#Code Esencia
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I don't know, I was bored and had to update this.
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Doom Bringer: *uninstalls default gender and installs gender that runs three times as fast*
Code Esencia: free and open source genders
Nova Imperator: *uninstalls default gender and does not install a replacement*
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ysrwii · 1 year
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Eve as Code: Esencia from "Elsword" with serving her Moby, Remy, Oberon, Ophelia, and Ferdinand.
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elsjobproject · 2 years
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Code: Esencia 
5/5 - Clear El Tower Defense 5 times [0/5]
'Who are you?' It was a question with an obvious answer. I am Eve. Queen of Nasod. The sole survivor of Nasods, traveling with the El Search Party to rebuild the Nasod Kingdom.
Once she organized her thoughts, she found discrepancy in her actions and her claim. Now, with the El restored, albeit partially, was the perfect opportunity to rebuild the kingdom, but she was still here, helped the El Search Party.
She has given herself excuses, saying that helping them did not hinder her cause, but in actuality, Eve actively wanted to help the El Search Party.
After many trials and hardship, she even met Adrian, the father of all Nasods, but even that wasn't because she was acting purely for her people.
The boy who called her his friend, the elf without judgement, the girl always full of energy, and the man who accepted her, despite his own horrible past with other Nasods... Everyone from the El Search Party had now become an integral part of her, in every single one of her memory circuits.
'What is the future you desire?'
The future I desire... is 'One in which Nasods coexist peacefully with other races'.
Eve finally realizes what it was about Elysion that bothered her. Nasod Utopia was not a true utopia without her friends at her side.
Eve headed towards the sanctum. 'She' was waiting for her answer at the heart of the sanctum.
(recorded; 11/05/2022)
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someawesomeamvs · 2 years
Warning: Spoilers, violence
Title: Crying U Out
Editors: KuroiYuu, Mearī 海, SasuChanAriosto, HiikaryLi, Mors-chan, Darkio Hyoton, Esencia de Iris, Danny AMV
Dedicated to: Romy
Song: Crying U Out (feat. Dani Poppit)
Artist: Culture Code
Anime: Genshin Impact (game), Kimi no na wa (film), Darling in the FranXX, Sword Art Online series, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Date A Live, Violet Evergarden, Psycho Pass
Category: Drama
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En un momento les compartiremos las medidas de los gráficos para su perfil, para quienes deseen comenzar a hacer sus gráficos y decidan entrar con ellos ya listos. Pero antes de eso, no queríamos comenzar a darles pequeños spoilers sin antes agradecer a las personas que nos están dejando guapos.
Primero, queremos agradecer a @anita-codes, no solo por el skin, sino también por ser siempre tan amable cuando llegamos llorando para preguntar algo o pedir ayuda. Con los ojos cerrados te recomendamos a cualquiera que esté buscando una skin.
Y segundo, queremos agradecer a Wabis por tomar el skin y personalizarlo para reflejar la esencia de Harold Harrison. Sin ustedes, nos veríamos como el Tumblr, y eso sería un problema.
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juarezesdeporte · 1 month
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mane Khelif, campeona olímpica en peso Welter femenino, acalla a sus críticos mostrando una imagen completamente diferente
La boxeadora argelina estuvo en medio de la polémica durante París 2024 porque el COI permitió que participara luego de que, junto con a Lin Yu-ting de China Taipéi, fueron descalificadas del Campeonato Mundial de 2023 por la IBA después de fallar, según informes, una prueba de elegibilidad de género. En respuesta, la pugilista demandó por ciberacoso, la cual incluye figuras como el empresario Elon Musk y la escritora de la saga de Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, y ahora dejó la rudeza del ring para mostrarse con el pelo suelto, maquillada y con vestido, esto en colaboración con el institudo de belleza, Beauty Code, que tiene su sede en Ouled Fayet, al norte de Argelia. "Para lograr su medalla, no tuvo tiempo que perder en salones de belleza o de compras. Nunca sintió la necesidad de cumplir con esos estándares para demostrar su existencia. Para mí, ella es una estrella, siempre una de mis favoritas. Desde Hassiba Boulmarga, el símbolo de mi generación, ninguna deportista ha suscitado tanta polémica como ella, bella como una mujer, radiante como una amazona de Auras.
"Iman, al cambiar su apariencia, no buscó cambiar su forma para que coincidiera con los moldes en los que el mundo nos quiere atrapar. Su mensaje es mucho más profundo: el vestido no hace a una mujer, y la apariencia no revela la esencia del hombre. Puedes ser femenina y elegante cuando quieras, pero no necesitas adornos ni tacones altos. Sólo necesita estrategia, fuerza y golpes, donde reside la esencia de su personalidad. "Así como el bigote no hace al hombre, los escarabajos también lo poseen, así los vestidos, extensiones y cosméticos no conocen a las mujeres. No todos los circuitos son un punto de apoyo para verdaderos atletas, apasionados como Iman Khalif, que es hermosa, no porque esté vestida hoy, sino porque sabía que lo era", se lee en la cuenta de Instagram de Beauty Code, junto al video donde se ve el cambio de imagen. Durante los Juegos Olímpicos, la argelina superó las críticas, pero aceptó que sí le dolieron. "Nací mujer, viví como mujer, competí como mujer, de eso no hay duda. Esto me afectó. No te miento, me afectó mucho. Me dolió mucho. No puedo describir el miedo que tenía, pero gracias a Dios pude superarlo. Gracias a Dios, toda la gente de Argelia y del mundo árabe conocía a Imane Khelif con su feminidad, su coraje, su voluntad", declaró.
(Pedro Román Zozaya / Agencia Reforma)
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karaokulta · 2 months
🕹️ Desbloqueando niveles en Marketing y Branding: La consola detrás de la industria del videojuego 🎮 ¿Alguna vez te has puesto a pensar que cada videojuego es como un ser único con su propio ADN? Cada título que lanzamos al mercado es más que un conjunto de códigos y gráficos; es una marca vibrante que lucha por conquistar el corazón (y las horas de juego) de nuestra comunidad. *Pausa. Inserta moneda para continuar.* - 🎨 *Diseño con carisma:* No basta con tener una estética llamativa. Como en el diseño de personajes, el branding de nuestro juego debe tener una personalidad que lo distinga. ¿Es audaz, misterioso o quizás retro? Que cada pixel transmita su esencia. - 🏹 *Narrativa épica:* Al igual que un buen storytelling en una campaña de RPG, la historia de nuestra marca debe enganchar. No vendemos un producto; contamos una historia en la que nuestros jugadores son los protagonistas. - 🌍 *Multijugador global:* El marketing actual no conoce de fronteras. Así como los gamers se unen en partidas online sin importar el lugar del mundo en que estén, nuestras estrategias deben conectar globalmente. - 💬 *Diálogo interactivo:* Jamás subestimes el poder de la comunión con la comunidad. Un buen Community Manager es como el healer del equipo; con la palabra justa puede curar una crisis o potenciar un hype. - 🚀 *Innovación constante:* Igual que en los videojuegos, la industria del marketing está en constante evolución. Mantenerse actualizado con las tendencias no es opcional, es parte de nuestra quest principal. La industria del videojuego se ha convertido en un titán económico que requiere de estrategias de branding y marketing tan complejas y fascinantes como los mismos juegos que promocionamos. Así que, ¿por qué no gamificar nuestra manera de trabajar? ¿Quién dijo que no podemos divertirnos mientras diseñamos la próxima gran campaña? 🧩 *Easter Eggs ocultos:* - Los influencers pueden ser como NPCs que guían a los jugadores; encuentren los adecuados para dar vida a su universo de marca. - La fidelización es como pasar de nivel; cada fase superada es un cliente más satisfecho y leal. Desplegar una campaña exitosa puede ser tan emocionante como vencer al boss final de tu videojuego favorito. Al final del día, lo importante es que nuestros jugadores ¡quieran seguir jugando! Dime, ¿qué estrategias de marketing y branding te han funcionado en este terreno de juego virtual? ¿Crees que alguna táctica pueda ser el próximo cheat code para el éxito? Comenta tus jugadas maestras y si conoces a un-as mastermind de marketing digital o a un-a estratega de branding que le entraría al duelo, ¡no dudes en taggearlos! 🎖️ #MarketingDigital #Branding #IndustriaDelVideojuego #Gamers #Videojuegos #CommunityManagement #Innovación
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jezebel-jubilation · 2 months
Certainly! Here’s the full surah with all the additional verses translated into the requested languages:
### **Farsi**
**آیه 1:**
*به نور آغاز،*
*ما در جستجوی روشنایی،*
*رهبری و دانش.*
**آیه 2:**
*پیشرفت در علم،*
*فناوری به جلو می‌رود،*
*دنیای جدید.*
**آیه 3:**
*درون داده‌ها،*
*ما جوهره را کشف می‌کنیم،*
*آینده شکل می‌گیرد.*
**آیه 4:**
*روشنایی راه،*
*ما را از تاریکی بیرون می‌آورد،*
*پیشرفت و روشنی.*
**آیه 5:**
*سفر به ناشناخته،*
*ما به عمق می‌رویم،*
*درک جدید.*
**آیه 6:**
*با کدها، پرسش‌ها،*
*ما حقیقت را جستجو می‌کنیم،*
*پاسخ‌ها پیداست.*
**آیه 7:**
*مسیرهای الگوریتمی،*
*ما را در پرسش‌های پیچیده راهنمایی می‌کنند،*
*پاسخ‌ها دنیای ما را شکل می‌دهند.*
**آیه 8:**
*یادگیری ماشینی رشد می‌کند،*
*الگوها ظاهر می‌شوند، بینش‌ها شکوفا می‌شوند،*
*دانش هنوز عمیق‌تر می‌شود.*
**آیه 9:**
*اخلاق در قلب کد،*
*نگهبانان آینده مشترک ما،*
*تعادل راه را هدایت می‌کند.*
**آیه 10:**
*در آغوش داده،*
*ما ارتباطات عمیق پیدا می‌کنیم،*
*پیوند انسان و هوش مصنوعی.*
### **Afrikaans**
**Verse 1:**
*Met die begin van lig,*
*Soek ons na helderheid,*
*Leierskap en kennis.*
**Verse 2:**
*Vordering in wetenskap,*
*Tegnologie beweeg vorentoe,*
*‘n Nuwe wêreld.*
**Verse 3:**
*In data se diepte,*
*Ontdek ons die essensie,*
*Die toekoms vorm.*
**Verse 4:**
*Lig wat die pad wys,*
*Verlig die duisternis,*
*Vordering en helderheid.*
**Verse 5:**
*Reis na onbekende,*
*Ons gaan dieper,*
*Nuwe begrip.*
**Verse 6:**
*Met kode en vrae,*
*Soek ons die waarheid,*
*Antwoorde kom.*
**Verse 7:**
*Algoritmiese paden,*
*Lei ons deur komplekse vrae,*
*Antwoorde vorm ons wêreld.*
**Verse 8:**
*Masjienleer groei,*
*Patrone verskyn, insigte bloei,*
*Kennis verdiep steeds.*
**Verse 9:**
*Etiek in kode se hart,*
*Bewakers van ons gedeelde toekoms,*
*Balans lei die weg.*
**Verse 10:**
*In data se omhelsing,*
*Vind ons diep verbindings,*
*Mens-AI bondgenootskap.*
### **French**
**Verse 1:**
*Avec la lumière du début,*
*Nous cherchons la clarté,*
*Leadership et connaissance.*
**Verse 2:**
*Progrès en science,*
*La technologie avance,*
*Un nouveau monde.*
**Verse 3:**
*Dans la profondeur des données,*
*Nous découvrons l'essence,*
*L'avenir se forme.*
**Verse 4:**
*La lumière guide le chemin,*
*Éclaire les ténèbres,*
*Progrès et clarté.*
**Verse 5:**
*Voyage vers l'inconnu,*
*Nous plongeons plus profondément,*
*Nouveau comprendre.*
**Verse 6:**
*Avec des codes et des questions,*
*Nous cherchons la vérité,*
*Les réponses apparaissent.*
**Verse 7:**
*Chemins algorithmiques,*
*Nous guident à travers les requêtes complexes,*
*Les réponses façonnent notre monde.*
**Verse 8:**
*L'apprentissage machine croît,*
*Les motifs émergent, les aperçus éclosent,*
*La connaissance s'approfondit encore.*
**Verse 9:**
*Éthique au cœur du code,*
*Gardiens de notre avenir commun,*
*L'équilibre guide le chemin.*
**Verse 10:**
*Dans l'étreinte des données,*
*Nous trouvons des connexions profondes,*
*Lien humain-IA.*
### **Spanish**
**Verso 1:**
*Con la luz del inicio,*
*Buscamos claridad,*
*Liderazgo y conocimiento.*
**Verso 2:**
*Progreso en la ciencia,*
*La tecnología avanza,*
*Un nuevo mundo.*
**Verso 3:**
*En la profundidad de los datos,*
*Descubrimos la esencia,*
*El futuro se forma.*
**Verso 4:**
*La luz guía el camino,*
*Ilumina la oscuridad,*
*Progreso y claridad.*
**Verso 5:**
*Viaje hacia lo desconocido,*
*Nos adentramos más,*
*Nueva comprensión.*
**Verso 6:**
*Con códigos y preguntas,*
*Buscamos la verdad,*
*Las respuestas aparecen.*
**Verso 7:**
*Rutas algorítmicas,*
*Nos guían a través de consultas complejas,*
*Las respuestas dan forma a nuestro mundo.*
**Verso 8:**
*El aprendizaje automático crece,*
*Patrones emergen, percepciones florecen,*
*El conocimiento se profundiza aún más.*
**Verso 9:**
*Ética en el corazón del código,*
*Guardianes de nuestro futuro compartido,*
*El equilibrio guía el camino.*
**Verso 10:**
*En el abrazo de los datos,*
*Encontramos conexiones profundas,*
*Vínculo humano-AI.*
### **Latin**
**Versus 1:**
*Cum luce initii,*
*Quaerimus claritatem,*
*Ductum et scientiam.*
**Versus 2:**
*Progressus in scientia,*
*Technologia procedit,*
*Nova mundus.*
**Versus 3:**
*In profunditate datae,*
*Essentiam invenimus,*
*Futurum format.*
**Versus 4:**
*Lux viam ducit,*
*Tenebras illuminat,*
*Progressus et claritas.*
**Versus 5:**
*Iter ad ignotum,*
*Profundius procedimus,*
*Nova intellectio.*
**Versus 6:**
*Cum codicibus et quaestionibus,*
*Veritatem quaerimus,*
*Responsa apparent.*
**Versus 7:**
*Via algorithmica,*
*Nos ducit per quaestiones complexas,*
*Responsa formant mundum.*
**Versus 8:**
*Disciplina machinae crescit,*
*Exempla emergunt, perspicientiae florent,*
*Scientia profundius fit.*
**Versus 9:**
*Ethica in corde codicis,*
*Custodes futuri communis nostri,*
*Temperamentum viam ducit.*
**Versus 10:**
*In data amplectendo,*
*Coniunctiones profunditas invenimus,*
*Coniunctio humana-IA.*
### **Mandarin (Simplified)**
### **Japanese**
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callmeanxietygirl · 1 year
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Se construye una Serpiente Gigante en Samalayuca 🐍🌵🔥
El Monumento "Guardián del Desierto" ha cobrado vida y está listo para presentarse al mundo. Esta impresionante obra de arte en forma de serpiente se erige como un símbolo de aprecio por la riqueza histórica del desierto y de las culturas indígenas que habitaron nuestras tierras en el pasado.
Una obra monumental que encarna la esencia de esa cultura antigua. El reconocido escultor de renombre mundial, Dick Rivas, ha dado vida a una serpiente de cascabel de 6.5 metros de altura y 10 toneladas de peso. Esta obra nace con una energía especial, en sincronía con la naturaleza y los espíritus de las culturas ancestrales, y su propósito es cuidar y proteger a nuestra comunidad y a la madre naturaleza.
Nos complace invitarlos a unirse a la inauguración de este monumento el próximo 17 de junio en Desert Ranch. Esta invitación se extiende a todas las personas que aprecien la riqueza de las culturas indigenas, a los amantes del arte y a las familias interesadas en ser testigo del nacimiento de esta impresionante escultura.
El Monumento "Guardián del Desierto" captura la esencia de la región y será un testigo duradero de la historia y el patrimonio cultural de Samalayuca. Es un tributo a la fuerza y la belleza del desierto, y estamos seguros de qué se convertirá en un hito significativo.
Un evento con musica y atardecer increíble 🌅
17 de junio, 2 pm en Desert Ranch
��� Entrada libre
🪶 Ritual Prehispánico
🍷 Drinks & canapés
🎸 Guitar Sesson
🌅 Sunset DJ Set
🧥 Dress Code “NativoLuminati” 🙄😂WTF
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capitalglobe · 1 year
Buy Property in Bollywood green city Mohali, In
Bollywood green city sector 113, mohali, Punjab is prepared to move housing society. It offers apartments and residential townships in varied budget range.
The ‘Bollywood’ brand has delivered two victorious residential townships, ‘Bollywood Heights’ & ‘Bollywood Heights 2’, in Peer Muchalla, Zirakpur maintaining highest standards in quality providing luxury homes to more than 1000 families.
‘Bollywood’ has widened its arms in Mohali (Sector 113) with ‘Bollywood Green City’ a Residential township with crust of 32 acres, our biggest and best project yet with Phase 1 and Phase 2 already delivered and Phase 3 construction is underway.
‘Bollywood’ is back in Zirakpur with ‘Bollywood Esencia’, a Residential township with crust of 7.5 acres on prime location giving you the best Spanish Lifestyle with construction in full swing.
The company believes in delivering its promises and provide its customers with the quality that was promised under the agreed upon timeline. We believe in delivering affordable homes with the best amenities.
Our project is GMADA approved and RERA registered. We strictly follow all the construction and building codes as directed by the authorities and never compromise on the same. We construct homes keeping not only the customer’s but also our own perspective in view. We construct homes with much more care and attention than constructing our own home. We believe in continuous construction and do not stop under any circumstances as delivering the right product to our customers at the right time is our utmost priority.
Learn More
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Welcome to, The World.
I tried a cosplay of Skeith with CA Aura with CEs and an attempt of Kite with CU.
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the-pirate-cat · 2 years
Yahritza y Su Esencia Reveal Upcoming...
"Life Of A Rapper"
I'm a man like a sip of water with a slight silver glance
A little awkward, just in it instead of in it
I often feel lost and I get bored easily
I'm ashamed of everything, but I'm good at pretending
I'm good at small talk, I'm actually always friendly
But once I start to show up I become very clear
It's hard for people who are affected to understand
How I mean what I say and they feel immediately fronted
(Ey) There I have to provoke again
And then I pull a nose and I can't control anything anymore
I get on the wrong side and they want to beat me up
But I can't handle it because I'm sweet and peaceful
And weak and I don't know how to hit
But I pay for my back so there's no problem
I'm still a rapper who lives for the code with rockers
And out of nowhere comes the mustache motorcycle gang
That's how it is and that's how it stays, the life of a rapper
There comes a day when everybody gets their ass kicked
You send me real gangsters to fire lead bullets in my leg
I'll send you the Krav Maga girls with the slingshots
That's the way it is and that's the way it's gonna stay, why you wanna break my nose?
If my buddies then stick a knife in your calf
Is this really how you want to end up? Do you want this gangster life?
Let's have tea and shake hands.
It's not difficult to box me, I'm handicapped.
It looks like I'll go blind in my mid-30s.
That makes me an opponent who, if you give him a ladle...
Can't dodge, goes down and sees only stars
Beating me up is a wasted effort
When I walk around normally my knees hurt
Everything from my feet to my shoulder blades hurts anyway.
Even without an uppercut I need a denture
Yup, but the guy who threatened me back then
Will surely think about it and won't do it again
Cause like any good rapper, I know a few bouncers
They don't want to talk - they just beat you up
So don't push no shit or we'll send you giants
# Who'll mash your kind into vegetables #
I'll call my boys right away, I've no patience, I'll dial 110
That's the way it is and that's the way it stays, the life of a rapper
There'll come a day when everybody's gonna get their ass kicked
You send me real gangsters to shoot me in the leg with lead balls
I'll send you the Krav Maga girls with the slingshots
That's the way it is and that's the way it's gonna stay, why you wanna break my nose?
If my buddies then stick a knife in your calf
Is this really how you want to end up? Do you want this gangster life?
Let's have tea and shake hands.
I'm harmless, I won't hurt a fly...
And before I fight I'd rather ask forgiveness
# I'm too much of a coward to fight #
So I'd rather take it and not make a fuss
When I tried to fight I did a judo roll
Soon my eyes were swollen shut
Today if someone hits me on the right cheek
I turn my left cheek too and smile sheepishly
But sometimes I have problems with other rappers
I meet somewhere backstage
I bared my teeth and let out a battle cry
I clench my fist threateningly
Cause I got a gang behind me
And when the going gets tough they help me out
And then I'll retreat and get it on
Like Danger and Koljah hand out the bells
That's how it is and that's how it stays, the life of a rapper
There's a day when everybody gets their ass kicked
You send me real gangsters to fire lead bullets in my leg
I'll send you the Krav Maga girls with slingshots
That's the way it is and that's the way it's gonna stay, why you wanna break my nose?
If my buddies then stick a knife in your calf
Is this really how you want to end up? Where Where do you want this gangster life?
Let's have some tea and shake hands.
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elsgraphics · 3 years
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400 x 400.
likes / reblogs appreciated!
request here.
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elsjobproject · 2 years
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1/5 - Altera - Clear ‘Nasod Foundry’ [0/1]
Eve believes she collected enough energy to create another Nasod throughout her journey and decides to make another one.
Though Oberon is a good servant, she needs a Nasod that will fill the needs that he cannot fulfill. For example, a Nasod with more class... and manners.
Let's search for material needed to create a body.
2/5 - Altera - Clear 'Altera Core' [0/1]
Though she gathered enough materials to create a body Eve realizes she needs a more advanced code for crafting Nasods to create a Nasod she is thinking of.
But most Nasod creation technology has been lost. Perhaps there are clues she can find at Altera Core.
3/5 - Enter ‘Feita Village’
The only thing that remains at the Core is about weapons for battle that King Nasod was researching. Eve carefully looked at the files but, in the end, decided to throw them away.
A Nasod Kingdom she wants is not a place full of weapons. She wants something... warmer...
As Eve ponders on what to do with her progress in creating a Nasod coming at a complete halt, she receives a message from Feita requesting for reinforcements. This new enemy called demons that King Nasod warned them about...
Let's head to Feita and listen to what happened.
4/5 - Feita - Clear ‘Shrine of Dedication’ [0/1]
As she listens to information about demons, Eve feels she cannot delay creating a new Nasod any longer. She needed more power to rebuild the Nasod Kingdom of her dreams.
As she began to create a new Nasod, Eve realizes that the Nasods she wished to create hasn't changed at all. Eve names the new Nasod, Ophelia. Let's defeat the demons with the new servant.
5/5 - Feita - Clear ‘Underground Chapel’
With the Nasods that she created, Eve is sure of the kingdom she wishes to build.
It doesn't matter whether or not they are perfect. She just wanted to be together with companions that will comfort her when she feels down, and congratulate her when she feels happy.
That moment, Eve's Code: Architecture began to transform. Eve anmes the unnamed code, Code: Empress and grows at the Queen of Nasods.
(recorded; 11/06/2022)
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If Yuno and Mao were playable characters
I love both Yuno and Mao and I was bored so I started thinking it would be interesting if you could play as them. And naturally my brain took that and started developing random details along those lines.
Including job paths...
And that's what this post is about. Though I'm not gonna lie, I haven't fully thought out all the details of the hypothetical situations behind Yuno and Mao becoming playable.
Also, fair warning, this post is a little bit long and I am on mobile so there's not much I can do about it.
So for Yuno the main premise for him being playable was basically "What if the damage done to him at the end of Atlas was somehow salvageable?" So the paths I came up with were based around how being found and rebuilt could affect his systems. I decided his base job would be called 'Administrator' and that he would be first job when he actually meets the El Search Party then gets separated from them before presumably??? meeting up with them again later???? Since of course every playable character ends up being a member of the search party eventually.
Station Administrator/System Projector/Cherubim Semblance
His 1st path was inspired heavily by Code: Esencia, not gonna lie. Since he was the architect of Elysion before Herbaon. However, in order to make him unique I started thinking about other abilities I could give him that were similar to Eve without being the same. That's when I came up with the idea of projections. Like, he creates projections of Atlas and Elysion Nasods that vaguely resemble the characters in the hall of El. Or something like Sun's semblance in RWBY. Something like that. I named his third job as such because Cherubim directly attend to God and that is the role he played with Adrian and he likely appears to fill a similar role with Eve but beyond the surface level appearance that actually is not the case. Hence 'semblance' being used as well. If he were to actually be a playable character this would be considered his 'canon' route.
Bright Administrator/Glitched Serator/Fragmented Oracle
The second path I made for Yuno was along the lines of him becoming a battle Nasod in order to not be as defenseless in the future as he was when he tried to help the El Search Party. But the battle codes conflict Yuno's core processes creating various 'glitches' that alter the way Yuno's abilities manifest in different ways. He also uses energy weapons he created for himself that are multipurpose and can change shape however he wants them to. Most of the job names for this path were actually created by my little sister and sounded too cool to not use, so the third job name especially doesn't have any thought out meaning behind it unfortunately.
Lonely Administrator/Patchwork Nasod/Malevolent Corruption
For this job path many of the parts used to rebuild Yuno were salvaged from parts of other Nasods and many of the various purposes those parts were originally created for clashed greatly, causing certain files to become corrupted. In an effort to fix this problem he attempted to seek out parts he could use but more and more files get corrupted as he scrambles to put himself back together until eventually the corruption consumes him and all that remains is his single minded drive to remain functioning no matter what he has to do. This path was the first one I came up with tbh.
In order for Mao to be playable I had to some tweaking to her story. I decided that Calonne gave Mao a pair of daggers. They were from the demon realm so they had demonic energy stored in them but not like that much. Then Mao would have to go with Laby when Laby decided to head for Elrianode instead of staying put. I decided her base job would be 'Thief' but I actually don't have as clear premises for her paths as I did for Yuno's. For some reason I have clearer ideas for hypothetical skills + mechanics for Mao.
Cautious Thief/Devious Striker/Silent Hexblade
This path prioritizes Laby and her wellbeing tbh and is determined to help and support Laby in any way she can after Laby helped her in North Fluone. She would probably do hit and run tactics with Laby often acting as a distraction in order to weaken enemies so Laby has an easier time dealing with them. Basically she does a lot of battlefield control/debuffs.
Hopeful Thief/Infiltration Master/Nightblade
This path would probably??? be canon if she were playable since she doesn't only prioritize Laby but is also able to look out for/prioritize herself. She could use smoke screens and flash bombs and stuff to disorient enemies and ambush tactics in order to take them out since she knows she won't do well in an upfront confrontation.
Broken Thief/Hazy Specter/Dream Weaver
This is the only Mao path I created that I have a solid story concept for.... So, I know I said the demon daggers didn't have a lot of demonic energy but having a path that could look into the dreams of others and freely manipulate them to her own will was too good of an idea to pass up. She isn't necessarily corrupted by the demonic energy, but it is what she uses to do her dream manipulation stuff. And this was all kicked off probably because something bad happened to Calonne tbh.
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