#Come Away online en français
groovetrill · 1 year
Self-made now you’re self-paid with your own plans
(yallah mori 3a beiti)
Your family was so proud of you lama tarakti ilblad
Salmi 3a sido, salmi 3a teta w salmi 3a jad a5ooki
We have designer sex in the morning
Expensive when you moanin’
Hop on a Zoom call for an hour
Then come back to show you who owns it
Fly you to Beirut for the wintertime
But don’t post about it online
Took her to dinner in Hamra
And one thing she kept tellin’ me
She has very few friends
She’s focused and has very few friends
[Verse 3]
Fa oltilha, you take away all my focus
But I’m down
Gotta bring you back to my town
Tiyara doghri 3a bladi
Oo akeed I’ll show you around
Bien—, bienvenue dans mon quartier
Sur son bracelet, c’est du Cartier
Elle veux que tu parles en français (Tu vas rien comprendre)
I wanna take you to Paris and spoil you
I wanna go to Marseille and enjoy you
I want those guys in your DM’s who talk to themselves
And then tell all their friends that they know you
I wanna make you forget about your ex
I want you overthinkin’ all your texts
I want the neighbors to hear you yell
Told me she’s a CEO, I can tell
So, you do you and I’ll do me
But when we come together it’s
When we come together it’s a fuckin’ problem
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comeawaystreamingvf · 4 years
Come Away Film Streaming VF 2020 Regarder Complet
Come Away Regarder Film - https://come-away-vf.blogspot.com/
Imaginez un mélange de JM Barrie et Lewis Carroll, avec un soupçon de Charles Dickens pour la misère victorienne et une distribution stellaire qui comprend Angelina Jolie, David Oyelowo et Michael Caine, et vous commencez à entendre "Come Away", une reprise engageante de " Peter Pan »et« Alice au pays des merveilles ». Ici, la scénariste Marissa Kate Goodhill imagine que Peter et Alice sont frères et sœurs, élevés dans la maison de campagne idyllique de Rose et Jack Littleton (Jolie et Oyelowo), parents aimants qui élèvent Peter, Alice et leur frère aîné, David, pour être Créatif. et les esprits libres. La maison Littleton est une admiration presque constante, car Alice (Keira Chansa) propose du thé pour son lapin en peluche bien-aimé, son miroir à main est généralement prêt, et comme Peter et David (Jordan A. Nash, Reece Yates) l'ont mis scène l'imaginaire. raid sur un navire abandonné découvert dans une rivière voisine.
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C'est un concept intelligent et entre les mains de la réalisatrice Brenda Chapman («Brave»), il est exécuté avec bon goût et une riche palette visuelle. Faisant écho à des films récents tels que "L'histoire personnelle de David Copperfield" et "Enola Holmes", "Come Away" se déroule dans une Angleterre très pluraliste du XIXe siècle, donnant à l'histoire plus de vitalité et de résonance. (En plus de Caine et Derek Jacobi, qui apparaissent dans de brefs camées, le film est honoré par une représentation fantastique de Clarke Peters en tant que personnage au chapeau flamboyant du passé énigmatique de Jack Littleton.) Si le matériel thématique de «Comment Away »peut être parfois difficile et long (le film traite de la mortalité, de la dépendance et des dysfonctionnements familiaux, entre autres angoisses), Chapman l'anime avec les belles couleurs et textures du temps, en s'inspirant des motifs floraux de William. Morris sur les murs de Littleton, les velours et la dentelle extravagants portés par Rose et sa sœur affectée Eleanor (Anna Chancellor, dans sa forme la plus glorieusement imposante). Il y a des moments où la spéculation fanfique de "Come Away" semble très forcée et complètement absurde; l'intrigue probablement inévitable devient sommaire et l'état presque constant de la pensée magique trop collant et doux pour les mots. Mais la société est anoblie par le sens du style de Chapman et par une large gamme de performances, en particulier de Jolie et Oyelowo, ce dernier des producteurs du film. Comme Away, il n'est peut-être pas comparable aux histoires auxquelles il se réfère, mais il brille avec sa propre lumière illuminante et aspirante. PG. Disponible sur demande. Il contient de forts éléments thématiques matures, de la violence, une action fantastique et des images inquiétantes. 94 minutes. Brenda Chapman (Prince of Egypt, Brave) fait ses débuts en tant que réalisatrice avec cette comédie un peu charmante qui gagne de nombreux points pour avoir placé des acteurs non blancs dans des rôles traditionnellement inversés. Come Away (à ne pas confondre avec le récent Come Play) imaginez ce qui aurait pu se passer si Alice au pays des merveilles et Peter Pan avaient été frère et sœur. Alice (Keira Chansa) et Peter (Jordan A. Nash) partagent une enfance imaginative avec leur frère aîné David (Reece Yates), jouant aux pirates et buvant du thé; des épées et un bateau pirate remplacent comme par magie des bâtons et une vieille barque brisée. Ils aiment leur mère Rose (Angelina Jolie) et leur père Jack (David Oyelowo), qui vit en construisant des maquettes de bateaux. Malheureusement, une tragédie se produit, Rose commence à boire et Jack commence à jouer (et perd une vente importante), et c'est à Alice et Peter d'apporter un héritage familial spécial à Londres pour vendre et sauver la famille. Là, ils rencontreront de nombreux personnages et verront beaucoup de choses qui deviendront des éléments des célèbres livres de J.M. Barrie et Lewis Carroll et les fans s'amuseront à relier les points. Comme Away, il décolle plusieurs fois du sol, mais ne monte jamais trop haut; cela semble un peu sans magie. Mais ça vaut le coup d'œil et probablement mieux que Wendy de Benh Zeitlin plus tôt cette année. Gugu Mbatha-Raw apparaît comme Alice adulte dans un dispositif d'encadrement. Pour certains, la perspective que l'ancienne réalisatrice de Pixar Brenda Chapman ("Brave") fasse ses débuts en direct rendra "Come Away" passionnant. Pour d'autres, c'est le concept littéraire du film qui séduit: et si Alice au pays des merveilles et Peter Pan étaient frères? Et puis il y a le casting d'Angelina Jolie et David Oyelowo en tant que parents, qui suggèrent certaines possibilités quant à la façon dont l'histoire peut gérer certaines dynamiques sociales qui sont rarement examinées dans sa période historique - des possibilités que les trolls Internet ont prises. ciblez les commentaires racistes.
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littlejeanniebean · 4 years
Ep. 1 | The Marauders: Chase Her
A/N: I’m back, witches! ;) With the long-teased BAND AU!! Also @inakindofdaydream​ here’s your tag as promised, hope you enjoy :)) More Marauders in my masterlist! Read on AO3! - J xx
“Oh, Lily, darling, isn’t it a bit…” Narcissa Black appraised the outfit with a derisive sniff, “childish?”
It was a floor-length gown, trimmed to flow with the model’s figure exactly, thanks to Dorcas’ design skills. The highlight was the hot pink lava-lamp-like mixture oozing between the solid pale pink inner layer and the clear exterior material; Lily, a chemistry undergraduate who’d founded the Evans brand on Etsy as a hobby, had made it from scratch. Underneath it all was a complicated circulation system of refrigerant to keep the wearer cool, courtesy of Marlene, who was studying to be a mechanical engineer. Lily had tested it on herself and had the light burns on her legs to prove it, but it was worth it for the 60s-themed Met Gala. That is, if she could convince her client to wear it.
“Hardly,” she responded, “The design says you're playful, but the slinky cut and deep-V neckline say you’re a woman ready to conquer the carpet.”
Narcissa rolled her eyes, “Serves me right for selecting a designer last minute. All the professionals are booked.” 
Lily tried to think of a popsicle or winter, anything to cool the angry flush she could feel burning in her cheeks.
The tall blonde was unbothered as she strutted around the mannequin, inspecting the low back and the spaghetti straps, before extending her arms out to Dorcas and Marlene, who were standing by, “Fine, fit me.”
“I got it,” Lily said quickly when she saw Dorcas’ jaw drop in indignance at being treated like a maid. 
Marlene successfully occupied the deeply offended designer until Mary, the brand's publicist, announced that it was time. 
Lily and their client left the hotel for the iconic New York museum in a chartered limousine among an entire fleet of them. Although dressed plainly in a black sweater and pencil skirt, Lily’s bright red hair made her stand out among the Black family’s monochrome entourage. 
“Sirius, who’s that?” James pushed his thick-rimmed glasses up his nose and tiptoed to get a better look through the sea of celebrities and their teams spilling onto the carpet. 
“I don’t know, but she must be nice because I’m not related to her,” said the dark-haired man, who’d been essentially coerced into attending this event with the rest of his crazy reality television family. 
“Starting to not regret letting you drag me along,” while his friend walked the carpet, James followed the lady with the designer access credentials who looked at everything around her in unabashed wonder.
“James Potter!” someone called out.
He turned around and noticed too late that it was a reporter.
“How does it feel to win a record deal after your performance in the Highland Music Festival?” 
“Will you be performing on The House of Black?” 
“When is your debut album coming out?”
James held up a finger for silence the way he’d seen his mum do plenty-a-time, “I’m so grateful - especially to my music teacher, Minerva McGonagall. I don’t think my best friend will even be on that show anymore and we do everything together. We’re in writing sessions now, just having fun and seeing what we can do, but we’re very excited to share our music with everyone soon, especially our amazing fans.”
“Who are you wearing?”
“Who are you most excited to meet tonight?”
“Are you excited for The Weird Sisters’ performance?”
It went on this way until James could politely extricate himself with the boyish excuse of needing to use the bathroom. He practically sprinted to the tents at the end of the carpet. 
“My armpits are sweating, Lily!”
There she was. A picture of calm amidst the commotion. And her name was Lily.
“Cissy, calm down -”
“Don’t tell me what to do, Siri!”
“See, this is why I can’t work with you lot anymore! You’re bat-shit crazy! Of course, your pits sweat, you’re a human being - not a fucking Barbie doll!”
“You haven’t the faintest idea of the impossible standards I hold myself to because I actually strive to be my best self unlike you, you lazy dog!”
“Are you getting this?” Bella Black, whispered with a toothy smile to the camera that was filming the entire exchange.
"How's it going, Molly?" James addressed the short videographer with auburn space buns. 
She made a funny face at him and he laughed. Molly smiled just a bit in spite of the tensions she worked around daily. 
"Narcissa," a clear voice pulled his attention back towards the girl named Lily, "I believe you've just nicked the wire that runs the cooling system with your heel," she crouched down and hooked it back up, "There you are."
James took this as his cue to pull Sirius away before another argument began. Also, he may or may not have wanted to get even closer to the red-head, "C'mon, mate, let it go, yeah? It's not worth it."
Narcissa huffed and strutted away. Lily had no choice but to follow at her heels, but to her admirer, she made it look like a power move. 
"Ugh, remind me never to do that again!" Sirius collapsed onto the couch in the recording studio they rented next door to their label, Castle Records. 
"James?" Remus asked his less distraught friend.
"Ah. At least it wasn't Bella."
The bespectacled boy sat at his drum kit and began to play a couple of mid-tempo rounds on the snare, cymbals, and base, creating the mood of a pursuit. 
"Ooh, I like that," Peter switched the settings on his electronic keyboard to an eighties synth and joined in the jam.
Remus added the bass while Sirius plugged in his electric guitar. 
It was three the next afternoon when Remus finished mixing the track and Sirius had no more unorthodox but cool ideas like, "Record the tires squealing while I  do donuts in the parking lot on my motorbike and add it to the chorus!"
However, James, being ever the perfectionist when it came to music, kept wanting to re-record the drums and the others couldn't even talk him out of it because truthfully, it sounded better every time he did it. 
When they reached the one-week mark, though, Sirius had to take action. "I called Molly. She's going to record our music video today and you know she's quick in post-production so whatever you've got is what we're running."
"Ugh, I hate you!" said James. He didn't. 
Molly arrived at nine sharp and set up the lighting, did their hair and makeup, helped them pick coordinating but not matching outfits, and at ten exactly, called, "Action!"
Don't let her doe eyes fool you
She's been winning since the day she was born
Darlin' don't wanna lose you 
Je ne parle pas français, mais j'adore
So I'm done playing hard to get
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
 You're running circles in my head
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
And every word you ever said
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
Is calling my soul outta my body, must be in heav'n
"LilyLilyLily!" Mary squealed, barging into her friend's hotel room and clambering onto the bed, "We made it!"
Narcissa's lava dress had been trending all week and the Evans brand online store had finally crashed with the volume of orders they were trying to process at once for clothes, accessories, make up, and fragrances.
Her name is bloomin' in my heart
And every beat I beat is hers alone
Darlin' think of what we could start 
Jamais seul ou triste, jamais pas en mode
"Jimbo! Jumbo! Jambo!" Sirius woke up his roommate with their first single blasting from his phone, "We made it!"
Their Chase Her music video had over a million views and the song was number one on Spotify. 
And if our paths cross just this once
Could you be mine and I'll be yours
Tonight, darlin', we dance, we dance
Nous pourrions vivre pour toujours
Sirius guffawed at the comment section, "James: I don't speak French; Also James: Nous pourrions vivre pour toujours."
"Co-written by Google Translate," the singer quipped, putting on his glasses so he could see it all for himself, his smile coming close to breaking his pretty face.
Done being someone you'll forget
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
 Cuz you're all I got gon' through my head
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
Yeah every word you ever said
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
Is calling my soul outta my body, must be in heav'n
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its-palam-blog · 4 years
Listen to your films and series on FilmStreaming1.club
Listen to your films and series on FilmStreaming1.club
It’s true that winter is a good time to stay warm at home to watch movies and series via streaming. The catch - in parentheses that sometimes takes away all desire to continue - is that we can wander on the canvas for a good while, before stumbling upon the right movie streaming in VF. Indeed, it is not always easy or easy to find a free and reliable streaming site. Listen to your films and series on FilmStreaming1.club (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});
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marlaluster · 6 years
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. https://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/en/mcss/programs/social/ow/eligibility.aspx 2. Ontario Skip to content Ontario.ca Français Ministry of Community and Social Services Search Search HOME FORMS PUBLICATIONS NEWS Ontario Works: Who can receive Ontario Works Who is eligible? To be eligible for Ontario Works, you must: live in Ontario need money right away to help pay for food and shelter, and be willing to take part in activities that will help you find a job. How we assess your eligibility We look at two aspects when we assess your eligibility: your financial situation, and your willingness to take part in activities to find a job. When you apply to Ontario Works, you will need to give us information about your: family size income assets, and housing costs. Ontario Works staff will use this information to decide if you are financially eligible. Then we help you come up with a plan to find work and/or improve your skills. These activities are written up in your Participation Agreement. You will have to sign an Application for Financial Assistance and a Participation Agreement to be eligible for Ontario Works. Learn more How to apply for Ontario Works Ontario Works financial assistance Employment assistance activities Social Assistance About the Ontario Disability Support Program About Ontario Works Who can receive Ontario Works How to apply for Ontario Works How Ontario Works can help you As an Ontario Works client Who to contact for more information Apply Online Frequently asked questions Forms Links to helpful resources Social assistance policy directives Publications Reports Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services About the ministry Programs and services Forms News room Contacts Connect With Us youtubefacebooktwittercontact us CONTACT US | ACCESSIBILITY | PRIVACY | TERMS OF USE © QUEEN'S PRINTER FOR ONTARIO, 2012-14 - LAST MODIFIED: MARCH 08, 2018 3. I am a refugee claimant and i am doing very bad trying to survive in Canada. I would try to get financial help from Ontario Works. Can you tell me how soon could i get assistance. I don't wish to go to a shelter but I have had trouble with finding a shelter today. I could use a home address. And I wish a place to live. Can i get help with that. Also I experience that something tries to attack me very bad through that i need to rely on the societal structure for things like trying to survive. I would wish this structure to change. Things should be more self sufficient and equal in power etc. 4. I am a refugee claimant and i am doing very bad trying to survive in Canada. I would try to get financial help from Ontario Works. Can you tell me how soon could i get assistance. I don't wish to go to a shelter but I have had trouble with finding a shelter today. I could use a home address. And I wish a place to live. Can i get help with that. Also I experience that something tries to attack me very bad through that i need to rely on the societal structure for things like trying to survive. I would wish this structure to change. Things should be more self sufficient and equal in power and access etc. 5. Your email was sent successfully You can expect a response within 15 business days. Send another comment by completing the contact form. Back to: Have a question or 6. https://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/wp/en/contact-us/thank-you/ 7. CONFIRMATION Your confirmation number is: [number omitted for clipboard]. We appreciate your business. An email confirmation has been sent to: [email protected]. Thank you for joining Choice Privileges. Your member number is [omitted for clipboard]. Make the most of your membership: please take a moment to set up your Username and password in the boxes below. You’ll be able to easily view your reservations and account activity, manage your preferences, check your point balance and much more. 8. I wish there to be awareness of that it is a very harsh n horrifying reality with things like homelessness and poverty. I am very attacked by this aspect of the present order/way of things I am to have found my way into by birth and without my own making of (or agreement with) the environment or order. Here (following) is a message I sent online to the prime minister of Canada. I think perhaps to apply within Canada for refugee status is a bad idea, which is what ive done presently not being fully informed and not having a lot of options really. I am not sure what to do about my present situation. I did have an appointment to try to get assistance from something called Ontarioworks but things went awry in another aspect of things and i am in a very bad situation presently without much to look forward to right now to address things because things keep going wrong (really the devil is making things go wrong). Here following is a message i sent and that i am referring to here. ..... Im having a hard time trying to stay here. I am attacked too bad by the society structure where a person is at the mercy of too many things in the control of others. There is a thing in the United States where some people called "targeted individuals" are saying they are like covertly attacked by the government and also figures or some people in the community, which they refer to as "gang stalking". This phenomena of the "targeted individual" is really to regard something happening where people are targeted because they somehow challenge the present order which is really ruled by the devil. The experience told of as that of "targeted individuals" is mimicking my experience where i am attacked really by the devil using the society structure where really a person is at the mercy of the order of the society. Really it is more so someone that would be poor etc that is most at the mercy of the order the society. I am very poor in this order of things. Really no one should be poor or inequal to others. But i feel i am not really able to stay for the refugee claim process. I prefer I would be able to continue on with it so I can stay here, that is how I feel now. It seems it should be something to pursue or continue to pursue: to try to stay in Canada. But I presently am having a lot of trouble. Homelessness is extremely bad, and poverty. It is extremely attacking of people that are less likely to be supporting the present societal order and values and beliefs. The medical area or profession. Someone that does not support the medical profession is likely to be very poor. I don't support it. I am upset i am facing this present situation. It is extremely upsetting, extremely bad. I feel i am in danger by the present order. I am attacked by the devil by it using the order and it attacking w magic otherwise, making sensations and things that are not supposed to be considered real by the broader reality or are not supposed to be considered as caused by it. Then the response to me can or is supposed to be that I am to think something other than i do about what is happening with the torment by the devil. To be able to say i am not "mentally ill" is what i am seeking at least partly for my refugee claim or mainly or easily stated by me for my claim. This would seem to be a significant clearing of burden for me to tell what is happening to me myself this way and have that as my identifying information. There is other aspects to the occurrence of me hearing people talking in my mind etc and other things I experience other than the devil attacking me. There is other talking etc that is from things, selves, people etc suppressed by the devil and the present reality that is ruled by the devil. I wish some attention to the situation with homelessness and poverty and a person being heavily at the mercy of the operation of things. I feel very overwhelmed with how bad things are and i feel i am not able to decide something that could be a good option or that seems like something that could be okay. I mean i would wish to be able to have it less threatened or seemingly unavailable for me to be able to stay in Canada. I am attacked very bad by the devil with me being in a kind of vulnerable position where I am looking to others in the process of the refugee status claim. Marla Rose Luster PS I am not staying anymore at the hotel i listed as an address here on the message. 9. Email sent to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services M Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services Wed 11/21/2018 8:22 PM Junk Email To: [email protected]; The following email is a copy of the message you sent on November 21, 2018 at 08:22 pm to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. This is an automated email. Please do not reply. Name: Marla Rose Luster Email: [email protected] Subject: How soon possible to get assistance Nature of message: I'm having a problem Comments: I am a refugee claimant and i am doing very bad trying to survive in Canada. I would try to get financial help from Ontario Works. Can you tell me how soon could i get assistance. I don't wish to go to a shelter but I have had trouble with finding a shelter today. I could use a home address. And I wish a place to live. Can i get help with that. Also I experience that something tries to attack me very bad through that i need to rely on the societal structure for things like trying to survive. I would wish this structure to change. Things should be more self sufficient and equal in power and access etc. You've requested a reply. --- You received this email because you've requested a copy of the message you sent to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Please do not reply to this email. If you have any problem viewing this email, please contact us. 10. Re:Attn BA Booker Alexender Thu 11/22/2018 5:05 AM Junk Email My Beloved, I am Mrs. Booker Alexander the wife of late Mr. Thomas Alexander We have been married for years before his sudden death although we were childless. I have been diagnosed with cancer and I have been battling with the sickness when my late lovely husband was alive. My Husband left the sum of US$3.200 million United States Dollars in a fix/suspense account in one of the prime banks. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not exceed more than five more months due to cancer problem. The one that disturbs me most is my blood pressure sickness. Having known my condition I decided to seek for your kind assistance to transfer this fund into your account and you will use it to train my adopted daughter who is 15yrs. You will take her as your God child and brought her up in a good and decent manner with what my late husband left behind. I will give you more details about me and how I inherited all as soon as I receive your reply because I do not want to state all here until I see your reply, desire and commitment. Please can you treat this as confidential and keep it as a secret for security reasons between both of us. Make sure you get back to me with this email My Best Regards. Mrs. Booker Alexander. 11. Response from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (Correspondence Ref. #: 2018-01020777) M Ministerial Correspondence / Correspondance Ministérielle (IRCC) Thu 11/22/2018 1:50 PM Inbox To: '[email protected]'; 2018-01020777 Dear Marla Rose Luster: The Office of the Prime Minister has kindly forwarded to the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, a copy of your correspondence of November 17, 2018, regarding assistance for refugee claimants in Canada. I have been asked to respond to your concerns. Claimants for refugee protection who are inside Canada are referred to the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) for a determination. The RPD is completely independent of the Minister and of immigration and visa officers in Canada and abroad. Enquiries regarding the scheduling of hearings before the RPD and requests to update your contact information should be directed to the IRB. Contact information can be found on the IRB Website at: http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/Eng/RefClaDem/Pages/RefClaDemContact.aspx. Provinces and territories are responsible, in collaboration with municipalities, for managing and delivering social housing, including housing for asylum claimants. Once an individual has been determined to be eligible to make a claim in Canada, as a refugee claimant they may have access to social assistance, education, health services, emergency housing and legal aid while a decision is pending on their claim. As these services fall under the responsibility of the provinces, you may wish to visit your provincial government Website for assistance. Moreover, most individuals found to be eligible to make a refugee claim can apply for a work permit once they have undergone a medical examination. It does not matter if the claim was made at the border or at an inland office. Refugees, refugee claimants, protected persons and their family members may be eligible for an open work permit. In most cases, applicants will have to pay the open work permit holder fee at the same time that they pay the work permit fee. You may wish to consult the fee list for the most up-to-date application fees. You will also find information about open work permits, eligibility requirements and associated fees on the IRCC Website at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=177&top=17 and http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=176&top=17. Further information about assistance for refugees is available at: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/help-within-canada.html. Thank you for expressing your concerns. I hope that this information is helpful. Sincerely, F. Macmillan Ministerial Enquiries Division This electronic address is not available for reply. 12. Someone responded to me about my message sent Nov. 17 regarding refugee housing. This was appreciated. Thank you. 13. Response from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (Correspondence Ref. #: 2018-01020777) M Ministerial Correspondence / Correspondance Ministérielle (IRCC) Thu 11/22/2018 1:50 PM Inbox To: '[email protected]'; 2018-01020777 Dear Marla Rose Luster: The Office of the Prime Minister has kindly forwarded to the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, a copy of your correspondence of November 17, 2018, regarding assistance for refugee claimants in Canada. I have been asked to respond to your concerns. Claimants for refugee protection who are inside Canada are referred to the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) for a determination. The RPD is completely independent of the Minister and of immigration and visa officers in Canada and abroad. Enquiries regarding the scheduling of hearings before the RPD and requests to update your contact information should be directed to the IRB. Contact information can be found on the IRB Website at: http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/Eng/RefClaDem/Pages/RefClaDemContact.aspx. Provinces and territories are responsible, in collaboration with municipalities, for managing and delivering social housing, including housing for asylum claimants. Once an individual has been determined to be eligible to make a claim in Canada, as a refugee claimant they may have access to social assistance, education, health services, emergency housing and legal aid while a decision is pending on their claim. As these services fall under the responsibility of the provinces, you may wish to visit your provincial government Website for assistance. Moreover, most individuals found to be eligible to make a refugee claim can apply for a work permit once they have undergone a medical examination. It does not matter if the claim was made at the border or at an inland office. Refugees, refugee claimants, protected persons and their family members may be eligible for an open work permit. In most cases, applicants will have to pay the open work permit holder fee at the same time that they pay the work permit fee. You may wish to consult the fee list for the most up-to-date application fees. You will also find information about open work permits, eligibility requirements and associated fees on the IRCC Website at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=177&top=17 and http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=176&top=17. Further information about assistance for refugees is available at: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/help-within-canada.html. Thank you for expressing your concerns. I hope that this information is helpful. Sincerely, F. Macmillan Ministerial Enquiries Division This electronic address is not available for reply. 14. Someone responded to my message sent Nov. 17 regarding refugee housing. This was appreciated. Thank you. Just for the record. I don't prefer to work. Its best people aren't forced to work. Just for the record also here's the response i received to a message i sent Nov. 17. ..... Response from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (Correspondence Ref. #: 2018-01020777) M Ministerial Correspondence / Correspondance Ministérielle (IRCC) Thu 11/22/2018 1:50 PM Inbox To: '[email protected]'; 2018-01020777 Dear Marla Rose Luster: The Office of the Prime Minister has kindly forwarded to the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, a copy of your correspondence of November 17, 2018, regarding assistance for refugee claimants in Canada. I have been asked to respond to your concerns. Claimants for refugee protection who are inside Canada are referred to the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) for a determination. The RPD is completely independent of the Minister and of immigration and visa officers in Canada and abroad. Enquiries regarding the scheduling of hearings before the RPD and requests to update your contact information should be directed to the IRB. Contact information can be found on the IRB Website at: http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/Eng/RefClaDem/Pages/RefClaDemContact.aspx. Provinces and territories are responsible, in collaboration with municipalities, for managing and delivering social housing, including housing for asylum claimants. Once an individual has been determined to be eligible to make a claim in Canada, as a refugee claimant they may have access to social assistance, education, health services, emergency housing and legal aid while a decision is pending on their claim. As these services fall under the responsibility of the provinces, you may wish to visit your provincial government Website for assistance. Moreover, most individuals found to be eligible to make a refugee claim can apply for a work permit once they have undergone a medical examination. It does not matter if the claim was made at the border or at an inland office. Refugees, refugee claimants, protected persons and their family members may be eligible for an open work permit. In most cases, applicants will have to pay the open work permit holder fee at the same time that they pay the work permit fee. You may wish to consult the fee list for the most up-to-date application fees. You will also find information about open work permits, eligibility requirements and associated fees on the IRCC Website at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=177&top=17 and http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=176&top=17. Further information about assistance for refugees is available at: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/help-within-canada.html. Thank you for expressing your concerns. I hope that this information is helpful. Sincerely, F. Macmillan Ministerial Enquiries Division This electronic address is not available for reply. 15. Someone responded to my message sent Nov. 17 regarding refugee housing. This was appreciated. Thank you. Just for the record. I don't prefer to work. Its best people aren't forced to work. Just for the record also here's the response i received to a message i sent Nov. 17. ..... Response from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (Correspondence Ref. #: 2018-01020777) M Ministerial Correspondence / Correspondance Ministérielle (IRCC) Thu 11/22/2018 1:50 PM Inbox To: '[email protected]'; 2018-01020777 Dear Marla Rose Luster: The Office of the Prime Minister has kindly forwarded to the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, a copy of your correspondence of November 17, 2018, regarding assistance for refugee claimants in Canada. I have been asked to respond to your concerns. Claimants for refugee protection who are inside Canada are referred to the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) for a determination. The RPD is completely independent of the Minister and of immigration and visa officers in Canada and abroad. Enquiries regarding the scheduling of hearings before the RPD and requests to update your contact information should be directed to the IRB. Contact information can be found on the IRB Website at: http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/Eng/RefClaDem/Pages/RefClaDemContact.aspx. Provinces and territories are responsible, in collaboration with municipalities, for managing and delivering social housing, including housing for asylum claimants. Once an individual has been determined to be eligible to make a claim in Canada, as a refugee claimant they may have access to social assistance, education, health services, emergency housing and legal aid while a decision is pending on their claim. As these services fall under the responsibility of the provinces, you may wish to visit your provincial government Website for assistance. Moreover, most individuals found to be eligible to make a refugee claim can apply for a work permit once they have undergone a medical examination. It does not matter if the claim was made at the border or at an inland office. Refugees, refugee claimants, protected persons and their family members may be eligible for an open work permit. In most cases, applicants will have to pay the open work permit holder fee at the same time that they pay the work permit fee. You may wish to consult the fee list for the most up-to-date application fees. You will also find information about open work permits, eligibility requirements and associated fees on the IRCC Website at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=177&top=17 and http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=176&top=17. Further information about assistance for refugees is available at: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/help-within-canada.html. Thank you for expressing your concerns. I hope that this information is helpful. Sincerely, F. Macmillan Ministerial Enquiries Division This electronic address is not available for reply. ---- End message. Additionally for your information i withdrew my claim to be a refugee because im having trouble surviving AND the things i experience that are an attack of the devil have been too bad and have been really bad here in Canada. But it is supposed to be able to be better here than the United States in regards to that its not supposed to be the devil here as the United States is. Really none of things are "supposed" to be as bad as they are. I use "supposed to" to mean what has happened to this point is now a recipe for this to be the case that the United States would be a place that is to have been a lot of non-presnce in a way that things are to now be of the devil. The address below is not where im staying. Im supposed to leave Canada in a few days or so. I would try to return not as a refugee. But of course i dont want the present government and way of things etc. Justin Trudeau is su9to be one of my soul mates. No one would really wish those in charge positions this way where theyre not supposed to be the same as others further and where theyre not so doing things for merit and to be helpful so predominantly since theres forced labor and also lots of uninteresting things included in the events n things to be for show and etc. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 16. Someone responded to my message sent Nov. 17 regarding refugee housing. This was appreciated. Thank you. Just for the record. I don't prefer to work. Its best people aren't forced to work even though its supposed to seem here in devil land that things can't work any other way. Principles come first, not really obligations or seeming sacrifice etc as things to be/exist. Just for the record also here's the response i received to a message i sent Nov. 17. ..... Response from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (Correspondence Ref. #: 2018-01020777) M Ministerial Correspondence / Correspondance Ministérielle (IRCC) Thu 11/22/2018 1:50 PM Inbox To: '[email protected]'; 2018-01020777 Dear Marla Rose Luster: The Office of the Prime Minister has kindly forwarded to the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, a copy of your correspondence of November 17, 2018, regarding assistance for refugee claimants in Canada. I have been asked to respond to your concerns. Claimants for refugee protection who are inside Canada are referred to the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) for a determination. The RPD is completely independent of the Minister and of immigration and visa officers in Canada and abroad. Enquiries regarding the scheduling of hearings before the RPD and requests to update your contact information should be directed to the IRB. Contact information can be found on the IRB Website at: http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/Eng/RefClaDem/Pages/RefClaDemContact.aspx. Provinces and territories are responsible, in collaboration with municipalities, for managing and delivering social housing, including housing for asylum claimants. Once an individual has been determined to be eligible to make a claim in Canada, as a refugee claimant they may have access to social assistance, education, health services, emergency housing and legal aid while a decision is pending on their claim. As these services fall under the responsibility of the provinces, you may wish to visit your provincial government Website for assistance. Moreover, most individuals found to be eligible to make a refugee claim can apply for a work permit once they have undergone a medical examination. It does not matter if the claim was made at the border or at an inland office. Refugees, refugee claimants, protected persons and their family members may be eligible for an open work permit. In most cases, applicants will have to pay the open work permit holder fee at the same time that they pay the work permit fee. You may wish to consult the fee list for the most up-to-date application fees. You will also find information about open work permits, eligibility requirements and associated fees on the IRCC Website at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=177&top=17 and http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=176&top=17. Further information about assistance for refugees is available at: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/help-within-canada.html. Thank you for expressing your concerns. I hope that this information is helpful. Sincerely, F. Macmillan Ministerial Enquiries Division This electronic address is not available for reply. ---- End message. Additionally for your information i withdrew my claim to be a refugee because im having trouble surviving AND the things i experience that are an attack of the devil have been too bad and have been really bad here in Canada. But it is supposed to be able to be better here than the United States in regards to that its not supposed to be the devil here as the United States is. Really none of things are "supposed" to be as bad as they are. I use "supposed to" to mean what has happened to this point is now a recipe for this to be the case that the United States would be a place that is to have been a lot of non-presence in a way that things are to now be of the devil there including pretty all the government figures. The address below is not where im staying anymore. Im supposed to leave Canada in a few days or so. I would try to return some day not as a refugee. But of course i dont want the present government and way of things etc. Justin Trudeau is supposed to be one of my soul mates. No one would really wish the "in charge" positions this way where the person in the role is not supposed to be the same as others further and where theyre not so doing things for merit and to be helpful so predominantly since there's forced labor and also lots of uninteresting things included in the events n things to be for show and etc and pretended esteem or superiority of the person in the position. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 17. Someone responded to my message sent Nov. 17 regarding refugee housing. This was appreciated. Thank you. Just for the record. I don't prefer to work. Its best people aren't forced to work even though its supposed to seem here in devil land that things can't work any other way. Principles come first, not really obligations or seeming sacrifice etc as things to be/exist. And things other than principles etc, people cannot really take on things other than the truth, ie real principles and values as pretended here in this reality (of devil land). Just for the record also here's the response i received to a message i sent Nov. 17. ..... Response from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (Correspondence Ref. #: 2018-01020777) M Ministerial Correspondence / Correspondance Ministérielle (IRCC) Thu 11/22/2018 1:50 PM Inbox To: '[email protected]'; 2018-01020777 Dear Marla Rose Luster: The Office of the Prime Minister has kindly forwarded to the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, a copy of your correspondence of November 17, 2018, regarding assistance for refugee claimants in Canada. I have been asked to respond to your concerns. Claimants for refugee protection who are inside Canada are referred to the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) for a determination. The RPD is completely independent of the Minister and of immigration and visa officers in Canada and abroad. Enquiries regarding the scheduling of hearings before the RPD and requests to update your contact information should be directed to the IRB. Contact information can be found on the IRB Website at: http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/Eng/RefClaDem/Pages/RefClaDemContact.aspx. Provinces and territories are responsible, in collaboration with municipalities, for managing and delivering social housing, including housing for asylum claimants. Once an individual has been determined to be eligible to make a claim in Canada, as a refugee claimant they may have access to social assistance, education, health services, emergency housing and legal aid while a decision is pending on their claim. As these services fall under the responsibility of the provinces, you may wish to visit your provincial government Website for assistance. Moreover, most individuals found to be eligible to make a refugee claim can apply for a work permit once they have undergone a medical examination. It does not matter if the claim was made at the border or at an inland office. Refugees, refugee claimants, protected persons and their family members may be eligible for an open work permit. In most cases, applicants will have to pay the open work permit holder fee at the same time that they pay the work permit fee. You may wish to consult the fee list for the most up-to-date application fees. You will also find information about open work permits, eligibility requirements and associated fees on the IRCC Website at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=177&top=17 and http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=176&top=17. Further information about assistance for refugees is available at: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/help-within-canada.html. Thank you for expressing your concerns. I hope that this information is helpful. Sincerely, F. Macmillan Ministerial Enquiries Division This electronic address is not available for reply. ---- End message. Additionally for your information i withdrew my claim to be a refugee because im having trouble surviving AND the things i experience that are an attack of the devil have been too bad and have been really bad here in Canada (it was bad in Mexico also). But it is supposed to be able to be better here than the United States in regards to that its not supposed to be the devil here as the United States is. Really none of things are "supposed" to be as bad as they are. I use "supposed to" to mean what has happened to this point is now a recipe for this to be the case that the United States would be a place that is to have been a lot of non-presence in a way that things are to now be of the devil there including pretty much all the government figures. The address below is not where im staying anymore. Im supposed to leave Canada in a few days or so. I would try to return some day not as a refugee. But of course i dont want the present government and way of things etc. Justin Trudeau is supposed to be one of my soul mates. No one would really wish the "in charge" positions this way where the person in the role is not supposed to be the same as others further and where theyre not so doing things for merit and to be helpful so predominantly since there's forced labor and also lots of uninteresting things included in the events n things to be for show and etc and pretended esteem or superiority of the person in the position. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 18. Someone responded to my message sent Nov. 17 regarding refugee housing. This was appreciated. Thank you. Just for the record. I don't prefer to work. Its best people aren't forced to work even though its supposed to seem here in devil land that things can't work any other way. Principles come first, not really obligations or seeming sacrifice etc as things to be/exist. And things other than principles etc, people cannot really take on things other than the truth, the truth being real principles and values. It's pretended here in this reality (of devil land, a false reality ruled by the devil) that people can invest in obligations and sacrifice etc and things other than idealistic/lofty principles. Just for the record also here's the response i received to a message i sent Nov. 17. ..... Response from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (Correspondence Ref. #: 2018-01020777) M Ministerial Correspondence / Correspondance Ministérielle (IRCC) Thu 11/22/2018 1:50 PM Inbox To: '[email protected]'; 2018-01020777 Dear Marla Rose Luster: The Office of the Prime Minister has kindly forwarded to the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, a copy of your correspondence of November 17, 2018, regarding assistance for refugee claimants in Canada. I have been asked to respond to your concerns. Claimants for refugee protection who are inside Canada are referred to the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) for a determination. The RPD is completely independent of the Minister and of immigration and visa officers in Canada and abroad. Enquiries regarding the scheduling of hearings before the RPD and requests to update your contact information should be directed to the IRB. Contact information can be found on the IRB Website at: http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/Eng/RefClaDem/Pages/RefClaDemContact.aspx. Provinces and territories are responsible, in collaboration with municipalities, for managing and delivering social housing, including housing for asylum claimants. Once an individual has been determined to be eligible to make a claim in Canada, as a refugee claimant they may have access to social assistance, education, health services, emergency housing and legal aid while a decision is pending on their claim. As these services fall under the responsibility of the provinces, you may wish to visit your provincial government Website for assistance. Moreover, most individuals found to be eligible to make a refugee claim can apply for a work permit once they have undergone a medical examination. It does not matter if the claim was made at the border or at an inland office. Refugees, refugee claimants, protected persons and their family members may be eligible for an open work permit. In most cases, applicants will have to pay the open work permit holder fee at the same time that they pay the work permit fee. You may wish to consult the fee list for the most up-to-date application fees. You will also find information about open work permits, eligibility requirements and associated fees on the IRCC Website at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=177&top=17 and http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=176&top=17. Further information about assistance for refugees is available at: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/help-within-canada.html. Thank you for expressing your concerns. I hope that this information is helpful. Sincerely, F. Macmillan Ministerial Enquiries Division This electronic address is not available for reply. ---- End message. Additionally for your information i withdrew my claim to be a refugee because im having trouble surviving AND the things i experience that are an attack of the devil have been too bad and have been really bad here in Canada (it was bad in Mexico also). But it is supposed to be able to be better here than the United States in regards to that its not supposed to be the devil here as the United States is. Really none of things are "supposed" to be as bad as they are. I use "supposed to" to mean what has happened to this point is now a recipe for this to be the case that the United States would be a place that is to have been a lot of non-presence in a way that things are to now be of the devil there including pretty much all the government figures. The address below is not where im staying anymore. Im supposed to leave Canada in a few days or so. I would try to return some day not as a refugee. But of course i dont want the present government and way of things etc. Justin Trudeau is supposed to be one of my soul mates. No one would really wish the "in charge" positions this way where the person in the role is not supposed to be the same as others further and where theyre not so doing things for merit and to be helpful so predominantly since there's forced labor and also lots of uninteresting things included in the events n things to be for show and etc and pretended esteem or superiority of the person in the position. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 19. ×Status message Your message has been successfully submitted. Thank you for sharing your feedback with the Prime Minister. We greatly value the input of Canadians as our Government works to build a better Canada. Please note: Our service standard is to respond to English and French inquiries only. The Prime Minister greatly values the thoughts and suggestions of Canadians. You may write or fax his 20. I will get my passport n things back? My birth certificate and drivers license. Maybe you can tell why those are taken. It makes for a very disturbing experience. But i was at first participating as they were being "seized" because I preferred another country but its a kind of shock and those items are something people get used to and also it can feel bad to not have them as this order continues where the items are relied on. It is not so okay the items are taken, it feels enslaving. I would not recommend the refugee claim process from within Canada as a route for a person. It should probably not really exist.
0 notes
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marionmartin5-blog · 6 years
6 Free Make Money Tips.
If you aren't sure ways to do a Canada address hunt or Canada postcode search, you can use Canada Message, a totally free directory companies for searching the postcodes for any sort of address in Canada and also the other way around. The hyperstore concept was a combo of its Harts Supplier (29 establishments in 1991) as well as the Major Bear Grocery store format. In my knowledge, the Stock market Diary delivers the information in a pretty unfiltered model, as well as at a hassle-free manner as well as an affordable price also. Turtle Street Funding thinks that this is actually on the spine from such pro forma changes that Ströer has declared direction for the second fifty percent from 2016 and also 2017. According to the paper, Tina Lam, an engineer in Silicon Lowland, and also real estate investor Michael Cheng obtained the street, which circles around via the Presidio Porch area, for $90,100. Merely one thing that could promptly break up that open space so you experience differentiated off the sidewalk, neighbors and the street. Just what happened to the Manic Street Preachers' went away band-member has never ever been actually effectively dealt with. The Settlers Online is yet another terrific free of charge to participate in game in this particular room that permits you develop your personal middle ages themed settlement. Boast a commencé samedi dans los angeles salle Wagram de Paris avec un tournoi à 256 joueurs passionnés, à los angeles suite duquel Large Bird, venu de Dubaï, et le Français Valmaster ont pu rejoindre les 14 meilleurs joueurs mondiaux.. If you are stumbling after this web page you might find this checklist from options to ToonTown Online handy, along with the closure of ToonTown Online in 2013. The estimating of future profits for private sells allows organisation on Stock market. There was actually a pressure down the metropolitan area roads as individuals clambered by means of the outlets like a significant exterior shopping center. In contrast to the standard street indicators, these tech-savvy indications have the capacity to flash images as well as could be instantaneously upgraded through pc to demonstrate altering street problems. Filtrepreneur deals JACK EATABLES selling Fishballs (standard or even sphere), Kikiam, Squidballs, Orlian, Tempura, and so on. usually, foods that are actually very saleable as well as preferred by the Filipino road food items eaters or individuals. Expectation Web Gain access to (OWA) is a well-liked way from accessing Expectation coming from an internet browser. It additional in comparison to made up for it with their large urban area flavored traffic binds if Proctorville was without the major area feel in various other regions. Como Lewis documento, el juego period muy preferred entre los comerciantes de Wall Street en la década de 1980. Sesame Road initially opened on Nov 8, 1971, however was removed the network in the early 1980s. In the worst scenario, a poor growth, that can easily also make you take all the code of the web out, to need to start from scratch. When that comes to morality, a lot of youngsters that are into Http://Beautyyou.Info road hawking do not live along with their parents and this has burglarized them. Note that all photos within Street Articles are obliged to become straight" dimensionally as this ensures graphic consistency for the audience. Many people desire to start a house world wide web service either to possess a second revenue or to establish their standard organisation online or even to get work yet they perform unknown where to begin with. If you may appear past the monochrome computer monitors, the 5-pound block" cellphone, and the 80s type from huge hair" - there are actually lots of motifs that are actually incredibly relevant and still timely today. It have a BIG why for you to gain ground, instruction every day, without forgeting your end-result. You could impart your service in online as well as attract visitors to your service along with a visually remarkable website & a steady webhosting.
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Muhammad Ali's Top 10 Rules For Effectiveness.
The noontime alarm tolled as a fantastic male, partner, father, journalist and also good friend soared gently as much as a cloud to like us all from above. You must reveal a solid passion in the REAL MAN responsible for the appearance of sexuality. There are actually a variety of true explanations that could create your man not contact as he vowed, and you ought to not try to produce excuses for him in order to phone as an alternative. L'île de Man se trouve au big de los angeles côte nord-ouest du continent français, en mer d'Irlande, consistant à 221 km carrés put vos invités à explorer. 6 Premier Game staffs included in the best 10, with United and City participated in by Collection ($ 1.93 billion), Chelsea ($ 1.85 billion) Liverpool ($ 1.49 billion) as well as Tottenham Hotspur ($ 1.06 billion). Currently you recognize a little bit much more regarding these top Irish entrepreneurs as well as could see Ireland as well as its service folks along with various other eyes. By the opportunity a guy greats his girl, he is actually talked out as well as at a comfortable stage from being completed with that portion of the do work in his day. One way to stop views as well as ranking reductions for writer's on Expertscolumn is actually to publish all recently constructed write-ups on EC before publishing this in other places. He was actually a Wygladajdobrze-blogewy.Pl guy coming from Illinois and also was thought about the absolute most reviewed columnist in philately in the course of his time. Possessing a great wedding celebration speech prepped can easily take bunches of pressure off and also you are going to manage to loosen up as well as concentrate on other things that might need your attention. And also appropriate then the water cleaned the house away however Terrific Sense picked the guy up and also set him down on yet another roof and also mentioned, Let us do this once again". Besides featuring a number of my top options for Papa's Time gifts, I'll additionally share some accounts concerning that quite puzzle neighboring the male human species as well as grills. If you possessed to strain and also have a hard time to go through while you were actually offering your ideal man speech, it would be extremely humiliating. This might come as a surprise to some of you, yet some girls are genuine sweeties while a guy is actually dating all of them, but once he commits, her inner bitch visits in complete bloom. Its 5 megapixels cam along with a flash to boot creates image records a great knowledge on the Nokia E5. On the bad edge though, online video playback is poor because of the reduced resolution display screen. For instance, a man sensation harsh anxiety over a college assessment or fantastic stress as a result of an important work discussion may become a prey of this complication. Along with simply a little bit of exploring you may locate wonderful devices varying coming from dumbbells and also weights, to full-sized exercise stations for great rates. The male shoulder bag that you should get should likewise be comfortable to utilize or else you might only experience itchy continuously without also understanding that the awkward man handbag is actually performing everything. In 2007 he obtained the FIFA Planet Gamer Trophy, man from the match honor from FIFA Nightclub Globe Mug, as well as Golden Sphere. Females wish to be able to refer to their time and also emotions along with their man without seeming like that's a one sided chat. Men alternatively find that complicated to comprehend girls, however if a male recognizes his woman, than that' salmostimpossible to fool him into thinking you do not like him or even take care of him. Tory Party donor Stringfellow - approximated to possess personal luck of around euro45million - has leading showbiz connections. If he experiences forgotten, this male is committed may find the passion and devotion from an additional. The two of them are uninformed about her posing as a man and him as a potential prince.
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montrealjobsx · 7 years
Cirque du Soleil - Préposé à la cuisine - Montréal
VENEZ VIVRE UNE EXPÉRIENCE MAGIQUE ET RENVERSANTE AVEC LE CIRQUE DU SOLEIL© ! Le Cirque du Soleil© est actuellement à la recherche de 4 Préposés à la cuisine pour un contrat du 3 août au 27 août 2017 pour son prochain spectacle! En tant que Préposé à la cuisine vos tâches seront : - Maintenir la propreté de l'ensemble de la cuisine et de la salle à manger; - Assister les chefs cuisinier dans leurs opérations quotidiennes; - Assister les chefs cuisinier à recevoir et à ranger les livraisons; - Laver un grand volume de vaisselle, couverts, et casseroles selon la formation fournie par Volta et les ranger de manière propre, sécuritaire et ordonnée. Maintenir le comptoir à vaisselle propre et donné à tout moment; - Laver, sécher et plier le linge de cuisine; - Maintenir les tables de la salle à manger et les surfaces de service tout au long de la journée propres; - Recharger les assiettes, tasses, couverts, serviettes, articles jetables etc. tout au long de la journée; - Gardez les planchers propres en les balayant et nettoyant en tout temps, surtout à la fin du quart de travail; - Ramasser et disposer de tous les déchets, compost et bacs de recyclage dans les bennes à ordures; - Effectuer quotidiennement les projets de nettoyage assignés; - Assister les chefs cuisinier avec le démontage et la mise en place de la cuisine et la salle à manger. Ceci inclut le travail à l'extérieur et dans une cuisine temporaire durant la première et dernière semaine alors que la construction est en cours; - Assister les chefs cuisinier avec les préparations de base telles qu'éplucher et laver les fruits et légumes, etc.; - Respecter les règles de santé et sécurité dans la cuisine. Profil recherché : - Expérience minimum de 2 ans à temps pleins travaillant dans une cuisine professionnelle (restaurant occupé); - Bilingue (français & anglais) (un atout); - Capacité de soulever des charges de 50lbs (maximum); - Capacité à rester debout toute la journée dans un espace restreint; - Être disponible du mardi au dimanche. Le poste vous intéresse? Faites parvenir votre CV à [email protected] ou appliquez directement en ligne! COME LIVE A STUNNING AND MAGIC EXPERIENCE WITH THE CIRQUE DU SOLEIL ©! Our client, the Cirque du Soleil©, is currently looking for 4 Kitchen-hands for a contract from August 3rd to August 27th 2017 for their next show! As a Kitchen-hand your tasks will be: - Maintain the cleanliness of the entire kitchen and catering area; - Assist the chefs and cooks in their day to day operations; - Assist chefs and cooks in receiving and putting away deliveries; - Wash a large volume of dishes, crockery, cutlery, pots, and pans according to Volta's training and put them away in a clean, safe, and orderly manner. Maintain a clean and orderly dish pit at all times; - Wash, dry, and fold kitchen laundry; - Maintain clean dining room tables, and service surfaces throughout the day; - Refill plates, cups, cutlery, napkins, disposables etc. throughout the day; - Keep floors clean by sweeping, brushing, and mopping at all times especially at the end of shift; - Collecting and disposal of all garbage, compost, and recycling bins into the dumpsters; - Complete assigned cleaning projects daily; - Assist chefs and cooks with tear down and setup of kitchen, catering, water stations, coffee stations, etc. as required. This includes working outdoors and in a temporary kitchen for the first and last week of the run while construction is going on; - Assist chefs and cooks with basic prep such as peeling or washing fruits, vegetables, etc.; - Enforcing a high standard of health and safety rules in the kitchen area. Kitchen-hand Requirements: - Minimum experience 2 years full time working in a professional kitchen (busy restaurant); - Physically able, highly motivated, willing to be trained. This position is physically demanding. Lifting 40 pound (5-gallon) water jugs as well as heavy vegetable boxes are part of the daily routine; - Available to work 6 days a week including weekends, early mornings, and late nights during the entire city run. The position interests you? Please send your CV to [email protected] or apply directly online!
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8136582 http://ift.tt/2rZ522q via RSSMix.com Mix ID 8136582> Cirque du Soleil - Préposé à la cuisine - Montréal
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anissaelfakir · 7 years
A Love Story written in Songs
J'ai commencé ce post fin 2015. Je l'avais laissé en draft le 13 décembre. Je l'ai repris et publié le 11.05.2017, quand j'ai rouvert le blog. Et fini la nuit du 12_13.05.2015. Avec la chanson finale. Après avoir enfin compris la portée du Lieu de Rendez-Vous.
 Ca commence comme ça. Et c'était en anglais parce que c'était ma langue d'expression du coeur à ce moment là, le français était enfoui loin.
  I love Music.
Music is soothing my soul. Music was always there for me. All along this perfectly beautiful mess of Life that I created for myself. Over the last years I have retraced my steps back while moving very fast not knowing where I was going but that I needed to be there. 
We didn't have a song. These are some of the songs. That found me while I was almost done looking. And one by one brings me back to Us. One step closer each time. Until I remembered. And knew. Some of them i found just now. As I put my heart into composing this for Us.
 Mark my words.
This is Our song. And they all are here.
 The beginning.
Me and my girls. You and your boys. We met. 
17. I was all dreamy. Didn't like it here. Just a few months and I'll be gone. For good. Never look back. All I did was hanging out with the girls, watching TV, fighting with my parents, and studying to get a life. I couldn't wait to get the hell out of here. No  plan. I just needed to become somebody somehow making a difference in this upside down-world, to make it all worth it, and maybe someday finally know what Love is.
Almost 19. You were already somebody making a difference. All you wanted was to get the hell out of school, work hard, make money, party and someday find your woman and have a family here.
I couldn't see you. How could I? I wasn't even there. You did. You sit right next to me. Real patient. For weeks.
Our friends say Boyfriend? Girlfriend?
I say whatever. 
You say Eenie Meenie
U smile, I smile
Your eyes kept saying Kiss me?
I thought. Let's get this over with. All my girls are busy with their guys. Would pass time by and keep me away from my parents home. 
I kissed you.
Took my breath away. I saw You.
I thought. Shit. Everything has changed now.
How would I ever get out of here if you stay here?
I resisted. No, I won't fall. I am just passing time by. Nothing in common. Nothing else better to do anyway. He is treating me well and got a car. Whatever. 
I couldn't help but notice. how I was longing to see you. How I love doing nothing with you. Spending hours in your car. Literally doing nothing. Listening to the radio. 
How being your girl. Sounds right. How you made me feel like I belong somewhere. Right here by your side
I gave you my First dance. Always the same. Whatever. It has to be someone.
i couldn't help but notice I couldn't stop kissing you. You set me on fire like nobody else.
I fall in Love. I knew I was in trouble.
From there, it all comes Naturally
Love is our Common denominator
Falling in Love
First dance.
On fire.
Breathing your love.
Time of my life
We got brown eyes. But when I look at you. I see Blue. Blue ocean in your eyes. I keep starring and I just see you.   
Love you like a love song
One Love
Told me you're my favorite girl, As long as you love me, could do anything
Told you I'll stand by you. I'll always find you. I would do anything for Love, but I won't do that (forget you).
One Love. One Heart.
On fire. Until.
We Burn.
Once. Was it in December? You gave me a ring. Blue ring.
I said what for? You said whatever. I said what do you mean? 
We fight. I get rid of everything. Everything. Except, it stayed with me. Always. It is shining brighter every day. As my Love.
We were Hot N Cold
Felt like I didn't belong here.
Felt like I don't deserve you.
Had this dream. You with my best friend. Crazy. Based on nothing. From this day on.
 We were Stuck in the moment.
It all make No sense unless I am doing it with you
Everything I do I do it for you
Elle est à toi
Stuck in the moment.
Like Wrecking balls.
 Both: Everything has changed.
Am I in love with you or with the Feeling?
Out of sync.
What do you mean?
Bad blood
Run away love
Couldn't Drink away
Run to you
Can't stop loving you.
 Couldn't kept my Hands to myself
Kept texting back and forth Come as you are and get it
 Eenie Meenie
We never go out of style, Midnight you come and pick me up.
Until the dawn let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
Love me like you do
  Please, forgive me
Can't stop loving you
Elle est à toi
Am I in love with you or The Feeling?
Drink away
Every time
Cry me a river
Can't stop loving you
I'll do anything for Love
Cry me a river
Don't cry
Let her go.
Drink away
 Never again
Never say never
But The heart wants what it wants. 
Cry me a river
Drink away
I kept thinking are we Out of the woods
I am begging you
End of Summer, told you
So sick of that Same old love, my body can't take it anymore
 You left. You came back. I told you
We are never ever getting back together
The whisper, Listen to you heart before you tell him goodbye... I didn't.
 You went away. And I couldn't breath.
I get down on my knees, lying on the floor, hand over heart, praying that it all stopped. That I would forget. Everything. Never feel again. Never be in Love like this again.
I said. I want to forget. Everything. Wake me up when it's all over. When I am wiser and I am older.
I closed my eyes and prayed for Amnesia.
It didn't come. I kept asking. Everyday for months. I went back to my parents. You wanted to see me. To give me a birthday gift. you said you already bought it. So might as well, gave it to me. I loved it and hated you for it. Saw you. You were more handsome than ever. All I ever wanted you to look like. Better off without me. Obviously. That's what I thought and convinced myself was true.
We're never ever gonna get back together. I got it now. Kept praying and begging for amnesia.
The only way for me to keep going. Was to the fill the hole and keep me occupied with someone else. I knew I wouldn't cheat. Even with you. Not my style. So I went online.
I looked online. You found me. I didn't know. I loved chatting with you. You make me feel like Life is worth living again and maybe someday I'll be able to love again. I opened up. Told you all about Us. You told me the next day. It was you. I felt betrayed and disgusted by You to the core of my being. I told you Go fuck yourself. I'll never ever want to see your face or talk to you ever again. Don't you ever dare come close to me ever again. 
You didn't listen. You came. To my door. The only night a guy was here. A friend. As if you knew. I didn't open. I thought we were driving each other crazy and we would loose ourselves in this Love. I decided to save you and me.
I prayed and begged again. Every attempt you made to get us back together was pushing me further appart. Memories kept fading away. And slowly it came. 
 And one day, I felt Life is worth living again.
I said I just wanna Somebody to Love. I went online again. Found him. Didn't notice he somehow looks like you. A lot.
Met him. He gave me what you never did. Security. Never felt like I belong in his arms. But he was nice and he was always there for me. Could have been just a Summer flame. But you came back. As if you knew. I went deep. All in it. Into him. Running away from you. Once. You get us closer. Twice. My birthday again. He wasn't there for me for the first time. You were there. I hated you for it. 
I went deep, all in to it. Pretended he was my Mirror. He gave me a fancy ring. A blue ring. Bigger and prettier than yours. Nothing compare to it for me. I didn't even ask What for? Truth is I wouldn't want to know. He started to told me cause I love you and ... I picked a fight to not let him finish. I couldn't get why I wasn't that much into this ring.  You showed me why. You told me. "I wish you all the best. Hope you're very happy with him and got all that you ever wanted". I wanted to scream at you. "Are you kidding? All I ever wanted and will ever want is to be with you'" I didn't say anything. I asked him to move in together after not even a year. Pushed him to move out after not even a year. Got a new place.
 It works for a while BUT.
This is one, He is not you
This other one, He told me I got a blank space
I told him better go Love yourself
I felt like an Englishman in New York
Five Hundred Miles from Home
Kept Losing my way
 I closed my eyes, hand over my heart, and Pray.
And Sing. I wanna know what Love is...
I heard. A whisper. I don't know where you're going and I don't know why but Listen to you heart... I did
 So this happened.
 Where are you now?
 Something is in the air tonight
Love is all around
I'll find you
Love will remember
Listen to you heart
Love yourself
 Then one day
Auld lang syne
Say something I am giving up on you
The heart wants what it wants
Amazing grace
It's all coming back to me now
Thinking out loud. Maybe we find love right where we are. Maybe it's all part of a plan
I will always love you
One Love
 Now. I KNOW.
Nothing like us.
You're my Heart, You're my Soul
One Love
All of me.
On fire
All in it.
We had to walk. Our path. To find out.
 All I wanna say
SO many songs.
Can't stop loving you
I've loved you for A thousand years
I will always love you
Please, forgive me
If I could take away the pain
If I've known it could have Been You
My love is Bigger
I am gonna Stand by you, even if we can't find heaven I'll walk through hell with you
We got to Trust what We ARE
Get used to it
No pressure
I'll be right here where he heart is
Looking at your Photograph
Only One call away
 Every night
Talking to the moon
Counting stars
Meeting on Cloud number nine 
Dreaming of Infinity
 My only wish
Kiss me
Just the way you are
Breathing your love
Shut up and dance with me ;-)
  There is no never ever in Forever.
 We got the fire and we're gonna let it Burn
Let go and just be free, I'll love you Unconditionally
  Et là. THE EDIT. DU 12.05.2017.
Il y en a eu plein d'autres, depuis, qui m'ont chacune ramenée et réveillée un peu plus. Mais l'édit il est pour celle-là qui résume tout.
LA FIN ET LE NOUVEAU DEBUT : A Malibu. Qui commence par M aussi pour Nous.
C'est bien fait tout ça. On dirait qu'on les aurait écrite exprès. Comme des indices à assembler et des messages à révéler au fur et à mesure. Une chasse au Trésor grandeur nature.
J'avais laissé sur ça en décembre 2015...
GOD/UNIVERSE/BIG GUY-GIRL, please blessed all those talented artists that express so beautifully what's inside our Lover hearts and what many of us can't say out loud. Just yet.
I learn a new English word recently 'poster paint'. Gouache in French. I want to use it to do some version of a Big Heart piece. That's the only medium I can use to express the depth of what I feel.
Beyond words and cliché, I feel lucky to *really* know the meaning and the story behind those beautiful pieces of Art. Art might be the purest expression of Love. Love is Art. I had to go through all this to remember that I am an Artist and that I need to express my Love through Art. I just can't do it yet in the way I'd like, and I feel I am gonna explode. Sooo much Love to share.
Until next time. Here or there.
Lots of Love,
Mais depuis ...
 J'ai pas encore réussi à sortir le Coeur que j'ai reçu eu en vision. Mais j'ai fait ça de tout mon Coeur. Et moi ça me fait sourire quand je le vois, et surtout ça a apaisé le débordement. Trop d'Amour, à plus savoir comment le contenir, si on m'avait dit que j'aurais ce problème un jour. J'ai compris depuis que déjà y a rien à contenir, c'est fait pour être partagé, mis dans le concret, amener à la Terre, de toutes les façons possibles et que c'est pas un problème d'en avoir autant, et d'avoir le coeur qui explose par moment, c'est naturel. Mais en décembre 2015, je m'y autorisais pas complètement. C'es un chemin ... Le plus beau, à mon humble avis.
 Voilà. On arrive à la fin de ce post qui a pris son temps pour se concrétiser. Comme beaucoup de bonnes choses. J'en ai enfin conscience. Il a fallu tout ça pour que je devienne plus patiente et apprécie aussi le temps d'attente, de voir passer les jours et les heures précédents le rendez-vous, et accepte de me préparer pour enfin être à l'Heure.
 Merci d'être ici ! 
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montrealjobsx · 7 years
VENEZ VIVRE UNE EXPÉRIENCE MAGIQUE ET RENVERSANTE AVEC LE CIRQUE DU SOLEIL© ! Le Cirque du Soleil© est actuellement à la recherche de Préposés à la cuisine pour un contrat temporaire à temps partiel pour son spectacle Volta! En tant que Préposé à la cuisine vos tâches seront : - Maintenir la propreté de l'ensemble de la cuisine et de la salle à manger; - Assister les chefs cuisinier dans leurs opérations quotidiennes; - Assister les chefs cuisinier à recevoir et à ranger les livraisons; - Laver un grand volume de vaisselle, couverts, et casseroles selon la formation fournie par Volta et les ranger de manière propre, sécuritaire et ordonnée. Maintenir le comptoir à vaisselle propre et donné à tout moment; - Laver, sécher et plier le linge de cuisine; - Maintenir les tables de la salle à manger et les surfaces de service tout au long de la journée propres; - Recharger les assiettes, tasses, couverts, serviettes, articles jetables etc. tout au long de la journée; - Gardez les planchers propres en les balayant et nettoyant en tout temps, surtout à la fin du quart de travail; - Ramasser et disposer de tous les déchets, compost et bacs de recyclage dans les bennes à ordures; - Effectuer quotidiennement les projets de nettoyage assignés; - Assister les chefs cuisinier avec le démontage et la mise en place de la cuisine et la salle à manger. Ceci inclut le travail à l'extérieur et dans une cuisine temporaire durant la première et dernière semaine alors que la construction est en cours; - Assister les chefs cuisinier avec les préparations de base telles qu'éplucher et laver les fruits et légumes, etc.; - Respecter les règles de santé et sécurité dans la cuisine. Profil recherché : - Expérience minimum de 2 ans à temps pleins travaillant dans une cuisine professionnelle (restaurant occupé); - Bilingue (français & anglais) (un atout); - Capacité de soulever des charges de 50lbs (maximum); - Capacité à rester debout toute la journée dans un espace restreint; - Être disponible à temps partiel, sur appel du mardi au dimanche. Le poste vous intéresse? Faites parvenir votre CV à ­[email protected] ou appliquez directement en ligne! COME LIVE A STUNNING AND MAGIC EXPERIENCE WITH THE CIRQUE DU SOLEIL ©! Our client, the Cirque du Soleil©, is currently looking for part-time Kitchen-hands for a temporary contract for their show Volta! As a Kitchen-hand your tasks will be: - Maintain the cleanliness of the entire kitchen and catering area; - Assist the chefs and cooks in their day to day operations; - Assist chefs and cooks in receiving and putting away deliveries; - Wash a large volume of dishes, crockery, cutlery, pots, and pans according to Volta's training and put them away in a clean, safe, and orderly manner. Maintain a clean and orderly dish pit at all times; - Wash, dry, and fold kitchen laundry; - Maintain clean dining room tables, and service surfaces throughout the day; - Refill plates, cups, cutlery, napkins, disposables etc. throughout the day; - Keep floors clean by sweeping, brushing, and mopping at all times especially at the end of shift; - Collecting and disposal of all garbage, compost, and recycling bins into the dumpsters; - Complete assigned cleaning projects daily; - Assist chefs and cooks with tear down and setup of kitchen, catering, water stations, coffee stations, etc. as required. This includes working outdoors and in a temporary kitchen for the first and last week of the run while construction is going on; - Assist chefs and cooks with basic prep such as peeling or washing fruits, vegetables, etc.; - Enforcing a high standard of health and safety rules in the kitchen area. Kitchen-hand Requirements: - Minimum experience 2 years full time working in a professional kitchen (busy restaurant); - Physically able, highly motivated, willing to be trained. This position is physically demanding. Lifting 40 pound (5-gallon) water jugs as well as heavy vegetable boxes are part of the daily routine; - Available to work 6 days a week including weekends, early mornings, and late nights during the entire city run; - Part time, and on call. The position interests you? Please send your resume to [email protected] or apply directly online! from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8136582 http://ift.tt/2rZ522q via RSSMix.com Mix ID 8136582> CIRQUE DU SOLEIL - PRÉPOSÉ À LA CUISINE - MONTRÉAL
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montrealjobsx · 7 years
VENEZ VIVRE UNE EXPÉRIENCE MAGIQUE ET RENVERSANTE AVEC LE CIRQUE DU SOLEIL© ! Le Cirque du Soleil© est actuellement à la recherche de Préposés à la cuisine pour un contrat temporaire à temps partiel pour son spectacle Volta! En tant que Préposé à la cuisine vos tâches seront : - Maintenir la propreté de l'ensemble de la cuisine et de la salle à manger; - Assister les chefs cuisinier dans leurs opérations quotidiennes; - Assister les chefs cuisinier à recevoir et à ranger les livraisons; - Laver un grand volume de vaisselle, couverts, et casseroles selon la formation fournie par Volta et les ranger de manière propre, sécuritaire et ordonnée. Maintenir le comptoir à vaisselle propre et donné à tout moment; - Laver, sécher et plier le linge de cuisine; - Maintenir les tables de la salle à manger et les surfaces de service tout au long de la journée propres; - Recharger les assiettes, tasses, couverts, serviettes, articles jetables etc. tout au long de la journée; - Gardez les planchers propres en les balayant et nettoyant en tout temps, surtout à la fin du quart de travail; - Ramasser et disposer de tous les déchets, compost et bacs de recyclage dans les bennes à ordures; - Effectuer quotidiennement les projets de nettoyage assignés; - Assister les chefs cuisinier avec le démontage et la mise en place de la cuisine et la salle à manger. Ceci inclut le travail à l'extérieur et dans une cuisine temporaire durant la première et dernière semaine alors que la construction est en cours; - Assister les chefs cuisinier avec les préparations de base telles qu'éplucher et laver les fruits et légumes, etc.; - Respecter les règles de santé et sécurité dans la cuisine. Profil recherché : - Expérience minimum de 2 ans à temps pleins travaillant dans une cuisine professionnelle (restaurant occupé); - Bilingue (français & anglais) (un atout); - Capacité de soulever des charges de 50lbs (maximum); - Capacité à rester debout toute la journée dans un espace restreint; - Être disponible à temps partiel, sur appel du mardi au dimanche. Le poste vous intéresse? Faites parvenir votre CV à ­[email protected] ou appliquez directement en ligne! COME LIVE A STUNNING AND MAGIC EXPERIENCE WITH THE CIRQUE DU SOLEIL ©! Our client, the Cirque du Soleil©, is currently looking for part-time Kitchen-hands for a temporary contract for their show Volta! As a Kitchen-hand your tasks will be: - Maintain the cleanliness of the entire kitchen and catering area; - Assist the chefs and cooks in their day to day operations; - Assist chefs and cooks in receiving and putting away deliveries; - Wash a large volume of dishes, crockery, cutlery, pots, and pans according to Volta's training and put them away in a clean, safe, and orderly manner. Maintain a clean and orderly dish pit at all times; - Wash, dry, and fold kitchen laundry; - Maintain clean dining room tables, and service surfaces throughout the day; - Refill plates, cups, cutlery, napkins, disposables etc. throughout the day; - Keep floors clean by sweeping, brushing, and mopping at all times especially at the end of shift; - Collecting and disposal of all garbage, compost, and recycling bins into the dumpsters; - Complete assigned cleaning projects daily; - Assist chefs and cooks with tear down and setup of kitchen, catering, water stations, coffee stations, etc. as required. This includes working outdoors and in a temporary kitchen for the first and last week of the run while construction is going on; - Assist chefs and cooks with basic prep such as peeling or washing fruits, vegetables, etc.; - Enforcing a high standard of health and safety rules in the kitchen area. Kitchen-hand Requirements: - Minimum experience 2 years full time working in a professional kitchen (busy restaurant); - Physically able, highly motivated, willing to be trained. This position is physically demanding. Lifting 40 pound (5-gallon) water jugs as well as heavy vegetable boxes are part of the daily routine; - Available to work 6 days a week including weekends, early mornings, and late nights during the entire city run; - Part time, and on call. The position interests you? Please send your resume to [email protected] or apply directly online! from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8136582 http://ift.tt/2rZ522q via RSSMix.com Mix ID 8136582> CIRQUE DU SOLEIL - PRÉPOSÉ À LA CUISINE - MONTRÉAL
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montrealjobsx · 7 years
VENEZ VIVRE UNE EXPÉRIENCE MAGIQUE ET RENVERSANTE AVEC LE CIRQUE DU SOLEIL© ! Le Cirque du Soleil© est actuellement à la recherche de Préposés à la cuisine pour un contrat temporaire à temps partiel pour son spectacle Volta! En tant que Préposé à la cuisine vos tâches seront : - Maintenir la propreté de l'ensemble de la cuisine et de la salle à manger; - Assister les chefs cuisinier dans leurs opérations quotidiennes; - Assister les chefs cuisinier à recevoir et à ranger les livraisons; - Laver un grand volume de vaisselle, couverts, et casseroles selon la formation fournie par Volta et les ranger de manière propre, sécuritaire et ordonnée. Maintenir le comptoir à vaisselle propre et donné à tout moment; - Laver, sécher et plier le linge de cuisine; - Maintenir les tables de la salle à manger et les surfaces de service tout au long de la journée propres; - Recharger les assiettes, tasses, couverts, serviettes, articles jetables etc. tout au long de la journée; - Gardez les planchers propres en les balayant et nettoyant en tout temps, surtout à la fin du quart de travail; - Ramasser et disposer de tous les déchets, compost et bacs de recyclage dans les bennes à ordures; - Effectuer quotidiennement les projets de nettoyage assignés; - Assister les chefs cuisinier avec le démontage et la mise en place de la cuisine et la salle à manger. Ceci inclut le travail à l'extérieur et dans une cuisine temporaire durant la première et dernière semaine alors que la construction est en cours; - Assister les chefs cuisinier avec les préparations de base telles qu'éplucher et laver les fruits et légumes, etc.; - Respecter les règles de santé et sécurité dans la cuisine. Profil recherché : - Expérience minimum de 2 ans à temps pleins travaillant dans une cuisine professionnelle (restaurant occupé); - Bilingue (français & anglais) (un atout); - Capacité de soulever des charges de 50lbs (maximum); - Capacité à rester debout toute la journée dans un espace restreint; - Être disponible à temps partiel, sur appel du mardi au dimanche. Le poste vous intéresse? Faites parvenir votre CV à [email protected] ou appliquez directement en ligne! COME LIVE A STUNNING AND MAGIC EXPERIENCE WITH THE CIRQUE DU SOLEIL ©! Our client, the Cirque du Soleil©, is currently looking for part-time Kitchen-hands for a temporary contract for their show Volta! As a Kitchen-hand your tasks will be: - Maintain the cleanliness of the entire kitchen and catering area; - Assist the chefs and cooks in their day to day operations; - Assist chefs and cooks in receiving and putting away deliveries; - Wash a large volume of dishes, crockery, cutlery, pots, and pans according to Volta's training and put them away in a clean, safe, and orderly manner. Maintain a clean and orderly dish pit at all times; - Wash, dry, and fold kitchen laundry; - Maintain clean dining room tables, and service surfaces throughout the day; - Refill plates, cups, cutlery, napkins, disposables etc. throughout the day; - Keep floors clean by sweeping, brushing, and mopping at all times especially at the end of shift; - Collecting and disposal of all garbage, compost, and recycling bins into the dumpsters; - Complete assigned cleaning projects daily; - Assist chefs and cooks with tear down and setup of kitchen, catering, water stations, coffee stations, etc. as required. This includes working outdoors and in a temporary kitchen for the first and last week of the run while construction is going on; - Assist chefs and cooks with basic prep such as peeling or washing fruits, vegetables, etc.; - Enforcing a high standard of health and safety rules in the kitchen area. Kitchen-hand Requirements: - Minimum experience 2 years full time working in a professional kitchen (busy restaurant); - Physically able, highly motivated, willing to be trained. This position is physically demanding. Lifting 40 pound (5-gallon) water jugs as well as heavy vegetable boxes are part of the daily routine; - Available to work 6 days a week including weekends, early mornings, and late nights during the entire city run; - Part time, and on call. The position interests you? Please send your resume to [email protected] or apply directly online! from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8136582 http://ift.tt/2qyEALB via RSSMix.com Mix ID 8136582> CIRQUE DU SOLEIL - PRÉPOSÉ À LA CUISINE - MONTRÉAL, SUR APPEL!
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