#Cora I really hope you enjoy this my guy
ladykailitha · 8 months
Staking My Claim Part 6
And here we are! The end of this sweet little story. I had a blast writing it and I enjoyed all the comments and tags. Thank you so much.
We get to the "is this set after canon or a no monster AU *shrugs* could be either" part of the story.
Part 1|Part 2|Part 3| Part 4|Part 5
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
When he woke up next it was dark out and his stomach was growling. As he sat up he could smell the warm heat of something cooking in the kitchen. He went to the bathroom and washed his hands. He knew he should brush his teeth and he vaguely remembered Eddie saying something about a spare around here somewhere, but he couldn’t remember where. And he really, really didn’t want to go rummaging through the drawers.
He gave up and decided to do it after dinner and have Eddie show him where it was.
He ran his fingers through his hair to tame the tousled look to something more respectable. He really didn’t think it worked. He had slept with it wet and it would take getting it wet and washed before he could properly tame it.
Jeff grinned at him when he came stumbling out. “Just in time, man. Eddie’s making his famous spaghetti.”
“It smells heavenly,” he murmured.
“Just wait ‘til you taste it, Stevie,” Eddie said with a wide, happy smile. “It’ll blow your mind.”
Steve blushed. “You didn’t have to wait for me to eat, I could have reheated leftovers or something.”
Jeff and Eddie shared a grin.
“This is when we usually eat,” Jeff explained. “We were working on a song for our band earlier.”
“I’m our lyricist,” Eddie said. “Jeff is the composer. He takes my silly little words and turns them into songs.”
Steve nodded. “And you guys play at Cora’s Den?”
“The Hideout and Alleyways, too,” Jeff confirmed. “But yeah, Cora’s Den is our main spot though, which is why Mrs. Hughes pays for this apartment for us to stay at when we’re here.”
“I’m still having trouble wrapping my head around the fact that Gareth’s parents are rich enough to afford a three bedroom apartment in the middle of Indy for you guys to crash at whenever you want,” Steve admitted. “My parents would never do that.”
Eddie shrugged. “We knew Gareth’s family had money when he first started playing with us. No poor schmuck living in Forest Hills was going to buy their ten year old a drum kit and remain sane.”
“Yeah,” Jeff agreed. “We just didn’t know how much until he offered his parent’s garage to practice in. That place has better acoustics then most bars we’ve played in.”
“Just what do his parents do?” Steve asked in awe.
“They run those fancy boutiques for pets,” Eddie said. “They have five shops around the country. Here in Indy, Chicago, New York, LA...and what’s the other one?”
“Miami,” Jeff said.
Eddie snapped his fingers. “That’s it! They charge hundreds of dollars for rich morons to make their pets as pampered as possible.”
“That explains more than it doesn’t,” Steve sneered. “My parents hate animals. The thought of a pet treated better than they treat their own son would have driven them crazy.”
“Not even a goldfish in the Harrington household?” Jeff asked, cocking his head to the side.
Steve laughed bitterly. “And have the water spill on the perfect hardwood floors? Not likely.”
“Even I had a hamster at one point,” Eddie said, shaking his head. “You are seriously missing out.”
“I’m hoping when I get a place of my own I’ll be able to get a cat,” he confessed.
“Aww...” Eddie said. “What kind?”
Steve shrugged. “Probably a rescue.”
Jeff and Eddie smiled softly.
“Sounds good, Steve,” Jeff murmured.
“Food is done!” Eddie said with a flourish. “Spaghetti in meat sauce.” He blinked for a moment. “You’re not vegetarian are you?”
Steve laughed. “No. You probably missed me tucking into the bacon and sausage for breakfast.”
Eddie tilted his head to the side. “Oh right.”
He dished out the food on three plates and handed one to each of Jeff and Steve before grabbing his own plate and sitting on the other side of Steve.
They tucked into their meals and ate quietly. A testament to how good it tasted.
For Steve, it was warm and hearty, filling a void he didn’t know he had. Even when he was in high school, he didn’t have a lot of guy friends and while he loved the Party with all his heart, it wasn’t the same as hanging out with people his age.
Once they were done, Jeff did dishes. Eddie led him over to their large fluffy sofa.
Steve settled in, curled up to Eddie’s side as he talked with Jeff about the new song.
It had been so long since he felt this safe. Like if he drifted off to sleep right now, he would be protected.
And wasn’t that just something.
Eddie’s voice broke through his revery. “Hey, sweetheart. I think you’re falling asleep again.”
“Being drugged sucks.”
Jeff laughed. “It sounds like you’ve been drugged more than once, man.”
Eddie and Steve looked at each other, then Steve winced.
“I may have angered a couple of Russian officers when I accidentally stumbled on their very illegal operation under the Starcourt Mall?” he said through gritted teeth.
Jeff rolled his eyes. “Considering how messed up Hawkins is, nothing surprises me anymore.”
Eddie and Steve huffed out a laugh.
“You’ve got that right,” Eddie said. “Come on, darlin’, let’s get you to bed.”
They got ready for bed and Steve finally got that toothbrush to brush his teeth. He washed his face and Eddie led him back to his bedroom.
Once Steve had gotten comfortable, he pulled Eddie to him before he could protest.
“You’re mine now,” Steve murmured happily. “I licked you. Remember?”
Eddie chuckled. “I guess finder’s keepers. I’ll happily be yours.”
They curled up on the bed and slept soundly knowing that they were heading back to Hawkins with more then the hookup they assumed it was going to be when Eddie first came to his aid.
And Steve couldn’t have been happier.
He was going to have to do something really nice for Robin as a thank you.
As he was falling to sleep, he felt Eddie lick the side of his face. He giggled and pressed their lips together. Eddie hummed happily.
“Love you, Stevie.”
“Love you, too, Eds.”
And if you saw this on Saturday, no you didn't. I hit post instead of schedule and it was not meant for human eyes yet.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @lololol-1234 @monsterloverforhire @mugloversonly @live-the-fangirl-life @hellfireone @lublix @breealtair @croatoan-like-its-hot @f0xxyb0xxes @jamieweasley13 @r0binscript @confuseddisastertm @sleepdeprivedflower @thedragonsaunt @dissociatingdemon @dragonmama76
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endwersed · 5 months
WIP Whenever
Tagged by the lovelies that are @dear-massacre & @violetfairydust 💘
Here's a little snippet from my main WIP: an ABO humans-as-second-class-citizens AU 😊
“Um, yeah,” Stiles stutters out, trying not to cringe at the strength of Talia's grip. “That’s... hi. It’s nice to, uh – to be here, too.”
Her painted mouth is pursed as she releases his hand, and he quickly tucks it behind his back, flexing his sore fingers out of sight from her appraising stare. There is an almost regal posture to her as she stands, her shoulders drawn back and her torso stretched out, her hands clasped together in front of her stomach. It makes him want to shrink a little, to be honest, but he fights that instinct back down.
“Yes, I can imagine,” she says primly, before letting her gaze drift to his side, where it lands heavily on her eldest daughter. “And has my Laura been behaving herself?”
Not really, he thinks.
“Yeah, absolutely,” he says out loud, smiling briefly at Laura with a tip of his head. “She’s been nice enough to start showing me around the place.”
Laura smirks back at him. “I’m a regular one-woman welcoming committee.”
Talia hums, narrowing her gaze towards Laura for a moment.
“Yes. Quite.” The corners of her eyes crinkle as she pulls her focus back to him. It should be a kind expression, of laughter lines and etchings of joy, but instead of any of that, it just seems disingenuous. “So, Mr Stilinski. You graduated high school last month, is that correct?”
He nods. “Yes, ma’am.”
“And you’ll be starting college after your time with us here?” she presses.
“Nursing school,” he corrects carefully. “I have a place locally back in Beacon Hills.”
Talia’s smile, perfectly perfunctory at best up until this point, suddenly shifts into something actually like real. Her teeth flash, and there is a certain sharkish quality to it that makes his heart want to miss a beat in his chest, because it’s nothing like Laura’s specific brand of vibrant cheekiness.
No. With Talia, it’s almost… malevolent.
Huh, he thinks. He’s never noticed that before, when he’s seen her photographs in the papers.
“My son is due to begin medical school in the fall,” she announces proudly, and he doesn’t miss the way that Cora rolls her eyes down at the floor, just behind her mother's vision. “My boy, Derek. I imagine you’ve heard of him.”
Oh – Stiles has heard of him, all right. Being the only son and the only alpha, and with his dashing good looks and notoriously bad attitude, Derek Hale is by far the most well-known of all of the Hale children. And that – that is saying something, considering how much press time Laura and Cora get.
For sure, Stiles knows precisely who he is.
Also, he may or may not have jerked off to a shirtless picture or two (or twenty) that the paparazzi managed to snap of the guy at a private beach about a year back, too.
Obviously, he does not say this part out loud to the guy's mother.
“Yep,” he says instead, nodding slightly. “That’s, uh… great. For him.”
“Yes, it is.” There is a sharpness to her tone that implies she is not at all impressed with Stiles’ underwhelming levels of enthusiasm. He ducks his head and shuffles under the discomfort. “Well. I should let you and dear Laura get back to your tour. I do hope you enjoy your stay with us here, Mr Stilinski.”
“Thank you,” he hastens to reply. “I – I’m sure I will.”
No pressure at all tags! @aurevell @crownofstardustandbone @hedwig221b @lucky-bishop @thotpuppy
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
What do you think about Law x Luffy.
this one's going to be so much fun... i apologize if this ends up being long. i'm kind of a menace to society when it comes to writing.
okay so- i know how popular this ship is so don't come at me with axes and swords trying to murder me because i swear to god i like the ship.
i just don't like it in a requited way...
the thing is i knew about this ship way before meeting law because it's like what?? the second most popular thing on ao3 after zosan (if somebody asks me my opinion on zosan i'd be very happy bc i have unpopular things to say and i love being chaotic on the internet *evil laugh*). and, you know, i was excited as hell to see what the fuck these two had going on. because if people like it so damn much it must be because it's the most homosexual thing in the world. my fiancé LOVES them, too. i was so excited watching punk hazard with the hope of shipping them at some point.
but, you know, that point never really came.
i love their dynamic. they're so, so important to me. law is such a complex character he makes me want to dig a hole in the ground and just die there already, i literally can't handle his whole story. and luffy is just... so good to him. for him. i love how law starts his relationship with him only for professional reasons but slowly gets used to his shenanigans and by the end of dressrosa trusts him with his whole heart for him to end doffy (shout out to my husband he did nothing wrong besides being the hottest piece of shit in this show). i love the whole sun/moon dynamic they have going on. law, who's being haunted by his past and will not hesitate to die to fulfill cora's mission. and luffy, who will not let him die because they're friends and will help him no matter what. and for law, such a kind gesture is literally his whole world. they're so beautiful and dear to me... all of their scenes are so so cute and i want to put them in a blender and drink them they're so silly and angsty and cute and-
well! the thing is, referring to the ship: i ship it in an unrequited way. i do enjoy all the ship art and fics (i literally have and will keep reposting lawlu stuff bc their content is amazing and i do enjoy it a lot) but my views on it are a bit different.
i see law being completely head over heels for luffy (yay! welcome to the 'we are in love with luffy but he will never know' club. there are a lot of people here, bestie). i love seeing law as this quiet, reserved, edgy-wannabe guy who falls for a dude who's literally a sunflower and doesn't know how to deal with those emotions. because it's just too much. luffy is too much. and it's so beautiful... so intimate and personal.
and i just fucking love pain, so making it unrequited is just wayyyy better.
i just personally don't see luffy being in love with law. i think he loves him, like, as a friend and would do anything for him but in a, you know, very platonic way? and i'm not even fond of unrequited ships, but there's just something about unrequited lawlu that makes me go insane.
that being said, i LOVE their dynamic. and i LOVE the content. let's just say i like the ship a lot and the content but my personal views on it are a bit different ??
TL;TR: i love seeing law suffering bc i love him a lot. i swear it makes sense.
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lenna-z · 6 months
What Happened There?: Chap. 6 Trouble Signal
I'm sorry I can't update regularly, classes and life are confusing me a lot...
In this space I want to thank my wonderful cousins ​​for reactivating my muse 💜
And I also want to thank @tanushakyrano for interpreting my ideas and giving me new ones as well! Some of the things written there were written thanks to Cora. 🖤
I hope you enjoy the chapter!
Previous: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -
During this period, he was entering the same hospital as often as he didn't want.
But this time the reason for coming was different.
He continued walking, trying to ignore his throbbing head.
He had knew something was wrong the moment Talia knocked on his door in the middle of the night.
His feelings did not mislead him this time either because she said that the team around the hospital had identified a suspicious person, and the man ran away when he realized he was noticed.
A lot of things went through his mind, things about his sister and brother.
She said they were fine and unaffected by the situation. In fact, after all this, Virgil had texted him that she had woken up for a few minutes.
Talia said Ames hadn't told Virgil yet. She assured him that everything was fine.
Still, he wasn't going to stay stuck in his room and wait for something to happen.
Kyrano had somehow heard everything and said he wanted to see his daughter. No one could blame him.
And Penny said she was coming to talk to security and help Ames.
They were making their way to Kayo's room, with Talia and a security guy assigned to Kyrano behind them.
She was already on a private floor and only certain hospital staff could visit the floor.
He wasn't sure if the precautions were enough, considering that someone was monitoring a hospital that wasn't shared with anyone.
Ames had a frightening expression on her face that he had never seen before.
Next to her, Jeremy looked no different, but Ames had an expression, like Kayo's, that would make you air all your dirty laundry if you were guilty.
This was noticeable even from a distance.
Unlike when they left yesterday, there was more security on the around. And they were all looking at them as if they were going to eat them... had he missed something?
Their gazes didn't change until all of them, including the security guards behind them, scanned their fingerprints on the device in Jeremy's hand, but eventually Jeremy gave them an apologetic look.
They just had to make sure it was really them.
He appreciated this. Especially when those inside don't know what's going on.
"Ames, darling, I want to know the latest situation."
She stole a glance from Penny to her and then to Kyrano.
"Civilian security guards around the hospital found an unconscious cleaning staff in the bushes... They reported that he had a needle mark on his neck."
This was suspicious enough for anyone.
"We started looking for the unconscious man's face on the cameras, assuming he was using face swapping technology. EOS was detecting suspicious behavior in case we predicted it wrong."
He really wondered how the man could have escaped, even with such a heavy security.
"EOS caught the man on camera entering the hospital, but lost track of him a few minutes after one of our team started following him.We are sure that he changed his face again and left the hospital."
And there was probably a team out there looking for him. This was the thin part where Kayo separated International Rescue from security.
He could give direct orders to staff on International Rescue and family matters, but when it went beyond that, Kayo was the boss.
He didn't know how she did it, but even though she was injured and hadn't woken up yet, all security work continued as if she was still here.
"This could have ended in much worse things, Amethyst... How was that unconscious man not noticed before?"
This time her face fell a little.
"It didn't even take 10 seconds for everything to happen, and it happened at a point where the cameras weren't directly watching."
She looked embarrassed and it was obvious that she did not like this excuse. Another similarity with the woman inside. Scott could bet that she was secretly angry with herself, even feel guilty.
"Nothing like this will happen again, Lady Penelope."
"First of all sweetheart, you know this is Penny. Secondly, I know it won't happen again. Now before we talk about deeper topics, we should also talk to Virgil, right?"
Virgil didn't know they came here, or even what happened.
And if what Penny meant by deep topics was why this could happen, Scott had to find a way to get himself invited into this conversation.
Penny had said that she and Ames shared security matters during Kayo's absence, and that she was keeping him away from the subject for his own good.
Even Penny didn't want him to cross that thin line. Still, there was no way Scott was going to miss this.
Someone had surveilled the hospital where his sister was.
Blow it...
They were all nervous. Nervous might even be an understatement for most in the room.
Someone trying to enter the hospital was cause for enough tension, but Scott suddenly said that it wasn't safe for anyone to stay in the hospital.
Penny was a silent spectator as they argued, and Kyrano had already left the room under the pretext of coffee.
"According to what you said, he couldn't even get close to this floor. And Scott... she's far from okay right now."
His gaze returned to the woman on the bed. Even if it wasn't for the dark bruise on her cheek, the dark circles under her eyes and the pale color of her skin would remind them that she was not well.
And unfortunately, the bruise on her cheek was the least of his worries.
After finding her like that...
"Virgil, you said she was awake for a few minutes at night, right? She is strong."
He knew that wasn't an argument that she could leave the hospital. No matter how hard he tried not to show it, everyone was aware of something and his brother was trying to console him.
They weren't there when he found her, nor were they there last night. So he decided to ignore what he said.
"She must stay here until the doctors give her the go ahead, Scott."
"I am sorry, Scott but Virgil is right. And the security measures taken here are not available anywhere else in the world..."
Penny had finally broken her silence. And Scott was more moderate.
"I know I just can't help but worry after what happened... If something happened-"
As Scott turned his full attention to the bed behind Virgil, a small voice came from his right.
When a broken voice similar to the one before was followed by a frown, Virgil was approaching Kayo step by step.
He wasn't sure if it was a brief wakefulness like last night, but she made a real effort to open her eyes and closed them immediately, her brows still furrowed.
While he was moving forward to block the light coming from her face without thinking, Scott was faster than him and was fiddling with the buttons on the wall to completely cut off the light coming from the window.
"Kay, honey, it's okay." When his brother adjusted the windows so the sun was out of sight, he gently encouraged her to try opening her eyes again. "Can you open your eyes again?"
She was more conscious now than she had woken up during the night, so instead of wiping her tears, he just shook her hand.
He knew how Kayo's mind worked in situations like this, so he wanted to give her space until she got used to it.
Her brows furrowed even more as she tried to speak.
Without him noticing, Penny had approached them and was somehow holding a glass of water with a straw in it.
"Would you like some water, sweet heart?"
As she tried to nod her head, a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Slowly okay?"
She couldn't take a sip without frowning further, and he appreciated Penny's handling of the situation.
She closed her eyes for a few seconds, and if her expression hadn't been pained, Virgil might have thought she had fallen back asleep.
Virgil had been alone in the med bay with Kayo long enough to know all the signs of pain. Although he was sure that in this case there was no need to know the signs.
"What- ...happend?"
He was going to avoid answering that question with Scott and Penny in the room. They basically had decided not to tell her everything if she didn't remember what happened. And even though Virgil agreed with that, he didn't want to lie to her.
"Actually, we were hoping you'd tell us that, sweet heart."
That was a pretty smart answer.
Kayo was almost thinking out loud, but the disappointment was evident in her eyes.
"Sorry... I-"
"Hey... It's okay."
Memory loss was something that was expected after head injuries. He just hoped she would remember something soon so they could really find out what was going on. 
They knew that she was resisting the person who did this to her. If she had not resisted, her defensive wounds and head injury would probably never have occurred. Maybe she would... be much worse when Virgil found her.
"Can you tell me how you feel? If you are in too much pain we can call a doctor or nurse."
He definitely didn't want this conversation to continue, so he wanted to direct her perception towards herself.
"I'm- a little cold... I might feel better if you tell me why- it hurts everywhere."
Her speech was not completely fluent, she paused while breathing, and her face showed that she was in pain.
And he had couldn't draw her attention to anything else.
"One word, honey, knife."
"You have two stab wounds, one on your liver and one above your kidneys, and the reason for your epic headache is that you took a good hit."
He could guess what she was thinking in her mind, so he continued.
"There will be no permanent damage, nothing that cannot be resolved with rehabilitation."
Adding that it might take months for her to return didn't seem like a good idea at the moment. She needed to feel comfortable right now.
She had exhausted herself just by talking, so he was trying to think of ways to somehow persuade her to rest.
When he heard the soft sound of the door opening, he realized he had completely forgotten Kyrano was with them. He was a little hopeful because he thought she might be distracted by what was happening.
He had thought she would at least be happy when she saw her father, but Kayo's face took on an expression he never expected when she noticed Kyrano entering.
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
So we know you love Lewie 💗💗 Any thoughts on the other islanders, the season so far, the twin twist? And what steamy fics can we expect from you 🔥🔥My request is for a threesome with Ozzy and Marshall 🥵👯‍♂️ Wait, am I Kat?! 🤣
tbf a LOT of the islanders are fire this season, so I’ll take them all! Ok, FB has turned me into thirsty Kat.
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Honestly, thoughts are all over the place. But thank you so much for asking!!! Here they are as of today:
The Game:
The first 3 chapters - 8/10 I was going to give it a 7.5, because of the repeating dialogue and a few spelling mistakes, but so far, I think it's better written than Seasons 4 and 5- maybe on par with S3 which is a season I really enjoyed. I'm really liking how Amelia seems to be responding to how you treat her, especially if you look at the scripts. Whether or not that will affect her actions remains to be seen.
The MC - 8/10 I gotta say... she's pretty cute. It does take some fiddling to get her the way you want her, and some of her facial expressions make it look like she's had botched lip job, but overall, she's definitely prettier than S4 and S5. (Except your S5 MC ^^ wtf she's so pretty???)
The LIs - 9/10 So far, I'm really liking what I'm seeing. Yeah, some of their dialogue is the same. But I think they're different enough in personality and where it matters that it's not as noticeable as it was in say, Season 4, where James and Bruno shared a whole heap of the same dialogue, but it was clearly written with Bruno in mind, so it just seemed OOC for James. We've got a cocky dancer with a hopeless romantic streak; a golden retriever boyfriend with a soft spot for his Nan; a funny, cheeky skateboarder with a 'why-don't-you-make-me' level of flirt; and also Ryan is there. The personalities are distinct, the character designs are great, I'm really looking forward to finding out more about them
Overall design and concept- 7/10 I gotta say, I'm optimistic. It's starting out really strong for a new season. I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea, as it's a little 'gimmicky', but that's the road Fusebox are going down with the past few seasons. They're not just doing an 'open play' like S1, 2 and 3 where you come in as an OG and play all the way through. 4,5, and 6 are all 'themed', and I think having a twin in the villa is a cool concept that'll be worth exploring. It's been easy in previous seasons to just play for yourself, and say 'fuck these hoes' and just take whatever LI you want. But when it's your own sister, I think it'll make it harder to go after what you want - a moral dilemma with a family flavour. I kinda love it. Plus, if you have an identical twin that's as hot as you are, I doubt this is the first time you've had men confused about which one of you to pick💀
The Islanders:
Bella - hot. flawlessly hot. incredible rack. Her character design is absolutely gorgeous, and she is gonna be a fan favourite for sure. She just seems so fun, similar to Cora from S4, but more mature and ready for a romantic relationship. Can't wait to watch her bloom.
Grace - FB I will never forgive you for not making her a LI. I want her, those curves just *chefs kiss*. But honestly, if anyone's gonna be my bestie, I'm feeling it ith Grace. Yeah, she seems to like Ozzy, but she doesn't seem like the type to get her claws in and latch on for dear life a la Kat or Hope. Let's just hope and pray and beg that they're not making a brown girl villain again.
Ivy - I told y'all from the moment I saw her that I didn't trust this bitch. She looks too much like my cousin and my cousin is a backstabbing skank. I'm loving the concept of her though, this super type-A girl who (I almost guarantee) is either going to a) get kicked out early for being too picky, or b) have the most beautiful redemption arc where she ends up with a guy who ticks exactly zero of her boxes but she falls for him anyway. However, given Fusebox's history, I'm gonna predict she's the villain for about 2 days, then gets booted, same as Lexi from S4.
Jamal - Boys with J names 🚩... but honestly he seems nice. He's my backup LI at the moment. I'll see how things go with my #1 and might start again with Jamal instead. I think you're gonna get some wonderfully steamy scenes with this one. He's giving Bobby x Arjun, and that is something that deeply appeals to me. Cheeky, cheeky, cheeky. He's a saucy little minx and he's gonna be trouble, I just know it. Love his design, love his character so far, really happy.
Lewie - I thought he was a little baby-faced to start with, but honestly, I look at him and my brain screams husband. I'm getting Bruno x Gary x Ciaran from this one, and oh dear me, if that's not a combo that makes me swoon IDK what is. Love him so far, he's such a sweetheart but I love a footy lad.
Ozzy - I'm suspicious. I know he's already captured a few peoples' attention, but I was a little dismissive with him and he seemed a bit... red flag-y. Just a little too arrogant, you know? A little too flirtatious for someone who's very aware of how into him Grace is. I did like that he'd never had a one night stand though, although not sure how that meshes with the celebrity he apparently hooked up with in the dance studio? Because in the challenge he said he'd never dated a celebrity, but he also said he's never had a one night stand, so did he have a celebrity FWB????? The stories just aren't adding up to me. I don't trust him. Also his jaw's too sharp. And his flirty face looks like Rocco from S2. This one:
Ryan - Literally who? I keep forgetting he exists. Take your Timothee Chalamet ass away. IDK why but I'm getting Nicolas vibes from this one. 0/10 do not trust. It's something about the face.
You want steamy fics? The @litgwritersroom asks are open, just sayinnnn
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
headcanon time! give us 5 of ur fave cora headcanons mollie!
[confused on what we’re talking about? check out my fic ‘invisible string’ in the masterpost found in my pinned post!]
surprise you’re getting 6 bc i started this and it ran away from me. cora and austin and mama/reader related. spoilers for yet to be published parts below the cut!
- being a dad and being your fiancé (and eventually husband) are the best parts of austin's life. he does not shut up about you or cora, ever. the week before you come to visit for christmas pre: actual permanent visas being approved he is telling everyone. the mail man, the checkout guy at the grocery store, his uber driver, etc. "my fiancée and my daughter are comin' home for christmas, it's my first christmas a dad," leaves his mouth just about every time he opens it.
- masters of the air films over the summer of 2021 in london and he brings the two of you with him. cora thinks the set is 'more boring' than the elvis set but still enjoys austin showing her around all the airplanes. when austin is busy the two of you play tourist with some of the other cast member's wives/girlfriends and it's a good time!
- you did your own pre-school thang at home with cora because of how uncertain things were with when you'd be moving, but come fall 2021 she starts kindergarten at a local school in anaheim. austin sheds more tears than you, and more than cora herself. there's layers to it- when he didn't get as much time with her before she started school as most parents do with their kids. and you know that when you're standing in the parking lot wiping his tears with your thumb. it's what plants the idea of another baby in the back of your mind, though the actual conversation doesn't happen for a couple more months.
- you don't really know how to go about it so you choose the path of ripping the bandaid off and blurt out "do want more kids?" when you're getting ready for bed. austin's eyes widen and he stutters a little, but the answer is a resounding "yeah- yes, i mean- if you do, do you?". that's around december 2021, and it isn't as easy a road as you hoped it would be but come may you realize you missed your period in the middle of cannes.
- you take a test, and aren't surpised it's postive, but put telling him on the shelf for a minute what with everything going on. except the more you put it off the more you realize if you wait till press calms down it's going to be another full month. you're in memphis the second week of june starting to realize you can't put if off much longer, espically when you aren't drinking at all the after parties. you're outside at graceland watching cora run around the yard, austin inside doing an interview, when prisicila gives you a long (gentle) look that you clock before the soft "so have you told him yet?" even leaves her mouth.
- you're making your way upstairs at your hotel that night, cora sleeping on austin's shoulder, when you realize you're telling him /now/. he lays cora into her bed, crouched on the ground stroking her little head saying his goodnights. and blame it on the hormones making you extra emotional but the sight makes you blurt out "i'm pregnant" faster than you can slow your roll. it takes austin a minute to process that, standing up and turning around with his mouth hanging open like a cod fish. there are tears when it does click in his head that he wasn’t just hearing things, after your little nod when he chokes out a watery “no way- are you really?”. and you cry too. ❤️‍🩹
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ohtobealady · 2 years
helloooo!!! i think you are one of my favorite writers for Downton Abbey. Like I’m actually star struck writing this heheheh. Ok anyway…*focus*…. Would you be interested in writing a fic about Rosamund realizing that Cora is losing interest in Robert (AU) during there first year of marriage and Robert hasn’t told Cora he loves her. Basically Robert is being a Donk and Cora is losing interest but we as an audience knows Robert loves her but Rosamund sees Cora losing interest and there’s a big dinner and Cora is talking/flirting with this guy and Ros goes to Robert and is like “dude, your loosing her” and we see Robert be like “wait Cora I love you” lol if that makes sense. Its been like a story playing in my head but I stink at writing. lol love ya
Anonny! First of all, wow! Thank you!!! That’s so so so nice of you! Too nice haha. Second, your prompt is so cute, but I’m afraid I didn’t do it justice. I would love to read your version, but I couldn’t turn it out exactly as you hoped. It’s my headcanon that poor baby Cora was just head over heels for young Donk, bless her heart. So I took your prompt as inspiration, for sure, but forgive me for not following it to a T. Anyway, obviously I love you too! Haha! Hope you do find something in this mess below you enjoy:
He kept hearing her words in his head, again and again, echoing around. He heard Cora’s words even above the genteel scrape of silverware on porcelain. Even above his sister’s pitchy niceties beside him. Even above his mother and father and cousins and friends and everyone else who peopled the London table he dined at. He heard his wife’s sharp, “I thought you at least liked me!” again and again.
Oh, they’d been arguing for days now. Weeks, even. Two months. Ever since their return to Downton had proven their honeymoon had been fruitless, a disappointment to both their fathers, and that duties beyond the conception of an heir now also lay at their feet.
And the weight of these duties—committees to sit, charities to head, luncheons to host, tenants to mind—made the one enormous, all-important duty more and more difficult to achieve. More difficult, for Robert, to perform.
He’d want to. He’d go into her room and he’d touch her. He’d kiss her. He’d want to, and then he’d feel the phantom breath of his father on his neck, and he could not.
And he had not—they had not—in three weeks time, even as they descended upon London for the Season. Even as they tried their best to keep up the facade of happy newlyweds, every eye in every ballroom narrowing their rather critical gaze upon her hand in the loop of his arm. Oh, his mother had warned him to prepare himself. Rosamund, still nattering on beside him, had done so too, reminding him that his and Cora’s engagement had happened really after the Season had ended. They had, very purposefully, not invited the whole of London to their wedding and every single person was curious about them! Their marriage was peculiar, he knew. Their union had been rushed and unexpected, of course. And more than that, everyone had known Robert since he was small, had thrown their daughters at him since he turned twenty-one to no avail…and so they knew precisely why that pretty American girl—that Levinson millionairess—had seemingly won him.
But Cora played her part well: the happy new bride. And Robert, too, touching at her gloved elbow as they moved to their seats at a concert or helping her down from the hansom as they went into a museum. No. As far as Robert could tell, no one was aware of the truth of their current state outside of he and Cora. Even Rosamund, who now chewed rather noisily beside him, was unaware that Robert and Cora brought with them to their parents’ London house a tension between them that would snap the moment someone mentioned it. And certainly not the suave Lord Hutton who chatted lowly beside Cora on the other side of the table. He, too, was unaware that Robert had not lain with his wife for twenty-two days. His wife who, as Robert watched her, grew more charming by the moment.
But how could he? How could he let himself when everyone around him, every event, every dance and dinner, reminded him he’d wooed her for the thing that was so plainly obvious: Money.
She smiled at the man beside her, coquettishly, and glanced down into her plate.
Robert noticed that.
He noticed, too, how from a certain distance his wife seemed so unlike the woman she was up in her room. With him. At a certain distance, a distance of just across the dining table, Cora was startlingly beautiful.
When had that happened?
It wasn’t the approachable warmth he’d grown to know in these four months they’d been man and wife. Nor was it the modest—even chaste—prettiness he’d found in her in their courtship. But beautiful. She was beautiful. Oddly so, not really like any of the other women around him (least of all Rosamund) but—by God—so alluringly, beautiful.
Now, though. At the way Cora sipped at her wine, the deep red staining at her bottom lip; at the way Cora lifted her chin and somehow exposed the length of her smooth neck, the soft shadows that slept at her collar bones; at the way she lifted her searching eyes to that man, eyes that Robert had learned could communicate so much more than her mouth could possibly articulate, Cora had changed. Robert realized that somewhere, at some uncertain point in time between their wedding night and this night, Cora had learned to flirt. She’d learned attraction.
And she played the game well enough for his tummy to turn over.
He picked up his wineglass as Rosamund leaned to her left. “What’s happened?”
Robert grimaced and cut eyes at his mother who was engaged with the old Baron she sat besides. Why she placed he and Rosamund beside one another made no sense whatsoever to him and he frowned at her, though of course she wouldn’t see. Rosamund, however, did.
“Robert. You’re pouting.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m not pouting—“
“—No, no. My mistake,” her tone was too like their mama’s. “You’ve only got a bit of dyspepsia? From all the dinner you haven’t touched?”
Robert felt himself huff, instinctively, and dropped his knife onto his plate. “And why are my eating habits of a particular interest to you? Hmm? Or are you wanting to have my dinner in addition to your own?”
But to his surprise, his sister did not retort the way he had expected. Instead, he watched as she pursed her lips, and raising her glass of wine, moved her gaze to where Robert’s had been all evening: Cora.
And his heart felt thicker behind his ribs.
“I’m still rather unsure about her.” Her voice was lower, and Robert had to slow his breathing to hear her better. “Though of course, I’m allowed to be. You, however—“
Robert watched her take a sip of her wine. And then he waited. “I what?” He said after another moment.
Rosamund put down her glass, and, shaking her head, picked up her fork and knife. “Well, what do you think happens, hmm? A young wife uncared for by her husband?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He stabbed the beef on his plate and lifted it. “Of course I care for her.”
His sister lifted her chin. “Of course,” she echoed. “And she knows this?”
“Certainly,” he slid the beef from the fork between his teeth and began to chew. “After all, I respect her privacy. She’s allowed to do as she pleases,” he swallowed. “I ensure she has what she needs, what she wants, and try not to interfere.”
“Indeed,” Rosamund, too, pierced a potato with the prongs of her fork. “A woman knows a man truly cares when he leaves her well enough alone.”
Robert felt his mouth fall slacker, “No, I —“ he collected himself. “That isn’t what I meant. I don’t wish to bother her or force myself on her.”
“Of course not.” He moved his mouth, but discovered he couldn’t find the words to go on. “It isn’t—“ he tried. “That is—“
“I used to think that you only pretended to be much nicer than the rest of us. Nobler. Très moral.” Rosamund sighed. “And now that I see that you really are, I pity you.”
“Pity me?” Robert tried to laugh. “I don’t need your pity. There’s nothing for you to pity me over.”
At this his sister laughed, too, but only once, and looked into her lap. “She married you willingly, Robert.” She caught his eye. “She married you in spite of all those others we both saw dance with her.” She dabbed her serviette at the corner of her mouth. “For some reason she chose you. But instead of enjoying your sheer luck, you’d prefer to feel guilty that you’d been in the game at all.”
And then, in his periphery, Robert saw as his mother turned, knowing he’d too have to turn to Lady Shackleton on his left. “You don’t know that — That isn’t —,” he managed to whisper at Rosamund’s smug smirk before he felt himself shift, bringing his gaze across the table again and catching, for a moment, his wife’s eye.
She broke away as soon as their eyes met, her eyes shifting quickly to her lap, and then to the old Baron beside her. He could hear her talk louder, and he knew she’d been told that the Baron was deaf in one ear.
Robert collected himself. He swallowed. Lady Shackleton’s kind smile warmed her dark eyes.
“I have always wanted to go to Venice, but have never been quite so far East. Did you enjoy it?”
He nodded. “Yes,” he answered, for it was the truth. They had enjoyed it. He had enjoyed it there with her. “Yes, very much.”
“And what did you do? Besides of course what all honeymooners do!” Robert felt his face grow crimson as she chuckled, though he wasn’t sure she meant quite what she had said. “The gondolas? Museums?”
“Both,” he managed. He nodded. “We …” he trailed off and thought of her there, Cora laughing at a street performer; Cora pointing up at the arches of St Mark’s Square; Cora looking up at him and smiling when he read from their guide book. “We saw most everything there was, I believe.
“Oh, to be young,” Lady Shackleton was laughing as she sighed, and he noticed her gaze was across from them. “I must try my best to catch your lovely wife as we go through. I do hope to know her better. After all, I’ve known you since you were quite small. Seems only right that I give her a proper interview.”
“Yes,” he echoed, for no other words would come.
“Is there a topic you suggest I begin with?” He blinked at her, but she had asked in earnest. “Something of interest to her?”
His mind rapidly ran through conversations, interactions, various small exchanges where she’d spoken and he searched them to spot anything she’d ever mentioned she enjoyed. What was it that she liked? Art. She’d liked it when he’d shown her Papa’s della Francesca. And books. She’d asked him at least a dozen times since they’d returned what he was reading, if he liked it. Riding? No. She only came out with him because he’d liked it. And it was obvious she simply hated it and — suddenly, as if he’d taken a deep breath of cold air, his chest ached.
It was him. Cora was interested in … him.
“Ah.” Robert shook his head. He closed his mouth. He focused again on Lady Shackleton as she spoke. “Never mind.” Her smile softened into a knowing grin. “As I said, I have known you since you were very young.” Her fingertips touched his elbow. “I believe I can think of something.”
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oswaldthatendswald · 3 months
Hello! I have been enjoying your Cora lives au a lot and wanted to ask a question about it. Feel free to ignore this if it's a bother.
In a recent chapter Shachi thinks about what drowning must be like as a devil fruit user and resolves to never eat one. I was wondering if you subscribed to the belief that he and Penguin are part fishmen, and if that affected his thought process. Or perhaps he was just being particularly empathetic as he seems prone to. :) Just curious!
Damn, this ask totally sent me on a spiral! Thank you very much for sending it. I ended up having a whole discussion about this headcanon with my partner, but I'll spare you the ramblings and cut to my answer.
The short answer is no, I don't subscribe to that belief. I think it's an interesting concept for AUs and I've certainly seen it written well in fics, but it's not a headcanon I find compelling for myself. More on my thoughts below the cut.
I don't want to bash that headcanon at all, and I certainly don't want to discourage anyone else from enjoying it or believing it, so I will add the disclaimer that all this is just my personal thoughts on the matter.
The long answer is that I've never really felt like that headcanon makes sense, both in the world and themes of One Piece. There doesn't seem to be much of a fishmen diaspora-- other than the Sun Pirates and Tom, most fishmen seem to be living on Fishman Island. Those who we do see seem to stick to warmer environments, while Swallow Island is cold and snowy. I find it somewhat implausible that a couple of part-fishmen kids could end up in the cold part of the North Blue, let alone survive.
But on a more thematic level, I don't find that the part-fishmen headcanon does justice to Penguin and Shachi's characters. A major theme in One Piece is that no one is immune to hardship, especially not kids, and the original Heart Pirates are a great microcosm of that theme. There's Law, who has lived through an atrocity and also carries a Devil Fruit people would literally kill for, and Bepo, who is both a Mink and Very Lost, but then we have Penguin and Shachi. They're just a couple of guys, but the world hasn't been any kinder to them. There's no grand reason to their suffering: no government plot or superpowers. But they're suffering is just as genuine as Law and Bepo's. For me, if they are part-fishmen, that really powerful thematic resonance is lost.
The reason for Shachi's bit about Devil Fruits and drowning is actually a lot less profound, I'm afraid. I'm definitely in the camp of thinking that Devil Fruits are super cool and not being able to swim is absolutely a fair trade, but my partner is on the total opposite side. Shachi's take on the loss of swimming is taken from her thoughts on the matter (in her own words: "There is literally no power that would be worth it to me").
I hope this answer wasn't too disappointing. Thank you very much for the ask, it was very thought-provoking!
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mystery-salad · 1 year
🍓 🌽 and 🍾 for Matthias Cora and Call
A nice triple trouble of my commanders I wonder why you picked these guys 💖✨️
🍓: Does your OC have any particular scents they like? Or hate?
Matthias loves the smell of (your) Aildyn. Truly, he doesn't think about scents much but he'll bury his face in their hair or neck. He hates the smell of blood!
Cora doesn't...really have a sense of smell any more in the standard sense, not entirely sure! But when she was human, she loved gentle herbal scents a lot and hated the smell of things burning.
Call enjoys the smell of campfires and barbecue and sweat, smells she’s used to that say a fulfilling day and a night among friends. She hates overly floral scents, anything overpowering enough to smell like being back in the Grove.
🌽: How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional?
Matthias is a mixed bag. On a general level, he is extremely wary of pda and anything that would confirm feelings for someone, but if he's already in deep then that wariness goes out the window lmao. With Aildyn he's subtle about it but fully willing to hold or kiss them in public, and that is his favorite way to show how he feels. He doesn't word well when being actually honest.
Cora is very self conscious about physical affection. Things feel different in her new form and it's hard to get used to when she doesn't most of her life human. She's getting there though, with much help from her partner. But for now she mostly tries to keep affection to emotional and is putting off the physical aspects!
Call is very aware of her station in life and always has been, even as it's changed. And part of her can't shake that even when she wants to, so shows off affection are often very superficial and casual, or very private and intimate. But in those private settings she veers much much more into physical than emotional. Granted, that's due to not having any long-lasting relationships yet! One day someone will manage to really catch the prize that is a long term relationship with Call and all the emotional healing that'll come with that~
🍾: Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event?
Matthias does not. You make your luck by being prepared and knowing when to make a move. Plan and plan and have backups upon backups.
Cora does! She thinks it's a fickle and very chancy kind of thing, but it does exist. No rituals though, nothing you can do will appeal to the wild thing that is luck. You've just gotta hope it's in your corner when you need it.
Call doesn't really believe in luck but has some habitual little rituals she's picked up from various people she's worked with. Just little good luck things. She's got a rabbits for in her pack and will rub it before gearing up for a battle. She'll rotate horseshoes to face upward if she walks by any that aren't. She'll knock on wood if she feels the need to. Just little rituals that take no time and she doesn't really think work so much as they're habits now!
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(Yakko, Wakko, and Zubi are at the store getting gifts for Dot)

Yakko: How about roses?

Zubi: I don't know, roses have thorns

Wakko: Maybe chocolates?

Zubi: Chocolates? (grabs Wakko by his collar) Chocolates?! (shakes him) Wakko, Dot just had a major stomach surgery! SHE CAN'T CHOCOLATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Zubi realizes what she's doing and puts Wakko down)

Zubi: Sorry. Didn't mean to snap

Wakko: That's okay, Zubi

(The Warners ends up buying a scarf for Dot)

(When they got to the hospital, Yakko and Wakko goes over to Dot to hug her)

Zubi: Wait! Be gentle! She just had surgery you know

Yakko: But we are being gentle

Zubi: Not enough! I'm gonna go get Dot another pillow (leaves the room)

Dot: What's up with her?

Wakko: Long story

(Zubi comes back with like a hundred pillows)

Yakko: Where did you get all these pillows?

Zubi: Gift shop

Dot: One pillow is fine

Zubi: Okay, but i'm keeping the rest

(Katie Kaboom, Cora, and Skippy comes in)

Katie Kaboom: Hey, Dot. We heard your appendix bursted so we brought you some gifts. I got lots of leftover tofu from lunch today

Yakko: She can't eat after her surgery, Katie

Katie Kaboom: Oh well. More Tofu for me and Wakko (She and Wakko start devouring the tofu)

Cora: I brought you some movies that haven't been released yet

Skippy: How did you manage to get those?

Cora: My mom knows the director

Skippy: i made some of my famous acorn muffins

Zubi: What is with everyone bringing food?

Skippy: I'll just give them to Aunt Slappy when i get home

Yakko: Speaking of which, let's all go. Tomorrow's Fruit Salad Friday!

Cora: (sighs) Hope they don't put kiwis in the salad again

Zubi: By, Dot! See you tomorrow!

Dot: By, guys!
Wow. I really enjoyed this sequel.
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ledenews · 1 year
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harrysfinelinevol1 · 2 years
pls do one with stormi Bree as the face claim pls 😭😭🥺
summary: you are married to harry and have a daughter with him. you are preparing for the release of harry's house
stormi bree
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liked by harrystyles, pillowpersonpp and 1,235,631 others
yourinstagram harry's house out at midnight tonight. it's incredible and i hope you think so too. here's me listening to it for the 100th time
view all 65,302 comments
yourbff shes not lying she really hasnt stopped listening to it
↳ yourinstagram yeah and what about it
y/nfan9 shes so supportive i love her sm
harrystyles i will always love you
↳ yourinstagram baby, you are the love of my life
↳ harryfan4 omg theyre quoting lyrics at each other im sobbing
↳ pillowpersonpp you two 😍
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liked by yourinstagram, hshq and 10,201,493 others
harrystyles Harry's House. Out Now.
view all 2,103,432 comments
harry_lambert ❤️❤️❤️❤️
harryfan8 it's incredible sir
y/nfan2 the one of y/n and cora 🥺🥺🥺
harryfan3 one song in and it slays
harryfan2 matilda is incredible. thank you harry
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liked by harryfan6, harryfan9 and 2,211 others
harrystyles.daily y/n styles seen taking pictures with fans at harry's spotify listening party tonight
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harryfan6 shes so hot wtf
harryfan23 guys shes so cute, she went round making sure everyone was having a good time
y/nfan2 shes so proud 🥺
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liked by yourinstagram, annetwist and 8,302,532 others
harrystyles This album is entirely dedicated to them. Stream Harry's House Now.
view all 1,297,492 comments
annetwist so sweet ❤️
↳ yourinstagram miss u gramma
harryfan63 crying and screaming and wailing
gemmastyles my faves
↳ yourinstagram we love u sis ❤️
harryfan09 the sweetest lil family
yourinstagram you are everything to us. we love u always h x
view 928 replies
↳ harrystyles i love u both so much
↳ y/nfan2 im actually crying my actual parents wtf
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liked by harrystyles, harry_lambert and 1,209,493 others
yourinstagram new york isn't ready for this
view all 373,832 comments
yourbff you ate sis
↳ y/nfan23 omg im so jealous
↳ harryfan3 she was so lovely!! she was so happy to see everyone and so excited for people to hear the album
harrystyles couldn't have done it without you
view 938 replies
↳ yourinstagram my rockstar ❤️
hope u guys enjoy!! please send in more requests, im happy to answer some. affection pt.3 will be coming out soon as well
sloane xx
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kitchenisking · 2 years
April Fic Rec
Its that time guys!!!!!!!! Happy April fools to everyone, though this is not a joke, another 10 fics coming your way! I hope everyone is enjoying the spring weather that coming our way. 
Also I am in awe of the responses that Im getting for the recs. never in a million years did I think so many people would be liking and reblogging them😌😌 Love you guys!❤️
Permanently Marked by sparkandwolf (thatnerdemryn) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 6448, sterek)
“That maybe the glances,” he peered back into Stiles’ eyes, “the touches,” he ran his fingers gently down the skin of Stiles’ forearm until his skin erupted in goosebumps, “the terrible flirting...” Derek’s lips twitched and Stiles’ mind reeled with all of the horrible pick-up lines and praises he had thrown in Derek’s direction more times than he could really count.
“Yeah?” Stiles whispered back. He felt himself leaning forward and before he could stop himself, the palm of his free hand slid up to Derek’s chest, his fingertips resting on the collarbone that jutted out of Derek’s skin as if teasing Stiles.
“...That maybe it meant you liked me, too,” Derek finished as he pressed his palm over Stiles’ hand.
And If I Die Before I Wake by consciousness_streaming - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 60411, sterek)
When Stiles wakes up on his eighteenth birthday from a chaste dream about Derek Hale he doesn't think it's a big deal. But when he wakes up the next few days to the same dream, he knows something is going on. And he's going to get to the bottom of it. Once is an incident, twice is a coincidence, and three times is a pattern. More than three is just torture.
Year-Round by cheshiredog - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 51382, sterek)
1950s Sterek farmer!Derek and college!Stiles AU. TW FOR HOMOPHOBIA (1950s, duh) (its such a good fic🥰)
Getting Back Up by Hella_Meyers - (Rating: Mature, Words: 31004, sterek)
Stiles still hadn't mentally recovered from the Nogitsune and the Wild Hunt. While working for the FBI in Virginia, an undercover job led him to a breakdown. He was away from home, he was alone, and all his demons came rushing to the surface.
He went home to Beacon Hills, settled down with a certain Sourwolf, and never looked back.
Or, the one where Stiles comes back home to a Derek Hale surprise and finally plants roots.
Sound of Settling by SilverFlameAlchemist - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 30940, sterek)
“Is she a mermaid? Did you find a mermaid on your doorstep? Why didn’t you just say so, man, what—who is she? Why are mermaids turning up at your place with bullet wounds in the first place?” “She’s not a mermaid,” Derek explained (far too) calmly. “She’s a siren.”
A Bro's Guide to Surviving an Assassination Attempt by TuppingLiberty - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 30818, sterek)
In college, Stiles stumbled into a gig on YouTube as an activist for supernatural rights. Now in his early twenties, he loves the work he does - that is, until someone wants to kill him for it.
Enter Agent Derek Hale and his team, who are trying to catch a killer, and keep Stiles safe.
Will be trying to update once a week. Tags will change. See chapter notes for relevant tags for each chapter. Please note that the E rating is for violence as well as smut, although there will be plenty of smut.
the promise of... by EvanesDust - (Rating: T, Words: 618, sterek)
Stiles is fuming—furious!—as he paces in front of his bed. Another fight with another big bad, and Derek throwing himself into danger before the pack could arrive...again!
His window creaks open, letting in the cool night air. Derek climbs through, shirt still torn and bloody from the fight. Stiles’s blood boils at the sight.
How Derek Got His Groove Back by WhoNatural - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4300, sterek)
Cora kicks him under the table. “Do you have the hots for the baby lawyer?” she hisses urgently, and Derek blinks at her, feeling his face heat.
“Don’t be ridiculous. He’s young enough to be my--”
“Younger brother,” she cuts in, and shakes her head. “Age difference excuses do not fly with me. Are you gonna ask him out? Derek, you need to do something about that.”
“About what?” he says, frowning, watching as Stiles sits down at a table with a group of older, lawyer-types.
“The fact that you’re both about one drink away from sex in some janitor’s closet.”
The Fox & The Wolf by Dexterous_Sinistrous - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 79151, sterek)
The war between the fox and wolf clans has raged for centuries, ignited in a time before anyone can remember. Now both clans—tired of the bloodshed and hate—are searching for a way to end the war.
Crowned prince Stiles Stilinski—heir to the fox clan—has agreed with his father to meet with the Hales, the ruling royal family over the wolf clan. Under the counseling of the Druids, both clans are presented with a solution to the war: unite the Stilinski and Hale clans through marriage. To quell their people's anger, both Stiles and Derek—eldest living Hale Alpha—are urged to accept the other as an equal; as their mate.
For the sake of their people, both houses make the ultimate sacrifice by choosing duty over love. But, out of what was first assumed to be compromised, quickly turns to be a better match than either could have hoped for. But not all is easy for either clan, as some members refuse to believe that the war could end so easily.
[Update: I'm stating here, because some people aren't reading the author note at the beginning, this story was inspired by/based on Amelia Atwater-Rhodes' Hawksong]
Give you that thing you can't even imagine by LunaCanisLupus_22 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 10999, sterek)
The omegas came out onto the stage next, and Derek did his best to smile and shake hands with enough polite distance as possible, to avoid giving the impressionable ones ideas.
Or the one where mateless Derek thinks no omega can affect him like they do other alphas and he's about to find out he's very, very wrong.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
hiiii sashi ✨
for spicy week can i request doffy and female reader in prison au with master/slave (doffy dom obviously 😆), bondage and humiliation please?
Hi babe!! of course!! I hope you don't mind me making Doffy be a marine for this fic! I was inspired on some fan arts I've seen before where Doffy wearing that white cape made my legs weak hahaha. Thank u so much for your request! Enjoy ♥ ~
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🔥 NSFW ~ Marine! Master! Donquixote Doflamingo x F! Slave! Reader ~ Level 5
a/n: A marine! Doffy?. Don't worry, he is still a bad guy... 😉 -Inspired by a fan art I love where Doffy and Cora were rescued by Sengoku and turned into Marines together.
tw: humiliation. bondage. name calling. masturbation. oral sex. degrading. marking. cream pie. Prison, Impel Down AU. Extremely explicit. Reader is a new inmate from impel Down.
wc: 2.3K
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We all know Doffy is not a good man… but, what if the events in his life may have taken a different turn…?
“Commander Donquixote, a new inmate is coming today”.
“Fufufu, what did the little shit do?” he asks, a shitty grin on his face, white long coat with the word “justice” on its back.
“She is a really dangerous pirate, Sir” his subordinate informs the tallest man he’s ever seen, trembling. Commander Donquixote Doflamingo is scary… really scary.
They push you so you walk faster, the kairoseki shackles on your ankles make it impossible. You stumble with your feet and fall into the cold ground of Impel Down’s level 5. “Stand up, you filthy pirate!” random guards shout and kick you. You try to fight against the weakness the sea stone produces on your body, but the kicking makes it even more difficult.
Suddenly, everybody became silent. A simple order was enough for them to stop hitting you. The guards bow before the tall man in front of them. “Commander Donquixote” they say, taking their hands to their foreheads and standing still. But even if they want to look cool, you notice a soft shaking on their legs.
You look up, slowly. If these guys were scared of this man, you should probably be too. The guy is wearing pink glasses, he has a slight suntan on his skin, blond hair, and handsome features. Really handsome features. He seems strong, but severe. And dangerous, life threatening.
The three meters tall man extends his hand to you. “Come on, stand up” he says. Your hands graze as you are pulled up quickly, yet not brutally. You stand in front of such a beast, not really sure if you should be looking at his face. You watch your distorted figure reflecting on his glasses.
A big smile plastered on his face as he approaches yours. Noses almost touching, he laughs and licks his lips. Your mouth quivering, eyes wide open. You don’t even dare to blink. He spends at least a minute close to you; the scent of his manly fragrance invades you. And even if you are absolutely scared, there is something that makes you want him to keep going.
“Take her to the special cell” he commands, and despite not being able to see his eyes you could swear he blinked at you…
The guards this time treat you right, no more pushing or insults. But you frankly don’t care, you are more worried about where they are taking you. “Special cell? What the fuck is that? What are they gonna do to me?”.
You walk through the humid and dark halls of Impel Down, inmates shout and spit words you wished you’d never heard. “Here we are, the special cell for the special treat… I mean, lady” one of the guards says, laughing at you. He pushes you inside an even darker place. There are no prisoners in there, not even around. The adjoining cells are empty.
The guards take off your shackles, but immediately put new ones. This time you are tied to the wall. You are sitting on the cold stone floor, arms above your head, contemplating all of your life choices. “I should have stayed with mum instead of being a fucking pirate”. Total darkness surrounding you, the guards have blown the only candle that was illuminating the place.
But the “peace” didn’t last for long. You begin to hear steps towards you, the sound of keys and a laugh. A distinctive laugh you have heard before. A shiver runs through your spine… could it be him?.
You hear the door of your cell opening, a little light illuminates the side profile of a man. “I see they have already handcuffed you to the wall… poor thing” he says. “Let me help you out”. Heavy steps approaching you, you realize is no other than the commander that ordered the guards to take you there.
He lights up a candle on the wall, and then the other. He uses his shirt open, huge chest, and is really muscular. He crunches next to you and passes his finger under your chin and lifts your head up. “Poor thing, you have chosen the wrong path in life, haven’t you?”. You don’t speak, there is absolutely nothing besides insults that could come out from your mouth right now, and for the sake of your integrity you are sure you should keep your mouth shut.
But your eyes speak louder.
“I can see it in your eyes, you little pirate… you want to spit at me, don’t you?” he asks, burying his fingers into your cheeks. You look to the side; you are determined not to speak. “But I know what other things you could do with that mouth, and I see you know how to behave when a superior is talking to you”.
And inside you, a storm. You fight against common sense and hornyness. “He is a marine, he is your enemy why the fuck is this arousing?”.
“Would you like me to free you? But you will have to behave, you know? My little slave?” he proposes what you know he has been wanting since your first encounter. Your wrists and arms hurt, could it be that bad if you succumb to your lowest instincts?... You look at him and bite your lip, slowly and sexily.
“Yes, master”.
Doflamingo smiles, he is proud, his ego is about to burst. His pants, well… white pants that tent and form a big shadow under the light of two candles. Big, big, and hard. How are you gonna take all of this?.
The beast in front of you unties your shackles, you are finally able to put your arms down. They hurt, but now you will have to obey and for that you kneel in front of him. “Kneeling without me telling you to do so? Apparently you are used to being degraded and used… good girl! I like that”.
You smile sexily, of course you are. You love to be a sub…
You crawl up to his leg, purring like a little cat you graze your cheek on his leg. “Did I tell you to come and do this? filthy little bitch?” he says, kicking you softly to the ground. “I’m sorry, Master” you instantly say. “After all, you are just a brat. I’ll have to tie you up to keep you still” he says, and you see how his fingers begin to move. Almost invisible, sharp strings sprout from them and tangle around your wrists and ankles.
You lie on the ground, on your side, unable to move. Doffy comes closer and with a little movement from his fingers your clothes end up cut in a million pieces. You are completely naked, the cold ground underneath stimulating your skin, goosebumps all over.
He laughs, uncontrollably, devilishly. You wonder how the hell this man is supposed to be a marine, a “good guy”... The point of a shiny leather shoe lingers next to your cheek. It softly kicks your face, it doesn’t hurt at all, but it shows how insignificant you look next to him. “Lick it” he commands. You stick your tongue out and lick the very point of it. “What a good girl, you are willing to do anything!”
His foot travels from your face to your sex, the shiny surface gets completely damped by your wetness. “Look how horny you are, this is amazing. Best slut I’ve ever had”. He masturbates you right away, up, and down with just his shoe. You try to suppress a moan, but you can’t. And Doffy is delighted by it.
When he is satisfied with that little torture, his fingers move and like a puppeteer he makes you stand up, so easily. The pipes that run through the ceiling make the perfect spot for him to tie you to. You are left hanging from your wrists, your feet don’t touch the ground.
He comes closer, licking his lips. That despot's smile, that big tongue. Anticipating what of course he wants to do with you…
Huge hand around your neck, his mouth closer to yours. He presses your carotids, soon you become lightheaded, everything on your body becomes weak. His mouth invades, violates yours. You lack air, not only because he is literally choking you, but because his lips won’t ever separate from yours.
His other hand is busy with your sex, a single finger could be enough to fuck you… but this man is invested into making you be able to take his huge dick all inside. Your throbbing clit receives stimulation that will leave you sore after, your legs even if you want them to close are completely unable to move. Doffy is controlling your whole body <a gusto e piacere>.
But because this man is absolutely a sadistic motherfucker, orgasming is not allowed… oh no it’s not. And he leaves you trembling on the verge of climax. “You are not allowed to cum yet, bitch” he says, laughing. “Your master will come first, you understand that?”. You nod, frustrated but curious of what’s next.
The white cape falls to the ground, his shirt too. He unzips his pants and frees his huge length. Your tired eyelids soon widen when you see how big it is. “I’m sure this is gonna hurt” you think…
He asks you to spit on his palm. You diligently do. “Good bitch”. His huge hand, lubricated by your saliva now rests over the tip of his swollen member. Tracing circles over it, precum dripping. He does not take his eyes from you and when he begins to jerk himself off, his other hand makes a move… Fingers moving, your legs spread. You are hanging from the ceiling, completely exposed to him. Your sex open, ready to be penetrated. But he doesn’t fuck you, not yet.
He walks up to your side. His huge dick resting over your mouth. “Stick that tongue out” he commands. You swallow and obey. Salty taste on your tongue as he let his dick rest over it. Your mouth is able to just hold the tip and a little bit more. Your cheek gets stretched as he moves in and out. Again, Doflamingo seems to believe breathing is optional to you. He asphyxiates you with his sex, on and on.
Tears, saliva, gagging.
Your eyes, in between the blurry tears that flood them every time you gag, look at him. His jaw clenching probably shows he is reaching climax. And he does, he walks around you. You move your jaw, it hurts.
But you can rest your mouth now. He begins to masturbate right in front of you, the tip of his dick grazing your sex, but not entering. Precum mixed with your arousal juices. Up and down he goes, four fingers around his shaft thumb on its gland. He massages your breasts, a little too rough when you notice he is about to come. And he does, a manly grunt, seed spilled on your stomach. It flows to your entrance, and because it’s too much it also drips to the floor.
“Perfect, you have been marked… but I still want to fill you up… little cum dump” he whispers in your ear, licking your neck after.
The warm sensation of his release over your stomach dripping to your core leaves you trembling, you want more. So much more…
And you get it.
Doffy wipes the sweat from his forehead and with a single hand motion you are higher than before, leaving your sex at the same height as his head. Your wrists are getting sore and red, but you don’t care because your dom now attacks your core with his tongue. He sucks, bites your thighs, he licks and slurps. Your pussy becomes his new favorite food, he devours you. Doffy fucks you with his tongue, his fingers inside you stretching your walls more and more. Your eyes crossed, moans that you are sure are probably echoing all over Impel Down.
He spits on your core, three fingers go violently in and out, beckoning motion hitting your g spot. Uncontrollable squirting fluids as he presses your belly against his fingertips inside your womb. He gladly drinks your whole release. “Delicious, how delicious you are! I’m pretty sure you will be out of this prison really soon…” he says, and whispers “because you will come with me, little slave…”
Oh, and do you think this is the end? oh no…
Doffy lets the threads hang loose, while you recover your normal breathing. He catches you, spreading your ass cheeks, your legs around his waist. The tip of his dick already searching for your entrance. In a moment you get almost impaled by his whole length. You feel yourself splitting but you surprisingly take it all inside without a single drop of pain. Pure pleasure, this man could be sadistic and bad, but knows exactly how to make his “victims” be able to take him all inside.
And violently he fucks you, your arms rest on his shoulders, kissing and moaning into his mouth. He moves you up and down, burying his fingers in your thighs.
“Be sure to come real good around my dick, bitch” he commands. And you, as always, do what you’ve been told. You let yourself go, and with a whine you come like you have never come. Nails carving his wide back, your lip being bitten by him. Doffy comes too, fulfilling his promise of stuffing his cum dump with his release. Dripping and panting you are left on the cold floor of the cell.
“I got job to do, I’ll be back soon to fuck you again… little slave. Oh and by the way, I wouldn’t mind becoming a pirate just to fuck you every day...”
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
OK so I'm sitting here trying not to fangirl too much over various characters, ideas, and fic, how do you think Sabo (and possibly other characters like Ace or Luffy if you feel so inclined to include them) would react to fangirls.
Hey hey hey, thanks for the question :) hope this answers it! enjoy - OP characters reacting to fangirls (Sabo - Ace - Law)
-Lowkey interested, never thought someone would fangirl over him! -Koala looks at the fangirls with a mix of compassion and disgust. "If you only knew..." -Very sweet and chivalrious to his fangirls. Would even take some on a date out if they want it badly enough. He would act very polite and gentle, opening doors for you, playing the role of the perfect boyfriend. -However, it's just a fun game for him, I don't think that he would want someone to idolize him in this way forever, it goes against his values. -Sabo hates authority figures and excessive fanatism. He might find fangirling cute if it's inoffensive, but anything too extreme makes him feel detached. -I am looking at all my Sabo pics and figures in my room and crying. -Sabo would always try to keep a little distance because he gets scared of hurting others in case they get too attached. -Would gladly offer to read your fanfics and give you feedback though. -A possible love story could work with one of his fangirls but for this, they have to see him for who he actually is =) -He appreciates the attention overall!
-Oh yes, our touch-starved fireboy ! -Blogs on tumblr? Giving him love? Writing fanfictions about him?... -He has such low self-confidence that he would never believe this. It could even be a bit triggering for him, because he might think that people are actually making fun of him. -He would be really happy once he sees that people truly love him (@fireflykaizoku why am I thinking of you). He would feel so touched that he'd tear up (and hide it) -Whenever he sees some sexy fanart drawn of him he looks at it with fascination. "Oh wow, I'm looking damn fine here!" -But please please don't ship him with Marco, it literally terrorized him. (Nothing against this ship tho, I actually think it's cute) Law -Ok, fangirls might be Law's #1 fear. -He hates the feeling that his privacy is invaded. He also disliked being the center of attention. -He would be really stressed and find it extremely intrusive of others to do such things. -Imagine the look of shock on his face whenever he finds some Law x reader smut where Law acts like a BDS M king or something...omg
-Literally THIS FACE (click) -Law: *finds a picture of Cora x Law* "Enough internet for today, in fact, FOREVER." -No, seriously, he appreciates faint levels of "fangirling". I mean, he doesn't get why people would be into him specifically... -But well if they do..and if they're respectful towards him, he doesn't "mind it" per se since he considers that's it's none of his business. -However, if you start doing some creepy stuff (like collecting his pens and stealing his things) he wouldn't hesitate to get rid of you :) -Careful with Law guys. Doflamingo: -B*tch, he has a whole fanclub. Worship him, make an altar for him, he loves it, he craves the attention! Now, let's remember that being a fangirl is actually an amazaing thing. Never let anybody tell you that it's wrong <3 Just tone it down if you meet any of our guys in real life :)
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bluexiao · 3 years
thoma x gn reader headcanons; how they would take care of each other when theyre sick, please ? c:
#i got you
THEMES. Fluff! Domestic. Established relationship.
NOTES. can you guys tell i love sleeping when i’m sick kxkskssj thank you for this request nonnie<33 AND I GOT BACK AAAA so here is my welcome back to myself?<3 i hope you’ll enjoy reading!
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when he’s sick
He’s quite talkative, especially if you force him not to move too much or to stay in one place. He’s used to walking or standing around, having got many things planned up ahead that he doesn’t really like the idea of being idle much.
He will try to escape and work, probably, but at the same time he likes the feeling of being showered by your care<3
Will still try to help you take care of him like??? Sit tf down young man you’re sick right.
Actually, you wouldn’t even notice he’s sick in the first place if you are not attentive enough because he doesn’t want to take a day off, and he tries his best not to show that he doesn’t feel well… this must be because he doesn’t like burdening you in taking care of him as well poor baby
Wants you to cuddle or kiss him, but maybe not on the lips. He’ll avoid you as much as you can and even so far as cover his lips, reasoning that
“I don’t want you to get sick too, no!”
I feel like he’d be the type to get cold when he’s with fever. Like really cold, and he doesn’t like it one bit. So yep him asking for cuddles really has a reason so please indulge him.
Would rather have you spoon him, for your safety, he says, but he really enjoys being spooned I tell you.
“Y/n… can I get a kiss once I get well?”
He crunches nose slightly when you lightly tap it and he adds, “Just not now, you’ll catch what I have and you won’t let me kiss you if you do.”
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when you’re sick
I’ll bet all my mora that he knows how to cook. He’s just… quite experimental, is all. They’re cooked, alright, but are they edible?
Although if you do say that you wanted this specific recipe, he’d be able to cook it for you no worries.
“Say ahh~”
“Thoma, I’m not a child.”
Would feed you and take care of you the whole day. So of course he’d take a day off from his duties with the Kamisato’s and attend to you instead. Even if you insist that you can move on your own, he will forbid you to.
He cuddles you too, especially if you’re cold; placing himself behind you and entraps you in his arms.
“You’ll get caught with it too, don’t-”
“Doesn’t matter, you’ll take care of me anyway, right?”
He chuckles as you playfully hit on the arm that was wrapped around your waist, pulling you even closer before you two fell in deep slumber.
Quite ironic. He wouldn’t mind getting sick as long as he’d get to pepper you with his care and love.
He absolutely would know the right time you’d have to take medicine & etc, but sometimes you two might be sleeping whilst cuddling for you both to even see the time,,,
But he makes sure you’re well taken care of nonetheless:))
Also have I mentioned he’s really warm? Like his body is so made for cuddles he wouldn’t mind if you want to be cuddled or he’s the one you want to cuddle.
Would actually want to provide warmth to you so if you nuzzle yourself on his chest he gets flustered but he’s pleased that he’s helping you somehow.
“Are you still cold, baby?” he’d ask softly at your neck, tightening his hold on you as he pulls you closer to him. There’s something about his warmth, and it was the very last thing you’ve thought of as you drifted off to sleep.
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TAGLIST. @tartagliaxx @idontevenknow129 @kimbapsana @masterdilucs-c0cksleeve @fukuzawazluvr @albedoeuvre @midnightangelfox @fullyhira @rhythmboo @lolibles @jueyunkine @niceandspicy @blackberri-jelli @softlybeloved @rheaintheclouds @psycho-nightrose @iheartganyu @colorless-cora @fancystark (bold=i cannot tag you)
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