#Cole Sprouse imagines
sprouseandall · 1 month
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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏
The dimly lit pub was electric, the air pulsating with the rhythmic energy of Dylan's soulful voice and the band's infectious beats. The crowd was entranced, swaying to the music as Dylan's gaze swept across the sea of faces. Dylan's younger twin brother, stood near the front, camera in hand, capturing the performance.
As he scanned the crowd, his eyes through the lens come across a girl who was the definition of beauty. He looked up from his camera and his eyes met Ashley's, and he felt an inexplicable jolt. She smiled, and Cole's heart skipped a beat. She was radiating and carefree, dancing mere feet from the stage. He clicked away, freezing the moment, as a spark ignited between them.
On stage, Dylan's gaze swept across the sea of faces, his voice pouring out his heart. The crowd swayed, entranced, as Ashley danced with her friends, lost in the music. Her body moved in perfect sync with the rhythm, her smile radiant. Dylan's eyes landed on her, and he faltered, his concentration broken.
Transfixed, Dylan's voice faltered for a fraction of a second, his concentration broken by the vision of loveliness before him. Ashley's eyes shone like stars, her smile illuminating the room as she moved in perfect sync with the music. Her friends surrounded her, laughing and spinning to the rhythm, but Dylan's focus remained fixed on Ashley alone.
As he sang, his gaze drifted back to her again and again, his mind racing with the unfamiliar sensation coursing through his veins. It was as if time had slowed, the world narrowing to the space between them. The music, the crowd, everything faded into the background, leaving only the thrumming connection between Cole and Ashley.
As the music swelled, Dylan's distraction grew. He stumbled over a lyric, his usual confidence wavering. Cole, sensing his brother's unease, glanced up from his camera, concerned. But Dylan recovered quickly, pouring his newfound emotion into the performance.
Smile hung high on Ashley's cheeks flushed as she looked at Cole, and she small waved at him shyly and Cole returned it almost immediately. Definitely there was an undeniable connection between the two, but Dylan's fascination only intensified when he had mistaken the gesture for him. He couldn't tear his eyes off her, drinking in the sight of her joyous abandon.
Who was this captivating stranger, and how could he possibly meet her?
As the song built towards its climax, Dylan's distraction grew. He stumbled over a lyric, his usual confidence wavering. His bandmates exchanged concerned glances, but Dylan recovered quickly, pouring his newfound emotion into the performance.
Ashley's eyes searched for this captivating stranger with his camera hung on his neck to find him focused on his own work and capture the scene unraveling.
The crowd roared, oblivious to the internal turmoil brewing within Dylan. As the final notes faded, he exhaled, his eyes still fixed on Ashley. Her vision was tunneled on Cole as his camera flashed making her body glow. She applauded, her smile radiant, and Dylan's heart skipped a beat. He knew, in that instant, he had to find a way to connect with her, to bottle the magic of this moment and make it last.
With a nod, Dylan gestured to his bandmates, and they launched into the next song, the music swirling around him like a vortex. But his focus remained fixed on Ashley, his mind racing with possibilities, his heart pounding with excitement. Little did he know, this chance encounter would set off a chain reaction, altering the course of his life forever.
Dylan, still buzzing from the performance, made his way through the crowd, his eyes locked on Ashley. He hurriedly told his band mates to carry on with themselves after wrapping up. She was chatting with her friends, laughing and gesturing animatedly. As he approached, she turned, and their eyes met once more.
"Hey, I'm Dylan," he said, flashing a warm smile. "I couldn't help but notice you dancing up front. You were amazing!"
Ashley's cheeks flushed, and she smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Thanks, I loved your performance! I'm Ashley." She had a pang of disappointment, she expected Cole to make a move first. But she did not let Dylan feel this turmoil inside. "Nice to meet you." They said in unison and laughed at each other's timing.
Dylan's heart skipped a beat as he took in the sound of her voice, melodious and smooth. "Thanks, Ashley. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Would you like to grab a drink with me? I'd love to chat more about music... or anything else... maybe?."
Ashley hesitated for a moment before nodding, and Dylan's heart soared. "Sure, I'd like that."
As they made their way to the bar, Dylan couldn't help but notice the way Ashley's hair fell in loose waves down her back, or the way her smile lit up the room.
He felt a connection he couldn't quite explain. While Cole watched from afar, a mix of emotions swirling inside him. He was happy for his brother, yet couldn't shake the feeling that he'd missed an opportunity with Ashley. He had wanted to meet her, to see if the connection they'd shared was real. But now, his brother had beaten him to it.
Cole hesitated, his mind racing. He could interrupt, insert himself into the conversation, but something held him back. He looked at Dylan, saw the excitement and nervousness radiating from him, and felt a surge of affection.
Dylan deserved this chance, Cole thought. He's always been the charismatic one, the one who takes risks and grabs opportunities. I'm just the quieter one, the observer.
Cole convinced himself that maybe this chance wasn't meant for him. Maybe he was just meant to capture the moment, to photograph the connection between Dylan and Ashley.
As he stood there, camera still in hand, he was happy for his brother, genuinely wanting Dylan to find happiness. But a part of him couldn't help but wonder what could have been if he'd approached Ashley first.
Cole took a step back, melting into the crowd, and let Dylan have his moment. He raised his camera, capturing the scene before him - Dylan laughing, Ashley smiling, the two of them lost in conversation. He decided to call it night for now.
As Dylan and Ashley sipped their drinks, their conversation flowed effortlessly. They discovered shared passions, from music to adventure, and their connection deepened. Ashley's eyes sparkled as she revealed her own aspirations - she was a singer-songwriter, pursuing a university course to hone her craft.
"After I graduate, I plan to dive into the music industry," Ashley said, her voice filled with determination. "I've always dreamed of sharing my music with the world. I have always dreamt of being on stage and you know, sing in front of a sold out stadium singing along with me."
Dylan's eyes widened in excitement. "That's amazing!
I'm sure it ll happen someday. I'd love to hear your music sometime. Actually you know what, you should totally come on board with me!"
Ashley smiled, her cheeks flushing. "Wait what? You're joking right?"
"What makes you think I'm not serious?" He said casually.
"I mean basically we just met a few hours back so..."
"I'm dead serious Ashley. C'mon don't you think we'd make an awesome team together.
As they chatted, Ashley's gaze drifted around the room, her eyes lingering on the spot where Cole had stood earlier. "So, who was the other guy who looked just like you?" she asked, curiosity getting the better of her.
Dylan chuckled. "Oh that must've been my twin brother, Cole. He's an amazing photographer, always capturing moments like this." He glanced around the room, realizing Cole was no longer there. "Wait I'll go find him, introduce you two."
But when Dylan returned, Cole was nowhere to be found. "He must've left already," Dylan said, shrugging. "I'll introduce you two soon, though."
Ashley nodded, her eyes sparkling with interest. "I'd like that." She wanted to find out if the attraction was mutual.
As they continued talking, Ashley mentioned her father, a prominent figure in the music industry. "He owns a label, and I think you'd really come over! If you impress him with your overall performance he might offer you something. Let me give a insider update, there's this band competition coming up, sorta like talent hunt, there's gonna be four rounds, I don't much now but all I know is if leave an impression on the audience you can make it through the stages and of course if you win that you will definitely grab some really great opportunities. My father will be the producer of the show. If you want I can talk to him through and get your band in."
Dylan's ears perked up at the opportunity. "Really you can do that for me? that would be so amazing, thank you for offering."
"Why not?! You were phenomenal out there. You're made for the stage. You have that fire that is enough to fuel the spirit of the crowd. Your talent should be recognized by the world."
Their conversation flowed on, like a gentle stream meandering through the countryside. They laughed, shared stories, and discovered more common ground.
As the night wore on, Dylan realized he didn't want it to end.
Over drinks, they delved into conversation, exchanging stories and laughter. Dylan discovered they shared a love for indie rock and adventure. Ashley was easy to talk to, and Dylan found himself opening up in ways he never thought possible.
As the night wore on, the pub began to empty asthe pub's closing time approached, Dylan felt a pang of disappointment. He didn't want this enchanting night to end, didn't want to leave Ashley's captivating presence. So, he asked, "Would you like to take a late-night walk with me? The stars are beautiful this time of year."
Ashley agreed, and they strolled out into the crisp night air, the pub's neon signs fading behind them. The streets were quiet, save for the distant hum of crickets and the soft rustle of leaves.
As they walked, they discussed their strategy for the upcoming music competition. Dylan shared his ideas, and Ashley offered valuable insights, her musical expertise shining through. They brainstormed, their excitement growing, and before long, they'd mapped out a plan.
"We have to work our magic on my father because well... to put it into simple words, he's hard to impress." Ashley said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I know a great spot near the university. We can meet there tomorrow afternoon?"
Dylan nodded, his heart racing at the prospect of spending more time with her. "Sounds perfect. I'll bring my guitar, and inform the guys, we can work on our set list."
As they turned a corner, the night sky unfolded above them, a canvas of twinkling stars. They paused, gazing up at the celestial beauty, the world feeling infinite and full of possibilities.
In this magical moment, Dylan knew he wanted to spend more nights like this with Ashley, exploring the world, making music, and creating memories that would last a lifetime. Only time will decide whether he lives this or not. Only time shall shatter his dreams.
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A/N: Chapter one: the beginning of everything finally here! I was so inspired that I immediately started writing further and further chapters right after prologue. I hope you enjoyed it. Like, reblog and comment they are appreciated. DON'T YOU DARE STEAL MY WORK. I WILL FIND YOU AND THAT IS WRITTEN.
ᯓ ✈︎ Catch early updates on Wattpad.
Taglist is open! Let me know if you wanna be added 🤍
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bouncybongfairy · 6 months
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Caught Dead
The Creature x Fem Reader
Summary: Your homecoming date leaves you for another girl. On your sad and drunk walk home, you come across a memorial service for a Victorian man. Honoring his music, you wander in and play a score he wrote. The creature is so moved by your playing, he comes back from the dead and witnesses your talent first hand.
Word Count: 1.0k+
TW: Tooth Rotting Fluff
Not Proof Read
Usually homecoming is a night that everyone raves about. Prom is always so pretentious and stressful. Whereas homecoming was more carefree; at least that’s how it’s depicted in romance novels and fanfiction. The guy you were originally going with ended up ditching you for another girl. Your best friend was with her boyfriend and third wheeling wasn’t something you're interested in. The best course of action was to walk home, stopping at a liquor store on the way. The old woman behind the counter looked you up and down, this didn’t offend you though. Mascara stained tears left streaks of gray lined down your face. Wearing a big pink dress that you used to feel really good in. Now it felt more like a cone of shame, drawing attention to what a hot mess you were. 
“Can I please get a dutch honey and small bottle of Skol,” you ask, setting a twenty dollar bill on the counter. 
“Normally I would laugh and send you away. You’re lucky I only have fifteen minutes until I clock out and how pathetic you look right now,” she said, taking your money and bagging the items. 
Even though it was a little back handed, you were grateful for her kindness. Chasing the vodka down with cigarettes as you walked. Humming tunes to yourself, enjoying the crisp night air. The sound of classical music caught your attention, a funeral home. It was one of the only places that had its doors open still. You sit outside on the steps, gutting your wrap before rolling the blunt. 
“Were you coming in?” a voice came from the doorway. 
“Oh um, yeah just give me a second,” you say.
“Take your time,” the older gentleman gave you a warm smile before heading back inside. 
You tucked the blunt behind your ear, shoving the half empty bottle into your purse before walking in. It wasn’t an open casket funeral but more of a memorial service. There was a piano in the corner of the room, a vase of red roses sitting on top of the beautiful wood. The funeral director explained that a bunch of this young man’s music was recently discovered. A museum recently bought the music and discovered he was never given a proper funeral so they wandered to give him a proper memorial. 
To honor him and the beautiful scores that were never showcased the way they deserved. Apparently the party from the museum didn’t stay for long, the director said they mostly took pictures for their website. After reading more about his story, you felt more connected to him. Apparently his girl left him for another man. Similar to what happened at the dance tonight. Grabbing one of the scores and sitting at the piano. It could be because you were drunk but as the sorrowful melody filled the room tears pricked into your eyes again. Imagining how his feelings of betrayal and grief probably poured through his pen while writing this song. 
Not being able to shake the fact that you just learned first hand how being left can feel. Bitter because deep down your biggest fear for the night came true; lonely from being too embarrassed to admit you were someone's second choice. Tears rolling down your face as you let yourself drown in sorrow. Unbenounced to you, The Creature not only heard his music so beautifully remastered but your cries. So moved by feeling and hearing your broken heart crying from your chest, he begins to stir. Pushing himself out of the ground and making his way towards the music. 
Lighting your blunt inside the room, you were tipsy and didn’t care if there were repercussions. Letting it hang off your lips and you played, trying not to let the smoke in your eyes. Meanwhile the creature was getting hung up on the mechanics of his body. Slowly stumbling towards the illuminated building, stopping dead in his tracks once seeing you. The light above the ceiling was casting down on you. Highlighting your eyelashes and flyaways, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. How expressive your face was while playing the notes, looking up every once to let tears run down your face. Showing how the mascara ran down your neck.  His daze was broken once he saw the worker coming back in the room, pointing his finger and yelling. This enraged him; stomping over there to stop the man from approaching you. Having some trouble with the stairs but after finally made his way in. 
Grabbing the sides of his old man's head and snapping his neck. You gasp, the blunt dropping out of your mouth and onto the floor. Going to pick it up but being taken back but The Creature. He stepped over the body and slowly inched towards you. You pull your knees up to your chest and press your back against the wall. He was now hovering over you, staring at you before leaning down. Getting on one knee and picking up the blunt, standing back up. 
Now closer, his lower stomach pressed against your knees. Putting the dutch between your lips with one hand and brushing the hair out of your eyes with the other. You put your knees down and pulled him onto the bench. Starting to play his score, focusing on keys and not his… appearance. As you played he grunted at a specific measure every time which led you to investigate why, 
“What? This part?” you replayed it a couple times. He pointed out a certain note and then to another, shifting his finger back and forth. In your interpretation, he was prompting you to switch the notes. Him humming in satisfaction at the change. 
“Yeah that does sound a lot smoother,” you point out. 
Remembering the body, you both leave in order to avoid responsibility. Walking home together, playing your music out loud for him to enjoy. Before the dark felt scary and daunting but now you were enjoying the night air. Completely ignorant to reality but never feeling better. 
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Journal idea ~favorite movies
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fangist · 8 months
if Lisa Frankenstein is bad I’m going to end it all . from what I’ve seen I feel like this movie was scientifically created in a lab for ME!!!!!!!!!!! I can not be let down again do not put me in another renfield situation.
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gratelove · 1 day
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Drag You Down
Jughead Jones x Reader
After a fight, Jughead is MIA. You find out he’s been hanging at the White Wyrm and you go to confront him. A heated argument leads to unexpected confessions.
The Whyte Wyrm was the last place you ever expected to find yourself. The dive bar, filled with smoke, thumping music, and the Serpents who called it home, felt like the antithesis of everything you were. But tonight, you had no choice. Jughead was MIA, and after the fight you’d had, you needed to find him—needed to make things right, even if it meant braving the lion’s den.
You pulled your jacket tighter around you as you pushed through the door, feeling the weight of every set of eyes that landed on you. You stuck out like a sore thumb in your soft sweater and sneakers, the good girl walking into the Serpents’ den. But you didn’t care about any of that. All you cared about was finding Jughead. He hadn’t answered your calls, hadn’t responded to your texts, and the empty feeling in your chest only grew when Toni told you he’d been hanging out at the Whyte Wyrm for days, avoiding everyone—including you.
You scanned the room, your eyes darting through the crowd, but there was no sign of Jughead’s familiar beanie or brooding presence. Instead, a tall, muscular Serpent caught sight of you, a predatory smirk spreading across his face as he swaggered over, blocking your view.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he drawled, his eyes roving over you with an unnerving hunger. “You look a little lost. What’s a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?”
You took a step back, trying to stay calm, though your heart was racing. “I’m not here for trouble. I’m just looking for someone.”
He leaned in closer, the scent of alcohol clinging to his breath as he sneered. “Well, you found me. How about I keep you company instead?”
You tried to sidestep him, but he moved with you, his presence imposing and uncomfortably close. “I’m looking for Jughead,” you said firmly, hoping the name would deter him. “Do you know where he is?”
The Serpent chuckled, a dark, mocking sound that made your skin crawl. “Oh, Jones? He’s not worth your time, princess. But I might be.”
He reached out, his fingers brushing your arm in a way that made you flinch, and panic flared in your chest. You opened your mouth to tell him to back off, but suddenly, Jughead’s voice cut through the noise, sharp and laced with fury.
“Get your hands off her.”
You turned to see Jughead standing there, his jaw clenched and eyes burning with a protective anger that sent the Serpent scrambling back a step. Jughead’s leather jacket hung off his shoulders, the Serpent emblem glaring in the low light, and his fists were clenched, ready for a fight.
The Serpent sneered but backed off, holding up his hands. “Relax, Jones. Didn’t know she was yours.”
“She’s not,” Jughead snapped, but his eyes flicked to you, and the tension in his eyes made you feel as though he hated saying those words. The Serpent slunk away, muttering under his breath, and Jughead turned his attention back to you, his gaze still simmering with anger.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Jughead demanded, his voice harsher than you’d ever heard it. “This isn’t your place.”
You swallowed, meeting his stare head-on. “I could ask you the same thing. You disappeared, Jug! You haven’t answered my calls or texts, and after our fight, I didn’t know if—”
“If what?” Jughead cut in, his tone sharp, though there was a crack in his voice. “If I was okay? Why do you always do this, huh? Running into danger like it’s nothing, just to find me?”
His words stung, but you couldn’t hold back. “Because I care about you! I was worried, Jug. You just left, and I didn’t know if you were hurt or—”
“That’s exactly the problem!” he snapped, his voice rising. “You care too much, and you always put yourself in the middle of my messes. I’m in the Serpents now—I’m dealing with stuff you shouldn’t be part of, and I can’t keep watching you throw yourself into danger for me.”
“What about you? That’s real hypocritical coming from you.” You scoffed, motioning to your environment.
“I’m the serpent, not you. I don’t have a choice in this life! My father is FP Jones. The Serpents are in my blood. Don’t choose this because of me. I won’t let you put yourself in danger!” He grabbed a hold of your wrist, as if doing so would force reason into you.
You took a step closer, your frustration boiling over. “So what? You just shut me out? Push me away because you’re too scared of what might happen?”
Jughead’s face twisted with pain, his eyes searching yours as if trying to find the right words. “I’m scared because I don’t want you to be part of this. The Serpents, the fights—it’s not your world. I don’t want you dragged down into it because of me.”
You felt your heart ache at his admission, the walls Jughead always kept up cracking right in front of you. “I don’t care about any of that,” you said, your voice softer now, pleading. “I care about you, Jug. I’m here because I don’t want to lose you.”
Jughead looked at you, his expression a mix of anger, regret, and something deeper—something raw and vulnerable that he rarely let anyone see. “No. Don’t. Don’t say that. Don’t make this harder than it already is. I’m doing this for you. You may not see it now, but you’re meant for more than this. Don’t let me drag you down.” Tears welled in his beautiful blue eyes. Your heart cracked at the sight. You sighed, cupping his cheek in your palm.
“Juggy, you are not a heavy weight to bare. You can’t get rid of me that easily. You will not drag me down.” You caressed his cheek with your thumb and he leaned into your touch, shutting his eyes. “I want to be here. I want to be apart of your life, no matter what that involves.”
“I thought pushing you away would keep you safe,” he confessed, his voice breaking slightly. “But it’s killing me. It’s only been a few days and it’s eating me alive. I can’t keep pretending like you don’t mean everything to me.”
Your breath caught, and you felt the sting of tears in your eyes. Jughead’s confession hung in the air, heavy and real, and you stepped closer. “Then don’t push me away,” you whispered. “I’m not afraid of your world, Jug. I’m afraid of losing you.”
Jughead’s resolve shattered, and he pulled you into him, his lips crashing into yours in a kiss that was both desperate and full of longing. The kiss was an admission, all the words he couldn’t say poured into the way his hands cupped your face, his lips moving against yours with an intensity that made everything else fade away.
You kissed him back just as fiercely, your fingers tangling in his hair, pulling him closer as if you could erase every fight, every fear, with the touch of your lips. Jughead’s hands slid around your waist, holding you tight, anchoring you in the moment.
When you finally broke apart, your foreheads pressed together, Jughead’s thumb brushed your cheek, wiping away a stray tear. His eyes were soft, filled with the vulnerability he’d been hiding for so long. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “I’m sorry I tried to push you away. I just… I love you too much to see you hurt because of me.”
You smiled through the tears, resting your hand over his heart, feeling the steady beat beneath your palm. “You’re not dragging me down, Jug. We’ll face this together. Whatever comes, I’m not going anywhere.”
Jughead pulled you into his arms, holding you as if letting go would break him. In the noisy, chaotic heart of the Serpents’ lair, surrounded by the life Jughead had tried to keep you from, you knew that no matter what dangers lay ahead, you’d face them together.
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stupid-quotes-inc · 2 years
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centravolonial · 30 days
(sprouse.. sprouse.. sprouse..)
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sprouseandall · 1 month
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Blood was oozing out of the newly formed hole in the middle of my chest. Breathing was getting harder for me to inhale so maybe it was safe to say its quite possible that the bullet has punctured one of my lungs. My facial and emotional expression matches that of Cole. Just the fear was different; for him of losing me and for me... to leave him alone in this unforgiving world. I can see our field of dreams engulfed in fire which matches the background of this mansion in way; bullets showering like rain.
The sound of shots being fired did not bother me anymore. In each shuddering breathe my lunges managed to fill in, I was more concerned about Cole, who was weeping holding my fragile frame close to his, shielding me from any danger since the beginning of the shootout showdown.
"C'mon Ashley. Keep your eyes open for me, please Ashley." Cole begged, tears blurring his vision. He quickly wiped the tears from his eyes with his palm before applying pressure on the open wound.
"I c-can't." I croaked out, moaning in pain.
"Yes you can, you're stronger than this. You can face this you know I'm with you. Just keep on savin' your breathe."
"It's okay." I weakly places her bloody hand on top of Cole's.
"No! It's not okay. Nothing is okay and you know it! I won't let you go I-I-I just can't. I love and we promised, remember? J-Just keep on breathing babe."
"It's not your fault Cole." I managed to say, pulling him impossibly closer to me, wanting to feel him one last time before I die in the arms of the man I loved. Of course I did not plan on dying this soon but at the end of the day if this is how I end, I have no regrets. I did the right thing.
I could feel the weakness taking over me. I was feeling paralyzed, weight of my body getting heavier when the click-click sound appeared getting louder and louder.
Cole still held me tight in his drip while his free hand went to grab the gun placed beside me. He upheld the gun high aimed in the direction of that sound with his finger resting on top of the trigger, just in case it was one of Martinez scoundrels.
Guess not because I recognized that voice. It was Dylan's voice. He knelt next to us with shock plastered on his face.
"Oh god at this rate she will bleed out to her-" He did not dare to finish the sentence.
"We need to stop the bleeding until the help is arriving." Cole says looking around to search for something useful but he did not find something.
The light bulb of his brain glowed. He began to slip off his flannel shirt and belt off his waist. He made a bundle out of the shirt and placed it on top of my wound. He asked Dylan to strap the belt tightly onto my chest as he held me a bit upright, thinking it stop the blood flowing and keep the cloth in place. When Dylan proceeded to do so, I yelped in pain.
"That's it. That's it Ash. You got this." Cole coos, trying to comfort me. Dylan shot a few times in between, killing a couple of Martinez mens and missing a few times.
Dylan passed three ammo magazines to Cole as reserve when a voice came through his ear piece on comms.
"Come in alpha-one. Angel is here, I repeat Angel is here."
"Copy that daybreak. The sweetness is fading. Need a cover out, Charlie team flood in please." Dylan ordered.
"You heard it. Fast dry on my mark. You need to take Ashley out of here."
"I'll come back for you" Cole says.
"No you won't. You're already in this mess because of me."
"Did you ever listened to me?" Cole tried to shake it off, making Dylan shake his head as a grin broke into his face. Cole clutched Ashley's limp form, her blood-soaked body draped across his arms. The brothers shared one last look and then Dylan moved across the next pillar scanning the area for any signs of danger.
"Now!" Dylan yelled, his voice piercing the din of gunfire.
Cole sprang into action, dashing towards the entrance with Ashley cradled in his arms. Bullets whizzed past, but Dylan's covering fire kept the attackers at bay.
He panted and kept on saying "Almost there Ash, almost there. Just a couple of more seconds. Help is here, just hand on for me, just hang on for me, just live for us baby." He cradled her delicate frame. A bullet grazed his left arm and he hissed at the physical contact but his grip never loosened and nothing else mattered to him at that moment as they burst through the mansion doors, Cole spotted the friendly forces, their guns trained on the mansion still going inside.
KJ and Camila spotted their bandmate and KJ flew in to help Cole while Camila brought the medical personnel, rushing forward with stretchers at the ready. The nurses helped Cole to lay Ashley on the stretcher.
Cole removed her hand off his bloody t-shirt which as Ashley held on to it. "C-Cole" she murmured.
"I'm right here Ash, I'm not going anywhere." He said with urgency.
The medical team swept in, surrounding Ashley with a flurry of activity. Cole watched, helpless, as they worked to save her life.
Cole instantly broke down in tears, KJ wraps him into his embrace, rubbing his back and said "You know she's going to be alright. You know that right? She will be back in your arms, pinching your nose before you know it." Cole was instantly hit with a wave of their memories together and this particular sweet gesture shared between them multiple times. This was their love language; simple little yet sweet things.
"Okay now lets get yourself cleaned up mate." Cole broke their hug, wiping the length of his eyes across his cheeks and rubbed his hands to the sides of his jeans.
"You keep Ashley safe. I have to get back in there."
Camila stepped in, "Are you crazy? You can't go back in there!"
"Look man, I know Dylan is inside but I cannot let you back in, okay? rest of the team is going in, they will make sure Dylan make it out just fine safely." KJ tries to reason with Cole but he does not bug in.
"I promised Ashley I'd always protect her, I failed. Didn't you just see her in that state? She's fighting for life because she chose to take a bullet for me. I promised her, I will keep us brothers safe, it should not matter what happened between us in the last few months. One bad deed can't outrun all the good ones, Dylan IS my brother and I still do care for him. I can't sit here let the worry eat me alive for him and Ash. I have to go back to him." Cole finished.
KJ signed deeply and gave in. "Fine but on one condition: I'm going with you."
"No" Cole replied without a pause, earning a look serious look from his friends.
"That's non-negotiable" Camila says, arms resting on her hips.
"Okay fine!"
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Dylan sprinted through the mansion's grand hall, bullets ricocheting off the marble floor as he dodged and weaved between columns. An agent burst from the doorway, gun blazing, and Dylan leapt into a flying tackle, slamming them to the ground.
They wrestled, punches flying, as Dylan struggled to pin the agent's gun arm. But another agent closed in, boot raised for a crushing kick. Dylan rolled, avoiding the blow by mere inches, and countered with a lightning-fast jab that sent the second agent crashing into a nearby vase.
The first agent broke free, gun raised, and Dylan knew he was out of time. But before the trigger could be pulled, a shot rang out, and the agent's gun hand exploded in a crimson splash.
Cole, Dylan's brother, stood in the doorway, smoking gun still raised, a hint of a grin on his face.
"Need a hand bro?"
"Yeah but can't say the same about him though." Dylan says sarcastically referring to the dead man laying in front of them.
"I told you not to come for me." Dylan teases though no matter what happens knew his little brother would forever come to save him.
"It's always me saving your ass. You can't last 5 seconds without me."
"I may agree with the first part however I did last for ten minutes until superhero Nat King Cole saved the day!"
Cole chuckled, eyes still scanning the area. "We need to roll out. More are coming."
Dylan nodded, and together they charged forward, guns drawn, returning fire as they battled their way through the mansion's deadly maze. They leapt over shattered furniture, dodged falling chandeliers, and took down agents with precision shots.
The body count increased and the noise quieted down.
KJ informed Cole over comms that he with the help of delta team has captured the last man alive: Martinez's left-hand - Enrique.
The twins dart towards the East entrance, when they arrived at the scene the group of their alliance members shifted and made a passage for the boys to come forward, face-to-face in front of this last rascal.
Dylan and Cole loomed over the gang leader, guns pressed to his temples. "Last chance," Dylan growled.
"Who's behind this?"
The rascal spat blood, eyes flashing with defiance.
"You can suck my balls."
Cole's gaze narrowed. "Wrong answer."
With a swift motion, Cole slammed his gun into Enrique's jaw, sending him crashing to the floor. Dylan followed, pinning the leader's arms behind his back.
"You see, we have a problem with stubborn people," Dylan said, his voice dripping with menace.
Cole knelt before Enrique, a cruel smile spreading across his lips. "We like to break them."
With a swift kick, Cole sent the man scraping across the floor, the sound echoing through the mansion. The leader groaned, his body trembling.
"Who's behind all this?" Dylan repeated, his grip tightened. Enrique's eyes bulged, but he remained silent.
Cole's patience ran thin. He propped himself straight ahead of the blood wheezing man and placed the mouth of his gun on top of Enrique's right kneecap and with that devilish glance and then Cole pulled the trigger, a scream filled with agony fill the air, his knee bust open with all the blood splattered all over the floor and all over the twins face, down to their clothes staining them in crimson color.
Cole leaned in, his voice a whisper. "We'll keep asking until you talk. Or until you can't talk anymore."
Dylan's eyes locked onto the leader's, a fierce intensity burning within. "You choose."
The leader's face contorted in agony, but still, he refused to yield.
With a nod, Cole resumed the brutal interrogation, the brothers working in tandem to extract the truth. The leader's screams echoed through the halls, a haunting symphony of suffering.
Finally, as the leader's voice cracked, he whispered the name.
Suddenly the man started to laugh like a maniac. "How do you suppose you'd make it out of this mess alive? Huh? Who are you? You are nobody. NOBODY."
Dylan and Cole exchanged a look, a spark of mischief igniting between them. In perfect sync, they smirked, and their voices became one: "We're Popstars." as two bullets got fired at the same time piercing the eyes of a now useless man, blood pouring down rapidly.
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A/N: I thought I will not be posting this story until the whole thing is done and written but I couldn’t resist! I was so excited to share this so here it is, I hope you enjoyed it.
Taglist is open! Let me know if you wanna be added 🤍
Like, reblog and comment they are appreciated. DON’T YOU DARE STEAL MY WORK. I WILL FIND YOU AND THAT IS WRITTEN.
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kcuf-ad · 10 months
I actually want to imagine the thought process of both Cole and Dylan Sprouse rn. Imagine chillin one day with your bro and suddenly, over the course of a week, hundreds to thousands are making sure to know if they are ready to have a meal on a specific Joke they made 15 years ago
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baby-alien11 · 6 months
Y/N Ulrich Universe First Anniversary
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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She got the title of the 'Ghostface Princess' when she started to do content of Scream on social media
The title of 'Serpent Princess' was because the cast f Riverdale started to call her that during filming and interviews
While rehearsing for Carrie: The Musical, she was Chris Hargenssen while Spencer, her boyfriend at the time, was playing Tommy Ross, and during one rehearsal, she pulled the rope with the bucket (empty) and accidentally hit him in the back, he was okay, only a bruise for a few days (they broke up in january because he moved to Iowa)
The one sided feud with Kira started because she thought Y/N last name was weird and funny, until she found out who was her father
Sometimes when she doesn't have space in her room or closet, she uses her siblings room as storage room
She knows how to play piano
Her favorite book series is PJO and The Selection
Her favorite fashion houses are Vivienne Westwood and D&G
She became a TS fan during 2011 after seeing the music video of Our Song, and the rest is history, she has been to three tours: 1989 with her family and friend group, the Rep Stadium Tour again with family and friend group, and recently to The Eras Tour with Jack
The first horror movie she saw wasn't Scream, it was Alien
Her first kiss was with Sarah, before entering high school they were talking on how both of them haven't had their fisrt kiss yet, so they decided to kiss so that way they didn't regret having it with some other person
She already knows that when her wedding day comes, the song for the dad-daughter dance is going to be 'Never Grow Up' by TS or 'Slipping Through My Fingers' fom ABBA, Skeet agreed to that because the songs makes him emotional
She was in the teather club since elementary school, participating in Beauty and the Beast as Plumette, Grease as Sandy, The Little Mermaid as Vanessa, Matilda as Matilda, Bring It On as Eva, Hairspray as Penny, Les Mis as Cosette, West Side Story as Graziela, Carrie The Musical as Chris Hargenssen, her last role was going to be Sophie in Mamma Mia until pandemic started
Once a year, Y/N and her siblings have a small golf competition
Her first fashion campaign was with Kate Spade at 14
One ime during the filming of Scream VI, Melissa and Xavier adopted her for a day having a family day
The first thing she bought with her first salary as a Riverdale extra was her Prada nylon purse and bobba tea
(This is going to hurt) Luke Perry was like a second father to her, when Skeet had to film a violent scene, he would always distract her, helping her with homework or things like that, also attending her school plays, so when he died, she didn't left her room for a week because she coulnd't stop crying,even if the memorial was held at the Ulrich household, and when TS released evermore, she did a cover of Marjorie in his honor that she posted on Tik Tok
Her favorite movie is Corpse Bride, and always cries during the Emily song and the final scene
Her campaigns with brands include Pretty Little Thing, H&M, Coach, Hot Topic, Kate Spade, Killstar, Rare Beauty, Nyx, Charlotte Tilbury, alo, BaiBai Jewerly, Oh Polly, Tous, Armani, Club L London, Petco (ft Tatum), Dolls Kill, Cloe, KitchenAid
Her fashion icons are Zendaya, Cher, Princess Diana, Rihanna, Audrey Hepburn, Lewis Hamilton, Bratz, Monster High, Nicole Kidman, Blake Lively, Marilyn Monroe, Salma Hayek, Grace Kelly, Anne Hathaway
The love for VFX make up started when Skeet was telling her BTS facts about Scream, and it considelating during season two of Riverdale while helping with Cole Sprouse make up at the end of season two when he is beaten up by the Ghoulies
Besides the Southside Serpents leather jacket, she has a Vixens uniform (and all the variations), a Bulldogs football shirt, a Jughead beanie, a Pops uniform, Pussycats ears, a S shirt, letterman jacket, a Pretty Poisons jacket, and a 'Farm' shirt
Due to having family in NASCAR and with interest on racing, she learnt to drive at fourteen, and also knows how a motorcycle works
She (as almost everyone), had an 'all black clothes' phase, until she missed combining it with colorful clothes
Her favorite youtube horror cannels are dead meat and CZsWorld, and non-horror are uncarley, WatchMojo and Ms Mojo, Wait in the Wings, Spill Sesh, haylo hayley, Tea Spill
After meeting Jack, the song that she started to hear in her head was 'Enchanted'
Her first Ghostface mask was gifted by Wes Craven, after Skeet called him to tell him she watched the movies, the next week she recieved the mask with a handwritten letter
A F1 driver tried to hit on her two days after her 18 birthday, she left him on read (we all know who was at this point)
As almost every nepo baby, she got a bit of hate when she started to be a public figure, but ignored them, until they started to talk about her relationship with Jack and she couldn't ignore them
She knows all the Riverdale musical numbers and coreographies from season one to season five episode three
Since becoming best friends Y/N, Sarah and Abby anways practiced coreographies during sleepovers, the last time they presented them, where at the halloween party doing Sexy by Mean Girls Musical, Vigilante Shit by TS (chairs included) and Honey, Honey from Mamma Mia (ABBA)
Her favorite F1 teams are RB, Mercedes and Ferrari and drivers are Sergio 'Checo' Pérez, Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel, Michael and Mick Schumacher, Max Verstappen, Dorianne Pin, Abbi Pulling, Pierre Gasly, Niki Lauda, Alex Albon, Yuki Tsonuda, Carlos Sainz Jr, Charles Leclerc, and queen Susie Wolff, and has extreme admiration for Romain Grosjean for getting out of the car on fire
Her phone case is the Casetify snake one, she just changes it depending on the model of phone she uses
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 7 months
Random Inspiration Time!
So, I don't know for sure, but it seems like Cole Sprouse might smoke irl? I think I've just seen some pictures here and there that show him smoking? (If I'm just mistaken then I apologize.)
Why do I bring this up? Well, hear me out:
Imagine Creature using one of those long, slender cigarette holders sometime before he died. I know those things were way more common in the early 1900s, but cigarettes/cigars definitely existed in the 1800s, so it's logical to assume that smoking accessories existed back then, too. (I suppose an old-fashioned pipe could work too, but it just doesn't have quite the same aesthetic-vibes, y'know?)
NOW. . .imagine Creature finding a similar holder sometime after the events of the movie and getting all nostalgic over it. Ooh, or perhaps Lisa finds one in an antique store or something like that and just gets it on a whim as a present for Creature.
I don't know; this idea just came out of nowhere. (I'm probably not gonna touch on this in my upcoming story.) What do ya'll think?
(No, this doesn't mean I condone smoking. If I'm right in my assumptions, it's Cole's life and his business, so whatever. Besides, the smoking aesthetic can be so inexplicably good in certain movie/book scenarios.)
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munsonkitten · 1 year
i like to imagine that someone sat cole sprouse down after he found out jughead’s ending and was like “it was either kill off jughead or make him gay. do you wanna be gay cole?” and he sadly kicked a rock on the ground and went “no :(“
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milichou-chou · 13 days
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Lisa Frankenstein (2024)
★★★★★ / ♡︎
OMIGOSH. . . .
would totally watch again,
and would recommend it to my friends. . if i ever get some lol
i had been wanting to watch this movie since i saw a trailer of it before some youtube video started, and let me say i am regret not watching it in the cinema soooo bad. . .
HONESTLY super refreshing,,, feel like i haven't watched something like this in sooo long. . . i just haven't been able to NOT think about it!!! just everything about it. . . feels like it was made for me. . . i can't just pic a favorite scene because i loved everything about this, every second of it. .
Lisa is such a sweet, imaginative and interesting girl, imagine being the main slasher's accomplice but thinking you're the protagonist of a --really peculiar-- romcom! she is so silly and likeable, and she had every right to kill everyone in there! i ♡︎♡︎♡︎ her and i think she was genuenly misunderstood by EVERYONE (specially her father, who i HATED)
i was really surprised when watching taffy and lisa's relationship portrayal, at the start i thought it was going to be a one sided thing or really shallow, but it ended up being so wholesome and important, i loved them both and the fact that they actually kinda saw eachother as real sisters, someone to count on. . . oh, women and the deepness of their relationships. . . . .
on cole sprouse's character. . . . why look the best when he is dressed as a rotting victorian man. . . . . . ??? honestly lisa and the creature's build up to relationship felt so well timed and measured . . if my lover isn't an artistic and romantic, recently brought back-to-life transgender man who kills all those who do me wrong, fulfills all my desires, helps me kill myself AND THEN resurrects me so we can live together forever, i DON'T want him!!!
oh to think he actually heard and saw lisa everytime she visited his gravestone, falling in love with her but never knowing if he'll get to actually meet her. . . . . heartbroken. the animated intro about the creature's (past?) life was very needed to have a better understanding of his character and honestly i really loved that zelda and diablo made the decition to include it. cole's performance with body expression was just over the top,,,
thinking about the recent works that the film industry has birthed, this one for sure feels verypure, special and personal. everything about it just felt revitalizing (lol) the plot, the well paced storyline, the glowy and colorful scenarios, the way the characters were portrayed, THE SCRIPT. . . . may i say it is my favorite film i've watched IN A WHILE, best release of the year so far!! i totally didn't look up cementaries in my area !!!!!
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zolexxis · 17 days
no but seriously imagine if we started a mishapocalypse because i like your shoelaces thanks i stole them from the dashcon ballpit with the bone stealing witch after we ate none pizza left beef and had a sharpie bath because of the cole sprouse social experiment then dan and phil walk out holding the rabies pride flag
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pomegranateeater · 4 months
Young wyll
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In no where near dome but I was drawing young wyll for a meme I'm doing of Cole Sprouse,I imagine him as a late bloomer because it's so much more tragic
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fionajames · 7 months
the great wolf
A/N: HELLO HELLO HELLO. IVE EMERGED FROM THE DEPTHS OF TARTARUS TO GIVE YOU THIS. This is the new oc :). Please send requests!!! Enjoy!!!
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Fenrir Wixx
portrayed by Cole Sprouse
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The night the war officially ended was something Ahsoka never wanted to forget. 
She stood on the command bridge with Rex by her side, when a holo came through. She sucked in a breath as her soul twanged with an odd feeling, like a sense of deja vu. Ahsoka turned to Rex, who was unbothered by the unfamiliar wave of emotions that had flooded her. 
Together they walked over to accept the call, met by the grinning face of Obi-Wan. Ahsoka raised an eyebrow as she instinctively and subconsciously poked at their bond, met with a wave of delighted warmth. Hope sparked in the pit of her stomach.
“I have excellent news,” Obi-Wan greeted them and Rex and Ahsoka exchanged a hopeful glance, the corner of Rex’s lip tilted up ever so slightly. “Grievous has been defeated, Dooku has been captured.”
“That means,” Rex turned to the holo, a small smile creeping onto his face. Obi-Wan laughed before answering. 
“Yes, Captain. The war is over.”
The galaxy seemed to freeze as Ahsoka stared at the holo, her lips forming a smile. From the moment she’d completed her first mission, Ahsoka knew her destiny was to fight in this war, to fight beside Anakin Skywalker. Whether she died, it didn’t matter. She was just another death, another number.
But now, the war is over.
There was no more fighting.
A single tear fell from her eye, like a diamond in the sea.
A howl of glee rang through the air as Rex tackled Ahsoka in a long awaited hug, burying his face in the crook of her neck. He laughed loudly, tears spilling down his face. Ahsoka fell from her shock as she returned the hug, gripping him just as tightly - if not tighter - and crying as jubilation filled her.
Cheers of rejoice echoed throughout the ship as the holo turned off, leaving Ahsoka and Rex to sob with exuberance. They laughed and they cried, they danced and they sang. The ship wasn’t quiet for even a moment for the rest of the trip.
Jesse came to Ahsoka one night, begging for a buddy to sleep with. He was anxious after the ending of the war, and of course, he came with Fives in tow. The three of them gathered as many blankets and pillows as possible, before calling most of Torrent Company to join the cuddle pile.
Ahsoka slept better that night than she had in years. 
When they finally reached Coruscant, the entire planet was bright and alive, cheers and celebrations everywhere the eye could see. Ahsoka practically fell out of the ship trying to get to her family quickly.
Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padme were awaiting her at the bay, and she was immediately brought into a hug by Anakin. More tears were shed, more laughs were spilled and more joy was expressed. None of them had imagined the pure bliss they would feel when the war ended.
The next few weeks were a nightmare for all of them, Padme in particular. The Senate was in chaos, with debt in every direction and fees to pay. But with the guiding hand of newly made Chancellor Bail Organa, the Republic was thriving.
When Bo Katan sent payment for Ahsoka assisting in freeing Mandalore of Maul, Ahsoka immediately sought an apartment. She found a good, temporary one on the middle levels of Coruscant. 
Rex followed her everywhere, and without hesitation, she let Fives and him live with her for a bit. 
She quickly remembered neither of the Clones had civilian clothes, and found great entertainment in assisting them as they shopped. She did the same with Jesse when he turned up at her door at three in the morning days later with the realisation he had nowhere to live.
For about a month, the four lived together in a smaller than appreciated apartment, and the stories that came from their time together were endless. One night, someone tried to break in.
“Do you hear something?” Jesse whispered to Fives as he blinked at the darkness surrounding them. Fives yawned and murmured a ‘no’. “Rex?”
The former Captain rolled over to face his brothers, eyelids drooping from sleepless nights. They all slept very well on their mattresses on the floor, but sometimes it was too comfortable. “The creak?”
“Yeah,” Jesse breathed out, sitting up. He shuffled to his feet - ignoring Fives’ groan - and tiptoed out of their room and into Ahsoka’s. He knocked on the door, waiting for a response. “Vod’ika?”
“Hmm?” Ahsoka hummed in response, and Jesse stepped into her room. She watched him carefully, exhaustion clear on her features. “Yea-”. She didn’t even finish as she suddenly jolted upright and leaped from the bed, pushing past Jesse.
He gaped.
Ahsoka raced into the main room - Jesse hurrying behind her - and lunged forward, tackling something. Just one glimpse and Jesse realised that his sister had tackled what looked like a human figure, clothed in all black.
He leaped forward to help, but didn’t get the chance.
Ahsoka kneed the figure in the groin and punched their face repeatedly, sending them down to the floor with another swift kick. She reached up and hastily ripped the black mask off their face, revealing a teenaged human boy. 
He had wavy and curling soft black hair that fell over the right side of his face, bluish green eyes and light skin. He coughed as blood dripped from his nose, wincing and holding his hands up. “I surrender, ori’haat.” 
“Who are you?” Jesse snarled, moving to stand beside his sister. Rex and Fives were behind them, having rushed out when they heard the fight. 
“Shabuir,” the boy cursed, tears welling in his eyes from being hit so many times. A twang of guilt rushed through Jesse before he pushed it down. “Fenrir Wixx, that’s me.” He was breathless and panting as he struggled to sit up slightly. 
“What do you want?!” Rex growled, pulling Ahsoka behind him. The boy let out a choked, rasping laugh that sent shivers down Jesse’s spine.
“What do you think I’m doing?!” Fenrir snapped, the smirk he was wearing turning sharp and cold. “Committing theft… Please?”
“Did you just ask us to let you steal our stuff?” Fives spluttered.
“Well, my mam always says, ‘Be polite, Fen!’ And so I thought it was worth a shot!”
Ahsoka, Rex, Jesse and Fives all exchanged a glance before sighing. 
“And why are you stealing?” Ahsoka asked, relaxing her fighting stance.
Fenrir scoffed. “Well, I’m broke.”
The four exchanged glances again, before Rex sighed, reaching hand forward to pull the boy to his feet. A grateful smile crossed Fenrir’s face. None of them noticed the look of disappointment and frustration that flashed across Fenrir’s face.
“Thanks,” he murmured, suddenly uncomfortable. He knew he had no right to be uncomfortable when he’d tried to steal from them, but he couldn’t exactly change how he felt. “I’ll be going now.”
As the boy turned to leave through the window he’d come through, Jesse stepped in front of him. “We’re not just gonna let you go!”
Fenrir looked between the four before nodding and stepping away. But when Jesse relaxed and moved from the window, the boy raced towards the window. He leaped through the open area, avoiding the class around him as he did.
Behind him, the four raced to the window, watching him fall down the building, legs and arms spread out as he did. Fenrir fell and fell and fell, and when he was finally nearing a platform that would kill him upon impact, he twisted and slowly landed on the platform, the boosters on his boots activated.
The four gaped as he looked up at them, so far away they couldn’t see his features. But they did see the tiny wave he gave them before running off.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed!!! Send requests, pleaseee!!!
(taglist: @skellymom, @techs-goggles9902)
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