#Cody also totally have Obi-wan's lightsaber
wyvernsrus · 6 months
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Little sketch page featuring Cody and Fordo! I honestly loved drawing his visor a lot and his multiple little antennae.
I also have little Stec and Fordo cause I'm a sucker for the "turned back to children" trope. Plus Cody with a baby Rex cause how can I not have those two together??? 100% based on the samurai holding a cat picture.
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lonewolflupe · 5 days
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Khajiit Fives has wares if you have coin
Some ramblings below the cut (:
I love how Cody always keeps picking up Obi-Wan's lightsaber and returning it to him, but it made me start thinking, what if Fives/Torrent Company kept collecting the lightsabers? They would totally sell them to get some coin to spend at 79's haha
That's not totally Obi-Wan's Jedi cloak Fives is wearing (finders, keepers; same as with the lightsabers)
Also drawing a cloak is damn hard if you have to imaging there's a pauldron underneath? How does that fit? I can't imagine it does, actually
I was totally inspired to draw this when I found this pose by @mellon-soup (check out her poses, they give me so much inspiration; I've made more sketches than I'm able to finish digitalising by now)
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toska-writes · 1 year
helloo! i love your writing so much and i wonder would you like to write commander cody with padawan reader, it's after order 66. and as we know in bad batch s2 he's gone to AWOL right? so what if he go to other planets anywhere and meet reader again (let's pretend he already removed his chip lol) imagine how he feels guilt meeting his little padawan after trying to kill her and her master (obi-wan) and how the reader react meeting him again especially looking at her cody sun armor become gray like shadow unlike him.
(sorry if my english kinda messed up, and have a great day!! <3)
Wow, just wow
Summary: after order 66 Cody jumps at only the chance to get at least one person from his old life back- no matter the cost
Paring: Cody x GN padawan Reader (it’s platonic!)
Warning: hurt/comfort nightmares ptsd let me know if I missed anything
Word count: 1822
Notes: I’m very proud of this one and I hope you enjoy! It’s also not proofread because I need some sleep
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Cody’s head hurt again.
But it wasn’t like last time, he was in control now and always will be.
“How are you feeling Kotes?” Rex came around the tables and laid a hand on Cody’s shoulder.
To be honest Cody wasn’t sure what he was feeling, if anything. Nausea sat in the pit of his stomach but he feared that it wasn’t just from the procedure he went through.
A hand reached up to the side of his head, the fresh bandage felt course under his hand- the all to familiar feeling of before.
“I’m fine.” Cody’s voice was raspy and burned his throat- Rex picked up on this and quickly went to get him a drink of water.
There he sat alone.
He was alone for a while now, but nothing like this. If you went back a few week you would see the small spark of hope illuminating in his eyes.
Cody wasn’t sure of a lot of things since the war ended but maybe it was the illusion of hope that he and Crosshair could escape together.
“Good soldiers follow orders.”
Then Cody went AWOL. Finally it seemed that he got his mind right- the headaches and the dreams that plagued him however said otherwise.
Rex walked back in. Cody’s eyes were clouded in thought as he sat unmoving on the table.
Placing a ginger hand on his knee Rex has never seen is brother in such a state. But the way he felt in this moment- finally getting his free will totally returned to him was something he would never forget.
“Hey Kotes,” Rex helped him to his feet and lend him out into the halls. “We found something you might need to take a look at.”
Cody almost instantly snapped back to attention as the pair of brothers made their way back to the ship they arrived on.
“A few radars picked up on some chatter from the bounty hunters guild.” Rex returned to the Captain Cody knows and loves, things were going back to how they use to be.
“Why would your crew have any interest in the guilds?” Cody questioned, a little slow to connect the dots. “Your fighting an empire here.”
Rex stared at him for a moment, his try at a sarcastic tone clearly flew over Rex’s head.
It was one of the only times Cody has ever seen Rex so unsure about what he was about to say. “We picked up Y/N’s location. The bounty for Jedi are unbelievably high and I’m worried if one of us doesn’t get there in time it might go sour.”
Cody froze in his seat, the end of Rex’s sentence seemed to go blurry. The moment replayed every hour of the day, awake or asleep. He memorized the moment when he watched Obi-wan fall from that terrible hight.
He remembered the look you gave him as he turned to you, your lightsaber coming up in your shaky hands staring at him.
“Cody what’s going on?”
“I- they made it?” Cody looked at Rex, the dark thought that he was playing a terrible joke on him.
Rex only nodded his confirmation. Waiting for Cody to see just want he would do.
You wouldn’t want to see him. Cody didn’t even want to see himself. The terrors he’s created would never wash off no matter how hard he scrubbed.
The armor that surrounded him all his life was striped away, just like everything he has ever known. His sunshine was stripped away as well.
Taking a shaky breath in Cody whispered. “Take me to them.”
Your head hurt again.
It was just like the last time, the moment you realized nobody was on your side anymore.
The purge left you stranded by yourself, unsure of what to do you fled as far as you could.
The outer rim served its purpose for now but the empire was expanding, and the hunters became bolder with their search.
Against your better judgment you tried to reach Ahsoka, Hunter even but it was no use.
Maybe now you were by yourself. Cutoff.
You sat up straight in your makeshift bed. The sheets bawled into your fist as your chest heaved and sweet ran down your back.
You weren’t safe even in your own mind.
You watched him fall. The scream you let out as you lost him over the edge. Everyone around you went off.
Cody. Your Cody turned to you next- all around you heard the all too familiar sound of blasters raising. Cody aimed for you as you brought your weapon up, the thought of hurting any of them never crossed your mind before.
“Cody.” You had tried. “Cody what’s going on?”
The blaster that was shot at you was the moment you woke this time. Other times you weren’t as lucky to be spared with the memory.
The sky was masked with the darkness of the night, your clock told you at you barely sleep 2 hours since you tried to go to sleep.
You gathered yourself as practically dragged yourself to the only window in your “home”
This wasn’t home. Nothing would come close to what the word use to mean to you, but it was soemthing keeping you mildly safe.
The sky above never really changed, it was the only constant you found after the end of the war. The only thing you could depend on that would never harm you.
Your head buzzed again, for a split second you turned to your hidden saber, the weapon you couldn’t pick up since you arrived on this rock. The crystal within buzzed constantly in your ear, begging to be picked up once again.
It use to be a background noise that grounded you, but things have changed.
You stared into the darkness for a moment, the lightsaber wasn’t it. Turning your attention back to the outside world the familiar feeling felt crooked in your chest.
It wasn’t really right, but it was something you recognized none the less.
A cloak that you threw around yourself countless times before made its way to your shoulders- masking you from others and you left closing your door silently behind you.
For a moment you thought maybe, just maybe it was your master heat to tell you everything would be ok, to help you just as he had countless times before.
But you couldn’t think like that, like you use too. Hope burned within you as you followed the force you tried desperately to get rid of.
Cody tried the comm channel he used countless times before, he could practically put it in with his eyes closed.
But of course no answer.
He did try once before- the first night he ran from the empire, alone in the back of a transport ship he tried to reach the Jedi he grew fond of.
It was one of the only instants the commanders eyes watered slightly and his nose ran.
Rex was waiting near by with the ship as he walked the streets of this planet alone. His armor was covered with a poncho Rex lent him and frankly it was the best he could do.
He hoped that you weren’t here, the disgusting streets and inhabitants made him sick. But what if this was better than see him again?
Cody shook that last thought. His hand shook slightly at his side which was a nervous habit he picked up a long time ago.
His eyes scanned the dark scenery for any sign that you might have been here, a sign Cody hoped nobody else could pick up on.
On instinct he turned down an alley to his left, this was definitely not the place to be at this time.
His eyes squinted trying to pin point a figure towards the end. This was the only time he wished for his helmet that didn’t seem his own.
Something ate at the inside of him again. His breath was sparse wondering if his eyes were playing tricks on him. If his mind was no longer his own.
The figure took a few steps from the shadows that engulfed them. The moon illuminated someone that haunted every minute of his life.
You held a blaster out in front of you, but this time you didn’t shake.
Cody didn’t dare take another step. His eyes were firmly planted on the ground as he kneeled down dropping his blaster in front of him.
He could only nod, afraid that his voice would highlight just how vulnerable he felt in this very moment.
But he had to say something, he couldn’t leave you again.
“I’m- I’m so sorry kid.” His voice broke through his words. This uncertain feeling engulfed him like a flame showing no mercy. “Sorry, I’m sorry.”
You stared at him for a moment. Taking in the sight- clearly things were different. The sunshine was stripped from him. His eyes, though they tried to avoid you, seemed hollow.
You thought of two things in this moment.
You wanted to run, run from someone that could hurt you all over again, someone that you weren’t even sure you could trust.
You could try to hang onto one of the only things that you so desperately needed. You needed someone.
The blaster clanked to the ground as you walked to Cody. Your guard was up but the tears betrayed what you were really hoping for.
You hoped that Cody was himself again.
Cody looked up, your familiar eyes caught his own. The tears that he dried so many times fell across your cheeks, and he only wished to dry them one more time.
“I’m sorry.” He didn’t know what else to say, his mind left him and he could only mutter the only words that went through his head, as if they could make everything better.
You kneeled down with him. For a second Cody thought this might be a dream of his own and this was the moment that he would loose you once again.
But you stayed.
Quickly you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him flushed against you.
Cody wasted no time crushing you into him. You cling to him as he continued to whisper small apologies into your hair.
Through the muffled sniffles you voiced. “I liked your other armor kot’ika.”
For the first time in a while Cody found himself giving an actual laugh.
He nodded as he griped you even tighter as if he was afraid that if he let go you would leave.
“I think I could use some help painting it again.” He spoke a little louder. The emotions still sounded in his voice.
It was your turn to nod into his chest. For the first time in a while You found yourself crying tears of relief that finally someone was here for you again.
This time you weren’t going to let him go again.
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97
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saviinika · 2 months
Just a boy standing in front of a boy
Last WIP wednesday before @codywanweek and I'm eeeeeeeeee with excitement. The clip is from a hurt/comfort fic; Cody is hurt, and Obi-Wan is leaving him voice journals so he doesn't feel like he's missed anything while in the bacta tank. Because that's what totally platonic colleagues humans do for one another.
“Is now a good time to tell you that as a result of my year with the Duchess during my Padawan days, Iam fluent in Mando’a? I suppose better late than never, really. I apologize for deceiving you and your brothers for so long, or making it seem like there was a necessity for private conversations around me. It was certainly never my intent; it just never seemed like a good time to tell you, especially when many of the topics of discussion were clearly not meant for my ears. I can’t say I blame you for the cold shoulder you gave both her and I during our whole escort fiasco evading Death Watch. I should have been more open about my pre-existing relationship with her. Hmm. That’s not the right phrasing. ‘Historical relationship’, perhaps. And yes, though she did say she loved me, and at one time I thought I had loved her, I would have been miserable had I stayed with her like I wanted when I was eighteen. You make my life so much brighter, my dear. I don’t think I would be a very likeable man had we never met.”
“You know, I did like Boil’s treatise on why all Jedi should have retractible cords around their wrists to better keep track of their lightsabers. I’ll be honest, for all my repeatedly reminding Anakin and Ahsoka to hold onto theirs, I think mine has decided to run away on purpose because it likes you, darling. There’s certainly no other logical reason why I lose it so often or why it always makes its way into your hands. Kyber crystal, which makes up the heart of every Jedi’s saber, is a Force-sensitive material and as such, exceedingly rare. Jedi do not choose the crystal that powers their sabers; the crystal, or crystals, choose them. And mineseems to have chosen you too. Forgive my chuckle, it’s just that every time you return it, my crystal is humming the most pleasing song. So you see, I’m afraid the evidence is strongly in your favour. Perhaps I should consider letting you train with it. You’re brilliant, and eminently capable, so basic Soresu wouldn’t be hard to pass on. If you’re going to keep finding it, you might as well be able to wield it effectively in your own defence.”
“There’s some sort of commotion happening with Rex and your Clone Force 99. You really will have to tell me the story some day of how you managed to ensure the loyalty of those four vode. They seem so far removed from your preferred method of warfare, although honestly, you did have to get your penchant for taking on BD-1s with your fists from somewhere. Anyway, Anakin is leaving with them shortly and Kix did let me go to bid them farewell under Mace’s heavy-handed supervision. To my surprise, he commented that I was looking rested and better fed. I suppose if the Master of the Order could tell that I was wearing myself too thinly, perhaps I wasn’t doing as good a job at muddling through as I thought. Oh, Helix is here now and he wants you to know that he scoffed at me for saying that. He also says that he finds these voice notes I’m making for you ador— No, I am not telling him that. Sorry for being overly familiar there, my dear. It’s hard to do this with an audience.”
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Im always so surprised by how quickly you shoot out these ask aus?? how long do you take to answer because when the anon get going youre just as fast?
This in mind... if you wrote a fic right now what would it be?👀
Ironically I sat on this one Anon lmao
If I'm really in the mood, like when the Shisui anons are in a "feeding frenzy" (😂), then it's as fast as I can type haha but generally these days I sit at least 24hrs on an ask because of timezones, my IRL, and I also like to brood on an idea especially if it's a question I haven't considered before!
Right this moment? Well, it's my current brainrot idea tbh I'm planning on making an actual fic out of it but my hand is stayed by the fact I'm feeling a little... Shisui-predictable again 😅
It's a Shisui crossover, fml
So I've read some genuinely incredible Star Wars fics recently (I will rec some if people ask) and those are some definite inspirations.
(This is the brainchild born from reading Blackkat's fic:
And smilebackwards' series:
-which are beautiful works!)
So.... If Shisui was a Jedi (Master, probably, maybe newly advanced) then he'd 1000% be a Seeker, locating and saving Force-sensitive kids and bringing them back to the Temple. He's either woken up after dying in Narutoverse or he's been reborn, haven't decided yet, but he's got all that military prowess shoved in the back of his head and he's very happily clutching to the Light and the Jedi's teachings on peacefulness, mindfulness, and negotiation. He absolutely knows how to use the Force to Shunshin and stimulate a Genjutsu effect. He also has absolutely created his own Lightsaber Form based on his past life and that's how he became Master.
Then the war starts up.
The Grand Army of the Republic, GAR, is filled with Clone 'meat droid' soldiers who need Jedi to lead them... Shisui is not buying it, he's gonna flip his tits and save these guys. The Jedi council decide that, as they're not the experts here in warfare and it's a kindness of what choices the clones can have, the CC Commanders can pick their own Jedi Generals. The Jedi are called back to the Temple, Shisui rocks up almost late with like five war-torn orphans in his arms, and proceeds (alongside Mace, Obi-wan, Anakin) to be a total fucking BAMF lmao.
(Anakin is on probation after he almost massacred a clan of Sandpeople btw. Master Sharad Hett was in the area and felt the rising Darkness and intervened just in time. Anakin is seriously on thin ice for almost Falling so he's stuck under Obi-wan's direct leadership for the war)
Basically Shisui is picked by Rex (Cody immediately calls dibs on Obi-wan (who speaks Mando'a and has all that diplomacy under his belt) for High General and then the meeting completely goes off the rails as everyone (except Bly lmao) goes ballistic becausethere is a LOT of competition for who gets General Uchiha, holy shit that guy is a fighter) and heads the 501st Battalion! Bonus points if Shisui was the second-to-last Padawan of Dooku so Obi-wan is, like, his lineage-nephew despite being older lmao
(oh maybe shisui is presumed dead, a la Jon Antilles, after a Searcher mission goes tits up so Dooku thinks hes literally lost everyone... And Shisui comes back to find his master has fucked off 🙃)
Now I'm like what colour should his saber be... Like red would be the choice but that's a bleeding Kyber, it can't even be a one off difference like Mace's purple... Maybe gold, I always imagine Shunshin as yellow... Maybe white? Hm... oh it could be just off red, like flame orange, so it scares the shit out of everyone lmao....
Basically I'm shoving Shisui into this situation so that he can 1) be a total fucking BADASS 2) be the designated crush of 90% of the GAR and 3) fix canon without realising it 🤌✨
So, really, just the usual then 😂
Edit: in light of your first question, this answer took me 20 mins lol
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thecleverqueer · 2 years
Star Wars characters on the Kinsey Scale:
Obi-Wan Kenobi
I’m going to go with my gut on this one, but I’m torn (without any solid evidence mind you, I’m going to argue my case regardless) and say that Obi-Wan is a 2 (Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual).*
Here me out.
Obi-Wan has one canon ship. Satine Kryze. It’s clear to me that they cared for each other deeply, but she and Obi-Wan could never commit to one another. They were young, star-crossed lovers for a minute, and then they went their separate ways as duty called them both in different directions (but, if I’m being completely honest, this ship felt like it was done more so for the sake of heteronormativity than anything else).
Obi-Wan also has this interesting tension with Asajj Ventress. Ventress is sort of inherently flirty anyway as is Obi-Wan, so I guess they just have a natural chemistry. I’m confident that if they weren’t on opposite sides of the force, they’d totally bang it out as opposed to dueling.
Through this though, Obi-Wan does not strike me as totally straight. Like I said before, he’s flirty…even with men (specifically in negotiations which is what he’s best at). Maybe this is why I don’t give him a completely straight pass….
No. Who am I kidding? It’s totally his chemistry with Cody. I have already mentioned that I feel that the clones may be asexual, but there is some sort of weird energy that Obi-Wan and Cody share. Obi-Wan goes out of his way to protect Cody, and Obi-Wan shares some less-than-straight glances in Cody’s direction during the Clone Wars. Never mind the fact that Cody always ends up with Obi-Wan’s lightsaber in his hand (which either signifies a romantic fling or a complete sense of trust when Jedi hand them over to someone else).
So, while I believe Obi-Wan is likely mostly straight, he’s still a little on the queer side.
*Side Note: On this one, I really wanted to go 3 which is equally heterosexual and homosexual, but I just couldn’t. Heteronormativity literally taints all good things in fiction.
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dettiot · 2 years
an unexpected visitor
“You see, Ahsoka, it’s all in the--”
Anakin’s beeping comm interrupted him and prevented her master from continuing to act like she didn’t know how to track prey. She was a Jedi, yes, but she was also a Togruta. And some things are instinctive, after all.
“Yeah, Obi-Wan?” Anakin said, giving Ahsoka a look that said he had totally caught her rolling her eyes at him.
“We have . . . a situation.”
Ahsoka frowned at Obi-Wan’s voice. He sounded like he was trying to downplay whatever situation they had, but he wasn’t really successful. And anything that made Obi-Wan that on edge was something to worry about.
“What is it?” Anakin said, his grip tightening on his comm.
“Come to command and you’ll see.” And with that, Obi-Wan ended the call.
“I wonder what’s going on,” Ahsoka said.
Anakin was already walking away. Over his shoulder, he said, “Whatever it is, it’s freaking Obi-Wan out.”
Nodding, Ahsoka picked up her pace, following her master into the command center.
Due to the heat and humidity of Felucia, the command center was more of a bunch of consoles shaded by a large awning. But there was one small room, reserved for secure communications. Rex was standing by the door, his helmet tucked under his arm.
“Cody sent for me,” he said to Anakin and Ahsoka as they approached. “Said he and General Kenobi found someone that shouldn’t be here.”
Ahsoka took a moment to stretch out with her senses, sensing three presences in the room ahead of them. It was easy to recognize Master Obi-Wan and Cody, but the third presence . . . something about it felt familiar, but in a distant way. Like sensing a bomb buried deep inside a troop carrier.
Anakin’s hand was on his lightsaber as he opened the door and stepped inside. But he didn’t move further inside, keeping Ahsoka and Rex from seeing what was going on. And Anakin’s shock was making Ahsoka’s curiosity spike.
“Skyguy,” she said to his back, giving him a little nudge.
He still didn’t move, and Ahsoka wiggled her way past him, only to draw up short, too.
Cody and Master Obi-Wan were both standing, Cody rigidly at attention and Obi-Wan pinching the bridge of his nose.
And the reason for everyone’s strange behavior was immediately apparent.
A small girl--Ahsoka guessed she was about six or seven standard years, although she wasn’t the best at guessing human ages--was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. Her dark hair was done up in a set of elaborate braids, but wisps of hair was escaping the hairstyle. Her feet barely touched the ground, but with her arms crossed over her chest and her chin lifted, it was like looking at a queen.
And her Force presence was completely locked down, in a way Ahsoka had never encountered. Her shields were amazingly good for such a small child.
“General,” Cody said quietly, making Obi-Wan drop his hand.
“Ah, yes. Meet our guest. She’s refused to tell us her name or how she ended up in the middle of the battlefield,” Obi-Wan said, sounding tired.
“Why not?” Anakin asked, his eyes narrowed. “Don’t you want to go home?”
The little girl gave Anakin a hard look. “How do you know I’m not already home?”
“There are few humans on Felucia,” Anakin said.
“But not none,” the girl retorted.
For some odd reason, Ahsoka felt the urge to smile.
Rex stepped further into the room and crouched down, smiling at the girl. “Hi. I’m Rex.”
There was a flicker of something in the girl’s presence, but it was so quick that Ahsoka couldn’t catch it. But she could tell both Obi-Wan and Anakin sensed it, too.
“I’m sure General Kenobi and Cody introduced themselves,” Rex continued. “They’re polite like that. This is General Skywalker and Commander Tano. They’re Jedi, just like General Kenobi. And they help people. So if you need help, they’re the people to ask.”
The girl’s lips pressed together. But there was a softening in her body language.
“I used to help out with the tubies--those are the baby clones,” Rex said. “Sometimes, they were shy, too.”
A look of annoyance appeared on the girl’s face and her lips parted. But she quickly closed her mouth and lifted her chin, regaining her regal appearance.
Rex chuckled. “Lemme guess: you’re not shy?”
“No,” she said before frowning, like she hadn’t meant to say that.
“Yeah, you don’t need the Force to tell that,” Rex said. “Not that us clones have it.”
The girl looked at Rex for a long moment. Then she turned and looked at Cody, her eyes measuring.
For a long moment, silence held in the room. Ahsoka could feel the Force around her, stirring in a way she had never experienced.
And then the girl took a deep breath.
“Leia. My name is Leia.”
Inspired by all those ‘Luke as a child gets sent back to the Clones Wars and inspires changes’ fics. Because just imagine little Leia in that situation! Instead of sunshine and tookas from Luke, you get attitude and sass from Leia. :-)
Followup! unanswered questions
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kckenobi · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where Obi-Wan sort of forgets to tell Anakin what actually happened on Zigoola. Bail is over for dinner or something one night and just starts casually bringing it up like Anakin knows the whole story and what happened to Obi-Wan’s knee. Maybe after the dinner Anakin accosts Obi-Wan about it and finds out that Obi-Wan has had chronic pain for a year or so and hasn’t mentioned it once. I am a sucker for your hurt/comfort fics if you could not tell, lol. Thanks for consistently writing my favorite fics of all time!
It wasn’t that Anakin didn’t like Bail Organa. He knew he was quite a respectable man–a rarity in the Senate, that was for sure. And Padmé certainly liked him. Obi-Wan, too. He knew they were all good friends, and that was perfectly fine. Completely, totally fine.
And Anakin wasn’t jealous at all.
So when the dinner invitation came, he acted blasé enough. Obi-Wan was striding into their quarter one afternoon during their brief leave from the front, looking down at his comm.
“Bail invited us to dinner,” he said.
Anakin dropped the droid parts he’d been working on and tried his hardest not to whirl around.
“This evening,” Obi-Wan replied. “If you’re available.”
“He invited me?”
“Yes, and me,” Obi-Wan said. “That is the meaning of the word ‘us,’ you know.”
“I–well, yeah. I just–isn’t he your friend?”
Obi-Wan raised his eyebrows. “Well, forgive me. I didn’t realize we weren’t allowed any mutual friends. I’ll have to tell Rex and Kit and Quin I won’t be seeing them anymore, then–”
Anakin rolled his eyes, ignoring the jest. “Fine. Yeah, I’m free. I guess.” He looked down at his hands, which were still stained with grease. “I’ll get cleaned up.”
And for reasons he couldn’t explain, during the ride over and the walk to Bail’s door, and the whole introduction and small talk and drinks–Anakin felt nervous.
Bail was just–well, he was intimidating. He was twenty years older than Anakin, probably, and so well-spoken and calm. He and Obi-Wan and Padmé would make good friends actually, come to think of it. But Anakin had never been good at this side of things–give him a lightsaber, give him a droid, and he was fine. But put him at a dinner party?
“Anakin, what’s your drink of choice?”
They were seated on the couch now, and Bail was looking at him.
“Oh, um…I’m not picky,” Anakin replied. “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”
“Corellian Brandy? You sure?” Bail replied, raising an eyebrow. “Obi-Wan’s favorite, though.”
“Oh, please,” Obi-Wan said, rolling his eyes. “After…well, the last time you made me drink Corellian Brandy, I think I’ll pass.”
“Trust me, it tastes much better when you’re not on the brink of death.”
Obi-Wan laughed, but there was a darkness there. A joke Anakin didn’t understand. He knew the two of them had been on a mission recently, while he and Ahsoka were away. Obi-Wan had been pretty beat up afterward, but told him not to worry about it. But ‘brink of death’ didn’t sound like a “don’t worry about it” kind of situation. ‘Brink of death’ sounded like–
“What are you talking about?” Anakin blurted.
Bail and Obi-Wan met eyes. “Just an inside joke,” Bail murmured.
He disappeared into the liquor cabinet.
They drank their brandy mostly quietly, with Bail and Obi-Wan chattering about politics. Anakin watched them–studying the way they seemed to know each other, the ease in Obi-Wan’s posture he only displayed with people like Cody, or Quinlan, or Anakin himself. And it made his chest tight, somehow. What was it they shared that Anakin didn’t know?
But he also noticed something else–the way Obi-Wan’s eyebrows were pinched slightly in the middle. His tell for headaches and migraines, usually.
In the Force, Anakin nudged him. Obi-Wan looked his way. “What?”
Anakin’s face lightly burned. So much for being discreet. “You okay?”
“I’m fine,”Obi-Wan said. “Why would you say that?”
“You look–you’re–”
Because now that he thought about it, Obi-Wan had looked wrong for a while. He was always tired, and recently when they sparred he always seemed slow, too easily bested. He didn’t eat as much, or sleep as much, and sometimes he limped. And if the headaches had been bad before, then now…
“Is it your knee again, Obi-Wan?” Bail said.
Both of them turned.
And Obi-Wan’s gaze sent a warning. “I don’t know what you mean. My knee is, and has always been, fine.”
The words were icy. Anakin’s eyes widened.
“Is that so,” Bail said, leaning forward. “It wasn’t fine the last time I saw you.”
“It was. I’m perfectly alright–then and now,” he replied, setting his brandy down on the table. “I suppose I have a bit of a headache. But, as you taught me once, it’s nothing a drink won’t fix.”
“You know that’s not true,” Anakin said. “Your head’s been worse ever since…well, ever since you went with him on that mission a few months ago.”
“Well, of course it has,” Bail said. “Because–”
“No,” Obi-Wan said. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Because Zigoola did a number on both of us, but you’re the one who’s gonna feel the after effects of a Sith Planet–”
Anakin’s head whirled. “A Sith planet?”
But he didn’t get to finish. Because, just as he was about to repeat that nothing was wrong, Obi-Wan sucked in a breath. He squeezed his eyes shut.
Anakin shook his head. This was one scenario where he hated to be right.
Obi-Wan leaned forward, elbows on his knees, and ran his hands across his face. Anakin looked at Bail. “His migraines are–”
“I know,” said Bail. Not sharply, but still, Anakin felt…well, he was supposed to know Obi-Wan best.
“Yeah,” Anakin said. “Um, is there somewhere dark and quiet he could go?”
“I’m alright, Anakin,” Obi-Wan replied, voice coming from somewhere between his hands. “It…came on suddenly, but it isn’t…well, I’ve had worse.”
Anakin nodded. If he could talk at all, that was good. He noticed, abruptly, that Bail had a hand on his shoulder.
“Well, then we should probably get you home,” Anakin said. “Can you–”
But Bail was already helping him stand, slipping an arm beneath his shoulders. Anakin rushed to the other side.
They helped him to the speeder. Anakin opened the door, while Bail lowered him into the passenger’s seat and closed it behind him. Anakin was about to say goodbye and climb in the driver’s side, but a hand on his arm stopped him.
“Anakin,” Bail said. “Can we talk inside?”
Anakin looked through the speeder window. Obi-Wan’s head lolled back against the seat, his eyes closed tight.
“I should get him home–”
“It won’t be long. But there’s…something you should know.”
Anakin stared at him, long and hard. Something you should know. After months of being told that everything was fine, don’t worry about it, nothing happened while he was away. Something you should know, at long last.
He tried his best not to storm back into Bail’s house.
Inside, they didn’t sit down. Anakin folded his arms across his chest, face drawn as he waited.
“I’m listening.”
Bail walked past him, as if starting to pace. But he stopped, some distance away, face drawn as he looked back at Anakin.
“I did it on purpose.”
Anakin turned his head. “What?”
“I knew he hadn’t told you,” Bail said, nodding at a sleeping Obi-Wan. “About what happened on Zigoola. But someone needed to know, someone besides me, and maybe Master Yoda. He needs someone looking out for him. I could do that, when we were together, but we aren’t now.” He exhaled. “He needs you.”
Anakin could think of about a million things to say to that. But what actually came out was, “What happened, then? On Zigoola?”
Bail looked far away. Like he was looking at Anakin, but he wasn’t. And when he finally spoke, his voice was soft.
“I don’t think I should be the one to tell you,” Bail said. “It should come from him.”
“He won’t tell me.”
“He will now, I think,” Bail almost smiled. “I forced his hand. Because someone has to know. I have Breha looking out for me at home. Your w–I mean, Padmé looking out for me here. And now, he’ll have you.”
Anakin’s eyes flickered down, whether from embarrassment or worry he couldn’t say. He did need to leave–Obi-Wan was waiting.
But he fought the urge to run out right away. He looked at Bail, saw the genuine care there. The worry. Maybe it was the years Bail had on him, but he almost looked…fatherly. He didn’t know if Bail had children. But he bet he’d make a good one, one day.
Anakin did have to go. Obi-Wan was waiting out there, hurting. But he did pause. Shook Bail’s hand, however awkwardly.
“Thanks,” he said. “For telling me. And…and for looking out for him, then and now.” He exhaled. “I’m glad to know he has a friend in you. That we both do.”
As he stepped back outside, Bail watching from the door, Obi-Wan's words echoed back to him from this afternoon. Well. Maybe we are friends, after all.
He drove home as slowly and gently as possible–for once, taking care to follow the speed limits and traffic laws. Obi-Wan was a little worse now, he could tell from the pinch in his face and the way he inhaled sharply whenever they passed brighter lights. But they made it home without incident, and soon enough they were walking back into Obi-Wan’s quarters.
Anakin darkened the room. Got him water, his meds, sleep clothes. And when he was situated, and Anakin knew he could leave him to sleep it off, he paused. Sat down on the edge of the bed.
“You should’ve told me, you know,” he said quietly. “I’m not gonna argue it out with you right now. But I just need you to know you’re an idiot.”
From beneath the sheets, Obi-Wan hummed. “Thanks,” he mumbled.
“Yeah, well.” He shifted, so he was sitting up against the headboard in Obi-Wan’s bed. “You’ll tell me the truth, then? When you’re better?”
A pause. Then, a nod.
“Good. Otherwise, I’d have to go back to Bail and squeeze it out of him with a little more Corellian Brandy.”
Obi-Wan hummed again. His voice was raspy and soft. “Glad to see you two have bonded over my idiocy.”
“The best of friends do,” he said. “But anyway. I’m just…glad he’s there for you, is all.”
Anakin stood from the bed, pausing just once to lay a hand gently on Obi-Wan’s hair.
“I’ll be in the kitchen. Call if you need anything.”
Though he expected Obi-Wan wouldn’t even need to. If it got worse, he’d sense it from anywhere on Coruscant.
He shut the door behind him, and resolved to make some caf and pick a holo to watch until the worst had passed. Until the worst had passed, and they could talk.
Soon. Soon, the truth.
For now, he was content to wait. And be there.
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tommysparker · 3 years
Never Forget You [Chapter 3]
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Jedi!Reader
A/N: hey y’all! thank you for your patience with this chapter. enjoy!! :) [also totally didn’t have this in my drafts then forget to post earlier pfftttt whaaaatt?]
Warnings: angst with a tiny amount of fluff. anakin finally makes his debut in this series. it gets better just stay with me. long italic paragraphs = flashbacks
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Anakin Skywalker had witnessed many things over the years. 
Giant beasts? At least once a week. Sith Lords? Becoming too common. Droid armies? All year long. Looking death in the eye? Simply another day in the life of a Jedi. 
Nothing could ever have prepared him for the sight he was currently witnessing. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi, his Master, The Negotiator, the Jedi Council’s most prized Jedi…sulking.
It has been a full week since You returned to the Jedi Temple and Anakin couldn’t help to think his former Master’s mood and your arrival were connected. He was vaguely aware of your past friendship, only hearing bits and pieces of the adventures you had together as Padawans. 
During his days under Obi-Wan’s apprenticeship he would often hear about how “a wise Jedi I once knew” would do certain things. He wanted to know more about this oh-so-great Jedi, however, any time the young boy asked his Master would always brush him off with a mournful look in his eyes.  
He didn’t understand at the time but now he’s beginning to piece together that perhaps there was something more between the two of you. 
“You think Master Y/l/n and Master Kenobi were courting?” 
“Keep your voice down, Snips,” Anakin hushed.
“Sorry, sorry. But Master,” Ahsoka lowers her voice, “what led you to that conclusion? I’ve hardly seen them together since Master Y/l/n came back. What makes you think they could be lovers?” 
“That’s just it, Ahoska. They’ve been avoiding each other like the Rakghoul plague. Obi-Wan told me they were such good friends, and now that they’re back they can’t stand to be in the same room as each other? I don’t buy it.” Anakin looked back to where Obi-Wan sat with Commander Cody, no doubt brainstorming new battle tactics and liberation plans. 
“So what do you suppose we do? Set them up or something?” The look her Master gave her made her regret her words the moment they left her mouth. 
“Come on, Snips. It’s a good idea. We get them to stay in the same room so they have no choice but to confront each other and talk things out! It’s genius.” Anakin smiled, his eyes still on his former Master. He had a feeling if Obi-Wan were to find out about this plan he would be in for a major lecture but he couldn’t bring himself to care at the moment. He couldn’t stand to see the old man look so miserable, not if he can do anything about it. 
Ahsoka crossed her arms and followed her Master’s gaze. Something was clearly different about her Grand-Master. He had put his full attention into ending the war, which wasn’t new. However, she could tell something was off. He no longer came out to the landing zone to greet returning fighters, stayed away from the meditation and training centers as well as the Jedi Archives which was the most off-putting observation considering that was where he spent most of his time.
Anytime someone needed to find Obi-Wan Kenobi, the first place they would check was the ancient history section of the Jedi Archives. 
“I don’t know why you find so much interest in these old books Y/n/n,” Obi-Wan complained from across the table. “Can’t we go practice our lightsaber skills instead?” 
You smiled. “Nuh uh, mister. If I won the wager you promised to sit with me during my reading time. Now shush, and read.” You pushed the unopened textbook toward the pouting Padawan. “Maybe you’ll actually learn something.” 
Obi-Wan stuck his tongue out in a childish manner, sighing dramatically when you gave him a certain look and reluctantly opened the cover and began to read Tales of The Old Republic. 
Safe to say from that point onward, Obi-Wan would join your daily Archive visits with zero complaints. 
You close the book, careful to make sure no pages fell out and gently push it back into its place on the shelf. Using the force, you carefully push the ladder you were currently standing on over to the next column and begin nitpicking through the array of old texts. 
It took a few days for you to settle in and readjust to the Jedi Temple life. Once you had, however, things quickly took a turn. 
Master Yoda requested that you help train some of the younglings who were having trouble advancing into the next stages of becoming a Jedi. In all honesty, you much rather have had the freedom to roam for at least one more week, but the new role presented an excuse to not be around a certain blue-eyed Jedi. 
“Looking for something?” 
The voice startled you, causing you to jump and lose your balance on the ladder. You yelp as you begin to fall towards the ground, bracing yourself for the hash impact and the bruises that would add to the collection on your side still currently healing.  
Instead, you feel a pair of arms catch you, one under your back and the other behind your knees in a classic bridal style. The hold felt secure instantly, and you instinctively clung to the tunic of your savior. You look up to thank the person for preventing any injuries, but the blue eyes staring back at you made your mind go blank. 
Obi-Wan stared back, unsure of what to say. This was the closest he has been to you since you left a decade ago. He longed to have you in his arms, to hug you, to regain that safety net you provided he knew he could always fall back on.
“Um...thank you, General.” It came out as more of a question, your mind still reeling from almost falling and also the fact that the man who you had been actively avoiding just happened to be in the same place you spent hours of your youth together. 
“Obi-Wan, please. No need for formalities, darling.” The old nickname slipped out, and he was about to apologize when he noticed the light blush that spread across your face. Perhaps not everything about you has changed. 
“Right...Obi-Wan. Well, I’ll be on my way then,” You rushed, trying to pass by him but he stopped you once again by the call of your name. 
“Y/n/n’s wait. Whatever game you’re playing, frankly I am not a fan of it.” Obi-Wan crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows. 
“What are you talking about?” You turned around and looked at him confused. 
“You were the one who summoned me here,” he stretched his arms out, “here I am and now you’re trying to run away again. I hardly think that’s fair.” He was beginning to get frustrated. He came in with his heart on his sleeve, ready to finally talk to you after so long and find out why you’ve been keeping your distance. Now, all he felt was betrayal and irritation at the ongoing dance you insist on doing around each other. 
He preferred to dance like you did in your youth, but alas this was nothing but another sign he needs to get mind out of the past.  
You scoffed lightly. “Again? What is that supposed to mean exactly?” You knew exactly what he meant, but you didn’t want to admit it. You’ve been denying it for ten years and Force be damned if you’d admit it now. 
“You’ve been avoiding me since your return--” You open your mouth to protest but he ignores you and continues “--and then you send the youngling to bring me here, only to try to flee upon my arrival,” He frowns, lifting his elbow and resting it on his remaining crossed arm. “I know our history can make things...difficult in the present time,” He glanced around cautiously as he spoke,”but I would appreciate it if we make an agreement simply to not speak from now on. No more games.” 
You blinked, head tilting slightly as you waited for him to finish. “Obi-Wan, I didn’t ask for you to come here. Nor would I ever involve younglings in personal matters.” He should know that, you thought. But should he really? 
His face fell from annoyance to embarrassment, his arms falling to his sides. “Oh.” He wasn’t sure what to do now. It was his own fault for getting his hopes up. I should have known better. 
You purse your lips and nodded slowly. “Well, I’m glad we at least came to an agreement. Goodbye, General Kenobi.” You took your leave, forcing yourself not to look back as you felt his eyes watching your figure. 
Obi-Wan let out a frustrated sigh, knowing he just ruined any and all changes of reconnecting with you. In his defense, however, you were the one avoiding his attempts at friendly conversation and refusing to meet and make up for lost time.  
Still, something didn’t feel right about this. 
“What the kriff was that?” 
Ah, there’s that something. “Anakin, please tell me this was not your doing.” 
Anakin smiled guilty, Ahsoka coming out from behind the bookshelf to stand next to her Master. 
“It was Snips' idea.” Anakin shrugged, flinching when he felt her punch his arm. “Ow!”
“You were the one who came up with the plan, and now look! Master Y/l/n and Master Kenobi will never get together--” Ahoska stops herself, realizing she said too much. “Oh no.” 
“I beg your pardon?” Obi-Wan looks at them both incredulously. “First of all, Master Y/l/n and I are simply…” he wanted to say friends, but even that was a reach at this point, “acquaintances. We knew each other in the past, and in the past our friendship shall stay. As for ‘getting together’, you both know very well any implication of that goes directly against the Jedi Code.” He crossed his arms tightly as he scolded. 
“I can tell you harbour feelings for them, Obi-Wan. You don’t need to lie to us.” 
“Whatever feelings I may or may not have for Y/n are unrelated. You must understand your responsibilities as a Jedi. No matter what emotional sacrifice we must make.” He made a point to look at Anakin at the end, knowing he won’t follow the implication but at least hoping he’ll get the message.     
“We’re sorry, Master.” Ahsoka looked down in shame not at what they had tried to achieve, but at the cost and clear damage they caused. 
Obi-Wan sighed, running a hand over his beard before resting it on her shoulder. “It’s alright young one. You meant no harm. Perhaps some things are better left forgotten.” 
Oh, if only it were that simple. 
A Padawan approached the three of them quickly. “Excuse me, Master Yoda sent me to tell you he and Master Y/l/n are waiting for you all in the council room.” 
Of course, these things never are. 
heres a box to put your heart pieces in  -> []  :) 
Taglist: @queenariesofnarnia @dwarfplanet69 @katsukink @blondekel77 @generousrunawaydonut @fandomtrashwhore @fortheloveofaqueenfan @mrskenobi19 @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @hotleaf-juice @emiijemii @neji85 @doctor-warthrop @ayamenimthiriel @lizzy-95 @lovelylostminds 
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amikoroyaiart · 3 years
First impression: Good man, that Cody
Impression now: I love Cody so much! one of my fav clones and I love that he has so much power that Filoni is literally scared to give any content with him
Favorite moment:
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Him picking up Obi's lightsaber and looking up for him Jedi <3
Also him kicking droids haha
Idea for a story: At this point I will take everything but i would really like to know what happened to him post order 66 ;-; but I am not sure I am ready for it
Unpopular opinion: I don't think he is the youngest Commander. For me all CC have the same age and if not i totally see him more as a big brother.
Favorite relationship: Brotherly relationship with Rex, Foxy and Wolffe.
Romantic with Obi Wan (they are my comfort ship which is kinda ironic because there is so much angst there)
Favorite headcanon: all funny headcanons about his scar (love you guys for those!)
he totally kicks a droid when he has an occasion
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willowcrowned · 4 years
Okay but has anyone considered Obi-wan/Cody/Satien (is that how its spelled?) Regardless, hes got two hands for his two mandalorians, the au where this happend is gotta be top notch ridiculous ye?
Okay thank you so much for giving me a reason to think about this, because this AU contains three things I adore: polyamory, ships where everyone is frighteningly competent, and Obi-Wan
In this AU, Ventress is somehow even less well-adjusted (bear with me). What this means is that, instead of taking a gap year and finding herself after her family is brutally murdered, she decides she needs to get revenge even more now. What does this mean? In the short term, she still becomes a bounty hunter, but in the long run? She’s looking for a Sith lord team up so she can punch Dooku (with a lit lighstaber) in his stupid, elitist, backstabbing face.
So when Maul invades Mandalore, what happens? Ventress comes right along, ready to give her ‘I know we hate each other, but consider teaming up to kill someone we both hate even MORE’ space TED talk. And though Maul may be terribly annoying, a closet theater kid, always in a tits out kind of mood, and denying his gay awakening, he’s not stupid. He knows Sidious is coming for him, sooner rather than later, and he knows he needs more people on his side than his (impressively beefy) brother. He and Savage agree to the team-up.
Cue Obi-Wan showing up, ready to save his sort-of girlfriend, and finding Pre Vizsla, who got REAL sus the second ANOTHER lunatic with a red lightsaber showed up, occupied by capturing Maul, Savage, and Ventress. 
Obi-Wan saves Satie, who convinces him to call Cody for a quick evac, and they’re running away, flirting, and arguing over shooting things (as usual), when they spot Ventress, Maul, and Savage, about to be executed.
Oh, they both think, hell no. And then, because they have a stupid moral code that makes them do stupid moral things, they go save them.
A little background on Obi-Wan at this point: He has been fighting in a war for over two years. He is exhausted, close to a breakdown, and seriously questioning his place as a General. Next to him at all times, supporting him, helping him, and saving him, is Cody, who is clever, kinder than he has any right to be, and is, of course, devastatingly handsome when he does his special, unique-to-Cody half-smirk.
Obi-Wan, to put it mildly, is totally gone on him. Obi-Wan also, to put it less mildly, is his commanding officer in an army that Cody can’t leave on pain of death. To do anything— make any advance beyond the flirting that he engages in with most people— would put Cody in a very uncomfortable position, whether or not he returns Obi-Wan’s feelings. So Obi-Wan watches him from afar, hoping against hope that his affections are returned, and that one day, after the end of the war, there will be a future for both of them.
A little more background on Obi-Wan at this point: He has always respected Satine. Their correspondence fell apart just a few months after the end of his mission with Qui-Gon, but he’s been keeping up with her professional accomplishments for years. Over time, the love he bore for her faded, leaving him with good memories and an enduring appreciation for her courage, her cleverness, and her ability to deliver devastating blows to someone’s confidence with a few well-placed words.
Until he sees her again. And yes, alright, he might be angry that she’s choosing to stay out of the war— he knows what good she could do— but he understands her fears, understands the very real possibility that if Mandalore gets embroiled in yet another war, they may never recover. The thing is... well, she’s still very beautiful, especially when he’s yelling at him, and as slowly as his feelings had faded then, they come back in a rush now.
He has very much fallen in love with Cody, and he is very much still in love with Satine.
Cut back to the present— Obi-Wan and Satine rescue the three most annoying Sith in the galaxy and get the heck out of dodge. Cody, because he’s Cody, comes swooping in with a last-minute rescue.
At this point, two things are occurring.
The first: Obi-Wan is stuck in a room with four people he’s periodically flirted with over the past few years, two of whom he’s desperately in love with, one of whom he had a weird encounter with that he can never tell Anakin about when she and him got trapped in a middle school auditorium, and one of whom is definitely wearing no shirt and all that jewelry for a reason. It is Supremely awkward for him.
The second: Every single person in that room, each of which is (barring Savage) deeply attracted to Obi-Wan, is realizing that Obi-Wan is dressed in Mandalorian armor, and while Obi-Wan in three layers of tunics and a cloak is an absolute knockout, Obi-Wan in Mandalorian armor may very well kill them (and he won’t even have to touch his lightsaber to do it).
For one single moment, everything is absolutely still as they all stare at each other.
...And then Maul starts on the ‘I will rend your flesh from your bones, feel my wrath, Kenobarrgh’ spiel, and Satine stuns him. Oh, and Savage. Ventress agrees to watch the two of them if they don’t stun her, and Obi-Wan agrees.
Which then leaves him, Cody, and Satine in a room alone.
A word on Cody at this point: He has been bred from birth to be the perfect soldier— loyal, clever (but not too clever), and rigourously adherent to protocol. Yet, within three months of knowing Obi-Wan, he’s, well, calling him Obi-Wan in his head. Even just that is a gross breach of protocol, but he’s compromised in more ways than one. He talks to Obi-Wan, now, not just as a subordinate, or secondary advisor, but as a friend, as a councilor. Every time Obi-Wan touches him— never for longer than a brief second— his skin lights up under his armor. One time, Obi-Wan fell asleep on him for half an hour, and Cody’s was sure everyone would hear his heartbeat. 
What he’s doing— how he feels— he knows it’s putting Obi-Wan in danger, knows that if the Kaminoans had wanted to the clones to be equals to the Jedi, they would have told them so. And look, he knows what the natborns would call the way he’s feeling, but he can’t feel that way. He’s a clone— he’s expendable by definition. Even if, on some off-chance, he makes it out of this war alive, there’s nothing for him. Obi-Wan couldn’t care for him like that, couldn’t care for a man with the same face as millions of others, born and bred only for war. So it doesn’t matter how he feels.
A word on Satine at this point: Obi-Wan, when he left, was a gawkish, bumbling thing of red hair and freckles and the sweetest smile. Obi-Wan, when he came back, was graceful, eloquent, and very, very handsome. He is also infuriating. (This does not change how attracted she is to him in the least.)
She’s not a romantic, really, but she is a realist, and she knows she’s loved him in some form or another for over twenty years. She knows she can’t ask him to return it— knows that asking him to leave the order for her wouldn’t just be for her, it would be for Mandalore, and while the politician in her cries for her to claim him, the person in her who loves Obi-Wan could not abide tearing him away from his culture for her own purposes. She still loves him, deeply and irrevocably, and she knows he still loves her. (Maybe, she thinks, after the war... But she can’t afford to be sentimental).
What do Cody and Satine have in common? They’re both extremely competent, both instinctively ruthless, and they both love Obi-Wan. Oh, and they’re also both immediately jealous of their counterpart.
They know they shouldn’t be. They know it’s not fair, not when Obi-Wan isn’t theirs anyways, but it doesn’t change the surge of envy and dislike that happens when they see Obi-Wan use the soft voice he only uses for the people he likes best on the person across from them.
Cody knows he can never compare to the Duchess, who is beautiful and well-spoken and has held Obi-Wan’s heart since they were fifteen. Satine knows she can never compare to Cody, who has been at Obi-Wan’s side every second since the war’s beginning, who is so much closer in ideals to Obi-Wan than she is, however it might appear on the surface.
Fortunately, they don’t have to deal with it for long, because Ventress comes in with Maul and Savage and proposes a team up, at which point Maul reveals the identity of the Sith Master.
Obi-Wan swears a string of words that Cody and Satine are both very impressed by, and agrees to the team up. Cody and Satine, who are both going to Coruscant anyways, agree to it too.
What ensues is a good deal of scheming, during which Cody and Satine avoid each other like the plague, Obi-Wan is repeatedly told to get some sleep, and Ventress cuffs Maul to a door on multiple nonconsecutive occasions. When they get to Coruscant, Satine has already told Padmé, who has in turn told her group of anti-war (and anti-Palpatine) senators, Cody has given Rex a heads up, and Ventress, Maul, and Savage have been metaphorically sharpening their lightsabers for ages.
(It occurs to Obi-Wan, at one point, after he’s woken up from his enforced 25-hour nap, that Palpatine must have created the clone army for a reason— must have a failsafe in place— and he asks Ahsoka to pull all the data the Kaminoans have on the clones. They find out about the chips, and Ahsoka immediately immediately holds the Kaminoans at laser sword point until they reprogram every order into a command that dissolves the chip.)
The thing about organizing a coup together is that it makes it very hard to avoid each other. Cody and Satine are forced to work together, and, what do you know, it turns out that even with seething jealousy at work, they end up respecting each other. (Note: Obi-Wan comes into a room at one point to see them both bent over a commlink, heads together and hands nearly touching. He short circuits.)
In any case, coup, Palps dies, Republic fixed, whatever.
What’s important is that Obi-Wan gets really, really injured— so much so that he might die. Cody and Satine have dealt with him being dead before (Deception arc anyone?), but this? Watching him slowly fade, knowing there’s nothing they can do about it? That’s worse.
One night, when Anakin has fallen asleep, they have a long conversation in low voices about Obi-Wan, darting from fond to furious to devastated over and over again. If he wakes up— if, not when— they agree to say something to Obi-Wan, to let him know that they love him. It’s a meager consolation after all they’ve been through, but this is the end, in one way or another, and they deserve to be honest with him.
(Cody thinks, privately, that he will be— well, not tossed aside, because Obi-Wan isn’t the sort of person who does that, but there won’t be a place for him by Obi-Wan’s side anymore. Obi-Wan is a Jedi, a negotiator, a peacekeeper, and Cody is a soldier for a now-ended war. He is already steeling himself to accept Obi-Wan’s polite rejection with equanimity, to not cause more pain to the man. (It will be easy, he knows, to wish him every peace, every happiness. Cody has only ever wanted to see Obi-Wan happy. This does not mean it will not be painful.) Obi-Wan said once that he would have left the Order for Satine if she’d asked— she will ask, now, and Cody knows Obi-Wan will leave, can see the love written in his face, in his spine, in his hands, whenever he is around her. Satine will ask, and Obi-Wan will leave, and Cody will be left to look for a place in this new galaxy.)
(Satine thinks, privately, that Obi-Wan’s feelings for her must be long faded, replaced by his obvious ones for Cody. Obi-Wan is a warrior, a Knight, and Satine is a diplomat who foreswore violence long ago. She is already steeling herself to accept his rejection with grace. (It will be easy, she knows, to wish him well. She has only ever wanted good things for him. This does not mean it will not be painful.) He said once that he would have left the Order for her if she’d asked, and whatever he’d felt then for her pales to what he feels now for Cody. Cody will ask, and Obi-Wan will leave, and Satine will rule as she always has.)
And then Obi-Wan wakes up.
Cody and Satine let him have his long talk with Anakin first, partially because they know how important it is to him, partially because Anakin wouldn’t let them if they wanted to, and partially because they are dreading their own coming conversation. When Anakin has finished, and Obi-Wan is asleep again, they go in, hand-in-hand, and wait for him to wake up.
When he does wake up, he sees them holding hands and immediately comes to several wrong conclusions. Wrong Conclusion A: Cody and Satine are in love. Wrong Conclusion B: Cody and Satine are going to try to break the news that they’re in love to him gently. Wrong Conclusion C: This conversation is about to break his heart.
Then they speak.
At the end of it, Obi-Wan has some Thoughts. Thought One: alkdfjhskhsgjljlbhkgkjbjvnab,gkjvn;qlerghjsv?????!!!!fwbfwlkrehwogwhuwrijvhfdbhkf!!!! Thought Two: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Thought Three: Oh, we’re all idiots. Fantastic. 
He then passes out, because being on the edge of death for days and then having a shock to your system this big tends to do that to you.
When he wakes up, he is mildly more coherent. Then he sees that Satine and Cody are asleep on each other, and the coherence is lost, but he does manage to wake them up and get across three things:
Thing One: He is desperately in love with them both.
Thing Two: He’s leaving the Order for a multitude of reasons, but they are a Significant Bonus.
Thing Three: He would very much like if they both held his hand while he falls back asleep.
Cody takes Obi-Wan’s right hand, Satine takes Obi-Wan’s left hand, and the three of them stay like that, fingers intertwined, for a long, long, while.
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oceanera12 · 4 years
Losing Lightsabers
Excuse me while I just think of all the random scenarios where the Jedi are clumsy as heck and the clones have to pick up after their Generals. (Every. Single. Time.)
Anakin is one of the most frequent, to no surprise. Most of the 501st have at some point held their General’s saber (”Fives, be careful with that thing!” “Come on, Echo, it’s not going to turn on.” *lightsaber activates as Fives begins cursing* “What did I just say?”). Sometimes it’s only for a second or two because they are throwing it up to said General, who is now flipping over their head and charging headfirst into battle because of course he is. When it is longer than five minutes, the saber is taken to Rex who returns it to General Skywalker the next time he sees him. The longest period of Rex caring for the saber was two days. Anakin returned with his Padawan, both of them covered head to toe in a green questionable substance. Anakin’s only words were, “Don’t. Ask.” Rex returned the saber without commenting.
*bonus to Anakin* Ahsoka has lost her sabers a total of five times in a battle. Three of those times it was Anakin’s fault. She brings it up. A lot.
Surprisingly, Obi-Wan actually loses his saber as much, if not more than Anakin. No one outside the 212th really believes it (other than the 501st). Nintey-nine percent of the time, the saber drops in front of or near Commander Cody. No one knows how or why, not Cody, not Obi-Wan, it just happens. At this point, Cody has a name for the thing and every time it finds it’s way to him, he greets it with a tone of exasperation and annoyance. “Metalrod, what did the General do this time?” (most clones argue with Cody that “Metalrod” is not a creative name, which Cody just asks for something better. No one can come up with anything).
Plo Koon rarely loses his saber in battle (maybe twice. Maybe). But between battles? Oh, you better believe that thing gets misplaced. Think of when a Dad loses his keys and that’s pretty much the scene that unravels in the 104th. (”Did you check in the command center?” “Yes, Wolffe, I checked in the command center. It’s not there.” “… Are you sure?” “Wolffe!” “I’m just saying General, it was there last time!” *they find it in the command center*). The 104th boys don’t mind though. They’ll look all over until the saber is produced. However, it has made for some tight situations right before a battle. (”Alright boys we have ten minutes before we get out of hyperspace so let’s find that saber!”)
Aalya Secura didn’t lose her saber at the beginning of the war. But as time has gone on she started to drop it. Never in a dangerous situation and never when she is going to need it. She just goes to put it on her belt and misses the loop or strap somehow. Usually, it’s after a battle is over for good or a practice sparing session. After she drops it, she always goes to pick it up but Commander Bly is always one step ahead, swooping down to the ground, scooping it up, handing it over and making some comment about, “I believe this belongs to you,” or “Here, General.” And if her hand lingers a little too long on his, no one says anything.
Those of 41st Elite Corp have never had to return their General’s lightsaber. Or at least, that’s what they all say. General Luminara Unduli is a woman of grace and would never drop her saber. So it is a sworn secret among the men to never speak of that one time she accidentally dropped her saber down a canyon and someone had to go get it.
Mace Windu has never dropped his saber on accident. And that isn’t a lie. The four times he has “dropped” it was all intentional and for a purpose. That one time they surrendered to a neutral party in the war (all of the clone’s blaster’s joined it shortly on the ground). The time he was undercover and had to sell it for information (one of the clones stole it back when the storekeeper was busy giving Windu the information). The time he threw his saber as far as he could, chopping down every droid in its path saving several of his men but also losing it in the scuffle. And that one time he threw it to Commander Ponds, who used the kriffing thing to cut down a charging wild beast. (They don’t talk about that time…)
Depa Billaba is a lot like her Master in the sense of she never accidentally drops her saber. It is always intentional… at least that is what she tells herself and her Padawan, who thought it was a good idea to make his lightsaber into two separate pieces. Seriously, it’s a problem. (”I swear I put them down right here.” “And then one of them rolled away, right kid?” “Don’t call me kid!”)
On the planet Kamino, General Shak Ti is the only Jedi constantly present. As such, it is her responsibility to interact with all of the clones and show them what a lightsaber is, what it does, and what a clone should do if they find one (it’s best to not have the troopers accidently chopping off limbs). Unfortunately, this means a lot of cadets come into contact with the weapon and sometimes a cadet will get the brilliant idea to take the thing. Shak Ti always knows where it is though because the kyber crystal is constantly calling her because, “There are children. They’re going to kill themselves. Shak Ti come get me away from these tiny children!” General Ti always arrives and the cadet and his brothers sheepishly return the blade, apologetic and afraid they are going to be punished. Instead, Shak Ti shows the finer points of the design, explains how she built it with the Force, the story of her kyber crystal, and then demonstrates a few kata’s. It’s now become a sort of ritual for cadets to run off with the saber then wait for the General to find them.
Many clones have served under the Jedi General Yoda and the general consensus is that he keeps a good hold on his weapon. His glimmer stick on the other hand? Oh, that thing they have to keep track of. And it’s even more annoying than a lightsaber because it’s a stick. (”Is this it?” “How the kriff am I supposed to know? It’s brown, it’s short, and it’s kind of straight.”) And Yoda always knows if they brought him his stick. If it’s not it, they have to keep looking. Most of the time though, the Jedi finds it on his own and all the clones are just ??? (“I thought we looked over there!” “He’s a Jedi, vod. Don’t think about it.”)
Part 2 here
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Obi-wan x Mandalorian!Reader
Request: "im not sure if you write for him, but maybe a mandolorian reader with obi wan kenobi?? ty!!”
I love writing for Obi-wan; thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
As a scholar- and as a master of snark- Obi-wan is fascinated with you from the second you meet
He tries to play it cool but he has a deep appreciation and love of Mandalorian culture and you excite him
While he’s respectful, you can definitely tease him about this
He sasses you right back, but odds are, he’s met his match in you
Being around other people together may translate to their nightmare
You’re both so stubborn and every minute is a battle of wills and wits
Even though so much of your time is spent bickering with one another, you’re still a formidable team when you do decide to cooperate with each other
You can very nearly read Obi-wan’s mind, and he yours; during battle you can move in sync wordlessly, and have whole conversations in a single glance
Also, because of his understanding of Mandalore and its ways, it’s easy to share your traditions and values with him
Obi-wan takes your culture very seriously, which warms any traditional friends and family to him
For most of his life, Obi-wan has only practiced the ways of the Jedi alongside some his homeworld, and he loves the mix of cultures that present and combine in your relationship
There is some resistance to your armor though; you protest that he’s left too unguarded and he insists that the Force will protect him instead
Though he concedes the point when you spar with him and block his lightsaber with your beksar 
You also argue over the efficacy of a lightsaber versus a blaster
Sure, he can deflect blaster shots but you tell him there’s nothing stupider than when he throws his lightsaber in battle
("You're totally defenseless, someone else can take your only weapon and leave with it-")
This hardly matters though, because you work best back-to-back, with him deflecting and on close-range offsense and you worrying about shooting down targets in the distance
Obi-wan admits this to you once Cody joins in on complaining about his lack of armor and long-range offense
He listens to you and his commander more than anyone else; you and Cody agree to take advantage of this as much as possible
Your protective nature also extends to forcing Obi-wan into self-care- though this could make you a hypocrite
You're both hard-headed, absolutely determined, and persistent, which means tending to each other when one of you pushes yourself too hard
"I can't believe you've done this to yourself" is said by both of you, frequently and with fond exasperation
But, overall- there is a deep mutual respect and love, forged by passion and friendship between you
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sirikenobi12 · 3 years
This Capt' goes down with her Ship
I’m honestly amazed at how many messages I receive both here and on Twitter that ask me why I ship Obi-Wan with Siri Tachi over Satine Kryze. I guess I’m mostly amazed because I can’t believe people actually care enough to take the time to message me about my character preferences, that’s just really fascinating to me. 
But, since I’m getting tired of writing this out in individual messages I thought perhaps a blog would be a good idea so that way I can just reference/link them to it later - it’ll be much easier. So, bear with me while I get a little self indulgent (and Satine stans please don’t come at me, I will explain below how I really have nothing against Obitine). 
This is going to be really long, and I’m not expecting anyone to actually read this, but here we go! 
I’ll begin by answering questions that are sitting in my inbox:
1. Who the hell is Siri Tachi?? For those who don’t know the character of Siri Tachi, she was a female Jedi who was two years younger than Obi-Wan. She was originally from the Legends young reader book series Jedi Apprentice and Jedi Quest (written by Jude Watson). She was in many of the same Padawan classes as Obi-Wan even though she was two years his junior because of her advanced skills. She could hold her own against him in a lightsaber duel even as they grew up. She was chosen as an apprentice to Jedi Council Member Adi Gallia at age 11 which was very impressive given how young she was and the fact that a Council Member chose her.
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(I don’t know why she looks like Brittany Spears in this drawing, not my fave)
She did have a hard time fitting in with her peers when she was younger though because she was so focused on her career as a Jedi which didn’t always make her the friendliest person to be around (it was really her masking her insecurities) and it was only after she was paired on several missions with Obi-Wan that they even became friends. 
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She and Obi-Wan over the years grew very close and eventually discovered their feelings had crossed the line from friends to something more while on a mission when they were older Padawans (Obi was 18). They had been separated from their masters and nearly died while on that mission. So, before they “died” they each confessed their love to the other, but when it turned out they didn’t actually die they decided they’d wait and figure out what their relationship actually meant once the mission was over - putting duty above their feelings. But Qui-Gon and Yoda intervene before the two of them could have the conversation and the Masters reminded Obi-Wan of his dedication to the Jedi Order. Obi-Wan argued that he and Siri would be able to find a way to be together while still being active Jedi, that maybe they could be an exception to the rule or even change the rule entirely. Both he and Siri did end up choosing their commitment to the Jedi over their relationship in the end, because each of them realized they’d regret not being Jedi more than anything, but it did put a strain on their friendship for many years. 
At 23 Siri was secretly knighted and her first solo mission was sent undercover to infiltrate and take down a huge pirate slaver operation and she spent 4 years on that mission, all on her own with limited communication with the Council.
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In order to do this she had to pretend to have a falling out with her Master and “leave” the Order entirely, everyone thought she had fallen to the dark side. Obi-Wan was devastated, and he spent several months looking for her because he refused to believe she’d actually fall. It was also clear that he was heartbroken that she left, especially knowing what they had given up in order to be Jedi. Upon ending the mission she returned to the Jedi and was then often sent on other undercover missions throughout the rest of her career (including one where she and Obi-Wan had to play a royal married couple which was super cute). Her actually being a Jedi Shadow is not official and is a fanfiction creation - but, it’s one that I 100% headcanon because it just makes sense. 
Siri was very different when she returned from her long undercover mission, she had lived as a pirate for 4 years and so she was not as uptight and rule bound as she had been in her youth. She began to wear tight unisuits/flight suits instead of the traditional Jedi tunics and she had grown to be a bit more irreverent - even showing up late to Jedi Council summons.  Obi-Wan didn’t seem to mind the change and the two became a formidable pair as Knights and they were sent together (with their Padawans who hated one another) on several missions.
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Obi-Wan and Siri were always written as being equals, never one more powerful than the other. They often shared flirtatious banter (nothing new for Obi-Wan) and they seemed very much in sync on missions that it was clear they shared some kind of bond. They never seemed to let their failed romance stand between them and their duty, and only brought it up once more as adults to admit that they still loved each other, but were content to just be friends because it would be selfish of them to turn their backs on the Jedi simply for their love. Then upon Siri’s untimely death (she of course died in his arms) she told him that she’d always be with him. And he nearly fell to the dark side due to his anger, but stopped himself from killing the man who was responsible for Siri’s death because he knew she’d not want him to fall because of her. 
In canon there isn’t much about her (yet), except that Siri is said to be the girl Obi-Wan would hold hands with under the table during mid-day meals which suggests that they had a bit of a secret affair/flirtation for many years.
2. Why don’t you like Satine? This is a bit of a loaded question because even though I tend to write fics centered more on Obi-Wan and Siri’s relationship doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy the character of Satine or that I don’t swoon over their relationship from time to time thanks to some very well written fics ( @mahizli​ I’m looking your way). I just tend to write Siri more than Satine because I can relate to Siri more as a character, but in truth I also feel Siri and Obi-Wan’s relationship is a bit more well rounded than his and Satine’s 
*ducks to avoid things being thrown at her*. 
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Satine and Obi-Wan have a beautiful love story, don’t get me wrong. But for me personally I am a little sick of the Romeo & Juliette/star crossed lovers angle. And that’s totally what they are - She’s a Mandalorian, He’s a Jedi, it’s a forbidden love not just because of his code, but because their “families” were mortal enemies. And I guess I’m just not super inspired by it. Not to mention that they met as children (apparently only 15 years old according to canon), confessed their undying love for one another after a year of knowing one another in a life or death situation and then pined for each other for the next 20 years until they were reunited...I just have a very hard time finding this story relatable (and hate to say it, plausible). Not that they couldn’t have felt love for one another as teenagers (especially in that situation), but that they still felt that same level of love 20 years later without ever seeing one another...at least with Siri they still had to interact with one another on a regular basis so it would be harder to push those feelings aside. 
The other reason I have a hard time writing Satine and Obi-Wan is because the romantic love they seem to have in TCW is written to be very one sided in my opinion. While Obi-Wan clearly cares for her, and admits to having feelings for her at one time it’s only ever Satine who actually seems to want something with him in the current sense. Which honestly makes their relationship feels a bit cringy to me, it doesn’t feel like it’s on equal footing - and makes it seem like Satine is a bit obsessive (I don’t blame her, it is Obi-Wan after all). This is a similar argument I have about Padme’s character, I feel like we’re presented with these incredibly strong women characters who for whatever reason still fall apart when it comes to love...I think it’s a reflection of men trying to write women and it ends up being a bit of a fantasy (the sexy/badass woman who secretly needs a man to save her). So, to sum up - I really do  love Satine’s character outside of her relationship with Obi-Wan. 
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Again, this is just MY interpretation of Satine and Obi-Wan’s relationship...I get other people tend to feel very differently and that’s wonderful!! 
I will say, the thing I do like about Obi-Wan and Satine’s relationship and very much appreciate is how it is an opposite parallel to Anakin and Padme’s relationship. And it shows what a Jedi should’ve done - how you can’t have both a commitment to the Jedi Order and a marriage, but you can still care deeply about another person. I do very much appreciate that aspect of their relationship and it’s very well done from that perspective.
3. So, why SiriWan after all these years? Well, I’m drawn to Obi-Wan and Siri’s relationship for several reasons, but mostly because they are written as equals/partners (as I had mentioned above), both have moments where you can see the love they hold for one another - their feelings are very much shared and not one sided, but above all it’s not the main defining factor of their relationship. They are Jedi and friends before anything else, and I love that! It may not be as flashy or maybe even as passionate as say Satine or Cody but to me it’s more full and well rounded. I can also see their relationship growing and changing over the years, they aren’t stuck in one place or in the past.  
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I also tend to find the Jedi culture more fascinating than the Mandalorians. I know, I know, I’m a heretic. That’s not to say, again that I don’t think Satine on her own isn’t fascinating, I just am a little tired of Mandalore’s importance in virtually every aspect of Star Wars these days and I feel like there is only so much you can do with Obi-Wan having feelings for a Mandalorian, where as him navigating a relationship with another Jedi is more interesting. The Jedi are allowed to be intimate with people, contrary to popular belief they are allowed to love, they just can’t become possessive/attached - I feel like two Jedi would have an easier time navigating that than someone who wasn’t raised with that same code. I think Siri and Obi-Wan have more opportunities to have a more realistic and adult relationship and I like writing/exploring that. 
The other thing I like about Siri and Obi-Wan specifically is the fact that neither ever really considered leaving the Order for the other. They knew how important being a Jedi was to the other, and I think having a love interest that Obi-Wan didn’t consider leaving for is an important distinction. 
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Instead he thought they would be able to change the rules/code because he assumed it would be obvious that their love was pure and not an attachment. Now, obviously they both realized later that it was just foolish/young love talking (because I’m sure teenagers have to be extra careful of forming attachments), but what I really adore the concept that Obi-Wan “by the code” Kenobi had loved Siri so much that he’d even remotely consider the idea that he’d want the rules to change for her/them (and Siri “by the code” Tachi felt the same about him). There is something incredibly romantic about that - naïve, but romantic. 
I also believe that romantic love doesn’t automatically equal “true love”. I personally feel that Obi-Wan and Siri have a love that is on such a deep level that their relationship doesn’t always have to be romantic. They simply just love one another, in whatever form that takes at any given period in time throughout their lives, sometimes it takes the form of just friends, sometimes lovers, sometimes romantic. And I wish we saw more relationships like that in various media. But I get why we don’t, they are harder to write and less overtly sexy/dramatic.
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Also, when someone says the phrase:
“Forgive me if I still think I know you better than anyone.” (Siri)
And it’s followed immediately with:
“You do”  (Obi-Wan)
My heart just melts, because that to me is love!!
4. So, you actually think Obi-Wan loved both Siri & Satine? Yes, I do...100%. I think they all loved other people at different points in their lives. I personally feel that most of Obi-Wan’s various ships (with exceptions of Master/Padawan ships...sorry, just not my bag) actually happened. I could see a young Obi-Wan having a fling with Quinlan Vos (I doubt they could handle more than that), I could definitely see him have an attraction/affection towards Cody (I don’t think given the power dynamic Obi-Wan would ever allow anything to actually happen between them though), I even believe he and Ventress had a rather confusing and passionate night together (maybe even more than one), I can see him easily having a relationship at one point with Taria Damsin (to which Siri would give him endless crap about because he seems to have a thing for Jedi Shadows). I’m sure he even had a relationship with Annileen on Tatooine to help find some comfort during his exile. To me all of that makes so much more sense than him (and Satine) pining away for one another for 20+ years. 
Allowing Obi-Wan to have multiple loves in his life also helps showcase the idea of non-attachment. It’s not that Jedi promote promiscuity - though they won’t judge anyone for it (I see the Jedi very much in the mindset of: it’s your body/your choice) it’s that the idea of attachment means possessing someone, thinking you own someone and also putting that person’s value over others. The idea that Obi-Wan could find love and value in a multitude of lovers to me shows him capable of loving without attachment - He is able to let these people go when the relationship has run its course...it’s very healthy. 
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Not to mention that realistically people tend to have multiple relationships and loves throughout their lives. To only ever love one person is incredibly unrealistic, unhealthy and frankly screams attachment to me *cough Anakin, cough*.
In conclusion: If you’re still reading this (did you not have anything better to do with your time???) I do hope you have a bit more of an understanding why I personally like to write Obi-Wan and Siri’s relationship instead of his and Satine’s. Though if you read my fics (thank you if you do) I hope you realize that I try to not make the stories all about their relationship - yes, it pops up here and there, but I try not to make it the focal point. I believe both Obi-Wan and Siri are so much more than just a romance and that’s what I really love writing. 
But I raise a glass and toast all of those who prefer to ship Obitine or CodyWan or Ventrobi (or whatever Obi-Wan and Quilan’s ship name is) - I love reading your take on those relationships and I hope you don’t mind if an old SiriWan shipper joins the fun!
Phew, rant over...man, does anyone else have to defend their OTP preferences to strangers?? It’s just so odd to me! 
Thanks for reading, and if you’re a Siri, Obi-Wan or SiriWan fan drop me a line - I can seriously talk about them for hours! 
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glimmerglanger · 4 years
Oof!au prompt!!! Listen, someone had to ask for this: Cody and Obi-Wan's REAL first time! :O
Anonymous said:
Early spicy Sunday request for some Cody/Obi Wan from the ooof!AU <3 I just want them to be happy :,))
Anonymous said:
can I request a spicy codywan oof!au snippet of their first time? I just want them to be happy so bad
Anonymous said:
I hope this is ok to ask, what’s the plan for the oof au prompt of their first time? I totally understand if you’re not working on old stuff right now because of work, swbb, prompts and whatnot! Im only curious if you plan on finishing it one day. Please don’t take this as me pressuring or demanding from you! I just want to know if I should shelve my excitement for a little while and bring it out later or drop it if you don’t feel like revisiting it. Thanks!
GUESS WHAT I FINALLY FINISHED. I’ve been picking away at this for a while (obviously) but I have wrapped it up! 
As a reminder, since it’s been a while, there was a lot of torture in the oof!au. They’re well on the road to recovery in this fic (it’s far after Obi-Wan made his new lightsaber and got his prosthetic arm, for example) but there are still mentions of past torture and the fallout of both mind control and non-con.
ALSO this is spicy! VERY spicy! Not safe for wizards! 
Obi-Wan slept better with someone beside him. He wondered, sometimes, if that had always been true and he’d just never had the opportunity to find out, before… Everything that happened. There was no way to go back in time to find out, so he left the consideration go, released it from his mind.
He focused on enjoying, instead, the safety of the present. He woke, most days, with Cody pressed close to him. He’d mentioned, only once, that Cody did not always have to sleep between him and the door - if their sleeping area happened to have a door - and Cody had just looked at him, expression hard and flat.
Obi-Wan let that go, too.
The mind healers had helped them so much, but there were some things they could not change, some reassurances that they held onto.
Cody slept better with Obi-Wan against a wall, or tucked into a corner. Defensible. Obi-Wan slept better with Cody’s warm presence close. That was just...how it was.
Obi-Wan blinked his eyes open on the Recompense because he was not sleeping well at all, his dreams troubled. And so, perhaps, it was not much of a surprise to find that Cody was not all warm and relaxed against him. Instead, Cody was tense, half-drawn away from him.
“Mm?” Obi-Wan mumbled, not fully awake. He rolled, moving to press back into Cody’s warmth even as Cody put a hand on his hip, squeezing, perhaps trying to catch him back. It did not work. There wasn’t enough room in their little bunk for it to work and their bodies so naturally gravitated towards one another.
Obi-Wan settled against him, and Cody made a ragged little sound, and then rasped out, “Sorry.”
Obi-Wan blinked, but even through the haze of exhaustion it was not difficult to determine what he was talking about. Cody was hard against his hip, which was… a surprise not as rare as it had once been.
It had taken time - and lengthy discussions with the mind healers - to reach that point. Cody still seemed startled when he hardened and, sometimes, apologized, though Obi-Wan had thought they were past that. He shook his head, squirming closer, and said, “You don’t need to be sorry. I like it.”
Cody exhaled, ragged. Obi-Wan felt it against his neck, the back of his head. Cody said, voice still tense, though, at least, he had not climbed from the bed, “But you were asleep.”
“So were you,” Obi-Wan pointed out, reaching up and covering Cody’s hand with his. 
Cody relaxed, just a little. He asked, “You really don’t...mind?”
“I don’t mind,” Obi-Wan confirmed, briefly regretful that the conversation was waking him up fully. He squeezed Cody’s fingers and pushed back a little more, with full intent to press against the hardness still brushing the curve of his ass. He repeated, because Cody always eased when he heard it, “I like it. I like when you touch me.”
Cody’s grip tightened again, but he did not feel worried, not through the Force. His emotions slid over into something else as he shifted, responding to the pressure and then going still again, pressing his face against Obi-Wan’s shoulder.
Obi-Wan shifted, just a little, and said, “I’d like to help you with that.”
Cody groaned, faintly, against his skin, and then said, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Which...meant he was almost certainly thinking about intercourse. About fucking Obi-Wan. These days, he only worried about hurting Obi-Wan in that context. They’d never even attempted it, because the idea worried him so.
They’d made so much progress. Cody did not worry about it every time they were intimate, not when they touched one another, not even when Obi-Wan went to his knees and slid his mouth down Cody’s cock.
Obi-Wan had thought they’d gotten past the last of the worries about doing harm during intercourse, after Cody had broached the idea of them fucking, after Obi-Wan had worked him open slowly and carefully slid into him, letting them both find their pleasure.
But, afterwards, Cody had been agitated, had risen from the bed and said, almost gutted, “There wasn’t any blood,” and seemed guilty about it, and--
They’d spent a lot of time at the mind healers over that, dealing with Cody’s reaction to the fact that Obi-Wan had not hurt him at all, that it did not have to hurt--
Sometimes, it was easy to forget that not everyone had...past experience with torture. It was hardly the first time someone had tried to break Obi-Wan apart, using whatever means necessary. But it was not the same for his men. For Cody.
“I know you won’t,” Obi-Wan said, quietly, setting aside the past. He added, when Cody said nothing, “I know you’d make me feel good, Cody.” And, when Cody pulled him around, making a rough sound, Obi-Wan kissed his mouth and curled an arm around him. And they did nothing but rock against each other, Cody eventually sliding a hand into his sleeping pants, but the conversation hung at the back of Obi-Wan’s mind in the days that followed.
The conversation was still there, lingering in his thoughts, days later, when they returned to their quarters, showered off, and Cody said, in the process of drying off, “Would you like me to - to do that?”
Obi-Wan blinked over at him, water chilling his skin, and asked, “Do what?”
Cody clenched his jaw and then blew out a breath through his nose. “Be inside you. The way--you’ve done it. For me.” He looked up, before Obi-Wan could reply, eyes dark and wide, intent. “I wouldn’t--I’d make sure it didn’t hurt. I promise. I wouldn’t--”
“I know,” Obi-Wan said, soft, touching his hand. Cody’s shoulders had tensed up, a muscle in his jaw jumping, over and over again. Cody kept eye contact, and Obi-Wan shifted just a little closer, continuing. “And yes. I’d like that. Whenever you’re ready.” 
Cody rocked his jaw, side to side, and asked, “Are you...ready?”
Obi-Wan shrugged. “I trust you,” he said, and watched Cody tense even further.
He tugged, just a little, on Cody’s shoulder, and Cody shifted into his space, curled an arm around him, just….held him, tension eventually easing from him, touching with more intention, until Obi-Wan was pressed against the wall, gasping up to the ceiling as Cody slid down, mouth hot and wet and good, already more than Obi-Wan had ever thought they’d get to have.
When Cody finally decided he was ready, Obi-Wan thought it was not so much motivated solely by desire. There was far too much determination in Cody’s expression, when he pulled away from a kiss, both of them laying on their sides, curled towards one another, Cody’s hand still around Obi-Wan’s recently spent cock.
He’d pushed aside Obi-Wan’s hand, every time Obi-Wan tried to touch him in return, which made more sense when he rasped, ragged, “Can I--can we--could I be inside you?” 
Obi-Wan nodded, gut tightening at the thought, and managed to answer; the mind healers had reminded him, often, that he needed to speak his feelings more, “Yes, Cody. Please.”
“I won’t hurt you,” Cody said, and there was a promise and a certainty there, that Obi-Wan had thought they’d never get to again. There’d been a time Cody had seemed convinced that he would be unable to avoid causing hurt and pain. 
Now he spoke the words like a vow, sealing them with a kiss that left Obi-Wan groaning, holding onto him. 
They’d done this often enough the other way around that Cody seemed confident about the steps that ought to come next. Obi-Wan shifted onto his back, unsurprised when Cody settled beside him, leaning over to kiss him once more.
Cody still shied away from being over him, most of the time. 
Obi-Wan shifted, gasping when Cody ran a hand down his stomach, hesitating for only a moment before sliding his touch further down. “That’s nice,” Obi-Wan managed to pant out, at the first brush of pressure, and--
--and he’d wanted, for longer than he cared to think about, to erase away the memories of what Anakin had done. He’d wanted to replace them with something else, to push them back and away, as he’d done--
But it hadn’t been up only to him. And the thought of rushing Cody into something he wasn’t ready to do would have been beyond consideration. Cody pushed up onto his elbow, eyes impossibly focused on Obi-Wan’s expression as he slid slick fingers over skin, carefully, cautiously, sliding the tip of one finger inside, and--
Obi-Wan groaned, tilting his hips up and into the touch, Cody rasping, “It’s--?”
“Good,” Obi-Wan reassured him, and fought the urge to close his eyes or look away. He could feel, pouring out of Cody’s head, how much he needed...this. Needed to look and see, to watch Obi-Wan’s eyes while he moved his hand, going so slow that it became a tease, that it had Obi-Wan squirming on the bed, skin growing over-hot, his cock - impossibly - hardening again.
Cody made a low sound when he glanced down Obi-Wan’s body and noticed, and Obi-Wan panted, “See? I told you it was good.”
“Force,” Cody swore, and bent to kiss him, moving his hand a little faster, still only two fingers in and--and Obi-Wan wondered if he planned to stretch preparation until morning, and groaned at the thought, shifting to meet each movement of Cody’s touch, tangling fingers into his hair, breathing unsteadily as Cody shifted to get his other hand on Obi-Wan’s cock, stroking--
In the end, they did not make it until morning. Obi-Wan could take no more, eventually, heels sliding across the blankets as his body thrummed and he panted out, “Cody, oh--”
Cody paused, hand just going still, fingers sunk in deep, pressed against the spot that made Obi-Wan ache, that had his back bowing up without his instruction at the prolonged pressure, spots going off behind his eyes and--
He’d been on edge for so long. Falling over it felt like a relief, even if there was guilt, too, that Cody had not come once. Cody did not seem offended, when Obi-Wan shook himself, blinking aside the pleasure, the dizzy warmth moving through his veins.
Cody looked...surprised, but satisfied, the way he’d ever looked after a victory hard fought. And seeing that expression on his face in their bed made Obi-Wan groan, unexpectedly, shivering all down his back.
“That felt good for you,” Cody said, not like a question, and Obi-Wan nodded anyway. 
“Yes,” he rasped, “very much so.”
Cody stared at him, for a beat, breathing raggedly, and then said, “Should--can I….?”
“Yes.” Obi-Wan muffled the sound that rose in his throat when Cody slid his fingers free - almost too fast - and then Cody was hesitating, for the first time, looking over him with a little furrow forming on his brow and--
“Roll over,” Obi-Wan advised, because he felt loose and half-dizzy and he wanted.
He noted the relief on Cody’s expression, even as Cody rolled onto his back, the blankets tangled all around him, muscles shifting in his chest as he reached for Obi-Wan, his breath punching out when Obi-Wan threw a leg over his hips.
Obi-Wan braced a hand on Cody’s chest and reached his other hand down, curling his fingers around Cody’s cock, and asking, meeting his eyes, “You want this?”
For a moment, Cody only stared up at him, mouth open but speechless. And then he nodded, his hands curled into the blankets, clenching so hard his knuckles stood up against his skin. Obi-Wan waited, a beat, until he ground out, “I want you, Obi-Wan, please.”
Obi-Wan nodded, shifted, and sank back. 
And there was a flash, unavoidable, of the memory of metal under his cheek, hands gripping at him, hard and cruel, a dry shove in and pain and--
And Obi-Wan exhaled, grounding himself in the present, in Cody’s warm skin under his palm, the dazed expression on Cody’s face, the warmth of their room, their bed, their love. He grounded himself in all the memories they’d built, the other times they’d touched, the steady, blinding affection he felt from Cody, every day. The knowledge, sure as the Force itself, that Cody wouldn’t hurt him.
“Oh,” Cody gasped, hands rising jerkily off of the sheets, fingers flexing at nothing, before finally settling, feather soft, on Obi-Wan’s hips as he sank down and down and down, until there was nothing between them. “Oh, oh, Force.”
Obi-Wan felt his mouth quirk up, Cody’s stunned pleasure vibrating around them, adding to his own, still thrumming inside his veins. 
“You feel good,” Obi-Wan told him, rising slowly and sinking back, seeing no reason to rush and, anyway, he felt thoroughly wrung out, already. Cody made a thick sound, meeting his eyes again, holding his gaze as Obi-Wan added, “So good inside me, Cody.”
The sound Cody made was inarticulate. Obi-Wan could feel the tension in his hands, in his fingers, but he did not squeeze or grip, just kept his touch resting against Obi-Wan’s skin, kept staring, expression hungry, the muscle under Obi-Wan’s hand tensing a bit more with each slow movement Obi-Wan made, until Cody’s hips shifted, finally, up to meet him.
Cody froze, all over, at the little sound Obi-Wan made, eyes getting wider, mouth opening, and Obi-Wan blurted, before there could be a misunderstanding, “That’s--that’s good. Feels good, you could--do that again.”
“Yeah?” Cody asked, expression so intent, and Obi-Wan managed to nod, groaning again when Cody repeated the thrust upwards. He picked up the rhythm quickly, must have gotten his feet flat on the bed to get the leverage for it, making shocked, pleasure-dazed sounds that grew rapidly more ragged.
And it was not much of a surprise when Cody rocked up into him one last time and came with a sound that was almost startled. Obi-Wan shivered at the feeling - it had been… a long time since he’d experienced it - and expected Cody to collapse fully against the mattress.
Instead, Cody made a shivery sound and sat up, all at once, arm curling around Obi-Wan’s back, keeping him close as Cody pressed a kiss to his cheek and then his mouth, breath unsteady and hitching. “Did that--are you--”
“It was so good,” Obi-Wan told him, curling a hand around the back of his neck, skin hot, the tips of his hair damp with sweat. “So good, darling.”
“I didn’t hurt you?” Cody asked, against his mouth, and the change in position had slid him free, already. Obi-Wan was aware of the mess he was making all over Cody’s thighs, but Cody seemed not to mind, and--
“Not at all,” Obi-Wan reassured, and Cody made a choking sound, dropping his head to Obi-Wan’s shoulder, and - and Obi-Wan crooned to him, nonsense words, when his shoulders started to shake, as he made wet, gasping sounds. “I knew you wouldn’t,” Obi-Wan said, pressing a kiss to the side of his head. “You never would.”
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Vopak AU series OC Padawans and their lineages part 1/3 - Yoda’s lineage
A picture of Yoda’s lineage as of 7972 CRC (5 BBY). Along with some background information about the new OC Padawans joining OC Padawan Aliyash Shudar in Yoda’s lineage. These new OC Padawans will be appearing in a fic in the series once I have finished writing it.  Characters without (OC) under their name are canon characters, the characters with (OC) are my original Padawan characters.
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Mace’s line:
Raarkoo – born in 7953 CRC. Made a Padawan in 7965 CRC aged 12, becomes Depa’s second Padawan. Female Wookiee with brown hair and green eyes. She has a blue lightsaber. Raarkoo loves joining in with the cuddle piles hosted by the men of the 126th Attack Battalion and her older brother-Padawan Caleb. She is adopted by the 126th as their vod’ika, and she loves hugging them to cheer them up when she senses they are sad at how fast she and Caleb are growing up. The men of the 91st and 126th went to Mace and Depa for lessons so they could speak to and understand Raarkoo as they didn’t want to rely on translators, Raarkoo loves them so much for doing this.
Eldann Thul – born 7956. Made a Padawan in 7967 CRC aged 11, he is Caleb’s first Padawan. Male Zabrak with orange skin and blue eyes. He has a green lightsaber. At the start of his Padawanship he was very exicted to meet the men of the 126th Attack Battalion, everyone is excited to meet him and happily tells him stories of his Master as a young Padawan. But while the 126th are excited, Grey is distant, so Eldann thinks Grey doesn’t like him, but he then finds out that Grey has been distant with him because he is busy as he researches what Zabraks can and can’t eat because Grey wants to look after his vod’ika’s first Padawan. Eldann loves spending time with the 91st and 126th, both units fight over who is Eldann’s favourite. He loves them both equally. Eldann and Raarkoo love spending time together as they are similar ages, this friendship gives Ponds and Grey something to stress about because the two Padawans are like Caleb and get themselves caught up in chaotic situations. If Caleb can’t find him, it’s because Styles and Stance have taken him for ‘training’, which is a codeword for Padawan bonding time combined with cuddle pile time. Caleb feels wistful about this because not so long ago he was the one being taken off for ‘training’ with the 126th. Eldann’s Padawanship actually makes Ponds feel a little old, because not so long-ago Caleb was Mace’s only Grandpadawan, now Mace has a great-Grandpadawan.
Obi-Wan’s line:
Nyra Marr – born 7956. Made a Padawan in 7967 CRC aged 11, she is Obi-Wan’s third Padawan. Female Rodian with green skin and starry eyes. Nyra was Initiate Clanmates with Feevo Tana (Plo Koon’s third Padawan), both of them were taken as Padawans on the same day. The first time Nyra met her older sister-Padawan Aliyash, her sister joked that Master Obi-Wan got empty nest syndrome within a day of her being Knighted and took Nyra as his Padawan in what must be the fasted turnaround between Padawans in the Order’s history. Nyra has a green lightsaber. She enjoys story time with the 212th when they tell her many stories of her Master and the men of the Battalion. Alpha-17 is very soft and caring with her as he has not spent much time with Rodians before and doesn’t want to accidentally hurt her, which shocks everyone in the 212th and jokingly complain that Nyra is Alpha’s favourite. She totally is. Due to Aliyash’s friendship with Diamond squad they spent a lot of time in Cody and Obi-Wan’s living quarters, so Cody asked her if she was moving in with a cadet squad of her own, she was very confused, because no? It was just her moving into the Padawan bedroom. Aliyash laughed and then explained to her why Cody was asking that. Anakin loves having another little sister and spoils Nyra like he did a younger Aliyash. Anakin hosts film nights and sleepovers in his quarters and his sister-Padawans always have standing invites, which later includes Aliyash’s Padawan. Obi-Wan personally taught her how to fly, because he was not having Nyra corrupted by chaotic pilot influences like Aliyash. Cody cackled as he told Nyra the story of when Obi-Wan discovered Aliyash’s pilot skills and learned who taught her. Cody introduced himself as her technical advisor, which she thought was funny and kind. She loves training with her Master and Cody. She also loves watching them banter with each other.
Myri Veng – born 7959. Made a Padawan in 7971 CRC aged 12, she is Aliyash’s first Padawan. Female blue twi’lek with green eyes. She has a blue lightsaber, she secretly wanted a purple lightsaber blade like Aliyash, but still thinks it’s great that her lightsaber matches Obi-Wan’s. Myri can be quite hyper, which causes the men of the 212th to have to chase her to get her to work off her excess energy. While on missions Myri does not take kindly to people who mock her Master for talking slowly, Myri will often do something passive-aggressive to teach those people a lesson. In this is she is always supported by Meli, her Master’s best friend and mission partner. Myri loves going on missions and spending time with Meli, he spoils her much to Aliyash’s pretend annoyance, but Aliyash is actually glad her best friend and Padawan get along. The men of the 212th teased Aliyash and Myri that Myri’s addition to the lineage made Cody a grandfather. Myri thought this was hilarious, but she will never call Cody that to his face. She has learnt how to pilot a ship from her Master, much to Obi-Wan’s utter grief and disappointment. Once Myri flew around Vopak with Cody supervising her, Cody soon regretted his part in getting Anakin and Garen to teach Aliyash to fly a ship, because even after Myri stopped flying, Cody felt sick for an entire day. Obi-Wan called it revenge, even if revenge is not the way of the Jedi.
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