sour-transvestite · 11 months
fucking wild to me how when the ukraine invasion started everyone was lauding the ukranian people for making molotovs in their garage to fight the russians and started boycotting russian everything and a bunch of chain restaurants pulled out of russia but i didn't know jack shit about the whole israel palestine thing until like a month ago and somehow any palestinian violence or decolonization efforts justifies israel bombing hospitals and killing children but no matter how much israel bombs hospitals and kills children every single fucking braindead liberal is only concerned with "do you condemn hamas." i cant honestly say i'm surprised at this point but what the fuck.
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originalleftist · 6 months
For anyone honestly still asking why the US or other countries should support Ukraine against Russia, here's why:
When Ukraine became an independent country upon the breakup of the Soviet Union, it, along with Belarus and Kazakhstan, signed the Budapest Memorandum, an agreement with Russia, the US, and the UK where it gave up the immense stockpile of Soviet nuclear weapons it retained (then the third-largest nuclear arsenal in the world), and signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, on the condition that, among other things, the other signatories, including Russia, would respect it's sovereignty and borders. It is facing the threat of annihilation now because this agreement has not been upheld.
2. Any "peace" achieved by the surrender of Ukraine's land and people to Russian occupation and genocide would be an illusory and temporary one. Not only for the subjugated and brutalized people of Ukraine, who would no more know peace than any other people under authoritarian rule, but for the world. Every nation with expansionist aims would see Russia's victory as proof that they too could get away with annexing weaker countries' territory by force. This has not been the norm for nearly a century (for all the criticisms of the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the US never tried to outright annex either country's territory into the US). What we are talking about is a return to the days of colonial "Great Powers"- a world order which gave us two world wars in less than thirty years before we finally put an end to it.
Such a "peace" would be soon interrupted, likely either by a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, or by Russia moving on to it's next target once it had sufficiently rebuilt it's strength- either scenario being one with a high risk of leading to global nuclear war.
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kammartinez · 5 months
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atlaslisboa · 1 year
Portugal should apologise, confront past role in slavery, says president | Reuters
“From the 15th to the 19th century, 6 million Africans were kidnapped and forcibly transported across the Atlantic by Portuguese vessels and sold into slavery, primarily to Brazil,” Reuters writes.
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secular-jew · 1 month
if you get to talk about how islam ruined the levant, i get to talk about how islam ruined south asia. im indian and seeing so much of my culture as well as the cultures of indigenous pakistanis/kashmiris/afghans get erased by muslim invaders is ridiculous. they pretend that they're oppressed everywhere but in reality, they've been doing so much of it. i feel solidarity towards jews because we understand how much islamic colonialism hurts us. even in kashmir, the indigenous hindus were murdered and forced to leave in the 80s and 90s, and now, the story's been twisted so that the kashmiri hindus are the bad guys and we're the ones who want to kill all the muslims when it's the opposite. it's so frustrating.
Islam absolutely ruined Southeast and South Asia. I FEEL FOR YOU MY FRIEND. I feel TOTAL solidarity with Buddhists and Hindus and Sikhs and Zoroastrians -- with all Indians and Malaysians and Indonesians and Africans as well. Islam is now ruining Europe and trying to destroy North America.
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aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Splinter In The Sky
fast-paced standalone sci-fi
follows a scribe and tea expert from a colonised moon whose sibling is kidnapped and lover is killed, and is taken as a political prisoner into the heart of the empire
she navigates the political world of high society serving tea while spying for multiple forces, in an attempt to fight for her people’s freedom and free her sibling
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the-faultofdaedalus · 4 months
every time there's any implication that like, colonialism is over or that it was "so long ago" ect ect it kind of just baffles me because the fucking hudson's bay company still exists
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llewelynpritch · 7 months
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https://lnkd.in/etGUdjdc  "YESTERDAY 1 July 2021 AT GIDIMT'EN CAMP, WE DID NOT CELEBRATE CANADA DAY. INSTEAD, WE TRUTH TOLD. We told the truth about Canada, its history and its present relationship with Indigenous people. We continue to be enraged by the mounting numbers of children being recovered from residential 'schools' across Canada, and we continue to be enraged at the state's lack of redress for the genocide of our children, and resulting generations of families. We know that Canada stole our children from the land so they could profit from those lands. We now experience Canada's genocide of our people and future generations through the destruction of our lands and waters by extractive industries that do not have our consent. The RCMP were enforcers of genocide in our past and continue that legacy into the present…” @Gidimten @smogelgem @UnistotenCamp 
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egoschwank · 4 months
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #1312
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first posted in facebook may 16, 2024
tony monsanto -- "welcome to paradise" (2008)
"my work incorporates contemporary issues, like environmental and social subjects, dealing with the complexity of our caribbean identity and reality. migration of our people to the economical centers causes a brain drain and stagnation of our economy. some, as a reaction to the demands of the harsh reality, seek mental support in the mythical world of ancestral african religions. while the stereotype images combine clear blue waters, sandy beaches, palm trees, cool cocktails, tanned bodies, drum beating musicians, carnival parades and attractive dancers into a picture postcard view of the caribbean, the population is struggling with unemployment, low income, political indecision as part of post-colonialism, as well as drug, gambling and alcohol addiction" … tony monsanto
"well, the moral of the story the moral of this song is simply that one should never be where one does not belong so when you see your neighbor carryin’ somethin’ help him with his load and don’t go mistaking paradise for that home across the road" … bob dylan
"you're welcome" … al janik
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garyconkling · 1 year
Imagining Vietnam Without the War
The Vietnam War costly in lives, collateral damage and national pride. Even worse, it wasn't a war we had to wage. There was another choice.
News: President Biden goes to Hanoi to promote trade and establish a strategic partnership with Vietnam. Imagine if the United States never fought the Vietnam War. Some 58,000 Americans would not have died and 350,000 would not have been maimed. Up to 2 million Vietnamese would have been spared. The United States wouldn’t have spent $176 billion (the equivalent of $1 trillion in today’s dollars)…
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hasellia · 6 months
The Process of Frank Herbert writing the Dune series (from my very vague memory of a video essay).
Franklin Patrick Herbert Jr. watches Lawrence Of Arabia (1962).
It becomes his problematic fave, and he writes fanficion; “Lawrence of Arabia IN SPAAAAAACCEEE.”
Franklin needs money and decides to send his fanfiction to a publisher. The book becomes an unexpected hit.
He wants to rewrite Dune to repair the ethical problems of his favourite movie, but the publishers tell Herbert that a rewrite or a clone will be seen as a lazy cash grab that would lose them trust.
UH OH! RENT IS DUE!!! If he wants to pay rent and eat a nice dinner, Frankie better write a sequel!
Sequel 1; The story continues, but the supporting characters pine for a better version of their world by vocalising the problems of the MC’s colonialism.
The audience doesn't get it. Maybe it’s too subtle.
Sequel 2: The MC commits major atrocities, including a horrific genocide. He’s not a god or a messiah. He’s just another worthless cog in the machine of colonialism.
The audience feels bad that their hero is seen as a worthless cog. Maybe he just needs Jesus. That way, he can make up for the irreversible loss of millions of lives! God finds a way.
Sequel 3: The MC has a son to carry on his legacy. The son loathes him. He channels his inner cool rebel, angsty Sasuke energy to tell the audience of children that “pot is cool, genocide drools!”
The audience is vaguely offended that Sasuke said pot is cool and still thinks genocide is okay. Or at the very least, the colonialism was okay in the circumstances of the Dune universe.
Patrick is out of patience.
Sequel 4: Sasuke huffs all the pot in the universe and becomes the king god of worms. With his infinite wisdom, he writes a Martin Luther style manifesto of every bad thing his father did. Point for point, sin for sin. The manifesto is within the novel itself and is roughly 97.8% of its reading. Repeated throughout the novel and manifesto and the novel itself is “Colonialism and genocide is NEVER okay. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE , IN ANY WORLD , IT IS N E V E R OKAY.”
The audience’s main take away is that the king god of worms is cool.
Herb is out of pot to keep the Jesus in him. He is so tired of trying to just F I X these people. He channels every ounce of energy he has left to figuring out a concrete way to explain to his audience how colonialism and genocide is bad. In his late middle-aged life, it’s the only way he can stop himself from picking up a phone book to find and throttle some nerds.
Sequel 5: Out of the sand and ether, Sasuke Luther King God of Worm’s long-lost never mentioned before normal human descendant appears. She walks up to the audience, hold their eyelids open, stares directly at them within a cm of distance from her own, and says; “Colonialsim bad. Genoicide is a bad. Do not do. Is bad. Alway. O.k.?”
The remaining audience says. “ye. ok.”
Franklin Patrick Herbert Junior finally has a win and dies promptly on the spot from exhaustion at the ancient age of 65.
That’s just my guess, though. Most of what I know about Dune is from Jack Saint's video and a 10-second glance on Wikipedia.
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ratoybox · 7 months
Hey, so y'all may have seen the convo I've had with another blog recently, and I just want to give the disclaimer that the original post is absolutely still correct and me discussing not exactly the right topic in the tags in response to it was correct to point out as wrong.
That being said, something that's been increasingly bothering me especially since my partner pointed it out, is the conversation on the definition of 'Zionism'. I've done extra research and from what I've seen, anti-Zionist / Zionist isn't the most clear label to use since the zionism itself doesn't have a hard set definition. The varied definitions include, but are not limited to:
believing Israel should be the Jewish homeland
believing that Jewish people should have a homeland at all / designated safe place to live
supporting Israel's development
thinking that Israel should exist
supports the Israeli government / military
However, the existence of Israel and support of its development, government, and military inherently support Palestinian genocide. To echo this creator's video, an ethnostate where Jewish people can live together safely sounds ideal. But, as stated, "creating an ethnostate is just a fucking beeline to engaging in colonialsim".
So, yeah, I already started to disagree with what op had said about the definition of Zionism since they basically said that it's "Zionism is X, not Y". In reality, from what I've researched, it's more like "Zionism is X but it can be XXY, XYX, XYY, XYZ, XZZ, XZX, XZY" (yes ik some of those look like chromosomes). Now, they did say there's complexity with this, but I still feel comfortable using this analogy since they said the following:
"Zionism doesn't mean support for the war or for any other given Israeli government policy, or opposition to establishing Palestine as a state - it's basically just the belief that Israel should exist".
However, at the end of the day, most if not all versions of X still lead back to genocide and oppression of the Palestinian people at the end of the day. In fact, it was the "just the belief that Israel should exist" that my partner pointed out that initially tipped me off to the issue with what op had said.
I gave benefit of the doubt bc it's not like I'm the expert on Zionism and know that it's common to see terms misused. But now the situation is more clear to me and I need to speak up on it because then I'd be complicit myself.
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For all their talk about how progressive and open-minded their community is, it took one passage suggesting that maybe war is inherently bad, for Pathfinder fandom to begin spewing every jingoism & colonialsim apologia imaginable.
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I neeed to make an in deapth powerpoint presentation about queer themes in bbc merlin, I need to write a thesis about Narnian colonialsim, I need to do comparative research about the 2010's ya love triangle and love triangles in medieval texts, I need to do a lecture about werewolves and other humanoid "monsters" and how they reflect physical disabilities, I need
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thedietelf · 2 years
i still can't get over da2 and onward turning mages rights into like THE TOPIC when unstable mages literally get posessed and turn into abominations
like the idea could have worked. but introducing us to a world where, factually any mage is corruptable and then backpedaling so hard makes the whole thing shakey as hell.
just bc (probably EA) realized that tackling colonialsim and diaspora with the elves, and a dying society due to ingrained exceptionalism with the dwarves, was Too Touchy probably
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stuartbramhall · 2 months
Resisting the New Green Colonialsim
  Picture by Green Prophet By Saber Ammar In recent months, discussions about green hydrogen in Tunisia have dominated the media, particularly concerning the memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed on May 28, 2024,between TotalEnergies (a French multinational integrated energy and petroleum company), Eren Groupe (a French company specializing in renewable energy and resource efficiency), Verbund…
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