#Control your thoughts
1introvertedsage · 1 year
Self control is self mastery.
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mufti-ismail-menk · 2 years
We live in angry times. All the sharing on social media makes it worse. Learn to control your innermost urge to retaliate. You don’t have to respond in most cases. If you don't slow down when you start to see red, you can do significant damage to your life. Keep the peace.
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All is as thinking makes it so - and you control your thinking. So remove your judgments whenever you wish and then there is calm - as a sailor rounding the cape finds smooth water and the welcome of a waveless bay.
from Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
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thecalmdaisy · 1 year
How to Kick Depression in the Face Gracefully.
" Don't let your mind control your reality."
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Here are some ways that helped me overcome my depression. Also, if you have any steps to help others in our depression community, please share on your own personal platform. You never know who might have needed your advice.
1. Only You Truly Understand Who You Truly Are as a Person.
Those of us who have been through the dark path of depression know how challenging it can be to combat negative energies. This is because our minds are constantly thinking of negative things that have happened in our lives in the past or currently happening in the present. Now trust me when I say I know it's hard to just let go and be positive about certain situations. But, if you want to improve mentally, you can't ignore it. This was literally the first step I had to take to start the process of getting back to the person I had lost due to the worries and fears I had created within my head. When it comes to battling these negative energies, you must tell those negative thoughts, “You do not belong to me or with me, and I know who I truly am”. Do not let negative energies overwhelm you, and remember, no one can judge you more harshly than you can judge yourself.
2. Be Positive and Express Positivity.
(Speak Affirmations Daily)
Speaking positively about yourself and your life can boost your motivation for every day. When I wake up in the morning, I thank God for another day, smile at myself in the mirror, and I tell myself I AM beautiful and that I AM going to have a wonderful day. As long as you know and believe you are in control of your happiness, nothing or no one can steal it from you.
3. Sweat It Out in a Healthy Way.
For some reason, when I sweat, I feel so good afterwards. Many times, I don't just go to the gym. I actually go outside into nature and enjoy the beautiful world God has created for us. I break a sweat by riding my longboard, roller skating, or just going for a stroll along a nature trail. I don't know what it is, but something about the blue sky, fresh air, and green trees can really put your mind at ease. Well, at least for me, it does. But whatever works best for you in a healthy way, go for it.
4. Take Up a Hobby You Love or Explore a Hobby You Have Always Been Curious About.
Every person usually has at least one hobby they enjoy immensely, and if you don't, I believe it's time you found your passion. Having a hobby during such a tough time is a great way to get your mind off of things, and it's a great way to bring some type of joy into your life. I know when I went through depression, I couldn't find joy in anything, but after I cleared my mind of those negative energies, I began to go out more again and found a piece of joy in the process. In my case, it was longboarding, and I have been addicted ever since. It allows me to feel free, like a bird with no wings, and yes, I realize that sounds strange, but for me, that's the way it feels.
5. Cut Out Negative People.
Hold on. Let me grab those scissors for you, because it's time to cut out those negative people in your circle. If anyone in your life treats you disrespectfully, drains your energy, uses you for their personal gain, or abuses you in any way, IT IS TIME to cut them completely off. They are only holding you back from your true potential. So, save your time and energy by moving on to people who are better vibrational matches. There are people who want to see you succeed; there are people who care about your well-being; and there are people who will be there to uplift you and not judge you. After you cut off all that excess weight from your life, you will feel so much lighter. When I looked back at my journey, I realized how much I had allowed people to use me for their own personal advantage. Please remember to listen to your intuition because disregarding it will only hurt you.
6. Pamper Yourself.
Do something kind for yourself from time to time. There is nothing wrong with taking some time out of your busy schedule to pamper yourself. I understand how life can be busy and hectic sometimes, but there always has to be a bit of time in your schedule JUST FOR YOU. My own work schedule is crazy. However, I always find at least an hour to start a new TV series, do a facial mask, listen to my favorite music, dance, and any other thing that makes me feel good.
7. Food Choices Make a Big Difference.
Consume greens, fruits, fibers, and proteins to boost your energy. At one point in time, I ate burgers and fries faithfully, and yes, they were delicious, but I realized the effect it had on me. As a result, I lost a lot of my free time to sleeping, feeling sluggish, and unmotivated. Make sure you stay as healthy as possible. Occasionally having your favorite cheat meal is fine but not every day to help your body and mind out.
8. Pray Often.
While I was experiencing depression, I didn't pray as much as I should have. In the beginning, I was ashamed of who I was, and I didn't know if God would forgive me for all the sins I had committed over time. But as time passed, I realized this is exactly what the enemy wanted me to believe. If you do not already know it, the enemy loves misery, and you can either stay in that misery, or YOU CAN move forward into your greatness. People were not created to be perfect, and God knows that. Always remember, God will forgive your sins, but that does not mean you should continue down the same path. It means you should try to be a better person by exchanging your bad habits for positive ones. Also, remember to meet God halfway because God can only do so much behind the scenes. Therefore, it is crucial that you continue to take the steps needed to help yourself, and don't forget to call upon your guardian angels. They are always surrounding you, ready to help you whenever you are ready to allow them into your life so that you can reach your fullest potential.
By: "V"
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shann-on · 2 years
Photo by Engin Akyurt My thoughts, a cheap and stale beer With each and every drink My thinking began to change until That cheap and stale beer tasted like Something sweet and summery A taste I savoured on my tongue Much in the same way I cherished the new thoughts at play
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trvlytylar · 2 years
It feels sooooo good when you’re able to push past the stupid loud voice in your head thats telling you that you can’t do something and you just silence it and just do what it is that you say that you wanted and needed to do. pushing past that lying manipulative voice can be so difficult so i always try to recognize when i do that!
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You know the devil is your enemy but you do not deal with him as such.
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cyancees · 1 year
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i have neither a good imagination nor aphantasia, but a secret third thing
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tamstame · 5 months
Controlled thought
My wish for you is that you remove the things and people in your life that have a negative impact on your self growth and development journey and find people who will sharpen you, and speak life into your dreams.
I’ve learnt the importance of controlling the thoughts that I allow to make a home in my mind. It’s not the easiest thing to get control of, I’ll admit, it’s a level of difficulty that’s really high at first, making it seem almost impossible. However, the fight is really worth it. I know what it’s like to let thoughts have free reign over your mind and to allow them to destroy you, day by day…
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my-self-reflections · 5 months
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arrowdigitalmarketing · 6 months
The thought doctor has spoken
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tonyjwash · 7 months
What are You Thinking?
Did you know that the answer to the question above has a monumental impact concerning how your life turns out? Human beings live and die right between their ears. What you think about and consider the most is what gets into your heart and from your heart proceed the issues of your life. Your heart is the great citadel, the epicenter from which you believe and those things you believe are what…
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free-my-mindd · 6 months
Once you master self control and detachment nobody can phase you.
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paavanapp · 1 year
7 Ways To Control Your Mind | Go From Distraction To Deep Work
Controlling your mind is a challenging but important skill to develop. The mind is constantly generating thoughts and it can be difficult to control your mind, but having the ability to focus your attention on a single task and regulate your thoughts and emotions can lead to improved productivity, reduced stress and anxiety, and enhanced mental and emotional well-being. There are various strategies you can try to gain more control over your mind, including practicing mindfulness, using visualization techniques, engaging in activities that require focused attention, using positive self-talk, and seeking support when needed.
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1introvertedsage · 2 years
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Reality is created in the mind. We can change our reality by changing our mind.
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genderfluid-jew · 21 days
I think one of the easiest ways for me to mistrust a book and all it’s saying is to see how wrong it gets history about Jews.
This came about because I’m reading a book on indigenous activism and theory and it’s really good!
Too bad I can’t trust anything about it because I’m their little “history of colonialism” section they went “the three largest religions of the world-Christianity, Islam, and Judaism (collectively called the Abrahamic religions”.
Bestie. Jews are .2% of the global population. If you’d done a basic google search it would’ve told you the largest religious groups are Christianity, Islam, irreligion, Hinduism, and Buddhism, each of which have over 5% of the global population as adherents. It takes about five seconds to check that and see if you’re being accurate.
If your book is trying to be a reputable source of information and you can’t even put 5 seconds of effort into basic factual double-checking, you are not worthy of my trust about anything else you say.
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