What's your favourite kind of bacteria?
The genus Clostridium has many interesting bacteria, and my favourite of all bacteria is Clostridium botulinum, and close second is Clostridium tetani. Who doesn't love the bacteria that produces the most potent toxin known to humans?
But Yersinia pestis and Bacillus anthracis are also very fascinating. The deadlier, the more fun interesting they are. You also have to watch out for the MDR bacteria.
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longhaulerbear · 2 years
Gastrointestinal symptoms are common in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), related to infection of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) of intestinal cells through the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor in the brush border. Also, patients are treated with multiple antibiotics. Therefore, an increase in gut dysbiosis and in the prevalence of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is expected in patients with COVID-19.
In COVID-19 there is bacterial and fungal dysbiosis that correlates with systemic and pulmonary inflammation, and illness severity. Further investigations are warranted to determine the efficacy of bacteriotherapy and FMT for modulating gut dysbiosis in COVID-19.
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mantisshrinp · 11 months
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Got this tattoo the other day from an apprentice at another shop and she shouted me out in her post 🥰 If you're into tattoo art and in the Salish Sea area (or just like art), check out her insta and mine.
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cytgen · 1 year
Abstract Biobutanol is one of the types of biofuels produced using microbial synthesis (acetone–butanol–ethanol fermentation). It is possible to increase the level of accumulation of the target product due to metabolic changes in producer cells under the influence of stress factors. For this purpose, the effect of such stress factors as allopurinol, furfural, zinc, and oxygen, as well as glycerol as a nonspecific substrate on the functioning of Clostridium sp. cells, was studied. It was demonstrated that the butanol concentration was the highest (1.2 g/L) as compared with the control (0.6 g/L) when adding 0.5 g/L of furfural to the culture medium. The use of ZnSO4 at a concentration of 0.001 g/L increased the butanol concentration to 1.1 g/L, and the highest butanol concentration (1.3 g/L) was obtained when using glucose and glycerol as carbon sources in a ratio of 1 : 3. The butanol concentration in the culture medium increased to 0.8 g/L with the addition of 0.025 g/L of allopurinol. The possibility of using the above-mentioned stress factors to increase the accumulation of the target product by influencing the metabolic pathways in microorganism cells is substantiated
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Aç Bakteriler Daha Fazla Zehir Üretiyor
Aç Bakteriler Daha Fazla Zehir Üretiyor Gıda zehirlenmesinin başlıca nedenlerinden biri de Clostridium perfingens isimli bakteridir. Bu bakterinin çoğaldığı bir yiyecek yendiğinde, bir kaç saat içinde Niğde ve bağırsak rahatsızlığı yaşanabilir. Bu bakteri bağırsaktaki hücreleri delerek ishale yol açar. Endistüriyel tavukçulukta da bu bakteri tehlike saçar. Yılda 6 milyar dolarlık zarara neden…
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hoantovet · 2 years
ĐẶC TRỊ VIÊM RUỘT HOẠI TỬ TRÊN GÀ, VỊT, CÚT, VIÊM HỒI TRÀNG, HỒNG LỴ TRÊN HEO THÀNH PHẦN: Trong 1 kgBacitracin Methylene DisalicylateTá dược vừa đủ…1 kgCÔNG DỤNG: Trị viêm ruột hoại tử, tiêu chảy trên gia cầm; Trị viêm ruột hoại tử, tiêu chảy sình ruột, hoại tử ruột do Clostridium spp, hồng lỵ trên heo, heo con theo mẹ.LIỀU LƯỢNG VÀ CÁCH DÙNG: Pha nước uống hoặc trộn thức ănGà, vịt, cút:Phòng…
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deinheilpraktiker · 2 years
Das Darmmikrobiom spielt eine Rolle bei Alzheimer In einer kürzlich in der Zeitschrift veröffentlichten Rezension Pharmakologische Forschunguntersuchten Forscher in Brasilien die Rolle der Darmmikrobiota bei Kognition, Gehirnfunktion, Verhalten und der Pathogenese neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen. Lernen: Relevanz der Darmmikrobiota für Kognition, Verhalten und Alzheimer. Bildnachweis: nobeastsofierce / Shutterstock Hintergrund Immer mehr Beweise deuten darauf hin, dass das Darmmikrobiom eine wesentliche Funktion für die Ges... #Aminosäure #Ampicillin #Amyloidose #Angst #Asthma #Autismus #Bakterien #Clostridium #Darm_Hirn_Achse #Depression #Diabetes #Diät #Dysbiose #Entzündung #Fettleibigkeit #Forschung #Gehirn #Gehirnerkrankung #Genetisch #Ghrelin #Glucose #Immunsystem #Knochen #Knochen_Gesundheit #Kognitive_Funktion #Laktobazillen #Leptin #Mikrobiom #Mikroglia #Nerv #Nervöses_System #Neurodegenerative_Erkrankung #Neurodegenerative_Krankheiten #Neuronen #Neurophysiologie #Peptide #Probiotika #Probiotisch #Protein #Rezeptor #Ribonukleinsäure #Serotonin #Tryptophan #Zentrales_Nervensystem #Zytokin #Zytokine
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
This blog is actually so fucking cool. I came here from the hellsite hall of fame, and I haven’t regretted it. I love seeing a really popular and wacky post, scrolling all the way down, and then finding out that this blog responded. Especially when it accidentally creates a second punchline!
On another note, what organism does this make?
P.s. lots of respect for whoever runs this!
String identified: T g acta cg c. ca t t a a, a a’t gtt t. g a a a a ac t, cg a t a , a t g t tat t g . ca t accta cat a c c!
at t, at ga t a?
.. t ct t!
Closest match: Clostridium ultunense Esp isolate Clostridium ultunense strain Esp genome assembly, chromosome: chrI
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tetedurfarm · 1 month
anyway, that whole big ass post brought to you in part by this four-week old himi litter that is starting to drop dead of what really appears to be Ye Olde Clostridium but uhh they should not be fully weaned yet? hello?
vaccinated and treated for cocci anyway but i am hard side-eyeing their mother for this.
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poppy5991 · 5 months
4, 12, & 20 for the question game!
4. My favorite books are a series called The Mirror Visitor Quartet by Christelle Dabos. Also Vita Nostra by Marina Dyachenko, This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El Mohtar, and A Separate Peace by John Knowles.
12. I want to go everywhere! Haha but my most ambitious travel goal is to someday take an Antarctic cruise. I’ll be headed to Romania in three weeks which will be country #19!
20. Fun fact: There are species of bacteria and fungi that have been found growing and thriving in nuclear reactors and in radioactive areas of Chernobyl. Before discovery, it was believed that no organism could survive the mutagenic effects and cell damage caused by such high levels of ionizing radiation. It opened up a bunch of ideas about extremophiles, including whether life could exist on planets formerly considered uninhabitable and whether microorganisms could be used to clean up radiation spills. It also means that life can still persist on earth following major nuclear war/nuclear fallout at least in the form of microbes.
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tweedfrog · 6 months
Death and destruction to all Wellness influencers/believers ofc but if you ever wanted evidence that their entire worldview of "health" is based on outward markers of wealth and social status (thinness and attractiveness) I present without comment this image of an equinox rooftop exercise class in New York City when smog and pollution levels from wildfire smoke were the worst in the world and the air quality was stated to be "hazardous for all residents"
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Man there’s so much room for expansion with Parasite in Love because you could just keep adding pathogens as new routes and whatever you choose to be exposed to is who’s route you get.
So obviously going to the lake is Naegleria fowleri. But say there was an option to accidentally step on a rusty nail? Or an option to open a suspicious envelope? Or scratch yourself on something? Or be bitten by a bat?
Ooh and maybe each pathogen would represent a different type of yandere 🥰🥰🥰
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medicomunicare · 2 years
Il ruolo del mycobiota nelle malattie umane: essere numericamente inferiori non significa essere deboli
Il ruolo del mycobiota nelle malattie umane: essere numericamente inferiori non significa essere deboli
I funghi commensali esistono in varie parti del corpo, dalla cute alle cavità interne, e sostengono una colonizzazione relativamente stabile. I funghi sono stati completamente sottovalutati in passato, in parte perché sono ampiamente superati in numero dai batteri. L’invasione di funghi patogeni ambientali inalati può interrompere l’omeostasi fungina nei polmoni; se ci sono le condizioni possono…
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khazad · 2 years
klebsiella is a beautiful name for a hobbit baby girl
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blackwaxidol · 2 years
"Ru'thûn is a natural vector of Light-eating tetanus" is my favourite undiscussed lore of her.
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 months
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