#Cole Sprouse x Y/n
bouncybongfairy · 2 months
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Caught Dead
The Creature x Fem Reader
Summary: Your homecoming date leaves you for another girl. On your sad and drunk walk home, you come across a memorial service for a Victorian man. Honoring his music, you wander in and play a score he wrote. The creature is so moved by your playing, he comes back from the dead and witnesses your talent first hand.
Word Count: 1.0k+
TW: Tooth Rotting Fluff
Not Proof Read
Usually homecoming is a night that everyone raves about. Prom is always so pretentious and stressful. Whereas homecoming was more carefree; at least that’s how it’s depicted in romance novels and fanfiction. The guy you were originally going with ended up ditching you for another girl. Your best friend was with her boyfriend and third wheeling wasn’t something you're interested in. The best course of action was to walk home, stopping at a liquor store on the way. The old woman behind the counter looked you up and down, this didn’t offend you though. Mascara stained tears left streaks of gray lined down your face. Wearing a big pink dress that you used to feel really good in. Now it felt more like a cone of shame, drawing attention to what a hot mess you were. 
“Can I please get a dutch honey and small bottle of Skol,” you ask, setting a twenty dollar bill on the counter. 
“Normally I would laugh and send you away. You’re lucky I only have fifteen minutes until I clock out and how pathetic you look right now,” she said, taking your money and bagging the items. 
Even though it was a little back handed, you were grateful for her kindness. Chasing the vodka down with cigarettes as you walked. Humming tunes to yourself, enjoying the crisp night air. The sound of classical music caught your attention, a funeral home. It was one of the only places that had its doors open still. You sit outside on the steps, gutting your wrap before rolling the blunt. 
“Were you coming in?” a voice came from the doorway. 
“Oh um, yeah just give me a second,” you say.
“Take your time,” the older gentleman gave you a warm smile before heading back inside. 
You tucked the blunt behind your ear, shoving the half empty bottle into your purse before walking in. It wasn’t an open casket funeral but more of a memorial service. There was a piano in the corner of the room, a vase of red roses sitting on top of the beautiful wood. The funeral director explained that a bunch of this young man’s music was recently discovered. A museum recently bought the music and discovered he was never given a proper funeral so they wandered to give him a proper memorial. 
To honor him and the beautiful scores that were never showcased the way they deserved. Apparently the party from the museum didn’t stay for long, the director said they mostly took pictures for their website. After reading more about his story, you felt more connected to him. Apparently his girl left him for another man. Similar to what happened at the dance tonight. Grabbing one of the scores and sitting at the piano. It could be because you were drunk but as the sorrowful melody filled the room tears pricked into your eyes again. Imagining how his feelings of betrayal and grief probably poured through his pen while writing this song. 
Not being able to shake the fact that you just learned first hand how being left can feel. Bitter because deep down your biggest fear for the night came true; lonely from being too embarrassed to admit you were someone's second choice. Tears rolling down your face as you let yourself drown in sorrow. Unbenounced to you, The Creature not only heard his music so beautifully remastered but your cries. So moved by feeling and hearing your broken heart crying from your chest, he begins to stir. Pushing himself out of the ground and making his way towards the music. 
Lighting your blunt inside the room, you were tipsy and didn’t care if there were repercussions. Letting it hang off your lips and you played, trying not to let the smoke in your eyes. Meanwhile the creature was getting hung up on the mechanics of his body. Slowly stumbling towards the illuminated building, stopping dead in his tracks once seeing you. The light above the ceiling was casting down on you. Highlighting your eyelashes and flyaways, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. How expressive your face was while playing the notes, looking up every once to let tears run down your face. Showing how the mascara ran down your neck.  His daze was broken once he saw the worker coming back in the room, pointing his finger and yelling. This enraged him; stomping over there to stop the man from approaching you. Having some trouble with the stairs but after finally made his way in. 
Grabbing the sides of his old man's head and snapping his neck. You gasp, the blunt dropping out of your mouth and onto the floor. Going to pick it up but being taken back but The Creature. He stepped over the body and slowly inched towards you. You pull your knees up to your chest and press your back against the wall. He was now hovering over you, staring at you before leaning down. Getting on one knee and picking up the blunt, standing back up. 
Now closer, his lower stomach pressed against your knees. Putting the dutch between your lips with one hand and brushing the hair out of your eyes with the other. You put your knees down and pulled him onto the bench. Starting to play his score, focusing on keys and not his… appearance. As you played he grunted at a specific measure every time which led you to investigate why, 
“What? This part?” you replayed it a couple times. He pointed out a certain note and then to another, shifting his finger back and forth. In your interpretation, he was prompting you to switch the notes. Him humming in satisfaction at the change. 
“Yeah that does sound a lot smoother,” you point out. 
Remembering the body, you both leave in order to avoid responsibility. Walking home together, playing your music out loud for him to enjoy. Before the dark felt scary and daunting but now you were enjoying the night air. Completely ignorant to reality but never feeling better. 
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thebowieconstricker · 21 days
Head Over Heels - Chapter 2
(The Creature x Reader)
A Lisa Frankenstein (2024) fic
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Finally, an update! A lot of stuff goes down in this chapter but I’d like to say this: in this chapter, you go through the same experience that Lisa goes through in the movie. I’m not comfortable writing out that experience, so instead, there’s a time skip to after that event has taken place. I know that so far it seems a little self-insert-y, and it DEFINITELY is, but don’t worry, I’m gonna spice things up. Also, I’m cooking up a one shot! Enjoy!
You looked over Micheal. You’d never had such a straightforward view of him before. He was always sitting in front of you or passing you in the hallway. Never talking to you.
His brown hair was straight and long, framing his very pretty face nicely. He had dark brown eyes and sharp eyebrows. His lips were in a smirk.
Why was he looking at you like that?
“(Y/N) McFadden.” He said.
“Micheal Trent.” You replied, trying to sound confident but definitely failing. “You… you know me?” You asked, very taken aback.
He chuckled. “Well, we’re both currently being educated in the same walls of asbestos.” You nodded and smiled at his comment. Micheal continued.
“Plus, you’ve submitted some really strong poems to The Grackle.”
Your eyes widened as you felt your face get hot with embarrassment. The Grackle was your school newspaper, and as soon as you heard about it, you were submitting your poems. In your last four years of school, you had even managed to get some published. But you didn’t think anyone actually paid attention to them.
“You like my poems?” You asked smiling, twisting the lid of the water bottle in your hand.
Micheal shrugged in a way that managed to be cute. “I wouldn’t have published them if I didn’t.”
Suddenly, a girl walked over to Micheal, putting her hand on his shoulder. You recognized her immediately by her black lipstick and teased hair. Tamara White. The smile on your face fell.
“Hey Micheal, I found the keg. It’s Clydesdale piss, but, you know…” She was holding a solo cup in her other hand, not bothering to make eye contact with you. Or even look at you.
You cleared your throat. “Hey, Tamera.”
She then looked at you, her eyes narrowing. Dang, she has good eyeliner, you thought absentmindedly. She smiled a bit too wide to be genuine.
“Hi… sorry, do we know each other?”
You fought back the urge to roll your eyes. “Just a couple classes.” You said, gritting your teeth.
She cocked her head. “This year?”
You blinked. “This semester.”
Micheal looked down, fighting back a laugh.
You made him laugh? That wasn’t even funny-
Tamara coughed. “Bless. Anyways, do you want a sip?” She gestured her cup towards Micheal, the drink so full it nearly sloshed over the sides. Micheal took a look and grimaced. “Uh…”
And then, you did something extraordinarily stupid. For some reason, either the atmosphere of the party, or the fear of missing out taking over your body, or your desire to be seen as a well-adjusted individual, you decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to illegally drink for the first time in your life.
“I’ll take one.” You said, a bit too loudly. Micheal and Tamara both looked at you strangely. Micheal frowned, then looked at Tamara as if she was to blame for your sudden outburst.
Tamara smirked. “What? They’re allowed to party.” She outstretched her arm to give you the cup. Staring you down this time, she raised an eyebrow ever so slightly.
This is a challenge, you realized.
You took the cup gingerly and, after taking a breath, took a big gulp.
Immediate regret. The drink fizzed in your mouth and burned going down your throat, straight to your stomach where it immediately began to growl. You hated the smell of alcohol, it was artificial and gross and now it was all you could taste. Also, it tasted like there was something else in there, an extra layer of bubbling that made you lightheaded.
“What is this?” You asked, not noticing Tamara snickering to Micheal.
“You know, I’m not really sure.” She said, making Micheal push her shoulder slightly. Tamara stopped smiling. “I got it off, uh… Darren? I think his name is?” Micheal rolled his eyes.
“Come on. Poor kid just went from Pepsi Free to PCP.”
You were not a kid. You were 18, you could handle yourself. You thought, a little annoyed.
Tamara went back to laughing. “You’re being so dramatic.”
You staggered backwards, your head now swimming with sickness. Accidentally, your leg hit the cooler behind you, making a loud thump and gaining the attention of some of the teens around you.
Including Taffy.
She immediately rushed over to you, concern clear in her expression.
“Hey, (N/N), you okay?” She put a hand around your shoulder, the other going to take your drink. She sniffed it and her eyes widened.
“Did those darksiders give you something?!”
You wrinkled your nose. What kind of name was that? They were cool people, at least Micheal was-
It then occurred to you that you would’ve liked to be Tamara’s friend, actually. You liked her style and the way she carried herself. You recalled walking with her to class your freshman year.
Why did she act like this now?
Taffy poured your drink out in the grass and threw the cup down, then walked around in front of you to grab you by your shoulders.
“This is not what I expected from you! You have so much potential, (Y/N)!” You couldn’t look Taffy in the eyes, the world around her was too busy. You could only stare at the ground.
Taffy stood up straight, then turned to walk towards Micheal and Tamara.
“Hey, you! We need to talk!” She angrily shouted. You heard vague sounds of an argument in front of you, but there was a sudden ringing in your ears, only adding to your discomfort.
You walked awkwardly around the cooler, deciding that what you really needed was to sit down. Heading towards the house, you dodged drunk teen after drunk teen, all living their lives around you. It was like they were in bubbles, perfectly content in their own worlds, as you were completely shut out of theirs. The music around you was loud, the light and colors floating and swirling around you like the Starry Night painting.
Your stomach growled again as you walked past the glass doors shutting you out from the living room. You wanted to make it to the couch, but a pang of sharpness went through your head and you collapsed behind it instead.
How did this get so bad so fast? You thought, head bumping against the back of the couch. These were supposed to be the best years of your life. Instead, you felt like you were drowning.
You pulled your knees to your chest and held your head in your hands. Stomach churning, you realized that you were definitely gonna vomit tonight.
And then, without warning, a small figure walked towards you. Hearing the footsteps, you looked up and squinted, your vision blurry. Slowly, you recognized a face as it crouched down next to you.
“Hey, Y/N.” He was sort of smiling, like he was catching you in an awkward situation.
You furrowed your brows, trying to remember his name.
He frowned at your reaction. “Are you okay?” He put a hand on your shoulder and you flinched, but it was a soft touch. The bright lights of the living room were blaring on his face, making it look like a kaleidoscope.
“Who are you?” You muttered, clear enough that he could hear you.
“Uh, it’s-“ He took a breath. “-it’s me, it’s Doug. Your lab partner?”
Oh, it’s Doug! Doug Ram was your lab partner! He was always pretty nice to you, even if you barely spoke a word in class. He was smart, too. You always got good grades when you worked with him.
You tried to nod, but your head just fell forward limply. Doug’s arm moved to go around your shoulders.
“Okay, um… let’s find somewhere for you to sit for a bit, yeah?”
He helped you to your feet and you leaned against him, despite the fact that he was a great deal smaller than you.
And then, he led you through the party. He rambled about something, maybe about wishing he was somewhere else, but you couldn’t really pay attention. The music was so loud.
As he talked, you wished you were at the cemetery. There, you had room to breathe. It was lush and green and natural. Your companion there wouldn’t be talking so much, and you would feel comfortable enough to drone on and on about whatever you wanted to.
You missed him, Mr. Unmarked. Though you didn’t call him that, you just said, “You,” when you read to him.
Walking with Doug, you walked past a few paintings on the walls, admiring how the paints would swirl and dance on the canvas.
Wait- where were you?
“Who’s your favorite director of all time?” Doug’s random question distracted you from your confusion.
You tried to clear your throat and said, “Pabst,” on instinct. Pandora’s Box was your personal favorite of his.
Doug laughed. “Oh, you’re just reading my beer can.”
You shook your head, somewhat annoyed. “No. He was…” You ran your fingers along the wallpaper as the figures on it twisted. “…a real director.”
Doug made a ‘hmm’ sound. “What kind of movies did he direct?” You turned to him, suddenly giggly. “Silents.” You answered, whispering.
Doug chuckled. “Okay, I’ll be quiet.” He whispered back.
What? No, that’s not what you meant-
And then, a crash of thunder from outside. You jumped, and in the moment, you gagged. Doug quickly realized what was happening and ushered you to a bathroom. You got on your knees over the toilet and started to puke. Thankfully, Doug was kind enough to hold back your hair.
“There ya go, kiddo. How many cans of White Rain you got in there?” He said.
Why was he calling you that? You’re not a child!
You continued to throw up until most of the sick was out of your system. You finally tilted your head back up and motioned to Doug that you were done. He nodded and helped you stand back up, now guiding you to one of the other rooms in the house. This one had a bed, which he sat you down on. Then, he left the room to get you a bottle of water.
You listened to the rain pounding on the roof, soothed by its ambiance. Another pang on thunder shook the house. You smiled to yourself, appreciating the kindness of your friend. At least he was on your side.
He entered the room with a bottle in hand. You took it and immediately uncapped it, then took a long sip. It was cold and crisp, making you feel better already.
“Thank you.” You said to him. He nodded and sat next to you on the bed.
Another roll of thunder. “Looks like the angels are bowling, as my mom used to say.” You chuckled and nodded.
Then… then something happened.
You ran through the house, down the stairs, back out through the glass door of the living room, tears pouring down your face as you tried to catch your breath. The rain was picking up now, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Doug was not kind. He was not your friend.
How could you be so stupid?
You stumbled through the crowd, faces blurring into a mass of cackling forms. Everything was too loud and too bright and you couldn’t do this.
You needed peace.
You needed nature.
You ran into the woods, which wasn’t too far from whoever’s house you had ended up at. With the rain, the usually soft ground was turning muddy, but you ran nonetheless. You could barely see the trees around you, but your body had walked this trail a million times, and it didn’t take you long to find your way to the bachelors cemetery. Here, the thick canopy of leaves above you blocked out some of the rain, though you could still hear thunder all around you.
You walked slowly now, careful not to trip over any of the graves around you. After looking over the forest floor, you finally, finally spotted the stoic bust of your companion.
You moved over to him, his grave standing tall amongst the other lower ones. You found yourself falling down, body leaning almost entirely on the base of his grave. You looked up to his face, still crying, as you whispered the only thing you could think of.
“I wish I was with you.”
And you meant it. Being in the ground, safe and away from everybody else, was all you wanted in that moment.
Your exhaustion overtook you, and you laid at the base of your friend’s grave. A true friend, although you had never spoken. Over the past four years, he had been the most consistent kindly force in your life. You knew that with him, here, at this sacred place, you were safe.
And then you fell asleep.
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Tag list! @strawbeii @world-of-bitchcraft @sativamommy @snowangelz @kenqki
I’m gonna start tagging people every time I update this story, so let me know if you’d like to be taken off the list or added! Thanks for reading! <333
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Unfinished 13: Riverdale
Summary: Jughead/Sweet Pea/Reader Your mom lives with you on the southside, as far into the forest as you can get. You train/work with the Ghoulies as a runner, you don’t realize this until she decides to move, you return to your childhood home, next door to the Andrews, shocked to find your dad and older brother living there still, you have to hide your connection to the Ghoulies; Jughead agrees to help; but Sweet Pea takes it the wrong way
You keep your mouth shut as your mother packs. You’re watching her, sitting on the couch, silent and half noticed as always. She glares at you, nodding as you stand shuffling over to her.
“You’ll have to go up to the Northside; couple of things left in old house, think you can grab them? The people who live there aren’t home Thursday’s so get going.” She doesn’t look at you before nodding.
You sigh pulling on your running shoes and a hoodie before throwing the hood over your face.
“What do I need?” You mom hands a crumbled piece of paper to you. You tuck the list into your pocket and start towards your old house. You’d grown up in it, with your brother and father, when they had moved out your mother and you were forced to move to the Southside. Still the neighborhood feels both like home and a stranger’s land as you walk the streets.
You watch the house for a moment, noticing the neighbors haven’t changed. You smile fondly at the faint memories, you were five, Archie Andrews and Betty Cooper had been spending the summer at your house, the inflatable pool your brother had convinced your parents to buy had been the highlight of that summer. Before your mother and you had moved as far on the Southside as possible; after your father had taken your brother and fled to some other state. Your mother told you how he was seeing another woman, how she had convinced him to move away, without you.
You step from the shadows, freezing as you hear a voice.
“Y/N? Is that you?” You turn jerking as Mr. Andrews stands in his driveway, he waves you over.
“H-hey Mr. Andrews, you wouldn’t happen to have a spare key for my old house yeah? My mom and I are moving and we needed to grab some things before we leave.” You smile hopeful, holding your hand out. He nods turning to his house and jogging up the steps, he opens the door pulling a key off the hooks he has in the entrance way.
“Here ya’ go. I didn’t know you and your mom were in town.” You furrow your brow.
“Yeah? We live on the Southside, since my dad and brother left.” He frowns, turning as a car pulls into the driveway of your old house; you duck your head shuffling over.
“I’ll just ask if they-“ You freeze again, your father stepping out of his truck, your brother from the passenger side, it’s been years, but you’d know him anywhere, you step back looking nervously to Mr. Andrews.
“My mom said-“ You quiet turning from Mr. Andrews, you re-take a step forward the key cutting into your palm.
“James?” Your voice is quiet, as you step forward again, your brother doesn’t turn, closing the door and walking towards the house.
“Hey!” You duck slightly when Mr. Andrews shouts over, both James and your father turning towards him, eyes trained on you.
“Hey uh, I used to live here and-“ You don’t finish, James pulling you into a hug.
“Y/N, you’re back in town!?!” Your father rushes over at James’ shout. You hesitate as he pulls you into a hug, after James releases you.
“Hey sweetheart, what’re you doing back? You and your mom need something?” You frown at him.
“You still live here?” Both he and James nod looking worried.
“Mom said you moved and left with some other woman, we’ve been living on the Southside since you, uh we I guess, since we moved.” He nods, gesturing towards the door of the front of the house. You step over the threshold with them, your father’s arm not leaving your shoulders.
He offers you a glass of water; you sip at it sitting on the couch as your father paces in front of the coffee table. James sits next to you eyes tracing your father as he continues walking.
“I’m fine, just, where is your mother planning on going?” He stills sitting in the chair across from the couch. You shrug.
“She didn’t tell me just that, crap. I have to be back in like ten minutes, she’ll leave without me. I should-“ You stand turning back to look at them frozen in the chairs.
“I mean I can’t stay here can I?” Your father pulls you into a hug, spinning you slightly so he now rests in between the door and you.
“Your room is still the same as when you left; so maybe some redecorating?” You shrug.
“I haven’t changed much, not really a need to redecorate.” You follow your father and brother up to your room.
“What about mom?” Your father nods, pulling his phone out and stepping back into the hall as your brother opens the door to your room. You half pay attention to the conversation, waiting for them to finish.
“So we’ll have to enroll you at Riverdale which shouldn’t be too hard to get you settled.” You nod hands unclenching from your palms. You smile at them.
“Your mom’s dropping your things off.” You nod sitting on the front steps as she pulls up, shoving a box towards you.
“There. You good?” You nod and she doesn’t respond, not even turning around as she restarts the car and drives off.
“What do you want to do? You have to do something, since James plays football so it’ll make sense for you to get up and go to school with him for practice. You should pick something to-“
“Track?” James quirks an eyebrow at you.
“I wanna run.” You nod to him and he shrugs.
“Alright. We’ll do track, you ready to get up at five am tomorrow?” You nod smiling as he shoves you from the steps, picking up the box and smiling.
“This all you got Y/N?” You nod and he sets the box on the bed. You can tell something upsets him but he seems to let it go for now.
“We’ll probably get pizza later if you want?”
“Cheese.” You nod hovering over the box your mother had left. You wait until he steps from the room. You pull the lid fully off glaring at the three pairs of jeans and shirts your mother left, under that rests two journals, and a folded backpack. You don’t need to open the bag to know your mother put cash in it.
“Y/N! Pizza sweetheart!” You nod walking down the stairs and standing in the kitchen, plates stacked and your father and brother leaning against the counter. You pull a slice over and eat half before your father sets his plate down.
“Y/N, you need any clothes? Other things?” You nod.
“I can get them this weekend, there’s a store nearby, yeah?” Your father nods, pulling another slice over.
Your brother lets you sleep in till half five, you know this because you wake at two am, silently crying, more nightmares. You shake your head from them, and stretch against your floor. You return back to bed, lying awake until you hear your brother’s alarm going off. You pretend to wake, shuffling to the bathroom and letting him curse as you silently move from the bathroom to his room, waiting for him.
You pull your hoodie’s hood up, curling behind your brother as he walks up.
“Don’t worry Y/N. I’ll protect you, you’ll love my friends. They’re all really welcoming. Well besides Cheryl.”
“There are Snakes.” You comment as he directs you towards one of the student lounges.
“Yeah the serpents are here for now. Don’t worry they’re friendly.” You nod sitting down as your brother gestures to the couch. You notice a redhead boy watching you; he extends his hand a smile on his face.
“Hey I’m Archie, Archie Andrews. Pleasure to meet you.” You nod extending your hand and smiling back.
“Y/N, James’ sister.” He nods, you watch as your brother nods at the group at have walked through the door, making a beeline for Archie and all smiling.
“Hey, you must be Y/N! I’m Betty Cooper. This is Jughead Jones, and Kevin Keller.” You watch a dark haired girl walk up.
“I’m Veronica. Veronica Lodge.” You watch a group of boys walk in, dark jackets standing out for the fact they match. You watch them hover, until Jughead tilts his head slightly. They move forward as one.
“Who’s the new face?” One of them asks eyebrows furrowing.
“James’ sister. Y/N.” You nod towards them keeping your face down. You know they’re not the enemy, not since the Ghoulies scattered, but you can help but pray none of them recognize you from your home near the trailer park.
“Where you been then? We transferred here a while ago didn’t see you here.” You look to Sweet Pea, as you’ve learned his name.
“Lived on the southside.”
“How come we never seen you at Southside?” You let Fangs circle you, smirk on his face.
“I was home schooled.” You counter and he arches an eyebrow.
“Your mother a teacher then?” You shake your head.
“Learned a bit differently from you.”
The man keeps his chokehold around your neck as he walks you through the bar. He tosses you to the ground, before you can respond with more than a snarl, another man has pulled you up and is tying you to a chair.
“Small, mousey, skittish. That’s how I’d describe you, certainly not Serpent material, Ghoulie’s must’ve been desperate to use you.” One of the older Serpent’s chime in. You wait trying to even your breathing, you know the Ghoulie’s won’t come for you, they know enough to leave you for dead. You’re a Northdsider now, beyond how far they care to test their reach.
“What do you think happens to mice then?” One of the men questions the other.
“They get eaten by snakes.” One of the serpents laugh, you don’t flinch turning to watch him. Despite being tied to a chair, despite your lip bleeding and the cut and swollen bruising around your eye, you know they can’t do anything until whoever their boss is gets in.
You watch a man walking down, his serpent jacket well worn, the flannel he has on under it dulled by age as well. You see another figure walking next to him, younger, even his clothes reflect this, brighter, less worn.
“The fuck you doing to that girl.”
“Nothing yet, caught her sneakin’ around, she’s a ghoulie apparently. That’s what the other one we caught said.” The older man looks you up and down.
“She doesn’t look like she could fight hot dog, let alone a serpent.” The group laugh and you agree he must be the leader.
“What about the other one you got? Where’s he?”
“Basement. For safe keeping.”
“Jugs what you wanna do with her?” You don’t make a sound, you don’t give away you recognize him from school.
“Does James know?”
You shake your head, and he nods.
“Untie her. Let her go. She got caught in the wrong crowd.”
“Jugs, she’s a Ghoulie…”
“You just said she wasn’t a threat, what’s the point in keeping her then.” The rest of the serpents nod one of them untying you, you flex your wrists, rolling your shoulders. You lick your lips turning at staring at each of the serpents.
“What are you doing?”
“Memorizing your faces.” You smirk, before you feel a hand on your shoulder. You duck your head cringing.
“Come on Y/N not here.” You snarl, you pull your head back as Jughead looks at you.
“Come on, lets get you home yeah?” You shake your head.
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luckyportuguese · 11 months
When Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard's child says her first words
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Bubba!Matthew Lillard x Daddy!Skeet Ulrich x Toddler!Reader.
(in this story, they never dated other people and had kids, Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse are still together)
Summary: Y/N Lillard Ulrich. The only child of the famous actors who played Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, the daughter who was abandoned and found by Skeet Ulrich, but when a party with the cast of Riverdale comes up, she said her first words.
Warnings: fluff, Skeet and Matthew being overprotective, mentions of child abandonment, mentions of suicide, childbirth, the Riverdale cast loving Y/N, Y/N making Cole jealous
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Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard.
The iconic couple of the 90s who are married for almost 30 years never thought of adopting or having a child.
The story of Y/n started when her parents Erin and Nick, had one night stand, her dad was a drug dealer, her mom was a suicidal person but when she found out that she was pregnant, Nick jumped from a bridge because his family died.
After Erin was giving birth to Y/n, the doctors said that she lost a lot of blood and they wanted to chose her or the baby, before she could answer she had died.
Erin's parents, Hayley and Steve decided to abandoned the baby, they blamed Y/n for taking Erin from them, but they knew that she was suicidal person but they didn't care or helped their daughter.
It was Sunday, Skeet was coming home from the set of "Riverdale" to stay with his husband for the weekend, when he was about to get into his house, he noticed a baby girl crying, inside of a box, with clothes, diapers, food and with a note on it.
"If you're reading this letter, this girl is for you to take care of.
Her mom died of childbirth and her dad killed himself, she's the reason that her parents are gone and she shouldn't be in this world, please take care of this evil child and never returned her to us, her name is Y/n."
Skeet was so angry at them because it wasn't her fault that she lost her parents, he was happy to take care of this baby even if Matthew doesn't want to.
"Hello, sweet angel!"
Y/n woke up, she was almost starting to cry but when she saw Skeet's face, smiling at her, she started to touch his face and feeling comfortable around him.
Matthew started to look for his husband and stopped to see him holding a baby girl in his arms.
"Skeet, what are you doing holding a baby in your arms?"
"She was abandoned, her parents just died and someone blames her for it, so I wanna take care of her."
"Are you sure?"
"Matt, we've been married almost 30 years, this is our chance to be parents."
"Fine, let's take care of her."
Y/n started to clap her little hands, making Skeet and Matthew smiling.
The next day, they went to the adoption center near them, trying to avoid paparazzi but luckily they live in safe zone when there's no paparazzi or the media following them.
As soon as they left with the adoption papers, they are so happy to start their chapter of their lives.
After a few months, Matthew posted a picture with Y/n and Skeet was falling asleep, with his daughter hugging his husband, hiding her face to his neck and he was holding the book that he was reading to her.
The fans loved Y/n and they were in love seeing Skeet and Matthew as parents, they wanted to ask them a lot of questions but their fans respect their privacy.
It was Saturday, few days after Y/n's birthday, the director of "Riverdale" wanted to have a party with everyone and Vanessa, Madelaine, Camila and Lili wanted to meet Y/n, so Skeet decided to bring her because Matthew was going to an event, he couldn't bring her.
When Skeet came into the party wearing a black leather jacket with jeans and a white t-shirt and holding on his hips, his daughter Y/N wearing a cute baby pink dress with a black shoes with a white socks.
The cast fell head over heels with her, she always puts her hands up when Lili, KJ, Madelaine, Vanessa and Camila came around, Skeet was so happy that the cast loves her and her cuteness.
Her daddy was talking to Trinity Likins, Gina Gershon and Mädchen Amick, he asked Lili, Cole, KJ and Camilla to babysit her while he was talking to other cast members, Y/n was sitting on Lili's lap, Cole was sitting on her left and KJ and Camilla were sitting on her right.
Y/n started to trace Lili Reinhart's chest, Lili, KJ and Camilla were laughing while Cole was jealous how his father on the screen's daughter was touching his girlfriend's chest while he was next to her.
He put his big hand on her arm before she could touch Lili's chest again.
"What Cole?"
They were surprised to hear her saying her first words, Skeet and Matthew weren't next to her, Camila had to go to interrupt Skeet's conversation with Gina Gershon and Mädchen Amick.
"Hey Skeet, Gina, Mädchen. I'm so sorry to interrupt your conversation but Y/n just said her first words."
"OK, wait did you said that Y/n started to speak?"
"Yeah, me, Lili, Cole, KJ and her were having fun and she started to touch Lili's chest and Cole started to get jealous, he asked her and she said 'what Cole?''
Skeet couldn't believe Camila, so she, him and Gina went to where the rest of the group were.
"Skeet, you'll not believe it."
"We know, Camila just told us." Mädchen and Gina said it at the same time.
After a while, Y/n started to being clingy and started to put her hands to be with Cole's lap. As soon she was put on his lap, they started to hear a voice of a toddler saying.
"I love you Coley!"
Everyone was shocked even Skeet, he couldn't believe that his husband wasn't here but he was surprised that she said Cole's name. Even Vanessa was filming the moment.
"Oh, how can I stay mad at you, sweetheart."
Cole lift Y/n up and they hugged each other. Until she wanted to be Skeet's arms.
Skeet was so happy that she said daddy, he was thinking about Cole and Lili being the godparents. He was happy and sad that Matthew missed the moment, he got a video from Vanessa who was filming when she said her first words.
We can say that Matthew was crying of joy and he was sad that he missed.
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thanks for watching and reading :)
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ranochjart · 10 months
disclaimer: de nombreux avatars datent de 2018-2019, je les poste si jamais ils peuvent toujours intéresser
aaron taylor johnson
alexander o'connor
alex hogh andersen
alycia debnam carey
ana de armas
ariana grande
aron piper
ashton sanders
billie eilish
brie larson
calvin harris
camille rowe
carlson young
chord overstreet
christopher briney
cole sprouse
dakota fanning
domhnall gleeson
dominic harrison
george mckay
halston sage
hande erçel
harry styles
hunter schafer
jack falahee
jackson wang
james lafferty
jennifer lawrence
jessica alba
julian morris
kiera knightley
kim jennie
kim taehyung
laetitia casta
lana del rey
lee taemin
lily james
lim bora
madison beer
magdalena zalejska
maia mitchell
matthew daddario
miles teller
nadia tereszkiewicz
nicolas peltz
philip froissant
phoebe tonkin
plan rathavit
rafael lazzini
rain spencer
salem mitchell
saoirse ronan
tia jonsson
tom hardy
tom holland
ursula corbero
victoria lee
vinnie woolston
zayn malik
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princess-of-fanfics · 2 years
Riverdale Masterlist
Cole Sprouse x Reader:
Baby (part one)
Baby (part two)
Baby (part three)
Baby is about when Cole is a jerk to the reader and calls her a baby
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Jughead x Reader:
Drugged (part one)
Drugged (part two)
Drugged (part three)
Drugged (part four)
Drugged is about the reader cheating on Jughead but did she really....(trigger warning: slut shaming, drugging, rape, etc)
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thedragonqueensblog · 4 years
Thanksgiving with Cole Sprouse and only kid who's a son
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Falling- Jughead Jones
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Authors Note's- I decided to do a other lyric imagine. Hopefully its not to confusing.
Song- Falling
Writer- Harry Styles
' I'm in my bed, And you're not here. And there's no one to blame but the drink and my wandering hands, Forget what I said, It's not what I meant, And I can't take it back, I can't unpack the baggage you left.'
I was home alone when I found out that my best friend went behind my back and stole the boy I was dating. I which I could off found out by them telling me but I had to find out from Betty's Instagram. I wanted to cry but I some how ran out of tears. I also couldn't move from my spot on my couch. I'm not much of a drinker either but I needed it at this point so I couldn't feel my broken heart.
Archie's POV
I was just scrolling through my instagram when I saw something that shocked me. It was a picture of Betty and Jughead kissing. I shut off my phone and headed out the door to go find both of them to confront them before going to see Y/n/n.
Your POV
' You said you care, and you missed me too, And I'm well aware I write too many songs about you, And the coffee's out at the Beachwood Cafe, And it kills me 'Cause I know we've ran out of things we can say.'
I was sitting on my couch having no motivation and emotionless. I was in my thoughts when I got snapped out of my zone when I got a text from Archie telling me that he was on his way to my house. I throw my phone in panic and got to cleaning up the mess I made durning my break down.
'Time Skip'
It took a while for me to finish cleaning due to me almost having a panic attacks but I calmed down really fast. I just finish throwing some things I broke in the trash when I heard the door bell. I walked to the door slowly and opened it to find Archie all ready for a hug. I  immediately crashed in to his arms. I could feel tears running down my already puffy faces.
Archie's POV
When I got to where the two lovebirds were I walked up to them.
" Hey Arch!" Betty said
" Yea. Hi."
" Is something wrong?" Betty asked
" Yea. There is."
They both continued staring at me wanting me to finish my sentence.
" How does it feel to break someones heart!"
" What are you talking about Arch?" Jug said
" Y/n/n! Is most likely heart broken right now."
" What does that have to do with us." They both say
" Jug weren't you together with her?"
He looked guilty. He was about to say something until I cut him off.
" Jug I don't want to hear what you have to say!"
I then walked out and made my way to Y/n's house. I texted her to let her know.
'Time Skip'
I rang her door bell and waited before hearing her footsteps coming closer to the door. I opened my arms for a hug. As I suspected she went right in for the hug. I squeezed her tighter when I felt her tears.
'And I get the feeling that you'll never need me again.'
Your POV
While crying I thought of how Jug will never need me again which ended up with me feeling weak and Archie literally having to keep me up right.
" Y/n/n can you walk." Archie whispered
I shook my head no. I then felt myself get picked up and brought inside. Archie then sat on the couch with me in his lap. I was starting to get tired from all the crying I did. I think Archie noticed because he said " It's all right Y/n/n. I'm right here."
I closed my eyes and felt myself drift in to dream land.
Archie's POV
'What am I now? What am I now?, What if you're someone I just want around?, I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm fallin' , What if I'm someone you won't talk about?, I'm falling again, I'm fallin'.'
I was just holding her in my arms when I finally felt her breathing slow down and telling me she fell asleep. I grabbed my phone telling my dad I was staying the night with Y/n since I didn't want her to be alone. I then put it down and softly hummed a tune until I felt myself growing tired.
Enjoy my guys!!!!
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lesbewriting · 5 years
[Jughead Jones x Fem!Reader] [1592 words]
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SUMMARY: as soon as you find out you're pregnant with Jughead Jones baby. You run away, not even bothering to say goodbye. A few years later however, when you return with your child. Jughead gets a bit of a surprise.
WARNINGS: hints of angst? i guess. mainly fluff.
A-N: i honestly really loved this idea. But i don't think its the best bit of writing ive done. Also i never got around to reading through it, so there may be a few mistakes. If not, then i probably have fixed them by now.
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I sat atop of the tiled bathroom flooring, a pregnancy test held firmly in my grasp. The two little red lines staring back at me. A small cry escaping my lips as i sat there speechless. How was I to tell Jughead? We're way to young for children. Heck we're only seventeen. The multiple thoughts flew around my head as i burst into tears.
I then stood up, before looking up into the bathroom mirror and letting out a scream of sadness, luckily not waking up the neighbors at all. My hands clutched the edge of the marble countertops around the sink, as i stared at my reflection. The messiness of my long h/c hair sat in a messy bun atop of my head, mascara i had applied earlier had run down my cheeks now and the red and puffiness of my eyes was very visible. More sobs managed to escape my throat as i turned away from the mirror and back into the safety of my bedroom.
My feet tiptoed against the hard wood floorboards as i reached my double-sized bed. The many posters of singers and bands stared at me, as i pulled back the dark coloured covers atop my bed and crawled in. Small sobs drowned out by the noise of passing cars as i fell into a slumber.
I was scared. I was scared to become a mother. I don't think i could do it. I don't even know if Jughead would want the baby. Would he leave me? Would i be considered a freak by the entire town and lose all my friends? The thought of that scared me to death. I didn't want to  be seen as someone below everyone else. I didn't want to lose my friends at all. I soon made the decision. The decision of leaving Riverdale. Running away from everything. My friends, family, my childhood and Jughead. I don't think anyone will miss me at all. They're all pretty occupied with other things in their lives to notice the sudden disappearence of myself.
and just like that. The next morning i was gone. No trace left behind of where i went. All that remained was a small, neat handwritten note sat atop of my bed covers for everyone to find.
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Three years later.
I pulled up into the driveway of a worn down motel inside of Riverdale. My 3 year old daughter sat comfortably in her booster seat in the back of the car, sleeping peacefully. Her little grey crown-like beanie sat atop her head as she slept. Snores escaped from her every so often. My eyes drifted on her small figure as i opened up the car door and unbuckled her seatbelt. A small smile etched across my face.
Most of her features were from her father, from the crown-like beanie, hair and even her personality. The only thing she inherited from me was her beautiful e/c eyes. But other then that, she was like a mini replica of Jughead. I sighed, at the thought of my boyfriend that i left behind. Would he even still be in Riverdale? i wondered aloud to myself, before gently lifting up my now toddler. Waking her up in the process.
"Mummy? are we there yet?" she spoke tiredly, in her cute little voice. Her small hands reaching up and rubbing the remaining sleep out of her eyes. I just nodded quickly, before speaking.
"Why don't we go visit Pop's for some dinner?" I questioned my now three year old. "How does that sound?"
The small girl looked excitedly up at me, before nodding furiously. Eyes lighting up in the process, as well as her stomach grumbling loudly. I just chuckled quietly, before setting in the direction of Pop's. She really was like her father, in so many ways. If only he could've helped take care of her with me.
I sighed sadly at the thought of Jughead. My heart slightly aching from how much i missed him, and still do. He was like my other half. The missing piece of my puzzle. We weren't just boyfriend and girlfriend. We were best friends. We completed each other. I then snapped out of my thoughts. Not realising we were now stood outside the door of Pop's Chocklit Shoppe. My three year old daughter now standing beside me. Her giggles filled the air as she took into a run in the shop. Myself getting tugged along with her, as i was clutching her small hand so i didn't lose her.
When we entered, the little bell above the door dinged and I was greeted with the familiar scent of the diner i always missed when i was away. The place that was filled with different memories, both bad and good. I could feel myself letting out a smile as i noticed Pop greet us from where he was stood behind the counter. Before directing us with his hand to a free booth.
We gladly walked over there and sat down. Little Stella my daughter, sitting directly opposite me as she sat. The look she had on her face only told me that she was starving, so as soon as i ordered and they delivered the food. She furiously began to gobble down her burger and Vanilla milkshake. I chuckled again, at her eating. But stopped as soon as my e/c eyes drifted down towards the very last booth and onto the figure. The very familiar raven-haired and beanie-wearing figure of Jughead Jones. I gulped nervously at the sight of him sitting there, his laptop cracked open in front of him as he typed away. Every once in awhile taking a slurp of his chocolate milkshake beside him.
I only hoped he wouldn't notice me. But he did. Because as soon as he felt as if someone's eyes were on him, he looked up and his eyes connected with mine. His eyes widened as soon as he spotted me, but turned to a confused stare, eyes furrowing as he spotted the little girl beside me. The small girl who was currently slurping on her milkshake.
I quickly tore my gaze away from him, before looking back to my daughter sitting opposite me. A small smile decorated her face, as she bobbed her small head to the beat of the music drifting around the diner.
"Mummy! can i get an icecream please?" she asked nicely, as she stared at me with those puppy-dog eyes i adored. The very eyes that i couldn't seem to say no too. And so i ordered her a vanilla icecream cone. Before i found my gaze drifting back onto Jughead in the corner. But was shocked to see he wasn't there. Where could he have gone? i thought confusingly, as i stared into where he was once sat.
Suddenly, a presence near me and so i looked up. There he was. Jughead Jones III standing right beside our booth, his signature crown-like beanie sat atop of his raven curls and a confused gaze on me. I gulped. A few nervous butterflies fluttering in my stomach as i realised I'd have to explain to him that Stella, was his. Finally taking a deep breath i began to explain to him about how and why i ran away, about leaving him and about our daughter, Stella. Surprisingly, he took it pretty well. Only speaking up a few times as i told the story to him.
"So. Stella, shes mine?" Jughead questioned again, "Why didn't you tell me then?"
A tear dripped down my cheek slightly, my eyesight drifting down towards my hands that rested in my lap. "I guess i was scared. Scared of your reaction."
I could feel him shift near me, and once i looked back up he leant down and kissed me on the lips fully. My eyes widened quickly, before i began to kiss back. My hands manoeuvering up to play with his soft curls, lips moving together in sync. It was as if we were the only two in the diner at the moment. I reluctantly pulled back though, as soon as i realised our kid was still in the room.
"Stella, this is your father. Jughead."
The little raven-haired girl looked up quickly as soon as she heard me say her name. Before turning her head and spotting the male beside me, a similar crown-like beanie sat atop his head. The little girl's face lit up, a smile quickly appearing as she got up and hugged him. Jughead hesitated at first, but the hesitation quickly disappeared as he hugged the girl back. Pretty soon myself joining in.
"I love you, Y/n L/n." he said as we pulled back from the hug.
"I love you too, Jughead Jones."
It might've taken a couple years. But we're together again, and this time as a family.
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katykeeneofficial · 4 years
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cole sprouse + gq - icons
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babeydollx · 2 years
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Warnings: cursing, shower sex, unprotected sex
Pairings: Jughead Jones x Female Reader
Summary: you and Jughead basically have shower sex lmao.
Word Count: 500+
© Maybanks-Luver, please do not steal or translate my work
Jughead pinned you against the shower wall as the two of you made out. The warm water ran against your bodies as the two of you passionately made out. He then broke the kiss and began to kiss along your jaw. 
He then trailed wet kisses from your jaw to your neck. You whimpered and tangled your fingers in his wet hair as he kissed your neck. He then found your sweet spot and began to suck on it. You could feel your arousal pooling between your thighs.
He pulled back and smirked when he saw the hickies he had left all over the soft skin of your neck. 
"Mm.. now everyone will know that you're mine." He said with a smirk. You giggled softly and kissed him again. He aligned his hard cock with your pussy before thrusting into your soaking cunt. You gasped and you both moaned out as he sunk inside of you.
"Fuck, I love this pussy." He panted as he fucked up into you. You held onto his shoulders tightly and moaned out as he slowly fucked you faster and faster until he was fucking you at an unforgiving pace. 
He was fucking you so hard that you definitely going to feel it every time you walk for the next week. You rested the back of your head against the wet shower wall and moaned out as he kept fucking you.
"Oh god!" You moaned out as he began to hit your g-spot. He smirked when he saw your reaction and kept hitting your g-spot over and over again. With the way he was fucking you, you knew that you weren't going to last very long.
It seemed like he was not going to last very long either though. You were close and you could tell that he was getting close too. You pulled him in for a heated kiss as he continued to fuck the shit out of you.
You felt that familiar knot building up inside of you and you knew that you were about to cum any second now. You clenched around his hard dick, signaling to him that you were about to cum. You could tell that he was going to cum too since his thrusts were getting messy.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" You screamed.
"Come on, cum for me." He panted. With that your eyes rolled back, your legs began to tremble and you saw stars as a scream tore through your throat and you squirted on his cock. He thrusted into you a few more times before coming himself, shooting his load deep inside of your, painting your walls white. He pulled out of you as you both were catching your breath. 
"Well, should we clean up now?" Jug asked. You shook your head which made him tilt his head. "Why not?" He asked.
"Because, I want a round 2." You said with a giggle. He just smirked.
"Well baby, your wish is my command." He said with a smirk.
a/n: I hope y'all like this story!
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social-media-fanfic · 3 years
Riverdale Masterlist
Sweet Pea
Your account 
Dating Sweet Pea (Part 1)
Dating Sweet Pea (Part 2)
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Half Beard
Summary: Jughead/Reader, Jughead is a cover for Betty as she’s dating Veronica, the serpent’s only find out about half of it.
Jughead approaches you almost nervously. You turn from your seat in English to watch him as he nods towards the door.
“What’s going on?” You’re a little surprised he dragged you out of class; he’d usually be talking to one of the more senior serpents, or Archie’s gang.
“Betty and I;” He starts and you pull him into a hug.
“You broke up?” Jughead takes three full minutes to stop laughing.
“No, we, she’s-. She and Veronica. Are dating.” He nods as you nod in response.
“So why’d you get me? You need a new sleuthing partner now that yours is otherwise engaged?” He shoves his hands in his pockets.
“Now you know the truth, would you like to go on a date? To Pop’s; just lunch.” He smirks as he finishes and you arch an eyebrow.
“So I’m the ‘other woman’ then?” you mock with air quotes and he nods.
“Sorry I just-“
“Betty knows? And is okay with this?”
“Talk to her yourself she knows I’ve had a crush on you- I mean she’s dating Veronica, 100 percent.” He covers his own blunder up as he turns back towards his classroom.
“See you at lunch?” He smiles hopefully as you nod.
Betty and Veronica stop you before you can leave the school.
“Pop’s now.” They hum and you hover a little as they drag you to the booth in the back, the one that everyone uses when they want to talk about secret things.
“Jughead and I broke up, it was mutual, I wanted to dater Veronica and he wanted to date… someone else…” Betty grins a little and you tilt your head, egging her on about confessing who he’s interested in.
“I shouldn’t.” She giggles and Veronica winks at you.
“Bets, we can get burgers or-”
“You, he has a massive crush on you and wants to date you. Sorry!” She hides her face and you’re about to assure her you don’t mind but then you can feel Jughead’s hand on your shoulder.
“Cat’s out of the bag now isn’t it.”
You know Jughead wouldn’t be doing this without a reason; he’s leading you into the backroom of the Wyrm, insisting you need to talk before the meeting. You’ve already had lunch; you’re expecting him to apologize, to claim he didn’t know how he could betray Betty. Despite Betty and Veronica having assured you they’re very much in love, and not a fan of what Jughead is packing.
You’re sitting on a crate watching as he steps closer towards you humming slightly.
“What is it we need to talk about then?” You see no point in beating around the bush, not when the Serpent’s meeting is supposed to start in a few minutes. He pulls you off the crate, settling you against the wall; you look up at him as he smirks down at you; before kissing you. You’re surprised, but content to continue the kiss till he pulls away.
“Are we still going to talk?” You ask, almost teasing as he rolls his eyes.
“Later, my place. They’ll rag me about it regardless, so go wild.” You nod at his directions returning to your seat on the crate winking as you hear footsteps.
“Well it’s not my fault Jones.” You snap; you can hear the footsteps halt and Jughead stifles a laugh, you continue, pretending to be angry at whatever he accused you of. You can hear a hesitant knock on the door and Jughead opens it pretending to be relieved as the Serpents file in. You jump from the crate.
“Well I’ll leave then.” You do your best to mimic Betty and her angry flouncing as you catch Jughead’s eyes and his face trying to suppress a smile. You hesitate outside the door, still able to feel the anticipation from the Serpents as they try to figure out what happened.
You’re sitting in Pop’s when he shows up, dragging himself between Betty and Archie.
“Rough meeting?” He rolls his eyes and Betty smirks.
“Come on Juggsie, tells us what happened. Sweet Pea seemed pissed. Wouldn’t even talk to us.”
“The Serpent’s don’t agree with my current dating ideas.” He rolls his eyes and Betty tries not to laugh.
“What happened?” Veronica sits up. Reggie turns only a fraction hand shifting from next to Archie’s leg to on top of it.
“Sweet Pea may have heard me ask Y/N on a date. Said he wasn’t going to let me hurt you.” He laughs nodding towards Betty.
“I love them really, but they’re way too hung up on keeping the peace.”
“Well of course, the last thing they’d want is in-fighting. It’d be like if Toni and Cheryl, well never mind them but still. Disastrous.” Veronica flings her hands out laughing
 “You two are still together right?” You smirk as Jughead nods.
“For now, Veronica isn’t sure if she want’s to come out to everyone, on top of the fact Reggie doesn’t wanna touch that particular door until he and Arch have been together longer, as he put it, preferably after college.” Betty laughs jabbing Reggie in the side and he scowls smacking her hand away.
“Reg seriously no one’s gonna care, they’ll just be pissed we’re off the market.” Reggie nods, almost pouting as the food shows up and everyone breaks into silence as they eat.
You run into both Toni and Sweet Pea on the way home, you watch curious as they stand still, trying to be threatening.
“You know what you’re doing is wrong right? Betty, she doesn’t deserve this. You can stop it before it goes any further Y/N before anyone else gets hurt. Please, don’t make us choose.” You nod shrugging past them as Toni shouts towards you.
“Don’t make us choose Y/N you won’t like what we decide.” You don’t bring it up to Jughead; it wasn’t even a real threat, besides he keeps any shred of your relationship hidden from beyond your houses, or the occasional date and chaste kiss at Pop’s. During Serpent meetings, and hang outs you’re just another Serpent, you know he’s testing it. Pushing his limits and flaunting you and the truth. You’re not surprised when it bubbles over.
Sweet Pea glares throwing himself between you and Jughead.
“We warned you Y/N.” he all but snarls, Jughead tenses as Sweet Pea beckons everyone over.
“Jones’ been cheating on Betty with Y/N.” You can’t help the laugh, Toni sneers.
“Not helping your case at all.”
“There is no case, listen guys I swear it’s a huge misunderstanding.  Go ask Betty, she knows about this. I swear” He throws his hands up pointing to the door.
“I’ll call her now if you all want. Seriously. On anyone’s phone so you know its not staged.” Fangs tosses his phone to Toni who nods dialing Betty’s number.
“It’s on speaker. Heyy Betty. Quick Question.”
“Of course, what’s up?” Toni swallows.
“Y/N and Jughead, you know about that?” She cringes slightly and narrows her eyes as Betty laughs.
“Yes, could you take it off speaker.” Toni does pulling the phone to her ear and nodding as you assume Betty is explaining everything. Toni hangs up the phone nodding as she passes it back to Fangs.
“They’re telling the truth.” Sweet Pea narrows his eyes.
“Can you tell us how you know?” Toni shakes her head.
You’re walking into school when Jughead appears and links his hand with yours. You’re about to ask him why is he being so public, but as you walk past the lockers you see Betty and Veronica’s hands intertwined and understand.
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luckyportuguese · 10 months
When Y/n Lillard Ulrich goes to a daddy-daughter dance
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Bubba! Matthew Lillard x Daddy! Skeet Ulrich x Toddler!Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n invites Matthew Lillard to join a daddy-daughter dance in her preschool.
Warnings: Skeet being an emotional parent, Matthew being happy, featuring KJ Apa, Cole Sprouse, Lili Reinhart, Camila Mendes and Madelaine Petsch.
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Today's the day. The daddy-daughter dance.
The school decided to the girls bring their dads and since Y/n has 2 superheroes called dads but she didn't know who was coming.
It was 3pm when her daddy's best friends Cole and KJ were picking her up since Skeet and Matthew were going to the groceries for a movie night with Vanessa, Madelaine, Camilla and Lili.
Well and the boys too but Skeet asked them to pick their daughter from school. As the students left to greet their parents, KJ and Cole saw Y/n with her backpack and holding a paper on her hands.
As soon she saw Cole and KJ, she went to hug them and Cole asked Skeet's daughter what was the paper for.
When they got inside of the car and KJ started to drive to their house.
"Hey, sweet angel, what's that on your hand?
"Oh, this is for daddy-daughter dance. But I don't know who to invite."
"How about you invite Bubba?" KJ asked.
"Bubba?" Y/n asked while looking at the boys.
"Yeah, since you're always hanging out with Daddy, why not Bubba?" Cole asked the younger Lillard Ulrich.
"Maybe, I'll ask him when he comes home."
After a 17 minute drive to the Lillard-Ulrich household, they arrived with Skeet and Matthew with hugs and kisses to the young Lillard-Ulrich girl.
"Hey baby, how was school?" Skeet asked her.
"It was good and I want ask something to Bubba."
"I'm listening." Matthew getting up from the couch and gets on his daughter's eye level.
Y/n was getting nervous and Matthew didn't understood his daughter.
"Slow down sweetie, I didn't understand."
"Can you come with me to the daddy-daughter dance with me?
Skeet was happy that she wants to build a father-daughter relationship with Matthew and his husband was getting emotional.
"Bubba, are you ok?" Y/n getting concerned.
"Yeah, baby, I'm fine, of course I'll come with you."
Y/n was smiling and decided to hug her Bubba and Cole called the girls early to help Y/n picking a cute dress to make Skeet and Matthew cry of happiness.
The dance was at 9pm and finishes at 11pm. It was 8pm Madelaine and Camila chose a purple dress and Vanessa and Lili decided to put Y/n's hair on a bun with purple flowers that they got for Y/n's birthday.
(this is the dress and the hairstyle can be how you want.)
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The girls looked at the little girl as she was the masterpiece of a art that they created.
While in living room, Cole and KJ were cooking and Skeet was fixing his husband's tie and trying to calm him down.
But when Lili and Madelaine helped Y/n getting her down the stairs, caught the attention to the boys.
Cole hasn't never seen Skeet being this happy besides being with Matthew and a small little girl changing his life.
He swore that were tears coming out of Skeet's eyes.
Matthew looked at his little girl, so beautiful with that long brown hair was in bun, brown eyes, beautiful purple dress and that flowers that are around her hair.
Matthew went to her and kissed her hand, KJ started to film this daughter and father going to a dance.
"Princess Y/n, you look beautiful." Matthew started to do his known Shaggy voice and kissed her hand.
"Thank you, Mr. Shaggy, you look as usual."
Everyone was laughing and they went to the dance. Let's just say that they have a wonderful time and she fell asleep on her Bubba on their way back home and she slept next to her Bubba and Daddy.
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thanks for watching :)
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reidmaybankstyles · 4 years
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Little info about my blog!!
Who I write for!
Fictional characters.
Draco malfoy. ( note: I haven’t seen the movies in forever. And I’m currently trying to read the series so sorry if they suck!!)
Hardin Scott.
Peter Parker.
Criminal minds characters and actors.
Mathew gray gubler.
Spencer Reid.
Harry styles.
Shawn Mendes.
Tom Holland.
Harrison osterfield.
Hero fíennes tiffin.
cole sprouse.
Ross lynch.
Nick Hargrove ( actor in charmed remake.)
Outer banks.
Sweet pea
The Vampire diaries
Stefen Salvatore.
Damon Salvatore.
Prince Edward ( the princess switch.)
Parker Caine ( charmed the remake.)
Peter kavinsky. ( to all the boys I’ve loved before.)
Wolfgang Novogratz.
Harry hook ( Thomas doherty.)
Ben ( Mitchell hope.)
Things I’m not comfortable writing.
Ddlg kink.
Anything that doesn’t involve consent it doesn’t matter what it is.
Really big age gaps like 20 years.
Spitting in someone else’s mouth.
Things I am comfortable writing. ( kink wise I guess.)
Dom sub relationship.
Being tied up.
kinfe kink.
Gun kink.
Public sex.
Hair pulling.
I’ll basically whatever your dirty minds come up with unless told other wise.
Don’t make me take you home and punish you.
I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.
Your not going out In that outfit.
Don’t give me that look.
Would you just shut up and kiss me already?
Like what you see?
Try to stay quite, understnad?
We’re in public you know?
I didn’t know you were so sensitive.
Don’t be rough. There can’t be any marks!
I really don’t care. You still look hot, and I’m trying not to fuck you senseless right now.
Are you sure? Because once I start I might not be able to stop.
Make me.
Stop teasing me so much.
Your in trouble now!
Take off your clothes.
First one to make noise loses.
You know, you always look much better when I mark you up.
You look so good with my hand wrapped around your neck.
How do you feel about adding another person to the mix?
You look good all soaking wet.
Are you sure that’s what you want? I could really hurt you.
If your going to act like a little brat then I’m going to treat you like a little brat.
I don’t care how good it feel. You better not cum till I tell you.
I bet you think your real cute, letting them out their hands all over you. Let’s see how cute you are when I get you home.
Touch yourself for me.
You want to have sex in a elevator? Challage excepted.
Why are you even wearing underwear? When you know I’ll tear it off anyway.
Since I’ve been good. It’s time I get a taste of you.
You wanna put what? Where?
Your ass or your breasts the choice is up to.
Show me how you play with yourself.
Using your teeth, is the the only way I’m granting you access tonight.
If you can’t sleep......how about we have sex?
Put that thing away!
If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god!
Tell me what you want.
Bite me! “ if you insist”
Could he make you feel as good as I do?
Your n not um, wearing a anything under that. Are you?
Are you trying to turn me on? Or are you just that oblivious?
You taste like fucking candy.
The only way your getting off is on my thigh.
You make a sound and it’s game over.
Just let me finish this level, and I swear I’ll go down on you so you cum like three times.
If I have to stop what I’m doing, you won’t be able to walk for the next week.
I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side and no one would notice.
I haven’t even touched you, and your this wet.
You’re mine! Got it?
I love it when you talk dirty.
I’ll let you do anything, just touch me now!
I told you stay still.
I’ll be quite, I promise.
Oh Just shut up and fuck me!
You feel so good!
I want you inside of me.
I think I lien you better with a gag in your mouth.
Perhaps I need to remind you of your place?
I think I’ve make my intentions clear.
Be a good girl and spread your legs for me.
I’d like to breed you. 
Don’t worry. I’ll take good care for you.
Come on. Take it all on your own like a good little pet.
Think you can handle that much?
Let me show you what happens to beats who don’t follow the rules.
How do you feel about two at once?
I want it to hurt.
Don’t tempt me.
I want your cock in my mouth.
Wanna join?
Don’t forget who you belong to.
Come to bed. I can’t sleep without your hips pressed against me.
The only thing hotter then you orgasming is your smile.
You don’t belong in my bed. You being on a magazine cover.
I can’t believe I found a women who can cook, as good as she fucks.
Where do you think your going? Your body is for my eyes only.
I’m going to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours.
I thought we agreed to share her.
It’s not my fault you keep turning me on.
Let me be your secret sin.
Looks like you had a bad day. Wanna take it out on me?
You know I get cranky, if I don’t get to eat you out atleast once a day!
You make fucking a religious experience.
Look at you. Stretched out and trembling.
If you want me like this your going to have to beg.
Don’t fucking touch what’s not yours.
You don’t need to cover up the bruises and hickeys. I’d like everyone to know your mine.
How quickly can you come?
I don’t care what you do just fuck me!
I’ll just have to cum inside you then.
Stop dancing like that, or I’m going to cum in my pants
You can’t tease me like that, and expect not to get punished.
We’ve been at it like rappits and your still horny?
Did you just look at me up and down, and bite your lip? Cause I’d you did. We are having sex right now!
Your ass is going to be seven different shades of red after that stunt you just pulled.
God damn it! Now all I can think about is you licking my cock like it’s that ice cream cone.
If I have to pull over you won’t be able to walk for the next week.
Try not to ruin your manicure when you dig your nails into my back.
I’m going to remember this moment when I’m jerking off.
I bought a few pieces of lingerie. Want me to model them for you?
Keep playing that video game. I want to see if you can keep focus while I suck your cock.
I took a few sexy photos. So you have something to masturbate to while I’m work.
Keep the lights on. I want to see your tits bounce up and down.
Don’t spend to much time on your hair. Cause I��m going to en yanking it soon.
Help me put the condom on. I want to feel your hands on me.
I looked at your naughty photos at work today. I couldn’t get rid of my hard on.
You’re to flexible for your own good.
I bought us a new Mattress. Since we wore out the old one.
If you keep fucking me this good. I’ll marry you.
I want you to be my wife. So I can do naughty things to for the rest of our life’s.
I love how the sexist women I’ve ever met, is my best friend to.
We’re the sexist couple I’ve ever seen.
I just showered but I don’t mind taking another one with you.
These are like smut challenges I guess.
Shower sex.
Phone sex.
Teasing only.
Blow job.
Dirty talk.
Places. ( which you can request also.)
Against a wall.
Dressing room.
The floor.
Kitchen table/counter.
In the shower/tub.
In a chair.
In a car.
In a pool or hot tub.
In the sea or on the beach.
In a closet.
Movie theater.
Meadow of flowers.
On a plane.
On a train
Under the stars.
Besides a fire.
Other things I’ll write.
Werewolfxwho ever you choose.
Mafiaxwho ever you choose.
Vampirexwho ever you choose.
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princess-of-fanfics · 3 years
Baby (Part 3)
Cole Sprouse x reader
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Cole was doing everything to make it up to you but no matter how much he did, no matter how many times he apologized, you weren't ready to forgive him.
You knew it probably seemed like you were being sensitive or a baby but Cole promised to never name call you but that's exactly what he did for no reason. And you just couldn't forgive that. You didn't trust that he wouldn't do it again.
You had been in toxic relationships before and you knew if they are fine with calling you a name over nothing then they will just continue saying worse and worse names when they get mad. And you weren't about to be treated like that again.
Cole knew about some of your past relationships and he knew how you felt about name calling and yet he name called you. And he knew it was going to take a lot to fix what he did.
You had tried to leave the trip multiple times but Lili and Camila convinced you to stay since you weren't just Cole's girlfriend, you were friends with the cast.
Cole decided that he was going to pay for him and one other person to go zip lining. He knew Y/N couldn't resist going zip lining since it had always been on your bucket list.
Cole came inside and held up the tickets. "I just got a ticket for me and one of you guys to go zip lining. Who wants to come?"
Y/N looked at him when he said zip lining but then rolled her eyes. "Not it" you said annoyed and got up walking into the kitchen.
Cole was so confused since he knew how much she had always wanted to go zip lining. He walked into the kitchen. "Come on Y/N, you have always wanted to zip line"
You looked at him, "Yeah I have, but I don't want to go with you right now."
Cole sighed, "I can't believe I fucked up so much Y/N. I never meant to ever hurt you. I don't think you're a baby. I was just upset and it slipped out. If you really don't want to go with me, you can have the tickets and go with someone else" he sat the two tickets on the counter and walked out of the kitchen.
You looked at the tickets and grabbed them. You felt bad for taking the tickets but you knew Cole would never accept them back. You decided to go with Lili.
~After zip lining~
You had just had the best time of your life and you wanted to tell Cole everything until you remembered what happened. You sighed and decided you and Cole needed to work everything out. You loved him and he loved you and you knew he didn't mean to hurt you.
You quietly opened the door not knowing what the friend group was doing. Lili was still walking up to the house behind you. You heard Camila talking about something and you listened trying to hear what she was saying.
Camila-"God Y/N is such a slut. We all know she's just sleeping with Cole for his money. I mean she took tickets he paid for and made Lili go instead of him. Like who the fuck does that? And I feel so bad since Cole seems to really love that bitch."
You opened the door fully with tears running down your tears. You saw Camila talking to Charles and Kj. "That's how you guys see me? As a gold digger slut?"
Camila turned around and saw Y/N. "I didn't know you guys were home yet....."
Y/N shaked her head and wiped her tears. "I'm so done with all of this fake shit. All of you pretended to be my friends when all this time you thought I was just using Cole?"
Cole walked downstairs and saw you crying and Camila. "Hey Y/N, what's wrong? What happened?"
You ran upstairs past Cole and ran into the Camila's and your room. You start packing everything. You didn't want to be here with Cole and all of his fake friends.
Cole ran after you. "Y/N what happened? Why are you crying?"
You look at him wiping your tears. "I'm leaving. I can't be here Cole. I should have never came. This are your friends not mine."
Cole shakes his head. "No Y/N, the cast loves you."
"No they think I'm just a slut who's using you for money" more tears ran down your face.
"Who said that-" he stops himself from talking and just hugs you. "I know you're not a gold digger Y/N. I love you and I know you love me too. Who ever said that doesn't know the real you."
You just hugged him not saying anything.
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Comment down below if you want a part 4! Will you leave? Why would Camila say that? Are you a gold digger?
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