#Colton Haynes gay actor
femmesandhoney · 7 months
oh you definitely can't underestimate how homophobic people are... there's a singer i follow and i remember the time he recommended a movie and then the fans found out its a movie about a gay male couple. for at least a couple weeks the comments under anything related to him were full of self-identified fans going "how could he do this to us" "there are hundreds of thousands of women who would kill to have his children and he does this" "we are doomed as a society" "how can he call himself a man" "i can't support this". all from american zoomers. i can't imagine what would happen if a world class celebrity with a cult following came out in this day and age with social media being a thing if a movie rec from a honest to god not so popular guy gets people acting up like this
jesus thats terrible, can't even rec movies now, homophobia is so pervasive
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siringadev · 9 months
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My thoughts about secret relationships in Hollywood. I read a report from FFH staff who said that during filming, Tom and Jake were together all the time and went into private together (it was said that they had sex), and also that they lived in the same hotel room, both during production and during press tour. All this was then carefully hidden and silenced by homophobic Sony and Disney, and PR with fake gf was invented, and then Tomdaya stuff appeared. On Blind Item they write that both Tom and Jake are hiding and their "beards" are needed to hide their real relationship with each other. Also, Tom and Jake have been together for five years now. There is a lot of evidence, but I won't post it - I respect their privacy. Believe it or not, I decided to drop a hint about this for those who are looking for the truth and still love their love. Part of me wants to talk more about it, but the other part says to keep quiet. I'm sad about all this lying, hiding, manipulation, PR, homophobia. I'm desperate about what's happening. I'm angry at the system, at company, at their managers, and partly at the actors themselves, although they are victims of the situation, but they are also responsible for lying. They have the right to keep their real relationship a secret, given homophobia, but lying about a relationship with a girlfriends and doing entire staged photo shoots, fake performances and interviews where they lie is wrong and not good. This is a game on people's feelings. But society is also to blame for forcing actors to do this.
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You see when Tom is with Jake, he smiled truly, happily, from the bottom of his heart. And not now, miserable, forced smiles during PR with Z. Yes, Tomdaya is a fake relationship. The contract with Sony forces him. Sony and Disney are homophobic and hypocrites, they fired Andrew Garfield for just saying "Spiderman can have a boyfriend, he may be bi or gay" and then they demanded an apology from him, he refused and told them "You just want to sell more tickets to homophobes and bigots?" That's why PR is needed. Every Spider-Man actor "has to date MJ in real life" to sell their product. But society, which is homophobic, stupid, ignorant is to blame for this. Most of Tom's fans now, will they still love Tom when they find out he's not hetero? That Tomdaya is a subtle marketing ploy? Hardly. And that's why Hollywood is still has closeted actors. Despite all the rights, society has not changed its deep-seated attitude towards gay men. Especially for celebrities. Read what Kate Winslet said about this, as well as a new interview with Richard Armitage, who only came out publicly now, at age 50, and who said he pretended to be straight so as not to ruin his career. Actor Colton Haynes said that after he came out, he stopped getting offers for big roles, and when he went to auditions, he was turned down.
"I came out of the closet in an interview with Entertainment Weekly in 2016. I hoped it would set me free, and in some ways it did." Unfortunately though, Haynes believes that his coming out made it more difficult for him to get parts, saying that "the work mostly dried up" compared to when he was closeted. Colton Haynes Stopped Getting Roles After Coming Out as Gay
You may say that I can't talk about actors' sexuality and private relationships until they reveal it themselves. But Tom and Jake opened up at first, they told the truth, they confessed their love a hundred times, said that they would get married, called each other husbands.
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And what then? People called it a joke, bromance, fanservice (which is nonsense, gay fanservice exists in Asia, but not in Hollywood, and Sony/Disney certainly won't allow it). But I don't care what people say. I'm tired. I see how the privacy of actors is destroyed every day, for many years, "officially" and in the media, how all the details of their “personal hetero-life” (fabricated) are discussed from all sides by a press and fans. Look at Tomdaya and Jake's "gfs" stuff. This is disgusting. And no one condemns this, right? Why can't I tell the truth about gay relationships? I think we need to discuss, we need to share, but sensibly, intelligently, with understanding and empathy. This is the only way we can change something for the better. Sitting in the closet and lying, we do not improve. By doing this, we only deepen prejudices and perpetuate stigmas, making same-sex love something taboo and forbidden. Lies bring money and fame, but the truth sets you free.
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exposewolf13257 · 4 days
Happy Pride Month 2024
Lets celebrate Pride with these Wonderful Gay actors of Teenwolf
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Froy gutierrez
Micheal Johnston
Charlie Carver
Colton Haynes
🏳️‍🌈♥️🧡💛💚💙💜 Love is Love
PS. This is not including Tyler Posey… He’s Not Really Fluid he’s straight guy queerbaiting contradictory his words… He says Multiple Times Thats he into women and he’s already married a Women who is Also a D-slur homophobic… Anyone who Post about Tyler posey sexual fluid Make believe story..i will Repost your post on my blogs and say Hes not Fluid
the guy only cares about clout
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smells2205 · 1 year
95) for my first question on your new blog, I had to ask you about farts, obviously.
If I had to write a story about the gay rich famous manly and muscled alpha male who is the American actor COLTON HAYNES, what should I include? How should a slave serve him (because he is a great farter acknowledged as a very gassy man with a big beautiful bubble butt) ?! And how would you like to be transformed to serve him?
Colton Haynes is one of the perfect alphas to write a story about because his ass is so big!
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I think a slave should definitely serve him as a fart sniffer and human cushion. The slave will have a lot of work to do since Colton is very gassy and his ass would get sweaty easily because of how big it is. I also think Colton would enjoy it because the slave might complain a little and Colton wouldn’t care.
I would like to be transformed into the back of his boxers. I would be able to sniff all his farts, taste his ass sweat, and feel his weight crush me when he sits down. He would never wear another pair of boxers again.
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twopoppies · 2 years
I’m sorry if you’ve gotten this question before but I was explaining Larry to my friend and they asked me “why don’t they just come out if they are dating” and “why put out subtle hints?” and I didn’t know what to say? They also brought up the fact that maybe they hint at it to increase their sales as they know half the fandom will be into it and it will get them more involved. What should I tell them lmao, I trust your judgment over all!!
Hi love. I truly don’t have the energy to rehash this again. The “why don’t they just come out” argument is such an ignorant comment that I barely have patience for it anymore.
I don’t have a simple answer to just hand you. It’s just too enormous a subject to sum up for someone else. Tell your friend to take some time to give some thought to how homophobic the world is, how closeting in the music industry and Hollywood has been around since the dawn of both industries, how marketing and PR works and how artists are simply products that are packaged and sold in order to make the most money. Explain to them how closeted queer people signal their connection to the LGBTQ+ community and that it’s not about “hinting” so they can appeal to more corners of the fandom, but it’s about wanting that sense of belonging, even if they can’t be open about it. But even beyond that, what people often take as signaling or hinting is just a queer person living their life.
Show your friend the horrifically homophobic reactions Harry has gotten any time he’s done something even remotely “gay” and how homophobic and brainless large swaths of his fanbase is. Your friend is essentially using the queerbaiting argument and they should understand how vile an accusation that really is. Show them the MFASR music video and remind them how quick the music industry is to toss you out the minute you’re no longer useful. Point to the queer celebrities who’ve spoken about how horribly they were treated while being closeted in the industry: Darren Hayes, Wentworth Miller, Colton Haynes, Chely Wright, George Shelley, and then other actors who had partners they were with for 11, 18, 19 years before feeling ready/safe to come out (in Cassandra Peterson’s experience in part because she was worried how her fans would respond), or Rupert Everett and Ricky Martin who both have said coming out derailed their careers. Or JoJo Siwa who hasn’t said much, but it’s pretty obvious how it’s affecting her. Don’t forget Lance Bass, Mark Feehily Johnathan Knight, Ricky Martin etc. All former boyband members.
Someone who thinks the world’s biggest pop star, who’s been sold as women’s sexual fantasy for the last dozen years, could simply “just come out” without any repercussions isn’t really thinking at all.
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vague-humanoid · 10 months
It’s been a particularly eventful few months for country music. Luke Combs scored a major crossover hit when his cover of queer icon Tracy Chapman’s “Fast Car” peaked at No. 2 on Billboard’s Hot 100, while more recently, Jason Aldean was widely criticized following the release of the video for his song “Try That in a Small Town” for featuring violent and racist imagery. Both artists and their records sparked plenty of discussion about the genre and its politics.
Into that cultural atmosphere comes singer-songwriter Tyler Childers’ new music video for his latest single “In Your Love,” the first off his upcoming album Rustin’ in the Rain. As NPR reports, Childers asked out poet and author Silas House, Kentucky’s poet laureate, to write the storyline for the video. Something akin to an Appalachian Brokeback Mountain, the video stars out actors Colton Haynes and James Scully as two Kentucky coal miners who meet, fall in love, and later build a life together in the mid-20th century.
@dirhwangdaseul @russianspacegeckosexparty @socialistexan
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alarrytale · 8 months
About this https://www.tumblr.com/alarrytale/731089422547894272/this-is-a-hypthesis-that-i-have-had-for-a-while
Colton Haynes mentioned this (terrible) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQPHK6bnogJ/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
And https://twopoppies.tumblr.com/post/670022342318161920/this-essay-by-colton-haynes-about-what-he-went
Yep, there are many gays who've spoken on this topic. Colton is an actor so it's a bit different than with a singer. I used the other guy as an example because he was in a boyband i think? The video where he talks about is on my blog somewhere...
Poor boys...Colton had to relearn how to be himself again. I think louis needs to do the same when the right time comes.
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lesbianmarrow · 1 year
i’m sure there are some gay actors who can play straight roles convincingly and well. colton haynes is not one of those actors
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dcrkcrwns · 5 months
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𝐀 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄, everyone always has one, but how dark will it be, it’s dependent on the person itself.   how dark can you be ?? 
✨ independent, highly selective, and private multi-muse blog with VERY mature themes including txboo, will be present, you have been warned.  heavy triggers will be tagged, smut will not. minors don’t interact. written by teddy, he/they, 25 +
affiliates: @bvssybvys
                                   ✨ open starters ✨ muses ✨ wishlist✨ kxnks ✨ memes ✨ wanted opposite ✨ most wanted
                                guidelines under read more
this blog is an independent multimuse blog.  all my charas are gay.  i am not affiliated with the faces or the shows that the canon characters are in. this blog will have thread that are very taboo so if you’re not comfortable, don’t follow this account. and if i don't follow you or don't have active threads, please don't interact with me. i'm just selective with who i write with.
i like to use small text with icons and small gifs or gif icons, and mostly do short threads that includes a paragraph. can write longer if the vibe is there.  but shorter stuff tend to get my attention and i go faster.  also cut your post if you can please. i use beta and xkit unwritten.
i’m a ship whore.  but it’s definitely easier if our writing chemistry and the character’s chemistry is there.  but yea, here for all the ships.
listen, there is lots of smut, this blog is mainly for all the smut writing honestly.  so i won’t be writing with characters under 18.   i’m of age, and i dont feel comfortable writing with anyone who is under the age of 21.  so be 21+ pls.   i won’t be tagging the smut on here, but will tag most triggers.
i am currently employed, so i’ll be semi-active, but apologies if i do disappear!  but if i do, i always come back, unless im dead lol, ok morbid, but yea, i’ll always return 💖
i am very crossover and oc friendly so don’t be afraid to hit me up if you and i have similar writing styles. i’m down for rping with chou all.
all of the resources i use are NOT mine, so kudos to those that have made them.  if i make any graphics though, don’t claim as your own! 😡😡
if you could all be kind to not reblog gif/photo sets from my blog.  just reblog from source, it’s easier to keep my activity clean and only be my threads, but i won't like go ballistic if you do so here and there. thank you fam! 💖
this place is just for fun.  so don’t bother me too much about this blog.
i don’t feel comfortable writing with fcs that are under the age of 21.  the only exception is kit connor and a couple others.  but i’m pretty open when it comes to fc’s but here a few that i’m very ehh/nope for me
underage fc’s
deceased fc’s
most influencers
most kpop singers and singers in general ( unless plotted )
cast of shameless ( except jeremy allen white or steve howey )
stranger things cast
individual actors tho are here:
ansel elgort
austin abrams
avan jogia
blake jenner
bill skarsgard
benedict cumberbatch
cillian murphy
chris pratt
colton haynes
dane dehaan
darren criss
dylan sprayberry
elliot page
ezra miller
johnny depp
misha collins
richard harmon
robert sheehan
robert downey jr
timothy olyphant
i will add more as my memory picks up.
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Hi i'm sorry but Who is ianbohen?
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it's an actor from teen wolf, and i don't know that much about him, but the essence of the point that linked post wants to make is that a celebrity was able to point out how ridiculous the whole baby thing was from the start.
an added point of interest in this case is that his co-star, colton haynes, was a victim of intense closeting (including stunting etc), so he might have had a bts view of how these things go down and thus a better bullshit sensor. (especially considering colton was open and proud before being closeted, like. gay magazine cover out. so it wasn't this iron-clad secret)
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2024mazdacx5 · 1 year
i need every actor from teen wolf to have an orgy with me where they all want me. tyler posey, dylan obrien, tyler hoechlin, allisons dad, stile's dad, the lacrosse coach, the guy who plays the gay guy, the guy who plays the tall blonde dude with the abusive dad who comes in s2... colton haynes wont be there fuck him but everyone else? do me
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placentafluid · 2 years
teen actor from that gay netflix show was accused of queerbaiting & was then forced to out himself. shld tweet gore
what do i do with this
teen actor from that gay netflix show what. OH. OH OH. OH. OH. h. OH.
i thought you meant Colton Haynes from Teen Wolf should do that i was confused for a moment. thank you. i am a fool
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Tyler Hoechlin, Calum Von Moger, and Aneurin Barnard in Bigger (George Gallo, 2018)
Cast: Tyler Hoechlin, Julianne Hough, Kevin Durand, Aneurin Barnard, Robert Forster, DJ Qualls, Victoria Justice, Steve Guttenberg, Calum Von Moger, Max Martini, Colton Haynes, Tom Arnold. Screenplay: Andy Weiss, George Gallo, Brad Furman, Ellen Furman. Cinematography: Michael Negrin. Production design: Stephen J. Lineweaver. Film editing: Sophie Corra. Music: Jeff Beal.
There is probably a good movie to be made about bodybuilding and fitness, but Bigger isn't it. A good one would deal with the ongoing questions about supplement use and abuse, the influence of steroids and other performance enhancers and practices, and the role of LGBT people in popularizing the bodybuilder image. Bigger ignores the role of supplements and enhancers almost entirely, and reduces the effect of gays on bodybuilding to just one of the stigmas Joe Weider (Tyler Hoechlin) encounters on his way to success as a promoter. What we get instead is a cliché rags to riches story, in which Weider battles antisemitism and a ruthless publisher-promoter called Bill Hauk (Kevin Durand) in the film, but based on fitness entrepreneur Bob Hoffman, to become a leading magazine publisher, fitness equipment and supplement manufacturer, and promoter of professional bodybuilding competitors, most notably Arnold Schwarzenegger (Calum Von Moger). Unfortunately, the film generates no real tension in tracking Weider's rise: The ugliness of the antisemitism he encounters feels incidental, rather than pervasive, and the tension with his apparently mentally disturbed mother (Nadine Lewington) feels like hack psychology. Hoechlin is a good, attractive actor, but he's forced to deliver his lines in a strange, tight accent that is, I suppose, meant to be Montreal-Canadian, but just manages to be distracting, especially since it doesn't match the one used by Robert Forster in the scenes in which he plays the older Joe Weider. Durand goes way over the top as the movie's villain, but there's some fun to be had in Von Moger's imitation of Schwarzenegger. It's a little hard to see who the film is for: People into bodybuilding won't learn anything they didn't already know -- and will probably take issue with what the film tells them about the actual people involved -- and people who aren't will take issue with the uncritical approach to the subject.
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exposewolf13257 · 7 months
i understand Ricky cornish its Gay Idol to Interview but The dude only focus On Posey Just because Posey Said he’s cute ONE time… Now You Posting about him But then not focusing on REAL gay actors on Teenwolf like Colton haynes Gay, Charlie carver Gay as Well EVEN froy is gay too But NO! Its posey posey posey posey… Quote Out Actor dished Out HES NOT EVEN OUT.
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sophialunablogs · 8 months
Colton Haynes Jaw-Dropping Body Transformation Before & After Coming Out
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Colton Haynes is one of the first male Hollywood actors to openly admit to being gay and embracing the LGBTQ community. Over the years, Colton has made a mark in the film industry starring in big hit movies like Teen Wolf, Arrow, San Andreas, Love, and Rough Night.Due to his beautiful body, Colton also shines in many brands photoshoots as a model showing off his incredible body physique that has many fans swooning.
Read full article 
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blog-nstuff2 · 1 year
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Colton Haynes is an actor who was out as gay until he pursued an acting career and his management team publicists idk specifically but they tried to get old pics of a gay photoshoot he did before getting fame off internet so ppl wouldn’t know he was gay. He was in teen wolf and wrote memoir miss memory lane
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