#Colin a borden
destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Dhar Mann Has Been Mistreating His Employees
So, if some of my followers know, (for some of you it’s probably the reason why you followed me, and others not) I have done my fair share of Dhar Mann criticism. I talked about some of his videos and the bad messages he’s been upholding onto children. 
It’s actually a trauma response, I will be honest.
Basically, I only focused on the videos themselves and not behind the scenes.
The videos have actually gotten WORSE as the days have gone by. To the point where they’re flat out clickbait and no other substance. I’ve had multiple problems I’ve never covered like how Dhar Mann goes about punishments and mercy, accuracy on jobs, and especially the excessive usage of drugs, which is THE most harmful thing out of all the others combined.
But I never wanted to indulge in the videos because I simply wanted to move on to more positive things for myself, like writing my own stories. Because no matter the situation, spending your entire life bashing someone else is not healthy.
However, there’s ONE specific reason I put Dhar Mann back on topic:
There is now concrete reports of Dhar Mann heavily mistreating his employees who work on the videos. Getting underpaid, having no freedom of speech, Dhar Mann ignoring his employees needs, and a bunch of other stuff.
Now, DISCLAIMER: I don’t live around these people, so I don’t know the full story on what’s happening here, and I don’t feel like the right person to address it.
But basically, this is what I’ve been getting at about the video’s messages but in real life:
If you say ANYTHING that isn’t positive devotion to the studio, you’re DONE. You're OUT. You will NEVER see the light of day. That is not a healthy way to go out about life and it causes protests like THIS. 
All I can say though is that I hope these actors get the care and support they deserve and get paid. You guys already know I don’t hold anything against the actors or anyone else involved in these videos. I may not like the videos, but these actors are just people, like us, and they deserve better jobs.
So to give people further context on the situation, I am sharing Instagram videos posted by a Dhar Mann actor, Colin A Borden, who addresses the issue in multiple details. If anyone would like, you can check out his page, or look up more details. Please, support him and the other workers being mistreated.
Colin’s videos:
Support him and the other employees. 
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cinebration · 2 years
Opening Requests!
Hi, everyone! I am opening requests again! Please read the rules carefully before submitting your request(s).
Send to my ask box! Please keep in mind that these requests are meant to be one-shot drabbles.
No smut. No pregnancy fics or A/B/O fics. No crossover fics. No actor x reader. All reader characters must be 18 or older. Other AUs acceptable.
I’m asking this time that requests do not ask me to continue fics I have written, regardless of whether they are multi-chapter or one-shots.
Identify the gender of the reader if you want something other than female.
Because I try to remain as true to character as possible, I reserve the right to reject or tweak requests to keep the characters in character.
Below are character lists divided by actors.
Oscar Isaac
The Moon Knight Boys, Poe Dameron
Pedro Pascal
Javi Gutierrez, Din Djarin, Ezra, Maxwell Lord
Diego Luna
Cassian Andor
Christian Bale
Gorr the God Butcher, Alfred Borden, John Preston, Patrick Bateman, Russell Baze
Henry Cavill
Napoleon Solo, August Walker, Captain Syverson, Geralt of Rivia, Sherlock Holmes, Walter Marshall
Tom Hardy
Eames, Eddie Brock, Alfie Solomons, James Keziah Delaney, Bob (The Drop), Forrest Bondurant, Tuck, Tommy Conlon
Sebastian Stan
Bucky Barnes, Charles Blackwood
Chris Evans
Ransom Drysdale, Jake Jensen, Colin Shea
Ewan McGregor
Roman Sionis, Dan Torrance, Obi-Wan Kenobi
I’m also open to other characters and fandoms if you want me to try my hand at something!
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mellometal · 1 year
Here we go again...Jesus tap-dancing Christ. This is a lot longer than I wanted it to be.
Hey.  I haven’t been able to make any posts related to Dhar Mann over the past several months.  I needed to make my mental health a priority over a guy whose presence literally makes my blood boil. (Also...side note: I have said this multiple times before, I don’t always want to discuss this individual or anyone associated with him. I don’t want to be restricted to talking about one topic. /notmad)  I’ve also been going through a lot, as a lot of you know.  You’re probably not here for me to tell you about why the posts about this individual and anyone related to him have halted, so I’m gonna cut to the chase.
This is an important topic, as almost every single actor who has worked under Dhar Mann is protesting against him due to him not paying them a liveable wage.  Y’know, despite racking in a shit ton of ad revenue that’s around $25k or something like that.  Hey, aren’t you a multimillionaire?  I know damn well you can afford to pay the actors a liveable wage for their time and ensure they can pay for essentials, like I don’t know, A ROOF OVER THEIR HEADS! I’ll be linking as many videos talking about this subject from some of the actors themselves and through YouTube commentators as Tumblr will let me link. As I’ve mentioned in passing, I haven’t watched any videos Dhar Dhar Binks has made in the past few months because hate watching his videos will only line his pockets and hurt the actors. Especially now.
Dhar Mann has been firing people for speaking negatively about the conditions of the studio and the pay.  This has been through emails (a few people’s emails have been put up on social media, which is super unprofessional and can be dangerous for the people whose emails were posted online).  Instead of taking criticism and actually trying to make things right for the people who have made his channels successful, he doubles down on all the “positive” experiences that some of the actors have had with him.  One of them notably being Katherine Norland, which considering how problematic she is outside of working for Dhar Mann, I’m not at all surprised.  Two birds of the same feather flock together.  She talked about how her experience working with Dhar Mann has been great.  Hey, Katherine, not everyone has the same experience as you.  But I bet you like playing the bigoted Karen roles you get, huh?  Figures.  
Here’s a five minute clip of a FORTY-FIVE MINUTE VIDEO she made. I already have a headache listening to her spew typical Boomer/Boomer 2.0 (A LOT of Gen X...mainly elder Gen X) bullshit.
All I gotta say is: Okay, Boomer. Lay off the Kool-aid. (She probably isn’t a Boomer, but she sure talks like one.)
Another actor I’ve seen speaking more on neutral ground, but still defending Dhar Mann low-key is Melvin.  To sum up what Melvin said, he basically said that Dhar Mann’s “a good guy (to him)”, DM “shouldn’t be canceled”, he saw where the actors who were protesting were coming from, and “everything’s gonna get solved”. The clip where he talks about this is below:
According to Colin A. Borden, who has worked with Dhar Mann as an actor for the past few years, he stated on his social media platforms that a lot of the actors, himself included (most likely, I’m not sure), can’t even afford rent with how little Dhar Mann pays the actors.  This was when he was talking about why actors are protesting at the moment.  He’s not the only actor I’m going to be naming.  A few other notable actors protesting are Mair Mulroney, Rachel, and a couple others.  I linked a few of their videos below.
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnVcm4A/ (Colin's video)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnVvEK5/ (One of Mair's videos)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnVGLaB/ (Nathan's video, where he talks about why the contracts and payments are bad.)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnqNyPd/ (A compilation of actors protesting.) (TW: There are whistles being blown.)
According to other actors who have come forward with their experiences with this individual (Rachel being one of them), they would work twelve to fifteen hour days for the wage of eighteen dollars per hour (for non-speaking roles) or thirty-three to forty-four dollars per hour (for speaking roles).  To my understanding, this was a few times a week.  This kind of schedule is not sustainable.  These actors can’t even afford to pay their rent, like I have mentioned before.  Dhar Mann can lie his ass off about how he pays everyone fairly all he wants, but you know I’m going to believe the actors over him any day.   
Clip from a livestream where Rachel is talking about pay:
“Eighteen dollars an hour for a non-speaking role?  Thirty-three to forty-four dollars an hour for a speaking role?  That sounds great!  What’s the problem with that?”
Getting paid eighteen dollars an hour (for non-speaking roles), or getting paid thirty-three dollars to forty-four dollars (for speaking roles) for twelve to fifteen hours a day a few times a week sounds like a lot of money, but that’s further from the truth.  Let me explain. 
If they’re only there for twelve to fifteen hours a few times a week, to paint a better picture, and they’re paid semi-monthly, the people with non-speaking roles would only get around $1,440 every two weeks, and the people with speaking roles would get around $2,640 - $3,520 every two weeks. (NOTE: These are only estimated amounts. I used 80 hours here in total for the two weeks, and used a tax calculator based in California, where they work. This is given that their hours actually equal forty hours per week. The hours are variable, as Nathan has said in his video talking about this subject. The actors could actually be getting paid less than the estimated amounts I put up.)  This is before taxes are taken out, hypothetically, if Dhar Mann or anyone who handles payroll is actually doing their job.  After taxes are taken out, the extras would only be getting $1,132 every two weeks, and actors in speaking roles would be getting $1,923 - $2,456 every two weeks.  He pays everyone out through PayPal…instead of at least giving them a pay card where he can put their paychecks onto or letting them use their banks through direct deposit, or giving them paper checks so they can deposit their earnings into their bank accounts.
The average person’s rent in all of California was around $1,818 back in 2021.  That’s not including utilities, insurance, and other bills.  They’re pretty much scraping by to survive if they’re living on their own.  Those are some “competitive wages”, huh?  Get over yourself, Dhar.  You’re fucking cheap and you can’t manage to pay the people who made your shitty channel huge fairly.  Just admit that.
Another thing that I need to mention is them painting a mural to honor an actor who passed away, then taking it down a few days later. The reason for this wasn’t really made clear. Something about the landlord saying to take it down, or they needed that space for a video. Whatever the reason is, it’s not cool to paint a mural dedicated to an actor that you’re not even gonna keep up. It gives off the impression that you only did it for clout. Just saying.
ETA: This is new information that I found from doing more research. Carl Judie, according to Riki (who was close to him), was actually planning on leaving before his death due to how he was being treated. His loved ones do not want Carl’s face to be anywhere in Dhar Mann’s studios. This is the video where Riki discussed Carl:
Another actor came forward to speak about how Dhar Mann was practicing a scene with her for a TikTok and he was chasing after her with a real knife instead of a prop knife. 
Clip from a livestream:
A child actor (Brianni) talked about how she was fired because she has medical issues THAT DHAR MANN WAS WELL AWARE OF. Her video is below:
Riki, one of the major actors in his shitty videos refused to do any more videos that have to do with race and she got less work as a result.  A black woman not wanting to do videos about race?  *gasp* How will Dhar Mann ever recover from this? /s Oh, I wonder…I will be linking her video where she explains why she stopped doing any more videos that have to do with race.  She explains it a lot better than I can. Her video is linked below:
Actors are generally unionized to prevent this kind of thing from happening (i.e., paying dramatically low wages and an overall unhealthy work environment), but the way Dhar Mann runs shit, it’s not unionized.  Fearing that you will lose your job if you’re critical of the boss in any capacity or you speak out about work conditions is not a healthy work environment.  Nobody should be having to walk on eggshells and be afraid of losing their job if they say anything.  There’s a thing called the whistleblower act, which is there to protect employees from being attacked by their superiors for speaking out about what is wrong with the workplace. Dhar Mann has apparently been threatening actors who have spoken out against him with lawsuits on top of all this. So that’s cool. /s
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnVTBkV/ (A video of actors protesting that Mair recorded talking about what/why they're protesting.) (TW: There are whistles being blown.)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnqPWbV/ (Protest video Nick recorded.) (TW: There are whistles being blown.)
I’ve seen people write off Dhar Mann literally breaking labor laws as his actions simply being ‘show business’, as well as invalidate the actors coming forward to talk about their experiences all because they’re independent contractors who Dhar Mann calls every now and then.  “Every now and then”, MORE LIKE EVERY DAY.  You do realize there aren’t just adult actors working in his studios, right?  There are child actors who are working under Dhar Mann too, and they should be getting paid fairly for their work.  Or else Dhar Mann’s gonna get into legal trouble again.  Either with a series of lawsuits involving the actors he fired suing his ass, the IRS coming after him, or he’s gonna serve jail time.  Either way, he’s in deep shit.  The reason why I say he’s breaking labor laws is because he’s (probably) not paying the kids who work for him fairly either. Quite a few of them appear to be elementary school age or middle school age, around maybe eight years old to possibly thirteen or fourteen years old. Maybe he shows the literal children working for him some mercy...because most of the people who watch his videos are children. I don’t know. Apparently they were supposed to stop casting actors who are minors (under eighteen years old), but there are QUITE a few kids working under this cringe ass nae-nae baby. So...that’s pretty fishy.
According to sources from commentators like AugustTheDuck and Jarvis Johnson, none of the actors who have worked under Dhar Mann have ever (allegedly) received a 1099 form for their tax returns from DM. 
Both videos AugustTheDuck made:
First one
Second one
The video Jarvis Johnson made:
A 1099 form, for anyone who has never heard of it before, is a form that independent contractors receive by the end of the year usually.  In this case, DM has (allegedly) not given any of his actors their 1099 forms, and it is mid-February (as I was typing this...it is now the end of February).  With independent contractors, which is what the actors who work under Dhar Mann are classified as, the maximum they can be paid without getting a 1099 form (1099-NEC, formerly known as 1099-MISC, and/or a 1099-K) is about six hundred dollars a year.  This was before the IRS changed the rules about that.  Clearly they are making WELL over $600 a year.  You know what Dhar Mann had to say about that?  PAYPAL should’ve given out 1099 forms to his actors, not HIM.  The payer (Dhar Mann, or anyone who handles payroll) is responsible for sending out 1099-NEC forms to his actors and the IRS.  PayPal is only responsible for sending out 1099-K forms to people using PayPal for business as well as the IRS if you made over $20,000 that year, or you made over 200 transactions.  Dhar Mann has made well over $20,000, and he has made well over 200 transactions. Clearly.  Please correct me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t the actors be getting both forms? I feel like they should be getting both of those forms.
Every time the actors would band together to try having a meeting with Dhar Mann to discuss their grievances with their work environment as well as their pay, he’s nowhere to be found and he tells them to forward their grievances with HR.  They have sent Dhar Mann letters through hard copies and emails directly to him, which were forwarded over to HR.  HR scheduled a meeting for the actors to discuss their grievances and they wanted Dhar Mann to be present, as he was the person they were having issues with.  The meeting kept being postponed multiple times.  By the time the meeting came, Dhar Mann was nowhere to be seen.  He was obviously not present for the meeting he was supposed to attend.  Why?  HE WAS CONVENIENTLY ON VACATION.  Wooooowwww.  Your company is not big enough to where you can’t realistically be reached.
You think you’re too good to show your face to people who have worked for you for years, listen to their grievances, and try to come up with a solution, don’t you, Dhar?  If you’re such a big, important man, why can’t you be an actual boss and show up to meetings that you’re supposed to attend?  Oh, is it because the vast majority of the actors (former and current) are understandably pissed about how little they’re being paid by you?  Is it because the vast majority of the actors are sick of your shit?  Sounds like you can’t handle any sort of criticism from people who have worked for you for so long.  You know, I had an inkling that this kind of thing was happening behind the scenes before ANY of the actors came forward.  Then to find out that inkling I had was right all along…that’s not a good thing, Dhar Mann!  I thought you learned your lesson from getting in trouble for committing fraud almost ten years ago!  GUESS NOT.  It’s all come full circle.  
You paint yourself as a good guy, but you treat the people who have made your sorry excuses for channels huge like shit.  How the fuck do you sleep at night?  How do you think this is okay to do to people?  Do they not deserve to have enough money to be able to live somewhat comfortably with the means to pay for essentials? Hmm…let’s talk more about how you fired one of your actors for having medical issues that you were made aware of.  That’s against the law, under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).  In California, the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) protects disabled workers.  But you’re all about supporting disabled people! That’s what you preach, right?  You know…until you have to work alongside them or you have to accommodate them in some way. Then disabled people are just a huge inconvenience for you. It’s too much to ask for you to properly accommodate anyone with medical issues, apparently. It’s such a hassle to check on anyone with medical issues that work under you and make sure they’re okay. Gotcha. /s
Dhar Mann, multimillionaire, doesn’t pay his employees fairly!
Dhar Mann, Big Boss™️, gets all butthurt because his employees are speaking out against him! He fires everyone who speaks poorly about him and/or about the work environment instead of putting in the effort to come up with solutions! That’s just TOO MUCH to ask out of The Big Boss™️! /s
He will live to regret his decision.
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colincliveforever · 2 years
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Colin Clive and Amelia Earhart on the set of The Woman I Love. The photograph is from a book of 700 photos by Alex Kahle which sold at auction for $3,000. 
Photograph album comprising approximately 700 gelatin silver photographs of various sizes mounted on heavy stock paper. 36x31 cm (14¼x12¼"), bolt-bound cowhide-covered album
Signed by Alexander Kahle, the principal cast members (including stars Miriam Hopkins, Paul Muni, Louis Hayward, et al.), and crew (including producer Albert Lewis, writer Mary Borden, et al.). Directed by Anatole Litvak, The Woman I Love is a 1937 American film about a romantic triangle involving two World War I fighter pilots and the wife of one of them. It was based on the novel by Joseph Kessel. Photographs by Alex Kahle. According to Mary Mallory, "When most people think of motion picture stills photographers, they think of such renowned portraitists as George Hurrell, Ruth Harriet Louise, Clarence Sinclair Bull, and Eugene Richee, who created the glamour and iconography of the classic film stars of the 1930s and 1940s. Often forgotten are the lensers who concentrated on scene stills, establishing a film’s mood or theme as they also developed character. German Alex Kahle brought dynamism and verve to his work as a scenes and off-camera stills photographer by shooting for the angles, making his images often “pop” off the page." Kahle is perhaps most notable for his work on the set of Citizen Kane. According to Harlan Lebo in Welles, Toland and Citizen Kane, "Alexander Kahle, the RKO still photographer who shot almost daily on the Citizen Kane set, was a constant observer of the Welles-Toland professional relationship. “The two,” said Kahle, “saw eye to eye from the first.” The present album presents a wide variety of film stills in various sizes with behind the scenes shots, some cut and arranged in collage.
The album includes a page with four on-set photographs of Amelia Earhart.  The film's director, Anatole Litvak's biography refers to the day she came to the set, "During the shooting of the picture, famous aviatrix Amelia Earhart visited the set.  A fan of Paul Muni, the two posed together for a photograph. The actor remarked later, "it was the only time during the making of the film that I really felt like an aviator - by association!"
There is also an accompanying video. 
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joostjongepier · 3 months
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Wat?   Taartborden (ca. 1930), Erker met meubilair door A. Damon et Colin met glas door Marc Delon (ca. 1899), Wandkleed Aanbidding der Koningen, ontworpen door William Morris en Edward Burne-Jones (1888), Water-maan-Guanyin (15e eeuw, anoniem), Adam en Eva na de verdrijving uit het paradijs (1645/50) door Leonhard Kern en Allegorische representatie van de zondeval, dood en opstanding (ca. 1750 anoniem).
Waar?   Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg
Wanneer?   5 maart 2024
Het Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe toont een grote variatie aan voorwerpen. Er is een afdeling met oude muziekinstrumenten. Er zijn meubelen uit verschillende stijlperioden, onder meer heel fraaie uit de Art Deco. Ook zijn er voorwerpen uit verschillende religies: Christendom, Jodendom, Islam, Shinto en Boedhhisme. En dan heb ik nog maar een deel opgenoemd. Het was me, eerlijk gezegd, niet helemaal duidelijk welk deel van het museum de vast collectie toonde en wat tijdelijke tentoonstellingen waren. De bij de ingang verstrekte plattegrond bracht daarin niet echt helderheid.
Uit de veelheid aan voorwerpen, pik ik er een aantal uit die mij in het bijzonder opvielen of die ik heel fraai vond.
Een van de eerste zalen die ik bezocht, had een wand met daarop twintig taartborden, sommige met heel mooie art deco-motieven.  Maar het gaat mij nu even niet om al die afzonderlijke borden, hoe fraai ze ook zijn. De wand als geheel illustreert de spreuk ‘Het geheel is meer dan de som der delen’.  De twintig borden, netjes in vijf rijen van vier geordend, vormen samen een oogstrelend geheel. Ik aarzel om er het etiket ‘kunstwerk’ op te plakken, maar stiekem doe ik het toch!
Een andere zaal bevat onder meer een prachtige art nouveau erker met meubilair en een wandtapijt, uitgevoerd door de beroemde Arts and Crafts-werkplaats van Morris & Co. William Morris zelf ontwierp de planten; de figuren zijn een ontwerp van Edward Burne-Jones, een kunstenaar die nauw verbonden was met de Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.
Guanyin, de Bodhisattva van Mededogen zit op een rots in het paradijs van Potalaka. Volgens de traditie staart ze naar de maan die weerspiegeld wordt in het water aan haar voeten. In haar kroon zien we een afbeelding van Boeddha Amithaba, waarmee Guanyin in het boeddhistische pantheon is verbonden. Boeddha’s streven naar verlichting, om zo de wereld te ontstijgen. Bodhisattva’s zijn, net als boeddha’s, verlicht maar kiezen ervoor op aarde te blijven en mensen te helpen op hun pad naar verlossing. Jezuïtische missionarissen zagen in de in China populaire Guanyin overeenkomsten met de Madonna.
Adam en Eva zijn, in het beeld van Leonhard Kern, zojuist verdreven uit het paradijs. Zich volledig van hun naaktheid bewust en vol schuldbesef, treden ze met angstige gezichten hun nieuwe leven tegemoet. Het thema van de zondeval komt terug in een nogal bizarre sculptuur uit de achttiende eeuw: een allegorische representatie van de zondeval, dood en opstanding. Een menselijke figuur, een skelet en een slang zijn in dit beeld op merkwaardige wijze met elkaar verknoopt.
Toegegeven: het bovenstaande is een allegaartje en dat is dit museum ook een beetje. Maar dan wel een allegaartje van een buitengewoon hoog niveau.
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none-ofthisnonsense · 3 months
Merlin S4E4, "Aithusa"
So someone is stealing something. Great. I'm sure no trouble will come of it.
Ohhh c'est un triskell qu'il fait! On en avait vu un avec Freya, c'est le symbole des Druides!
He better not have slaughtered the Druids.
So Gaius knows him and doesn't like him.
They're calling it a triskelion not a triskell?
What/who's Ashkanar?
(I love that shot with the light on Merlin's eye.)
Every single time I've seen him so far I keep thinking I know this actor from someone else.
Half the time when someone says they've changed, they're lying - or not telling the whole truth.
(Sleep shirt Merlin!)
Merlin what the fuck Gaius does not deserve that!
MERLIN DON'T YOU DARE GO WITHOUT TELLING GAIUS. Oh it's only to go see Kilgharrah… well, "only"…
We're getting constant reminders of S2E13 huh
(Oh that's a beautiful shot of Pierrefonds/Camelot.)
Merlin you are SO stupid
Yeah I'm not impressed either
Of all the things! I feel sorry for Agravaine, needing to see that.
See I trust Gaius. And if Gaius says not to trust the guy I vote don't trust him.
(Is this treason for Merlin to do this?)
Kudos to the guy, he doesn't try to take anything else.
And to no one's surprise, Borden is an arsehole!
Merlin is completely batty. (Only slightly concerned, Arthur?)
For once Agravaine isn't the baddie.
Oh great, Arthur considers dragons monsters.
So Merlin is the servant to all the knights apparently. Just great.
Has Merlin even eaten?
It's just not even fun at this point.
The waterfall is hell on my earphones.
Merlin is a good cook is canon apparently!
What is going on??
So Bad Guy is in the cave. Somehow I could've guessed there were wards…
The smile :)
Merlin you're not going to hatch it are you? How would you take care of a dragon?
Merlin will protect that dragon egg with his life I feel it.
Merlin you do realise you're a shit liar? The only reason you keep your secret is that nobody ever asks!
Oh he's giving the egg to Kilgharrah?
0 notes
studiodewinkel · 2 years
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---------- CARRARA bord. Mooie combinatie tussen porselein en tekeningen geïnspireerd op het edele marmer van Carrara, een zeer verfijnde, geometrische uitvoering. Prachtige zwart wit combi
Ontwerp gemaakt door de Franse ontwerpster Coline le Corre. Met gouddetails en handgeschilderde elementen. Mooi om lekkere hapjes op te presenteren maar ook prachtig om op te hangen aan je muur in je interieur als klein kunstwerkje. Ook mooi om te combineren met de andere borden uit onze collectie.
*Check voor prijs & meer info onze webshop --> https://www.studiodewinkel.nl/wonen/WVA013.html
---------- CARRARA plate. Beautiful combination between porcelain and drawings inspired by the noble marble of Carrara, a very refined, geometric version. Beautiful black and white combination
Designed by the French designer Coline le Corre. With gold details and hand-painted elements. Beautiful to present tasty snacks but also wonderful to hang on your wall in your interior as a small work of art. Also nice to combine with the other plates from our collection.
* Check our webshop for price & more info --> https://www.studiodewinkel.com/wonen/ENWVA013.html
#bord #wandbord #design #marble #carrara #carraramarble #wallobject
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dragonlord-emrys · 3 years
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Dragonlord? More like dragon nerd 🐲🤓
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jersonordavid · 5 years
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365 Films Part 8: 256/365
The Herd
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hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
hi bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars it's been a while. i said i would do this episode last week but i had to wait for the destiny and chicken podcast to come out so here we are. basically, all of my thoughts while watching aithusia.
ugh the opening scene. i actually love it
ok ngl i remember that this guy is the bad guy but he's like 🥵🥵🥵 jeez
ik it's not just on tiktok but that tiktok where it goes 'but momma i'm in love with a criminal'
wow nice key bud
ok him running in the forest is just like you cannot outrun your demons and i thought that was so funny
smh he's so violent but he's so pretty :,)
ok but how old is this guy?? he say it's taken 20 years of his life. why 20? is that because that's when the 'last' dragon died out?? and at what age was he socially concious enough to recognize the implication of what it means to have a dragon? his is so dumb but probably like 15? so this guy is 35ish? idk man thoughts?
ok if he just feel off the cliff instead of being able to pull himself up we would've saved ourselves a lot of trouble i'm just saying druids.
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ok this is so pretty. my thoughts are like 25% me singing show tunes, 25% thinking of actual merlin things, 50% thinking about how pretty everything is
merlin is such a light sleeper. idk why that's important but he wakes up ALL the time
✨gaius is the worst ✨
ok colin's eye looked so good in this scene
stop i literally dress like this
i love his sleep clothes. it's such a vibe
aw merlin saying 'save the dragons is so cute' omg it reminds me of the vsco girls and saving the turtles HAHA
i love how equal merlin and kilgharrah feel here
asjflsjdasjdfl like ik this is the point but i love that merlin's inherited his father gift and he's always going to remember him. not that merlin would forget his father but idek
aw kilgharrah is like 'i beg you' ok now that i think abt it maybe it's slightly manipulative but it's also really not
ok actually i don't know how many time merlin uses this scene but i guess i'm keeping track now. but look how pretty
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wow the rising sun 🤪
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literally merlin just breaks in everywhere
merlin seems so earnest about wanting to see the dragons. i want to see the dragons too please
omg HAHA the woodworm is this episode??
this is a side note but i love arthur's key holder thingy it's actually pretty.
stop right now why is merlin using his magic to PANTS arthur
ok i'm pretty sure that agravaine is only in this episode this one time, and yk it's the little victories
i'm actually embarassed for arthur and merlin here. i don't like it at all
HOW DOES MERLIN DO THE HANDSTAND?? that's the one part i like
ok my question is how is he supposed to know where the last piece of the triskeleton is??
lasflkajsdljsad omg the betrayal. ouch my heart
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these scene are just like. it's actually art
ok how did merlin stay there all night and no one saw him?? literally camelot guards need to step up
omg no not merlin zooming
sklfja;lsdkjfasdlfs amerlin and the cup
i love how long merlin and arthur look at each other before arthur reacts
lsjfa;lksdsl woodworm omg and the fact that arthur believes that merlin is this chaotic is so funny
i think this is the funniest thing because gaius is like 'don't people about your magic' while YELLING ABOUT MERLIN'S MAGIC
ok that's a good point gaius we don't know what borden's intentions are
alsdjfalsd stop why didn't they wait for merlin :,(. this reminds me of when you're in highschool and you're finishing lunch and as you pack up everyone is leaving you??????
ok but i love that merlin rides in front with arthur. like- of course he does
merlin being observant 😍😍
i want to go horse riding now
THIS KNIGHT/DINNER GAG IS NOT FUNNY TO ME. NOT IN THE SLIGHTLEST. THERE'S THIS FIC by @a-small-batch-of-dragons. i literally spent like 10 minutes looking for it because i had to include it here
this scene just.. i don't like it. i never have and i never will
like- who decided that putting this scene in here would be good. no thanks
the knights sleeping in a circle and merlin sleeping on the outside. idk bro that made me a little sad
but also. i want a cloak please. i think i'm just going to say i want a cloak every episode
ok i chuckled at the interaction of 'ever herd of the word sorry?' and 'no is it a word you made up?'
dude don't ask why but i love it when people walk through waterfalls
i don't know why arthur looked so stupid when he was doing it though
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i love the nature of it all
yes merlin, you start walking toward the castle first
aw i love the knights working together. like, i know they work together- they're knights, but we love to see it
merlin and his sharp eyes again :,))
why are they making camp it's literally not even dark yet 😭😭
oh great another dinner gag. please stop. i dislike this immensely
wow i love that merlin can heal them. i also think it's surprising because merlin sucks at healing things but yk.. ✨plot✨
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this looks like the type of building teens would either be convinced is haunted and try to stay the night there or the type of building that all teens would go to to take pics for the #gram
ok is borden dead here or..
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yes i'm putting both of these picture here. who's going to stop me
just kidding it's three
ok so not dead
ok this is not meant to be creepy but colin has nice hands
borden is a creep please go away now
merlin use your ✨magic ✨ please
YES. tell him you're the last dragonlord. i stan. YES HIM AND HIS MAGIC
you better run boy
ok how he manages to get out of the castle is astounding
HAHA there was some CGI that fell and i laughed so hard because it looked so fake
omg merlin getting excited about the egg is actually so precious
both of their faces here are SO precious.
oasfasldfjasl idk why but whenever merlin walks across with the eggs i have this feeling he's going to faceplant and drop it for the comedic effect but i'm glad that never happens
bruh 'back where it belongs' like yes that makes sense but also that doesn't make sense
it's been a full moon for like 4 days now..??????
omg i actually love aithusa
tbh, i DO NOT know how to pronounce her name
why is she actually the cutest thing ever.
i love it when merlin cries, but not in a sadistic way yk? it's more the fact that he's allowed to cry
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ok i have a few dragon fics that i love but the only one i can think of right now is Returning the Favor by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle it's actually perfect
there are so many more that i love but i can't think of them but also- PLEASE REC YOUR FAVE DRAGON FAMILY DOMESTIC FICS PLEASE AND THANK YOU
anyways. i'll be back tomorrow to rant more about the darkest hr pt 2 so i'll see you then! also let me know if you want me to stop tagging you @lady-ofmagic-andstars because otherwise i will literally tag you in everything :,)
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“Graham Wardle and Colin O'Donoghue look alike!“
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junkyarddemento · 5 years
What shines here is the acting and the tension director Colin A. Borden is able to build. While the horror twist you see coming early on, the film’s strength is in the second half, once the action revs up and it’s a fight for survival. 
0 notes
heartlandians · 3 years
Throwback Thursday: Ex-Londoner Chris Potter has forged a long, successful career in TV
Almost 30 years later and Chris Potter still doesn’t know for certain where he’ll find his next gig.
That’s a simple truth about the entertainment business — but one the former Londoner hasn’t had much to worry about since quitting his job as an insurance salesman to take an acting job.
“I’ve been lucky enough to have choices about the direction of my career,” mused Potter in an telephone interview ahead of this Sunday’s Heartland episode that he directed and airs at 7 p.m.
“But not knowing what you’re doing every year is a lifestyle for all of us.”
It’s the 18th episode directed by Potter. He also directs the Nov. 19 episode.
The show, in its 11th season and the longest running hour-long television drama in Canadian television history, stars Londoner Amber Marshall as Amy Fleming, who with sister Lou Fleming (Michelle Morgan), grandfather Jack Bartlett (Shaun Johnston), and Amy’s husband, Ty Borden (Graham Wardle) give audiences a sense of the highs and lows of living on a ranch.
Potter also stars in the series as Amy and Lou’s father, Tim Fleming, a former champion rodeo rider who left their mom and struggled with drug and alcohol abuse and later bought a nearby ranch trying to reconnect with his daughters, but somehow always finding trouble or conflict.
“He’s an antagonist in the show,” said Potter. “He’s the kind of character who stirs up trouble and people either hate him or love to hate him.”
It’s a role Potter initially balked at accepting when offered it in 2007.
“I passed on it when it was first offered to me,” said Potter. “But I did have a feeling a show like that could have legs.”
In hindsight, Potter’s acting seems almost a natural fit in his life.
He is the son of the late Ron Potter, a London Life regional manager and former pro football player drafted by the Toronto Argonauts who later coached for the Western University Mustangs and was inducted into Western’s Sports Hall of Fame in 2000. The father supported his son in his athletic pursuits.
His mother, Judith, was a singer and housewife involved in community theatre. She supported her son in his artistic pursuits.
Potter was an athlete at Oakridge secondary school, but was also a musician and singer, playing in bands.
In fact, he quit college to play in a band (Licks) and played with a few acclaimed London musicians, including the late Duncan Grant and bass player Colin Stewart.
Then he settled down and took a job, like his father, with London Life, while continuing to play music and act in local theatre.
He was recruited by Martha Henry, the renowned former Grand Theatre artistic director (and still a stalwart at Stratford Festival) after seeing him in a London Community Players production of London playwright Herman Goodden’s Suffering Fools.
She offered Potter a role in Biloxi Blues. Henry suggested Potter consider acting as a career.
It was soon after he was recruited by the CBC for a role in Material World.
That’s when he quit his day job.
“That was the encouragement I really needed to have — that it was possible for me to have an acting career,” said Potter, now 57.
“I knew that if I didn’t do it, I wasn’t sure I’d be a very happy person. (When he made the jump to acting) I didn’t know if there were rocks or water below, but I was pretty sure there was water.”
Today, he credits his early years as a professional musician and experience with community theatre for preparing “me for all the rejections and whatever it takes to succeed in this business.”
Potter said Henry’s advice was a “pivotal moment in my life and it was the right choice.”
The roles kept on coming, including the role of David Carradine’s son and crime-fighting partner, Det. Peter Caine on Kung Fu: The Legend Continues for four seasons, and then on to the drama Silk Stalkings for four seasons (where he made his directorial debut) and then a season on Queer as Folk.
Over the years, Potter has also made guest appearances on dozens of television shows and appeared in a long string of movies.
Potter is married to Karen Yuhasz, a former high-school teacher, and they have four adult children. They keep a home in San Diego for the winter months and another outside of London on Lake Huron for the summer.
Potter said one down side of his career is the constant moving involved with being an actor.
“It’s been challenging and difficult to maintain friendships,” said Potter, who spends most of his warm weather months in Canada shooting Heartland outside Calgary (May through to December).
Potter credits Heartland’s executive producer Heather Conkie for the show’s longevity.
“She’s maintained a tone for the show and she doesn’t deviate from that,” said Potter. “I think Heartland fills an entertainment void. It’s multi-generational and not a show that depends on cutting-edge technology.”
But as an actor and director, Potter is well positioned to describe Heartland as a “logistical challenge” that can deliver surprises on a fairly regular basis.
“We’re dealing with children, and the hour restrictions they have on set, so you’re always acutely aware of the cost,” said Potter. “Then there’s the weather, which is constantly changing, and the animals, all of it taped in remote locations.”
He also credited the crew as a “well-oiled machine” that hasn’t changed since the show began, bringing an element of consistency to the show and comfort for the actors and directors.
“It’s easily the most impressive crew I’ve ever worked with,” said Potter, noting many were recruited to work on the Oscar winning 2015 film, The Revenant, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and also on the television series, Fargo.
When asked whether he preferred acting or directing, Potter was hesitant.
“I guess I’ll always prefer acting,” said Potter. “I love that part between the ‘Action’ and the ‘Cut’ but I’ve been told I’m effective as a director.”
While some actors may have a snooty attitude towards roles on television, not Potter.
“There are actors who won’t do television, but I never gave that much thought to care because my priority was always employment, constant work in a business I love to be in. And I’m very thankful and very lucky.”
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hayleysstark · 4 years
Em! Give me your top 5 Merlin moments! And I mean moments of Merlin not from the entire show!
MELLY oh my gosh holy fuck BLESS YOU. not only do you put up with me sliding into your messages at all hours of the day and night to scream about one (1) Merlin Emrys, you ALSO offer me additional opportunities to scream about one (1) Merlin Emrys? i am BLESSED in this chili’s tonight 😭😭😭
5. The Diamond of the Day 
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Set against the dark, gritty backdrop of the prior events of this episode, this moment really stands out. Merlin hasn’t had an easy time of it in the final season--or any of the seasons, really, but I think we can all agree, S5 hit the poor man especially hard--and, for a long stretch, it looks like he’s lost the innocence and wonder and, yes, heart, that made him who he was in S1. This is a subtle but powerful way to tell the audience, in spite of everything he’s gone through since he stumbled into Camelot and, in spite of his own insistence to the contrary, he hasn’t. 
Merlin changes a lot throughout the series, and mostly for the worse, but there is still a purity inside of him. There is still an innocence about him, and it’s not dead, it’s not gone. We all know how the story has to end, but this moment gives us a little bit of hope all the same.
4. Aithusa
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Can I actually talk about this scene without suddenly trailing off into an extremely horny soliloquy because this also happened to be the moment I realized I was attracted to a skinny Irish kid with big ears and an ugly scarf? No. Is too much. Let me sum up. Very badass. Very pretty. Voice is very deep?? Very sexy. 
Even when the need for secrecy drops away, Merlin doesn’t typically flaunt his powers around like this--humility certainly plays a part in that, yes, but it’s also the genuine, deep-rooted refusal to accept the full magnitude of his magic until the very end of the series. So, yeah, this isn’t boasting or bragging for the sake of it, this isn’t throwing his weight around, this isn’t like that. Merlin’s goal is not  to intimidate or scare Borden, his goal is to keep the egg, and the unborn dragon inside it, safe. He just happens to terrify the literal shit out of Borden in the process. 
And it’s about one thousand percent better because Merlin isn’t trying to show off. He’s just being Merlin. And just Merlin happens to be pretty damn badass.
3. The Last Dragonlord
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So, I’ve gone over (and over and over and over) this scene about a hundred times already, most notably here and here. I’m not going to make y’all sit through all that again! Just going to reiterate: this is the way Merlin truly wins Kilgharrah’s respect. Not with violence. Not with bloody retribution. Not with hatred. With kindness, and mercy, and love. Though we see Merlin’s softer side start to fade throughout the series, it’s never truly rubbed away. 
Even here, in one of his lowest, darkest moments, in the midst of a hell of a lot of pain, his compassion still ultimately shines through. 
2. The Sword in the Stone
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Holy. Fuck. so, I’ll take this scene all day, every day, thank you very much. It’s similar to the one a little lower on this list, in Aithusa, but there are some key differences. 
In Aithusa, for example, Merlin truly means no harm to Borden. He wants to get the egg, and he will hurt Borden if that’s what it takes to do it, but he genuinely has no ill intentions. Even when he tosses Borden back, we see the man’s clearly not dead and, when Merlin does kill him, mere minutes later, it’s an accident. He’s upset, even, when he realizes he took Borden’s life. He regrets it. He didn’t mean to. It wasn’t intentional.
With Agravaine, here, it is very, very intentional. From the second Agravaine catches up to him at the dead end, Merlin makes it clear Agravaine is not going to leave that cave alive. And that marks this out from all the other murders he’s committed. This marks Agravaine out from all the rest. Because this is not a heat-of-the-moment kill. This is not a him-or-me. This is not no-other-choice. This is not self-defense.
This was calculated. Merlin planned this. Merlin knew it would come down to this, and he planned it all out down to the second the light leaves Agravaine’s eyes. He knows what he has to do, and he doesn’t shy from it, he doesn’t shrink from it. He plans it out. 
And Colin Morgan plays the subtle shift from unintentional killer to cold-blooded murderer so fucking well.
and, please, i know i’m testing your patience here, but please please please allow me a few quick honorable mentions before we get to the last pick because i cannot possibly leave all of these off the list:
The Death Song of Uther Pendragon 
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The Eye of the Phoenix
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The Secret Sharer
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1. Le Morte d’Arthur
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It was extremely difficult to pick one specific moment out of this whole episode - this one really was the one that made me fall in love with Merlin! - but this one is the first time we see the true depth of Merlin’s power. (Come on, he calls down literal lightning from the sky to take out a High Priestess of the Old Religion while he’s still severely injured from her magic. Tell me that’s not metal as all hell.) And it’s also the first time we see the true depth of Merlin’s loyalty - not just to Arthur, but to all his friends and loved ones. 
Even without the rest of the episode - where, as we see, he makes repeated attempts to sacrifice his life for Arthur and his mother - this gives us a pretty good look into just how much the people in his life mean to him. Like most of his magic so far in the series, this is instinctive--Merlin doesn’t plan it, he doesn’t even use the proper incantation, for fuck’s sake--but it is the strongest, the most powerful, instinctive magic he has performed at this point, because it’s for his friends, not his own defense of self.
Again. Tell me that’s not metal as hell.
thanks so much for the ask, Melly!! 💚
ask me my “top 5″ anything
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stainedglassgardens · 4 years
Favourite films watched in 2019
I arranged them into broad categories – other than that they’re in no particular order. 
Skate Kitchen (Crystal Moselle, 2018) 6 Balloons (Marja-Lewis Ryan, 2018) The Party’s Just Beginning (Karen Gillan, 2018) Thirteen (Catherine Hardwicke, 2003) Baise-moi (Virginie Despentes and Coralie Trinh Thi, 2000) Vazante (Daniela Thomas, 2017) Erasing Eden (Beth Dewey, 2016) The Seen and the Unseen (Sekala Niskala, Kamila Andini, 2017) Knock Down Ginger (Cleo Samoles-Little, 2016) The Garden (Sommerhaüser, Sonja Maria Kröner, 2017) Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts (Marlina Si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak, Mouly Surya, 2017) Fish Tank (Andrea Arnold, 2009) Soldiers. Story From Ferentari (Soldații. Poveste din Ferentari, Ivana Mladenović, 2017)
Dick (Andrew Fleming, 1999) The Breaker Upperers (Madeleine Sami and Jackie Van Beek, 2018) It Stains the Sands Red (Colin Minihan, 2016) Satanic Panic (Chelsea Stardust, 2019)
Wanda (Barbara Loden, 1970) House of Wax (Andre DeToth, 1953) Eve's Bayou (Kasi Lemmons, 1997) Germany Pale Mother (Deutschland bleiche Mutter, Helma Sanders-Brahms, 1980)
April and the Devil (Jake Hammond, 2018) Blackwood (Andrew Montague, 2019) The Crescent (Seth A Smith, 2017) Us (Jordan Peele, 2019) American Mary (Jen and Sylvia Soska, 2012) Midsommar (Ari Aster, 2019) Black Christmas (Bob Clark, 1974) The Devil's Passenger (Dave Bundtzen, 2018)
Science fiction
Born in Flames (Lizzie Borden, 1983) Evolution (Lucile Hadžihalilović, 2015) In Full Bloom (Maegan Houang, 2019)
Destroyer (Karyn Kusama, 2018) Under the Silver Lake (David Robert Mitchell, 2018) Snatch (Guy Ritchie, 2000) Holiday (Isabella Eklöf, 2018)
Our Daily Bread (Unser täglich Brot, Nikolaus Geyrhalter, 2005) Abducted in Plain Sight (Skye Borgman, 2017) Jane Fonda in Five Acts (Susan Lacy, 2018) Stories We Tell (Sarah Polley, 2012) The Decline of Western Civilization series (Penelope Spheeris, 1981, 1988 and 1998)
Full list of 273 films watched in 2018 under the cut!
Like Father  (Lauren Miller Rogen, 2018)
Upgrade  (Leigh Whannell, 2018)
Skate Kitchen (Crystal Moselle, 2018)
Never Been Kissed (Raja Gosnell, 1999)
Anomalisa (Charlie Kaufman and Duke Johnson, 2015)
Dick (Andrew Fleming, 1999)
The Black Balloon  (Elissa Down, 2008)
Under the Silver Lake (David Robert Mitchell, 2018)
6 Balloons (Marja-Lewis Ryan, 2018)
Rosy (Jess Bond, 2018)
The Party’s Just Beginning (Karen Gillan, 2018)
The Rider (Chloé Zhao, 2017)
Snowpiercer (Bong Joon-ho, 2013)
Touch of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958)
Thirteen (Catherine Hardwicke, 2003)
Sadie (Megan Griffiths, 2018)
The Miseducation of Cameron Post  (Desiree Akhavan, 2018)
Frida (Julie Taymor, 2002)
Fyre: The Greatest Pary That Never Happened (Chris Smith, 2019)
Time Share (Tiempo Compartido, Sebastián Hofmann, 2018)
The Stranger (Orson Welles, 1946)
Abducted in Plain Sight (Skye Borgman, 2017)
King of Thieves (James Marsh, 2018)
Malevolent (Olaf de Fleur, 2018)
Serena (Susanne Bier, 2014)
Baise-moi (Virginie Despentes and Coralie Trinh Thi, 2000)
And Breathe Normally (Andið Eðlilega, Ísold Uggadóttir, 2018)
Catwalk: Tales from the Cat Show Circuit  (Aaron Hancox and Michael McNamara, 2018)
Santoalla (Andrew Becker and Daniel Mehrer, 2016)
Jane Fonda in Five Acts (Susan Lacy, 2018)
Mademoiselle Paradis (Licht, Barbara Albert, 2017)
The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman’s Portrait Photography (Errol Morris, 2016)
Matangi/Maya/M.I.A (Steve Loveridge, 2018)
Pride & Prejudice (Joe Wright, 2005)T
The Brain Hack (Joseph White, 2014)
Vazante (Daniela Thomas, 2017)
Tanglewood (Jordan Prosser, 2016)
Outfall (Suzi Ewing, 2018)
Pigskin (Jake Hammond, 2015)
The Funspot (Jake Hammond, 2015)
April and the Devil (Jake Hammond, 2018)
Smithereens (Susan Seidelman, 1982)
Can You Ever Forgive Me? (Marielle Heller, 2018)
Bus Stop (Joshua Logan, 1956)
Pink Plastic Flamingos (Colin West, 2017)
The Breaker Upperers (Madeleine Sami and Jackie Van Beek, 2018)
Amanda Knox  (Rod Blackhurst and Brian McGinn, 2016)
Holy Hell (Will Allen, 2016)
Shoplifters (Manbiki Kazoku, Hirokazu Kore-eda, 2018)
Skin (Jordana Spiro, 2015)
A Night at the Garden (Marshall Curry, 2017)
Give Up the Ghost (Nathan Sam Long, 2018)
Last One Screaming (Matt Devino, 2017)
The Katy Universe (Patrick Muhlberger, 2018)
Roma (Alfonso Cuarón, 2018)
Did You Hear About the Morgans? (Marc Lawrence, 2009)
End Game (Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman, 2018)
Behind the Curve  (Daniel J. Clark, 2018)
Our Daily Bread (Unser täglich Brot, Nikolaus Geyrhalter, 2005)
92MARS  (Ricardo Bernardini, 2018)
Construct (Kevin Margo, 2018)
Invaders (Daniel Prince, 2018)
Three Identical Strangers (Tim Wardle, 2018)
Dirty John: The Dirty Truth (Sara Mast, 2019)
Blackwood (Andrew Montague, 2019)
One (Luke Bradford, 2019)
God's Kingdom (Guy Soulsby, 2018)
Holiday (Isabella Eklöf, 2018)
Frigid (Joe Kicak, 2016)
Girl of the Sky (Ariel Martin, 2017)
Monitor (Matt Black and Ryan Polly, 2018)
Donoma (Evan Spencer Brace, 2018)
Perfect Blue (パーフェクトブル, Pāfekuto Burū, Satoshi Kon, 1997)
The Sermon (Dean Puckett, 2018)
Layer Cake (Matthew Vaughn, 2004)
Easy A (Will Gluck, 2010)
Generation Wealth (Lauren Greenfield, 2018)
The Rachel Divide (Laura Brownson, 2018)
The Place Beyond the Pines (Derek Cianfrance, 2012)
Burden (Timothy Marrinan and Richard Dewey, 2016)
What Will People Say (Hva vil folk si, Iram Haq, 2017)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Steven Spielberg, 1977)
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father (Kurt Kuenne, 2008)
Animal (Fabrice Le Nézet and Jules Janaud, 2017)
Capturing the Friedmans (Andrew Karecki, 2003)
The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara (Errol Morris, 2003)
Erasing Eden (Beth Dewey, 2016)
Destroyer (Karyn Kusama, 2018)
Unicorn Store (Brie Larson, 2019)
May the Devil Take You (Sebelum iblis menjemput, Timo Tjahjanto, 2018)
People in Cars (Daniel Lundh, 2017)
Presentation (Danielle Kampf, 2017)
Ink (Jamin Winans, 2009)
Hedgehog (Lindsey Copeland, 2016)
Koyaanisqatsi (Godfrey Reggio, 1982)
Wanda (Barbara Loden, 1970)
The Silence (John R. Leonetti, 2019)
24 Davids (Céline Baril, 2017)
The Frame (Jamin Winans, 2014)
The Talented Mr. Ripley (Anthony Minghella, 1999)
Baraka (Ron Fricke, 1992)
Wayne’s World (Penelope Spheeris, 1992)
Stories We Tell (Sarah Polley, 2012)
Born in Flames (Lizzie Borden, 1983)
Jesse’s Girl (M. Keegan Uhl, 2018)
I Walked With a Zombie (Jacques Tourneur, 1943)
Mary Goes Round (Molly McGlynn, 2017)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, and Galen Johnson, 2017)
Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock, 1960)
Someone Great (Jennifer Kaytin Robinson, 2019)
Ekaj (Cati Gonzalez, 2015)
Capernaum (Nadine Labaki, 2018)
Porcupine Lake (Ingrid Veninger, 2017)
The Decline of Western Civilization (Penelope Spheeris, 1981)
The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years (Penelope Spheeris, 1988)
The Decline of Western Civilization III (Penelope Spheeris, 1998)
Revolver (Guy Ritchie, 2005)
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (Rob Letterman, 2019)
RocknRolla (Guy Ritchie, 2008)
Snatch (Guy Ritchie, 2000)
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (Guy Ritchie, 1998)
The Seen and the Unseen (Sekala Niskala, Kamila Andini, 2017)
Nkosi Coiffure (Frederike Migom, 2015)
Speak Your Truth (Kris Erickson, 2018)
Incendies (Denis Villeneuve, 2010)
A.I. Rising (Lazar Bodrosa, 2018)
The Crescent (Seth A Smith, 2017)
Ring (リング, Ringu, Hideo Nakata, 1998)
Absences (Carole Laganière, 2013)
The Uninvited (Lewis Allen, 1944)
In Color (José Andrés Cardona, 2019)
Winners (Dan Bulla, 2018)
Jess (Daniel Hurwitz, 2018)
My First Time (Asaf Livni, 2018)
Murmur (Aurora Fearnley, 2018)
Pulsar (Aurora Fearnley, 2017)
Struck (Aurora Fearnley, 2017)
Samira (Lainey Richardson, 2018)
Despite Everything (A pesar de todo, Gabriela Tagliavini, 2019)
It Stains the Sands Red (Colin Minihan, 2016)
Satain Said Dance (Szatan kazał tańczyć, Katarzyna Rosłaniec, 2016)
Knock Down Ginger (Cleo Samoles-Little, 2016)
Gold (Cleo Samoles-Little, 2015)
Jane's Life (Cleo Samoles-Little, 2012)
4/4 (Kyle Sawyer, 2016)
Sugar Land (Lorenzo Lanzillotti, 2018)
The Idea of North (Albert Choi, 2018)
A Quiet Place (John Krasinski, 2018)
Dark Water (仄暗い水の底から, Honogurai Mizu no soko kara, Hideo Nakata, 2002)
Sound of My Voice (Zal Batmanglij, 2011)
Us (Jordan Peele, 2019)
The Perfection (Richard Shepard, 2018)
House of Wax (Andre DeToth, 1953)
We Have Always Lived in the Castle (Stacie Passon, 2018)
Always Be My Maybe (Nahnatchka Khan, 2019)
Gente que viene y bah (Patricia Font, 2019)
Period. End of Sentence. (Rayka Zehtabchi, 2018)
American Mary (Jen and Sylvia Soska, 2012)
The Boss (Ben Falcone, 2016)
Extremis (Dan Krauss, 2016)
E il cibo va (Food on the Go, Mercedes Cordova, 2017)
Last Night (Massy Tadjedin, 2010)
Murder Mystery (Kyle Newacheck, 2019)
Bead Game (Ishu Patel, 1977)
The Ceiling (Katto, Teppo Airaksinen, 2017)
Elisa & Marcela (Elisa y Marcela, Isabel Coixet, 2019)
Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts (Marlina Si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak, Mouly Surya, 2017)
The Garden (Sommerhaüser, Sonja Maria Kröner, 2017)
Fast Color (Julia Hart, 2018)
The Tale of Iya (Iya Monogatari: Oku no Hito, Tetsuichiro Tsuta, 2013)
Chico and Rita (Chico y Rita, Tono Errando, Fernando Trueba and Javier
Mariscal, 2010)
Rafiki (Wanuri Kahiu, 2018)
Floating! (Das Floß!, Julia C. Kaiser, 2015)
The Quiet American (Phillip Noyce, 2002)
Keepers of the Magic (Vic Sarin, 2016)
Evolution (Lucile Hadžihalilović, 2015)
Mr. Holmes (Bill Condon, 2015)
The Long Dumb Road (Hannah Fidell, 2018)
Toni Erdmann (Maren Ade, 2016)
Life Overtakes Me (John Haptas and Kristine Samuelson, 2019)
The Milk System (Andreas Pilcher, 2017)
A Streetcar Named Desire (Elia Kazan, 1951)
The Texture of Falling (Maria Allred, 2019)
Family (Laura Steinel, 2018)
Sudden Fear (David Miller, 1952)
Identity Thief (Seth Gordon, 2013)
Point Break (Kathryn Bigelow, 1991)
In Full Bloom (Maegan Houang, 2019)
Blue Steel (Kathryn Bigelow, 1990)
The Eagles are a Country Music Band (Cody Wagner, 2018)
The Fifth Element (Luc Besson, 1997)
Hobbs & Shaw (David Leitch, 2019)
Coco (Lee Unkrich, 2017)
Bubba Ho-Tep (Don Coscarelli, 2002)
John Wick (Chad Stahelski, 2014)
Eve's Bayou (Kasi Lemmons, 1997)
I Don’t Protest, I Just Dance In My Shadow (Jessica Ashman, 2017)
My Cousin Rachel (Henry Koster, 1952)
Lifeline (Harry Jackson, 2018)
FOMI (Fear of Missing In) (Norbert Fodor, 2019)
Body at Brighton Rock (Roxanne Benjamin, 2019)
Koreatown (Grant Hyun, 2018)
A Report of Connected Events (Mischa Rozema, 2018)
Sundays (Mischa Rozema, 2015)
A King's Betrayal (David Bornstein, 2014)
Perception (Ilana Rein, 2018)
Germany Pale Mother (Deutschland bleiche Mutter, Helma Sanders-Brahms, 1980)
Men in Black International (F. Gary Gray, 2019)
Captive State (Rupert Wyatt, 2019)
Little Forest (리틀 포레스트, Liteul Poleseuteu, Yim Soon-rye, 2018)
What Keeps You Alive (Colin Minihan, 2018)
Grave Encounters (The Vicious Brothers, 2011)
Terrified (Aterrados, Demián Rugna, 2017)
Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982)
Helen (Sandra Nettelbeck, 2009)
Colossal (Nacho Vigalondo, 2016)
Out of Blue (Carol Morley, 2018)
Taxi (تاکسی‎, Jafar Panahi, 2015)
Dear Ex (誰先愛上他的, Mag Hsu and Hsu Chih-yen, 2018)
Marguerite (Marianne Farley, 2019)
Birders (Otilia Portillo Padua, 2019)
Midsommar (Ari Aster, 2019)
Mansfield Park (Patricia Rozema, 1999)
Long Term Delivery (Jake Honig, 2018)
Game (Joy Webster, 2017)
Fish Tank (Andrea Arnold, 2009)
Foxfire (Annette Haywood-Carter, 1996)
Zombieland (Ruben Fleischer, 2009)
Under the Shadow ( زیر سایه, Babak Anvari, 2015)
Ghostbusters (Ivan Reitman, 1984)
Scream (Wes Craven, 1996)
Ghostbusters (Paul Feig, 2016)
Jaws (Steven Spielberg, 1975)
Rabid (David Cronenberg, 1977)
Rabid (The Soska Sisters, 2019)
In the Shadow of the Moon (Jim Mickle, 2019)
Benny Loves Killing (Ben Woodiwiss, 2018)
The Golem (Yoav & Doron Paz, 2018)
Eli (Ciarán Foy, 2019)
The Adversary (L’Adversaire, Nicole Garcia, 2002)
Satanic Panic (Chelsea Stardust, 2019)
The Devil and Father Amorth (William Friedkin, 2017)
Wounds (Babak Anvari, 2019)
Silent Hill (Christophe Gans, 2006)
Sleeping Beauty (Julia Leigh, 2011)
Black Christmas (Bob Clark, 1974)
The Shift (Francesco Calabrese, 2014)
The Baby (Kamran Chahkar, Lei Jim, 2012)
Intrusion (Jack Michel, 2013)
The Devil's Passenger (Dave Bundtzen, 2018)
Halloween (John Carpenter, 1978)
A Hijacking (Kapringen, Tobias Lindholm, 2012)
The Kitchen (Andrea Berloff, 2019)
The Hole in the Ground (Lee Cronin, 2019)
Assassination Nation (Sam Levinson, 2018)
Amy (Asif Kapadia, 2015)
Tell Me Who I Am (Ed Perkins, 2019)
Possessed (Curtis Bernhardt, 1947)
Terminally Happy (Adina Istrate, 2015)
The Glass Key (Stuart Heisler, 1942)
LuTo (Katina Medina Mora, 2015)
The Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator (Eva Orner, 2019)
Soldiers. Story From Ferentari (Soldații. Poveste din Ferentari, Ivana Mladenović, 2017)
John and Michael (John et Michael, Shira Avni, 2004)
High Tension (Haute Tension, Alexandre Aja, 2003)
Little Joe (Jessica Hausner, 2019)
The Matrix (The Wachowskis, 1999)
Finders Keepers (Bryan Carberry and Clay Tweel, 2015)
To Catch a Thief (Alfred Hitchcock, 1955)
My Buddha is Punk (Andreas Hartmann, 2016)
Little Miss Sumo (Matt Kay, 2018)
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orendamagau · 6 years
Bi-Weekly TV/Movie Wrapup (Part One)
Fallen behind in the world of visual entertainment? Well fret no more as Cal Behrendt take a look at some exciting new shows and movies that have dropped in the last two weeks!
The 70th Primetime Emmy Awards (NBC)
The biggest award show for the television industry, the 2018 Emmys (hosted by SNL’s Michael Che and Colin Jost) were a very mixed bag. Bill Hader and Henry Winkler — who won his first-ever Emmy despite five previous nominations stretching back to 1976 — picked up Emmys for their work in Barry. The Academy finally recognised some of the best talent to grace our screens in a long time, but even a shock mid-telecast proposal couldn't even save a trainwreck of a ceremony.
Even a shock mid-telecast proposal couldn't even save a trainwreck of a ceremony
Arguably the biggest surprise of the night was The Americans picking up two Emmys for its swan song run. Joel Fields and Joe Weisberg picked up the Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series Emmy for the series finale START. In the same episode, Matthew Rhys finally picked up the Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series for his performance as Phillip Jennings (one of my all-time favourite characters and acting performances). But despite this, the Emmys still dropped the ball in many spots. How the hell did Keri Russell not win Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series, and how did the consensus worst season of Game of Thrones win Best Drama Series ahead of The Americans? To me, nothing was worse so than the awkward-as-hell gags where Che and Jost kept cutting back to Maya Rudolph and Fred Armisen — self-claimed Emmy ‘experts’ — throughout the ceremony. These gags were painfully unfunny and poorly timed, and they really took away from the rest of the telecast. It only shined in the unexpected moments, like Glenn Weiss’ proposal to Jan Svendsen, and Sandra Oh awarding the Emmy to LaLa Land after ripping the envelope.
How the hell did Keri Russell not win Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series?
BoJack Horseman Season Five (Netflix)
Everybody’s favourite sad horse show has returned for another season. Once again, creator Raphael Bob-Waksberg and the crew have created a strong season of one of the best shows currently running. Season Five continues to make these characters feel so real that it is hard to believe this is a cartoon about anthropomorphic animals.
Everybody’s favourite sad horse show has returned for another season
The season also hits many topical issues right on the head, from the perfectly-timed examination of #MeToo to casting race-appropriate actors and actresses. Season Five is a perfect addition to a series that seems to get stronger every year. Once again we have a handful of standout episodes, but the episode Free Churro stands high and proud above everything else this show has done. It pushes the boundaries of what an animated show should be doing. If this episode and Will Arnett’s performance don't find their way into the Emmy winners circle in 2019, I will be madder about this than I will be about Twin Peaks' Emmy snubs.
American Vandal Season Two (Netflix)
Also dropping on the same day as BoJack, true-crime mockumentary series American Vandal makes its return. Season Two introduces a new setting and crime, with the crew travelling to Washington to investigate the ‘Turd Burglar’ — a student who is doing crap-filled pranks at St Bernardine’s. It could have easily been a re-tread of the first season, but Season Two expands on a lot of the previous issues to make yet another engrossing season. Not only do we get another fantastic mystery filled with twists and turns, but we also get a perfect examination of high school culture and how, in this social media-driven age, a lot of us feel lonelier than ever. But American Vandal is not content with just doing all that. It also pulls together a number of strong performances to anchor the season: from Travis Tope’s oddly charming Kevin McClain to Melvin Gregg’s MVP performance as DeMarcus Tillman, a basketball prodigy who, underneath the bright and popular exterior, is an insecure individual who just wants to be loved for something other than his basketball. American Vandal Season Two is a fantastic follow-up and shows why this program has quietly become one of the best shows out there.
American Vandal Season Two…shows why this program has quietly become one of the best shows out there.
Also Released:
Maniac Season One (Netflix)
Jonah Hill and Emma Stone star in this Cary Fukunaga-directed miniseries about two strangers who connect during a pharmaceutical trial. Many critics have praised the performances and the direction as well as the overall aesthetic of the series. I think my friend summed it up the best so far: “No idea what’s going on, but Jonah Hill and Emma Stone are great. It is well and truly some weird shit.”
It is well and truly some weird shit.
American Horror Story Season Eight (FX)
The long-running FX horror anthology has returned for another season with the eighth instalment, Apocalypse, which marks a departure from previous seasons. Not only is it set in the futuristic year of 2021, but it crosses over two past seasons — Season One’s Murder House and Season Three’s Coven — into one story. Two episodes have aired so far, and early reviews state that it's another solid entry into the franchise.
The Good Cop Season One (Netflix)
Do you like Josh Groban? Well then, I have the show for you! This Netflix police procedural stars Groban as a cop who goes by-the-book rather than become like his father (played by Tony Danza), who went to prison for being a dirty cop. The Good Cop sees them pair up to solve mysteries in New York, in a premise that sounds as 90s NBC-core as you can get. Most of the reviews I have read have pegged it as pretty mediocre, but if you love shows like Law and Order running in the background while you do other stuff you'll get a kick out of The Good Cop.
A premise that sounds as 90s NBC-core as you can get
Lizzie (Saban Films/Roadside Attractions)
The story of axe-murderer Lizzie Borden has been covered a lot over recent years. But this biographical thriller directed by Craig William Macneill jumps on top of the crowd, covering the story from a more feminist angle. According to critics, Chloë Sevigny and Kristen Stewart turn in strong performances as Lizzie Borden and Bridget Sullivan respectively, but it appears a common complaint is the story is not as gripping as it could be.
Colette (Bleecker Street/Lionsgate)
Colette follows the life of French novelist Gabrielle Colette, with Keira Knightley taking on the main role. It's directed by Wash Westmoreland, one of the most interesting names in the business,  having directed 2014’s Still Alice. Early reviews have been glowing across the board, with critics praising the performance of Knightley who turns in one of the strongest performances in her career to date. Also praised is the direction and overarching themes of feminism and the battle against misogyny Colette experienced. Colette won’t be released in Australia for a while yet, but keep your eyes open for this film when it does release. It's a potential early Oscar contender.
Early reviews have been glowing across the board
The Sisters Brothers (Annapurna Pictures)
This Western dark comedy focuses on a pair of hitmen searching for a chemist in 1800’s America. It features one of the most stacked acting lists I have seen in a while: John C. Reilly and Joaquin Phoenix take on the titular roles of the Sisters brothers alongside Jake Gyllenhaal, Riz Ahmed, Allison Tolman and Carol Kane. Early reviews peg this film as one driven strongly by the Western genre whilst focusing on a strong character study of family and familial relationships. This movie has already picked up an award for director Jacques Audiard, who claimed the Silver Lion for Best Director at the 2018 Venice International Film Festival. This film will definitely be one to watch when it drops in Australia in the near future.
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