#Clarke and Lexa fanfic
asleepingtiger · 5 months
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New chapter for Love Hurts - Small Steps
Here’s a snippet…
Raven pulled Anya back down on the bed, “Ahn, wait.”
“Why?” Anya wanted to get tests to make sure they weren’t preemptively getting excited.
“Because you need to tell me how Niylah ended up with half of my water on her head,” Raven smirked at her love.
“Oh,” Anya rolled her eyes, “well she was trying to flirt with me and after knowing what shitstorm she and Clarke caused, I’d had enough.”
“So you decided to waste some water on her?”
“I also told her that was for Lexa and to stay away from my family.”
Raven nodded, “fair enough,”
“Can I go get some pregnancy tests now?!” Anya got up off the bed for the second time.
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dingusninetrillion · 6 months
Does anyone have the file to coitus Interruptus from The_ShadowWolf? It was deleted.
It was a couple of chapters and Lexa and Clarke keep getting caught in the middle of sex by their friends.
I've been looking for this forever, so if anyone knows where I can find it, thx in advance. I saw online there is a clexa fanficion group on fb or something
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
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meet me in moonlight, under the old willow tree
A tap against the door barely breaks the silence of the night for how soft it is. The sound makes Clarke's stomach swoop with elation and a wonderful sense of dread. Instinct has her snatching up her knife and resting a hand on the pistol at her hip. She slips away from the table as the door eases open, fading back to the edges of the shadows and preparing to sink even further into the darkness depending on what comes through the door.
Her heartbeat pops like gunshots as Clarke holds her breath. Watching. Waiting. Feeling the barren pit of her stomach rumble in a jolt of queasiness that has nothing to do with it's lack of food.
But the fingers that wrap around the wood and ease the door open have her sighing in instant relief.
She knows those fingers.
Or Clarke sneaks away from Arkadia to meet with the Commander in the dead of night
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clexaweekofficial · 9 months
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Clexaweek2024 ~ a free for all~
This year for Clexaweek, rather than assigning themes to the days, it's a free for all. Post whatever you want! Create something new, or update a Work in Progress. Share and support each other's work, leave comments, share fic recs and reblog your favorite art. Post on March 3rd!
If you would like to make something new and want a theme - you can send me an ask for a prompt idea, or feel free to check out years worth of prompts here.
Guidelines for posting here.
To view previous clexaweeks, here's a link.
Have a great 2024!
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hedawanheda · 8 months
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no body, no crime
There’s a serial killer on the loose in Arkadia. Unluckily for them, there is also a bored necromancer in town who loves to play pranks by resurrecting their victims.
Neither are aware that they are dating each other.
a clexa serial killer/necromancer au
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bottom-lexa · 3 months
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E S T R U T ™
Alpha!Clarke x Omega!Lexa for Wanheda’s Dagger Week
ESTRUT™ is an app for unmated Alphas and Omegas to find a companion during their ruts and heats. The app was created not for dating or relationships, or even casual hookups, but for the sole purpose of giving Alphas and Omegas a satisfying and reliable way to deal with that time in their cycles. Clarke Griffin, a season ESTRUT™ user, and Lexa Woods, a reluctant app member who had no choice but to sign up given the intensity of her heats, find each other as perfect matches to their cycles.
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black-dragon1998 · 4 months
Lone wolf Chapter 12
Summary: Clarke and Y/N resove their fight.
Notes: Trying to get back into writing for this story.
previous chapters: part 1- part 2- part 3- part 4- part 5- part 6- part 7- part 8 - part 9- part 10-part11
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Clarke quickly approached your joined tent, hoping you were there. When she only saw Lexa and Madi, her heart sank. Lexa could see the distress on Clarke's face as she neared the tent. What had happened, and where were you?
"Clarke, hodness. What happened?" It was hard for Lexa not to run to her distressed wife, but Lexa had an image to uphold in unfriendly territory. When Clarke was inside the safety of their tent, she couldn't hold back any longer, so she pulled Clarke close to her with the arm that wasn't holding Madi. Clarke couldn't stop her tears when she felt Lexa pull her closer, missing you.
"Lexa, I did something stupid." Clarke sobbed into Lexa's shoulder.
"It's okay, Clarke, I have you. Whatever happened, I'm sure we can talk about it." Lexa tried to reassure her wife. The three of you had had your arguments before, and they were usually resolved quickly.
"no, Lexa! You don't understand. I have never seen (Y/N) look at me like that."
"Clarke, sweetheart. Tell me what happened from the beginning. Cause you aren't making any sense." Lexa said while leading Clarke toward a chair so she could sit. Madi immediately hugged Clarke the moment she sat down.
"hugs, mommy. Mama says hugs make everything better." Madi looked up at Clarke with a toothy smile. Clarke managed to give a tear-filled smile back. You had been right. Had anyone else caused this commotion, Clarke wouldn't have thought twice about your reaction.
After a couple of deep breaths, Clarke got her breathing under control. She hugged Madi tightly. Lexa, who had watched Clarke run through all the emotions, sat beside her wife as Clarke told her story through hiccups and tears. Lexa listened. It wasn't Lexa's place to choose a side. She just wanted everybody to be safe at home again.
Lexa suggested giving you some time. That way, both you and Clarke could calm down. So when you return, both of you can have a calm conversation. If there was one thing Lexa knew for certain, you loved her and Clarke.
Madi, who hadn't understood the conversation her mothers had been having, just sat there. The thing Madi did understand was that her mommy was sad and that her mama was gone. Seeing her mommy so sad made Madi want to do something about it. Maybe if she found you, you could come and give Mommy your hugs. They always made her feel better.
Sneaking outside, Madi immediately went to the three who would help her. Winter, Rain and Wood were close to the tent and got up when they noticed Madi approaching them. For them, Madi was the pack's pup and needed protection.
"We have to find mama. Mommy sad." Madi walked into the woods, surrounded by the three dire wolves. The wolves immediately tried to locate the scent of their master and started to lead Madi in that direction.
You had cooled off a little after your argument with your wife. You weren't able to go back to the tent just yet. So, you sat on a log and reviewed your emotions and thoughts. You Weren't mad at Clarke. Your feelings got the best of you after a hard couple of days. You also knew Clarke was under much stress, and your clashes with Bellamy weren't helping.
Sitting there for a few minutes, you notice someone approaching you. You ready yourself for whatever it is that comes through the clearing.
"Madi?" Hearing your voice, Madi ran toward you and flung herself at you.
"mama! Found you." You looked her over for any injury she could have gotten while walking through the woods. When you didn't see anything, you looked her in the eyes.
"what are you doing here? Do Mommy or nomon know you are here?" you knew the answer already. No way would your wives let Madi walk through the woods alone. Madi, however, seemed to be concerned about other things.
"mama! Mommy, sad. Sorry. Needs you." Madi wiggled herself out of your hold and pulled you toward the camp. When you didn't follow, Madi looked up at you with a pretty impressive glare. Clarke would be so proud.
"mama! Mommy cried." That did break your heart. Lexa nor Clarke cried easily. Meaning she must be feeling pretty big emotions. Sucking up your feelings, you pick Madi up and start walking toward the rest of your family.
When Clarke spotted you walking toward her, she flings herself at you. She was starting to apologize profusely. You let her ramble for a moment while holding her close.
"It's okay, Clarke. We were both at fault. I shouldn't have let my temper get the best of me and should also have considered your feelings. I get more territorial around certain Skaikru." You kissed Clarke on the forehead before kissing her on the lips. You feel her sag against you and hold her closer. Out of the corner of your eyes, you spot Lexa smiling. Reaching out for her, Lexa picks up Madi and joins the embrace.
"I love the three of you so much." You confess. Having this rare moment of vulnerability reserved for your family.
You and Clarke eat dinner before taking a quick bath and turning in for the night. Agreeing that you would be taking a more back-seated role in the negotiations, limiting your contact with the Skaikru. Your best warriors would still shadow Lexa and Clarke. That was the only condition you had.
part 13
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clexmas23 · 10 months
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Hey Everyone!
7 days of Clexmas will begin on the 17th of December and end on the 23rd this year, so get ready!
Reblog or send this post out to anyone you think will enjoy it!
How To Participate: Fanart, fanvids, fanfics, moodboards, photo manipulations, fic recs, anything that jingles Clexa - let’s see it!
7 Days of Clexmas: This will be 7 days of Christmas/Holiday/Winter-themed posts. Reblog Share Repeat! Send out ideas/prompts to your favorite writers and artists! Don’t forget to tag!
Clexmas23 #7DaysofClexa
Dec. 17 - Day 1: Basically A Hallmark Movie Dec. 18 - Day 2: Naughty or Nice Dec. 19 - Day 3: Under the Mistletoe Dec. 20 - Day 4: Snowed In Dec. 21 - Day 5: Winter Wonderland Dec. 22 - Day 6: Spiked Eggnog Dec. 23 - Day 7: Free Day
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clexa-surrogacy-au · 8 months
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Between Our Love
Chapter 10: Fifteen Seconds
Lexa floats, like a piece of driftwood, in the strange in-between world in the middle of consciousness and slumber. The car rocks gently around her, the radio hums, brief flashes of light break up the darkness behind her eyelids, and Lexa lay cradled in the center of it all, curled up in her seat with the seat warmers on, suspended in that place of limbo where time has no meaning.
At least, until the soft murmur of Clarke's voice breaks through the fog as if from a great distance. Lexa stirs, awareness gradually returning to her. Her lashes flutter as she blinks, cracking her eyes open to see Clarke looking at her with fond amusement.
"Sorry to wake you. I just— I'm coming up on the last toll and I can't find the coin purse. I think it's in the glove box. Which…" She gestures vaguely at the swell of her stomach, one hand still on the wheel. Which she can't reach. Right.
Lexa unravels her legs and spares a moment for a languid stretch before she opens the glove box to pluck out the frog-shaped coin purse she'd hidden there when they'd stopped for dinner earlier. They're already rolling up to the toll booth, so Lexa opens it up and counts out the change Clarke needs, handing it over to her. She yawns, feeling much more awake by the time they're gaining speed again.
"We're close," Clarke tells her, nodding toward her phone plugged in its holder on the dashboard. Lexa doesn't need a glance at the map to tell her that, though. She breathes in deeply and the scent of pine fills her lungs. They've already made it to the outskirts of Polis. The road ahead is flanked on either side by familiar pine trees, stretching up toward a night sky that's starting to lighten, the surplus of stars dwindling as the city's distant artificial lights bleach the sky.
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neyantkomskaikru · 6 months
“Bellarke was endgame, did you see how they looked at each other in that one episode?” This was how Clarke looked at Lexa after 131 years. 131. Just because Lexa died doesn’t mean Clexa wasn’t endgame. You don’t just “move on” from your soulmate, and Clarke loved her every second of every minute of every day for those 131 years, and most likely until the day she died. And I don’t doubt for a second that if the roles were reversed that Lexa would’ve been any different. They were made for each other.
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The show should’ve ended differently. Douchenberg should’ve gotten over himself and sent us off on a good note. I 100% believe Alycia would’ve been willing to do that. Instead we have another file for the “bury your gays” portfolio. Lexa had so much potential. Such a shame…
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ambii15 · 5 months
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Shattered Reflections - Chapter 33: No One
“Lexa,” Clarke croaked. “N-no one is coming.”
There was a distant crash and a curse that caused the both of them to crouch and duck behind a different wall. Both were increasingly aware that their current position was indeed not the best place to be holding this conversation. Not that any other room in the gallery was much better given the current situation and the villain slinking around. 
Lexa focused back on Clarke, ears keenly listening to any movement heading in their direction, “What do you mean? What happened to your phone?”
A slight pang of heartbreak rang through Clarke’s chest, “The towers. Th-they went out before we could even try to make the call. But Elijah has a radio on him. I had to try and come out here to get it. It’s our only chance.” 
Continue reading here!
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yail13 · 5 months
When some one ask me what I am reading
Me: A sci-fi book consisting of fallen spaceships, wars, betrayals, spirits, and murders
What I am actually reading: A blonde and Brunette falling in love the 100th time
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butmakeitgayblog · 11 months
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Medusa and The Blind Woman
Part I
She crashes in on an easterly wave. 
One that threatens the bare spindles of a long dead port. The wind bites at stilts gnarled by sea salt and the negligence of time, threads of frayed twine whipping in retaliating lashes against the onslaught versus sturdy grecian wood. 
Lexa watches from on high, eyes on mastheads and white sails in the distance when she takes a moment to admire her only non-hissing companion, the sea. She stands an eagle in her nest of serpentine thorns, as the speck of a sailor draws near from the horizon, boat marching on the back of winds that carry it onward. The ocean howls of intruders long before they arrive, the swishing churn of embattled rip tides announcing the threat among rustled gusts and spits of algae foam. 
It's all become so painfully predictable. 
Lexa sighs at the sight of them marching on toward her fortress. 
A sinking weight floods her stomach, weary resignation presses heavy against her throat.
The grip of her spade reminds hers they mean nothing to her morning, to her unforgiving schedule that must be kept. What with the chill slipping through the cracks of a waning afternoon sun setting on the intruder's horizon. 
She doesn't bother to watch their approach further, instead keeping her thoughts to steady hands that churn earth and crumble stone, driving her blade against charcoal and turning it to soot. She checks her moorings to the west and fells a few fresh saplings for kindling. Nuisances in that particular corner of her nest of thorns, ones she's been waging a losing battle with for ages.
Her thoughts scatter like the seed and silt that pour through the calloused cracks of her fingers, wondering—
A sharp whine fills the air below, followed by a screech and crash of splintering wood. A thunderous boom echoes along the rockside loud enough to shake the very gravel under her feet followed by a full chested bellow.
"Gods damn it all!"
Lexa straightens from her work at the cry of anger, loud enough to have her dropping her tools where she stands. Loud enough to send a shiver across her scalp that hisses and spits its welcome in return. 
She slips past brambles and thickets of overgrowth. Moves between boulders and shrugging aside the hang of vine, winding her way to the edge of her oasis. The sweet scent of honeysuckle mixes with sea water as she moves close to the rocky ledge of the cliff shore. 
Careful to stay hidden, tucked neatly in the shadows, she lifts a few leaves on the tips of her finger to see her would be… captors…
Or. Captor.
The waters are littered with floating bits of dock and warped wood, now useless and broken into a thousand tiny shards that bob their way back out into the wild. 
In its place is a boat. 
A rather pathetic boat, Lexa notes at the feel of a nose nudging her cheek. A vessel of one lonely single seat, barely a rod for a mast, with two matching oars on each side. The sight of its paltry build makes her frown, her lips slackening in shock as she looks past the debris of the wreckage to the fleeing white sails receding into the burgeoning twilight distance. 
Another screeched caw from a circling bird above makes Lexa jump, ignoring the snap and hiss in her ear at the same time the air fills with a strained, "Oh shut up!"
This is certainly not what she had expected. 
She's blonde. 
Her apparent assassin is blonde. 
And a woman.  
Altogether a decidedly less muscular figure than Lexa had become accustomed to seeing her would-be heroes in the making that washed up on her shores. Not the type bearing rippling muscles, or the thuggish brawn born of beating one's own chest.
In fact, this assassin is downright dainty.  
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unchartedcloud · 2 months
Killing Strangers - Chapter 5
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John Wick/Modern Assassin AU
TW: Alcohol
Rating: M
Even the Network's most feared assassin sometimes needs help—but she can't seem to escape a certain rival, even when she isn't working.
There’s a pause. A long pause. So long, in fact, that Lexa is about to turn around to face the inevitable disbelief that must be painted on her friends’ faces when she spots golden curls on the horizon. It’s not so unbelievable to see Clarke here. She is, after all, also a member of the Network and as such could certainly have earned an invitation to this event. But seeing her here, with no preamble or pretense, has Lexa’s heart hammering in her chest before she can take a breath. And whatever Lexa’s daydreams might have come up with, the reality is far better: Wanheda looks incredible in a bikini. Anya says something that sounds like "I just gave her that whisky, but who knows" but Lexa's not listening. An oversized linen shirt serves as a coverup for the black balconette bikini that’s pushing Clarke’s breasts into the most enticing shape, and it catches the breeze as she strolls along the sand with someone Lexa doesn’t recognize. Part of her wants to know—is curious if Clarke is here for work and, if not, who she spends time with for pleasure—but she can’t pull her eyes away from the bared expanse of tanned skin across Clarke’s stomach. Black bottoms with gold accents to match the chain draped across her bikini’s band are pulled high over her hips, exposing every silken inch of thigh, and no whisky can compare to the burn now on Lexa’s lips.  A drink sits in Clarke’s hand, condensation glistening along with the faint sheen of sweat—or, perhaps, tanning oil—on Clarke’s skin. As Lexa watches, she lifts a pair of sunglasses onto her forehead, pushing sea-blown curls back and exposing blue eyes that turn to look skeptically, if amusedly, at her companion. Nothing Anya could possibly be saying is more interesting than what Clarke says then, but after the third snap in front of Lexa’s eyes distracts her from reading Clarke’s lips, she sighs and turns to glare at the heiress and the tailor. “Yes?” “What could be more interesting than us?” Anya asks. She leans forward against the railing, calculating eyes taking in the beachgoers. “A new friend, perhaps?”
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hedawanheda · 6 months
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secret recipe- part vi
posting this here because not sure if the ao3 email notification went out! But the new chapter is up, let me know what you think!!
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bottom-lexa · 3 months
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47 Light-years
Alien!Clarke x Human!Lexa for Wanheda’s Dagger Week
With the concerning decline in fertility threatening to eventually wipe out the human race, Dr. Lexa Woods and her team are on an expedition on the planet of Arkadia 47 light-years away from Earth, researching the native species to bring back a solution. The Arkadians are known to be efficient breeders but the team at their base, Polis, are getting nowhere in cracking what makes them so good at it. It is made even more difficult with the fact that the aliens cannot communicate with them. After nearly two long years of research, Dr. Woods believes the only way to learn more is by mating and being bred by one of them. Given the similarities in biology, the young gifted scientist is certain a pregnancy will take, but mating with an Arkadian is not an easy feat.
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