#Cole Sprouse fanfiction
bouncybongfairy · 5 months
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Caught Dead
The Creature x Fem Reader
Summary: Your homecoming date leaves you for another girl. On your sad and drunk walk home, you come across a memorial service for a Victorian man. Honoring his music, you wander in and play a score he wrote. The creature is so moved by your playing, he comes back from the dead and witnesses your talent first hand.
Word Count: 1.0k+
TW: Tooth Rotting Fluff
Not Proof Read
Usually homecoming is a night that everyone raves about. Prom is always so pretentious and stressful. Whereas homecoming was more carefree; at least that’s how it’s depicted in romance novels and fanfiction. The guy you were originally going with ended up ditching you for another girl. Your best friend was with her boyfriend and third wheeling wasn’t something you're interested in. The best course of action was to walk home, stopping at a liquor store on the way. The old woman behind the counter looked you up and down, this didn’t offend you though. Mascara stained tears left streaks of gray lined down your face. Wearing a big pink dress that you used to feel really good in. Now it felt more like a cone of shame, drawing attention to what a hot mess you were. 
“Can I please get a dutch honey and small bottle of Skol,” you ask, setting a twenty dollar bill on the counter. 
“Normally I would laugh and send you away. You’re lucky I only have fifteen minutes until I clock out and how pathetic you look right now,” she said, taking your money and bagging the items. 
Even though it was a little back handed, you were grateful for her kindness. Chasing the vodka down with cigarettes as you walked. Humming tunes to yourself, enjoying the crisp night air. The sound of classical music caught your attention, a funeral home. It was one of the only places that had its doors open still. You sit outside on the steps, gutting your wrap before rolling the blunt. 
“Were you coming in?” a voice came from the doorway. 
“Oh um, yeah just give me a second,” you say.
“Take your time,” the older gentleman gave you a warm smile before heading back inside. 
You tucked the blunt behind your ear, shoving the half empty bottle into your purse before walking in. It wasn’t an open casket funeral but more of a memorial service. There was a piano in the corner of the room, a vase of red roses sitting on top of the beautiful wood. The funeral director explained that a bunch of this young man’s music was recently discovered. A museum recently bought the music and discovered he was never given a proper funeral so they wandered to give him a proper memorial. 
To honor him and the beautiful scores that were never showcased the way they deserved. Apparently the party from the museum didn’t stay for long, the director said they mostly took pictures for their website. After reading more about his story, you felt more connected to him. Apparently his girl left him for another man. Similar to what happened at the dance tonight. Grabbing one of the scores and sitting at the piano. It could be because you were drunk but as the sorrowful melody filled the room tears pricked into your eyes again. Imagining how his feelings of betrayal and grief probably poured through his pen while writing this song. 
Not being able to shake the fact that you just learned first hand how being left can feel. Bitter because deep down your biggest fear for the night came true; lonely from being too embarrassed to admit you were someone's second choice. Tears rolling down your face as you let yourself drown in sorrow. Unbenounced to you, The Creature not only heard his music so beautifully remastered but your cries. So moved by feeling and hearing your broken heart crying from your chest, he begins to stir. Pushing himself out of the ground and making his way towards the music. 
Lighting your blunt inside the room, you were tipsy and didn’t care if there were repercussions. Letting it hang off your lips and you played, trying not to let the smoke in your eyes. Meanwhile the creature was getting hung up on the mechanics of his body. Slowly stumbling towards the illuminated building, stopping dead in his tracks once seeing you. The light above the ceiling was casting down on you. Highlighting your eyelashes and flyaways, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. How expressive your face was while playing the notes, looking up every once to let tears run down your face. Showing how the mascara ran down your neck.  His daze was broken once he saw the worker coming back in the room, pointing his finger and yelling. This enraged him; stomping over there to stop the man from approaching you. Having some trouble with the stairs but after finally made his way in. 
Grabbing the sides of his old man's head and snapping his neck. You gasp, the blunt dropping out of your mouth and onto the floor. Going to pick it up but being taken back but The Creature. He stepped over the body and slowly inched towards you. You pull your knees up to your chest and press your back against the wall. He was now hovering over you, staring at you before leaning down. Getting on one knee and picking up the blunt, standing back up. 
Now closer, his lower stomach pressed against your knees. Putting the dutch between your lips with one hand and brushing the hair out of your eyes with the other. You put your knees down and pulled him onto the bench. Starting to play his score, focusing on keys and not his… appearance. As you played he grunted at a specific measure every time which led you to investigate why, 
“What? This part?” you replayed it a couple times. He pointed out a certain note and then to another, shifting his finger back and forth. In your interpretation, he was prompting you to switch the notes. Him humming in satisfaction at the change. 
“Yeah that does sound a lot smoother,” you point out. 
Remembering the body, you both leave in order to avoid responsibility. Walking home together, playing your music out loud for him to enjoy. Before the dark felt scary and daunting but now you were enjoying the night air. Completely ignorant to reality but never feeling better. 
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thebowieconstricker · 4 months
Head Over Heels - Chapter 2
(The Creature x Reader)
A Lisa Frankenstein (2024) fic
masterlist link
Finally, an update! A lot of stuff goes down in this chapter but I’d like to say this: in this chapter, you go through the same experience that Lisa goes through in the movie. I’m not comfortable writing out that experience, so instead, there’s a time skip to after that event has taken place. I know that so far it seems a little self-insert-y, and it DEFINITELY is, but don’t worry, I’m gonna spice things up. Also, I’m cooking up a one shot! Enjoy!
You looked over Micheal. You’d never had such a straightforward view of him before. He was always sitting in front of you or passing you in the hallway. Never talking to you.
His brown hair was straight and long, framing his very pretty face nicely. He had dark brown eyes and sharp eyebrows. His lips were in a smirk.
Why was he looking at you like that?
“(Y/N) McFadden.” He said.
“Micheal Trent.” You replied, trying to sound confident but definitely failing. “You… you know me?” You asked, very taken aback.
He chuckled. “Well, we’re both currently being educated in the same walls of asbestos.” You nodded and smiled at his comment. Micheal continued.
“Plus, you’ve submitted some really strong poems to The Grackle.”
Your eyes widened as you felt your face get hot with embarrassment. The Grackle was your school newspaper, and as soon as you heard about it, you were submitting your poems. In your last four years of school, you had even managed to get some published. But you didn’t think anyone actually paid attention to them.
“You like my poems?” You asked smiling, twisting the lid of the water bottle in your hand.
Micheal shrugged in a way that managed to be cute. “I wouldn’t have published them if I didn’t.”
Suddenly, a girl walked over to Micheal, putting her hand on his shoulder. You recognized her immediately by her black lipstick and teased hair. Tamara White. The smile on your face fell.
“Hey Micheal, I found the keg. It’s Clydesdale piss, but, you know…” She was holding a solo cup in her other hand, not bothering to make eye contact with you. Or even look at you.
You cleared your throat. “Hey, Tamera.”
She then looked at you, her eyes narrowing. Dang, she has good eyeliner, you thought absentmindedly. She smiled a bit too wide to be genuine.
“Hi… sorry, do we know each other?”
You fought back the urge to roll your eyes. “Just a couple classes.” You said, gritting your teeth.
She cocked her head. “This year?”
You blinked. “This semester.”
Micheal looked down, fighting back a laugh.
You made him laugh? That wasn’t even funny-
Tamara coughed. “Bless. Anyways, do you want a sip?” She gestured her cup towards Micheal, the drink so full it nearly sloshed over the sides. Micheal took a look and grimaced. “Uh…”
And then, you did something extraordinarily stupid. For some reason, either the atmosphere of the party, or the fear of missing out taking over your body, or your desire to be seen as a well-adjusted individual, you decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to illegally drink for the first time in your life.
“I’ll take one.” You said, a bit too loudly. Micheal and Tamara both looked at you strangely. Micheal frowned, then looked at Tamara as if she was to blame for your sudden outburst.
Tamara smirked. “What? They’re allowed to party.” She outstretched her arm to give you the cup. Staring you down this time, she raised an eyebrow ever so slightly.
This is a challenge, you realized.
You took the cup gingerly and, after taking a breath, took a big gulp.
Immediate regret. The drink fizzed in your mouth and burned going down your throat, straight to your stomach where it immediately began to growl. You hated the smell of alcohol, it was artificial and gross and now it was all you could taste. Also, it tasted like there was something else in there, an extra layer of bubbling that made you lightheaded.
“What is this?” You asked, not noticing Tamara snickering to Micheal.
“You know, I’m not really sure.” She said, making Micheal push her shoulder slightly. Tamara stopped smiling. “I got it off, uh… Darren? I think his name is?” Micheal rolled his eyes.
“Come on. Poor kid just went from Pepsi Free to PCP.”
You were not a kid. You were 18, you could handle yourself. You thought, a little annoyed.
Tamara went back to laughing. “You’re being so dramatic.”
You staggered backwards, your head now swimming with sickness. Accidentally, your leg hit the cooler behind you, making a loud thump and gaining the attention of some of the teens around you.
Including Taffy.
She immediately rushed over to you, concern clear in her expression.
“Hey, (N/N), you okay?” She put a hand around your shoulder, the other going to take your drink. She sniffed it and her eyes widened.
“Did those darksiders give you something?!”
You wrinkled your nose. What kind of name was that? They were cool people, at least Micheal was-
It then occurred to you that you would’ve liked to be Tamara’s friend, actually. You liked her style and the way she carried herself. You recalled walking with her to class your freshman year.
Why did she act like this now?
Taffy poured your drink out in the grass and threw the cup down, then walked around in front of you to grab you by your shoulders.
“This is not what I expected from you! You have so much potential, (Y/N)!” You couldn’t look Taffy in the eyes, the world around her was too busy. You could only stare at the ground.
Taffy stood up straight, then turned to walk towards Micheal and Tamara.
“Hey, you! We need to talk!” She angrily shouted. You heard vague sounds of an argument in front of you, but there was a sudden ringing in your ears, only adding to your discomfort.
You walked awkwardly around the cooler, deciding that what you really needed was to sit down. Heading towards the house, you dodged drunk teen after drunk teen, all living their lives around you. It was like they were in bubbles, perfectly content in their own worlds, as you were completely shut out of theirs. The music around you was loud, the light and colors floating and swirling around you like the Starry Night painting.
Your stomach growled again as you walked past the glass doors shutting you out from the living room. You wanted to make it to the couch, but a pang of sharpness went through your head and you collapsed behind it instead.
How did this get so bad so fast? You thought, head bumping against the back of the couch. These were supposed to be the best years of your life. Instead, you felt like you were drowning.
You pulled your knees to your chest and held your head in your hands. Stomach churning, you realized that you were definitely gonna vomit tonight.
And then, without warning, a small figure walked towards you. Hearing the footsteps, you looked up and squinted, your vision blurry. Slowly, you recognized a face as it crouched down next to you.
“Hey, Y/N.” He was sort of smiling, like he was catching you in an awkward situation.
You furrowed your brows, trying to remember his name.
He frowned at your reaction. “Are you okay?” He put a hand on your shoulder and you flinched, but it was a soft touch. The bright lights of the living room were blaring on his face, making it look like a kaleidoscope.
“Who are you?” You muttered, clear enough that he could hear you.
“Uh, it’s-“ He took a breath. “-it’s me, it’s Doug. Your lab partner?”
Oh, it’s Doug! Doug Ram was your lab partner! He was always pretty nice to you, even if you barely spoke a word in class. He was smart, too. You always got good grades when you worked with him.
You tried to nod, but your head just fell forward limply. Doug’s arm moved to go around your shoulders.
“Okay, um… let’s find somewhere for you to sit for a bit, yeah?”
He helped you to your feet and you leaned against him, despite the fact that he was a great deal smaller than you.
And then, he led you through the party. He rambled about something, maybe about wishing he was somewhere else, but you couldn’t really pay attention. The music was so loud.
As he talked, you wished you were at the cemetery. There, you had room to breathe. It was lush and green and natural. Your companion there wouldn’t be talking so much, and you would feel comfortable enough to drone on and on about whatever you wanted to.
You missed him, Mr. Unmarked. Though you didn’t call him that, you just said, “You,” when you read to him.
Walking with Doug, you walked past a few paintings on the walls, admiring how the paints would swirl and dance on the canvas.
Wait- where were you?
“Who’s your favorite director of all time?” Doug’s random question distracted you from your confusion.
You tried to clear your throat and said, “Pabst,” on instinct. Pandora’s Box was your personal favorite of his.
Doug laughed. “Oh, you’re just reading my beer can.”
You shook your head, somewhat annoyed. “No. He was…” You ran your fingers along the wallpaper as the figures on it twisted. “…a real director.”
Doug made a ‘hmm’ sound. “What kind of movies did he direct?” You turned to him, suddenly giggly. “Silents.” You answered, whispering.
Doug chuckled. “Okay, I’ll be quiet.” He whispered back.
What? No, that’s not what you meant-
And then, a crash of thunder from outside. You jumped, and in the moment, you gagged. Doug quickly realized what was happening and ushered you to a bathroom. You got on your knees over the toilet and started to puke. Thankfully, Doug was kind enough to hold back your hair.
“There ya go, kiddo. How many cans of White Rain you got in there?” He said.
Why was he calling you that? You’re not a child!
You continued to throw up until most of the sick was out of your system. You finally tilted your head back up and motioned to Doug that you were done. He nodded and helped you stand back up, now guiding you to one of the other rooms in the house. This one had a bed, which he sat you down on. Then, he left the room to get you a bottle of water.
You listened to the rain pounding on the roof, soothed by its ambiance. Another pang on thunder shook the house. You smiled to yourself, appreciating the kindness of your friend. At least he was on your side.
He entered the room with a bottle in hand. You took it and immediately uncapped it, then took a long sip. It was cold and crisp, making you feel better already.
“Thank you.” You said to him. He nodded and sat next to you on the bed.
Another roll of thunder. “Looks like the angels are bowling, as my mom used to say.” You chuckled and nodded.
Then… then something happened.
You ran through the house, down the stairs, back out through the glass door of the living room, tears pouring down your face as you tried to catch your breath. The rain was picking up now, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Doug was not kind. He was not your friend.
How could you be so stupid?
You stumbled through the crowd, faces blurring into a mass of cackling forms. Everything was too loud and too bright and you couldn’t do this.
You needed peace.
You needed nature.
You ran into the woods, which wasn’t too far from whoever’s house you had ended up at. With the rain, the usually soft ground was turning muddy, but you ran nonetheless. You could barely see the trees around you, but your body had walked this trail a million times, and it didn’t take you long to find your way to the bachelors cemetery. Here, the thick canopy of leaves above you blocked out some of the rain, though you could still hear thunder all around you.
You walked slowly now, careful not to trip over any of the graves around you. After looking over the forest floor, you finally, finally spotted the stoic bust of your companion.
You moved over to him, his grave standing tall amongst the other lower ones. You found yourself falling down, body leaning almost entirely on the base of his grave. You looked up to his face, still crying, as you whispered the only thing you could think of.
“I wish I was with you.”
And you meant it. Being in the ground, safe and away from everybody else, was all you wanted in that moment.
Your exhaustion overtook you, and you laid at the base of your friend’s grave. A true friend, although you had never spoken. Over the past four years, he had been the most consistent kindly force in your life. You knew that with him, here, at this sacred place, you were safe.
And then you fell asleep.
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Tag list! @strawbeii @world-of-bitchcraft @sativamommy @snowangelz @kenqki
I’m gonna start tagging people every time I update this story, so let me know if you’d like to be taken off the list or added! Thanks for reading! <333
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rythmicjea · 11 days
Not Another Riverdale Love Story - I'm After You
So you're getting this a day early because... I'm about to go meet Jughead Jones. Like for really real. I'm going back to Ohio to visit with friends and family and I'm going to the Horror Hound convention on Sunday. I still can't believe it's real. I made a dress and I'm cosplaying and it's a whole thing lol! So, in my excitement, I am bringing you the next chapter.
This chapter brings a little backstory and it sets up for the last plot twist. I am currently working on chapter 20 out of 21. I don't want to write it because it means I'm one step closer to finishing and ahhh I don't want to finish! lol
Anyway, please enjoy!
Spotted: Heartache and heartbreak ripple through Riverdale as our favorite couples call it quits. Yes, darlingkins, it’s true – Bee and Vee have parted ways with their boy-next-door and princey-poo. But is there more to this double digest of breakup drama than meets the eye? Sources close to the scene say that the Prince’s involvement with the Serpents is what drove the wedge between him and Bee. Rumors swirl about late-night gang meetings and risky escapades, leaving us all wondering if the allure of the Serpents finally became too much for Bee to handle. Did the Prince’s commitment to his Serpent clan push his princess away for good? Meanwhile, across town, Vee and the BND have also gone their separate ways. Insiders whisper about tension brewing for weeks, with Vee’s ambitious plans clashing with BND’s laid-back style. Could it be that the pressures of their diverging futures finally became too much to bear? But hold on to your pearls, darlingkins, because the plot thickens. Some speculate that these breakups are more intertwined than we think. Word around the drinking fountain is that partner-swapping and secret trysts were going on behind closed doors. Can it be that cheating and clandestine affairs suggest a Beronica and Jarchie coupling occurred? As KK likes to say… Let the fanfiction begin! Only time will tell, my darlingkins. Until then, keep your eyes sharp and your hearts guarded – because in Riverdale, love is always just one secret away from disaster. Bisou, Bisou… Rumor.
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centravolonial · 22 days
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hi sisterss! if you enjoy reading my drabbles I post here on tumblr then I'll assume that you'll LOVE my ao3 page!
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I mainly post riverdale fanfiction since it is my current hyperfixation at the moment. remember, if you have any suggestions for future oneshots or drabbles, PLEASE do not be shy to put them in my asks!
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credits to @cafekitsune for the dividers!
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thirstyhoesupreme · 1 year
Wanna read my stories? You can find them all HERE!
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- daddy x
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Imagine You worked with Cole Sprouse in the past . Cole realized that he has feelings for you after the break up with Lili .
Y/N Adrianna Meghan Urban is An Australian - American Actress.
Born: January 20th, 1990 (age 31 years), Whangārei, New Zealand
Height : 5’11’’
Spouse: Austin Butler (m.2011)
Children: Grace Butler
September 14th,2021
I thought that you and Lili were together,” You said as you moved away from him.
We were until I realized that I had feelings for you,” Cole said.
You are years late for this Cole ,” You sighs.
What are you saying ,” Cole asked?
I have been dating someone for years and I'm happy with them,” You said with a smile.
There you are,” A Voice said.
Cole. This is my husband Austin Butler,” You said with a smile.
Oh. I think that I have met him before,” Cole said with a sad smile.
Yeah, you have. Austin would always visited me on the set of Suite Life on Deck,” You said with a smile.
Oh,” Cole sighs.
How long have you two been married ,” Cole asked?
Eleven years,” Austin said as he smiled at you.
Wow ,” Cole mumbled.
It has been eleven amazing years for us. We had welcome our first child back in 2018. She will be three in October,” You said with a smile as you lay your head on his shoulder.
Austin looks at you before he kisses your head.
Cole look at you and Austin with a sad expression on his face.
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ysuftswift · 2 years
i know the end -- part 2
Just when things begin to feel like a dead end to Betty and Jughead, they find the evidence they need to turn the outcome of the case on its head.
Surprise! Part 2 is out now and available to read on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own!
Keep reading for a sneak peek into the chapter!
“The DNA doesn’t match, not even a little,” Reggie said over the phone. Betty stared at the two faxes in her hands. “There’s no way in Hell that kid is…this kids father. And it wasn’t his DNA that was in her when she died, either. She didn’t sleep with him that night.”
“Thanks,” she breathed, hanging up the call. “I don’t like this.”
“Kendall, so far, has been mentioned four times, Allie six, Jess…twenty. And I’ve only made it through about thirty-percent of the journal.” Betty sighed and pushed both of her hands through her hair. She rested her head in her arms, lying there. “We need to talk to him.”
“I’m not going to be able to look at him, Jughead.”
“You’re going to have to.”
“I found multiple pictures of a grown man’s junk in a seventeen-year-olds phone. Burner phone or not, that’s gross. What makes this so much more gross is the fact that he has a daughter the exact same age as her. It doesn’t fuck with his conscience?”
“We can’t even technically charge him with statutory. I mean, I can hand it to a DA and see what kind of case they can make, but I doubt they’ll want to deal with it. And I also doubt the parents will want to put their daughters name through a court case.”
Betty groaned, whining as she sat up straight. “I grew up with these people! How are they all so fucked up?!”
“Like I said in the beginning, small towns have some dark fucking secrets. People are never what they seem, ever.
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qodlysinz · 4 months
Promoting the stranger things fic I made on wattpad 🙈🙈🙈 I would use ao3 but im not used to writing on there </3
It’s not all proofread, but my friend has been reading it and she says its well written so 🤞 it has 12 chapters so far
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bireggiemantle · 26 days
who in riverdale would be the most compelling main character, other than archie- and why?
betty if they actually let her have a complicated relationship with her own morals and violent impulses. instead they were too scared of making her morally gray and refused to let her snap. betty would've been the most interesting character if she actually had urges to grapple with. but I guess the straight white women wouldn't have somebody to utilize as a glorified self insert in their Cole Sprouse married with children fantasy fanfiction if betty had genuine violent impulses and marketability above all else I suppose.
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lunarnightt · 3 months
Watching Brittany Broski show Cole Sprouse her fanfiction has me wondering how Hayden would react to half of the shit we write about him.
On another note, Cole really matched her freak
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thebowieconstricker · 2 months
HIIIII, I noticed you are writing Lisa Frankenstein/ the creature and I just wanted to give u like a writing idea ( also the creature is SO FREAKING UNDERRATED AND HES SO FINE)
What if the readers just had a bad day, didn’t go as planned ect and the creature takes them to dance in the backyard (like in that one scene) and ends it all with him laying on the readers chest and it’s all cuddles n kisses. Like idk he seems the cuddly kind
He is SO the cuddly kind, he loves making his partner feel so special and I’m certain that after being in a grave for so long, the poor baby is touch starved.
It took me a while to get around to writing ‘cause I needed inspiration (aka today sucked and I needed comfort lololololol) anyways our beloved Creature is here to love and comfort!!!! Y’all enjoy <333
Whoever said senior year was gonna be “different” was a liar.
Three lousy years of stressing over tests, dodging shoulders in the hallways, and crying in your room for what? More homework? More essays? More friends distancing themselves from you and all you can do is watch?
It was hard to make friends in the first place, never mind keep them. You’ve never been the pinnacle of extroverted-ness, so when you thought you’d finally made some pals, you were grateful.
Even if it felt strange sometimes, like when you were always the last one to find out about parties. Like when they always forgot to save a seat for you, or wait up for you.
Like when you had found out they had all planned a movie night tonight without you.
“You can come if you want?” The only thing they could say.
Bullshit, you thought.
So, you weren’t going. You didn’t want another night of awkward small-talk and laughing at inside jokes you were on the outside of.
You had homework, anyways.
Walking to your front door, you noticed your parent’s cars weren’t home. They both had to work pretty late, but you wondered how late tonight would be.
However, this didn’t mean you wouldn’t have company.
You see, through a pretty complicated series of events, you had managed to raise a little hell of your very own. Currently living in your house was a creature, a once living man who had risen from the grave, caked in dirt and grime with electricity coursing through his veins.
A terrifying prospect, one would imagine.
Nay. He was actually just a huge dork.
You never completely understood why he had taken up such a fascination with you, but what you did understand was that the two of you shared a connection. You got each other in ways no one else had. So, after you had gotten over your initial shock at his existence, you had cleaned him up and offered him a place to stay.
Anyways, you opened your door, only to immediately hear the faint sounds of gentle piano. You smiled to yourself.
“I’m home,” you called, somewhat defeatedly. A voice grunted back. You walked to the living room and there your monster man sat, hands gliding ever-so-elegantly across the plastic keys of your keyboard. He paused his playing to look at you. Immediately, he smiled, his eyes brightening. He gave you a small wave, which you returned with a grin that didn’t reach your eyes.
Somehow, he noticed.
He quirked an eyebrow, then pointed towards yourself.
You okay?
Embarrassed, you looked away. Yes, you knew emotions were valid and all that, but it didn’t make you feel any more comfortable sharing your feelings. Avoiding eye contact, you took a breath.
“It was a long day.” That’s all you said.
You heard a gruff sigh in response, which you took to mean I understand. What happened next surprised you, though.
He actually stood up from his piano. You looked back to him and watched as he made his way over to you. He then offered a hand.
You looked at his face. When you had first met him, it was covered in sludge and moss. His face had been completely unreadable. Now, although he was still unnatural looking, his expression was compassionate. His eyes twinkled with kindness, with pure intentions. He was trying to help.
You took his hand, the small grin on your face never leaving. He nodded and gave it a soft kiss, ever the gentleman. Then, much quicker than you expected, he dragged you to the backyard.
You laughed following after him, making exclamations of “woah, wait, slow down!” He continued, and soon, the two of you were in your family’s fairy-light illuminated backyard. It was dark enough to see a few stars in the sky, but what shone the brightest was the moon. You looked out at the dark realm and, once again, your eyes fell upon the creature. He seemed at home in the darkness, a welcome sight.
He looked at you with a grin and bowed.
You giggled. “Wait, if we do this, we need music.” A small radio sat on the sidewalk around your backyard, and you quickly bent down and clicked the play button. The first few notes of one of your favorite songs rang out.
You then looked back at the creature, who flexed his wrist towards you.
You raised your eyebrows, enjoying the sass. You bowed in return, as regally as you possibly could.
And then, you were swept into his arms. The music was upbeat enough that soon enough, the two of you were twirling each other around. He lifted you into the air by your hips, looking up at you like you’d hung the moon. You raised your arms towards the sky, ‘woo’ing and laughing. Once you were back down, the two of you moved to a more gentle rhythm, lightly swaying back and forth. You steadied your breathing and he smiled looking at you.
After a while, the two of you ended up lying down side by side on the fake grass, staring up at the stars. You had leaned your head on his shoulder, finding comfort in his presence.
“Thanks for… this.” You said in a sigh. He hummed beside you. “No, seriously. This was-“ suddenly, your eyes were watery and you sniffed.
Concerned, he sat up to look at you. “Oh, no, I’m fine.” You tried to stop the tears but suddenly, they were here. Sitting up, you wiped one from your cheek. “Shoot, my makeup.” You whispered to yourself. He quickly moved his hand to gather your other tears, taking care around your eyes. His eyebrows were knitted together with so much worry.
“Sorry, I just- I really appreciate this.” You admitted between tears. His eyes widened, and then he nodded, smiling. He took your hand gently, so so gently, and gave it a small squeeze.
Once again, you leaned your head on his shoulder, then wrapped your other arm around his, a new desire to hold him taking over. His grip on your hand tightened as his thumb caressed it.
The two of you sat in silent understanding, watched only by the twinkling stars above. As the music faded into the night, you felt comforted. This horrible day was over, and now you were safely in the arms of someone you loved.
Loved. You hadn’t thought that word before.
You snuggled your face into the crook of his neck, making yourself comfortable. He laughed lightly to himself at your antics. You felt a soft kiss on the top of your head, making your face warm.
Later, you would find yourselves in a pile of pillows and blankets, stargazing. You laid upon them, fingers tangled in your love’s hair while his head rested on your chest. You’d giggled to yourself when he first put it there, but it seemed right. As one of your hands played with his hair, he traced patterns on the other. Occasionally, it received a soft kiss. As you rambled endlessly about friends and classes and anything else, he listened. Even though he was silent, you knew he listened.
Loved, you thought to yourself.
Sounds about right.
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wifeyivey · 4 months
Brittany showing Cole Sprouse the fanfiction she made about him is the BALLSIEST thing in history.
If Tom Felton read my old HP fics I would simply CEASE TO EXIST.
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rythmicjea · 2 months
The Suite Adult Life - November
Here we go! The penultimate chapter. I had the hardest time writing this chapter. I went three months before figuring out what I was going to write. Obviously, it was going to involve the infamous "November 16th, 2023" dinner reservation. Fun fact: Did you know that famous date is also Bailey's birthday? I did not. I don't know how people found that out. I didn't make it up for this story. It's on the wikia for the show. I love easter eggs like that.
“We were never supposed to stay the same. I just… I just want the chance to fall in love with this version of you. If you’ll let me.” The late autumn breeze picked up, wrapping them in the scent of the season. A busker serenaded them to an Adele song about young love. Deftly, Cody pulled her to him tighter, leading her into a slow dance. He marveled at how her dark eyes shimmered in the evening light. With a flourish he spun her out and back to them, twirling them on the ancient cobblestones.
“I’m going to hurt you,” Bailey warned softly. He only smiled in disbelief in response. 
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centravolonial · 22 days
astro's astronomical drabbles (4/?)
-. coffee chaos .- a riverdale (bughead if you squint) drabble
--- “Bye Pop!” Betty nods behind her with a warm smile as she strolls towards the door of the diner, turning her attention towards her scalding hot cup of coffee that she held cautiously within two hands. But just then, almost out of the blue, she hears the door latch unclasp, and within those seconds she shoots her gaze in front of her to meet uncomfortably close with Jughead Jone’s chest. They then proceed to CLASH  into each other before either of them gets even to move another inch, as Betty’s coffee goes FLYING out of her grasp, and directly onto her as a result. “Betty!- Holy shit I'm so sorry-” “OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD- AHHH!!” Betty then proceeds to scream at the top of her lungs, and as the coffee scorches her skin through her clothes, she flails around with absolutely no direction at all. Meanwhile, Jughead suppressed his own urge to scream as he tried to keep his composure through the situation that seemed to be moving at a speed that nobody, let alone him, could comprehend. “Okay- OKAY- STOP SCREAMING!” He plants his hands firmly onto Betty’s shoulders, trying to hold her still and in one place so he can access this mess. “IT BURNS! IT BURNS!” Jughead then conjures up an idea, that he wasn't even sure of working himself. “Here- take this off!” He then proceeds to spin her around and pull her jacket off of her shoulders in a desperate attempt to help his screeching girlfriend. “THAT DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, DIPSHIT!” Jughead blinks, absolutely flabbergasted. “WELL, I DON'T KNOW!” 
Meanwhile, Pop stands behind the counter just- in total shock, watching this circus act unfold. ---
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itsbebebrainrotting · 4 months
Watching Cole Sprouse react to some wildass x reader fanfic Brittany Broski wrote about him when she was 19 and just then say "im horny" feels like emotional healing from those youtuber "Reading your WEIRD GROSS fanfiction" videos.
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wxckedwxrld · 1 year
𝘙𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘥𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘐𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴
PSA: these writings ARE NOT MINE. This is a list of fanfiction I have read during october and November. All credit goes to the original and rightful writers.
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