#rusty nails
mumblelard · 1 year
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gladys or lemon flavored last days
i never could get the hang of wuersdays
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Slasher Showdown
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Bo Sinclair being friends/Poker buddies with Ash Williams and Rusty Nails. I've had this dumb idea for a while. They fit so well.
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weepingfoxfury · 1 year
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Now, where did I put that tin of polish? ...
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~ Pink and Gray ~
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aspelladay · 2 years
Stay Locked Up Spell
[Jail House Spells aren’t reserved for prisoners, nor for those who wish to win their release. Sometimes, whether in the name of justice or safety, it’s important that someone remain in jail. This spell helps keep that person locked up.]
Write the targeted person’s name on brown paper.
Place it inside a clear bowl, glass or Pyrex™ for instance, so that when looking from the outside the bowl’s contents are visible.
Cover the paper with a layer of black pepper.
Cover this layer with another layer of cayenne pepper or similar ground up hot chili pepper, habañero powder is even hotter and thus more desirable.
Add a nail, preferably a rusty one, or a coffin nail, if it’s important that the person fulfill a life sentence.
Cover everything with ammonia.
Place a key in the bow, standing upright, leaning against the side of the bowl. It will fall down; you must be vigilant and keep it standing.
Every day at noon turn the key a quarter-turn to keep the person locked up.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)  
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dare-g · 1 year
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Acne (2000)
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a-muzzled-hound · 2 years
“What could go wrong?”
Rusty nails, mayday may day! Cave in 
CONTENT!/TRIGGER WARNING!: Continued story from day 11, rusty nails, punishment, rope/tough rope, burning nails/burning metal, no comfort, rope restraints
Ashtyn would already be sat on one of the metal foldable chairs they would keep in the corner of the shed, his arms restrained strictly with rope on the arm sides, his ankles, quads, his torso would be tied up as well to the chair that'd sit in the middle of the shed, right in front of the counters
It'd take him a minute to wake up, and by then, everything was set up on the counter right behind him, 10 rusty nails, a pliers, and a singular lighter, and of course that's all they needed for what they planned on doing. 
His eyes would roll up feeling stinging pain in his knee, that’d still be wrapped up rather poorly in rags, as he’d realize rather quickly that he was tied up- and quite securely to the chair, limiting pretty much every movement he made, getting out of the daze of sweet unconsciousness, as he’d look up at, fixing his gaze to his surroundings, with his insides falling apart when he realized what was happening. 
“You’re finally awake, it took you long enough, but we did have plenty of time at least to get everything ready for sweet little, you.” Alyx would speak up amongst the other men, standing right infront of ashtyn,  take a long good, gander down at ashtyn. His words expressed sarcasm to the boy in his statements.  
Ashtyn would speak up shakily “It- hurted- I’m fucking sorry! I wa-was.. Going to return!” it just felt as if an noose was getting tied to his neck, and proceeded to get choked by the noose, with his voice squeaking abit, in an act to hold back any tears
“That is such utter bullshit.” Alyx spoke up with a darting glare, following that statement up “You know damn well, once your knee was feeling a-okay, you’d run to the gates and attempt your escape. PATHETIC!” 
Ashtyn would shake his head with a rather resilient look on his face, it truly was something to be entertained by. But- on ashtyns end, there wasn’t anything to say anymore. Alyx was right- He was going to attempt an escape once his knee felt somewhat better.
“That’s exactly what I thought.” Was uttered as the lighter and pliers were picked up by alyx, with him holding the pliers ends up to the flame of the lighter, flaming it up, so when it touched any bare skin or anything really- it’d burn right through. He’d just bow his head down in shame, balling up his fists tightly knowing this whole procedure all too well. 
After a solid minute of ashtyn, bowing his head in shame with his fists twitching in fear, just doing his best to distract himself from what’s going on, what surrounds him, who’s around him. The pilers would finally be hot enough, with the jaws of the pliers having some steam coming off of them just from how hot the metal had gotten. 
“C’mon, open your palm.” Vincent spoke up, peering down at ashtyn next to alyx.
Ashtyn would hesitate abit with his fist just shaking more, til his hand would slowly squeeze itself open, still refusing to look his head looking to the side, with his eyes squinted shut, his hands shaking just wouldn't stop despite being open, with it flinching a few times. 
Til suddenly the burning hot jaws of the pliers would be twisted onto ashtyns ring finger, as tears flushed out of ashtyns eyes, erupting an blood curdling scream with all of the fight getting crashed into ashtyn all at once, the struggle started all over again 
“FUCK, FUCK!!- FA-FWUC!!! AGH!!!” Screaming continued blocking out any words he was trying to get out for this period of time, only making out blabberings, which soon turned into blabberes out please as his finger would get twisted by the burning hot jaws of the pliers, getting twisted quite slowly, til it took a whole other direction, getting QUICKLY twisted
The bone in his ring finger was completely bent, with ashtyns releasing an pretty uncontrolled scream, jerking around quite a bit in the ropes, just trying again and again to pull his knees up, and his arms side ways, but, that didn't last for long, did it? 
Alyx would slam his own hand on top of ashtyns palm, removing the pliers from his ring finger as he does it, sending ashtyn into a flight response as his head shot back and looked at alyx then his palm through tears that would be racing out of his eyes at a rapid rate, shaking his head no
Alyx would just take a gander at ashtyn "No?" 
Ashtyn of course immediately nodded, again and again, nods, with his crying showing no sign of a pause, despite him sucking in some of the tears, for them to flush out moments later with his breaths. 
"Right, we'll move on then, twisting fingers never really were my favorite thing to do."
Ashtyn would chuckle lightly, releasing more sobs as his head fell down shortly after, his back hitching around, a bit, his hand going limp as alyx would go ahead and grabbed half of the rusty nails on the counter behind ashtyn, with Vincent grabbing the other half. 
Ashtyn's laughter would be hitched in between his crystal, as he'd look at the rusty nails with some old blood stained on them still, as he stared, his crying worsened. There was really no stopping Ashtyn's cries, other than.. More pain! 
Alyx would take his hand, spreading his palm out on the chairs arm rest, laying the nails out aside, taking one of the five he had. And propping it right on ashtyn's pinky fingers, knuckle. With ashtyn's hand making slight twitches in utter horror. Alyx picks up a perfectly sized hammer for bashing the nail right in his knuckles. 
And within a few seconds of anticipating for the big bang, it happened, the nail was BASHED, down by the hammer alyx wielded, with the nail going right through the knuckles bone marrow, striking his knuckles nerve, and to add insult to injury, the hammers face striked the knuckle right after the bashing
   The crying was endless on ashtyns ends, with his crys cracking infrequently, his throat feeling weak, it wouldn’t take long for Vincent would follow the same path with alyx lending him the hammer, violently bashing the nail down with the hammer's face, over and over again. 
Ashtyn's struggle didn't stop, it worsened, with his tugs against the rope becoming violent with every tug, worsening the blisters he gained from how tough the material the rope is, he'd keep on turning in the chair, looking honestly a bit wheezy from just looking at the graphic display that were his hands. 
Soon enough, the two men had already went through with every knuckle went through, and without realizing, ashtyn had collapsed to unconsciousness in the chair, with his salty tears drying on his face, same with the heavy snot that had came from his nose, through all of those hysterical sobs. 
But, There's always time for a good beating.
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pangur-and-grim · 6 months
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Grim didn't like this
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mantisshrinp · 11 months
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Got this tattoo the other day from an apprentice at another shop and she shouted me out in her post 🥰 If you're into tattoo art and in the Salish Sea area (or just like art), check out her insta and mine.
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shurple · 1 year
i need acupuncture but like with rusty nails shoved at random into my back
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sick-thing · 2 years
Terfs after they get butch women kicked out of womens bathrooms for looking too much like a man, call cis women men because they don't fit a white western beauty standard, say people who've had mastectomies (which are mostly cancer patients) are mutilated, reduce women down to their anatomy, act like trans men are clueless little girls who can't think for themselves, say women are naturally worse at sports and quiz shows and beauty pageants than men, flash a fake bush in parliament with children present, rile up so much bullshit about trans athletes that now there's laws being made where little girls have to have genital inspections, and throw intersex people under the bus at every opportunity
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djpsyke · 1 year
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psychotic-star-girl · 2 months
How it feels finding something to read when the fandom is either dead or unknown or the character is just underated:
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strawlessandbraless · 1 month
Team Free Will 3.0
blurry wife, party city wig, rusty nail
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rocketbirdie · 6 days
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country boys
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