#Cooking class in hawaii
benseo20 · 2 years
Kulaniapia Falls | Best Waterfall on the Big Island, Hilo, Hawaii
Kulaniapia Falls is Hawaii's top private waterfall and offers day passes and unique off-the-grid accommodations and adventurous activities to do on the Big Island.
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nando161mando · 8 months
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boydepartment · 1 year
Hey pookie,, may I request a rich!enhypen headcanon(?) where they spoils the reader. Thank you🥰🥰😚😚
thank you for requesting ILY! sorry it was late!!! i haven’t felt well!!!
Rich! Enha x Reader- Headcanons
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Jungwon- Jungwon always wants what's best for his baby! You can expect to get the best quality food, clothes, jewelry, etc. He wants you to feel the best. You've reassured him multiple times that he doesn't have to but part of him loves that he can take care and provide for you. He loves spoiling you and seeing your shocked face at the new thing he bought you. "Jungwon you didnt have to!"
"Oh I know! I just wanted to :]"
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Heeseung- Unlike Jungwon, Heeseung I could see spoiling you with more stuff like a new car, or next months rent totally paid already. He loves to spoil you in practical ways that make your life easier. When your life is easier he knows you'll be happier which makes him happy. That is what is most important to him. Plus when you're in a better mood you smooch him more- so its a win win. "Oh next months rent is paid by the way"
"WHAT? Again? Heeseung you didn't have to..."
"I know I just love you, I wanna help whenever I can."
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Jay- Jay is a mix of both. Anything you want you can ask for and he will deliver. Sometimes he will deny you, but then when you get home its already there on your bed. He loves to surprise you and he loves seeing you happy. So he pays for your bills on top of little surprises. He will never admit it but he likes the little :< you do when you ask for something and he says no at first. "Jay oh my god can we get this? I think it would look so pretty in the living room!"
"fine... :)"
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Jake- Total husband material. The way you're feeling is really important to him. If he notices you're stressed it's an immediate vacation for the both of you. He absolutely loves traveling with you so it works out because he doesn't have to go alone. If he's on a work trip you are going with him. Anything you want from said country he will get for you. He loves seeing you stress free and if running away for a couple days is what does it- then he will drop everything for you. "Are you feeling any better?"
"I am... Thank you, I really needed this."
"Anytime :)"
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Sunghoon- Sunghoon really enjoys doing things with you, so to spoil you (on top of endless clothes and little handbags) he likes taking random fun classes with you. Like a cooking class in Italy or an Art class in France. All of the classes he makes sure are fun and he loves that he can experience new things with you "I CANNOT BELIEVE WE COOKED THIS!"
"We did SO well- I told you those classes were a good idea!"
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Sunoo- Anytime Sunoo is stressed he goes to you and tells you that you guys are going on a trip. On that trip he spoils you with anything you want. That dress you eyed at the store but then put it down due to the price? That is going to be your next birthday present. That bracelet that you loved so much in the store? He came back later to pick it up for you. Sunoo takes notes on what you like especially on getaways and he brings everything home without you knowing. "Was this from our trip to Hawaii like 3 months ago?"
"Mhm! I noticed you eyeing it!"
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Ni-ki- Honestly, Riki is kinda insane. He would be the type of rich person to like go pet lions or something just for the thrill of it. I hope you like adrenaline because those experiences are very common with him. However, he does spoil you in little ways. Riki is kind of shy so whenever he buys you something he always leaves it for when he's not there. The presents are always very cute and thoughtful. Jewelry with your anniversary date on it, etc. "Why'd you leave? I wanted to open my present form you with you..."
"I- Just open it or whatever..."
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tbhimnoteasyonmyself · 8 months
Hello, fellow associates, I, local deranged man, bring you (by request of @ayansbff who said I should "go make a post and patent it fr." thank you, Naga <3) once again a theory as insane as whatever has been going on in the ASOIAF fandom in the last 10 years (but no, I'm not here to tell you Tan is a horse or New is a faceless man).
For this week's episode: Tan is New (but with some spice).
Pls beware, this will require a certain level of "bear with me", ok? Ok.
Also: long ass post, guys. Be prepared.
So, 1st things 1st: New is obviously studying abroad.
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This would mean that, in all the episodes we've seen of the flashback, we wouldn't have seen New. Because he's literally in a different country (cue theory: New is Mhok working as a cook in Hawaii ksksksk /j).
Nevertheless, in the latest events of the past storyline, Non has just gone M.I.A. Which is definitely something you'd tell the kid's brother about. I'd be pretty pissed if I was New and no one fucking told me about my brother vanishing.
(I think it could definitely be argued that their parents might try to hide the whole getting involved with money laundry and even the pedophilic child revenge porn sex tape on Twitter thing, especially their mother. bc, considering their treatment of Non this episode, it would definitely cross my mind that they'd think something along the lines of "New shouldn't be worried about what his fuck up of a brother is involved with, he should just focus on his study". And idk if Thailand's national news would arrive to New in the US just like that (maybe, maybe not, I won't try to speculate too much, I think it's too much of a wild card). YET, I still think, regardless, they'd have their limits even if the rest was true and they'd tell him about his brother being literally MISSING. So yeah...)
So back on track: sure, the police "think" Non has run away with Keng
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Or, was convinced by Tee's uncle to accept that storyline
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but Non's parents don't believe that shit
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("They're TRYING to make our son LOOK LIKE" not "They think our son HAS")
And I think the same feeling could've been passed to New by his parents or just by New himself. But even if not, I think it's pretty reasonable to assume he'd come back to Thailand after that news. Like, if my brother was missing, I'd feel pretty bad, my parents would feel pretty bad and I'd want to go back home and be with them a bit, follow things up close, at the very least.
So, assuming that's true, it's not weird to presume New could be back in Thailand by the time The Hidden Character (the film Non wrote, not the BOC reality show thing) airs. Which would lead us to:
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Now, I've seen people say it's Tan, I've seen people say it's White, I've seen people say it's Bible (?)... To me, that's Tan. The voice that calls "Phee" seems to me that's Mio's voice and the person we see in the door, albeit he does resemble Bible, reads to me as him as well.
Besides, we see him being introduced to the class in the ep.9 preview so, yeah, it could be to throw us off, but I genuinely think it's just bc it's Tan.
Regardless, even if not, Tan will appear next episode. So... There's that. Question is: why?
We see both Tan and Phee moving to the gang's class next episode, which the gang points out as "weird". Now, idk why it would be weird to see people change schools in 12th grade but fine, I'm not gonna argue, maybe they know something I don't. Ig you could argue it's bc it's the last year but I'd say people have issues all the time (being the last year of school doesn't change that) and people also move houses all the time. So I wouldn't question it but ok. Moving on.
We know Phee has a connection to Non (as his ex-boyfriend) but we don't know why Tan would be there too. Sure, we can argue Phee has to have friends. But, ngl, if my friend asked me to move schools bc he wants to find out what happened to his bf who mysteriously disappeared, I'd politely decline. I'd support him in his endeavours, of course, but I wouldn't change my entire life for it. I could even go as much as to help him befriend them and hang out with the fuckers but I wouldn't move schools, I think.
So Tan must have a bigger motive, right? And what bigger motive than being the brother of Non, am I right?
Furthermore, we have to consider legal matters. They're all minors. Phee's father, of course, knows about Phee being, at least, friends with Non. And, even if he told him to stay out of trouble and that he himself would not go around poking in the business for Phee's own safety, I think he'd be okay with Phee moving schools for grief reasons (a.k.a being close to Non because that was his school) or even bc he knew Phee was trying to talk to his friends (I don't think he suspects the kids too much and honestly that's a terrible lack of sight on his behalf but, I mean, they're kids, I think it's fair to assume they're innocent).
But what about Tan? Assuming Tan is not Non's brother, would his parents let him move schools to the school where all those nasty kids who keep appearing on the news study??? I don't think so. Sounds dangerous. Things change, of course, if Tan is not actually Tan but New.
Non's parents, despite their obvious lack of parenting skills, care about him. He's their son. They'd want to know what happened. And, sure, New getting involved would be terrible for them (bc he's their son and clearly the favourite child and god forbid he wastes his potential studying there bc of Non's failures AGAIN), but if New specifically requested that, would they go against it? Would they go against their talented son and his show of altruism and love for his brother?? Especially when the police are not doing anything and it's just trying to close the damn case??? I don't think so.
Thus: Tan is New.
"But what about his legal name???", I hear you say. "If they're siblings they'll have the same last name!!" And yeah. That's true. Especially in Thailand where most surnames are exclusive to a singular family. But I thin- "What about the age gap??? New is older than Non!! His mom even refers to him as Non's phi!!!" Yes. I know. That's where the spice comes in:
There, I dropped the bomb. This would mean that, maybe, his legal name wasn't changed from what it originally was. Sure, it could've, since he's now part of a different family but they also could've kept the original surname. Which is likely if New wasn't adopted in a normal fashion.
We have to consider how poor Non's family seems to be. Whether that's a new situation or it has always been like this we don't know. But that's something. Now, I'm not Thai nor do I live in Thailand but from what I read, income does factor a lot into whether or not a family can adopt a child (at least in theory). So I'd assume a poor family would struggle with it. Nevertheless, it seems Thai law puts a lot of value into family ties with the child so, maybe New was someone else's child originally like of a brother or a sister of one of Non's parents. Or maybe something else entirely, I don't know. I don't think it matters that much.
"That still doesn't explain the age gap though. Tan is only 2 months older than Non!!"
Well, that's still older. Would that qualify him as "phi", idk? Both Pimpa (Non and New's mother) and Non refer to him that way. But maybe that's just another way for the series to tell us there's a ver clear hierarchy between these brothers and Non comes second. Idk. (if you're Thai or know Thai culture well and would like to add input here, pls do)
Ok, yeah, I know. They make a compelling case.
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(I took the liberty to brighten them bc OMG WHY IS THIS SHOW SO DARK????)
And yes, in the picture further to the left it does seem like they have a huge age gap but also, in the picture right next to it, it doesn't seem so (in fact the kid in blue seems about the same age in both pics, only the other one doesn't). So maybe the kid in pic one is not Non, it's some other kid (could be, especially considering he's wearing blue and, as the fandom's most dear colour theorist @shannankle has pointed out on a lot of posts but most especially this one: Non's colour is red). Or maybe it is one of them and they just grew up at different paces, idk. It happens, man.
TBH I'm not greatly concerned about the pics. What I am concerned about is the narrative implications of this. That his parents's (and, as previously established, especially his mother's [who is the most present parent in his life, as stated by the parents themselves in ep.8])
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favourite kid is the one who isn't even theirs by blood. That their favourite son is the one that is not actually their son (I obviously do believe adopted kids are as much people's kids as biological ones, family is made not inherited, but I mean this as strictly talking about the blood relations of these people)! That no one ever loves Non enough to actually save him from doom (bc, like a fairytale princess, the thing that could prevent Non's demise was love).
If his peers had loved him enough he wouldn't have felt the need to cling to that awful gang. If Jin had loved him enough he would've helped him get away from Tee in this episode, at the very least. If his parents had loved him enough, they would've prevented him from falling prey to so many people or, at least, would've been trustworthy for him to talk to and helped him get out of the situations he was getting himself into.
This would also play well with the character's names:
Non. That which/whom isn't.
Who isn't seen, who isn't heard, who isn't loved, who isn't perfect, who isn't who people expected him to be, who isn't the gang's friend, who isn't his parent's perfect son (not blaming him but that's how they see it), who isn't the boyfriend Phee hoped he would be (not blaming him for the sexual assault he suffered, just seeing it through Phee's eyes, pls don't misinterpret).
New. That which/whom is fresh, original. That which just arrived.
Who is a prodigy, a talent, one of a kind. Who is so different from Non and his "crooked ways". Who arrived at the family later. Who just arrived in Thailand, who just arrived in Non's school. Who is a new person, who has a new identity, who has a new life goal.
So, yeah, it is a bit crazy and depends on a lot of circumstantial and potential facts that have not been hinted towards AT ALL by the show. And I recognize that. But I think this is what is fun about theories and speculation and, even if this is not true (likely), I still had fun crafting this and showing it to you guys. At the very least it's entertaining and keeps us thinking.
Pls feel free to add stuff or question stuff in this post, I'd love for us to work together as a community for our little murder gays show. Hehe.
Also, I'll leave you a question myself: if this is true, does it mean Phee and Tan are working together as the killers, only one of them is killing or neither is committing murder? 🤔
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talkfastromance4 · 1 year
Timeless–Jake Seresin oneshot
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author's note: this idea was inspired by a few things. I was at a farm that hosted a Blue Hawaii Elvis night and there were string lights placed all over the grounds. Couples were dancing in the barn and when I looked outside at the other string lights, I imagined a couple out there dancing alone. Then, last night at my 10 year high school reunion, I was with my first love again, we dated when we were 13. So there's a lot of truth of him and I in this oneshot, call it a love letter to him, but I'll always love him forever. I hope you enjoy.
warnings: allusion to sex, some sadness, but mainly fluff and love, an OC is used
word count: 2.4k
Likes, reblogs and comments mean the world!
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Apart from seeing his parents, there was one other person Jake loved seeing whenever he came back home and that was Cricket. Her real name is Daisy Baker and they’ve been childhood friends since they were twelve. She’s also his first love. 
Like most first loves it was a whirlwind of ups and downs while navigating that newfound feeling at the age of thirteen. They were best friends first until one day in science class he wrote her a note telling her he liked her. Cricket is the only one where Jake is himself, he always leaves Hangman at base when he’s with her.
Throughout their teen years they broke each other’s hearts equally. She broke his first because she was scared of getting so close to someone and he broke hers when they departed for college. On holiday breaks they met up at the local town bar and shared a few drinks and memories of their past. 
They were a flame that never went out, a forever flicker of love, fondness, and adoration for each other that burns a little brighter when together. 
“How long are you gone for again?” Rooster asks Jake when he comes out of his room with a suitcase and a carry on. Rooster’s sitting on the couch in their shared condo, it’s near base and has a pool out back.
“Two weeks.”
“I can’t believe you’re going to your high school reunion. I hate high school.”
“Yeah well, reunions are a staple in Southern States,” Jake pockets his wallet, keys, and phone. 
“Is what’s-her-name…” Rooster snaps his fingers as he thinks, “ladybug gonna be there?”
“Her name is Cricket, and yes, she’ll be there.”
“Ahh I knew it,” Rooster grins, “you and your high school sweetheart are gonna knock some boots, huh?”
Jake grabs the nearest thing to him–a roll of paper towel–and chucks it at Rooster’s head. 
“Shut up. Don’t burn the place down with your cooking.”
Jake’s one of the first to show up at the bar for the reunion, his eyes scanning the room for Cricket. He was quickly distracted by an old classmate, Ted, who shook his hand and started prattling off about Jake’s old football stats. The compliments weren’t helping his ego and Hangman was brought out as he boasted about his wonder years to anyone who would listen. 
Conversation quickly turned to his time as a Naval aviator and he feigns modesty when he relays he’s the only active duty pilot with an air-to-air kill. 
“You always were so humble, weren’t you?” a quiet voice he would know anywhere says behind him. 
Jake turns and smiles immediately when he sees Cricket before him, her big eyes looking exceptionally pretty and glittering. 
“I’m as humble as they come,” he grins leaving the small fanclub he sequestered behind. 
“So is that why you wore your service khakis?” her fingers tug on the collar of his shirt, the lilt in her voice is teasing. 
“You know me, I hate having attention drawn on me,” he smirks.
“Oh yeah, you hate it,” she rolls her eyes and they share a laugh.
“Hey Cricket,” he finally greets her by name. 
“Hey Jake,” she sighs. 
They chit-chat for a while before they’re both pulled away to converse with other classmates. While they’re split up they each glance over to one another periodically, Jake is watching how much she’s drinking. 
A couple hours later when he’s standing at the bar talking with a girl he sat next to in Study Hall, he feels small hands and a warmth on his bicep. He looks down and sees it’s Cricket’s cheek pressed to his bicep, her nails stroking the fabric of his shirt delicately. 
“Hey you,” he says.
“Hi, can you buy me a drink?” 
“Sure, what are you drinking?” he asks and looks for the bartender. Cricket tells him her drink of choice just as the bartender comes up.
“Can you buy Jane one as well?”
Jake turns his attention back to her about to say no but when he sees her doe eyes and pouty lip, he simply can’t refuse. 
“Sure thing, darlin’.”
“Thank you,” she smiles and bounces on her feet in happiness. 
They converse some more before someone else pulls their attention and it isn’t until midnight Jake finds her again. She’s standing at the end of the bar with a classmate and her husband. Two other men are there, older men, that Jake doesn’t recognize and he becomes on high alert. Cricket is smiling and sipping on her drink as they talk and the guy closest to her leans his body against hers.
Jake stands up straighter, what the hell?
The guy stops leaning on her but is still invading her space a little by stepping closer to her. Cricket leans away and takes small steps back so he’s not crowding her space as much but the guy won’t let up. Just as Jake is about to head on over, Cricket points behind herself and then makes a beeline for him. She rests a hand on his shoulder and starts talking quietly while Jake is glaring at the guy.
“That guy says he wants to be my wingman for someone here because I’m too pretty to be here alone and he said he’d try a shot with me but he’s too old and I don’t know what to do,” she rushes out.
“Just tell him you’re with me,” Jake responds quickly. 
“I already mentioned you that you weren’t available. I’m just going to stay here and hopefully he’ll leave.”
“Not a problem,” Jake guides her to the bar stool in front of him. He helps her onto it and blocks her with his body from the other guy. “How old is he anyway?”
“His fifties I think. He said he graduated from our school too but five years before,” she shakes her head. “It was so weird.” 
“Stay by me, I got you,” he rests his arm on the bar around her.
The older men finally went to the pool tables and Jake excused himself to the bathrooms. He was stopped again by classmates he hadn’t spoken to yet but made sure Cricket was in his sights. She was talking with that married couple from before but still looked a little uneasy. 
Jake joined her again sitting in the stool next to her and Cricket immediately leaned into him.
“That guy keeps coming over, gesturing to me to come to the pool tables with him. When I’m done with my drink I’m gonna head home, can you walk me to my car?”
“Absolutely, I won’t let him near you,” Jake glances over at the guy who’s already staring at them. 
Cricket sucks down her drink quickly then hops from the bar stool. She hugs and says goodbye to the few stragglers that are behind and Jake follows her up the steps towards the entrance. She waves to one of the bartenders and Jake recognizes him.
“Hey, that’s the one who gave us free shots the last time we were here on our ‘date,’” Jake says.
“Ugh man, he probably thinks we’re for sure together now,” Cricket laughs. 
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” he smiles and breathes in the summer air. It’s quiet outside as they walk across the dirt and pebbled lot. 
“I’m across the street,” she points.
Maybe it’s because he’s slightly intoxicated or maybe it’s because he’s so comfortable with her that he doesn’t even give it a second thought, Jake holds out his hand to her. 
“For old times’ sake.”
She snickers and laces their fingers together. As soon as their palms touch Jake feels a sense of completeness. Her hand is much smaller than his and yet it fits so perfectly and he’s reminded of holding her hand down the school hallways. They bump into each other on the walk over and he wishes it was a longer walk to her car. 
She unlocks it and opens the driver’s side and tosses in her small purse and phone onto the passenger seat. She shuts the door and faces him. 
“It was good to see you,” she says. 
“Good to see you, too,” he says and pulls her into a hug. Her arms are around his neck and his are wrapped around her waist, he breathes her in the same time she breathes him in. “I miss you, Cricket.”
“I know, I miss you too,” she sighs. “Why do you call me Cricket?”
“You would always hum at school and I could tell if something was wrong when you wouldn’t. Made me think of crickets, they chirp if they’re happy and stop when they sense danger. Plus, I’m the only one who calls you that and you seemed to like it, so I never stopped.”
“Oh,” she giggles in his shoulder. “I do like it.”
They hold each other and start to sway slightly, neither one wanting to let go but she does first. She’s always pulled away first.
“How long are you home for?” she asks.
“Two weeks.”
“Are you busy?”
“Not really,” he smiles, “I’d love to see you before I go back.”
“I’d like that, too.”
Maybe it’s the alcohol, maybe it’s the way she’s looking up at him, maybe it’s the way she feels in his arms or maybe it’s all three that causes him to lean down. She leans up as well and they both pause just before their lips touch. When they kiss it’s like coming home. It’s familiar and comfortable and just feels so right.
Jake squeezes her waist just as her fingers curl in his hair at the nape of his neck, tugging slightly. It sends shivers down his spine and he presses her against her car. 
“My roommate’s not home,” she whispers when they break free for air. He pecks her lips quickly.
“Yeah?” he smiles squeezing her and never wanting to let go.
“Yeah. If you’d like to come over.”
“Let’s go.”
He lifts her from the ground and walks around the car opening the passenger side so she can get in. He closes the door and settles in the driver's side but before he turns it on, he leans over the console to give her another kiss. 
They spent the next two weeks together in pure bliss. Going out to dinner, the movies, a baseball game and spent a decent amount of time between the sheets. She came over to his parents’ house for dinner. On his last night they stayed in bed all day, neither of them wanting to sleep. 
“When will you be home again?” she asks playing with his fingers. She’s on top of him, naked and beautiful, their hands placed on his chest. “The holidays?”
“I doubt it,” he shakes his head. “Heard through the grapevine we’ll be deployed on a ten month mission.”
“Oh,” her eyes are downcast, watching her fingertips trace over his own. Jake notices she puts an extra circle on his ring finger. 
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t picture marrying her. He could see it all, her in a beautiful white dress, a home of their own and then three or four little munchkins. Jake never really wanted kids but Cricket’s always wanted to be a mom and he would absolutely want a family with her. But it’s always so hard leaving her and he doesn’t want to put her through that kind of worry. 
“I’ll let you know when I’ll be home next,” he assures her. He pinches her cheek affectionately. 
“Will we be able to talk in between now and then?”
“Maybe, I can’t guarantee anything.”
“I know,” she sighs heavily, resting her forehead on his chest. 
Jake rubs the back of her hair and when she lifts it back up, tears roll down her cheeks. 
“Baby,” he sighs and swipes them away but more come. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t want you to see me cry,” she whispers and tries to wipe them away as well. 
“It’s okay,” he soothes. 
They roll into a hug with Jake on top of her and she clutches him tightly to her. She sniffles in his ear and he lets her cry into his neck, her long staggering breaths breaks his heart and it reminds him how it always comes back to this. Breaking each other’s hearts. When her breath is steady and normal, he pulls away and stares at her.
“I’m not gone yet. Let’s make the most of it?” he asks and she nods, their lips connecting in a wordless agreement.
“The bride and groom would like to have one last dance before the night is over, so if we could clear the dancefloor please…” the DJ says into the microphone. 
Crickets are chirping in the balmy summer night as the dancefloor is cleared in the large backyard. The string lights create a warm and inviting glow to all the tables and the dancefloor. The photographer gets into position as the happy couple walks in the center of the floor.
Jake spins Cricket and she picks up the bottom of her dress as it twirls up and grabs Jake’s hand in perfect timing just as ‘Love me Tender’ begins to play. Their guests fall into a quiet hush as the newlyweds begin to dance. Cricket is humming along the crooning voice of Elvis and Jake kisses her forehead. 
“Can you believe we’re finally here?” he asks. 
“No, it feels like a dream. A wonderful dream,” she sighs. “I always knew we’d end up together.”
“You did?”
“You didn’t?” 
“Of course I did,” he shrugs. “I knew it the moment I met you in seventh grade.”
“Seventh grade?” she scrunches her nose. “I had braces.”
“And you were the cutest girl. Still are,” he winks and spins her out. There’s soft applause from their guests and he pulls her back into his arms. 
They change their dancing position to the informal way with both her hands behind his neck and Jake’s on her waist. Their foreheads are touching and they sway in one spot soaking up each other and the moment of their special day. 
Love me tender, love me dear
Tell me you are min
I’ll be you through all the years
Till the end of time
Love me tender, love me true, 
all my dreams fulfilled, 
for my darling–
“I love you,” Jake sings along.
“And I always will,” she joins him in the last verse. 
When picking out a last song to dance to, this one popped into both of their minds because the lyrics rang true to their relationship. Through all the years and relationships in between, they’ve always loved each other and always will. They dance into the night, sealing their whirlwind of a love story into a new beginning of their life without fear or regret or doubt.
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irrolyphant · 1 year
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Timothy Olyphant, 55, is an actor who starred in Deadwood, Live Free or Die Hard, and Justified. He will star in the FX miniseries Justified: City Primeval this fall and currently co-stars in the Max miniseries Full Circle. He spoke with Marc Myers before the actors strike.
You couldn’t get me out of the pool when I was a kid. We lived next door to a swim and racket club in Modesto, Calif.
I began regular swim practice at age 6. My older brother, Andy, took to tennis, which probably helped us get along. We were competitive. Our younger brother, Matt, did a little bit of everything and eventually became a water-polo player.
I was born in Hawaii, but we moved to Modesto when I was 3. My dad, Bevan, worked for Del Monte and left to work at E&J Gallo Winery soon after we relocated to California. He started in bottling and worked his way up to vice president of production.
My mom, Katherine, was a full-time mom. She was the nurturing type. Whether I won or lost, she’d always talk about how well I competed or how beautiful a swimmer I was, never about whether I won or not. She’s very sweet and encouraging.
Just as I was starting high school, my parents divorced. After they split up, we quickly figured out who was responsible for what. For example, our dad didn’t really know how to do laundry or cook. If we were going over to his place, we’d probably be eating out.
When you’re young, any time your foundation gets rocked, it sets you back a bit. I’d been a good student when my parents were together, but there definitely was a dip after the divorce. I kind of saw what I could get away with and wound up just an okay student.
I wasn’t in school plays. I’m not sure I saw that side of me yet. Instead, I was at swim practice and hanging with my buddies. I also liked to draw a lot, which I suppose is how I expressed myself.
I was a solid swimmer in the Central Valley. I set a CIF SAC-Joaquin Section Record and wound up with an All America Swimming Certificate. By my senior year, I realized swimming was my ticket out of town and certainly the only way I’d get into a great university.
I worked hard. After USC saw the times I was posting, they called to recruit me for the team. When I flew out to USC on my recruit trip, I met with the dean of the architecture school. He said there was no way I could manage both the swim team’s practice schedule and the rigors of the architectural program.
I asked him about the art gallery downstairs. He said it was part of the fine-arts department. I didn’t even know you could get a degree in that. I met with the fine-arts dean and asked if I could be on the swim team. He said we’d work it out.
Majoring in fine arts for me was like winning the lottery. In high school, I’d get in trouble for drawing when I was supposed to be doing schoolwork. Now, in college, drawing was my schoolwork.
After my senior year, I left USC several electives shy of a degree and didn’t finish until the pandemic. But before I left, I met some drama majors who got me thinking about acting.
By then, my college girlfriend, Alexis, and I had married. We moved to Seal Beach, south of Los Angeles, where I coached swimming. To fulfill some of my electives I took an acting 101 class at UC Irvine. I had a ball. It was a language I understood immediately.
I read Stanislavsky’s and Sandy Meisner’s books on acting. I realized that it wasn’t a frivolous pursuit but a craft on par with how artists I admired approached painting and sculpture. I told Alexis I was thinking about pursuing acting rather than a master’s in fine art. She said, “Tim, just do something. Just pick one thing and do that.”
The guy who taught the intro class was a graduate student who recommended I study with Bill Esper at the Esper Studio in New York. Fortunately, Alexis’s dad lived there and let us move into his place.
My career has been many little steps—a lot of one step forward, two steps back. I’m not sure if there was any one role that really changed things, but landing the lead in “Justified,” in 2010, certainly helped things along.
Today, Alexis and I live in Los Angeles and have three grown kids. We moved in 15 years ago and love the house and neighborhood. I still draw and swim.
Breakfast is my favorite meal. I make steel-cut oatmeal in my rice cooker, which has a porridge setting. When I come home from swimming and have my oatmeal, I feel like I’m 8 again. And you know what? That feels pretty good.
Timothy’s Digs:
Full Circle? I play Derek in the miniseries about a kidnapping gone awry and the family secrets exposed.
Blissful space? Sitting in a blue chair in the kitchen having coffee with my wife.
Cool buy? A painting by an artist I’ve admired for at least a decade or so.
Tennis? I play with my brother and oldest daughter. The fact that they play with me means the world.
Youngest daughter? Vivian. She’s an actress in the coming season of Justified: City Primeval.
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calkale · 2 years
slimav headcannons? 💞🧸
Anon babe this has been cooking all morning i hope you’re prepared
I feel like i should add like a timeline to this cause its kinda everywhere and im ignoring some of the canon stuff mav did between 86 and tgm, in my head he became a test pilot in like 2006? and thats basically the only thing he does so he can be with slider more and thats around the time ice stopped flying so also when slider became an airline pilot. idk when slider retired or if he even did yet but after mav flew the tgm mission he retired but he does still fly his p51 in airshows and if the navy needs him hes still a civilian test pilot
-They workout together and have a joint playlist (they share headphones idk how it works), mav wears little shorts and big shirts or tank tops and slider wears sweats and tank tops usually. They did matching outfits once and every time they looked at each other they started giggling so they never did it again (on purpose that is)
-mav loves being so small compared to slider, when they hug it makes him feel protected
-after goose died mav didnt really have anyone to talk to (this is before him and slider got together), he couldnt go to carole, he did go to ice a few times but slider became his person, mav grew a lot closer to both of them and they helped him a lot the first few weeks after he lost goose, they were friends for a year or more after this happened and eventually they got together
-mav buys slider flowers, tulips are his favourite
-Slider has a lifted truck (1979 ford f150, red with a white stripe on the side) and he has no running boards/step to fuck with mav (https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYAhdg7R/)
-slider has ever single bruce springsteen cd in his truck, he keeps them all in a cd book because some of them are signed and he doesnt wanna keep the signed ones in the truck (there's also not enough room to keep ALL the cds in there in their individual cases)
-slider wanted to be an a10 pilot. He was best friends with ice growing up and decided to give up his dream of joining the air force so he could be with ice in the navy, he never told ice this, ice knew slider would've preferred the air force and wanted to be a pilot but he didn't know it was his dream. Mav is one of the few people slider shared this with
-slider leaves the navy once ice stops flying and he becomes an airline pilot, he doesnt work a whole lot so he can spend more time with mav but he loves being an airline pilot
-they got married on a beach in hawaii, at first they didnt know if they wanted to get married (and before 2011 they couldnt), slider had the ring for a year before finally deciding to propose to mav in early 2013 and they got married on valentines day in 2014. it was a small wedding and they both wore all white suits. this is the vibe of the reception: (https://www.instagram.com/p/CoVjzuUg9y-/?igshid=MDM4ZDc5MmU=)
-slider grows a mini mullet after leaving the navy, mav loves to play with his hair, its super soft and curly and he loves running his hands through it
-slider is the little spoon almost always, mav cuddles up to his back like a koala
-slider made fun of goose for wearing hawaiian shirts all the time but after leaving the navy he starts wearing them too (theyre not super vibrant and over the top, he wears a lot of muted or just pastel colours) and mav makes fun of him for it (he thinks its cute)
-slider calls mav babygirl and it makes mav blush SO HARD
-they have a HUGE bed, it was one thing they both agreed on when picking furniture for their house, they needed a big bed because sliders huge and mav sleeps like a starfish half the time
-theyre both morning people but mav is more of a morning person, slider likes to sleep in a little while mav makes him breakfast, after they eat they’ll sit on the deck in the backyard and drink their coffee
-slider took a bartending class and he makes fruity cocktails for mav, every time they go out mav gets a beer or a jack n coke because hes shy, he does love both of those but he also likes “girly drinks” on occasion. Sliders favourite drink is a margarita
-they love going on a hikes together, slider brings a bunch of snacks for mav because mav doesnt like carrying a bag
-idk where their house is but its in a medium sized town/small city? close to mavs hangar, its a medium sized house with a big yard and an in ground pool (that was the one thing slider wanted when they decided to buy a house together), the vibe of their house is similar to their wedding, a lot of colours and they have a lot of plants and flowers. its a two bedroom two bathroom house, the second floor is where the guest bedroom and bathroom are as well as a storage room, their bedroom and bathroom, kitchen and living room are all on the first floor. they have pictures everywhere and looking around their house you can tell exactly what kind of people they are and what they like, it feels like a home.
-slider comes to the hangar a lot and he’ll just hang out on the couch while mav does his thing, sometimes he helps out or works on his truck but he prefers to just watch mav
-slider picks mav up SO MUCH, he’ll throw him over his shoulder, carry him bridal style, give him a piggyback ride
-they build model planes together, they’re both loser plane nerds (so am i, im allowed to say that). Mav gets slider an a10 model for his birthday every year and watches him put it together. they keep their model planes all over the house, some of them are hanging from the ceiling too (slider hung them because mav almost fell off the ladder)
-they have so many little jokes with each other, when they’re out in public they’ll see something that relates to one of them and point it out to each other and they’ll both start laughing and get weird looks from everyone around them
-when slider becomes an airline pilot mav bakes him cookies to take with him, slider would hand them out to the crew on the plane and thats how he want from “big scary navy guy” to an absolute sweetheart, everyone loves him and compliment mavs baking
(im riled up about this rn so im adding my headcanons for their body types too)
when slider was in the navy he was bigger than most of the people there, he had a lot of muscle and not a lot of fat, when he left he did keep up his workout routine and he started eating better because he had more access to food, hes still mostly muscle now but he has a healthy layer of fat on him too.
When mav was younger his mom was a great cook, he loved to help her in the kitchen but after his dad died she just stopped, she barley ate, she did make stuff for mav but never let him help and she didnt make it with love like she would before, she wasnt happy. After she died and when mav was going from foster home to foster home he never had something stable, he had a weird relationship with food, it wasnt bad necessarily, he didnt not like eating, a lot of the time he had to make food for himself but it just wasnt as good as it could be. While in the navy he was average i guess? he had muscle but it wasnt super defined and he wasnt the biggest fan of cardio when he first joined so he did have a little fat. (while being a test pilot you have to be like better than in perfect shape but im ignoring that) he has more muscle than he did before but now that hes not flying in action as much he has more time to get back into cooking and he loves it, it feels like when he was cooking with his mom again and it has a lot to do with slider, slider loves him and he loves the food he makes, mav definitely has a little tummy now and slider loves how soft he is, theyre both still in great shape now, they love working out and being active (in many ways 👀)
also adding nsfw stuff under the cut
-mav usually bottoms but they do switch, mav loves watching slider get all worked up because of him, sliders so big and scary to most people and mav loves to take him apart and see slider begging for more underneath him (or on top👀)
-they both LOVE the size difference, it doesnt matter how long theyve been together the way slider towers over mav always gets them both so horny
-mav loves being praised, they both love soft, loving sex and just being sweet with each other, slider will take his time to kiss mavs entire body and mavs adores it
-BUT they love rough and fast sex just as much, mav can be such a brat and slider knows exactly how to put him in his place, he’ll pull his dog tags or his hair
-slider calls mav so many pet names, baby, babygirl, princess, sweetheart, and so on
-sliders dick is definitely long and distinguished (and thick), mavs is a little smaller than average but hes not insecure about it
-they’ve had threesomes with ice many times, ice and slider used to “help each other out” while they were at sea and when slider told mav that he asked if he could watch them sometime. The first time ice fucked slider while mav watched, the next time ice fucked mav and slider fucked mav after. One time for mavs birthday they both fucked him at the same time
-slider loves to feed mav, he gets him chocolate covered strawberries (mavs favourite) and he’ll feed them to mav while he rides him slowly. At their wedding they decided mav would feed slider cake because mav didnt know if he could be normal with slider feeding him cake, they did save a piece for later tho ;)
-mav loves wearing lingerie, he likes being feminized and this took it to a whole other level, slider loves it just as much if not more. The first time mav wore a set he was so shy and cute it made slider lose his mind
-They fucked on a beach during their honeymoon many times, the first time they only had a towel and they got sand everywhere, the next time they brought a blanket
-mav loves sliders hands, he loves when slider grabs his waist because his hands wrap all the way around him
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grace-williams-xo · 2 months
Rating a selection of the (main) fandoms I’ve been in over the years. This is just for shits and giggles, please don’t start a war. I truly sincerely don’t care that much. Peace and love. [my current level of engagement with these fandoms varies]
One Direction 7/10 (fandom since 2013)
Absolutely cooked, but looking back, not that bad
Very powerful. Live in fear if we ever properly reunite again (the last big thing was July 2020 iykyk) bc we have reach everywhere and it never leaves our souls
Ahead of its time, but also an exact summary of 2012–2014
The solos who fight are the worst please fucking chill
The best fandom ever when it comes to tagging fics I won’t be debating this
Larries still exist in 2024 I can’t believe it either and they are the blueprint for all toxic shipping culture. Larries get a 1/10 and that 1 is for the good au fics only
5SOS 8/10 (fan since 2013, fandom since 2018)
Lots of overlap with directioners so have always kind of just been the smaller version of that fandom
Smaller fandoms can be less toxic but also sometimes 5sos fam is/was an absolute mess for no reason at all
Has been much more toxic since 2020 onwards because the guys have lives and people get way too bored
Some fans with directioner roots can’t comprehend that the band actually like each other and that’s just funny to me
Fletcher 6/10 (fan since 2017, fandom since 2020)
It was a great fandom until the first album cycle started, and then it got bad, and then Becky’s so hot made it worse, and then last year Fletcher herself joined a cult and drove it off a cliff
Currently it’s a mess of fans either forgiving her entirely, stanning Chappell Roan and Renee Rapp instead but continuing to tweet about her problems once a month, or—my favourite—forgiving her when she tours near them
Taylor Swift 4/10 (fan since 2009, fandom since 2015)
Gets worse with every passing second. Rep era? Great. Lover era? Good. Folklore/evermore? Alright. Fearless/Red TV? Tolerable. Midnights/Eras onwards? Abhorrent.
Gaylors will either save the world or end it
Some of the most insane dick riding for a fave I’ve ever seen in a fandom in my life please have some perspective
Hawaii Five-0 10/10 (since 2017)
The most active fandom for a dead tv show, I feel like I’m clout farming every time I post a fic
Never seen a more headcannoned ship in my life than mcdanno
No controversial debates
Overall very chill, but we all give the people writing genuine Steve/Lynn or Danny/Amberlissa fics side eye
Glee 9/10 (since 2018)
If you watched glee, it will come as no surprise that no one in this fandom is mentally okay
Way too passionate about ranking the seasons
Entirely cooked, but very self aware so we’re having fun
Bridgerton 7/10 (since Apr 2024)
The shipper fights take years off my life PLEASE relax I am begging you
Some of the fandom think rich straight white women are the most oppressed class of society
Good fics but you do not know how to tag smh
White Collar 19/10 (since Jan 2024)
The best!!!
No drama the only debate is about what happened in/after the finale, but it isn’t toxic
I lied the debate is are Peter/Neal romantic
Speaking of, no one protects spoilers like this fandom. We will go to battle to make sure new watchers don’t get the big reveals spoiled
Would’ve gotten a 20 but y’all, respectfully, mostly suck ass at tagging fics it’s maybe the worst fandom I’ve ever come across
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hopkei · 16 days
Fantastics 100 Questions & Answers! Pt.1
Source: Monthly Exile August 2020 (Part two)
🚨Warning: may contain inaccuracies!🚨 Feel free to share elsewhere but please credit me🌻
Questions 1-10
1. What meal are you best at cooking? Sekai: Cup Ramen Taiki: Stir-fried bean sprouts Sawa: Carbonara Leiya: Motsunabe Hori: Chinese soup Keito: Curry Yusei: Garlic butter chicken stir-fry Sota: Meat and vegetable stir-fry! It’s totally unmatched!
2. What is a song excluding your own that you want to perform? Sekai: Sandaime JSB - S.A.K.U.R.A. Taiki: Finger Five: 学園天国 Sawa: Exile - Ti Amo Leiya: I want to sing GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE / 「One in Million -奇跡の夜に」 Hori: GENERATIONS vs BALLISTIK BOYZ - 「BREAK DOWN YA WALLS」 Keito: Sandaime JSB 冬空, Generations - Brand new story Yusei: EXILE / 「優しい光」 Sota: GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE / 「I Remember」
3. What was the most embarrassing moment in your life? Sekai: Every audition I’ve ever done  Taiki: At my photobook shoot when I went to the Hawaii for the first time in my life and I lost my money Sawa: I thought I was talking to my friend really excitedly but it was actually someone I didn’t know….. Leiya: The time I was rushing down the stairs to the underground by Shibuya Scramble Crossing on a rainy day and I slipped and fell all the way down the stairs on my butt Hori: The time I dreamed that I was walking down the street naked Keito: The time I got a hole in my pants during an EXPG STUDIO-era performance Yusei: The day I went walking in Shibuya and I wore my t-shirt backwards and totally different socks! (laughs) Sota: In elementary school, I went to onsen with my dad. I had gone to get in first, but accidentally got into the water intended for Kakeyu. A lot of older people were laughing at me, but I didn’t realize until my dad came that I was in the Kakeyu. (tn: a Kakeyu is a pre-rinse you do before getting into an onsen, it is typically done with a bucket, and this water is in a separate tub than the actual onsen)
4. Who is the person that makes you think “If I hadn’t met them, I wouldn’t have the life I do now?” Sekai: Everyone I’ve ever met Taiki: Hiro-san Sawa: Dance Teacher Leiya: Fukuoka dance teammates Hori: Hiro-san, Nakao Shota Keito: Ito-sensei from when I was in (Exile) Kids Class! Yusei: My friend that played the guitar in middle school Sota: My piano teacher. It was my start in music!
5. If you could switch lives with any LDH member who do you want to switch with? Sekai: Atsushi-san Taiki: Yoshino Hokuto. His private life is a mystery Sawa: Kobayashi Naoki-san Leiya: Iwata-san Hori: I want to switch with Shokichi-san and play instruments or write songs Keito: Iwata-san Yusei: Reo-san Sota: ELLY-san! I don't know how he lives at all so I’m really curious
6. Are you starting anything new with your free time at home? (tn: this interview was during the 2020 quarantine) Sekai: Making songs with MPC and finger drumming, I started drinking hot water Taiki: Harmonica Sawa: Animal crossing. (laughs) Leiya: Drawing on my clothes with POSCA markers to remake them Hori: Electric guitar Keito: Cooking, basketball Yusei: Cooking! Sota: Cooking and writing lyrics and composition!
7. What is something about yourself that makes you think, “In this, I can’t lose to anyone!”? Sekai: Persistence when I get into something I like Taiki: Maybe getting all of my senpais and kouhais together to have dinner every night lol Sawa: The beauty of my dance Leiya: My burning heart (passion) Hori: Stretching the skin on my neck Keito: Funny faces and positivity Yusei: Tenacity/determination Sota: Talking when I get up in the morning. I’m strong in the morning!
8. What song do you think of when you hear the word “summer”? Sekai: Wada Koji -  「Butter-Fly」, Yamashita Tatsuro / 「Atom no Ko」 Taiki: Orange Range-san! Any of their songs! I really like them! Sawa: Yuzu - 夏色 (Natsuiro) Leiya: Ketsumeishi - 夏の思い出 (Natsu no Omoide) Hori: DOBERMAN INFINITY / 「SUPER BALL」 Keito: 掌の砂 (Tenohiranosune) / Exile-san Yusei: Def Tech / 「My Way」 Sota: Hirai Dai - Slow&Easy
9. If you were to get a pet what animal would you choose? Sekai: A dog and a cat Taiki: A pug or an Arowana (tn: an arowana is a fish) Sawa: French Bulldog Leiya: Bichon Frise Hori: Dog Keito: Pomeranian Yusei: Husky Sota: If it’s at my parents house, a dog! (because I’ve had experience with big things at my parents house). If it’s at my own house, then I want to get a fish!
10. Favorite color? Sekai: White, black, red, gold, silver, green Taiki: Red Sawa: BLACK Leiya: Red Hori: Black Keito: Checker pattern Yusei: Black Sota: Blue tones!
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angelicallyblack · 1 year
I know you have probably answered this question a million times, but do you have any tips on how to make more friends and how to find friends that are similar to you? I feel like all of my friends are very different from me and I would love to have more friends that have a lot of the same hobbies, but I really do not know where to start.
The best way to find friends of the same mindset or into the same things is to start participating in said hobbies. I know that's such an easy obvious answer but it's the truth! If you're into Pilates, look into taking a class and start talking with the people there. Suggest grabbing something to eat after or talk about the class when it's over.
If you like food and cooking, see if there are cooking classes nearby or food tasting.
If you're into a sport that doesn't make that possible (for example, you're into snowboarding but you live in Hawaii), connect with people online.
You just have to make the effort to meet them halfway. Back in high school, that was how I connected with a lot of my friends by joining FNHS or scientific society because we were all there because we were genuinely into the same things.
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starspanner · 1 month
Pretty sweet playlist!
Alabama: “Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynyrd Skynyrd Alaska: “Feel It Still” by Portugal. The Man American Samoa: “Edge of Glory” by Lady Gaga Arizona: “Edge of Seventeen” by Stevie Nicks Arkansas: “Don’t Stop” by Fleetwood Mac California: “California Love” by Tupac and “Not Like Us” by Kendrick Lamar Colorado: “September” by Earth, Wind Fire Connecticut: “Signed Sealed, Delivered” by Stevie Wonder Delaware: “Higher Love” by Whitney Houston and Kygo Democrats Abroad: “Love Train” by The O’Jays District of Columbia: “Let Me Clear My Throat” by DJ Kool Florida: “Won’t Back Down” by Tom Petty Georgia: “Turn Down for What” by Lil John Guam: “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter Hawaii: “24K Magic” by Bruno Mars Idaho: “Private Idaho” by The B-52s Illinois: “Sirius” by The Alan Parsons Project Indiana: “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough” by Michael Jackson Iowa: “Celebrate” by Kool & the Gang Kansas: “Carry on Wayward Son” by Kansas Kentucky: “First Class” by Jack Harlow Louisiana: “All I Do Is Win” by DJ Khaled Maine: “Shut Up and Dance” by Walk the Moon Maryland: “Respect” by Aretha Franklin Massachusetts: “I’m Shipping up to Boston” by Dropkick Murphys Michigan: “Lose Yourself” by Eminem Minnesota: “Kiss” and “1999” by Prince Mississippi: “Twisting the Night Away” by Sam Cooke Missouri: “Good Luck, Babe” by Chappell Roan Montana: “American Woman” by Lenny Kravitz Nebraska: “Firework” by Katy Perry Nevada: “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers New Hampshire: “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey New Jersey: “Born in the USA” by Bruce Springsteen New Mexico: “Confident” by Demi Lovato New York: “Empire State of Mind” by Jay Z and Alicia Keys North Carolina: “Raise Up” by Petey Pablo North Dakota: “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys Ohio: “Green Light” by John Legend Oklahoma: “Ain’t Goin Down” by Garth Brooks Oregon: “Float On” by Modest Mouse Pennsylvania: “Black and Yellow” by Wiz Khalifa and “Motownphilly” by Boyz II Men Puerto Rico: “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee Rhode Island: “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift South Carolina: “Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine” by James Brown South Dakota: “What I Like About You” by The Romantics Tennessee: “9 To 5” by Dolly Parton Texas: “Texas Hold ‘Em” by Beyoncé Utah: “Animal” by Neon Trees Vermont: “Stick Season” by Noah Kahan Virginia: “The Way I Are” by Timbaland Washington: “Can’t Hold Us” by Macklemore West Virginia: “Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver Wisconsin: “Jump Around” by House of Pain Wyoming: “I Gotta Feeling” by Black Eyed Peas Virgin Islands: “VI to the Bone” by Mic Love
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nando161mando · 7 months
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💕Today is February 14th💕— Have A Happy Colonizer Fucks Around and Finds Out in Hawaii Day!💕
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callsign-joyride · 2 years
Rules & Regulations | 0.1
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Summary: You work in the human resources department at NAS North Island. A noise complaint at a hotel leads to some unexpected endeavors - and an ironic workplace romance.
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader (no use of Y/N)
Content warnings: None yet
Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
It felt like a quiet day at Naval Air Station North Island. You got to work at your usual time, but it didn’t take long to file away documents and send communications. As your lunch break rolled around, you went to Admiral Kazansky’s office. 
“Hey, Tom. How’s your family?” You asked.
“We talked four hours ago, you know how my family is. Sit down and tell me about your day so far.”
“Oh my God, there’s this Hangman guy. Almost all of the paperwork that I get is either for or about him, sometimes both. He’s just a Grade A asshole. It almost makes me want to meet him, though. You know, see how bad he really is.”
“You know, I used to be like that.”
“Oh, I know. There’s a bunch of lore about class of ‘86. Oh my God, we won’t be able to have our lunches together next week. I’m going to Hawaii with Nat for that awards ceremony but we’re getting there a few days before everyone else. Sure, we hang out like every night but we only have sleepovers when we’re drunk. And my neighbor is taking care of Viper so I don’t need to worry about getting a dog sitter or anything.”
You and Tom ate lunch together and said hi to the passing admirals. The lunch hour ended with you laying on the floor of his office, gossiping about other people on base. No one would’ve thought that Tom Kazansky lived for gossip, but it was one thing that you quickly found out when you started working at North Island. The rest of your day went along swimmingly, because nothing was really going on.
Before going home, you made a stop by the grocery store. Wednesday night dinners were a tradition between you and Natasha because you had been friends for so long and Wednesdays were the only nights that you were both free. You always cooked together while a random movie played in the background because it was hard for you to go about things without your background noise. This time, you had picked a horror movie. It was slightly out of the usual for nights with Natasha, because talking about shitty dates over people screaming probably wasn’t normal. 
“I’m so excited for Hawaii. I haven’t been there for fun in a long time,” Nat said as they sat down with their food.
“Me too. I went once for a Christmas vacation with this guy… It didn’t end well. Neither of us left but having to meet his family was awkward as hell and we didn’t really get along. Don’t go on vacations with dates if you’re gonna meet their entire family when you’re there. I would rather die than do that again.”
The two of you laughed over their glasses of wine and finished eating. You decided to turn on an old episode of Saturday Night Live while you talked on the couch. The ringing of your phone interrupted the moment.
“What could Admiral Kazansky want from you?” Natasha asked.
“It’s probably an HR thing. Let me take this.”
Because you answered the phone while walking up the stairs, it took you a minute to catch your breath. (You were always terrified to let Tom go to voicemail, even if it was an accident.) He started to talk almost immediately.
“I know you’re going to Hawaii with Lieutenant Trace for that awards ceremony, so what if I put you in a hotel room a few doors down from the rest of the Dagger Squad?”
“Wouldn’t that be a bad idea? I’d be off the clock so technically, I can’t be the one in charge of reports.”
“Oh, it would be the worst idea, but I need to know how bad these kids really are. You know how dramatic Maverick can be. I’m surprised he’s been able to last this long considering he barely lasted two months last time.”
You thought about it for a minute. What was the worst that could happen? Either way, you would still be able to gossip about the Dagger Squad with Tom. 
“Can I tell Nat?”
There was a moment of silence before Tom gave you permission to tell her, but he made sure to add that you had to tell her that she couldn’t tell anyone, either. 
“I’ll do it, then. Do you want me to text you updates during the trip or…?”
“No, don’t tell me anything until you get back. I don’t want you to have to worry about this stuff potentially becoming a formal report or anything like that.”
“Okay. Thanks, Tom.”
“You’re welcome.”
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symphonic-scream · 6 months
Any haru aus? 👀
You get my first ever au
Which was just canon but. Well. I'll expand
So, it starts two years before it all. Two lonely girls meet on the roof, and slowly grow closer. Makoto was gangly, awkward, desperate to do good, be seen as capable and smart. Haru was just starting to come into herself, still small, worried her family's reputation would alter how others see her. Both had recently lost a parent
They started as friends. They were in different classes, and saw each other at lunch and after school. By November of their first year, that changed. Hands touching, sitting so close, one afternoon on the roof, they kissed
It was kept a secret. They'd eat lunch on the stairs to the roof, holding hands under a textbook. Study sessions in the far corner of the library, heads close with the excuse of trying to be quiet. Neither really called it dating at the time, but they remember that first day, know it's their anniversary
Second year comes and goes. Haru's birthday was supposed to be a happy event for them, but that's when Okumura organizes the engagement. Haru cancels their plans last minute, and when a concerned Makoto finds her on the roof the next day, crying, telling her they don't have much time left together
It's, different. Their kisses feel melancholic, as their lives darken around them. Both have their only remaining family distort right before them, and the one thing they have to hold on is, going to be ripped away
Then, Akira Kurusu moves to Tokyo, and things change
During their third year, at the start, they rarely see each other. Makoto is too busy for their lunches on the stairs, and Haru has to spend her Sundays with Sugimura. They send messages to unlisted numbers, short apologies for not being free, "I Love You"s, and hollow promises to try to hang out
Makoto awakens her Persona. Her mind feels clearer, and, her heart too. She races to the roof the day after, and holds her girlfriend tight. Makoto frees up her lunches, and secretly promises to herself that she'll do everything she can with her new powers to free Haru, even if they don't end up together. She just wants her to be happy
She's got new friends. She, doesn't tell them about Haru. It's easier to pretend they don't know each other. Haru feels torn, though. Makoto's, changed, for the better even. She's more vibrant than ever, but, when they part, Haru feels her world darken that much more
They share a room in Hawaii. For the first time, they share a bed. When they reach their room, it's a different energy than any other time they've been together. Haru giggles as Makoto tugs at her Buchimaru PJs, the slow way they inch closer on the bed
Okay I'm going to jump ahead sorry
So. Okumura has died. Haru, all alone in a big empty apartment, answers her phone shakily. Makoto's checking in on her, and, impulsively tells her she can stay with her and Sae
And. Haru moves into her room for the remainder of the year. Sae is tense about it. She scolds Makoto in front of their guest, since she can't handle having to care for two teens, and
Makoto stands up for herself here. Says she'll cover it. Get a job if she has to, if she's that serious about it, but she already cooks and cleans and does laundry. Haru softly speaks up that she can offer Sae rent money too, and eventually she does give in
She's hardly home anyways
And. God, things are so tender there. Domestic as hell. Makoto teaches Haru to cook, they share chores, and go to sleep and wake up together every day. It's, something they didn't think they'd have, so it's like a dream
The slow way Haru bleeds into Makoto's room. There's plants by the window, the sheets are slightly nicer, two of everything
Sae sits them both down and apologizes after November 20. She apologizes to Haru, then politely asks if she and Makoto can talk further. Haru almost doesn't want to leave Makoto alone out there, having heard her girlfriend slowly open up about things. But she goes to *their* room, and waits
Makoto comes out during the talk. She doesn't mention the whole dating thing, she needs Haru to feel safe enough too, but. Yeah
Things get better.
Anyways. Makoto and Haru but. Theyre gay in Persona 5
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for Siv, Jay, Cassandra, and Hailey 𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, 𝗽𝗶ñ𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗮, 𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝗱, 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿, 𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗶, 𝘁𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗮 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲, 𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗶𝗶, and 𝗰𝘂𝗯𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗲 :)
Blue Lagoon: what does your oc wear to sleep? Do they have a dedicated set of pajamas or do they just wear whatever?
Siv: Usually wears a camisole and a pair of shorts, that's about it.
Jay: Sleeps in his boxers.
Cassandra: Has pajamas that Jay bought her.
Hailey: Wears pajamas to bed every night, no exceptions.
Pina Colada: if your oc has a bag or a purse, what are five things that'd be inside?
Siv: Keys, cellphone, dagger, assorted snacks, pendant with GIna's ashes
Jay: Pain meds, cellphone, pulse gauntlet, CIA pager, keys
Cassandra: Assorted witchcraft paraphernalia, gun, keys, cellphone, CIA pager
Hailey: CIA pager, keys, cellphone, cigarettes, red lipstick
Jungle Bird: has your oc ever made any choices they regret?
Siv: Sweetie, her life choices are all one big regret.
Jay: Regrets temporarily breaking up with Cassandra after his injuries
Cassandra: Regrets letting Jay come along on the mission to take back CCPD
Hailey: Regrets joining the Marines
Harvey Wallbanger: post some images or a moodboard that fit your oc's aesthetic.
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Daiquiri: is your oc a smoker? (tobacco, cannabis, etc.) if so, do they plan on quitting?
Siv: Doesn't smoke
Jay: Smokes weed.
Cassandra: Doesn't smoke
Hailey: Smokes occasionally, because with her being a ghost it makes her feel alive.
Tequila Sunrise: what kind of hobbies does your oc enjoy? Is there anything they've always wanted to do but never had the time/resources to try?
Siv: Plays guitar and works out. Wants to pick up oil painting but doesn't have time.
Jay: Enjoys coding and fiddling around with tech, also training/playing with his old dog at his parents' place.
Cassandra: Cooking and pottery, and while this is less of a hobby than something that basically consumes her entire life, witchcraft.
Hailey: Enjoys cooking and Samba dancing, wants to get into media analysis but doesn't have time.
Blue Hawaii: does your oc speak any other language(s)? If they didnt learn to speak the language(s) when they were growing up, when and why did they learn it?
Siv: Speaks English, French, and Klingon fluently. They learned Klingon from Cisco during Summer Break in 8th grade, and she's been taking French classes since she was in preschool (rich people French Immersion preschool). They also leaned conversational Spanish in order to better communicate with Gina back when they were first getting to know each other.
Jay: Speaks English, Spanish, Mandarin, and German fluently, which he picked up because of important missions.
Cassandra: Speaks English, is also fluent in Spanish, which she took in High School and College, French, and Mandarin (from missions), and is learning Danish and Japanese (for future missions).
Hailey: Speaks English, learned French and Russian as a child in order to communicate during her family's frequent missions trips around the EU. Learned conversational Greek and Arabic for missions, and is currently learning Vietnamese in order to connect with her birth culture.
Cuba Libre: if your oc wears any perfume/cologne, whats their favorite?
Siv: CK One by Calvin Klein
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Hailey: Alien by Thierry Mugler
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Jay: Eros by Versace
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Cassandra: Coco Noir by Chanel
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pony-central · 1 year
Now, before you ask me when LAFT TS will be up here, I'll go through some points
Explanation as to why I decided to do a sequel - I feel like I want to expand the comic until it becomes a full-fledged backstory series. It's because I think Nathan Files and Naughty PonyCentral will have a great future ahead of them.
The Sequel will focus on the relationship that Naughty PonyCentral has with her mum, who had dyed her hair after the events of the original comic. Her mum doesn't know that her daughter is dating a human. This will be further explored soon.
The original comic, and the upcoming sequel, is not, I repeat, NOT, a Zoo comic. It's a Romeo and Juliet Parody comic. Just to let you know. There will be a few more swear words dropped out of nowhere, but I guarantee you that you will love this sequel as much as you liked the original one.
Where will their relationship go next? Nathan is still telling the story, just to his college class this time instead of Baxter Wow, who will be 13 at the time of the comics release date, just for clarifications.
Natasha Files will be absent in this comic, as she's off to Hawaii with her father-in-law. I've been focusing more on the relationship of Nathan Files and Naughty PonyCentral for a long time now. So, more exploring of this backstory is a work in progress, but I'll get there eventually.
The couple will also be focusing on finding somewhere to live, since the original LAFB had them in a small apartment.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope you'll like what I'm cooking up.
From, PonyCentral
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