#Claudia Corona
tonisemitoni · 1 year
Zitti zitti, piano piano - Concerto con Piero Barone, Claudia Corona e Thiago Felipe Stopa
In pieno centro, attorniata dall’oceanica movida (brutto neologismo) universitaria, all’angolo di Via Begatto a Via Armando Quadri è situata una piccola chiesa barocca, non più destinata al culto,  dedicata ai Santi Damiano e Cosma che necessiterebbe di un restauro. In essa si svolgono diverse attività, perlopiù musicali, e in essa ogni tanto il maestro Fulvio Massa organizza dei saggi o concerti…
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arnoldocuellar · 1 year
DÍAS DE GUARDAR Domingo 24 de septiembre de 2023
Libia Denisse: las ocurrencias no hacen una estrategia  Recibe Claudia Susana rectoría minada por Agripino Arte: Emilio Jiménez Continue reading Untitled
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theredhairedmonkey · 2 months
Do you have any theories on what might happen in S5, taking into account the episode titles that have been released?
I admit, I cheated a bit with this one by waiting until the trailer came out, but I'll compensate by having my theories be a bit koo koo bananas:
At this point you've either seen this episode or you haven't, but not much to predict:
Team Zym have the prison.
Claudia goes off the deep end.
Callum wants to destroy the prison but everyone else isn't sure.
During the night, Aaravos takes over Callum and has him place his hand on the prison, letting Callum see into the prison and gets a vision of Aaravos breaking the pearl (imo this becomes extremely important later on).
Finally, he and Rayla head off to the Starscraper to find a way to stop Aaravos for good, while Soren goes off to find Zubeia.
Love, War & Mushrooms
In this episode, Rayla and Callum will likely have an important conversation, possibly mentioning Callum's father, as the show runners hinted at his role this season (Love). Meanwhile, Amaya and Janai prepare for war, knowing that Karim has an army and the Sun Seed (War), with Janai sending a crow for help to an "old friend." Soren and Zym meet up with Corvus and search for Zubeia, only to find mushrooms at her last known location (Mushrooms). The episode concludes with Viren arriving in Katolis and Ezran confronting him in the rain. 
The Frozen Ship
Rayla enters the ship from the promo while Callum waits outside. The ship mysteriously catches fire, trapping Rayla inside. Callum rushes in to rescue her when she doesn't emerge, realizing she stayed behind to search for her dropped coins. This scene highlights Callum's devotion to Rayla and suggests that Rayla may be more committed to her family than she initially let on. Meanwhile, Ezran listens to Viren and, despite wanting to punish him for his actions, learns that Claudia remains in Xadia and hasn't given up. This revelation leads Ezran to conclude that Soren, his companions, and the Sunfire elves are in grave danger. Determined to help, Ezran resolves to journey to Xadia.
The Starscraper
The plot kicks into gear when Callum and Rayla arrive at the Starscraper to seek help from the Celestial elves. They learn that using the Corona and Nova Blade requires more than just anyone's abilities. The Celestial elves send them on a mission to retrieve the heartstone of the Behemoth, Luna Tenebris' unsuitable heir, who roams the Frozen Sea. Callum and Rayla hesitate, as this would kill the Behemoth, but Callum proposes using a rune to extract the heartstone's energy without harming the creature. Meanwhile, Claudia hears Aaravos' voice calling her to Katolis, and Karim uses the Sun Seed to restore Sol Regem's sight, preparing to invade the Sunfire camp.
Moonless Night
Callum and Rayla pursue the Behemoth and, after a challenging encounter, successfully retrieve the energy from the rune, bringing it back to the Starscraper. However, the Celestial elves reveal that they need one more thing. Astrid explains that the Corona of the Heavens once belonged to the Star Leola, who bestowed the ability to use it upon the King of Elarion and his descendants, making them the only ones capable of wielding it. As Callum studies the quasar diamonds for an alternative solution, Rayla confronts Astrid, demanding more information since Elarion is long gone and finding a descendant seems impossible. Astrid mentions that the Celestial Elves once tracked down a man who was a direct descendant of the original King, but he had died. Shockingly, this man's name matches Callum's birth father's name. Rayla connects the dots and shares her discovery with Callum, who initially denies the possibility, arguing that it's merely a coincidence. Rayla realizes that Callum has so firmly embraced the idea of "Destiny Is A Book You Write Yourself" that he struggles to accept the possibility of a predetermined destiny. This leads to a heated argument involving their past experiences, ultimately resulting in Rayla and Callum fully reconciling and rekindling their relationship.
The Red Wedding
Karim and his army finally invade the Sunfire camp, capturing Ezran. Soren, Corvus, and Zym arrive to momentarily rescue him, followed by Aanya, who once again saves the Sunfire elves in a Deus-Ex-Machina fashion (as she is the "old friend"). During the rescue, Aanya and Ezran share a meet-cute moment. Soren and Viren reunite, with Soren reluctantly rescuing his father. As Karim takes control of the Sunfire camp, Sol Regem departs, no longer interested in petty squabbles. Meanwhile, Callum, refusing to consider Rayla's theory about his connection to the Corona, decides to connect with the Stars like the Celestial Elves. He attempts to fly blindfolded (as seen in the trailer) but fails and falls back to Earth. However, before hitting the ground, his body begins to levitate, and his eyes glow (similar to Kosmo's), but his smirk reveals the truth—he's possessed by Aaravos..
We All Fall Down
It is revealed that Aaravos had already left the prison, as the magic was designed to be impenetrable, and Claudia never had a way to set him free. Instead, Aaravos had intended on Callum & Co. to get to the prison first, then he had possessed Callum in 6x01, forcing him to place his hand on the prison, transferring Aaravos' essence to Callum. This explains why Callum didn't see Aaravos in the prison, as Aaravos has been in Callum's mind all along. Aaravos also confirms that Callum is the only person who can use the Nova Blade and the Corona of the Heavens. By bringing Aaravos to the Starscraper, Callum has played into his hands, allowing Aaravos to regain his full potential and declare war on his fellow Startouched elves (the Cosmic Order).
Meanwhile, Karim's victory is short-lived as Pharos becomes possessed by Aaravos as well. Karim is killed in a manner similar to Khessa, and Pharos transforms the remaining Sunfire elves into a new army of darkness. This army then converges on the corrupted core in Lux Area, where Pharos!Aaravos plans to gather his strength and spread darkness across the world.
As Aaravos!Callum places the crown on his head, he feels his power return to full strength. He gloats that with the Nova Blade - the only weapon capable of killing Startouched elves - the Sunfire elf army, and Lux Aurea under his control, he can simultaneously conquer Xadia and the Cosmic Order, establishing a new empire. As punishment for her defiance, Aaravos "frees" Runaan but turns him into a corrupted version of himself that immediately attacks Rayla.
In Callum's mind, Aaravos taunts him while sharing his own backstory, revealing that he never fit in with the other Startouched elves and was ultimately cast out for his curiosity about magic. Callum empathizes with Aaravos, realizing their similarities and how the main difference between them stems from the love Callum received (and Aaravos did not). This realization leads Callum to a breakthrough with the Star Arcanum. He understands the vastness, darkness, and uncontrollable nature of the world (building on his understanding of the Ocean Arcanum) but recognizes that the sparks of love binding people together lead them from the darkness. Callum realizes that destiny isn't about who he will become (building on his understanding of the Sky Arcanum) but about acknowledging who he already is and the illusion of separation between himself, Aaravos, and everyone else.
By accepting his heritage as the Corona's true heir, Callum frees himself from Aaravos' grip and returns to consciousness. He then uses the Corona to restore Runaan and free Rayla's parents. Holding up the Nova Blade, Callum seemingly accepts that this is who he is, but that who he becomes is up to him.
Meanwhile, as Ezran and his companions march back to Xadia, they discover Zubeia, corrupted by sickness but kept at bay by the Mushroom mage. Janai achieves her own breakthrough, tapping into Light-Being Mode and purifying Zubeia. Simultaneously, Aaravos transports himself to Pharos' mind and teleports him to Katolis through a portal, where Claudia awaits (revealing Aaravos' contingency plan). Claudia uses Viren's staff to cast a powerful spell that restores Aaravos' body, sacrificing Pharos in the process. Aaravos describes the events at the Starscraper as a momentary setback, acknowledging Callum's increased power but persistent vulnerability, and resolving to bring him under his control regardless of what it takes. He then teleports himself and Claudia back to Lux Aurea, leaving Terry behind.
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fritoley · 25 days
The Dragon Prince Thoughts 6x05 - Moonless Night
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“Oh, don’t worry about Viren, everything will be fine.”
Did you notice the way Soren hesitated when addressing Viren by his name? gahhh this poor man deserves happiness why can’t he get a breakkkk—
I wonder if they’re gonna pull some “Father-Lord” shit like Zuko and reference atla
*crying noises*
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“Oh, Soren, my son. Is that you?”
Woah Viren’s been in that cell for a while
There’s gonna be so much to unpack here watch
The way Soren absolutely refuses to look at Viren speaks volumes he’s so done taking Viren’s shit
And it’s the one time Viren isn’t giving Soren shit but he’s burned their bridge so badly Soren’s lost all faith and respect
Not to mention Viren took Claudia away from him too in a way
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Lmao why was stella trying to steal callum’s book—
I wonder if Rayla learned that lullaby she’s singing from her parents
OOH or even runaan or Ethari—
Nah my bet is her parents
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“Maybe I just want to see you suffering.”
Okay the repetition of the scene is totally intentional what are they trying to convey
Why does Soren keep going down there to see Viren when he knows all Viren has done is hurt him? What does he want?
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“But with my eyes open, I also see… you.”
NO CUZ it’s the way Soren IMMEDIATELY starts crying when Viren says “you”
Like all he ever wanted was some form of acknowledgement from Viren his WHOLE LIFE but now that he’s got it it’s too late
Soren desperately wants to believe Viren but he’s been hurt so many times he doesn’t allow himself to
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“Everything you’re telling me is… is some kind of lie!”
Viren has given Soren some serious trauma and self-worth issues, and even after two years of virtual peace, he’s still keeping it in
Everyone he trusted either didn’t care or isn’t even present in his life (lissa), so he always kept it in, using his “class clown himbo” facade as a coping mechanism
But now that his entire childhood trauma is literally sitting there staring at him he can’t take the idea of working through it all and that’s why he blew up
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I wanna say he’s just not ready to face Viren but at the same time I don’t think he’s ever gonna be ready he just has to take the plunge
Wait is that Fen—
I thought he was with amaya in xadia
Did he get demoted lmao—
Wait does the standing battalion outrank the crownguard or the other way around
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“On moonless nights you miss her the most.”
That is so sad omg—
Luna Tenebris disappeared centuries ago too so Esmeray’s been hurting for a really long time
Imagine that i could never 😭
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“It’s the Corona of the Heavens.”
If all 3 are in the crown wtf is the stone in his staff
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Just like that huh
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“But your path is… darkness.”
Does that mean callum is still on the dark path aaravos was talking about in s4? Or is kosmo just reflecting callum’s soul from his past usage of dark magic like how sol regem sensed it
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Oh? Soren’s back
I wonder why he went back
“If you do not accept my words now, Soren, I want you to have them in the future… when you might need them.”
Okay nah this has got to be foreshadowing or something wtf is going to happen to soren—
Omg this was essentially a soren character study sorry lmaooo. I’m not too learned in trauma and all that stuff this is just my take on what’s going on with him I’m just really invested cuz he’s my bbg princess and i need him to be okay 💀
ANYWAYS considering that Rayla really connected with Esmeray in this season i wonder if she’s gonna have some plot relevance later on (i hope so esmeray is fuckin cool) especially cuz even kosmo commented on it and he can see the future. Soren BETTER BE OKAY by the end of this season i can’t take his pain 😭. And also i am SO EXCITED for rayla to see her parents again and for runaan to FINALLY go back to ethari like he DESERVES GAHH— 
But yeah good episode good episode 👍
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I’ve always found it super interesting that when Callum is encased in stone in the opening he doesn’t shed a tear, unlike Viren in the opening or Avizandum in the show.
Avizandum and Viren both have significant regrets. Avizandum fears for his mate and his egg as well as the fate of Xadia. While we know he reveled in squashing the ants (humans) I can’t help but think he genuinely was concerned for Xadia and the impact humans invading could have on the land. Ultimately of course, he reaches for Zym, the newly laid egg, and Zubeia…his family, before he is turned to stone.
Viren on the other hand is without a kingdom (a king) and frankly without a true lease on life. He has 30 days to live and must free Aaravos, the reviled Startouch elf, to extend his life.
So why does Viren cry a single tear before he is encased in stone, while Callum does not?
Because one will have great regret when they fully realize they have fallen into Aaravos’s hands, and one will not.
We see clearly from s5 that Viren is repentant and regretful about his actions and the path he has set Claudia on. My guess from the teaser is that he will try to appeal to Ezran to save his daughter from Aaravos, but unbeknownst to him, Callum and Rayla have set off with Aaravos’s prison. By this point it is out of Ezran’s hands on what to do.
Meanwhile we have Callum who is bursting with self-doubt, and untold resentment and love for Rayla. But as we see in the teaser (*cough* screencap where Callum touches Rayla’s chin *cough*) there clearly will be a reckoning between Callum and Rayla regarding their relationship. This leads me to believe that not only will Callum reconcile with Rayla but that he’ll also reconcile the situation with Rayla’s parenteral figures by freeing them from the coins. (Personally I’m a huge fam of Callum using dark magic to do so but its still very possible he’ll utilize the quasar diamonds/corona to do so.) All this to say, once Callum succumbs to Aaravos’s control, he will have no regrets. For whatever reason, he will think those close to him, whether Ezran, Rayla or Amaya, are in good hands and that regardless of his absence will be fine without him.
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raayllum · 7 months
Decided to do research to see what I could find on coronas, specifically, because I was curious if there were any differences per se between who would typically wear them, etc. since it can also be a fancy word for crown
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not only does it bear a striking resemblance to Aaravos' chest gap while keeping the astrological vibes, it also specifically references eclipses (such as the one with the corrupted core in Lux Aurea, Claudia's sun staff, and the one in Viren's visions)
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amber-in-the-rough · 2 months
Did they reveal what the staffs represent?
No, they didn't even mention them, just showed them in the background and that's it.
Maybe some day, in s7? Or in one of the arc 3 seasons, which hopefully will come to be.
The only thing we've learned is that the stone in the staff of Ziard was actually a quasar diamond all along and that it being there was Aaravos's contingency plan. Coincidentally, the corona of the heavens turned out to have one of its diamonds fake. Sooo- At some point in the past he must've taken a real diamond from the corona and put it into the staff. Which means that the staff didn't have it before and that the stones in the other staffs are definitely not differently coloured quasar diamonds (as there are only three). Maybe they are different primal errm minerals? Like, Sky sapphires, Sun rubies, Moon opals...
Two questions, though.
Excuse me but what kind of contingency plan was that, Aaravos??? What were you even preparing for? Who in their right mind thinks "Hm, they may also imprison my soul and destroy my body. Let's steal a diamond, to be on the safe side"?? Like, I can't even say it was too much of a precaution because IT WASN'T. Damned genius. I wonder if he has any other crazy contingencies.
Are there any Dark magic alternatives for the de-coining spell? Because if there aren't, then Viren is a madman. I've always wondered why he did this freaking spell so readily. Did he EVER think about how he would get the coined people out??? If he knew about the quasar diamonds, it's still no less crazy: one, there are only three of them so Viren obviously had math problems as he did the spell FOUR times; two, how was he planning to fetch them?
True, Viren might've cracked a little but he's never been an idiot. He must have had a dark magic de-coining spell. But then, why didn't Claudia use it?.. It's the same spell, restoring bodies to separated spirits. Claudia is also not an idiot, she learned from her father and even took the coins after him. If there is a dark magic spell, she must have known it. So, why didn't she use it to free Aaravos?
I don't know the answer but I think it's down to these two options: either there's no dark magic alternative and Viren was a dummy OR there is and Claudia was just too caught up in her "avid follower" mode at that moment to remember that she could actually do it another way, no need to waste a priceless stone. She was literally: Aaravos speaks and I listen.
P.S. ah, one more thing. If these diamonds are all so rare and precious, why the Celestial elves gave them away so easily?
P.P.S. there MUST be a Dark magic alternative. Otherwise, how would the previous owners of the coins free their prisoners? I don't believe Viren was their first owner or the first one to use them. However, if we look at it from a darker side... Maybe the previous owners had no need to get anyone out. They just sealed people inside and left them there until they disappeared and freed the space inside a coin. :) Absolute pragmatists. Right, Viren?
upd: what's the matter with these asks? this is a second time I'm getting an ask from an account that gets deactivated in the course of like 15 minutes. I've heard there are some erm strange people in the fandom who make several accounts and write strange things, okay, but what's even the point of creating an account for the sake of asking 1 simple question?.. i mean, the question was easy to answer, i just got carried away as usual. alright, if I'm such a nice little account (no) that you couldn't help but write to me, that's fine, but then why delete your newly made account?.. really don't get it. ig it's either a very shy person (if so, you could use anonymous asks. it's more simple) or a strange person. or i just don't get it.
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drvcxrys · 4 months
i'm going to transition the event convos that i have and i'm gonna drop the pre event convos for our sanity haha some of my muses changed their status so i'm going to put it here and you can go ahead and feel free to request even new starter for our connections if you prefer or out of fandom as well just feel free to ask as many as you want (:
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alice cullen newly unaware (0/5) alicent hightower (0/5) anna of arendelle (0/5) annabeth chase newly unaware (1/5) - thalia anne boleyn (1/5)- shanks annie cresta (0/5) beverly marsh newly unaware (0/5) bianca di angelo (0/5) bree tanner (0/5) buffy summers newly unaware (1/5) - giles caitlin snow (0/5) caroline forbes (1/5) - josie/enzo carrie white (0/5) cherri bomb (0/5) choi nam ra (0/5) claudia newly unaware (1/5) - rosalie daenerys targaryen (0/5) daphne bridgerton (0/5) elizabeth afton/circus baby (0/5) elizabeth midford (0/5) emma swan (0/5) hanna marin newly unaware (0/5) heidi volturi (1/5) - alec hope mikaelson (2/5) - landon, kol isabelle lightwood (1/5) - max jean grey (0/5) jessica riley (1/5) - ashley jill roberts (2/5) - henry, sidney kagome higurashi (1/5) - kikyo katara (0/5) lila pitts (0/5) lissa dragomir (0/5) loona (0/5) lori grimes (1/5) - judith lucy gray baird newly unaware (0/5) mal faery (1/5) - uma malia tate (1/5) - erica mary stuart (0/5) myrcella baratheon (0/5) nancy wheeler (0/5) niffty (1/5) - bee rapunzel corona (0/5) regina george (0/5) rhaena targaryen (0/5) samantha carpenter (1/5) - tara samantha fraser (0/5) sara lance (0/5) tohru honda (0/5) usagi tsukino velvette (0/5) wednesday addams (1/5) - diana win wanichakarnjonkul (0/5) yelena belova (1/5) - natasha
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Scrolling through my notes and realising I never posted my s6 theories. They're from July 30.
Season 6 Title will definitely be Star. I thought for the longest time that season 7 will be titled after dark magic. But I just remembered that there is this archaic kind of magic mentioned in the novels that's even older than primal magic and lost to time. So maybe that's the title?
It has by now been confirmed that s7 will be dark but I'm still attached to that theory.
It is basically confirmed that there will be another timeskip after season 6, so I'm expecting another artbook after that season releases (hopefully next april)
What will that third arc be called?
Aaron said in an interview that both s6 and s7 will still be part of the mystery of Aaravos arc, but that doesn't necessarily exclude the timeskip.
Aaron said that s7 Claudia will be more powerful than atla's Katara, so we know she'll survive long enough.
Nothing to add here 😆
Season 6 will likely be about the dragang searching for the Quasar diamonds. There was that credit art in s4 of a crown that was theorised to hold those diamonds. The question really is: where is that Crown?
I hadn't realised it back then that the corona of the heavens had been confirmed to be at the star scraper. Thanks to the announcement of the cc panel back in September we know that Rayllum will be going there to get sword and crown.
S6 will either have Aaravos getting out of his prison or the dragang making sure there's no chance of him ever getting out by himself or being freed.
Aaravos will definitely get out in the second half of the season, even if they might try to secure him forever.
I still feel like Terry will want to distance himself from Claudia at some point in the future seasons. I personally think he's too good for her.
Episode 1 laughing in my face by making Claudia the one who leaves. But I always felt like the breakup would eventually happen, I just didn't expect it like this.
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jgmail · 1 year
Comuneros, la revolución que pudo ser
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Por Isabel García
Fuentes: Nueva Tribuna
Comunes el sol y el viento común ha de ser la tierra, que vuelva común al pueblo lo que del pueblo saliera. (Los Comuneros. Romance de Luis López Álvarez. 1972)
Los acontecimientos que se vivieron hace 500 años en tierras de Castilla podrían haber cambiado el curso de la historia de España. Así lo cree un buen número de historiadores que ve el levantamiento comunero no solo como una revolución, sino como la primera gran revolución de la era moderna en Europa y adelantada a su tiempo. Una revolución frustrada pero que, para muchos, dejó los mimbres de la esencia de una nación en su lucha por la conquista de las libertades.
El 23 de abril, Día de Castilla y León y fiesta oficial de esta comunidad autónoma, se conmemora el aniversario de la batalla de Villalar, con la derrota del movimiento comunero y el apresamiento y ejecución el día después de sus tres principales líderes, Juan de Padilla, Juan Bravo y Francisco Maldonado. Ese 23 de abril de 1521 se daba fin a una aventura que puso en jaque al todopoderoso Carlos V y que sigue sirviendo de inspiración para movimientos políticos y sociales en la España contemporánea.
El documental Comuneros de Pablo García Sanz, estrenado en 2022, recupera este episodio histórico con el testimonio de historiadores e investigadores y una narración espléndida entrelazada con los versos del romance ‘Los Comuneros’ que el poeta berciano Luis López Álvarez escribió en 1972.
Tras la muerte de Isabel la Católica en 1504, la Corona de Castilla se sumió en una crisis institucional que duró dos décadas. Aunque la heredera natural del trono era Juana I de Castilla y siguió siendo oficialmente reina hasta 1555, fue apartada de todo poder real primero por su padre, Fernando el Católico y después por su hijo Carlos I, que se autoproclamó rey de Castilla y Aragón. La naturaleza de un monarca, al que muchos veían como un “extranjero”, que trajo a su corte de flamencos a Castilla, valiéndose del dinero y riquezas del reino para convertirse en emperador, levantó recelos en las élites castellanas que derivó en la conocida como ‘Guerra de las Comunidades’.
“La integración de Castilla en el imperio se presentaba como una catástrofe nacional. Había que defender, incluso conta el rey si llegaba a ser necesario, los intereses del reino”, nos cuenta el historiadorJoseph Pérez en su libro Los comuneros. Para ellos, el reino estaba por encima del rey, y dada la dejación manifiesta de Carlos V por los intereses de Castilla, según pensaban, intentaron basar su legitimidad en su madre, la reina Juana, recluida en Tordesillas hasta su muerte, pero no lo consiguieron.
Los comuneros, la comunidad, el común… “Siempre hablaban de volver al orden, es decir, recuperar el orden, en ningún caso ellos entendían que estaban haciendo algo malo, declararse comunero en ese momento era declararse en comunidad para lograr el bien común”, señala en el documental la historiadora Claudia Möller. Su objetivo era someter a la nobleza y al rey a la ley “adelantándose a una teoría que en el resto de Europa tardaría aún siglos en cuajar: el principio de representación política”, afirma Joseph Pérez. El hecho de considerar este movimiento como una revolución y no como una rebelión o una revuelta, radica, a juicio de los investigadores, en la proclamación oficial de la Santa Junta en Tordesillas, máximo órgano dirigente del movimiento. ‘Santa’ no por religiosa, sino por ‘universal’. Además, los comuneros dejaron por escrito un esbozo de Constitución, la ‘Ley Perpetua’, precisamente ‘perpetua’ por su carácter supremo, al que estaban sometidos todos, incluida la propia figura del rey.
En su libro, Joseph Pérez alude al historiador José Antonio Maravall, autor de otro trabajo publicado en 1963 bajo el título Las Comunidades de Castilla. Una primera revolución moderna. En el mismo, el historiador afirma que “con los comuneros se llega implícitamente a concebir el pueblo como unidad y a considerarlo, en consecuencia, capaz de ser sujeto del poder”.
Carlos V venció a los comuneros tras la victoria de Villalar y la ejecución de sus tres principales líderes. Pero su venganza se prolongó durante mucho tiempo, con la ejecución, cinco años después del obispo Acuña, clérigo español que participó junto al bando comunero, y la persecución de María Pacheco, esposa de Padilla, que no solo murió exiliada en Portugal, sino que el emperador también le negó ser enterrada en su tierra natal, Toledo. La represión también se extendió contra los descendientes de los líderes. Tal saña, por parte de Carlos V, explica en buena medida la amenaza de primer orden que supuso para su reinado la revuelta comunera. Si Padilla, Bravo y Maldonado hubieran conseguido la firma de Juana en la ‘Ley Perpetua’, su hijo hubiera perdido todo poder y la historia de España podría haber sido diferente: a partir de ese momento, se impuso en España y en toda Europa la monarquía absoluta.
En el siglo XIX, los comuneros se convirtieron en manos de los liberales en un movimiento libertador. “El liberalismo militante del siglo XIX redescubre a los comuneros, convierte en mártires a sus jefes y enarbola la bandera en su nombre para luchar contra el absolutismo”, escribe Joseph Pérez. Décadas después, el propio Manuel Azaña, escribía: “Los comuneros sí querían ser libertadores. Querían librarse del despotismo cesarista, del gobierno por favoritos, del predominio de una clase”.
En el documental, el historiador Julio Valdeón asegura que “los comuneros de Castilla son un punto de referencia imprescindible para todos los movimientos de la España contemporánea que tenían como objetivo fundamental la conquista de las libertades”. Y el historiador Salvador Rus va aún más lejos al señalar que los cuatro valores fundamentales de la Constitución de 1978: libertad, igualdad, justicia y pluralismo, “eran los pilares que sustentaban el movimiento comunero”.
Para la historiadora Möller de la Universidad de Valladolid, el movimiento comunero “tiene unas connotaciones increíblemente revolucionarias entonces y ahora». Asegura que «no tiene nada que envidiarle a la revolución francesa, lo que pasa es que Francia siempre construye unos relatos extraordinarios y no entiendo porque nosotros no lo hemos construido con los intelectuales que hemos tenido, no lo puedo entender. Es hora de empezar a escribir el relato verdadero de lo que ha sucedido y entenderemos porqué festejamos el 23 de abril [día de Castilla y León]. Es una gran revolución, y además una revolución moderna anticipándose muchos años a la francesa».
Y un último apunte: ¿por qué la bandera republicana es roja, amarilla y morada? El Gobierno de la República acordó añadir una franja morada a la bandera bicolor como reconocimiento al pueblo de Castilla. Se basaron en una tradición liberal que creyó que el estandarte comunero era violeta cuando en realidad era rojo carmesí. Un error, debido seguramente al desteñido de los tejidos, ajados por el tiempo y al desgaste, llevó a esta confusión histórica.
Muy recomendable el documental ‘Comuneros’ disponible en Netflix; y el libro de Joseph Pérez ‘Los Comuneros’.
Fuente: https://www.nuevatribuna.es/articulo/cultura—ocio/comuneros-revolucion-que-pudo-ser/20230410161338210484.html
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chronicas · 2 years
quick little story time: so i was into tdp when it first came out, obviously, and i was a lesbian at the time who liked the idea of rayla/claudia (this was before s3 i am fully on the rayllum ship now) anyway my magnum opus at the time was a Tangled AU fic where claudia was rapunzel (her magic hair was purple and turned black when cut) rayla was flynn, viren was gothel, the stabbington brothers were runaan and ethari, the royal family of corona was just the katolis family and they’re all alive (making claudia the sister of ezran and callum which i thought was cute) and even bait was pascal, i really tried to include as many main characters as i could. i was so proud of this and a lot of people read it. it was pretty cringe and basic but the only reason i’m telling you this is because i want you to know my ultimate casting choice: soren was the horse
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theredhairedmonkey · 1 year
Any theories on what will go down in s6?
Pure speculation of course, but here's what I think could happen:
After getting Aaravos' prison, the group return to the Sunfire camp (since Zubeia is unavailable) and leave the prison with Janai and Amaya for safekeeping. Thinking the big threat is over, the group then split up--Soren, Zym and Ezran (and maybe Corvus) search for Zubeia, while Rayla and Callum travel to the Starscraper to free Rayla's family.
Rayla and Callum arrive at the Starscraper (maybe a detour to Evenere's Royal Library to find the Void Poem, idk), but learn that both the Corona of the Heavens and the Nova Blade are kept under lock and key by the Celestial Elves. Not only are both protected, both are functionally useless to anyone but the "rightful heir" of these items. Through trials and tribulations, Callum eventually discovers how to find the "light guiding him through the darkness" (i.e. stargazing) and learns that the Star Arcanum was that the cosmos encompass everything--not just the stars, but the other celestial elements (Sky, Moon and Sun) as well as everything on Earth and the Ocean as well. Unlocking this activates the Rune Cube; turns out that the "Great Power in Xadia" it was meant to unlock was Callum all along.
He gets crowned (mirroring Viren's coronation; instead of usurping the throne, Callum is hesitant but ultimately relents and accepts his new destiny for the sake of bringing back Rayla's family). However, in the meantime, either Claudia or Karim's army (or maybe both in a dark twist of fate) invade the Sunfire camp, and either Claudia or Pharos steal the prison. Either way, Aaravos is now actually freed.
Somehow, the trio+Zym and Soren reunite and find out that Aaravos has somehow been freed, and go to face him. Callum, armed with the crown and the sword, is confident they can defeat him for good.
They go to face him, but because of Callum using dark magic a second time, Aaravos can now effortlessly brainwash him and turn him into a drone without needing to pilot him directly as in s4. Rayla has an opportunity to kill Callum to stop Aaravos, but doesn't take it.
As it turns out, Callum really did play right into Aaravos' hands, as this was what Aaravos wanted all along: Freed and with a Star-powered mage armed with a Star-killing weapon fully under his control. Aaravos' plans had come to fruition and he can do what he always wanted; return to the heavens and exact his revenge of the First Elves.
Screen cuts to black. Season ends. Bum bum bum, tune in for season 7!
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basilepesso · 2 years
Pour les fanatiques des "vaccins" anti-corona, les morts anormales et sans raisons données peuvent s'accumuler, ils ne changeront jamais d'avis. C'est exactement comme pour les néo-collaborationnistes avec la barbarie raciste envers les populations occidentales. Ce qui est tordant est que ces dangereux ahuris sont souvent les mêmes et boivent les manipulations des pouvoirs comme une belle eau. BP. >>>> "La mannequin allemande Tatjana Patitz, qui faisait partie des 'Supermodels' dans les années 1980 et 1990 avec Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Cindy Crawford et Claudia Schiffer, est décédée mercredi à l'âge de 56 ans. Elle est morte en Californie, a confirmé son agence. La cause du décès n'a pas été révélée."
Article de la RTBF : “Décès de la mannequin allemande Tatjana Patitz, "Supermodel" des années 90, à l'âge de 56 ans“
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acapulcopress · 3 days
16 mandatarios, 105 país y 22 organismos internacionales asistirán a toma de protesta de Sheinbaum
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CIUDAD DE MÉXICO * 18 de septiembre 2024. ) Gobierno de México Con motivo de la toma de posesión del 1 de octubre de la primera Presidenta de México,  Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, se informa que, al momento, han confirmado su asistencia 105 países y 22 organismos internacionales. De los países confirmados, 16 de ellos envían a sus mandatarios entre los que se encuentran: • El primer ministro de Belice, John Briceño • El presidente de Bolivia, Luis Alberto Arce Catacora • El presidente de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva • El presidente de Chile, Gabriel Boric Font • El presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro Urrego • El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez • La presidenta de Honduras, Xiomara Castro Sarmiento • El primer ministro de la Mancomunidad de Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit • El presidente de Dominicana, Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona • El presidente de Guatemala, Bernardo Arévalo de León • El presidente de Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo • La consejera presidenta del Consejo Presidencial de Transición de la República de Haití, Régine Abraham • El presidente del Estado de Libia, Mohamed Yunus Al-Menfi • El presidente de Paraguay, Santiago Peña Palacios • El primer ministro de la República Árabe Saharaui Democrática, Bucharaya Hamudi Sidina • El primer ministro de Santa Lucía, Philip Joseph Pierre En representación del presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden asiste la Jill Biden, primera dama de los Estados Unidos, así como en representación del presidente de Alemania, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, acude el expresidente de la República Federal de Alemania, Christian Wilhelm Walter Wulff. Además, asistirán cuatro vicepresidentes; cuatro titulares de órganos legislativos; 17 representantes a nivel ministerial; 10 viceministros; enviados especiales, 10 titulares de organismos internacionales, así como embajadores residentes y concurrentes.
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www.acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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kikotapasando · 3 months
Claudia van Zanten stopt met enquêtecommissie Corona
Claudia van Zanten stopt met enquêtecommissie Corona 3 juli 2024 Claudia van Zanten, namens BBB lid van de parlementaire enquêtecommissie Corona beëindigt haar werkzaamheden voor de commissie. De keuze van BBB om het lidmaatschap van de commissie te beëindigen is ingegeven door veranderingen in de Tweede Kamerfractie van de BoerBurgerBeweging. Bij BBB schuiven twee Kamerleden, binnen de fractie…
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lamilanomagazine · 3 months
Palermo ricorda con una cerimonia i tre Carabinieri assassinati dalla mafia 41 anni fa
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Palermo ricorda con una cerimonia i tre Carabinieri assassinati dalla mafia 41 anni fa Ieri 13 giugno, in occasione del 41° anniversario dell'eccidio, ha avuto luogo, a Palermo e a Monreale, una cerimonia di commemorazione in onore del Capitano Mario D'Aleo, dell'Appuntato Giuseppe Bommarito e del Carabiniere Pietro Morici, vittime di agguato mafioso nel 1983. Alle ore 09:30, in via Cristofaro Scobar a Palermo, teatro dell'assassinio, alla presenza del Generale di Divisione Giuseppe Spina, Comandante della Legione Carabinieri Sicilia, del Dott. Massimo Mariani, Prefetto della Provincia di Palermo, del Dott. Matteo Frasca, Presidente della Corte d'Appello di Palermo, della Dott.ssa Lia Sava Procuratore Generale, della Dott.ssa Claudia Caramanna Procuratore della Repubblica presso il Tribunale per i Minorenni, delle più alte Autorità civili e militari e di una rappresentanza di Carabinieri di ogni ordine e grado, sono stati resi gli onori ai Caduti ed è stata deposta una corona d'alloro. Successivamente, a Monreale in via Venero, all'esterno della caserma della Polizia Locale, all'epoca dei fatti sede della Compagnia Carabinieri, accanto alla lapide che ricorda la strage, il Generale Spina e il Prefetto accompagnati dalla vedova dell'Appuntato Bommarito hanno scoperto un altorilievo realizzato e donato dal maestro ceramista Nicolò Giuliano raffigurante i caduti. Il prezioso manufatto, ai piedi del quale è stato deposto un cuscino di fiori, è stato benedetto da S.E. Mons. Gualtiero Isacchi, Arcivescovo della locale Diocesi, e dal Cappellano Militare Don Salvatore Falzone. Alla cerimonia hanno partecipato particolarmente entusiasti gli studenti delle scuole primarie Francesca Morvillo e Guglielmo II di Monreale. Così il Generale Spina nel suo intervento: "Siamo qui per ricordare i nostri tre Carabinieri trucidati nel 1983, Capitano D'Aleo, Appuntato Bommarito e Carabiniere Morici: tre eroi dell'Arma contemporanea che abbiamo il dovere di commemorare e soprattutto di celebrare il loro coraggio che gli ha consentito di affrontare a testa alta la vile mano mafiosa che li ha ammazzati. Il loro esempio sarà imperitura memoria per la presente e le future generazioni". Agli eventi commemorativi, scanditi dalle note di un trombettiere del 12° Reggimento Carabinieri Sicilia, hanno partecipato i familiari dei Caduti ed una rappresentanza dell'Associazione Nazionale Carabinieri. CENNI STORICI MOTIVAZIONE MEDAGLIA D'ORO AL VALOR CIVILE ALLA MEMORIA Il Capitano Mario D'Aleo nasce a Roma il 16 febbraio del 1954. Nel 1973 inizia la carriera militare con l'ingresso all'Accademia di Modena. Viene nominato Sottotenente nell'Arma dei Carabinieri il 20 ottobre del 1975. Destinato alla Scuola Sottufficiali Carabinieri in Velletri e promosso Tenente, viene trasferito il 28 maggio del 1980 al Comando della Compagnia Carabinieri di Monreale, distinguendosi da subito per l'intraprendenza investigativa affiancata da non comuni doti umane. L'Appuntato Giuseppe Bommarito nasce il 14 luglio del 1944 a Balestrate. Si arruola nel 1964, prima come Ausiliario in servizio al X Battaglione Mobile di Napoli. Ritornato in Sicilia alla fine del 1965, presta servizio presso la Squadriglia Carabinieri di Calatafimi e, dal 1970, a Monreale con l'incarico di autista del Capitano Basile prima e del Capitano D'Aleo poi. Il 22 luglio del 1972 sposa Girolama Galante dalla quale avrà due bambini, Salvatore e Vincenzo. Il Carabiniere Pietro Morici nasce a Valderice il 21 agosto 1956. Dopo aver conseguito la licenza media, inizia a gestire un negozio di generi alimentari situato vicino alla caserma dei Carabinieri, maturando la decisione di arruolarsi. Raggiunge la Scuola Allievi Carabinieri di Roma il 5 marzo del 1975. Nel 1976 giunge a Palermo e, infine, a Monreale. I tre militari dell'Arma sono stati barbaramente trucidati il 13 giugno del 1983 in via Scobar. Gli autori materiali ed i mandanti mafiosi del delitto sono stati individuati e condannati all'ergastolo. Il Presidente della Repubblica, il 31 agosto del 1983, ha conferito la "Medaglia d'Oro al Valor Civile alla Memoria" al Capitano Mario D'Aleo, all'Appuntato Giuseppe Bommarito e al Carabiniere Pietro Morici con la seguente motivazione: "Comandante e militari in servizio a Compagnia Carabinieri operante in zona ad alto indice di criminalità organizzata, pur consapevoli dei gravi rischi cui si esponevano, con elevato senso del dovere e sprezzo del pericolo, svolgevano tenacemente opera intesa a contrastare la sfida sempre più minacciosa delle organizzazioni mafiose. Barbaramente trucidati in un proditorio agguato teso con efferata ferocia, sacrificavano la loro giovane vita in difesa dello Stato e delle Istituzioni".... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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