#Clémence has nothing
anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
I’m sorry but I don’t trust Virginia or Clémence. They’re the two passengers we learn the least about (unless you count the sexist doctor) and their whole deals are having unknown goals and needs.
Virginia is definitely the easiest pill to swallow, considering how she treats Ling Yi and Yuk Je. But I still feel like it’s particularly weird that we know so little about her. Why was she shipping what she initially thought was a sex-worker to New York? How did she get into it? And since this was all a simulation, what is the connection to her real life? Also, it might just be my general mistrust of her because we know so little, but I have a feeling Virginia knows something about or is very important to life outside the 1899 simulation. When Maura talks about truths to be found in the brain, Virginia immediately talks about allowing people to live in oblivion. She denies the simulation until pretty much the end, and while it could just be because Maura was a doctor, Virginia was very quick to assume that Maura could help her with the glitch corruption of her hand.
But Clémence though. Clémence I wanted to trust, but there’s just so much about her that is making me suspicious of her. First off: like Virginia she is drenched in important symbols. The most notable are the earth symbol/triangle earrings and hairclips, but she also has a flower embroidery on her collar that looks too much like a bug to be a coincidence. Secondly: we barely know anything about Clémence beyond the fact that she is married to Lucien and disillusioned about it. Yes, she’s drawn to Jérôme in a similar way to how f. ex. Ling Yi and Olek are drawn to each other, but it doesn’t really say much about Clémence as an individual. Jérôme and Lucien have a known simulated trauma story. We know what their moral compasses are and how they react or don’t react to injustice and what haunts them. Jérôme desperately wants things to be right. Lucien wants to live. Jérôme is constantly walking in ready to fight because he has no other choice. Lucien reacts to his deadly situation by taking it out on and isolating himself from Clémence. But what about her.
Most of the time she seems bored and stuck with Lucien, yet she actively seeks him out and seems to try and form some kind of relationship with him beyond a technical marriage. But why would she do that when she doesn’t seem interested in keeping up a facade for the other passengers and has a clear attraction towards Jérôme? When her and Tove go into the room where she puts on trousers, Clémence does tell Tove that she envies her (which... Tove is a rape survivor carrying a child from said horrible trauma who just lost both her siblings has a verbally abusive unstable mother a barely there father and is also a working class woman at the turn of the century, Clémence what are you on about) and tells her about how she wanted children until her sister had some and she began to find them annoying. Clémence expresses that she’s realized that you rarely known if you truly want what you want until you get it, but this doesn’t really say anything about her beyond what we already know about her marriage. 
And finally: we don’t get a single peek at her simulated trauma. Maura has one. Eyk has one. Lucien and Jérôme share one, and that pretty much seems to be the case for Ling Yi and Yuk Je as well, and Ángel and Ramiro (not to mention the Danish family). We don’t know of a single thing that could actually haunt Clémence. Even Daniel and Elliot get simulations, and we know there was one for Olek even though we don’t see it from his perspective, but there’s nothing for Virginia or Clémence. Not even as much as a hint as to what they might be.
Let me make myself clear: I highly doubt that either of them could be a Ciaran reveal. But I have this feeling that I can’t shake that the both of them are connected to the simulations in a way the others aren’t. They know something, or knew something that they came to forget similarly to Maura. But either way these two are hiding something, just something I just know it.
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empirearchives · 10 months
Torture during the Napoleonic era
Torture was abolished in France in 1808 in the Code d'Instruction criminelle (Clémence Zacharie). Napoleon had earlier said on the issue of torture:
“The barbarous custom of having men beaten who are suspected of having important secrets to reveal must be abolished. It has always been recognized that this way of interrogating men, by putting them to torture, produces nothing worthwhile. The poor wretches say anything that comes into their mind and what they think the interrogator wishes to hear.”
Napoleon to Berthier, 11 November 1798, Corres., V, no. 3606, p. 128
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w0lfinsheepscl0thing · 3 months
Rating Song Spotify Picks for 1899 Characters (1/2)
I shuffled my liked songs (the most vast playlist I have), then analyzed them to see how well the lyrics or overall vibe matches the character. Here's how it went!
Maura - Cigarette Daydreams (Cage The Elephant)
Strong start! I think this actually isn’t far off from Maura, and the theme of loss can tie back to Elliot, relating to Elliot’s condition slowly getting worse, but Muara’s struggle because of it going up alongside it. The themes of there being a physical closeness but emotional detachment make me think of Maura’s possible relationship with Daniel throughout all of it. There are definitely some takeaways, but I think I’ll give this a solid 7/10!
Daniel - House Of The Rising Sun (The Animals’ version)
Now, Daniel doesn’t waste his life away in the House of the Rising Sun which is widely understood to be a brothel, but if you really try, you can make the house out to represent the simulation. It doesn’t directly relate back to him, but you cannnnn see it as wasting time in a perfect world instead of facing the reality of 2099 (if that really is reality…). I’ll go with 4/10.
Eyk - You Get Me So High (The Neighborhood)
I can see this relating back to Sara, because I like to believe that she and Eyk deeply loved each other before she passed, regardless of Maura’s later connection. However, this song is about the high and intoxicating part of being with someone who understands you and it being taken away, I don’t think that’s exactly what they had. The latter part, though, can resemble their connection being broken when Eyk’s work gets in the way, and I think that’s worth something. 5/10.
Ángel - Please Please Please (Sabrina Carpenter)
I think out of anyone on this list, this applies to Ramiro, not Ángel. The overall tone doesn’t match (I’d be more convinced if it was the acoustic version), but the idea of ‘keep yourself together’ makes me think of Ángel having to keep his head down and Ramiro enforcing that. But this just isn’t it; I save so many songs that encapsulate Ángel, and this just doesn’t do it for me! 3/10!
Ramiro - The Killing Moon (Echo & the Bunnymen)
This is an amazing pick! While the song encapsulates the show with its core theme being the meaning of life, the verse reminds me of Ramiro with Ángel, depicting some being taking the protagonist by force. In my head, this makes me think of an early reluctance to love and Ángel cutting to the chase. I could be reading into this too much, with this song and the others, but I’ll give this a 7/10 for effort!
Ling Yi - A Different Age (Current Joys)
I’ve said it five times and I’ll say it again: I can see the vision, and I believe it can go back to Ling Yi and her mother. She wants to leave their harbor and see more things, which eventually leads her to make big mistakes. Yuk Je, and her eyes, cannot understand this like she can because she has lived a safe life as a prostitute to provide for the two of them; Yuk Je bottles herself, Ling Yi does not. But by the end of episode three, Ling Yi starts to want to change, sort of going back to “And I wish I could change, but I’ll probably just stay the same”. 6/10 for effort.
Yuk Je - Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles)
It was bound to give me a Beatles song at some point with my music taste! But I do not see the vision. You could argue that Yuk Je is one of the many lonely people, surrounded by people but only remembered by her daughter, but I believe that’s as close as the story of this song and that of hers collide. Great song, though! 3/10 because I have a Beatles bias.
Jérôme - The Bug Collector (Haley Heynderickx)
Yeah, I don’t think so. The story in this song shows someone trying to make their partner feel safe while also teaching them to enjoy the world, and nothing comes to mind relating Jérôme or others in his journey. I’ll give this a 1/10 because I can’t find anything that may relate to him.
Clémence - Advice (Alex G)
Interesting! I would say it could resemble Clémence confronting Lucien, but the narrator truly cares about the person receiving the Advice, and the rest speaks for itself. I feel like I’m missing something, but other than that, 2/10!
Lucien - Stress Relief (late night drive home)
I don’t think it’s impossible to associate this song with Lucien, but I can’t. I’ll cut to the chase: 1/10.
I think I was hoping for shocking responses, but this bunch isn’t too bad! Cigarette Daydreams rightfully earned first place for this half of my list of characters, and we’ll see what arises next shuffle!
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
My weekly essay quiz:
There's nothing in terms of shipbaiting on the show so far that makes me concerned about where it's going. There's no chemistry between Isabelle and Daryl, and it's not played like there should be. Each episode has reinforced that Isabelle is a nun, that she chose her life and it's an informed decision because she used to lead a very different life. Everything she does is for Laurent. He is her raison d'être. Anna, the nightclub singer and Quinn's (I assume) bedwarmer, has a line which sums up the episode and Isabelle's emotional drive: "Women need a damn good reason to come back." There's a beat with Quinn's non-reaction to her insignificance. "Sometimes a damn good reason to stay." Isabelle has stayed (alive) for Laurent and she will go back to Quinn for Laurent.
However, the show does "borrow" Caryl/Carol beats liberally, which is cheap, annoying and lazy writing. Make Isabelle a character in her own right—Clémence could've carried the weight of this show if they'd let her— don't make her go back to her old life and her emotionally abusive boyfriend to protect her child. In 104, we see Laurent hiding from walkers underneath a sheet of corrugated steel, much like Sophia underneath the car on the highway, including the walker trying to get to him. Earlier in the episode, Daryl told Isabelle when he found out the boy was missing that, "He's a smart kid. He's running, he's hiding," but there's no urgency to his words, unlike when he was searching for Sophia.
In that same scene, when Daryl first walks into the apartment and finds Isabelle there, he asks her if she's okay. There's none of the careful tone he usually uses for Carol when he knows she's fragile; the camera is on Daryl, so we can see from his face that there are no emotional stakes on his part. Isabelle's been out searching for the kid all night and his is the first friendly face she sees, so she hugs Daryl. Judging by the body language, it's because she needs to connect with someone, anyone. The camera is still on Daryl when he hugs Isabelle back or, really, offers her some basic comfort. He's hesitant and slow in putting his arms around her and he just sort of places them there. There's no squeeze, no melting into each other's embrace. It's almost impersonal.
Sylvie asking Isabelle if she's ever had romantic feelings for anyone after she took her vows serves two purposes. One, to drive Sylvie's arc—she's the young nun who's had no other life and meets a dashing young man in the big city, so it's a standard romance trope used as a foil for Isabelle's arc. In each episode so far, Isabelle has emphasized that young people know of nothing else. They have had no options. She's lived, loved and made mistakes. Isabelle has no reason to lie to Sylvie about her own feelings when she says she was simply concerned for Daryl, not emotionally invested (at least not for his own sake). She's entrusting her nephew, a boy who means everything to her, in his care and Daryl had just acted completely unhinged when they interrogated Quinn's henchman, so whatever concern she felt was completely justified.
(Emotionally unstable men don't make for good love interests if you're looking for a happy ending and Isabelle is far from naïve.)
Speaking of the interrogation scene, the misogyny is so strong. The captured goon speaks about Isabelle (to her) in much the same way Ed spoke to Carol, echoing whatever mean streak keeps Quinn alive and breathing. Isabelle is an obsession, a possession he wants. Daryl doesn't understand a word that's said because it's all in French and Isabelle doesn't translate that she's being called a whore. (The translation offered onscreen is "slut," but the word used is "putain.") Daryl loses his shit on the guy, but it has nothing to do with anything going on in the scene (because he doesn't understand 90% of the conversation) and is just out of character. He's calculated and brutish, telling a story about "Jimmy, the runt of the neighborhood and incidental pig sticker," which seems intended to scare the other guy, but he doesn't speak much English, beyond "she very bad girl," so what's the point if it's lost on him anyway?
The "battered wife" ambiance is coating everything in this episode. I've mentioned the pervading misogyny before, but it's not solely in relation to Isabelle. Anna, too, is used (and pretending like she has agency) and Sylvie is young and unworldly, she should be getting an "how to stay safe in the real world" talk from someone who knows it's not all butterflies in the stomach.
Nothing about this show (so far) is butterflies in the stomach.
France/Paris is pretty. The second unit does some fabulous work in all the episodes I've seen. Cinematography is top notch. The set design and the VFX are not. It feels like the set dressers might come from stage or maybe studio set productions (like sitcoms) where you have limited space and all props need to be arranged to maximize visual angles. There's a strange feeling of corridor design in all outdoor sets, much like a janky computer game with low resolution textures. Buildings in the distance are all a blurry soft focus, so we won't spot that the kudzu and the decay either look painted on or pixelated. The green screen is an immersion breaking corneal abrasion and the Eiffel Tower does some gravity defying feats.
DD is supposed to be an arty action adventure, I guess...? I think Norman was going for an "elevated," more European feel to the show, like what you'd see produced on local TV in continental Europe, but they'd need European writers who won't cram the show with every trite cliché Americans might assume is true of France. Zabel (and his crony Richman, who only get jobs by handing them to each other) write somewhat campy/soapy drama, with a bent toward white man's history and copious biblical references, so action scenes aren't in the wheel house of either man and every single fight scene has been cringe worthy.
If Norman and/or Nicotero wanted "something completely different" from the flagship show, the showrunner would still need to have seen TWD to know what they're subverting and to keep the characters in character, so we don't end up with the toxic mess that seemed to sum up much of Daryl in the episode.
Thank you for all of this 🙏 Hopefully people find it helpful. I only watched a 10s clip of Daryl talking about Jimmy and it was enough to upset me. Daryl didn’t sound like himself at all. This is not an art project, it’s a TV show based on a character with some of the best development in history. Story matters. Voice matters. Continuity matters. Why does nobody in charge seem to care? (That’s rhetorical).
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tortoisesshells · 11 months
Writing Pattern Game
Thank you so much for tagging me, @shoshiwrites <3
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor in Haven
It wasn’t that the sun set any earlier in the mountains than it did in similar latitudes; the sky stayed day-bright, hours after Haven fell into darkness.
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor & blackwall in Haven
“There’s no mystery to it,” said Sophy, around the pins in her mouth, “Do you know how many Trevalyen children there are?”
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor & party in Crestwood
“So, Hero,” said Varric, leaning back in his chair, as Blackwall threw another log on the fire, “Wish you were back in Skyhold yet?”
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor & blackwall in Skyhold
“Respectfully, my lady Trevalyen,” said Blackwall, speaking between swings of a maul, the thud of split wood falling against the warm soil, “Solas – or even Pavus, or Madame de Fer – would be better able to answer such a question.”
Who something lost, the seeking for Is all that's left them, now - (1899, pre- Clémence/Jérôme)
“It’s unusual, that’s all I’m saying,” said one of the men at the oars to another, shivering.
half-built and half-rotted (potc: dmc, 5 sentence prompt fic, james norrington in tortuga)
Tortuga had been a new place, but all new places could be learned: a small island and a smaller port, half-built and half-rotted, alive in the same way that bloody-faced vultures and mushrooms were.
some familiar thing missing, or some unfamiliar thing at home (potc:dmc, 5 sentence prompt fic, elizabeth swann cannot figure james norrington out)
Truthfully, she never expected to see James Norrington again, and in some ways Elizabeth is not sure she has: there is a man in a hammock who answers to that name, who has a captain’s coat, and the same sharp-tongued disdain for what irritates him – but (and here, when she has thought on it, she has struggled) either there is some familiar thing missing, or some unfamiliar thing at home.
stood in the twilight (timeless, five sentence prompt fic, lucy preston and garcia flynn contemplate the sublime, and frostbite)
“Have you ever seen anything like it?” Lucy asked, thinking she would have gestured to the fading light in the sky if she could have borne unwrapping her heavy wool shawl for the half-second it would have taken to point – but they did not call 1816 The Year Without A Summer for nothing.
irrevocably altered (potc:cotbp, five sentence prompt fic, elizabeth swann at odds with her old life)
There was comfort, if only in the physical attributes of the King’s House in Port Royal: her feather-soft mattress, food not gone rotted in the cask, windows wide to every wandering breeze – things which Elizabeth had always understood, vaguely and without much in comparison, to be luxuries.
a pass-port for her presence (mercy street, five sentence prompt fic, henry hopkins struggles with emma green's indirect words)
It was easier to know those you didn’t than those you did, Henry Hopkins had thought at some distant, drunken point in the past – a practice as straightforward as prayer, to copy a man’s words exactly to send to his family, or to recall who and which had requested some concession or another.
A prompt specifically for five sentences brings out the worst in me, length-of-sentence-wise.
I love dialogue as a starter, particularly "Indirect Observation," Specific Description of Speaker/Speaker's Actions, "Indirect Observation, Continued And/Or Refined."
I think I try to establish who the POV character is pretty quickly - maybe too quickly?
what is it with me writing fics where someone's chopping firewood, or fussing with firewood. i'm not that cold all the time.
Tagging: @boltlightning, @johnbly, @theonlyredcar, @aloveforjaneausten, @jomiddlemarch, @sagiow, @enchi-elm, @ramiroangel, @admiraleyk, and anyone else who wants to play!
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eykismyfav · 2 years
My Thought on 1899 Each Episode.
I am not ashamed to admit it I took a shit ton of notes on 1899 as I watched it...at the end of each of the episodes I collected my thought so I am gonna share those notes now.
Spoilers below keep reading
My thoughts on Episode One
Okay I really like this episode I think it did a good job introducing the key players and some of their conflicts with one another. It also introduces a couple of mysteries that I think are all interconnected in some way. The acting is really good as is the cinematography and music.
Favorite Characters in Episode: Captain Eyk, Maura, Young Danish Girl, Jérome, Olek, Ling Yi, The pregnant girl, and the Danish boy
Least Favorite Characters in Episode: The First Mate, The French Honeymooners (I feel like I may end up liking the Female Honeymooner though), Mrs. Wilson, The Male Doctor, The Priests Brother (He gives me the creeps…)
Favorite Moment/Scene in Episode: When Maura asks to come into the Captains room then doesn’t wait for a response and side steps past him into the room. That scene made me laugh. Also pretty much any interaction between Eyk and Maura they seem to have this weird connection and it is super compelling to watch.
Most Unnerving Scene: Everyone raising their cup and drinking at the same time.
Most Physically Uncomfortable Scene: The interaction between the priest brother and the Danish guy. Nope just nope.
Biggest Mysteries: Who closed the boy into the cabinet and what is up with triangles. What is the deal with the letters? What are the characters’ motivations for going to New York? Who the fuck is trench coat guy. I think the young Danish girl may have been onto something with the ghost ship story 
Conclusion: If anyone can look me in the eyes and tell me Maura and Eyk are not already pinning for each other by the end of the first episode they are clearly not watching the same show as me.
My thoughts on Episode Two
Favorite Characters in Episode: Captain Eyk, Maura, Young Danish Girl, Jérome, Olek, Ling Yi, Tove, and Krester
Least Favorite Character in Episode: Mrs. Wilson, The Boy, Daniel
Favorite Moment/Scene in Episode: Scene where the captain is discussing grief with Maura.
Favorite Reveal: The “priest” being Angel’s gay lover. Also that someone else is watching the event of the ship on screens.
Biggest Complaint: *Sigh* I wish the captain didn’t choose to turn the ship around.
My thoughts on Episode Three
Umm what the actual fuck happened in this episode
People were dropping dead the boy was hiding under the bed the ships were updated recently there was a mutiny no one is happy nothing made sense. Maura was on the Prometheus… And a ship just fully disappeared. And Daniel has a weird little machine.
Least Favorite Character in Episode: Mrs. Wilson, The Boy, Daniel, Franz
Favorite Characters in Episode: Captain Eyk, Maura, Young Danish Girl, Jérome, Olek, Ling Yi
My thoughts on Episode Four
I like that we get Jérome’s back story it honestly surprised me and it also doubles as Lucien’s backstory.
Favorite Characters in Episode: Captain Eyk (He is on thin ice for how he is treating Maura), Maura, Jérome, Olek, Ling Yi, Clémence
Least Favorite characters in episode: Danish mom, Krester (he disappointed me to be honest.), The boy (He is so creepy), Daniel (this man is testing me), Franz, Lucien(Asshole)
Biggest WTF Moment: That child fully respawned after being thrown over board.
Funniest moment: “I’ve never seen Russia” “right” “pretty sure that exist”
Most stressful moment: The Captain almost getting thrown overboard I would die for this man.
My thoughts on Episode Five
Fuck the First Mate guy he seems like a piece of work if I am being honest
Favorite Characters in Episode: Captain Eyk (He is okay now love I him so much), Maura, Jérome, Olek, Ling Yi, Clémence, Tove (My beloved), Ramiro, Daniel only because he was helpful…, Franz has mildly redeemed himself, Anker has also redeemed himself!
Least Favorite Characters in Episode: Iben (Fuck her and the way she treats her kids), First Mate, Maura’s father (fuck that guy)
My thoughts on Episode Six
I’m still not won over by Daniel I don’t really care he is Maura’s husband 
I am feel so bad for Anker I want to give him a hug
Favorite Characters in Episode: Captain Eyk (He is okay now love I him so much), Maura, Jérome, Olek, Ling Yi, Clémence, Tove (My beloved), Ramiro, Daniel, Franz has mildly redeemed himself, Anker has also redeemed himself!
Least Favorite Characters in Episode: Iben, First Mate, Maura’s father 
That is all the notes I have I did finish the show but I never finished my notes for episodes 7 and 8
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Silas I opened this up on my phone in front of my parents and I don't think I've closed the app faster
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freydheim · 2 years
1889, 1.02- "The Boy"
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Hoooo boy was I wrong about the horror vibes. Jumping right into that, Eyk's plotline this episode messed me up. Don't get me wrong, his acting was incredible, and I felt his pain and loss so strongly, but I was on pins and needles throughout the entire sequence down in the ship, when he was following Nina. Until this, the scariest thing I'd seen was the film Crimson Peak, given that horror really isn't usually my thing. I found it really interesting how Eyk also had the triangle in his eye when he first woke, and now I'm wondering if somehow this is an attempt to make these characters remember some past trauma? Maura with the mental institution and Eyk with losing his wife and daughters to that fire?
Speaking of trauma, I'm super convinced that Krester's got something. I'm sure it has something to do with the scar- that sort of thing has got to be traumatic to start with- but I noticed he really didn't respond well at all to his sister walking so quickly toward that side of his face. Was he jumped and ambushed somehow? Attacked for some reason? Not to mention how threatening Ángel has come off in each of their interactions. I could almost get the feeling that he knows something about Krester, and that's why he's so strange toward him. But then, what promise was Tove referencing, and what did Ángel's presence do to make her bring it back up?
Which, Ángel surprised me this episode a lot, to be fair. When he went into that scene with Ramiro in their quarters, I messaged a couple friends who've been getting my live reactions to these episodes, and I told them I thought Ángel was going to kill Ramiro, especially after the scene where Tove threatened him- which I also found interesting. Either that, or they were about to make out, though I figured it would be the former due to the confrontational manner of the scene. Obviously, I was beyond surprised when it was the latter! But, there's nothing in this series so far that's unimportant, and what turned into a sex scene revealed the many scars on Ángel's back. How did they get there? Are they the reason it seems Ángel and Ramiro have run away together? I still don't trust Ángel- especially not with Krester- but I do want to know more about him now.
Turning to the place now where I did suspect there was something not very heterosexual going on, I think I'm changing my mind about Clémence and Lucien. Lucien, for his part, seems to be rapidly growing an interest in Ying Li, and if that is so then the issue with Clémence isn't with his lack of interest in women, but rather something else- perhaps the revelation she does not love him. Likewise, Clémence seems to rapidly be growing an interest in Jérôme, leading me to believe she is interested in men, just not Lucien. So, this is likely still some sort of marriage of convenience, and I stand by the fact that I don't think Lucien really knew this until he tried to sleep with Clémence. Now that he knows, however, he is opening himself up to the idea of another woman. I'm very interested to see how this will play out, and what the reason for their marriage will be revealed to be.
Now... again, the elephant in the room- the mystery at large. It unfortunately appears that we've lost young Ada, Krester and Tove's little sister. Following the beetle seems to be a bad idea on this ship, as it led her straight to Daniel, who apologises to her. Later, it looks as though they've found her dead body. But this is the same beetle that lead Maura to find the Boy, and lead Eyk to his vision about his family. So perhaps the beetle is not an ill-omen, but what if it leads those who follow it to some sort of truth? I theorized above that perhaps these characters were being led to recall past traumas, and now I wonder if this beetle has something to do with it. I'm still not sure that I trust Daniel, especially given what happened to Ada when she followed the beetle to him, but I am intrigued by him- and whatever that WandaVision feeling stuff was at the end. Security cameras on a ship in 1899? We may be in for some wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff, folks. Stay tuned!
But now, I want to know what you think! Drop your thoughts in the replies below, or feel free to reblog with your own commentary :) You know I always want to hear from you, and I hope I will! Until next the next one- skål!
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curtainsfell · 2 years
AND INTRODUCING a young and bright-eyed newcomer to the stage, STERLING LECLAIR!
STERLING LECLAIR, a young man in the prime of his life! Born right here in our proud   c ity   ‘bM  ▐iN    ne ghberhood we     — ! ,  LeClair grew up with an absent father and an overbearing older brother. He spent his childhood playing baseball in the dusty streets, doing odd jobs, and hanging around our beloved Theatre. Once he’d picked up his reading, writing, and arithmetic, LeClair  nixed his classroom education in favor of learning from the genius of the Bard, and from the great works of our modern Ameri c n playwrights. The folks at the Empyrean will tell you hhe pic ked up on setcr aft from his keen                   eye for the stage. Self taught, a true self-made m an. Everyone’s kid brother! OUR SHINING LITTLE STAR! 
MR. LECLAIR has been working in stagecraft since his boyhood. His ascension to the sta gₑᵢₛ ᵤₙ ₚᵣₑc ₑ dₑₙₜ d his ahsnce n, js his Mr Sterling LeClair is a mere twe nty-one yearsof age. His impressive set work has been seen in such splendid works as      ,       , & mg       █       ! LeClair claims a lot of his talent is merely a side effect of his understudy with another renowned young stage actor you shou ld know, one  Marcus Barnum!  Quite a claim to fame for LeClair. Be sure to applaud for them both in their upcoming projects. 
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AGE: 21
PRONOUNS: he/him
BODY TYPE: Lean & wiry
EYES: dark brown
HAIR: dark brown/black
ETHNICITY: German (father) & Korean (mother). Sterling is unaware of his mother’s heritage. He passes as white and looks at anyone askance if they suggest otherwise. 
SEXUALITY: bisexual
ALIGNMENT: chaotic good
POSITIVES: spirited, passionate, amicable
NEUTRALS: impulsive, daring, determined
NEGATIVES: defiant, stubborn, irritable
HOBBIES: dancing, carnivals, baseball, arguing as a pastime, whittling, the arts, finding new speakeasies & dance halls
QUIRKS: fiddles with his shirt sleeves, “berries” is his “swag”/“poggers”
FEARS: helplessness, becoming his father
DREAMS: to be a well-known actor, to make a change in the world
MORALS & VALUES: Sterling’s preoccupied with justice & fairness. He’s a proud member of the Empyrean’s union and involved in grassroots socialist activism. He’s active in the queer scene of the time. He has no qualms with being a loud-mouth or resorting to violence when he deems it necessary. 
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See, it’s his temper that would get him. But what a gas! He’d dance you all night long. And not afraid of anything! Oh, he’s awfully short compared to most fellas, only sta nds a few inches abo ve me, but you wouldn’t know it. He’s got some kind of presence, like a real stage star. And he’ll punch any man in the nose about, well, over nothing really. But you’d think he was made of sugar half the time. And he’s a terrible flirt. I think that’s what got him in the most trouble, at the end of it. Everyone knows  you don’t get mix ed up  with those big shot celebrity actors, and didn’t we all tell him. Men like that are trouble. But Sterling was the sort to go out and find trouble, anyway. Maybe he got what was coming to him. Oh, that’s awful to say, isn’t it? Don’t print that bit!
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CAST OF CHARACTERS *These relationships are closed. Doubles of listed characters are welcome to take new roles or curate a new story with me.
@actliving as Marcus Barnum, the Actor
@lifetaking as Dorian LeClair, the older brother
Penny, the best friend
Clémence, her lover, abroad in Paris
Jonathan, the housemate
Amelia, his fiancée
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MAIN CANON.   Exclusive with @actliving.   Sterling falls for his idol, one Marcus Barnum, and never stops falling. Canon is connected with the larger Markiplier Cinematic Universe & directly follows into @jumpinagain. 
ROARING CANON.  Sterling never meets the Actor, and the curse never falls on him, leaving him free to adventure in any direction he chooses.  Set in the year 1925 by default, but this can be adjusted at request. 
MODERN VERSE.  You already know what it is. Comes in several flavors, including but not limited to college era theatre major, professional set designer, and aspiring documentarian. 
ENTITY VERSE.  Exclusive with @actliving.  Sterling survives.  Or, the Dark finds its host before the events of WKM. 
CHILDHOOD FRIENDS VERSE.  Exclusive with @actliving, @the-actor-himself, & @splittinghares. 
& MORE TBA. For now, I am only listing fully developed verses I anticipate interest for. But one of my absolute favorite things about writing is putting my characters into new situations and verses, so please do make suggestions, no matter how odd or obscure. I would love to hear it! 
0 notes
interact-if · 3 years
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Day 9, 1/2 of the A/PI Heritage Month featured authors interview! Please welcome to the stage... Bubs!
Bubs, author of To The Whistling Winds
A/PI Heritage Month Featured Author
You’re a pretty normal young adult living in the 21st century: you have exceeding amounts of student loan debt, a housemate, and a job that pays just above minimum wage. You didn’t exactly dream of being a tour guide for the historical Chester Theme Park, but you’ve grown used to your every day life.
You thought you knew the park better than anyone, but as the friendly surface begins to crack and unexplainable events begin happening, you’ll need help dealing with the vengeful Fae, who seem to have a bone to pick with you in particular. Fortunately—or maybe unfortunately—there seem to be a Covey of fae seekers that might be inclined to help you…
Q1: First of all, introduce us to your project! What is it about?
Hi! My interactive fiction game is called “To the Whistling Winds,” and it’s a magical realism mystery set in modern day. The player plays as a tour guide at a Southern Californian theme park, where strange events have begun occurring.The plot and lore of the story draws from folktales about the Fae, as well as the general air of conspiracy and mystery revolving around liminal spaces such as theme parks.
Q2: If it’s not too spoilery, what are you most excited about your project?
I’m really proud of my cast of characters and the stories they each have. Each of the non-playable characters that the player can choose to bond with have their own dynamics and inner turmoil unrelated to the player, and I really am excited to explore them. Furthermore, there are some twists and more dramatic scenes I’m excited to write,especially considering that the earlier chapters thus far have been pretty slice-of-life.
Q3: What inspired the current project you’re working on?
Theme parks and spaces designed specifically for amusement, especially certain ones that have been around for a while and have established their own brands, really have their own modern folk stories told about them. There’s a common thread between the kinds of stories told about theme parks that were once told about space such as open fields or mysterious meadows, and I really wanted to explore it!The idea of nostalgia and a “perfect memory” is also really interesting to me. So much of the appeal of theme parks has to do with reliving the past or recapturing a certain feeling, and Fae folktales often feature listless protagonists who are aspiring after exactly that.
Q4: Do you pull from your own identity for inspiration? How has that been reflected in your work?
I think being Asian-American has definitely influenced my story, from the player character to the general setting. For example, character customization is really important to me, and I’m careful that the MC doesn’t have a set ethnicity. It’s not uncommon for IF games to have a racially-neutral MC, but then go back and say something about their parents having blue eyes, or them having specifically celebrated something like Easter, so I try to be mindful about that. I also have a lot of fun writing my cast, many of whom come from different backgrounds! There are two romanceable characters that are Asian: Clémence Choi (who’s Korean with French nationality), and Alejandro Flores, who’s Filipino. Additionally, the player character’s roommate, Julia Reddiar, is Indian-American.
Being Asian is a pivotal part of Clémence and Alejandro’s respective backstories - they more than their ethnicities of course, but that doesn't mean it doesn’t have an impact on their life. Alejandro’s an aspiring actor, and part of the reason he struggles to find work is because roles for white actors are just easier to come by. Clémence has spent a lot of her life wanting to fit into just one box - Korean or French. I was also mindful of a lot of stereotypes relating to Asian romantic interests while writing their romantic routes: such as how Asian women are often exoticized and hypersexualized, while Asian men are desexualized and brushed off as unattractive. That's not to say that either of the characters are me, or that I only relate to the Asian characters! I actually think the character I most relate to is Bridget Sweeney, who’s white Irish,but is very creative and restless in a way I can really identify with.
Q5: What’s been your experience so far? With writing,with the if community...
The community has been really great! I think I’ve been relatively lucky in my interactions with my fellow authors and players: most people I've met have been really nice and helpful. Talking to them always motivates and inspires me. Some real life events have gotten in the way of more steady writing, but I’m hoping to update the public demo again soon!
Q6: Do you have any future projects in the works?
Honestly, something I’m debating is just moving TTWW from ChoiceScript to Twine, but that’s mostly hypothetical right now. I’m not the kind of person who multi-tasks well, so I wouldn’t start another interactive fiction until TTWW is done, but I’d love to write a classic murder mystery on a train.
Q7: Finally, what piece of advice would you give to fellow authors?
Nothing’s helped me more than the website MyNoise (not sponsored, LOL). I love listening to different soundscapes to get me into the mind of my character, whether it be a mysterious forest or a busy tourist destination. It really helps!
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
I did a rewatch, here are a bunch of smaller things I feel like can be important in the future (cancellation? what cancellation?):
Ada’s ghost ship story. It’s about how the sea gets so angry when the passengers and crew of a ship kill a whale that it sends a storm their way and turns it into an actual ghost ship. Could be an allegory for what the passengers do to Elliot and the simulation subsequently killing them afterwards, or it could be part of an even larger narrative.
Franz has been part of Eyk’s crew for as long as Maura and Daniel have been married.
Several important characters have scarring and wounds on their faces or arms, and some of Franz’ are fresher even before we see him physically fight.
Anker literally means anchor. It’s probably just a characterisation detail for Anker but still an interesting name choice.
«Die Gedanken sin frei» is a song celebrating freedom of thought.
When Maura wakes up the first time it’s Henry’s voice telling her to do so but afterwards and for everyone else it’s Maura’s voice.
When Ramiro and Angel hook up in 1.02 the scene ends with a shot of a painting of a wolf and a sheep.
While the earth symbol is everywhere, only Ling Yi, Virginia Wilson and Clémence seem to have it on their clothes or accessories. It might be a stretch, but I also think the embroidered flower on Clémence’s collar looks like a bug.
Tove describes Iben’s religious conviction and the fact that she hears voices as creating her own world that the people around her have decided to follow. This could be a parallel to Maura creating the simulation and pulling everyone into it.
In 1.05 Maura tells Eyk that she remembers being a doctor and that her father must have changed her memory to make her a patient. This is probably her doing because of the Elliot reveal, but she also says she thinks she managed to remember the purpose of what was happening and was made to forget. Is this her projecting her deeds onto her father again, or did she actually manage to remember one time and get forced back into forgetting by someone else?
After exiting her first flashback into the shooting scene, Tove sees that she stands in front of room 2102. There’s a big visual focus on room numbers in general too.
Speaking of numbers, Maura’s room in the ship and the room in the mental hospital are both numbered 1011.
Virginia Wilson is confirmed to speak and understand English, French and Cantonese so far.
There are multiple closeups of Eyk’s family photo.
All of the photos on Daniel and Maura’s nightstand seem to be from the same day. One of the photos shows Elliot holding the bug, indicating that this day is the same as Elliot’s flashback. Also Maura and Elliot’s clothing in the photos seem similar to if not identical to their simulation outfits.
When Maura and Daniel kiss we see flashes of them together, the mental hospital, the wooden cross from the tomb, a brain and Maura walking down a corridor with a hammer.
Daniel says that if Maura doesn’t wake up, there will be nothing left to wake up for.
Elliot and Daniel’s simulation flashbacks both end with either of them holding Maura’s frock in the middle of the same faulty simulation that Henry is in.
Henry says Maura has fooled «all of us».
Ángel’s song (a version of La Tarara) mentions a finger that can’t be healed and a white dress. The finger could be Virginia and the white dress could be Maura in her hospital gown. The white dress verse claims La Tarara only wears it on Maundy Thursday, and the finger verse says no surgeon can cure it.
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tothewhistlingwinds · 4 years
how experienced are the ROs when it comes to relationships and stuff?
 Mars, Teddy, Clémence, and Alejandro have all been in relationships before. Bridget has had crushes but has not had a long term relationship. Ernest is complicated.
More info under the cut; potentially PG-13. 
Alejandro is flirty when someone catches his eye, but more for fun and flattery than anything else. He’s had some partners before, but hasn’t seriously dated anyone in a while, preferring to keep his options open. He does ask people out even if there’s no long-term relationship potential, just because he likes getting to know people. He’s asked out other members of the Covey before, and was turned down. 
Bridget is demisexual, and doesn’t care for sex unless it’s with someone she’s in a dedicated relationship. She’s never had a dedicated relationship as of TTWW, but she does fall in love easily and has crushed on several people at once before. She can’t tell when she’s being flirted with or asked out, and she’s never asked anyone out herself, but romance is still something that excites her. 
Clémence had a boyfriend in her freshman year in college, and it kind of naturally fizzled out (kind of her fault - a natural consequence of her personality is that it’s hard to feel appreciated). She’s gone on dates here and there, but they don’t typically lead to anything more. I’ve said before, but she’s more of a person that people admire from afar, but are disappointed when they actually talk to her. 
Ernest’s never been in a relationship, but he had feelings for one person for a long time. It did not and can never work out for many reasons that will be explored in the game. As of TTWW, Ernest’s no longer in love with him, but he’s still heavily impacted by the memory. Other than that, Ernest has had some occasional hook ups but nothing substantial. 
Mars has high standards, but she’s had a serious relationships in her life. I don’t imagine any of them were too recent, though. Romance isn’t her top priority, however, and she cut ties when she felt like they were holding her back. She’s kind of been looking for love in all the wrong places because the ideal person she has in mind isn’t actually the best kind of person for her. (Her ideal kind of person is someone like Alejandro). 
Teddy has had two long term relationships, and actually might be the only member of the Covey to bring back a partner to meet his family before! One was in sophomore year of college, other was between undergrad and grad, but they broke up on amicable terms. He’s not one for one-night-stands. I’ve said before, but he really prioritizes his partner also being his friend. 
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batmannotes · 4 years
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Tenet Movie Review
Tenet is the latest movie by film virtuoso Christopher Nolan. He has directed such legendary flicks as, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception, Interstellar and Dunkirk. In Tenet, Nolan goes back to formula he used for Inception, a thought-provoking premise with mind-blowing special effects. The whole film is best described as systematic chaos, but it’s one of the things that is so attractive about it. 
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John David Washington, the Protagonist, is armed with only one word, Tenet, as he fights for the survival of the entire world. He journeys through a twilight world of international espionage on a mission that will unfold in something beyond real time. The movie is not a time traveling one, but one of inversion. The cast of Tenet also includes Robert Pattinson (The Batman), Elizabeth Debicki, Dimple Kapadia, Martin Donovan, Fiona Dourif, Yuri Kolokolnikov, Himesh Patel, Clémence Poésy, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, with Michael Caine and Kenneth Branagh.  
Nolan wrote and directed the film, employing a mixture of IMAX and 70mm film bringing the story to the screen in robust fashion. Along with Nolan, director of photography Hoyte van Hoytema, visual effects supervisor Andrew Jackson, and special effects supervisor Scott Fisher construct a world of illusion. Trying to figure out the plot in this one can be chore, but I was totally wowed by all that was happening before my eyes. The action sequences are like nothing I ever seen before. Albeit a little long for a total runtime (2 1/2hours) ... you won’t be bored with this film, as Tenet’s eye candy will delight and amaze.  
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John David Washington and Robert Pattinson work well together during their shared screen time, with a nice payoff at the end of the story. Nolan’s attention to detail is admirable and his ability to mesmerize audiences is why he’s considered one of the outstanding filmmakers of today.  
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Own It Now On 4K Ultra HD And Digital.
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“Tenet” has been rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some suggestive references and brief strong language.”
Warner Bros provided a copy of the film that did not affect the verbiage of this review by BatmanNotes.com.
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365days365movies · 3 years
April 8, 2021: Swiss Army Man (and Black Comedy) (Review)
Let’s look at the week’s other black comedies, shall we?
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I’m a bit behind on the reviews (and the Recaps, but that’s a little easier to fix at the moment), but I decided to give something a shot. While I’ve still got full Reviews for each of those films, it occurred to me that the ones left to review are the black comedies. The Great Dictator is technically a part of the category as well, but I’m letting it skate by under satire. Plus, I already reviewed it. And, since Swiss Army Man is the last black comedy I’m covering this month, what better time than now to summarize the rest! Again, I’ll be giving more comprehensive reviews in due time. But until then...
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Arsenic and Old Lace (1944), dir. Frank Capra: 90%
Wow, I get why this movie is so very loved, by everybody and my mom! Told her I watched it the other day, and she was very happy to hear it! This is a VERY funny movie, and while it is a black comedy, it’s more of a straight-up comedy than any of these other films! The acting’s a little cheesy sometimes, yeah, but Cary Grant is goddamn AMAZING in this movie. It’s mostly his supporting cast that serves the cheese platter (Raymond Massey especially). Plot and writing by Julius and Phillip Epstein are spot-on smooth, but directing isn’t one of Frank Capra’s best in my completely uninformed opinion. Production and art design is great, especially given that we’re mostly only in one place for the whole movie. Still, that place looks good regardless. Finally, the music by Max Steiner is also pretty fantastic, although it’s not going on my playlist anytime soon, to be honest. Editing by Daniel Mandell is also great, and the pacing of this movie’s plot is...mostly perfect. Lags a little when Jonathan comes in, I think. Anyway, highly recommended, and a must-see!
Recap (Part One | Part Two)
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Withnail and I (1987), dir. Bruce Robinson: 86%
OK...this one is kind of hard for me. Because I think I was supposed to get more out of this film than I actually did. Maybe that’s because I’m a filthy American and all that, but this film came off as good dramatically, with some ribald humor in it...but not really that funny. But, OK, to briefly go through the points here: Richard E. Grant, Paul McGann, and Richard Griffiths all turn out fantastic performances here, and they’re extremely memorable. Plot and writing by director Bruce Robinson is very good as well, and it’s also autobiographical to an extent, which is interesting. Very wittily written and performed, so no complaints there. Directing is...fine? It’s fine. Nothing to write home about, although there’s one nice scene on a mountainside which sticks out. Same with Charles Lang and his cinematography, although that fares a little more memorable for me. Production and set design is great, and the music (by Adolph Deutsch)...leaves a little to be desired. In that I don’t remember it at all, not gonna lie. Editing by Arthur P. Scmidt is fine!
Recap (Part One | Part Two)
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In Bruges (2008), dir. Martin McDonagh: 90%
Take my feelings on the humor for the preceding two and combine them, then make the tone WAY darker than either, and you have In Bruges. And HOT DAMN, I love it! All of the performances are ridiculously strong here, from Colin Farell and Brendan Gleeson, to Ralph Fiennes and Clémence Poésy. Although, Jordan Prentice and Jérémie Renier are mostly just OK, to be honest with you. And that was nothing to do with the writing and directing of Martin McDonagh, because GODDAMN, those are spot-fucking-ON. Seriously, if this movie has nothing else going for it, it’s some fast-paced writing and delivery that’ll knock your socks off. Love it. And Bruges is framed like a painting, and a nice one at that! It’s also a good looking movie, even if the color palette leaves a little to be desired sometimes. Production and art design is...well, it’s the city of Bruges, for the most part, let’s be honest. It looks good. And finally, music by Carter Burwell is...fine. It’s OK, it’s definitely not very memorable for me, to be honest. But, uh, this is a grizzly, dark, rough movie...and totally worth watching again, hot damn.
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Swiss Army Man (2016), dir. Daniels: Well...keep reading!
Recap is here and here!
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Cast and Acting: 9/10
These two, Paul Dano and Daniel Radcliffe, are a hell of a pair...kind of. Fact of the matter is, Radcliffe is heavily restrained in his role until the very end of the film, but is also VERY GOOD with these restraints. I mean, is this one of those “disappear into the role” moments for him? I mean, it definitely is for Dano, but for Radcliffe...I was watching Harry Potter. Never didn’t see the boy who lived, ironically. But, that’s not really on Radcliffe at all, to be fair. Like I said, dude is legitimately fantastic, seriously. He does a fantastic job in the role of...well, being a dead body. And Paul Dano’s Hank is a genuinely interesting character, and one that I’d like to know more about, honestly. He does a great job with what he’s given. Oh, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead was there, too!
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Plot and Writing: 8/10
Look...this is a weird-ass concept for a movie. I mean, come on, it’s a movie about a guy with intense social anxiety who makes friends with a semi-resurrected corpse that has multiple abilities and is slowly coming to terms with an new life. And yes, there’s definitely some symbolism in here, whether you see this as a story about depression, coming out, coming to terms with yourself, social anxiety, friendship, existential crises, personal development...dead bodies. Yeah, this film can be read in a LOT of different ways, it turns out. And is that a bad thing? No, of course not. But it is a little nebulous as a result, and you end up focusing less on the sybolis, and more on the whole “dead-body-Victorinox” thing. That plot and the writing, both by the Daniels (Daniel Schinert and Daniel Kwan), are well-done and very funny in a lot of instances (MOST instances, to be honest; this is a very funny film), but I can’t say that I think the plot itself is perfect. But then again, this may have just gone over my head.
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Directing and Cinematography: 8/10
I mean...it’s good. Both the directing by the Daniels and the cinematography by Larkin Seiple are both quite good. Lighting is usually pretty great, framing is consistently good, I really don’t have any major complaints...or major comments. There are some good shots, to be clear, but I’m not going to say that it’s perfect or anything. To be fair, this is the Daniels’ first feature length film, so that’s interesting. But yeah, like I said, it’s good!
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Production and Art Design: 9/10
This is a great looking movie! And that also comes down to the fact that there’s a pretty realistic looking Daniel Radcliffe puppet in here, and I genuinely didn’t notice until after the fact. It’s pretty great, though, and Radcliffe’s makeup is especially good. The setting of the Pacific Northwest woods is fantastic as well, and the whole thing is simply a great looking film overall. Not much comment outside of that!
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Music and Editing: 9/10
MY LORD I love the music in this movie! I meant it when I said I’d be putting some of this on my playlist, because it sounds great. And it’s not just Andy Hull and Robert McDowell’s orchestration, but how the score is integrated with the plot and characters of the film! Look...I love it. Go back to my recap and check out the links embedded within to listen to my favorite tracks, if you’re curious! So, if I love the music so much, why not a 10 here? Editing. There are a few moment where the editing is a little weird. Faster cuts than needed, scene with the bear’s kinda weird, that kind of thing. Nothing huge, but it did come to mind when I was rating this section. Still, Matthew Hannam did a great job; just saw a couple spots I thought were weird.
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86% for this one! I had a really good time.
This is the last straight-up black comedy I’m covering this time around, and it’s one hell of a film to end on! So, let’s go back to...well, the ‘50s, this time. Let’s start at the most imfluential comedy of the time period. And hey...might as well start with a near-certified banger, huh?
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April 9, 2021: Some Like It Hot (1959), dir. Billy Wilder
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f9-teljes-film-2021 · 3 years
Halálos iramban 9 Teljes Film Magyarul - HD 2021
Halálos iramban 9 Teljes Film Magyarul - HD 2021
F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021 á n teljes film Ingyenes online próba. F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án [BlUrAy] | Nézd meg F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án Online Film 1933 HD ingyenes HD.720Px | Nézd meg F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án Online Film 1933 HD HD HD !! F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án 1933 angol felirattal letöltésre kész, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án 1933 720p, 1080p, BrRip, DvdRip, Youtube, Reddit, Multilanguage és kiváló minoségu. F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án (1933) teljes film magyarul
🔴 HD Minőség Letöltése »»»»»»»  https://pemburudollar.starmovieseries.com/movie/385128/f9.html 🔴 Ingyenes Online Streaming »»»»»»»  https://tinyurl.com/5fkk5epm
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        Halálos iramban 9 2021         8.2/10 által 95 felhasználók Dom Toretto visszahúzódva él egy félreeső helyen Lettyvel és fiával, a kis Briannel, de tudják, hogy a veszély állandóan ott les rájuk a békés horizonton. Ezúttal ez a veszély arra kényszeríti Domot, hogy szembenézzen múltbéli bűneivel, ha meg akarja menteni azokat, akiket a legjobban szeret. Összehozza csapatát, hogy megakadályozzanak egy olyan tervet, amely megrengeti a világot. A terv kiötlője a legképzettebb bérgyilkos és legprofibb sofőr, akivel valaha találkoztak – és aki történetesen Dom elveszett öccse, Jakob
felszabadított: 2021-05-19 Runtime: 145 percek Műfaj: Dráma, Akció, Kaland Csillag: Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, John Cena, Charlize Theron Rendező: Sanja Milkovic Hays, Clayton Townsend, Gary Scott Thompson, Neal H. Moritz, Vin Diesel
Letöltés : MP4 360pLetöltés F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021 [ 5,184 Kb/s ] 480pLetöltés F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021 [ 7,682 Kb/s ] MP4HDLetöltés F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021 [ 8,647 Kb/s ] FULLHDLetöltés F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021 [ 9,692 Kb/s ]
Letöltés : MP4 360pLetöltés Raya és az utolsó sárkány 2021 [ 5,184 Kb/s ] 480pLetöltés Raya és az utolsó sárkány 2021 [ 7,682 Kb/s ] MP4HDLetöltés Raya és az utolsó sárkány 2021 [ 8,647 Kb/s ] FULLHDLetöltés Raya és az utolsó sárkány 2021 [ 9,692 Kb/s ]
Kulcsszavak : F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nelőzetes magyarul, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á ningyen letöltés, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nnetmozi, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nmagyar premier, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nfilm online, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nteljes film, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nteljes film videa, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nindavideo, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nmagyarul online, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nteljes film magyarul indavideo, F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nonline filmek ingyen F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nonline 2021 filmek magyarul F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nfilmek magyarul F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nonline videa 720p 1080p F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nfilm letöltés F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á n2021 teljes filmek magyarul videa F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nonline sorozatok F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á ningyen filmek F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á n2021 film letöltés ingyen F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nfilmek online magyarul F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021   á nmagyar filmek online
Its somewhat ironic that a movie about time travel can’t be reviewed properly until your future self rewatches the movie. It’s bold of Nolan to make such a thoroughly dense blockbuster. He assumes people will actually want to see ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án more than once so they can understand it properly, which some may not. This movie makes the chronology of Inception look as simplistic as tic-tac-toe. Ergo, it’s hard for me to give an accurate rating, without having seen it twice, as I’m still trying to figure out whether everything does indeed make sense. If it does, this movie is easily a 9 or 10. If it doesn’t, it’s a 6. It’s further not helped by the fact that the dialogue in the first 15 minutes of the movie is painfully hard to understand / hear. Either they were behind masks; they were practically mumbling; the sound effects were too loud; or all of the above. The exposition scenes are also waayyy too brief for something this complex — a problem also shared with Interstellar actually. (Interstellar had this minimalist exposition problem explaining Blight, where if you weren’t careful, you’d miss this one sentence / scene in the entire movie explaining that Blight was a viral bacteria: “Earth’s atmosphere is 80% nitrogen, we don’t even breathe nitrogen. Blight does, and as it thrives, our air gets less and less oxygen”). I guess it’s a Nolan quirk. Hopefully, a revision of the film audio sorts the sound mixing out. I do like the soundtrack, but it’s too loud initially. I liked all the actors. You think John Washington can’t act at first, but he can, and he grows on you as the film progresses. And Pattinson is his usual charming self. Elizabeth is a surprise treat. And so on. Its worth a watch either way. See it with subtitles if you can. And definitely don’t expect to fully understand whats going on the first time around. Its one hell of a complicated film. It will be very hard for an average viewer to gather all the information provided by this movie at the first watch. But the more you watch it, more hidden elements will come to light. And when you are able to put these hidden elements together. You will realize that this movie is just a “masterpiece” which takes the legacy of Christopher Nolan Forward If I talk about acting, Then I have to say that Robert Pattinson has really proved himself as a very good actor in these recent years. And I am sure his acting skills will increase with time. His performance is charming and very smooth. Whenever he is on the camera, he steals the focus John David Washington is also fantastic in this movie. His performance is electrifying, I hope to see more from him in the future. Other characters such as Kenneth Branagh, Elizabeth, Himesh Patel, Dimple Kapadia, Clémence Poésy have also done quite well. And I dont think there is a need to talk about Michael Caine Talking about Music, its awesome. I dont think you will miss Hans Zimmer’s score. Ludwig has done a sufficient job. There is no lack of good score in the movie Gotta love the editing and post production which has been put into this movie. I think its fair to say this Nolan film has focused more in its post production. The main problem in the movie is the sound mixing. Plot is already complex and some dialogues are very soft due to the high music score. It makes it harder to realize what is going on in the movie. Other Nolan movies had loud BGM too. But Audio and dialogues weren’t a problem My humble request to everyone is to please let the movie sink in your thoughts. Let your mind grasp all the elements of this movie. I am sure more people will find it better. Even those who think they got the plot. I can bet they are wrong. ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án is the long awaited new movie from Christopher Nolan. The movie that’s set to reboot the multiplexes post-Covid. It’s a manic, extremely loud, extremely baffling sci-fi cum spy rollercoaster that will please a lot of Nolan fan-boys but which left me with very mixed views. John David Washington (Denzel’s lad) plays “The Protagonist” — a crack-CIA field operative who is an unstoppable one-man army in the style of Hobbs or Shaw. Recruited into an even more shadowy organisation, he’s on the trail of an international arms dealer, Andrei Sator (Kenneth Branagh in full villain mode). Sator is bullying his estranged wife Kat (Elizabeth Debicki) over custody of their son (and the film unusually has a BBFC warning about “Domestic Abuse”). Our hero jets the world to try to prevent a very particular kind of Armageddon while also keeping the vulnerable and attractive Kat alive. This is cinema at its biggest and boldest. Nolan has taken a cinema ‘splurge’ gun, filled it with money, set it on rapid fire, removed the safety and let rip at the screen. Given that Nolan is famous for doing all of his ‘effects’ for real and ‘in camera’, some of what you see performed is almost unbelievable. You thought crashing a train through rush-hour traffic in “Inception” was crazy? You ain’t seen nothing yet with the airport scene! And for lovers of Chinooks (I must admit I am one and rush out of the house to see one if I hear it coming!) there is positively Chinook-p*rn on offer in the film’s ridiculously huge finale. The ‘inversion’ aspects of the story also lends itself to some fight scenes — one in particular in an airport ‘freeport’ — which are both bizarre to watch and, I imagine, technically extremely challenging to pull off. In this regard John David Washington is an acrobatic and talented stunt performer in his own right, and must have trained for months for this role. Nolan’s crew also certainly racked up their air miles pre-lockdown, since the locations range far and wide across the world. The locations encompassed Denmark, Estonia, India, Italy, Norway, the United Kingdom, and United States. Hoyte Van Hoytema’s cinematography is lush in introducing these, especially the beautiful Italian coast scenes. Although I did miss the David Arnold strings that would typically introduce these in a Bond movie: it felt like that was missing. The ‘timey-wimey’ aspects of the plot are also intriguing and very cleverly done. There are numerous points at which you think “Oh, that’s a sloppy continuity error” or “Shame the production design team missed that cracked wing mirror”. Then later in the movie, you get at least a dozen “Aha!” moments. Some of them (no spoilers) are jaw-droppingly spectacular. Perhaps the best twist is hidden in the final line of the movie. I only processed it on the way home. And so to the first of my significant gripes with ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án. The sound mix in the movie is all over the place. I’d go stronger than that… it’s truly awful (expletive deleted)! Nolan often implements Shakespeare’s trick of having characters in the play provide exposition of the plot to aid comprehension. But unfortunately, all of this exposition dialogue was largely incomprehensible. This was due to: the ear-splitting volume of the sound: 2021 movie audiences are going to be suffering from ‘~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  ánis’! (LOL); the dialogue is poorly mixed with the thumping music by Ludwig Göransson (Wot? No Hans Zimmer?); a large proportion of the dialogue was through masks of varying description (#covid-appropriate). Aaron Taylor-Johnson was particularly unintelligible to my ears. Overall, watching this with subtitles at a special showing might be advisable! OK, so I only have a PhD in Physics… but at times I was completely lost as to the intricacies of the plot. It made “Inception” look like “The Tiger Who Came to Tea”. There was an obvious ‘McGuffin’ in “Inception” — — (“These ‘dream levels’… how exactly are they architected??”…. “Don’t worry… they’ll never notice”. And we didn’t!) In “~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án” there are McGuffins nested in McGuffins. So much of this is casually waved away as “future stuff… you’re not qualified” that it feels vaguely condescending to the audience. At one point Sator says to Kat “You don’t know what’s going on, do you?” and she shakes her head blankly. We’re right with you there luv! There are also gaps in the storyline that jar. The word “~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án”? What does it mean. Is it just a password? I’m none the wiser. The manic pace of ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án and the constant din means that the movie gallops along like a series of disconnected (albeit brilliant) action set pieces. For me, it has none of the emotional heart of the Cobb’s marriage problems from “Inception” or the father/daughter separation of “Interstellar”. In fact, you barely care for anyone in the movie, perhaps with the exception of Kat. It’s a talented cast. As mentioned above, John David Washington is muscular and athletic in the role. It’s a big load for the actor to carry in such a tent-pole movie, given his only significant starring role before was in the excellent BlacKkKlansman. But he carries it off well. A worthy successor to Gerard Butler and Jason Statham for action roles in the next 10 years. This is also a great performance by Robert Pattinson, in his most high-profile film in a long time, playing the vaguely alcoholic and Carré-esque support guy. Pattinson’s Potter co-star Clemence Poésy also pops up — rather more un-glam that usual — as the scientist plot-expositor early in the movie. Nolan’s regular Michael Caine also pops up. although the 87-year old legend is starting to show his age: His speech was obviously affected at the time of filming (though nice try Mr Nolan in trying to disguise that with a mouth full of food!). But in my book, any amount of Caine in a movie is a plus. He also gets to deliver the best killer line in the film about snobbery! However, it’s Kenneth Branagh and Elizabeth Debicki that really stand out. They were both fabulous, especially when they were bouncing off each other in their marital battle royale. So, given this was my most anticipated movie of the year, it’s a bit of a curate’s egg for me. A mixture of being awe-struck at times and slightly disappointed at others. It’s a movie which needs a second watch, so I’m heading back today to give my ear drums another bashing! And this is one where I reserve the right to revisit my rating after that second watch… it’s not likely to go down… but it might go up. (For the full graphical review, check out One Mann’s Movies on t’interweb and Facebook. Thanks.) As this will be non-spoiler, I can’t say too much about the story. However, what I can is this: ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án’s story is quite dynamic in the sense that you won’t understand it till it wants you to. So, for the first half, your brain is fighting for hints and pieces to puzzle together the story. It isn’t until halfway through the movie that ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án invites you to the fantastic storytelling by Christopher Nolan. Acting is beyond phenomenal, and I’d be genuinely surprised if neither Robert Pattinson nor John David Washington doesn’t receive an Oscar nomination for best actor. It’s also hard not to mention how good Elizabeth Debicki and Aaron Johnson both are. All around, great acting, and the dialogue amps up the quality of the movie. The idea of this movie is damn fascinating, and while there are films that explore time-travelling, there’s never been anything quite like this. It has such a beautiful charm and for the most part, explains everything thoroughly. It feels so much more complex than any form of time-travelling we’ve seen, and no less could’ve been expected from Nolan. Oh my lord, the score for this film fits so perfectly. Every scene that’s meant to feel intense was amped by a hundred because of how good the score was. Let me just say though, none of them will be found iconic, but they fit the story and scenes so well. In the end, I walked out, feeling very satisfied. Nevertheless, I do have issues with the film that I cannot really express without spoiling bits of the story. There are definitely little inconsistencies that I found myself uncovering as the story progressed. However, I only had one issue that I found impacted my enjoyment. That issue was understanding some of the dialogue. No, not in the sense that the movie is too complicated, but more that it was hard to make out was being said at times. It felt like the movie required subtitles, but that probably was because, at a time in the film, there was far too much exposition. Nevertheless, I loved this film, I’ll be watching it at least two more times, and I think most of you in this group will enjoy it. I definitely suggest watching it in theatres if possible, just so you can get that excitement. (4/5) & (8.5/10) for those that care about number scores. At first, I want to ask Christopher Nolan one question, HOW THE HELL YOU DID THIS? Seriously I want to have an answer, How did he write such as this masterpiece! How did he get this complicated, fabulous and creative idea? What is going on in his mind? The story is written and directed perfectly, the narration style was absolutely unique. I have no idea how can anyone direct such as this story, that was a huge challenge, and as usual Nolan gave us a masterpiece that we’ll put beside (Memento), (Inception) and (Interstellar) The movie is so fast-paced in a good way, there was no boring moment. The chemistry between John David Washington and Robert Pattinson was great and funny and both of their performance was really good. Elizabeth Debicki performance was the best in the movie because she had the chance to show her acting abilities and she cached up that chance and showed us an A level acting. The music wasn’t unique and distinct as the music of Interstellar for example and I think this movie needed the touch of Hans Zimmer, I’m not saying that Ludwig Göransson failed but Hans Zimmer in another level. If there was something I’d say that I didn’t like it in the movie would it be that Nolan discarded any set up or characters backgrounds except Elizabeth Debicki dramatic story but it wasn’t that bad for me, I didn’t care about that, the exciting story didn’t give me the chance to focus on it. But the actual problem was the third act, it was really complicated and I got lost and I convinced myself to discard the questions that were in my head and enjoy the well-made action sequences and Elizabeth Debicki performance. I think this kind of movie that gets better with a second and third watch. I honestly don’t quite know where to begin with ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án. I love Christopher Nolan’s work but I have never seen a more complicated film (and I understood Memento). ~After nearly three hours, I came away from ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án not knowing myself, my mind reduced to nothing more than piles of ash. Was there time travel involved? Hmm, there was definitely something about time inversion. I mean, does Nolan even understand what he wrote? Look, I give credit to the director because he’s one of the few directors left who knows how to create a compelling and intelligent blockbuster. ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án is full of Nolan trademarks — the gratuitous Michael Caine cameo, a loud, really loud score, complete with stunning cinematography and slickly inventive action set-pieces. This time around however, Nolan has finally managed to ‘out-Nolan’ himself: the palindromic plot, whilst creatively ambitious, is simply far too complicated for its own good. ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án is overlong, overstuffed, pretentious and too exhausting to comprehend in its entirety — it makes Inception and Interstellar look like Peppa Pig by comparison. I’m aware of the technical wizardry and creative mastery in this film and lord knows I’ll have to watch this again. For those who want a puzzle, ~F9: The Fast Saga  [ Halálos iramban 9 ] 2021  án at least provides a unique cinematic experience. But to actually enjoy solving it Nolan wants you to work very very hard
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eykismyfav · 2 years
I am sorry if I sound rude or something, I just wanted to ask if you have any Olek fanfic in the making. And maybe if you will upload it soon? There is nothing out there and I am waiting eagerly 😇
Hi lovely! Your question is not rude at all I am happy you asked. Okay here is the thing no I at the moment do not have an Olek oneshot in the making…but if I were to get a request, I could write it tonight. I am a person who has anxiety about writing things when I’m not seeing a lot of interaction with works I make for a certain show. I love writing requests so if you have ideas for an Olek fic I would be more than happy to write it. Same for Clémence or Eyk. 
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