#Continuous frying equipment
cnyazhongmachinery · 1 year
continuous fryer machine in Vietnam|Continuous frying equipment|potato c...
Continuous fryer is suitable for all kinds of meat, chicken, snacks etc. Capacity:50-500kg/h Three heating methods: gas, electricity and both, which is the best on for you?Please let us know by Whatsapp:+8613213203466
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ultronmachine · 1 year
Basket fryer with automatic discharge for testing video|continuous frying machine 
Applications of basket frying machine It is suitable for all kinds of vegetable, fruit, meat, snacks, etc. Wechat/whatsapp:+86 13213203466
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dumplings continuous frying machine/continuous fryer price|meat fryer price
Dumplings continuous frying machine is used for frying all kinds of snacks, meat, seafood. chicken etc. Capacity:50-800kg/h Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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bird-inacage · 2 years
LOVE IN THE AIR | Sky x Prapai Fanfiction
An Admission of Surrender
Summary: Here it is. I’m giving you all the power to hurt me. But you won’t hurt me, will you? Maybe that’s partially the reason he held onto those words for so long, because they are the final vestiges of safety he has remaining, before he’s completely given himself over, before he’s whole-heartedly and willingly surrendered himself up to be hurt all over again.
Details: Canon, based on TV series knowledge up to Ep11. No novel influence.
A/N: *NOW AVAILABLE ON MY AO3 ACCOUNT HERE* I will be continuing the post fics there. (I’d like to dedicate this to @shipsaremylifesource, @prapaiwife, @fortpeat and @moonchildridden, who have been the absolute most darling supporters, and just overall awesome, hysterical mutuals to be sharing the delirium of this pairing with. To my fellow members of the Insane & Deranged Prapaisky Victim Support Group/Comrade- in-Arms/Family).
“Aren’t you going to say it back to me?”
Sky startles, notices the slight quirk in Prapai’s brow which is laced more with bemusement rather than any serious concern, before it dawns on him that he’s been silent for more than a few minutes. His heart feels skittish in his chest, so he dodges Prapai’s eyeline in an attempt to calm the tightening sensation in the pit of his stomach.
Prapai’s fingers are lightly massaging Sky’s hand. He waits a beat before nudging, “Did you hear what I said?”
He knows Sky heard what he said. He’s teasing. As per usual.
The first time Prapai said it, had been nearly a fortnight ago. Sky had proposed to bake a cake for his family dinner that week. He never liked to show up empty-handed, and though it was never anything fancy, Plerng and Phan had been all too keen (if not overly, slightly suspiciously so) on receipt of everything he had brought with him so far. He still hadn’t decided if the siblings were simply humouring him or there was some other joke at play that he was not privy to. Prapai had insisted on helping once Sky had made the suggestion. And as a matter of fact, he had been attempting to teach Prapai how to cook as of late.
As a responsible boyfriend, Sky felt it was only right to equip Prapai with a basic means of survival, which meant venturing beyond simply frying an egg or boiling a bowl of ramen without assistance. Prapai would just cheekily retort that he had Sky didn’t he? Sky was fully aware that Prapai was unlikely to ever be in a position where he would go hungry, with significant wealth to rest on eating out for the rest of his life, but still... It had been to Sky’s immense surprise, that the request had come from the man himself.
The downside unfortunately was that the kitchen always became a war zone when collaborative cuisine was attempted, despite Sky’s futile efforts to maintain order. He blamed Prapai, obviously, as his namesake came with a tornado-like aftermath as far as cooking was concerned. Whilst Sky had dubiously handed Prapai over the task of piping cream, a healthy smattering had somehow ended up on his face. Smiling, Sky had taken a kitchen towel to Prapai’s cheek, wishing he had seen for himself how cute Prapai must have been as a kid. All lop-sided, impish grins most probably. He could only entertain his imagination, based on the baby pictures Prapai’s mother had all too enthusiastically presented to Sky on his first visit.
It was only after a minute or two that Sky realised Prapai had been uncharacteristically quiet, and was about to chide him for not listening, when he turned to find Prapai watching him in a bit of a daze, clearly having done so for quite a while.
Sky felt that now familiar and sudden rush of heat to his chest whenever Prapai caught him off guard like that. Sky immediately swiped a hand across his cheek, “Do I have something on my face?”
Prapai had continued looking at him, eyes all soft and wandering and noticeably vacant as his gaze did an excruciatingly slow once-over across Sky’s face before finding his eyes.
Sky had shifted restlessly in his seat and instead turned towards the ingredients spread across the table, deflecting in an attempt to save himself from possible humiliation. “I can’t decide whether we should go for a berry jam or maybe something less sweet like a lemon curd? What do you think? Your Mom has less of a sweet tooth, so perhaps we could even do a bit of each?”
“I love you.”
Just like that.
It took Sky a moment - a few moments before he fully registered what Prapai had said. But to his astonishment, he hadn’t felt the cold fever of panic seize him in its grasp like it used to. Something had fluttered in his stomach, a nervousness of an altogether different kind.
As much as his mind had been going into overdrive, he would never doubt Prapai’s honesty. The man was a notoriously bad liar anyway. The reason Sky was dumbstruck was not the fact that Prapai was in love with him. He'd known that for a while now. But why Prapai had chosen to say it then, when Sky was certain he was powdered in billows of flour, hair still a bit mussed from their lie-in this morning, and fashioned in an old t-shirt and apron he’d thrown on as it had been laundry day.
Sky’s apparent flustering only made the grin on Prapai’s face even wider. But to the other man’s credit, he had not dwelled on the sudden declaration, which made Sky wonder if he had heard it at all. As if to test that theory, Prapai had proceeded to say it a few more times since, each delivered at an exceptionally mundane moment where Sky had not been anticipating it at all, and every time had without fail proceeded to send Sky into a small meltdown. Sky was beginning to suspect that Prapai was purposely trying to get that reaction from him, for it seemed to delight him no end.
“You’re ignoring me again.”
Prapai tugs the hand he has hostage up to his lips and presses against the raised line where Sky cut himself with a scalpel last week. The knot in Sky’s chest soothes a fraction.
Sky’s gaze quickly sweeps across the far end of the room, to the clock sitting on the dresser. “Don’t you have a meeting this morning?”
The attempt to change topic doesn’t elude Prapai, who now knows him far too well for comfort. Prapai rolls his eyes, which Sky immediately catches. He’s definitely rubbing off on the other man, and he doesn’t like it one bit when that attitude is directed at himself. Undeterred and still punchably smug, Prapai closes the distance between them by another inch or two. His eyes are bright, an ever present hint of mischief there, “I said I love you.”
And the confession bellies Sky once again. The utter sincerity of it. How Prapai manages to say this so easily, as if he were commenting on the weather or what he ate for dinner the night before, baffles Sky. It isn’t that Sky doubts his conviction. Not in the slightest. But mostly Sky’s brain is still stuck at The Why? The Why that has been festering in his gut ever since it dawned on him that Prapai wasn’t going anywhere. The Why every time Prapai stares into his eyes like there’s nothing else that exists on this earth but him alone. The Why when Sky considers that Prapai has the means to pick anyone he wants and for some demented reason (possibly due to some serious cognitive defect), has chosen him.
He doesn’t realise he’s said it out loud until he notices Prapai’s nose scrunch up slightly in that annoyingly endearing way.
“You’re asking me why I love you?” There’s an edge of admonishment in Prapai’s tone, like he’s genuinely a bit upset by the implication but quickly returns to his usual lilt of amusement, which grates because it usually means Prapai is about to make fun at his expense. “You want me to list all the reasons? Because I can if you want.”
Sky rolls onto his back and huffs.
Prapai simply follows, looming over him and takes a moment to search his face, before a smile tugs at the sides of his mouth, “I love how easily you get wound up and the way you tell me off. Because you’re usually right and I usually deserve it.” Sky shoots him a ‘oh you don’t say?’ face. “I love the really focused expression you get when you’re concentrating really hard. You’re always so engrossed in what you’re doing, you forget everything around you.” Prapai stares pointedly at Sky’s injured finger. “Sometimes even me,” which is delivered with an added pout.
“I love it when you get that ‘deer caught in highlights’ look in your eyes. Like you’re suddenly a kid again, lost and helpless and desperately searching for something - or someone”, which earns a small scoff. “It always reminds me of the night I first met you. I love the way you sneak glances at me when you think I’m not looking. It’s very sweet. It’s incredibly adorable actually. Haven’t I told you that you’re more than welcome to openly gawk at your stud of a boyfriend all you want? Why be so shy about it?”
Sky’s skin bristles with embarrassment, the telltale heat of a blush rising up his neck, and he flings a hand in Prapai’s general direction to try and halt the onslaught, “Stop.”
He hates how lovely it is when Prapai says things like this, and without any degree of hesitation. Hates how much it makes him squirm because it’s cheesy and sappy, and so bloody sentimental. But mostly he hates how much he likes it.
“I love how wickedly smart and quick you are. I love the dynamic you have with your friends, and watching you bicker with Rain. It’s welcome entertainment for both me and Payu actually. I love it when you take control, it’s extremely sexy. I love everything you cook...”
Sky’s eyes begin frantically searching around him, desperately wishing he had a dictionary or something substantially heavy within arm’s reach that he could use right now to knock his boyfriend out.
“I especially love the way you moan my name when you c—”
Sky’s eyes widen and he uses both hands to give Prapai a firm shove in the chest, “You have no shame!”
Prapai buries his face into Sky’s neck, hair fluffing in disarray as he laughs heartily into Sky’s collarbone, “Joke’s on you, you’re the one who fell for this shameless asshole”. The sound goes straight to Sky’s heart and he feels momentarily dazed, like he’s the one whose been clubbed on the back of the skull. Prapai re-emerges, rising only the few inches necessary to allow him to talk unheeded, but his weight atop Sky’s has them both breathing a little heavier than usual.
“I don’t know how else to explain it to you. I just love you. I love you fiercely, madly.” Prapai’s face is surprisingly earnest all of a sudden as he lightly combs Sky’s bangs away from his face, “You have absolutely no idea just how much.”
Sky feels himself go loose and pliant like he always does when Prapai stares at him like that, like he’s delving into the depths of Sky’s very soul and seeing him laid completely bare. His eyes dart between Prapai’s eyes and lips, lulled by the comforting thud thud of Prapai’s heartbeat. His hand is drawn to sit there, right in the centre of Prapai’s chest, where he can feel the steady thrum beneath his fingers. Warm, comforting and so very alive. Something in Prapai’s eyes turn molten, the thinly veiled desire behind them drawing Sky further and further away.
A shrill ring cuts through the fog like a knife, dousing them both alert, and Prapai let’s out a low groan. No doubt his secretary calling to chase. They both eye each other for another moment longingly before it is eventually Prapai who makes a move, swiftly planting a kiss on Sky’s forehead before plucking himself out of their shared embrace.
Sky registers the pang he feels at the loss of contact, the empty space that Prapai vacates in the very air around him. He sits up, perching his chin on his knees to watch Prapai fish for a clean shirt. Sky unconsciously dips his nose against the sleeves of the top he’s currently wearing - one of Prapai’s long-sleeved whites - and lightly inhales. It smells of Prapai of course, which eases the ache in Sky’s chest slightly. It’s why he began wearing Prapai’s clothes in the first place, because it’s comforting to feel close to him in this small way. But also he just likes how Prapai’s eyes twinkle when he notices Sky wearing his clothes, and how that makes him tingle all over.
He continues to follow Prapai’s movements, making no attempt to avert his eyes as he watches the rippled muscles along his boyfriend’s back disappear beneath cotton.
“You have a workshop this evening don’t you? I’ll drive by and pick you up afterwards. We can grab something to eat together—” Prapai stills when he meets Sky’s gaze, and his eyes go instantly soft. He offers a warning tut, “don’t do that.”
Sky is aware that he’s becoming increasingly reliant on Prapai, and that growing realisation is starting to seriously hurt his pride. So accustomed he was to being independent, he now feels handicapped by that fact. He distinctly remembers the first business trip Prapai had taken once they’d started dating, and the uneasiness that prospect had stirred within him at the thought of being left behind. Prapai’s eyes had been immediately apologetic when he told him the news, hand smoothing across Sky’s cheek in an attempt to soothe, “The shortest I could bargain for was three days.”
Sky had been mortified by just how humiliatingly needy he must seem for making Prapai feel bad for doing his job. He hated the idea of being the classic, desperate, clingy boyfriend, and so he’d plastered on the best carefree smile he could manage, “Seriously, three days is nothing. As if I haven’t spent a short lifetime living alone before I met you. You should be prioritising your work or your Dad will have a go at you again. Go for as long as you need to.”
Prapai had looked at him in a way that meant Sky had not convinced him in the slightest. “I’ll call every day okay? Multiple times a day. I promise.” He had then proceeded to kiss Sky all over, and nuzzle sulkily into his neck like a small, dejected animal. The irony was not lost on Sky that Prapai appeared to have taken it much worse than he did. Though he had to eventually admit that those three days had proved to be much, much harder than Sky had initially anticipated, and as soon as Prapai had returned, he didn’t detach himself from Sky’s side for a solid week.
That little knot of worry which persistently forms in his gut every time Prapai has to leave him (even briefly), is something he recognises akin to abandonment, which he knows is silly, ridiculous even, —paranoid definitely. He’ll be back Sky.
“You stop that, now.”
Sky blinks from his spiralling reverie, “Stop what?”
Sky nibbles into his bottom lip, “What?”
Prapai leans down and levels his gaze, something disapproving flickering across his face, “That thing you do with your eyes. I can read each and every thought in your head.” Prapai’s hand reaches out to stroke the back of Sky’s head gently as he lowers his voice. “I’m not going anywhere, remember?”
Somehow Prapai knows. He always knows.
His phone rings again, incessant and demanding, and Sky can only imagine the exasperation on his poor secretary’s face. The same expression she’d made when she had walked in on them kissing across Prapai’s desk, which Sky can safely say was wholly Prapai’s fault. It had been his idea to drag Sky along to his office, and Sky should have known better that he was not going to behave, even when in a professional setting.
Prapai hisses audibly, eyebrows raised in displeasure, which Sky responds with a wry smile, “Go.”
Prapai never expects anything from Sky. He may tease, but he'll never truly push which Sky is endlessly grateful for. He’s all too happy to offer up his heart and serve it on a platter even if Sky doesn’t ask for it. The fact that Sky has not said it back to him yet has not appeared to phase him in the slightest. And that’s the part that makes Sky feel increasingly guilty. Prapai soothes and coaxes all his jagged concerns away without expecting anything in return, and is surprisingly patient even when Sky is unable to match his pace. Worse yet, the man seems perfectly content with that, and Sky knows he has ample reason not to be.
He wants to be able to do more. Give more. But Sky is self-aware enough to recognise that he’s still a bit broken, and though he may want to, his anxieties haven’t allowed it.
It’s whilst Prapai is collecting up his scattered belongings from around the bedroom, that an urge bubbles up inside Sky like a shapeless thing that begs to be released. It’s not like he hasn’t thought about those words. Thanks to Prapai, they’ve rolled around in his head an awful lot recently, but he hasn’t been able to find a means to command their influence.
Something twisted in Sky’s gut says; what if he walks out that door and something were to happen to him and you regret not saying it? What if something were to happen to you, and you regret that he never heard it? He’s not sure exactly what type of unhealthy scenarios his mind is conjuring up to terrorise him, but the fear is all too real. Sky is no stranger to the creeping suspicion that this is all far too good to be true, and he’ll wake up soon or Prapai will come to his senses. After everything Prapai has done for him, he deserves more. Sky wants Prapai to know that he cares about him and appreciates him just as much.
As Prapai locates his jacket and car keys, he shoots Sky another one of his reluctant-to-leave-you smiles as he finally retreats towards the door, clearly dragging his heels. “Get some more sleep okay? I’ll call you later.”
Sky knows he’s exceptionally partial to sentimentality whenever Prapai has to leave, and his anxieties converge on him to act without thinking. Sky stares at that handsome, warm, loving face and feels himself overcome with affection.
It takes him a moment before he realises the three words have slipped out without prompt. Quiet. Tentative, and quite frankly a bit fumbled. As if he had only been planning to test drive the words on his tongue. Not at all as assured in tone as the same three words Prapai said to him only moments ago. Something in Sky panics, feels frantic all of a sudden. He tries to reassure himself that this is the least that Prapai deserves, to hear Sky say it back and more importantly, Sky wants to. But as much as Sky hates to admit it, it’s not so much an admission as much as a plea.
Here it is. I’m giving you all the power to hurt me. But you won’t hurt me, will you? Sky already knows the answer to that question, but it still crosses his mind like a bad omen. Maybe that’s partially the reason he held onto those words for so long, because they are the final vestiges of safety he has remaining before he’s completely given himself over, before he’s whole-heartedly and willingly surrendered himself up to be hurt all over again (despite everything he’s been through and suffered, despite his deepest, darkest fears)... After this, Prapai will well and truly have everything he possibly has to give.
He just wishes he had sounded more confident when he did eventually say it. Now he’s worrying himself stupid that it may have come across uncertain or questioning, and the last thing he wants is for Prapai to think he’s doubtful about his feelings.
Sky spots Prapai’s hand clenched round the door frame, where he had swiftly stopped himself mid-exit. Sky immediately flushes, diving back into the duvet, suddenly acutely aware of what he’s possibly done, and the havoc he may have just caused.
“You should go now, you’re already late—”
The keys in Prapai’s pocket jingle as he takes three long strides back towards the bed. Prapai’s breath is hot against his face as he presses Sky bodily back into the sheets, but not before he gathers him absolutely flush against him, and kisses him desperately on the mouth. Sky’s coherence spreads paper thin as Prapai’s hand skirts beneath the fabric of his top and along his spine to pin him closer, whilst the other tilts his jaw up to meet his eagerly. Sky’s hands curl into the fabric of Prapai’s shirt, fingers occasionally wandering into the hair on the back of Prapai’s neck, as he allows the man to completely engulf him.
When Prapai releases him momentarily, his freshly laundered shirt is a crumpled mess beyond salvation. His smile is positively beaming - everything will be alright - that boyish charm creeping in which always makes Prapai look instantly younger and sweeter than usual.
“You really—”, and it irks Sky that it takes another attempt before he’s able to find his voice again, “You really have to go now—”
“Nnn mmn, one more,” before Prapai angles in to kiss him again, and the jackass takes his sweet time. Languid and probing, it sets Sky alight. They break apart briefly to breathe before Prapai impatiently leans into him again because he’s full of shit, and once is never just once.
Sky feels scattered and light-headed when Prapai draws back just enough to allow himself access to Sky’s throat, voice slightly husky against his pulse. “Say it again. Please.”
“I jsst—”
Sky vaguely considers if Prapai may be attempting murder if he doesn’t comply, because he’s struggling to draw air or even formulate one complete thought whilst Prapai continues to assault his lips. If they don’t stop soon, there’s not a chance in hell that Prapai’s going to make that meeting or work at all.
“Again,” Prapai demands but his eyes are achingly tender.
Sky is once again winded by the sheer elation in that gaze, that he cannot possibly bring himself to deny him. So he musters his courage, takes Prapai’s face in both hands, and despite the blush he can feel colouring his cheeks, he meets those eyes evenly and steels against the sheer pounding of his own heart.
“I love you.”
There. Better.
Something in Sky seems to fall into place then. Because all the fear and worry falls away and all that’s left is him.
Prapai’s eyes are brimming with reverence, pride and adoration.
“My Sky.”
The endearment would usually make him inwardly wince with embarrassment, because if there’s something Prapai has an innate talent for, is saying the most corny, toe-curling declarations of love without so much as batting an eyelid. But right now, Sky can’t resist that all encompassing love wring him utterly boneless, weightless, senseless...
You’re mine, it says, and Sky couldn’t be happier at the declaration.
I hope whoever has the patience to read this, does enjoy!
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whimsical-sonic · 7 months
uhh hewwo i have written about 1,000 words for something involving sting. i don't usually write! but i did my best to try and capture my little guys
this is the scene where vi hires sting, as i mentioned here
Sting leaned his elbow against the table, scanning the crowds for anyone that looked out of place. He wasn’t quite sure who, or what, he was looking for. The message he received was short, simple, to the point. They gave a time, a place, but managed to neglect giving him a general description of who was meeting him. It wasn’t a big deal, no, but it was common courtesy. He’d prefer to not mistake a passerby for his potential client again, thank you very much.
He popped a curly fry into his mouth. He tried to avoid anything vague, any potential offers that withheld detail, but he had to admit: he was getting desperate. Living on fast food wasn’t ideal, but not being able to afford his classes? That was worse.
His tail knocked against the chair behind him, rattling it. Luckily for him, no one was occupying it. He really didn’t need to deal with anyone else today.
Just then, something caught his eye. Someone was navigating through the mass of people across the street, heading his with some type of determination. He squinted, trying to make out as much detail of this stranger as he could.
The character approaching him reminded him of moss, both in color and in how vaguely noticeable they were. They blended with the crowd well enough to almost fade in, but there was something about them that set them just apart. Maybe it was the way they were tapping their fingers together, glancing around before locking eyes with him. The way they hurried across the street, awkwardly halting to look both ways before carrying on. He couldn’t tell if they were in a rush or simply unfamiliar with city life. Maybe both.
“Sorry sorry, I know I’m a little late.”
“I don’t have anywhere else to be.”
“Hm? Oh, good, yeah.” They gently placed their duffel bag on the table and sat down, adjusting their glasses. “Introductions, uh, my name is Violet, but colleagues call me Vi. And, well, I know who you are, so I don’t suppose you need to tell me who you are. Unless you wanted to, of course.” Sting dipped a fry into his shake, staring at them. “Right, uh—” Vi cleared their throat, “the reason I contacted you. Probably wanna get into that right away, I didn’t give too much detail in the thing, the-the letter. Card. Envelope. That.” Surprisingly not the most awkward start to a potential job he’s had, but definitely pretty up there.
“Most potential employers do give a vague description.”
“Yes, there’s a, uh, reason why I left that out.” Sting raised a brow as the cat—caracal?—leaned forward. “It is of utmost importance that what we’re requesting of you stays quiet. No one else can know.”
Vi continued. “Do I have your word? That what I talk about here stays between us? Even if you refuse the offer?” He shrugged.
“My boss has been working on a research project for a long time, and has been getting closer to reaching a breakthrough. However, we’ve run into some...issues, small things that halt progress. Lack of specialized equipment and an inability to acquire a specific sort of intel.”
“That doesn’t sound small.”
“In the grand scheme of things it’s pretty small. Maybe not small small, but...” they waggled their hands, gesturing the approximate size of small they were referring to. “Getting the appropriate equipment wouldn’t be a problem if this research weren’t top secret; my boss doesn’t want to risk the possibility of any purchases being traced or linked or anything along those lines. What we’d require from you is for you to...acquire this equipment through specific means.”
“So...stealing, you’re asking me to steal.”
“I suppose that’s one way you could put it but yes. That’s part of it.” Stealing wasn’t so bad. He’s shoplifted a stick of gum and a pack of batteries before, he had experience in this. “The other part requires gathering intel on chaos energy.” That’s different.
“What sort of intel?”
“Any sort, really. Frequencies, wavelengths, power gauges, types, anything and everything. We do have readings, but—” they paused as someone walked by, eyes wide. Once the passerby was gone, they lowered their voice. “What we have isn’t enough for the scale of our research. We need information from someone, somewhere, who has more experience in this field.”
“Anyone particular in mind?” They nodded.
“The same person you’re going to collect equipment from. Dr. Eggman.” Sting nodded slowly, eating another fry as he mulled this information over. Eggman...he’s busted up badniks before, but has never outright fought the mad scientist. The closest he’s ever come to directly going against him was the Resistance’s effort to reclaim the islands all those months ago. To sneak into his bases, steal his likely well-used tech, scour through whatever databases he could gain access to...it was certainly more than he was expecting. Maybe more than he could... Sting glanced at the duffel on the table, studying it for a few moments before returning to meet Vi’s rather intense expression.
“On the matter of payment...how much is your boss offering?”
Vi rubbed their hands together before reaching over to the bag, looking around before zipping it open. Sting leaned forward, nudging the bag open to see what was inside. His eyes widened.
“If you agree, that is an upfront payment. Think of it as entering a contract with none of the paperwork. By accepting this, you agree to be on standby, to answer when we call upon your services, to carry out our requests without question. The, uh, payment after—there is a set amount that will be paid to you after finishing a request. An additional bonus will be sent depending on the value of whatever you give to us.” He re-zipped the bag.
“Count me in.”
Vi looked as though they were about to collapse in relief. Sting wasn’t sure why. Who would turn down that? There was so much he wasn’t going to have to worry about financially so long as this agreement was in effect.
“Alright, cool cool,” Vi clapped their hands, rubbing them together. “I’ll, uh, leave that with you. We’ll send you our general location soon, along with the first request. Just be sure to keep an eye out for that.” They paused. “Can I take a fry? Or few. For the road.” Sting pushed the basket towards them. “Thanks.” Without another word, they scooped up the basket and hurried off, swerving around someone before disappearing behind the corner.
Sting rose to his feet, staring at the duffel for a few seconds before slinging it over his shoulder. He pat it twice, feeling how the fabric crinkled at his touch. It was real. He was half-expecting it to be a prank, a scam, some false offer, but no. It was real. Awkward, but real.
All he could hope for now was for that cat to learn how to be more discreet.
~ End ~
if you've read this whole thing, i don't have much else to say asides from thank you! it's very appreciated ;y;
if you're interested in learning more about sting, check out his socs2 tag here!
round 4 is almost over! if you haven't voted yet, please consider tossing a vote his way here!
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yummilily · 28 days
Tomato-Cream Pasta (25 min)
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Kicking things off with this dish, because it has saved me more times than I can count. I’ve spent countless hours browsing “quick easy dinner ideas with few ingredients” and any variation thereof online, but this is by far my favourite. For one, I love pasta - noodles make me happy - and also this is one of the very few dishes that I can make with things I tend to have in my pantry at all times. Yours might look a little different, but perhaps you’ll also keep the ingredients around after trying it.
Pot to boil pasta
Pan to make the sauce
~300 g pasta 
1 tbsp butter (or oil)
2 tbsp tomato paste
200 ml cream (or milk *)
2 cloves of garlic, minced or use a press (optional)
Salt, pepper to taste
Italian spice mix, basil (optional)
Get the pot ready to cook the pasta according to package instructions. While that heats up, prepare the sauce. Just don’t forget to put the paste in the water once it boils and keep an eye out for when it’s done. Drain and put the pasta back into the pot. Cover and set aside.
In a pan melt the butter over medium high heat. Add the tomato paste and fry until fragrant. If you want to, add the garlic.
Next, pour in the cream and stir to dissolve the tomato paste. Reduce the heat to low and let simmer until the sauce thickens. Season to your liking.
Lastly, pour the sauce over the pasta and mix well.
While this does involve some multitasking, this way the timing usually works out pretty well for the pasta and sauce to be done at around the same time. But of course you can do one after the other if you find that less stressful. I’d suggest starting with the sauce in that case.
If you’re using milk instead of cream, it might happen that the sauce curdles a little. It doesn’t look as pretty, but it’s completely fine to eat. The best way to prevent this is using more fat (either higher fat milk itself or a little more butter) and really keeping the heat low while thickening the sauce. Take the pan off the stove for a second if needed and add the milk slowly.
If you have any sad looking tomatoes left lying around, this is a great time to use them up. Just give them a rough chop, toss them into the pan with the paste and let them soften a little before you continue with the recipe. 
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eroticandawkward · 2 years
Fucking Blue Jones [Part Two] II Orderly!Blue and Fem!Reader
the continuation of this. mostly smut with some ~banter~ thrown in.
Rating: 18+, explicit
Warnings: inappropriate use of medical equipment, shoddy bdsm etiquette (seriously folks do not apply in real life lol pls be safe), dom!reader, e-stim (m receiving), face-sitting (m receiving), blink-and-you’ll-miss-it handjob
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“Lay down,” you tell Blue, pushing lightly against his chest. You can see the flicker of a question in his eyes, but he does as he’s told and stretches out on the gurney. He rests his hands behind his head and smirks at you. Cocky little shit. 
You trail your hand up his leg, feather light, and watch him inhale sharply. “I knew you liked me,” he says triumphantly.
“Oh really?” You’re touching everywhere but the main event. Every time he squirms you move your hand away with a raised eyebrow and wait for him to get the hint and stay still. “How’s that?”
“You’re always-ah-you’re always checking me out, sweetheart.” He arches a little as you add the drag of your nails. “Not to mention I’m irresistible. Stop laughing-” He sits up slightly, propping himself up with his arms. “-I’m serious! You should hear the stuff the girls around here ask me to do to them.” 
Stopping your slow path along his thighs, you lean forward to cup his cheek. “Is that what you think is happening here?” you purr, thumbing those pretty pink lips. His Adam’s apple bobs. “You think I’m one of your fangirls hungry for your big manly cock, that I’m just longing to see you cum on my hand?” 
You watch his eyes, smile sharp and predatory. With a hum, you apply a bit of pressure with the thumb on his lip and let it slip into his mouth. He’s watching you watch him. He’s staying very still. 
“No,” you confirm. “And I don’t think that’s what you want either, is it?” You take your thumb from his mouth and he exhales shakily. 
Acting on a hunch, you smack him across the face. Not very hard, just enough to sting. Sure enough, Blue’s dick twitches in response as he stares at you open-mouthed. You grab a fistful of his hair and tug.
“I asked you a question, Jones.” You tug a little harder, admiring the way the muscles in his neck strain. 
He licks his lips, blinks. “What-” His voice is hoarse. “-what was the question again?” 
You grin. “You want me to just jerk you off and go? Or do you wanna have a little fun?”
“Fun,” he immediately says, nodding his head vigorously. Then, an afterthought- “Please.” 
“Good boy.” You push him back down a little harder this time, then go turn on the ect machine. Blue quirks an eyebrow. 
“You still mad about that psycho comment?” he asks. Surely he’s a bit nervous you’re going to try to fry his brain, but you haven’t tied him down and he could easily get away. 
Picking up the electrodes, you shake your head. “More like…inspired,” you say. You push his legs open a little more. Blue’s just opened his mouth to say something else when you place the two electrodes on his inner thighs. 
“Shit!” he yelps, jolting. You take the electrodes off after only a second or two-just a taste to warm him up- but he’s still panting. “What the fuck?!”
You shrug, smiling coyly at him. “You said you wanted fun.”
“Yeah but I didn’t- I didn’t think you meant-”
“Do you want me to stop?” You hold both electrodes in one hand so you can rest the other on his knee reassuringly. 
He swallows and looks at your hand for a moment. “No,” he says eventually. A blush creeps up his neck. 
You spend the next ten minutes focusing on his thighs, keeping the pads on him for gradually longer durations but keeping the voltage the same. He seems overwhelmed enough as it is, sweating and gasping with a hand over his face. 
“Such a good boy,” you purr. You thumb the head of his leaking cock and he groans. “This hasn’t been getting much attention now has it? We should remedy that.” 
“Wh-” Whatever Blue was going to say gets stuck in his throat as you press an electrode to the underside of his dick. Blue arches off the gurney with a cry.
“Shh,” you murmur, rubbing the top of his thigh as you remove the electrode. “We wouldn’t want your friends to hear you, would we?” You grin and press a kiss to the spot where his hip meets his leg. “What would they think if they came in and saw you all spread out for me…” Resting your chin on his hip, you start stroking him slowly. Blue chokes out a noise that sounds suspiciously like a sob and covers his mouth. You continue, “Imagine their surprise seeing their big bad boss trembling underneath some random girl…practically begging to be used like a fucking whore…” You touch the electrode to his weeping cock again.
To your surprise, he jerks once before coming hard, painting his stomach and your hand and even a bit of the gurney. His face and chest are flushed red as he moans into his hand. You’re so surprised- you hadn’t even played with his dick that much- that you just watch him come down from his orgasm. He trembles, draws in long shuddering breaths and rubs at his face. 
“Wow,” you say finally. He looks down at you, brown eyes hazy, and nods. 
“Wow,” he repeats. 
You get up and turn the ect machine off. Blue reaches out and caresses your side as you pass, a softness you did not expect from him. But then he starts to get up and you’re reminded of how self-centered he is. 
“Seriously?” You turn around and put a hand on your hip. Blue freezes and stares at you uncomprehendingly. 
You roll your eyes. “You come without permission and then you think you can just leave without getting me off?” 
“Oh…” he says, then frowns. “Wait, what do you mean ‘without permission’? I’ll come whenever I damn well please!” 
“Not with me you won’t,” you shoot back. He crosses his arms. “You want to surrender control? You surrender all of it,” you tell him. You get all up in his space. “And if you don’t like that well, apparently you have swarms of women begging to fuck you to choose from.” 
“You know,” he says, uncrossing his arms and wrapping them around your waist, “You’re kind of mean.” He ducks his head to mouth at the top of your breast. 
“I know.” You maneuver him back down, straddling him. He keeps kissing at your chest, maybe to endear himself to you again, but despite how good it feels you have other plans.
Pushing his head away from you, you move up his body until you’re hovering right about his face. You can feel his hot breath against your still-covered pussy, and the sensation has you curling your toes. Blue moves to tug your panties to the side and you smack his hand. 
“Ow!” he complains, sending a puff of air your way. “How am I supposed to get you off with this in the way, huh?” 
You grin, lowering yourself onto him until you feel his lips against the fabric. “You aren’t an active participant here, Jones,” you hum. You grind against his mouth and moan. “Maybe if you were a good boy, you’d get to taste me, but…” 
Letting the statement hang in the air, you take his rejected hand and place it on the meat of your ass. When you start grinding against him in earnest, he digs his fingernails in like he’s holding on for dear life. 
You’ve never come so hard in your fucking life.
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Burnin’ Up - Firefighter!Chris AU (Part 7: The Evans Family BBQ)
Summary: After overhearing a phone conversation, Chris invites you to the Evans family BBQ 
Word Count: 9.1k
Warnings: Angst! Fluff! Alcohol Consumption! Language! Talk of active shooter situations! Mention of Character death! 
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Meet the Characters!
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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Part 7: The Evans Family BBQ
Chris was stood on the street observing his crew as they worked to get the garden fire under control. So far they had managed to contain it and prevent it from spreading into other gardens or out into the wooded area at the bottom of the backyard, but they were still working on getting it completely out.
“Jimmy how’s it looking?” Chris called out as he walked closer.
“getting there! We’re really battling the lighter fluid though” Jimmy called back over the noise of the hose.
Chris just nods glancing over at the fire before shaking his head, when will people learn. He turns his attention back over to the triage that had been set up to deal with the burn victims that had tried to play hero. Jamie and Emma were busy working away on the few injured.
“how you guys doing? Need any more assistance? Supplies?” Chris asked walking over to the tent.
“no we’re good, they were all lucky, the burns are quite minimal, just waiting on a couple more ambulances to arrive so we can transport the worst to hospital” Jamie explains as she checks over a burn on a man’s arm.
“Evans! Hawkings!” Captain Jeffords calls out grabbing Chris’ attention.
Chris jogs over to the Captain, Paul joining a few moments later “what’s up cap?” Paul asks brow raised.
“dispatch need a two man crew to help cut a man out of doggy door, I’m sending you two in” Captain Jeffords explains barely looking over at Chris and Paul, his attention still solely on the fire.
“of course Captain we’re on it” Chris nods looking over to Paul who nods his head in agreement.
“good, take the SUV all the equipment you’ll need is in there already” Captain Jeffords explains sparing Chris a quick glance as he chucked the keys over to him.
Chris nods easily catching the keys “c’mon Paulie lets go” Chris says patting him on the shoulder.
The two of the climb into the car, getting the address from dispatch and making their way through the city. The ride was fairly silent, the only noise being the sirens and the occasional beep of the horn to get the traffic to move. However as Chris drove he slowly became aware of the smirk on Paul’s face.
“are you gonna say what you’re thinking or continue to sit there like the Cheshire cat?” Chris huffs glancing over at Paul.
“its nothing, you just seem eager to get to the job that’s all” Paul comments.
Chris arches a brow as he glances over at Paul “it is part of our job to get there as quick as possible” Chris points out.
“yeah but this isn’t a major emergency… we don’t need to be honking at every car in the way” Paul says just as Chris hits the horn again, a low growl of frustration falling from his lips.
“I wouldn’t need to honk if people were paying attention to the siren and actually got out of the way” Chris grumbled honking the horn a couple more times.
“so this eagerness to get there has nothing to do with the potential chance that your girl might be there” Paul smirks.
“she’s not my girl” Chris states quickly making Paul’s smirk grow.
“so you’re not denying your eagerness to see her then” Paul points out.
“I’m not eager to see her, she probably isn’t even the one who called it in, I bet she has much bigger fish to fry now she’s a sergeant” Chris points out shaking his head slightly.
“oh c’mon Chris you know you’re hoping its her, we all see you smiling at your phone whenever you get a text from her, you’re always in a better mood after hanging out with her the evening before” Paul says nudging Chris’ shoulder.
“we’re just friends that’s all” Chris defends shaking his head slightly as he sighed, because he couldn’t really deny it, even if it was a slim chance he was hoping it was you calling it in, he did always seem in a better mood after hanging out.
“so you aren’t thinking of asking her out again?” Paul asks looking over at Chris.
“no” Chris says almost instantly, shaking his head “we’re better as friends, less complicated”
“what’s so complicated about it?” Paul asks with a huff of a laugh.
“well you know with everything that happened, both of us working in the emergency services” Chris says suddenly struggling to think of more reasons, despite his brain telling him there was definitely more.
“doesn’t sound complicated to me” Paul points out making Chris sigh.
“it doesn’t really matter, those feelings are gone” Chris says shaking his head.
“are they? Or have you just buried them because its easier?” Paul asks.
Chris doesn’t answer, keeping his eyes set on the road ahead. He wanted to tell Paul he was wrong, he didn’t have feelings for you anymore. He’d seen the other side of you and didn’t like it, didn’t like being the target for it. But he just couldn’t get the words out. It was complicated, even if life did seem simple when you were around.
Thankfully they turned onto the street where the man was stuck and pulled up outside of the house next to the police car. Climbing out Chris made his way up the drive towards the back gate. As he rounded the corner he couldn’t help but smile when he saw you stood there hands on your hips as you looked down at the guy stuck halfway through the doggy door.
Chris paused for a moment just taking in the scene, you were stood there in a white blouse, black leather jacket and jeans. Hands on your hips, eyebrow arched as you looked down at the perp, a look of exasperation on your face. You then looked up your eyes meeting his, a warm smile appearing on your face as you walked down the stairs of the deck towards him.
“I promise I don’t chase all my perps into situations like this” you state with a smirk.
Chris laughs recalling the time he freed your perp from underneath a fence. The atmosphere this time though was completely different, he was receiving a warm smile from you this time, not an icy glare.
“are you sure? Because if I had a nickel for every time I cut a perp free for you, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but its strange its happened twice” Chris smirks shrugging his shoulders.
You narrow your eyes as you look up at him “did you just quote Phineas and Ferb?” you question.
Chris chuckles shrugging his shoulders “I have young nieces and nephews” he explains.
“hey if you don’t cut this guy free I’ll do it myself” the detective near the perp calls out over to the two of you.
Chris raises a brow looking down at you in question “that’s Diaz the new transfer from the NYPD, Benny’s off sick, but don’t worry she’s scarier than she looks” you explain shaking your head gently “that being said you better go cut the guy free”
Chris chuckles nodding his head as he looked over at Paul who was stood to the side with a shit eating grin on his face. Chris just rolled his eyes at him ��get the gear” he ordered.
“yes sir” Paul smirks giving Chris a quick salute before turning and heading back to the SUV.
“so what happened here then?” Chris asks nodding to the perp as you and Chris walk over to the door.
“guy got pretty wasted, came home, key wouldn’t work so tried to get in through the doggy door, which is a great plan except for the fact that his house is actually that one” You explain pointing to the house next door “and you’ll never guess what” you add with a smirk.
“he doesn’t own a dog?” Chris guesses.
“bingo, the owners of this house got home saw him halfway through their doggy door, passed out, so called the cops” you explain putting your hands on your hips.
“so not a burglar?” Chris confirms.
“nope, if he was a burglar he’s the worst ever, worse than the wet bandits” you comment making Chris bark out a laugh.
“home alone, good movie” he smiles nodding his head.
“er try best movies of all time?” you retorts shaking your head at him.
“nope, nothing beats Legends of the fall” Chris states shaking his head.
You just shrug your shoulders “never seen it”
Chris’ jaw dropped “what! How have you never seen it!” he exclaims hand instinctively reaching out to touch your arm “we need to change this right now, what are you doing tonight?” Chris asks.
“nothing” you chuckle as you looked up at him.
“good because we’re having a movie night, I’ll bring the movie you bring the snacks” Chris states leaving you no room to argue.
You laugh at him but nod your head “okay fine, my place?” you offer.
“sure I’ll text you when I get off shift” Chris smiles nodding his head.
He watches as you smile down at the floor before looking up at him, his own smile growing on his face. a warm sensation filling his chest as he looked at you.
The moment was then interrupted by Paul clearing his throat loudly “if you two have stopped flirting can we cut this guy free now?” he asks.
“we weren’t flirting” you say quickly, shaking your head “just friends”
Despite the fact Chris agreed with you, he felt his smile fall slightly. His throat growing tight forcing him to clear it with a loud cough. You glance up at him with a raised eyebrow and an unreadable expression on your face. Chris just gives you a quick awkward smile before turning to Paul and getting on with the job.
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That evening Chris made his way round to your apartment, after briefly stopping at his house to change into a comfy pair of grey sweatpants and navy Henley. He quickly jogged up the stairs pizza boxes in hand before knocking on your apartment door.
A few moments later you opened the door also now in comfy clothes, wearing baggy sweatpants and an oversized Boston PD tee, your hair was pulled out of your face in a messy bun. Despite all that a smile broke out on Chris’ face because you still looked incredible.
“I thought I was dealing with the snacks” you point out nodding to the pizza boxes.
“these aren’t snack, they’re dinner” Chris corrects as he steps into your apartment, toeing off his shoes.
“dinner and a movie, wow am I a lucky girl” you smirk as you close the door behind him.
“what can I say I know how to treat a women” Chris playfully smirks before suddenly realising what he said “you know as a friend”
You nod your head clearing your throat “yeah- yeah of course” you say rubbing your hands together nervously “why don’t you set that up and I’ll grab up some drinks, beer?” you suggest.
“yeah sounds good” Chris nods moving over to your TV.
As he crouched down to put the DVD in he let out a quiet but deep sigh as he rubbed his forehead, his hand running down over his beard as he glanced over his shoulder. He couldn’t see you but he could hear you moving around the kitchen, the occasional sound of beer bottles clinking against each other. He could almost picture you walking around, using your hips to shut the drawer that you got the bottle opener from, nudging the fridge shut with your elbow. He found himself smiling at the scene he was picturing in his head before his brain suddenly shut it off reminding himself that you were only friends.
“got it all set up?” you ask walking back out to the living room.
“yeah, all good” Chris nods clearing his throat slightly as he stood back up, accepting the beer taking a long pull.
“good, now this movie better live up to the hype” you say turning to sit down on the couch crossed legged.
“it will I promise, movies are my thing” Chris promises as he sits down, reclining back on the couch, one arm outstretched across the back.
“is that why you have a superhero complex?” you smirk knowingly.
“I plead the fifth” Chris comments with his own smirk, reaching out to grab a slice of pizza.
You roll your eyes at him grabbing the remote and pressing play on the movie before grabbing a slice of pizza for yourself and happily munching away. For a second Chris completely forgot he was here to watch a movie, his favourite movie, because he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Watching with a small smile on his face as you happily ate the pizza, small sighs of context escaping your lips.
You must have sensed him watching because you glanced over with a frown on your face “what have I got sauce of my face or something?” you ask your thumb quickly wiping the corners of your lips.
Chris chuckles shaking his head “no you’re good” he smiles.
You give him a slightly confused smile back, but don’t question him further about why he was staring, going back to eating and focussing on the movie. Chris bit his lip slightly as he gave you one last glance before turning his attention to the movie, yet he still couldn’t focus on it, his mind elsewhere, thinking about how much he liked how relaxed you were around him.
Every other girl he’d spent time with, whether it be a one night stand or one of his failed relationships years so, would always make sure they looked their best. They wouldn’t be caught dead wearing baggy and old clothes, they also wouldn’t dive into the pizza they would take tiny mice bites to avoid sauce getting everywhere. Yet you did none of that.
The hopeless romantic part of his brain was telling him that it was because there was some connection, and you were different to all the other girls, that maybe Scott was right all along. But then his realistic part of his brain kicked in, trampling the hopeless romantic side back into its grave. You weren’t putting in the effort because you didn’t see him more than a friend, you didn’t seem him as a romantic option. Whenever he hung out with the crew Jamie would dress similar to you because they were friends, this was the exact same.
You and Chris were friends. End of Story.
About half an hour into the movie your phone started ringing, you quietly cursed as you pulled out your mobile “sorry I have to take this” you apologise quickly.
“its fine don’t worry” Chris smiles grabbing the remote and pausing the movie.
You gave him a thankful smile before standing up and answering your phone “good evening sir, is everything okay?” you say into the phone.
There was silence as you listened to whoever it was, Chris guessing it was your captain, your head gently nodding, teeth nervously biting at your lower lip.
“yes of course let me just grab the file and I’ll get you up to date” you say scratching the back of your neck as you walk out of the living room down the hall to your bedroom.
Chris waited in silence for a moment, only hearing the muffled sound of you talking to your boss down the hall. As he waited his eyes began to wander around the room, taking in all the different knickknacks you had lying around, the books you had and the photos on the side. He saw one with you and Benny at Disneyworld, Chris could practically hear the laughter as the pair of you posed with Officer Judy Hopps. He then spotted one from your graduation from the police academy, he recognised the man stood next to you as your father.
However to anyone who didn’t know who your father was, and what he looked like, they would probably assume you were strangers. Because despite the proud smile on your face, the distance between the two of your spoke volumes, it looked far too formal to be a father and daughter. A fact that made Chris frown, recalling his own photo with his father when he passed his firefighter training. His photo was much more familiar, the smile on his father’s face wide and proud, not small and courteous like your father’s smile.
His train of thought was then interrupted by you walking back in and slumping down on the couch with a heavy sigh “sorry about that” you apologise looking over at him.
“its okay, does your captain normally call your this late off shift?” Chris asks glancing at his watch.
“it wasn’t my captain, it was my father” you explain shaking your head.
“oh” Chris frowns, finding that nugget of information confusing since from the way it sounded it didn’t seem like you were.
“he wanted to know how my current case was going” you explain sitting back, your head resting on Chris’ forearm, something that if you realised you didn’t say anything about.
“oh okay, It all sounded very formal just assumed it was your boss” Chris says clearing his throat trying to ignore the funny sensation in his chest that he started feeling as soon as your head rested against his arm.
“yeah my father has always been pretty strict about that, if its work related I must refer to him by rank” you explain with a casual shrug of your shoulder “I’m sure it must be the same for you with your father”
Chris frowns once more at this, he couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that there was parents and families who had this sort of relationship with their children. It was all too formal and backwards.
“i-I mean I guess” Chris stumbles “but only around others, if its just me and him its more casual”
You just hum at this “anyway lets get back to the movie” you say grabbing the remote and pressing play before Chris had a chance to question it further.
For the rest of the movie Chris couldn’t focus on anything except what he’d just learnt about you and your father. He glanced back over at the photo of you and your father, deciding that the more he found out about Commissioner Y/L/N the less he liked him.
A couple of days later Chris was at his mom’s house out in the garden playing with all the kids.
“Uncle Chris focus!” Ethan shouted getting Chris’ attention “you’re gonna make us lose!”
Chris blinked a couple of times before returning his attention back to the small game of wiffleball he was playing with the kids and Scott.
“don’t worry pal, Scott is terrible at batting” Chris reassures him as he smirked over at Scott who was holding the bat.
“careful you don’t want a repeat of the softball incident” Scott smirks wriggling his eyebrows.
Chris rolls his eyes at his brother, the incident at the softball game had since become a big joke in his family “that’s a lot of talk for someone who rarely hits the ball” Chris retorts.
“bring it on Christopher” Scott goads getting into position to bat.
Chris got ready to throw the ball, deciding not to hold anything back to teach his brother a lesson. However before he even got a chance he got interrupted by his older sister.
“Kids come inside! Lunch is ready!” Carly called out from the back door.
The kids instantly dropped everything and made a beeline for the house, Chris smirk shrugging his shoulders as he looked over at Scott “save by the bell hey?” Chris smirks.
“yeah you got off lucky” Scott retorted, dropping the bat and turning back towards the house.
Chris took this opportunity to throw the ball at Scott hitting him on the back of the head “hey!” Scott complained turning back around to Chris.
“wasn’t me” Chris said pointing over to dodger.
Scott rolled his eyes “you’re a child, an actual child” Scott scoffed walking back towards the house.
“c’mon bubba” Chris chuckled before jogging to catch up with Scott, wrapping his arm around his shoulders and ruffling up his hair.
“urgh Chris!” Scott whined trying to push Chris away but ultimately failing.
“hey pack it in you two!” Lisa scolded lightly from across the room where she was helping the kids plate up their food.
“sorry ma!” Both Chris and Scott called out in unison.
“I hope you two won’t be this much trouble at the BBQ this weekend, I swear you two are worst than the kids” Carly says with a pointed look.
“don’t worry Carly, we’ll be on our best behaviour” Chris says holding his hands up as he walked over to grab himself some food.
Carly hums unconvinced before going back to help Stella cut up her sandwiches into triangles.
Chris smiles as he begins to plate up some food for himself, taking a little bit of everything since he could never decide which of his mom’s cooking was the best.
“you okay sweetie?” Lisa asks as she comes to stand next to him.
“hm? Oh yeah just hungry after all the running around” Chris nods as he scoops up some potato salad.
“you sure? You seemed a little distant earlier, what’s going on up there?” Lisa asks quietly pointing to his head.
Chris sighed glancing around at everyone, thankful that they were now a good distance away, sat down eating their food, not paying attention to this conversation. Since he stepped in the door today all he could think about was you, specifically whether you every experienced this sort of family vibe. Did you father ever take you aside when he saw something was bothering you? did you have cousins to play with on a warm summers day as a kid?
“nothing, I just-“ Chris starts before sighing as he tried to find the right words “at the theatre, are there kids or families there that aren’t as close as ours?” he asked.
Lisa frowns slightly as she put down her plate to give him her full attention “I mean I guess so, with me being a stay at home mom it meant I had more time to do stuff with you guys, not every parent has that luxury but I wouldn’t say they were any less loved” Lisa tells him “why do you ask?”
“well.. I was hanging out with Y/N a couple days ago and she got a call from her father but from the outside it sounded like a call with her boss, not her dad and she said it was normal but I just can’t seem to wrap my head around it” Chris sighed shaking his head.
Lisa hummed nodding her head slightly “well not every family is as lucky as we are, I know her family went through a lot after her mother died” Lisa sighed.
“you knew about that?” Chris asks surprised.
Lisa nods her head with a sad hum “yeah your father told me about it when it happened, he probably knows more about the situation so he could probably answer your questions better” Lisa explained.
“I just feel so bad for her, losing her mom and then her dad being as cold as he appears, what if she never got to experience something like this?” Chris says nodding over to the large table full of his family.
“sometimes life isn’t fair, but just because her childhood wasn’t as happy as yours, doesn’t mean she deserves this kind of life any less, the past doesn’t define our futures” Lisa tells him putting a hand on his back and rubbing it soothingly “why don’t you invite her to the BBQ this weekend?”
“do you think she’ll want to come?” Chris asks sceptically.
“I’m sure, everyone is welcome here” Lisa smiles warmly.
“thanks ma” Chris smiled leaning over to kiss her on the cheek.
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You had been a nervous wreck all morning and you had no clue why. Well actually the fact that you had been invited to a big BBQ party by Chris was kinda freaking you out but you had no clue why it was freaking you out. you’d hung out with Chris plenty of times now, you’d even go as far as saying you were good friends. So why is being invited to a party so terrifying.
When Chris gave you the address you were surprised to find the house was actually in the suburbs of Boston, you’d expected him to have a bachelor pad or something. You were even more surprised when you pulled up outside a decently large house, coming to the conclusion that this couldn’t be his house.
Your theory gained more evidence when you knocked on the front door and were greeted by who you recognised as his mother.
“oh I’m so glad you could make it, come inside” Lisa smiled ushering you in.
“yeah I’m glad I had the day off” you chuckled nervously as you glanced around the house.
It was an impressive house, one that definitely felt like it was built for a large family, pictures of Chris and his siblings and the rest of his family hanging on the walls. It all felt very homey, it was the kind of house that you dreamt of.
“I’m sorry I didn’t bring anything, I found out a bit to late” you apologise.
“oh its fine dear there’s plenty of food to go around, can I get you a drink?” Lisa asks as she leads you through the house and towards the kitchen.
“oh um yeah just a beer please, but I can get it” you say rubbing your hands together nervously.
“oh no dear don’t you worry” Lisa smiles waving you off as she opens the fridge to pass you a beer “and please make yourself at home, any friend of Chris’ is a friend of the family”
“thank you, you have a lovely home by the way, it’s beautiful” you compliment gesturing around at the house.
“oh no dear, this isn’t my house, it’s Chris’” Lisa corrects you with a smile making you equally surprised and confused, she must have seen your confusion because she quickly explained “he brought this place a little while after his niece and nephews were born, he loves having them over to stay but wanted there to be plenty of space and a garden to run around in”
Your heart skipped a beat as you listened to Lisa, a smile growing on your face because of how sweet the reasoning was. The more you got to know Chris the further he appeared from the asshole who pushed your buttons for fun. It was almost unbelievable but it also made sense, even on that very first night you could tell how kind and caring he was.
“oh wow that’s really sweet” you smile.
“yeah he really is a big softie, even if he does wind everyone up time to time” Lisa smirks with a wink making you laugh.
“yeah he does have that talent” you chuckle taking a sip of your beer.
“who has what talent?” Chris asks as he walks in heading straight to the fridge to grab himself a beer.
“nothing dear” Lisa smiles innocently as Chris looked over his shoulder with an arched brow “are you not going to greet your guest?” she prompts him.
“well you were the one who beat me to the door” Chris points out with a smirk.
“its in my nature” Lisa defends making Chris chuckle.
“yes you are the neighbourhood mom, I swear my pals always went to her for advice over their own parents” Chris told you, sending a warm lopsided smile to his mom.
“and that offer is still open today, even for you” Lisa agreed nodding over to you.
“thank you Ms Evans” you thanked her.
“please call me Lisa dear, I’ll leave the two of you to it, just don’t burn the place down” she smirks before making her way out of the kitchen.
Chris chuckles watching his mom go before smiling over at you “thank you for coming by the way, I’m glad you could make it” Chris smiled.
“its nothing, thank you for the invite” you smile shaking your head gently.
Chris shrugs gently as he smiles at you “c’mon let me introduce you to everyone, and be warned we’re all a little mad here” he smirked as he walked over towards you and guided you to the back door.
You laugh looking at up him “what is it with you and Disney references recently?” you question.
“I told you, young niece and nephews” Chris chuckles but you narrow your eyes unconvinced.
“I don’t believe you” you hum before gasping excitedly “you’re a Disney adult aren’t you!”
“I plead the fifth” Chris mutters as he hides a grin opening the back door and gently pushing you outside with a hand to your lower back.
You laugh up at him, feeling warm all over from the sun and his proximity “if it makes you feel better, I am too” you tell him quietly.
“yeah the picture of you and Benny with Officer Hopps kinda gave that away” he smirked.
You gasp playfully “stalker” you smirk.
“just being observant” Chris fires back with a playful grin.
The sound of a dog barking grabs your attention and you look out and around Chris’ back yard. It was beautifully spacious with a good sized pool that people were lounging around, dangling their feet in the water. People who you recognised as Chris’ crew were stood around by the BBQ, a fact you found quite funny because of course the firefighters would be in charge of that. On the beautifully kept lawn you could see kids running around with a brown and white dog, running and dodging the large trees, one of the kids jumping on one of the tree swing before being told to be careful by Lisa.
“c’mon let me introduce you” Chris smiled leading you over to the BBQ.
“right you already know Paulie and Jamie” Chris starts “but this is Jimmy, Steve who is now dating my brother Scott, and this is Captain Jeffords and his wife Clara” Chris says introducing them to you one by one.
“hi nice to meet you guys officially” you smile, waving nervously.
“ah so you’re the girl who knocked Evans down a peg or two” Captain Jeffords smirked holding out his hand “can you tell me your secret?”
You laugh glancing up at Chris who was rolling his eyes “I could but then I’d have to kill you” you smirk making everyone laugh.
“whoa I better not be missing out of introductions!” someone exclaimed joining the group.
“and this is my brother Scott” Chris says introducing his brother who had wrapped his arm around Steve’s shoulder.
“I have to say you are one of my favourite people ever since you nailed Chris in the balls at that softball game” Scott grins making you laugh “actually even when you slapped him”
“alright lets introduce you to everyone else” Chris said guiding you away from his brother and friends who complained loudly.
Chris introduced you to the rest of his family, including his two sisters and his niece and nephews. He then called over the final person with a whistle, the brown and white dog you’d seen earlier racing over to the two of you.
“and this is dodger, my firefighter pup” Chris smiled scratching dodger behind the ear.
“I thought fire station dogs were dalmatians” you point out as you bend down to give dodger some fussing.
“yeah but after we found him we couldn’t really let him go” Chris admits with a shrug.
“you rescued him?” you asked surprised.
“kinda he just appeared one day sleeping outside the station, we took him to the vets but he had no owner, or at least none that wanted him which was just insane because from the get go he was always this sweet little boy, always wanting to say hello but trying his hardest to be good” Chris sighed shaking his head slightly.
“well it looks like he found the right owner in the end, but I’m surprised you called him Dodger, not very Bostonian of you” you comment with a raised brow.
“I called him that because he looks like the Artful Dodger from Oliver and Company” Chris admits scratching the back of his neck.
“definitely a Disney adult” you smirk playfully.
Chris laughs nodding his head making you instantly smile as you stand back up to your full height “well either way its very sweet how you adopted him” you tell him.
“you sound surprised” Chris comments with a small smirk.
“past me definitely would have been, but current me isn’t, well maybe a little bit, but it makes sense” you say as you look around at the large crowd of his family and friends.
Chris smiles bashfully looking down at his feet as he shoves his hands in his pockets, he glances back up at you his mouth opening as he went to say something but all that came out was “oofh” as his eldest nephew barrelled into him.
“Chris come play! You said you’d play” Ethan complained pulling on Chris’ arm.
“In a bit buddy, I’m just hanging out with my friend at the moment” Chris told Ethan gently.
“she can play too!” Ethan exclaimed looking over at you with hopeful eyes.
“I don’t think Y/N-” Chris starts before you interrupted him.
“yeah I can play” you smile nodding your head.
Chris looks over at you surprised before his face melted into a warm smile.
“yes! C’mon we’re playing cops and robbers! You can be a cop because you’re a real life one which is so cool!” Ethan exclaims dropping Chris’ hand to grab yours and dragging you towards the rest of the kids.
“I thought you said my job was cool” Chris said with a small pout as he followed after you.
“yeah but cops are cooler!” Ethan explains making Chris’ eyebrows raise slightly.
You laugh looking over your shoulder at Chris poking your tongue out bragging about your most recent victory in your on going playful feud.
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It was starting to get late when Chris carried Stella out to Carly’s car, the little girl fast asleep in his arms, face smushed into the crook of his neck, small hand grasping the small medallion around his neck. He knew Stella was probably too old and too big to be carried like this but as long as he was able to pick them up, Chris would always let his niece and nephews climb all over him.
“thanks for carrying her out Chris” Carly smiled as she opened the car door.
“it’s alright I’ll always have time for my little stelly” Chris smiled as he bent down to put Stella in her car seat, detangling his chain from her hand carefully.
“they had fun tonight, they’ll definitely sleep well tonight” Carly chuckled quietly as she looked in at the car full of tired kids.
“I’m glad they enjoyed it” Chris smiled warmly.
He had a lot of fun spending time with all his friends and family today, put if he had to pick an exact moment it would be when you and him played with the kids together. Even when he was exhausted and tired of the kids climbing all over him, he couldn’t help but smile when he saw you interacting with the kids. It all seemed so natural, as if it had always been this way, like you had always been there. It made the hopeless romantic in him resurface despite knowing nothing would ever happen.
“yeah they love Y/N too, you should have her around more often” Carly tells him.
Chris sighs shaking his head as he scratched the back of his neck “I dunno-“ he started.
“Chris stop self-sabotaging” Carly interrupted making Chris’ eyebrows raise in surprise “I know it’s a bit scary for you, and you like to have things planned out, but just go with the flow with this one okay?” she tells him putting a hand on his arm.
Chris for a second didn’t know what to say, part of him wanted to nod his head and agreed with her but that little voice in his head was telling him no. That if he went with the flow it would only end badly, he needed to keep things how they were. So instead he settled for a joke to ease the tension.
“you’re not my mom, you can’t tell me what to do” he chuckles half-heartedly.
Carly rolls her eyes at him, shaking her head at him with a small smile on her face “no but I am your older sister so I have a little sway” she retorts making Chris laugh gently.
“just don’t do anything rash okay?” Carly sighs.
“I won’t I promise” Chris concedes wrapping his arms around his older sister giving her a tight hug, kissing the top of her head “drive safe” he tells her patting her on the shoulder as he steps back.
“will do, and I’ll text when we get home” Carly says stepping back towards the car “now get back in there and go with the flow” she adds pointing to the front door.
Chris laughs nodding head “going with the flow” he agrees.
He watches as she climbs in the car and pulls away down the drive way, waiting until the car was out of sight before looking away. letting out a long sigh as he looks up at the starry sky as if the answer to the question he didn’t know was up there. As he stepped back inside the house he ran straight into you, his hands grabbing your arms to keep you steady.
“whoa hey where are you going?” Chris asked looking down at you.
“um home? Its late” You say with a slightly confused look before glancing down at his hands on your arms, Chris only just realising he was still holding you and quickly letting go.
“you can’t go you’ve been drinking” Chris states shaking his head at you.
“don’t worry I’m not driving I was just going to call an uber or something” you reassure him holding up your phone.
“I’m still not letting you go” Chris says making you sigh in annoyance.
“why not!” you argue “I’m more than capable of getting an uber”
Chris could see you were getting irritated at him so held up his hands to placate you “I know, I’m not saying you’re not, I just don’t like the idea of you getting a uber this late at night on your own” he reasons.
You frown slightly in surprise as if that idea never crossed your mind, something that Chris didn’t like at all. Had no one ever looked out for you like this? He doubted your ex did, and really hoped your father did.
“oh um I’ll be fine I’ve done it plenty of times before” you tell him shaking your head gently.
“that doesn’t mean you will be this time, all it takes is one creep” Chris presses making you sigh deeply.
You rub your forehead tiredly before dropping your arms in defeat “what do you suggest then Chris?” you sigh.
Chris thinks for a moment, he hadn’t really thought this far ahead. All he knew was that he couldn’t let you go home alone. If he was sober he’d drive you himself but that wasn’t an option and you lived too far away for him to walk your back. He glanced around the room hoping there was someone he trusted that could drive you back but there wasn’t anyone. Leaving only one option, the one that the little voice was saying it was a bad idea.
“do you have work tomorrow?” Chris asks you.
“no I have the whole weekend off for once” you say shaking your head.
“great, you can stay here then and I’ll drive you back in the morning” Chris decides, your jaw falling slightly.
“Chris no I can’t” you say shaking your head, Chris ignoring the small feeling of hurt at your rejection.
“you can, c’mon its fine” Chris presses.
“no Chris, I don’t have anything that I need, nothing to sleep in, a toothbrush” you list off shaking your head.
“don’t worry about all that, I’ll sort that just please stay” Chris says a pleading tone to his voice.
He watches as you look up at him, your eyes searching his for a moment. He could see you were doubtful still so he put as much reassurance he could into one look, watching as your resolve broke.
“okay fine… I’ll stay” you concede.
“great! I’ll go get everything sorted go make yourself comfy” Chris says pushing your back towards the living room.
Chris instantly dashes off up the stairs, hearing your laughter as he went. He poked his head into one of the guest rooms he had making sure it all looked okay and was nice and tidy. He then made his way into his room and his ensuite, opening the cupboard under the sink he grabbed the spare unused toothbrush he kept there as well as a new tube of toothpaste. Once he sorted that he made his way into his closet, he quickly found a pair of old sweatpants that didn’t fit him anymore and one of his tops.
On his way back downstairs he grabbed a towel and flannel for you. In the time it had taken for Chris to get everything ready, the last couple of guests had left meaning when he got back downstairs it was just you.
“where’d everyone go?” Chris asks as he walks into the lounge.
“they took the opportunity and ran for the hills” you joked looking up at him from your spot on the couch, dodger curled up besides you.
“from me or you?” Chris smirks making your roll your eyes at him.
“right here you go, let me know if there’s anything else you need” Chris says passing you everything.
Your eyes widen in surprise at the pile of stuff he’d sorted for you “should I be concerned you have a toothbrush on stand by for overnight guests” you smirk arching a brow.
Chris laughs throwing his head back laughing “its new don’t worry” he promises you.
“I’m glad to hear it, thanks Chris for sorting all this out” you smile nodding down to the pile in your hands.
“its nothing anything to make you feel comfortable, your room is first of the left, I’m just gonna finish tidying up the kitchen so I’ll see you in the morning” he says nodding to the kitchen running his hands down his legs.
“do you want some help?” you offer making him smile.
“no I’m good, get some rest” Chris reassures you.
“okay well goodnight Chris” you smile.
“goodnight Y/N” Chris smiles watching as you head up the stairs to bed.
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Chris wasn’t sure what time it was but he couldn’t sleep, the warm nice weather of the day had been replaced by a wet and stormy night. Climbing out of bed he quietly made his way down to the kitchen to grab himself a glass of water.
He leaned against the kitchen island sipping at his water as he stared out the window admiring the storm. Chris had always loved nature so it was no surprised he was fascinated by storms, the way the lighting danced across the sky, how the thunder rolled like waves and how the rain tapped against the windows desperate for attention.
Whenever there was a storm Chris would always find himself away watching the sky. If anyone asked he’d say he was just making sure a tree didn’t get struck and catch fire, that he was just on standby for something to go wrong. But really it was just because he loved them so much.
He was just putting his now empty glass back in the sink when a large clap of lightning ripped through the sky, lighting up the entire room as if it was daytime. But that wasn’t what caught his attention, it was the large crashing noise he heard right above him. For a moment he was confused as to why there would be a crashing up there but then his brain caught up and he remember your bedroom was right above the kitchen.
Chris cursed quickly running up the stairs his heart hammering and his head going a million miles an hour, going to all the worst-case scenarios. What if a branch had snapped and the wind had swept it through the window? What if you were seriously hurt? He’d never forgive himself if something happened to you.
He didn’t even knock when he burst into the room, hearing your startled scream at the intrusion. Chris blinked a couple of time his eyes scanning the room confirming that no there wasn’t a tree branch through the window. His eyes finally falling on you crouched down on the floor a smashed lamp on the floor around you.
“I’m so sorry- the- the storm it” you stuttered like you were struggling to breath.
Chris watched as your hands shook as you tried to clean up the mess, wincing slightly when you finger scratched across a broken shard on the floor. Seeing you in pain spurred Chris into action, instantly crouching down and reaching out to grab your shaking hands.
“whoa, whoa stop you’re gonna hurt yourself” he told you feeling your hands shake in his, making him grip onto you tighter to stop it.
“I’m fine Chris I- I- I just need to-“ you stutter, Chris hearing you quietly sniffle as you looked down to avoid his gaze.
“Y/N” Chris said trying to get you to stop “Y/N stop” he pressed squeezing your hand finally getting you to look over at him.
His heart broke when he saw the tears and fear in your eyes, Chris looked at you confused for a moment trying to work out why a broken lamp caused all this. Did you fear him or something? Were you scared of his reaction?
Suddenly another clap of lightning ripped through the sky, illuminating the fear on your face, Chris watched as you flinched so much your hand was ripped out of his. You let out a poorly concealed scream of terror, your hand clasped over your ears to block out the noise. Chris cursed as the pieces fell into place, you were terrified of storms.
“hey, hey its okay” Chris reassured you getting a close to you as he could over the broken shards on the floor, his arm reaching out around you to rub your back.
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry” you stuttered, your entire body shaking in fear.
“its okay, right just put your arms around my shoulders” Chris says guiding your hands to his shoulders.
Your hands shook as you wrapped your arms around his shoulder, once he felt you were secure he reached out and gently scooped your up into his arms. He stood up and carried you out of the room, he paused for a second trying to work out where exactly to take you. at first he thought about taking you downstairs but there were more windows and more open. So instead he opted to take you to his bedroom instead.
As he walked into his bedroom, Dodger raised his head from his bed watching Chris’ every move. Chris gently settled you down on the bed, quickly whistling for dodger to jump up knowing how relaxing it felt to have him around. Once you were settled down Chris quickly examined your hand relieved to see it wasn’t too bad and already stopped bleeding.
“I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to break-” you stutter shaking your head slightly.
“hey its okay stop apologising, accidents happen” Chris tells you gently, but you just shake your head looking down.
“hey c’mon now” Chris sighs gently, hopping into bed besides you, wrapping his arm around you pulling you into his embrace.
Chris continued to comfort you, holding you close so you practically sat in his lap and reassuring you that everything was fine and that the storm would pass. He’d feel you slowly begin to relax but every time there was another clap of thunder it would be straight back to the beginning. Chris felt completely helpless he didn’t know how to calm you down while the storm still raged.
“did I ever tell you about the time I made Scott piss his pants?” Chris said suddenly.
“what?” you sniffled, your head still buried in his chest.
“yeah we were kids, only about 10 or 11, and we were out playing in the backyard and I wanted to play a prank on him, so I said instead of going inside to have a pee why don’t we just pee, like not in a bush, but just pee our pants” Chris said recalling the story struggling to hold back his laughter “he didn’t seem convinced so I told him I was already going, so he went, but just as he was going, I told him it was a prank”
“that’s mean” you sniffle.
“that’s not the worst part” Chris chuckled readjusting his hold on you so you were even closer to him “our babysitter pulled up so I ran over and told her that Scott peed his pants”
Chris could feel you still shaking slightly but when he looked down he could see you were actually laughing, wiping away the tears on your cheeks “so you’ve always been an asshole then” you chuckled weakly.
“yeah I guess so, Scott took the fall for a lot of my shit” Chris smirked as he looked down at you.
“can you tell me more?” you asked him quietly, glancing up at him sheepishly.
“more?” Chris asks surprised.
“yeah like from your childhood” you clarified sniffling slightly.
“oh okay, yeah sure” Chris nods racking his brain “god where to start”
Chris spent the next hour or so recounting stories of him and his siblings, like how he whacked Scott around the head with a book, splitting his head open. The time he pushed Scott over and he hit his head on the coffee table, splitting it open again, Scott taking the fall and saying he fell. The time that Chris pulled a massive strip of wallpaper off the wall, how his mom went mental and Scott took the blame again even though there was no way Scott could have done it.
“Scott must really love you if he took the blame that many times” you commented wiping away the last of your tears.
“yeah he’s my oldest friend really, thick as thieves” Chris chuckled shaking his head slightly.
“that’s really sweet” you smile your head still resting against his chest.
Chris hummed slightly as he looked down at you before glancing out the window, it took him a moment but then he realised the storm had stopped. All that was left was the rain which was now much more calmer than before. Chris went to tell you that it was over but stopped himself because he didn’t want this moment to end. He didn’t want you to go back to your bedroom, so he asked you a question instead.
“have you always been afraid of storms?” Chris asked gently.
You let out a long shaky sigh making Chris worry that he’d overstepped “yeah” you finally said.
“when I was younger my mom would always come into my room and make sure I was okay, but after she was gone I had no one” you told him quietly.
“what about your father?” Chris questioned.
“he didn’t understand it, he would just tell me to go back to bed so I kinda learnt to deal with it” you admitted making Chris’ blood boil with anger.
“for a while I was fine, but then I joined the force and it got worse again” you sighed shaking your head.
“why?” Chris asked you.
“um- I uh” you stutter slightly.
“hey its fine you don’t need to tell me” Chris reassured you sensing your hesitation.
“no- i- I want to” you say shaking your head “it was my first month as an uniformed officer, there was a shooting at a shopping mall and me and my partner were one of the first on the scene, to this day the sound of bullets echoes in my mind, my uh my partner got killed in the line of duty”
“shit Y/N” Chris muttered “I’m so sorry”
“its- its okay, it was a long time ago now” you say shaking your head “ever since my fear of storms has been back and worse than ever”
Chris sighed wrapping his arms around you tighter, his chin resting on the top of your head, resisting the urge to place a kiss to the top of your head “have you ever seen someone about this?” he asks you gently.
“yeah I got sent to the occupational therapist but it didn’t really work so I stopped going” you tell him but Chris got the impression that it wasn’t the full story but decided not to press further.
“did you try to find a therapist that worked for you?” he asked getting a shake of the head in response “I think you should, they really help when you find the right one”
“I dunno… I don’t really want to think about it right now” you sigh shaking your head.
“okay, that’s fair, what do you want to do?” Chris asked.
You looked up at him hopefully “A Disney movie?” you ask hopefully making Chris chuckle.
“yes of course, Beauty and the Beast?” Chris suggests grabbing the TV remote from his bedside table.
“sounds perfect” you smile.
As Chris set the movie up he expected for you to move away from him, sitting down in the space besides him. But you didn’t, you remained in his embrace, even going as far as to snuggle down closer into him. The movie began to play and you stayed put, Chris feeling you relax completely in his embrace.
Barely half an hour into the movie Chris noticed you had fallen asleep in his arms, your head resting against his chest, your features completely relaxed. Chris smiled gently as he brushed some hair out of your face, the warm sensation in his chest returning as he was unable to stop himself from pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
Chris couldn’t deny it any longer, he still had feelings for you and those feelings were pretty damn strong. He was no longer okay with being just friends with you, he wanted that first night again but without all the mess. He wanted you in his arms every single night. He just hoped you felt the same way.
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Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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simslegacy5083 · 5 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 8 Ep. 173: Going Pro
After getting his little man settled in homeschooling and llama scouting, it was at last time for Peachy to make his own career moves.
He first headed downtown with the now immortal Fabian to hand in his resignation and put in his personal recommendation that the red headed Colonel be given control of his old precinct. He was happy to help a friend and throw a monkey wrench into any plans Nancy may have setup to replace him with her own choice.
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Fabian took his old friend out to lunch to celebrate his official confirmation as Peachy’s long term replacement a short time later. Now assured that his old precinct was in good hands Peachy finally felt ready to fully move on.
He pulled out his phone right then and there, dialed the number on the yellowing business card Johnny had given him so long ago, and setup an audition for the very next day.
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Peachy spent that evening practicing his newest set. He’d waited forever to take this leap and wanted everything to be perfect.
The next afternoon he put on his best button down and headed to the Limelight Talent Agency in downtown Windenburg. In just a few minutes he was being led to a small stage by Johnny’s agent Aaron, where a couple other members of the agency waited to evaluate him.
Palms sweating, Peachy walked up to the mic and poured his heart and soul into putting on the comedy performance of a lifetime.
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When he was finished with his set, the listening sims applauded politely and surprised him by asking if he had any musical talents.
He admitted to some decent skill on the guitar and played them a couple of his favorite melodies. In the privacy of his office after the performance, Aaron explained that the agency had a policy of starting each new talent off with a mix of musical and comedy gigs, just to be sure they weren’t missing an opportunity to develop in unexpected ways. Once Peachy got established he’d be able to focus however he felt most comfortable.
Peachy was disappointed that the agency didn’t trust him to pick his own path right away, but he was thrilled that they liked his work enough to immediately offer him fairly advanced gigs as an opening act for a variety of entertainers he recognized.
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Arriving home, Luigi told him Papa Jack was reading in the old greenhouse, so he left his boy to continue playing party frenzy on the big screen and headed out back to tell his husband all about his big day.
Jack congratulated the new entertainer, reminding him that starting at such a high level was impressive even if he’d need to split his focus between music and comedy for a short while. In fact, Jack thought this was news worth celebrating with an adventure for the whole family, Valentina included.
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It was a lovely evening, so Peachy grabbed some ingredients to fry up on the grill at the sunny Strangerville Park.
The whole household spent a lovely time chatting, eating, and playing together on the newly installed equipment. Peachy told them all about the memorabilia he had seen at the talent agency as they bounced together on the sturdy little trampoline like carefree schoolchildren.
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The boys ended the day with a little private celebration of their own after putting Luigi to bed.
Laughing together about the events of the day before they fell asleep Peachy thanked Jack for always believing in him. With his unwavering love and support Peachy knew he could do anything, including becoming the pro comedian he’d always dreamed of.
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Want To See More? View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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violetstormms · 1 year
Mer Fics
~Mer Fics: We got mermaids, sirens, leviathans, seamonsters and selkies. Are you the fish? Are they the fish? Doesn’t matter it goes on this list.Celestial Omens (that really like Fishsticks) by BamSara
When you are ten years old, you find two creatures, bloodied and injured, trapped a net on the beach near your home. You save them, make friends with them, and return them to the sea, leaving you to wonder later if your friends with the Sun colored scales and fins that shone like the full Moon were real or imagined up by a childhood of loneliess.
Time passes. You hear stories of monsters, Sirens in the water, one that is a good omen if spotted, promising your safe voyage as long as you respect the rules of the ocean, and one that sinks ships and eats people for fun. Just folktales meant to scare children.
A decade later, they return the favor, though they don't plan on leaving you so easily this time.
  In Deep Dreams Between the Waves by NaffEclipse
You see a fish, but the fish isn’t really a fish, because he looks up at you with big yellow eyes, wide with fright. Large black pupils dart around frantically. He’s small, less than half your size, which surprises you. You know mers are supposed to be big sea monsters that sink boats or cause storms, but you don’t see a monster. You think of a baby while staring at his chubby round face, creased with fear, and his small tail.
  Subnautical Explorations by MarineFool
In a political move against Alterra, the Mongolian States sent your ship out to build a new phazegate in the far reaches of the Ariadne Arm. You were equipped with everything you needed and then some. Now, the long five year journey was nearly over, and after a quick stop at planet 4546-B, you would begin construction within the very star system. But you did not expect everything to fall apart before your very eyes, at least, not this fast. And certainly not so violently.
Now trapped on an oceanic planet, you must figure out how to survive or die trying. As you continue and push through the various flora and fauna, you find that you are not as alone as you first thought.
  Fish Fry by Robin_Green
Pulled from the sea 5 years ago, I was tied up, beaten, and sold to owner after owner, each deciding I was too dangerous to keep. Back then, I was strong, able to break bones and tear flesh with ease, singing to lure humans to their demise. It's what my kind was made to do, kill humans.
But no more. Kept in increasingly small tanks, barely fed, and unable to swim, I started to weaken.
Eventually, I was dumped here. It was some kind of oddities collection. My owner had other humans pay to look at his strange assortment of items he had gathered from around the world.
Then one day I encountered two strange humanoid creatures that resembled the Sun and the Moon and my life started to change for the better.
  Pisces Caelestis by S_V
Underneath the glowing eyes, a great maw opened to hiss at you, baring several rows of needle-like fangs, wicked looking and sharp and also glowing in the blacklight. As the thing hissed, the cries started up again, more frantic this time, and accompanied by- it almost sounded like scratching?
And it was coming from behind you.
The bleeding creature had never been the one wailing.
  Behind the Glass by bkbubble
After a foolish mistake leads to you getting captured by humans, you're trapped in a large facility built for the sole reason of studying and experimenting on marine life. Most specifically - mers. With danger at every corner you have to remain vigilant. From the tests they put you though to the lucky escape, you can't afford to get distracted... but unfortunately the yellow mer you've befriended is taking up more of your thoughts than you originally planned. Now you have to protect yourself from the humans, while protecting your heart at the same time.
  For in Safe Horizons by Anonymous
It was supposed to be a normal expedition like any other, but something goes wrong and the ship crash-lands. Now you’re stranded on an ocean planet with no way of going home. How long can you survive until you can call for help and leave this planet?
For the first time in your life, you’re alone.
As alone as one can be when two alien creatures follow you around, anyways.
  Fated to fall, but at least there will be leviathans along the way. by BlorbBirb
You're setting foot on another planet. It would be cool, if it weren't for the fact that it was because you were crash landing with the rest of the Aurora onto an uninhabited planet with about.. 99.999% ocean as its surface.
You boarded the Aurora to go on a vacation, but oh well, you're stranded. Might as well start exploring, scuba diving sounds good, does it not? Just when you thought you could drop all the stuff you learned in school. What are the odds?
Of course, the locals have their own thing to say about the new alien on their turf. It's almost hilarious how hostile they are.
But, as with everything. We have our exceptions, two, actually.
So, what will it be then? Perhaps your odds aren't too bad on a planet of supposedly hostile oceanic monsters.
  Master of Tides by AshenStatic
You didn't MEAN to pull up a merchild from the sea. It just bit the bait meant for the fishes, that's all! But now here you are, playing and singing songs with the little tyke after they followed you home to the shore. Even the other one followed, though only after knocking you off your boat the first time. You’re pretty sure they were brothers or something since they stick reeeaal close to each other.
Cripes, these kids were cute. They seemed to adore you too, despite the second one being really cold in the beginning. That's okay though, it was fine. You loved them, you really did! But even so, you couldn’t help but worry about their parents. Fully grown sirens get SUPER protective of their children, but you’ve yet to see neither tail nor fin of mom and dad. Where were these kids’ parents? You weren’t stupid, they HAD to be nearby. No one had ever heard of a mer who just up and left their children alone like this, so where the heck were these kids’ guardians??
It's only when four arms cage you in and threaten to capsize your tiny boat that you realize, maybe you shouldn't have asked.
  The Selkie Search by StarSwimmer
You're a selkie happily living in your giant family pod, avoiding humans and eating fish when one day, all of the fish disappear and these two weirdo robot things show up out of nowhere! They say that they're oceanic exploratory bots and are tasked with discovering the hidden wonders of the ocean.. and they want you to come with them!
So, off you embark on an incredible journey with some incredibly odd companions, facing dangers, treasures, and a mysterious force working behind the scenes.
  Fishy Business by Robin_Green
Attacked and almost killed, I manage to escape my attackers and hide in a cave only to be found by something... not quite human. Too weak to get away and with the beasts that wanted to eat me waiting outside, this non-human kidnaps me, taking me to his ship. This is where I find that there are not one but two of these metal creatures.
A story where the main character is a mermaid and is rescued/kidnapped by Sun and Moon
  Within a Sun and Moonlit Cove by shadow_oblivion
You witness two mer hatch, and spend the entire summer with them. But at the end of that time, you get the mer to the sea before your family moves away. 20 years later, you are in desperate need of a break from your busy life. Taking a vacation to where you lived when younger, you fondly remember the two tiny mer, and hope they are doing all right wherever they are.
When you wander the shore near your hotel, during the day or at night, you start to find little trinkets here and there, along with an occasional dead sea creature. You might dismiss the odd sight as coincidence, until the items start to line the shore in the direction of a secluded cove in the distance.
  Celestial Depths by Dewsparkle
Well, there are many ways being stranded, alone, on an oceanic alien planet could be much worse.
You're stranded on planet 4546B after the Aurora is destroyed and most if not all its crew killed. Two of the locals seem to be oddly interested in stalking your every move as you struggle to survive while waiting for a rescue that may never come.
  You just really don't want to be eaten and wish they would stop taunting you.
  falling, freezing, finding by 4E7HER
Why are these giant fish trying to become friends with you? ...No, seriously, what are they doing here?
What do you mean the nocturnal one saw a fish explode on you and decided he liked you? How is that allowed?
  A Song of the Seas by StarForgedStories
You don’t know what possessed you to buy that boat. Was it just a whim? A wish for a bit of adventure? To flee from the only life you'd ever known? Or perhaps even the call of something far more alluring than just the sea itself...
The sea has many mysteries within its dark depths and you're going to uncover them, whether you like it or not.
  Crush Depth by NaffEclipse
You stare out the forward viewport—the window. The sub’s only window. Blood splashes against the thick glass. It is human blood. It fills an ocean on Moon FZ-87. The atmosphere is dark and barren, speckled with the ghostly light of stars that have been gone for decades.
This is the last view you have of anything above the blood ocean surface. Futility sinks roots into your ribs.
DCA x Reader (SFW)
  Song Fish Amid the Stars by NaffEclipse
A pang hits your heart, going out to the little fish struggling to escape the cruel and entrapping lagoon.
But they look like mers. Sea monsters.
Mermaid!Sun & Mermaid!Moon x Reader (SFW)
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cnyazhongmachinery · 1 year
Bean frying equipment for sale|peanut continuous fryer price| snacks frying machine
Broad bean frying machine is used for frying all kinds of food, such as flour products, meat, chicken, beef and so on. Capacity:50kg/h -500kg/h Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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pinniped-medibots · 6 months
Meaby continued to explore the base again after swiping most of what remained in the team’s fridge. As he walked past several rooms, one particular room caught his attention. A door that was slightly ajar with a thin sliver of light coming from its entrance. Meaby’s curiosity became unbearable. The alien cautiously approached the door before lightly pushing it wide open, the door creaking on its hinges. He took one step forward inside the room, it appears he stepped into to a workshop. Meaby began to glance around the room, he was deeply astonished by the different kinds of shiny tools and objects that were displayed in the workshop. Meaby became easily distracted by the equipment that he didn’t realize he wasn’t the only one here.
[ To say that Otto was shocked would be a bit of an understatement. Never in his life had he seen something so slimy yet... adorable? They wanted to hug it so badly but was worried that whatever the alien was made of would fry his circuitry. ]
[ He asked as he stared up at the alien with his big, solid blue eyes as he excitedly tapped his metallic fingers together. ]
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continuous fryer machine in Vietnam|Continuous frying equipment|potato chips french fries frying machine
Continuous fryer is suitable for all kinds of meat, chicken, snacks etc. Capacity:50-500kg/h Three heating methods: gas, electricity and both, which is the best on for you?Please let us know by Whatsapp:8613213203466
0 notes
imperator-titus · 2 months
If I could come up with a title for this series, I would, but I can't.
Thank you to the few people enjoying my work! It has encouraged me (probably a little too much.) This one is pretty long. There may be a lull soon simply because I haven't finished Act 3 on my own so I don't really have an idea for how that'll go. I also don't really know how it'll go in general because this is a fairly sanitized version of my daily daydream material. Concepts ranged from Rowan being a 'minor death deity that Withers pulled into Toril' to 'Rowan can do a lot of things with the power of imagination and suddenly she's a Sister of Battle punching Steel Watchers or a cyberninja a la Cyberpunk getting the Party out of trouble.'
Anyway, Tags (Trying to update when I realize something should probably be tagged): Astarion x Tav (Rowan, not reader, human, agender AFAB but lets the team refer to them as female), Canon x OC, Isekai, Angst, All the Vampirism Warnings (Blood, Biting, etc.), Sexually suggestive situations, Allusions/Mentions of Suicide, Memory Loss, Gender Dysphoria
The group had infiltrated the goblin camp yesterday and decided to take a day to properly rest and come up with a plan. ‘Plan’ was a rather loose word, mostly consisting of “turn goblins into bloody pulp and ash” and bullshitting.
Rowan was, of course, still in a sour mood from her last encounter with Astarion. He was still doing his best to avoid her, lest she turn that icy glare on him again. Everyone noticed and he did a poor job of lying.
“Maybe you should come with us,” Karlach offered a little hopefully as she watched the others’ breakfast being made. “I find it pretty relieving to take out my bad mood on something squishy and gross like a goblin.”
“I think, perhaps, Rowan could talk to us first, instead of putting herself in harm’s way,” Wyll rebutted with a wry smile. “You know, it's been some time and we don't really know much about you.”
“Not much to tell,” she responded woodenly, stirring the potatoes she was frying.
“But where are you from? You're clearly not from Faerûn. But you can speak with us, so it can't be anywhere too exotic,” the Blade continued to ponder aloud. Gale scoffed.
“Ridiculous. You didn't see her when first we arrived on that abysmal shoreline. She was clearly plucked from Faerûn when the nautiloid went through some temporal shift between planes.”
“Heyyy,” Karlach started cautiously, holding up a warding hand towards the woman in question, “why are you almost as red as me? Are you alright?”
Rowan screeched. Loud, piercing, and feral. Everyone recoiled. Lae’zel half-drew a knife. With seething rage, the human hurled her spatula into the ground by her feet with enough force that it sank in a few inches with a satisfying shnk.
“You want to know if I’m alright?!” she screamed, looking them all in the eye, settling on Astarion’s for a few moments. “I am actively going insane, and you’re all compelled to make it worse!
“You’re right, I'm not from here. I don't even know where this place is in relation to where I'm from. Why am I terrified all the time? Why do I ask you dumb questions?” She pointed into the sky with a rage-trembling finger. “That's not my moon! Those aren't my stars! The only things that talk are humans. Elves, dragons, magic? Make-believe tales for children. The dead stay dead and they have nothing to say to us. The existence of God? Practically a matter of philosophy.
“As if it wasn't enough that I am in a place that I am wholly ill-equipped and untrained for, every day I wake up on this horrifying rock and forget a piece of what my life was like before. I have been standing here, making our food, while desperately trying to remember the faces and names of people I loved, the things I've done, the shit that makes me me, and you all come up and fucking prod me about stuff that means nothing  to me. I spent our first week here debating the possibility that I've died and this is my own personal hell, which I didn’t believe in until I was being constantly tortured by this place. The person I shared most of my life with is just a shapeless fucking shadow now. I have almost completely lost the concept of who I am as a person. Nevermind that you” Rowan singled out Astarion with an accusatory finger “keep saying and doing things to me that make me want to peel off my own skin on a near-daily basis because for some reason I’ve now long forgotten, they trigger a deep-seeded revulsion at the concept of my having a corporeal form that I am unfortunate enough to still inhabit.
“So, to answer your question; no, I’m not alright! Make your own fucking last meal before you get eaten by goblins.” Rowan turned on her heel and confidently walked out of camp.
She was out of sight by the time anyone could speak.
“Do you think she’s telling the truth?” Gale asked, an inquisitive finger on his chin. “A world with no magic? How would that even work?”
“The worm has scrambled her senses,” Lae’zel said dismissively. “There is no reason to believe anything she says. You should have allowed me to put her down long ago.”
“But it would explain everything, wouldn't it?” Karlach uncertainly voiced, crossing her arms. “She didn’t even trust the vegetables.”
“I cannot imagine losing my very sense of being, surrounded by strangers in a strange land. And to not even have an inkling of combat training,” Wyll mused with a sad shake of his head.
“Well-” Astarion started, one emphatic hand frozen in the air and the other on his hip, before huffing in frustration.
“You were going to say ‘good riddance’, weren’t you?” Shadowheart teased with a sly smile. She knew he couldn’t say it.
The vampire sighed and lowered his hand. “It’s hard to say good-bye to a reliable meal that cleans its neck.”
“Are you crazy?!” Karlach cried, clenching her fists and furrowing her brow. Her fire blazed for a moment before she turned to gather her equipment. “We can’t let her go out alone!”
“Surely she’s coming back? She left her things,” Gale pointed out.
“Wizards really are idiots,” Karlach said over her shoulder with clear annoyance. “Rowan knows she won’t make it out there on her own! A bedroll isn’t going to change that.”
“The danger will either teach her to fend for herself or cull the weak,” Lae’zel pointed out before returning to her tent.
Karlach growled and made a rude gesture in the githyanki’s direction. Astarion also turned to leave, but the tiefling carefully pinched his shirt between her claws just briefly enough to tug him and ruin his balance. “No you don’t, you leech, you’re coming with me.”
“Why me?” Astarion whined, trying to see if she scorched his one decent shirt. “You might recall that she has been very unpleasant towards me lately. I don’t think this is the face that will win her back,” he argued, flamboyantly fanning his hands from below his chin to the sides of his face, smiling as he did so. The smile dropped, replaced by a glower as he flicked his hand in the wizard’s direction. “Take Gale.”
“Nope, you got the most to apologize for. Now put your leathers on and let’s go.”
In a few minutes they were on the road, just the two of them. Astarion debated whether or not Karlach was going to singe his ear off before he muttered, “This is ridiculous.”
“I know, deep down, you don’t mean that.”
Astarion scoffed. “How much complaining must I do before you lot realize that I don’t want to do good things?”
“Have you ever considered that maybe you were a good person before Cazador?”
“I don’t see what that has to do with now.”
“You’ve had a hard go of it, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a dickhead to everyone.”
“This is probably a bad time to say that I’ve been letting you go in the wrong direction for the past 5 minutes?”
Karlach roared. Astarion veered a few steps away to avoid being burned. “What’s wrong with you?!”
Sheepishly, he started leading her in a different direction. “I think the answer to that should be quite obvious.”
Karlach stomped beside him for a bit before becoming visibly confused. “Wait, how do you know the right way?”
“I can smell her blood on the wind,” he answered theatrically, fingertips twinkling in the air like magic. Karlach’s eyes went wide in shock.
“She’s hurt already?!” Astarion rolled his eyes.
“No, darling, it’s just a vampire thing.” Karlach walked silently for a few more beats.
“Like one of those dogs that track something by its smell?” she asked rather innocently. Astarion bristled.
“No.” He eventually sighed in defeat. “Yes, like a scent hound.”
It wasn’t that long before they caught up to Rowan. They found her on the stretch of beach where she and Shadowheart had awoken and started this journey together.
“What is she doing? This isn’t that far from camp,” Astarion pointed out, almost a little miffed. “I thought she was going to find a dragon or something to gobble her up.”
“Looks like she’s fishing, big guy,” Karlach answered earnestly, unsquinting her eyes. “And you are going to go ask her how it’s going.”
Astarion huffed. “What if I mess this up? I’m going to mess this up. Apologies and caring aren’t exactly some of my strong suits.”
“Then I’ll drag her back. She might be a little crispy, but better than goblin food.” When Astarion started to argue, Karlach pointed a firm finger toward the beach. His shoulders sagged in defeat before he rolled them back to swagger with his usual self-importance.
The beach was an absolute mess. The forgotten bodies of dead fishermen were mostly bones, their flesh taken by both animals and the elements. Fetid piles of goo pooled under the nautiloid’s hulking tentacles. Thankfully, a breeze was pushing the smell away from them.
Rowan remained seated as he approached, but an ever-so-slight turn of her head indicated that she knew he was there. “I’ll be honest, you're probably the second-to-last one I expected to look for me.”
“Darling, I’m hurt.” He feigned a blow to his ego, but realized she couldn’t see. With a tone like a lady-in-waiting looking for something scandalous, he asked, “Who's the first?”
“Karlach,” she answered immediately.
“Well, she’s here too,” he said after a deflating huff. “Almost ruined my shirt dragging me out here.”
Rowan didn't respond, merely flicked the end of her fishing pole. Astarion could hear her breath change slightly for a moment before returning to normal. Actual normal, not that high-chested cornered-animal breathing she usually did. Her heart beat a steady rhythm in his ears. 
“Fishing? Really? We thought you were looking for a way to kill yourself.”
“I liked fishing. I still remember that,” she told him calmly.
“I think I’d rather die,” he remarked before lowering himself onto a nearby rock that wasn't too dirty. A few moments passed in silence as he tried to figure out how this whole apology thing was supposed to work.
“What’s it like?” Rowan asked before he could even start to find the words. Red eyes flicked over to her, but her attention remained on the water. “Forgetting who you are?”
“Well, I lost myself all at once, so I’m not sure that it compares.” He also didn't like to think about it too much, but it kept coming up in conversations. The group had a way of doing that, making everyone slowly expose the most horrible shit that happened to them. “You had a point, though. The dark shape sitting in your memory. As if you might be able to squint hard enough to make sense of it, but you can't. It nags at you, that it's there and you can't get to it.”
She flicked the end of the rod again, a look of deep contemplation on her face. It eventually softened. “That first night you came to my tent, when I asked you not to stop? I'd forgotten my husband’s name. I spent all day trying to remember it. I was afraid I’d forget something else in my sleep.”
Astarion still didn’t understand why Karlach insisted he be the one to do this. Maybe he was capable of empathy and compassion when he was a mere elf, but life as a spawn had surely broken the part of him capable of relating to the plights of others. He didn’t feel the need to apologize for teasing her, because that was fun. They all did it to one another, why was she special? No one apologized to him for making barbs about his condition.
Although… When she pushed him off of her, when she screamed at them all and ran away, he was afraid. Afraid that Rowan would be gone for good. Not just afraid that he’d have to find some other necks to bite, but that he would no longer feel her warmth. She would no longer be there to admire him and he couldn’t spy on her in the mirror when she wasn’t looking. That cute little look of utter concentration, the nimble flicks of her fingers as she used some thoroughly practiced skill. Here she was, so focused and casual as she waited for her prey to strike.
It hurt when they made those jokes about him. Would he feel better if they apologized? It would have to be genuine. That was probably why he didn’t want to apologize. Astarion was a lie, a lure, and probably hadn’t been genuine in over 200 years.
“I’m sorry about the other day. When I pushed you,” she said, solemnly breaking the silence between them. “I wasn’t ready to accept that my old life was gone. You didn’t know that what you said would hurt so much.”
“I said something very cruel,” he responded after the initial shock wore off. “The circumstances only made it that much crueler. For once, I… I am actually sorry.”
“I’m glad I could be your first,” Rowan joked with a completely straight face. Astarion laughed loudly and if he hadn’t covered his eyes, he would’ve seen a broad smile spread across her face. When he was done, she swiftly pulled her line out of the water. “Come on, then. Who else is going to make dinner for those idiots?”
Astarion turned first to leave, only to find Karlach grinning and giving him two thumbs up. How embarrassing.
“So, we’re all good now?” Karlach asked excitedly as they approached.
“We’re all good now,” Rowan confirmed with a nod. “I’m sorry I worried you.”
Karlach’s eyes went big like when Scratch begged for scritches. “It’s awful what’s happening to you. I still remember what it was like when I first ended up in Avernus. At least I could take my anger out on demons. All you have is a frying pan!”
Instinctively, Rowan tried to place a hand on the woman’s arm, and nearly did, but Astarion swatted the hand away before she could burn herself. Instead, she smiled up at Karlach. “Well, when Dammon can finally fix your engine, I'll be first in line for a hug.”
“You can count on it!”
They walked along, Karlach in front and Astarion bringing up the rear. Not that there was much danger the way Rowan fled, but it didn’t hurt to be cautious.
Karlach was humming to herself when Astarion sped up to walk beside Rowan. In a quiet voice, he asked, “Did you really mean that? That I make you want to… peel off your own skin?”
“It’s hard to explain. It’s not about you,” she answered with a reassuring tone and a soft smile. “You’re the only one… touching me and pointing out the way I look and it just… reminds me that I’m in this body and I don’t like it. I would say that I’d rather be a ball of pure energy, but then I’d have Gale sucking on my neck.”
Astarion laughed loudly again. Karlach looked back at them and pouted. “What’s so funny?”
“Talking about how cute Gale is,” Rowan lied, only to be attacked with one of Astarion’s sharp elbows.
“Gods, don’t tell me you believe that,” he warned her, a defeated look in his eyes. Rowan shrugged.
“What? You’re all cute. Druids were cute. Those tieflings were cute. Bet there’ll be a lot of cuties in Baldur’s gate.”
Astarion glowered at her. “I am not. Cute. I’m gorgeous.”
“Aww, take the compliment, Fangs,” Karlach admonished him, her flames running hot like a blush. “I think it’s sweet. She’s never even seen an elf before and she thinks you’re cute, not disgusting.”
“Wyll showed me a picture of a kobold once. They looked pretty cute too.”
Astarion gagged loudly.
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enden-k · 1 year
Youn help
I have been looking all over your blogs for a very specific sketch and I cannot find it. It was from the wangsheng investigators au and was in response to an ask. You drew on it paper because you were in class and didn't have your usual equipment but the image wouldn't go away. Zhongli had pinned Batjax to the table so he could continue speaking with a client. Ajax started blushing (as much as a bat can) and started thinking 'I hope this doesn't awaken something in me/please don't awaken something in me/etc.' Ajax looked very precious, I wanted to wash him like a dirty frying pan and brood him like a chicken.
I am slowly becoming convinced I dreamt this sketch up. Do you remember it?
im tempted to tease you and pretend idk what youre talking about but remembering this doodle i rlly wanna redraw it on ipad now bc batjax was so cute !! yes i remember, no you didnt dream it up 💙 i think i deleted the ask since i tend to delete doodles i dont like fully. but no worries, i will def redraw it and post again !
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Chapter 2: Diminish the Chord
Virtue follows Guitar Guy out, and they strike a deal that changes the fate of the world. Or, at least, their lives.
As Guitar Guy starts to finish up his set, Virtue begins their move towards the stage. He strums the last chord with a small smile on his face. Some of the brown hair on his forehead is sticking from the ambient heat of the bar, and he moves it back before leaning into the mic.
“Thank you all for listening tonight.” There’s a few whoops from the crowd, and his smile gets a little bigger. “I’m Cato, here every Tuesday and Thursday, have a good night.”
Guitar Guy, Cato, turns off his mic and starts to put his few pieces of equipment away. Virtue steps up next to him, and helps him. 
“So, Cato.” They start, and Cato hums slightly as he closes the guitar case. “I first want to apologize about Absinthe earlier. She’s very insistent when she wants to be, and forgets what it means to be polite at times.”
Cato hums again, standing up and stretching. “So that’s her name.”
Virtue wants to shake the neon singer until she reassembles sense in her brain. “It is.”
There’s a huff of a laugh, and he turns to face Virtue. He’s shorter than them, but not by much, with light brown eyes and hair to match. He grins up at them with his packed equipment in his hands.
“Well, I hope you enjoyed the set. I need to put these in the car, if you don’t mind-” He starts to move past Virtue, and they follow beside him.
“It was really good. You’re very talented, clearly.” Virtue says as they move out of the band, and they can feel the band’s eyes watching their exit. “Actually, we wanted to talk to you after you finished up.”
Cato puts the guitar case down while unlocking the back of an old car. “I’m not interested in a record deal.”
“It’s not a record deal.” Virtue watches him put everything in the trunk, and refuses to flinch when he slams the door shut and spins around in their face.
“You,” Cato points at Virtue with narrowed eyes, “are a manager. I can tell from the way you watched me in the bar, and how you followed me out. So let’s drop the shit and listen to me when I tell you I’m not interested.”
It’s Virtue’s turn to hum. “Fair enough, you don’t want that. Great news, I’m not affiliated with any sort of record company so that’s not really a thing I can offer. I am, though, a band manager. Absinthe is the lead singer of that band, and took a real shine to your guitar playing abilities. Which is good, seeing as how we’re short of one, and nobody likes everyone else who tried out to be a replacement.”
Cato’s eyes narrow further, and a scowl starts to pull at his mouth. “I’m a solo act.”
“Clearly.” Virtue almost smirks at him, but has enough forethought to not. Cato’s already surly and defensive, no need to give him more reason to pull away. “But if you want to continue to get better at your craft I’d suggest you talk to people going further in the industry, even if that’s not what you want to do. Especially Absinthe. For all her outward airheadedness, she’s incredibly musically competent.”
Cato continues to scowl, but he looks off into Virtue’s shoulder, deep in thought. “I’ll talk to them, but only about that.”
“Absinthe might try and recruit you anyways, but it’s your choice at the end of the day.”
Cato and Virtue walk back into the bar, and Virtue notices that Airael is sitting in Gemini’s lap, with Gemini’s head popping out underneath her girlfriend’s arm. There’s two empty fry baskets, with Absinthe holding the last of a third in her hand.
“No, you guys don’t get it at all. Malcolm’s my only sibling. Rae, you’re an only child, and Gem, you’re the middle child of twelve.” Absinthe points fries at both of them, and then shoves said fries into her mouth.
“I just don’t understand why you call him every night.” Gemini groans. “He’s not a kid, Sin.”
There’s an uncomfortably familiar shadow that falls over Absinthe’s eyes, and Virtue steps in between the two and picks up the fry baskets. “I think that’s enough on the taters, kids. You’re barely legal, lay off.”
The shadow disappears, and Absinthe giggles. “I’m 23, V, I think I can handle a few fries. Maybe even some tots.”
“Liar!” Airael sings from Gemini’s lap, and Absinthe flips him off. “V, she had one tot and started getting sleepy!”
He yelps as Gemini pinches his side. “Shut up you two, we have a guest.”
Everyone turns to see Cato, who’d been awkwardly watching the argument go on from behind Virtue. Absinthe looks at Virtue with teary eyes, and Virtue smiles at her.
‘Thank me later.’ They mouth, and Absinthe nods.
Virtue carefully stacks the fry baskets up, and sits down on the other side of the table. Airael offers his seat to Cato, and the talk officially begins.
“So,” Cato starts. “My name’s Cato. And so we’re clear, I’m not here to join your band or whatever.”
“Why not?”
Absinthe’s question takes him off guard from the way he startles and stares at her. Or maybe it’s the fact that she asked it with no judgment, or the way she leaned in with clear interest in the answer. It’s not clear, Cato clearly thought she’d be a lot more belligerent. Which is understandable.
“I, uh, I don’t really want to be a part of a band.” He stammers, and flinches when Gemini grabs a hold of Airael and leans forwards with a vicious smile.
“Is it because you’re comfortable in this little solo act, or you think you’d disappoint everyone by not being up to our standards?” She asks, and Cato clearly bristles. Airael’s arms go around Gemini’s, and Absinthe moves so her body is facing away from the table.
“I don’t think band life is one that I’d be happy with. Especially touring, if you guys end up doing that. I like the place I’m in now.”
“You won’t know if you don’t try.” Airael puts in, and Absinthe nods. 
“Exactly. Look, Cato, I really think you’d be a good fit, more than you’d expect. Don’t ask how I came to that conclusion, that’s a band secret, but I do know that you’re not only talented, but adaptable. If you’d be down, I want you to come to a few practices, try it out. If it feels right, join the band and go on our tour with us. If after the tour you’re out, we’ll just get another guitarist. But I really want you to try it.”
It’s always mesmerizing for Virtue to watch Absinthe switch from Public Absinthe to Professional Absinthe. In all honesty, they have no idea how she does it. It could be because of the Malcolm situation a few months ago, but they’ll never know for sure.
“So if you did all those tryouts, why me?” Cato’s eyebrows are furrowed in intense confusion. “That makes no sense.”
“I’m with you on that one.” Virtue mutters, and Airael kicks them from under the table. 
“They don’t fit. It wouldn’t work right.” Absinthe answers. “I’m willing to settle if I have to, but I’m a perfectionist when it comes to the fit of BI.”
Cato does a double take, and Virtue wants to slam their head into the table. Nobody told him what the name of the fucking band is.
“They named the band Bardic Inspiration, BI for short.” Virtue cuts in, and Cato covers his face.
“I think you’re the fit.” Absinthe adds, and Cato groans into his hands.
Everyone looks at each other as the brunet sits still at the table. ‘Is he okay?’ Gemini mouths, and Virtue shrugs. 
“Fine.” Cato’s muffled voice comes out. “I’ll do the test trial.”
Absinthe cheers and stands up. “You won’t regret this! I’ll text you the details!” And she skips out of the bar. Virtue scribbles their name and number onto a napkin and slides it to Cato.
“You’ll get used to it, if you stay.” Virtue smiles as they stand up. Gemini and Airael are already following after Airael, leaving just Cato sitting down.
“If you say so.” He murmurs while staring at the door.
First chapter
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