#Congratulations you tricked her into doing what she wanted to do anyway
strawbattyshortcake · 29 days
Astarion: Right, now to maintain this seduction and manipulate her feelings so she'll never betray me.
Triel, like day three:
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aouiaa · 27 days
Florist! Dina hcs
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Imagining Florist! Dina who had Ellie paint her shop like a mythical forest with blooming flowers everywhere.
Imagining Florist! Dina who’s very bossy with it. Having her hands on her waist, watching Ellie’s every stroke of the brush with this face.
“Ew, hate that.”
“Alright, where do you want it, D.” Ellie says with a tired sigh.
“Hmmm, Righhtt” she dragged, scanning the room “there.” she points at a corner with a big grin.
Just imagine Ellie with a big pout while waddling the ladder to said spot as Dina is in the background with her hands clasped together with that same big smile.
Such a cutie
Imagining Florist! Dina who was extremely nervous on opening day that her nails who all chewed off by the end of the night.
Poor girl :(
Imagining Florist! Dina who cried when her family came in with flowers of their own, and a little cake congratulating her.
Imagining Florist! Dina who suggested to take a family photo, and later hung it on the wall behind the cash register.
Imagining Florist! Dina who looks at that same photo to make herself feel better when she’s stressed at work.
Imaging Florist! Dina who does that one thing with the apron to make her waist look snatched.
Imagining Florist! Dina who’s a MOTHER to her plants. Always saying goodnight and good morning to her plants. Talking to them throughout the day since she found out that plants get sad when they get no interaction.
Imagining Florist! Dina who does notice the weird stares she gets when she does talk to her plants, but doesn’t care! She even entertains it when little kids run into her shop asking if the plants control her.
“My mom calls you crazy.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that…the plants give me superpowers like poison ivy.”
“Wait—really?” Dina swears she can see sparkles in their eyes. “Cool!”
Imagining Florist! Dina who sheds some tears when her babies flowers are sold. Since she watches all her flowers grow from a seedling to a blooming flower.
Imagining Florist! Dina who has mini pamphlets with every purchase made of how to take care of the plant, with tips and tricks on the back!
Imagining Florist! Dina who has unique designs on her wrapping papers.
Imaging Florist! Dina who holds back tears when a costumer brings back a plant in terrible condition.
Imaging Florist! Dina who gives a death stare to the same customer when they say they followed her quote on quote stupid instructions, but the dumbass plant died on them anyways. Let’s just say that customer met a whole new Dina that day…
Imaging Florist! Dina who cries when she can’t save a plant.
Imagining Florist! Dina who has a lively garden filled with the returned flowers.
Imagining Florist! Dina who was reluctant to hired staff since she wanted the best care for her flowers.
Imagining Florist! Dina who unintentionally acted like a mobster while interviewing the hires.
“So what brings ya’ here today?” Dina says, looking the poor girl up and down.
“You had a sign saying for hire?” she says, almost scared to respond.
“Hm, alright. Tell me about yourself. Why do you wanna work here?”
"Uhm, you know, I just really love plants. My mother had a garden growing up, and I, uhm, was really involved in it, and grew to love plants, heh." she says, nervously fiddling with her fingers in her lap.
Imagining Florist! Dina who didn’t understand why she was so scared, but ended up hiring her anyway.
Imagining Florist! Dina who was mesmerized by you when you came in with a 'Hiring' paper in hand. Now, the girl is usually confident when attractive people walk into her shop, but all of that confidence was nowhere to be found when you walked in.
Imagining Florist! Dina who was the nervous one doing the interview!
“So, uhm, why do you wanna work here?” she says with a nervous smile.
“Well, I really find botany very interesting. My Dad and I had a garden out front, and that was where I found my passion for plants. And when I saw you were hiring." You stop and chuckle. “I practically ran over here.” you smile while scratching the back of your neck.
Imagining Florist! Dina who loved you immediately, work wise of course, why anything else? And hired you.
Imagining Florist! Dina who holds back a face of disgust when she drinks the coffee you brought her on the first day of your job.
Imagining Florist! Dina who stared at you care for the plants like newborns when she first let you start working on them. Totally didn’t give her butterflies in her tummy.
Imagining Florist! Dina intentionally gives you closing shifts with her so you both can be alone, to get to know you better of course!
Imagining Florist! Dina who learns more from you about plants, and actually accepts the tips since usually she’s very cocky, “I know what I’m doing.”
Soooo sassy wassy
Imagining Florist! Dina who gets nervous being around you easily, and hates it!
You’re coming behind her to get the soil, and you had to just reach behind her!
“Sorry, D. Just…need the soil.”
Dina instantly moves away to let you, “It’s alright, uhm, yeah.” she adds a nervous chuckle towards the end, holding the clipboard to her chest while staring at you.
A smirk relays on your lips as you glance back at her before walking away.
A sigh of relief leaves her lips as she slouches a little, “Pull yourself together, Dina.” she whispers to herself before returning to counting the stock.
Imagining Florist! Dina who enjoys has to endure “terrible” plant jokes over the next few weeks.
“Hey, D” you say, momentarily pausing on sweeping. “What did the cactus say to the other cactus?”
“Hmm, I don’t know what?” Dina says, looking up from counting the money in the register.
“You’re looking sharp!”
Dina who has to hold in her laughter, and sighs. “Gosh, that was terrible…” she says, sounding strained.
“Oh, c’mon! that one was good! I know you wanna laugh.”
Imagining Florist! Dina who somehow gets convinced by you to dance! A slow dance was decided since Dina’s main concern was for the plants. She tried ignoring the way her heart skipped a beat when you placed your hand on her waist for the slow dance.
When the music begins to play, your sight is glued to Dina’s footing, guiding her. Dina could feel her face burning red as she realize the distance between the two of you, and how small it is.
“There you go, you’re natural!” you praise, looking up at Dina.
A smile displays itself on Dina’s face, “What can I say? I’m a fast learner.”
Then there it was, this soft look in your soft eyes, and suddenly you were leaning in. Dina’s heart was pounding out of her chest, feeling all the air around her being sucked away. And the only to breathe was…you. Dina never felt so ready in her life, closing her eyes too.
But she isn’t met with a soft peck, no, instead she feels your thumb harshly swipe something away from her face. “Ow!” Dina yelps, pulling away while holding her cheek.
“Oh shit, sorry, you had some ranch dressing on your face.” you laugh nervously.
“Ahem, y-yeah, no, it’s okay.” Dina says, sounding disappointed?
Imagining Florist! Dina who’s now extremely awkward around you, but so were you. It was so awkward in fact she ran to her best friend, Ellie.
“And you pulled in?!” Ellie laughs, bringing the stick to her lips, and inhaling.
“I didn’t know! I was going off of signs that I obviously know now not there!” she tries defending herself.
Ellie exhales, offering the cannabis to which Dina declines, “Well, you did say you could see it in her eyes too.”
A sigh, one of embarrassment escape her lips as recollects the past. “God, I’m so delusional…” she says, bringing her hands to her face, and burrowing inside. Thinking maybe if she did a good enough job, she wouldn’t have to go to work tomorrow.
“Aren’t we all?” Ellie chuckles, leaning back.
Imagining Florist! Dina who does go to work the next day, and goes about it. Until her lunch break when she laughs upon noticing you playing Plants vs Zombies.
“Plants vs Zombies?” she says with a scoff.
The sudden interruption causes you to look up, and smile. “Yeah, gotta say…pretty addicting.”
She hums “Pretty ironic…since you’re working at a flower shop. You don’t die, do you? Get the poor plants eaten.”
“Oh, god no, what do you take me for? A monster?!” you frown.
“Hmm, good because I would have to fire you if you do.” Dina quips.
You chuckle, turning your phone off and putting it back in your pocket, watching Dina sit down beside you with her arms crossed
“Soo, uhm, how do you like it here?”
A scoff leaves your mouth as you look down at your fidgeting fingers that are placed on your lap. “Well, it’s not so bad here. Lightings great, the people—“
“Oh cmon, Y/n. Be for real.”
You chuckle, another smile appearing on your lips, one of nervousness as you become silent, seeming to think of something before resuming. “You want the truth?”
She couldn’t ignore the feeling in her chest, no, not this time. The same erratic rhythm she felt on that day. She noticed the shift in your demeanor, how you can’t even look her in the eye. Everywhere else, but her. “And what’s that?”
“That you like me.” you respond with a cheeky grin.
Dina’s heart stopped, “What…no? I, uhm,” her face grew hot.
A laugh ruptures from your throat, “Yeahhh, I think you do like me.”
“How’d you know?” she says, looking down and now fidgeting with her fingers.
“Oh, it was pretty obvious.”
Imagining Florist! Dina and you have been together for about two years now! Today marked that day, and you said you knew a spot.
“I swear if you make me fall, and dirty my dress, I’ll kill you!” Dina says, gripping your hand so tight that it might break if any more pressure was added. “I’m putting so much faith in you, y/n!”
“Calm down, baby. You’re not gonna fall or dirty your dress.” you reassure her.
Dina was blindfolded and terrified. More terrified than she has ever been in her whole life. And she didn’t really trust you, considering how clumsy you were yourself.
“Alright, just stop here, and give me one second.”
“Y/n! Wait—where are you going?” she grabs on to the fabric of your sweater.
“Hey, calm down. I’ll be right back.” you say, pressing a kiss on her forehead before walking off.
Hearing your footsteps fade away, she waits there, blind. Listening and looking around to her best ability, but the fabric around her eyes made it difficult. A sudden shiver runs down her back when a breeze blows gently through her hair, painting her skin with gentle strokes. The sensation felt like no other.
“Y/n! Are you ready?” your voice makes her jump.
“Ye-yeah! I’m ready” Dina puts her hand out for you to grab, and lead her.
"Alright, just stand here." You trail off, positioning her like a doll. "Okay, you can take it off.”
And when she does, a gasp leaves Dina's mouth as she's met with miles of valley filled with flowers. Ones of many colors and varieties, and below a blanket filled with Dina’s favorite foods. Tears begin to well up in her eyes as she looks back at you.
“Surprise, baby.” you say with a smile.
“Oh my god, this is perfect!” Dina jumps in your arms to which you catch and hold onto her as she begins kissing you.
“I was scared you’d hate it.” you say in between kisses
“Hate it? I love it!” Dina laughs.
“Well I love you.”
Feeling her face warm up again, and that same feeling brewing up in her chest, she can’t help, but to feel like the luckiest girl in the world. “I love you too.”
Florist! Dina who loves what beautiful gifts the world bestows, and is so glad she has you to experience it with.
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meazalykov · 5 days
soft spot (2)
esmee brugts x reader
part two (part one here)
the emotional reader finds happiness again
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The first season at Barcelona went fast for Y/n. After joining Barcelona Femení, she gradually found her rhythm, both on the pitch and off. Her initial nervousness about fitting in faded as she formed strong bonds with her new teammates, none stronger than the one she developed with Esmee. 
Despite their clash during the World Cup, and after Y/n’s apology, they became close friends, their connection deepening with each passing month. A few examples were when Y/n scored in her debut against Madrid CFF in September, Esmee was the first to congratulate her as it was a goal in extra time. When Esmee scored her hat-trick against Eibar, Y/n was the first by her side congratulating her. 
The girls hung out all of the time outside of the pitch. Their personalities clicked together like a smooth puzzle. Esmee was shy, more reserved, and relaxed. Y/n was extroverted, yet kind and creative. There wasn’t a weekend (unless there were international breaks) where the duo wasn’t together. Other Barcelona girls took note of this. 
“Y/n, what are you doing this weekend?” Ona said. Y/n turned around at the voice and saw Ona, Salma, and Vicky approaching her. The American smiled at her friends, she had a few plans but she knew she could fit the three Spanish girls into her calendar. 
“Nothing too much. What's going on?” Y/n asked. Salma put her arm around her shoulders, Vicky doing the same, as Ona started speaking– 
“We were thinking about going to the Men’s game against Napoli on Tuesday. Its their second-leg game.” Ona said. Y/n’s eyes widened as she remembered that Esmee and her already had plans to go to that game together. She thought that Ona, Salma, and Vicky were going to ask about something else. 
 “Oh yeahhh– sorry Esmee and I already had plans to go together. You can all join us—I’m sure she won’t mind.” Y/n sighed. Salma and Ona smirked to each other as Vicky patted on Y/n’s back. 
“Y/n—- do you have a crushhhh?” Vicky teases Y/n. The other Spanish girls giggle as Y/n blushed at the question. 
“Noooo I dooo nottt” Y/n dragged out her response in the same teasing tone Vicky did. 
“You’re lying!” Salma’s jaw dropped as the other girls started to laugh even harder, y/n laughing too. 
“Stop it!! You guys can join us on Tuesday, it'll be fun!” Y/n offered, feeling bad that she couldn’t fulfill Ona's plan. 
“No thank you, I don’t want to interrupt your guy’s date!” Ona smirked. All of the girls laughed as Y/n blushed, not denying that it was a date in her mind. 
As the months passed by, Y/n had a high level of anxiety when she realized she was falling in love with Esmee. 
Memories of Jane's betrayal last summer haunted her. She moved on and doesn’t love Jane the same anymore, with the help of her sport’s therapist, but betrayal doesn’t leave the mind of most people. Y/n was terrified of making herself vulnerable again. 
However, she reached out to Ingrid, Mapi, and Ona for help. The three women gave constant reassurances and helped soothe Y/n’s fears. They all spoke highly of Esmee's character, assuring Y/n that she would never treat her the way Jane had. 
Y/n and Esmee spent most of their days together, sharing late-night talks, laughing over shared inside jokes, and supporting each other through the highs and lows of their games. Y/n's heart raced whenever Esmee was near, and she often found herself lost in Esmee's eyes, the fear of vulnerability slowly replaced by a blossoming hope. She hoped that Esmee felt the same love for her.
Now, the Champions League final against Lyon is here in Bilbao. The entire team was abuzz with excitement and nerves, and Y/n felt a mix of both as she took her place on the bench. The girl knew she wouldn’t start, but she assumed that she would have the opportunity to play today since Jona is the coach who wants to give his players minutes. Anyways, Y/n watched the game intently as the minutes passed. Barcelona and Lyon were locked in a fierce battle, and the stakes couldn't be higher.
When Aitana opened up the score, Y/n jumped up and sprinted towards the shorter woman. The entire bench followed her as the ballon d’or winner jumped and celebrated with them.
Later in the 71st minute, Jona called Y/n's name, signaling for her to sub in for Salma. With her heart pounding, Y/n stepped onto the pitch, the weight of the moment pressing down on her. It was her first Champions League campaign, everyone knew that and their eyes were now on her, and the significance of the final wasn't lost on her. 
She drew on the encouragement from her teammates, particularly Esmee, whose support had been a constant source of strength for her this season. Being the first sub in this final drew attention, she needed to contribute to an inevitable win for Barcelona.
Even though Barcelona was up by one, the tension was palpable. Danielle Van makes a mistake which leads to Caroline Graham Hansen making a brilliant run up the right side. Y/n fast feet sprinted to meet her up the pitch, her eyes fixed on the ball. As Caroline approached the box, dodging Bacha’s attempt to block her, she executed a perfect left side pass, sending the ball directly into Y/n's path. 
Without hesitation, Y/n took the shot with one-touch, her foot striking the ball cleanly. The Lyon defenders weren’t fast enough to stop it, since Y/n knew that more touches on the ball would lose her that opportunity. The ball soared into the right-top corner of the net, past the outstretched hands of the Lyon goalkeeper.
The crowd erupted in a deafening roar. Y/n, overwhelmed with joy and disbelief, spread her arms and ran in celebration. The cameras captured her glistening eyes as she ran to the corner closest to the benches.
Her Barcelona teammates on the bench stormed the field, knowing they’re up 2-0 with twenty minutes of the game left. All of the girls and coaches surrounded Y/n in a warm (yet loud) embrace.
Esmee was the first to reach her, wrapping Y/n in a tight hug, her head nestled into Y/n's neck.
"I'm so proud of you, Mijn liefje" (My darling) Esmee whispered, her voice filled with genuine emotion. She knew that Y/n wouldn’t understand her Dutch, which gave her the confidence to say the nickname she gave her. 
Y/n blushed, her adrenaline mingling with the warmth of Esmee's praise. She felt a surge of happiness, her fears and doubts melting away in that moment since the goal gave her the biggest boost of confidence.
The game started again and from the sidelines, Vicky nudged Esmee. "You're still going to confess your feelings to her after the final, right?"
Esmee glanced at Y/n on the pitch, before looking back at Vicky her heart swelling with affection. "If we win, I will."
Everyone on the team knew that Esmee and Y/n were in love with each other. However, they left it to the girls to decide on when they’ll want to confess. The whole team was aware that Esmee will ask her out after the final, little did they know— Y/n had the same plan.
The final minutes of the match were a blur of intense play and mounting anticipation. Esmee came on the pitch which excited Y/n, she knew it was Esmee’s first Champions League final too. She loved Esmee on the pitch with her, as they’re both ⅔ forwards on the pitch that moment.
Ale subbed into the game next and scored the third goal just a few minutes after. This celebration overwhelmed the fans, knowing that Barcelona would win. Y/n held up Alexia’s jersey for the fans after the captain took it off her body. Camera’s captured this site beautifully. 
When the final whistle blew, confirming Barcelona's victory, the team erupted in celebration. Amid the chaos, Y/n and Esmee found each other again, their hearts pounding with more than just the thrill of victory. Y/n wrapped her arms around Esmee’s shoulder as Esmee held hers around Y/n’s waist. 
As they stood together, before the trophy celebration, Y/n took a deep breath. "Esmee– Hi!” she awkwardly said. 
“Hi!” Esmee laughed with Y/n. She looked into the girl’s eyes and saw love and happiness in them. Y/n was the most beautiful thing to her at the moment, even with the Champion’s League trophy a few yards away. Y/n felt the same with Esmee as she placed her hands on the back of Esmee’s neck, where her braids gently fell on them.
“We won!” Y/n pumped her free hand into the air, the one that wasn’t holding Esmee. 
“We are champions!!!” The Dutch girl mimicked Y/n's movements which caused the girls to laugh uncontrollably through the awkwardness. The American realized that she needed to stop holding back from telling Esmee the truth.
“Es– um– there's something I need to tell you." Y/n swallowed. She looked over her right and saw Vicky, Ingrid, and Ona looking at them, they looked away once Y/n noticed their looks. 
Esmee smiled as Y/n looked back at her, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Me too, Y/n. You can go first."
Y/n's heart raced, but she pushed through her nerves. "I love you, Esmee. I wish I had told you this earlier. I've fallen in love with you, and I have to tell you, even if you don’t feel the same."
Esmee's eyes widened in surprise, and then she laughed softly, her joy evident as she pulled Y/n closer to her. "Y/n, I love you too. I should’ve said something earlier too."
After the celebrations with the trophy, getting pictures with the trophy with friends and family, and rolling around on the ground with the confetti— Y/n pulled Esmee away into the hallway which led into the dressing room. 
Both girls had the same idea as Esmee turned Y/n’s body around to face her– the girls immediately pulled themselves into a kiss, sealing their love with the triumph of their shared victory.
“Looks like the Champion’s League isn’t the only thing you’ve guys won!” Salma ran into the dressing room and cheered at the sight of her friends in love. She runs beside the couple and starts jumping up and down. 
The couple laughed and started to do the same thing. This is the best ending to a season ever, and y/n was grateful that her soft spot for Esmee blossomed into something more. 
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mars-f4ndom-sp4c3 · 5 months
Hugging Headcanons. || Ft: The Red Dragon Crew.
A/n: This has been in my drafts since uhh... July? Whoops. I scrolled down and saw that it was like. 95% complete and decided that I should finish it. Anyways, enjoy!
Hollyberry Cookie
She's the sort to hug without warning, as tightly as possible, and for as long as possible. No, you cannot escape until she sets you free. No, she is not fully conscious of her own strength. Wildberry Cookie has probably had to intervene to set you free at least once or twice before.
Despite her high status as both a queen and an Ancient, she does not stress formality hardly at all. Regardless of who you are, she will choose a hug over a handshake or formal greeting any day.
If you let her, she will pick you up. It does not matter if you are bigger than her. She will try, and unless you're for some reason slippery, she will succeed.
Yk that one scene with Dark Cacao where she kind of had him in a headlock? She probably does the same to others on occasion, just when she's feeling goofy, or if they're standoffish like DC is.
Pitaya Dragon Cookie
"Issss thisss some kind of trick, cookie?" - Bestie doesn't really recognize a gesture like that. They weren't exactly known to be the most peaceful before banding with Hollyberry Cookie, and thus didn't experience regular social things like a hug. How sad.
They would probably try to fight you if you hugged without warning. Trapping their arms like that? Bad idea. The great Greenish-Red Dragon can win any battle, regardless of disadvantages!
Oh, turns out Pitaya likes hugs quite a bit, once they get used to it. Have fun in the dirt, because they lean on you a little too much, unaware (or uncaring) that you can't quite support all their weight. Oh well, they don't care if they get dirty. If you really like laying in the dirt for some reason, try petting their hair while you're at it. Be warned, you will be staying there for quite a while.
Tail wags. You can hear the thumping of their spiky tail hitting any nearby objects while they hold you close. They really hold onto you too. Not quite as tightly as Hollyberry, but you won't be going anywhere.
Royal Margarine Cookie
Haaave fun boosting his ego. Because that's exactly what hugging him will do. The fangirls envy you, they didn't get a chance to hug him! No fair!
Buttercream might also rest her head on your shoulder sometimes, since she's decided that she likes you. Occasionally she accidentally knocks you over since she doesn't know her own strength. (And tbh a dragon is heavy.)
There was one time after fighting the red dragon that he just sorta. Aggressively hugged you (in private of course.) He hadn't seen you since before Dragon City was set aflame, and he was worried for your well being. Please hug him tightly back. He might cry.
I dunno, I feel like he pets your hair too. His arms probably rest across your shoulders and he just can't help but want to pet you for some reason.
Tarte Tatin Cookie
No, she will not set the cannon down. You get side-hugged, fool. Congratulations.
She's used to doing that sort of picturesque side-hug thing since she doesn't like to not have her cannon in her hands at any point in time, and since it's the most convenient when someone wants to take a photo with her.
It takes a very special person and a very special occasion to get her to put it down for once (like when the magma dragon was slain). It is at that point that she will give you a proper hug.
Rests her chin on your head, arms are folded across your shoulders. You can tell how tired she is after hunting dragons all day just from her tired sigh and the way she sort of tiredly leans against you.
Snapdragon Cookie
You do not hug the baby. The baby hugs you. Or at least they try.
They will fly full speed at you and then you have to catch them, or be tackle-hugged to the floor. If you don't stop them in time, they will happily tumble to the floor with you, squealing all the while.
Their arms are a little too short to wrap all the way around your torso, but they can hug your neck just fine.
Honestly, their aggressive hugging behavior gets directed at anyone. Pitaya Dragon Cookie finds it hilarious when they tackle cookies to the ground for the sake of a hug. Stop encouraging them.
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Congrats on 1.5k! Super proud of you! If it isn’t too much of a hassle #12 with Lynette if neither of them are taken?
“Aren’t those my Clothes?”
characters: Lynette x gn!reader
warnings: none, just fluff
a/n: This post is part of my 1500 Follower event, if you want to read other works belonging to it or want to request something yourself, you can do that here.
Anyway, thanks for the congratulations and I hope you enjoy!
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While Lynette liked her and Lyney’s stage outfits, something she would never say otherwise, not wanting to witness one of Chiori’s lectures again, she had to admit that they weren’t exactly clothes she would consider wearing in her time off, loungewear fitting her usual afternoon activities such as relaxing and reloading her batteries much more. And fortunately for her, she knew a person with a fantastic track record of picking the most comfortable clothes to wear at home.
When you opened your front door, only to be hit with the smell of someone’s favorite tea almost instantly, your eyes were quick to land on a particular pair of shoes. And while you had no problem with Lynette coming over to your home to relax after a successful show, even when you were away, giving her a copy of your keys for exactly that reason, the sight of her silently sitting on your couch while drinking her tea and reading whatever book she found in your bookshelf had something about it that just felt… off.
“How was the show, Lynette?”, you asked, her ear twitching for a moment before she looked up towards you, her previously focused look softening as she greeted you with an easy to miss smile.
“It was fine, nothing out of the ordinary”, she responded briefly, an answer you were happy to hear considering what happened last time her show didn’t go as planned. As the two of you continued to exchange a few words, you saw down besides her, only to notice her folded up clothes in the corner of your eye.
So that’s what felt strange! Your brain finally came to the same conclusion any normal person would have ended with immediately after looking at her.
“Hey Lynette?”, you called out her name, causing her to face you with a curious look on her face, “Aren’t those my Clothes?” Whatever responses you had expected, a shift back to her book and a casual nod of her head definitely wasn’t one of them.
“May I ask why you decided to don my clothes? Did you miss m-”, you teased, only to be cut off by her response.
“I like clothes that have your scent”, she said completely stone faced, causing your face to open in shock as your face filled with a deep red. Only for the entire mood to change when Lynette gave you an amused smile.
“Is what you wished for me to say, didn’t you? Check your pocket”, Lynette continued, you complying with her command almost instantly, only to pull a card out you were sure wasn’t there before, causing your eyes to widen in awe.
“As you might have heard already, distraction is the key ingredient to magic”, the magician explained without looking up from her book, a small blush and smile lingering on her face that filled you with nothing but adoration for her.
What a great magician you had the honor to date. To plan things out this much in advance to pull of a trick when you least expected her to, her change of clothes and bold words serving as one big distraction for her card trick.
…or maybe, it was the other way around?
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sunflowerxthoughts · 2 years
Just the two of us- Eddie Munson x reader
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Summary: Eddie has a girlfriend. Hellfire hates her, Dustin is not sure yet. What happens when they take the teasing a little too far?
a/n: I made the boys a bit too mean in this one but anything for the plot I guess. I had a bad day so here's some angst.
TW: Bullying, the guys being mean. Angst :(
Eddie and Y/N's relationship had been new for the both of them and the rest of group. It was hard adjusting. Suddenly there was a girl sitting with them. Suddenly there's someone watching Hellfire. The crowd of drunks now has a girl in them too. And they don't like the change.
It's not like Eddie was spending all of his time with her. He tried to balance it as much as he could. But of course he was so smitten with her he couldn't help but want to spend more time with the literal girl of his dreams.
Dustin... Dustin secretly liked her. She was sweet, he liked having a healthy relationship he could look up to when it came to his own girl and most importantly, Y/N had never judged them. And that was great in his books, but the pressure to dislike her was making him rethink the whole thing.
And now, of course it seems like the most awkward thing in the world. Eddie is late for lunch and everyone is in their usual seats. Only the table is completely silent and she is starting to overthink if she even belongs there. The teasing she could handle, the silence was cutting through her like a knife.
"So" she starts, looking up from her lunch. "Um Eddie is late."
"We can see that, thanks." Mike replies coldly.
"Tough crowd, okay." She whispers to herself.
She eats her lunch in silence, Dustin wants to smack Mike into oblivion until Gareth speaks, and all hell breaks.
"Why are you sitting here then?"
"Sorry?" She asks surprised. Sure Gareth hadn't been nice to her, but this was a little harsher than ususal.
"I asked why are you sitting here. Eddie is not here and the only reason you are welcome is because he is now dragging you by his side all the time. It's annoying."
"Gareth mayb-" Dustin can't even speak before Mike cuts him off.
"It really is, what did Eddie see in you anyway?" She starts to tear up then. No matter how tough you are, sometimes people just break when you have so many kids absolutely destroying you for no reason. "All you do is sit around all clingy, I'm surprised he has not broken up with you yet."
"We're all waiting for the moment he realises you are not good enough and he stops waiting his time and our time on you." Jeff adds. "We don't have a DM anymore, we have a lovesick puppy who you somehow have tricked to like you. Good job, but it won't work with us."
"Guys you are being mean!" Dustin tries to stop them while she gathers all of her stuff in her bag. "She has done nothing to us."
"Can it, Dustin." Gareth says, "You aren't welcome here, grab your stuff and just go, do whatever you do when you aren't clinging to Eddie."
"You know what?" She starts, holding back tears. "Fine. I'll go break up with Eddie right now. See how you face him when you take one thing he actually enjoys and throw it down the drain because you are selfish little boys who deal with being bullied by bullying others. You are now at the same level as Carver. Congratulations boys, you've made it. I hope you are happy."
She's out of there before they can answer and Dustin is following behind her trying to stop what is going to be a huge fight for everyone involved. When he sees them talk, he knows it might be too late.
"Y/N wait don't! Don't break up with him please."
"I'm sorry Eds, it's for the best. Maybe we're just not meant for each other. It's okay."
Dustin's heart breaks right then and there and so does Eddie's. She doesn't dare mention what happened because she wants him to at least have someone there. Eddie really does value his friends.
She is out there and heading home before either of them really take in what had just happened. Dustin doesn't really know what to say. But the guilt eats him alive when you don't show up in school for the rest of the week and cancels everything. He thinks he is going to explode, but even risking losing his friends, he knows he has to talk to him.
"Eddie can we talk?"
"Not right now."
"It's about Y/N"
That sparks Eddie's curiosity and his whole body language changes. He perks up but he just gets sadder.
"It wasn't for the best Eddie, it was because of them."
"The guys..."
Eddie sees red. He sets up an emergency meeting and it's a bloodbath. He yells, he cries and he doesn't break anything only because it's school property and he doesn't have the money to pay for it. And after all is said and done. Eddie is fucking ready to climb outside her window.
The knocks startle her from her little pit of despair and ice cream. She knows it can only be Eddie and she doesn't know if she is ready to face him, but she does. Because after all, she'd do everything for him.
"I love you" He says as soon as she opens the window and he falls to his knees.
"I'm in love with you and I couldn't care less about what they think of you. The only time I haven't felt like a failure outside of Hellfire is with you. And maybe I'm shit at expressing my emotions but everytime you hold my hand my heart just races and when I go to sleep I just want to wake up to see you again. Because for some reason you have decided I get to love you and I'm so, so in love with you."
"Eddie they're your friends-"
"And best believed I yelled at them. You are so nice to them, they had no right to be that mean to you. You make me happy and they should be happy about it."
"I'm not clingy?"
"Please I'd take you anywhere with me if I could."
"I'm not annoying'"
"If you are annoying, what would that make me?"
"My boyfriend, if you'll have me again."
"I'll be your boyfriend anyway you are. I don't care. And you are not annoying." He smiles and grabs her by the waist. "Now" He kisses her. "That's better. How about we put on a movie and forget about the world for a bit. We can deal with everything later."
"Just the two of us?"
"Until the end of the world, baby."
1K notes · View notes
mimikittysblog · 9 months
The Beater’s a Keeper
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Pairing: Slytherin! Beater! Jay x Hufflepuff! Female! Reader // ft. A bit of Slytherin! Keeper! Heeseung x Hufflepuff! Jake
Genre: Fluff, smut
Synopsis: As much as you wanted your house to win the Quidditch Cup this season, watching your Slytherin boyfriend play for and win said cup is just as rewarding. What can you say? He looks mighty fine in his quidditch uniform. Plus Slytherins throw better celebration parties anyway. Parties where you get to congratulate your boyfriend appropriately… away from the public eye of course.
TikTok Inspo: 1. 2.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, house party, make out, oral (male receiving), unprotected sex (WEAR PROTECTION PEOPLE), that should be it, if I missed anything let me know!
Word Count: 4,3k words
A/N: As usual I really hope you’ll like this. This was inspired by the Hogwarts house party TikTok’s that was going around. I found them pretty funny and I wondered what Enhypen’s hyung line would do at these parties lol. Also I then remembered the Harry Potter photos they dropped for Halloween AND THEN I IMAGINED JAY IN A QUIDDITCH UNIFORM AND I TURNED FERAL SKSN so this was born! Not my finest work, at least the smut part, still getting the hang of writing it so yeah, hope you can still enjoy it though. Also as much as I love HP I am in now way supporting J. K. Rowling and her fuckass behavior. Now with that out of the way I hope you enjoy! Thank youuu!
Tagging: @hello-stranger24
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
It’s finally here.
The highly anticipated final quidditch match of the season.
Unsurprisingly it’s Slytherin vs Gryffindor once again. Pretty cliché, but what to do? They were great Quidditch players.
However the excitement and anticipation were still through the roof. Everyone is extremely curious on who will win this year. Some students are already making bets as usual. Though the majority are saying Gryffindor will definitely win this time, since Slytherin did win last year. They say those lions are extremely eager to get their Quidditch Cup back. They also say Jungwon, Gryffindor’s captain, had come up with a new strategy to guarantee their win.
You weren’t too sure about that.
Now while you also think the Gryffindor team are good, great even! And that Jungwon is also a wonderful captain, who you’re sure has tricks up his sleeve.
They didn’t have Park Jongseong aka Jay. The Slytherin team’s beater.
Who also happens to be your boyfriend. Not to brag.
Jay is quite literally known as one of the best beaters Hogwarts has ever seen in decades.
While Slytherin doesn’t win the Quidditch Cup every year, Jay always excels at every match. He somehow is always to hit the bludger just right to help his team secure points. He’s always so passionate in everything he does, which obviously includes Quidditch.
So knowing your boyfriend, you know he’s extra determined to win this year. You also have the confidence that he’ll achieve just that.
Skipping into the great hall for breakfast, eyes scanning for Slytherin’s star player to wish him a good luck and give him a good luck present, you suddenly feel arms around your waist and a firm chest against your back.
“Looking for someone?” You hear a very familiar voice say.
“Not anymore.” You giggle as you turn around to face your love and wrap your arms around his neck. “Hi there star player.” You greet him with a wide smile and a kiss.
He chuckles as he kisses you back. “Hi baby.” He greeted you back, pulling you even closer.
“Hi, nervous?” You ask him. He responds with a shake of his head.
“Naaah. Well I was but not anymore. I have my lucky charm right here.” He replied raising his eyebrows a bit.
“Oh reeeeaally? Where?” You tease him while looking around the great hall.
Jay then rolls his eyes as he picks you up and spins you around here. “She’s riiight here!” He says.
At this action you squealed and giggled a bit, causing some people to look your way. You two didn’t care though. As Jay puts you down, he was about to pull you into another kiss, you were interrupted by a cough.
“So sorry to bother disgusting display, but our team’s beater needs to eat before the big game Y/n.” Heeseung, the captain and seeker of the Slytherin’s Quidditch team said with a smirk.
“OH RIGHT! Sorry! That was actually why I was looking for you love! I made you breakfast!” You said as you reached into your bag to pull out a big lunchbox you made specially for him.
Jay smiled “Honey you didn’t have to.” He said as he pulled you close and kisses the top of your head. “But thank you, Thank you so much. I think this just guaranteed our win.” He added with his signature smirk.
“You’re my boyfriend! And it’s the big day! Of course I had to! And you’re welcome love!” You replied.
“Hah! A mere lunchbox won’t make you beat us Jongsaeng~~.” A teasing voice suddenly said.
Turning around, standing there was Park Sunghoon, the Gryffindor team’s seeker, and one of Jay’s best friend.
Even though they were from different houses, they were still the bestest of friends, along with a few others, all from different houses. Their pride for their houses having no effect on their friendship.
“Just you wait Park. You’ll witness the magic that is my girlfriends cooking once we’re in the air.” Jay replied pridefully and pulling you even closer. The compliment causing a blush to form on your cheeks.
“Unless Y/n’s cooking can make you figure out our game plan for today then you got no chance.” Another voice popped up who just so happened to be the aforementioned Gryffindor team captain, Jungwon.
“Enough! Hurry up all of you go eat at your tables then go get ready! You’re about to play the biggest games of your life!” Sunoo, a Ravenclaw boy who is also apart of their friend group interjected. “Best of luck to all of you! But more good luck to the Slytherin team cause I betted 10 galleons on your win!! Don’t let me down!!” He added with a chuckle as he pushed a whining Sunghoon towards the Gryffindor table.
While laughing at the silly boys antics, you then turned to your boyfriend one last time and gave him one last kiss. “Good luck my love.” You said.
“Who needs luck when I have you?” He replied slightly wiggling his eyebrows. “But thank you sweetie.”
Suddenly Jay pulled away slightly and took his scarf off. He then proceeded to wrap said scarf around your neck, making sure it will shield your neck efficiently against the cold. “Here. Can’t have my girl freezing while rooting for me can I? Plus this will make sure everyone knows who you belong to.” He said displaying his incredibly charming smile while also softly caressing your cheek.
This action causing another blush to appear on your cheeks and just as Jay leaned in for another kiss, he suddenly got pulled away.
“ENOOOUGHHHH!!” Yelled Riki, the Slytherin team’s second beater, as he drags his teammate all the way to the Slytherin table.
“YAH!! LET GO OF ME! UGH. BYE BABY!! CHEER LOUDLY FOR ME!” Jay yelled as he gets dragged.
Shaking your head while giggling at the interactions you just had, you head to your own table and sat down next to your good friend Jake.
“You’re boyfriend may be loud, but he is sweet.” He chuckled. “Thought you’re dating a beater, not a keeper.” He added as he bumped your shoulder.
“Who said he can’t be both?” You said with a smirk. “Why? Jealous Jakey?”
“Of you having to deal with that megaphone of a boyfriend? Yeah no.” He replied.
You smacked his shoulder lightly. “No dumbass. Jealous that you don’t have a certain Slytherin Quidditch player as a boyfriend? A seeker perhaps?” You asked with a very wide and teasing smirk. A smirk that was wiped off as Jake shoved some mashed potatoes in your mouth.
“Shut up.” A red faced Jake said. You could only giggle back as you chew said mashed potatoes.
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
Game time.
All the students and professors have gathered at the Quidditch pitch to watch this iconic match about to go down.
Beomgyu who was the announcer for the game then calls out the teams to the pitch. The teams then all fly out and into their positions in the air. Here you finally get to see Jay in his quidditch uniform in all his glory.
Merlins beard.
You could faint with how FINE this man looks. Your legs literally went weak. It didn’t help that he winked at you when he was in his position near you.
“Oh for heavens sake..” Sunoo, who was standing beside you suddenly said.
“What?” Jake asked him who was standing on the other side of you asked.
“You two are so love sick your pupils are practically heart shaped.” Sunoo stated in an obvious tone.
“DO YOU NOT SEE JAY?!!!” You defended as Jake just tries to hide his blush by looking away.
“Yeah. I do. and sure, he looks good but-“
Before finishing his sassy comment, Sunoo was cut off by Beomgyu’s commentary as the game has begun. All eyes were on the players, not wanting to miss a single thing that happens.
The area was filled with cheers, yelling and screams. Also with students with their own commentaries about the game.
“Omg they’re all so fast!”
“Where did San even come from?”
“San?! Jay just suddenly popped out of nowhere!”
“Yeah Jay’s reflexes are so cool!”
"Jay is amazing!!"
“JongHo is fuming! Jungwon looks kinda pleased though! Is this apart of his plan?"
You couldn’t help but giggle and have pride swell in you’re heart hearing all of the comments that were about Jay. It just makes a smile glued onto your face. He really is amazing.
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
As time goes on the game becomes even more intense. Both team scoring one after the other. Its truly neck and neck and right now everyone is anticipating for which seeker is going to catch the snitch and win the game. If the tension was high when the game started, the tension is practically in space now.
The score is now Gryffindor with 140 points vs Slytherin with 130 points.
Suddenly, while Jungwon was flying towards the goal with the quaffle, trying to secure more points for his house.
It happened.
Both Sunghoon and Heeseung abruptly dived towards a certain direction at the same time.
No one can really see the snitch actually. However with how fast the both of them are flying across the field right now and with so much determination on their faces.
Everyone knew they found it.
Everyone’s eyes are on them now. They’re practically flying side by side and soon enough they both outstretch their arm. Everyone’s yelling becomes even louder to the point it could be deafening and as much as you wanted to scream too, you’re so anxious all you can do is clutch the scarf around your neck.
The entire stadium then explodes with noise. Cheers, yells of happiness and loud groans of disappointment, clapping and so much more. One of them of course is you, who is yelling at that incredible play your boyfriend did at the last minute.
"WOOOOO!!! GOOO JAY!!!" You cheer for him and his team as they zoom around the field in formation as their celebration.
At the front of that formation was Heeseung, as he is the captain and the one who caught the snitch and Jay just slightly behind him, as the one who ensured said catch. Their happy and prideful smiles as bright as stars as Heeseung raises the snitch in the air, and as Jay sends you another wink as he flew past you.
"Love fools.. absolute love fools.." You hear Sunoo sigh as your eyes are still locked on Jay.
You don't really mind it as it is true in a way. You're so in love to where it is practically foolish. But how could you not??
Your boyfriend is actually a keeper.
Though you noticed Sunoo said "fools", so you look over to see Jake also having his eyes glued onto Heeseung. You could only chuckle.
Squeezing Jake's shoulder softly you moved closer and say "Go get him." with a smile as you head down to meet up with your boyfriend.
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
While walking through the halls, you finally found the Slytherin team walking back towards their common room, still decked out in their quidditch uniforms. There were multiple people already following them, congratulating them on their win.
"JAY!!" You squealed loudly, with a huge grin on your face.
It caught his attention along with some others. His eyes brightened then he smiled so wide, his eyes actually turned into crescents.
He made a beeline towards you as you also started sprinting towards him. You couldn't help but just jump into his strong arms when you reached him, and thankfully said arms were already wide open for you. He then spun you around for the second time that day causing you to squeal and giggle.
"CONGRATULATIONS!!! You were amazing out there!! Oh my goodness you're absolutely incredible Park Jongseong! You flew so fast and aimed so perfectly! How did you even do-"
You were unable to finish your congratulatory ramblings as you were cut off but a sweet and passionate kiss from your boyfriend. It caught you off guard but he's so addicting you just started to melt.
"Thank you my love." He mumbled against your lips. He then pulled away and had the cheekiest smile. "I couldn't do it without you. I told you. You're my lucky charm, and that lunchbox really did help." He chuckled.
You smacked his chest lightly as your cheeks turned a dusty pink. "Oh stop it. That was all you!"
“Hmm what if I said it was a the both of us?” He suggested. You pretended to think for a moment and just nodded with a smile. “Fine.” You said.
He chuckled and just hugged you tightly again. He then gave you a kiss on the top of your head.
“We’re holding a celebration party as usual, hope you’ll join?” He asked.
“Of course I’ll join! Just let me go change and I’ll be right there!” You giggled.
“Alright love, I need to change too, but still wear this okay?” He said, fixing his scarf thats still around your neck.
As you were about to reply, you heard a voice suddenly call out your friends name.
Looking at where the voice was coming from you see Heeseung suddenly jogging to Jake who was standing a bit of a distance away with a shocked look.
You couldn’t really hear what they were saying, but you can see Jake suddenly having the biggest grin ever as he and Heeseung share an embrace, Heeseung also sporting a matching grin.
You gasp at the sight then squeal in happiness.
Jay also chuckled seeing this, especially as the presumably new couple got greeted by the cheers of everyone in their vicinity.
“Finally. He’s been wanting to ask him out for ages but he always chickens out.” Jay commented.
“Oh my god! Jake keeps doing the same!” You giggle with a shake of your head.
The two of them started walking away hand in hand, probably to get some alone time, with that you turned back to Jay. “See you soon?”
He replies with a nod and kisses your temple one last time. “See you love.”
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
You arrived at the Slytherin house party wearing something you knew Jay would love. Cute but still sexy enough. Which was just perfect.
When you arrived at the dungeons however, there was a Slytherin 5th year that was acting like a bouncer and he wouldn’t let you in at first.
“What do you mean I can’t get in?!” You huffed (heh) at him.
“No Hufflepuffs without a Slytherin invite allowed. Sorry. You got a Slytherin invite?”
“Of course she does dumbass.”
You looked behind the Slytherin to see your boyfriend wearing a casual black shirt and some green sweats. and wow.
He looked fucking delicious.
“She’s my girlfriend. Now go to bed. We don’t need a fucking bouncer kid. Anyone can come in as long as they don’t cause trouble.” He stated as he moved to you and pulled you close by the waist.
“She’s you- oh god I’m so sorry! But.. still.. its a Slytherin party.. I need to stop other houses-” The Slytherin tried to defend himself.
“Other houses are gonna come in wether you like it or not. This isn’t the 1980’s anymore. We’re all friends.” Jay cut him off.
“B-but-“ The kid tried to keep going but Heeseung showed up and cut him off again. He grabbed his shoulder taking him away.
“Just stop. Seriously get to bed.” Heeseung said then turned to you. “Get in here y/n! Enjoy yourselves you two.” He continues with a wink.
“Thank you Hee!” You said as you held onto Jays hand as he brought you inside where the music was blaring.
Here you get to see the great party the Slytherins put together. Everyone seems to be having a hell of a time. The dance floor filled with an abundance of people just dancing with each other having the time of their lives.
“Can I get my beautiful girl anything to drink?” You turned to your handsome boyfriend who had that godforsaken smirk on his face.
“Just a butterbeer would be nice.” You replied.
“Well right this way M’lady” He said as he lead you to the makeshift bar where you see Sunoo fixing up some drinks.
“Always hustling huh Sunoo?” You giggled.
“Oh of course! Now what can I get you?” Sunoo asked
“My gorgeous girlfriend here would like a butterbeer. And I shall have the same” Jay told Sunoo quite dramatically.
You could only giggle and nudge him slightly.
With a chuckle Sunoo then pulled out two bottles of butterbeer and handed them to the both of you. “On the house! Have fun!”
“Thanks Sunoo! You too!” You told him as you took one of the bottles and headed to the dance floor with Jay. Here you and Jay danced along to the blaring music while taking sips of your drinks. Your hips both swayed together to the beat as you held onto each other tightly.
“You look really sexy baby.” Jay whispered right into your ear, causing a shiver to go up your spine.
“Hmm You look really sexy yourself love.” You hummed as you nuzzled more into him. “The party is getting kinda crazy huh? Why don’t we find a private corner so we have a moment to ourselves hmm?” You suggested as you softly kissed his jaw that caused his grip on you to tighten.
“Who needs a corner when my room is just upstairs baby?” He growled.
“Oh that’s right! Well come on! I need to congratulate you properly anyway~.”
“Fuck. Okay. Let’s go.” He said as he took your bottles; set them down on a near by table and dragged you up to his room.
Before you made it to his room you heard a loud “AW DUDE COME OOONN!” Which you deciphered to be from Heeseung who was holding onto a laughing albeit blushing Jake.
“SORRY MAN! I CALL DIBS!” Jay yelled out to Hee as he pulled you into the room and locked the door.
You giggled loudly at the best friends antics, also feeling slightly bad for having to cockblock your friend, but you’re sure he’ll find another way to get his private time with his seeker. Your giggling though was then cut off by your boyfriends lips smashing onto yours.
You then clung onto him tightly as you deepened the kiss, pushing him towards his bed. The back of his knees soon hit his bed causing him to flop onto it. Without hesitation you took off your top and crawled on top of him.
“Fuck baby… you really are so sexy.” He groaned.
“Thank you superstar.” You replied as you leaned down and kissed him again, “Now let me congratulate you properly. You deserve it.” You mumbled against his lips before starting to grind down on his crotch.
He groaned loudly at this, hands shooting to grip your hips. He then licked your lips before darting his tongue into your mouth.
You let his tongue explore your mouth as you continually grind on him. After a while you felt his length haas completely harden through his sweats, so thats when you pull away from his lips and started trailing kisses down his jaw and neck.
Groans and soft pants leave his lips as yours kept marking his neck all over before you got off his bed, tugging his sweats and boxers off.
“Mmm~ You did absolutely amazing today baby. You so deserve this.” You tell him as you pump his cock then give his tip a kiss.
“Fuck. I do?” He groaned out, smirk wide on his face.
You hummed out an approval against his tip before taking it in your mouth; about to give him the best suck of his life.
You first swirled your tongue around his tip, then started bobbing your head up and down, taking him in your mouth mouth more and more each time.
“Agh!! Fuck baby!!! You’re doing so good!” He moaned out as he grabbed your head, raking his fingers into your hair.
You moaned loudly as you continued ministrations on your man. It started getting real messy with your spit and his precum mixing and flowing onto your chin but you didn’t care, you knew he loved it like this. This was also confirmed with how loud he was being, which just motivated you to go even faster and deeper. Soon enough you were able to take all of him, his tip even going down your throat.
“FUUCKK!! FUCK YES!! Oh god baby just like that!!” Jay yelled out.
Taking him down your throat like this was causing you to gag a bit, but when he’s vocal like that, it was all worth it. His cock then started to twitch and you knew he was about to cum.
“S-shit baby I’m so fucking close!! B-baby pull off please! Fuck!! W-wanna cum in your pretty cunt please?? Fuck! Please!” Jay moaned, practically begged.
You then softly pulled off of him but continued to pump his cock softly, “You sure baby??” You asked him.
“God yes.” He then sat up, “Yknow there’s nothing I love more than stuffing you with my cum.” He added as he pulled you up into his lap and once again smashed his lips onto yours.
Feeling his hard length on your clothed pussy causing you to moan before he flips you over and pins you to the bed.
“Wait baby! Let me ride you instead. Let me do all the work okay?”
“Hush. You’ve done more than enough.” He told you as he kissed your neck.
You whined softly before he kissed you again. “Shhh. Please?”
“Hmm alright love.” You mumbled against his lips before he slipped his tongue into your mouth.
The rest of your clothes were quickly discarded as well before Jay lined up his cock with your entrance. He took a moment to admire the sight of it though. He just loves the sight of your dripping wet pussy, knowing its all his to use, love, ruin and admire.
“Mmm all wet for me?” Jay teased as he tapped his head softly on your clit. “Soaking wet.” He mumbled to himself.
You responded with a nod before wrapping your legs around him and gripping his biceps tighter.
“Good girl.”
And with that Jay then quickly slammed into you full force knowing you could take it. He started thrusting at a fast pace easily slipping in and out of you all thanks to how wet you were.
He really wasn’t holding back tonight and you loved it. You made sure he knew how much.
Thank Merlin for the blaring music downstairs.
“JAY!! Fuck yes!! Jay please don’t stop!! I’m so close already” You cried out as you clawed at his broad back.
“Aw? Already?? Fuck you love my cock that much sweetheart?” He whispered into your ear. “You love how much my cock makes you feel good hmm? How deep it goes? How full it makes you feel?”
Fuck him and his dirty tongue.
“Yes!! Yes I love your cock! Jay please!” You yelled out even louder, some tears even started to slip out.
“Please what?”
“Cum in me! Please!”
“Oh fuck.”
Your words caused a spark to light within Jay and it just made him go so much more faster and harder. Jay became so focused on making sure you both finish he went silent. Leaving the room to only be filled with your moans and skin slapping. It was then Jay hit that one spot in you that made you go crazy followed by his hand slipping down and beginning to rub your clit. Safe to say you were gone.
“Cum. Cum for me now.”
Your vision quickly became white as the coil in your stomach snapped. You yelled out his name one last time as you came and clenched around him. This caused his eyes to roll back into his head as he filled you up like he promised he would.
“Fuckkk!!!” He groaned loudly, cumming what feels like bucket loads in you.
He started slowing down his pace, riding out both your highs before stopping completely. The only sounds in his room are currently the two of you catching your breath.
Jay, always being the most amazing boyfriend ever, after a while pulled out then began to clean you up and take care of you. Once the both of you were clean he then pulled you close as he tucked the both of you in.
“I love you so much Jay, Congrats again. You deserved that win.” You said as you pecked his lips softly.
“The only thing I deserve is you baby, but thank you. I love you too Y/n. Now sleep with me.”
“I just did?” You giggled softly
“Shhhhhhhhhh!! Go to sleep!”
“You go to sleep!”
“No you!”
This went on for a little bit, your giggles and bickering continuing for a little longer before you both just pass out from the long day and night. Though before you drifted off you had one more thought.
Your beater really is a keeper.
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
© mimikittysblog 2023
195 notes · View notes
fanfic-lover-girl · 2 months
Ron needs better friends: Prefect badge scene
“No way,” said George in a hushed voice. “There’s been a mistake,” said Fred, snatching the letter out of Ron’s grasp and holding it up to the light as though checking for a watermark. “No one in their right mind would make Ron a prefect. . . .” The twins’ heads turned in unison and both of them stared at Harry.
Honestly, am I the only one who is sick and tired of these twins favouring Harry over their brother? Poor Ron. His first major accomplishment and everyone makes it about Harry. And Ron antis are mad over him being jealous. Smh.
“We thought you were a cert!” said Fred in a tone that suggested Harry had tricked them in some way. “We thought Dumbledore was bound to pick you!” said George indignantly.
So...Dumbledore was involved in picking Draco and Pansy as prefects... 😏😏
If Draco and Pansy were able to make prefect, then they did so fair and square. These two could never bribe Dumbledore. Or the Doylist idea: Draco and Pansy were the most developed Slytherin pair so JKR made them prefects.
He strode over to Harry and clapped him on the back while giving Ron a scathing look. “Prefect . . . ickle Ronnie the prefect . . .”
Part of me feels sorry for the twins. I know they are lashing out at Ron because they feel some kind of jealousy and insecurity for not making their parents proud like their brothers. But screw them anyway!
“I knew it!” she said excitedly, brandishing her letter. “Me too, Harry, me too!” “No,” said Harry quickly, pushing the badge back into Ron’s hand. “It’s Ron, not me.” “It — what?” “Ron’s prefect, not me,” Harry said. “Ron?” said Hermione, her jaw dropping. “But . . . are you sure? I mean —” She turned red as Ron looked around at her with a defiant expression on his face. “It’s my name on the letter,” he said. “I . . .” said Hermione, looking thoroughly bewildered. “I . . . well. . . wow! Well done, Ron! That’s really —”
Can you feel the love tonight ~~ Not! Romione sucks. Friendship and romance.
“Match his what?” said Mrs. Weasley absently, rolling up a pair of maroon socks and placing them on Ron’s pile. “His badge,” said Fred, with the air of getting the worst over quickly. “His lovely shiny new prefect’s badge.” Fred’s words took a moment to penetrate Mrs. Weasley’s preoccupation about pajamas. “His . . . but . . . Ron, you’re not. . . ?” Ron held up his badge. Mrs. Weasley let out a shriek just like Hermione’s. “I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That’s everyone in the family!”
Of course, Molly starts the scene by disregarding Ron's preferences with the maroon socks. But finally! Someone is happy for Ron! Neither Harry nor Hermione has yet to give Ron a heartfelt congratulations!!!!! What amazing friends!
Gosh, still feeling sad for the twins...
She let go of him and said breathlessly, “Well, what will it be? We gave Percy an owl, but you’ve already got one, of course.” “W-what do you mean?” said Ron, looking as though he did not dare believe his ears. “You’ve got to have a reward for this!” said Mrs. Weasley fondly. “How about a nice new set of dress robes?” “We’ve already bought him some,” said Fred sourly, who looked as though he sincerely regretted this generosity. “Or a new cauldron, Charlie’s old one’s rusting through, or a new rat, you always liked Scabbers —” “Mum,” said Ron hopefully, “can I have a new broom?” Mrs. Weasley’s face fell slightly; broomsticks were expensive. “Not a really good one!” Ron hastened to add. “Just — just a new one for a change . . .” Mrs. Weasley hesitated, then smiled. “Of course you can. . . . Well, I’d better get going if I’ve got a broom to buy too. I’ll see you all later. . . . Little Ronnie, a prefect! And don’t forget to pack your trunks. . . . A prefect . . . Oh, I’m all of a dither!”
This part made me feel so sad. I can almost feel my eyes getting wet. Ron is not used to getting new things or being asked what he wants. It's only when he does something special that he earns the privilege of his parents making the sacrifice. Even how he asks for a new broom - not a good one but just a new one for a change - is so heartwrenching. I know the feeling. I grew up relatively poor. I never got gifts often. And unlike Ron, when my parents promised to reward me for my high achievements, they rarely followed through. It hurt so much. Even now, I struggle to buy things for myself as a working woman. I feel sorry for the twins too. I'll be honest: seeing people who are financially struggling have large families somewhat disgusts me. Never going to be me. Two max. Having too many kids has to be a form of mild abuse!
“I don’t think they are,” said Ron doubtfully, also looking up at the ceiling. “They’ve always said only prats become prefects. . . . Still,” he added on a happier note, “they’ve never had new brooms! I wish I could go with Mum and choose. . . . She’ll never be able to afford a Nimbus, but there’s the new Cleansweep out, that’d be great. . . . Yeah, I think I’ll go and tell her I like the Cleansweep, just so she knows. . . .”
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Was he, Harry, Ron’s best friend in the world, going to sulk because he didn’t have a badge, laugh with the twins behind Ron’s back, ruin this for Ron when, for the first time, he had beaten Harry at something?
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You know, I wonder if people see the fake humility I am seeing? Harry is so full of himself. Give me a break! It's things like this that make me hate Harry's character.
“Cool,” Harry said, and he was relieved to hear that his voice had stopped sounding hearty. “Listen — Ron — well done, mate.” The smile faded off Ron’s face. “I never thought it would be me!” he said, shaking his head, “I thought it would be you!”
This reminds of me of a time in highschool where this girl beat me in a science test about the food chain. I was used to getting the highest grades and when I saw she beat me, I remember saying, "Congrats" with as much fake cheer I could. I remember how uncomfortable she looked. When I told my parents about it later, my dad said I should have made a joke so I did not sound so bitter.
So now here, Ron has to downplay himself to make his best friend feel better. The best friend who should be clapping his back and sharing his joy. Ugh.
Ron doing all the emotional labour in this friendship.
Bonus from book 6 to prove my point:
“Only failed Divination and History of Magic, and who cares about them?” he said happily to Harry. “Here — swap —” Harry glanced down Ron’s grades: There were no “Outstandings” there. . . . “Knew you’d be top at Defense Against the Dark Arts,” said Ron, punching Harry on the shoulder. “We’ve done all right, haven’t we?”
The first thing Harry does in his head is find a way in which he is better than Ron. But look how Ron is happy for Harry despite his own failures. Too bad Horrid Harry couldn't muster up the same for his achievements. It's amusing how Ron haters constantly bash him for being a bad friend when Hermione and Harry are arguably worse friends to him so often.
Golden trio is the greatest friendship ever my butt.
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neppednep · 2 months
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Dating Serafall Leviathan HCs
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》 You probably met Serafall at some anime convention or around Kuoh. She doesn't really spend too much time in the human world, and if she did, it would be at one of those locations. She's a busy woman, and you certainly won't find a Serafall frolicking around your local Walgreens.
》 Even after your first meeting with Serafall, she definitely isn't the type to just fall for someone right away. She may seem playful and quite stupid at times, but she is anything but. She is the Devil King in charge of foreign affairs, so she can pick up on these things. If you're just talking to her for some less than pure reason, she'll be happy to tell you to kick rocks. She respects herself too much to waste her precious time with someone like that. It's not like anyone there can actually pose a threat to her.
》 If you actually managed to run into her enough times and build some sort of connection to her, congratulations. She still isn't just going to fall for you. She's been alive for well over 500 years and has most definitely met a good amount of people much more attractive than you. That isn't to say she'll dismiss you just because of that, not entirely anyway, but you'll have to stand out in other aspects to catch her eye. Pray to the rizz god, you're gonna need it.
》 When it comes to impressing her, dumping a ton of money won't really do the trick. She has houses that are bigger than entire towns, so an expensive restaurant won't exactly do much. That doesn't mean take her to your local McDonalds either. She loves McNuggets just as much as the next person, but it certainly isn't date material.
》 Growing up as a noble, fighting in wars, and then becoming a Devil King, she's never really had the time or energy to really go on dates. Sure, she gets tons of marriage proposals, but she can see right through them. Being a normal human does give you a slight edge here, though. Far less of a chance of you using her for her status, as she certainly wouldn't be yapping about her life as a devil yet. Instead of just putting on airs like all those nobles, make it more personal. Make her something to eat, just walk through a park, take her to a cafe. Simple, more personal things like that get her going more than whatever boring shows people like to put on in front of her.
》 That being said, don't be afraid to be yourself. Unless you're some... Jaune Arc loving weirdo or something similar, she'll fall even harder. This is the woman that prances around as a magical girl doing, quite frankly, whatever the hell she wants. If you want to show off the things you like just as she does, she'll support you the whole way and may even try to pick up some of your interests too.
》 If everything went well and you get with her, being a human and managing to pull a Devil King and possibly the most beautiful woman in Hell is quite the achievement. Surprisingly, such an achievement wasn't easy to keep a secret. It took a whole five minutes before Serafall was flexing on everyone she considered remotely close to a friend that she finally had an S/O.
》 I don't want to say she'd force you to do anything, but... good chance she's reincarnating you as a devil before things get too serious. Being in a relationship with someone as important as her and being the equivalent to a summer ant to any supernatural creature that may wish to do you harm is quite the cause for concern. With all these creepy terrorists running around these days, she wants to keep you close and safe. What better way to do that than making you her queen?
》 She knows it may be overwhelming, but she'll do her best to help you through it and become the best version of you that you can be. She wasn't exactly born with the power of Sirzechs or anything, so she knows just how much hard work can do for someone. With your self-proclaimed magical girl girlfriend by your side, it's safe to say you're in good hands under her guidance.
》 Sona has mixed emotions. She's really happy Serafall now has another person to dote on, but at the same time, she's really protective of her older sister. If you manage to hurt Serafall, you best believe Sona will be there to whip you back into shape. Both literally and figuratively.
》 Your relationship with Serafall may be a bit controversial, to say the least. It will be practically impossible to stay out of the public eye. The more traditional types won't be happy that she chose a human, a reincarnated devil to be with. Some are happy for her, finally finding someone after centuries, while others can just be jealous. It's the usual celebrity gossip, only hundreds of times larger considering that she's literally one of their king and the two of you are kind of making history as you go.
》 Speaking of jealousy, if anyone tries to do something to you, she will throw hands. She will straight up kill people or just have them thrown in the slammer if they try to hurt you. She has no problem calling it treason and literally getting away with murder. She values her loved ones far too much to not make an example out of any fool that tries.
》 Serafall doesn't really get jealous herself. She knows her worth, and she knows you're not an idiot.
》 Unless it's Gabriel... you don't know the deal with those two, but if you ever meet the angel, Serafall will go into protective girlfriend mode faster than you can even comprehend. Gabriel doesn't really have to be doing anything, but Serafall will make sure she knows who you belong to and not try anything. That angel must be jealous of your love. She came to sabotage the relationship and take you for herself! Serafall's words, not yours.
》 You're going to be learning how to act properly. You're a Devil King's S/O, so you can't be slouching around and acting like some bum. She'll personally teach you exactly what to do and how to act in those situations. She doesn't really trust anyone else to do it to her standards, and it'll give her an excuse to spend more time with you. It's a win-win.
》 Dates after you officially get together don't change much. Serafall is definitely much more open and willing to spend money on you, though. Expect to go a lot of conventions, Sona watching, or just spending some quality time together giving her the relaxation she's missed out on for so long. She may or may not make you star in Miracle Levia-tan and call it a date.
》 She trusts you. A lot. There's very few people she can or will properly express her feelings to, Sona not even being one of them. She is the older sibling and feels the need to always seem strong in her presence. In private, Serafall can be more vulnerable. Centuries of bottled up emotions will come sooner or later, and having someone she can let her guard down around, just be Serafall and talk means a lot to her. Whether it's things about her time in war, things that happen with her job, or even just something she wants to get off her chest, it means the world if you can just be there and listen.
》 She may not like to really show it to a great extent, but she kind of is just like a school girl when it comes to your relationship. Not really having the time or interest before, this is new to her. She has her moments. Sometimes, she sits there in her office just thinking about your future together. How will your wedding be? How many kids? Questions only time will answer, but being at the mercy of time isn't something she particularly enjoys. She'll know if you were the one or not. Might as well take what belongs to her and make it official before it's too late, right?
》 Please don't let her name the child Sona or Y/N Jr.
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
my lover ― carlos sainz
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note, this is my first f1 piece, so what better way to join the f1 community on here than to write about my bestie bf mr. smooth operator. anyways, i'm mixing my two loves, taylor swift and f1 together for this. also, i made my first twitter edit and i had fun, so expect more coming soon. another note, i haven't been to the eras tour yet (seeing ms. swift in august :)), so this might be inaccurate. i don't want to watch videos because i see tons of tiktok and i want to least be a little surprised, so this is how i imagine it going :) summary, carlos and y/n go to a taylor swift concert where he has some tricks up his sleeve. warnings, mentions of sc**ter br*un (*barf emoji) word count, 643 words (a shorty but a goodie)
with races happening so frequently, you were worried you wouldn't be able to see taylor swift, but carlos made time. he cleared his schedule for 48 hours so you two could enjoy yourselves.
"carlos," you passed, your eyes widening as you took in the stage you had only seen in pictures.
carlos couldn't help but smile as he watched you take everything in. you had worked hard to get the tickets for the show and he was just happy to tag along and be your photographer and videographer for the night.
you were wearing a replica of one of her outfits while carlos wore a basic black shirt with a scooter on it but it was crossed out. when you first showed him, he was confused.
"why don't we like scooters?" he asked. you laughed and explained the story of scooter.
"carlos sainz?" you heard a couple of fans gasp as they noticed who was sitting next to them.
carlos smiled, giving them his full attention as she talked to him, then posed for pictures, "hey, can i ask you for a favor?" he stopped them before they went back to their conversation.
"of course!" the girls were freaking out. carlos sainz was talking to them!
"during lover," they knew automatically what his question was and they both melted, "i was planning on proposing to y/n." he whispered, glancing back at you, but you were already deep in conversation with the girls next to you and trading your friendship bracelets.
"do you think you could record it?"
"of course! oh, my gosh!" they gasped and carlos chuckled, "early congratulations."
"well, she hasn't said yes yet." he scratched the back of his neck.
"she will." the girl nodded.
carlos thanked them again before turning back to you. your arms were now covered in beaded friendship bracelets and he was confused about how it had happened.
"how did that happen?'
"well, i'm just very popular i guess." you shrugged, "look, this one's my favorite." you showed him your favorite one.
"beautiful, amor." he beamed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and kissing your head.
as the clock ticked down, you had gravitated from your seat up into a standing position. once the clock was at 0, you were screaming with everyone else.
lover was the first album of the songs she sang in the setlist, so the girls sitting next to you were ready to record the second lover started.
carlos could feel his heartbeat begin to pick up as the first notes of lover started. he felt around his pocket for the ring box and let out a breath when he found it.
"you okay?" you asked, glancing from him then back to the stage, afraid to miss anything.
"yeah." he nodded, swallowing hard for a second before looking you in the eyes, "i love you."
"i love you, too." you smiled.
"and i don't want to say much because this love explains everything i feel for you. i would love to do life with you and i hope you say "yes" to the question i'm about to ask." he pulled the ring out of pocket and the girls filming squealed, garnering the attention of everyone around you and they all whipped out this phones and squealed.
"will you marry me?" he asked, bending down and opening the box.
you covered your mouth in shock as your brain tried to catch up to what was going on in front of you, "carlos, oh, my god, yes! of course!" you bent down and cupped his face, kissing him.
everyone around your squealed, jumping up and down excitedly. he pulled away and slid the ring onto your finger, "you big romantic." you gasped, punching him jokingly in the shoulder.
"only for you." he kissed you again, hugging you as taylor continued to serenade you with music.
+ this :)
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my taglist: @2manytabsopen @europeanpuck @bitchinbarzal @cinnamoncowboy @silverstonesainz @hotgirlhockey @barzysreputation
add yourself to my taglist!
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matsukaah · 2 months
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•KimetsuOlymp AU
After so long cooking, here is my dish delivered to you. This is an AU (alternative universe) involving the Greek mythology of Olympus. I will remind you that the relationships between characters do not follow those of the gods of mythology 🤏🤓
I really liked it, it was fun and I hope it's to your liking, any mistake, spelling or coherence, I apologize ‼️
Maybe I'll write something about it, I just need time, I'm a born procrastinator
●How was it conceived? (and how he is Ume's brother)
(Purahahime is a name invented to refer to Gyutaro and Ume's mother)
The Purahahime was a woman of low status on Olympus, she could live her life without worries, but she craved too much to be praised by a good-looking God. She wanted to impress him anyway, she was nothing extraordinary, so she decided to have a child, even if it wasn't his, if it was strong enough it would definitely attract attention, that all the deities would know its name. She tried several times before Gyutaro began to be prepared, in better words, cursed, with the most diverse plagues so that his abilities would go to the limit, without thinking about what his body would end up looking like. The result of the various experiments, it was already a miracle that he was able to be born, but his appearance was deplorable, like a dark and soft amalgam.
Purahahime didn't see the value in him, she considered killing him, but he was too strong for her unhappiness (or happiness?). Not ending his life proved advantageous, as it worked, the man believed that the reason for Gyutaro's strength was his mother's womb, even if it was grotesque. Thus, Ume was conceived, unfortunately unlike her brother she was born stunning, even as a child deities stopped their work to appreciate her, but she was weak compared to her brother, which angered her parents, neglecting them both.
Eventually Purahahime was killed by the man she loved, he believed he had been tricked into blaming her for his daughter's weakness. Currently he has found other women, not bothering to look at any of the children. Gyutaro initially felt envious, surely if he had that smooth skin or that white hair he would be congratulated just for being born. But she won his heart, since they share the same cruel blue eyes (Gyutaro has them, but normally keeps his haunting eyes, with yellow sclera and green irises with red interior), they are miserable, just like her and him, so that he decided to take care of her.
•What type of role does he perform?
Gyutaro is the God of iron, he would be perfect for a guard due to his strength, but he preferred it this way. Being the most skilled craftsman Olympus has ever seen, his story of suffering, humiliation and hard work teaches that not all Greek gods had that gentle life on Olympus.
●What is his relationship with the others on Olympus?
He detests several people, especially Tengen, the God of wine and parties, he continually throws his festivities that for Gyutaro feel like the ground is shaking, his sensitive ears making his head pound in pain, making it impossible for him to work. Also due to envy, he is always surrounded by his three wives in addition to the countless number of nymphs and goddesses who aspire to the position of “wife number four”, in his words.
Tanjiro, the son of the Sun, just how he screams irritates him a lot, but he doesn't hate him, it's just unpleasant how he always manages to break the divine artifacts that Gyutaro prepares with so much care, the way Tanjiro is always friendly and always smiling is intimidating too , his eyes seem to stare into Gyutaro's soul, he would destroy him if Tanjiro's younger sister wasn't Ume's close friend.
Ume, she uses the pseudonym of several names, but Daki is the most used, she is considered the concept of beauty. Gyutaro loves his sister, but he can't help but think that she was drawn with care by the gods and looks like he was a sketch made by a boar with a brush in his hand. Raising her was a difficult task, but he made sure she lacked nothing, if she felt hungry, would he hunt, new clothes? he steals and sews until she feels satisfied. Even when she blossomed into the beautiful flower she is, she never left her brother out of her life, insisting that he accompany her to parties and speaking highly of him to everyone he interacts with, even if he feels anxious about the attention she brings. , usually hiding on benches behind the pillars, just enjoying wine.
Obanai and Mitsuri, they are always together since they date. Gyutaro likes Obanai, his hair full of snakes managed to make them identify with each other, in addition to the various types of exotic requests he makes, such as pure pure ornaments for his loved one. Mtsuri talks to him when Gyutaro visits Obanai, sometimes trying to marry him, which doesn't work, to the point where he started to reject her, but appreciates her good intentions.
He has some other relationships, but he doesn't keep in touch with them, as he doesn't usually leave his work area, which is also his home.
●How does his body work?
It seems difficult, but the parts harmonize complicatedly, curved horns like those of a buffalo, to protect its bat ears, which are super sensitive to sounds, but this makes its head weigh too much, having to cut them frequently until they grow back to the point of bothering him.
His ears accurately hear everything around him, especially the tinkling of metal, knowing whether or not it is of good quality, he has learned to recognize the sound of people and other creatures and differentiate them. Sometimes they turn them down to muffle the sound, partially working.
His eyes have this monstrous tone, despite having them normal, blue and white sclerae, but they are sensitive and do not see in the dark as he likes, his usual green and red eyes imitate those of reptiles and cats, he hates light, he feels like he is going go blind if you stay in the sun.
Legs are heavy, being mixtures of several types of animals, being fast and strong, but heavy, he avoids moving, as it leaves him exhausted and sore.
An amusing detail is that because of this large amount of blood mixture involving bovine animals, when he feels irritated he unconsciously drags his feet on the ground like a bull
He has a small snake tail, Chioi, a black snake with purple eyes, he has deceptive abilities, disturbing the senses of anyone who looks at him, he loves to pretend to have five heads like a hydra, people's look of terror makes them both laugh.
His blood has a corrosive poison, protect yourself under your fingernails, but if his blood is ingested it will have the same effect.
Gyutaro has a deformed body from birth, but he eats little of everything his body needs, leaving him weak. However, he eats “enough” to stay upright and working.
It's the same things said above, but in image form, I thought it was super cute and decided to keep it🫡‼️
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and of course, my oc Matsu no au, they are my babies���️‼️‼️
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hockybish · 6 months
maybe this after jack is trying to start being a better brother and lola’s had trick or broke a cool record so a really good game for her against the devil and maybe jack relished he’s screwed up even worse when he sees how luke quickly ran to lola after the game and spun her around and how happily lola giggled when he spun them around and maybe jack congratulates her and his heart hurts when he sees her looking so surprised
"You did it Bah!" Lola's smile got even bigger than it already was when Luke hoisted her up and spun her around.
She had a stellar game, getting her first hat trick and an assist, in a 5-2 win against the Devils.
"I know!" She was about to say something, but her phone went off. "One second, Mason's calling" She stepped away, animatedly talking to her duck boy.
Jack leaned against a pillar watching the interaction between his younger siblings, the corner of his mouth slightly upturned. He was proud of her, and so jealous of how quickly she found him.
"You better say something nice when she gets back."
"Don't tell me what to do, I was going to anyways." Jack scrunched his face together
"I'm back! Mase just wanted to call before their game." Lola's face still so happy and cheery. There was kind of an awkward pause as she looked from Jack to Luke and back to Jack.
"Congrats Clem, you did a really good job." Jack said his little bit. Lola looked again at Luke as if to ask if he was for real, to which he nodded yes.
Lola giggled and hugged him.
*there was some controversy when she got the first hat trick of her career, because her last goal was on the breakaway and Luke was on the ice, many people think he didn't try hard enough to stop her from scoring.
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razorblade180 · 1 year
Collei:*sitting on a stump*
Aether:Yo, I got your letter.
Collei:I’m doomed! You have to help me! Birthday parties are one thing but how am I supposed to act surprised when I know!?
Aether:Lumine always did a surprise celebration so I have experience in faking awe.
Collei:But…you both are twins. Why would she-
Aether:Because she’s a dork and wonderful, but so easy to read at times. If I wanted to surprise her then I’d already set up a party at the place she was going to use to surprise me.
Collei:That sounds exhausting, but thoughtful. Anyways, does this mean you know a trick or something? What face should I make?
Aether:Are you good at pretending you aren’t losing a TCG game?
Collei: sighs No….
Aether:Then we’ll have to go for old reliable. *pulls out paper* Is the party at your house?
Collei:Yeah, why?
Aether:I’m gonna go over there and surprise you. I’ll be in back center making sure you can read what I put on this paper.
Aether:Don’t worry, you know the words. The best way to be surprised about something is to find something surprising. Trust me.
Collei:I do. Now I’m worried if I’ll read it fast enough.
Aether:I have faith. By the way, your letter was great.
Collei:Oh thank goodness….
About half an hour went by. Anxious, Collei stood in front of her home. She took in a deep breath and opened the door. To her actual surprise, nobody was there. Now that she thought about it, they would be a little cramped here.
Collei:Of course they’re at the main building.
All that preparation just to have to do it again! At least she was a little less nervous. Collei ram over to where the Rangers and Citizens alike gathered. One more time, she took a deep breath and opened the door. This time, lights turned on as streamers fell and balloons flew. Cyno, Faruzan, Kaveh, Nilou, Tighnari, comrades and Aether all jumped out to yell surprise.
Her eyes focused on the center. Aether was right where he said he was, holding a paper with giant, bold letters. It only took a second before everyone watched Collei cover her mouth in shock, eyes watering. Aether quickly crumpled the paper and charred it with electro.
Collei:Oh my Archons…
Faruzan:Aw, we didn’t expect you to cry!
Cyno:I had a feeling.
Tighnari:Happy Birthday Collei! *reveals cake.*
Collei:I…I…this is a lot to take in.
The part went off without a hitch. Now that it was in full swing, the birthday girl finally found a moment to interact that wasn’t showing showing gratitude or eating the first slice. Collei was on a mission! She finally found Aether sitting against the wall enjoying food and drink. Her feet never moved so fast.
Aether:Hey! Congratulations. Way to look surprised.
Collei:Because I was! Why didn’t Amber tell me she was having a baby!?
Aether:Because she’s not. I made it up.
Aether:I couldn’t think of a better shock factor than-
Collei:*shakes him* You can’t just say things like that! I almost yelled that aloud.
Aether:That would’ve awkward, but kinda funny. All these “happy birthday!” and you reply “Amber’s pregnant!?”
Collei:*deflates* I’m gonna sleep so good tonight. Thank you for the help and shock I guess.
Aether:Anytime! Alls well that ends well.
Collei:Actually…I may have gotten ahead of myself.
Amber:*holds letter* Why does Collei think I’m pregnant!?
Aether:…Maybe she misunderstood a health book, or because she knows I missed you a lot and was on my way to see you?
Amber:*blushing* Aether!
Aether:Listen, not all plans are great under pressure.
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softguarnere · 5 months
For Whatever We Lose
Lewis Nixon x OFC (slow burn, enemies to lovers) Chapter One: Greenly's Girls
Summary: “We have a problem,” Keziah whispers as soon as they’re out of earshot. “We always have a problem.” A/N: Hi! Hello! And welcome to the fic that's been living rent-free in my brain since last March! (Although at this point, I think Minerva actually owns the building and I'm paying rent to her.) The end of LAGLAM is fast approaching, and to avoid being completely heartbroken once it's finished, I figured that I would start uploading what I already have of this fic. We have more Indigenous OCs and more North Carolinians - because my writing is nothing but a vessel for tricking people into caring about those things. I'll put a link to AO3 on the masterlist in case anyone wants to look at those endnotes for any of my silly little references, explanations, or insights. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! And let me know if you want to be tagged in upcoming chapters 💙 Warnings: none
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Camp Toccoa, 1942
In, two, three!
After all these months, the sound that her boots make against the rocks and the clay as she runs are still unfamiliar to her – something foreign that reminds her that she is worlds away from home.
Out, two, three!
Heavier footsteps pound the ground behind her, sounding closer than ever. Sheets of sweat coat her body. She’s drenched. If Jack were here, he would probably say that she looks like a wet rat – affectionately, of course.
In, two, three!
Three miles down is supposed to be the easy part. Making sure she doesn’t bust her ass along the downward slope isn’t that simple. For once she isn’t holding herself back as she soars down the mountain. Today, she’s free to fly.
Out, two three!
A muttered curse behind her as her opponent stumbles. If she weren’t so focused on her breathing, she would huff a triumphant laugh. As it is, she’s got to make sure that she pushes herself to the limit in this final stretch – anything to stay ahead.
In, two, three!
A few people are waiting at the bottom of the trail, trying not to look like they’re waiting around to see how this turns out. Sunlight gleams off the bars of one of the officers as he joins the small crowd. Good. She wants them watching when she beats one of their own.
Out, two, three –
She skids to a stop, managing to stay upright. Breathing techniques and careful timing fly out the window the second she sees everyone’s faces and realizes that she did it – she won! Unofficial as the race was, she managed to beat the lieutenant from Dog Company, just like she knew that she could. Just like she knew she could beat anyone on the trail if she gave herself the opportunity to open up and soar without holding back. Blending in be damned.
She catches sight of Keziah’s smiling face in the sea of men. She allows a laugh to escape her, but she’s breathing so heavily that it disguises itself as more of a heavy exhale. Well, that’s fine; it seems more sportsmanlike – more ladylike – if she doesn’t laugh in the midst of her own triumph.
“Congratulations,” the lieutenant from Dog Company says from behind her. She turns to face him. He’s smiling. Which might just be because of all the people watching them, but he’s smiling, and it actually reaches his dark eyes; genuine enough. “Congratulations, Private . . . er – “
“Revels,” she replies. She offers him a salute. He is an officer, after all, and it seems the appropriate thing to do. “Private Minerva-Jane Revels.”
The lieutenant sticks out his hand to shake. He’s got a strong grip. “Lieutenant Ronald Speirs,” he says.
Mutters and whispers break out in the crowd behind them. Lieutenant Speirs has just been beaten in the run up and down Currahee – by a girl! And not even during PT! More than just the enlisted have seen it, too. The other officer in the crowd, with his bright crop of gingery hair, was here to witness the results.
Keziah steps forward then, locking her fingers around Minerva’s elbow and gently tugging her away from Lieutenant Speirs. She offers her own polite smile to him, and then she leads Minerva away from the crowd, both of them with their heads held high.
“We have a problem,” Keziah whispers as soon as they’re out of earshot.
“We always have a problem.”
The short laugh that Keziah pushes out doesn’t soften whatever news she’s about the deliver. Tall and athletic with a face that is both pretty and expressive, something is lurking just beneath the mask of pride that she’s wearing for the crowd – danger lurking beneath the depths of the water.
“But today it’s tangible,” Keziah says. “Order of the day is for all women to dress in their ODs and stand fast in the barracks.”
Stand fast in the barracks? “No morning PT?”
“They told us we can’t even go to breakfast until they come for us.”
Minerva stops in her tracks. That sounds like they’re being held prisoner. Or like they’re being held in one place for an announcement – or a sendoff.
A few paces in front of her, Keziah stops and looks back at her. Minerva has to quicken her pace to catch back up with her friend’s quick strides.
“That’s all I know,” Keziah says before Minerva can ask anything. “But it doesn’t sound good, does it?”
“I doubt that they’re rounding us all up just to congratulate us on what a good job we’ve been doing.”
Keziah snorts. “Even though that’s exactly what they should be doing.”
They reach the women’s barracks then. Voices, talking quickly and quietly, can only just be heard through the door. They pause the second that Minerva throws the door open. Eight worried faces turn to look at her, their expressions frozen in varying degrees of anger and expectancy.   
Eight, ten counting she and Keziah. It’s enough to make a person want to laugh and to cry all at once. Upon first arriving at Camp Toccoa, way back when it was still Camp Toombs, there had been one hundred or so women who had been recruited to try their luck with the Airborne. Slowly but surely, the army had weeded out those deemed mentally and/or physically unfit to join the elite ranks who would earn the privilege of calling themselves paratroopers. Down to a measly ten. Eleven, if you count Lieutenant Greenly, whose absence is being greatly felt while she’s off being trained to become Captain Greenly.
“Oh. It’s just you,” Lori sighs before throwing herself down on her bunk.
All at once, the spell is broken. Minerva and Keziah fully enter the bunk house, closing the door behind them. The murmuring resumes.
“You heard anything?” Anita asks as Minerva passes.
She opens her footlocker, acutely aware that the whispering has died down again as a few glances are thrown her way. Best to be casual. Taking off her PT clothes and tugging on her ODs, she throws a casual, “No. Why would I have?” over her shoulder.
A loud snort emits from somewhere behind her, followed by Anna’s voice. “Because you know everything.”
Back still turned, Minerva smirks to herself. Well, if they want to think that, let them.
“Not everything,” Lori insists, always ready to humble anyone and everyone. “Clearly she doesn’t know about this.”
“Whatever this is,” Diana mutters. Her words startle Minerva, but she seems to be the only one. She only even heard her because her fellow North Carolinian is sitting on the bunk across from her, just close enough for her quiet voice to be heard.
Keziah takes a step forward, towards Lori. “But she could.” She throws a glance at Minerva, her eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly. “I mean, you could . . . right?”
“Isn’t our order of the day to stand fast in here?”
“Yeah, but they have to let us out at some point,” Juanita points out. “I mean, don’t they?”
If and when they get out of the bunkhouse, Minerva is confident in the fact that she can get at least some answers. Crumbs, rumors, anything – she can manage it. At this point, she feels obligated to. After all, it would appear that she has something of a reputation to uphold. Nothing new there.
With all the confidence she just acquired from beating Lieutenant Speirs up Currahee on full display, Minerva offers them all a solemn nod. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Lori snorts. It probably goes against everything she learned from her refined upbringing, all those tutors and fancy schools she loves to brag about. But the noise draws everyone’s attention back to her.
Far from put down, it only makes Minerva more determined to find out what she can, just to prove Lori wrong. There’s a certain satisfaction that comes from being able to prove her kind incorrect.
An hour later, someone fetches them for breakfast. Sunlight blinds them as they exit the bunkhouse. Most of the men are already in PT or classroom instruction, which gives the camp a feeling similar to that of a ghost town as the ten women march through it. Those few men who still linger stop to stare at them.
“You think that’s a bad sign?” Bianca whispers to no one in particular.
To be fair, the men are always staring at them. Their tendency to gawk tells them nothing about their precarious fate.
The mess hall is empty when they arrive. The cooks call out to them in greeting, the first faces that have looked happy to see them all morning. As they move through the line, each woman carefully arranges her face in a smile and thanks them for the food – something that Minerva suggested during their first week at the camp. Most of the girls hadn’t been willing to make eye contact with the cooks as they received their food. Now, though, they’ve been set apart from the men, carrying a reputation for being polite. And if the cooks are secretly saving them the best rations, well, that’s just a positive and unintended side effect.
 Across the table from her, Bianca sighs through her nose as she pokes her eggs with her fork. Best rations doesn’t necessarily mean good rations; correlation does not imply causation, and all that.
“What’s wrong, Mancini?” Minerva nudges the New Yorker’s knee under the table. “Not up to your standards?”
Bianca shovels a forkful of eggs into her mouth, keeping her head down so no one can see her wrinkle her nose and she chokes down the slimy, bland eggs. “Not my ma’s cooking, by any means.”
“No kiddin’,” Anna agrees. “I joined the Army because I heard it’d get me three meals a day. But sometimes I think it would be more appetizing just to flat starve.” She pinches the driest piece of toast that Minerva has ever seen between her fingers and holds it up for inspection. Even the slight rush of air from her mouth as she talks causes the bread to flake like psoriasis. “I miss my Papa’s biscuits.”
She’s not wrong. The breakfast isn’t exactly the Fisherman’s Favorite that Minerva’s mom whips up every morning. Scrambled eggs – real eggs, not this powdered crap – and hashbrowns, some bacon, and one of Pop’s famously fluffy biscuits fresh from the oven, still oozing with butter as he passes out the jam to spread on top of them. Despite the food in front of her, the memory is enough to make Minerva’s mouth water.
“The cooks are doing their best,” she concedes. And at least they like us enough to not spit in our food or dump salt in our coffee, she doesn’t add.
With everyone preoccupied with their questionable meal, Minerva stands and makes for the door.
“Where are you going?” Anita asks.
“Bathroom,” Minerva lies, never looking back at the other women as she excuses herself.
Once outside and sure that none of the others have followed her, Minerva charges off – in the direction opposite the latrines. In no time flat she finds herself behind a building that looks just like all the others, the only sign of its importance being the words REGIMENTAL HQ on the front by the door.  
At the back of the building, in the shadows, a graceful figure with dark hair is leaned back against the wall with a cigarette held between middle and forefinger. As Minerva approaches, a pack of Lucky Strikes is produced, and another cigarette provided.
Minerva has never smoked – her mother would kill her – but this is the system that they operate under. Something about two women having a smoke and a casual chat doesn’t seem as suspicious as a WAC secretary and an aspiring paratrooper talking behind a building. Still, Minerva holds the cigarette away from her after it’s lit, wrinkling her nose at the smell.
Joyce does the same, her pretty red lipstick twitching up in a smile as she watches her. “A shame that neither of us smokes. We’ll have wasted so many cigarettes by the end of the war.”
“Well, hopefully our service will make up for it,” Minerva says slyly. She glances at Joyce out of the corner of her eye just in time to see the other woman’s red lips purse. Uh oh. Minerva flicks her cigarette, trying to tap the ashes off the end like she’s seen other people do. Instead of looking casual, it makes her hand look shaky, nervous. “Anything . . . to share?”
There’s a moment of silence as Joyce glances around. She cannot take any chances about being overheard. She came to Toccoa from Atlanta as a WAC, and her superb handwriting and fingers that fly over a typewriter quickly propelled her up to headquarters. Taking notes for the likes of Colonel Sink has given her a distinct advantage over others, putting her in the know, and luckily for Minerva, she doesn’t keep all that knowledge for herself. After bonding with Minerva over their mutual disdain of Southern humidity and the indecisive policies regarding the Airborne’s female recruits one day in the line for lunch, the two became quick friends and confidants. Minerva is careful with any bits of information that Joyce gives her, any snatches of gossip. Being in the know gains you some advantage in life, especially in a place like this. But protecting your sources – protecting your friends – is more important than having your peers think that you know everything.
Finally, Joyce sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Something horrible has happened.”
Something horrible. Well, that’s not exactly promising. But it does explain why they’ve been stuck in the bunk house all morning.
“Sink thinks – “ Joyce lowers her voice even more so that Minerva has to lean in to hear her whisper. “Sink thinks that it was an act of sabotage, someone who’s mad about women joining the army. Several others agree.”
“Are we being sent home?”
Joyce’s sky-blue eyes widen. “Good golly, wouldn’t you think? But no. If anything, it’s made Sink even more determined to continue with this Great Experiment of his. I’ve been taking notes and typing letters all morning. No, you girls are staying. In fact, you’re about to be thrown into the fray – start training for real, with a purpose.”
For months Minerva and the other women have been playing a sort of softball with the army. Their fate has been up in the air, they haven’t been used, and none of their training has been with any real sense of urgency. According to Joyce, things are about to change. Minerva should be thrilled. But something horrible happened to bring this all about. What was it?
“That’s all I should say,” Joyce says. She tosses down her unsmoked cigarette and grinds it out under her high heel. “Oh, Mina, I really hope that things will work out for you and the other girls!”
Minerva takes the typist’s hand and squeezes. “They will, if I have any say in the matter. I didn’t come all this way for nothing.”
“Between you and the colonel, I think that the stars will have to align to your will.”
“Thanks, Joyce.” Minerva grinds out her own cigarette and takes off in the direction of the mess hall. “I’ll see you later!”
The other women are just finishing up breakfast when she returns. The toast on her plate has not aged well in the few minutes that she’s been away, but Minerva eats it anyway, despite the dry, flaky texture. It’s a good thing that other people watching her eat doesn’t make her uncomfortable; all eyes are on her as she chokes down the coffee from her cup, trying to return any sense of moisture to her mouth after the toast dried it out. None of the girls – except Keziah – particularly like her unless they know that she has information that they want. For the second time this morning, they watch her expectantly.
At least they have the decency not to bring it up until they’re in the relative safety of the bunkhouse. Once the door is shut, they all pounce at once, throwing a million questions her way.
Jack once referred to Minerva’s seemingly endless patience as her “teacher mode.” Growing up with John-Michael’s endless questions about anything and everything and then dealing with children in a classroom all day has given her plenty of practice. She sits on the edge of her bed and waits for them to settle down.
“We’re not being sent home,” she announces when they finally wear themselves out. “Our training is about to begin in full. A decision has been made.”
A few of the girls cheer. Juanita and Anna share a high-five. Others, mainly Lori, look skeptical.
“What made them finally decide that the ten of us deserve to be paratroopers?” the heiress demands.
Minerva can only shrug. “I don’t know. But – “
“Ha! You don’t know? That’s not too promising.”
Minerva bites her bottom lip, counts to ten. She takes a deep breath and tries to speak again when the door of the bunkhouse opens, stealing everyone’s attention.
The effect is immediate. All ten women are on their feet, backs straight, chins up, mouths shut as Colonel Sink himself steps into the bunkhouse. He surveys them, and if they weren’t all staring straight ahead, maybe they would notice a hint of a smile hiding under that famous moustache of his.
“At ease, ladies,” he says. When they relax, he gets straight down to business. “Girls, there’s no easy way to tell you this, so I’ll come right out and say it before the rumor mill gets ahold of it: Captain Greenly is gone.” Something horrible has happened, Joyce had said. Colonel Sink thinks it was an act of sabotage. “She died this morning after her chute failed on a training jump.”
Gasps from around the room. Bianca crosses herself. At her sides, Minerva’s nails dig into the palms of her hands as she tries to hold back all the four-letter words that flash through her mind.
Greenly, in the short time that they had known her, had been good to them. Inspiring and authoritative all at once. She had known when to encourage them and when to push them to their limits. More importantly, she had been one of them – an advocate for their cause, but part of their struggle all the same. And now she’s gone.
After the initial shock, Sink presses forward. “Frankly, I don’t think what happened was an accident. And I don’t know about you, but it makes me all the more determined to prove that you girls are perfectly capable of being part of the best goddamn regiment that the army has to offer! Which is why tomorrow morning the ten of you will become the newly minted Women’s Squad of Easy Company.”
Easy Company. Minerva tries to place them in her mind, only to come up empty. Not Speirs’ company, unfortunately. At least there they’d have a friend. Well, she would have someone she already knew, anyway.
“Easy Company has the best record in the regiment. Their captain believes in training and training hard, which is why I would like for him to take over training you ladies; we’re going to make sure you’re ready to fight the Germans when you fall out of that sky.
“As for logistics. Captain Greenly’s death has left a void that will need to be filled. I’ve already selected a promising young woman who will be going through OCS to replace her. In the meantime, two of you have college degrees. I am going to appoint you as sergeants, for now, and perhaps after the dust settles, we can get you a bar for your collars. At the moment, I would rather you be able to act as leaders to your fellow women and as liaisons with the officers in Easy Company while we get things sorted out.”
Two college graduates. Two sergeants. All eyes not so subtly flick in Lori’s direction. Since they got here, not a day has gone by that they haven’t heard about her time at Vassar College. But no one else has mentioned going to college. Weary glances fill the room as ten women eye each other with suspicion. Who else will be their other sergeant?
As if he hasn’t dropped a bombshell of information on them, Colonel Sink checks his watch. “Well, girls, I wish there was more time. I have a meeting to get to. Getting a mess this big sorted out doesn’t happen in just a few minutes, you know. I wish you all the best of luck.” He stops in the doorway and smiles at them, so wide that his moustache can’t hide it. “Currahee!”
“Currahee!” They all return, albeit a little dazed.
The door shuts and they’re eyeing each other again, trying to figure out who’s been keeping secrets.
“Obviously Lori,” Anita says. “Who else went to college?”
“And why has no one talked about it?” Juanita wants to know.
Beside Minerva, Keziah snorts as she mutters, “Probably because nowhere could possibly be as glamorous as wherever Lori went.”
No one will fess up, despite the fact that it’s all anyone talks about on the way to lunch, or on the way back from lunch, or on the way to classroom instruction later in the day. Minerva herself even joins them in making a list of possible candidates, although, if she’s being honest, there are few who anyone would care for as a sergeant. Too bad that she knows for a fact that Keziah never went to college; she has a feeling that she would be a hell of a leader – not to mention that it would make her grandfather proud.
They’re walking to the mess hall for dinner when a man that Minerva doesn’t recognize pulls her aside and tells her to follow him. No one seems to notice her departure, although part of her wishes that they had.
The man leads Minerva to a building that she’s never been inside of before and escorts her to an office. Inside, behind the desk, a darkhaired man sits as proudly as a king on a throne as he flips through papers in a file. In front of the desk, a small woman with caramel hair and wide eyes turns to face Minerva, looking just as shocked as she is. Before Minerva can voice her surprise, the man behind the desk notices her.
“Ah, Miss Revels,” he says, something that’s not quite a smile stretching his thin lips. “It would appear that you’ve been holding out on us.”
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smidgen-of-hotboy · 2 months
Out in the Cold Field, pt. iii
Hello Travelers. conversations are had, choices are made, the chips are down. @ananxiousgenz @ceaseless-watchers-special-girl @urjover @one-joe-spoopy @waters-and-the-wilde @demonic-panini @the-private-eye
“Once, there was a king who the oracle told would die at his son’s hands. The man, Laius, wanting to outrun his destiny, ordered his wife to kill their child. Jocasta couldn’t bring herself to do that, and instead abandoned him at a farm. 
“The boy grew up, and the oracle forewarned that he would someday kill his father. Oedipus grew afraid. He left his family wanting to outrun his destiny. When he encountered King Laius, the King mocked him. Outraged, Oedipus killed him.”
“I don’t like this story, Papa.”
“It’s important that you learn it though…  A sphinx arrived and started attacking the kingdom. Without a King, Oedipus stepped forward to conquer the beast. He solved her riddles and she deferred to him. In honor of her defeat, the kingdom’s widowed Queen-Consort was set to marry Oedipus, crowning him the new King.
“The day of their wedding, the oracle congratulated Oedpius on fulfilling the prophecy. Confused, he asked her for clarity. The truth came to light: Jocasta was his mother, the late King Laius was his father, and Oedipus had fulfilled the prophecy. Distressed about the news, Jocasta threw herself from a cliff.”
“...and Oedipus?”
“Would gouge his eyes out and live in exile.”
“This story makes me sick, Papa.”
“Yes, well… there are lessons here. Like: you cannot change fate. You cannot outrun destiny…”
“You can’t trick death.” 
“Precisely, солнышко моё.” 
The blizzard doesn’t let up for another few days. By then the frostbite runs its course and Buddy is able to sit up in the cot with minimal assistance. Jet is mostly quiet coming and going with small bits of meat to roast over their tiny flame. M’tendere lingers around longer, plucking notes on their guitar, making idle chit-chat to pass the time. The fire that they stole burns bright. Buddy loses hours staring into it thinking about what would happen if she stuck her hand in. 
The news of her father’s death settles in over the week. Finding a home in the aching cavity already carved out of her chest. She didn't particularly love Ol’ Palomine, but he was her father. And he was the only parent she could remember. He made sure she had access to an education, food, and shelter. Whether she chose to listen to him or not was not his concern. The point was that she had the choice and opportunity. 
And now– he's gone. Dead. And tried to bargain for his life with hers. Palomine was always trying to teach her something, always trying to instill that she had a choice in how she lived. But it seems that that is where his lessons end. Buddy Aurinko only has choices in life, but in matters of death that belongs to her father. How cruel. And dishonorable. Unbelievable. Predictable. How very like Palomine Aurinko. He'll never have to answer for any of his crimes. Leaving behind his daughter to pick up the pieces, and clean up all his mess. What are the odds that there’s even anything left for her from him anyways?
It’s unfair how the dying can leave the living with all the work. It’s unfair that she has to do it all alone. And each time she thinks this, Buddy walks herself back into pointless circles. It should have been her. It should have been her that went to Hadestown. It should’ve been her that died out in that cold field. It should’ve been her bargaining for her life for Palomines. If it was her choice, between walking away and living, and sticking knives into her eyes and walking away– she’d pick the knives. 
The week ends, the blizzard eases up, and the road to Hell has vanished. Buddy is able to sit up only with minor difficulty. She loses fingers and toes (an “inevitably” as Jet put it) and there’s persistent numbness to half her face (a “blessing” as M’tendere put it). And after one day of excruciating pain trying to move her joints and pace the cabin, she was ready to move on and give up. 
“You cannot.”
“But why?” She sits on Jet’s stool while he and M’tendere pack their things away and tidy the cabin. They mentioned that it belonged to some Hanataba. Whoever that may be if they even exist. “If I die now, it’d be saving you two a lot of time! We’re right around the corner from Hadestown. Shortest trip of your lives, and if you ask me, I’d be doing you both a favor if I–”
“You just can’t. End of discussion, Buddy.” Jet’s voice is firm. M’tendere slings their guitar on their back and winces. They give Buddy a sympathetic smile. She rolls her eyes and picks at the wool scarf they loaned to her. She misses her old one. 
It isn’t fair that Jet and M’tendere can go to Hadestown whenever they please and she can’t. It isn’t fair that they won’t take her there themselves. And it isn’t fair that Jet won’t let her die. At least, not yet. 
With a heavy sigh she pushes off the stool and stands. She rubs one hand across her numb face and tightens the scarf around her neck. They talked the night prior about what they were going to do. After having the same argument about Buddy dying, Jet refusing to let her go, and M’tendere holding silence occasionally humming a tune, they pivoted to talking about today. The dreaded conversation of what comes next?
Preferably, Buddy did not plan ahead. She did not plan to be alive this long. She made plans of course, but not plans in case she didn’t die because someone and his Associate came along to save her from dying. 
It’s unfair because he took that choice and those plans away from her. The least he could do was give them back. Jet refused, so they turned to making plans.
The plan for now was to go back to the bar Palomine run. An old, run down establishment. The Lighthouse. The last bar, this side of nowhere. Palomine had… interesting naming and teaching conventions. 
“Are you ready, Buddy?” Jet carefully collects the fire from the Cabin’s hearth into a small, dusty lamp. He closes the glass door and looks up at her. M’tendere shifts side to side with their head down turned. They’ve been awfully quirt since last night. Saying little more than a mindless agreeance to follow her and Jet. Jet didn’t seem pleased about this, but getting a good read on him was hard to do to begin with. 
“Cred for your thoughts, Darling?” 
M’tendere glances up and flashes a brief smile. “I’m just thinking about all the walking we’ll have to do. Through all this snow… trying to keep the fire lit, fending off thieves… And long term effects of frostbite–”
“I can worry about myself just fine, Darling.” M’tendere snaps their head up. They blink a few times while Buddy leans back straightening her spine. “I am perfectly capable of worrying about my health on my own, thank you M’tendere, but if I am one of your concerns then worry not. I’m fit as a fiddle.” She smirks adding, “And whoever said anything about walking?”
“How else would we reach The Lighthouse?” She turns to Jet with mischief in her eyes. He visibly swallows. Her lips curl. 
“A la Carte Blanche, of course.”
Buddy takes the first step outside, Jet and M’tendere right on her heels. She asks for a compass and both present her with one. She takes M’tendere’s and finds which direction is East. They start walking. 
Hours pass by. The cold nips at Buddy’s cheeks and nose. She loses feeling in the numb half of her face and jolts of pain jump up her heels, running up her legs, and into her hips. Walking is chore. Breathing is a chore. She glances down at her hand clutching the compass and frowns seeing her fingers turn pale and almost bone white. She rolls the sleeve of her coat down and marches forward. 
They reach the harbor town soon enough. Once upon a time the Cerberus Province was a bustling harbor. Ships docked so tightly packed together. Some even anchored off in the distance. The houses were small, but brightly colored. Painted blues, greens, orange, and pink. The tracks to Hadestown ran right through here. Children used to play on them every day. It didn’t matter how tired the people were or how starved they became in the middle of winter, they were happy.
Once upon a time, Buddy had ventured here with the love of her life. They smuggled food across Hellas Basin and distributed it to the poor families. Many tried offering them creds as payment. Few even showed them the marked graves of their lost loved ones. A marked grave alongside the tracks was not an uncommon sight. The sheer amount of the ones in the Cerberus Province left unmarked was what stuck with her. 
Today, there are no children playing on the tracks. The tracks are buried under two and a half feet of snow. The houses are shuttered with wooden planks. Each grave left to decay in the winter. A single ship remains docked in the harbor. Not a bird sings. All the life has been sucked out of the Cerberus Province. 
Buddy tosses M’tendere their compass back as she heads for the boat. 
“Uhh– Buddy, what are you doing?” M’tendere trails behind her and Jet behind them. They watch as she stomps down the pier knocking snow from her boots and into the water. 
“Trying to find my plank.” She looks back at them, red-orange hair whirling around her like a storm. “Won’t you be a dear and be useful and help me find it?” 
“Your plank?”
She frowns, setting a hand on one hip. “Yes, Jet, my plank.” She gestures to the boat. “This is the Carte Blanche. My ship.” If she takes immense pleasure in the slack jawed expression M’tendere has and the quiet amusement Jet withholds, it is an open secret that she will happily recount that night.
“Come along now. We don’t have all day I’m afraid. We’re burning daylight, and daylight is a precious resource these winters.” 
She resumes looking for her plank alone. Jet joins her and is the one to find it buried deep under the snow. Together they steady it for M’tendere to board first, Buddy second, and Jet last. The boards back beneath her feet, her knees bend and body sways. It feels natural to back on board. “Oh I missed you, old friend…” She runs a hand along the railing and sighs. It isn’t fair. It should be her and Vespa making this return trip home. Instead, she’s making it with two strangers and a fire she somehow trusts more than them.
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powerfulscribbles · 1 month
In Need of An Aid - A G/t Elden Ring fic
Prologue | Chp. 1 | Chp. 2 | Chp. 3
Chapter 3: Floral Scent
->Read the chapter on ao3<-
Chapter summary: Varré relives a very sweet moment, before learning the news and dealing with the aftermath of the invasion.
Warnings: swearing, fearplay, some slight creepiness.
This story contains g/t stuff, so if that's not your thing it's in your best interest to click away! Thank thee kindly~
Words: 6k~
~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~
~Limgrave, First Step site of grace. 1 day and 16 hours before the meeting.~
“A gift? For me?”
“Yes! All yours! Please accept it!” the Tarnished woman cheered, offering him a small bouquet.
It was finely garnished with various types of flowers. Golden lilies, Erdleaf flowers and some slightly wilted sunflowers, held together by a bunch of evergreen leaves at the base.
Those flowers…
“I thought you might appreciate these!”
“Mh? What’s wrong? You don’t like them?”
“Oh I do actually, I’m… very flattered, thank you. But… why would you hand me such a present? I… I haven’t done anything remarkable or noteworthy” the surgeon said.
“Heh, nonsense. You had the patience of explaining how the guidance of grace works, and then you gave me directions, pointing me right to Stormveil’s Castle, to Godrick. Actually, you even mentioned his new trick up his sleeve! So when I went to fight him I was more prepared, and now he’s no more!” Valyssa said, smiling brightly.
“You did it? Oh, my sincerest congratulations! I always knew you would succeed.”
“Heh, thank you, you’re too kind” she said, looking down bashfully.
“I only speak the truth. Although decrepit as he was, taking down old Godrick must not have been an easy feat.”
“Yeah it wasn’t. Dodging his big axe attacks was quite the challenge, and the dragon head was a whole problem on its own. But as you can see, this is his Great Rune!” she continued, retrieving from her bag a big, greyish rune made out of a golden circle, with three ellipses that met each other in the middle.
“I still need to restore its power at the Divine Tower, but here it is! In all its glory! And it’s all thanks to you!”
“Me? Oh no no, I appreciate the sentiment, but you did all the work. I merely provided the basic information so you would triumph in your deed.”
“Still, isn’t it something I should be grateful for?”
“What do you mean by that?” Varré asked, inquiring.
“What I’m saying is, I don’t think I should take everything for granted. I’ve arrived here in the Lands Between just a few weeks ago, and even though I don’t remember much from my past, it’s obvious that here things aren’t too different. Although there are some kind people who are willing to help, there are also selfish, greedy folks who don’t want anything to do with you or just don’t care.”
She sighed, her jade green eyes looking down.
“That’s why I think we should appreciate and cherish each positive moment, since we don’t see them very often.”
A pause. So they could both reflect.
“…Yes. I suppose we should” Varré admitted, clutching to the gifted bouquet he’d just received.
“Very beautiful flowers. You have good taste.”
And it’s peculiars that, of all flowers, you have instinctively picked these lilies in particular.
“Now you’re the one doing the flattering, haha” she laughed. “I hope they’re not poisonous by the way. I thought they looked pretty and decided to craft a small bouquet out of them.”
The surgeon chuckled.
“Oh absolutely not! They’re safe to be plucked, even though they happen to be very uncommon to find. How did you come across them? I haven’t seen any in such a long while.”
“Uh… I think I found them in the inner side of a church, here in Limgrave? Like, it’s that one church in Mistwood, near Caelid.”
“Ah yes, that would be the Third Church of Marika, to the east. And it’s there you gathered the lilies?”
“Yep, they were right underneath Queen Marika’s statue, if I recall correctly.”
Hm, I can see that.
“Anyway, if they’re so rare that’s one more reason to keep them, right?” she chirped, smiling from ear to ear.
So sweet.
“You are right, in fact I’ll hold onto the bouquet. I can’t say no to such a wonderful gift, crafted with so much care, nor I can thank you enough for it”
“Oh it’s nothing!” she said softly.
“Changing the subject, there is something I wanted to ask. Have you had the chance to have an audience the Two Fingers, in the inner chamber of the Roundtable Hold?”
“Not yet unfortunately, but I’ll be seeing them shortly.”
“Good idea. Having acquired a Great Rune, you’re now a true member of the Roundtable Hold. Thus, the doors to the inner chamber must have opened, so they can receive you at any time.”
“Oh I see. Mmmmm, maybe I shouldn’t leave them waiting, then” she decided.
“A wise choice. And after your audience, come and pay me a visit again. I might not be here by the time you arrive, so I’ll leave a message for you in that case. Would that be alright with you?”
“Yeah, sounds good. I feel like we’re going to discuss about a lot of things, the next time we’re seeing each other.”
Oh, you have no idea.  
“Well then, see you soon! Bye!” she waved at him happily.
“Be well. Until next time.”
She smiled wider and approached the nearby site of grace, focusing her hand on the it before disappearing in rays of golden light.
The surgeon watched her leave, before bringing the flowers to his chest.
Nobody had ever given him a bouquet. Even better, these golden lilies, belonging to the Luminary’s consort, were no mere coincidence.
A promising sign. Divine, even.
He moved the flowers closer to his face, so he could smell their delicate scent.
… I look forward to see you again.  
~Liurnia of the Lakes, Rose Church. 3 hours past the meeting time.~
She’s not coming…?
Was he wrong? Did he… misinterpret her actions?
Her words?
The white mask could easily remember just how joyful she was the last time he had seen her… Had something changed?
His heart ached in sorrow and worry.
Hopefully not…
“Varré?” a feminine voice called out to him, dragging him out of his internal doubts.
A woman wearing a drake knight armor had approached him. Her cape crafted with a dragon wing membrane fluttered gently in the cool breeze of the damp region.
“Violet Finger Eleonora? What brings you here? Is something the matter?” the white mask asked, surprised.
“Yes, actually. Something requiring your attention. Word is spreading in the dynasty, that a Bloody Finger invaded a Tarnished without requesting it to a superior beforehand, only a few hours past.”
The surgeon sighed softly, attempting to keep his serious demeanor.
“…That isn’t too surprising unfortunately, it’s already happened before. I’ll make sure to deal with them after journeying back to the dynasty. I’m waiting for an important disciple at this very moment.”
“Is this disciple, by any chance, a woman that rides around on a spectral steed? Wearing a vagabond knight’s armor, usually armed with a greatsword?”
“Precisely. Have you met her before?”
“I haven’t, actually. But she perfectly fits the description provided by that Bloody Finger.”
Eleonora couldn’t notice it, but Varré’s heart skipped a beat.
“What you’re saying is… She’s the Tarnished that fell target of such invasion.”
She nodded somberly. “Correct.”
The surgeon’s mouth felt dry, all of a sudden. If the mask could keep his expression a secret, the pale golden eyes betrayed his deep concern and pain.
“…Who was it? Do you know who committed the violation?”
“I do. Nerijus slipped up when he came directly to me, to inform me the Hunter Yura still lurks around. He was defeated by him, from what it looks like.”
That fool Nerijus… What… What did he think he was doing?
Varré did his best to keep his composure.
“Even though Yura must be getting on years now, he’s still the capable swordsman he’s always been. And here I thought he had retired.”
“We all did. But if Nerijus is telling the truth, we have quite the situation on our hands. First your Tarnished, then him, as a Bloody Finger Hunter” Eleonora explained.
“I’ll see to both of these matters.”
“… And if he proves himself to be a more serious threat than expected, do not hesitate to request assistance. I know how hard it’s going to be, for you” the surgeon reassured her.
“Worry not.” She placed her hand on her poleblade. “I will not falter.”
“As you wish. I trust in your skills. You will do a fine job, if he ever comes looking for you.”
The woman nodded, almost coldly.
“We shall head back to the dynasty now, and solve this madness” Varré said, before bowing reverently to her.
“I thank you deeply for the report, Eleonora. You’re a Violet Finger worthy of its name” the man praised her.
“Just doing my job. When someone else clearly misbehaved.”
“You have quite the explanations to do. And I hope you had good reasons to go behind the interests of the dynasty, which I believe you do not.”
The Bloody Finger Nerijus sat before the Varré in the latter’s study. He had removed his black, embroidered hood and now the big red trident was very visible on his annoyed face. The surgeon merely welcomed him at his desk with a stern look, while two Sanguine Nobles stayed by the door behind the guilty man. A third instead remained by Varré’s side.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, you don’t? Is going behind your superiors’ back that much of a habit, to you?”
“And not only that, of all Tarnished, you simply had to go after her? The number one pawn that could even pose a threat to the whole dynasty, if not our mighty Luminary?”
“I… I wanted a real challenge. I didn’t think I would beat her so easily!”
“But why risking the odds at all, when there are other strong Tarnished that have nothing to do with the dynasty?”
“None but her has taken on a demigod, and succeeded” Nerijus specified.
“Yes, but that’s precisely why we need her allegiance in the first place! To assure her a place under the Luminary’s guidance and love. Attacking her was nothing but pointless and counterproductive on your part.”
The Bloody Finger grumbled, refusing to meet the other man’s gaze.
“Well then, fine, I got carried away. I should’ve consulted with someone of a higher rank beforehand. I’m in the wrong. Are you happy now?”
Varré’s lips tightened in a thin line behind his mask. “Watch your tongue, Nerijus. And behave. I now need more information about the invasion.”
The surgeon opened a drawer from his desk, taking out a small vial of ink and a quill, along with a register. It contained various files about different Bloody Fingers. When he found his, he cleared his throat.
“Tell me where you fought her, how it went, and the weapons and tools you have utilized.”
Another snort from the grey-skinned man.
“Fine. I invaded her by the Murkwater river. She had just come out of a cave when I spotted her. I almost killed her before the Hunter Yura appeared and pierced my chest from behind with his Nagakiba, vanquishing me. And I had brought two Reduvia daggers as usual, then a bunch of Swarm pots and two Freezing pots.”
The white mask gave him a quick glare, before dipping his quill in the ink and writing down the details on the refined paper.
“Well then, is that all?” he asked, raising his pale golden eyes from the book to look directly at his subordinate, who seemed reluctant to return the gaze.
“That was everything, right?”
The two Sanguine Nobles who guarded the door now approached Nerijus from behind, until they were too close for comfort.
The Bloody Finger shook his head.
“N-no. I forced her to drink a potion that I had brought along. It made her shrink, until she was only a few inches tall. I had received it from Esgar some days ago, and I wished to try it out.”
“… I beg your pardon?”
“I know Esgar has been experimenting on a new blood-driven tool for the past months. He promised he would let me test it, once it was ready.”
“It is true, he has been busier than usual of late. So he succeeded? That potion was the brand new tool for the dynasty?”
Nerijus nodded. “It was.”
“…So she turned no bigger than a smoldering butterfly?” the surgeon asked.
 “Yeah. She probably still is, Esgar guaranteed that the potion wouldn’t wear off any time soon after .”
“… I see. Did he also let you in on an antidote? Or some other way to counter its effect, or reverse it.”
“No, as far as I know. The potion was created as an extra tool to debilitate a target before the elimination. And as such, whoever drinks it is usually not expected to survive the invasion.”
“… Something isn’t right, however” Varré pointed out.
“Esgar has left the Mausoleum for the capital of Leyndell around two weeks ago, in search of the Luminary’s shackle… How did you obtain his final approval to not only bring that potion with you, but to use it as well?”
No response came from the grey-skinned Bloody Finger, who lowered his gaze.
“You didn’t wait for his return, did you?”
“And how could you, after all? You must have been so eager to try it out…” the surgeon continued.
Nerijus simply frowned as he locked his eyes full of hatred with his superior.
“But if, as you have said, you wished to only challenge her strength…”
“Why then in the name of the Formless Mother did you go as far as administering a potion that reduced her size by force?”
Nerijus sighed again.
“I saw that as a golden opportunity to weaken her! Who else should we use our most powerful tools, if not on our strongest enemies?”
“But that’s exactly the point, she was not an enemy to the dynasty! To me…”
“… it just sounds like you also took the opportunity to finish the job in a more grotesque and humiliating way for her. You treated her like prey!”
Varré sighed in exasperation.
“You just acted like a thoughtless, reckless, disrespectful ruffian, and that is not the type of behavior the dynasty should represent, nor be associated with.”
“Oh, you think all the other Bloody Fingers shy away from a good bloodshed? You can see it in our eyes, you’ve anointed us yourself! Even the others are all sooo eager to just get their hands on a poor bystander and slit their throat right and there!” Nerijus retorted.
“Enough!” the surgeon yelled.
“You will not speak ill of me, or your fellow Bloody Finger siblings any further. The fact that you even have the nerve to argue back and compare their noble behavior to yours is beyond outrageous.”
“This being said, theft among fellow dynasty members is not to be overlooked. And let me get this straight.”
“Not only you didn’t inform a superior of your invasion beforehand, and gravely endangered an essential pawn for the dynasty, but you also made use of unauthorized enchanted equipment, taken without the proper owner’s permission, and  lied shamelessly about it.”
Varré slowly raised from his chair, splaying out his arms on the desk so he could lean forward as he faced his underling.
“All this information is more than enough to allow me to relocate you to the dungeon for an adequate amount of time. So you can reconsider your actions.”
His subordinate raised from his chair in clear anger.
“What? Why? Because I decided to go after your precious sweetheart, is that it? I disrupted your well thought-out plans of turning her into a bloodthirsty sucker like all the others before her?”
The yelling turned to silence. Not even a pin drop could be heard as the two men stared at each other in the eye. Varré just looked at his subordinate, unfazed, while the main hand of all three Sanguine Nobles crept to the sheath of their helice, in preparation for the incoming bloodshed.
But the Bloody Finger soon backed off, sitting back down on his chair with a grunt. The horned creatures returned to their neutral position, but never lowered their guard.
“You know, Nerijus. I’ve always seen endless potential in you. Even long before your anointment, you never disappointed with your impressive amount of slaughter. But I’ve been doubting your careless behaviour for far too long now.”
“I see some fixing is in order. And I will gladly take care of that myself. I’m certain you won’t mind, will you? Sanguine Nobles, take him away. To the dungeon you go.”
The Bloody Finger’s red eyes widened in fear as he bolted from his chair.
“W-wait! If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have known about Yura!”
“Ah yes, that tiny itty bitty detail. It would alleviate your sentence by about a day or two, if only you didn’t draw his attention by picking a very inconvenient target. Get him out of my sight. I have seen enough of his face for today.”
Nerijus snarled and struggled as he was dragged outside the study, but the surgeon was already too focused on his next move to care. Every sound and noise around him was dampened as he was absorbed in thought.
Shrinking her? Why? What was even the point of that? He was going to ruin everything!
He felt himself hyperventilate all of a sudden, in terror of what could possibly happen in the future.
With how things are now, she is going to mistrust me if she is to find out about the dynasty from unreliable sources, such as Yura. What happened with Nerijus wasn’t supposed to be her first impression of it!
The white mask desperately clutched his head with his hands.
How is he going to get her closer to him and keep her at bay, if she knew about his position? And what about the trails? There’s no way she can take any of them in her current conditions.
Varré took come deep breaths. In and out, slowly.
It’s okay. It’s going to be alright.
Maybe he could salvage the situation nonetheless.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
And that’s when a familiar, cherished words resonated in his mind again.
“Go ahead and claim it. Take it. It is yours to have.”
Could have the Luminary known about this matter already, when he summoned me to see him?
A sly grin made its way under his mask.
Yes… It all makes sense now.
… I know what I must do.
Yura must have brought her to a safe place close to where the invasion happened, if she was so in peril of death. He can’t have gone too far.
But first, I shall have Esgar’s room searched, to locate any notes from this last research of his. He’s no fool, he must have invented a way to nullify the effects of his own potion.
And although he will not be pleased we have looked through his belongings, there is no easy out of it. I’m not going to send an envoy or a research party to the Leyndell undergrounds, just so we can find where he is and bother him to ask if he’s developed an antidote already. It would be a waste of time and resources for everybody.
“I have a request for you” the surgeon finally said, turning to the Sanguine Noble to his right.
“I want you to search the private rooms of Esgar, our Priest of Blood, and bring me the tome where he usually catalogues his blood experiments. Pick all the locks that block your way, if necessary. And please fetch me the Ravenmount assassin, at once. I have a job to assign him.”
Valyssa’s eyes slowly opened, one by one. Her vision was very blurry, causing her to blink a few times to adjust to the light brought by the massive bonfire in the cave.
I’m… I’m still alive?
“Mmmmrrr…” she complained, shielding her eyes with a hand.
Her whole body hurt, like she had fought Godrick a second time. With some groans, she tried to move to a sitting position, but pain flared up in her wounds again, causing her to hiss.
Her noises didn’t get unnoticed.
“Ah friend, you’re awake at last! Easy easy, you’re still not in top notch condition!” A booming voice coming from above her made her gasp, and she turned around to face the merchant.
“Woah Patches, when did your voice get so lou-“
She couldn’t speak anymore as she looked up. Her eyes were all wide in fear, which took control of her so suddenly as she crawled on her back to create some distance from her now giant pal. Her heart was beating so fast, it was almost making its way out of her chest.
“What??? How??? I-i… I…”
“Hey hey, careful dude! Everything is fine!  You’re going to be alright!” the man said with a lower tone, backing away to give her some space.
She seemed to calm down a little, but her hand still had moved on instinct to the back of her neck, where the hilt of her greatsword usually remained. Only to grasp at nothing.
“Uh? Where’s my sword?” she asked, looking around hoping to spot her weapon somewhere nearby.
“You… must have dropped it in the river, while you were fighting… some guy?”
“Uh? Oh…” she suddenly recalled.
“So that’s how it happened, I… wasn’t hallucinating then… he did look bigger, but… I thought that was due to frostbite or something.”
“Nope, you really are as tall as an apple as you were then, my friend.”
Valyssa sighed.
“… Do you think you could go and get me my sword, please?” she pleaded.
“Oh trust me friend, I would, but it’s dark outside now, and even with a torch you wouldn’t see a thing in the river. And I wouldn’t dare leaving you alone even if it’s for a few minutes. Plus… it might be oversized for you now.”
“You mean… it didn’t shrink with me?”
“I didn’t see it in the water, but again we didn’t stop by for long, Yura and I.”
 Yura? Who’s Yura?
“Is that the person who saved me?”
“Yep, that’s him” Patches confirmed.
“Ugh… Unfortunately I must have blacked out when he did, because the last thing I remember was biting into that cloaked jerk’s hand as hard as I could” Valyssa said, mumbling.
That bastard really did me dirty, with those pots.
“Girl, you really did fight till the very end! Despite being shrunken and all!”
“Oh? I mean… yeah. I really didn’t want to go like that, you know? Plus that asshole forced me to drink his fucking potion and almost made me drown.”
“What a scum…” Patches snarled.
She checked her pockets, and was happy to see her crimson tear flask was still there.
“Hey, at least I still have this! It did shrink with me!”
She took a few sips, humming contentedly. “Ah! That’s better!” she said, looking down to her body. She grimaced at her own wounds and bruises.
These are quite nasty, though. They might take a few more time to heal. I still feel all of them.
But hey, at least I don’t wince whenever I breathe! That’s an improvement, she thought, smiling weakly.
“Hey uh, could I ask you something?” Patches spoke, out of the blue.
“Oh! Yes?” she replied, looking up at him.
“I know you’re still shaken up and terrified by the whole ‘I’m small now’ situation, but… I can actually barely hear ya from uh… ‘up here’, pal? Would it be alright if I lift you up a little bit?”
“Uh… I’m… I’m not sure” she stuttered, getting paler all of a sudden.
“Oh all good, all good. The last thing I’d want is making you uncomfortable.”
She nodded. “I… I mean… maybe we could find a compromise? Like… you could place me on the stool next to you, so you can hear me and I’m not constantly shivering in fear.”
“Well sure, alright. That’s actually a smart solution.”
Nodding again, she carefully got up and looked up at her big friend expectantly.
Patches very slowly approached her with his gloved hand. One inch at a time.
When his digits were close, she instinctively flinched and squeezed her eyes shut. A thumb and two more fingers carefully pinched her by her belly and back, sandwiching her in between.
Oh god…, she thought nervously.
And with a gentle tip, the hand was now lifting her up in the air, from the Warming Stones she had been resting on. With no rush.
Her heartbeat and breathing accelerated, but she tried to focus on remaining calm.
She inhaled and exhaled deeply, thinking of something positive.
Flowers. Tons of flowers. A whole field of blooming flowers.
Patches in the meantime had picked up on her anxiety, and stopped raising her from the ground.
“Should I… put you back down? You don’t look well.”
She shook her head. “No, I want to do this. Let’s continue.”
The merchant nodded with a concerned expression. “Alright.”
And he continued to lift her up. After a while, Valyssa decided to open her eyes, hesitantly at first. She could now see that the stool was in reach now, and so the man was carefully placing her onto it.
When her boots touched the wooden “ground”, she immediately sat down, breathing deeply some more.
“Oof… We… we did it.”
“Yes! Congrats for not freaking out too much there! You did pretty well!”
“Oh… Thank… thank you Patches” she said, as she was calming down more and more.
The bald Tarnished smiled weakly, before looking down somberly.
“This just made me realize… I must be some sort of behemoth to you now.”
“Mmmmm… uhm… yes, kinda, to be honest. To me you’re much bigger and taller than any of those Trolls that wander around Limgrave.”
“But definitely more friendly and not as scary, right?” he joked.
“Well… You could’ve crushed me between your fingers just now, but you didn’t.”
“True, you’re still all in one piece! See?”
“Yeah… I… I guess it wasn’t that bad after all” she smiled, blushing lightly.
Nobody spoke for a few moments.
“But.” she continued, raising a finger in a fake condescending way.
“You did give me a scare the first time we met, when you jumped down that cliff behind me” she giggled.
“I took you for a demi-human! And you were in the middle of stealing my clothes pal, don’t you deny it” he smirked.
Her cheeks turned red in embarrassment. “The chest was right there, with no one around. Someone would think some good loot was inside!”
“Aaaaand instead you only found my shirt and pants” he said with a grin.
“Hey, at least I gave them back to you. And c’mon, even you would’ve opened an alluring chest like that!”
“Me? Being greedy? Nope! That wouldn’t be me!”
She groaned, before a soft smile made its way onto her lips.
A sudden rustling sound made the merchant turn around incredibly fast towards the entrance.
He leaned towards her to whisper as quietly as he could.
“Someone’s outside this cave right now. If they’re a customer, I’ll be sending them on their way. If not, I’ll deal with them in the best way I can. Either way, get ready to hide somewhere, okay?”
Valyssa was hesitant at first, but then nodded less worryingly.
Patches took a deep breath and gently placed her back on the ground, before he picked up his usual spear and greatshield and headed to the entrance of his shop. The green-eyed woman in the meantime sprinted away as fast as she could, looking around for a good spot to conceal herself under.
“Hello, the shop is closed until further notice! I suggest going to the merchant Kalé instead, at the Church of Elleh! Now leave quietly, or you’ll have to face me and my men!” the untethered Tarnished exclaimed.
No response.
“Well, that’s it then!” he yelled, before an arrow pierced his shoulder through his leather armor, making him wince.
As he moved away from the entrance to lean against the stone, another arrow passed by him, getting stuck in the soil. It looked like it was made out of a thin animal bone, a light purple substance slowly dripping from the tip.
As soon as he could he whistled loudly with his fingers. “C’mon boys, get them!” he bellowed. But nobody came to assist him.
“… Guys?” he called out, before he started to feel weaker and… drowsy? He could barely keep his eyes open, but he did his best to keep going as he drew out one of the acid spraymists he always had on him.
He quickly drank it and immediately spew out an orange cloud in front of him. It wouldn’t do much, but at least it’d keep the attacker at bay for a while, and give Valyssa some more time to hide.
The merchant didn’t expect the mysterious foe to ignore the acid cloud altogether, however. They walked right in, wearing a banished knight set with a scarf that surrounded the helmet and fell on their shoulders.
They immediately approached Patches with a strange-looking branch. The emblem of an unalloyed gold tree appeared before he pierced him with it, releasing a dark pink mist around him.
The merchant coughed, but soon fell on his knees due to the enchantment and his own tiredness. The spear and shield were dropped to the side.
“Now you will answer to some of my questions” he spoke, with a deep, rich voice.
The untethered Tarnished nodded, as if he wasn’t in control of his actions. “Y-yes. Anything you say is my command.”
“Very well. Tell me, where is the Bloody Finger Hunter Yura? Why isn’t he here?”
“He… he left. He said he was going to look into whatever made Valyssa shrink. First he mentioned his shack, and then the Academy of Raya Lucaria as a second location if he couldn’t find anything about it.”
“Noted. Where is the girl? Did he bring her along?”
Patches shook his head.
“She’s somewhere in this cave. I told her to hide because I heard you coming. She was badly injured and Yura deemed the journey was too risky for her.”
“Good. Thank you for the useful information. Now you can shut your eyes and rest. The next time will wake up, you will have no memory of what has just transpired. Understood?”
The merchant nodded again, more absent-mindedly this time as his eyelids closed.
“I… I understand.” And he was soon out like a light, falling to the ground.
The banished knight moved away from him and had a good look around. The inner cave wasn’t too big, but there were definitely many hiding places for a tiny person. A couple of small unkempt bushes, some empty barrels piled up in different spots, a few sacks of flour, some bundles of twigs gathered around, a single open chest…
He checked behind the barrels first, lifting them carefully to avoid them falling and crushing her by accident. The bushes were searched next by moving the leaves away, but again, there was no sign of her. And no luck with the sacks of flour and the bundles of twigs either.
Then he realized, the chest was only touching the ground where its legs were. The rest of it remained above the dirt and gravel, creating a small gap of about an inch and a half. Ideal, for someone tiny to crawl under and hide.
So the banished knight knelt before the chest and took a peek underneath.
Laid down on her stomach, a miniature woman stared back at him with horror in her watery eyes, her hands tightly clasping around her mouth to stifle any whimper and sob that may come out.
“Ah, there you are.”
His grave voice made her wince, but she immediately started to crawl back frantically and as fast as she could, as a hand gloved in metal began to make its way towards her.
“S-stay a-away!”
The chest was suddenly ripped from above her though, exposing her again to the light of the bonfire.
Before she could get up and run, the same fingers grabbed her by her sides, lifting her up from the ground and enclosing her into a fist.
“N-no! L-let me go! P-please!” Valyssa cried out, wriggling as much as she could in the giant’s grasp.
“A-are you here to finish what you had started? So you can crush me into a pulp or drown me again, and feel better about yourself?” she spat out, wriggling like crazy.
The banished knight didn’t respond.
Is he… thinking? Hesitating?
“A-answer me!” she shouted, desperately.
Instead, he grabbed a handkerchief from a pouch and gently pressed it on her face. She struggled and whimpered as much as she could, even scraping her nails on the metal digits, but when the soporific grease got to her, she fell limp in his grasp like a lifeless doll.
Seemingly satisfied, the foe tossed the handkerchief into the makeshift bonfire, and that’s when he noticed the Warming Stones next to it.
With decision, he smashed them under his boots, making sure they all broke down in smithereens before walking out towards the exit.
He passed by Patches’ bandits as he did, all passed out thanks to the same sleeping bolts that made their boss fall asleep.
Outside, the fire that usually signaled the entrance of the cave had been extinguished, leaving only the burnt, glowing embers.
Not far from it, another man was waiting, leaning against the wall of rock beside the entrance to the cave. His dark outfit, consisting of a tight skeletal mask and a robe made out of black feathers of a bird of prey, allowed him to camouflage perfectly with his surroundings in the dim light of the night.
When his colleague made its way out of the cavern, he approached him in silence.
“The Tarnished is here with me, but alas, the Hunter Yura had left long before our arrival. He’s supposedly headed to his hideout first, and then to the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Track him down and dispose of him, will you?” the banished knight ordered.
The Ravenmount assassin bowed slightly with his head, before ducking and doing a leap into the air as he disappeared, leaving only some black feathers in his place.
That’s taken care of as well.
After a quick look around to avoid prying eyes, the banished knight slowly removed his helm.
His brown hair, held together by a messy ponytail, was the first to emerge from underneath the metal. A dark red trident was carved on his forehead, and some sweat drops were running down by his light stubble.
Oh my. I don’t think I’ve ever worn an armor this heavy. This was quite the ordeal.
But it was worth every single second.
His pale golden eyes fell on the asleep tiny woman in his hands. He held her close to his chest, wrapping her in the scarf adorning the helm, so she wouldn’t suffer the cold and remain warm.
From his pouch, he retrieved something that looked like a caramelized chestnut, and slipped it into his mouth.
When it dissolved, he finally was able to speak with his usual raspy, dry voice once more.
“Oh my love… Just look at what that disgraced fiend did to you. But worry not, you’re safe now.”
He leaned down and pecked the top of her head, grazing his lips against her hair as gently as possible. Despite scurrying around in some dust and dirt, she still smelled of chamomile and wildflowers.
“Where you waiting on Yura alone, with that lousy merchant? Mh?” he whispered.
“Well, no need to do that anymore. I wouldn’t be forced to take such drastic measures if it wasn’t necessary… You will understand, in due time” he said as he drew out his Pureblood Knight's medal, the red trident making its appearance and allowing him a safe travel back to the Dynasty Palace.
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