#off-grid cabins in hawaii
benseo20 · 2 years
Kulaniapia Falls | Best Waterfall on the Big Island, Hilo, Hawaii
Kulaniapia Falls is Hawaii's top private waterfall and offers day passes and unique off-the-grid accommodations and adventurous activities to do on the Big Island.
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49 Random Facts About Alaska in My AU
No one knows his actual birthday but he celebrates it on January 3rd.
He’s actually older than most states but do to his age being stunted by Russia due to not developing him in the slightest when he was his colony, he hasn’t been able to grow at all.
He’s autistic.
His only real friend is Hawaii.
He was raised by wolves for 20 years until her was brought into civilization by a group of huntsmen that killed his pack.
He fluently speaks many Yup’ik, Russian, and English.
When he first met America, he couldn’t speak a word of English so a Russian to English translator had to be brought in.
He has a bit of a rivalry with Texas since Texas hates the fact Alaska is bigger than him and will be taller when he’s in adult while Alaska just finds him annoying.
He drinks a lot of alcohol when he’s depressed.
He loves dogs and has 15.
He does not get along with his neighbor Yukon.
Alaska thinks Chris McCandless was a moron.
Alaska is somewhere between Libertarian and Republican but mainly stays out of politics.
He’s very loyal to America but not very close to him.
He’s adopted.
Alaska hates the fact he looks so much like his biological father, Russia.
His hair is actually fairly long under his cap.
He doesn’t enjoy flashy clothes and bases his outfits purely on practicality.
He’s very good at mountain climbing and hunting.
He lives nearly completely off the grid except for a landline phone and that’s only because America insisted.
He can drive a plane.
He owns many guns like most Republican states.
He could easily survive a zombie apocalypse.
He trained his dogs in Yup’ik so that they will only understand him.
Some people believe he’s raising a dog army to invade either Russia or Canada. They might be right.
America is very concerned for Alaska and has tried to get him to seek proper therapy many times but Alaska always refuses.
He hates being in large crowds as they overstimulate him in minutes.
He’s a huge bookworm.
He’s a fan of Jack London’s Call of the Wild.
He was a abandoned as a baby by his mother’s tribe since they saw him as a curse for the fact he couldn’t grow up.
Ukraine is the only one of his biological family he cares for and he’s deeply worried about her.
 During WW2, he fought off the Japanese on his own. He even gained the title of the ‘Shiori Akuma’ which literally means ‘White Demon’ because of his white camouflage uniform. 
Alaska is so self-sufficient, the nanny America hired just takes cares of his dogs when he’s at the 50 State Estate.
His nanny/dog caretaker is a Canadian-American woman named Alexis.
He also has PTSD from everything he’s experienced in his life.
No one knows he’s secretly rich because of how simply he lives.
His cabin is one room with a loft where Alaska sleeps. It’s also deep in the wood.
When he’s angry no one will ever know until it’s too late.
As much as he loves Hawaii, he is jealous of the fact she had everything he didn’t growing up.
He has a restraining order against his aunt Belarus after the 4th time she tried to to kidnap him.
He hates TV and technology since they always give him a headache.
He once had a crush on someone but she’s dead.
Alaska doesn’t like talking about his life before 1867 even with Hawaii.
He hated being called Seward’s Folly.
He will either do the world’s weirdest things when drunk or just pass out.
Alaska loves cute puppies.
He’s bisexual but has been scarred against anything romantic.
His nicknames are either ‘Laska or Nicky. Never Pete, Petey, or Nick. 
Sealand accused him of stealing his human name of ‘Peter’.
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keepingitneutral · 2 years
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Off-Grid Cabin, Kona, Hawaii,
Jorge Gracia Architect,
Ian Patzke Photographs
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tinyhousecentral · 2 years
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dreamingofus · 3 years
Missing You
Genre: Angst (Grieving and Death)
WC: 709
Description: Memories of a beloved friend and their love of nature
Author’s Note: This was actually a short story I wrote for my English Class. (I didn’t have a specific pov for this, it switches between being past and present tense)
Every year for spring break, you rented out the same cabin with the beautiful lake view. It was a tradition that began in your freshman year of high school. Your aunt thought you deserved a getaway and rented a lakeside cabin for the entire week. Your love of nature only blossomed from then.
The last time you went to the cabin was during your senior in college. You always went alone after turning 18 and becoming old enough to rent the cabin on your own. Going off-grid for a week was always supported by your family, although you knew your parents were secretly worried. A week's worth of clothing, a camera, lots of cash, and a blank journal were all you ever packed. I remember sitting on your bed watching you stuff a small suitcase while you explained how packing light and easy was ideal for someone traveling alone, especially with a 3-hour drive. You always left at 6 am sharp, arriving when the local farmers market opened. You would only buy a few days' worth of food, fearing it would spoil. You went on and on about the fridge possibly disconnecting from the power. I always said it was a dumb fear of yours but thinking back, you were probably right. I think back to things you used to say. I shouldn't have questioned your judgment since you were the one out there.
You always said being in nature was your calling. Being away from school, people, the city, and work were freeing for you. I asked why you wouldn't just go on vacation to Hawaii or anywhere tourists usually vacationed. All you did was laugh and say it wasn't the same. The experience was something I wouldn't be able to imagine without experiencing it firsthand. That's what you told me when you tried to convince me to go with you. I almost gave in, but I would never admit that to you if you were still alive. Maybe I should have gone with you, but I would have only ruined your last week of freedom.
I found your journals yesterday. I read through all 8 of them, in which you described the scenery beautifully. The open fields and mossy smell of earth you adored, the lake you would swim in the day before you left. You explained in vivid detail how the cold nipped your skin but you were too happy to care. You said the home office had the best view of a tree by the lake, even though you didn't know what kind of tree it was, you loved it nonetheless. You wrote about your dream of buying the cabin, with hopes of sharing your joy with a future spouse, maybe even children of your own, and with me. You had already brought it up with the owners. They had discussed selling it to you in the next few years following their retirement. That gave you enough time to graduate college, get a job, work hard, and save more money to buy the cabin. But that dream, the plan, it's all gone with you. I cried that night. It was the first time I was able to mourn your passing. You still had so much left to do, and I was supposed to be there with you every step of the way. I was going to support you. I was going to finally experience the beauty of nature by your side. I wasn't going to question your judgment. You were supposed to be happy.
all rights reserved © dreamingofus
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tinyhousecalling · 3 years
437 Sq Ft Magical Off-Grid Cabin on Lush 1 Acre Lot in Hawaii $140,000
437 Sq Ft Magical Off-Grid Cabin on Lush 1 Acre Lot in Hawaii $140,000
Magical tiny cabin in the woods, almost feels like a tree house. 92-1724 Sea Breeze Pkwy, Ocean View, HI, 96737   $140,000 1 bed 1 bath 437 sq ft 1 acre lot Build date 2003 Google Map Property Listing Realtor: Kai Robson Related: Brand New Off-Grid Tiny House in Lush Tropical Forest of Volcano Hawaii About This 437 Sq Ft Magical Off-Grid Cabin on Lush 1 Acre Lot in Hawaii Magical tiny cabin in…
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Name: Morvern McAuliffe Species: Human (Hunter) Occupation: Game hunter and tanner; hunter-for-hire Age: 59 Years Old Played By: Mel Face Claim: Jennifer Jason Leigh
“Kiddo, I shredded my road map to this joyride a looong time ago.”
She served her revenge piping hot, ladled over rice and mixed in with potatoes and onion and mushroom just like papa used to make. Back in the day, werewolf could’ve fed half the clan. The rest of the meat was wasted. Thirty-six years, and she still wasn’t used to cooking for less than fifty plus strong.
For the most part, life had been a great ride. Sure, there had been some hard feelings on that night back in ’84 when Morvern clambered into the F150 older than she was, kin watching her from the trees with eyes shining like lampades hidden in the dark. Truth was, they had driven her mad. A hundred and seventy-five years and no Galford, Littlethunder, Van der Meer, Iskier, and certainly not any McAuliffe had ever set one foot further than the foothills and tributary rivers of the West Virginia-Kentucky-Virginia Appalachian communities they called home. No home but they mountains, they’d always say. No sense of adventure! Just a promise you’re going to be dead by the time you’re thirty, screaming and crying for your father to put you out of your misery in the dirt that nurtured you. That really harshed her mellow, killed her vibe. So she bounced. Bailed. No regrets, no looking back.
And boy, America’s a grand old place.
She never did find a Wampus Cat in East Tennessee, but she did find mermaids in Miami and shriken near Shreveport. Kereshag in Kansas City, lubber fiends in Laramie. She packed everything she needed into the back of a sunflower yellow Kombi van, networking with hunters everywhere she went to treat the whole country like their safari ground. Picked herself up a husband, too. Married in a Vegas chapel, Elvis officiated. Morvern + Clyde. A couple of kids, Kathleen and Beau. By the time they’re ten years old, daddy Clyde’s long gone. That’s just the way it is, she tells them, just like her mother told her.
In the end, Beau took after her more than Katie ever did. He was twenty-one when he told them he was through. Bounced. Bailed. No regrets, no looking back. He calls occasionally, but never gave his own address. Once four, now two. Even mountain odds were never as bad as that.
They made it to every state except Hawaii by the time Katie married and settled down in New Hampshire. It was the first hunt she’d gone on since before she’d given birth. She couldn’t wait for Morvern to make it up from Georgia, and when she died screaming and crying for her mother she wasn’t there and her blood drained into dirt that never even knew her, much less nurtured her. It’s not an easy thing to live with, the face of the child you once nursed proudly in your arms seared forever in your nightmares with her face torn off, eyeball hanging by a tendon. But that’s life, isn’t it? Sometimes you beat the odds, the first McAuliffe in a century in a half to nearly scrape sixty, and sometimes a werewolf decides your daughter, your first-born child is gonna be pack chow.
But two could play at that game.
It took five years to hunt him. Five hellish years of a phantom haunting your every waking thought, and then when you finally track them down in White Crest, Maine and kill them stone dead after they try and beg and plead and tell you how they’ve changed, they take it upon themselves to Haunt you haunt you this time around. Even when he was fresh, he tasted spoilt and she told the pieces of him floating in their own juices as much. Maybe that’s what made him so pissed that he felt the need to move in. Problem is, he knows a medium when he sees one. Exorcists, too. Even ghosts can make themselves scarce when inclined. The mediums shrug their shoulders, the exorcists do, too.
Maybe it’s true about hunters, they think as they head out the door. They all go mad in the end.
Character Facts:
Personality: Crafty, good-humoured, observant, secretive, gracious, stubborn, loose morals, independent, bitter
Lives deep in the woods by Candleton Cemetery in a ramshackle, formerly off-grid cabin that was only introduced to electricity and WIFI after Morvern became acquainted with online poker and Farmville. In the latter, she has now achieved the rank of Bastillion of the Barn. Recently picked up Animal Crossing. And DOOM.
Ardent old-school conspiracy theorist and is vehemently anti-government and anti-authority. True believer in an agrarian society governed by The People. WCPD can definitely stay off her lawn (not that she has one). The Freemasons are an ancient order of vampires, people!
Sells her leathers out to buyers all around New England. Mostly, they’re made from deerskin and cowhide, but occasionally more… exotic skins find their way to a select picking of vendors. As for her meat, it’s bought under the table by private buyers and unscrupulous restaurants around town. Accepts cash only in all her business ventures. Never reports taxes.
Is able to get along with most species nowadays on a case by case basis if they’re not total squares. Werewolves, however, are totally exempt from this. Not much of an undead fan either, but met a vampire who followed the Grateful Dead once, so maybe they’re not all bad.
Grows weed and psilocybin mushrooms in her vegetable patch. Mind you don’t mix up your cup of tea with hers. Or do. Be wild!
Like most of the friends and family she grew up with, Morvern was never born with a hunter specialty due to the historically insular nature of her community who were constantly coming to blows with all sorts of mountain creatures. They believed in strength in numbers and rarely hunted alone, and as such she connects herself with the hunter community in White Crest and beyond.
Jill of all trades, master of none. Favours ranged weaponry (expert marksmanship) and traps; not a fan of solo melee and hand to hand combat. Strong knowledge of non-humanoid regional monsters and favours hunting these types; will rarely accept a job to hunt humanoid or intelligent monsters alone. Knows which ones you can eat, and what parts to cut out. Make sure you avoid those salamander spleens!
Has two dogs. Atreides, a Golden Retriever, and a Maltese. His name is Richard.
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librarycomic · 5 years
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Off the Grid: Houses for Escape by Dominic Bradbury. Thames & Hudson, 2019. 9780500021422. 271 pp. including an Off-Grid Guide to get you started thinking about things like planning, materials, energy/heat, light, waste, water, and landscaping; thumbnails of architectural plans; and an index.   - The ultimate cabin book includes photos of (and words about) beautiful, small homes in scenic locales, with each small building focused on design, green living, and an appreciation of the natural world. I could live in any of these as long as it had more built in bookshelves.  My favorites include:   - the Watershed in Wren, Oregon. Rainwater from the roof pours into a trough in front of the door! https://www.archdaily.com/796403/watershed-float-architectural-research-and-design/57edd773e58ece4fa8000044-watershed-float-architectural-research-and-design-image - the 72H Cabin in Henriksholm, Sweden. The wall is a door is a wall.  https://visitsweden.com/72hcabin/   -  the Outside House in Maui, Hawaii. https://www.designboom.com/architecture/float-studio-outside-house-maui-hawaii-12-1-2017/ It has the coolest detached porch I've ever seen.   -  the Sky House in Oroville, Washington.  I grew up in Seattle and I've never heard of it. I now have a retirement plan. https://thevandallist.com/sky-house-in-oroville-washington/   -   Needless to say this is the perfect coffee table book. The photos alone take me out of body, and make me want to both travel and clean up my house.  
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haleakalasunrise · 2 years
Hiking a Hawaiian Trail with the best Equipment
Hiking a Hawaiian Trail with the best Equipment
Introduction: Haleakala Equipment is a company that sells hiking equipment for the Kaua’i region. They offer a wide variety of hiking gear, from tents and sleeping bags to backpacks and shoes. They also have a great selection of summit hats, which are perfect for those who want to summit Haleakala’s high mountains. The company is based in Hawai‘i, so you can be sure that their products are made with the best quality materials available. You can also trust them to have great customer service if you ever experience any issues with your purchase.
The Hawaiian Trail: A Journey to the Top.
The Hawaiian Trail is a hiking trail that starts in the lower Mainland of the United States and heads to the top of Haleakala National Park, on the island of Maui. The trail is about 2,200 miles long and covers an area of more than 130,000 acres.
What are the different hiking trails in the Hawaiian Islands
There are dozens of hiking trails located inHI  the Hawaiian Islands, including several well-known trails such as the Hawaii Trail Highway and Kaua'i Highway. Hiking on these trails can be fun and challenging, depending on your level of experience and fitness. Some hikes also have stunning views of the islands or offer opportunities for climbing mountains.
What is the Hawaiian Trail worth doing
The Hawaiian Trail is one of America's most popular hiking routes and can be a great way to spend a day outdoors or even weeks at a time if you're lucky enough to find a reservation for a hut or cabin near the start/end point of the trail. If you're looking for an adrenaline-pumping hike with great scenery, then check out some of the more popular trails on Haleakala National Park!
How to hike the Hawaiian Trail.
The Hawaiian Trail starts from the airport, so it’s a great way to start your trip. If you’re flying in, take the time to research the airport and find a shuttle that will take you there. If you have time, also check out the Haleakala Shuttle website for more information on shuttle services to and from the volcano.
hike the trail from Haleakala volcano
If you want to explore the island of Hawaii all at once, hiking up to Haleakala may be an option for you. The volcano offers stunning views of the island and is a great place to spend some time hiking along its slopes. To reach Haleakala, drive down Kaahumanu Avenue until you reach the stoplight that leads into town. From here, walks are available starting from either side of town—hiking downhill or uphill!
hike the trail in different directions
You can explore different parts of Hawaii by hiking on different trails. If you want to start at one end and go in all directions, try hikes like Highway 20 or Kahoolawe Ridge Road Accessorie National Monument Trail . Alternatively, if you’re looking for a more traditional journey, consider taking Highway 18 east-west through valleys and off-the-grid villages before reaching Waimea Beach .
shuttle to the trail
If you want to experience everything Hawaii has to offer while on vacation, taking a shuttle might be what works best for you! Many beaches offer free shuttles back and forth between them and Honolulu International Airport, so finding one that’s affordable is easygoing!
What to bring with you on the Hawaiian Trail.
On the Hawaiian Trail, you’ll need to bring along some food and drinks. You can get by without any food, but it’s best to have something to eat while on the trail. If you want to avoid eating out a lot, you can try packing your own snacks or bringing along a small bag of meals with you.
Additionally, be sure to bring comfortable clothes and sunglasses for sunny days on the trail. And if there is any chance of getting sunstroke, be sure to take precautions like wearing sunscreen and hat.
Hats and sunscreen
If you want to keep your head and skin healthy during your hike, make sure to pack hats and sunscreen! In addition, make sure not to forget insect repellent – mosquitoes are notoriously dangerous on the trails.
insect repellent
Another important item you’ll need is insect repellent! This will help keep you safe from becoming infected while hiking the Hawaiian Trail. Be sure to pack enough repellent so that every person on your hike has their own supply!
a first-aid kit
Finally, be sure to bring along a first-aid kit! This will include helpful tools like medical supplies and pills for treating injuries on the trail.
If you're looking to hike the Hawaiian Trail, be prepared for a demanding journey. Hiking the trail in different directions, shuttlebing to it, and bringing along your own food and drinks are all important factors when hiking the trail. In addition, be sure to bring some extra clothes and equipment if you plan on hiking in the rain or snow! Hats and sunscreen are also necessary for protection from the sun and insects. farewell
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bringinbackpod · 3 years
Interview with Gus Englehorn
We had the pleasure of interviewing Gus Englehorn over Zoom video! Montreal singer-songwriter Gus Englehorn announces his sophomore album Dungeon Master, the cutest, heaviest, strangest rock’n’roll record you will hear this year. Set for release on April 29 via Secret City Records, the news is accompanied with a new single + video directed by Englehorn and Estée Preda; the stomping, paranoid “Tarantula.” Englehorn says, “This song is about uninvited recurring irrational thoughts and fears. I decided to make a little fable where a tarantula is whispering bad things into your ear. Most of the time I have to use a lot of words to get my point across, so I was particularly pleased with this one because there’s only 15 words in it.” The release follows previous lead single “The Gate,” a delirious, headbanging allegory about facing your own mortality. In March, Englehorn will also feature as an official artist at SXSW in Austin, Texas. Dungeon Master, Englehorn’s Secret City Records debut, is an outsider opus that sparkles with Dada spirit — a playful juxtaposition of isolation, alienation and mildish OCD. Surprising, paranoid, and studded with synths and strings, Dungeon Master is deeper than a cellar and blunter than a club — a shivering introduction to an artist who’s finally arrived. “I let my subconscious do the driving,” Gus admits, and as you listen to these 10 tunes, it’s difficult not to do the same: to sit back like a dog with a two-legged daydream; like a fisherwoman with her net; like a snowboarder with a mouth full of powder. Before he made the record in a cabin in the woods, he lived in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he fell in love at first sight with a woman from Québec, a girl named Estée Preda, who plays drums like Moe Tucker on salvia. In those days, Gus was a professional snowboarder — crisscrossing the world as a weird and world-class talent, kick-flipping through videos, shredding the gnar, posing in corporate-sponsored sunglasses. Before that he lived in Hawaii — on a lava field off-grid, with his folks. And before that in Alaska — in a hamlet called Ninilchik, where his parents fished for salmon and he and his brothers ate moose and pizza, played Nintendo, and also pretended to be wizards. For almost all of Gus’s life — from Big Island’s sunsets to snowy Utah pistes — he dreamed of being a songwriter. If he couldn’t be Dylan, maybe he’d be Daniel Johnston, or Frank Black and The Pixies, or maybe Darby Crash and The Germs. And when he finally emerged — first on 2020’s Death & Transfiguration and now here on the 34-year-old’s label debut — he had found a sound that was dark and delightful, fun and demented, packed with dynamics and the chug of a hysterical guitar. We want to hear from you! Please email [email protected]. www.BringinitBackwards.com #podcast #interview #bringinbackpod #GusEnglehorn #DungeonMaster #musicinterview #MusicPodcast #NewMusic #zoom Listen & Subscribe to BiB https://www.bringinitbackwards.com/follow/ Follow our podcast on Instagram and Twitter! https://www.facebook.com/groups/bringinbackpod source https://www.spreaker.com/user/14706194/interview-with-gus-englehorn
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sonomaoak · 4 years
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Repost from @hannahrheaume that one time at that one place 💭 booked this tiny house on @airbnb after drooling over it for (literally) YEARS. nestled off the grid in the woods of new hampshire, there’s something so perfectly imperfect, something so quaint about it. my favorite part is the story behind it. a couple was looking for ‘something different.’ after years of living in the jungles of hawaii they decided to head back east. once they arrived to new hampshire, they knew they wanted to live surrounded by nature, off grid, in a place not many people would have access too. the couple’s path crossed that of the land owner. and so, they built the cabin after having consulted the land, and lived in it with their two year old. having moved in on thanksgiving, they spent the winter in it and moved on, leaving this tiny, sacred little knoll for others to experience ✨ 📍’tiny earth cabin’ link in bio! https://www.instagram.com/p/CFViBA9lujp/?igshid=4v9gvgzvhc9x
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automaticvr · 6 years
This property has its own dedicated website at https://ift.tt/2H0vVO9. Visit the website for more photos, the virtual tour and to schedule a personal showing. Comfortably situated at the lower half of Hawaiian Ocean View Estates, an Inspiring Cabin sits overlooking Miles and Miles of Ocean Horizon. The fully excavated One Acre property is a clean canvas for you to turn your \"Hawaii Living\" Dream into Reality. Living Off-Grid, the cabin is equipped with a wood burning stove and solar lighting. The detached bathroom has a sink and composting toilet. Just outside the bathroom, tucked away for privacy, is an open air shower, with on demand hot water. A fe..
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Let’s Be Thankful for the Little Things! 10 Tiny Houses Currently for Sale
It’s the time of year to stop and reflect on the people, places, and things that make us grateful. It’s often the little things that make the biggest impact over the course of a year. And when it comes to real estate, the tiny things!
A home doesn’t have to be ginormous to earn huzzahs from us. In honor of the smallest treasures, we’ve found 10 tiny houses currently on the market. All of these abodes are ready and willing to give their owners a little shelter and a whole lot of happiness all year long.
From the forest to the desert and beyond, these places provide affordable and ecological ownership options in some of the country’s most beautiful spots—at a price average buyers can afford. To all this, we give thanks!
19-3924 Hoonanea St, Volcano, HI 
Price: $230,000 Tiny TV star in Hawaii: This 300-square-foot jewel in Hawaii’s Volcano Village was featured on HGTV’s “Tiny Paradise” this year. Despite its petite footprint, the home includes a kitchen with a farm sink and a convection oven. There’s even a fireplace to warm the interior and the outside deck. Best of all for buyers looking to chuck it all and head to Hawaii: All interior furnishings are included in the purchase price.
Volcano, HI
Overlook Cir, Clarkesville, GA
Price: $64,900 Soque River cabin: Ideal for hunters, this cabin sits on 3.34 acres with Forest Service and Soque River frontage. In addition to a sizable front porch, the home includes bunk beds, interior power and light, and a portable water supply. The property is surrounded by thousands of acres of forest, ideal for exploring.
Clarkesville, GA
951 VZ County Road 2511, Canton, TX
Price: $96,000 Tiny house, big living: Built in 2016 on an acre lot, this home fits an awful lot into just 471 square feet. There’s a full-size, stackable washer and dryer, custom shelving, vaulted ceiling, and plenty of windows. The land is surrounded by towering oak trees and pastures.
Canton, TX
729 Eucalyptus Rd, Cedar Glen, CA 92321
Price: $109,900 Cali cabin: Built in 1945 near the entrance of the San Bernardino National Forest, this cabin is the perfect getaway for hikers, mountain bikers, and outdoor enthusiasts. Completely off the grid and accessible only by dirt road, this wee abode is far away from it all, without a neighbor in sight.
Cedar Glen, CA
3995 A Rd, Loxahatchee Groves, FL 
Price: $399,999 5 acres in paradise: This hexagonal home sits on 5 acres in Palm Beach County. Built in 2006, the house has an outdoor shower, a commercial-grade brick oven, extensive decks and patios, and a sweet outdoor dining area.
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
1 Cross St., Dudley, MA 01571
Price: $150,000 Adorable antique: Built in 1908, this charmer clocks in at a roomy 558 square feet. There’s a recently updated kitchen, home office, master bedroom, and even a full bathroom with tub. A trap door opens to a full basement, which offers plenty of storage space. Outdoors, there’s a dining area for use during warmer months.
Dudley, MA
4240 Fergus St., Cincinnati, OH 
Price: $169,900 Sophisticated in Cincy: Dating to 1880, this place recently had an extreme makeover. According to the listing, it now offers modern, simplified living. Exposed beams and a vaulted ceiling make the 974-square-foot layout seem much larger. A muted, contemporary design makes the interiors feel far more sophisticated than most tiny homes.
Cincinnati, OH
8372 Enchanted Way, SE, Turner, OR 
Price: $100,000 Turner cottage: Join the gang! This place is part of the Tiny House Community in Hope Valley. Community amenities include hiking trails, a swimming pool, lodge, exercise facility, and stocked lake for fishing. The one-bedroom, 395-square-foot home resembles a cottage out of a fairy tale.
Turner, OR
3180 W. Boyer Ln., Tucson, AZ 
Price: $160,000 Tucson treat: Built in 1955, this 330-square-foot brick home comes with 3.32 arid acres. It offers both mountain and city views with character to spare. Ideal as a horse property or artist retreat, the property comes with a hot tub for soaking in the beautiful vistas in all directions.
Tucson, AZ
69 The Cliffs View, Glorietta, NM 
Price: $400,000 Big acreage, tiny house: This two-bedroom home sits on more than 30 acres in a gated community 20 minutes outside of Santa Fe. It could be used as a weekend retreat or a guest home if a buyer chooses to build something larger. The property is surrounded by wildlife and has plenty to keep everyone entertained—outdoor enthusiasts will enjoy the area’s hiking and fishing, while city dwellers can find fun in Santa Fe.
Glorietta, NM
The post Let’s Be Thankful for the Little Things! 10 Tiny Houses Currently for Sale appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/thankful-little-things-tiny-houses/
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purplespacecats · 8 years
story time again; have i told y’all about my uncle tom, The Underground Man of Nantucket?
before he became The Underground Man of Nantucket, he had somehow ended up involved in the international heroin smuggling business. he’d made a couple of successful runs but then got arrested for taking heroin on his flight to italy and got sent to prison
side note: back in the day (early 80s) one’s daily rations in italian prison were a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine. (which i’m rather jealous of, frankly, given that here in quebec a bottle of wine costs 8 fucking dollars at the cheapest..)
anyways, apparently my grandma had Connections in the vatican; some priest who’d officiated her cousin’s wedding had since risen to the upper echelons of the catholic hierarchy so when my grandma called in a favor he was able to get uncle tom transferred from prison to a low-security convict work farm to serve out the rest of his sentence. it was low-security enough that he was allowed to go for runs, so he took that up, and each day ran for a little bit longer, until one day he just kept the fuck going and boarded a train to switzerland. 
through his prison buddies he’d acquired a passport cover, but with nothing inside, but on the train they just would come in and ask everyone to hold up their passports and only check if they suspected that something was amiss. (can confirm; this was also the deal when i took the train from budapest to geneva.) somehow, they did not do so with my escaped convict uncle (#crimingwhilewhite) so he was in the clear. idk the details from this point on, but he managed to make it to amsterdam, then from there to canada, then he walked across the border to the US and showed up at my grandma’s unannounced on fucking thanksgiving
so. that’s his backstory. after this, he moved to nantucket, but who the fuck can affort rent in nantucket? so instead, he built an underground bunker on boyscout land and lived there for a solid decade
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^uncle tom, descending into his bunker
this wasn’t even his only secret hermit wilderness hideout; he also built treehouses, several log cabins and huts, and, famously, a “twigloo;” which is p much exactly what it sounds like, an igloo-shaped structure made of twigs he’d woven together:
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but the underground place was fucking nice like he had three rooms down there with a queen sized bed, a stove, a battery to power his cassette player and tv, a chemical toilet, and even a water jug he’d rigged to work as a shower
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so he lived there unmolested, even occasionally having guests over (including my grandmother) until ‘98 when some hunter noticed smoke coming out of his chimney and alerted the authorities who evicted him since, obv, he didn’t actually own the land or have permission to build his bunker there. [washpo’s take]
they interviewed him on nantucket tv and all, and he’s been a local legend ever since (confirming the pre-existing rumors of an Underground Man lurking in the forest.) he even got an offer to be on the david letterman show, but he fucked that up because he blew up at them for some stupid thing (explosive irrational anger is.........def a Thing among the males in my family..)
so he just moved to another of his cabins, and since then he’s just continued to build hermit homes out in the wilderness (mostly nantucket, but he’s built places in cape cod, the catskills, and even a treehouse out in hawaii) and living entirely off the grid (it took my family 6 entire months to track him down after my grandma died to get his inheritance to him in ‘07)
the most recent record i can find is a video about him from 2015 in which he’s just continuing to do his thing buidling huts and living in the woods, the crazy bastard
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zombieplaguedoc · 4 years
OC Profile: Alaska
Human name: Jade Yukon Brown Age: 59 (I don't know what that is in human years. I'd imagine 13-15) Gender: Female Species: Human/State Date of birth: January 3 Eye color: Green Hair color: Brown Normal attire: In her original skecth I gave her an outfit similar to what the Inuits wear, but I don't know what her casual wear should be. Maybe winter wear or something. Sexuality: Don't know Fandom: Hetalia is her main one. Relationships: America (dad), Canada (uncle), Hawaii (twin sister), the other 50 states (siblings) Personality: Jade is very cold for the most part, like her weather, but is very family and community oriented, so she can be, and is also, loving. Like the Inuits, she values her family, even though they can annoy her sometimes. She is very serious since she lives off grid most of the time and you kind of need a no nonsense attitude when surviving in the wild. She does, occasionally, use modern day technology, but roughs it in the wilderness for the most part. She does not mind tourists that much as, like every other state, they are part of her economy but trespassing tourists or people that don't know how to survive even for one day in the wild can get on her nerves. She is a tomboy, but likes making jewelry from antler, ivory (walrus ivory that is), turquoise, and jade. Facts: I created her I think when I was a sophomore in college. She is the youngest of the states since she and Hawaii were the last ones to become states. Hawaii is her twin because they were both founded in the same year: 1959. However, Alaska is the older twin since she was founded in January and Hawaii wasn't founded until August She lives in a log cabin in Juneau. She has another cabin, a "summer cabin" someplace else in Alaska, but I haven't figured out where. She has a brown bear named Koko, much like Canada has Kuma, an Alaskan husky named Aurora, and a ptarmigan named Siku. She is very cold year-round, which is a play on her weather, but she can be nice when she needs to be. Her clothing can range from normal winter wear to what the Inuits wear. She lives in her cabin by herself most of the time. She built said cabin herself. Despite being the youngest, she is skilled in survival, especially in winter survival. Most of the time she acts, and is, independent but there are times when she needs to rely on her father, uncle, or siblings, even if she won't admit it. Her bear and ptarmigan's names are Inuit. Koko means 'chocolate' and Siku can mean 'ice.' In terms of food, she likes a lot of game meat, such as deer and elk, salmon, and crabs. She enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, making jewelry from antler, traveling, and racing with her pack of huskies. She is the closest to her twin and uncle. She owns a hunting rifle.
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pan1418 · 5 years
Following the Heart
Synchronicity- 'The simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernable causal connection'
-Carl Jung
It has been about 4 years since my last blog entry. I feel I am able to channel the spirit of a writer, however this particular spirit requires the appropriate inspiration for it's focus. As I was descending into the heart of India at 12:06 am this morning I was not yet convinced that I would pick it up and begin writing this blog again.
I had booked a lovely 4 star hotel with all the amenities in a popular travelers district of New Delhi. I felt that if I was going to enter into an unknown world, I would make it easy and comfortable for myself to acclimate for a few days. As the taxi driver was approaching Parah Ganj I heard him curse as he quickly swerved away from a police blockade. Again he was blocked as to enter into the neighborhood from a different direction.
He asked me why I had booked a hotel in this part of town. He also asked me if I had been paying attention to the national news. I told him that I do not watch the news and was unaware of what he was referring to. Appearently there was currently an uprising occuring with the Muslim people who lived in this particular district. He told me it was not safe to enter and there was no way for me to reach the Hotel. It was 2am and I realized that my Indian adventure had truly begun. Also it was clear that I would begin to write again.
So I think I need to back up a bit a loosely fill in some prefacing details. I have come to be living the life of my dreams. I live in a beautiful little off grid cabin just next to the ocean on the Big Island of Hawaii. I have operate a very successful healing practice in the center of Pahoa within the Puna district. Basically Pahoa has the feel of a modern synthesis between the ideology of peace and love from the hippy movement, the focus and development of spiritual practice of the New Age philosophies and passionate sustainable farming and agriculture within the community. There are probably more homes per capita with solar panels in Puna then anywhere else in the world. It's amazing.
My time is spent doing what I enjoy. Between surfing, soaking in warm ponds, playing music, and hosting karaoke parties, life has been quite full. As I was walking by the ocean one day in a light meditative trance I heard the voice of Spirit tell me that I was a dream shaman. Now this was an interesting thought to consider. Of course I had no idea exactly what it was talking about. I have developed fairly good dream recall in recent years and I often look to my dreams for messages and symbols as to which current trends may be appearing in my life for me to work with. But dream shaman? Of course my next question was "what is a dream shaman?". The answer I recieved seemed terribly obvious. IT basically said they there is only one way to answer that question. I knew it was implying that the understanding of this concept would come through my dreams.
This began an extensive investigation where before I would go to sleep every night I would ask out loud "teach me about dream shamanism". Many things happened very quickly.
I used to believe that dreams were just made up stories that my subconscious mind would create to help me process information while I was asleep. And that all of the people and images were just internal reflections of different aspects of myself. In a way I still believe that that is true however I have found that it goes far far beyond that.
In a meditation I had the feeling I was receiving communication from an entity known as Mophius. I briefly googled that Morpius was known in Greek mythology as the god of phophetic dreams. I asked before going to sleep to connect with Morpius. I became aware I was dreaming while inside the dream (this is called lucid dreaming) and asked to talk with Morpius. I was transported into a futuristic kind of castle where I was approached by a cartoon looking character holding a bouquet of flowers. As I talked with him I noticed that he was continually changing into different forms. I asked him what was I able to use the dream world for. He had me look out the window of the castle into what looked like a living churning mandala of machinery like gears, that was interwoven into movement. He told me that I could use the dream world for whatever I wanted to because I had built it. As I awoke from this dream I realized that he was showing me that the Dream world operates as a technology that is available and at my disposal to utilize for whatever purpose I wish.
Following the dream I looked up more information about Morphius online and found other reports of people having had experiences with seeing Morphius as a male entity that continues to change form as he appears before them. This indicates that what I once thought of as dreams are actually experiences in another dimention or realm of what has been called the spirit world. Now it seemed that the dream shamanism reference was beginning to make sense.
I recieved a psychic reading from a good friend of mine a couple years ago. In this reading he was telling me that I am needing to reconnect with what he called my 'networks of light'. At the time of this reading I did not give it much thought as to what he actually meant by that. It sat somewhere in the back of my mind until one day during my dream shamanism investigations it popped up. I thought hey why don't I ask the question in my dream state about what my networks of light are. So one night I was dreaming that I was in a city square. When I became lucid I asked "show me my networks of light". In that moment my body lifted up into the air as I felt and watched a burst of bright white light emenate out of my heart and surrounded me in all directions. I also noticed that a group of people had appeared in the square. Most of them I did not recognize except my friend Tyler. He pointed that I go down the street and gave me directions to a building. When I arrived at the building it was a very colorful and elaborately decorated structure. Outside was a sign that said 'Taj'. When I went inside the beautiful building I realized they it was a restaurant. There was a sign inside that was advertising they they had the spiciest food in the world. As I picked up a menu I awoke.
Upon contemplation of this dream I looked up the word Taj. I had heard of the Taj Mahal however I was not sure where it was located. I found that it was in India. When I thought of how the building in the dream was ornately decorated by different colors and the advertisement of having the spiciest food, it made sense that it was referring to India. My Friend Tyler that gave me the directions was actually traveling in waking life from Egypt to Nepal at the exact time I had the dream. All the signs felt as though they were pointing to me taking a trip to India. The following day I approached my Landlord who was heading back to the Bay area for a couple of months while I watched his place. This was November of 2019. I told him that I had just had this very powerful dream and felt like I was being guided to travel to India. He told me he was planning on going to India in February of 2020. I asked him where he was going in India and he told me he was going to Rishikesh to attend a Satsang, or spiritual gathering, with a teacher named Mooji. When I looked on the map to see where Rishikesh was I noticed that it was in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains right on the border of Nepal. Nepal being where Tyler was traveling to that very day. The synchronicity was so profound that I began planning my trip to India.
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