#Converse Pink Run Star Hike with flowers
thestylesplash · 27 days
Summer Strawberries + Style With a Smile Link Up
It’s almost officially Summer and that means strawberry season! Tucking into freshly picked strawberries and raspberries is one of my favourite things about Summer. As you can see, I also like wearing them! I bought this fabulous cardigan on Vinted for a bargain price. It’s really soft and lovely to wear; in fact it feels like it’s hand knitted but it does have a small label in it, so I’m…
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander | Chapter 19
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February 14th, 2020
Aberdeen Bloom was packing her tote bag.  
Thankfully, the team had Valentine’s Day off.  Over the past few weeks she’d heard the guys talking about their plans with their wives or girlfriends.  John and Aryne were getting John’s parents to watch Jace while they went for dinner in Yorkville.  Morgan was bringing Bee to Alo for dinner, in his crutches and all – he wasn’t letting his injury stop him.  Jason was going to buy his girls each a bouquet of flowers and have a special night in with them and Jennifer.  It all sounded very sweet, and she was happy that, after missing New Year’s with their families, they were at least able to have Valentine’s Day together.  
Evan was coming over tonight and Kasha was cooking him a romantic dinner, so Aberdeen had decided she was going to camp out at her local Starbucks with her laptop and notebooks and work on her writing.  It was when she was almost finished packing her tote bag did a text come through on her phone. 
can u be ready in 15 mins?
Between William and Brendan, she’d just about had it with hockey players telling her to get ready in an absurdly short amount of time.
did u really think we wouldn’t celebrate valentines minskatt?
She almost dropped her phone on the floor.  She had no clue what he was thinking.  Clearly he wasn’t.
I don’t know what the custom in Sweden is, but usually you tell a girl if you’re going out on Valentine’s Day so she can look pretty
what’s the fun in that when i can surprise u with something plus u always look pretty its impossible for u not to
What if I already made plans?
Less than ten seconds later, her phone began ringing.  She snorted before she picked up.  “Hi.”
“You don’t really have plans, do you?” he asked, worry in his voice.
She looked at her notebook sitting on her bed, the one she was supposed to have packed into her tote bag before leaving for Starbucks.  Where she should be drinking coffee and writing.  Exactly like the stereotype.  “Evan’s coming over.  I was supposed to go to Starbucks and write,” she informed him.
William knew how seriously Aberdeen took her writing ever since she’d read a lot of it to him during their days alone during the All-Star Break, so he was genuinely worried.  “Do you think you can spare a few hours for a Valentine’s Day date?  I’m like two minutes from your place,” he said.  “But, uh, no pressure.  I mean if you want to write, you can go write.”
Aberdeen smiled, though she couldn’t see him.  His anxiety was a bit cute, she had to admit.  This was the first time in her life, she thought, that she made a boy nervous.  The last time she’d tried to use writing as an excuse not to go out, Zane got annoyed and pouty and forced her out to his friend’s birthday party where she had the worst time.  “I’ll meet you downstairs,” she said quickly before hanging up.
By the time the elevator took her down to the lobby, she saw William’s Volvo already waiting for her in front of the lobby doors.  She slipped into the passenger’s seat quickly, closing the door and immediately noticing how already hot and cozy it was in the car.  She looked over to William.  “Hi,” she smiled shyly.
“Hi minskatt,” he smiled too, a soft, confident smile on his face.  “You look beautiful.”
“Stop trying to butter me up.”
He leaned over the centre console and placed a kiss on her lips.  It was supposed to be chaste – supposed to be – but he should have known better, because once his lips were on hers it was endgame for him, and he kept kissing her and deepening the kiss for as long as she’d let him.  When she pulled away, she was smiling.  “Where are we going?” she asked.
“It’s a surprise.”
He reached over and grabbed her hand, pulling it over to his lap.  “You’ll see, minskatt.”
Aberdeen digressed.  He put his car into drive and turned the corner to rejoin Adelaide Street.  He grabbed his phone carefully from the cupholder and handed it to her.  “Want to play some music?” he asked.  
Aberdeen arched her brow.  She took the phone from his hands and began scrolling through his Spotify.  During the All-Star Break, she’d added more songs to his “Minskatt” playlist, and they’d listened it as they sat around the apartment, or cooked, or did whatever it was they did for those three days – which was basically just eat and have sex.  She noticed a couple of songs had been added by him since then, too: ‘Ageless Beauty’ by Stars, ‘Cold Feet’ by Loud Luxury, ‘Honest’ by The Band CAMINO.  They all suited her and her taste in music so well.
But she had ulterior motives.
William waited patiently for a song to begin as he drove through the streets.  Every time he glanced over at Aberdeen, he saw her smirk getting bigger and bigger.  “What are you up to over there?” he asked.  “Are you destroying the playlist again?”
Aberdeen giggled and tapped the screen dramatically.  She waited.
When the opening notes of ‘Passionfruit’ began to play, William’s jaw dropped dramatically as Aberdeen burst into a fit of laughter at his reaction.  “What the hell is this?!” he demanded playfully.  “You roast me about my choice and now you play it?!”
“I never said it was a bad song,” she said through giggles.
“You are something else,” he said, pausing dramatically between the two words as he reached over and tried to pinch her on her thigh playfully.  She yelped but continued to laugh, grabbing his hand and holding it hers, like she was holding a baby bird.  “No extra meatball for you.”
Her eyes lit up at the mention of a meatball.  “Sugo meatballs?”
“No,” he shook his head, bringing his car to a stop at the red light.  He looked over at her.  “San Remo Bakery meatballs.”
She gasped dramatically.  “Willy, we’re going to San Remo?”
“Mhm,” he nodded his head.  The famous bakery in Etobicoke clearly had her heart, and he knew it would.  It was the first thing he thought of when he was planning tonight.  “You’re gonna get us whatever’s good and we’re gonna eat.”
Aberdeen wiggled excitedly in her seat.  She controlled the playlist and songs as William made his way to Etobicoke the long way – aka, not taking the highway.  He was perfectly content with taking King Street and The Queensway the entire way there while maintaining easy, fun, and interesting conversation with Aberdeen, who was suddenly full of stories of other Etobicoke establishments she’d haunt during her high school days.  She told stories of she and her friends packing themselves into a car to drive to San Remo Bakery in grade 12, making it back just in time for their afternoon class but smelling like freshly baked bread in the process.  She told stories of running through the streets of The Kingsway neighbourhood throughout university when she would go on jogs to clear her head.  She told stories of hiking along the Humber Marshes with her dad and traditional afternoon tea at the Old Mill with her mom and taking the subway back home to Royal York station after nights out with her friends in university.  She’d memorized the train schedule and knew that the last train going westbound left at 1:52am.  For all that she went out, she’d only ended up taking a taxi back home three times.
After every story, William would kiss her hand.  
When they were on Royal York Road, Aberdeen became silent as she looked at all the storefronts on the way to the bakery.  The sun was just starting to set, and even though it was the dead of winter in Canada, the night was clear and crisp, the sky starting to light up a mixed shade of orange and pink.  She looked over at William, his eyes illuminated by the setting sun.  For all her thinking half the time that he was so perfect she didn’t think he was real, she was reminded of his status by the beanie he was wearing on top of his head, the Maple Leafs logo glaring back at her.  
He pulled the car over to the curb right in front of the bakery.  Aberdeen could see inside, and it was pretty busy – like it usually was.  She looked at him again.  “Do you get recognized a lot when you’re out and about in the city?” she asked.
William shrugged.  “Enough.”
She looked between him and the busy bakery again, biting her lip.  “Then how about I go in and bring the food back,” she said sheepishly.  “That way it’s not…I mean we’re not seen toget—”
“I understand, Aberdeen.  It’s okay,” he said, kissing her hand.  
“I’m sorry we can’t, like, eat it inside or whatever,” she said sheepishly, knowing that it was because of her anxieties about being caught that they couldn’t be seen in public together.  Sometimes she wondered if he had the same, although she doubted it.  He was an extremely private person and didn’t let the media know about one iota of his life or who he really was as a person, but he was so carefree with her that she wondered if he let his guard down because his love for her blinded him or something.  
“Hey…” he said, leaning over the centre console again so he could give her a soft kiss.  “It’s fine.  I’m just happy to be spending the night with you.  Now go.”
Aberdeen came back with a feast.  A giant slice of lasagna (for him), gnocchi in a rosé sauce (for her, her absolute favourite), and two sfoglio cannolis.  When she got back in the car, bag filled to the brim, William was smiling.  The smell of all the food instantly filled the car and he almost melted right then and there.  “God, that smells fucking incredible,” he said.  “Alright, next stop.”
“What’s the next stop?”
“You’ll see.”
Aberdeen rolled her eyes again.  She didn’t have to wait long, though, because within minutes – seriously, the food was still steaming – they’d arrived at Prince of Wales Park, a small park on the edge of the lake with an amazing and underrated lookout towards the Toronto skyline.  The park was empty, with it being the middle of winter, and so was the small parking lot.  William parked right at the end, facing the skyline as the sun set over the city.  
Aberdeen and William looked at each other at the same time once he put his car in park, turning off the engine but leaving the heating on.  “You were planning to eat in the car anyway, weren’t you?” she asked.  
“Maybe,” he smiled mischievously.  
She took out the food.  William audibly moaned as he took his first bite of lasagna.  Aberdeen lay her back against the door as she forked some gnocchi into her mouth, sighing at the taste.  Between mouthfuls of gnocchi and lasagna and feeding each other little bits to taste, William began to speak, unprompted, just like she had on the way to the bakery.  He spoke about growing up with his big family in Sweden and the United States, going back and forth every year.  He spoke about skating on rollerblades in his backyard and hitting the corner of a barbecue while his dad chased him and needing three stitches.  He spoke about his mom cooking traditional Swedish dishes and his dad being the master of pickled herring.  He spoke about hockey and being drafted and moving to Toronto at eighteen.  He spoke about having to leave his friends in Sweden but being able to see them every summer.  He spoke about how much she would love Sweden, how he wanted to bring her there, how he wanted to show her their family place in Stockholm but also their secluded country house. 
After every subject change, she’d lean in and kiss him, and he’d taste like lasagna and she’d taste like gnocchi and it was all just perfect.  
When they finished the food, and had washed everything down with some water and put the empty containers back in the bag that Aberdeen tied up and placed at her feet, she looked at William once more.  Although everything was sweet, and perfect, and lovely, and everything she would have wanted out of a Valentine’s Day date, the fact of the matter was they’d just had dinner in a car.  Alone.  Because they couldn’t spend it in a restaurant together.  Because they were together, but they couldn’t be together – out in the open, at least.
“Hey Willy?” her voice was sheepish, her mouth speaking before her brain could tell her not to.
“You uh, you know how we’re keeping all this a secret?  Like nobody on the team knows we slept together last June, and nobody in the world knows we’re sleeping together now, and the guys on the team think it’s all like…I don’t know, like you having a harmless crush on me or whatever?” she rambled.
“Yes…” William was unsure of where she was going with this.  
“So, um…what are we, then?”
He stayed quiet for a moment.  “What do you want to be?” he asked.  
“Nuh-uh.  I’m not making the executive decision here,” she shook her head.  “Either we make a decision together or that’s it.  We need to define what this is because right now we’re in this weird friends-with-benefits stage even though we’ve already said I love you—”
“I want you to be my girlfriend,” he blurted out, interrupting her.  “I thought…I mean, I’ve wanted you to be my girlfriend since the elevator.  I thought you knew that.”
She had a hunch, but she needed it confirmed by him out loud so she knew her mind wasn’t playing games with her.  “So…so we’re going to do this, then?” she asked timidly.
“Do you want to do this?” he asked, making sure.  “Because you already know my answer.  I think you’ve known it this whole time, you just hesitate to accept it because your judgement is clouded by the fact that we have to sneak around to love one another and be together.”
For Aberdeen, the answer was easy.  It was wrong, and it was immoral, and it was a blatant disregard of the rules she needed to follow professionally and the rules she should be following societally, but it was easy.  “Yes.  I want to do this.  You’re my boyfriend.”
“Then you’re my girlfriend,” William smiled.
“We have a bit of a problem though.”
“Besides the fact that this is against every company policy known to mankind and completely inappropriate?” he asked.  It made Aberdeen giggle.  “What’s the other problem?”
“Valentine’s Day can’t be our anniversary.  It’s too corny.”
William giggled.  He grabbed her hand and kissed it before he held it in his lap, his thumb gliding over her backhand tenderly.  “When’s our anniversary then, minskatt?”
Aberdeen thought for a few moments before she came to a conclusion.  “January 9th.”
William knew the exact date she was talking about and knew why she would choose that date to be their anniversary.  “Alright then.  January 9th it is.”
Aberdeen smiled, leaning back into the door, satisfied.  They had an anniversary.  They were official.  They were on the same page, regardless of whether or not they liked that page – that page being not being able to share their relationship with anyone or anything.    It wasn’t the best page.  But they both knew there were better pages ahead.  
A secret only they knew.
“What’re you thinking about?” William asked softly.  
“You,” she replied.  He smiled.  “C’mere,” she beckoned.  
“Come where?”
She abruptly opened the door, slipping out of the passenger seat and instead moving to the backseat.  William watched as she did so, slipping out himself when he realized what she was doing.  Once they found each other in the backseat, Aberdeen climbed on top of him and straddled his lap.  “You’re being very bold, minskatt,” William smiled.  
“Count your blessings,” she winked before leaning in and crashing her lips against his.  He reciprocated readily, however ‘shocked’ he was by her bold actions.  He was just as hungry for her as she was for him, and his actions showed that: his hands wandering along her thighs, grabbing at her waist; his tongue down her throat, biting her bottom lip.  They kissed so much their lips were red and swollen; kissed so much they were fogging up the windows.
Layers.  There were too many layers of clothing.  It was winter, so they both knew there would be, but it made things annoying.  They’d taken their jackets off long ago – William had his off when Aberdeen got in the car, and she’d taken hers off soon after, not bothering to put it back on when she ran in and out of San Remo Bakery – but now there was William t-shirt and hoodie to worry about, and Aberdeen’s sweater, and…
Aberdeen felt William’s hands go underneath her sweater and shivered.
“You alright, minskatt?” William asked as he felt her body shake at his touch.  
Aberdeen nodded.  She began kissing him again, grinding her hips against his lap, causing him to groan.  His hands kept traveling higher and higher against her bare skin until he reached her bra.  Aberdeen helped take off her sweater.  William took his off, too.  She could feel how hard she was getting as she grinded more in his lap, pressing her bare skin onto his and feeling his body heat.  Eventually, he pushed her bra straps down, kissing his way down to her breasts before taking a nipple on his mouth.  Aberdeen threw her head back.  “Willy…” she sighed out, the feeling of his tongue flicking against her nipple making her shiver again.  He switched to the other breast.  “Oh, Willy…” she began to pant harder.
She dropped her hands in between them.  
As Aberdeen stuck her hand down his pants, William stopped.  “Ab—Aberdeen—”
“Willy please tell me you have a condom somewhere.”
He huffed, looking nervous.  “I d…I don’t think I do—”
“I wasn’t expecting this, minskatt.  I swear.”  Okay, so they couldn’t have sex.  But they could still have fun, she thought immediately, because there was no way she was going to stop now.  She was too far gone.  “If you want to stop I underst—”
“We are not stopping,” Aberdeen said firmly.  “I’m—I—help me pull your pants down.”
She started on her own, eagerly, but William helped.  She saw how hard his member was and grabbed it.  She noticed William’s sharp intake of breath.  She began to stroke him, looking him straight in the eye.  “D’you like that?”
William nodded.  He pulled her pants down, too, and moved her underwear to the side.  “I want to make you feel good,” he whispered.
“You always do,” she smiled.
He smiled back at her.  He began teasing her core before slipping one finger into her.  She gasped in pleasure, biting her lip as she moved her hips slowly.  “That’s good?” William asked quickly, only for Aberdeen to nod her head just as quickly, letting out a sigh.  She tried to steady her breathing as William’s finger began moving in and out of her slowly, curling every so often.  For her part, she kept jerking him off too, his grunts her fuel.
“D’you like when I touch you like this?” she asked, mumbling against his lips, biting down on the bottom one.  
He kissed her in response, sloppy and wet to let her know what he thought.  He used his thumb to start rubbing circles against her hot core, and the sound of her mewling out his name over and over again was driving him absolutely insane.  “More,” she whimpered.  “More, Willy.  One more.”
William slipped another finger into her easily and curled them both.  “Oooooh, fuck,” Aberdeen sighed out, along with every other swear word in the book.  She quickened her strokes of his cock and he grunted again, bucking his hips slightly.  They kissed for a while longer, both their hands working magic on the other, until she felt him buck his hips again.  “Are y’close, Willy?”  He nodded, unable to form words.  “D’you wanna cum in my mouth?”
Willy’s eyes bulged out dramatically.  “You’ve gotta cum first.”
“You don’t hav—you’ve gotta cum first,” he repeated more definitively, curling his fingers in her again, making her cry out.  
“Don’t stop, then,” she bit her lip.  “I’m so close.”
William leaned forward to kiss Aberdeen, and with a few more curls of his fingers and circles of his thumb, she began writhing and shaking on top of him, moaning his name over and over and over again as she rode out her orgasm for as long as she could.  She buried her head in the crook of his neck as she came down from her orgasm, feeling his fingers slip out of her.  She watched as he brought them up to his mouth and sucked.  She was surprised he’d do something that bold, but then again, he had just fingered her in the backseat of his car after she’d initiated the entire rendezvous.  “Fuck, Willy.”
“Felt good?” he asked quickly.
“Felt fucking amazing,” she responded, trying to suppress her giggle.  With her hand still miraculously on his cock, she continued stroking, slowly at first.  “You ok?”
He nodded his head.  “You look so fucking sexy,” he mumbled, referring to how her bra was still pushed down and the red flush that had taken over her body after her orgasm.  It was his favourite sight to see.  “I love it when I hear you moan my name.  I…fuck Aberdeen.”
“I love how good you are with your hands,” she smiled mischievously.  
“I love how good you are with yours,” he giggled, sighing slightly as her thumb grazed over the tip of his cock.  They kissed for a while as she continued to stroke him.  “God, you’re so fucking good.  I’m not gonna last much longer.”
“D’you want to cum in my mouth?” she asked again.
There was no backing out of the question now, but William didn’t know how to respond.  Of course it would have been nice, but there was so much to consider.  “You don’t have to.  It’s okay.”
“But Willy—”
“—I haven’t even eaten you out yet and I don’t think it’s fair—”
“—But I want to, Willy,” she said, eyes wide and staring at him with a mix of fake innocence and real determination.  “I want to.”
He didn’t say another word.  Aberdeen kissed him a few more times before she shifted her position and took him in her mouth, sucking the tip of his cock.  William leaned his head back and watched through hooded eyes as she continued to stroke and suck, leaving him utterly speechless.  It was only when Aberdeen started to go deeper that he could feel his release coming, and he suddenly found his voice again.  “Aberdeen—” he tried to get out, but couldn’t.  She looked up at him with big eyes and he was ready to die right there.  “Aberdeen, I—”
“Cum in my mouth Willy.”
With one last stroke and a buck of his hips, Aberdeen felt his hot cum in her throat.  William moaned and repeated her name over and over, much like she’d done before, and tried to keep his eyes on her as she took every last bit of him.  His jaw was practically on the floor as he looked down at her, and she up at him, until he couldn’t take it anymore.  “C’mere,” dragged her up, planting a messy, wet kiss on her lips as they moaned together, William wrapping his arms around her protectively as he could feel his cock soften.  
They kissed for what felt like hours again, kiss after kiss after kiss, until their pace slowed down and their breaths returned to normal and they realized what they’d just done, what they’d just participated in together, willingly, in a car sitting in an empty parking lot of a park overlooking the Toronto skyline.  In about twelve hours, they’d be on a plane together en route to Ottawa, solely work acquaintances to everyone around them, keeping their secret close to their hearts.
“I love you, minskatt,” William mumbled, his head still a bit dizzy but his heart still full from what had just happened.  
“I love you too,” she responded, her chest rising and falling with her breath, her head equally as dizzy and her heart equally as full.
William couldn’t keep his eyes off of Aberdeen, now that they were back in the driver’s and passenger’s seat, on Islington Road heading north to get on the Gardiner Expressway.  She had a flush on her cheeks and a small smile on her face as she looked out the window.  The night was completely dark now, with only the streetlights illuminating the road for them until they got back into the city.  The playlist was playing in the background, but neither bothered to turn the volume up or change the song yet.
William drove slowly.  To have more time with her.
“Minskatt?” he asked softly as they were stopped at a red light.  Aberdeen turned her head to look at him.  “Being with you feels right,” he told her, his voice firm and with conviction.  
“Even though what we’re doing is wrong?” she asked.
William shook his head.  “That doesn’t matter.  I don’t care about the rules.”  He considered her words – how she admitted it was wrong – for a moment and got nervous.  “Does it feel wrong to you?”
“No,” she replied immediately shaking her head.  “Not at all.  But you have to understand that this…this is simultaneously the most wrong thing I’ve ever done, but also the most right.  I don’t know how to explain it.”
“I get it completely,” William said.  “But I don’t regret any of it.”
“I don’t either.”  Aberdeen surprised herself by saying those words out loud.  But they were true.  She didn’t.  She didn’t feel any regret.  “You…you know that right?”
William smiled softly.  He was very, very well aware how much she was sacrificing to do this – to be sneaking around with him – and he was very well aware of how, for her, everything hung by a thread.  Everything for her was on the line, everything, and she was willing to risk it all for him.  That was why he was so protective.  That was why he was so secretive.  That was why he tried his best to keep everything so low-key, to not have people catch on, and if they did, to not take it too seriously.  “I do.”
When she picked up his phone as he took the on-ramp onto the Gardiner Expressway, she chose another song, ‘In Your Eyes’ by the Weeknd.  William recognized the tempo immediately and smiled.  They moved along to the music, singing the lyrics together as they drove on the highway.  Aberdeen danced in her seat and William grooved from side to side as much as he could while still being alert and paying attention to the road.  Near the song’s end, Aberdeen grabbed his phone again and queued the next song.  
When the familiar chords began to play, the synth coming in and the beat loud and strong, William looked over to her and smiled.  “How did I know?” he asked.
“Did you expect anything less from me?” she asked rhetorically, giggling slightly.  
Midnight… You come and pick me up, no headlights… Long drive could end in burning flames or paradise…
Hearing her sing was one of the best things in the world to him.  Almost as good as hearing her talking about writing.  Almost as good as hearing her read her own writing.  There was such a lack of inhibitions in the way she sang and the way she moved, the way she didn’t care about facades or rules or appropriateness anymore, that made every lyric, ever hand motion, every movement and every head bop so endearing to him.  When she took out her phone and began recording the lights on the horizon, all the skyscrapers lit up in the crisp winter’s night air, he reached across the console and held her hand.  Hands that held the ring he got her on it.
Because he could now.  Without any reservation.  
And when Aberdeen smiled, all was right in the world.  
When they got back to her apartment, Aberdeen was reluctant to leave.  William had put the car in park but neither of them moved to say goodbye or do anything, really.  They were lucky that her street wasn’t a main street; that it was residential and tucked in behind two other, more major streets, so that they wouldn’t be honked at or bothered.  
“Have you packed for tomorrow yet?” Aberdeen asked, her voice quiet.
William shrugged.  “Just gotta choose a suit, really.  There’s nothing to it.  You?”
“Yeah,” she nodded her head.  “My suitcase is pretty much always ready to go nowadays.  I’m uh…Brendan actually gave me lunch time off so I can meet up with Siena.”
“Yeah.  She’s even coming to the game.  Not in the press box or anything but she’ll be in a seat somewhere in the arena.  You might get to see her.”
William stayed silent for a few moments.  “Did you like tonight?” he asked.
Aberdeen smiled.  “Very much so.”
Some more moments of silence.  It wasn’t until William leaned over to give her a kiss that there was another sound.  “I love you, minskatt.”
She smiled into the kiss.  “I love you too, Willy,” she said, for what felt like the tenth time that night.  She put her hand on the door handle and pulled so the door would open.  She knew if she stayed any longer, they’d be there all night, either kissing or just sitting there in silence.  “Get home safe, okay?  Text me.”
He didn’t want her to leave, but he digressed because they both had an early wakeup time tomorrow.  He also knew that he’d be seeing her in a few hours again, anyway.  “I will, minskatt,” he gave her one last kiss before letting her go.
When Aberdeen walked into her condo building, it was like the concierge was waiting for her.  “Ms. Bloom?” he asked as she walked by the desk.
“That’s me…”
“This is for you,” he said, handing her a large manila envelope.  “Courtesy of your friend,” he nodded towards William, still waiting outside in his car until Aberdeen turned the corner to get to the elevator where he wouldn’t be able to see her.  
She furrowed her brows.  When…?  How…?  “Thanks…” she took it from him, thanking him politely before making her way towards the elevator.  Once she was in, she pressed her floor number and tore open the seal.
Inside, there was a valentine.  A poorly made and executed valentine, but a valentine nonetheless.  William had cut out a giant heart out of red construction paper.  He’d glued googly-eyes on it to make a face, glued pipe cleaners and cotton balls and stickers where necessary, and had even used glitter.  She laughed out loud – it honestly looked like a valentine made by one of her mom’s first graders.  When she noticed it was a card, she opened it up.  She saw, in William’s handwriting:
Jag tänker på dig när jag inte ens tanker
It was when she got to her bedroom that she punched in the words, with all their accents, carefully into Google Translate on her phone.  Again.  He was always making her translate things, although she highly doubted there would be a communication error this time around and think he was calling her ‘little shit’.  When the translation came up, her heart skipped a beat.
I think about you when I’m not even thinking.
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tbtssstuff · 4 years
Trees || knj
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Summary: Your grandson starts asking about trees. So you tell him where he can find a man who went by the name Koya, though you knew him as Kim Namjoon, a friend, but then he became the man who destroyed the trees.
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Fluff,Mild Angst
Word count: 3.2k
-TJ/TacoAdmin 🌮
AN: Happy birthday Joonie!
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Bright colors everywhere. Oranges, yellows, pink, and purples. 
The soft tufts that brush against your face as you climb up the trunks.
The view that was just breathtaking. Hundreds of truffula trees as far as the eye can see.
The air was clean and refreshing. It was just something at the time you took for granted.
But now it was all plastic plants, automatic trees, smoggy skies, and filtered air in bottles and machines. Nothing like you remembered from your childhood, but to your daughter and her son, it was all they knew. You thought you would be the last one to remember the trees.
“Hey mom? Where do I get a tree?” Jungkook pushes around the food on his dinner plate.
You freeze for a second, but only for a second and then continue eating your own food. You keep one ear tuned into their conversation though.
“A tree? But Jungkook we already have one and it’s the latest model.” Sooyoung points to the atrocious tree in the front yard. “The Okamatic! It has so many settings AND it comes with its own remote. Isn’t that cool?”
“Well yeah it is, but I’m talking about a real living tree, the ones that Jimin told me about.”
“You would rather have a lump of wood that just sits there and does nothing? Come on Jungkook, what is this really about?”
“Nothing!” Jungkook’s voice squeaks. He clears his throat. “Nothing. I just thought it would be nice to see one.”
“Well if you want a tree, you should go see Koya.” You speak up before shoveling some food into your mouth. You watch as your daughter rolls her eyes at your antics.
“Mom this isn’t time for your fairy tales okay?”
You point your fork at her, waving it around defensively. “It’s not! I knew him once a long time ago. He’s as real as you and me. Koya lives outside of town where the grass never grows, up in a tower living in his own self pity.”
“Yeah sure mom. Come on Jungkook, time to clean up dinner. Mom you need to go upstairs and get ready for bed.”
“But I’m not tired!” You whine, but you knew Sooyoung wasn’t having any of it. You shake your head and make your way up the stairs and to your room - thinking about Koya the whole way. You remember him as if you had last seen him yesterday, but in fact it was almost 40 years ago.
You sigh as you sit down on your bed, remembering when you first met Namjoon.
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The sun shines brightly in the sky and the wind rustles the tufts of the trees of the forest you were walking through. One thing you love most in the entire universe was to travel. You had traveled so far from home and the walk through this truffula forest was just a pass through to the next town.
You hike your backpack higher onto your back, looking around at the beautiful scenery before you. Some of the forest creatures were even poking their little heads out from behind the trees and bushes. You wave at them and surprisingly they wave back - smiling even.
“Hey!” A voice shouts behind you, causing you to jump and quickly turn around. Before you was an angry looking man with cat-like eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m just uhh passing though. Who are you?”
“My name is Yoongi and I’m the guardian of the forest and I thought I had enough trouble with beanpole, but now there is you?” Yoongi rubs at his temples and you didn’t like what he was implying. Trouble? You were no trouble! You were just passing through just like you said!
“I’m not trouble! I promise!”
“Yeah uh huh.”
You roll your eyes and turn to leave. “Whatever I don’t have to justif- ooph!” Suddenly a tall wall or something was in your way and you slammed right into it. Or him as your figure out when you look up.
This man was way taller than you and Yoongi combined with light blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and the cutest dimples you had ever seen. He smiles at you, his head tilted a little to the side in curiosity.
“Who’s this Yoongi?” Cute dimple man asks Yoongi though his eyes never left you.
You hear Yoongi groan. “Don’t know. She says she’s ‘passing through’.”
“I am.” You bite back and the dimple man laughs.
“She’s a feisty one. I’m Namjoon, I see you’ve met Yoongi, the pain in my ass.”
“Guardian of the trees!” Yoongi shouts and Namjoon rolls his eyes. “Yeah whatever. And you are?”
“Y/n. I’m a traveler and I was on my way to the next town so I was passing through this forest. It’s always nice to take the scenic route. I enjoy seeing the flowers and the trees.”
“Oh I like her.” Yoongi states as he walks past the two of you and to a huge trailer looking house.
“I’m heading into town soon as well, I’ll take you.”
You smile up at Namjoon, feeling your heart start to beat fast. “Sure. Thank you, Namjoon.”
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“Hey Grandma?”
Jungkook’s voice brought you out of your memories. It was sad remembering how Namjoon used to be, but you would rather remember him as the kind hearted man he was more than remembering the greedy selfish man he had become.
“Yes Kookie? What’s up?” You pat the bed beside you and Jungkook comes and joins you. He fidgets with his fingers and you could tell he had something on his mind, must be about the tree fiasco earlier.
“Is what you said…” He starts. “True?”
“I say a lot of things, Kook.” You smirk as Jungkook groans. You loved to mess with him because he just made it way too easy.
“About the trees! Come on please?”
You watch him for a few seconds, trying to see the real reason he wanted a tree. You did want people to learn about trees - you didn’t think anyone even cared anymore - but here was your grandson willing and ready to learn. The more you look at him the more the signs of the truth pops up. Love. He wanted a tree for love.
“Is this because of Jimin?” Jungkook’s face flushed and he started looking everywhere, but at you. Bingo. You laugh, patting his back. “It’s okay, I understand. Yes, Koya is real. He really does live outside of town and they say if you bring him a book, something non glass, and 16 cents - he would tell you all about trees.”
Jungkook nods, lost in thought. You smile knowing that as soon as the sun rises, he would go to see Namjoon.
When morning comes, Jungkook gathers everything you told him, grabs his scooter, and heads for the outskirts of town. Jungkook looks around and you were right about how the place looks. The grass was gray and dead, the air had a stale smell even though the wind blew ever so slightly. No animals. No life. Nothing. There was only one tall building.
“H hello?” Jungkook calls out. He walks up to the door, seeing a cute blue koala painted on it. The color was a bit faded, but he could make it out. Jungkook reaches to brush his fingers against the door, but the moment he touches the door it opens and a boot smacks him dead in the face, sending him flying.
Jungkook held his nose, almost certain that it was broken, staring wide eyed at the tall building and the pair of eyes looking down at him.
“Who are you?” The voice shouts.
“I I’m Jungkook and I’m pretty sure my nose is broken!”
“You shouldn’t have been so close to the door.” Jungkook could just hear the stranger shrugging. “Now Jungkook, what are you doing here?”
“I was told if someone brings you this stuff,” Jungkook lifts his hand and opens his palm, “then you would tell them about trees.”
“Trees? You want to know about trees? About what happened to them? It was because of me.”
“Wait what did you say? I can’t hear you.”
“It’s because of me!” He shouts. “It was my fault because I made the greatest invention of all time, a Thneed. It could do the job of many!”
Jungkook nodes, even though he had never heard of the ‘greatest invention of all time’, but he just wanted to get this over with and go home. The quicker he can get a tree, the quicker he can confess to Jimin. “Yeah that’s great and all Mr. Koya, but could you please tell me how to get a tree?”
“Well for that I would have to tell you of how I ruined the best thing that has ever happened to me. Before I even started successfully selling my Thneed, I met Y/n and she changed my life.”
“A girl did? How?” Jungkook suddenly got very interested in the story, how does one girl change a man’s life so much that he destroys all the trees?
“Let me tell you. I met her some time after I started my Thneed process. By that time I had already woken up the so-called ‘Guardian of the forest’, named Yoongi. He was an annoying little thing, but he had quickly become my best friend. Soon he met Y/n and I met her. From then she showed me so much. How to garden, how to cook better, even though Yoongi thought I was a lost cause in that department, but she never gave up.”
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Namjoon turns around to see you with one of the woodland creatures running up to him, waving your hand like a mad woman and smiling ear to ear. Even though he had known you for a short while, Namjoon could tell you were an optimistic and happy person. He had grown fond of every little thing you did.
You came skidding to a halt in front of him, almost knocking into him. “Look! Look!” You held up a white and blue flower. Another thing he learned about you was that you loved nature. Everything to do with it. It was one of the reasons Yoongi liked you so much.
Namjoon smiles, his dimples on full display. He smiled a lot more ever since you came along. Before he was so down that he couldn’t seem to sell his Thneed, but you were always there to cheer him up. ‘Keep going Namjoon!’ ‘The world will see how amazing your product is! I just know it!’ His own little cheerleader and he would have never asked for anything more. 
You had even stopped your travel to stay with him. You stayed in a hotel for like a day before returning to the forest to sleep under the stars. Some nights Namjoon would join you and honestly those were the best nights of sleep he had ever gotten, with you by his side.
“It’s pretty, Y/n.”
“Isn’t it! Yoongi showed me where some grow. It’s in a cave, can you believe that? Something so beautiful could survive even in darkness. Just shows if you want to survive you will make it happen. It will make you stronger! It reminds me of you, Namjoon.”
“Me? Why?” What about him other than his size reminded anyone of a plant?
“Just because people don’t know how amazing your Thneed is, you still push and try your hardest. It shows in your character and it will pay off eventually.” You bashfully look at the flower, stroking its petals gently. “It’s called a Koya flower.”
“Koya huh? I like the sound of that.”
“Me too.” You seem to be lost in the flower, smiling fondly. What Namjoon wouldn’t do to keep you smiling like that forever. “Hey are you going into town today? Give it another shot?”
“Yeah. I’m about to head out, but you’ve got dinner covered tonight right?”
You smile, cheeks flushed. It felt like you two were a married couple and honestly you weren’t against the thought of that. It wasn’t every day you feel like you find your soulmate, but you feel like you found it. “Yeah I’ve got it covered. Get out there and sell that Thneed.”
Namjoon smiles, leaning down to kiss your cheek. He wasn’t even thinking about it, it had just felt so natural to him. Before either of you could say anything Namjoon quickly left for town, his face flushed and palms sweating.
“Beanpole definitely likes you, you know that right?”
You whip around to see Yoongi sitting on a rock nearby and by the smug look on his face, he was enjoying watching you two run around like a couple of idiots. 
You blush and look down at the ground, smiling like said idiot that you are. “You think so?”
Yoongi’s grin widens and he nods. “Oh yeah. Trust me I know.”
A few hours later, you were inside and cooking dinner. The smell was amazing and even some of the woodland creatures had popped their little heads in begging for some - of course you give them some. You always make enough for you, Namjoon, and all of the cute little creatures that you’ve come to love. You honestly couldn’t imagine a better life than this.
Suddenly a very sad Namjoon burst through the door and made his way to the bed, flopping down face first. Must have been another unsuccessful day, but you did notice that his Thneed was gone.
“Namjoon?” You make your way over to the bed, sitting beside him and rubbing his back. “How did it go?”
“How do you think?” He snaps.
“Hey don’t take it out on me.”
Namjoon groans, lifting his head up for you to finally see his face. It was heartbreaking how broken and lost he looks. You smile softly at him and continue to rub his back. “How did it go?”
“Bad. I give up.” Namjoon sighs and plops his head back on the pillow.
“Wait hey,” You pull him up, finally getting him to face you and you cup his cheeks in your hands, “Don’t give up Namjoon. I know you can do it. It’s just a matter of time.”
“But Y/n it’s been weeks!”
“And it’ll be longer if you don’t get back out there with a good attitude.”
Namjoon leans into your touch, his eyes closing. “You’re right.”
“As always.” You both laugh. Namjoon slowly opens his eyes and you could just see the amount of love and kindness in his eyes. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Namjoon!” Yoongi opens the door and you guys quickly pull apart. Yoongi would smugly tease you guys about this to no end, but now wasn’t the time. “There are hundreds of people here and they are wanting your Thneed!”
“Wait really?!” Namjoon jumps up from the bed and rushes outside. You smile knowing that this was finally Namjoon’s time to shine.
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“So your product finally started selling?” Jungkook questions.
Namjoon smiles, even though he knows Jungkook couldn’t see him - feeling an amazing amount of pride at that point in his life. Even though that was the best moment in his life, what was about to follow was the worst. “It did. Y/n was right. She knew it was a matter of time before I was successful.”
“So then what happened?”
Remembering the events that followed broke Namjoon’s heart. He didn’t want to remember, but he knew it couldn’t be helped.
“I called my family to come work for me since I needed help keeping up with demands. I thought everything was going great, but then my mom came to me and told me that they couldn’t keep up because of the slow process of harvesting the tufts of the trees. She suggested we start cutting down the trees. I had not only promised just Yoongi, but Y/n too, that I wouldn’t start chopping down any trees.”
“But you did, didn’t you?”
Namjoon was quiet, proving Jungkook’s statement correct. “I was so blinded by my sudden success that I thought cutting down just a few wouldn’t do any harm. I was wrong. I was so very wrong. I started ignoring Yoongi’s warnings and even Y/n yelled at me, calling me a liar and a coward. By the time the last Truffula tree was cut down, she and Yoongi had disappeared from my life. I had no one.”
“Not even your family?”
“Especially my family.” Namjoon scoffs, “The moment the money stopped flowing they left me, calling me a disappointment. It was  then I realized they weren’t my real family. Yoongi and Y/n and all the woodland creatures were my real family and I drove them all away with my greed.”
Jungkook was quiet, processing the story he had just heard. He felt bad for Koya and he wished he could help him, but he knew there was nothing he could do. “Do you know what happened to them?”
“I don’t, but I hope she found happiness.” Namjoon sighs. “Well now you know what happened. I do have the last truffula seed and I believed that there had to be someone who cared an awful lot to plant it. Maybe, just maybe, that person is you Jungkook.”
Jungkook immediately shot up from the ground, eyes wide and bright, his bunny smile in full force. Finally he knew how he could help him. “I am! I can! Please let me help, Koya!”
Namjoon smiles and sticks his arm out the window of his tall home. “Catch.” Then he opens his hand and a small seed falls out of his hand, Jungkook quickly catching it. He examines the tiny see with wonder in his eyes. Something so small can really help and save many.
“I’ll plant it in the middle of town!” With that promise, Jungkook got onto his scooter and left. Namjoon finally felt hopeful for the first time in a long time.
“I’m sorry Yoongi, Y/n. I couldn’t keep my promise, but I hope this helps.”
A couple of years has gone by now since the last time Namjoon saw Jungkook, but even without the boy coming back he knew that he had kept his promise. The blue skies and the few small truffula trees growing in his front yard was proof.
Namjoon was watering some of the trees when he felt a familiar presence come up behind him.
“You did good, Namjoon. Jungkook told me about everything. He had a feeling that I was the girl in your story.”
Namjoon slowly turned around to see you standing there in front of him. He thought he was dreaming. You looked just as beautiful as he remembered, yes you had aged, but so had he. “Are you… really here?”
You smile, walk over to him and hug him close, feeling his body start to shake. Namjoon was crying. This was real and he could really feel you. He wraps his arms around you and cries into your shoulder.
You stroke his hair, tears falling from your eyes as well. Finally the man you had fallen in love with all those years ago was back and you weren’t going to let him go again. Namjoon promises the same thing to you. This time he plans to keep his promise.
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choisanah · 4 years
imagery, vibes, aesthetics | ot8
・    kim hongjoong ;
traveling and holding hands while visiting art museums all over the world; taking photos of you when you're not aware because you look just as beautiful as the paintings; shopping for clothes, making a contest out of it to see who can find the most ridiculous article of clothing; late night drives to the beach, listening to music as you lay down on the hood of the car, gazing at the stars; exploring abandoned buildings, trying to decipher old grafitti; struggling to stay awake through the movie you'd already complained was too expensive; going out to a coffee shop under the excuse that you need to work, but it's just so cozy, laptops long forgotten in favor of conversations about everything and nothing; watching the sun rise from your balcony, stars still lodged tightly in your gazes; painting over old vinyls and cassettes.
・    park seonghwa ;
autumn slow walks in the park, surrounded by mountains of golden leaves; breeze blowing through your hair, flushing your cheeks; sinking into his denim jacket, melting into the faint scent of his cologne; dancing alone in your apartment to slow songs in the middle of the night; stolen glances as you try to read but you can't focus on the books; breakfast in bed every sunday since it's so damn hard to drag yourself out of the bed; old books scattered around, the smell of a library; discovering the fancy restaurants in the city, trying out the fanciest courses; golden sunlight peeking through thin, peachy curtains; lips faintly brushing over warm skin, words of praise and adoration; pearls and fine gold jewelry, a collection of watches for any occasion; bouquets of roses and lilies, their smell filling each room of the apartment.
・    jeong yunho ;
snowball fights in the evening of christmas eve, eager to get inside for hot chocolate and cuddle up in front of the fire; ordering food because you're too busy to play video games to cook; blooming trees in spring time, cherry blossom filled rivers; pointing at clouds in the pink twilight sky and trying to define the shapes as they pass by; handmade cards, with fun messages and heartfelt feelings; pressed flowers between pages of books; plaid shirts and oversized sweaters strewn about on every piece of furniture; stretching like a cat the moment you open your eyes, grunting softly and turning to the other side; the joy you find in a new hobby, investing the time and money and the moment you finally get it right when your eyes light up in excitement; electrifying touches and sparks flying with each kiss.
・    kang yeosang ;
bar hopping on a friday night, holding hands as you run through the rain to the next pub; bruised skin covered in silly plasters as if that would help speed up the healing; sitting at the back of the class and silently judging everyone; trying so hard to hold in laughter in inappropriate situations; staying up late enough to see the sun peek through the horizon; beat up vans shoes and frayed laces; pretending to be engaged just to get free samples of cake from bakeries; getting deeper and deeper in the forest, clinging to one another at the smallest sound of leaves rustling; randomly going for a drive when neither of you has any plans but don't want to stay inside either; deep red wine pouring into crystal glasses; leather jackets and chains, heavy steel toed boots.
・    choi san ;
the smell of coffee when you sleep in on the weekend and you don't need coffee, but it's such a nice morning treat; talking about your week over breakfast that you'd cooked together; fields of sunflowers in early autumn, when the september rain still hasn't made itself known; flower crowns braided from wildflowers you'd picked while hiking through the forest; grocery shopping but getting distracted by the toy aisle, playing pretend with the stuffed animals; pure white and freshly washed cotton sheets; the sparkling waves of the ocean as it splashes onto the shore; soft, gentle touches, reassuring hand squeezing and warm smiles; sharing ice cream, chips and chocolate after two hours of not being able to decide what movie to watch; the warmth of your bed on a winter morning when everything else has frozen over.
・    song mingi ;
themed park dates, shoving cotton candy in your mouth and giggling like crazy; play-fighting over the last piece of pizza before deciding to compromise and cut it in half; impossibly tight hugs, when you can't breathe yet you want to hug tighter; cute little notes with loving words spread all over the apartment, even waking up one day to one plastered to your forehead; bubble baths with candles all around, gentle music playing in the background; swarms of yellow butterflies swaying in the wind; glitter stickers and patches on denim jackets; buying tons of throw pillows, as if there's a square inch of space left on your couch; refusing to dye your hair at a salon because when your friend does it for you it's infinitely more fun.
・    jung wooyoung ;
salty sea wafting through the air in the summer breeze; ice cream dripping down your t-shirts in the sweltering heat; volunteering at pet shelters not only because it's such a selfless act but oh my god you have to see these puppies and kittens; the feeling of walking on your own after a party, drained of all energy, roaming the quiet streets; laughing so hard no more sounds come out, ten minutes later remembering and starting to laugh again; sightseeing in the world's biggest cities, neon lights flashing over excited faces; walls covered in posters and photos, fairy lights hanging from every corner of the room; black velvet and red lace, silk blindfolds and goosebumps; sitting on his shoulders at every concert so you could see better, but struggling to keep your balance because he's somehow still dancing.
・    choi jongho ;
picnics in the park under the moonlight, alone together and feeling as if the world stopped for a while; singing in the shower and annoying all your neighbors; getting kicked out of the bar for 'instigating a fight' even though all you did was talk shit to the bouncers; barbecue parties during summer evenings; running barefoot through the grass; cuddled up in front of a campfire, roasting marshmallows and singing; making up stories about the people passing by; comforting hugs and careful words; skipping class together, sneaking out of the school to go swimming; sore muscles and whining, swearing up and down you're never joining him at the gym again; staring contests and muffled laughter as tears fill your dry eyes, neither of you wanting to give up the competition just yet.
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alexcabotgf · 3 years
TAGGED BY: @retrodame (thank you!! 🌷)
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or and light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // braids or pigtails // dc or marvel neither // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos (but really both) // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon neither // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theatres // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels both! // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or and libraries // fiction or non-fiction
soft: 12/20
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet-scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart-shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
dark academia: 17/20
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose-fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
edgy: 19/20
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing | weird humour | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low-quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
70s: 16/20
colourful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | dying everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid-heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
preppy casual: 7/20
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colourful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
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24hour-blues · 3 years
all the ones you haven't answered yet? i'm sorry you're sad💙
thank you, that's very sweet. i hope you're doing alright 💛
1. when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? - more milk. i always end up putting too much.
2. do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? - yes
3. what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? - library receipts, post-its, junk mail, pencils
5. are you self-conscious of your smile? - i think it’s one of the few things i’m not self-conscious about, actually. i like my smile.
8. what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? - writing, often poetry but sometimes prose. i like creating playlists, too, and singing.
9. do you like singing/humming to yourself? - yeah, i sing to myself all the time. whatever song i have stuck in my head at the moment.
10. do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? - side, but very occasionally my stomach.
12. what’s your favorite planet? - jupiter
14. if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? - lots of pillows and blankets of all types. succulents and cacti on the windowsills. wooden utensils and dark cabinets in the kitchen. a breakfast bar with stools that don’t match. rugs with funky patterns. a big, soft couch in a bright color that you can sink into. a small balcony with fold-out chairs. rows of mugs and barely any plates. the bathroom crowded with makeup and skin products, writing on the mirror in blue marker. beds never made. a guitar in the corner of the sitting room.
15. go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! - there are more trees on earth than stars in the milky way
16. what’s your favorite pasta dish? - angel hair pasta with puttanesca sauce
18. tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. - i can’t think of anything...
19. do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? - everything. sometimes it’s big things, sometimes small. my fears and what i’m in love with. regrets. shame. hope.
20. what’s your favorite eye color? - grey
21. talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. - idk if it’s really my favorite, but my current backpack took me all through college and it’s good for storing stuff or using as an overnight bag. it’s from timberland and is a nice earthy brown with a flap over the top. lots of pockets.
22. are you a morning person? - i can be
23. what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? - make breakfast and tea. read or watch a movie that makes me rethink everything
25. what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? - a school, i think?
26. what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? - i haven’t had them forever, but i wear my doc martens with everything. i used to wear plain white keds with everything.
27. what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? - winter green
28. sunrise or sunset? - sunrise
30. think of it: have you ever been truly scared? - yes
31. what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. - i like soft, fluffy socks and ones with fun patterns. i love hiking socks. i don’t wear them to sleep tho.
32. tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. - i went to a waffle house at 5am with a friend and some friends of hers i’d just met on her birthday. we were all really drunk, the food took forever, and it tasted awful, but we were happy and laughing.
33. what’s your fave pastry? - probably a cinnamon roll
35. do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? - i like a good calligraphy pen and new notebooks. i don’t use them often; i feel like i don’t have anything important enough to write.
37. do you like keeping your room messy or clean? - it’s usually clean unless i’m not feeling well. sometimes i get disorganized.
38. tell us about your pet peeves! - overlapping conversations. people interrupting others. loud mouth noises, like chewing or licking. people criticizing my driving. nitpicky comments on my clothes or how i look. being talked about.
39. what color do you wear the most? - black, probably.
41. what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? - how it feels to float by helena fox
42. do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! - nope
43. who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? - i’m not sure
44. when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? - i can’t remember
45. do you trust your instincts a lot? - not really
46. tell us the worst pun you can think of. - i can’t remember it but something about pigeons and being coo-l
47. what food do you think should be banned from the universe? - bacon. i just wanna make people angry.
48. what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? - my dad told me a story once, about when i was a kid. he said that he and i were walking together near the lake in the neighborhood across from mine. i was holding his hand, and i said to him that this was the happiest time in my life because i wouldn't be the same when i grew out of being a child. i think i have the same fear now--that i'll never be that happy again.
49 do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
- i like records but i only have one. it's an album by ccr. i really like them
50. what’s an odd thing you collect?
- beer bottle caps
52. what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
- maybe those "girl..." text posts that just say stupid shit
53. have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
- watched them all but pulp fiction. i don't really remember heathers at all
55. what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
- lets not talk about that
57. go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
- not in the mood sorry
58. who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? - bri is wine mom. quincy and i are vodka aunt.
60. do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
- yes but i rarely remember favorites. i read so much and feel it then forget all the words
61. what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
- someone gave me a rock once. i get too nervous to give stupid gifts
62. do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
- orange or cranberry
63. are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
- i'm more fussy about music than books, but i do like my books organized. i like them worn in and well-read tho, not in perfect shape.
64. what color is the sky where you are right now?
- a fuzzy, light blue-grey. it's snowing
65. is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
- a few
66. what would your ideal flower crown look like?
- lots of green leaves in all different shapes and sizes. tiny white and blue flowers.
67. how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
- isolated and insignificant. safe
68. what’s winter like where you live?
- cold, grey, snowy.
69. what are your favorite board games?
- idk if i really too many board games. maybe cranium. i like puzzles more
71. what’s your favorite kind of tea?
- honey vanilla chamomile
72. are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
- yea and even then i forget.
73. what are some of your worst habits?
- i give up too easily
74. describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
- excitable. emotional. so very smart. creative as all hell. self-conscious where they shouldn't be. never runs out of words in the best way. loves to share.
75. tell us about your pets!
- my dog shiver is turning into a little old man, but he still acts like a puppy. he likes attention and whines to communicate. he'll greet you at the door and put his front paws on your thighs to say hi. follows you all around the house. loves to cuddle.
- my pigeon spirit is young and vocal. she coos for attention. when i go to sleep, she grunts every time i move to ask where i am and if i'm okay. i take showers with her and sit on the tile; she puffs up right into my side and sticks her wings out for me to splash water on her. she likes to be close to me to get neck scritches and push her head into my neck and preen every bit of me she can.
76. is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
- a lot probably
77. pink or yellow lemonade?
- limeade
78. are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
- i dunno they're cute
80. what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
- it's white wallpaper with pink roses along the top and ribbons of pink and green striped vertically. my mom chose it before i was born.
81. describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
- they sort of remind me of dark water where everything is reflected back in it--not just the sky but the trees and people walking--and they make you want to look closer because you know there's something in there, it's not just a reflection, like flat glass. but it's hidden until you dio your hand in the pictures broken.
82. are/were you good in school?
- pretty good
83. what’s some of your favorite album art?
- i don't look at albums
85. do you read comics? what are your faves?
- not really, but watchmen is one of my favorites.
86. do you like concept albums? which ones?
- dunno
88. are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
- um. idrk. i like whatever monet was doing.
91. where do you plan on traveling this year?
- maybe michigan
92. are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
- i like cheese
93. what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
- i just kind of. let it do whatever.
94. who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
- my uncle
95. what are your plans for this weekend?
- honestly have no clue
96. do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
- put them off until windows tells me it's restarting the computer in five minutes
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
- mb
98. when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
- in college with jacob, although i wouldn't really call it joking. we just walked through a state park. it was beautiful.
100. if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
- idk. i feel like i'd make the same mistakes if i went back, but the future scares me.
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galaxy-parker · 5 years
I’ll Love You (Till All My Love’s Run Out)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Michelle Jones
Summary: she’s beautiful and he’s indisposed
Warnings: europe doesn’t actually always have small doors i swear
Word Count: 2.1k A/N: wowowow that trailer fucked me up!!! and i am very excited to write about it!!! i am such a slut!!! this is a great time!!! enjoy! ~
Michelle’s dress is colored blue and painted with pretty flowers, red and yellow and green and Peter feels his heart freeze when she looks at him. He feels his feet freeze too. She smiles, tight lipped and short lived but she smiles at him all the same. His heart beats painfully in his chest.
‘Peter,’ Ned pushes against his back, trying to squeeze through the tiny doorway (really tiny doorway. When he’d first seen them Peter thought it was just their specific hotel that didn’t know how to make normal sized aperture’s, then he saw the rest of the city and, well, Europe just has really weird doors)
Ned’s finger jabs between Peter’s shoulder blades. ‘Hey,’ He calls out, turning to glare at the boy.
‘You’re holding up the line, dickhead,’ Flash’s voice echoes from farther behind and Peter rolls his eyes, stepping out of the frame and directly to the side.
Somehow through the chaos of booking a hotel, he and Ned had gotten stuck with Flash as a roommate, making the usual slur of insults from his mouth become a never ending spewing waterfall.
Peter’s eyes flit to MJ again, she’s smiling- brighter this time- but not at him. Betty stands in front of her, whispering something hushed and so obviously secret that he turns to Ned and begins running his mouth about quantum physics as not to let his very advanced hearing pick up the words, but not before he hears ‘Peter,’ and something about ‘like him,’
He’s trying to get better at eavesdropping. Or rather not eavesdropping.
‘Woah, calm down,’ Ned quirks an eyebrow, moving past him to let Flash stumble through the door.
‘It’s about time,’ He mumbles.
‘What about subatomic particles?’ Ned ignores Flash’s interference and scratches the back of his hair, trying to catch on to his friends ramblings. Peter only shakes his head.
‘Never mind,’ He says, watching MJ stroll far enough out of earshot that even he’d have difficulty listening in on her conversations. Not that he wants to.
Ned follows his gaze, then smirks when his eyes land on the girl, still nodding along to whatever Betty is saying. MJ glances at him and the slightest hint of pink begins to rise to her cheeks, he’s sure his own face is a bright red by now. Ned shoves his shoulder.
‘Dude,’ He laughs as Peter stumbles, rubbing his sleeve with a wince.
‘Dude,’ Ned says again. Peter only shrugs.
Ned furrows his brows and begins to gawk in a way that makes Peter think of a fish out of water. Actually a fish out of water. ‘Seriously?’ He says. Peter shrugs again. ‘She’s totally into you.’
A scoff rips from his lips as Mr. Harrington calls the class to follow him through the door and towards the theater they’re visiting. Peter straightens the collar of his shirt and shakes his head. ‘Whatever,’ He says. And then- ‘You think so?’
‘Uh, yeah?’ Ned scoffs out the words and Peter’s cheeks heat up just a little more.
‘I just wanna spend time with her,’ He mumbles, feet beginning to follow the rest of his peers through the creaking hotel doors. Ned’s eyes glint with mischief.
‘That can be arranged,’ He says and Peter shoots him a baffled smile, glancing up at the sky and the stars speckled through it. The night is chilly but not cold and he breathes in the fresh air, relishing the feel of it.
‘Ned!’ Betty’s voice rings out a few paces in front of them and Peter’s eyes land on the blonde girl for half a second before flying to Michelle whose own eyes are already stuck to his figure. She looks him up and down.
‘Duty calls,’ Ned shoots him a two fingered salute and Peter barely has time to nod in return before he’s skipping to catch up with Betty and MJ is falling back to give the pair space. She falls into step next to him and his heart begins to race and race and race in his chest. He swallows hard.
‘Hey,’ He squeaks.
‘Hey,’ She says and the word sounds strange, different than how she’d usually speak it. Less indifferent somehow. It only makes his hands grow damp and his neck grow hot. Ned and Betty whisper ahead of them, glancing back every so often. MJ shakes her head. ‘They’re up to something.’
Peter laughs. ‘No kidding,’ He says and she turns to look at him, head cocked to the side just enough so that the lock of hair always concealing her eyes falls away and for just a moment, barely one, he sees her eyes glint with something nervous. He swallows hard and looks away, eyes focusing on the pair in front of them again.
MJ does the same and they watch as the couple no longer giggles and whispers about them no doubt, and instead as Ned takes Betty’s hand and squeezes it tight. Peter grins and then begins to laugh and Michelle glances at him curiously, a matching smile on her lips.
‘What?’ She says.
‘Nothing,’ He replies. ‘Ned’s just been pining after Betty for god knows how long.’ He shakes his head. ‘It’s about time he did something about it.’
‘Betty’s had a crush on him since the sixth grade,’ She scoffs and raises her chin, leaning towards Peter, close enough so that he can smell her perfume. It’s light and warm and sweet and it might just be the only he thing he wants to smell for the rest of his life. ‘Betty’s the one who took his hand by the way.’ She almost whispers it and Peter expression twists in surprise.
‘What? No, I just saw it,’ He says, eyeing the pair again. MJ shakes her head.
‘She’s been working up to this for weeks, I’m telling you.’
Peter hikes his backpack higher over his shoulder his tongue darting out to wet his lips. ‘Alright.’
MJ arches a brow. ‘You don’t believe me?’
‘I do,’ He rushes out with a breathless laugh. ‘No, I do.’
She shakes her head, a smile pulling at her lips and lifts her eyes to the sky. The pale moonlight dances across her skin, pulling at her features so that she almost begins to glow- but then again, he thinks she might’ve done that before.
He watches her watch the stars, hoping he doesn’t trip and land on his face from the sheer distraction of her. Has her hair always looked so soft?
‘Why’re you staring at me?’ Her voice cuts through the parading thoughts of her her her in his mind and his head snaps forward, eyes almost cutting through the stone pavement in front of him.
‘I’m not,’ He says, but he was. He knows that she knows he was. A bought of red rushes to his cheeks. Idiot.
She hums and then stops walking. Peter barrels straight into Flash’s back.
‘Watch it,’ He snaps, shoving Peter back.
‘Sorry,’ Peter mumbles, not ignoring how MJ’s jaw begins to twitch at the encounter.
It’s no secret that Flash isn’t the most loved among the class, no matter how much he tries to convince everyone otherwise, but despite how much Peter dislikes him he’s almost sure MJ takes her hatred for the boy to an entirely new level. He’s not surprised really, when he thinks about the offensive things known to leave the bully’s mouth.
Mr. Harrington holds up his hand to grab the attention and MJ scoots away again as Ned inserts himself beside him. ‘You okay?’ He asks. Mr. Harrington begins to explain the show that they’re going to see and the rules surely to come with it, but his voice gets lost between the whispers of students, still talking despite his inquiry.
Peter rolls his lips together and puffs out his cheeks. ‘Yeah, yeah, I’m good,’ Then he grins, wide and teasing. ‘Are you?’
Ned bumps his shoulder, his grin equally large. ‘Yeah,’ He breathes. ‘I’m good.’
The show ends with flashing lights and and jarring notes, echoing through the theatre over and over until they become whispers in the wings. Peter turns to glance at MJ sitting beside him.
Her eyes are wide and cheeks dusted pink but there’s something in her expression speaking volumes more than awe. Almost like bewilderment and reverence combined. She watches the curtain close, watches the crowds begin to cheer from their seats. She blinks slowly and turns to him.
He barely realizes he’s staring until she waves a hand in front of his eyes.
He jolts upright before offering her a sheepish smile and an apology. She doesn’t speak, only turns back to stare at the stage almost longingly, like it’s a tragedy that the show would end and he watches her again. He studies her in the dim light, trying to find if the wet under her eyes is a trick of his own.
Ned stands from his other side and taps his shoulder, he almost missed the rest of the audience already beginning to file outside. ‘Come on,’ He says. Peter nods, pushing up from his chair and glancing at MJ again, who follows without looking away from the podium.
Ned pats his shoulder and winks. Peter shoves him down the aisle and slings his bag across his back. But he waits by the last seat, watching Ned and Betty race through the curtains, dividing the showing room from the rest of the building, to catch up with the rest of their peers. He turns to look at MJ just as she pulls her gaze from the set at last, seemingly breaking out of a daze.
She jerks her chin at him and he starts to climb the short length of steps leading to the exit, waiting for her again at the very top of them and turning on his heel to stroll outside when she finally meets him there. But she stops, not following any further and he finds that he’s stopping too, feet already backtracking to make up for the distance. She’s staring at the stage again, and again he is staring at her.
And then her name leaves his mouth before he can stop it. ‘MJ?’ It’s almost a question, and in his ears almost a request to leave but he doesn’t want to. He really doesn’t want to.
She glances at him. ‘There is a voice that doesn’t use words,’ She says. ‘Listen.’
Somewhere he knows he’s heard those words before, and somewhere he knows they were stapled together by some big shot poet full of bullshit quotes leading nowhere but it’s MJ saying those words now and somehow they sound reborn. They sound important.
‘I think this may be one of the purest forms of art,’ Her voice is soft and he listens and listens and listens and he thinks maybe she’s one of the purest forms of art, because art she is. She has to be.
‘You’re an artist,’ He says. ‘I’ll take your word for it.’
She looks at him then with confusion and maybe just a little bit of pride and his own heart swells at it. ‘I’m not an artist.’
He laughs, soft and breathless and adjusts his bag over his shoulder. ‘Are you kidding?’ He says. ‘You’re the best artist I know.’
She looks down, the edges of her mouth curling upwards, cheeks turning just a little more pink. He cards his fingers through his hair and the words fly from his tongue before he has the chance to weigh them down. But she’s standing next to him and she’s so beautiful and his head feels light and his stomach feels flippy and-
‘You look really pretty,’ He nods while he says it because yeah, she does, and grips the strap of his backpack again.
She glances at him from the corner of her eye, something glinting within it and she raises her eyebrows, her shoulders turning towards him slightly. Her arms cross deliberately. ‘And therefore I have value?’ She asks.
Peter’s heart drops into his stomach. ‘N-no,’ He breathes out a panicked chuckle, leaning towards her. ‘That’s not what I meant.’
And then suddenly her stoic demeanor melts away as quickly as it had appeared and she smiles, taking a step back and turning to him fully. ‘I’m messing with you,’ She laughs.
‘Oh,’ He chuckles, relief coursing through his veins and MJ shifts on her feet, eyes never leaving his.
‘You look pretty too,’ She says in something near a deadpan. She cocks her head and smiles a little wider. He blushes a little harder.
‘Thanks,’ He says.
She thinks I’m pretty, he thinks.
She nods again, glancing down the stairs one last time before strolling past him and through the curtains without another word, leaving him reeling with a stomach full of butterflies and a heartbeat picking up an electric speed.
She thinks I’m pretty. He thinks again with a giddy smile. She thinks I’m pretty. 
@minnie-marvel @celestialparker @lokis-sunflower-anna @magic-marvel@quxntumvandyne @highlady-ofthe-summercourt @secondsineternity @lokiisragnarok @sadicallyrad @laurfangirl424 @hedwigthelegend @spiderdudeparker @hazzyhollander @dontpanc @signed-potato @propertyofmarvel @awkwardnesshabitat @spideyboipete @thelivvylovegood @yoinksholland @moonkissedtom @astral-parker @anxieteandbiscuits @ukulele-tea-and-ocean
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castleportrpg · 5 years
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. violet. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. bubblegum pink. sky blue. pale jade. magenta. olive green.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. legs. sword. dagger. spear. bow & arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staves. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. snowballs. claws. teeth. stealth. strategy.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. copper. platinum. titanium. bronze. rose gold. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. malachite. pyrite. emeralds. tiger’s eye. green tourmaline. amethyst. rose quartz. metal. iron. steel. rust. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. ribbon. aluminum. grease. obsidian.
[ NATURE ]  grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. sunflowers. tulips. wildflowers. lavender. lilies. hibiscus. petals. thorns. pine needles. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. bamboo. roots. flowers. fungi. ocean. river. frozen lake. meadows. valleys. forest. desert. cacti. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. beach. waves. space. constellations. shooting stars. auroras. clouds. mountains. dew. rainbows. blizzards. fossils. moss. driftwood. fjords. canyons. floods. droughts. thunder. tornadoes. hurricanes. tsunamis. volcanoes. earthquakes. mist. ponds.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. foxes. bears. tigers. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. frogs. toads.ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. dove. seagulls. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. rabbits. penguins.tarantulas. praying mantises. butterflies. ladybugs. scarabs. bees. wasps. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. octopi. squids. jellyfish. elephants. giraffes. rhinos. scorpions. crocodiles. armadillos. badgers. goats. sheep. pigs. chickens. llamas. camels. vultures. sloths. monkeys. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. phoenix. dragons.
[ FOODS / DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. coffee. tea. kombucha. beer. wine. hard liquor. vodka. champagne. whiskey. spices. herbs. apples. oranges. lemons. cherries. strawberries. peaches. watermelon. coca cola. pepsi. dr pepper. mountain dew. sprite. vegetables. fruits. meat. seafood. pies. desserts. chocolate. potato chips. soup. stew. breakfast cereal. donuts. toast. waffles. ramen. caramel. cookies. chips & salsa. berries. nuts. cinnamon. iced coffee. cold brew. burgers. burritos. sushi. pizza. bbq. nachos. quesadillas. avocado. eggs. milk. cheese. poultry. bacon. popcorn. macaroni & cheese. pasta. hot pockets. sandwiches. insects. pudding. cheesecake. jerky.
[ HOBBIES ]  music. art. watercolors. gardening. metalworking. sculpting. painting. sketching. hiking. camping. writing. poetry. composing. cooking. baking. sewing. weightlifting. swimming. dancing. acting. singing. sports. football. basketball. martial arts. self-defense. war tactics. electronics. technology. phone. cameras. video cameras. vlogging. blogging. video games. knitting. crocheting. movies. theater. libraries. books. comic books. magazines. cds. vinyls. cassettes. piano. strings. violin. guitar. electric guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. drums. harp. woodwinds. brass. flute. astrology. exploring. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. roleplay board games. billiards. hockey. motorcycle riding. woodworking. fishing. eating. sleeping. climbing. paintball. running. jogging. skateboarding. parkour. partying. studying. mechanics. hunting.
[ STYLE ] t-shirts. camisoles. tank tops. muscle shirts. vests. blazers. v-neck shirts. button-up shirts. boxers.briefs. boxer briefs. sport bras. lingerie. sneakers. converses. vans slip-ons. sandals. heels. doc martens. engineer boots. wing-tips. leather lace-up boots. saddle shoes. leggings. trousers. jeans. chinos. shorts. pencil skirts. skinny jeans. earrings. gauges. necklaces. bracelets. rings. trucker hats. snapbacks. tye-dye. band t-shirts. flannel. hawaiian shirts. bandanas. motorcycle helmet. fedora hats. scarf. cloaks. corsets. belt. denim jackets. bomber jackets. letterman jackets. canadian tuxedos. hoodies. sweaters. cardigans. thrift store sweaters. sport jerseys. gloves. corduroy. wool socks. pea jackets. ties. bowties. bolo ties. suspenders. watches. glasses. elbow patches. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. braces. canes. tattoos.
[ MUSIC ] rock. pop. jazz. rap. r&b. hip-hop. funk. alternative. classic rock. classical. trance. dubstep. top 40. edm. hardstyle. blues. latin. k-pop. j-pop. ambient. new age. metal. world fusion.  reggae. soca. punk. ska. singer-songwriter. folk. country. bluegrass. americana. swing. opera. show tunes. film score. a capella. minimalist. christian. avant-garde. new wave. disco. baroque. symphonic metal. soundtrack. vaporwave. glitch. house. chillout. psychedelic rock. post-rock. cabaret. trip-hop. easy listening. glam rock. trap. nightcore. indie. garage. grunge. contemporary. shoegaze. surf rock. black metal. metalcore. emo. screamo. rockabilly. parody. industrial. electro pop.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. bubble baths. showers. city skylines. light. dark. lust. gluttony. greed. sloth. wrath.envy. pride. growth. decay. war. peace. work. money. power. clocks. photos. mirrors. lighters. sweat. pets. candles. diary. journal. graffiti. bottlecaps. cigarette butts. postcards. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. realism. happiness. loyalty. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. clan. assistants. co-workers. enemies. corn fields. bonfires. friday nights. road trips. neon lights. county fairs. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. kisses. tears. typewriters. thrift stores. wood cabins. netflix & chill. spring. summer. autumn. winter. farmland. countryside. suburban. small town.
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thestylesplash · 2 months
Denim Days - April's Thrifty Six Challenge
Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. The weather has been all over the place these last few days – typical April weather I suppose. We even had thunder and lightning in the early hours of this morning. Fortunately, there was a break in the rain long enough to take these photos over the weekend. Shelbee chose this month’s Thrifty Six theme of Denim Days, which gave me the opportunity of…
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vantekay · 5 years
in love ||pjm
word count: 3k
estimated reading time: as usual, I didn’t time it yet so like 13 mins? maybe? unless you read fast idk I’m kind of a slow reader also these are just guesses
genre(s): fluffy fluff, a bit of angst? maybe? like just a couple sentences, crack? i”m sorry I’m so bad at deciding what genres the things I write are sksks
warning(s): the way the last lyric part ends is kinda :/ idk I’m worried I didn’t flesh it out enough but I hope you guys enjoy this either way!
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“a simple feeling that I can't seem to shake, oh my love you drive me crazy in the loveliest way”
to say jimin loved you was an understatement. to him you were his sun, his moon and his stars, you were his everything. you were his reason for getting up in the morning, you were his reason for pushing through even the most tiring of days because he knew he’d get to come home and cuddle up with you and distress. he never knew that he could feel this type of love for someone until he met you, and he loved every minute of it. jimin never missed an opportunity to tell you how much he loved you and how crazy he was about you. he would show you how much you meant to him with small gestures, a night in watching movies and cuddling or taking you out for a late night walk in the park because he wanted to enjoy the way the moonlight highlighted all of your features. he was always doing small things like this and it always made you fall in love with him even more. you remember one time pretty early on in your relationship when you had overheard jimin talking to taehyung about you. at first you were nervous, afraid that jimin was expressing how he might not love you as much anymore or other worst case scenarios you could think of but all your worries were put at ease when you were finally able to clearly make out what he was saying. 
“it’s crazy tae, I don’t know how else to explain it to you besides saying I’m crazy about her. the love I feel for her is stronger than anything I’ve ever felt before and it’s scary but also enthralling at the same time and I can’t get enough of her. I sound like a lovesick teenager but it’s true” and although you couldn’t see jimin's face, his cheeks were dusted over in the softest pink hue and his eyes crinkled up as he began to smile wider at the thought of you. taehyung couldn’t help but smile back at his friend, leaning forward and placing a hand on his shoulder as their eyes met. 
“I’m happy for you hyung, I can tell you really love her and it makes me happy knowing you feel this deeply in love with her, I’m sure she feels the same way” taehyung gushed and jimin couldn’t help but feel his smile drop a bit which didn’t go unnoticed by the other. “you don’t think she feels the same way, do you?” taehyung inquired with a tilt of his head and jimin, not trusting his voice enough to speak, only nodded. you felt your heart drop at jimin’s silence. were you not obvious enough with the way you expressed your gratitude and love back for jimin that he really thought you weren’t just as in love with him as he was with you? it hurt you to hear he was having these doubts about your relationship and you so desperately wanted to barge in there and tell him he was wrong, that you did love him as deeply as he loved you but you kept yourself in place, waiting to hear what would be said next. 
“It’s not that I think she doesn’t love me, I know she loves me but I’m worried I love her just a bit more than she loves me, you know? like, I’m worried if she knew how much I really loved her she would get weirded out and leave me” jimin sighed and you couldn’t take it anymore, your feet carrying you into the room before you could think against it and your emotions escaping past your lips without another passing thought. “park jimin, I love you so much more than I have ever loved anyone in my life and that scares me beyond belief but it also makes me feel happy and calm because I know now that you love me just as much. so please, don’t have these insecurities about our relationship and in the future please express your feelings to me so we can work them out. I love you jiminie”. yeah, to say jimin loved you was an understatement.
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“I stay up all night just thinking bout' the things that you say”
it wasn’t unusual for jimin to stay at your place, especially after a long day of practice. he would come over and shower, have dinner with you then make sure he asked you about your day and if you had anything fun going on at work that you wanted to talk about before falling asleep in your bed with you in his arms. though jimin never really did fall asleep. often times he would just lay there, one hand running through your hair softly and the other rubbing soothing circles into your back as you talked more about your day cuddled up in his arms. you would go back and forth like that for quite some time, talking about your days and mentioning any plans you may have for the weekend. he cherished moments where he just got to hold you like this and listen to you talk, he always felt bad for being so busy all the time so this was his way of catching up and making it up to you. when he went away on tour he would find himself missing your embrace and your soothing and soft voice droning on about your festivities at work that week and funny stories you would overhear from your colleagues. he also finds himself thinking of these conversations when he’s on tour and has already said goodnight to you. he always smiled when he thought back to them, remembering how your eyes would crinkle up as you laughed or how your eyes shined while talking about something exciting you had done that day.
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“I call your phone and hope to hear your voice and all over again I am in love”
nightly calls with jimin when he’s away have always been routine, but you’ve never minded them one bit. he would usually call to talk with you about your day and what you had planned for the following day. he would end it by saying goodnight and that he missed you, promising to talk to you again tomorrow. the calls always left you with a smile on your face and a warmth in your heart from how lovely jimin was, always calling you to check up on you despite how busy and tired he was. sometimes he would call again, in the middle of the night when he was having trouble sleeping and really just wanted to hear your voice. during bts’ latest tour, jimin seemed to call you twice every night, once to say goodnight and again a couple hours later because he couldn’t sleep.
“I’m sorry I keep doing this,” he whispers across the line, his voice breaking slightly despite him not talking that loudly and you feel your heart sink a bit. “you’re not bothering me when you call twice, jiminie. I really don’t mind it” you assure across the line and you can’t see him but his lips have curved up at the edges, a small smile forming on his face at your words. “I know jagi I just feel bad keeping you up so late just because I'm having trouble sleeping” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I would do the same thing if you were laying right next to me love, I don’t mind staying up with you. so what do you want to talk about? aliens? opening up your third eye? what topic should we divulge in tonight?” you ask as you get comfortable in bed, placing your phone on the pillow jimin usually uses and pulling the blanket up to your chin. jimin laughs quietly at the topics you suggested, small squeaks emitting from him as he tries not to be too loud since he was sharing a room with the maknae. he hums and places a hand on his chin, pretending to be deep in thought. you giggle at the image of him trying to find something to talk to you about and jimin smiles wider at the sound.
 “maybe we can talk about the Illuminati? wait that might worry the FBI guy watching me through my phone right now, how about we go for something simple like, do you think animals have emotions and experience their emotions in the same way we do or is it different? if its different than how we experience emotions then how do you think they experience it?” jimin rambles off and you laugh in shock at his topic for the night. “and that’s simpler than talking about the things I mentioned?” you joke with an eyebrow raised, mocking offense and even though jimin can’t see you he knows what you’re doing and laughs a bit louder, clamping his hand over his mouth to try and stay quiet. “well kind of, but it’s really interesting to think about! seriously, what do you think?” jimin pushes and you finally give in, talking with him about your thoughts on the subject and having a discussion with him about both of your views. before either of you know it, it’s been about 3 hours and jimin is slowly falling asleep. “thank you jagi…” jimin mumbles for the third time as his eyes flutter closed, exhausted from him attempting to keep them open for the past 20 minutes. you chuckle before responding in a soft voice “of course my angel, sleep well” and soon you are met with the sounds of jimin’s evened out breath as he finally achieves the sleep he was chasing after earlier.
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“I walk through this familiar scene with flowers blooming, sun that's shining through the leaves in the trees”
jimin loves taking you on nature walks. him and his father used to go for hikes and walks occasionally and he loved that he could continue to do them with you. jimin remembers one time he had asked you to do an all day hike with him. you were hesitant at first, but he promised it would be worth it, telling you the place he wanted to hike up to had a beautiful outlook of the city and if you had left early enough you would be able to get there by sunset. you were wary at first but jimin finally convinced you, telling you that he would prepare snacks and a picnic for you both for the day. you had set out for your hike early in the morning thanks to jimin who had to literally drag you out of bed. the first 20 minutes of your journey was filled with you whining about how jimin made you get up early and do exercise, but you quickly warmed up once the sun had come out a little more as you continued your walk. you and jimin finally reached the spot he had told you about the day prior around 7. the sun had begun it’s decent and true to jimin’s word, the scene in front of you was breathtaking. jimin places down the snack filled bag with a huff as you continue to walk towards the edge of the path to stare at the city below you. you stare at the setting sun in front of you with your mouth hung open when jimin comes up to your side and places a hand under your chin, playfully closing your mouth. “if you keep your mouth open like that, flies will get in” jimin teases and you swat his hand away, turning to say something sarcastic back to him when he catches your lips in a kiss. your surprise quickly melts as you succumb to the kiss, allowing jimin to bring you closer by the waist as he plays with the hem of your shirt. after a couple of minutes, you finally break apart, foreheads against each other as you attempt to regain your breath. jimin smiles at you before pecking your lips again. “you look so beautiful like this” he whispers against your lips and your cheeks are instantly lit aflame with a deep red blush. you attempt to pull away from him, mumbling about how he’s too cheesy for his own good but he’s quick to pull you back by the loops in your belt. “I’m serious, you look gorgeous like this, well you look gorgeous all the time but with the sun setting and casting this orange glow against your skin,” he brings a hand up to gently brush against your cheek before he continues, “the way it highlights your features is otherworldly, I want to keep this image in my head for the rest of my life.” jimin finishes and by this point you are complete putty in his hands. jimin smiles until his eyes turn into crescents and you mimic him, smiling hard and letting his compliments reside in your mind. you finally pull away from him, moving towards the bag he dropped to rummage through it and pull out some snacks. jimin watches you, continuing to admire the way the sun's final orange hues lighten the area around you and continue to give your body a heavenly glow as you maneuver around the small space the mountain top provides. jimin stares for as long as he can, burning this image of you into his memory for nights when he misses you most.
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“so baby won't you help me understand just what it means to be in love”
sure jimin has had his share of girlfriends in the past, but none of them could be compared to you and the way you make him feel. the love jimin feels for you is infinite, and sometimes a little overwhelming. taehyung gets to hear all about it, since whenever jimin comes back from your place beaming taehyung is the only one to start a conversation with him about you. the other members used to, but after awhile they didn’t really care to listen to jimin talk about you as much and as often as he did. they would respectfully leave the room, leaving jimin and taehyung to sit in the now vacant living room so jimin can gush over how much he loves you. taehyung loves hearing about it, loves watching the way his best friends eyes gleam with love as he talks about you. sometimes jimin will ask taehyung for help on understanding your emotions if you had been a bit standoffish that day and had asked jimin to give you some time to feel better. taehyung was always eager to help jimin understand and find ways to get you to open up when you felt that way. what jimin loved about you the most though, that taehyung had heard about almost every time his friend began to speak about you, was that he really thought you were the love of his life. sure, jimin had thought this too with a couple of his past girlfriends but the feeling with you was different, stronger. he felt connected to you on a deeper level than he did with his other relationships. jimin had confessed to taehyung these thoughts and how he wanted to marry you, despite you only being together for about a year. taehyung- being the family man he was- encouraged jimin, told him to go for it and to not let any doubts hold him back. that’s how he ended up where he was now, a couple of months after that conversation with tae, standing outside of your apartment door with a ring in the left pocket of his suit jacket, hands sweaty and trembling as he brought his hand up to knock on your door. today was your two year anniversary and jimin had planned a nice dinner for tonight, ending with his big proclamation of love. you answer the door in a beautifully simple black dress, and jimin feels the breath get knocked out of him. he takes your hand and leads you downstairs to his car, driving you to the restaurant. after you eat and are back at your apartment, jimin begins to grow increasingly nervous about his proposal. you’re sitting on the couch in your living room now, both changed into more comfortable clothes as jimin fiddles with the ring in his hoodie pocket. he decides that it’s now or never, and gets up from his spot on the couch to stand in front of you. you look up at him with your head titled, “what are you doing love?” you ask and suddenly jimin is kneeling in front of your sitting form with the ring box open in his hands, a blush residing deep on his cheeks as he clears his throat to speak. “y/n, I know today was our two year anniversary and I know we haven’t talked much about a future together but there is nobody else I can imagine spending the rest of my life with. I know we are still young and I know this might be scary to you but it would make me so happy if you would say yes cause you have showed me what it feels like to experience true love and happiness and I never want to have that taken away from me”. by the time jimin finishes speaking you have tears streaming down your cheeks as your hand covers your mouth. jimin mistakes your reaction of pure happiness for sadness and he begins to get up, putting the ring back in his pocket as apologies begin to stumble out of his mouth. you quickly shoot yourself up off the couch to wrap your arms around his neck, mumbling repetitively into his neck “yes yes yes”. jimin pulls away from you and tilts his head in question, “what?” and you quickly put your lips on his, pulling back because of the salty taste of your tears interrupting the kiss. “yes jimin, I would love to be your wife” you repeat and jimin breaks down into tears of his own. “are you serious? oh god I thought I had messed up-” “jimin just put the ring on my finger and kiss me” you tell him and he does as told without any hesitation. in exactly five months you would be known as park y/n and jimin would be the happiest man alive, finally believing that he had found his definition of true love. 
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A Home In the Meadow
So for those of you that don’t know, I am very proud and excited to be a part of the as yet untitled Choices Crossover! As part of this new project @tornbetween2loves @kennaxval @teamtomsato @strangerofbraidwood @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @stopforamoment @begging-for-kamilah and I have been writing various one-shots and drabbles in an attempt to world build/ introduce our versions of these characters. the following is one such piece, based on a song prompt from the wonderful kennaxval himself. The song I was given is “A Home in the Meadow” by Debbie Reynolds. Hope you guys enjoy! PS This is my first ever piece that has ZERO TRR characters in it so go easy on me...
Pairing: f!Kai Park x m!Hayden Young
Word Count: 1964
Disclaimer: I dont own these characters I’m borrowing from PB
Permatag: @leelee10898 @fullbeaumonty @ritachacha @choiceswreckedme
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       Kai opened her eyes to find Hayden's baby blues staring into hers. She inhaled sharply, scrambling away from him, sleep-induced confusion still flooding her mind.
   “Hayden, shit...you scared me.” she began, propping herself on elbows as he beamed at her.
   “I'm sorry, I'm just so excited for today. I wanted to wake you, but you looked so peaceful...” His voice trailed off as he looked up at her sheepishly, running his hand through his dirty blonde hair. “Forgive me?”
   Kai rolled back towards him, planting her full lips to his forehead. “Yes. I've been looking forward to today, too. Although you still haven't told me what we're doing.”
    He smiled mischievously as he rose from the bed. “And I'm still not going to. You get dressed and I'll make us some breakfast, okay? Wear something comfy...and sensible shoes.”
        Kai cocked her head to the side at her boyfriend's advice, his award- winning grin making her body tingle. She threw back the comforter as Hayden left the room, the door clicking softly behind him.
    She showered and threw on a pair of denim capris coupled with one of Hayden's powder blue t-shirts. It was over sized and it hung down her shoulder a bit, revealing the black strap of her sports bra, so she tried to adjust it, twisting the bottom to one side and securing it in a knot just at her hip.
   She peered at her face in the mirror, tying her unruly red hair in a sloppy ponytail and applying a thin layer of cherry chapstick.
    Kai frowned in the closet doorway, looking over her shoe rack. Sensible shoes. Hayden's words echoed in her mind as she traced her fingers longingly over her beige wedges, deciding to wear her black tennis shoes instead.
     She rounded the corner into the kitchen to find Hayden scrambling eggs, and he extended his arm to hand her a coffee mug without looking away from the pan.
    “I was trying to sneak up on you.” She pouted, accepting the coffee.
    Hayden laughed out loud. “Not barreling down the hall like a herd of angry elephants.”
    Kai smized at him over the rim of her mug.
    “These sensible enough for ya?” She wiggled her foot in his direction and he glanced down with an approving nod.
        After breakfast Hayden grabbed a backpack from the closet by the front door and tossed it over his shoulder, grabbing Dipper's leash and his car keys. He patted his thigh and the chocolate border collie leapt from the couch, nose pointed at the door and tail wagging.
    “Well now I'm even more intrigued. Dipper and a backpack? Where are you taking me?” Kai mused as they headed for the car.
   “With everything that's happened-everything with Eros, Nadia and Steve's engagement, your new job, my new job, moving in together- it sort of feels like we're living in fast forward. I wanna take you someplace where we can just hit pause for a moment.”
     They drove for what felt like forever but was probably about an hour until Hayden pulled off the main road onto a tree lined dirt path.
    “Is this the part where you kill me in the woods?” Kai joked as she peered out the window. Dipper let out a low growl, her head whipping in Hayden's direction.
    “Traitor,” he laughed, ruffling the dog's ears.
   They finally arrived at a small clearing and the android pulled off to the side near the trees and put the car in park.
    “From here we go on foot.” He told her cheerfully. They both got out of the car and Kai's shoulders slumped.
   “You mean we aren't there yet?” she whined and her boyfriend chuckled.
   “Promise it will be worth it.”
     Dipper ran out ahead, reaching the pathway on the other side of the clearing long before her masters and she waited patiently, tail wagging and nose sniffing the air.
   Kai scratched the pups head, gesturing toward the path and Dipper took off never getting too far away.
    The fifteen minute hike was filled with jovial conversation and Kai could scarcely remember the last time she and Hayden had had a moment to just enjoy each other this way. It was nice, just the two of them with Dipper and the subtle sounds of the forest around them, so far off the grid that they couldn't hear the city anymore.
    Up ahead there was another clearing, visible through the parted trees at the end of the trail. Hayden smirked, “Almost there. That's where we're going.”
    He nodded and Kai squealed, the excitement almost overwhelming her. She picked up her pace, lacing her fingers in his and tugging him forward.
     The path opened up to a small meadow, wild flowers plentiful and down the way a bit there was a peaceful, pristine lake. Kai's eyes went wide with wonder.
   “Hayden, this is beautiful! It's almost as if this place has been completely untouched by civilization. It's...it's…”
   “Indescribable. And I mean that truly, it's not a glitch.”
    They both laughed, and Kai silently thanked her lucky stars that they had finally reached a place where Hayden was able to make light of himself. She had hated seeing him so miserable as he tried to sort himself out, and although she had supported him, she was glad that that time had passed.
    “So what's the plan? What's in the backpack?” she questioned as they made their way towards the lake.
   “A sleeping bag, a fire starter, lots of junk food, a couple of towels…”
   “In case we wanted to go swimming.”
   “But we don't have any suits.”
    Hayden stopped walking and stared at her unblinking. “Why the hell would we need suits?”
    Kai blushed as she whirled to face him. His faux- seriousness crumbling into a fit of shared giggles.
     Stretched out on the sleeping bag, towels and a blanket rolled beneath their heads Kai and Hayden watched the clouds roll by, white fluffy images in the sky that out here seemed endless.
      Kai rose from her spot, coyly eyeing the blonde man before her.
   “What? What is it?” his eyes squinting against the sun, now hanging low behind her in the early evening.
     Kai didn't answer him, she simply reached for the hem of her t-shirt, pulling the garment off in one fluid motion and flinging it at him.
   Hayden pulled the fabric from his face to find that her sports bra was gone as well and his jaw went slack as he watched her shimmy out of her capris and panties.
   “You said there'd be swimming, Mr Young, did you not?”
    Hayden scrambled to his feet, discarding his own clothes quickly as Kai scampered towards the lake.
    She hit the water running, her muscles tightening slightly as the cool water hit her, settling finally where the water was waist deep.
    “Okay, so I expected it to be warmer, but we can still enjoy this, I think.” he whispered in her ear and she gasped, a bit surprised as he slid his strong arms around her waist, pulling her back flush to his chest.
    He placed a soft, tender kiss to the crook of her neck, her hands resting on his forearms in front of her and they swayed together for a moment, the evening sun's rays glittering over their bodies and the crystal clear water around them.
  Without warning, Dipper hurled herself off of the bank, splashing the couple and ruining the mood.
   Kai cringed at the watery assault, spinning out of Hayden's arms and raising her own in a feeble attempt to shield herself.
   “Thanks, Dip.” Hayden laughed his nose scrunching up, droplets still rolling down his face. The border collie barked, tongue lolling and tail wagging.
    “I guess we wanted to swim, right?” Kai laughed.
    He grinned mischievously as his hand slowly skimmed the surface. He studied the water as he dipped his fingers in, savoring the sensation as he drug his hand through it, before cocking his head to the side to look at Kai.
    “No. Hayden, you wouldn't dare.” she said, eyes going wide.
     “I wouldn't?” he flicked his wrist, playfully splashing her as she squealed.
    “You're going to pay for that, Sweetheart.” She said, both of her arms dipping below the surface, sending a tidal wave in Hayden's direction.
    A water war broke out both parties splashing wildly, giggling all the while and when finally they tired Hayden noticed the sun had almost entirely set in the distance.
   “Wanna watch it together?” He asked his chin tipping in the distance to a near perfect view of the sunset.
   Kai nodded eagerly as they waded to the shore.
   After towel drying, Hayden laid out on the sleeping bag and Kai curled into him, her head resting on his chest as he cradled her and planted a kiss to the damp locks at the crown of her head. His fingertips absentmindedly grazed the length of her arm as they laid together, watching the oranges and pinks as the sun went down over the horizon.
    The world around them seemed so still, the tranquility was a feeling that Kai wasn't used to and it almost made her uncomfortable, her body tensing. As if he could read her mind, Hayden began to hum a tune, breaking the silence, and he felt her body relax against him.
    “Away, away; come away with me, where the grass grows wild and the winds blow free. Away, away; come away with me and I'll build you a home in the meadow..” Hayden sang softly, barely audible, but Kai could feel the rumble of his baritone voice reverberating through his ribs, vibrating her body soothingly.
   “I love it when you sing to me, Hayden.” she mused and he felt a smile bloom on her lips, against his chest.
  He gripped her arm, pulling her into a tight side hug.
   “If it makes you happy, I'll do it everyday.”
    Eventually, the sun was completely gone, replaced by the ethereal glow of the moon light and the flames from the fire Hayden had expertly constructed. Dipper plopped down at their feet with a sigh.
   “Is it bedtime, girl?” Kai asked and the dogs ears perked up briefly.
   “Maybe...maybe we could just stay out here tonight...Naked and peaceful. We don't have a tent, but I brought plenty of blankets. Dipper and I will keep you safe under the stars.”
     Hayden sat up, producing two more swaths of cloth from the bag.
   “How on Earth did you jam so much into that one backpack?” Kai mused, shaking her head.
   “Well I-”
    She cut his explanation short as she pressed her full lips to his, and he melted into the caress, his hand coming up to cup her cheek.
   “Today has been so perfect, I don't really want to head back to the city just yet.”
    She nudged him gently, coaxing him to lay back down. Hayden caught the hint and he grinned as she snuggled into him once more, drawing one of the blankets to her chin, wrapping them in the warmth of it and each other.
   “I'm already sold, Hayden. You couldn't make me leave now if you tried.”
   He craned his neck, looking down into her eyes as she traced her fingers along the smooth, flawless skin of his chest.
     “I love you, Kai, and you make it so easy to love you.”
     “I love you too, Hayden. Thank you. We really needed this trip. There's only one thing that could possibly make this better.”
    “Whatever it is, consider it done, Ms. Park.”
   “Sing me to sleep?” she bit her bottom lip as she made the request. The roll of his chuckle in his chest was delightful as he responded,
    “Of course I will.”
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agustdnd · 5 years
Aesthetics Tag!
I was tagged by @cloudyyboii thanks bb ily
rules: bold all the aesthetics that you relate to, then describe your aesthetic
side a - the city, glittering lights, yawning, skyscrapers, broken glass shards, street gangs, hip hop music, late night strolls, blinking stars, sleek cars, flickering neon signs, glittery earrings, small tattoos, empty subways, dark eyeshadow, snapping cameras, cozy apartments, fried churros, silver necklaces, dyed hair, ripped jeans, bright lipstick, dazzling smiles
side b - the book nerd, large glasses, steaming hot chocolate, thick books, lofi music, hot pastries, soft smiles, large sweaters, quiet libraries, small flowers, melting candles, sweetened coffee, messy hair buns, soft pillows, fairy lights, vanilla scents
side c - the stereotypical girl, soft pinks, mini skirts, crop tops, romantic fantasies, love songs, strawberry milkshakes, lipgloss, high ponytails, candy hearts, nail polish, starbucks coffee, clear skies, hoop earrings, excited ramblings, stuttering heartbeats, rose bouquets, soft blushes
side d - the stereotypical boy, arcade games, graphic t-shirts, baseball caps, chocolate milkshakes, messy rooms, acoustic guitars, chocolate chip cookies, multi-colored bruises, rap music, nightly escapades, stolen glances, pencil-drumming, chocolate milk boxes, low hums
side e - the nature hippie, mini plants, cloud-watching, star gazing, damp forests, sandy beaches, ocean waves, wildflowers, hiking, iced lemon tea, gardening, hippie music, buttered toast, birds chirping, multi-colored leaves, evening sunlight, fruit cups, sundresses
side f - the rebel, cherry lollipops, devil hand signs, grape flavored bubble gum, rock music, killer boots, dark make-up, horror movies, denim jackets, switchblades, handguns, stargazing on rooftops, glowing cigarettes, large headphones, skull rings, converse shoes, graffiti murals, glowing moonlight, rose thorns, fishnet stockings
side g - the winter, busy cafes, oversized hoodies, drizzling rain, small snowflakes, marshmallows in hot chocolate, loose hair, sad music, reading a book, blanket forts, frozen lakes, crackling fireplaces, old movies
side h - the summer, tank tops, lemonade, sunny days, dripping popsicles, short haircuts, tinted sunglasses, cotton candy, amusement parks, traveling, blasting music on the car radio, wagging dog tails, large sunflowers, snow cones
side i - the autumn, pumpkin lattes, warm bakeries, warm colors, hair braids, soft sweaters, colorful leaves, purring cats, dark chocolate bars, romance movies, soft music, zentangling, vintage cameras
side j - the spring, floral scents, peach tea, mint shampoo, tinkling laughter, video cassettes, colorful paintings, excited smiles, lollipop sticks, blooming flowers, melting snow, action movies, singing in the shower
side k- my aesthetic: coconut scented everything, dancing around the kitchen at 3am, constantly listening to music, sunlight, running through a field, airplanes, indescribable urge to scream at the top of my lungs, never wanting the hug to end, listens to the most eclectic range of music, drives with the windows down and the music blasting, collects seashells and glass bottles, big black glasses, finger guns and rock out signs
Tagging: @black-dog-mafia @stuck-in-theclouds @pikachulein @peachirosee @emerson-moonchild @promisenight @psycho-robin-chan And anyone else who wants to participate
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mx-ryder · 5 years
Pride Month One Shots 3
So I’m a day off. Someday I’ll write two in one day and catch up lol
June 3rd - Affirmation
No pairing, Guinevere and Travis
The gardens were always a nice place for an afternoon stroll, a fact Guinevere had learned during her first few weeks in Summerkeep. On most days, the gardens were full of people, couples strolling together arm-in-arm, visitors from far-off cities taking in the sights of the castle, and other castle denizens who’d found a spare moment between tasks to enjoy some peace and quiet.
Today, the gardens were nearly empty. There was a chill in the air that whispered of coming autumn, but the sun was warm and the flowers still bloomed with a will.
Guinevere loved the flowers. She’d loved them the moment she saw them, on that day so long ago. On that day, like today, she had come to the gardens with Falmere at her side. He’d always been with her, then, too taken with his responsibility to allow her out of his sight for more than a few hours. Now he joined her as a guest more often than a guard, and behind them three guards fanned out in their usual formation. Even in the gardens she suffered a retinue of soldiers.
Soft strains of music floated to her on the breeze, a sure sign that though the gardens appeared empty, she was sure to meet a friend here. She let the music guide her, following the sounds through a veritable maze of hedges and blossoms. Before long, she emerged from beneath an arch of trailing vines and found the musician.
Behind her, Falmere’s laugh came as nothing more than a soft snort of breath.
She knew at once what had drawn his mirth.
Travis sat a short distance away, lounging on one of the sandstone benches like he had no intention of moving. One slim leg was hiked up on the bench, and his lute rested between his chest and his thigh. If not for the movement of his hands as he strummed the strings, Guinevere could have believed he’d fallen asleep there, lounging amid the flowers.
His eyes rested on a point somewhere across the gardens, and as Guinevere followed his gaze, she smiled. Penelope was here, too.
Falmere excused himself with a murmur, leaving her side to go to Penny. Guinevere watched him go, pleased and gratified to see Penny’s smile as he approached. The two of them had finally made up, and they were friends once more. It gave her a curious sense of pride, to see Falmere finally finding friends aside from herself and Bradley. She watched the two of them as she crossed the space between herself and the bench.
Travis seemed to notice her only once he’d seen Falmere go to Penny. He stirred as if coming out of a dream and looked up into her face, blinking. For an instant he looked like a man half-awake, dazed on his feet; then he blinked and came back to himself, seeming to see her at last.
“Paragon!” He made as if to stand, but Guinevere waved a hand, urging him to stay seated
“Please don’t. You look comfortable, and there’s no one here to play pretend for.” Only her guards, who were already spreading out around her, one standing just beside the arch they’d entered through, the others finding inconspicuous corners to hide away in and watch. “May I sit?”
There was just room enough on the bench for her to sit, and Travis agreed, as she’d known he would. She sat beside him, turning to watch Falmere and Penny where they’d begun gathering flowers. She had a vague notion that they were probably to braid into the unicorn’s mane.
“The gardens are beautiful this time of year.” She made the comment off hand, but tipped her face in Travis’s direction, watching his expression.
He didn’t take his eyes away from Penny when he replied. “They are.”
Guinevere smiled. “Not as beautiful, I think, as our golden friend?”
There was no hiding the flush that crept up his neck, though Travis made a gallant attempt. Clearing his throat, he dropped both feet to the ground and straightened up on the bench. His fingers touched the strings of his lute, but no sound came from them. He wouldn’t meet her eye, though he made an attempt at that, as well, finding a place just beyond her shoulder.
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
“It’s really none of my business,” Guinevere wasn’t nosy by nature, but something in the way he’d looked at the girl . . .  “but I’m curious. Penny is quite special to you, isn’t she?”
He tried again to meet her eyes, and this time managed to hold her gaze for a moment. “Penny is a friend, and only that. I’m sure you’ve heard by now, I’m eclipsed.” When she nodded affirmation, he went on. “But I’m also--I’m afraid that’s all I am. I’ve got no interest in romance. A wife, or a husband for that matter. Kids. Settling down just isn’t in the stars for me.”
For another instant his eyes slipped away from hers and toward Penny, where she and Falmere laughed together. Her arms were full of blossoms, and someone, she or Falmere, had tucked a single pink bud behind one of her ears. Travis dropped his eyes to his hands, holding the lute as if he meant to play.
Guinevere felt a pang in her heart. Or maybe it was only in her mind, a sharp reminder of her own bygone fears. Reaching out, she laid a hand on Travis’s knee. “Keep a secret?”
He looked at her with one eyebrow raised and nodded once.
“I have no interest in any of that, either.” She saw the bard’s mouth drop open. She went on before he could speak. “I love my husband, Travis, let me make that clear. But I love him as a dear friend, and no more. We care for one another, and that’s enough for us to be happy in our marriage. Once upon a time I thought I should be able to love someone like that, that I must be broken, or that I’d finally feel that way for my husband when I married. But,” she shrugged, running out of words. She’d only told this secret to two others before now.
“It’s okay, not to love anyone.” That, above all else, was the point she wanted to make. She met Travis’s eye, smiling up at him. Sitting down, he was still taller than her, a fact she wasn’t likely to miss.
He stared at her for a long, long moment, clearly absorbed in his thoughts. She let him think, turning her eyes back to Falmere and Penny. For a moment she watched them at their flower picking, until she sensed he was ready--or perhaps she only heard him draw in a long breath, preparing to speak again.
His words came out so softly she almost didn’t catch them. “Penny is Starstruck.” He went quiet again, but Guinevere rode out his silence once more. Finally, “Of course she’s beautiful. If she’d have me, I wouldn’t turn her down. But she won’t. And I wouldn’t risk hurting her.” He shrugged, finally setting his lute aside. “I’m content, I think, being her friend.”
Guinevere reached for his hand, laying hers over his and squeezing lightly. “That’s admirable. You’re perfect the way you are, Travis. Don’t let anyone else’s ideals convince you otherwise.”
He didn’t pull away from her touch, instead only staring down at her hand where it covered his. Then he stirred and pulled away at last, and Guinevere looked up in time to see Penny and Falmere coming their way. She watched as Travis stood to greet them, his usual, easy grin lighting up his face. The smile left no trace of the somber expression he’d worn only a moment before.
Penny seemed none the wiser to their conversation, but Falmere seemed to sense that he’d missed something. He cast a curious glance at Guinevere, but she only shook her head and smiled.
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dyna-myght · 5 years
Aesthetics Sides Tag Game Aesthetics sides tag game rules- bold any of the aesthetics that match you. in the end, put your aesthetic!!!
side a - the city
glittering lights, yawning skyscrapers, broken glass shards, street gangs, hip hop music, late night strolls, blinking stars, sleek cars, flickering neon signs, glittery earrings, small tattoos, empty subways, dark eyeshadow, snapping cameras, cozy apartments, fried churros, silver necklaces, dyed hair, ripped jeans, bright lipstick, dazzling smiles
side b - the book nerd
large glasses, steaming hot chocolate, thick books, lofi music, hot pastries, soft smiles, large sweaters, quiet libraries, small flowers, melting candles,sweetened coffee, messy hair buns, soft pillows, fairy lights, vanilla scents
side c - the stereotypical girl
soft pinks, mini skirts, crop tops, romantic fantasies, love songs, strawberry milkshakes, lipgloss, high ponytails, candy hearts, nail polish, starbucks coffee, clear skies, hoop earrings, excited ramblings, stuttering heartbeats, rose bouquets, soft blushes
side d - the stereotypical boy
arcade games, graphic t-shirts, baseball caps, chocolate milkshakes, messy rooms, acoustic guitars, chocolate chip cookies, multi-colored bruises, rap music, nightly escapades, stolen glances, pencil-drumming, chocolate milk boxes, low hums
side e - the nature hippie
mini plants, cloud-watching, star gazing, damp forests, sandy beaches, ocean waves, wildflowers, hiking, iced lemon tea, gardening, hippie music, buttered toast, birds chirping, multi-colored leaves, evening sunlight, fruit cups, sundresses
side f - the rebel
cherry lollipops, devil hand signs, grape flavored bubble gum, rock music, killer boots, dark make-up, horror movies, denim jackets, switchblades, handguns, stargazing on rooftops, glowing cigarettes, large headphones, skull rings, converse shoes, graffiti murals, glowing moonlight, rose thorns, fishnet stockings
side g - the winter
busy cafes, oversized hoodies, drizzling rain, small snowflakes, marshmallows in hot chocolate, loose hair, sad music, reading a book, blanket forts, frozen lakes, crackling fireplaces, old movies
side h - the summer
tank tops, lemonade, sunny days, dripping popsicles, short haircuts, tinted sunglasses, cotton candy, amusement parks, traveling, blasting music on the car radio, wagging dog tails, large sunflowers, snow cones,
side i - the autumn
pumpkin lattes, warm bakeries, warm colors, hair braids, soft sweaters, colorful leaves, purring cats, dark chocolate bars, romance movies, soft music, zentangling, vintage cameras
side j - the spring
floral scents, peach tea, mint shampoo, tinkling laughter, video cassettes, colorful paintings, excited smiles, lollipop sticks, blooming flowers, melting snow, action movies, singing in the shower
side k - peachy–renjun’s aesthetic
Milky midday baths, stardew valley, light eyeshadow, lip gloss, soft hair, eye smiles, freckles, ripped jeans, soft sweaters, loose camisoles, dainty rings, sunny days, beaches, loud music, long car rides with the windows down, bad singing, fruits and flowers, iced tea, ice cream, lingering hugs, flirtatious smiles, kissing, white sheets, morning smiles, baking at midnight, tattoos
side l -eating-boy-hearts’ aesthetic
horror movies, finger guns, hotel rooms, steaming hot showers, silly costumes, neck kisses, lipstick stains, faded perfume, 5am skies, pink sand beaches, silk ties, ripe peaches, sleepy eyes, convenience store trips, gothic buildings, rainy nights, pillow forts, love bites, hopeless romantic thoughts,romeo and juliet type love, angel’s voice from above.
side m -rjayhquack
leather jackets, high tops, hoodies, plain colored t-shirts, shy smiles, dorky laughs, unfinished lyrics, written thoughts, midday naps, joggers, late night boba runs, hugs in the cold,
side n- Peachesandfiction’s aesthetic 
endless piles of journals, too many house plants, sea shell collection, bad horror games, studio ghibli marathons, cacti, flannel shirts, farming simulator games, christmas lights, polaroids, soft colors, combat boots, buzzed hair, lopsided smiles, late nights watching the morning sun rise. 
I tag @2sweethoneybuns @minminttalgi @hand0ngs @tony-montana-shit and @kookeclipse <3 
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jaaebear · 5 years
aesthetic sides game
 tagged by my love: @almightywrites
rules :: bold any of the aesthetics that match you. in the end, put your aesthetic!
side a - the city
glittering lights, yawning skyscrapers, broken glass shards, street gangs, hip hop music, late night strolls, blinking stars, sleek cars, flickering neon signs, glittery earrings, small tattoos, empty subways, dark eyeshadow, snapping cameras, cozy apartments, fried churros, silver necklaces, dyed hair, ripped jeans, bright lipstick, dazzling smiles
side b - the book nerd
large glasses, steaming hot chocolate, thick books, lofi music, hot pastries, soft smiles, large sweaters, quiet libraries, small flowers, melting candles, sweetened coffee, messy hair buns, soft pillows, fairy lights, vanilla scents
side c - the stereotypical girl
soft pinks, mini skirts, crop tops, romantic fantasies, love songs, strawberry milkshakes, lipgloss, high ponytails, candy hearts, nail polish, starbucks coffee, clear skies, hoop earrings, excited ramblings, stuttering heartbeats,rose bouquets, soft blushes
side d - the stereotypical boy
arcade games, graphic t-shirts, baseball caps, chocolate milkshakes, messy rooms, acoustic guitars, chocolate chip cookies, multi-colored bruises, rap music, nightly escapades, stolen glances, pencil-drumming, chocolate milk boxes, low hums
side e - the nature hippie
mini plants, cloud-watching, star gazing, damp forests, sandy beaches, ocean waves, wildflowers, hiking, iced lemon tea, gardening, hippie music, buttered toast, birds chirping, multi-colored leaves, evening sunlight, fruit cups, sundresses
side f - the rebel
cherry lollipops, devil hand signs, grape flavored bubble gum, rock music, killer boots, dark make-up, horror movies, denim jackets, switchblades, handguns, stargazing on rooftops, glowing cigarettes, large headphones, skull rings, converse shoes, graffiti murals, glowing moonlight, rose thorns, fishnet stockings
side g - the winter
busy cafes, oversized hoodies, drizzling rain, small snowflakes, marshmallows in hot chocolate, loose hair, sad music, reading a book, blanket forts, frozen lakes, crackling fireplaces, old movies
side h - the summer
tank tops, lemonade, sunny days, dripping popsicles, short haircuts, tinted sunglasses, cotton candy, amusement parks, traveling, blasting music on the car radio, wagging dog tails, large sunflowers, snow cones,
side i - the autumn
pumpkin lattes, warm bakeries, warm colors, hair braids, soft sweaters, c olorful leaves, purring cats, dark chocolate bars, romance movies, soft music, zentangling, vintage cameras
side j - the spring
floral scents, peach tea, mint shampoo, tinkling laughter, video cassettes, colorful paintings, excited smiles, lollipop sticks, blooming flowers, melting snow, action movies, singing in the shower
side k- caiuscassiuss’ aesthetic
neon lights, pouring rain, white silk, glittering diamonds, possessive embraces, hickeys, glass and concrete, stumbling on a sidewalk at 2am, late night grocery trips, red lips, long road trips at midnight, moonlight through a window, intense gazes, half-smirks, sharp cheekbones, smoke, dim rooms, tinted glasses, city skylines, city symphony, a cool kind of love.
side l- neocultvretechs’ aesthetic
hip-hop music, hickeys, iced coffee, mesh tops, culottes, minimalist art, running through the streets at night, oversized hoodies, jasmine-scented perfume, studious silences in a library, fishnet stockings, modern skyscrapers, dramatic eyeliner wings, bold red lipstick, statement fashion.
side m- almightywrites’ aesthetic
vanilla perfume, colorful stucco houses, cream soda, white puma sneakers, cocoa skin in the sunlight, little gold chains, cheek kisses, black satin, a freshly rosined bow, laid edges, sweaty palms, midnight slurpee runs, kente cloth and braid cuffs, hot coffee with creamer, new books, long lashes.
side n- jaeebear’s aesthetic 
insomnia, electric blue, neon signs, whispers, sarcasm, lightning, bonfires, running barefoot, late nights, wild and loud laughter, free-spirit, living in the fast lane, tangled earphones, smudged mascara, night carnivals, empty soda cans, hand written notes, dancing alone in the kitchen at 2am, thriller films,  moonlight, curiosity, cigarette filled afternoons.
tagging : @nakamoto-papoyaki @milkhwi @chanjisung @lysyuta
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noisyquokka · 5 years
Aesthetic’s Tag
I was tagged by @haojuns @visualgiggles and @janarine thank you, sweetpea’s 💕
Rules: bold all the aesthetics that you relate to, then describe your aesthetic
Side A - The city
glittering lights, yawning, skyscrapers, broken glass shards, street gangs, hip hop music, late night strolls, blinking stars, sleek cars, flickering neon signs, glittery earrings, small tattoos, empty subways, dark eyeshadow, snapping cameras, cozy apartments, fried churros, silver necklaces, dyed hair, ripped jeans, bright lipstick, dazzling smile
Side B - The book nerd
large glasses, steaming hot chocolate, thick books, lofi music, hot pastries, soft smiles, large sweaters, quiet libraries, small flowers, melting candles, sweetened coffee, messy hair buns, soft pillows, fairy lights, vanilla scents
Side C - The stereotypical girl
soft pinks, mini skirts, crop tops, romantic fantasies, love songs, strawberry milkshakes, lipgloss, high ponytails, candy hearts, nail polish, Starbucks coffee, clear skies, hoop earrings, excited ramblings, stuttering heartbeats, rose bouquets, soft blushes
Side D - The stereotypical boy
arcade games, graphic t-shirts, baseball caps, chocolate milkshakes, messy rooms, acoustic guitars, chocolate chip cookies, multi-colored bruises, rap music, nightly escapades, stolen glances, pencil-drumming, chocolate milk boxes, low hums
Side E - The nature hippie
mini plants, cloud-watching, star gazing, damp forests, sandy beaches, ocean waves, wildflowers, hiking, iced lemon tea, gardening, hippie music, buttered toast, birds chirping, multi-colored leaves, evening sunlight, fruit cups, sundresses
Side F - The rebel
cherry lollipops, devil hand signs, grape flavored bubble gum, rock music, killer boots, dark make-up, horror movies, denim jackets, switchblades, handguns, stargazing on rooftops, glowing cigarettes, large headphones, skull rings, converse shoes, graffiti murals, glowing moonlight, rose thorns, fishnet stockings 
Side G - The winter
busy cafes, oversized hoodies, drizzling rain, small snowflakes, marshmallows in hot chocolate, loose hair, sad music, reading a book, blanket forts, frozen lakes, crackling fireplaces, old movies
Side H - The summer
tank tops, lemonade, sunny days, dripping popsicles, short haircuts, tinted sunglasses, cotton candy, amusement parks, traveling, blasting music on the car radio, wagging dog tails, large sunflowers, snow cones 
Side I - The autumn
pumpkin lattes, warm bakeries, warm colors, hair braids, soft sweaters, colorful leaves, purring cats, dark chocolate bars, romance movies, soft music, zentangling, vintage cameras
Side J - The spring
floral scents, peach tea, mint shampoo, tinkling laughter, video cassettes, colorful paintings, excited smiles, lollipop sticks, blooming flowers, melting snow, action movies, singing in the shower————————————————————
Side K - My Aesthetic
The evolution of Space, high waisted shorts, that good old barn smell, reading nooks, spell books, old school country, soft cuddles, late-night drives, urban exploring, the smell of old books, dancing around the house, a lone wolf in the dead of night, worn running shoes, window gardens, new moons, fireflies, an old deck of tarot cards, scraped hands, skiing the backwoods, dirty boots, video games, unfinished sketches, meteor showers, deep talks at 3am, staring at the ceiling, sleeping in cold rooms, driving with the windows down, cicadas singing, large bonfires, back hugs, long showers, fresh linen, jawline kisses, a rooster crowing, homecooked meals, lingering touch, chokers, stolen T’s and hoodies, playing with someone’s hair, slow dancing in a parking lot, smooth rapping, comfortable conversation
I’m gonna tag @sapphirebluemt @iknowsongbutidontknowsongname @bangtanbullshit @queenkia3200 @peachannies and anyone else who would like to do this 😄💕
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