#Cognitive Decline
plague-parade · 1 year
i feel like we dont talk enough about how distressing and disturbing memory loss issues are. forgetting what you were talking about halfway through a sentence, putting something down and instantly forgetting where you put it. having to reread one paragraph over and over again because by the time youve moved onto the next sentence you dont remember what the one before it said. always doubting if your memories of things are real, not being able to remember important life events.
its so incredibly scary, it feels like your mind is constantly playing tricks on you and you start to doubt whats real and what isnt.
“i forgot” is treated like a lazy excuse when it’s genuinely such a big issue for so many people.
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In this article,* a professor of clinical psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College, Dr. Richard A. Friedman, explains why he believes that during the Sept.10th debate, Trump showed alarming signs of cognitive decline, including incoherent, "repetitive," "circumstantial and tangential speech."
Dr. Friedman is clear that from a distance, he cannot diagnose Trump, but he recommends that Trump go through a full neuropsychiatric evaluation (NOT a brief mental-status exam) as soon as possible, especially given that Trump is running to take on the job of president/ commander in chief of one of the world's major superpowers.
When mainstream psychiatrists like Dr. Friedman start to express concern about Trump's cognitive functioning, it is time that the mainstream media begin to treat this as seriously as they did signs of Biden's cognitive decline.
________________ *This is an Internet Archive copy of The Atlantic article, so you can read the entire article, even if you don't subscribe to The Atlantic.
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Why indeed?
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Markos Moulitsas (kos) at Daily Kos:
Monday night, Donald Trump returned to X and joined a Spaces conversation with Elon Musk.  It was, objectively, a disaster for Trump. Thanks to a duplicitous, double-standards media, Trump has avoided the kind of “cognitive decline” stories that reporters couldn’t stop writing about President Joe Biden. Heck, The New York Times wrote dozens of stories about Biden’s age in the wake of the first presidential debate. But Trump? His increasingly unhinged rants and inability to go on the campaign trail don’t even muster a raised eyebrow.  After his “conversation” with Musk, however, it’s going to be impossible for the media to ignore. It wasn’t just his inability to have a straight conversation with Musk. We know Trump is no longer capable of expressing a coherent thought. It was worse than that.  Trump had a bizarre lisp the entire event, slurring words with the letter “s.
The so-called “conversation” with Elon Musk and Donald Trump on X Spaces last night was a giant disaster, similar to his X Spaces with Ron DeSantis.
In that call, Trump was the same old senile and unhinged self.
See Also:
HuffPost: The 5 Wildest Moments From Donald Trump And Elon Musk’s 2-Hour Bro-Fest
The Guardian: Trump revisits most divisive talking points in rambling interview with Musk
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this is a cripple punk post [also focusing on all kinds of HSN disabled folks]; ableds must tag reblogs with #i’m able bodied
for the record
i generally shower exactly once a week & wash my hair the same day
sometimes i can’t change undergarments for a few days, sometimes i change them multiple times a day
i rely on several adaptive tools to shower, period
i do need to shave/trim pubic and body hair for my hygiene, and can’t keep clean otherwise
in winter, i often can’t wash my hands unless i have lotion with me or they’ll crack painfully
i change clothes once or twice a day to make up for most of this the best i can
i’m saying this because all of those things are very common issues for many disabled people (especially high-support ones), and because i feel like if i’m going to talk about destigmatizing hygiene struggles, i should at least be open about my own.
hygiene is very difficult and energy consuming. it involves a lot energy that many of us can’t access.
not being able to maintain one’s personal hygiene doesn’t make anyone selfish, disgusting, or undeserving.
if you can’t be kind and supportive and not say “ew” when you hear about one of the most common impairments moderately to severely disabled people experience, you don’t support disabled people. if you don’t support disabled people who smell bad or have dandruff or cracked hands or un-exfoliated skin, you don’t support disabled people.
yes, even if you have sensory issues. yes, even if you’re germaphobic. your disabilities are not an excuse to be ableist to others. find a way to be kind anyway.
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liberalsarecool · 8 months
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Nikki comes to life. Media needs to follow this up. Don's bragging about these tests is super pathetic.
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aunti-christ-ine · 12 days
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But . . . The baby was a stable genius! 😲
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davidaugust · 2 months
In an appearance before the National Association of Black Journalists, Donald Trump said Kamala only ‘became a black person’ recently, whereas he has always been a fascist autocrat with failing cognitive abilities.
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tomorrowusa · 15 days
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Trump calls his richest backer "Leon Musk"
'Yikes': Critics pounce on Trump's multiple verbal 'misfires' at Wisconsin rally
Trump over the weekend spoke at a rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin, where he at one point suggested that people in their 80s are too old to be able to be held accountable for documents they have signed. Trump is 78, and running for a four-year presidential term. But it wasn't Trump's claim about age and its potential effects that caught the attention of most of his critics. [ ... ] In one instance, the ex-president was talking about Boeing when he said, "Leon's going to send up a rocket. He looks forward to it; that's all he thinks about is things like that." Trump was of course referring to SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, who has endorsed Trump. Former prosecutor Christopher Alberto said, "Trump's gaffe calling Elon Musk 'Leon' Musk isn’t just a simple slip-up—it’s a glaring sign of his worsening cognitive decline."
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gwydionmisha · 3 months
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nodynasty4us · 10 months
There might be some wisdom in the Biden campaign proposing that both candidates undergo a battery of cognitive tests administered by a mutually agreed upon physician or group of physicians. We see three possible outcomes here, all of them good for Biden: (1) Trump refuses, making it look like he's hiding something; (2) the results affirm that both candidates are OK, helping to defuse one of Biden's biggest weaknesses; or (3) the results affirm that Biden is OK and Trump is not. Note that we are not including "Trump is OK and Biden is not" because we are confident Biden would not fail the tests. That said, if he did, it would be valuable information for him, and would probably lead him to stand down.
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lasseling · 5 months
Cognitive Decline: Biden Campaign Says They Will Shorten His Speeches
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Psychotic System Culture is...
Having an emotional breakdown and crying in your partners' arms because you're terrified of losing your mind, and losing the ability to do the things you're no longer too suicidal/apathetic to do (like graduate, get your dream career, build a home), because of the negative symptoms of psychosis/the unknown schizo-spec disorder you likely have
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disasterhimbo · 8 months
This is super specific but ever since I had covid, I misspell homophones (like two/to/too and there/their/they’re) and this NEVER used to happen to me before, spelling has always come naturally to me, and basically I was just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience?
Edit: I said two/to/two instead of two/to/too. I made the mistake in the fucking post.
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Edward Helmore at The Guardian:
With 78-year-old Donald Trump now certain to face a Democratic candidate younger than he is, the Republican could have the tables turned on him over the questions of age and mental agility that he often sidestepped while Joe Biden was his opponent. The age gap between Trump and any of his likely Democrat opponents – Kamala Harris, 59; Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, 52; Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro, 51 – could make him the sole focus of voters’ desire for a generational handover of power. And with Biden’s often stumbling public appearances – and especially his disastrous debate – now a thing of the past, there is likely to be a fresh focus on Trump’s mental acuity and his frequently rambling, confused campaign speeches.
Last month, for example, Trump got the name of his own doctor wrong. Previously he has made high-profile campaign trail gaffes, in which he seemed to think Barack Obama was still president and mistook his arch Republican rival Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi. Nearly 60% of US voters said last month that Biden should “definitely” or “probably” be replaced, while Trump’s favorability rating had risen to 40% since his hush-money conviction and the attempt on his life eight days ago. Harris’s favorability sits at around 39%. Biden’s departure from the ticket upends several aspects of Republican’s calculations, including that Trump the felon will now possibly have to debate Harris the former prosecutor in September – if she receives the nomination. The vice-president proved her debating skills in 2019 when she delivered a highly personal attack on Biden on the issue of race that he later described as “hurtful” and chilled relations between the Biden-Harris camps before she was named vice-president.
Remember when GOP Presidential candidate Nikki Haley said this quote? "The first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election."
With Joe Biden ending his re-election bid and passing the torch to the younger Kamala Harris, the age and cognitive decline question disadvantage will fall on Donald Trump’s lap.
See Also:
Daily Kos: Now there's only one old guy in this election: Donald Trump
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this is a cripple punk post [even if it also applies to nonphysical disability]; ableds must tag reblogs with #i’m able bodied
actually tagging my last post reminded me--
if you're making a post about a disability you don't have, for fucks sake, please make or use a modified tag that IS NOT a community tag.
i get that you want to sort topics and make them easier to find on your blog or whatever, but if you misuse tags you are actively making it harder for people to find community.
avoid using just an asterisk or backslash or similar to modify the tag--these tags are usually even more explicitly for the community than the disability's unmodified tag is.
my personal go-to is 're: x', like, 're: intellectual disability', and i think ive seen 'includes: x' for fiction stuff. basically anything works if it's not used by the community. for some disabilities, you're fine just using the name of the disability as a tag, but for many, the name of the disability is the community tag. this is especially common, in my experience, with disabilities that affect cognitive/intellectual/neurological functioning. please err on the side of caution.
please, please, i am literally begging you, let disabled people have our spaces. a huge part of why i made this blog is that the tags relevant to my main disabilities are totally overrun by nondisabled people and "allies." it fucking sucks and does massive damage to disabled people--and i mean that very literally.
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