#City College of San Francisco
Embark on a Whimsical Word Adventure with EtherQuipsQuest – The Mad Libs Game That Turns Your Day into a Laugh Riot
Something Good Came Out Of COVID I absolutely loved playing the game Mad Libs from the first time someone in my class a recess in the field played a game with me, I was hooked. It’s such a great icebreaker, and for an awkward kid who just moved to NorthEast from Houston, Texas there was nothing better that to share a carefree and hilarious moment with a game or two at recess. I aimed to craft a…
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dorianmathay · 10 months
Dora Vanroosendael
(a) story(es) in images
Focus of narration: the way becoming is either reflected or refracted or both on a sensorial cognitive fashion..laughter being the desired outcome!
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antvnger · 1 year
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Depends on the sport and the team.
In baseball, I definitely cheer for the Giants, and in basketball, I cheer for the Warriors. That’s about it for San Francisco teams.
In football, I cheer for the Kansas City Chiefs, and in college sports I usually cheer for the SEC. I wanted to go to the University of Florida back in the day, but when I toured CalTech, I knew that was the place for me.
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alexmmx · 2 years
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San Francisco - J Line Stop 1975. As I got off on the top of the hill at the 20th street stop as I walked down to bottom of the hill as I seen the J Line stop then as today that the Car Shelter is Gone, and the boarding area is raise to accommodate Wheel Chair Access and a sign mentioning the J car arriving.
Camera - Nikon - Nikkormat Ftn w/50mm Nikkor F2.0
Film - Kodak Kodacolor 100 C22 Process
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singeratlarge · 2 months
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Lee Vogt’s SONG OF THE WEEK: “3rd Floor Blues” https://leevogt.bandcamp.com/track/3rd-floor-blues  —A calorie-burning song that echoes Eddie Cochran’s “20 Flight Rock.” Eddie climbed stairs to see his sweetheart, but Lee climbed stairs to get to work. Lee recalls, “Climbing six flights of stairs (two between landings) from the ground floor to the third floor. Running out of gas by the second floor, what to do? At the John Adams Campus of City College of San Francisco, every day was a choice: take the elevator or climb the stairs.” 
When Lee performed this song live at the college it was a resounding hit with audiences there…they knew!
#blues #bluesrock #acousticblues #EddieCochran #20FlightRock #stairs #JohnAdamsCampus #CityCollege #SanFrancisco #LeeVogt #singersongwriter #johnnyjblair #producer
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dalydose22 · 5 months
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tatmanblue · 9 months
The dream of freedom
The dream of freedom by Peter Thoeny - Quality HDR Photography Via Flickr: I planned to take a sunset shot of the Golden Gate bridge from 17.5 miles (28 km) away from the hills behind Oakland. It did not pan out, too much fog was rolling in from the sea. The sun cast some shadows over downtown Oakland, across the bay from San Francisco. I processed a balanced and a photographic HDR photo from two RAW exposures, blended them selectively, and carefully adjusted the color balance and curves. I welcome and appreciate constructive comments. Thank you for visiting - ♡ with gratitude! Fave if you like it, add comments below, like the Facebook page, order beautiful HDR prints at qualityHDR.com. -- ƒ/6.3, 225 mm, 1/640, 1/2500 sec, ISO 100, Sony A6000, Tamron SP 150-600mm f/5-6.3, HDR, 2 RAW exposures, _DSC2212_3_hdr2rea1pho1e.jpg -- CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, © 2023 Peter Thoeny, Quality HDR Photography
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easylocksmith247sf · 1 year
Best Methods to Get Car Key Replacement San Francisco
Have you recently lost your keys? And are you searching for an affordable and quickest way to replace your car keys?
If yes, then you have landed on the right blog. Through this blog, we will look into the best car key replacement options.
To get your car key replaced at much lower prices. If you want to look into car key replacement issues, you can go through our blog and cover the cost of keys.
Best Options for Car Key Replacement San Francisco
1. Auto Locksmith
An auto locksmith is a person who is qualified to deal with car key replacement. Hiring an auto locksmith is the cheapest way to replace a car key in San Francisco. Auto locksmiths will have advanced equipment to replace and change different types of keys.
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A faster option for Car Key Replacement San Francisco is to hire an auto locksmith, which is the easiest option. Companies that deliver auto locksmith services have modern tools worth over $1000 that are effective for nearly all models and car makers.
How can an auto locksmith help?
An Auto Locksmith San Francisco can assist you with other things besides key replacement. If you somehow get locked out of your car, an auto locksmith can help you open the car door and with other things, such as:
Car Key Replacement San Francisco: If you do not have the original set of keys with you, you can go for their replacement.
Copy vehicle keys: In such cases, you can offer a spare car key.
Repair keys: A professional Auto Locksmith San Francisco can repair car key damage.
2. Car Insurance Provider
Car keys can be expensive. Many times, car keys do not get covered by insurance companies. If you want your car insurance company to cover key replacement or change, you need to ask for the same specifically. Also, keep in mind that claiming your car key's insurance can reflect on the claiming bonus.
3. Vehicle Breakdown Service
Roadside assistance services can assist with car key replacement depending on the vehicle. Depending mainly on the breakdown service- the correct key coding can keep you waiting for a long time.
Auto Locksmith San Francisco is the fastest and best option due to the vehicle diagnostic. Breakdown services utilize an auto locksmith to conclude the work- so go directly to the locksmith. Roadside assistant service providers do not possess the expertise that an auto locksmith has in dealing with particular keys and lock types handling.
4. Franchised Car Dealership
Hiring your car dealership can be the most expensive option and can much more time in comparison to an auto locksmith. Unlike the Auto Locksmith San Francisco, car dealers cannot have the specialist equipment and might not be able to visit. In many cases, a lot of car dealerships use the services of auto locksmiths. Auto locksmiths have all the necessary key programming and diagnostic tools on-site.
5. Local Garage
Local garage services can be costly as most of them use diagnostic equipment. Garages may not have the required special key coding equipment that is needed on-site but an auto locksmith carries it.
In tricky situations, you may not be able to locate a garage that can genuinely help with a car replacement. Your best option is to hire the services of a Locksmith San Francisco, CA.
Not So Best Options for Car Key Replacement San Francisco, CA
1. Residential Locksmith
A residential locksmith is an expert to fix a home’s key issues. They might not be the best option when it comes to having your car key replaced or fixed. It is advised to hire an auto locksmith for car-related key problems.
To Conclude
Car key replacement and fixation can be done easily by an expert auto locksmith. You need assistance from a professional who can undertake any challenge and offer you a fast solution.
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 Easy Locksmith 24/7 can help you with issues revolving around car keys replacement and fixation. A seasoned Auto Locksmith San Francisco, CA- providing services such as Easy Locksmith 247 can guide you and offer you a reliable option.
Easy Locksmith 247 65 Santa Rosa Ave, Unit 2. San Francisco, CA 94044 415-229-7918
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(415) 802-1774 - L.E Locksmith Services - Residential Locksmith San Francisco
L.E Locksmith Services is the go-to-go solution for highly qualified Residential Locksmith San Francisco, specializing in comprehensive security solutions for your home. As a trusted and experienced locksmith, we offer a wide range of services to ensure the safety and peace of mind of homeowners in the area. Our skilled team of residential locksmiths is equipped with the latest tools and techniques to handle any lock and key issue efficiently. From lock installation and repair to key duplication and emergency lockout assistance, Residential Locksmith San Francisco is committed to delivering top-notch service. Count on L.E Locksmith Services for all your residential locksmith needs. Contact us at (415) 802-1774 for prompt and reliable assistance.
L.E Locksmith Services 1728 Union st ste 102, San Francisco CA 94123 (415) 802-1774
Visit us now:
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sanfranciscoblog · 2 years
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slexenskee · 3 months
Only Shooting Stars (Break The Mold)
The AU where Gojo is actually All Might's California kid that literally no one asked for, including me 🤦‍♀️
Satoru’s best friend just told him she hates him. Actually, she told him she wanted to go hiking, which is basically the same thing. 
There is emphatically nothing he’d like less than being dragged through the parched, dry hills around the Dish on an otherwise perfectly normal Saturday morning free of classes, but Makoto is only in town for two days and he promised her he’d do whatever she liked barring arson and/or more tequila shots. 
“Can’t you just get Captain Underpants to go with you?” He throws out as a token protest, staggering into her rental jeep with the darkest shades he owns tossed over his eyes in a desperate attempt to keep his hangover at bay.
He squints at her as she settles in the driver’s seat of her rented death contraption. And why isn’t she hungover, anyway? She had even more to drink than him last night. 
“You know his hero name is Captain Celebrity, and please don’t say that where anyone can hear you.” She rolls her eyes as she starts the car. “Until I get a more famous client he’s still my cash cow, and I’d really rather not get fired right now.”
“You couldn’t have picked a worse one.” Satoru snorts, flopping into the passenger seat. “Isn’t he still cheating on the daughter with the stepmom or something?”
“Alleged,” Makoto hisses. “Allegedly cheating. And no, obviously. I wouldn’t still be his publicist if he was that much of an idiot.”
She tries to back out of her spot and almost immediately slides several inches down the heart-palpitation-inducing San Francisco incline he’d parked her on last night. She gives him a look of pure, sheer terror over her steering wheel. 
Satoru quickly undoes his seatbelt. “Yeah, okay. Put the parking brake on and switch with me— I’ll drive.” 
He has them up and off the worst of Hyde St.’s incline with the undisturbed impassivity of a kid who’s spent his entire driving career wedging himself into tenuous and visibly improbable parking spots all across the bay area. Makoto gives a sigh of relief once they clear the worst of the soaring hills, and actually doesn’t bring up the topic he knows she’s itching to broach until he’s pulling onto the 101. 
“You know, I wouldn’t have to bother with Captain Celebrity if someone would just finally agree to be a hero.” Makoto needles him, for the umpteenth time. 
He rolls his eyes behind his glasses. “Not happening.” He shoots her down flat. 
“You can’t stay in college forever!” She protests.
“What do you mean, forever?” He protests back, offended. “I’m not even twenty-two yet!” 
And she makes it sound like he’s wasting his life away going to college or something! As if getting into Stanford isn’t the most snobbish badge of supremacy you can wave around in this damn state! 
This is what he gets for saving her all those years ago, he laments. A best friend who nags him over all his life choices. He should have let her just fall from that damned New York skyscraper. Or more realistically, just waited it out and let an actual hero swoop in and save her. It’s not as if there hadn’t been plenty around at the time. 
She’d been a twenty-one year-old intern at a prestigious marketing agency caught at the wrong end of a villain takeover, and as far as his mother was concerned he’d been a seventeen year-old ostensibly touring the city for colleges, but in reality had been touring music dive bars more than campuses. They’d immediately bonded over the fact he’d saved her life, but also the indie band shirt he’d been wearing as he’d done it. 
Growing up in LA, his only two real options were surfing or surf rock, and he’d chosen to spend more time on the route that wouldn’t lead him to immediate skin cancer. His mom had eventually moved them to San Francisco, but he’d never quite grown out of his SoCal roots. He’d loved music in his last life, and in this life, he’d decided to chill the fuck out and ignore society and all it’s problems, and music seemed as good a way as any to do it. And he was pretty damn good at it, if he did say so himself. His expansive catalog of songs from his last life and eidetic memory made most people call him a genius, even if he rejected the label. So he was a passable— if not prodigal— guitarist, and Makoto had just learned to play the bass herself, so it was really no surprise they’d not only immediately bonded, but immediately decided to make a band together. 
Makoto jumping ship and splitting her time between the US and Japan had thrown a bit of a wrench in their rockstar dreams, but they were making it work somehow. And considering he can teleport around the world at will, it’s really not that much of a hindrance. 
That does beg the question though, of why Makoto would rather him be a hero than a musician. But he imagines he actually already knows the answer to that. 
“How about you stop cleaning up after stupid celebrities, and become a celebrity yourself.” He argues, with a raised brow. 
Makoto scoffs. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to break into the music industry?” 
With the confidence of several dozen platinum hits spanning several dozen genres sitting pretty in his head, Satoru retorts; “I don’t think that will be a problem for us.” 
She laughs him off at first, but then seems to give it genuine thought. “I guess you are pretty enough to have lead singer appeal,” she concedes, uncharitably. “But we haven’t even released an album yet; you have no idea how well it will be received on the charts. Playing little dive bar shows isn’t going to get us anywhere.” 
Satoru just shrugs. “Then what’s stopping us? Let’s record an album.”
Makoto just rolls her eyes. “Yeah, sure. Come pop by Japan next weekend, and let’s do it.”
“Sure.” He agrees immediately, making her do a double take. He grins winsomely at her. “What? I’m free next weekend. Why not?” 
She just shakes her head in wonder. “Even seeing it multiple times, sometimes I really do still forget you can just… teleport across the world. And stop bullets with your eyeballs.”
“It’s telekinesis,” he corrects, but at this point it’s just rote. 
“No, I specifically remember you trying to explain it had something to do with your eyeballs, don’t try to change it up now.” Makoto pokes him in the shoulder— or tries to, but is stopped with his barrier. “And how the hell that’s supposed to even make sense, I have no idea. But you definitely said it.” 
Yeah, he probably deserves that for trying to explain his cursed techniques while he’d been several mystery drinks deep at a college frat party. Makoto probably still hasn't forgiven him for dragging her to that madhouse, but in his defense, she’d all but begged him to take her to an American college party in the first place.
“It’s… complicated.” He hedges off. “My eyes just help me understand how to use my powers; they’re not actually what creates my barrier.” 
Makoto squints at him suspiciously. “... What’s your mom’s quirk again?”
He chuckles awkwardly. “Oh, she can convert energy from the sun. Mine’s a mutation, obviously.”
“Could just be a strange combination.” Makoto muses. “What did you say your dad’s quirk was?”
“I, uh, have no idea.” Satoru coughs, keeping his eyes on the road in a vaguely panicked manner. 
“Shit, that’s right, I’m sorry.” Makoto jolts in her seat, apologetic. “You still haven’t heard anything? I thought your mom said… I mean, they’re not on bad terms, right?”
Frankly, Satoru almost wishes she would continue pestering him about becoming a hero over this particular topic. 
“They’re not on bad terms, no.” He hedges off, shifting in his seat. Why couldn’t his best friend have a normal quirk, like fire breathing or water bending? Or anything besides being a human lie detector when he has so much he needs to lie about? “But they don’t talk much. I’m not sure she even knows what his quirk is herself.”
“Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter anyway, your quirk is what it is.” Mercifully, Makoto lets the subject drop. “Even if it makes no damn sense.”
Satoru laughs that off. “Does any quirk ever really make sense, though?” 
Makoto just clicks her tongue, then launches into a spirited rant on the laws of quirk science. Satoru breathes a quiet sigh of relief as the conversation devolves into a nonsensical argument on what would be the most useless quirk in history. 
One of these days he’s going to have to cave and tell Makoto the truth, but he’d really rather not do it when he’s hungover and facing the prospect of a miserable hike for the next few hours. 
And to be fair, nothing he said to Makoto was a lie. 
His parents aren’t on bad terms. Or rather, they’re not on any terms at all, as he doesn’t think they’ve even spoken once in the twenty-two years he’s been alive in this world. But according to his mom, they hadn’t parted on bad terms. They’d been college sweethearts, and his father had always been honest about his intentions to return to Japan. His mother had been adamant about staying in America and pursuing her own career. They’d split up for practicalities sake, unaware he was already on the way, and his mom looks back on that time of her life fondly. 
His mom would go on to have him several months after his father had left the country, and raise him as a single-mother as she built a life for them. His father would go on to be the world’s strongest hero. 
His mother had only ever known Yagi Toshinori as All Might, unbeatable and unbreakable, with a quirk so strong it would have him going down in history as one of the strongest heroes of all time. As far as she— and the rest of the world knew— he had some kind of strengthening quirk. 
But Satoru had seen him before, on one of his trips back to Japan. It had been from a distance, as he’d taken down a villain to the delight of the cheering crowds around him, but it had been enough for Satoru’s Six Eyes to see his quirk wasn’t quite as straightforward as the strengthening ability listed on his hero profile. All Might’s core— where most humans had a swirling mass of plus alpha energy— was as empty as Satoru’s. Satoru was quirkless because his father, All Might, had been born quirkless. The quirk All Might had now must have been  given to him when he was older, growing around that empty space and spreading through his body almost like a parasite. Or a curse. Satoru honestly couldn’t tell.
Satoru honestly didn’t care. 
He has no opinion on All Might, or what choices he may or may not have made to wield the power he has. 
When he was much younger, and saw how much his mother struggled to raise him on her own without help, he would resent him a bit for leaving her on her own like this. But his adult mind could understand the logic in both his parents’ motivations. They both made their own choices, and did what they thought was right with only care and consideration for each other. 
And it’s not as if Satoru’s childhood was lacking in any capacity.  
Actually, his childhood was awesome. 
To be entirely honest, he doubts he would have wanted All Might around even if that was possible. He can’t imagine a better way to grow up than the way he did, rocking out in the garage with his mom on the weekends, surfing in the mornings (with adequate sunscreen), skating from school to the skatepark in the afternoons, and having the complete and utter autonomy only a latchkey kid could have. His mom did what she could to make sure he grew up comfortably and well-cared for, and that included putting in long hours at work that had him on his own for most of the week. It was the best. There were no rules against using quirks in America— someone finally got their act together on personal bodily autonomy and all that— so he’d use his ‘quirk’ to teleport himself all across the world in his spare time. As long as he was back by dinner time, his mom didn’t need to know if he decided to spend the afternoon wandering the streets of Seoul in search of the best hotteok. 
He tried to keep his excursions on the down low, and keep his grades up and his nose out of trouble. While he adored his freedom, he never wanted to worry his mom. She was honestly too good for this world— and for him too, if he was being honest. The least he could do is be as good of a son as possible.
Well, he can try to be as good of a son as possible. As it stands, the majority of his chaotic existence usually gets in the way of that. 
“Oh, Sacchan, you’re home already?” His mother peers out of her office, thick, horn-rimmed glasses making her purple eyes look comically large on her face as she pokes her head over the wall. “Where’s Makoto-chan?”
“Probably on the plane already, unless it got delayed.” He tosses his keys into the basket by the front door, toeing off his shoes. 
She frowns at him. “You drove her to SFO, right? Don’t tell me you let her go by herself!”
He rolls his eyes. “She had a rental car to drop off, ya know. But yeah, I drove her from the rental place to her terminal.” 
Not that she deserved the consideration, after dragging him on a hike of all damn things yesterday. They’d just stayed out the whole night drinking beforehand, what madwoman does that? 
She gets up out of her chair, stretching her arms over her head as her hapless bun spills silver-white hair over her shoulders. “She’s such a nice girl,” his mother enthuses, as she cracks her neck. “I wish you’d bring more of your friends around, Sacchan. Your poor mother worries.”
“I’m in college now, mom.” He rolls his eyes. “We don’t really bring our friends around to meet our parents.”
More to the point, he wouldn’t want to anyway. College boys are emphatically the worst, and his mom is a very pretty woman. That’s just asking for trouble. And beyond that, he doesn’t have anyone at school he’d feel close enough to introduce her to anyway. He has plenty of people in his orbit to pair up with in labs, hang around the quad with while he’s killing time between classes, or drag to various house parties, but those are superficial bonds at best. 
He’s a young, handsome boy who surfs and skateboards and is good at all sports and plays rock music and still ranks at the top of his class; suffice it to say, he’s never wanted for friends or popularity. But he’s also a full grown man living through a second life; he has very little in common with the people in his age group. It’s gotten better now that he’s a full-fledged adult again, but he still tends to find the petty struggles of his fellow undergrads to be a bit pedantic. 
“You never brought any around in highschool either.” His mother laments. “Sacchan, you’re not embarrassed over your mother, are you?”
“Not at all.” He protests, then adds, because he doesn’t want to worry her, “I just don’t want people knowing exactly where I live. They seem nice enough, but you never really know with people these days.”
He says it to assure her that he’s a perfectly well-adjusted and well-liked kid who has plenty of deep and genuine friendships (entirely untrue) but only serves to worry her even more. 
She frowns at him, eyes downcast. “Oh, Satoru,” she says, in a sad tone that automatically has him lurching forward to comfort her. “I know things with your father are… complicated, but I never wanted to make you feel like you had to hide yourself from the world. I want to keep you safe, but I want you to have fun too, you know?” 
“Yes, I know.” He rushes to reassure her. “And I do have fun— you know I do! You came to my show just last week!”
His mother gives him a watery smile. “Yes, and your bandmate Kenji nearly started a bar fight, and the crowds got so unruly that the fire department got called in.” 
“That guy deserved to be slapped around a bit.” He returns, unapologetic. “And the fire department was just there to make sure we stayed under capacity— we weren’t causing any trouble!”
“No trouble, he says, when the cops were still called by the end of the night.” She teases him. 
He rolls his eyes. He can’t control whether or not two drunks decide to get in a brawl over baby mama drama outside the venue, that was totally not his fault. And also probably not the best show to take his mom to, but it was one of the few local performances they’ve ever done, and she was always making noises about finally seeing his band play in person. Unsurprisingly having two bandmates that live across the ocean and one that hops between two countries means they rarely play shows on this side of the Pacific, and he still hasn’t found a way to admit to her that his teleportation radius is a lot larger than he’d originally told her as a five year-old manifesting his ‘quirk’. 
“Cops or not, it was still a good time.” He grins, adamantly. 
“It was indeed a good time.” She nods, grinning back. She leans up to pat his cheek. “You looked like you were really enjoying yourself up there, Satoru. I always knew you’d be a star.” 
“It was a weekday performance at a local bar, I would hardly call myself a star.” He protests, helplessly. 
Her eyes twinkle behind her glasses. “Maybe not yet.”
Yes the title is from All Star by Smashmouth 😂 this fic has the most millennial playlist I've ever made
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vechter · 18 days
Top 5 Dick headcanons?
1. dick having long term impacts from blüdhaven being bombed (n52 i'm furiously pretending you don't exist)- i just don't think dick should ever be able to talk about the city he chose to protect that got nuked bc he got under a cringe old man's skin. even years later, he wakes up from nightmares about chemo being dropped. he can't talk about it. it's his biggest failure, his biggest what-if. he can't talk about it still. the guilt occasionally threatens to eat him alive. if he had never vowed to protect it, would it still be standing? also i know continuity about where exactly he was at the time is confusing- infinite crisis puts him in new york but his own solo has him in the thick of the action in blüd, which is my personal preference. i would also like to see long term impacts from the level of radiation he was exposed to. a few chemical burns, possibly sterility (an interesting thing to explore that his parents' legacy biologically dies with him- he is the last grayson. but persists in the way he has taught those around him to fly and catch.) plus i want bruce to feel insane about this because no one else will understand how dick feels about a city like bruce does. also, bruce regretting not having stepped in earlier when dick was in the mob or the circus was burning down. it's one of his biggest regrets, too.
2. dick moves back to new york after bruce comes back bc new york has always shepherded and saved him. he went there when he lost robin, when he lost blüdhaven. preferably, he moves in with donna or roy because the year he spent being batman changed something intrinsically in his code and he needs to be around people who love him for him. he doesn't know how much of it was an act, how much of it was the mission, how much of it was grief. he never wanted to be like bruce and yet. yet. also a big fan of dick convincing tim to move to san francisco with young justice after bruce comes back because he is seeing what gotham, what batman is doing to his brother. tim stays there for a year, attends college before upping and moving to new york, instead. far enough from gotham but still tethered to batman. it is a little brother's prerogative to copy everything your big brother does <3
3. he and cass have a complicated dynamic. they both see and understand bruce in a way no one else does. it can sometimes be a good thing because they feel seen. but it also leads to conflict and subsequent resentment and hurt. and they both feel guilty about it because they know the other person has nothing but good intentions and their heart in the right place. also, dick is an intensely private person so for cass to be able to clock his lies, his performative nature- it often feels like too much. people are always watching him but cass sees him. and i don't imagine dick being too pleased about that. meanwhile, cass, to whom bruce and babs are probably the most important people, also feels a degree of resentment that they both are so intensely abnormal about dick, even when dick lashes out/hurts them. i miss cass throwing dick out of windows, it was so fun. but also, their entire approach to vigilantism and the concept of perfection. there is so much untapped potential for them to have excellent conflicts and resolutions. also idk where i saw this but cass being unable to do a quadruple and dick privately gloating about that. hilarious <3
4. recurrent knee pain. listen, the boy is an acrobat and he tends to stick his landings on unforgiving terrain like concrete and roof-tops. plus, firefly shot him in his right leg and he spent a big chunk of canon on crutches and wearing a brace. sometimes, your body recovers from an injury but it is never the same again. a notable part of the pain is also psychosomatic. it reminds him of one of the worst times in his life- the circus burning, his apartment being blown up, blockbuster, tarantula, etc. and how much of a failure he thinks he was during that time. like i said, the guilt often threatens to eat him alive so ofc the long-term, intermittent pain of an injury like that is mixed with immense mental stress as well.
5. his most intense and most private thoughts about jason and tim. things he hates himself for thinking, things even truth serum or magic or whacky comic shenanigans wouldn't pull out of him. bruce took on jason as robin to get over the pain of losing dick and somewhere deep, deep inside, dick resents both of them for it. because jason died in his colours, under his name. and now they all live in a post-jason world, jason included. and maybe if bruce had never had jason, he wouldn't have ever lost him and bruce could still be the man/god that dick unquestionably put his faith in.
building up on this, their first real interaction after bruce punches dick for confronting him about jason's death is primarily because of tim. tim is the catalyst for the events in a lonely place of dying.
and while i don't subscribe to the bruce-is-abusive-camp, i think exploring scenarios where dick leaves bruce for good is so compelling. like i don't fuck with batman beyond and don't claim to be super knowledgeable about those runs, but what is enough for dick? what would make him abandon bruce? what would make him come back? it's so neat to explore. and i think in a world where dick decides bruce is unforgivable, he would come back for the kids. in fact, he does come back for terry and bruce is perhaps the most expressive we see in terms of his regrets about dick, about missing dick, about hurting him but dick doesn't really want to listen.
and i think, that interaction post jason's death altered their dynamic fundamentally. it makes dick go to therapy lol. and we never see on-screen resolution of that, just a continued glimpse into bruce's worsening spiral. so, i think, it's interesting to consider how dick would view tim's role in this. like yes, he loves and adores tim (a thousand ninjas wouldn't be enough, the closest thing i have to a little brother).
but does he privately wonder what would have happened if tim hadn't come in and dragged them both in a situation where they have no option but to co-exist semi-harmoniously? it took tim for them to talk again but is that really for the better? or for the worse? because dick's devotion to bruce is not only detrimental to his mental health, it is often straight-up dangerous for him. and while dick may be unable to recognize the mental strain it puts him under, he would probably have a sort of inkling of the physical harm. taking back blackgate all alone for bruce, the time bruce hits him when he thinks gordon is dead, the time he jumps in front of a blast aimed for bruce, the time bruce has superman's powers and beats dick down when dick calls him out.
6. a fun, small one. he had a threesome with kory and roy in the outsiders era exactly once. it made sense because he loves them and he knows they loved donna just as much as he did. it was soft and fun and a very transparent attempt to get dick to let down his walls. dick left when they were both asleep, cried when he went home and they never spoke of it again.
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mysterycitrus · 5 months
just saw ur yj post and i have so many thoughts on it!! i always think that after bruce comes back, dick should’ve gone back to new york like that man cannot coexist with bruce wayne in gotham and i hate new 52 for bringing back bludhaven because i love the idea of a bludhaven that was used as a base for world ending events like final crisis and it’s just a shitshow- like this was dick’s city and he gave so much of himself to it but it’s just a radioactive wasteland now. and i don’t think dick could’ve/should’ve gone back. and to be honest i think dick should’ve dragged tim with him because as much as i adore the idea of tim with yj in sf i think of yj and titans as very different in terms of their sidekick experiences- like yj was more of the latchkey generation despite the attempts to oversee them from introducing authority figures in the form of red tornado their parents etc- and i just think at that point dick might be able to see his brother’s suicidal ideation and see the ways in which tim thinks he’s expendable except to the mission and he grabs his brother and tells him ok time for u to go college and rmb what it’s like to be an actual person outside of ur isolationist red robin business!!!
describing them as latchkey kids is very accurate! it’s what makes them such an interesting point of comparison as the next generation after the original titans who really had to advocate for their independence. i also agree that bludhaven should stay a crater — it was so important to dicks development as a character and for the universe as a whole!
i kinda oscillate back and forth between tim being in san francisco and new york, but i do think that in the short term he should be out of gotham and away from bruce. partially because it’ll help his relationships with damian and steph but also because like u said — dick grayson would look at how tim is actively transforming himself into bruce and hating himself for doing it and be like ok…. we’ve gotta enrol u in some arts courses to get ur head back on straight.
maybe he spends a year on the west coast then moves back to study at hudson, idk. there’s this period ive found as ive entered adulthood where u rediscover all ur friends? like they’re the same but not. u have to relearn about urself and them, and i think cassie and tim having the connection of knowing what the world is like when kon and bart have died, and kon and bart fundamentally not understanding what that was like would inspire serious character growth. idk. the idea of growing up is scary when u die as a teenager. it’s hard to care about urself when you’ve already met ur end, yknow?
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alexmmx · 2 years
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Kezar Stadium - Here I am-me taking shots on a Football game which it is Mission High Vs Wilson High. In which I got this shot but I noticed another photographer there. His name is Rodger Beltran as he became my friend til I heard the news from his wife. As the friendship that I had from as he taught me everything at Mission, and then later at City College in the Photo Department, and then finally working at the Camera store as my co-worker until he left, and then the store that he work also Closed along with the store that I work also closed too. Three of shots made the Yearbook. - 1973
Camera - Praktica Nova 1B with a 50mm 2.8, and a Konica Auto SE with a semi wide lens. Film Kodak TX400 BW
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singeratlarge · 8 months
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Lee Vogt’s SONG OF THE WEEK: “3rd Floor Blues” https://leevogt.bandcamp.com/track/3rd-floor-blues  —A calorie-burning song that echoes Eddie Cochran’s “20 Flight Rock.” Eddie climbed stairs to see his sweetheart, but Lee climbed stairs to get to work. Lee recalls, “Climbing six flights of stairs (two between landings) from the ground floor to the third floor. Running out of gas by the second floor, what to do? At the John Adams Campus of City College of San Francisco, every day was a choice: take the elevator or climb the stairs.” 
When Lee performed this song live at the college it was a resounding hit with audiences there…they knew!
#blues #bluesrock #acousticblues #EddieCochran #20FlightRock #stairs #JohnAdamsCampus #CityCollege #SanFrancisco #LeeVogt #singersongwriter #johnnyjblair #producer
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dalydose22 · 9 months
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