#Companion App
mysg1spacemonkey · 2 years
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I posted this on discord a little while ago. Thought some of you might relate.
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hsmagazine254 · 1 year
Oraimo Smart Watch 2 Pro: The Perfect Father's Day Gift For The Modern Dad
Oraimo Smart Watch 2 Pro Father’s Day is just around the corner, and finding the ideal gift to show appreciation for your dad can be a challenging task. Look no further! The Oraimo Smart Watch 2 Pro is the ultimate gift for the modern dad who values both style and functionality. With its impressive features and sleek design, this smartwatch is bound to bring a smile to your dad’s face on his…
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its-a-beautful-day · 1 month
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A Magic wish 🌠🌟🌌
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dreamdropcompanions · 6 months
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Cheese (they/it/bun), one of our emotional support companions with our new tablet on our AAC app!! ⌨️
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a-queenoffairys · 2 months
modern code lyoko reboot where jeremie first finds aelita trapped inside one of those AI girlfriend apps
some wires get crossed between the school and factory networks and jeremie is the only one who can see aelita on the app. he goes in expecting to talk to a chatbot but there's something off about her, something human.
now jeremie has to convince himself and others that aelita is worth bringing to the real world, in a world where most everyone is aware of how realistic and predatory AI chatbots have become.
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jackelated · 8 months
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I think I'm so funny
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unpretty · 5 months
Hi! I just saw your post about looking more competent and I was curious about how to get the weekly freebies from Creative Market, cause I'm always in desperate need of templates and such (my presentations look shit), but the link wasn't working. I made an account on Creative Market, so I just wanted to ask you how to sign up for the freebies.
Thanks and have a good day! :-)
For a while they got rid of them entirely, but I just looked and they seem to have realized that was a mistake because they're back under Free Downloads in the top right next to Enterprise. They only have four a week now I guess, I don't know if you can still sign up for freebie download reminders so you might have to set a phone reminder or something instead.
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yourqueenb · 7 months
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I would much rather just have Threep back
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mythology-void · 2 months
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zuko + iroh hc that ever since the agni kai with his dad zuko was a really light sleeper but while they were in ba sing se he would fall asleep on chairs or leaning on countertops and be out like a light (not a single thing would wake him up) so iroh would pick him up and move him to a pallet in the tea shop kitchen and cover him with a blanket (a side effect of the fever is that he's always so cold) and whenever anyone asked where he was iroh would say "my son is asleep in the back. how can I help you?" and eventually everyone who came in just assumed they were related
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confoundedluna · 10 months
recently learned that the until dawn companion app is no longer available because of how old it is and that depressed me so I thought I'd personally write up each character profile to have for myself - the actual profiles are available in a series of posts of images here on tumblr Somewhere but i wanna have them written for myself, so here they are in the order from the app
Relationship Status: Single
Dream Job: Conservationist
Age: 19
Loves: Animals
Hates: Violence
About Sam:
Nature-loving Sam is a warm and caring individual. The others might find her a little quirky, but she's comfortable in her own skin. The weekend away is a chance for Sam to catch up with friends, enjoy the mountain air and put the past behind her. She is strong willed and doesn't scare easily.
Relationship Status: Dating Jess, used to go out with Emily
Dream Job: President
Age: 19
Loves: Women
Hates: Commitment
About Mike:
Good-looking, smooth as silk, and silver-tongued, Mike is the resident ladykiller. He's has more girlfriends than he's had hot dinners, which can cause a few problems when a few of them are in his immediate circle of friends... Mike is a man of action. He's always the first to volunteer, the first to make a suggestion. With a narcissistic streak, there's no denying that he likes the attention that comes with being the man who stands up and can get things done.
Relationship Status: Dating Mike
Dream Job: Model
Age: 18
Loves: Partying
Hates: Studying
About Jessica:
A beautiful bottle-blonde with a mischievous nature, fun is Jessica's raison d'être. First on the guest list at any party, if there's one thing she's not, it's shy. A childhood ballerina, Jessica once wanted to be a cheerleader... until she realised that it was going to be quite a lot of work. Her fun-loving nature has certainly managed to turn Mike's head... he dumped Emily in order to get with her.
Relationship Status: Friend-zoned by Ashley
Dream Job: App Designer
Age: 19
Loves: Technology
Hates: Anywhere without Wi-Fi
About Chris:
Chris is a big lover of gadgets, and seems to spend half of his life looking at his phone. He's never short of an app that can do this, that or the other. He's loyal, analytical, and doesn't scare too easily. Chris spends a lot of time with Ashley. They're very close friends, but Chris would like her to be even closer... Chris is very affable, even if his nerdyness puts some of the others off, and he comes equipped with a seemingly endless supply of dad jokes.
Relationship Status: Single
Dream Job: Author
Age: 18
Loves: Books
Hates: Scary movies
About Ashley:
Ashley is a smart cookie. She's often found in the library, studying away with her nose in a book. However, her overactive imagination means that she's jumpier than a paranoid kangaroo... she's not a fan of scary anything. After spending a lot of time with her study-partner Chris, she wonders if he's interested in her as more than just a friend, but she soon snaps out of it - Chris would never ask her out, anyway...
Relationship Status: Dating Emily
Dream Job: Linebacker
Age: 18
Loves: Sports
Hates: Emily's shopping trips
About Matt:
Matt is the high school's star line-backer, but he isn't necessarily the sharpest tool in the box. He's hoping for a sports scholarship to a top college, because his GPA isn't going to cut the mustard. Matt is fiercely loyal to his new girlfriend, Emily... maybe even too loyal. Their relationship could be described as being a little one-way: when Emily says something, Matt does it. He mostly plays the part of the big friendly giant - but when Matt sees red, it's best to stay out of his way...
Relationship Status: Dating Matt, used to go out with Mike
Dream Job: Magazine style editor
Age: 19
Loves: Fashion
Hates: Not getting her way
About Emily:
Emily has a quick tongue and a sharp wit. She's well-known within the group for her withering putdowns, but that does mean that she can come across as a bit of a bitch. Always immaculately dressed, Emily prizes her appearance very highly. She believes that good taste is everything and isn't afraid of dropping serious cash on clothes... and making sure that everyone knows about it. Emily is currently dating Matt... but only because she's rebounding pretty hard after Mike dumped her a few weeks back.
Relationship Status: Single
Dream Job: Film Producer
Age: 20
Loves: Family
Hates: Being bossed around
About Josh:
Josh was studying psychology at college prior to Hannah and Beth's disappearance, which caused him to drop out. He has struggled to come to terms with the disappearance of his sisters. A bit older than the rest of the group, Josh is something of an older brother figure to Chris. He loves taking the helm, organising cool events and making sure that everyone has an awesome time. Josh definitely has a bit of a party-animal streak (honed in his freshman year), but his warm and friendly personality will win everybody around in the end.
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I'm working on a Thuggory modern one-shot today. I should have it done in a couple of days. It might end up being longer, since we just got warnings of severe storms that'll affect several states in my area, which may end up cutting out the power for a few days. Hopefully, the storm misses it, and it'll never happen.
But yeah, I plan on this being a modern-day one-shot which will be light-hearted and humorous. Thuggory basically makes a phone app for making friends. It'll be pretty funny. Look forward to it. 😏
Don't worry, guys. Seriously, I AM working on a Thuggory fanfic this time. I really tried to get one posted earlier this year, but it's been a rough year. This summer, in particular, was really nasty! 💀
But yeah, hopefully, I'll get done with the Thuggory fic soon.
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disasterdrvid · 13 days
i need a da:d demo this summer/fall so bad its unreal
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aurosoulart · 1 year
...you lose followers for furry art? And here it confirmed for me I was in the right place...
it's funny you ask because since sharing that post I've regained any lost followers from it and THEN some 💖😭
I feel a little bad, though, since I don't currently have a lot of time to make new 2D art due to working in Figmin XR... but animal motifs still show up in my work a lot regardless of medium!! (mostly deers hehe 🦌)
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purrassicjet · 22 days
The best thing about the 5e companion app is that I can make as many silly characters as I want to without having to pay
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dreamdropcompanions · 11 months
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our device / tablet / ipad on our main AAC board with one of our emotional support plushies, Froggie ♡ - Shane
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hcneypuff · 4 months
Okay so like I’m not sure if anyone else has ever listened the librivox version 2 (the dramatic reading) version of the marvelous land of oz (second book in the oz series) but like it’s one where each character as a different voice and stuff, right, and omg for the scarecrow he sounds like a posh gay English / French man (it’s hard to tell which one the accent sound more like) and it just cracks me up because he keeps talking about his friend the tin man and how he will protect him and stuff and his voice is just making everything he say so much more gay! Like they said he was a queer king and I’m like damn right he is! This is probably a very niche post but if you have listened to it, or are inspired to now, or honestly if you just are a wizard of oz nerd, feel free to reach out or comment or something because man I have so many thoughts!!
Link to the audio book if anyone’s interested! It’s free!
L. Frank Baum: The Marvelous Land of Oz (version 2) (Dramatic Reading) https://librivox.app/book/2785
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