he did, he’d rubbed elbows with a lot of old money, people with names that would be recognized. He’d met a lot of people who others would consider famous, and it had been just another Tuesday for him. It wasn’t unusual for Senior to namedrop someone important, even today, wasn’t unusual for Tony himself to have connections that went beyond what a normal NCIS agent would have. He didn’t think anything of it.
He wasn’t the type to really care about somebody’s fame. Why would he, when he’d grown up around money? He’d gone to school with Frank Sinatra’s nephew, the closest he’d gotten to knowing the man himself, and he’d never once freaked out about it. The kid was a bully, and Tony hadn’t wanted anything to do with him, even if his uncle was one of the coolest singers he’d ever heard. 
Maybe it was a rich kid thing, a money thing. Maybe it was a Tony thing. Fame and money just didn’t matter to him. Not really, not anymore. Maybe they never had.  
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Among Welsh Catholics, as well as those in England, March 1 is the liturgical celebration of Saint David of Wales.
St. David is the patron of the Welsh people, remembered as a missionary bishop and the founder of many monasteries during the sixth century.
David was a popular namesake for churches in Wales prior to the Anglican schism. His feast day is still an important religious and civic observance.
Although Pope Benedict XVI did not visit Wales during his 2010 trip to the U.K., he blessed a mosaic icon of its patron and delivered remarks praising St. David as “one of the great saints of the sixth century, that golden age of saints and missionaries in these isles, and...thus a founder of the Christian culture which lies at the root of modern Europe.”
In his comments, Pope Benedict XVI recalled the saint's dying words to his monastic brethren:
“Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things.”
He urged that St. David's message, in all its simplicity and richness, continue to resound in Wales today, drawing the hearts of its people to renewed love for Christ and his Church.
From a purely historical standpoint, little is known of David’s life, with the earliest biography dating from centuries after his time.
As with some other saints of sixth-century Wales, even the chronology of his life is not easy to ascertain.
David’s conception is said to have occurred as a result of rape – a detail that seems unlikely to have been invented by later biographers, though it cannot (like almost all of the traditions surrounding his life) be established with certainty.
His mother, Saint Nonna or Nonnita, has her traditional feast day on March 3.
David appears to have been the cousin of his contemporary Saint Teilo, another Welsh bishop and monk.
He is described as a pupil of the monastic educator Saint Paulinus, who was one of St. Teilo’s teachers as well.
There are doubts, however, about the story that David and Teilo traveled to Jerusalem and were ordained together as bishops.
It is clear that David served as the Bishop of Menevia, an important port city linking Wales and Ireland in his time.
His leading role in two local councils of the Church is also a matter of record.
Twelve monasteries have their founding ascribed to David, who developed a reputation for strict asceticism.
His monks modeled their lives on the earliest desert hermits – combining hard manual labor, silence, long hours of prayer, and a diet that completely excluded meat and alcohol.
The monks did not use animals to take care of their fields and lived off only on bread, vegetables, and water.
Though the exact date of his death is not certain, tradition holds that it was on March 1 (601 or 589), which is the date now marked as Saint David's Day.
The monastery was said to have been "filled with angels as Christ received his soul."
David may well have survived to an advanced age, but evidence is lacking for the claim (made by his 11th-century biographer) that he lived to the age of 147.
Pope Callistus II canonized David of Wales in 1120.
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ustkhan · 4 years
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St. Nicholas of Christ, the great Miracle Worker, ambulance and a fair intercessor before God, the Lycian country grew. He was born in the city of Patara.  His parents, Theophanes and Nonna, were pious, noble, and wealthy people. This blessed couple, for its charitable life, many alms and great virtues, was honored to grow a holy branch and “a tree planted by the streams of water, which bears its fruit in its time” (Psalm 1: 3). 
The bishop of the city of Patara (also Nicholas) When he ordained St. Nicholas to the Priesthood, then, by the suggestion of the Holy Spirit, turning to the people who were in the church, he prophetically said:     “I see, brethren, the new sun rising above the earth and presenting gracious comfort to those who mourn.” “Blessed is the flock that deserves to have it as a shepherd, for this good will save the souls of the erring, saturate them in the piety of godliness and be a merciful helper in troubles and sorrows.”This prophecy was subsequently truly fulfilled
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orthodoxydaily · 4 years
Saints&Reading: Sat, Jan., 25, 2020
St Gregory-the-Theologian
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Saint Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople, a great Father and teacher of the Church, was born into a Christian family of eminent lineage in the year 329, at Arianzos (not far from the city of Cappadocian Nazianzos). His father, also named Gregory (January 1), was Bishop of Nazianzus. The son is the Saint Gregory Nazianzus encountered in Patristic theology. His pious mother, Saint Nonna (August 5), prayed to God for a son, vowing to dedicate him to the Lord. Her prayer was answered, and she named her child Gregory.
When the child learned to read, his mother presented him with the Holy Scripture. Saint Gregory received a complete and extensive education: after working at home with his uncle Saint Amphilochius (November 23), an experienced teacher of rhetoric, he then studied in the schools of Nazianzos, Caesarea in Cappadocia, and Alexandria. Then the saint decided to go to Athens to complete his education.
On the way from Alexandria to Greece, a terrible storm raged for many days. Saint Gregory, who was just a catechumen at that time, feared that he would perish in the sea before being cleansed in the waters of Baptism. Saint Gregory lay in the ship’s stern for twenty days, beseeching the merciful God for salvation. He vowed to dedicate himself to God, and was saved when he invoked the name of the Lord.
Saint Gregory spent six years in Athens studying rhetoric, poetry, geometry, and astronomy. His teachers were the renowned pagan rhetoricians Gymorias and Proeresias. Saint Basil, the future Archbishop of Caesarea (January 1) also studied in Athens with Saint Gregory. They were such close friends that they seemed to be one soul in two bodies. Julian, the future emperor (361-363) and apostate from the Christian Faith, was studying philosophy in Athens at the same time...keep reading.
New Heromartyr Vladimir Metropolitan of Kiev
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The holy Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev was the first bishop to be tortured and slain by the Communists at the time of the Russian Revolution.
Basil Nikephorovich Bogoyavlensky was born in the province of Tambov of pious parents on January 1, 1848. His father, a priest, was later murdered. The young Basil graduated from the Theological Academy in Kiev in 1874, and taught in the Tambov seminary for seven years before he was ordained to the holy priesthood.
His wife died in 1886, and their only child died shortly thereafter. The bereaved widower entered the Kozlov monastery in Tambov and was given the name Vladimir. In 1888 he was consecrated bishop of Staraya Rus, and served as a vicar bishop of the Novgorod diocese. In 1891 he was assigned to the diocese of Samara. In those days people of his diocese suffered from a cholera epidemic and a crop failure. Bishop Vladimir devoted himself to caring for the sick and suffering, inspiring others to follow his example.
In 1892 he became Archbishop of Kartalin and Kahetin, then in 1898 he was chosen as Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna. He served fifteen years in this position...keep reading
1 Tessalonians 5:14-23 NKJV
14 Now we [a]exhort you, brethren, warn those who are [b]unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all. 15 See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not despise prophecies. 21 Test all things; hold fast what is good. 22 Abstain from every form of evil.
Blessing and Admonition
23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify[c] you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:14 encourage
1 Thessalonians 5:14 insubordinate or idle
1 Thessalonians 5:23 set you apart
Luke 16:10-15
15 And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, butGod knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.
New King James Version (NKJV)Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved
From Biblegateway.com
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