#Commodities trading
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Discover expert insights and proven strategies to excel in commodities trading. Learn how to navigate the commodities market fluctuations, manage risks, and capitalize on opportunities for profitable trades.
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signode-blog · 2 months
Price Action Trading
Mastering Price Action Trading: Strategies, Patterns, and Psychology Price action trading is a methodology used in financial markets, particularly in trading stocks, currencies, commodities, and other assets. Unlike traditional technical analysis, which relies heavily on indicators and mathematical formulas, price action trading focuses solely on the movement of prices on a chart. It is based…
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warnerrayan754 · 5 months
Join us as we delve into China's latest stimulus measures and their impact on the commodities market. In this insightful discussion, Century Financial experts analyze China's economic policies and how they influence commodities trading. From metals to energy resources, we explore the potential opportunities and risks for investors in this volatile market environment. Stay informed with Century Financial as we navigate through the complexities of global economics and market trends.
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wayformoney · 6 months
"Way2Forex: Empowering Traders In Commodities Trading Opportunities"
Trade in commodities refers to the buying and selling of raw materials, such as oil, metals, grains, and livestock. Trade in commodities also involves international transactions, often driven by supply and demand factors, and plays a crucial role in global economic activities, impacting prices, industries, and trade relations between countries.
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hmatrading · 1 year
Commodities trading is a resource for people who are looking forward to investing in commodities like Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, etc. Overview & Benefits of Investing in Commodities
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aadityawealth · 1 year
A commodities trading account is a bank account. A trading participant in a reputable commodity exchange, like traded, bought is called a Commodity trading. To Open an Online Commodity Trading Account, you open online, with help of a broker and KYC account. If you want detailed info, visit our blog!
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fxcesstrading · 2 years
Trade with the most popular raw materials available in the market to create a broad trading portfolio. Trade commodities with fxcess
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fxgiantstrading · 2 years
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ahb-writes · 10 months
Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions (Trade, Commerce, and Industry)
Trade, Commerce, and Industry Worldbuilding Questions:
What is the primary currency in this world? Does each region have its own?
What is the standard (such as the gold standard) by which currency is valued?
Who has more relative trading power and why? Which commodities are valued the most?
Who is paid the most because their labor is valued highest? Who is paid the least? Or is labor compensated equally (and do pay grades vary by region)?
Where are the biggest centers of trade and industry? Why are they in these locations?
Where are the main trading routes and what are landmarks or places of interest along their way?
When was this world most or least prosperous, and why?
When business is conducted, what are the customs, signs of trust (like signatures on Earth), formalities?
Why is a specific trade more common than others (what context underpins it)?
Why are certain trades growing or waning in popularity?
❯ ❯ ❯ Read other writing masterposts in this series: Worldbuilding Questions for Deeper Settings
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fates-theysband · 1 month
mysims fixation coming back means i’m thinking about jenny again. canon self shipper queen.
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joan-of-feminism · 1 year
To be honest, IDC if every single woman who does ‘consensual’ or ‘voluntary’ sex work has to find a new job if it means that not a single woman or girl will be exploited ever again. Sex work and sex trafficking are both part of the sex trade industry. You can’t have one without the other, and I can’t believe there are women out there who truly think that their desire to be an online doninatrix or whatever is more important than preventing sex slavery. It’s not empowering. Empowerment implies that every individual of that group is gaining power, whether it be social or political. Your momentary boost of confidence while you’re ‘scamming’ men and ‘owning your sexuality’ does not empower woman as a global whole. Sex work will always be for the benefit of men. It was created as a means for men to sell their wives and daughters to pay off debts. It was never created as a means for woman to own their sexuality or make their own money. I know that many sex workers want decriminalization so that they can go about their work without fear of imprisonment (which is valid!!!) but I don’t think they realize that we can’t have ethical sex work. It’s too inherently wrapped up in sex trafficking. That’s why I will always support neo-abolition. It criminalizes the buying of sex but protects the women selling it. That way, no woman will end up behind bars, and it will also hopefully reduce the demand (since men will run the risk of imprisonment even if it’s ‘consensual’) Women will never be liberated by letting men pay them for sex. consent cannot be bought. A woman’s body is not a work place!
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originfinance · 7 months
Day Trading: What Are The Benefits of Trading With a Prop Firm
Hi again it’s Elijah, today I will be answering your questions on what are the benefits of trading with a prop firm. One prop firm that I will discuss is Fidel Crest. It provides you an opportunity to trade using your skills. It can be hard to get the right trading prop firm. You don’t have to worry anymore, this article will cover you. Read on. The Fidel Trading Challenge Is Open To Traders…
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ferdifz · 2 months
Ea-Nasir is "back"...
Hey guys, remember the ancient Mesopotamian low-quality copper bamboozler Ea-Nasir? Guess what: he seems to be "back"...
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...To be fair though: This particular embezzlement crime actually happened in 2021: [mining.com] Not this year (2024).
(Using a news-link from mining dot com, because the original Bloomberg dot com article is behind a pay-wall.)
Still hillarious though, in my opinion. And the Ea Nasir joke continues to be evergreen. At least among Tumblr deep-lore enthusiasts and fans of ancient world/mediterranean/levant history.
Some more choice memes I've collected recently, related to Ea Nasir:
A reply, over from Bluesky:
Ea-nāṣir jokes are like high-quality copper ingots. Not everybody gets them.
Not mine; this next one neither:
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Obligatory "Palpatine is back" remix:
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The Simpsons predicted this, of course:
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Caught by the captains of the East India Company:
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Randal Munroe/XKCD Comics remembers Ea-Nasir, of course...
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The Tumblr merch shop [shop.tumblr.com] has been under maintenance and reconstruction for several months now, but the (current? former?) head of Tumblr merch still has his Tumblr blog up and has a nice quick-briefing of the Ea-Nasir meme on Tumblr....
In 1953, explorer Sir Leonard Woolley discovered and acquired the tablet from what is believed to be the ruins of Ea-Nasir's home while on an expedition to the city of Ur. Several other similar tablets complaining about poor copper quality were also recovered, suggesting Ea-Nasir frequently sent his customers poor-quality goods. The tablet is currently held at the British Museum.
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treasure-goblin · 1 month
Woag, big brain happenings today
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brookeroy4 · 6 months
MIT Style Advanced Quantum Trading Systems and Training Lessons and Classes For The Stock Market ETFs Forex Commodity Futures Cryptos and Cryptocurrencies. We are a MIT trained market Advisor, Mentor, Guide, Coach, Instructor and Teacher.
We offer Advanced MIT Style Quantum Algorithm Trading Prediction Systems for the Stock Market, Futures, Forex currencies and Cryptocurrencies. We are MIT trained market analysts, programmers and certified teachers with over 10 years of experience in the markets and have developed custom trading systems that can help teach and predict the markets in the current conditions. MIT Forex Futures and Cryptocurrency Trading System
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st-just · 2 years
The history of it more or less makes sense as a patronage engine and there are definitely worse alternatives, but the sheer number of places in American government where there's this gentleman's agreement that each party gets X seats on the body and then the swing vote is a political appointee who changes with the administration is just somewhere between comedic and bleak.
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Real 'world's only two-party one party state' energy.
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