#Company culture
viddybiblio · 7 days
Lambrini Girls - Company Culture (Official Video)
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successloops · 4 months
What do YOU think of when you hear the word "CULT"😱
Does it instantly drum up images that are negative??🤬
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Here's its origins: French 'culte' meaning 'worship' Latin 'cultis' meaning 'care' 'grow' Another meaning is 'devotion.'
I like the fact that there is both good & bad in absolutely everything - it's a conscious choice to how you channel it.☯️
I like that the word is used in both CULTivate & CULTure.😎
When a healthy vision, mission, intention & purpose is bred (like daily bread) & cared for & grown - it becomes the company's hidden brand.🪂
Latin 'religo' means 'good faith' & 'ritual.' Every successful global corporation practices this.
There's a masterclass for Cultivating Healthy Corporate Culture & making your workplace a happy space. Comment cult if you're interested in knowing more or hit the link below.
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businessbrilliance · 10 months
Strategies for Effective Team Management in the Workplace
Maximize workplace efficiency with these easy team management strategies. Prioritize clear communication, define roles, and nurture a positive atmosphere. Set and review goals regularly, foster collaboration, and offer constructive feedback. Encourage work-life balance and invest in team development for long-term success. For tailored advice and optimal results, consider consulting with a management consultant in Australia. Propel your team towards peak performance in today's competitive business environment.
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r-d12 · 1 year
What are the traits of a good work culture?
Whether you are accepting a job offer from a new company or seeking for work, one of the most significant components of your professional life will be the good company culture. The environment or "vibe" of the workplace or organisation is so potent that it may make or break your professional experience, resulting in either long-term employment or, in the worst-case scenario, a quick return to the job market.
But what factors determine or reflect a positive business culture? It might be difficult to describe, but there are solid, quantitative indicators to look for that reflect both the health of a firm or workplace and workers' levels of pleasure at work.
To learn more click here…….
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alaskaayoungg15 · 1 year
How do you deal with passive-aggressive managers?
I'm struggling, please help! My manager discourages me from participating in meetings, making new connections, presents my work as hers, and takes credit for my ideas and when I try to do any of this, she takes it out on me by giving me petty jobs that are not even important. She is extremely insecure and I have tried to mold myself to work with her. But 1.5 yrs later, she is getting worse and worse and I'm getting nowhere. The situation is extremely frustrating and instead of showing maturity, I have started to retaliate. I have tried confronting to her but it hasn't led to anything fruitful.
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theramenphase · 1 year
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📰Unsafety in the Workplace - My Personal Experience with Hindrance Stress
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slinkywhat · 1 year
Well, that’s one way to end an 11.5-year career at Darden.
“Our call offs are occurring at a staggering rate.”
I bet that wouldn’t be the case if you paid your employees well, treated them well, or—get this—both.
“From now on, if you call off, you might as well go out and look for another job. We are no longer tolerating ANY excuse for calling off.”
Olive Garden: Now seeking mindless drones with zero chance for illness, familial emergencies, or extraneous circumstances. Must have no other responsibilities outside of working for Olive Garden, whatsoever.
“Do you know in my 11.5 years at Darden how many days I called off? Zero. I came in sick.”
Bitch, you work in a RESTAURANT. That’s admission of major health code violations, right there.
“I got in a wreck literally on my to work one time, airbags went off and my car was totaled, but you know what, I made it to work, ON TIME!”
This is not the brag that you think it is. It’s really sad.
“If you don't want to work here, don't. It's as simple as that.”
Sure, capitalism has always made it so easy—that people passionately want to work every grueling job out there, where customers treat you like dirt, not that they need it to support themselves.
“You're in the restaurant business. Do you think I want to be here until midnight on Friday and Saturday? No. I'd much rather be at home with my husband and dog, going to the movies or seeing family. But I don't, I'm dedicated to being here. As should you.”
Really? Because not even you are making a good case for this here. You just switched from insisting people want to be there and want to work—because it is an honor and a privilege—to admitting outright that you don’t want to be there either, but you’ve committed 11.5 years to sacrificing your family to be dedicated to this job (you know, the one that just fired you instantly for sending out this mass email, because you’re a replaceable commodity… was it worth it?).
If you need to implement stricter policies and penalize or fire employees who are consistently calling out, then do it—but skip putting a toddler temper tantrum in writing (because it’s not anywhere close to communicating what you think it is), and when you’re still consistently turning over employees after you crack down, try some introspection as to why that might be.
Then, actually try to solve it, with some empathy, instead of simply blaming hundreds or thousands of people who must just be “lazy.” Because, sure—that MUST be it. Couldn’t possibly find any other commonalities amongst that many people who are dissatisfied enough to risk being fired rather than come work for you.
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goteamphilippines · 1 year
📣 Join GoTeam, where we value a friendly and inclusive workplace for all new team members! 🙌 Our doors are always open, and we take pride in providing a supportive atmosphere. 💙✨
Check out how we make our team members feel right at home!
👀 We're currently hiring! Take the next step in your career and become part of our exceptional team. Apply now!
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beingjellybeans · 5 days
Sun Life Grepa: Building a Culture Where Employees Shine
In today’s competitive corporate world, a positive workplace culture has become more than just a perk—it’s a driving force behind employee success and company growth. At Sun Life Grepa Financial, Inc. (Sun Life Grepa), this is a reality. Known for providing life insurance and financial protection in the Philippines, the company also stands out for fostering a workplace where employees are valued,…
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jcmarchi · 13 days
How Digital Humans Enhance Employee Training Through Unique, Life-Like Conversations
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/how-digital-humans-enhance-employee-training-through-unique-life-like-conversations/
How Digital Humans Enhance Employee Training Through Unique, Life-Like Conversations
Employee training is essential to acclimating to a role and absorbing company culture; likewise, it allows people to learn new skills and grow professionally. Nevertheless, the thrill of working for a new company or getting promoted to a new position gets extinguished the second that the “employee training” email pops up in one’s inbox.
Despite companies in the US spending over $100 billion on traditional learning solutions in 2022, the webinars, pre-recorded videos and courses of today are so dull and unengaging that employees hardly retain any of the material. Businesses must set aside these uninspired training methods and lean into next-generation intelligent interface technology to deliver engaging, interactive and memorable learning experiences cost-effectively and at scale.
The Shortcomings of Traditional Employee Training Methods
There are several problems with traditional training methods, which result in costly consequences. The way employees interact with learning material is not conducive to information retention. There are few, if any, opportunities for people to apply the learning material they just consumed.
This phenomenon that describes the loss of information is the forgetting curve, which highlights the need for training methods that promote memorization through application. Once learning ends, employees lose 70% of that information within 24 hours, and 90% is gone within a week. Ultimately, companies end up spending more money and time retraining their teams.
Insufficient training can negatively affect employee retention, with a survey from ClearCompany revealing that 94% of employees would stay longer in their roles if their companies invested in staff development. The problem is that organizations do invest in staff development (to the tune of $100 billion). However, the methods are so ineffective that, to the employee, it feels like there was no effort on the part of their employer.
Employees are also not confident in their abilities. Research from Gartner found that 70% of employees say they haven’t mastered the skills to do their jobs, which could explain why retention is so low.
Next-gen Intelligent Interfaces powered by Digital Humans: How Do They Fit in Training Environments?
Digital humans are real-time intelligent interfaces built to guide, educate, and speak to people in real-time. Custom-trained digital humans present a scalable way for employees to practice and refine their skills through roleplay scenarios. Specifically, digital humans use natural and responsive dialog to create human-like conversations that simulate what teams will encounter in the real world.
For example, digital humans allow sales to practice their pitches across skill sets, such as objection handling, product knowledge and upselling. In a healthcare setting, digital humans replicate natural and realistic conversations to help nurses rehearse the patient-in-take process, i.e., asking for symptoms, medical history, family medical history, etc.
Unlike traditional chatbots, digital humans do not recite a pre-written script but listen and dynamically respond in real-time to the employee based on the flow of the conversation. As a best practice, conversation guardrails should always be incorporated so that the interaction remains safe and on-brand. With these in place, and thanks to generative artificial intelligence (AI), digital humans have a near-infinite variety of conversational outputs, ensuring employees are ready to interact with real-world customers.
The Benefits of Digital Human-led Training
Through digital humans, businesses can ensure employees are free to make mistakes and hone their skills within a controlled environment where there is no risk of losing revenue or offending a real customer. This ability to practice in realistic scenarios and learn from mistakes without the stress and anxiety of practicing on real customers is perfect for onboarding recruits and helping them build their confidence.
In other words, employees can fine-tune skills in realistic conditions without wearing “in-training” on their nametag. Moreover, digital humans enable people to retain more information than traditional methods since there are ample opportunities to apply newly learned information during simulated interactions with digital humans.
Digital humans, while capable of simulating a variety of interactions, support consistency across employee training. In the movies, the mavericks close the most deals, but in reality, consistency and structure lead to the best results.
Organizations can utilize digital humans for learning and development to make their sales cycles and practices more structured, producing more qualified, reliable and knowledgeable workers in the process. Digital humans also create more empathic employees, which is especially helpful in healthcare settings.
In addition to improving overall training effectiveness, employees will enjoy engaging with digital humans. When compared to traditional, text-based learning, digital human learning scored much higher in every category, including effectiveness score, near-total recollection of information and user recommendation.
What Capabilities Make an Ideal Digital Human Solution?
Not all digital human solutions are created equal, and businesses must evaluate the capabilities of each before making a decision. As such, there are several notable characteristics typical of leading solutions that companies must prioritize in their search.
For example, a best-in-class digital human solution should easily incorporate company-specific guidelines, product information, brand language, playbooks, protocols, etc. Not only does this ability allow the digital human to stay focused and not go off-topic, but it also ensures that the learning experiences come from real problems and interactions connected to the company’s products and services. Leading digital human solutions will also use large language models, retrieval-augmented generation and intelligent AI orchestrators to make sure the training conversation is consistent, private and free from AI hallucinations.
Everyone learns in different ways and at varying paces, meaning that while training should cover consistent material, it shouldn’t be the same cookie-cutter experience for every employee. Thankfully, leading digital human solutions can personalize learning experiences for employees, with some providing individualized and non-judgmental feedback such as how the person sounded, if they allowed the customer to speak enough or if they said anything incorrect, further enhancing knowledge retention.
In addition to being accessible in real-time 24 hours a day and from web-enabled devices, advanced digital human solutions are available in many languages and dialects, making them perfect for global enterprises.
The Necessity of Upskilling and Retention in the Age of AI
Anxiety around new technologies is real. Employees expect their employers to prepare them accordingly for the AI revolution. Likewise, with the ability to work from anywhere, people are free to leave a job if it isn’t providing adequate training, underscoring the need for robust retention programs. To that end, it is paramount that organizations leverage digital humans, the modern interface,  and empower their workforce through tailored and highly interactive training experiences.
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nerdjourney · 28 days
Reduction in Force: Navigating Layoff Trends in Tech with Real Job Talk (1/2)
The hosts of Real Job Talk join us for a focused discussion on #layoffs in tech with practical advice for those impacted and those who have lost colleagues. #rif #laidoff #career #techlayoffs #jobsearch
Are layoffs in the tech industry a trend that will continue? What can IT workers do about it? Whether you’ve been impacted by a layoff event, lost colleagues in a layoff, or have just been watching from afar…this episode is part of a focused discussion on layoffs meant to encourage and advise all of us. This week in episode 290 we’re joined by Kat Nelson Troyer and Liz Bronson, the hosts of Real…
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alvinstrat · 1 month
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ucoolcamping · 1 month
Benjamin Gifford's Gaming Career: Forging the Unique Corporate Culture of Top Games
Released in 2016, Evony: The King’s Return is a mobile real-time strategy game that continues to captivate players and maintain a strong retention rate compared to similar titles. The game's impressive in-app purchase performance is noteworthy, with revenue exceeding $355 million in 2023.
The game’s success is closely tied to the visionary leadership and effective management within Top Games, Inc. David Guo, who holds a degree in Physics from Sun Yat-sen University, showed an early interest in software development. In 2015, he founded Top Games, Inc., recognizing the potential of mobile gaming. Under his guidance, the company focused on developing mobile-centric strategy games, leveraging data analytics, and valuing user feedback to refine the gaming experience.
Benjamin Gifford, VP at Top Games, has played a critical role in team management, corporate compliance, and strategic marketing. His journey into the gaming industry began fifteen years ago through a pivotal meeting with David Guo. This meeting was fueled by their shared belief in the unifying power of games. Benjamin’s early career was driven by a keen interest in the intersection of technology and storytelling, naturally leading him to roles in game development and design.
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Benjamin: Building a Strong Corporate Culture
At TGI, corporate culture is defined by a commitment to user focus, innovation, and continuous improvement. David and Benjamin have fostered a work environment that encourages excellence, innovation, and alignment with the company’s vision of delivering exceptional gaming experiences.
Emphasizing Openness, Inclusivity, and Collaboration
TGI promotes a culture of open communication, inclusivity, and collaboration. Team members are encouraged to freely share ideas and solutions, which drives creativity and the development of high-quality games. This collaborative approach is also evident in the design philosophy of Evony: The King’s Return, which integrates themes of inclusivity, communication, diversity, and cultural exchange. The game features seven major civilizations, including the United States, Europe, China, Japan, and Arabia, allowing players from around the world to choose their preferred civilization. Within alliances, players collaborate, share information and resources, and protect one another, fostering understanding and friendship across cultures.
Commitment to Integrity, Excellence, and Passion
David Guo and Benjamin Gifford ensure that every team member aligns with TGI’s mission to create games that resonate globally. To reinforce these principles, Benjamin authored two white papers: The TGI Culture White Paper and Why You Shouldn’t Work At TGI. These documents reflect TGI’s commitment to transparency, emphasizing that every employee should be viewed as a builder and owner of the company. Benjamin believes that with the right information, employees can make informed decisions. Ultimately, employees leave companies because of people, not documents. If TGI fails to live by its values, employees will naturally seek opportunities elsewhere.
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visionaryvogues · 1 month
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Enhancing Company Culture Remotely: Strategies for Success
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colemanm · 3 months
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tmarshconnors · 3 months
The Apple Marketing Philosophy
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We will truly understand their needs better than any other company.
In order to do a good job of those things we decide to do we
must eliminate all of the unimportant opportunities.
People DO judge a book by its cover.
We may have the best product, the highest quality, the most useful software etc.; if we present them in a slipshod manner, they will be perceived as slipshod; if we present them in a creative, professional manner, we will impute the desired qualities.”
Mike Markkula
January 3, 1977
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