#Closing Race Afterparty
myhughniverse · 10 months
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pucksandpower · 4 months
Lost in Translation
Lando Norris x Reader + Carlos Sainz x Reader + Fernando Alonso x Reader
Summary: in which Lando doesn’t speak a word of Spanish, Carlos turns out to be the world’s worst translator, and Fernando is an opportunist
Warnings: manipulation
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The bass thumps through the walls as you make your way through the crowded club, dancing bodies packed together under pulsing lights. You’re exhausted after a long day of photoshoots, but your agent insisted you make an appearance at this exclusive afterparty following the Spanish Grand Prix. Being seen is part of the job when you’re an up and coming model.
You spot an open stool at the far end of the bar and gratefully sink onto it, kicking off your heels under the counter. The bartender appears through the chaos, shouting something in English you don’t understand over the music. You shake your head apologetically and order in Spanish.
“One glass of red wine, please.”
As you wait, you glance around the club. Famous faces from the world of Formula 1 mix with socialites and celebrities. You recognize a few drivers and team bosses, fresh from the race.
Your gaze lands on a young man seated a few stools down, wearing a McLaren team jacket. His curly brown hair falls softly over his forehead as he leans against the bar, engrossed in his phone. Something about him looks familiar.
“Here you go.” The bartender sets your drink down. You smile your thanks and take a long sip, letting the bright aged flavors wash over your tongue. The alcohol warms your limbs, relaxing away the strains of the day.
You’re debating whether to stay for another drink or head back to your hotel when you feel the stool next to you shift. The young man in the McLaren jacket takes a seat, flashing you a charming grin.
“Hi there,” he says, his English words foreign to your ears. Up close he’s even more handsome, with lively color changing eyes and a smattering of freckles across his cheeks. You don’t understand what he’s saying, but his body language is obvious.
You give him a coy smile in return. “Hello.”
He seems unfazed by the language barrier, launching into a lively stream of English as he signals the bartender for two drinks. You watch his lips form around the exotic words, catching a name here and there.
Lando. McLaren. Spain.
Each syllable musical and indecipherable.
When the fresh drinks arrive, you clink glasses together. The liquor slides down easily, warming your cheeks. You can’t understand Lando, but the spark in his eyes needs no translation. He’s flirting. And you’re enjoying the attention after a long day on your feet.
As the night wears on, you drift closer together, thighs brushing on the stools, hands slyly grazing. The pulsing music and alcohol blur the edges of your thoughts into a pleasant haze. All that matters are Lando’s eyes locked on yours, and the building tension that thrums under his touch.
Eventually he stands, holding out a hand with that charming grin. You don’t hesitate, letting him lead you through the sea of bodies toward the exit, the noise fading behind you.
The cool night air hits your skin as you step outside. Lando hails a cab, and you slide across the backseat, thighs pressed together. His hand comes to rest on your knee and you lace your fingers through his, exchanging coy glances in the darkness.
When the cab stops at your hotel, Lando insists on walking you to your room. As you step into the lobby, the bright lights feel harsh after the dimness of the club. Lando’s hand rests lightly on your lower back, guiding you towards the elevators.
In the mirrored walls of the elevator, you catch sight of your smudged makeup and tousled hair. Lando stands close behind you, eyes trailing over your figure in the reflection. You feel a flush rising on your cheeks that has nothing to do with the wine.
The walk down the plush hotel hallway feels endless, heightened by anticipation. Your hands brush and you exchange coy glances, the flirtatious tension building. At last you stop outside your door. Hands fumbling, you slide the key card into the lock while Lando waits eagerly beside you.
As soon as the door clicks open, his mouth is on yours. You melt into the kiss, the taste of liquor sweet on his lips. Stumbling backwards, you lead him into the room, fingers tangled in his soft curls.
You come up for air long enough to kick off your heels. Lando’s eyes blaze with desire as he shrugs off his jacket and reaches for you again. You meet him halfway, lips fused together, hands roaming. The backs of your legs hit the bed and you tumble backwards, pulling him down on top of you.
You lose yourself in the feeling of his body against yours, hard muscle under smooth skin. Gasps and moans fill the air as clothes are discarded piece by piece onto the plush carpet. The rest of the world fades away until all that’s left is skin on skin, racing heartbeats, the slide of sweat-slick limbs.
After, you lie tangled together as your breathing slows, floating back down to earth. Lando traces lazy patterns on your arm as you drift towards sleep, spent and sated.
The morning sun streaming through the curtains wakes you. For a moment you’re disoriented, then the memories of last night come flooding back. You stretch and roll over, expecting to find Lando, but the other side of the bed is empty.
You sit up, holding the sheet around you, and spot him standing by the window on his phone. He glances over at you with a sheepish smile. “Good morning,” he says.
You return the greeting in Spanish, then pause, realization dawning. Now, in the harsh light of day without the haze of alcohol, the language barrier stretches wide between you.
Lando seems to have come to the same conclusion. He looks at you helplessly and says something in English you don’t understand. You shake your head and respond in rapid Spanish, trying to explain that you don’t speak his language. But your words have no more meaning to him than his do to you.
You both stare at each other in bewilderment. Last night things had seemed so simple, but now you have no way to communicate. Lando runs a hand through his hair in frustration. You wish you could bridge the gap between you, but Spanish and English remain foreign tongues.
After a few more failed attempts at conversation, Lando pulls out his phone. He scrolls through his contacts, then seems to find what he’s looking for. Putting the phone to his ear, he says clearly, “Carlos, mate, I need your help.”
Lando lowers the phone from his ear just as a knock sounds at the door.
“That was fast,” he says with a relieved grin, crossing the room to open it.
You quickly pull on a hotel robe and smooth your tangled hair as much as possible. From the bed, you watch as Lando ushers another man into the room. He’s tall and handsome, with warm brown eyes and an easy smile. Something about him seems instantly familiar and trustworthy.
“Carlos, this is ...” Lando pauses and glances back at you with an apologetic look, realizing he doesn’t know your name.
“My name is Y/N,” you offer, giving the newcomer a small wave.
His face lights up in recognition. “Y/N Y/L/N! The Spanish model!”
You flush, surprised and flattered that he knows who you are. Before you can respond, Carlos turns to Lando and launches into rapid English. Though you don’t understand the words, his tone sounds polite yet teasing, making Lando blush faintly.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” Lando mutters, running a hand through his curls. “Just tell her I’m happy to meet her and I had a great time last night.”
Carlos nods and looks at you with a hint of mischief in his warm brown eyes. “He says you are very boring and he regrets last night, but wants to let you down gently.”
You frown in confusion. That didn’t sound like a compliment at all. Lando is watching you expectantly, oblivious.
“Tell him I don’t understand why,” you say carefully.
Carlos turns back to Lando. “She says you’re an arrogant prick and she wants you to leave.”
“What?” Lando looks taken aback. “Where did that come from? Tell her I’d love to get to know her better over breakfast or something.”
“He says it was nice of you to help scratch his itch last night but he has better options,” Carlos tells you bluntly.
You fold your arms across your chest, irritation flaring. The flirtatious spark between you and Lando last night seems to have vanished in the light of day, replaced by this stilted miscommunication.
Lando’s brows knit together as he tries again. “Look, I’m sorry if I offended her in some way. Let her know I’d like the chance to make it up to her before I go.”
Carlos’ expression softens as he turns to you. “He says you aren’t bad to look at and you not being able to speak English is a bonus because that means he doesn’t have to listen to you talk.”
You nod slowly as anger takes over. “Tell him I want him gone now.”
“She says you’re the stupid one for thinking she wanted anything from you other than your money,” Carlos tells Lando.
Lando shoves his hands in his pockets, looking disappointed. “I-I thought we had a good connection.”
A hint of steel enters Carlos’ eyes. “He says that if he wanted a gold-digger, he would at least choose someone who looks good on his arm.”
Your mouth drops open in shock. Why would he say such a terrible thing? Anger replaces any lingering attraction you felt for Lando. You turn away, fists clenched, humiliation burning in your cheeks.
Lando looks utterly confused. “What … I don’t … Carlos, what is going on?” He stammers helplessly.
But Carlos is already at your side, murmuring comfortingly in Spanish as he guides you toward the door. “Don’t pay attention to him, he’s not worth it. Come with me.”
You let Carlos wrap a supportive arm around your shoulders, tears of frustration pricking your eyes. With one last glare at a dumbfounded Lando, you sweep out of the hotel room.
As Carlos leads you down the hall, you lean into his side, reassured by his solid presence. “Thank you,” you tell him sincerely. “I just don’t know why he was so mean ...”
“I’ll take care of it,” he says with a wink. Whatever just happened between you and Lando, you’re grateful to have found a quick friend in Carlos.
And judging by the sparks you felt when he first said your name, perhaps he could be something more. For now, you push that thought aside, the day has already had enough drama.
The weeks following the awkward encounter with Lando fly by in a whirlwind of model castings, photoshoots, and fashion shows. But you find your thoughts continually drifting back to Carlos and his warm brown eyes.
When he calls you up and invites you to the upcoming Austrian Grand Prix as his guest, you happily accept. The chance to get to know him better away from the drama with Lando is too tempting to pass up.
The paddock thrums with excitement on race day. You smooth down the skirt of your flowy sundress and take Carlos’ arm as he guides you through the bustling team garages toward the pit lane. Your heels click sharply on the pavement, echoing the anticipation building in your chest.
Mechanics and engineers pause in their work to glance your way appreciatively. You flush under their gazes but keep your chin high. On Carlos’ arm, you feel like you belong.
As you near the bright papaya of the McLaren garage, Carlos casually steers you down a side path to avoid walking right by. You feel a twinge of relief not to chance running into Lando. That awkward morning is firmly in the past.
But as you round a corner, you find yourselves face to face with him. Lando stops short, eyes widening. For a moment, the three of you stand frozen. Then Lando breaks into a tentative smile.
“Y/N! I didn’t realize you’d be here. You look lovely.” His English words sound friendly enough, but you cling tighter to Carlos’ arm, waiting for the translation.
Carlos’ expression remains neutral. “He says your dress is too tight and it’s not a flattering look.”
You gasp, stung by the insult. All your insecurities about your body that you constantly fight to overcome as a model come flooding back at his cruel words.
Lando’s brows furrow in confusion, clearly sensing Carlos’ interpretation was off. “No, I just said she looks nice ...” He turns his attention to you, eyes pleading. “Y/N, I’m so sorry about what happened last time. I’d love the chance to take you out properly while we’re both here this weekend.”
Suppressing a smug smile, Carlos translates for you. “He says that while you’re not his first choice, you are easy in bed and he would like for you to come to his suite this evening.”
Tears of humiliation spring to your eyes. You stare at Lando in shock, feeling betrayed. Attraction turns to disgust in a heartbeat. How could you have ever felt a connection with someone who views you as nothing but an object for pleasure?
Lando is shaking his head frantically, obviously bewildered by your reaction. “I don’t know what you’re telling her, but this is not what I said!” He reaches out imploringly but you recoil from his touch.
He steps towards you but is cut off as your stiletto slams down hard onto his foot. He yelps in pain, hopping back. The slap of your palm across his cheek echoes through the empty side path.
“You are a disgusting pig!” You spit at him in your native Spanish. With a dramatic flip of your hair, you spin on your heel and storm away, fuming. Behind you, Carlos scrambles to catch up.
“Y/N! Wait!” Hearing his familiar voice, your rage melts. You pause, sniffling, and let Carlos pull you into a comforting hug.
“I’m so sorry,” he murmurs, gently stroking your hair. “Lando is an idiot.”
You nod against his shoulder, squeezing your eyes shut to hold back tears. Carlos’ steady presence soothes you. As your breathing finally calms, a voice speaks up from behind.
“Such dramatics!”
You turn to see Fernando Alonso striding towards you, an amused smile on his handsome face. He nods at your foot.
“That was quite the stomp you gave Lando back there,” he remarks with a chuckle. “Remind me not to get on your bad side, hermosa.”
You can’t help but smile back shyly. Of all the people to witness your outburst, it had to be your longtime idol in Formula 1.
“I’m sorry, I thought he said something rude about me,” you explain with an embarrassed wince.
Fernando waves his hand dismissively. “No need to apologize. I could tell something was getting lost in translation between the three of you.”
He shoots Carlos a pointed look. Carlos shrinks back and avoids Fernando’s gaze, shuffling his feet.
“Those younger drivers are still boys when it comes to women,” Fernando continues, turning his attention back to you. “You deserve better than to be caught in the middle of their silly games.”
His worldly confidence and flattering words make you flush. Glancing between Fernando and Carlos, you start to question the latter’s intentions. Did he mistranslate on purpose back in Spain to drive a wedge between you and Lando?
Fernando seems to read your uncertainty. He extends a hand to help you to your feet.
“Why don’t you walk with me instead of these children? I can show you what a real man looks like.” The challenge in his daring smile quickens your pulse.
You let him pull you up, feeling your anger over Lando’s remarks transforming into starstruck awe.
As he starts to lead you off, Carlos finds his voice again. “Wait, Y/N, please ...” he calls after you, distraught. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I care about you!”
But Fernando silences him with a scornful glare. “Don’t waste your breath. You had your chance.” With that, he guides you away, leaving a crestfallen Carlos behind.
Adrenaline courses through you at the unexpected turn of events. The paddock seems to part around you as Fernando walks with you, head held high. His hand on your back feels possessive in a thrilling way.
When curious eyes drift your way, Fernando pulls you tighter to his side in a clear message — she’s with me. Your heart pounds at the public claim over you.
As you walk, Fernando points out details of the garage and pit activities, answering your stream of awed questions. His deep knowledge amazes you as he describes complex race strategy like reading a storybook.
The command he wields here is clear. And by sticking close, some of that power transfers to you. Other women eye you enviously as you pass. For the first time, instead of feeling exposed in their judging looks, you feel empowered.
With Fernando, you have nothing to prove. He sees you, not as a dumb model or conquest, but an equal worthy of respect. When you hesitantly voice that thought, he smiles.
“Too few of the idiots here appreciate women for their minds,” he agrees. “But I enjoy a sharp intellect as much as beauty.”
You practically glow at the validation. Any lingering hurt or anger melts away, replaced with lightness.
Maybe things will work out just as they should after all.
The rest of the season and off-season flies by in a whirlwind of excitement and new experiences with Fernando. When he asks you to accompany him to the 2025 season opener in Australia, you eagerly accept.
In the months since that dramatic Austrian weekend, your bond has only grown stronger. Fernando makes you feel treasured and respected. Under his wing, you’ve blossomed in confidence.
And that extends to English. Fernando gently encouraged you to start lessons so you could navigate the international world of Formula 1. You dove in headfirst, determined to prove yourself.
Now, as you and Fernando arrive at the bustling Melbourne paddock hand in hand, you can’t wait to show off your progress. Fernando smiles proudly at your enthusiasm.
“Ready to give your English a try, hermosa?” He asks, giving your hand an encouraging squeeze.
You take a deep breath and nod. The words still feel clumsy on your tongue, but Fernando’s steadying presence emboldens you.
As you approach the row of motorhomes, your strides slow. The last time you saw Carlos and Lando still stings. But with Fernando beside you, you have nothing to fear.
Right on cue, the two young drivers come around the corner. They stop short at the sight of you, eyes widening. An awkward beat passes before Lando breaks the tension.
“Y/N … you look well,” he says carefully. Carlos shifts on his feet but stays silent.
Fernando gives them a curt nod. “Lando. Carlos.” His voice carries a note of warning — don’t try anything.
You lift your chin. Time to take control of this narrative. “Hello Lando. Carlos,” you respond in slow, deliberate English. “I am good. And you?”
They gape at you in surprise. “You’re speaking English now?” Carlos asks. “That’s great!”
You resist the urge to fall back on your native Spanish. Fernando believes in you.
“Yes, I learn,” you tell Carlos. “Fernando helps me … how you say … empower?” You glance at Fernando to confirm you have the right word. His approving smile emboldens you.
Lando looks bemused. “Er, that’s great. Your English is really coming along.”
You frown. The subtle condescension in his tone irks you. Your skills may be basic still, but you deserve respect.
“Do not patronize me,” you say sharply, the unfamiliar words feeling powerful on your tongue. “I am try my best. You just … how you say … celoso?” Again you double check with Fernando.
“Jealous is the word, I believe,” he confirms with a wink.
You grin. “Yes, jealous! You are just jealous of me and Fernando.”
Lando holds up his hands in protest. “No, that’s not it at all, I’m happy for you ...”
But you barrel on, relishing this opportunity to at last be understood. “You think I am just a model, not smart. But Fernando show me I can be smart AND beautiful.”
You take a deep breath before delivering the final blow. “He says I have … potencial. He believes in me. Not like you two boys.”
Crossing your arms, you stare them down defiantly. The speech leaves you feeling bold and powerful, despite the clumsy delivery. Fernando squeezes your shoulder proudly.
“I think that sums it up nicely, querida,” he praises. “Shall we?”
You nod and let him guide you away, confidently walking past a stunned Lando and Carlos. Their widened eyes follow you, seeing you clearly for the first time.
Once out of earshot, Fernando pulls you into a passionate kiss. “I am so proud of you,” he murmurs. “You found your voice today.”
You cling to him, heart soaring. With Fernando, you have grown more in these few months than in years past. He never doubted you could reach higher and fulfill your potential.
Your moment is interrupted by enthusiastic shouts in Spanish. You turn to see your family rushing over, eager for their long awaited reunion.
Laughing, you break from Fernando’s embrace to greet them. As you chat animatedly in your native tongue, you feel Fernando’s admiring gaze on you.
Later, in a quiet moment together, he brushes a strand of hair from your face tenderly. “You contain multitudes, Y/N,” he remarks. “Never let anyone put limits on you.”
You snuggle closer, overflowing with love and gratitude. With Fernando, the possibilities seem endless. He believes in the woman you have always been and the woman you are becoming, and gives you strength.
Whatever the future brings, you know you will soar.
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thef1diary · 8 months
Little Big Fan | Four
- Little Big Celebration
Series Masterlist
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wc: 1.6k
After getting over the initial shock of seeing him, you greeted him. "I thought you were room service, I ordered some food."
He smiled but then he asked the question he's been meaning to ask since he couldn't find you after the celebrations, "why did you leave so fast?"
"Isabella watched you hold the trophy then she fell asleep. I didn't want the noise to disturb her," you explained, and he nodded in understanding. "Is that why we're still standing here, because she's sleeping inside?"
You shook your head, "as long as you keep it down." You moved out of the way to let him inside and he saw your favourite show queued up on the tv.
"Looks like you already have plans for the night," Max commented and you chuckled, "This is how my nights are usually spent."
"Well then I probably shouldn't ask if you want to come celebrate with us." Both of you sat on the couch, facing each other. "That would mean going to a club, which I can't do but you should go celebrate your win."
Based on the celebrations you saw on the podium, you knew the afterparty would be even better. A little part of you wished that you could go, but you were content with how you've been spending your nights lately.
"Congratulations by the way," you added. "Do you want me to leave?" Max asked bluntly which made you frown. "No, but if you have plans—"
"My plans are here, with you," he interrupted you, making you shut your mouth with his response. A smile threatened to grow on your face but you managed to compose it. "Plus I can celebrate next weekend at the next race," Max added, a smug smile on his face and you couldn't hold back yours any longer.
"That confident in your winning capabilities?" You asked with a teasing tone behind your words. He shrugged, "if I don't think I am the best, then I won't be the best."
There was another knock at your door, and this time you were certain it was room service. Fortunately, you ordered enough food so you could share with Max.
Watching your show was at the bottom of the priority list, replaced by wanting to keep the conversation going with Max.
"Don't tell Brad about this," Max spoke, pointing to the meal that surely wasn't part of his diet. "Oh no, the champion is a rule breaker," you teased him, earning a smile from him in return.
Max looked at the closed bedroom door, "did she have fun today?"
"So much fun! I think she would start asking me when we're going to another race," you told him, the excitement on Isabella's face is something you wouldn't forget anytime soon.
"All you have to do is ask, I can get you the passes for the next race." Based on his tone, he wasn't joking and you quickly shook your head.
"No, you've already done so much for us; the hotel, flight tickets, caps and whatnot," you explained, but he was quick to retort. "I don't want to sound like a stuck up asshole, but the cost doesn't matter as much as the experience."
You couldn't help but chuckle, "maybe another time, Isabella is starting school soon too."
"First grade?" He asked, and you nodded, "yeah, she's growing up so fast."
"And what about you, did you enjoy this weekend?" He looked at you in anticipation, hoping you enjoyed his company as much as he enjoyed yours.
"Maybe not as much as Isabella, but it was a very nice experience and I still can't believe you do this for a living." He chuckled at your response, but then you added, "and what about you?"
"What about me?" He asked, and you clarified, "did you enjoy this weekend, home race and all?"
He seemed taken aback by the question but he answered nonetheless. "A lot better than it usually is," the meaning behind his words was clear to you, especially with the way he looked at you.
"If you told me earlier, I would've worn orange for the race." Max shook his head, "Then people would've thought that you were supporting McLaren."
An idea popped in your mind and you slapped your hand on his thigh while exclaiming, "I should've taken the cape from Daniel!"
Your hand remained on his thigh but you didn't seem to realize, and he didn't move it away either. "I'll get you one next year," Max suggested.
Your focus shifted away from Max as soon as you heard footsteps in the room Isabella was sleeping in. "Hold on," you stood up and went to check on her.
As soon as you opened the door, Isabella paused in her step, looking at you with a sheepish smile on her face.
"Angel, are you hungry?" You asked, knowing that there were a bit of leftovers. She shook her head, then pointed at the suitcase or rather the teddy bear sitting on the suitcase.
You passed it to her and she climbed back in bed. "Are you sure you're not hungry?"
"No, mama, I'm tired." On cue, she yawned as you walked closer to her. Tucking her in properly, you placed a kiss on her forehead and sat by her side, brushing your fingers through her hair until she was sound asleep. Which again, didn't take long.
You noticed the glittery clips still in her hair from earlier in the day. You carefully began taking them out one by one while trying not to wake her up. Then, after placing another kiss on her forehead, you left the room.
"Everything okay?" Max asked as soon as you sat down on the couch. You nodded, "yeah, she went back to sleep."
"The race really tired her out today," he smiled because of his next thought, "seems like she's the one who raced instead of me."
You chuckled, "looks like it." Then you added, "I know you're a professional and all but it was just as much fun as it was scary watching you drive so fast."
"So you're not a big fan of fast cars?" He didn't comment on the fact that you only mentioned him while there were nineteen other drivers on the grid.
"That depends, will your follow up question be if I would trust you to drive me around?" You responded with a question and he had a sheepish smile on his face, "maybe."
"I guess I'll have to get in a car with you one day to know the answer to both questions."
Your conversation was interrupted by a call on Max's phone. He muttered a curse before declining it. "Why don't we watch your show?" Max suggested, leaning back on the couch comfortably.
You didn't ask him about his other plans, as he had already assured you earlier that the only plan he has for tonight are with you.
It was possible that he wanted to spend more time with you before you leave tomorrow evening, and you couldn't help but smile at the thought.
The thought of leaving didn't sit with you, but you pushed it to the back of your mind and focused on the present, with him.
You grabbed the remote and pressed play, shuffling a tad bit closer to Max.
Somewhere along the way, a few episodes later, Max's arm rested on the back of the couch. His fingers lightly grazed your shoulder every time either of you moved.
Max's phone rang two more times. The second time he picked up and quickly muttered, "I'm busy." Then he turned it off, and apologized to you.
"It's okay, you're the most popular man of the night, people want to see you," you shrugged casually.
"Yeah well, I don't want to see them." You chuckled, liking his bluntness.
It was pretty late when he decided to leave, both of you were so tired but neither wanted the night the end. You opened the door for him, but as he stepped out, he turned to look at you.
"I'll drop you two at the airport tomorrow, just let me know when you're leaving." Once again he said it so casually that you had to remind yourself that he only knew you for a few days. Although it didn't feel like it.
"You don't have to," you reminded him that he was under no obligation to send you off. He shook his head, "I want to, if you let me."
You couldn't say no to him, and perhaps it was a little selfish because you wanted to spend all the time there was with him. You haven't been selfish in a while and it is about time to change that.
"I'll text you tomorrow then. Isabella is going to be very happy knowing she'll see you tomorrow as well." You stated, not mentioning that you would be happy to see him too, using your daughter as an excuse. But then, you didn’t lie either because Isabella would be overjoyed as well.
"Trust me, I'll be very happy too," he added with a smile, preferring not to tell you how delighted he would be to see you as much as he was to see Isabella. That information was best kept to himself.
Then he left. While Max hadn't properly celebrated a race win tonight like he usually did, this sort of celebration felt better than any others.
He walked away with a smile on his face that wasn't related to his victory at all. He was just looking forward to seeing you and Isabella again.
Taglist: (let me know if you want to be added or removed) @xjval @mrsmaybank13 @cherry-piee @urfavnoirette @solphin @burningcupcakefire @nessacarty1 @dreamsarebig @omgsuperstarg @fanficweasley @redbullgirly @llando4norris @wonnou @randomgirlnumber13 @dark-night-sky-99 @chanshintien @leilanixx @gisellesprettylies @peachiicherries @monsieurbacteria6 @67-angelofthelordme-67 @arian-directioner @distancedss @morenofilm @sachaa-ff @lighttsoutlewis @teamnovalak @casperlikej @sadg3 @d3kstar @lewisvinga @lpab @queenofmanydreams @glitterf1 @honethatty12 @drunk-teens-doing-drugs @its-avalon-08 @yourbane @oconswrld @noneofyourfbusinessworld @ssrcsm @softtina @namgification
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After the Finish Line
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader
Summary: After winning the Dutch Grand Prix, Lando Norris is surrounded by the excitement of his family and team, but all he wants is to celebrate privately with his girlfriend
Warnings: Explicit Content, Alcohol Use
Word count: 860
Request are open
The orange sea roared around Lando as he stepped onto the top step of the podium. The Dutch Grand Prix had been nothing short of spectacular, with every turn and maneuver aligning perfectly. As the champagne sprayed and the anthem played, his eyes scanned the jubilant crowd. His family was there, of course, their proud faces beaming up at him, but he was searching for someone else—someone who had his heart in ways no one else did.
Finally, he found you, tucked away in the VIP section, your eyes shining with pride and something else, something deeper. The sight of you sent a surge of warmth through him that had nothing to do with the champagne or the roaring crowd. You had been with him through the highs and lows, every grueling race and every long night. And tonight, he wanted to make sure you knew just how much that meant to him.
As the celebration on the podium wrapped up, and the interviews began, Lando’s mind was already elsewhere. He answered questions with his usual charm, but the anticipation was building. He could feel it humming beneath his skin, a tension that only you could ease.
Once the interviews were over and he finally made his way back to the team, he was greeted by a flurry of hugs, handshakes, and back-slaps. His family and team were ecstatic, and the energy was infectious. But even as he smiled and laughed with them, his eyes kept drifting to you, standing a little apart from the chaos, a knowing smile playing on your lips.
The afterparty was in full swing at the team’s hotel, the music loud and the drinks flowing. Lando had danced with his family, shared drinks with his team, but the pull toward you was undeniable. You had stayed by his side, the two of you sharing secretive smiles and stolen touches whenever no one was looking.
Finally, as the night wore on and the crowd began to thin, Lando leaned close, his lips brushing against your ear. “Let’s get out of here,” he whispered, his voice low and full of promise.
You didn’t need to be asked twice. With a quick goodbye to his family and a few teammates, the two of you slipped out of the party, making your way back to his suite. The moment the door closed behind you, Lando’s hands were on you, pulling you close as his lips crashed against yours.
The kiss was hungry, desperate, as if he had been holding back all night and could finally let go. His hands roamed over your body, gripping your hips, sliding up your back, pulling you impossibly closer. You could feel the adrenaline still coursing through him, his heart racing beneath your palm as you pressed it against his chest.
“Lando,” you gasped when he pulled back, his eyes dark with desire as they met yours. The intensity of his gaze made your knees weak, and you gripped his shoulders for support.
He didn’t say anything, just scooped you up in his arms, carrying you to the bedroom. The atmosphere shifted the moment you crossed the threshold, the air thick with anticipation. He set you down gently on the bed, his body hovering over yours, his breath warm against your skin.
“I’ve been thinking about this all night,” he murmured, his lips brushing against your neck as he spoke. “All I wanted was to be alone with you.”
His hands slid under your shirt, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver down your spine. You arched into him, your fingers tangling in his hair as he kissed his way down your neck, each touch igniting a fire within you. The world outside faded away, leaving just the two of you, wrapped up in each other.
“Tonight was incredible,” you whispered, your voice trembling with need as he lifted your shirt over your head, his eyes drinking in the sight of you. “You were incredible.”
“So are you,” he breathed, his lips finding yours again, softer this time, but no less passionate. “You’re everything, you know that?”
His words made your heart swell, but before you could respond, his lips were on you again, stealing your breath away. The night stretched on, filled with soft moans, whispered promises, and the sound of your name on his lips like a prayer.
Lando took his time with you, worshipping every inch of your body as if you were the only thing that mattered. And to him, in that moment, you were. The rest of the world had fallen away, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of heat and desire.
When the last traces of adrenaline had finally faded, leaving you both breathless and spent, Lando pulled you close, his arms wrapping around you as he buried his face in your hair.
“Thank you for being here,” he whispered, his voice soft, vulnerable in a way that few people ever got to hear. “I wouldn’t want to celebrate this with anyone else.”
You smiled, pressing a kiss to his chest as you nestled against him. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” you murmured.
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achilles-rage · 1 month
Good Luck Charm: Chapter 9
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college football player!buck x plus size!reader
summary: evan picks you up and takes you to homecoming, being very excited for you to wear his jersey. while you know nothing about football, you make sure to cheer him on, leading to a bit of teasing from evan’s teammates.
word count: 4.0k
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A/N: so after i wrote this i decided to make them students at USC, and after googling their stadium i realized it was way bigger than how i wrote it, so lots of this is barely believable if you’re actually familiar with american college football and their stadiums/crowds/etc (i think? i’m not american). this is so main character coded and also is probably not accurate to real homecomings at all but i don’t care!! just ignore it<3 by the way, the touchdown conversation is also based on my very real (and very awkward) conversation i had with a man (i call it fucking idiot rizz)😔 im so sorry to put you through it rn. anyway, enjoy<3
warnings: reader knows nothing about football (affectionate), evan playing football (hot), no use of y/n, fem!reader, race inclusive!reader
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At 6:00, a knock on the door interrupts your pacing. You can’t help being nervous, thinking about watching a game you don’t know any of the rules for, about going to an afterparty with a bunch of rowdy football players, about everyone seeing you with Evan’s name on your back. As much as it makes butterflies swarm in your belly, a part of you is nervous about the attention it might bring you.
You open the door and are faced with Evan, a wide grin on his face as he takes in your appearance. His eyes trail down your body, noticing your short jean shorts showing off your thick thighs, and your white oversized crop top hanging off your shoulder slightly, showing off a sliver of your soft tummy and cleavage.
“Hi.” you greet him softly, stepping into the hallway and closing the door behind you, holding eye contact with him.
“Hey princess, you look good.” he tells you, his hand going to the back of your neck to pull you in for a chaste kiss. You hum softly as his lips meet yours, leaning into him..
“Thank you,” you mumble against his lips. You pull back as he does, and look down, rubbing your hands down your jeans to calm your nerves. “We should go. Don’t wanna be late.” you try to change the subject, grabbing his hand to pull him down the hall. As many times as he’s complimented you in the past few weeks, it still makes your stomach flip and your face to get hot, not being used to all the attention.
“Hey, hold on. I’ve got something for you.” he tells you, a smirk growing on his face as he catches onto your nerves. He pulls you back by the hand, putting his hands on your waist and turning you to face him. You put your hands on his chest to steady yourself as he spins you around, a short laugh escaping your throat as you look up at him.
He holds his jersey up close to your face with one hand, his smirk growing as you reach your hand out to grab it.
“Uh uh. I wanna put it on you myself.” he teases, fingers nudging the underside of your arms, urging you to raise them.
You oblige, shaking your head with a smile, eyes focused on him as he lowers it over your head. He slides it over your body, biting his lip as he takes in the sight. It’s slightly oversized on you, as it has to be quite large to fit over him and all of his gear. It comes down to rest just below the edge of your short shorts, making it look like you’re not wearing pants, which causes you to giggle softly as you look down at the jersey on your body.
You reach down, grabbing one side of the jersey and tucking it into the waistband of your shorts, letting it hang diagonally across you so people can at least see you are wearing shorts underneath his jersey.
“Good?” you ask softly, looking back up at him, but you don’t even need to wait for his words to know that it is. His eyes darken as he stares at you wearing his clothes, and a sense of possessiveness rumbles through him. He has to resist the urge to push you back into your apartment and take you right on your kitchen counter.
“Yeah, baby, you’re good.” he rasps, taking your hand and kissing it softly before pulling you down the hall, pulling you close and wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
Once you’re both in the jeep, he makes the short drive over to the stadium; you could’ve walked, but he didn’t want to have to carry his bag the whole way.
His hand finds its way to your thigh almost instantly, his eyes sparking as he glances at you in his passenger seat. You notice how his eyes keep making their way over to you, taking in the sight of your perfect, thick thighs covering the seat, and his jersey clinging to your body.
“What?” you ask after a minute or two, laughing softly as he meets your gaze, shrugging.
“You just look so good in my passenger seat, princess.” he purrs, taking his hand off your thigh for a moment to grab your hand and raise it to his lips. You bite your lip as you look back out the window, noticing the sea of people in red and yellow shirts making their way down the sidewalk to the stadium.
“Are you ready? Excited? Nervous?” you ask after a moment, feeling nerves bubbling in your stomach for him, knowing how many people will be watching today.
“I’m not nervous. You’re gonna be sitting in the front row watching me. It’ll only make me work harder.” he says with a wink as he pulls into a parking spot and puts the jeep in park.
“You’re gonna be great. And I know nothing about football, so even if you aren’t, I won’t be able to tell.” you tell him as you turn in your seat to face him, a small, and slightly embarrassed smile on your face.
“So, you mean to tell me that you agreed to come to my game, and you don’t even know how many points a touchdown is?” He laughs at your words, shaking his head. It makes his heart swell a little; thinking of you being here just because he wants you to.
“Seven?” you say as more of a question than an answer, embarrassment filling your stomach. “If not, then I know less about football than I thought.” you finish with a small laugh, biting the inside of your cheek.
“Close, princess. It’s six.” he says in a gentle tone, a smile glued to his face. You’re so cute, he thinks, he can’t wait to see you in the stands.
“But what about the kick, or whatever? That makes seven, right?” you argue softly, raising a brow.
“Yes, but that’s an extra point. That’s not how much the actual touchdown is worth.” You roll your eyes at his words, laughing softly.
“Alright, whatever.” you get out before his lips are on yours, his hand on the back of your neck to pull you closer to him.
“I appreciate the effort, though. But just because you don’t know anything about football doesn’t mean you don’t have to cheer for me.” he tells you sternly once he pulls back, but you can see the glint in his eye as you nod.
“I’ll just cheer when everyone else does.” you joke, although you’re dead serious. You hope that the game will be easy enough to follow along with, but your plan if it’s not is to wait until everyone else starts to cheer.
“Deal.” he murmurs, leaning in to meet your lips again.
“Okay, lets go. You still need to get ready.” you tell him as you push him away, not letting his lips meet yours. He groans, but then agrees and gets out of the jeep.
He grabs your hands once his bag is over his shoulder, smiling to himself as he feels you wrap your other arm around his bicep.
As he leads you into the stadium, he notices a guy’s eyes on you, and he feels jealousy flare up inside of him. He squeezes your hand instinctively, which causes you to look up at him, completely unaware of the situation.
“Are you okay? Are you sure you’re not nervous?” you ask softly, stepping closer as the crowd gets more and more dense. He nods stiffly, his jaw clenched. Maybe this isn’t as good of an idea as he thought.
“I’m fine, princess. I don’t get nervous,” he tells you, his eyes still ahead of him. “Especially not with my good luck charm beside me.” he mentions after a moment in a softer voice. He finally looks down at you, feeling his jealousy slipping away as he sees your big wide eyes looking up at him.
You hum softly, face growing hot at his words as you look down at the ground, trusting him to lead you through the crowd.
He pulls his phone out of his pocket with the hand that’s not holding yours, groaning as he realizes that he should’ve been in the locker room a few minutes ago. He stops and turns to you, which makes you look up to meet his eyes.
“Okay, I have to go. Can you find your way to your seat by yourself?” he asks, ducking down slightly to better match your height. You nod, biting your lip.
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be sitting right behind the bench, waiting to cheer for you when you score a touchdown, which is worth six points.” you tease, rising onto your toes to meet his lips as you wrap your arms around his neck. He happily leans down to meet you halfway, on hand on your hip and the other on your jaw.
“You’re gonna kill it.” you tell him once you both pull away, letting your arms drop from around his neck as you take a step back. He smiles at you, smacking your ass softly as you turn to walk to your seat, eyes glued to the way it jiggles from his touch.
You squeal softly in surprise, then whirl around quickly to look at him. He chuckles, putting his hands up in surrender.
“I can feel my good luck charm working already.” he says with a wink, and you fight back a smile as you shake your head. You turn again, walking to your seat, a smile finally breaking onto your face once you’re turned away from him.
He makes his way to the locker room and gets ready, apologizing quickly as his coach yells at him for being late. He starts feeling his adrenaline growing until it’s time for the teams to come onto the field. He revels in the feeling of so many people cheering for his team, so it takes a few seconds for him to find you in the large stadium, exactly where you said you’d be.
You grin widely as you see him running onto the field, standing in your seat on the aisle and cheering with the rest of the crowd. As he runs over to the bench, his grin widens and he gives you a wink, which isn’t lost on some of his teammates. They look at each other with raised brows, but they can’t tell who he’s looking at in the sea of red and yellow.
The game starts quickly, and you have to admit, you have no idea what’s going on. Your eyes move between the ball and Evan, and you think he’s doing really well, as he keeps blocking and tackling the other team. The first quarter seems to be pretty uneventful, however, as it’s still 0-0 when it ends.
He jogs over to the bench with his team, taking a drink of water. His eyes find yours again and you beam at him before blowing him a kiss. You can’t help it; you think seeing him playing football is the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. His smile widens as he pretends to catch it, trying to angle his body so his teammates don’t see his actions, but his smile drops as he hears his teammates laughing behind him. He turns to them, shoving the teammate closest to him, mumbling a small “shut up” before his head turns back in your direction.
You feel bad as you notice his teammates teasing him, and when he turns back to you, you mouth a quick “sorry.” He shakes his head, however, mouthing back “it’s okay” as he gives you another wink.
“Head in the game, loverboy.” he hears behind him, along with a few of his teammates laughing.
He turns back to his friend Owen, mumbling a rough “whatever, man” as he fights back a smile. Despite his clenched jaw and stern expression at their teasing, he can’t help feeling a little giddy as he keeps the image of you in his jersey in his mind.
The second quarter starts, and things start to pick up, and you’re starting to figure out a little bit more about what’s going on. Both teams have scored some touchdowns, but Evan’s team is still up by a few points, which you’re thankful for. You can’t imagine the pressure he and the rest of the team have on them, despite how unphased Evan seemed to be earlier.
You keep your word, cheering when the rest of the crowd cheers, feeling a sense of pride that you have his name on your back whenever he does something for his team. You’re amazed at what he can do, how he tackles and blocks the other team, how he throws and catches the ball. You could never do any of that, you think, you can’t get over how strong he must be do to all of this.
The whistle blows to signal halftime, and you watch as Evan and the rest of the team jog to the locker room. As you wait for the game to continue, you pull out your phone, feeling a little awkward as everyone around you is talking to other people they came with. You decide to text Evan quickly.
You: You’re doing great. You’re gonna kill it in the second half<3
He grabs his phone from his locker as he hears it chime, a smile making its way onto his face as he reads your message. As he’s about to type out a reply, Owen sees the way he stopped responding to him, and turns to face him with a smirk.
“That your girlfriend?” A few of the guys look over as Owen speaks with surprised expressions, not quite used to the idea of Evan having a girl come to any of their games. They’ve seen him with girls at parties before, but he was never serious enough about them for much else.
In an instant, one of the other guys, Luca, grabs Evan’s phone from his hand, another one, Cam, coming in just as quick to block Evan from getting the phone back.
“Look at this, he got a good luck text from his girl.” Luca teases, holding the phone out for a few of the other guys to see. Evan groans, still trying to get around Cam to get his phone back. He can feel himself getting angry, although he knows deep down there’s no reason to be. It feels like they’re stealing you away from him, as if you’re the phone.
“You got a crush, man?” another teammate asks, chuckling softly and patting him on the back.
You watch your text switch from delivered to read, and you’re happy that he’s seen it, but you can’t help but frown when he doesn’t respond. Feeling the adrenaline pumping through you, and feeling a little worked up from seeing Evan playing, you send him another text, hoping to encourage him further.
Luca puts a hand to his mouth as another text comes in, laughing loudly as he looks up at Evan with wide eyes.
“Damn, man. Now I know why you chose her.” he teases, tilting the phone as a few players look over his shoulder at the text. Evan still struggles around Cam, his face getting red in frustration and jealousy. What did you say, he thinks?
“Got yourself a punt bunny, Buckley?” another chimes in right as Evan finally grabs his phone back, looking down at the text quickly.
You: If you win, I’ll give you a reward later.
He can’t help but smirk at his phone, the chatter from his teammates fading into the background as he rereads your words. He’s a little surprised at them, but he can’t help the way his dick twitches at the idea. He starts to think about the many ways you could reward him when his coach starts speaking loudly, going over the game plan one more time before the game resumes.
He types a quick response before shoving his phone back in his locker, listening intently to the coaches words.
Evan: I’ll keep that in mind, princess.
The third quarter starts a minute or two after you get a response from Evan, butterflies filling your stomach as your brain finally catches up with what you texted him. You bite your lip as nerves fill your stomach, but they’re pushed aside as soon as you see Evan in his gear, a wave of desire flowing through you again.
Everything is going well until there’s only three minutes left in the quarter. You watch as a player comes out of nowhere, tackling Evan to the ground. He stays down for a few moments after the other player gets off of him, groaning in pain.
You shoot up from your seat, raising a hand to your mouth as your breath catches in your throat. Dread fills every inch of your body as you watch him lay still, fighting the urge to run onto the field and make sure he’s okay yourself. Why isn’t anyone checking on him, you think as you watch intently, barely blinking as you study his form.
Finally, he sits up slowly, shaking his head before he gets up. You let out a shaky breath, feeling your shoulders drop as he slowly stands up and signals he’s good to keep playing. You bite your nail anxiously as you keep your eyes on him, not even focusing on the ball until the quarter is over.
He makes his way to the bench, his body aching a little, but nothing he’s not used to. He takes his helmet off and looks up at you, immediately noticing your unease. He gives you a thumbs up and a wide smile, hoping to calm your nerves, and it works slightly. You stop biting your nail and give him a small smile, but you want this game to be over immediately so you can make sure he’s okay.
You see that they’re now down by a point, and you wait anxiously for the last quarter to start, barely paying attention to anything as your eyes go unfocused and your eyes move across the stadium.
Evan’s heart swells at your nervousness. Although he doesn’t want you to worry, he can’t help the warm feeling in his chest because he knows you’re worried about him.
The fourth quarter is almost over, and Evan would be lying if he said his head is completely in the game. He’s still playing as hard as he can, but he can’t help his mind wander to you in his jersey, and the text you sent. He knows that this game is important, but all he sees when he glances at the scoreboard is how many minutes until he can get you back to his place.
The game ends, and the entire stadium erupts in chaos, and you can’t help but shoot up from your seat, jumping up and down with the rest of the crowd with a huge smile. They won.
You watch the team celebrate with each other on the field, and you can feel the excitement coming off of them. You know it’s Evan’s last year on the team, as you’re both graduating at the end of the year, and you’re so happy that his last homecoming game is ending with a win.
You watch as the teams make their way off the fields, and you wait a few minutes for the stands to clear out slightly before making your way towards the locker rooms, standing where you and Evan parted ways earlier.
He’s quick to change once he gets to the locker room, not even bothering to shower before he throws all his things in his bag. He celebrates with his teammates for a few minutes, but as they start to get ready to shower, he’s leaving the locker room faster than he ever has.
You lean against the wall as you anxiously wait to see Evan exiting the locker room, and you can’t help the squeal you let out when you finally see him, a large grin erupting on your face. You practically run over to him and wrap your arms around his neck, overwhelmed by the happiness you feel. He drops his bag and wraps his arms around your waist quickly, a soft noise escaping his throat as you run into him.
“Hi, princess.” he says at the same time as you say “you did so good.” You both laugh softly before he responds in your ear, not wanting to let you go.
“Of course, I did. I had my good luck charm with me.” You laugh softly, pulling back just enough to meet his lips in a searing kiss. But, almost immediately after you kiss him, you pull back, a worried expression taking over your face.
“Are you okay? You took a pretty hard hit.” you ask softly, your hands moving to his cheeks, searching his eyes for any sign of pain. He chuckles softly, shaking his head as he feels his cheeks flush slightly.
“I’m fine, princess. Don’t worry about me.” he whispers before leaning in again, pulling you as close to him as he can with his hands on your waist. He pulls back after a moment, not wanting to get caught by the rest of the team;
he knows he’d never hear the end of it.
He picks up his bag and wraps his arm around your shoulder, leading you back to the jeep. You look up at him beside you, noticing the gleam of sweat on his face, and the way his hair sticks to his neck.
“Are we going right to the party? Or are you gonna shower first?” you ask teasingly, giving him a cheeky smile as he looks down at you with a scoff.
“I’m gonna stop by my place and shower quick, princess, don’t worry.” he tells you, giving you a wink as he pulls you closer. You gag jokingly, pushing him away from you, mumbling a “good” as you finally get to the jeep.
“You’re welcome to join me if you want.” he says once you’re both in the jeep, looking over at you with a raised brow. You can feel your cheeks heating up as you meet his gaze, fighting back a smile as you shake your head.
“I don’t get that, it makes no sense. Showers are supposed to be relaxing. If there are two people, one person is standing in the water and the other person is cold.” you tell him seriously, although the more you think of it, the more you like the idea of showering with him. He chuckles at your response, rolling his eyes as he begins to drive the short distance back to his place.
“Well, yeah, if the other person is selfish. You wouldn’t be selfish in the shower, though, would you?” he teases, grabbing your thigh tightly, his thumb gently running across your inner thigh in a drastic contrast.
“I guess you’ll never know.” you tell him teasingly, smirking as you cross your arms over your chest.
“Yeah, but I’d like to.” he murmurs as you look out the window, which makes you laugh softly, shaking your head again.
As you make your way to his house, you can’t help the grin plastered to your face. Evan has the windows down, blasting his music, and you can hear the giddy chatter of passing students as they walk down the sidewalk. His hand stays on your hand the entire time, and as you take in all the joy in the air, you feel the excitement bubbling up inside you for the night to come.
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freakyformula · 6 days
First time with the Wolf
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Summary: Reader and Toto has been dating for a year and they finally have sex for the first time.
Writers comment: This is for all the sluts with daddy issues (myself included).
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, smut obviously, fluff, daddy kink??, innocence kink, google translated german.
Word count: 3,3k
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Toto Wolff.
CEO of Mercedes F1 Team.
….Who also happens to be your boyfriend.
You had been seeing each other for about a year now, you caught his eye at an afterparty, and you instantly hit it off.
As you were stuck studying, you couldn't be with him at his place of work that often, but every time you got the chance, you did. Everyone at the Mercedes garage adored you, although you heard some whispering about you and Toto's age gap and your intentions with him at first.
Your life felt complete. It felt like you had everything a person could ask for. Toto was treating you like a princess, sending you gifts and even giving you his black card, encouraging you to use it. Every time you met up with him, he'd be soft with you. Not forcing you to do anything you didn't want to. Holding you close whenever you needed it. Sending you sweet texts during the day.
"Y/N, do you know the answer to this question?" The professor asks.
Shit, daydreaming again.
"Uuuuh, yes, erm…" You tried to save the awkward situation but it was in vain.
Later, you were sat on the sofa in your extravagant apartment that Toto had insisted you needed. For what, was beyond you.
"Toto, I made a complete fool of myself today and it's your fault!" You tell him over the phone.
You had a routine of calling every day to check in with each other.
"What do you mean it's my fault? I'm innocent." He argues back and sticks his tongue out playfully.
"I was thinking about you and ended up daydreaming, and then my professor asked me a question!" You explain.
"Thinking of me?" He says as he drags the last part out and points at himself. "Liebe, do you miss me as much as I miss you? I'm having a hard time staying away from you. I think about you beside me every night, about how good you feel beside me. You belong beside me." He explains.
You gasp at his words. Toto was rarely this straightforward. You couldn't help feeling a tingle in your stomach, feeling aftershocks in the rest of your body.
"Beside you…? Sir Toto, what are you implying?" You ask.
You had intentionally waited to have sex, with Toto wanting your first time to be special. You weren't a virgin or anything, but you hadn't had the courage to take on a man of Toto's size yet and he knew about it, hence why he wanted to wait. He was proud of his size and carried himself well.
"I'd like to know if you want to visit Jeddah and spend the race weekend with me and the crew? Lewis has asked when he will be seeing you again, he seems to have a weak spot for you." Toto asks.
His question didn't really come as a shock, he'd often ask multiple times if you wanted to join him on his travels.
"Toto, I, I'm afraid…" You say as you know taking a few days off wouldn't hurt. You felt overworked and could need some time off the hectic pace at school. You could ask your friends to share notes later and work on your assignments on the plane. Besides, you were in the middle of the semester, meaning no upcoming exams.
He gives you a small pout when he hears the impending rejection but lights up as you continue.
"… You'll regret ever inviting me to Jeddah, I will be pestering you and the team all weekend."
He looks up at the screen of his phone and looks confused. Then, as the words sink in, his lips turn into a wide smile. "Are you serious, Schatz?" He asks alarmingly calmly.
"One hundred percent, Toto." You confirm.
"Jesus Christ, I love you so much!" He celebrates. "I'll book the plane tickets right away, can you make it to the airport by tomorrow evening?"
"I'd love that, do I need to bring anything?"
"Only that beautiful smile of yours!" He exclaims.
And with that, you finished the call and said your goodbyes to a very excited Toto.
The next day you spent packing and arranging for your friends at school to take notes for you, thanking them for the trouble.
You made it to the airport with time to spare. You spent the spare time on your laptop, working on that one assignment that made you question your choice of studies. Finally, your boarding was called.
The flight went smoothly, and when you arrived to Jeddah, a man was waiting for you as Toto had instructed, driving you back to the hotel you and Toto were staying at.
The doormen helped you with the bags and you were escorted up to your room.
When you opened the door to the grand suite, you saw Toto standing in the middle of the room, with a bouquet of roses in his arms. He gave you a wide smile when you came into view.
You instantly ran up to him and he lifted you into his big and strong arms, peppering your face with kisses, making you giggle.
The suite was equipped with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a huge main living room.
Toto showed you around, holding you close.
"So… I'm assuming you'll be spending your time sleeping next to me, in my bed, right?" Toto asked carefully.
You chuckle and turn around, facing him. "It's not like I haven't done that before."
Both you and Toto were tired and soon got ready for bed. As you get in under the covers, you make yourself comfortable and wait for Toto to join you, which he does, with a certain urgency.
He hovers halfway over you, and places a soft kiss on your forehead. You lean into the kiss and look up at him, he looks like a true god like this.
"God, there's so much I want to do with you… To experience with you, Y/N."
"Show me, then." You urge him.
"Someday, I will."
And with that, both of you fall asleep.
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You wake up before Toto and pry yourself free from his tight grip, making him frown and search for your lost body in his sleep.
You take a quick shower and get yourself ready for the day, rocking a floral sundress you knew Toto would love.
As you step out of the bathroom, Toto is sitting on the edge of the bed, buttoning up his white shirt. When he sees you, he gets up and walks up to you.
"Let me help you with that." You say and start working the buttons.
Toto smiles at you and grabs your hips. "Good morning, Y/N. You look so beautiful, I'm so happy you came here."
You finish up breakfast and get to the track, meeting up with Lewis again. Today, the garage was buzzing with people of all sorts. Mechanics, celebrities and fans were squashed together. And then there was you and Toto, and while he held you close, protecting you from accidental blows and rude comments, you still felt uncomfortable.
Luckily, Toto had arranged for you to stay close to him and follow the race from a peaceful spot.
You celebrated with the whole garage as George finished 3rd and Lewis finished 5th, both scoring valuable points.
Toto runs up to you, and easily lifts you up into his arms. Then, out of nowhere, he catches your lips in a deep kiss. This was the first time he showed affection in public and it took you by surprise. Feeling lost and flushed, he sets you down again.
"Congrats Toto, I know this means a lot to you." You say.
Mercedes had two rough past seasons behind them, so even if it was just a 3rd and 5th place, the whole garage celebrated as if it was a victory.
"Would you like to go out for dinner later?" He asks, "I'll have you driven back to the hotel, and I will be back after the briefings."
As you get back to the suite, you take a quick shower to freshen up. The cool water is a welcome feeling on your overheating body. You fix yourself up, apply some light makeup, and do your hair. You choose a flowy black dress, which accentuates your figure perfectly.
"Y/N?" Toto calls out.
"In here!" You yell.
He finds you and stops in his tracks, taking the sight of you in.
"Y/N… You're exquisite." He says as he gives you a quick kiss. He takes your hand and leads you out to the balcony of the suite. You stand at the railing and enjoy the view as Toto places himself behind you, he presses himself against you and traps you in place with both his hands on each side of you.
"For you, my love." He says as he hands you the box.
"Toto." You warn him, not wanting him to spoil you too often.
"Just open it, Y/N. You deserve it." He urges.
And when you inevitably open the box, you're met with the most beautiful diamond earrings you've ever seen.
You take a moment to just take in what you're holding.
"You, Y/N, are going to wear these tonight." He explains, helping you put them on, them fitting you perfectly. You look and feel expensive.
You wait for Toto to finish his shower while you admire the gemstones hanging from your ears.
Because you're in Jeddah, you decide on Middle Eastern food for the night.
Toto knows the city very well and takes you to one of the best-rated restaurants.
You spend the evening in a booth of said restaurant, babbling away.
As soon as you step into the hotel room, Toto's hands and lips are on you. He keeps a slow pace, making sure to not hurry.
You follow his lead, kissing him back and caressing his arms, slowly moving to his chest.
You part the kiss and look at his deep brown eyes, panting. "I want you, Toto."
Your words switch something on in Toto's brain. You'd never been that straightforward with him before, asking for him.
He picks you up, with you kissing and biting his neck as he walks you to the bedroom, making him groan in pain and pleasure.
Toto is a gentleman and lets you down from his arms with much care.
"Can I take this off?" Toto asks as he creeps over the zipper to your dress with his fingers.
Your mind is already failing you, and you nod, thinking it would suffice. Much to Toto's dismay, that is, as he tuts at you. "Words, schatzi."
You're struggling to form a complete sentence, so you settle for a simple "Please."
"Good girl. Doing so well for me already."
This wasn't new for your relationship, you'd done things to each other before but you hadn't gone all the way.
Toto helps you out of the dress and falls to his knees at the sight. Like a starved man, he creeps closer and places kisses on your bare chest, creeping lower and lower down. When he reaches your panties, he looks up with a questioning look, and you nod enthusiastically.
With the confirmation, he leans down to your heat again, grabs the panties with his teeth, and proceeds to pull them down. Looking at him doing this to you of all people, and him enjoying it, was ecstasy. When your pussy comes into view, he lets the panties fall to the floor, giving your mound a feather-light kiss.
You can feel his breath on your lower stomach, and you grab his hair and pull him closer to you. Toto takes it as an invitation to keep going with what he's doing. This time though, he comes closer to your aching core, parting your folds and placing a kiss between them. You're shaking at this point and Toto takes notice. Standing was starting to become hard.
"Y/N, sit down on the edge of the bed."
You do as you're told and sit on the edge of the bed with your hands in your lap.
You follow Toto's movements as he takes his shirt and pants off, leaving only his underwear on.
When he creeps closer to you, your hands reach out for him.
You frown when he stops just of your reach.
"What do you want, Y/N? Come get it." He says.
You sigh, and get up on your knees. You bend forward and pull on his hands, guiding him to you. This must have been thought out ahead of time because your face ends up where Toto's bulging length is. Your mouth waters at the sight and you look up at him, asking for permission.
"Go ahead, Y/N."
You place your hands on his chest and slide them lower down, passing by his nipples, abs, and crotch.
As your hand touches his cock through the fabric, it twitches, and Toto lets out a small grunt.
You tease and pass by the lining of his underwear, grabbing it and pulling down on them slowly, just to let go. You start palming his cock and Toto barely keeps control over himself. You can see that vein in his temple, and it's about to pop.
As you slowly pull his underwear again, intending to tease him further, you drag them a little too low and his manhood slides out.
You look at it with big eyes, thinking how it's ever going to fit in you.
You softly grab it and steer it towards your mouth. You lick the head of his cock slowly and look up at him. He looks at you with such admiration in his eyes that you can feel yourself creaming between your legs.
Toto grabs your hair and pulls it into a makeshift ponytail.
"Open up." He demands.
You open up for his length and you're able to take a fourth of him until you start to gag. Toto doesn't press you further but keeps the pace for you. You grab the rest of him with your hands and start pumping him at the same time.
Toto must have been so close because he pulls you off and gently takes your hands into his. Bending down, he kisses you deeply, helping you lie down on the bed. He follows and lies down beside you, with half of his body on top.
"Can I mount you?" He asks.
Now this, this was new. He'd never been on top of you before.
"Y-yes." You whisper, barely audible.
"Don't be scared, Y/N. You're doing so well, do you want me?"
You scoff at his question, "Of course, Toto. It's just, I'm scared it'll hurt."
"I know you're scared, that's why I'm asking if you're sure you want to do this with me. There's nothing I want more right now, but if you're not comfortable, I'm ready to wait. With that said, I can't promise it won't hurt, but I will be as careful as I possibly can.
You process his words carefully.
"O-okay." You stutter, "I'm ready."
Toto smiles at you and hovers over you. He leans in and licks your lips and you grant him access to your mouth. He kisses you deeply and wrestles with your tongue for dominance.
His hands slide down your sides and stop at your hips, lifting them up giving him easier access to your warm and pulsating heat. His mouth leaves marks everywhere it comes into contact with, making you moan.
Now it's his turn to tease you. He goes down, sucking on your tits and nipples, leaving kisses on your stomach, leaving lovebites on your thighs and kissing the insides of your thighs, moving from one leg to another without touching you where you needed him most.
"Please, Toto, need you!" You beg.
"Patience, love." He tells you off.
He keeps admiring and praising your body for what feels like forever. Finally, you feel a kiss on your mound, followed by a lick along your drenched slit.
The feeling makes you buck your hips, making him grab your hips with his arms and hold you down.
He starts eating you out at such an unforgiving pace that you cum almost instantly. He lets you calm down before he adds a finger and it slides inside you easily. He starts pumping it slowly, pressing it up against your G-spot.
"Oh god, Toto!" You exclaim.
He adds another finger and he watches as your eyes roll back.
Another finger, the stretch feels uncomfortable at first but you get used to it fast. Especially since he keeps his mouth on your clit. Deeming you ready for him, he hovers over you.
"Ready to do this with me, liebe?"
You start nodding but remember his demand.
"Yes, please Toto, take it slow?" You ask.
"I'll be as careful as I can, Y/N. I promise."
And with that said, he lines himself up with you and starts pressing on your entrance. You feel yourself opening up slightly and tense up, pushing his tip out again.
"Relax for me, Y/N. Deep breaths."
He instructs you on your breathing while he presses his tip in. You yelp at the feeling but quickly calm down as Toto starts caressing your cheek and encouraging you.
"You're taking my cock so well schatzi."
"Breath for me."
"Look at you, so beautiful beneath me."
"Those earrings look so good on you, I knew it was a good investment."
He'd shower you with compliments and affection which made the pain a little more manageable.
You gasp in pain as you feel your entrance giving way to his huge member.
"I'm sorry for hurting you, liebling."
As he pushes himself in a little bit further, you writhe in pain.
But then, when he starts pulling back and slowly pushing in, further each time, it feels good.
You moan in unison when he bottoms out within you. The pain has subsided and all you feel now is pure pleasure.
Toto pumps into you at a relentless pace, making you see stars and yelling out your second orgasm.
"Ride me?" He asks and you follow his lead as he bends backwards, ending up on his back. Without parting, you start riding him, slowly at first, but increasing the pace as you get more comfortable.
Toto is massaging and kissing your tits as you look each other deep in the eyes. This position is giving him easy access to your clit, tits, and your ass.
"I'm cumming, Y/N…" He says as he grabs your hips and starts pistoning his hips into you.
You watch his contorted face as he cums deep inside you, painting your walls white with his seed.
He kisses your face languidly as botho of you catch your breath, and you process what just happened.
"I'm so sorry I had you wait for almost a year before we did this." You admit.
"I guess we have a lot of catching up to do then." Toto smirks at you.
"Now, wait here." He instructs as he hurries off to the bathroom.
When you hear rippling you decide to disobey his orders and follow him to the bathroom.
As you turn the corner, you see Toto running a bath.
"Thought you might want to clean yourself up. Here, I'll help you." He says as he helps you into the warm water. He stays with you, assisting with the loofah and leaving kisses on your body.
After a while Toto sinks down behind you, enjoying the warm water as much as you. You spend your evening there, just soaking and talking. When you get up, Toto helps drying you off and wraps you up in a bathrobe.
"Thank you for tonight, Toto."
"Thank you, Y/N. We need to do this again, soon."
This was the definition of love. No way you could go back to your ordinary life after this.
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17020 · 1 month
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High school is home for a lot of things, including jealousy and drama. My boyfriend's misery is your enjoyment this time! This is love triangles, with the Wind Breaker men. Warnings for manga spoilers (last blurb), drinking, ooc ume (sawrryyyy) !! tagging @kaiser1ns !!
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Ren Kaji set aside his ego and pride to attend some afterparty because he knew you would be there. That meant a lot.
And at first, everything was... fine? He stepped out of his comfort zone, headphones down as he listened to the beats of the music which played over the speakers. His eyes met yours, with you linking your pinky with his.
"What? You wanna dance with me?" he questioned, his tone almost accusatory. It was what he wanted more than anything, yet he made it sound as if it was your desire. The mere thought of your skin grazing his made his heart want to burst out of his chest.
"You want me to dance to Feid? No fucking way Rennie, I don't dance to that. Plus, you should take care of Toma, he's on another planet."
Sure, the song was ass, yet he still felt his heart shatter. He watched as you waltzed away, heading towards your friend group to chat. Kaji turned his head to the side, only to find his upperclassmen staring back at him. His bloodshot eyes were puffy, lips pursed before he raised an almost empty bottle of god-knows-what to his lips.
Great. Now he has to babysit.
When he sat down next to Hiragi, Kaji had a bad feeling.
“M’gonna do it tonight, Kaji.”
Call it foresight, or a crazy good intuition, but Ren Kaji knew his heart would sink this very night. “Good” he hummed. It was the only thing to come out of his mouth, as he felt his stomach churn from the anxiety.
“Ya sure ya don’t feel anything for her?”
“All good” he squeaked, “let me know how it goes.”
When he found you a while later, Kaji was stunned. There you were, drunk out of your mind and blowing smoke out of your pretty lips, body swaying to one of Fanny Lu's greatest hits.
With Kota. Fucking. Sako.
It was a night of revelations, seeing as the once grumpy blond had a tiny smile on his face, mouthing the lyrics to Don Juan while facing you. His stiff body was now in sync with yours, chuckles escaping your lips as you commented on how great of a dancer he was.
Kaji saw you stumble, and he took that as a sign. He knew he had to care for you. That, and the fact that he also had to get you away from Sako, for his own mental wellbeing. With his hand getting ahold of yours, Kaji guided you to a more secluded space of the patio, patting your head and asking if you're okay.
"You should go home, Yn. You've had enough to drink."
When he asked to hang with you the day after, Kaji was wary. Sitting down next to one another in one of Cactus Bakery's booths, he sighed.
"You got home safe?"
"You didn't dance with me."
"Yeah, I didn't."
"You did with Sako, though."
Resting your head on his shoulder, you laughed. "Fanny Lu is certainly not denied to anyone! If you had chosen another song other than Feid's, I certainly would've danced with you, Rennie."
A small smile appeared on his face as his mind raced on about what could have been the greatest night of his life, only to come back to his senses after he realized it could have been someone else's.
"Anything else happen?"
"Yeah" you shrugged, "Hiragi texted me this morning, said he liked me."
He froze. Since when was he Hiragi to you?
"...well, what'd you say?"
Ren Kaji thought he was going to die.
"Turned him down. He's like a brother to me, and I made that abundantly clear. He took it well, so that's that! He thanked me for being so mature about it."
Last night was now certainly the greatest night of Kaji's life, as he realized he still has a chance.
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Hajime Umemiya was going to pop a blood vessel when he saw none other than Shishitoren's second-in-command's hand holding yours, noses nearly grazing each other as he leaned down to whisper in your ear. Your giggles, which were once his favorite tune, were now like nails on a chalkboard.
Because it was Togame who made you laugh.
His anger was indetectable, a smile plastered on his face as he observed the way in which you laughed at his jokes, how you tilted your head to the side and looked at him with those alluring eyes of yours, how you reached out to him when talking.
Screw that, it was so obvious that Umemiya was fucking jealous, as his eyes were squinted, his face had an expression of disgust, and one could swear that his left eyelid was trembling.
When you went to him a few days later telling him you had exchanged socials with Togame, Umemiya simply nodded with a smile on his face, congratulating you on how well things were going. He thought his soul was going to leave his body.
"He said he used to play street ball, and he played as a striker, and he wants to play volleyball with me! Can you believe that, Ume?"
"That's great, Yn! Y'know I used to play street ball too, I was well-known for that back in the day, I used to play for my middle school as a striker" he grinned, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. "I could teach you to play both sports if you'd like! You wouldn't have to hop onto Shishitoren turf that way."
Hajime Umemiya was utterly adorable.
That same night you received a text.
UME !! <3 This Thursday me and my siblings are gonna play ball! You wanna join?
Umemiya's t-shirt fit you like a glove.
Having little attire for a match, Umemiya offered to gift you one of his shirts for you to play in, and the white and baby blue stripes made you look fantastic. To him, you were an angel sent from heaven to bless his eyes, as well as the football 'field'.
After playing like total lunatics, Umemiya sat down cross-legged in the middle of the park's grass, you laying down and having your head resting on his thighs.
What Umemiya wanted to do in that moment was kiss you senseless.
"Hey Ume... can you help me with something?"
"Sure thing."
"Togame's sort of being a bit pushy, and I don't have any interest in him at all. Can you take a picture with me so that he'll shoo?"
His eyes sparkled more than the world's most expensive diamond. He excitedly nodded, asking you to open your phone's camera as he gently moved so that he laid beside you, resting his head on your shoulder and his arm wrapped around your waist.
Umemiya felt like the luckiest man in the world when he found out Togame had seen your story with him and had suddenly ghosted you.
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When Haruka Sakura heard of a certain someone's temporary return to Furin, he thought nothing of it. Except for when that certain someone came waltzing up to him after seeing him interact with you a few minutes prior, a smug smile on his face.
"So, Sakura! Mind slippin' me her number?"
"Yeah! That girl you were talking to before, she's totally my type."
"And why the hell would I do that?"
Endo laughed as he placed his arm on Sakura's shoulders, seeing how the boy in question's face turned beet red. "Because, Sakura, you're a good person! Good people do good deeds!"
There was no way in hell Haruka Sakura was giving him your number. Matter of fact, he didn't budge!
So why in the fuck were you giggling in front of him at Pothos, telling him Yamato Endo was in your messages asking you out to breakfast?
Sakura's eye started to twitch as he asked how he got your number, nearly spitting out his omelette rice when you told him Nirei had given him your number. When you told him that Endo was planning on coming to Furin on Saturday to meet up with you, his face became a newfound shade of red. Whether it was from anger or from Endo's affection towards you, he did not know.
Friday came by, and to Sakura's surprise...
"Oh gosh, Haru!"
"What's going on?"
"Endo cancelled breakfast, said he couldn't make it since he's on his turf and can't come to Bofurin's."
"'s a shit move to cancel last minute."
"But, Tsubaki told me there's a party over at Keisei street tomorrow night. Wanna come with? I don't wanna go alone."
Sakura's ears and cheeks were flushed as he stuttered a reply: a meek and simple 'yeah'. You smiled as you wrapped your arms around Sakura, too excited to even let him react. When Saturday night came around, you thought you were going to die.
Yamato Endo was in Keisei street, grinding on another girl as he asked for her number.
Your jaw dropped to the floor. To your surprise, Sakura was even more enraged than you were. Grabbing your wrist, he dragged you over to a bench, sitting you down and placing your head on his shoulder.
"Let it out."
Confused, you asked what he meant by it. He laid his head on top of yours, with you feeling how his stiff body slowly softened as he sighed.
"I said let it out. Yer obviously hurt by that asshole, so let it out."
Your sobs were swallowed by the blaring music, but for some reason, the sadness quickly faded away, instead being replaced with a sense of tranquility. As if you belonged there, with Sakura by your side.
Sakura was sure that Yamato Endo was a good person, doing him a favor by leaving you all to himself.
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note. this is for my boyfriend. this is what you get for calling me your stinky poo. i am not a poo. the poos are your friends who tried to get with me later on. or perchance the poo has been you all along, because you did not give one shit that they liked me and you made your move. love always, your PRINCESS NOT POO.
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pia-nor481 · 9 months
Empty Bed Part Two
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Lando Norris x reader smut
3.5k words. Part One
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"What's up with you?" Max asked, worried about his friend's pouting. Lando was angry and upset. He knows this is how hook up culture is supposed to be, have sex and leave before anything gets awkward, yet that's not what he wanted. Its sad that he wanted her, even now, weeks after their last encounter. "Nothing serous, just jet lagged." His reply was a bit harsh and also the truth at the same time. It was the penultimate race of the season and the stress was beginning to affect more than usual, he was far too frustrated, not just psychologically but sexually. "If you say so." He felt Max's hand make contact with his shoulder as he walked past, heading to the red bull garage. Lando walked towards his drivers room and put up a rather convincing smile. Free practice wasn't particularly fun for Lando, he liked the thrill of the race, but he couldn't feel that if he was focused on collecting data. He let out a loud sigh as he lent against the closed door, finally alone. It felt good to be in his own presence. 
He pulled the orange shirt over his head to replace it with a black fire proof. "Woah, what animal attacked you?" Daniel laughed out, seeing his friend's shocked face. "You were so happy the morning after, maybe you need to get laid more often." The scratches on Lando's waist were still visible, a reminder for him, a reminder of her. "You're one to talk, that girl in your lap seemed pretty blissed out." He shook his, Lando was shocked that Daniel took the risk of fucking some girl in such a public place. "Well I know how to fuck. By the red on your hip, I can guess you can too." Daniel flashed his signature grin while loosening his suit. "Can I be honest?" Lando paused, looking back at his friend, who's expression changed in the blink of an eye. "Always." Lando let out a relived sigh, he already felt better. "How do you do it? I don't get how you can fuck a girl and move on so quickly, as if nothing happened." Lando looked away mid-sentence, feeling almost ashamed, reaching for the rest of his clothes. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I can't just forget, unless I'm that drunk. But still, it's not something you should hold onto, especially if you're not going to see her again." Daniel said sincerely, he was stunned that Lando would say such a thing. "Is it really bothering you that much?" 
Lando had to pause, he didn't know what to do. They didn't have the same level of friendship that Daniel had with Max, or Lando with Carlos. Yet he almost felt bashful at the thought of discussing this with anyone else. "I just... Felt so drawn to her. It doesn't make any sense to me. I was just looking to fuck, but everything about her... It just felt more than that. She joked with me, and it was actually funny, she was so gorgeous too; Perfect even. She didn't even know who I was, yet she was in a F1 afterparty. You know how you can tell if they actually know you or not." He said it all in one breath, and so, was practically gasping for air. "I'm guessing she is good in bed too?" Lando's head shifted to the side in a look of disappointment. "Yes, but that's not the important part." He said, zipping up his race suit. "I get how important this is to you, I do, but you can't dwell on it, you need to focus on racing, thinking about a girl, no matter how perfect,  that you're not going to see again, isn't gonna get you on the podium." Daniel grabbed Lando's shoulders, rather firm, and looked in his eyes as he spoke. "Alright." 
While Lando was in the car he didn't dare think of her, but when he was in his new hotel room, she consumed all of his thoughts. So while he was buttoning up a white shirt, he couldn't help but feel down, he was exhausted, not just from the race. Lando practically dragged his feet along the floor to wards the door, wishing he didn't have to go out and celebrate another podium, he had to celebrate someone else's win. As he begun tying his shoes, he could hear the banging of a fist on the hotel door. "Give me a sec." He shouted back, rushing towards the door. "Hey." It was Daniel at the door, adorning his usual smile. "It's only 10, there is no rush." Lando said, looking down at his watch, before reaching for his phone and room card, and slipping them into his pocket. "I know, but I don't know whether or not I should get plastered with you or let you run off with some girl." Daniel said, hooking his arm around the younger's neck. "Too soon man. What if i went off with another girl, You'd stop me?" Lando said with a bit of bite, shifting his gaze towards the other man. "Well no, I'm just trying to look after you man." Guilt immediately ran through his body, Daniel was trying to be helpful, and was more than likely doing the right thing. "Sorry, I'm just all over the place. This season has been hard, and you know the rest." Daniel patted his back before giving a reply, "We'll sort it out, mate, lets just focus on tonight, we can deal with everything tomorrow." Lando cracked a smile, "While we're hung over?" Their pace quickened as the approached the outside of the club. "Absolutely." 
The loud music and lack of air sent a wave of pleasure through Lando's body, it felt so good to be in such an environment. There was always skin to skin contact, and it just felt so amazing. Lando felt a girl lean back, further into him, he was already a few drinks deep, but he was still capable of making good, enough, decisions. His hands quickly found her hips, but she didn't feel the same. However, that didn't stop him. He wanted to feel this close with someone, and she was more than willing; until her friend called her over. He was left on his own again, Daniel was still in the club, most likely in the bathroom. "I'll be back in a bit mate." He made it seem as though he was stepping out for some fresh air, but Lando quickly noticed him gravitating towards a woman, the same one he saw Daniel with last week. He didn't let that ruin his mood as he struggled to make way to the bar. As soon as he reached the table, the volume of the music seemed to fall slightly, he waited for a while, and in doing so he looked around, observing the people around him. Until he saw her hair, her skin, everything about her, it was hard for him to not recognise. "Can I have a vodka with full fat coke and a rum with diet coke please."
He walked over to her as quick as possible, placing his drink on the bar, and began dancing his fingers over her arm, she didn't even flinch "Found any attractive men to chat up?" She could feel his breath against her ear, he was speaking at a normal volume, knowing she could not hear him over the music otherwise. "I have now." Lando was so ecstatic that she was flirting back. He handed her the drink and she opened her mouth to speak, he noticed the glitter in her lip gloss and made a mental note that it needed to be smudged later. "Rum and diet coke." He sated simply and she smiled before taking a sip. "Thank you." He was shocked she was staying so formal, not formal per say, but you wouldn't expect some one you had a one night stand with to be appreciative of a drink. "What are you doing here, Lando?" As she spoke, his eyes travelled over her whole body, first he noticed the white sunglasses atop her head, then the glitter and blush covering her cheeks. "I could ask you the same thing, baby." She leaned closer to him, almost as if she was longing for his presence. "One of my friends... she really like sports and is watching these races, but she hates travelling alone, so I decided to come with her." It took a while for Lando to acknowledge that her friend was a formula one fan. He was too focused on her body, last time he saw her, she was wearing a white mesh top, this time it was a pink bra, covered in gems and glitter, and it just looked so good on her. "Tell me then, why are you here?" He grabbed her hip, feeling the material of her mesh skirt against his skin, he wanted her as close as possible. "Would you believe me if i said, my friend brought me here so he could go looking for a girl he hooked up with?" It wasn't a lie, but wasn't quite the truth. "Are you sure the name of your friend is not 'Lando'?" She laughed lightly, sipping her drink, hiding behind the glass once again. "I promise, only because his name is Daniel, you could ask him, but I don't think we will be seeing him tonight." She placed the empty glass on the bar and slid her hands up his chest, her touch was electrifying. "I'm sorry, I had to take your clothes, I couldn't leave in what I was wearing." His hands travelled over her back and down under her skirt, squeezing her ass lightly. "It's okay, you can keep it." He pulled her into a desperate and deep kiss. It lasted for what felt like hours. The skin on skin, the music, the alcohol, it all felt euphoric. "Come on, before I fuck you right here."
His hands never left her body, a firm grip around her waist, a reminder almost. Just as they made it out of the club their eyes immediately  met, she was looking at him for a direction. "I've not got my hotel key." He almost whispered out. Lando claimed to have left it behind when Daniel knocked on the door; this also gave them an excuse to go back to her room, he knew she wouldn't disappear like last time. "Come on then." it come out more of a moan than a huff of annoyance. She practically pulled him down the road towards her hotel, to say Lando was shocked by the building was understatement. She kept a tight grip on him as they walked up the stairs, Lando was looking shamelessly up her skirt, not that the sheer fabric was hiding much. As soon as she reached the top step she pulled him into a rough kiss and almost moaned into his mouth, just feeling him riled her up. "Please, Lando." Her words were left in the air as he took the key from her hand and opened the door as quickly as possible "Come here, babe, need you so bad." 
She chased his voice to the bed, she needed him just as much, but couldn't verbalise it. So she decided it would be best to swing herself over his lap and cover his neck in glittery red marks. In the process lando slid his hands up her back slowly, teasing not just her, but himself. She began to suck harder and bite slightly, tugging his skin between her teeth. "Fuck, babe." His breath got caught in his throat at the feeling. Lando didn't expect to her to do such a thing, especially with how he was the last time they were together, he was shocked that she was acting more demanding; so he trailed his hand up to her top, his fingers quickly hooked around the clasp of the bra, he pulled it far from her skin, and smiled at the thud of it back against her skin. She let out a loud whine, not anticipating the feeling. "Behave." She nodded quickly, not expecting to get chastised. Lando placed his hand under her ass and hoisted her up, turning around to gently place her on the edge of the bed, hands slowly and softly running his fingers along the outside of her thigh. She reached up and gripped his collar, pulling him lower. "Don't tease me." 
"Or what?" He replied back in a flirty manner. As she felt his fingers against her underwear she gasped, he pushed her skirt up, not before admiring the pink butterflies on the mesh, he'd waited so long for this so he couldn't waste a minute. Lando grabbed her hips harshly and pulled her body closer to his. "I can stop right here, if you want." He pushed her underwear to the side and lowered his head. "No please, Lando please." She would feel him smirk against her skin as soon as she started speaking. He licked up against her cunt before focusing on her clit; he kitten licked at first, ignoring her pleas, then circling quickly, enjoying the noises she let out. He continued to abuse her clit and lightly teased her slit with one hand, the other pressing down lightly on her abdomen. He was paying more attention to her now, really trying to discover what made her feel good. Although it had only been a few weeks since they were together, Lando couldn't stop thinking about her. He felt guilty, he replayed that night in his head over and over, and he felt awful for not paying enough attention to her. When you hook up with someone you are not really there for the other person's pleasure, Lando wanted do change that. He thrusted his fingers slow, not rushing, he wanted to enjoy this, he wanted her to feel good. As he moved his fingers in a 'come here' motion she pushed her hips closer to him desperately, "Harder?" his eyes didn't leave her for a second, he wouldn't forget this, he couldn't miss the look on her face. "Faster." She barely said, out of breath from moaning so much. As soon as the words left her mouth, he was following the instruction, she was quivering slightly as he hands mad a home in his hair, tugging on it lightly, feeling him groan into her, adding to her pleasure. "Be good." Lando began to suck on her clit lightly, he wanted a reaction and that's what he got. She was practically singing a song for him. The hand that was resting on her abdomen travelled back towards her thigh, slipped under her knee. He lifted her leg up higher, her calf now resting against his back, forcing her thighs further apart, giving him more space. Her voiced echoed throughout the room as he sped up the movement of his tongue and fingers. "That's it babe, cum for me." The wave of pleasure that washed over her took her vision temporarily, white covered her vision as she came. She was on cloud nine and Lando didn't stop his attack. 
When he came up from between her thighs he had a satisfied smile on his face, when they made eye contact the smile turned into a grin of joy. She moved back on the bed slightly, a blissed out look on her face still, Lando very quickly noticed the wet patch on the bed as he got up from his knees and got on the bed; unbuttoning his shirt in the process. He kissed up her abdomen slowly, leaving marks across her whole body, biting down in the manner she did prior. "Don't whine, its only fair." He laughed out, opening her legs once again. She gave him a pointed look, yet he just gave her one back, he wanted to be in control, and he got what he wanted. "Please." Her pleas fell upon deaf ears as he just continued to tease; he ran the tip of his cock up and down her cunt, focusing on her clit more often than not. He enjoyed teasing her, he felt as though he deserved it. Lando squeezed his cock lightly, he needed to feel some form of release, the pressure already building up. She took hold of his arm aggressively with a firm grip, knuckles turning white. He pushed in slow, just like before, not wanting to over stimulate her so soon after one orgasm. "That's it." Her eyes rolled back as soon as he started speaking, yet he couldn't look away, she was just so captivating, he wished he could say such a thing, but he could not, not in a situation like this. He began thrusting slowly and softly, more sensual than before. Lando gradually sped up, knowing it was something she liked, his hands wouldn't leave her body for more than a second, his hands would be dancing on her skin as a form of comfort. "Fuck, please." He liked to hear her beg, it felt like an exclusive sound, he didn't think anyone had fucked her, it was just a feeling, until he realised how quickly he made her cum. Lando pulled her legs around his waist, allowing him to her her deeper, "Oh yes." Lando wasn't quiet, she was just beyond loud, and his just got him impossibly harder. "Good girl, be good for me." Once of his hands left her him to slide down to her clit, rubbing fast circles; she could feel his touch all through out her body, every nerve sending signals felt like an overload. Her orgasm hit her hard, pelvis lifting up higher than Lando had already positioned it. She let out a choked whine as she felt Lando pulsating, all he felt was euphoria when he was with her, but this was on another level. Rope after rope of cum left his cock in pleasure, his head fell into the crook of her neck as he groaned, waves of pleasure still washing over him. 
She winced as he pulled out, pushing her underwear back in place, he grabbed her neck softly, pulling her closer to him, he wanted to kiss her, he didn't want to beg, he still needed control, he didn't want to swallow his pride, her hands slid up his back and into the base of his hair, tugging so she could catch her breath. "Careful." He felt the need to remind her. "Promise." She smiled, smirked is a better adjective for the blissed out look on her face. Lando pulled back the cover of the bed, slipping under it with her, he kissed her neck softly as she slowly began to drift off, he inter locked their hands when he slid his arm over her waist. His eyes began to close as her breathing finally regulated. 
When his eyes opened again, it was because of the morning light slipping through the hotel curtains. Lando's mind was still fuzzy. He tried to sit up but quickly realised his pounding headache was from alcohol, then all memories came running through his mind, then a wave of panic. He turned to the side a quickly as possible, noticing no one was in his arms. She was gone. He ran his hand over the mattress  and noticed it was cold, disappointment flooded his whole body, and so he felt lethargic; Until he realised that they had come back to her hotel room last night, a smile crept up on his face as he sat up. The thought of having a long conversation, with out too much flirting, was his first thought. Until he saw his hoodie, the one she stole the first night together. He assumed she would have been wearing it, or at least taken it home before flying out for this trip, but no, it was folded neatly on the counter in front of the bed. Lando, finally, built up the courage to get out o the bed, and saw that her suitcase was gone, so were her shoes, so was she. 
He was, once again, left in an empty bed. 
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There was a lot of struggle in trying to finish this (things not saving and paragraphs randomly deleting because reasons) but I seem to repel technology. If I’ve made any spelling mistakes let me know.
658 notes · View notes
sbdskate · 8 months
Laws Of Attraction (Part 9) - DR x lawyer!fem!reader
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Summary: McLaren is in breach of contract, dr3 hires a lawyer to deal with the aftermath. Tropes ensue. Slow burn. Enemies(kind of) -> Friends/colleagues -> Lovers
Pairing: lawyer!fem!reader x Daniel Ricciardo
Warnings : fluff and cheese, language, slight angst, alcohol consumption
Word Count: 3,866
A/N: One day I may be one of those writers who is well organized and has a preplanned schedule for posting, but unfortunately (and as my first fic), today is not that day. Thank you for your patience during this writing drought. Another chapter will be on the way after this, hopefully in a couple of weeks after another round of edits. Shout out to @cutelittlefakejourneys for your help. As always, thank you for reading and don't be a ghost reader!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Epilogue 1
Daniel Ricciardo had been in your room last night. After a long race day filled with anxiety, media, McLaren, and subsequently relief and pride, he had stolen a bottle of champagne from McLaren’s afterparty, and your heart. He had hesitantly conditioned the gift on being consumed after the signing and delicately suggested you share the bottle, evidently afraid he would tear the fragile string that connected the two of you since the beginning. But you didn’t want to wait, so you had invited him in.
“So that’s how you open a bottle without spilling half of it?”
“What can I say, I’m a woman of many talents. Would you feel more comfortable if I gave you one of my heels to drink out of?” He laughed.
“Nah, not dirty or sweaty enough.”
He looked around to see what you had made of your private space. In contrast to the crisp outward appearance you presented as you strutted through the paddock in your tailored suits, your hotel room was a mess. Laptop open, papers spread out over every surface. Your petite figure was dwarfed by the oversized, plush hotel robe. Behind closed doors he realized you were quite ordinary. Not that you were unremarkable, but in the sense that you were perfectly imperfect.  
“What are we toasting to?”
“To finish lines.”
You started out at least trying to be prim and proper, using the hotel’s water glasses as vessels. But at a certain point decorum went out the window and you simply passed the bottle between you sitting cross legged on the floor. Even though it was late, the hours passed like sand through an hourglass.  
“Biggest celebrity crush growing up?”
“Leonardo DiCaprio. Easy. Man has been attractive literally at all stages of my life, from the time I was six watching ‘Growing Pains’ to now. Dude aged like fine wine. Unfortunately though I’ve aged out of his dating pool.”
He observed your lips wrap around the mouth of the bottle, how small your hand looked holding it, and his imagination ventured to unclean places.
“Josh Allen,” he said without skipping a beat.
“You were five when Josh Allen was born. I know he’s your boyfriend but that doesn’t count.”
“Fine, fine, fine. I might have had a poster of Kylie Minogue in my bedroom when I was like, twelve.”
The two of you sat side by side at the foot of the bed, your hands inched closer towards one another as the night dwelled on.
“If you could do anything in the world, if money didn’t matter, what would you do?”
“Eh. I think I’d still be a lawyer.” He snorted.
“That’s the biggest fucking lie I’ve ever heard.”
“What? Someone’s gotta do it.”
“Come on. Do you actually love this? You’ve been away from your life in the States for months. And for what?”
“Well, I got to travel the world, meet cool celebrities… I got to know you. That must count for something, right?”
You tried to deliver the earnest statement as casually as possible, hoping he wouldn’t read too much into it. But the heft of your words hung in the air and blended with the little popped champagne bubbles that had evaporated. After months of Daniel tormenting you with flirty comments, it was his turn to try to ignore your flattery.
“Really. Money’s no object. Any job in the world. Go.”
“Ok ok fine. I suppose - Oh I don’t know… Maybe I’d be a food critic. I love to eat, I like to complain, and I like writing, so I feel like that’s the perfect marriage of all those things. Or… maybe I’d just drop off the grid completely. I’ve always dreamed about running off to the rolling hills of Italy and living off the land, maybe I’d open a flower shop or something. Really just live out my Under the Tuscan Sun fantasy. But it’s silly. I’ve worked so hard to get to where I am, I could never imagine throwing it all away.”
“It’s not silly.”
Your sideways glance met his deep pools of dark ember, filled with sincerity. You took a swig of champagne and passed the bottle back to him, wishing to wash away the palpable chemistry that swirled around you.
“What about you?”
“I guess I’d still be doing this.” You frowned, sensing his timidness.
“That’s not fair, you made me pick something.”
“Come on, it’s not like I have any transferable skills. I don’t know what else I could do.”
“You literally have two side hustles already. Wine maker and fashion mogul don’t do it for you?”
You thought you could crack a smile out of him, but instead the corners of his mouth downturned slightly.
“It’s not the same. We already decided the second time we met I could never have a desk job. I’m an adrenaline junkie, I’ve always needed to be in a car. Plus my parents worked hard to get me here, to get those opportunities for me, and seeing them happy makes me happy. I don’t know what else there is.”
“Your mother has a small heart attack every time you race.” You tried to placate his uncertainty, but the light conversation had turned heavy and there was no undoing it.
“Oh, that’s neither here nor there,” he brushed off.
“What about all the cameras constantly in your face? Don’t you miss being anonymous?”
This seemed to make him pause.
“I do… but at the same time, part of the fun was getting to make a name for myself. I’m not sure I fully knew what I was getting myself into, but I knew that fame came with the territory if I was actually good at what I was doing. Do I miss being able to walk down the street or go to a restaurant without being bombarded? Yeah for sure. But even when I had that, I don’t think I enjoyed it because I was always trying to get to the next step.” He paused, the furrow in his brow coming undone. “Do I love it right now in this very moment? No. I need a fucking break. I think you corporate people call it ‘burnout’ or whatever. But I’ve loved it up until now, and I know I’ll love it again eventually. I really can’t imagine doing anything else.”
The space between your fingers had vanished. As though your extremities had a mind of their own, you both looked down to study how they folded over one another. There was no recoiling. Your hand, that apparently had its own free will, sent signals to you to look up again. It was ironic that you had partially declined his invitation to the McLaren afterparty because you were afraid of winding up in a situation that vaguely resembled something exactly like this. Tomorrow was so close yet so far, and your wherewithal to resist the magnetic pull between the two of you was at an all time low. Over the last week leading up to the final race, flashbacks of the kiss in Brazil replayed on a loop in your mind. If you blinked you would’ve missed it when it had happened in real time. But the memory teased you and champagne was buzzing through your veins, clouding your judgment. You wanted to explore. Like a moth to a flame, you began leaning in, your eyes fluttering as his lips went in and out of focus.
Instead of being met with Daniel’s embrace, you toppled over as he got to his feet.
“Champagne’s gone, guess that’s my cue for bed.”
You propped yourself on your elbow as you looked up at him incredulously. How much champagne had you had, that you had so badly misread the situation? You averted your gaze in embarrassment.
“Yes, I suppose you’re right.”
His extended hand came into view. You slowly looked up again, his warm and inviting eyes conveying more than words ever could. You cautiously accepted his help as he got you to your feet, his strong hold steadying you.
“Do you need any help in the morning?” Yeah, just avoid Daniel until it’s over so you don’t lose your job. That would probably be a good start.
“No, I’m good, thanks though. Do you need any help?”He laughed, mostly out of astonishment that you could possibly ask such a question when you had already done so, so much.
“Yeah, if you could just sign for me too that would be great.” You rolled your eyes and shoved his arm. “Get some rest, yeah?”
And then he was gone. But how could you possibly just get some rest? You tossed and turned, never quite falling into a deep slumber. The scene of two friends on the floor sharing champagne and secrets played over and over. Friends? Colleagues? Business partners? Something else?
It festered as you got ready, before even the sun was up. The tried and true pink suit felt like it might burst at the seams, unable to contain the palpitations in your chest - a concoction of anticipation, nerves, anxiety, and excitement.
It was strange, having such a momentous deal take place outside the confines of a grandiose conference room with a dramatic, long, mahogany table overlooking some city skyline and perhaps a beautiful, shiny body of water. It was a status symbol of Big Law, the firm’s ability to peacock to clients how successful they were. The bigger the room and better the view, the more deserving they were of that outrageously high retainer fee they charged.
Instead, you walked into what was left of Red Bull hospitality after the big, final race weekend. Of course it was sleek and modern in its own right, but it gave an air of approachability that was lacking at the firm’s office. Nonetheless, you tried to import formality back into the space. You had printed and made matching binders of copies of the agreement for everyone present, appropriately tabbed and color coordinated. You brought blue, black, and red pens, highlighters, sharpened No. 2 pencils, and legal pads with the firm’s name emboldened at the top. You had gotten to Red Bull early to set up the space yourself, so that all materials were spaced out accordingly for each chair at the table. You took a step back to admire your handy work. Yes, this would do just fine.
Your phone went off.
DR: Where are you? We’re going to be late.
Y/N: I’m already here.
DR: 🙁
DR: You didn’t wait for me?
DR: It’s going to be weird walking there without you.
Y/N: I figured you wouldn’t want to be over an hour early and you could use the extra sleep. I’m sure you’ll manage.  
It was weird for Daniel walking to the paddock without you. The whole morning had been weird. It had been too quiet. There was no offkey musical number through his bathroom wall. He missed the sprightly knock at his door that came about ten minutes too early. He missed guessing which of your faces he’d get when you realized he wasn’t ready. He was amazed at how quickly he had gotten used to you. Had they really only been at this hotel for four days? Five?
His memory taunted him as he walked to Red Bull. He recalled himself holding his breath in anticipation as you closed in on him last night. He felt his heartbeat all the way up to his throat, his pulse points throbbed. It was an out of body experience, watching in slow motion as he pulled himself away from you. He finally learned it was for the best, even though the dejected look on your face pained him.
When he got there, he was disappointed to discover he was the last to arrive, wishing he had more moments alone with you. Christian, Joe, and in-house Red Bull lawyer bros sat around you, centering you as a vibrant glow in a sea of dull blues and grays. He was relieved to discover that you had reserved the seat next to you. He felt his face involuntarily break into grin as he noticed you notice him come into frame.
Christian, who was sitting across from you with his back to the door, saw the slightest twitch of your facial muscles. He whipped around, before a smile was fully formed, knowing exactly what it meant.
“The man of the hour! So nice of you to finally join us.” Everyone stood up for another round of hand shakes and self-congratulatory pats on the back. He could hardly maintain eye contact, his gaze constantly darting back to you. You rose to your feet, but remained in place, patiently waiting your turn for him.
He finally stood in front of his reserved chair, directly facing you. He wasn’t sure what to do – he knew you so well, a handshake hardly seemed appropriate. But you were in front of professionals so a hug wouldn’t do. He knew what he wanted to do, and that certainly wasn’t an option. Fortunately you made the decision for him, instinctively sticking your hand out. He would’ve been a little sad about it, but for the knowing twinkle in your eye. Your palms firmly met, and he appreciated how soft and delicate yours were. It was like you were holding hands.
You cleared your throat, eyes suddenly piercing. It wasn’t until he felt you try to pry your hand away that he realized he had been shaking it about six seconds too long. He finally relinquished his grip and you both sat down.
“Sorry, I spaced out,” he whispered to you. You only gave him a twitch of a smile and a curt nod in return before swiveling your chair to face the other side of the table.
“Now then. Let’s get started, shall we?”
Daniel almost felt silly for pushing this whole ordeal back an extra day. Almost. He could imagine you marching out of there muttering this could have been an email under your breath. The contract was, for all intents and purposes, finished and truly just needed to be signed. It only took twenty minutes to do a walk through of the terms, which of course no one objected to after the countless back-and-forth’s of redlines, late night phone calls, and negotiations.  And then, with a swift flick of his wrist, it was set in stone.
He stared at the wet blue ink on the page. He didn’t realize he was smiling until his cheeks started to hurt.
“I guess we’re engaged now. This feels familiar.” When he finally looked up Christian was beaming back at him like a proud dad.
“Welcome back, Daniel. Welcome home.”
“You do realize that could’ve been an email?” He laughed as he waited behind for you to pack up your stuff. Joe in typical fashion had exchanged quick pleasantries after the signing and was gone in a flash, off to the next client. The other Red Bull representatives followed suit not long after.
“It could’ve, but where’s the fun in that?” He watched as you stuffed the last binder into your bag, fighting with the zipper. When you finished you looked up to find him staring intently at you, causing you to nearly drop your bag.
“Can I help you?”
He leaned against the table, crossing his arms over his chest. You stared at his tan forearms, noticing his veins bulge.
“That depends… do you like surprises?” You did your best to hide a gulp, your throat suddenly dry. He couldn’t possibly be insinuating what you thought…
But if he was, two could play at that game.
“Depends on the surprise,” you purred, leaning forward ever so slightly to show off the v of your necklace that led a trail to your hidden cleavage.  
He leaned forward to meet you part way, not breaking eye contact.
“I think you’ll like this one,” he whispered. You felt goosebumps raise on your skin, giddy in suspense. Your heart was about to burst through your chest. Was he really about to take you right here in this office?
Without warning he pushed himself from the table and walked quickly towards the door, leaving you bewildered in the middle of the room. He stopped in the doorway and looked back at you innocently.
“What are you waiting for? Follow me!”
He proceeded to skip down the hallway, forcing you to jog to try to keep up with him.
“Daniel! Wait up! What the hell?”    
He led you to the exit of Red Bull hospitality before he finally stopped.
“I may or may not have called in a favor.”
“Daniel, this isn’t funny. What –“
You stopped in your tracks as the doors opened. With your jaw on the floor, you let out a silent scream as Geraldine Estelle Halliwell Horner, aka Geri, aka Ginger Spice, aka one-fifth of the iconic girl group The Spice Girls, stood in front of you in the flesh. As a child of the 90’s, this moment felt biblical.
Apparently Christian was also there. “Oh Darling, I have someone I want to introduce you to.”
You were already barely functioning when she turned away from her husband and made direct eye contact with you. Then, as though it were a conversation about the weather, she very casually said “Oh hello. You must be y/n, I’ve heard so much about you. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Your hand gripped over your chest. Eyes wide, you looked to Daniel to confirm she was not a hologram, but he only gave you a wide grin, then back to Geri who was waiting patiently for you to act like a human which was unfortunately too big of an ask.
“I-you’re-ohmygodIcan’tbelievethisishappening-I-hi-I mean…. You know my name.” You dissolved into fits of nervous giggles. Daniel stood there very pleased with himself. He was a little insulted you weren’t this starstruck when you met him, but it was overshadowed by the immense satisfaction he felt that he initiated something that made you so happy.
Geri gave a sympathetic smile. Clearly this was not the first time a fan lost their shit at her mere presence. “I do. I hear you’ve been very busy the last few weeks.”
“What? Oh, right. Yeah I’ve spent a lot of time with Daniel and your husband.” you blabbed, quickly changing the topic. “Do you and the girls still hang out regularly? Spice World was my favorite movie growing up, and-and-and I memorized all of the choreography to Stop and Spice Up Your Life.” You continued talking a million miles a minute.
“Well that’s good to know in case we ever need a fill-in,” she joked trying to put you at ease. Your demeanor quickly sobered and you put a hand over your heart.
“Oh, Miss Halliwell. I could never replace Victoria on your next reunion tour, but if you absolutely insist I would be honored to step in to ensure the show goes on,” you swore in earnest. Geri slowly nodded, locking eyes with Daniel behind you doing her best to telecommunicate with him. What the fuck. He only shrugged as he continued beaming.
“Well, I’ll keep that in mind,” she said slowly and politely. Daniel finally interjected.
“Y/n, you have to pack and I’m sure Geri and Christian have their own flights to catch…”
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to take up so much of your time,” you said, Daniel’s voice beginning to bring you back down to earth. You rummaged through your bag, before proudly presenting your hand to her. “Here’s my card in case you or any of the girls need any type of legal assistance, happy to go over any contracts for you or whatever else you may need.” Geri’s forced smile relaxed, appreciating your hustle and intellect.
“This is great, thank you. Girl power, right?” And just like that you were back on Saturn. You proudly held up a peace sign as though you were giving an oath.
“Girl Power. Forever,” you swore. Daniel gently put his hand on your lower back to try and herd you along, but you turned to look back as you walked. “And now that you have my number, let me know if you ever want to get your nails done together or get coffee or even a yoga class!” you called after her. Geri chuckled and waved.
“It was nice meeting you too,” she shouted back.
“Good seeing you too y/n – what am I, chopped liver?” You kept walking and waved him off.
“Oh right, sorry. Yeah yeah, nice seeing you too Christian. Pleasure doing business.”
You proceeded to gush about the encounter the entire way back to the hotel. Your hands flailed in the air as you excitedly repeated every little detail, even though Daniel had also been there to witness the whole thing. Your eyes were bright and wide, still processing the adrenaline.
“So did I do alright then?” he asked cheekily as you approached your rooms.
“Did you do alright?! That was one of the best moments of my life, I could kiss you!” 
The words slipped out before you had a chance to think, stopping both of you in your tracks. They hung heavy in the air, waiting for an answer. But for the tension that had dragged on, and built, and compounded on itself for months, the statement would never be interpreted as anything other than an innocent, facetious comment for dramatic effect. But Daniel looked at you intently hoping you meant it. He turned his body to align with yours as you remained frozen, and cautiously stepped forward to remove the space between you. Your mouth parted slightly, trying to find words to explain yourself but drew a blank. He leaned in ever so slightly, his hot breath beating on the side of your face and tickling your ear.
“So do it,” he whispered, just loud enough for you to hear him. You dared to lock eyes with him, searching for an answer. His hand finally did what it had wished to do for so long, gently pushing hair out of your face and finding a home at the nape of your neck. He left it there, but he didn’t have to use any force to bring you together as your heads naturally tilted and pulled inwards like magnets. It was dizzying having his face so close to yours, feeling his breath tickle your nose and your cheeks, stoking the flush that had your face burning.
It was only when your lips were so close that you inhaled each other’s oxygen that you suddenly remembered you were in a very public hallway. You were still in your suit, that felt like it was about suffocate you. To his disappointment, and yours, you fell into old patterns. You pried yourself out of his orbit, stumbling backwards.
“Would you look at the time? I, um, need to go pack. Long flight tomorrow,” you stammered, as you continued backwards towards your room. 
“Congratulations again, I’m super happy for you.”
“Can we at least talk about this?” You fumbled with your keys pretending not to hear him, your focus on the floor.
“It was great working with you. You have a bright future back at Red Bull, I’m sure everything will work out. Have a safe trip back to Perth.”
And with that final, clinical, arms-length message, you left him in the hallway. 
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geotjwrs · 3 months
Can you please do a Gracie Abrams x male reader, where Gracie and r are dating and celebrate the release of risk and close to you at a party. A fluff start with a bit of smut at the end :)
I don't know if the requests are open, it's okay if u can't do it.
Btw, i love your writing, man :)
afterparty (18+)
Pairings ; Gracie Abrams x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; smut
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Gracie's apartment was buzzing with excitement, the air electric with laughter and music. The party was in full swing, celebrating the release of her latest singles, "Risk" and "Close to You." Friends and fellow musicians filled the space, glasses clinking in toasts to Gracie's success.
Y/N navigated through the crowd, a proud smile on his face. He spotted Gracie across the room, talking animatedly with a group of friends. Her eyes sparkled with joy, and he couldn't help but feel his heart swell with pride. Tonight was her night, and she was glowing.
Making his way over, Y/N gently placed a hand on Gracie's back. She turned, her face lighting up even more when she saw him.
"Hey, you," she greeted, her voice warm. "Having fun?"
"Of course," he replied, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "I'm so proud of you, Gray. The songs are incredible."
Gracie blushed, a bashful smile playing on her lips. "Thank you. I couldn't have done it without your support."
They were interrupted by a cheer from across the room. One of their friends had grabbed a guitar and was strumming the opening chords of "Risk." The crowd hushed, turning their attention to the impromptu performance.
Gracie's eyes met Y/N's, and she gave him a small nod. Understanding immediately, he gently guided her towards the makeshift stage. She grabbed a microphone, and as the first notes of "Risk" filled the room, she began to sing.
Y/N watched, captivated by her voice. Her lyrics told stories of vulnerability and courage, and he knew just how much of herself she poured into her music. As she transitioned into "Close to You," the room seemed to hold its breath, everyone caught in the spell of her performance.
When she finished, the room erupted in applause and cheers. Gracie's cheeks were flushed with happiness as she handed the microphone back and made her way to Y/N.
"That was amazing," he said, pulling her into a tight hug. "You're amazing."
Gracie hugged him back, her voice muffled against his chest. "I couldn't have asked for a better night. Thank you for being here."
"Always," he whispered, kissing the top of her head. "I'm always here for you."
They spent the rest of the evening mingling with friends, laughing, and celebrating. Every now and then, Y/N would catch Gracie's eye across the room, and they would share a private smile, a silent understanding passing between them.
As the party began to wind down, Y/N found Gracie on the balcony, looking out at the city lights. He joined her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
As they sat together, enjoying the cool breeze that caressed their faces, Gracie couldn't help but feel grateful for Y/N's constant support and love. They had been through so much together, and she knew deep down that he was the one she wanted to share her life with.
Y/N, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel aroused by the sight of his beautiful girlfriend, her eyes glistening with excitement from the night's events. He couldn't wait to get her alone and show her just how much he desired her.
After a moment of silence, Gracie suddenly stood up, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You know, Y/N," she began, "I've been wanting to do something with you all night."
Y/N's heart raced at the thought of what was to come. "What's that?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Gracie bit her lip seductively and leaned in closer to him, her breasts brushing against his chest. "Well," she purred, "how about we take this inside, and I show you exactly how grateful I am for everything you've done for me?"
Y/N's eyes widened with anticipation, and he nodded eagerly, his hands already reaching for Gracie's hips as he pulled her closer. They shared a passionate kiss as they stumbled into the room, their desire for each other growing with every step.
Once inside, Gracie led Y/N to her bedroom, a soft glow from the moonlight illuminating the room. She turned to face him, her eyes smoldering with desire as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse, revealing her perfectly perky breasts encased in a lacy black bra.
Y/N's eyes lingered on her curves, his cock already hardening at the sight of her. He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. "God, Gracie," he murmured, his lips brushing against her ear, "you're so fucking beautiful."
Gracie shivered at his touch, a soft moan escaping her lips as she felt his erection pressing against her thigh. She reached down, her fingers deftly unbuttoning his jeans and sliding them down his muscular legs, leaving him standing before her in nothing but his boxers.
Taking a step back, Gracie slowly began to strip for Y/N, her movements smooth and sensual as she revealed her own body to him. She unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor, and then unhooked her bra, allowing her breasts to spill free.
Y/N's eyes widened as he took in the sight of Gracie's naked body, her skin glowing in the moonlight. She stood before him, completely exposed, and yet she seemed to exude confidence and power.
Gracie smiled seductively, watching as Y/N's eyes devoured her curves. She took a step towards him, her hands reaching for the bulge in his boxers. "Do you want to touch me, baby?" she purred, her voice low and sultry.
Y/N growled in response, his hands gripping her hips as he pulled her close. He kissed her deeply, his tongue probing her mouth as his fingers traced the curve of her ass.
Gracie moaned into the kiss, her body trembling with desire. She reached down, her fingers sliding beneath the waistband of Y/N's boxers and pulling them down, revealing his throbbing erection.
Y/N groaned as Gracie's fingers wrapped around his cock, her touch sending shivers of pleasure down his spine. He couldn't believe how good it felt to be with her like this, to share such an intimate moment with the woman he loved.
Gracie smiled at the sight of Y/N's arousal, her own desire building with every stroke of her hand. She dropped to her knees, her eyes locked on his as she took him into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock.
Y/N gasped as Gracie's lips enveloped him, her mouth hot and wet against his sensitive skin. He threaded his fingers through her hair, guiding her movements as she sucked and licked him, her moans of pleasure vibrating against his shaft.
As Y/N's pleasure built, Gracie could feel her own arousal growing, her pussy throbbing with need. She wanted him inside her, wanted to feel him fill her up and fuck her until she was screaming with ecstasy.
Eager to please, Gracie pulled away from Y/N's cock, her eyes smoldering with desire as she looked up at him. "I need you inside me, Y/N," she whispered, her voice husky with need.
Y/N growled in response, his hands gripping Gracie's hips as he lifted her onto the bed. He positioned himself between her legs, his eyes locked on hers as he slowly slid inside her.
Gracie gasped as Y/N filled her, her pussy clenching around his cock as he began to thrust, his movements slow and deliberate at first. He leaned down, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered dirty words of encouragement, telling her how much he loved watching her writhe beneath him.
Gracie moaned in response, her hands gripping Y/N's back as she urged him on, her hips rising to meet his every thrust. She felt her orgasm building deep within her, the sensation starting in her core and spreading outwards until her entire body trembled with pleasure.
Y/N could feel Gracie's pussy tightening around him, her moans growing louder with every thrust. He knew she was close, and he wanted to make sure she came hard for him.
Increasing his pace, Y/N drove into Gracie, his cock pounding into her with increasing intensity. He could feel her orgasm building, her pussy clenching around him as she cried out in pleasure.
With a final, powerful thrust, Y/N felt his own orgasm building, the sensation starting in his cock and spreading outwards until his entire body trembled with pleasure. He groaned as he came, his hot cum spurting deep inside Gracie as she screamed his name.
As their bodies slowly calmed, Y/N rolled off Gracie, pulling her into his arms as they lay together in the afterglow of their lovemaking. They shared a soft kiss, their lips lingering as they basked in the warmth of each other's love.
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norrisreads · 1 year
Photograph #MS47
PAIRING: mick schumacher x reader
SUMMARY: scrolling through photos, you’ve found some photos that holds great memory and can’t help but to reminisce the moment
WARNING: FLUFF! the cutest and shortest fic i’ve written 😭💗
FC: sooyaaa__ on ig
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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
you are the type of person who’d rather have tons of pictures of your love ones rather than yourself and being that type of person means you’d have to transfer pictures regularly to clear up space.
films and dslr wasn’t really ideally for you as you’ve never really taken photography as something you’d think of doing it for life but rather just taking pictures as a memory.
here you are laying on your bed, head laid on the headboard and your phone being supported by your pillow looking through your gallery, you were given a week break off school and since icloud have been notifying that your storage has been used up, you guessed it’s time for your monthly delete session.
the first picture, you got to was a picture of you celebrating with mick’s family on Christmas. Your family weren’t that big on celebrating Christmas, as someone who’s been born to a family with no siblings, it can be quite lonely sometimes and mick thought it’ll be a great idea for you to celebrate christmas with his family.
Corinna, Michael, Gina and you were close, you would sometimes pay them a visit when school hadn’t really taken a huge stress of you. Days when mick would go for his race, you’d be there standing alongside with his family and seeing his face in search of you and his face automatically brighten up once he sees you was something you’d enjoy seeing.
You aren’t a huge dog lover, especially when you grew up with 2 tabby cats, named after your favourite characters last name, reid and green. When you first met angie, it took quite a convincing from mick for you to be close to angie, but the more you came over the more angie had taken a liking to you.
The photo was one of the core memory, and a photo you’d always love to talk about because that was the moment between mick and you was something you will always treasure.
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Then a photo of mick walking through the streets of japan with you were found. It was rare for you to be there for him in races, and when you told him that you’ve decide to accompany him to the Asia races because it was closer to your home country and you’re able to make a quick stop to your home afterwards, he was happy and quickly booked tickets for you.
The stop to japan was the first ever time you had stepped foot in Japan, and with mick knowing this was your first ever visit, he wanted to make it extra special.
But with the flight being delayed, the both of you happened to reach around 10PM where most of the shops were closed or closing soon , so mick and you were casually taking walks nearby the hotel finding for food places that was open.
In the end the both of you settled on 7-eleven food.
Mick had taken multiple photos of you which of course was taken on his phone, one photo was captured with you posing along the streets.
“stand there babe, you look beautiful, let me take a photo”
mick took out his phone from his pockets, and signalled you a countdown and took the photo.
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After scrolling through photos you’ve selected to transfer them to your thumb-drive, you’ve finally found the one photo that you’ve been trying to find.
A photo of mick during the afterparty of your wedding, it was held privately within close friends, family and of course drivers were invited. You had ask for Daniel to take photos for your wedding, and you could say he has a talent in it.
By the end of the day, Daniel dropped you a link that had 200+ photos of your wedding and you and mick had went through all the photos in one sitting in the living room of your new home.
You settled on a photograph of mick wearing a suit being nervous on walking down the altar and mick settled on a photograph of you in the wedding dress, because the moment mick saw you walking down the altar with the wedding dress on, he realised you’re the woman he would love to be with till the end.
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“still transferring the photos?”
there he was, walking towards you with a hot chocolate and a bunch of marshmallows floating around, just the way you like it.
“yeah, my storage has given up on me, which means i’ll need to transfer more photos” you took a sip and placed it by your bedside.
“these are our wedding photos right? we have these photos hung, and it’s in the folder Daniel send us, you can just delete them away my love” mick said while looking at the photos that had successfully transferred to your laptop.
“that’s cruel, i love to have them on my phone. It’s a great memory mick, if i had the chance to marry you again, i will” you gave kisses to his cheeks which led to his ears getting redder
“it’s been a year since we got married and your ears still gets red when i kiss you, Mick Schumacher”
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—✩࿐ end note: this fic is highly inspired by photographs by ed sheeran! Let me know what’s your take on it, i think this might be one of my favourites because i’m someone who takes a-lot of photos for memories 🤎
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shares-a-vest · 2 years
This post isn't me stopping myself from screaming Beyonce was robbed.
also inspired by THIS post that got me thinking about Steddie at the Grammys.
AU where Steve Harrington is at the Grammys, just a smaller indie artist who finds himself nominated for Best Rock Album. He's in the same category as Corroded Coffin, a metal band who similarly, aren't expected to win. The favourite is some younger group who are basically just pop with a bit of an edge. Plus they've all been shoved at tables that certainly aren't the main attraction, away from centre stage and constant camera pans.
Steve's "date" is his best friend Robin, and every question (okay, the few questions he got) on the red carpet were about her. And they just laughed and fumbled their way through answers that never technically answered if they are dating or not.
There's a commercial break in the ceremony, so a lot of people are mingling. It's pretty crowded and loud and Steve is starting to feel overwhelmed... And his category is up soon. Oh god, what if he wins...
"Great album, man," someone says as a hand claps on his shoulder.
Robin makes some kind of excited squee noise and Steve feels her fumble around at her feet.
"I'm going for more drinks!" she practically shouts in his ear, leaving it ringing.
Before Steve can turn around she disappears.
"Your girlfriend knows it's table service, right?" the voice offers.
Steve finally turns around to find the lead singer of Corroded Coffin saying before him, smiling. He's dressed in leather pants with a sheer black top under his jacket, exposing a chest tattoo. He looks completely different to the wild performance he gave about half an hour ago, screaming and trashing about on stage and not sending Steve's heart racing.
He must be staring because the Hot Lead Singer of Corroded Coffin furrows his brow.
"Oh, um," Steve stutters, clutching his place card in his hands once again. It's completely tattered now from fiddling with it most of the night.
"First time here?" the man asks, quickly moving behind him to sit in Robin's vacated seat.
"Yeah," Steve replies. "It's a lot."
The man laughs, fluttering his eyelashes as he props an arm on the table, exposing ring-adorned fingers. Gosh, he's pretty.
"It makes for a pretty cool date night."
"Oh, Rob - Robin!" Steve chokes and awkwardly thumbs behind him. "She's not my girlfriend."
The man nods, looking him over. Steve blushes and scrambles to add, "Your performance was great."
"Felt like we were asked to perform to appease rock fans, really," he shrugs. "It's all overproduced garbage now. Not you though!"
He places a hand on Steve's knee at that last point.
"Thanks," Steve huffs, bashful as he ignores the panic reaching every inch of his being.
"Name's Eddie," Eddie clarifies.
"Steve!" he... announces?
What was that? Can he actually be not this, right now...
He's saved by the bell as the event announcer informs the audience of the return from the commercial break and begins listing the next categories. Eddie squeezes Steve's thigh.
"Talk later," he smiles, before darting back to his table.
Neither Steve nor Corroded Coffin win. As predicted, it's the pop/not-really-rock group. Steve nods his way through condolences at his table, including his manager and Robin who had far too higher expectations.
As soon as the winners leave the stage, the overhead announcer informs of yet another commercial break. And before Steve knows it, Eddie is back, crouching down beside him and placing his hand over his.
"Tough luck, Steve," he says, although he doesn't look at least a bit disappointed. "Wanna go to the afterparty with me?"
Steve looks to Robin for approval.
"Yes," she says through gritted teeth, kicking him hard under the table.
He closes his eyes and winces at the pain. Does she really need to be this kind of a wingman at the goddamn Grammys?
"Sure," he says to Eddie, wincing again because he's sounding way too casual (and he might also be bracing himself for another kick).
"Great!" Eddie beams and leans in, close enough to whisper. "We're gonna have some fun."
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csainz5 · 1 year
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pairing: carlos sainz jr x reader
word count: 0.8k
summary: you and carlos have a rendezvous after his win at the spanish grand prix. who knows what would happen when youre so close to each other? as the drinks keep pouring you may just find out. ( this can be read as a part 2 to “smooth operator: emphasis on the smooth” as well as by itself)
author notes: im overwhelmed by the response to my first ever tumblr post!! i hope you enjoy this as much as the first one, maybe even more so 🫣
The crowd erupted with cheers as he stepped out of his car, a broad smile plastered across his handsome face. As the evening sun cast its golden glow over the racetrack, the celebrations had began.
The after party was a glamorous affair, filled with champagne, laughter, and the pulsating rhythm of music. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the thrill of the race and the presence of the Formula 1 stars. Among the many revelers was you, standing apart although in a simple black slip-on dress with rhinestones on the sleeves. Your heart skipped a beat when you caught sight of Carlos across the room. He looked even more breathtaking under the glow of the red lights, his dark hair tousled and his eyes sparkling with mischief. He moved with a natural grace, drawing the attention of everyone around him.
Gathering your courage, you approach him, your heart pounding with a mix of nerves and anticipation. Carlos noticed the shy smile on your face and returned it warmly. "Hola," he greeted, his voice smooth and filled with genuine warmth. "Hi," you reply, voice slightly breathless. "Congratulations on the race, Carlos. You were amazing out there."
Carlos's grin widened, revealing his contentment with the compliment. "Gracias, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It means a lot to hear that from you rather than anyone else here." He raised his glass, offering a toast. "Shall we celebrate together, then?" You nod, your hand trembling slightly as it clinked against Carlos's champagne flute. Carlos's words seemed to flow effortlessly, making you feel as though you were the only two people in the room.
As the night wore on, the conversation became more intimate. Carlos leaned in closer, his voice becoming a husky whisper that sent shivers down your spine. You could feel the magnetic pull between the both of you, a simmering tension that made your hearts race. Lost in the moment, you found yourself drawn into Carlos's orbit. Your bodies moved in perfect harmony on the dance floor, the rhythm of the music mirroring the connection you felt. The touch of Carlos's hand on your waist sent sparks of desire coursing through your veins. “Carlos” you whimper, breathless.
Unable to resist your voice, Carlos leaned in and captured your lips in a searing kiss. It was a passionate embrace, filled with longing, as if he had been thinking about doing this to you since the instant he saw you. Your bodies pressed against each other, fitting together like two puzzle pieces.
In that moment, the two of you forgot about the world around you. You were consumed by the intensity of your desire, the electric chemistry that sizzled between you both. Carlos's hands explored your body with a reverence and hunger that left you weak in the knees. His hand pulled you in by the waist as he settled himself against the railing of the balcony. The fiery passion between the two of you was apparent in the way you held each other close, breathing heavily but at the same time, barely breathing. The intensity of his desire seemingly knocked the wind out of you. You place a hand against his chest, pulling apart from his embrace, “Not here Carlos, there’s people around”
For a moment, Carlos finds himself unable to answer, trying his best to be rational as thoughts plague his mind. Thoughts of you, and how you would look as he— Focus Carlos, Focus. he thought to himself, trying to regain his composure. “Yes, of course”, he brings himself to answer. “Perhaps we should go get ourselves a drink by the bar” you suggest, “Yes, perhaps we should.” he replied. His eyes follow you as you lead him through the crowd to the bar. “two white rums, on the rocks” You order. “I hope you don’t mind i ordered on your behalf, i just had a feeling you would enjoy it.” “No worries, i look forward to trying it out.”
The booming sound of the music, the lights and the drinks set a mood in the club, a mood that was eating the two of you inside out. It became harder and harder to remain rational. It all drowned into a blur of stolen kisses and whispered promises in a drunken haze. You and Carlos had found solace in each other's arms, bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. The connection was undeniable, like a flame that burned brighter with every touch.
Carlos held you close, your bodies still humming with desire. His hands brushed your hair out of your eyes, settling along your face, cupping your cheek. He looked into your eyes, his gaze filled with a mix of desire and longing. "Mi vida," he murmured, his voice husky, "I don't want this night to end. Will you stay with me?"
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wisteriagoesvroom · 8 months
my first foray into galex - thank you for the prompt from the f1 wild side discord!
a galex drabble written from the following prompts: morning, window and cat. with the tone: content
Alex wakes to a terrible screech. It sounds like someone’s dying, or losing a tooth, or both. Bleary eyed, he drags himself out of the bed, kicking off half the covers off as he goes. When he makes his way to the hallway, George stands there, shoulders hunched. His morose expression is a jarring contrast to his fluffy bathrobe.
“What happened?” 
“You’ll have to be more specific.”
“Alright. Gucci, as in resident menace, knocked the plates over.” 
Alex surveys the damage. It doesn’t look too bad, though whatever was on the plates - pancakes, from the looks of things, seem to be splashed halfway across the floor. 
His partner seems worse for wear.
“Typical ginger cat behaviour. Are you fine, though?” Alex asks. 
George nods, eyes all watery. Mouth pinched in a straight line, perfectly English of him, barely held together by his own tightly wound composure. He’s always been this way, since the days they’d been karting. Heart on his sleeve, feelings like rainclouds at the end of races.
Alex has seen him at his best and his worst, been there to hug him close or listen to him babble on about mechanical failures that were perfectly avoidable. Even let George drone for two hours with a PowerPoint on ways he could reform the GPDA for better driver solidarity until Alex had cut him off with a “you’re kind of sexy when you’re mansplaining to me. Even if I’m a man, and all”. Which had stopped George so short that he didn’t have anything to say for almost an entire minute.  
What happened after that was just natural, really. They'd clambred into each other's drivers rooms, held hands furtively at afterparties, kissed in the shadows of locations as exotic as Monaco and mundane as Milton Keynes. This was to none of the grid’s surprise, having seen their friendship blossom over the years, now into something else. Friends, however distant, who helped to guard their secret until they were ready.
“Today was supposed to be perfect.” George says, tugging Alex back to the present. It’s been two years since. Two good ones. 
George pinches his nose . “Christ, this is a disaster."
“We talked about this. No self-flagellating in the new year.”
“Right. Yeah. It’s just–”
Alex takes the other man’s hands. They’re large, and warm. Slender fingers roughened with callouses from gripping the wheel, capable hands for a capable man.
This close, George smells faintly like berries. Affection flutters in Alex’s stomach.
“We'll just start it over. It'll be fine, Georgie."
"I just wanted it to be perfect."
"Hey. This is my perfect. This is it, mate. You know that, right?”
George nods, softening under Alex’s touch. 
“Besides.” Alex continues. “It’s a little hard to take you seriously when your apron says do I look delicious. Which for the record, you do.”
George wipes his nose with the back of his hand, eyes darting down and up again. “You bought this, mind you.”
“I did.”
“And you love it. And me.”
“Yeah. I do.”
Alex pokes George in the side playfully, and George rolls his eyes. Attention diverted for the moment, smile finally back and starting to warm his eyes.
"Such an arsehole." George says, glancing at Gucci, who is walking calmy across the kitchen counter. Happily acting as if nothing has happened.
"I know. But he's our arsehole."
"Never say those words in that combination again."
"Our arsehole." Alex adds, emphatically.
To that, George only emits a long sigh.
And there is cleanup to come. Breakfast to be made again. But just for a moment, it’s the two of them. Spilled pancakes. Patience. tender love.
A miscreant tabby that happily suns itself under the window. 
Two of their hands perfectly intertwined. Room perfectly incandescent.
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12-seconds-to-live · 2 years
pairing - f1drivers/2022 x fem!driver
warnings - death, grieving
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Why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye?
May 29 - Mónaco GP
“Any plans after the race” I asked my teammate, Alex
“Well, there’s always the Red Bull afterparty, you know that is almost a tradition, even if you DNF” I look at him and nod.
“Yeah, I can’t handle too much, not after dealing with a very drunk Charles and Lando, no thank you”
“C’mon, we need a little bit of fun. And we’re expecting the best from you, you’re Mrs. P3 today and can finish as Mrs. P1″
Safe to say that Monaco it’s not my favourite GP. Reason: none but today it’s raining and I prefer a sunny Mónaco. Who knows, maybe I want to look for a really cute french around Mónaco harbor.
Not me at the moment
"Oh, shuss. I’m feeling confident buuuut...let’s see. We have a little meeting with Jost and then get ready”
“Cool, see you”
I walked to my motorhome and for a moment I feel like everybody was looking at me in a weird way. I ignored it and changed in my race suit getting race before the race. The reunion got cancelled and the FIA scheduled for a little debrief, weird.
 As I go inside the room, I am looking for Alex, seems that everybody is in a rush. Being in front row in Mónaco is a big achievement and being in a Williams is like touching gold, so I can mess this up
“Alice...Al...¡Alice!” Alex is shaking my shoulder. Lando and Daniel, who are in front of us, are looking at me trying to gain my attention
“What...I get lost in my thoughts, sorry” I look around and every driver where looking at me “Why is everybody looking at me? For the record, I got a shower in the morning” The looks in their eyes are the same when my mom told that my hamster died when I was 8 years old...
Not that look
I’m not ready
I’ve never been
“We need you in your motorhome then you decide if you want to race” started Lewis with a sad expression on his face
“What ever it is...I’m okay if you tell me...I mean, we tell each other our stuff...sometimes...I...I” Alex take my hand and squeeze it, his eyes are a bit watery, so are Lando’s, so as Pierre’s, so as Sebastian’s
So as mine
I wanna run from here
“Tell me already, I can deal with your faces right now as much as I love you all” Sebastian was crying, Alex’s face is something that I would never forget and his next words were like a whisper, an arrow to my heart, worst that a heartbroken.
I got up, ignoring their voices, their screams, I have no place to go, my legs are functioning alone. It’s still raining and the way to the paddock is alone, no one and there’s tears running down, I looked to the grey sky and then to my feet
What now?
I sit on the floor, looking to knowhere. Being a thousand kilometers far from home and being an only child and deciding to leave was the greatest sacrifice for my mom, saying goodbye and know, all that distance just for set myself in my biggest dream, but she’s not here today and she’s not going to be tomorrow
Not anymore
How is it now that somehow I am felling like the biggest looser?
Like, doesn’t matter anymore.
“I’m sorry mom, forgive me. But I know that I have to let you go. I'm giving up and... and I guess this is where we say goodbye, I hope to be alright, someday I'll be fine, it’s just... not tonight” I heard a lot of steps and the boys where standing in front of me with their umbrellas and Carlos have a bouquette of red roses, Yuki offers me his hand so I can stand.
Charles look at me “We are with you and even If you feel you’re alone, you’re wrong. You have 19 brothers that are going to hold your hand till the day we die. We know how close you were, we knew her and she loves you”
“She’s proud, so are we” Said Sebastian “It’s not correct for me to send you racing today but If you feel strong enough to do it for her, we’re with you, If not...well, we’re still with you, till the end of the line”
I look at them. I still have a home, they’re home
“Promise me to stay?” I asked 
“Always” All of them start hugging me and telling me that they are here for me and more lovely words. 
“Boys, It’s race time. Let’s go” I smiled and headed with Alex to our garage. I changed my suit and get ready. This is for mom, Even if i get in the bottom, this is for my number one fan. My get in the car and thumbs up to everybody. I’m okay, I’m okay
I’ll be okay
“Radio check”
“Loud and clear” I answered to Andrew, my race engineer, 
“Okay Alice, let’s do what you do best, I give you my condolences and I tell you that this is your race, do it for your mom, today she’s looking after you...as always, kid” 
“Thank you. My mom is now an angel, let’s get that P1” I smiled and the moment we expected, lights out.
With an end time of 01:13:521, I passed the chekered flag and all of the screams of the fans and my team holding a big board with my mom’s name on it and a P1. This is definitelly a race to remember. There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief, my mom is gonna be forever, even she can’t call me as she ever did or wait for me at the airport, her memory and all the time she spend taking care and helping me is something that stays.
I placed the car in front of the P1, I go out of the car and put my hands in my face, not realizing this and I saw everybody clapping at me, Checo and Lewis, stand by my side and in the big screen located at the podium a photo of my mom was present. I kneel crying. Lewis kneel by my side and then hug me, Checo did the same, I look up and the rest of the boy were there with happy faces.
I look at Lewis, we took off out helmets and balaclavas. I smiled and run to hug my team. Everybody  is cheering, joyful. I run to the boys and hug Max and then all of them join
“My home is here, thank you” 
“Anytime, A” said Mick
“Lovely and cheessy but someone needs a shower” said George and we started laughing. “Go for your trophy miss” 
“What a way to kill the moment George” Alex said, he hug me and jump with me “I must be a wizard, Mrs. P1″
“First of many, you’ll see” I follow Checo and Lewis to the podium. I look up to the sky, how gratefull I am for living my dream, being the best on it. And still...she’ll always be here. I shake the champagne and enjoy the moment with the others. My second family is here, smiling at me, clapping, cheering, laughing, all the happy ways to show me how much I mean to them.
At the end
Home is  were my 19 brothers are. And I’m glad that I’m always there
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sviidoll · 5 months
afterparty ⸺ lewis hamilton
warning : messy makeout
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the afterparty for the formula 1 drivers was in full swing, with music blaring and colorful lights flashing through the lavish venue with a purple tinge. among the guest was lewis hamilton, an renowned racer with a bright smile and charming personality. he had just won the race, and was now enjoying the celebrations with his fellow competitors and fans in the club.
as he mingled through the crowd, he couldn’t help but notice a woman who stood out from the rest who seemed to be sipping on a glass of gin and tonic. she was dressed in a sleek black dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, and her was styled in a perfect curls which accentuated her natural beauty.
lewis was mesmerized by her and so he decided to make his way towards her, wanting to strike up a conversation with the woman. “excuse me, miss. I couldn’t help but notice your stunning outfit.” he said with his warm smile, gesturing towards her form-fitting black dress.
the woman was surprised and seemed to be in shock at the sight of him until recovering, smiling at him. “oh thank you, Mr. Hamilton. it’s honestly a honor to receive a compliment from you.” she says, feeling her cheeks flush in color.
“please, call me lewis and you are?” he asked as she introduced herself to be nalani, staring at her and soon enough, the two found themselves talking for hours as they were lost in each other ma company. the pair laughing, joking even, as they found out they had some things in common.
as the night went on, she took lewis by surprised when she asked him to dance as he simply agreed to. the atmosphere taking on sultry as their bodies moved in sync, hands on one another.
nalani couldn’t help but press close into him, enjoying the feel of his touch, their breads mingling as they looked into each others eyes and in that moment, they both knew where this was going.
without hesitation, she leaned in and placed her lips on Lewis’s, making him forget everyone and everything else in the room as the kiss became passionate and electric, igniting a desire in both of them. nalani’s hands roaming freely over his body, exploring every inch of him and he couldn’t just resist her any longer, scooping nalani up in his arms as he carried her to a more private area of the party.
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taglist . . . @louvrepool , @luvvtrent , @stvrlighttgabss , @ivyppoison
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