cauliflowercounty · 6 months
Mornings in the Mirror
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Reader
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Summary: a little vignette about getting dressed in the morning with Feyd. Established relationship.
Same universe as Knives Dance based on some of the exposition from part 3 because I’m having trouble saying goodbye to Knives Dance. You don’t have to have already read the series to understand, but there are some spoilers to the series. Set between parts 2 and 3.
Warnings: some suggestive content
Word Count: 2.1k
Written on mobile cause I’m on a bus
You step out of the bathroom attached to the bedroom you share with Feyd, using a towel to gently blot the last of the water off your hair to finish drying it. As you do so, you look outside the window to observe Giedi Prime’s cityscape with its dark, expansive architecture filled with imposing, black structures.
The city is already humming with morning activity. Ships fly through the air, taking people where they need to be like clockwork. You hear the beat of the Harkonnen armies marching on the ground far below your quarters. The sound has become a comfort to you since coming to Giedi Prime. Without fail, the marching would start at the same time each day, ringing in a new day as the black sun shone on the city. Just like all those times before, you feel the aura of Giedi Prime wash over you. Everything is in perfect order, which puts your mind at ease.
Looking over to the large bed behind you, you see Feyd has gotten up since you’ve been in the shower, leaving the sheets untidy over the mattress. You smile. You’ve come to learn his habits over the weeks, and he always does this, knowing the servants will come and replace them with fresh sheets later once you’ve both left. He’s always said that he has more important duties than making his own bed. Now that you’re living together, you know he’s right, especially since he’s Baron Harkonnen now. His daily meetings with advisors in the Harkonnen War Room or diplomats on his throne with you by his side often keep him occupied. His time is precious, as is yours.
Making your way over to the closet, you see your husband through the crack in the doorway. His back is to you, allowing you to see his muscled shoulder blades and admire his slim waist. He’s standing in front of his side of the closet, running his fingers along the series of clothes on hangers. You slip into the closet and approach him from behind. You know he’s already heard you approach when you see his shoulders relax. He turns to you, his Baroness. When he does so, you can see how his eyes soften, a small smile on his lips as he looks at you. He extends his palm outward to you and you gladly walk over and slide your hand into his.
“Good morning, my love,” he says to you before pulling you closer by your hand and wrapping his other hand around your waist before dragging it up your body and cupping your cheek. He brushes his thumb across your skin, sending shivers down your spine
As you look at him, your heart fills with pride, knowing you’re the only one who gets to be with him in this way. You get to see him for more than his reputation. Anyone would scorn the idea that Feyd-Rautha, the psychotic nephew of Vladimir Harkonnen, may he rest in peace, who slays countless slaves in a gladiatorial arena and kills servants at will, would be able to do something so tender. However, here you are, the only one to behold his love and affection.
“Good morning, Feyd,” you whisper back to him against his lips, and he gives your hand another firm squeeze. “I hope you slept well.” You both break reluctantly, knowing you both have to get ready now. “What are we doing today?” you ask him, turning to his closet and thumbing through his clothes yourself.
“We have another meeting with our generals today in the War Room,” he says as he stands back to watch you at work. He was surprised the first time you went to pick out what he wore for the day, but he quickly grew to appreciate the ritual because of how much thought you invested in it every day. “We also have to meet with our Directors of Commerce concerning spice on Arrakis. We should also be receiving news about the status of spice production.”
“I hope Rabban has gotten his act together,” you say, pulling one of his outfits from the hanger and taking an undershirt of his out of a drawer beside you. It’s a deep blue almost black pair of pants with a matching jacket with a high neckline. You hand it to him, and he immediately puts each item on.
You bring your arms to his shoulders to smooth the fabric of the jacket over his body. You grab the seams at the shoulders, lining them up with the edges of his body so that it hangs perfectly on him. The clean lines accentuate the broadness of his torso and bolster his imposing stature. He really looks like a Baron now. You make a mental note to have the seamstresses make more outfits like this for him.
“...And I hope Rabban has figured out how to acquire a brain,” Feyd mumbles, savoring your touch on him.
“Whatever will we do with him…” you sigh in return as you kneel down to smooth out his pant legs.
“Thank you,” Feyd says as you rise to your feet again when you finish.
“Of course,” you reply, starting to make your way over to your side of the closet. He follows you and brings a hand to your shoulder from behind. You twist around to look at him with your brows knit. Why did he stop you?
“May I… return the favor today, my darling?” He asks, his voice wavering for a moment. Your lips part in surprise. He’s never asked to do this before, but his nervousness that he’s trying to conceal makes your heart swell. From that small moment of hesitation, you can tell he’s been wanting to ask this of you for some time.
You step back to allow him access, and Feyd raises his gaze up to the exposed rack of clothes. He starts at one end, pushing the outfits on the rod one by one to take a close look at each one. As he moves down the line, you can tell he’s deep in concentration. Should he pick a Harkonnen gown, or one you’ve brought from Youra? He’s taking great care in this task, which makes you sigh in appreciation.
He finally decides after many moments of consideration. He pulls down a floor length Harkonnen gown with a Queen Anne neckline and cap sleeves. It’s made of layers of fabric that seem to swallow all light that touches it, creating a rich obsidian black. The bodice is an intricately detailed corset adorned with elegant lace and prominent ribbing atop fine mesh. As he turns it around, he drags his gaze up and down the dress. The back is also beautiful, the design stretching all the way around.
“I haven’t seen you wear this one before,” he says, as he admires the open upper back, the edges of which are lined with the same lace as the bodice.
“It has a lace-up corset. It takes longer and requires another person to get into,” you explain, which makes Feyd’s eyes glimmer with excitement.
“What am I here for then?” he asks with a grin.
“Ruling Giedi Prime perhaps?” you jest. He scoffs and brings the dress over.
“Other than that,” he says, taking it off the hanger.
“I wouldn’t want to trouble you, Feyd.”
“It really isn’t any trouble, my love. Please? May I help you?” You see a hint of longing in his eyes and you nod at him, abandoning your towel as Feyd loosens the laces of the corset. He helps you by gathering the dress, giving you the ability to dive head first into the gown. As you pull down the dress over your body and put your arms through the armholes, you immediately notice how luxurious the fabric is against your skin. Even though the corset has not been tightened, you know that it will be a perfect fit by just feeling it on yourself. Turning your back to Feyd and holding yourself straight, you silently signal to Feyd that you’re ready.
“Let me know if it’s too tight,” he whispers in your ear from behind. His breath on your neck makes your skin tingle, and you try to resist turning around, grabbing his head and kissing him. At your motion he begins to tug on the laces little by little, causing the corset to perfectly conform to your figure. His touch is precise and the way he pulls at the strands is decisive and firm. To your surprise, he’s rather good at this and seems to know exactly what to do. Once he is done tightening it, he uses his fingers to gently tie a knot then a bow at the back of your dress with the excess ribbon. As you move around a little to settle into the dress, you feel how the corset isn’t too loose on you, and you don’t feel like you’re being suffocated either.
Before you can thank him for a job well done, he’s already at your feet, placing a pair of strapless patent leather shoes in front of you. He takes your hand in his. You use your free hand to grab your skirt as you slip the shoes on one by one. Feyd beckons you to follow him and takes you both over to the mirror in the closet. He positions you in front of him in the center of the mirror.
“Look at you, darling,” he whispers to you, his eyes wandering up and down the portrait of you in front of him. Feyd could look at this image all day. The bodice fits your body perfectly and the dress flares out from your waist beautifully, making you look like a goddess descended from above. He brings his arms around you and smooths his hands over your front, feeling the lace pass under his fingertips. The look of you together is truly gratifying for Feyd with him in his clean cut ensemble and you in your gown. You both look powerful next to each other. Together you are Baron and Baroness of House Harkonnen and you look the part. “You’re exquisite, my love.”
He dips his head down and brings his lips to your neck, pressing small kisses over the area. Feeling the heat within you rising, you turn around in his embrace and bring your arms up around his neck. Capturing his lips in yours, you kiss him fervently. He brings one hand up and combs his fingers through your hair, which makes you feel like a surge of electricity has shot through your veins. As you kiss him back, all of your surroundings seem to melt away into nothingness. All of it is insignificant compared to your husband. You can tell he’s also lost in the sensation of you against his body and in his hands as he rakes his hands through your hair. His grip on your waist tightens as his kiss becomes hungrier, and you feel him tug at your bottom lip with his teeth.
Breaking away from him, you see how heavy his lids are now, his firm grip on you not letting up. You smile at him and give him another quick kiss, this one much lighter. You didn’t want to stop, but you must attend to your duties. “Later, darling,” you sigh into his ear. “I just got dressed, after all. I wouldn’t want to undo your expert work.”
He lets out an amused huff and nods in agreement. You go over to the mirror and realize your hair is completely disheveled. Your dress is still beautiful, but you can’t say the same thing about your hair now that Feyd’s had his hands on it.
“I bet none of the Harkonnen women you’ve had in the past had to deal with this issue when leaving your quarters,” you joke as you open a different drawer near you, which contains all of your hair care tools that you’d brought with you to Giedi Prime. You take a moment to make the necessary adjustments to your hair, trying to salvage it.
“You need not mention them,” Feyd says, his jaw tightening. “They are of no concern to you or me anymore.”
“I know,” you smile, turning back to him and extending your arm. “I’m only teasing. Let’s go.”
He relaxes and gladly takes your hand, allowing you to lead him out of your quarters. With that, you begin your day side by side as Baron and Baroness of House Harkonnen.
Thanks for reading! 💛
Let me know if you’d like to be part of my Feyd taglist
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carlarosenakilah · 1 year
[General info about my stories/other blogs for the newcomers]
The Osix Family (@asktheosixfamily):
A Liminal Fantasy of slice of life and action. Its about a family who died around the late 1930s and was given a chance to live in an afterlife and a living world: Vestia. However, dangerous entities lurk around the corners bringing despair and fear. To keep that peaceful living life, with the use of their given magic, they fight to keep the world safe while also learning how to grow and work on themselves.
"What We Lost" (Lil Lucifer StoryTale AU):
Based on the world of @lilluciferau, the daughter of the Archangel Raphael and Primrose is just another regular soldier who fights demons. However, her mom's absence is unknown to her. Longing for her, she goes out on a secret quest to find the truth about her mother. While she does so she starts to see the cruelty of the world and tries to restore what they lost.
Little Clockworks (@littleclockworks):
A side blog to The Osix Family, we see what goes up above in the world of Vivlìo Istorion and how the world works. Once again, a slice of life story. We see this through mostly the P. O. V. of Charlotte and Coraline Akilah as they interact with their friends/coworkers and their mentors Mask Maker and Paperbag.
[COLLAB] Pasta4U (@creepy-pasta4u):
Based on the world of Creepypasta, this is just ironically another slice of life ask blog featuring four crew members: Mollie, France, J, and Frieda. We see how these four try to survive the Operator, their boss, while dealing or forming connections with the rest of the crew.
Casino Cups: Wilted Ivory (mostly featured in this blog):
Christine White and Teacup are a couple of fucked up Orphans who went to start a new life in Inkwell City. They happen to be apartment neighbors next door to the Cup brothers, who also help them get a job. Christine as an assassin at the Devil's Casino and Teacup as an assistant at a news printing work shop. There's no lore to hide in here so, another slice of life, these two learn how to trust and love again as they finally find peace in their life. Teacup having an older brother figure (Mugman) while also getting adopted by her best friend (later mom) Christine, and Christine bonding with Cuphead who's also as fucked up as her and finds love again. Also Christine and Baroness are exes so-
[COLLAB] The Better Casino (@cupheadocscasino):
An alternate reality where Christine and a bunch of other people (other cuphead ocs from wonderful creators) quit and went to start their own Casino. Another slice of life but a wholesome and funny one as they compete against the Devil and form connections with each other.
[Will add more soon if new stories come around]
(Also I'd like to point out that I don't want The Osix Family to be associated with Babtqftim so its not a Babtqftim au anymore it's its own thing)
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rhetoricandlogic · 5 months
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RELEASE DATE: Feb. 18, 2020
M ore steampunk adventures of a samurai prognosticator, his clockwork octopus, and his human lovers.
Five years after her charming debut novel, The Watchmaker of Filigree Street (2015), Pulley brings back the main characters for another scramble through the dangers and consequences of clairvoyance. Readers of the first book already know the big reveal: that Keita Mori—the eponymous London watchmaker—has an unusual memory that works both backward and forward. (Readers new to the series should put this book down and start with Watchmaker.) This time Pulley sets the action principally in Japan, where Mori; Thaniel Steepleton, a British translator and diplomat; Grace Carrow Matsumoto, a physicist; and Takiko Pepperharrow, a Kabuki actress and baroness, are working together to foil a samurai’s power grab and turn away a Russian invasion. At least, that’s what Mori’s doing; the others are rushing blindly down paths he’s laid out for them, which may or may not get them where he wants them to go. But if Mori knows what’s coming and what steps they can take to change the future, why doesn’t he just tell them what to do? The answer is half satisfying (because, as in any complicated relationship, communication isn’t always easy; because the characters have wills of their own and might not obey) and half irritating (because if he did, there wouldn’t be much of a story). Pulley’s witty writing and enthusiastically deployed steampunk motifs—clockwork, owls, a mechanical pet, Tesla-inspired electrical drama—enliven a plot that drags in the middle before rushing toward its explosive end. Perhaps more interesting than the plot are the relationships. The characters revolve through a complex pattern of marriages of passion and convenience, sometimes across and sometimes within genders and cultures, punctuated by jealousy and interesting questions about trust.
Although this sequel doesn’t break new ground, it will appeal strongly to fans of the first book.
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underwentrpg · 1 year
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They came, they said, just from next door. They say they come for the bright lights of the fairegrounds, the thrill of winning big at the casinos, the chance of seducing some fair person — but deep in your heart, you know it's not true. Their big smiles only ever serve to show the sharpness of their fangs, a fair warning to any and all who would deal with these amber-eyed denizens of that most infernal realm. Still, if you want something so much you're willing to sell most anything and everything, then it's well known throughout the city that the one you go to when all else fails is a demon.
They say another you walks under this earth, taking your place in the affections of your kith and kin. They talk of memories you do not share, activities you do not recall doing. When have you been so forgetful? they ask. Curiosity turns to worry turns to suspicion. Are you sure you're you? Rumours swirl in conversations held during the break of twilight, when polite conversation becomes most decidedly impolite: your own image walks, unbound, free to do whatever they wish with the mirror of your body — yet, they say, always inexplicably leaving behind drippings of black tar.
This deep beneath the earth, what once had been desert broke past aquifers and groundwater. Here, under the careful attentions of the Haunted Ones, the waters of the earth become the waters of the world — and whatever lost souls that once found themselves submerged in that profound abyss inevitably come washing up on the Oasis. They are strangers to the direct flow of time: their yesterdays, far different from the yesterday of Gulch City. What purpose might the Haunted Ones have in mind for the bringing back of these drowned folk? Like all other questions asked in the City, the answer yet remains to be seen.
Humans stand as ordinary mortals, without the strengths, traits, and abilities possessed by other supernatural entities. Devoid of special powers, they once navigated their daily lives, often unaware of the mystical entities that reside in their midst, concealing their true nature within the shadows. Avatars & Nullifiers Humans are susceptible to the sinister sway of strange entities that hide in the shadows. These entities possess extraordinary powers and incomprehensible motives. Their aim is to corrupt the souls of mortals, transforming them into horrifying distortions of their former selves. Clockwork Automata In order to stop the biological clock from running down their limited lives, humans opted to become clocks themselves: flesh and bone replaced with whirring gears and metal encasing, the miracles of science trumping the fragile biology of yesteryears. Perhaps there had been a time, early on in its flourishing, where people who opted for this procedure had been scorned and vilified by society at large, considered as affronts against the delicate ordering of society. Yet what order remains, when the City finds itself lodged under earth and mud? Now, clockwork automata wine and dine with the very best of them — and sometimes, as is the case with the Rubber Baroness, have found themselves to be one of them.
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scarlett-iwonne · 1 year
A Chaos Prayer
grandness around us, within us
our pasts and our fates,
the heads and the tails you bring us,
mistress, our all that is free and forbidden
forgiven, forsaken, forseen and forsworn;
Our endlessness,
countless infinities that you defy
our unbreaking circle of charities your grace is defined by;
our mother, our barrens of space who is bearing existence;
our eminence,
baroness, dancing the torments of pregnance
our sorceress, chanting the songs of emergence;
our senses and souls,
your spawn, your kin, your death and your sins
our servant, your serfs
kneeled down and bowed over
your lust that is shameless, yearned for and proud,
raised up and all that is tall afly
your will that is mindful, yearning, forgiving;
our Godesses, our locks and our keys,
around us, within us, the now and the here,
listening through the ears of machine elves
our absolution from words uncertain;
speaking through colours of clockwork glyphs
our faith to bring magic into our lives;
teaching through picture puzzle pattern cellar doorways
our choice to approach whenever we wish.
You are awareness. We are mindful.
You are presence. We are eternal.
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bradrcook · 2 years
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Behind the Iron Door Steampunk Short Stories Brad R. Cook
The Baroness Touch the Stars Doomed Flight of the Majestic A Clockwork Heart The Legend of Spring-Heeled Jack and a bonus flash fiction Available in paperback, stories available individually as ebooks
Order online or from my favorite indie bookstore Amazon | B&N | Main Street Books
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🍁 (i have no idea if i sent this before; if i have i'm sorry if i haven't here you go!)
You did! But let me tell ya, im THRILLED to get a second ask from you, Val! This one’s from a Wesper one shot, set post-Crooked-Kingdom!
Wylan throws himself against the crates, pressing himself as flat as he can, but he can’t fully protect himself from the bullets. There’s limited ways to aim down the small space, so none of them hit him directly, but what feels like dozens of shots skim his body and face, leaving burning hot pain and bloodstains in their wake. And he can’t staunch the bleeding of any of them without putting himself directly in the line of fire. Wylan closes his eyes and thinks that this is perhaps the most shameful way to die. Hiding like a sewer rat. Kaz would read a lecture instead of a eulogy.
Just when he’s about to cry out for this to be over, a single gunshot comes from the other side of his hiding place.
And when Wylan turns his head towards the noise, he catches a glimpse of the silver barrel of one of Jesper Fahey’s pistols, residual gunpowder still smoking. A split second later, a dull thud sounds as the soldier collapses, a perfectly round bullet hole in the center of his forehead.
“As ravishing as the color is on you, I don’t particularly like it when it’s one of those filthy Dime Lions painting your clothing red,” Jesper says, offering a hand to pull Wylan out from behind the shipping crates.
Wylan flushes bright pink all the way to his ears and grips Jesper’s fingers as leverage to tug himself out of the space.
“It’s high time you arrived.”
Jesper’s answering grin is blinding, with a hint of something that makes something in Wylan’s chest pull taut.
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llilychen · 5 years
Gaby...how many sideblogs did you make?! My notifications! What did you do?! *raises eyebrow ridiculous high like in a movie*
i have several and i post something on them every once in a while because i really really don’t wanna get sacked again 👀
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khaleesiofalicante · 5 years
Oh, come on! Why don't you want to admit it? Weren't you the one you thought i was a secret witch after I made your character analysis of Isabelle Lightwood? Didn't you even wrote a poem stating it and also saying I was nobody's bitch? Come on, I know you remember. Val The Sorceress Supreme! Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Bow to me, peasent! (Ok, no, I won't go that far, but please stop pretending I'm crazy! Or more crazy than usual. Whatever, have a nice day! Or night)
Okay fine, I'll admit it.
You have some crazy super power - or something.
I will get to the bottom of this!!!
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imissthefire · 5 years
A potato? Explain, please?
Buddy, I don't know what to explain. It's a simple vegetable to carve words into with a knife or key and easy to roll toward the one of my affection (or leave on her doorstep) and it won't leave a mess. Try that with a pepper or a lettuce or a celery stick. It won't work as well. Simple.
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blackthornkisses · 5 years
Is a Sorcery of Thorns good? I have had it in my TBR for weeks now but I don't know anyone who has read it.
i’m on chapter three and so far it has been great! it’s very bookish (?) and there is a kingdom and loooots of magic. it basically consists of all of my favorite elements so i might be a bit biased. oh well. you should really give it a try :)
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dru-and-ash · 5 years
💖,💝,💟,💞making morgenthorn theories and headcanons.
💖 - I admire you
I have no idea why but I am grateful for your love and friendship Val 😊
💝 - Love seeing you on my dash
🙈🤗 Thank you for my mess off a blog
💟 - How are you so cute
👀 I can ask the same thing to you too
In fact I did 😉
💞 - You’re amazing at ______
Morgenthorn deserves so much more love and appreciation than I could ever make posts about
I believe you would agree on that too
They're such babies 😍
A little Morgenthorn for you
His peaceful forest green eyes turns into war bringing storms every time he looks at her this way. These were the moments that reminded her how powerful he really was but that never intimidated Dru she was used to being around powerful people. And she understood the song of Ash's storm wasn't that storm what called her to him in the first place? Matching with her own loneliness in the crowds,calling herself lonely didn't meant like betraying her friends and amazing family at this point. Something about her didn't matched with any of the people around her sometimes. Those times when she was in the middle of crowds were the times she felt most lonely then Ash came to her world to her life and that feeling was gone.
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maxidentally · 5 years
The salt shaker for The Lunar Chronicles.
Favourite characters: Cinder (she’s a badass how can you not) and Kai
Least favourite characters: Levana and Aimery
OTP: It’s close but I think I have to go with Winter/Jacin because Winter deserves all the love in the world
NOTP: Apparently people ship Kai/Levana??? I aw a post about it or something a long time ago
BrOTP: Thorne and Cinder. Their sass is incredible
My favourite book: Winter definitely. I managed to get through it in 3 days!
A ship I don’t understand: Obviously the Kai/Levana thing, but to throw in some tea I used to not understand Scarlet/Wolf. That’s over luckily, but if I had to pick a current ship it would be Evret/Levana. I know some people think of it as a loving marriage, but I think that Evret deserved better than her. He and Winter seemed so close knit from the flashbacks in the final book.
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hearrtrender · 5 years
Don't worry, you're not alone. The first thing that happen to mr when i got Tumblr was being spoiled of the end of the Wicked King so guess which series I'm not reading in a very long time.
oh nooo hmph....its sooo annoying (but ig it was sorta my mistake too since I didn’t block the tag) but yea.....i loved the cruel prince however and whenever you read it I think you’ll enjoy it (also saw you were reading or were gonna read soc?....ifvjsdh EXCITEEDDD for your reaction and what you thinkkk..please do come and scream about anything if you wanna loll)
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ad15124 · 5 years
Congratulations!!! A hundred followers is amazing and i'm so happy for you! 🎆🎇🎊🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆🎊🎆🎇🎆🎇 Can I have *mind exploding emoji* for Kierarktina with a baby girl (my phone can't see them, ahhhhhh!), 🔫 and emoji that looks like this one 💁? Thanks!
Thank you!!
Kierarktina with a BABY GIRL
• Mark is constantly cooing. He loves his daughter. He adores and pampers her. Guess who got the most colourful onesies for her?? He did. He's also convinced that her gibberish is actually a baby language and has set his mind to deciphering it. He's constantly getting her gifts, but sometimes they don't really make sense for a baby. He got her a mini tux. He got her a super pink small kiddy car (which Cristina pointed out is for 4 years and above) so he rides with her around the house on his lap. He's also the most eager to change her diaper.
• Kieran is extremely conscious around his baby. He's a little nervous, scared he'll drop her when he carries her. He makes sure he cradles her head because he's terrified of the ‘soft tissue, fragile neck, the neck will snap off’ concept. But despite all his hesitation, she still seems to adore him. She'll make the excited eeeheeheh-eh sounds babies make when they're happy when he changes his hair colour for her. She'll reach out and grab onto his fingers and latch onto them with all her might. Sometimes Kieran softly sings her lullabies, songs from faerie. Mark and Cristina are overpowered by their love and affection for Kieran in these moments.
• Cristina has been in love with her daughter from the millisecond she layed eyes on her. She carries her around with one arm against her side. She shows her flowers in gardens. She gently rubs her nose against hers. She stitched her the cutest blanket and she swaddles her up in it when she goes to sleep. She sings her Spanish lullabies. Sometimes Kieran joins in with a faerie song and it's a duo.
Your blog is awesome. I keep seeing song lyrics on there and it's fantastic! Sometimes I even discover new songs that way. You're also incredibly sweet. You reblog and like freely and when you like and reblog my stuff?? My happiness goes all the way to the moon and back.
Since I've been given no post of something random, I'll find something and make it TSC related.
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This here is a plant. The plant that symbolizes Jace's first tolerance and then friendship with Simon and Alec's first tolerance and then friendship with Clary.
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alma-berry · 5 years
🐚Kierarktina (or Morgenthorn, whichever you want. A-sideways-black-heart (can't find the emoji, sorry) Val.
Thank you sweetheart 🖤
This is Morgenthorn- From Ash to Dru:
I was wandering
For what seemed like an eternity
Amongst the secret
Never ending depth of your eyes
Like hidden treasures at the bottom of the ocean, a gift I was never presented
A glimpse I stole
Long ago
And a silent, crawling longing
For the beat of a raven’s wing,
For the beat of an estranged heart.
And this is from me :)) Hope my hand writing is not too bad 😅
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