#Cintamani stone
tanuki-kimono · 1 year
Hi, I'm hoping you or someone reading knows the answer to this. That latest kimono pattern: does anyone know the name of the mark on the mallet's flat, round side? It's a stack of three ovals. It's not the jewel (usually on Daikokuten's rice sacks). It does appear in the older sculptures of the god. I've scoured all I can about uchide no kozuchi, but while I've seen it acknowledged, there's no name. The color symbolism also seems consistent, and again, no explanation found. Thanks for your consideration :)
I always saw this mark as indeed a stylised houju 宝珠 or tama 玉 (wish fulfilling jewel/Cintamani stone). Depictions do not always show the flaming parts or tip point, hôju are sometimes only pearl-like with those inner "ripples".
This vase is a good example:
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The uchide no kozuchi mallet is a pretty old item, appearing in tales since at least Heian. It sounds right that its magical properties echoing the famous Cintamani stone (and Daikokuten powers) had those symbolically merged overtime :)
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thevirginwitch · 1 year
Pearl Correspondences & Uses in Witchcraft
Friendly reminder that this post was available for early access over on my Patreon! Unlock early access to my future content (as well as exclusive access to my research notes, free tarot readings, digital goodies, access to my online library, and TONS more) by subscribing to my Patreon for as little as $2/month!
In ancient Chinese culture, pearls were used in artwork, folktales, and charms to represent wishes, fortunes, gratitude, and even the moon:
Marquis of Sui’s Pearl, a gemstone in a folktale dating back to the Warring States period (475-221 BCE), is given to a leader, Sui, from an injured snake that he nurses back to health, as a symbol of gratitude.
In Hindu and Buddhist traditions, The Chintamani (equivalent to the importance of The Philosopher’s Stone in alchemy) is known as a wish-fulfilling jewel that is sometimes depicted as a pearl.
In Chinese artwork, dragons may be seen holding or playing with a “flaming pearl” – in this context, some believe the pearl may be representative of “an object of great value that enhances the benign dragon who treasures it”, however it is more commonly (especially in Westerners) believed to be a cosmological symbol of the moon – in fact, there is an ancient belief that full moons are solid pearls, while new moons are hollow pearls.
In holistic circles, pearl powder is also known to help you with longevity, beauty, bone-health, among many other (non-FDA approved) benefits – and in Ayurvedic medicine, pearl is said to be an antidote for poison, and it was also used in love potions.
Knowing the traditional symbolism of pearls in Chinese and Eastern cultures, as well as its (supposed) medical benefits and Ayurvedic uses, we can create our own Correspondences for Utilizing Pearls in Witchcraft:
The Moon
The inner/subconscious-self
Longevity, good health
Pisces, cancer
Hidden knowledge
Uses for pearls (or pearl powder) in modern witchcraft:
Use pearl powder as highlighter in makeup for an easy glamor-spell
Mix with salt and other herbs associated with abundance to make “money-salt” for money spells
Add whole pearls or sprinkle pearl powder in your money bowl
Blow pearl powder onto your front door at the beginning of each month to bring abundance to your home
Write down a secret or something you want to get off your chest, and bury it with a pearl to keep it ‘hidden away’ from others
Make a wish with a pearl by leaving it out in a rainstorm, or dropping it into a natural body of water (pond, lake, etc).
Offerings to sea-related or beauty-realted deities
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Fun pearl facts:
Genuine pearls (and pearl powder) doesn’t burn! Pearls may discolor, but they shouldn’t go up in flames.
Pearls are made as oysters try to protect themselves from irritants or parasites – they add layers and layers of this ‘pearl’ coating to intruders, and viola!
Pearls are the only gemstone that come from a living creature
Pearls come in many colors
Pearls are obtained from oyster farming – which is actually beneficial to the environment! Additionally, pearls can be harvested without killing oysters.
Be careful when shopping for pearls – many places do not sell genuine pearls and they may be fake. Use caution when looking to purchase!
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lux-vitae · 2 years
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White Stone (Sign of Cintamani or Horse of Happiness) by Nicholas Roerich (1933)
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sasaranomiya · 1 year
Koukyuu no Karasu Volume 3 Chapter 4 - The Twilight Orb (Part 1)
Finally learning more about the mysterious Saname clan...
Translation Notes
1. The word used here,  宝珠 (Houju), means “precious orb,” but also refers to the Cintamani stone, a wish-granting jewel in Buddhism
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After prayers, Hakurai was offered tea for his exertions. He gratefully accepted it. Chatting with his patron over tea was also a steady and important role of a sect founder.
There were bamboo blinds hanging under the eaves of the roof, and the room was dimly lit. In addition to tea, steamed rice cakes with honey, bean stew, and other dishes were laid out in front of Hakurai.
“Is there anything else you want? I’ll prepare it for you.”
“No, I already have all that I need,” Hakurai politely declined.
“Since you started praying for me, my leg has been in excellent condition,” his master laughed in an easy-going manner as he patted his knee.
“I’m very pleased to hear that.”
“Meeting you was very fortunate indeed. For me and the Saname clan. –I heard that the silk merchant who went to the capital on your advice is doing well. He was even allowed access to the prime minister’s residence.”
Without dropping his broad smile, his master talked like it was nothing. It wasn’t nothing at all. By prime minister, he meant Un Eitoku.
“Is that so?” Hakurai narrowed his eyes slightly.
“Your advice was sound. I’m impressed.”
“I’m grateful to be helpful.”
Hakurai bowed his head. The emperor should have killed Un Eitoku immediately, he thought. The person who did the most to bring the current emperor to the throne was Un Eitoku. However, those who contributed greatly should be eliminated as soon the commotion died down. They would only serve as fetters for the next era.
“If this goes well, my…the Sanames’ dearest wish will soon be fulfilled.”
The Saname elder murmured, very quietly.
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“Eitoku has been very quiet lately.”
Koushun said quietly in front of the lotus pond. Meiin was standing a step behind him. “I see.”
“I would like to talk to him, but…”
He stared at the lotus buds. The plump white buds looked like hands clasped together.
What do I say to him?
Just the slightest wrong choice of words could cause a person’s feelings to swerve off course.
Koushun, who had been staring at the lotuses for a while in silent contemplation, suddenly turned his head to Meiin.
“I want to meet Un Eitoku in secret. Set up a place for us.”
He was Eitoku’s son-in-law. He served as the assistant minister of the Department of State Affairs’ Ministry of Personnel.
“Also, I need to speak with Shiki.”
Meiin didn’t ask any questions, but simply bowed his head and said, “Yes, Your Majesty.”
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Jusetsu stared absentmindedly out the lattice window. All the doors facing the corridor were open, but there was no breeze blowing through, and the heat and humidity were unbearable.
She came back to herself with a start and turned her face to the front. Onkei’s beautiful almond eyes were fixed on her. A hint of worry was peering out from his worried-looking eyes. His eyes were as serene and clear as a quiet spring in the depths of the forest.
“It’s your turn, Niangniang, but should we take a break? You don’t look well.”
There was a Go board between the two of them. She was playing Go with him. Staring at the board, Jusetsu let out a breath.
“Mm,” she said, returning the stones to the casket. “I’m not feeling up for it. Let’s stop here.”
“Is this because you don’t think you can win?” Jiujiu said from the side. Jusetsu glared at her.
“That’s not the reason. I intended to reverse the situation from here.”
She hated to lose. But it was true that she just couldn’t concentrate on the game. When she thought back to the feelings she felt towards for Koushun and Shiki the other day, her heart became unsettled, and she became absent-minded.
Jusetsu sighed. Jiujiu and Onkei looked at each other.
“Niangniang, you really don’t seem to be in good spirits today. You don’t look depressed, though. Could it be because of the weather?”
Jiujiu looked up at the sky through the open door. It was cloudy today. The sky didn’t look as though it was about to rain, but rather, it looked like it was covered with a thin film.
“It doesn’t look like it’s about to rain, so why don’t we go outside? Say, didn’t the Crane Consort urge you to come and visit Hakkaku Palace yesterday?”
“…The Crane Consort, huh…”
She was a girl who was difficult to read. Was there an agenda behind her excessive invitations? Or did she genuinely want to befriend Jusetsu?
“…I have to investigate her at least once,” Jusetsu murmured and stood up.
“Are you going out?” Jiujiu asked enthusiastically.
“You don’t have to dress me up too excessively,” she told her in advance, but Jiujiu probably wasn’t listening.
“I’ll send Tan Kai to Hakkaku Palace to inform them of your visit,” Onkei said and left the palace. Tan Kai would definitely complain again about being sent on errands.
Jiujiu chose a thin silk crimson robe and a scarlet skirt. The thin silk was embroidered with gold thread, and the skirt was printed with designs of flowers and birds. “These would look beautiful in the gardenia garden in Hakkaku Palace,” she said. The vivid crimson color looked good against Jusetsu’s translucent white skin. She hung the wooden fish carving she received from Koushun on her sash.
“As for the hair ornaments—” Just as Jiujiu was about to pick up the ivory comb, Jusetsu stopped her. “Don’t use that one.” It was a comb in the shape of a bird and waves. This was also a gift from Koushun.
“But I do think it will go well with your outfit.”
“It would be troublesome if I lost it.”
Jiujiu looked between the comb and Jusetsu for a moment, and then she grinned.
“I understand. It’s a precious gift from His Majesty, after all.”
“It doesn’t matter who I received it from. Combs are easier to fall off than hair sticks. Hakkaku Palace is a little farther away, so if I drop it on the way there—”
“Yes, yes, I understand. Then, let us use these hair sticks.”
With a big smile on her face, Jiujiu put the golden hair sticks into her hair. It seemed like she was only making excuses if she kept talking, so Jusetsu remained silent.
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Tan Kai, who was sent as the messenger, returned with a palace lady of Hakkaku Palace. It was Ki Senjo.
“I have come to take you to the palace.”
“I don’t require someone to pick me up,” Jusetsu said, perplexed.
“The Lady Crane Consort was so overjoyed that she insisted on you being taken there,” Senjo laughed. “She was worried that you would change your mind.”
She’s exaggerating, Jusetsu thought. Perhaps realizing this, Senjo added, “The Lady Crane Consort is very much looking forward to talking to you. She’s filled with a childlike innocence about it.”
“Ever since she left Ga Province, the attendants around her are all the same, and the consorts are a little older than her, so she can’t become too close with them…”
It seemed that she was bored. I see, Jusetsu answered. She suddenly noticed that there was an ornament hanging from Senjo’s sash. She hadn’t been wearing the white coral ornament when they saw each other before, but now she was wearing a fish ornament. It was similar to Jusetsu’s.
“Are you wondering about this?” Noticing Jusetsu’s gaze, Senjo put her hand on the ornament. She smiled embarrassedly.
“It may be presumptuous of me, but I had it made to resemble your ornament, Lady Raven Consort.”
“This one? Why?”
“I am no longer a follower of the Eight Truths, but—” That was only natural, since she was cursed by them. “I was wondering if I could wear something of the Lady Raven Consort, who saved me, as a talisman…”
“I don’t believe that can be used as a talisman.”
“It’s a matter of feeling. It’s a symbol of my great admiration for you.”
Should she be happy about that? Jusetsu didn’t know.
Jusetsu took Jiujiu with her and Onkei and Tan Kai as escorts to Hakkaku Palace. After Senjo led down through the gate, they were met with rows of gardenias. Beyond them, the Crane Consort, Banka, was waiting for them with her attendants. Jusetsu could feel the gazes of the attendants flickering to the left and right of her. They were looking at Onkei and Tan Kai. It seemed that their eyes were captivated by the two beautiful eunuchs.
“I’m so happy that you’re finally visiting me,” Banka’s dark eyes were sparkling. She truly was a girl with no malice. “You and I are close in age, aren’t we? The other consorts are all older. It’s difficult to approach them.”
Banka seemed more excited than the last time they met. Jusetsu was led to a room in the palace and sat down. It was a room with a good view of the garden beyond the outer corridor. The strong fragrance of gardenias entered through the open door. Does she not find it unpleasant? Jusetsu thought.
“I actually didn’t want to become a consort. I was scared of leaving my hometown, and I didn’t know what kind of person His Majesty was. But Father ordered me to go,” Banka spoke frankly as she drank the tea served by her attendants. “But His Majesty was a good person, so I’m glad. I was wondering what I would do if he was self-important and unpleasant like my eldest brother. Or if he was mean like my second-oldest brother. I thought it’d be good if he was kind and gentle like my great-uncle, but if he really was like my great-uncle, he would be an old man. That would be a problem as well. But I was so relieved when I saw that he was young, though he is older than me.”
Banka talked a lot. Jusetsu listened to her as she stuffed her cheeks with honey-simmered peaches.
“How do you think of those peaches? They’re boiled in honey. In my hometown, they’re a bit smaller, and we simmer the sour peaches to sweeten them, but here they are sweet as they are.”
“They’re delicious,” Jusetsu answered, and Banka looked delighted.
“I’m so happy to hear that. They’re simmered with honey and cloves. We use peaches that are still hard and—”
“Is there something you’re worried about?”
Banka stopped talking, the smile still on her face.
“You’re acting strangely restless. It feels like you have some other concern, and your mind is elsewhere.”
“…My,” Banka rubbed her cheek. “I wonder if you really can see everything.”
“It isn’t like that,” Jusetsu put one of the honey-simmered peaches in her mouth. “Is it about the emperor? Or your hometown?”
Since Banka talked about Koushun and her hometown, she thought that those things must be what was on her mind.
“Oh—no. No, but I suppose it does have something to do with my hometown…” Banka seemed to stare into the distance. “Will you listen to my story? It isn’t the kind of worry that I want you to solve. Sometimes I just can’t endure it. Will you listen to me…?”
At that moment, Banka looked terribly fragile, like a child who had nowhere to go.
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Banka had her attendants stay behind and invited Jusetsu to the garden. Jusetsu also left Jiujiu in the room and followed Banka into the garden. Gardenias filled the garden, burying it in their sweet and sharp fragrance. Even though many of the flowers had their petals scattered due to the rain, their scent seemed even stronger in spite of that.
“There’s an heirloom that’s been passed down for generations in my family,” Banka spoke as she walked slowly between the flowers.
“Yes. It’s called the ‘Twilight Orb.’” (1)
“Twilight Orb…” Jusetsu repeated.
“It resembles the sky at sunset. Orange, pale pink, rose, violet…a jewel with all kinds of colors mingling together. It’s very beautiful. It’s beautiful…but terrifying.”
“Terrifying? How?”
Banka stopped and turned around.
“Because it’s cursed.”
Jusetsu widened her eyes. A curse.
“Did you know that my family is from Kakami?” Banka changed the subject while playing with the petals of a gardenia.
“I know.”
“Then, do you know why my family left Kakami?”
Jusetsu tilted her head. “No, I don’t.”
Banka glanced at her. “It’s because we killed a god.”
God slaying?
Jusetsu silently waited for her to continue.
“In the land where my ancestors lived in Kakami, they worshipped a certain god. The god of harvest. The god of the land, you see. But at some point, my ancestors wanted to keep that god all to themselves. So, they made a deal with that god. We will give you our youngest daughter as a bride, so won’t you be our family’s guardian deity?”
“…Youngest daughter…”
Wasn’t Banka a youngest daughter as well?
“The god seemed to agree to this. So, it was decided that the youngest daughter would marry the god. The wedding preparations were made, and she went into the cave where the god lived. But—”
Banka plucked off the petals of the gardenia.
“What resounded in the cave was the scream of the god. The one who was dressed in the bridal costume was a servant disguised as the youngest daughter. He stabbed the god to death with a sword he had hidden on his person. The Saname head had no intention of marrying off his youngest daughter from the start. What he wanted was the orb possessed by the god. It’s an orb that was said to be able to bring about long rains and droughts as the owner wishes. It was in the god’s stomach. The servant tore open the god’s stomach and took out the orb. Apparently, the god took the form of a toad.”
Banka tossed the torn-off petals to the ground and turned to face Jusetsu. She had a strange expression on her face, neither smiling nor sad.
“This orb was the Twilight Orb. The Sanames tried to rule the country with the orb, but the murder of the god angered the people. The clan was hated, and it became difficult to even live as before, let alone rule the country. In the end, the Saname were forced out of that land, despised as god-killers wherever they went, and had no choice but to flee to a distant foreign country…”
That was the reason why the Saname clan came to Shou. Banka looked at Jusetsu with her dark eyes and smiled slightly.
“And now, we come to the main topic. A short time after the god was killed, the youngest daughter died of a mysterious high fever. She was fifteen. Then, when the eldest son took over as the head of family, his youngest daughter also died of a fever in the year she turned fifteen. After that, the youngest daughters of those who took over the Saname clan would all die at fifteen. Someone started to call it a curse. It was the curse of deceiving a god and killing them. Some family heads tried to break the orb. But no matter how strong the person we asked, no matter how renowned the sorcerer we asked, the orb couldn’t be destroyed. There were those who said we should throw it away if we couldn’t break it. But even if we discarded it in the mountains or the sea, it always returned. The curse never went away. After some time, everyone gave up on parting with the orb.”
Banka took a breath. Before Jusetsu could interrupt her, she started talking again.
“I heard this story from my father when I was twelve years old. He showed me the Twilight Orb. It was very beautiful. But, it was also terrifying. It was scary, sinister…its beautiful color was like it came from absorbing all the pain and sorrow of people.”
She narrowed her eyes in memory. Jusetsu, staring at her profile, spoke.
“,,,But you’re already past fifteen, aren’t you?”
Banka’s cheek twitched as soon as she asked that.
“I’m seventeen.”
Her voice was like a bird chirping out of tune.
“The youngest Saname daughter will die at fifteen—that still hasn’t changed. Then why do you think I’m still alive?”
Jusetsu didn’t answer, just furrowed her brow.
“Once, a Saname head tried something. I don’t know how he came up with the idea. And, I don’t know how he could carry it out, but he did.”
Banka laughed lightly. It sounded contemptuous.
“He adopted a girl younger than his youngest daughter. A girl who was once a servant. He wanted to find out if the curse was attached to the Saname blood, or if it was just a matter of being a youngest daughter of the Saname, even if only in form… I’m the proof of that result. The real youngest daughter didn’t die at fifteen, and it was the adopted girl who died at fifteen instead. Since then, the Saname clan has always adopted a daughter before their youngest daughter turned fifteen. An adopted girl who would only serve as a substitute for the youngest daughter.”
Banka looked at Jusetsu.
“What do you think of this custom?”
Jusetsu stared back into her eyes. What a sad look in her eyes, she thought.
“…You were also able to live by sacrificing your adoptive sister…”
“Yes, that’s right.”
The pain and sadness on Banka’s face grew even more intense.
“I chose that. I…”
“You chose it?”
“In the year I turned thirteen, the adopted daughter came to us. She was a servant girl from somewhere and had no family. She was one year younger than me. She didn’t have a name until that point, so I gave her the name of Shouzen. Shouzen was a thin girl who looked younger than she was. She was always anxious and shivering like a puppy.”
Banka smiled faintly. Her curved lips looked like a wide-open wound.
“She was pitiful and adorable. I grew very fond of my fragile little sister. I gave her lots of delicious food and played with her a lot. My precious little sister…” Banka cast her eyes down. “That’s why I asked Father to save Shouzen. I didn’t want her to die… Father is a strict man, but I thought if I begged him, he would listen to me.”
“He didn’t listen to you?”
Banka shook her head. Her face stiffened, and she was trembling slightly.
“Father said, Very well. If that’s what you want, then we’ll return Shouzen to her old home. That will save that girl’s life. On the other hand, your life will be forfeit.”
Jusetsu sucked in a breath.
“He told me, ‘That’s to be expected. You want to save Shouzen, but it’s fine for another servant girl to die. That is not acceptable. If you want to save Shouzen, choose to sacrifice yourself. There is no other way. So…I chose.”
I chose to live, Banka whispered.
“Shouzen died of a fever when she was fifteen. I am, as you can see…not sick at all.”
Banka’s voice cracked. Oh, I see, Jusetsu thought.
This girl is an empty shell.
It seems like she would crumble and shatter at the slightest movement.
“…That cannot be called a choice. It was chosen for you.”
By the mistakes of her ancestors, by the curse—and by her father.
Banka stared at Jusetsu, then smiled.
“There is a reason why the Sanames won’t let go of the Twilight Orb, and it isn’t just because we can’t. Do you know what it is?”
Jusetsu was bewildered by the sudden change in topic. “…I don’t know.”
“You see, the Sanames have a long-cherished wish. It is for that reason that we want to keep the orb, which is a sacred treasure.”
“A long-cherished wish?”
“Returning to Kakami. Becoming its rulers. It sounds like a pipe dream, doesn’t it.”
How ridiculous, Banka laughed.
“Ah, I feel so refreshed after talking to you. Thank you very much. I never told anyone about these things before.”
Banka exhaled a laugh, then stretched. Had she been constantly inviting Jusetsu because she wanted to confide this to her?
Banka snapped off a gardenia branch and put it with the white flower in Jusetsu’s hair.
“You look beautiful. It suits you very well, much more than peonies.”
Looking at Jusetsu with narrowed eyes, Banka smiled with satisfaction and turned around.
“Shall we have another cup of tea? Let’s talk about something pleasant this time.”
With light steps, Banka returned to the room.
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cainluvr69 · 5 months
Surely, We Can Make Miracles Chapter 21
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Arthur: We've followed the mermaids a pretty long way…
Cain: Are we coming up on Adams Island yet…?
Rutile: …Oh! I can see something, over that way!
Chloe: …You're right… Are those…buildings…?
Murr: That's Adams Island! I wonder if the beautiful stone staircases it was known for are still in one piece?
Rustica: You've been to the island before, Murr?
Murr: Yep! Aaaages ago, though!
Cain: There are a lot of overhangs around here. Everyone, be careful you don't run into them.
Chloe: Okay… The mermaids are all swimming pretty close to the ground…
Arthur: …Mm, with all the sand swirling around, it's kind of hard to see. Be careful, everyone…!
Cain: Gotcha!
Rutile & Chloe: Okay!
Arthur: … …Now that the sand's mostly settled, it's really starting to look like a city…
Rustica: …What a mystical landscape… It's hard to imagine that long in the past, people walked through these streets…
Cain: …I can see something carved into this monument…it's pretty faint…
Rutile: …Coral Road… Is this the street's name…?
Murr: Oh, I'm feeling downright nostalgic! I used to walk through this part of town a lot! I'd sit in the window seat of that cafe there with a book or two… …!
Arthur: …!
Chloe: Wh-what? What is it?!
Arthur: Something's coming closer…
Rutile: "Something"…?
Rustica: We should hide ourselves.
Cain: But…
Arthur: Rustica's right. It's something that we have absolutely no chance of defeating.
Cain: …
Murr: …
Rutile: …
Chloe: …
Rustica: …
Arthur: …
Hwylryn: My, my. A whole flock of wizards.
Arthur: …A young man with a silver bracelet…?
Rutile: Hwylryn…?
Hwylryn: Oh, you were with Akira.
Rustica: <Amores Viesse>
Hwylryn: Wah… What a pretty song…
Murr: Let's move now. We need to get away before Rustica's spell wears off.
Cain: Murr?!
Murr: Or we're gonna get slaughtered.
Chloe: Wh-what…?
Hwylryn: …It's so lovely…
Rutile: He wouldn't…! Hwylryn isn't that kind of person…
Arthur: …gasp… …I forgot to breathe… …He rivals Lord Oz…
Akira: You can feel the cintamani stone from…this direction…?
Oz: Yes.
Heathcliff: This ship is so big… I wish I could've seen it before it sank.
Shino: There's mana stones here and there… I wonder if they're the stones of the wizard who'd been steering this thing.
Faust: I believe her name was Melissa. Murr's acquaintance…
Oz: It should be here.
Shino: There's nothing but treasure chests in here…
Faust: Should we just start opening them at random?
Akira: …No, wait… Look at that smaller chest…
Heathcliff: This one?
Akira: Yes. If this cintamani stone is the same size as the one on Hwylryn's bracelet, that should be about the right size for it…
Heathcliff: Then I'm going to open this one with my magic. <Repsev Aivulp Sunos> …Huh?
Oz: There is a seal placed on it.
Faust: I guess we're just going to have to force it.
Shino: Hey. That's way more crude than your usual methods.
Heathcliff: It seems like a pretty simple seal… It should come undone pretty easily…
Akira: Do you think you can do it?
Heathcliff: It's not like I'd be able to open any seal you put in front of me, but Nero taught me a bit about it… …Okay… <Repsev Aivulp Sunos> It opened…!
Shino: You did it, Heath!
Vespa: …! …!
Faust: So this is a cintamani stone… I've never seen one before.
Heathcliff: Really, you haven't?
Faust: Nope. Oz, can you confirm that's actually what this is?
Oz: Yes.
I peeked inside the chest. There was a beautiful blue gem inside, one that looked the same as the one that had been set in Hwylryn's bracelet.
Akira: …This is the cintamani stone of medicine… We can save Snow and White with this!
Oz: Correct.
Oz smiled, looking relieved. Even if he'd never said as much, there was no way he wasn't worried about the twins' lives. He took his staff in hand and looked up towards the water's surface.
Oz: Heathcliff. Shino.
Heathcliff: Yes.
Shino: …
Oz: I shall entrust the two of you with the stone, and transport the both of you to Borda Island. I am trusting the both of you to take it to Figaro.
Heathcliff: Wait a second… You mean you're only sending the two of us back to land?
Shino: What about you? You're planning on going to where Arthur is, aren't you.
Oz: Correct.
Heathcliff: What about you, Mr. Faust…?
Faust: I'm going to look for Lennox. I want the both of you to return to shore.
Heathcliff: But I'm worried about you… And Nero told me to watch out for you. I'm staying with you.
Faust: Don't be stupid…
Heathcliff: If Lord Oz stops being able to use magic, the burden you're carrying right now is only going to get heavier. So wouldn't it be much safer to have him and the Sage deliver the stone instead, the way Prince Arthur said they should?
Shino: That's true… As soon as Oz is able to use his magic again, he can just pop right back down here.
Oz: It is difficult to accurately read the location of presences within the water. I am not certain I will be able to transport myself accurately.
Shino: Then just don't come back. Deliver the stone and then the Sage can open negotiations with the sea dragon.
Shino had a bitter look on his face as the words left his mouth.
Shino: To be honest, I don't think it's a good idea. If the dragon eats Oz while he can't use his magic, it's going to become an enemy no one's gonna be able to deal with.
Heathcliff: Shino…
Shino: I'm just speaking the truth.
I saw fear and apprehension in Shino's eyes, but he wasn't looking away. He wasn't a coward, after all; he was cautious because he was an excellent warrior. I was probably putting too much faith in my instincts and saying something stupid, but…
Akira: (That dragon is my friend…) (But I don't know if Hwylryn thinks the same of me. In that case, negotiations are going to be a bust. All I'll have done is make things harder for everyone…)
As my heart began to cloud over, Hwylryn's innocent, guileless smile flashed through my mind. I shook my head, just a little. I couldn't just decide talking to him was meaningless before I even had a chance to try.
Akira: If Hwylryn hurts Oz, then I will truly think of him as our enemy. If he intends to do anything else to Snow and White after what he's already done to them, then I will truly think of him as our enemy. And if I do, then my heart will align with Oz's, and he'll be able to use his magic, so…
Faust: …Sage… …This isn't the kind of thing I want to have to say, but this is a matter of life or death. All your lives, even.
Akira: …What is it?
Faust: It's difficult to think of someone you once called a friend as your enemy.
I looked at him. Faust had been betrayed by someone he'd considered his best friend, and became a curseworker. My judgment now sufficiently clouded, I looked up at Oz. After a moment of silence, he nodded.
Oz: For now, we must prioritize haste. We will take the stone to the castle.
Faust: Got it. The rest of us will follow Arthur's group.
Oz: I pray for your safety.
Heathcliff: Take care, Master Sage.
Shino: Sage. I have one last thing to say first. I've encountered a lot of animals in the Sherwood Forest. I've considered some of them friends, too. But in the end, they're just wild animals. Sometimes they attacked me anyways, and I had to take care of them after that.
Akira: Shino…
Shino: Sometimes you can't be friends no matter how much you try. But you can't blame yourself when that happens. Because it gets to be too much that way.
Heathcliff: …
Akira: …Thank you, Shino.
Shino: That's it. If your negotiations work, be sure to introduce me. I wanna try riding on a dragon.
Akira: Alright… Thank you, everyone!
Oz: Let us depart, Sage.
Akira: Okay!
Oz: <Vox Nox>
Akira: …
And then, I was in the sky. The sky was clear, and the stars shined brightly. It didn't take long for Borda Island to come into view. Oz seemed relieved he was able to use his magic. He glanced at me, my hand still held tightly in his own.
Oz: We shall arrive at the castle momentarily.
Akira: Okay. Um, Oz… Can I ask you something?
Oz: What.
Akira: …Why did you stop your attack against Hwylryn back then? I know that Snow and White are very important to you… But you listened to me instead…
Oz: … Had I ignored your words and slain the dragon… You would have never trusted me again.
Akira: …
I felt a strange, all-consuming warmth well up inside of me. I…was treasured. My heart was treasured. That's how I felt right then. The moon hung in the sky above the ocean, its golden glow flickering on the waves. I wanted to treasure everyone in this exact same way. I wanted to be capable of noticing people's wishes that had fallen to the wayside and pick them up, cradling them gently in my palms. I wanted to support people's hearts with kind words. As if I could cast spells of my own.
Oz: Let us be off, Akira.
Akira: …Okay!
Rustica: <Amores Viesse>
Hwylryn: …It's such a lovely sound…
Cain: …!
Arthur: Cain!
Cain: Let's go, Arthur! Let's save Shylock! I can't see if anything's there, but I'm still getting goosebumps just from the presence of the thing Murr was talking about!
Rutile: W…well, the beautiful, silver-haired young man we met at the torta di cocco shop is in front of us right now. But like the Sage said, his name is Hwylryn. But he's really a dragon…
Arthur: …Then, this would be…?
Cain: If he's strong enough to rival Oz, then we cannot beat this thing. We should find and save Shylock while Rustica's magic is still working on him! I'll stay here to support Rustica!
Chloe: …I'll stay, too!
Rutile: I will as well! Hwylryn remembered who I am! I might be able to talk to him…
Murr: Gotcha! Then I'll get going!
Arthur: Murr!
Murr: Let's go, Arthur!
Arthur: Alright!
Vespa's Sister: …! …!
Arthur: Thank you! Please, take us there!
Chloe: …Be safe, okay…! And please help Shylock…!
Rustica: …Lalala…lalala…
Hwylryn: …Pretty…
Rutile: …
Chloe: …
Cain: C'mon…please… …Don't come back to your senses…
Heathcliff: Let's start heading back to Prince Arthur's group. Vespa, can you take us there?
Vespa: …! …!
Faust: …
Shino: Quit worrying, Faust. Everyone in Arthur's group is reliable. Maybe they're taking Lennox back right now as we speak.
Faust: You're right…
Heathcliff: What is Lennox to you, Mr. Faust? I know that he used to be your servant a long time ago, but…
Shino: Man, don't say "a long time ago". He wants to still be serving you. He keeps looking at me and Heath all jealous-like.
Faust: …
Shino: And you've completely lost your cool about him. The two of you were close, right?
Faust: We never had a relationship as significant as all that. It's just… …I worried him for so long. Even though we were only together for a few years, he spent four hundred looking for me. That's a long time for someone to feel the same way, but he's the kind of person who can maintain that kind of loyalty. He's patient, sincere, and very strong at heart. Anyone would be blessed to have him nearby. No matter how much one might hate themself, he'd keep doing what he could for them, affirming them instead of denying them. He's not someone who should be next to me. Someone like him should be serving someone more serene, someone who's at least a little bit blessed. Someone who actually has a future. If he'd just forget about me, he'd find someone else in no time. I just want to bless him somehow.
Shino & Heathcliff: …
Faust: …I shouldn't have said all that. …! Both of you, get back!
Heathcliff: …?! The ocean currents are whipping into a whirlpool…!
Faust: <Salliuqnart Mulcredo>
Shino: Faust!
Heathcliff: Mr. Faust!
Faust: Are you two okay?!
Lennox?: …So this is where it was…
Faust: … Bastard…!
Shino: Lennox…! No, Balthazar…
Lennox?: Where is the cintamani stone. Hand it over without a fuss to save yourselves.
Faust: …That's my line. Give back Lennox's body! Or else I'll make sure your soul rots in Hell for all eternity!
Lennox?: Fascinating. For an Eastern wizard to declare that… I'd like to see you try.
Faust: <Salliuqnart Mulcredo>!
Lennox?: <Mare Praeda>!
Lennox: … I heard someone call my name…? …Where is this…? I feel like I've walked a long way, and yet… You're right, Courir… I've been to a lot of places. And I've met a lot of people. Just like how I met you… I've been blessed everywhere I've gone. But…he was never there.
???: Faust? He's not here right now. What am I doing? I'm cleaning the mud off everyone's boots. We were all clomping around in the rain yesterday. I've got more stamina than most people. And I always wake up early, so I have the time to spare. Wait, aren't you… You're that wizard from the coal mine that just joined up, right? Lennox? I knew it! You're pretty huge even from a distance, but you're even bigger seeing you up close like this. What happened at the mine was terrible… How's your family? Did they make it out okay? …Oh, I see… …I'm sorry. Hey, could you lean over a little? …Hm? What for? It's so I can give you a hug. Thank you…thank you for coming all this way….thank you for continuing to live without ever giving up… … Haha… Yeah, people tell me I'm warm a lot. It's good to be working with you, Lennox. Ah… Sorry for treating you like a kid. …Since Faust isn't here, you want to talk to Sir Alec instead? You're hugging him right now, actually.
Alec: Welcome, Lennox. I'm Alec.
Shylock: Mm… My apologies, but I'm afraid I don't know. But if you've been searching for him for this long and haven't found him, then… Perhaps he's changed his name or sequestered himself away from society? It's also possible that he simply does not wish to see you again. Oh, no. I'm not trying to criticize your chasing after him. I am a Western wizard. I'm fond of people who have given themselves up to their desires. However… … Please, sit down. Let me pour you a glass. It's on the house. Take a moment to recover from your long, long journey.
Figaro: You're still looking for Faust…? Wouldn't it be better to just give up already? There's no guarantee you'll find him… And even if you do, there's no telling if he'll still be the man you're longing for. Someone who's been betrayed and hurt like that loses everything. Light, kindness, peace, luck, a genuine smile… I've seen more people like that than I can count. Despair is like a poison. It changes people. But you haven't changed, even though you couldn't protect your master and he tossed you away. Oh, don't get me wrong. That's me praising you. I think you're amazing for still being able to cling onto your hope like that.
Tiletta: I suppose so. Are you planning on leaving the South at some point, then? I'm planning on staying. I've got a husband, after all, and we've got a kid on the way. The spirits here still seem to be completely baffled by me, but I'm sure it'll work out somehow. When my child grows up, I hope the two of you will get along, provided you're still in the country. You'll be fine. I know you'll find him. Wizards have long lives, after all. Even if you never made a promise to meet again, as long as you stay alive, you'll meet one another again and again and again. So it'll be fine. Both you and the person you're looking for are wizards. You can still meet again. And you will.
Vespa's Sister: …! …!
Arthur: So Shylock is down this path…?
Murr: Remember, Balthazar's a Northern wizard! We can't match him so easily! Don't try to attack him head on! Once we save Shylock, it's time to split!
Arthur: Understood! We can't let ourselves take too long here, or the rest of our group will be in danger!
Murr: Nice job, reading between the lines! Arthur! In the unlikely chance things come to blows, I'll be right there to support you! You'll be the cornerstone of our attack. So I'll be in your care!
Arthur: Let's watch each other's backs! Ah…! There's Shylock!
Murr: Shylock!
Shylock: …! Stay back! This area is inside of a magic circle that Balthazar has cleverly hidden away. Setting foot inside of it will make you unable to use magic.
Murr: Sounds like we should be smashing that circle first, then! I'll wipe away the illusions hiding it so we can see it, annnnd…
Arthur: I'll break the pattern enough that it can't keep itself working!
Murr: Got it in one! Good boy!
Arthur: I've got your prudent guidance, after all!
Murr: <Eanul Lambru>
Arthur: (Light is gathering around the circumference of the area…) (I need to break the pattern of Balthazar's circle…!) <Pernoctant Nixzo> Did that get rid of it?!
Murr: You did it! Great job, Arthur!
Arthur: Yeah! Time to save Shylock!
Lennox?: <Mare Praeda>
Faust: <Salliuqnart Mulcredo>! …gh, I can block his attacks…! Get ready to put up an exorcism circle!
Shino: Got it! Styrax resin, compeil oil, fallen elderleaves…
Heathcliff: We're in the middle of the ocean! You can't just use them as-is! First we need to stabilize the area with white rose quartz… <Repsev Aivulp Sunos>
Shino: <Matzah Sudipas>
Lennox?: How naiive…!
Faust: I'm your opponent right now! <Salliuqnart Mulcredo> Lennox! It's me! Answer me, Leno…!
Lennox?: …This body is mine! I'll rip this head right off its shoulders! I wouldn't mind giving you back just the head. Though it'd turn to stone as soon as I did!
Faust: The only one turning to stone here is you! <Salliuqnart Mulcredo>
Lennox?: Hmph. Was that supposed to do something? …?! Shylock…! …gh…!
Faust: (It worked!) (Something seemed to disturb him for a moment, though…)
Lennox?: …kh… What are you waiting for, Hwylryn?! I told you not to let them get close to him!
Hwylryn: …Ah…
Rustica: …! My spell wore off…
Cain: C'mon! Try it again…
Rustica: <Amores Viesse>
Hwylryn: Nope, not this time.
Rustica: …
Hwylryn: Huh… There's less of you than before. How many went further in? Well, you got me… Guess this is how it has to be. I'll take you all on.
Rutile: Hwylryn…! Please return Leno and Shylock! They're very precious people to us!
Hwylryn: I'm sorry. Balthazar seems like he really wants them. You're one of Akira's friends, right? I don't want to have to hurt you. You should get away from here.
Rutile: I won't leave until we have both of them back…!
Hwylryn: … Okay. I'm really not feeling up to this, but…
Cain: (He's coming!) <Gladius Procella>
Rustica: <Amores Viesse>
Cain: …Uwaahh…!
Rustica: …Kh…!
Chloe: Rustica…! …ah, ahhh…
Rutile: Oh no…!
Hwylryn: Just let the current take you far, far away from here. Coming back is a no-no, okay?
Cain: …gh! <Gladius Procella>!
Hwylryn: …You're not listening…
Cain: …! (The current is so strong…!) …gh…! (I'm going to be swallowed by the current…! It's going to rip my limbs apart…!) (I'm wasting so much magic just trying to keep it together…!) (At this rate, I won't be able to breathe…!)
Rustica: <Amores Viesse>
Hwylryn: …
Cain: Rustica…!
Rustica: Cain, are you okay?!
Hwylryn: …La…lala…
Cain: Is it that spell again…?!
Rustica: Yes. Though it won't last long, I fear. Chloe, Rutile.
Chloe: Absolutely not! I am not running!
Rustica: …
Chloe: …I'll use the cloaking magic again…and you can use your song, and…
Rustica: …Alright.
Rutile: Cain, I'll heal you!
Cain: It's fine! Save your magic! If someone's close to death, they'll need it more…
Hwylryn: …nn…
Cain: … He's going to attack again…
Hwylryn: …Hmm? Oh, you got me again…
Rustica: <Amores Viesse>
Chloe: <Suispicibo Voitengok>!
Hwylryn: Jeez… I guess I'll have to make it hurt a little.
Cain: <Gladius Procella>!
Hwylryn: Back off!
Cain: …Waaahhh…!
Chloe: …cough…! I can't…breathe…!
Rustica: Chloe…!
Rutile: …Everyone…!
Mithra: …Sigh… Don't piss me off so much, Figaro… Why do you have to make me mad? If you're so worried, then you should've just protected the Sage yourself. I'm already busy enough keeping Mitile and Rutile safe. Because I promised Tiletta I'd protect them… … Uh oh… What were those two supposed to be doing right now? Are they waiting for cake again… … <Arthim>
Next Chapter
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moonlitempty · 6 months
tim was so real for playing so much resident evil 2 that he started dreaming/hallucinating about it because one time when i was 12 i played so much uncharted 2 that i dreamt i found the goddamn cintamani stone
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Sea Rover Squama — In-Depth Character Introduction Profiles
Snow: Squama. He travels the world laying siege on various pirate ships in order to find his twin brother, White, who was kidnapped and separated from him by pirates when they were children. His powers grant him the gift of eternal youth, and he uses his cute, childlike appearance to catch his enemies off-guard. In addition to his natural-born abilities, Snow’s unrelenting efforts to save White from the hands of pirates has made him into a highly skilled fighter, enabling him to single-handedly eradicate a number of pirate crews. He excels at quick and light fighting techniques that make the most of his small build.
Bradley: Squama. Captain of the Pirates of Death, whose motto in life is to challenge those who are stronger than him and steal all of their treasure. He took in Nero as part of his crew after finding out he had nowhere else to go. His gift allows him to see how hostile his opponents are in the form of a black haze. He chose to become a pirate after hearing stories of the Cintamani Stone as a child, fascinated by the tales an old former pirate would tell him. His dream in life is to one day find that legendary treasure. He enjoys Nero’s honest reactions to things that are now the norm for Bradley, and finds teaching Nero the fundamentals of piracy worthwhile because of it.
Nero: Squama. His unique blue scale crest sets him apart from his kind, and is referred to by the nickname “giftless”. He became a member of the Pirates of Death after Bradley found him collapsed on the beach, and took him under his wing. Though he looks like an adult, there’s still very little he knows about the world around him, and at first he knew barely more than a child would. Despite this, his quick understanding of things and attention to small detail helped him integrate easily within the crew. Though he respects Bradley for saving his life, he finds it frustrating sometimes when he’s still treated like a child.
White: Squama. A Lieutenant Commander in the Vollmond Navy. His powers grant him the gift of eternal youth. He was kidnapped by pirates from the slums where he lived with his twin, Snow, with the intention of selling him on the slave trade. When the pirates were arrested, however, White ended up being adopted by the Vollmond Navy officer who caught them, and was trained to become a gifted soldier as a result. Upon being told by his adoptive father that Snow had died, he lost any interest in his life and career, choosing to settle for his current position despite his admiral-level accomplishments.
Heathcliff: Human. A First Lieutenant in the Vollmond Navy. As the son of a highly distinguished military family, the Blanchetts, he rose quickly through the ranks despite his young age. He has mixed feelings regarding his childhood friend, still a student at the Naval Academy, who would enthusiastically talk about “becoming Heath’s shield”. Heathcliff’s earnest personality sometimes makes it difficult for him to handle his superior officers, what with Murr’s mischievous behaviour and White’s indifferent attitude. Alongside his solemnity and thoughtfulness, his sensitive, unsoldierlike care has earnt great trust from those above him.
Murr: Human. An Admiral in the Vollmond Navy, he’s pursuing the whereabouts of the Child of the Cintamani Stone, who fled while under his care. Though there are rumours abound of him having once used whatever means necessary to rise through the ranks and achieve his current position, nobody can explain exactly why he might’ve done such a thing. His methods having backfired on him, a certain incident left him with a severe head injury, turning his intellectual personality into that of a mischievous cat. He’ll occasionally visit his old friend’s house on a whim for a glass of wine, though only he knows when best to go and why.
Arthur: Squama. His gift draws in good luck from the world around him, and he has never once lost a bet. When he was about 4 years old, a crew of pirates almost succeeded in kidnapping him – only thwarted by the lucky appearance of the great and legendary pirate Oz, who then took Arthur in. There’s not much he remembers from before he was 4, and has no memory at all of his real family. When he was 13, he once had a nightmare about being kidnapped from Oz by other pirates. Though he calls himself a pirate out of respect to Oz, the truth is that he prefers helping people by fighting off the truly bad pirates, all while on his journey to reunite with the man who left him behind.
Oz: Squama. A legendary pirate whose reputation extends to every corner of the world. Equally as famous for his strength, his gift of being able to control the weather at will is well-renowned, and many pirates grow out their hair in admiration of Oz. He found Arthur onboard the ship of a pirate crew that had challenged Oz to battle, soundly defeating them and then taking Arthur in himself. Though he did his best to balance child-rearing with piracy, overhearing a 13 year old Arthur say “I want to go home” in his sleep prompted Oz to leave him at the nearest house available – which just so happened to be Cain’s – in order to set off on a journey to find Arthur’s real family for him.
Cain: Human. A master cutlass swordsman and member of Arthur’s pirate crew. He took care of Arthur after he was left behind by Oz, and found himself so charmed by Arthur’s personality that he decided to come along on Arthur’s journey to find Oz again. The cutlass-using character in many of the stories sung by bards is said to be modelled off of Cain, who is well-loved by the children that know of him. While fighting against the red-eyed pirate Owen, their left eyes were somehow exchanged. Since then, he’s been searching for a way to make things right, planning on returning Owen’s eye immediately once he knows how.
Chloe: Human. Though he doesn’t know it, many of the clothes he’s made as a hobby while travelling around with Rustica are now incredibly fashionable, known by many as the “Wandering Chloe’s Ensemble”. As he was being arrested by the Vollmond Navy, Rustica’s last words to Chloe were “I’ll be alright, just wait for me here,” and so he waits for Rustica to come back while keeping watch over their ship. Once, while praying at a well-known church for Rustica’s safe return, he met a blond boy who unexpectedly helped cheer him up, and hopes to see him again someday soon.
Rustica: Squama. Although he’s unaware of his status as a pirate, he has been officially recognised as one by the Vollmond Navy due to him always skillfully turning the tables on any pirates who attack him and brazenly taking their treasure while on his carefree travels. His gift is the ability to charm people with the music he plays. He was recently arrested without warning by the Vollmond Navy for some unexplained reason, separated from the friend he had been travelling with. He’s especially talented when it comes to playing the ocarina, and his habit of playing a tune every time he stops for a drink at a bar has built up quite the fan following, unbeknownst to him.
Rutile: Squama. His gift allows him to paralyse whoever he touches. Having lost his mother at a young age, he took up caring for his younger brother in her absence. An incredibly good surfer, he’s become something of a speed demon capable of going unbelievably fast due to his spectacular riding skills. Ever since his younger brother started living at the Naval Academy boarding school, Rutile has begun drawing his own picture books based on stories about his mother, a famous female pirate, reading them to the children around Vollmond Island. Having met his mother’s old friend only once a long time ago, he hopes to someday see him again and tell him of his mother’s death.
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thedemonconstantine · 2 years
The Pursuit of Coincidence
( @strxngemxgick​ )
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So it was that John found himself in Bhutan on a brisk Saturday morning, wandering the valleys of Paro Taktsang through a Tiger Nest’s Cave, his third one this week and to no avail. The search for the Cintamani stone led him to the shrines where it would have been last found...or at least where the Druk would have stowed it away from coveting hands and greedy eyes. 
John needed that stone, it was one of his last-resorts to rid himself of the blasted thing festering in his lungs. Whatever the case, it did nothing to stop himself from knocking a fresh fag from his pack of Silk Cuts, standing by the dirt road to watch the donkeys amble on by, carrying produce, tourists and pilgrims to the Taktsang Monastery. 
One of the passing sherpas smiled at him and he’d decline their services. John was completely fine on his own. A mule would have been nice though, not that he had any luggage but his back was killing him.
In his other hand was a dowsing rod from an ancient Tibetan peach tree, its fruit the favoured delight of the Druk dragon. Left, left, then to the right was where the rod took him, chewing on his cigarette as he walked off the dirt-trodden paths and into the forest proper with a grunt.
Fucking thing better be worth it.
John was too engrossed with sensing the feather-light pulls of the rod that he did not notice how he sidestepped and backed into a tree...oop, not a tree, an actual person.
“Oi, watch it, mate! I’m workin’ ‘ere!” 
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theresomeone1 · 4 days
Savior of the world. Painting – Leonardeschi and Leonardo da Vinci.
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In the painting, which belongs to the “Savior of the World” iconographic type, Jesus Christ is depicted in blue robes characteristic of the Renaissance era; With his right hand he makes the sign of the cross, and with his left he holds a transparent sphere, Chintamani. Chintamani चिन्तामणि, : cintāmaṇi - magic or philosopher's stone = cintâ fem. genus - thought, care + mani husband. genus - pearl, precious stone - in Hindu and Buddhist mythologies, a magical stone (crystal) that fulfills wishes; has the ability to give its owner whatever he wants. His other name is Divya-ratna - God's jewel. This stone once belonged to Brahma, who himself is sometimes called Chintamani.
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Chintamani (or the Chintamani Stone), is a wish-fulfilling jewel (look like a pearl) in both Hindu and Buddhist traditions. It is one of several Mani Jewel images found in Buddhist scripture.
Within Hinduism, it is connected with the gods Vishnu and Ganesha. In Hindu tradition, it is often depicted as a fabulous jewel in the possession of Vishnu as the Kaustubha Mani or as on the forehead of the Naga king called as Naga Mani, or on the forehead of the Makara.[citation needed] The Yoga Vasistha, originally written in the 10th century CE, contains a story about the cintamani. The Hindu Vishnu Purana speaks of the "Syamanta jewel, bestowing prosperity upon its owner, encapsulates the Yadu clan system". The Vishnu Purana is attributed to the mid-first millennium CE.
In Buddhism, it is held by the Bodhisattvas (divine beings with great compassion, wisdom and power) Avalokiteshvara and Ksitigarbha. It is also seen carried upon the back of the Lung Ta (wind horse) which is depicted on Tibetan prayer flags. By reciting the Dharani (small hymn) of Cintamani, Buddhist tradition maintains that one attains the Wisdom of Buddha, able to understand the truth of the Buddha, and turn afflictions into Bodhi. It is said to allow one to see the Holy Retinue of Amitabha and assembly upon one's deathbed. In Tibetan Buddhist tradition the Chintamani is sometimes depicted as a luminous pearl and is in the possession of several of different forms of the Buddha.
what the “savior of the world” Davinci is hiding and how he is connected with the Vatican and Buddhism, you can find out about this in the book “From Psychology to Magic”
Every person has the power and can fulfill their desires to realize themselves.
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crystal-wind · 1 month
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edwincarrasco · 4 months
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Cintamani Stone
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Saffordite Bracelet https://www.etsy.com/listing/1402025898/saffordite-arizona-tektite-cintamani-raw
Saffordites are a natural glass stone found only in one place on Earth – the Chihuahuan Desert southeast of Safford, Arizona. Often referred to as Arizona Tektites, they are really members of the obsidian glass family of rocks. Saffordites appear very black, like a piece of coal. But when they are viewed with a light from behind they truly show off their inner beauty. Their surface is usually pitted with cup-shaped depressions similar to moon-like craters and they vary from clear and sparkling to translucent, banded, opaque, and even the occasional rare find of a white “sheba”.
Saffordites have earned a lot of nicknames and are often called, the holy grail stone, the wish-fulfilling stone, or Cintamani. Metaphysically Saffordites are said to be the most powerful gemstones yet discovered, even more powerful than Moldavites . They carry a low magnetic frequency and thus are excellent for grounding with both root and crown chakras with many benefits for physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
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yllowpages · 1 year
elena has a strong moral compass. she's painfully aware of how grey the world is (contrary to how people like chloe or flynn initially interpret her views), therefore right and wrong aren't these clear sides on either side of a line. but she feels very strongly based on what she interprets as right versus wrong. and she tends to act on it. this also extends in other ways just into her personal ambition and how much of a go-getter she is but that's a different discussion. she just isn't someone who can sit idly by and watch. lazarevic was believed by most of the world to be dead, but she knew how terrible this man was and she followed her gut to follow him and hopefully, eventually, have him face consequences. when chloe betrays nate, she helps him chase down that train to rescue her — although it admittedly takes a moment to see things nate's way. even when facing lazarevic's army and the guardians in shambhala, she insists on staying to destroy the cintamani stone. even when she had stepped away from a higher-velocity life and was trying to convince nate to stop chasing ubar, she was more than willing to do everything possible just to save sully. she is someone who is more than willing to speak up and confront someone to their face in these situations. she has no qualms in telling someone they're wrong, or they're awful. not to mention letting the know how she feels physically. she knows how to bite back — she'll punch and kick and shoot if she feels it's warranted and necessary. all of this also showcases how idealistic elena can be as a person. she's realistic that things can go wrong, but she's optimistic in hoping they won't.
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samuelstaubyn · 1 year
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This is Colombianite. Also known as Piedra Rayo, it is an ancient form of Obsidian (Black) glass. Piedra Rayo translates to “Lightning Stone '' and is believed to have been the “Cintamani Stone” from sanskrit teachings and literature. It is estimated that these stones are around 30 million years old, which is extremely unique for any type of Obsidian. There are only a few known deposits in regions of Colombia coming out of the area of Cauca and local villagers and tribespeople make a living by hand mining these pieces. . SamStAubyn.com . #samstaubyn #colombianite #sydneyjeweller #australianjeweller #gemstonependant #silverpendant #innerwestsydney #meteorite (at Wangal Country) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnBCeZLyXxO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sitespeedmaui · 2 years
Uncharted 2 bosses
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No, Uncharted 2's platinum trophy isn't very demanding. Is it hard to get a platinum trophy in Uncharted 2?
Chapters 10 and 11 don't have any treasures.
It is worth adding that not every chapter has collectibles. Below is a list of all the collectibles in Uncharted 2. You can find 100 "standard" treasures plus one Strange Relic.
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In Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, you can collect secrets - hidden treasures.
Chapter 20 - Cat and Mouse part 1 and part 2Ī list of all secrets in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
Chapter 18 - Heart of Ice part 1 and part 2.
Chapter 17 - Mountaineering part 1 and part 2.
Chapter 6 - Desperate Times part 1, part 2 and part 3.
Chapter 5 - Urban Warfare part 1 and part 2.
Chapter 2 - Breaking and Entering part 1, part 2 and part 3.
Some chapters are clearly longer than others, and as a result, their walkthroughs can take up two or three separate pages. The second part of the series has 26 chapters. Lukasz "Crash" Kendryna List of all Uncharted 2: Among Thieves chaptersīelow you can find a list of all the chapters in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
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Uncharted 2 offers a combination of exciting cut-scenes, exploration of tombs and other locations, as well as solving puzzles of varying difficulty. In the second Uncharted, the heroes follow directions left by Marco Polo and strive to find the legendary Buddhist artifact called the Cintamani Stone. Once again, you play as the charismatic treasure hunter Nathan Drake, who in the company of his friends and associates travels the world to find forgotten ruins and discover artifacts. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is one of the most popular action-adventure games in the history of this genre.
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longcoupons · 2 years
Lost city of ubar pictures
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It could even tie in the lost Library of the Czars, supposedly created by Ivan the Terrible. The film could see Holland's Drake traversing the snow-bitten Chersky Mountains, or possibly the vast wilderness of Siberia, which hosts random explosions attributable to underground methane pockets. It is INCREDIBLY sparsely populated, with less than 35 million people in an area almost twice the size of the continental United States (which hosts over 300 million people). In many ways, northern Russia is among the planet's last frontiers. Instead, they were presided over by a "White Tsar", who ruled according to ancient, just ideals. A common tale among Russian peasantry, it was believed that the inhabitants of Opona - also known as the Golden Land or Belovodye - lived happy, peaceful lives, undisturbed by the state, or by the state's noble, ruling class. In Russian folklore, Opona is said to lie at the edge of the flat Earth, where it is only accessible to the most courageous of explorers (i.e. Also, don't expect to see any of the lost cities already covered in the games, as it's been stated that the film won't be a retread of any preexisting story. We've narrowed it down to ten.ĭon't expect to see Atlantis on this list, as it's been done to death. But what lost city can we expect? Luckily, history has given us a lot to choose from.
If we're following trends, the movie will do the same. Shambhala, Ubar, and Libertalia), with artifacts like the Cintamani Stone from Uncharted 2 taking a back seat to the spectacle of ancient, legendary locales. The Uncharted games have differentiated themselves from Indiana Jones, in that while Indiana Jones usually goes after artifacts, Nathan Drake and company hunt down lost cities (i.e. Though it's gotten some traction recently - Tom Holland was cast as Nate, Mark Wahlberg as Sully, and Antonio Banderas as, well, someone - the film's production has been pushed back ONCE AGAIN due to the global COVID-19 outbreak.Īt this point, the Uncharted film is starting to feel like something out of one of the games - that is, a fabled, mysterious, oft-detailed artifact that has thus far eluded our gaze. The reason why only the ruins of the fort have remained can be explained by the fact that people probably lived in tents at the time, and it was not uncommon for a fort to be the only permanent structure of a city.Announced in 2009, the film's ups and downs - including shuffling through multiple directors - have been frequent and severe. At the deepest end of the sinkhole, a tunnel has been built that leads farther down underground, where the remains of sunken walls can be found. An ancient stone window, supposed to be 800 MESSRS. cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde, and Nicholas Clapps inspired use of satellite photography to locate the buried city of Ubar on the Arabian peninsula. Other parts have sunk lower, but some are still clearly visible. The only change of importance is the produc - dom of the city of Edinburgh. Sections of the fort still stand at the edge of the sinkhole and can be accessed by visitors. The fort in Shisr, therefore, literally sank into the desert sands. Furthermore, part of this fort collapsed when a sinkhole formed underneath, and several feet of sand eventually covered all the ruins. The ruins suggest there used to be a fort surrounded by eight walls with a tower at each corner, a description that matches the description of the legendary Ubar in ancient documents. Whether or not the ruins called Ubar in Shisr are actually the remains of the legendary Ubar is contested.Īrchaeological excavations suggest this outpost was involved in the incense trade, meaning it may have been a sizable settlement. The ruins found in Shisr are officially named Ubar. This is fertile ground, where legends and archaeological studies plant their seeds for wild speculations to grow.Īccording to one of these speculations, the ruins of Ubar have been found in the village today known as Shisr in Dhofar Region, Oman. It’s even been dubbed the “Atlantis of the Sands.” Ubar and Atlantis have something else in common, too-there’s no unanimous consensus that either ever even existed.įinding the skeleton of a city that perhaps never existed can be a daunting proposition, but explorers and scholars are well aware of the prestige they could gain should they discover the ruins. Ubar is the Arabian equivalent of Atlantis, except that instead of sinking to the bottom of the sea, legend says it disappeared into the desert sands.
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