#Cordelia Goode imagine
stayevildarling · 3 months
I just found ur account and I wanna say how much I love your stories, especially the Cordelia×Wilhemina×Billie and reader ones ❤️ I wanted to ask if you could write one where both wilhemina and reader have had a bad day, and once they come home to their other girlfriends, wilhemina snaps at reader for something due to the bad day she had and reader snaps back which shocks them all? Maybe abit angsty with fluff at the end 💕
Wilhemina Venable x Cordelia Goode x Billie Dean Howard x Reader- Glimpse of us
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tw: angst, cursing
word count: 3.5k
taglist: @lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay,@whitelotus00, @ninaahs, @vintagepaulson,@isle-of-earle,@paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime, @ohrwurm26
As you finally enter the familiar walls of your shared home, the weight of the day's troubles seems to hang heavy on your shoulders. Despite your best efforts to shake off the stress from work, it clings to you. Billie and Cordelia are quick to notice the tension, you entering the academy first, Wilhemina following behind with an expression that almost would have scared them, if they didn't know the redhead so well by now.
"Hey there, love," Cordelia greets you softly, her voice infused with concern as she invites you to take a seat.
You manage to nod weakly in response, not trusting your voice to betray your frustration. Billie, ever perceptive shoots you a sympathetic glance, before looking over at Wilhemina, hesitating whether to take a seat or leave to the comfort of her own office.
,,Come on, I made dinner, love'' Cordelia tries gently, somehow convincing the redhead to sit down.
The meal feels dreadful, the awkward tension in the air, not only making you and Wilhemina uncomfortable but evenly your two blonde girlfriends. Cordelia tries for a while, to make conversation and include you and Wilhemina, barely coaxing any words out of either of you two, you not daring to look up at your redhead girlfriend after the events from today.
Sighing in frustration, Billie eventually breaks the silence, not being able to stand the silence ,,Okay, what is going on you two?'' she questions, her gaze flickering between you and the redhead. Wilhemina doesn't look up, she simply continues her meal as if nothing happened and it infuriates you. Cordelia notices your tension, placing a gentle hand on your leg in an attempt to comfort you. Billie's eyes meet yours, pleading with you to fill them in, let them help, fix this palpable tension between you, usually filled with so much warmth, love and adoration.
And then Wilhemina's gaze meets yours, unexpectedly and right there you find yourself back in the events from earlier today, her intense gaze clouding your memory with her sharp words,
,,Why are you always breathing down my neck? Can't you see I'm trying to concentrate?'' Wilhemina snapped, the frustration very clear in her features and laced in her voice.
,,I'm sorry, I just wanted to help you, I thought we are supposed to be a team'' you began, trying to defend your actions.
Her gaze lingered on yours, knuckles turning white as she grips onto her cane hard ,,Well maybe if you actually did your share off the work, instead of constantly distracting me, we wouldn't be in this mess'' she snapped, her voice filled with venom.
You scoffed, trying to swallow your frustration and pain ,,Oh so now it's my fault?'' you spat, your emotions getting ahold of you. ,,Typical, you always find a way to blame me for everything''.
She rubs her temples in frustration then, hating for the way this escalated, not expecting your reaction and too stubborn to fix it now. ,,I'm not blaming you for everything but you're not exactly making things easier right now'' she carried on, her features already softening at this point, voice less filled with anger.
And usually, you would have faltered there, simply accepting she was in a mood and leave her to cool off for a bit. You would have never spoke again after that statement but today had triggered your mood in ways it never has and so with one final statement you end the conversation taking place in the redheads office. ,,Fine, I'll just leave you alone then. Maybe you'll appreciate it more when I'm not around to bother you'' you spat, on the verge of tears but doing your best to hide those.
,,Yeah, maybe I will'' she spat in return. You stood frozen in the spot for a moment, knowing this was your fault as you shouldn't have lowered yourself to her mood, shouldn't have talked back but it hurt. Her statement hurt and you missed the way her features softened as she saw tears sparkling in your beautiful eyes. You simply scoffed, turned around and left.
The two of you didn't speak for the remainder of the day, you did your own things in your office, working hard to ignore and forget about the argument with your girlfriend. You had always doubted whether it was a good idea to work with Wilhemina. She suggested it in the end, explaining how a position needed filling, one where she would be close to you and could keep an eye on you. And undeniably, she did just that. Making sure her bosses aren't anywhere too close to you as they couldn't be trusted. You did an immaculate job and the mishap that day definitely wasn't on you but the redhead couldn't keep her frustration in and when you kept asking and asking her what you could do to help, she snapped, assuming you would take it better, not expecting your reaction as she didn't calculate the fact, that maybe, just maybe you haven't had a good day either.
,,Wilhemina, what did you do?'' Billie snaps, her sharp voice bringing you back into the present. You didn't realise that you must have zoned out for a moment, only now realising your cheeks are wet, Cordelia looking at you with so much concern, so much worry.
,,And what makes you think this has anything to do with me?'' Wilhemina spits, meeting the blondes gazes before bringing another fork, full of food to her mouth.
But the medium was having none of her usual antics, unable to see her babydoll hurting. ,,Because usually Wilhemina, you and Y/N return from work giggling, hands and eyes all over each other'' Billie spits. Your eyes find Cordelia, not being able to stand the tension in the room, not wanting to drag them into the argument as well. The supreme notices how uncomfortable you are, quickly stopping the other two.
,,Enough'' she simply states, meeting their eyes with a silent warning and as Billie notices your shivering form, she complies, stopping but her redhead lover is far from stopping.
As Cordelia gently wipes the tears from your cheeks, you hear her voice ring through the air yet again. ,,Yeah that's right, let them coddle you again, poor girl'' she spits, her words causing for both blonde heads to snap into her direction.
Your chair scraps against the wooden floor, standing up, startling both Billie and Cordelia a little but the redhead enjoyed it, igniting your flames. She balances on her cane standing up, waiting for your next move.
,,You know what? fuck you'' you spit, Cordelia's eyes widening and Billie's jaw dropping, this definitely not like you at all.
,,I'm sick of it, you constantly treating me like shit at work, do you have any idea how much your words hurt me earlier? If you don't want me around to bother you fine- I won't'' you snap, your emotions bubbling out of you.
,,Y/N'' Billie exclaims, both in a scolding manner for raising your voice but equally shocked at your sudden outburst.
With a swift motion, Wilhemina steps forward, her expression a mixture of anger, guilt and pain. You aren't looking at her, keeping eye contact with Billie but out of the corner of your eyes, you see Wilhemina's hand move towards you but before she has the chance, you stop her, taking her wrist.
,,Don't you dare'' you spit, now looking into her eyes. The tension is thick, your words lingering in the air as well as the redheads actions.
A second later you let go of her wrist, and turn around, needing to cool off, a lump forming in your throat. ,,Y/N'' Cordelia tries, but you are long gone, banging the bedroom door shut after you made it upstairs.
The three of them remain frozen in their spots, Billie still sitting at the table, her mouth slightly ajar, not able to believe the scene she just witnessed. Cordelia stands frozen by the table, holding onto it for support, before approaching Wilhemina, who stands frozen in the same spot you had left her in, her arm not having moved since you let go of her grasp.
,,Darling'' Cordelia tries as she approaches her girlfriend, the redhead not being able to look into her eyes as her gaze falls to the floor. ,,I- I had no intention of-'' she begins but the supreme is quick to interrupt her, taking her hand into her own. ,,I know my love, I know'' she reassures, rubbing soothing circles on her lovers hand.
,,I wanted to -'' she tries again but the words get caught in her throat. ,,I know darling, you wanted to calm her down'' she finishes the words for her. ,,I know you didn't mean to hit her but she wasn't looking at you, don't go there please'' Cordelia tries.
Wilhemina falters under the blondes gaze, not daring to look at Billie, not wanting any judgement from the medium. ,,I'll be in my office'' she announces before walking off, her cane hitting the floor hard. And as Cordelia and Billie follow her with their eyes, they see how broken and tired their girlfriend looks, ascending the stairs. The weight of the situation very visible in her features and posture.
,,What the hell was that?'' Billie comments, making sure the redhead's office door bang shut before she begins.
Cordelia meets her gaze before her eyes fall to the floor ,,I don't know'' the supreme mumbles, feeling guilty for not having interjected this before it blew up the way it had. ,,She wasn't going to-'' Billie begins, playing with her acrylic nails in a nervous habit. ,,No'' Cordelia quickly interrupts, her features a little stern for Billie even suggesting that she would have hit you.
,,Should we go talk to them?'' Billie tries, walking over to the supreme and stroking her cheeks, in order to make the concern fade from her beautiful features.
,,I think Mina needs to cool off'' she argues, taking a deep breath. ,,Let's try with our babydoll then, hm?'' the medium replies and is met with an empathetic smile, before she nods in agreement.
There aren't a lot of times when you wish you could be a witch but right now was certainly one of those times. All you wanted to do was take the entire bedroom apart, smash things, kick and break things, let your anger out that way. But unfortunately you couldn't fix it all again with a flick of your wrist. And so instead you pace, back and forth, fists clenching and muttering angry words to yourself. You barely hear the door knock and you definitely don't acknowledge it, wanting to be left alone, no matter who was behind that door.
As the two blondes enter, they exchange a glance noticing your pacing, Billie actually finding it quite adorable as you rarely got mad or upset like this. But she remained serious of course, not wanting to upset you further.
,,Sweetheart?'' Cordelia begins gently, as she remains lingering by the door, not wanting to overwhelm you with their presence.
Halting your steps, you simply look at them, their worried glances upsetting you even further because the last thing you wanted was drag them into it.
,,Do you think you can talk to us babydoll?'' Billie tries next, taking a few gentle steps towards you. But you retreat, taking some steps away from her and for a moment Billie gets scared, not being able to handle rejection well.
,,No, this is between me and .. Mina'' you mutter out, sounding more moody than you intend to.
,,Darling, I worry that you two may need a little help sorting this out'' Cordelia tries, knowing for sure Wilhemina was stubborn and by your earlier outburst, she for the first time didn't trust you enough to fix this with the redhead without support.
,,Cordelia I don't need you to coddle me all the -'' you quickly stop yourself, forcing your eyes shut and cursing internally as to why you would let it out on the angels in front of you.
,,Delia I'm so sorry'' you quickly start but as you open your eyes, you already find her in front of you with a gentle smile. ,,I know darling, come here'' she invites as she opens her arms and right there you falter, allowing her to hold you, ignoring the thoughts of how Wilhemina was right about them coddling you and allowing it to happen.
After a little while, she scoops you into her arms, taking you over to the bed where you lay in her lap, Billie following and positioning herself next to you. ,,Can you tell us sweetie, hm?'' the medium tries again, her eyes twinkling with love and encouragement.
And then it spills out of, the horrible day you have had at work as Jeff and Mutt provoked you all day, sending you on all sort of errands and even one of them making you incredibly uncomfortable. Delia makes a mental note there, knowing that bit needed to be adressed at another time. How something in the production went wrong and they made you and Mina fix it. But only Mina really had the skills and despite trying your best you couldn't fix it and all you wanted was to help her. The words that followed after and the argument between you two. How you thought she was going to hit you, despite only seeing something out of the corners of your eyes, how you know she would never hurt you and how horrible you feel for making her feel that way.
By the end of your confession you are sobbing into Cordelia's chest, feeling horrible for being so stubborn and angry. Billie and the supreme simply hold you, drying your tears, whispering words of encouragement into your ears. And when you finally calmed down, Billie hooks your chin, wiping all your tears and giving you a soft smile, followed by a kiss on your forehead.
,,Sweetie that is all very understandable and I'm sure neither you nor Mina meant any of it, it sounds like a big misunderstanding'' she tries and your eyes simply wander to her lips, following her every word.
,,I want to talk to her'' you eventually mutter out, looking up at Cordelia, still holding you close. They exchange a glance, figuring you had calmed down enough by now, despite being a little worried about your other girlfriend and whether she felt the same already. ,,Sweetheart, would you like us or one of us to come with you?'' she tries but you shake your head and slowly climb out of her lap.
,,Thank you both'' you smile, a little shy and they simply give you a big proud smile, as they remain on the bed. However as soon as you shut the door, their worried gazes meet, unsure whether this would end well.
As you make your way to Wilhemina's office, assuming that's the only place where she would be, your heart bangs inside your chest, legs trembling a little as well as your hands. You take a deep breath, close your eyes for a minute, before your shaky hands knock on her door, quiet enough not to startle her but loud enough for her to hear you.
There is no reply and for a second you consider turning around, maybe she isn't ready yet to talk and needs some time to cool off. But then worry lingers on your mind, wanting your Mina to be okay but before you can think it over further you hear a quiet ,,Come in'' and you do instantly.
As you glance around her office, you notice the scattered documents on the floor, her cane on the floor, Mina sitting in her armchair. You assume she threw it across the room, hence the scattered things everywhere. ,,Mina, can we talk please?'' you try gently as you step towards the middle of the room. Before she replies you kneel down in order to pick up some of her things, off the floor, not wanting her to do it in the end and potentially hurt her back.
,,I'm not a child, I don't need you cleaning up my messes'' she snaps, but you ignore her, neatly putting the documents on her desk and reaching for her cane scattered somewhere. As you walk over, you place it next to her, ready to leave her alone again but she suddenly takes your hand. ,,You're bleeding'' she states and as you look at your palm you indeed notice a cut, bleeding down your wrist. ,,It's fine Mina'' you mutter out, realising you must have picked up a piece of glass as you collected the documents, probably from a glass or mug being thrown around.
As you try and withdraw your wrist, she meets your gaze, not letting go. ,,Let me'' she tries and as much as you want to tell her that you aren't a child in return, you simply let her guide you to the bathroom connected to her office. As you lean on the bathtub, inside her bathroom plastered in lilac, you watch as she carefully opens her medicine cabinet, several bottles of different medication neatly placed, before she withdraws the first aid kit. She pulls out a disinfected spray and a bigger bandaid before approaching you.
Her eyes meet yours and you see pain in them, guilt, fear and without thinking about it your non bleeding hand cups her cheek, taking you both by surprise. ,,I'm so sorry'' you whisper as she slightly melts into your touch.
,,This will hurt a bit'' she explains calmly before you extract your hand and watch as she takes care of the cut for you. In awe you watch how gentle her movements are, spraying some disinfectant on the wound, before gently wiping it clean and wrapping it up in a band aid. Her eyes scan your features, looking for any kind of pain or discomfort but there was none. ,,Thank you Mina'' you whisper as she places the first aid kit back into the cabinet.
,,I understand if you don't want to talk to me'' you simply whisper before giving her a thankful smile as you look at your hand. As you step out of the bathroom and towards the door, she stops you. ,,Y/N'' she tries, her features filled with pain, tears beginning to form in her dark brown orbs.
,,I'm so sorry for saying all those things to you'' you apologise, your eyes pleading for her forgiveness.
,,Did you really think I was going to-?'' she begins but you instantly stop her ,,No'' you reassure her, meeting her eyes as you make the statement.
,,I know you would never hurt me Mina and I'm sorry for overreacting'' you begin, explaining how you misread the signs and how you know now that she simply wanted to comfort you.
,,I don't want you to be scared of me'' she whispers, a tear streaming down her cheeks. ,,I'm not Mina'' you quickly reassure as you brush the tear from her perfect features.
A little while later, Cordelia is now the one pacing around the bedroom, Billie's attempts to calm her down failing with each try. ,,I'm sure they are fine'' Billie keeps repeating but the supreme couldn't help but worry. ,,Screw it, I'm going to check'' she states, leaving the room and Billie following after her rushed, her heels clicking on the floor as they walk down the tiled corridor.
As Cordelia opens the door, she finds you curled up in Wilhemina's lap, the two of you sitting in her large purple armchair in the corner. Neither of you are talking, as all the talking had been done, simply enjoying each others company as her fingers take turns from running through your hair and gently caressing the cut on your hand through the bandaid. You listen to her heartbeat, holding onto her for dear life, not wanting to let her go.
The supreme smiles, all the worry leaving her features. ,,Told you Ms Supreme'' Billie teases.
,,Would you like to go to bed, little one?'' Mina whispers gently, tilting her head a little to look at you.
You simply nod and leave her lap, instantly missing to be this close to her. Passing her the cane, she balances before you follow the two blondes to the bedroom. After you get changed, you lay down, Billie and Cordelia to your left and waiting for your Mina.
As she finally approaches the bed, you take in her features, hair down and one of your favourite nightgowns that you had bought for her. ,,Mina?'' you whisper as she comfortably positions herself next to you. ,,Yes my sweet girl?'' she whispers as her gaze meets yours. ,,Can you hold me?'' you ask and the way your question came out, causes for more tears to almost escape. ,,Come here'' she coos as you wrap yourself up in her arms.
,,And little one?'' she whispers softly, still trailing her fingers through your hair. ,,I never want you to leave me alone'' she admits, thinking back to the argument and her earlier statement. ,,I know'' you whisper before holding onto her, again for dear life.
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the-fandom-abyss · 10 months
Greenhouse Messes
Cordelia Goode x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst ❀
Word Count: 1,305 words
A/N: I hope you enjoy this new injection for Cordelia @lexi1109 🥰
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The air around the academy, shifted from fresh to stale as you working inside the greenhouse. The lively plants whispering amongst themselves, debating on whether a danger resides outside. A few twigs cracked under a weight of an invisible source, just outside the door. This drew your attention from the garden bed you were preparing.
"What are you not telling me?" To any normal person, you would be certifiably insane with the way you spoke to yourself. For you, nature always responded, they held the answers to more questions than you could possibly ask. Wind seeped through the bottom of the door, bringing in a cold draft. The action sent shivers down your spine. "Witch hunters" you whispered, responding to the message. "Do I have time?" The flowers sagged like one would when they dropped their head in sadness. That caused the panic to vibrate within your bones. You were too far from the house to alert the others, too close to the danger to escape alive. All you could do was protect the ones you loved, even if their focus was gravitated elsewhere.
Cautious steps were taken towards the exotic eyes flitting from shadow to shadow. With a shaky breath, you entered the gloomy outdoors, filled with monsters. Bare feet made contact with the soft grass below, sensing the vibrations within the soil. You walked with conviction towards the front entrance of the academy, hoping you could make it to at least the front step. The ground shook below you, alerting to a threat. They were running hard and fast towards you, which meant they all had eyes on you. Leaning down, you connected your hands to the life below, communicating through touch. The wind began to blow, the trees began to rustle and nature was ready to harnessed. Vines stretched through the cracks of the soil, whipping into view. They wrapped around the legs of the hunter that was fast approaching, pulling him into the air.
"You bitch" he said through gritted teeth as he fought against the vine. Thorns protruded through the greenery, piercing the body of the man. He screamed in pain as the thorns continued to grow, ultimately sealing his fate. The vibe threw him to the side, searching for its next victim. When a team of ten came into view, you were quick to realise just how outnumbered you were. Tree branches snapped and bent into shape, creating makeshift arms. They reached for bodies that were close, collecting as many as they could. That didn't stop a small group from invading, slashing your back in the process. A wail ripped through your throat at the sudden sensation. The branches faulted for only a moment before regaining its strength. It was enough for some men to slip through, charging at you. In a blink of an eye, those men were lunging for you, tackling you to the floor. They plunged a knife in each hand, twisting them for extra damage. In that moment, all you could think of was one person, one name on the tip of your tongue.
"Cordelia!" You screamed, as they continued to slice your skin. It was an extension of your power, a sense that could no longer be used. A light was turned on upstairs, a silhouette of Cordelia painted on the curtain. Hope twinkled in your eyes at the thought that she could hear you. "Cordelia" another scream left you lips, losing it strength as the blood spilled from your cuts. Another silhouette joined Cordelia within the room. It could only be described as Misty, Cordelia's newest obsession. That was what was given to you in your last moments. The sight of your love, entertaining another woman while witch hunters hunted you for sport.
Blood coated the floor below like a crimson sunset that graced the horizon. The earth fluttered underneath you, urging you to fight back, use all the strength you had left. Yet, all you could do was whisper Cordelia's name and succumb to the pain that radiates through your body. The men laughed above you, enjoying the thrill of the hunt and how they could bring a witch to her untimely demise.
"Y/N!" Nan shouted, drawing the witch hunters attention. They tossed your drained essence to the ground, setting their sights on the young girl. Something inside you crackled, sparks firing through your very being. The idea of Misty with Cordelia, Nan being brutally attacked by witch hunters, fuelled the fire within. Thunder began to roll through the sky, dark clouds followed closely behind. The hunters stopped in their tracks, searching the area for the next surprise. What they didn't expect was a bolt of lightning to strike the body they had left for dead. The charges flowed through your veins, body lifting from the ground. Electrical charges swirled around you as your eyes glowed a bright golden. With a pained scream from your lips, branches from the trees shifted and snapped, shooting out like barbs. The branches finding home in each of the hunters chests, rendering them motionless.
The energy softly floated you to the ground, where Nan was able to reach you. With all her strength, she reached under your body and pulled you towards the house. The entrance foyer was newly decorated with the blood that continued to flow from your wounds. The force within the house shifted when Nan crossed the threshold. It was sensed amongst the coven, grabbing at their attention. The first to descend the stairs was Cordelia, eyes fixated on the scene in front of her.
"Y/N" she gasped, falling to her knees next to you. Her hands reached out to pull you into her lap, wanting nothing but to heal you. When you flinched at her movement, moving closer into Nan, her heart fell to her stomach. "Let me help you, please" she pleaded, unsure of what caused the turn of your emotions.
"She doesn't want your help"
"Stop being stubborn, I need to heal you or you'll die"
"You were supposed to be with her tonight"
"A date in the greenhouse and you never showed"
"Oh Y/N, I'm so sorry" tears silently travelled down the rosy cheeks of Cordelia. The sting in her heart, knowing that she could have prevented this, if she had just paid more attention.
"Misty was more important" Cordelia was taken aback by the comment, trying to understand how you knew. "She saw you in your room, she called out for you but you couldn't hear her"
"Honey, I am so so sorry. I lost sight of what was important and in turn lost sight of you. This is all my fault" she should have been with you, she should have been able to protect you. All her focus had been directed to the newcomer Misty and had ignored her connection with you. This small distraction cause her to break the link she had with you. In doing so, she left you defenceless to the world around you, if only she could go back in time.
Regret and guilt swirled inside Cordelia as they battled one another. It trapped her in silence, so frozen that she was unable to claw herself out.“It’s so quiet” Nan’s voice broke through her haze, Cordelia’s eyes snapping towards the young girl.
“Y/N let me help!” Her hands twitched with urgency, she wanted nothing more than to channel her energy through you.
“I love you” slipped from Nans lips, the final thoughts and words of the woman that saved the school. Cordelia may have broken the connection, but she felt every last ache that you had felt. She absorbed the hurt and anguish and carried it upon her shoulders. All she had left were the memories that you shared and even then, they couldn’t compare to you.
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urstrulysoleil · 1 year
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞
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pairing: fem!reader x cordelia goode
synopsis: loss isnt the end of everything nor does it mean to let go, yet the swelling pain of all the happy places cordelia remembers of you. she travels through all of the happiest places and ends at the most devastating yet where you were at your best rest.
warnings: angst, death, sadness, (lowercase intended), italicized are memories
w/c: 6.9k
a/n: literally looked up literal places in new orleans for this help also this feels controversial
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six months, it had been six months since you'd been gone. cordelia felt as though she was in an endless spiral. nothing hurt more than the smile on your face, which was now only in her memory. the day you left out the door, she wish she told you she loved you before you went, or even just said bye. that day was the day she expected you to come home, give her a kiss, and a hug. she received neither that day.
4:37 p.m
she could only lay on her side and watch as time ticked. she felt as though it would be impossible to get up, mourning was never easy. she sat up, her feet hanging off the side of the bed. the white slippers you'd bought her for christmas sometime ago. she stood, walking towards her closet she opened it. she only sighed as she picked out a button shirt and black pants. she ran a cardigan over her shoulders and closed her closet. going into the connected door to her bathroom she opened it and went to her half of the double sink. she turned and saw all your remaining stuff that she never moved since you left. her hands rested on the counter as she looked look into the mirror. reflections of you ghosted the background, only to wish it was real
she slipped on black heels, and walked out of her room. heels clicked softly against the wooden stairs of the academy. she grabbed her purse off the hang and left. she went down the now concrete stairs.
new orleans city park
the new orleans city park was always a favorite place for you to visit. be a free spirit. you specifically loved the botanical gardens. though cordelia always complained that the green house was perfectly fine, she still loved to see you explore the garden and give you sweet little flowers. her hands grazed the many flowers, red, yellow, pink, white. she took a white one for herself and held it.
"delia! look here, a daisy," you nicely shoved it in her face for her to see, "my dear, its as pretty as you." she gently moved the daisy out of her face and looked at you with adoration. so many emotions overwhelmed her anytime she was in your presence. you grabbed her hand as you led her onward to what she felt like was an endless maze of flowers, something so fumbling yet beautiful. just as she would always call you, you were free and adventurous. you showed her a whole new world she never knew she could enter until she found you. and she was forever grateful for it.
the endless maze was no longer endless now that you were not there to guide her through it as always. her trip felt so long yet so short because of your ghosted presence. she left the garden, usually without you. she stood on the sidewalk feeling the air.
the rabbit's foot
you always got a bagel from the rabbits foot, every other day you'd grab one. it was always a quick treat youd enjoy to grab to boost your mode before starting your classes. you always persisted on grabbing something for her, yet she made it clear she was okay. now when she walked through the door she wish she accepted it.
RING the shop bell rang as she opened the door to the rabbits foot, "hello ma'am! could i help you today?" a sweet young woman offered cordelia help. she was hesitant for a minute before asking, "could i just get one bagel, please?" she smiled politely, "one bagel coming up, $3.09 is your total." cordelia opened her bag for her wallet and saw the picture of you two she felt as though she might break down on the spot. she pulled out 4 dollars and handed it to the woman, "keep the change." she gave a silent thank you, "the name for the order?"
"y/n" you smiled. the lady on the other side nodded, "your name will be called once your bagel is ready." you smiled and went to look around. cordelia found a seat next to the window as you sat across from her. "dee, are you sure you didnt want me to order you something?" she smiled at you and nodded, "darling im positive." you hummed as to not push her farther. "i spy with my little eye some black." you looked at her and smiled. she was confused for a moment and looked at you and then looked back scanning the streets for something black. she scanned for a little bit before she noticed the 2 dimensional rabbit leaned against a pole at the front of the store. "the rabbit?" you giggled and nodded.
"cordelia?" she heard her name being called ss the stared at the black rabbit through the window. she turned around and went to the receiving counter for her bagel. "have a good one," the lady smiled, cordelia reciprocated "you as well." she left the counter and opened the bag the bagel was in. it was the same bag you brought back to the academy every other day. a white bag with little bunnies on them. she took the bagel out and it reminded her of the joy you'd get from it. she got took a small piece of it and ate it. everything flooded back, she left the store with the usual bell ring.
the cemetery
what felt like miles she finally made her way to your resting place. it felt like forever watching you go. tears rimmed her brown eyes. nothing hurt more than seeing you, without your presence. she felt as though she could never be at ease again without you. "hey baby. its me, delia, i miss you a lot. i brought you a flower." it was a little silence before she placed the daisy on the ground. "it was your favorite, remember?" she wished she could have at least one more word from you. "i got one of those bagels you loved. It's not that bad actually." she laughed. she pushed a piece of hair behind her ear, "i miss you more than anything my dear, if i could see you one last time maybe I could've done something, just maybe." her voice cracked as tears dropped down her cheeks. "i love you" she tested her head against your stone. one last time to hold you.
miss robichaux's academy. 8:23 p.m
cordelia arrived back at the academy after sometime. it was quiet in the academy, the lights were off besides the lit candles. in the living room and kitchen. she went up the stairs heels clicking against the wood. she opened up the door, to wish to see you. she took off her heels not even bothering to line them up neatly alongside her other shoes. she went to the bathroom to wash her face and get ready for her slumber, she got into the shower and stayed there, letting them steam build. everything was slowly blurry in the hotness. she let every drop of water run down her body before she got out.
"delia! are you here?" she came out of the bathroom, steam following along. "I'm here my dear." she responded, emerging from the steam. you were changing into pajamas as she did the same. "how was your day?" she asked. you slipped a shirt over you "quite fine, i ran into misty around town. you?" you told her, "i went down to the rabbits foot and got a bagel, you know the ones you like. but um.. before that i went to the city park. got a daisy of course. then i went to visit you.." she trailed off as she turned to you, laying on the bed holding her hand. "thank you, i missed you." she took your hand
"you're not even here." tears welled.
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a/n: this was not supposed to be this long woops
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camillelespanayesbtch · 2 months
could I request some angst with cordelia or wilhemina or both?
don‘t really have any specific plot requests <3
I brought you daffodils in a pretty string, but they won't flower like they did last spring.
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Wilhemina Venable x Cordelia Goode
Content warning: Character death, child abuse, angst, no happy ending.
Word Count: 2360
Wilhemina watches the flames dance in the fireplace, their tongues licking the air outside of their confinement before being sucked back in, dependent on the coals that burn beneath them yet tempted by the freedom they see outside. Were she in the mindset of the first night she spent here, her hand would be moving closer to the flames, seeing how close she could get before their forked tongues would sear a reminder in her skin that in beauty there is pain. She pulls her hand back, staring at the line around her finger, a dull pang in her chest before she looks away, wrapping her fingers around the stone of her cane.
Isolation had become her new normal, it was safer that way- she didn’t have to pretend to be interested in the petty superficial drama of the survivors, how awful it was not being able to get a weekly manicure or eyelashes put in, or they wished there was some UberEats available because they were craving something equally as disgusting. How pathetic. Of all the things in which they could be concerned about, it is only ever to do with themselves. No talk of loved ones, friends, acquaintances, pets. Just me, me, me. If she were of the mindset, she’d have snipped their tongues out so she wouldn’t hear any of their driveling, but alas, she could tolerate it- it kept her mind off things she didn’t wish to dwell on any further. Even now, that pang in her chest was starting to bloom and she couldn’t will it away. She takes a breath and reaches for the book beside her chair, thumbing through the pages until she finds where she left off, and holds it up into the light so she could start to read.
Wilhemina had always been a voracious reader, anything she could consume, she would: Newspapers be it digital or print, novels, short stories, graphic novels, and- No, she could no longer read the poems that had once warmed her heart, it was too much of a reminder of- She turns the page, her eyes scanning the words from left to right, a happy rhythm, routine, that she was happy to have. Everything had its place here, the brush on her vanity was four inches in from the side, four from the back, perfectly aligned- the pins in her hair, even number, four hundred and forty-four, keeping every strand of hair stuck tight, the hairspray gluing any imperfection down tighter than Fort Knox. Any sign of imperfection was a direct attack on her, on everything she had perfectly curated so things would go smoothly- she prided herself on that.
She had long stopped wondering about what she was doing, it was too painful, the dull ache in her chest was enough of a reminder without the icy tears stinging her cheeks. She had spent her whole life wondering about her, dreaming, believing, listening- anything involving her she drowned herself in. She could no longer do that. She, if the night was particularly long, found herself bringing her necklace to her lips, closing her eyes and casting herself to times gone by. A whispering in her mind, “My moon, my love, why are you doing this to yourself? A love like ours will last lifetimes, transcend worlds. Don’t do this to yourself, my moon. Every time I look up into the night sky and see the stars dancing with the moon, I’m reminded of us. Don’t you remember?”
Wilhemina is quick to wipe the tears before they even deign to kiss her cheek, letting the necklace fall against her chest with the weight of an anchor, pressing down, almost piercing through her tender skin and carving its way through her bone to strike her heart. That was the issue, she couldn’t stop remembering. She couldn’t forget the way her heart soared as soon as she held her hand, the way her smile would illuminate the room and stave off the darkness she’d carried since birth, nor could she forget the way her lips felt upon her own, the way they kissed away every worry or doubt. She couldn’t forget, and she wi- She doesn’t. She can’t say that because what if it came true? What if she forgot her? Then what? “Oh my sun,” she whispers, squeezing her eyes shut tighter so the tears would stay contained, “My sun…”
The following morning, Wilhemina gets up and starts to prepare the necessary things for the Halloween party. She fills each apple with a syringe full of poison, their glistening red outside would be tempting enough for the brainless occupants to bite into without questioning their sudden appearance. She makes sure they were perfectly placed in the common area along with the rest of the decorations, it would be a massacre, and she would enjoy it greatly- why should they get to live a lavish life of excess when she was without her love? They paid for their spots, she worked for hers, she deserved to be here more than they did.
Once the setup is complete, she returns to her room to get ready as well- the others would already be filing into the room, lured by the temptation of excess and unable to resist its charm. She turns her head slightly when she hears her assistant come in, Ms. Mead, “Have any bodies dropped yet? I would imagine they wouldn’t be able to wait until I have given them permission to do so.”
“Of course. It’s going just like how you planed it to, Ms. Venable. There’s only one issue though,” Mead replies, waiting for the red head to turn and face her. “I have word that its to be a complete reset, and as it would be, that includes you.”
Wilhemina frowns, she understood what the woman was saying, but surely she couldn’t mean it, right? “A- No, that isn’t right. It was just supposed to be them, not me also. No, that’s not correct. You follow my orders, nobody else’s. Don’t do this.” She wouldn’t beg for her life, she wouldn’t plead, she was above that. She watches as her once devoted assistant reveals a gun and fires it at her just as the sirens in the bunker activate. The bullet pierces her skin, lodging itself in her heart that had once only beaten for her wife. She gasps in shock, raising her hand to her chest before crumpling to the ground, coughing and sputtering as darkness clouds her vision. In the distance she hears a familiar cry-
“You shall never see that little blonde girl again, do you understand me, Wilhemina Venable? Never. If I found out that you have, you won’t be let in. I’ll lock the door and toss your belongings out the window.” Her mother screams at her, a sharp finger pointed in Wilhemina’s direction, the vitriol her mother had for this little girl was unmatched- Wilhemina would spend her nights, curling up as much as her damaged spine would allow, and sobbing quietly into the thin sheets that covered her. She would reach into the nook she had carved into the foam mattress and pull out the little bracelet her beau had crafted for her, holding it close to her chest as she continued to cry. She tried to keep her beau in mind, the beautiful locks of golden hair that looked like they were created by Midas himself, her pools of chocolate eyes she wanted to drown in, and her smile that was brilliantly radiant. Oh, how she loved her, even as a child growing up with a mother who hated her very existence, this girl showed her what love is and made sure she felt it. This girl whose own mother tormented her ceaselessly, was capable of loving her, a young girl full of imperfections yet she saw no faults. She swore one day they would run away together, just the two of them and their backpacks heading out on one grand adventure.
She pulls herself out of bed, ignoring the searing pain that shoots through her body from the sudden movement and over to the window when she hears little pings against the panes, a teary smile spreading across her face when she sees her beau standing in the moonlight, beckoning her down. Wilhemina makes her way carefully down the stairs, avoiding the spots that creaked under her weight before slipping quietly out the back door. If she could, she would have thrown her cane to the side and run into her arms, but that would surely leave her hobbled, so, instead, she slowly makes her way over to the young girl twelve years of age, “You still came- My mother- She- I don’t want to lose you, my sun. She’s already made me move schools. I don’t-“
Her sun reaches out to gently wipe the tears from her pale cheeks, “Of course I still came, my moon. I would risk it all for you.” She moves them into the shadows, away from prying eyes and spying mothers, her hands careful to not touch her darling girl’s spine in fear of accidently inflicting pain upon her, “We just have to survive four more years, okay? Then we can get emancipated. I did some reading in the library about it, we have a good case for it, my moon.”
They carefully sit underneath the old willow tree by the flowing stream that had their initials carved into the bark, watching the stars surfing upon the rippling water, “Do you think we will make it that far?” She asks fearfully, her fingers lacing with the other girl’s, “What if- What if she moves me further away? To another city? Then what? Our letters will be checked, and our phone calls listened in on- It is prison already, my sun. That distance will be hell.”
“I think we will, Mina,” she replies confidently, she was always the more daring one of the two, “Of course we will. We have made it this far, haven’t we? What’s four more years?” She picks one of the blue moonflowers that came out at night, gently tucking it over Mina’s ear and into her hair, the blue a beautiful contrast to the vibrant red-hair she had, “If it is hell, my moon, I will walk through it if it meant seeing you.”
They had both prolifically read poetry and romance stories, further developing their own language of love between them- the other students would tease them, mock them, but it was nothing compared to the abuse they faced at the hands of their own mothers. The very people who were supposed to love them unconditionally were the ones to inflict a lifetime of suffering on them daily. They swore that were they ever to have their own children, they would never continue the cycle their parents started. “Oh my sun,” Wilhemina whispers, resting her head against the blonde’s shoulders despite the pain it caused, “I wish I had your confidence.”
The blonde giggles, “It is the only good thing my mother has given me, my moon. That and-“ She waves her hand, making flowers bloom all around them, their color brilliant in the pure white light of the moon, “This. Flowers just for you, Mina. My beautiful Mina.”
Mina lets out an uncharacteristic giggle, although whenever she was with her sun, she found herself letting the sound of joy out far more frequently, “Oh my sun,” her cheeks flush a deep red as she watches the flowers come to life. Violets, lavender, aster, and allium, all beautiful shades of purple, her favorite color. “They’re beautiful.”
The following four years were treacherously long, but they survived. No matter how much Wilhemina had wanted to become cold and cruel in the face of what she went through, her sun always reminded her of the good that was in the world- and her sun was a reminder of that, of how good life can be, how full of love it can be. One of their teacher’s helped them file for emancipation, both of them getting it before they found a safe place to stay while they finished their studies- It turned out her sun had an aunt who would help them move and stay with her for as long as they needed, so, by the end of that month they had moved across the country and were starting a new life in a new school, in a home where the doors weren’t removed, their baths were wanted, and voices were soft.
“Auntie Myrtle?” Mina asks, making her way to where the elder red-head would be, “I- I bought something for her and I want your opinion if it’s too much or not.” She brings out the little jewelry box and hands it to the woman, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth, “It’s a promise ring, of a sun- I’ve been putting the money from the job you’ve given me to the side to save up for it. Do you think it’s too much?”
Myrtle looks at the ring, admiring it in the sun streaming in through the window- It was a beautiful ring, elegant, a tasteful stone set in metal that was shaped like the sun, “Oh Minny,” she says softly, a smile tugging at her lips, “It’s perfect. She’ll love it, truly.” She hands the box back to Wilhemina, gently rubbing her arm, “I know it’s hard, dear, but do try to have more faith in yourself, in the love that you have for her. You wouldn’t have made it this far if your bond wasn’t strong.”
You wouldn’t have made it this far if your bond wasn’t strong.
“No!” Cordelia cries when she feels the spirit of her wife starting to leave this earth. She storms through the bunker, following the little trace energy that she could feel before coming across her wife laying still on the floor, “No. No- I can’t be too late,” she whispers, tears spilling onto her cheeks as her hands gently cradle Wilhemina’s face, “No, my moon- My moon, come back to me. Come back to me-“
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sapphicforsarahh · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you can do a one shot where the reader has been having bad nightmares and Cordelia (girlfriend) comforts her?💕
Yes of course!
Saving Grace
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Ship: Cordelia Goode x Reader
Word count: 300+
Warnings: mention of nightmares
Synopsis: Reader is having a nightmare but Cordelia is there to help.
Both of you were in bed, cuddling. You were facing Cordelia, your face buried in her neck, smelling her faint floral perfume. She cradled you in her arms, reluctant to let go even though she was asleep. Your hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer.
A sharp move from you awoke her, worried what was happening. A couple more involuntary twitches had her worrying as to what was wrong. Cordelia sat up, holding your head in her hands, cradling it in her lap. She watched your face. It was laced with emotion. Brows furrowed and eyes shut tightly.
“Y/N,” she whispered, stroking your hair, trying to gently wake you up. That did nothing. You began mumbling, nothing but groans and slight murmurs of her names. “Sweetheart,” she tapped on your shoulder, trying to get you to wake up.
Eventually, you were awake, still shaken from your dream. You opened your eyes and saw Cordelia. Her brown eyes still prominent in the dark room, immediately calmed you down. “Are you okay?” She whispers, still stroking your hair. “I had a nightmare,” you heavily breathed. “Oh Y/N,” she replies sympathetically. “Come up here,” she softly bends down to your head, giving it a kiss. You did what you were told and lay between her legs, lying on your front so you could look at her. She looked so beautiful.
“Can you remember what it was about?” She asks, placing her warm hands under your sweater and rubbing circles on your back. “Not really, but I don’t think it was a good dream,” you murmured into her chest, hearing the beating of her heart. “I’m okay, don’t worry,” you reassure her, looking up at her and smiling. She softly smiled back. “Are you sure?” She asks again, not too convinced. “Positive.”
Taglist: @mllkw33ds @isle-of-earle @chillinftladygaga @cordeliaswife @aliensaurusrex @angelick1sses @gmtsu @mistysswampmud @thenazwife @ladysc @midnightlove30
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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Mama's girl
Warnings: PURE fluff
Word count: 0.8 K
Pairing: Cordelia Goode x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Cordelia plans the birthday of her wife Y/N, with the help of the girls, and her daughter Leah.
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [American Horror Story masterlist]
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The steam from the kettle began to come out, causing me to take the kitchen towel and pour the water into my cup and Zoé's, so that she began to prepare her coffee and I prepared my tea.
"So, Y/N is in her cooking class, right?" I asked taking a small sip from my cup
"And the little monkey is still asleep, right?"
“Yes, Delia, relax, everything will be perfect.
Despite fully trusting my girls, this event was really important, so I couldn't calm down so easily, only until I saw Y/N enjoying her surprise.
"Well, I'll go wake up our little monkey."
I went upstairs and walked to the room closest to mine, the one with the purple door; opening the door, I found a quite awake Leah.
"Hello, butterfly"
The little girl raised her arms, opening and closing her little hands, letting me know that she wanted me to pick her up, while giving me a smile, as sweet as honey
"How was your morning, Miss Leah?"
"I dreamed of elveeesss"
"In fact?"
Despite being just 3 years old, Leah communicated very well, Y/N said it was thanks to being the daughter of the supreme, but, I said it was thanks to the patience of my wife, who tried to read to her and teach her every day.
"Do you like goblins?" I took her in my arms and started down the stairs
"No" she pouted a little, as she crossed her little arms "I like witches"
"Of course, you're a little witch" already downstairs, I started to walk to the dining room while I began to kiss her stomach, making her burst out laughing
"Help" the girl shouted between laughs
"Hey, leave the little monkey alone"
"Okay, I'll just leave you because Aunt Zoe asked" I sat her in her special chair, leaving a loud kiss and put her plate with her breakfast in front of it "do you know what day it is today, Lee?"
"Christmas?" I giggled and shook my head “my happy birday?” I speak the girl with her mouth full
"No, baby, it's mommy's birthday"
"Happy Birday Mommy!"
“Are you going to help me make her surprise?”
“ Yep ”
"But, it's a secret, okay?"
"Okay, finish eating monkey"
The plan was made, as soon as Y/N got home from her cooking classes, she would be taken by Zoe to the backyard, to find the little picnic, where Leah and I were waiting for her.
At first, I thought of having a big party, full of all our friends, but I remembered that lately Y/N didn't feel like seeing people, so I thought of doing something simple, a nice afternoon with my favorite girls
Y/N quickened her steps, giggling and raising her arms, and when he got to us, she quickly scooped up the girl, and threw her into the air, making the girl scream and laugh.
"Hello Princess"
Y/N released the girl, saw what was around her and gave me a beautiful smile
"What is all this? Why are us here?"
Seeing that little Leah had forgotten about today's event, I quickly went over to whisper in her ear and remind her of the date; the little one quickly spoke
"Happy Birday Mommy!"
Leah hugged Y/N's legs, making Y/N's eyes fill with tears.
“Oh thanks baby”
Y/N quickly sat down next to me and took my face in her hands, forcing me to see her beautiful eyes.
“Thank you love, you are very considerate for organizing this for me”
“My baby, I would do anything for you”
Giving me a smile, approaching little by little, until he gave me a deep kiss, which made me close my eyes, enjoying the moment, until Leah fell on my legs
"Sorry baby, do you want kisses too?"
"Leah, come on baby, I'm going to buy you an ice cream"
The petite blonde stood up suddenly and walked over to her Aunt Zoe .
"Leah, baby…"
With my right hand, I grabbed Y/N's wrist preventing her from getting up too.
"Leave her, she needs her aunts"
"Are you trying to get rid of your daughter, Miss Goode?"
Y/N asked as he came closer, hugging me in such a way that her head was on my shoulder
“Of course not, you know that Leah is what I love most in life. But, I also missed spending some time alone with you.”
Y/N just let out a small moan of happiness, as she snuggled closer to my chest, until, from one moment to another, she jumped and looked me in the eye
"You don't want to have sex in the garden, do you?"
"No darling" I drew her back to my chest, while letting out a laugh
"Then what do you want to do?"
“I just want to kiss you without a little witch getting jealous”
"It looks like you"
"Of course not!"
"Delia…" Y/N commented with her typical mom's voice.
"Well… yes I'm jealous"
I'm so sorry for the delay, I've been SO busy with college that I haven't had time to write or edit; But nevertheless, here it is, the ending that Cordelia Goode deserved.
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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msschemmenti · 2 years
singing your praises | cordelia goode
a/n: i couldn’t decide if this was platonic or romantic so take it as you will.
cordelia x reader
tw// blood
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The sun was setting as it always did. Just one of the many consistencies in y/n's life. Y/n lived a very routine life. She'd always been the type to follow a strict schedule. Scheduling her days to the T, to ensure nothing unexpected happened to her. No accidents, no arguments, nothing out of the ordinary. Today was like every other day. She woke up to the sound of her alarm. Made her way through the academy swiftly. Snagging her breakfast and eating quickly, before heading to her classroom to prepare for her lessons for the day. Each class went as it normally did. She'd been working at the academy for about three months now and was just starting to get into this new routine. Y/n knew Myrtle Snow pretty well through her mother and when Cordelia expressed an interest in hiring some other teachers, the older witch was quick to recommend Y/n. Cordelia had been more than open to the idea especially considering Y/n received such high praise from her pseudo-mother. So when it came time for the interview both of the women seemed to hit it off. Y/n started working immediately and has been doing so ever since.
After her classes, Y/n normally busied herself with preparing for her next lessons. And after all of those were handled she stayed in her classroom or bedroom until dinner time. Since she was still technically the "new witch in school" she tried to keep to herself. It wasn't that she disliked the other witches in the house, she just preferred the quiet over the rowdiness that sometimes took place in the academy. And today was just like any other day. She was watching the sun set as she always did and waiting to hear the stampede of feet heading toward the kitchen. After a few minutes she made her way down the stairs settling into a seat closer to the younger girls and let her attention roam over the faces in the room.
Although she kept to herself she observed a lot of behavior amongst the academy occupants. She'd begun noticing and associating people with things. So when the usual dinner chatter ensued she couldn't help but notice the difference in sound. She turned her head to the head of the table and found herself frowning when she noticed the supreme was no where in sight. cordelia was always at dinner, she always made it a point to have every meal with the girls to ensure they remained a coven of sister witches. she never wanted them to feel like she was unavailable or too busy for them so every meal she sat at the head of the table, with a gentle smile and a voice of reason when necessary.
Not wanting to draw attention to herself, Y/n finished her dinner as usual and once people started dispersing she made her leave to look for the Supreme. She wasn't entirely sure why she felt like she needed to find her, like she needed to set her eyes on the woman to ensure she was fine but there she was trekking through the various halls of the academy in search of the blonde. She knew Cordelia frequented the greenhouse, her office, and her bedroom. She wanted to try all of those places but didn't want to make it obvious she was looking for her to the other girls, so she roamed a bit with a trained eye. She past her bedroom, her office, and finally circled back to the kitchen that had cleared out by now to head out to the greenhouse.
As soon as she stepped outside of the academy and closer to the greenhouse she felt an energy she hadn't felt before. It wasn't a sign of danger or caution, which lead her to continue on her way but as she lay her hand on the door of the house of plants she felt it at its strongest. A calling, a drawing, that beckoned her near. She pushed the door open tentatively and let her eyes roam the dim workspace. Just as she was about to turn and leave her eyes caught a glimpse of the familiar halo of blonde hair situated in a rocking chair in the corner. She watched quietly as the supreme rocked slowly with her eyes closed. Y/n felt as if she was intruding and wanted so desperately to turn and head back to the house, but her feet seemed to have a mind of their own as she found herself planted in front of the Supreme.
The shadow seemed to wake Cordelia from her trance as her eyes flew open and met the younger woman's in surprise. "Oh, Y/n. I didn't hear you come in. Is everything okay?"
Y/n's eyes fell from the brown orbs and focused on the floor timidly, "you weren't at dinner, and I wanted to make sure you were okay."
Cordelia's features softened and she smiled in appreciation, "That's very sweet, I'm okay. Just needed some time alone is all."
Y/n nodded in understanding preparing herself to leave the supreme alone, but again she felt that nagging feeling. She looked back at the supreme sheepishly before muttering, "do you mind if i stay here a while? i won't say anything, you won't even realize i'm here."
"That's no problem honey, i could use the company. You wanna help me finish up some prep for my lessons tomorrow while you're here?" Cordelia asked rising from the rocking chair.
"Of course, lead the way boss." y/n replied causing cordelia to chuckle. they went over to the work bench and worked together quietly. They moved almost in sync as they handed jars of herbs back and forth. it wasn't until Y/n hissed in pain that the supreme paused her actions. her eyes went to y/n's frantically reaching for her wrist.
"oh honey let me see." cordelia coaxed as she brought y/n's injured finger up to her eyeline. "oh i should've told you, those gardening scissors can give you some trouble. don't move let me get something to take care of that." she said before rushing over to the shelf of pastes she kept in case there was any injuries in the academy.
y/n's eyes remained on her hand as the red liquid rushed down her hand. she'd never been a big fan of blood and as she waited she felt the panic rising. Her vision started to blur a bit and she was quick to reach for the table to stable herself a bit. She could hear cordelia rummaging through shelves and jars for whatever she was looking for, but the longer she looked the more y/n panicked.
"uh cordelia?" she called out weakly.
"just one second sweetheart, i just gotta find a bandage." she called back distractedly.
her vision was gradually becoming blurrier and blurrier as she stood waiting for the supreme to return. her legs felt like jelly as she struggled to take her eyes off of the red river. and just when she thought she couldn't hold herself up any longer, there was cordelia. as if being able to sense y/n's impending fall, her hands made their way around her waist to support her. she had all of her ingredients stuffed between their bodies as she grabbed the younger woman and moved her to a stool on the other side of the work station.
"woah there," she whispered softly as all of y/n's weight was transferred onto her body. "let's sit you down. you're looking a little pale. are you okay?" she asked as soon as she had y/n's body sandwiched between her own and the work table.
"i just have a little thing with blood." y/n said nonchalantly as she closed her eyes to stop the spinning in her head.
"oh sweetheart..." cordelia started with a chastising lilt to her voice. "why didn't you tell me that?"
y/n shrugged with her eyes still closed. with her eyes closed she missed the tweak of cordelia's lips as she watched the usually composed teacher slip deeper and deeper into calm. "well alright hold still, i'll clean this up for you and you'll be good as new." y/n nodded and kept her eyes closed as the supreme cleaned her wound. she kept her eyes closed for as long as she thought the blood was still visible, and when she felt cordelia wrapping the bandage around her finger she finally peaked an eye open to watch her work. the blonde wrapped the bandage around her finger like it was a piece of china being shipped out across the world.
"you're really good at this." y/n mumbled almost involuntarily as cordelia finished.
"well i've had a bit of practice. the girls are rather clumsy." cordelia smiled a bit.
"no not this." y/n said gesturing to her now blood-stained finger. "you are good at this. but i mean being the supreme. you're really good at it."
cordelia's cheeks heated as y/n clarified what she meant. she bowed her head trying to hide the blush. "well thank you, that's very sweet."
y/n watched the supreme and could tell she didn't really believe her and normally she'd just let it go, but something within her wanted her to know she meant it. "i know i've only been here three months, but i've been aware of your greatness long before i got here."
at this cordelia looked up a bit confused, "what do you mean?" she asked skeptically.
"as you know, my mother and myrtle were very close. and as i grew up she always told me stories of this young girl myrtle had taken under her wing. always recounting the amazing new things she learned. and how quickly she was coming a promising witch. fit to be the supreme." y/n said with a smile. she watched as cordelia's cheeks reddened at the praise before continuing. "there was never a witch as great as the girl myrtle was bringing up. my mom could never remember your name, but your praises she always sang. i used to think, if she thinks she's so great why doesn't she raise her then. but being here, learning under you, experienced you, and everything you are. she was right to praise she like she did. you deserve all the praise and more."
cordelia gawked at the woman with tears brimming her eyes. she'd never really saw herself as worthy of anything remotely close to what y/n described. she never saw herself that way and to know someone else did was a bit overwhelming. y/n brought her eyes back up to the supreme seeing her reaction. the woman moved toward her with a soft smile and pulled her into her arms. cordelia froze briefly before slowly allowing herself to give in to the comfort.
"i know you don't see yourself that way, but so many people do. so many of these girls look up to you. they see you for who you are, the best supreme there's ever been." y/n pulled away holding the older woman at arms length by her shoulders. she looked directly into her eyes with the most sincere look she could muster in that intimate moment. "if it could i would kiss away all your scars. all the memories that bring you pain. all the things that keep you from seeing you for you. i would. i would take it all away. but i can't." y/n ended with a grin. "but when they start creeping up on you again. even if it's slightly. remember. be you. no one else can. and you are as good as they come."
y/n placed her hand against cordelia's cheek wiping the single tear that seemed to fall from her lash. she smiled on last time before releasing the supreme. "thank you for this." she waved her bandaged finger in the air and exited the green house with a wave leaving cordelia to her raging heart. thumping heavily behind her rib cage.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 6 months
Not Jealous (Cordelia Goode x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: Clearly Cordelia does not feel the same way you feel about her.
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: jealousy, assumptions of unrequited love
You knew there was no reason to be jealous. Of course not. Cordelia wasn’t yours. It didn’t matter how you felt about her. There was no point denying your feelings for the Supreme, but that wasn’t the same as having them reciprocated. So you had no right to feel the churning of jealousy in your gut.
You looked up from the book you were reading, zeroing in on the two woman standing just outside the door. Cordelia’s hand was resting on Misty’s arm, leaning towards her as they talked softly. Your fingers clenched on your book. Taking a deep breath in, you paused, counting to ten in your head before letting it go again.
There was no reason to be jealous.
Misty said something, too quiet for you to hear. Cordelia tipped her head back, her laughter ringing through the room. You stilled, watching her, your eyes slipping over her body, taking in the long column of her neck, the shine of her hair, the curve of her lips. That was your laugh, the one you received when you amused her.
You inhaled sharply, closing your book and slipping out of the room. You couldn’t watch anymore. You couldn’t
There was no reason to be jealous.
Yeah right. Ever since Misty had come back it was like you had to fight for Cordelia’s attention. She’d stopped noticing you. Where once she sought your company, you’d been replaced. She didn’t have time for you. The shared smiles had stop, transferred to another. She’d stopped having time for you, all taken up by the returning witch. You noticed all the ways you were being pushed out, replaced without so much as a word.
What you didn’t notice was the way her eyes followed you out of the room.
You found a quiet spot in the garden to curl up with your book, doing your best to slip back into the words. It was hard, the image of the woman you’d stupidly fallen for as she fell for another kept playing on repeat in your head.
Every touch, every smile, every glance. You’d seen it over and over again. She was slipping further from you with every breath, every brush of fingers over arms, every cupped cheek. The distance was growing and you didn’t know how to stop it. You didn’t even know if it was worth trying.
Clouds were gathering overhead, blotting out the sun. You shivered as the air turned chilly, curling up further on the bench you were sitting on. You tipped your head back, leaving the pretence of reading behind. Closing your eyes, you basked in the memory of how it had been.
You missed the touch of her skin against yours, the way her eyes sparkled whenever you spoke to her, the soft laugh in the middle of the night when she caught you still up reading. You wanted her soft sigh as she directed you to bed, a hand on the small of your back, making sure you climbed into bed and turned the light off. You missed the way she’d pass you a cup of tea in the morning, knowing glint in her eye, fingers brushing against the back of your hand.
A cold drop of rain landed on your forehead. You sighed, picking up your book as another drop fell. You tipped your head back for one last moment, letting the water fall over you, sprinkling on your skin. Shivering, you took a deep breath in, trying to let the rain wash away the jealousy and the pain and the hurt.
It didn’t work.
Wandering back into the house, you didn’t care at the way the rain began to fall harder, only aiming to shield the book. You shivered, uncaring of the puddle of water you were tracking inside. You left the book on the table, stroking over the still dry cover, before leaving it behind. You trailed water through the house as you trudged up to your room.
Sitting in the bath with your arms curled around your knees, you watched the steam curl in the air. On a long exhalation you shaped it into hearts before they broke apart in a shattered kaleidoscope of painful shards. You don’t know how long you sat there, trying to warm the chill that had settled deep in your bones. Maybe you needed something more than a hot bath.
On bare feet, you padded into your room only to freeze as the door closed behind you.
“There you are,” Cordelia said, her voice soft enough to make you groan.
You didn’t know what to say. It had been a while since you’d seen her there, in your room, looking as if she belonged. You pressed your lips together, backing up until your spine was pressed against the door. In nothing but your robe, you felt exposed, vulnerable, like you’d left your armour behind.
“I was worried you’d melted in the rain,” she said, giving you a half small.
“No,” you said, “just having a bath.”
“You were drenched out there,” She took a step towards you, her hands clasped in front of her body, “you left something behind.”
Your book, the one you’d left in the kitchen as you’d rushed upstairs, was clutched in her hand. You opened your mouth to say something, then closed it again. The thought of her noticing you enough to know you’d been out in the rain sent an ache through your chest. She took another step towards you, holding the book out to you. You shook your head, pressing harder against the door.
“What’s wrong?” She seemed to wilt under your gaze.
“Nothing,” you said, voice so small you were surprised it still existed, “thank you for returning the book but I think I’m done with it.”
“You’ve read it?” she asked.
You shook your head. A love story wasn’t really what you were looking for. If you really wanted that you just had to watch Cordelia with Misty. Which only made you want to throw up.
“Darling, talk to me,” she said, taking one more step towards you.
“I’m just tired,” you said, not able to meet her eyes, “maybe you should go.”
Fingers tilted your chin up and you had to hold back tears. The touch of her skin against yours was what you’d been yearning for, wishing for, praying for. You tried to pull back but she held on, her grip tightening to keep you from moving away. You wanted it but not like this.
“If you really want me to go, I will,” she said, “but I’d rather stay and talk to you.”
“I���m sure you have other people you can talk to.” You hadn’t meant to sound so bitter about it.
Something in her face shifted. You held your breath, not wanting her to see the real reason, the embarrassment of it more than you’d be able to handle. She let you go, turning to walk to the bed, placing the book down on the bedside table. You could feel yourself trembling, still pressed against the door.
“You’ve been distant lately,” she said, fingertips running over your comforter.
“I…” You didn’t have a proper answer for her.
“I’m beginning to wonder if I’ve done something wrong. If I have I wish you’d tell me. I don’t like the thought of upsetting you,” she said. The way she looked at you with barely contained regret was not an expression you ever wanted to see on her face.
“You haven’t,” you said.
“Then why have you been avoiding me?”
That wide eyed stare swimming in sadness was not one that made you feel any better. Your heart clenched and you would have done anything to make her feel better.
But the accusation was ridiculous. You hadn’t been avoiding her. She’d been spending all her time with Misty, choosing someone else’s presence over yours. You’d thought… Well, what you’d thought wasn’t important anymore.
“I haven’t,” you said, “you’ve just been busy.”
“I’m never too busy for you,” she said, voice so soft it could break you in half.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. Just because she believed it didn’t mean it was true. Hands cupped your cheeks, forcing you to look at her and all those old feelings came swooping back in. Your heart skipped a beat and it didn’t matter that resentment had been building in your chest for weeks now. You’d always fall at her feet, even if she didn’t love you the way you loved her.
“Please. I’ve missed you,” she said.
You bit down on your lower lip, trying to keep all of the ugly thoughts inside. Her eyes flicked down to it, a thumb gently pulling it free. Your breath stuttered and you had no idea how to function with her so close, touching you in ways you could only dream of.
“Darling…” she breathed.
“I know how you feel about Misty,” you blurted out before it could go any further than it already had.
She blinked, drawing back far enough for you to be able to breath properly again. Her hands were still on your face but the look she was giving you was baffled, as if your words hadn’t made sense.
“What?” she asked.
“I know you’re in love with her,” you said, “so you probably shouldn’t be touching me like this.”
“You think I’m in love with Misty? Our Misty?” She sounded so confused.
“I don’t think. I know you are. I’ve seen you with her and I’m not an idiot. It’s obvious,” you said, wondering if you should be pushing her away as she wasn’t moving on her own.
“I’m not in love with Misty,” she said with a small shake of her head.
“You don’t have to lie to me just to spare my feelings,” you said, “seriously, it’s fine.”
“And while that’s good to know, it’s not a lie. She’s not who I’m in love with,” she said.
Your mouth slammed shut as words failed you. She moved forward again, her palms practically burning the skin of your face. You didn’t know what to do, frozen beneath her hands and her gaze, heart thundering loud in your ears.
“Darling?” she prompted.
“So you are in love with someone?” you asked.
You didn’t know whether to feel sick or hopeful. Maybe sick from being so hopeful.
“I am,” she confirmed, “but it’s not Misty.”
“Who is it?” Your voice didn’t feel your own.
“I thought it was obvious,” she said.
“It’s not,” you replied, shaking your head.
“It’s you, my darling girl,” she said, “you’re the one I’m in love with.”
You didn’t have words. She was smiling at you, the soft one that always made your stomach somersault and your heart flutter. You swallowed past a lump in your throat, not quite able to believe the words she was saying. All your hopes hung on her and it scared you.
“I am?” you asked.
“Of course you are.” Her fingers pushed your hair behind your ear, lingering on your jaw, “you’re the one I want.”
You were hesitant as you brought your hands to her waist. She was so warm under your skin, so soft. Her head dipped, breath ghosting over your lips.
“I want you,” she murmured, lips brushing yours, “only you.”
You kissed her, surging up, pressing yourself to her. You couldn’t stop yourself, needing her with every fibre of your being. She pushed you against the door, pinning you to it, her tongue slipping into your mouth. The taste of her had you moaning, head turning fuzzy.
Her fingers pushed into your hair, tilting your head up as she kissed you deeper. You whimpered, arms curling around her body, holding her against you. She mumbled your name into your mouth, slowing the kiss down, taking her time to explore. You melted under her touch.
“My sweet girl,” she murmured, “my darling girl.”
Her nose brushed against yours, skimming the length of your jaw, lips ghosting over your skin. You were practically vibrating under her, strung so tight, wanting every part of her.
“I’m hoping this means you return my feelings,” she said.
“Yes,” you gasped, “yes, so much. Oh god, so much, Delia.”
“That’s a relief,” she chuckled, drawing back far enough to be able to look at you. Her thumb traced over your bottom lip, smile deepening when you pressed a kiss to it, “so there’s no reason to be jealous.”
“I wasn’t jealous,” you muttered.
“Darling.” She threaded her fingers through yours, tugging you away from the door, “you left every room both Misty and I were in. You sat as far away from me as you could. You stopped showing up for our late night tea.”
“I thought you had someone else you’d prefer to be with,” you said.
“You were jealous,” she said.
“I… was jealous,” you admitted.
Her hands cupped your cheeks, pulling you in for another kiss, shorter than you would have liked. You whined when she drew back, her chuckle making your cheeks heat.
“You have nothing to be jealous of,” she told you.
“It just looked like… I mean you were always with her,” you tried to explain, “and you touched her like you touch me. You didn’t have time for me anymore.”
“I’m sorry for making you feel that way, darling,” she said, pulling you closer until she could wrap you in her arms, “I always have time for you. It was never my intention to make you feel like I didn’t.”
“Are you saying you’ll make it up to me?” you asked, muffled against her shoulder.
“And what might you want, my darling girl?” You could hear the amusement in her voice.
Your lips found her neck and her breathy laugh had heat curling in your stomach. She was gentle as she pushed you back, a flush high on her cheeks and bright eyes looking down on you. You pouted but with her hands on your shoulders she kept you back.
“There’ll be plenty of time for that,” she said, “but dinner will be soon and I’d rather not be interrupted.”
She placed her finger over your lips, silencing you more effectively than you could have thought possible. Her smile softened and she stepped closer again, encasing you in a cocoon of her warmth and the scent of her perfume.
“Later, darling. You get dressed. I’ll see you downstairs,” she said.
You nodded. She let you go, stepping around you. She turned at your door, hand on the handle, eyes scanning over you again. You looked back at her, warmth flooding through your veins.
“Oh, and I love you,” she said.
“I love you too,” you whispered.
She gave you a radiant smile and slipped from your room, leaving you alone once again. You stared at the door for a moment, not able to believe your luck.
As it turned out, there really was no reason to be jealous.
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zamoimagines · 1 year
New Girl in Town
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Chapters: 1
Word Count: 2,475
Tags: Cordelia x Reader, pure sapphic fluff, fem!reader
Summary: You moved out of state for a change of scenery, but you figured all you'd find was comfort in a new life far away from your old one. You never expected that you'd fall in love... Let alone with your neighbor that lived directly across the street from you.
A/N: This is a cute fluffy series I've been wanting to start for a while. It's been a hot minute since I've written a fic, so I hope I'm not too rusty. Hope ya'll like it <3
The rays of the morning sun pooled in from your bedroom window as the light seemed to touch every surface of your home. You stirred very gently, though when you realized what was waking you up, you smiled a little to yourself as you remembered exactly where you were.
It had always been your dream to get away from your roots and experience living somewhere completely different. Everyone you’d ever known in your hometown ended up stuck there, and you had always vowed to yourself that you wouldn’t end up the same way. Luckily for you, your dreams had become reality when the sudden opportunity to move clear out to Louisiana opened up to you. You jumped on it as quickly as you could. Before you knew it, you were moving out a week later and all of your belongings were completely settled in your new home.
Not that the house was new; On the contrary, it was a bit run down, as most historical homes in this area seemed to be. It wasn’t perfect, but it was yours. That was all that truly mattered to you.
When you had moved into town, the locals had asked you where you resided. You told them right across from the girl’s academy, and to your surprise, nearly everyone you’d met had given you a look of terror.
“You live there?! Don’t you know how dangerous that is!” One of the seniors had told you.
Another man had said, “Those girls practice devil worship! It’s unholy- Are you crazy?!”
“I heard that one of the girls set fire to the house next door. And one of the others killed an entire bus full of innocent college boys. It’s not safe there!” A local mother had said. All of their accounts seemed so far from reality that all you could do was smile, nod, and thank each person for their concern. You weren’t necessarily religious, so an eclectic all girl’s academy didn’t scare you at all. Until proven otherwise, it was just a school and you were just the woman that lived across the street.
 You finally sat up in bed and stretched your arms upward, yawning and trying to regain consciousness. The move had taken much more out of you than expected. It was a good thing that you didn’t have any plans today considering your mind was a little foggy and your muscles felt completely worn out. Once you felt somewhat like a person again, you swung your feet out from your mattress and stood up to put on something comfortable for the day. Nowhere to go, nowhere to be. The only thing you’d really been sure about was that you needed coffee to function.
 “Mm… Coffee.” You muttered groggily to yourself, echoing your own sleepy thoughts.
 You took your time in the kitchen making a perfect cup before making your way out to your porch. As you sat down in one of the rocking chairs, the warm summer breeze gently brushed your face. You could smell all the flowers in bloom and a family of sparrows chirped happily from overhead. Taking a sip from your drink, you hummed gently to yourself as your eyes fluttered shut for a moment to enjoy this time with yourself. This place was like your own little slice of heaven.
 “Mallory! Wait up, girlfriend!” A shrill, unfamiliar voice cut through your morning like a sharp knife. It was strange that it sounded as if the owner of that voice was getting closer and closer to where you were sitting. When you opened your eyes, you noticed two girls approaching your home.
 “Mallory- You are walking so fast right now! How do your tiny feet do that?!” That same shrill voice said again. It was coming from a blonde woman who was slightly taller than the other. Her friend, Mallory, had slightly darker hair yet both were wearing all black. They almost looked like they were getting ready to go to a funeral.
 “Cordelia is gonna be so pissed if she finds out we’re late to classes.”
 “Since when do you care about being late?” Mallory asked. Her tone was much softer, warmer, even.
 “Well- I… Fair point.” The blonde seemed to shut up for a moment after that. They seemed to know each other well enough to call each other out. 
Mallory stopped at the first step to your porch and put on her best smile. She was beaming from ear to ear, and her friend seemed to smile much more awkwardly from behind her.
“Good morning!”
“Uh… Hi. Morning.” You said, trying to be polite but also caught off guard. You wanted to ask them both what they were doing on your property, but they seemed nice enough that they didn’t mean any potential harm.
 “We live across the street! I’m Mallory, and this is my friend, Coco.”
“Sorry to bother you this early in the morning. You looked like you were having your Eat, Pray, Love moment and I told this one to leave you alone.” Coco replied with a small wave.
Before you could get a word in, Mallory cut in, “We both go to Robicheaux’s. There hasn’t been a new neighbor in a really long time from what the other girls said, let alone one that lives right across the street! So, we figured we’d come to welcome you to the neighborhood.”
“We who?” Coco chimed out, “Let’s be clear, this was all her doing. I had no personal investment in this.”
You chuckled lightly at their banter, and it only made you grin even wider. At that moment, you thought about all those people that had told you troublesome girls attended that place and they were all up to no good. Right now, all you could see were two adorable nerds trying to make a kind gesture.
“You aren’t bothering me at all,” You began, “It’s nice to meet you both. I’m Y/N. You can sit down if you’d like.” 
“We really shouldn’t-“ Coco tried to say,
“We’d love to!” Mallory cut her off yet again as she made her way up onto your porch. The younger girl sat on the ledge while Coco took the chair next to you. As you opened up the conversation, the both of them explained that they’d been attending the school for a year and that everyone was lovely there despite the aspersions spread across town. They spoke of other girls they went to school with, of what was expected of them, and little anecdotes about their time there, though they never explained exactly what they were studying for. 
“Today’s our first day back in session, actually,” Coco explained, “We live at Robie C’s on the off seasons too. A couple of us have become like a chic all girls family like that, which is pretty cool considering we’re all sort of outcasts where we’re all from.” 
“I know the feeling. I’m so glad you all have each other.” You replied with a warm smile. 
“We’ve talked so much about ourselves. Tell us about you!” Mallory suggested excitedly.
“Yeah, spill it. Why’d you come to New Orleans out of the blue?” Coco urged just as much. You laughed lightly at how intrigued they were, but you caved anyway and started to explain yourself. 
“Well, I’m actually from (y/h/t). I was born and raised there, but I never really loved it. I wanted something new and something out of the ordinary since I was kind of an outcast myself back there. My real estate agent called up about an opportunity one day about a month ago, and I hopped on it the second it was offered to me and… Here I am.” 
“Good for you for paving your own way. That is so big dick energy of you!” Coco complimented as she clapped her hands together in applause. Mallory clapped along with her as if to agree while all three of you laughed together about the wording. Though, Coco seemed to stop smiling altogether when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. “Shit-” She hissed under her breath. You were confused as to why there was such a sudden change of tone, so you looked in the direction she’d glanced in. 
Two new women were approaching your porch; One that looked closer in age to the girls in your company, and one who appeared to be slightly older than all of them. You couldn’t quite make them out yet, but they were very clearly getting closer. “What did I say? I knew this was gonna happen!”
“Surely she’s not gonna be that mad-” Mallory tried to reason with her companion. You were still completely out of the loop so you asked, “Wait- Who’s gonna be mad?” 
“Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt! Mallory Montgomery! What have I told you both about running off during Admissions Day?” The older woman said, staying at the edge of the porch. You still couldn’t catch a good glimpse of her quite yet, and it was even harder to see now that Coco had gotten up to block your view. “Ms. Goode, I had no part in this! It was all Mallory this time, I swear!” 
“Way to throw your sister under the bus, Coco.” The other girl that accompanied the alleged ‘Ms. Goode’ retorted with a small smirk. She had straighter, darker blonde hair and a very kind smile. 
“You have to believe me, Zoe! I was trying to do the right thing this time, I swear-” 
“She’s right,” Mallory chimed in as she stood as well now, “It was my idea. I just wanted to welcome our new neighbor, that’s all. We were going to come right back.” Coco and Mallory both left the porch to go stand alongside their peers, and as they did so, you followed slightly behind because you were curious now. “Mallory, sweetie, that was a very kind gesture but please inform an instructor next time so we know where you are. This is the most important day of the year for the academy and you know that- Oh…” 
The headmistress seemed to trail off when she saw you, and you felt much the same when you’d finally gotten to see her. Ms. Goode was so stunning that you were sure your heart was going to fly out of her chest. She had such a gentleness about her; Her golden curls rested softly against the frame of her pretty face and her deep brown eyes seemed to glitter when she gazed back at you. She was dressed in a floral, knee length dress that flowed freely around her form which seemed so different from what a normal boarding school head would wear. The look of concern she’d had completely melted away as she gave you the sweetest smile you’d ever seen before. It was a good thing that you’d been holding onto the railing of your porch considering that her very presence was making your knees weak. 
“My apologies. I hope my girls haven’t disturbed your morning.” She addressed you with such a melodic tone. 
“Wha- Oh! No, no, they’re fine. It was actually a nice surprise to have some visitors, and such polite ones, at that.” You assured her. 
Coco, Mallory, and Zoe were all glancing at each other now with matching smirks as they watched you interact with their teacher. 
“I’m relieved,” Ms. Goode said as she placed a hand on her chest, sighing as if a weight had been lifted from her, “Not many people are as kind to us here, so thank you for allowing them to your home.” 
“Really, it’s no big deal,” You insisted, “You all are welcome here anytime. I’m just happy I have friendly neighbors.” 
“I could say much of the same.” Ms. Goode replied. She was gazing at you with such warmth that you were sure you could get lost in her presence for hours. It was as if she couldn’t look away, her smile softening the longer you both stared back at each other and neither one of you wanted to let go of this just yet. You’d never seen anyone as beautiful as her in your entire lifetime and even though you didn’t know it yet, she was thinking the exact same thing about you. 
“I uh- I don’t think I caught your name.” You said, cutting through the arising tension that was now hanging thick in the air. The older woman’s eyes lit up as she sort of laughed at herself. “Oh! Where are my manners- I’m Cordelia Goode, Headmistress at Robicheaux’s Girls Academy. And you are?” 
“Y/N- Y/N Y/L/N.” As you introduced yourself, Cordelia took your hand and shook it very gently, though she didn’t seem to let go right away. She held it there as her thumb caressed over your skin as if to relish the physical connection she got to have with you in this moment. 
“What a lovely name.” She said fondly. There was a sort of dreaminess in her voice that had you in some sort of trance, but the sound of giggling girls cut through that. It seemed to have caught Cordelia off guard just as much as she took her hand away. “I’m afraid I must get my girls back to the academy. Classes will be starting soon, but perhaps we will see each other again soon.” 
“Sure thing. You know where to find me.” 
Cordelia seemed to chuckle lightly and when you heard such a pretty sound, you realized how much her presence just seemed to shine a light on your whole morning. You hated to watch her walk away from you. There were so many things you wanted to say, to ask, to do just for her, and yet all you could do was stand there and politely wave goodbye. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Goode!” You called out as they all moved further from your porch. The headmistress glanced back in your direction and gave you the brightest smile. 
“It was very nice to meet you as well, Ms. Y/L/N.” She called right back. Your name rolled right off her tongue and you swore that when she spoke it, everything felt right in the world. 
Maybe the people in town were right. Perhaps that building across the street really was a school for witches. Maybe they’d come over just to put a spell on you with their magical powers. Or, maybe they were just normal women trying to be polite to the new girl in town and all of the rumors were the rambling dramatizations of paranoid, closed minded people. There was really only one thing on your mind now, and you knew that it was absolutely certain; 
You couldn’t wait to see Cordelia Goode again. FIND MORE GAY SHIT HERE
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awritersometime · 1 month
If love is a sin, my stake is already burning
[ z. s & c. g ]
part 1 here
I guess another part is in order after this, what do you think? Hope you're enjoying it as much as I'm enjoying writing it! 🫡🤞🏼
When you appear in front of the Robichaux's Academy of exceptional young ladies, you take a moment to collect your breath. You inhale for three seconds, and exhale for six, a little trick you've learned that helped you get it together. You're glad to be early, everything is so peaceful and quiet. However, it would be way more enjoyable if it wasn't for that annoying ringing in your ears, a constant reminder that Zelda had a point.
Making your way inside the academy, you walk on your tiptoes, heading to the kitchen to fetch yourself a glass of water. You easily find your way there and help yourself with what you need. Your hands tremble as you take sips of your water. After that, you put it in the sink with a sigh. Maybe, it's a simple lack of sugar, you think to yourself. It could be considering you didn't have time to eat anything back home.
You're not normally one that snoops around, but you're desperate to hide that annoying trembling of your fingers, that you're sure, Cordelia would notice. Lifting on the tiptoes you open the top shelf, trying to find anything with a pinch of sugar in it. You're happy to know that at the academy you're not the only witch with a sweet tooth. You find chocolate and nuts bars, rice cakes, plain biscuits, crackers, honey and cookie jar, marmalade and cereals.
You don't really have time nor the patience to sit down and eat properly so you decide to go for a spoon of honey, hoping it would boost your energy. You hum contently as you taste its sweetness on your tongue. It feels nice, you can't deny it. As you do that, a quite familiar chuckled comes to your ears. You immediately recognize the voice, and a wave of warmth rushes over you. You lick your lips, trying to wipe your mouth from any residual of honey, before turning around. There she is, still in her white dressing gown, looking absolutely ethereal.
"Craving sweet stuff, I see," she voices, taking graceful steps towards you. You bite your bottom lip, trying to suppress your own guilty smile. Your lashes flutter, when she is few inches from you, "I'm sorry, I should have asked," you quickly apologize.
"Nonsense. This is your house," she places her hands upon your shoulders, offering you a gentle squeeze, "You're here early, though," she adds, tilting her head to the side, as to grasp any sign of discomfort in your eyes. The way she looks at you makes you feel both safe and vulnerable. Being the Supreme allows her a lot of things, one of them being a mind reader. But she is way too respectful to do such a thing, without permission.
You wince playfully, "you said that like it's a bother to you," your teasing causes a chuckle out of her, "I can leave and come back later, if you want," Cordelia clicks her tongue, and reaches out to grab both your wrists, "You know that's not what I meant by that, Celeste. I'm always happy to have you around," she confesses, her thumbs graze your skin affectionately.
"Are you now?", you hum, a little sarcastic, earning an eye roll from her. You feel her breath against your cheeks, calm and steady. She hums with a coy smile. You need a lot of willpower to keep your breathing at the same regular rhythm. She seems to notice that and decides to play a little with you, "Don't move," she whisper, and you frown, "Let me just—", she doesn't finish her sentence and you freeze in place when her hand brushes against your side, as she places it over the counter behind you to stabilize herself. Her thighs almost touch yours while she leans forward, "Grab this," Cordelia knows what she is doing, the grin on her face says so.
You hold your breath as her golden hair tickle your shoulder, her arm reaching out to grab herself a glass from the shelf just above your head. You blink in trance, feeling flustered by how Cordelia's front feels against you. Looking down, you spot her breast, and you suck in a breath. Her pupils gape at you doing that, but you don't see it, considering your eyes are elsewhere. You can't help the amused scoff that comes out of her right after. She's surely got a skin in the game. "All done," she mutters simply, backing away.
Your cheeks turn the same color of the setting sun on a summer day.
"Awesome," you reply awkwardly.
She takes a sip of her water, "would you fancy a proper breakfast instead of random spoons of honey?"
You shake your head, "I'm fine with this, thank you," when she gives you a skeptical look, you add, "t's perfectly nutritious," you allow yourself another mouthful of it. She giggles at the way your cheeks fill with honey, the tip of your tongue goes grasping some of it above your upper lip.
"You remind me of those little singing squirrels--" you scrunch up your face at that comment, "Don't tell me you mean the chipmunks?", the Supreme starts chuckling, giving you the answer you're looking for. You want to pretend you're annoyed, but truth be told you find it as funny as she does, if not more.
"No need to be embarrassed, they are adorable," she points out, mesmerized by how pretty you look when you blush. 
You cross your arms over your chest, "You know, flattering me will get you nowhere"
"Would you bet on it?", she adds, with slightly narrowed eyes. She playfully pokes your chest, the tip of her tongue showing as she smiles almost wickedly at you. You hesitate for a couple of seconds, opening and closing your mouth in search for a proper answer, but nothing comes out.
"Wise girl," she praises against your lips.
"Cordelia", your breath falters. If only were you brave enough, you'd take that single step needed to shorten the gap between the two of you. Melt against her body, become one with her.
In that moment, other girls make their way to the kitchen, saving you, or cursing you, you weren't sure. Cordelia pulls back a bit. You couldn't bet on it, but a part of you believes to have grasped disappointement by their intrusion.
You recognize some of your students, which happily wave at you, some of them even tackle you in a big hug. Cordelia melts at the sight before her eyes, her hand comes stroking your back and when you turn to glance up at her, you see pride and gratitude in her eyes.
"Morning, Celeste!" Mallory is the next to greet you, "Morning to you," you respond with a kind smile.
Zoe greets you with poke on your shoulder and a cheeky grin. She briefly glances over Cordelia, who's now rummaging in a pack of pop tarts, "You're here early,"
You snort playfully, placing your hands over your hips, "Glad to see everyone is always so thrilled to have me around," you mutter sarcastically, making a clear reference to what Cordelia had told you before. She freezes as she bites into the pop tart, "Stop it," she half whines, looking absolutely adorable with food in mouth.
"Don't be silly, we all are head over the heels for you," Mallory gushes.
You hum jokingly, before remembering one of the reasons why you showed up earlier, "I actually wanted to check on the bay tree's soil before the class."
"Mind if I come with you?", Cordelia is quick to ask.
You bow your head and attempt a knightly curtsy to impress her, "How can I say no to you?"
She peeps her tongue between her teeth. She leads you the way, turning her head just a bit to keep eye contact as you follow her right up, with a lopsided grin.
As the two of you walk towards the greenhouse, Zoe grabs the box of cereals, "I tell you, they will end up sleeping together within the next 10 days."
"I bet you twenty dollars it will happen even before that," Mallory replies with the same confident grin.
The other witch grins, before sealing the deal with a shake of hand.
"There you are," you gush, taking a careful look at the cute little bay tree you planted almost three weeks ago. If it hadn't been for your magic, you'd hardly see it stand like that, considering this peculiar specie takes a lot to flourish, years even.
Gracefully, you wave your fingers in midair, whispering an incantation to help speed up the process of growing. Cordelia is just behind you, in utter trance, she doesn't dare to spill a word as you do your magic. Her eyes glimmer with admiration as you proceed to tell her the story of the tree. Words spill out freely and passionately, considering you spent years at the Academy of Unseen Arts to learn everything you could regarding herbalism.
"It's ancient tradition to leave a leaf to dry for a day and then place it under your tongue until it dissolves. The Greeks believed it was synonymous of fortune and victory," your mouth curves into a smile as you take in Cordelia's astonishment. 
"Have you tried it?", she asks with genuine interest.
You crinkle your nose at that, "I never dared to," you chuckle, meeting Cordelia's confused gaze, "They say its bitterness isn't for everybody," you explain.
She hums in understanding, "what other use does it have?"
"I'm so very glad you asked," you grin, mischievously, "It's an essential ingredient for potions that have to do with another marvelous subject, that I'm sure your students would love by the way," you point out.
"Mythology?", her attempt at guessing is cute, you can't deny that.
The tip of your tongue shows up in the next smile you give her, "Conjuring of pagan gods," you say it as if it was like mentioning a trifle.
She hums amusedly, "I adore you, I really do, but that's a no go," you frown at that, your bottom lip wobbles a bit. Cordelia chuckles softly, "You're too cute for your own good," she teases, lightly shaking her head and poking your chest. "Yet your sense of responsibility is stronger than my charm," at your teasing, her cheeks turn a darker shade of pink.
"The girls once summoned the Axeman using a Ouija board and, to keep it short, he almost got us all killed."
Your mouth falls agape, "Oh shit, I'm sorry," you breathe out, "I had no idea."
She dismisses it with a small smile, as if it now became a silly story to laugh about. "I don't want you to think I don't trust you because I do. This Coven's just been through a lot, so I've learned you're never too careful," she explains, and you reach out your hand to grasp hers. She smiles at the gesture, her eyes lock in your now intertwined fingers, "I'm trying my best to not make the same mistakes of my mother."
"You're nothing like her," you say, beyond any doubt.
"Thanks, petal," that pet name sends you a tingle in your stomach.
You smile and give her a nod of your head, before refocusing on the bay tree on the table, already missing her hand in yours.
"It looks like a lollipop, doesn't it?", you chirp.
The Supreme hums in thought, as she examines the plant more closely, "Well, now that you point it out, I see it," she giggles, leaning against the table with her elbows.
You reach for the water can to dampen the soul around the tree's roots. Her eyes drop to your hands, and you put all your efforts to stabilize your tremor, but it doesn't work out as much as you'd like to. The water can shakes visibly and you mentally curse yourself, sure that Cordelia's noticed that too. You clear your throat, trying to switch her focus on your voice rather than your actions, so you start telling her more about the bay tree's needs and care. But Cordelia isn't stupid. She sees what you're doing when along with the uncertainty of your hands comes a sudden stuttering of your voice.
"Sweetheart, hey," she coos softly, eyebrows knitted in a frown, "What's wrong?"
You almost shudder, when her fingers move a strand of hair from your face, behind your ear, "Nothing, I—“, your lashes flutter close for a moment. While your mouth troubles you with mixed feelings about her, your tremor intensifies, making it impossible for you to hide. Your own legs feel like jelly, and you wish there was a chair behind you to sit down. "Let me just," you need to get out of that situation, so you turn around, pretending you're in need for a trowel, but you move too abruptly.
"Shit," your curse under your breath, having dropped the watering can on the floor, sending splash of water on both yours and Cordelia's legs. You bow down so abruptly that a wave of dizziness washes over you keeping you there, unable to get on your feet by yourself. Concern etches across the Supreme's features, "Celeste," she kneels down right next to you, "You need to tell me what's going on, please."
You shake your head wearily, "I'm fine," you insist, trying to stand up, but your wobbly knees don't let you. With a wave of her hand, Cordelia dries both the floor and your clothes, "You're not fine," she counters softly. Your face is rather quickly losing its natural color, but you can't see it. However, she does.
"Sweetheart, you can be honest with me," she wants to read your mind, grasp that information herself, but she can't. It wouldn't feel right.
"There's nothing to say, I felt a wave of dizziness, that's all," avoiding meeting her gaze, you look at the time on your wrist, noticing it's time to go in class.
"How about we ask Coco to cover for you? Just for this time?"
You make a face, "With all due respect, Coco isn't exactly specialized in ancient tongues," you point out, earning an eye roll from the Supreme, "Fair point," you give her a - glad we both agree - look, before heading out the greenhouse, or trying to. Cordelia walks right beside you, with no intention to drop the topic.
"Celeste, you're not listening to me," she pleads, concern vailing her voice, "Zelda, she said—“
You freeze on the spot, then turn around, "Zelda? Wait, so, you talked to her?", you narrow your eyes, in disbelief.
"She called me this morning, yes," she admits with a nod, "She was worried about you and now I see why."
Cordelia had promised not to say a word about it, but she couldn't help it considering you're being both stubborn and unreasonable, as always trying to hide how you truly felt around them. It was a mystery to both witches why you acted the way you did. You gave them mixed signals, because on one side, you were always so eager to spend time together, but you also shut them out every time something was bothering you.
"So you studied me, to see if she had a point."
Cordelia groans and rolls her eyes, being used to your passive aggressive behavior whenever you feel like you've been tricked, "Why is it so hard for you to understand that we care for you?"
If only you could see the truth, you'd know what both Zelda and Cordelia truly felt for you. It was more than a mere fondness, more than a pathetic interest, a fleeting crush or whatever. Both witches were in love with you, but they just didn't know how to tell you, without risking upsetting you, or worse, losing you.
"Why did you transmute here this morning, despite feeling unwell?"
You stay quiet, nibbling on your bottom lip as a wave of nervousness washes over you. How could you tell her the real reason why you kept going back and forth despite the exhaustion that has taken over you.
"I wouldn't have been mad if you asked for a couple of days off, you know," she coos softly.
Her heart breaks when she spots tears prick at the corner of your eyes. Your eyes well up with tears, because you feel like shit, both physically and emotionally and it pisses you off.
"I-I..", your own voice betrays you. Suddenly your blinking intensifies, as long as your heartbeat. It quickly escalates as your feet and hands turn cold and clammy. Cordelia's eyes snap wide open as she calls your name a couple of times, her voice sounds like a far echo to your ringing ears. You know what's coming, and it absolutely enrages you.
"'m s-sorry," before you know it, everything turns pitch black.
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stayevildarling · 2 months
I know you've already done something similar, but I'm wondering if you can write a billie, delia, and mina fic with reader who gets attacked and ends up forgetting things like who her gfs are and where she is? Maybe you can add your own ideas to it if ur up to it? Thank you <33
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Billie Dean Howard x Reader- Closure
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A/N: Hi there ❣️ I apologise for the delay with this on. I have been a bit sick and busy. This is really long but I couldn't make it any shorter.
tw: mention of blood, mention of doctors and hospitals, mention of amnesia, cursing, smoking, lots of angst
word count: 11k 😅
@lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay, @whitelotus00, @ninaahs, @vintagepaulson, @isle-of-earle, @paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime, @ohrwurm26, @wastdstime
It had been a normal day at the academy, a busy weekday really, the four of you going on about your days, Cordelia mostly in her office working on academy business, Wilhemina at work and returning a little while ago, you mostly teaching classes and spending your afternoon in the greenhouse, Billie equally at work. At last, you find yourself in the comfort of your girlfriends arms, the four of you snuggled up together by the fireplace, the tv running softly in the background, drawing out the outside noises from the busy streets, some laughter still coming from some of the witches rooms.
As you glance around you, you notice Delia sitting beside you, holding you closely as the two of you are snuggled in a blanket, Wilhemina sitting in her armchair, doing some knitting, her eyes occasionally glancing at you three, the view warming her heart and causing the ever so smallest smile to coat her features. A sudden movement startles you a little, Billie Dean disappearing into the darkness of the night again as she leaves for a smoke, this time unannounced and you can't help but notice how this must have been her third cigarette within twenty minutes, and equally Cordelia watches her leave, Wilhemina's brows furrowing as usually she announced her little smoking breaks.
And as you think about it a little further, you remember how agitated Billie seemed today, unusually quiet at dinner and not sharing any details about her day, like she usually would. And then it kinda dawns on you how fidgety she had been, how she had barely said any words and the revelation causes you to jolt in Cordelia's arms. Her brown eyes meet yours, concern washing over her, before she speaks softly ,,Sweetheart, are you okay?'' she asks, almost a little confused, noticing how tense you suddenly seem. ,,I'm worried about Billie'' you announce, ignoring the voice in your head telling you not to share your concern with them, not wanting to worry them in the process. Cordelia remains silent as she glances at Wilhemina, and as their eyes lock they share a silent understanding. Despite Cordelia being the supreme, you had an odd connection with the three women, somehow always noticing whenever something was wrong.
Cordelia had tried to solve that puzzle many times, whether it was simply your intuition, whether it was simply the love you share for them and how observant you are. However she had questioned how you almost always seem to get it right, always instantly by Wilhemina's side as your senses alerted you of her pains, always by Cordelia's side whenever some danger was looming over the usual safe walls of the academy, sometimes knowing before she did. And you often knew when something was bothering the medium too, when everything was getting a little much for her. And despite never solving the puzzle regarding your senses, she knows that you must be right, also having noticed how agitated, nervous and quiet Billie had been all evening.
And before too long, the medium returns, opting for the other armchair, despite her sitting beside Cordelia moments before, her loud mind causing her to not be focused, to forget already. ,,Billie honey?'' Cordelia tries softly, drawing the medium away from her thoughts. ,,Is everything okay darling?'' she tries, tilting her head a little as three sets of concerned eyes meet the mediums. And she hesitates then, playing with her acrylic nails as a nervous habit, her mouth opening before she physically stops herself, biting the words back. ,,Billie?'' Wilhemina tries now as concern washes over her as well, never having seen Billie like this despite the many battles the medium had thought over the years, including battles with the redhead but always coming out stronger in the end.
,,It's- it's nothing'' Billie tries but her attempt is pathetic as tears already swell in her eyes, Cordelia quick on her feet to kneel beside the medium, taking her shaking hands into her steady ones. ,,Darling, please, what is it?'' the supreme tries, her eyes pleading with her, grounding her and giving her safety to share whatever this was. ,,It's work'' she finally admits, sighing in the process as she lets a tear stream down her cheek. And as you glance at Wilhemina, your features filled with pain, you both know this was serious. Billie never spoke too much about her work, only the nice parts really, including the promo tours, the fun bits of it, never the hauntings, never the ghosts. The same hauntings, ghosts and spirits that often kept her awake at night, causing her to have terrible nightmares, and the three of you often shushing her back to sleep in the end.
,,It's really bad'' she admits, more to herself than either of you and Wilhemina slowly abandons her knitting supplies, you equally abandoning your spot on the comfortable sofa, before walking over to your girlfriend and placing the same blanket that had provided you warmth and safety to her now. ,,Tell us honey'' Cordelia instructs before Billie begins slowly filling you in. Telling you three about her worst gig yet, how despite having seen everything by now she couldn't crack this one, how there was some connection to witches. How she assumes they are satanic witches who are trapped here and haunting a family, how she has been scared to go to work for the past few days, as all her methods failed. You glance at Cordelia when she mentions witches, wondering whether maybe you and the supreme could help out all things considered.
,,It's okay honey, come here'' Cordelia softly offers as soon as Billie finishes, pulling the medium into her arms as your hands softly reach out to hold the mediums, rubbing your thumb in little circles to keep her feeling safe and sound. ,,Billie?'' Wilhemina tries after a while, after the medium had mostly calmed down. ,,Are you gonna make fun of me?'' Billie chuckles through tears, not used to let her guard down like this, especially around all of you at the same time. Wilhemina's features soften then, almost frowning ,,Of course not'' she speaks calmly ,,We are here for you'' she speaks again and it almost causes for you to cry, knowing your Mina had a hard time with these sort of things.
,,Delia?'' you ask, getting her attention as she glances at you ,,I'm sure we can help'' you urge, pleading with her through your eyes. The supreme hesitates, knowing it was probably possible her being the supreme and also having the gift of mediumship that comes with her powers but knowing this was dangerous, after all if Billie was correct and if they truly had some satanic connections. As she glances around the room, she catches a glimpse of Billie who's eyes plead in desperation and so the blonde can't help but agreeing. ,,Can you take me there tomorrow?'' Cordelia asks and is met with a gasp of relief from the medium, who nods her head gratefully. ,,How about we get you to bed for now honey?'' Cordelia tries and Billie simply nods, before the four of you ascend the stairs, getting ready for your individual evening routines and eventually finding each other in bed.
That night you don't manage to get a lot of sleep, worried about your lover who tossed and turned a lot, awoken by a nightmare a couple of times but the three of you were quick by her side, holding her gently through the terrors of the night. And eventually, you give up on the idea of sleep, softly extracting from bed and wrapping a blanket around you before hiding away in the comfort of the greenhouse, glancing through some of Cordelia's books, hoping you could find something that could help out. After countless hours, the sun already rising a while ago, you are lost in several books about satanic rituals, witches and their history, quite taken back as you hadn't really learned about this type of magic before.
Cordelia eventually finds you, watching from the door where she lingers, softly smiling at you sitting crossed leg on the floor, several books around you. ,,Sweetie?'' she startles you, causing you to jolt a little. And then as you watch her approach, looking ethereal as ever in one of her flower dresses, it dawns on you, how long you had been gone, how tired you are from the lack of sleep. ,,What are you up to in here?'' she asks, glancing at the books. ,,Just some reading'' you explain yourself, quickly up on your feet before she presses a soft kiss to your lips, noticing the little bags under your eyes and guessing you- alike her, didn't get too much sleep the night prior.
Taking her hand, you follow her inside the academy again, the witches already having begun their days, going on about their tasks, as you find both Billie and Wilhemina in the kitchen, already dressed for the day while you stand there still in your pyjamas, blanket wrapped around your shoulders. ,,Where are you going?'' you ask a little confused, noticing they are all dressed to go somewhere, Wilhemina's car keys dangling from her hand. ,,We are going with Billie sweetheart'' Cordelia softly announces, her features a little tense as she knows the argument that is about to follow. ,,Wait- give me five minutes'' you announce, getting ready to sprint upstairs but Cordelia stops you. ,,Sweetie'' she tries and by the hint of guilt in her eyes you know she doesn't want you to go.
,,I need you to stay here sweetie'' she tries but you are quick to shake your head. ,,No way'' you announce, pleading with both Billie and Wilhemina, hoping they are easier to convince at times. ,,Darling it's far too dangerous'' Cordelia explains, her features stern. ,,No Delia I don't care, I'm not letting you three go alone'' you protest before Wilhemina steps forward. ,,Little one'' she tries but you are having none of it, matching the redheads usual stubbornness. ,,Why are you going but not me?'' you question and as you glance at Billie's and Cordelia's face it suddenly dawns on you. How they always seemed to coddle you, treat you like a child as if you aren't worthy of this, not worthy of adult things, of dangerous things despite being a witch and knowing how to protect yourself. ,,Please sweetie, I need you to look after the girls and coven'' Cordelia pleads and you have always had a hard time to deny her or them of anything and so slowly you cave in.
,,We will be right back, promise babydoll'' Billie announces, pressing a kiss to your cheeks. ,,Please be safe'' you beg, before Cordelia hugs you from the side, pulling you into her arms and pressing a kiss to your cheeks. ,,Promise little one'' Wilhemina announces with a smile before you watch the three of them leave. You glance around the kitchen, noticing how you must have missed breakfast and so you opt for getting ready for your day, afterwards checking the schedule for today and how neither you nor Cordelia are due for teaching today. And so the only thing you can do is pace around Cordelia's office, hating the fact that you didn't insist on going, how the three of them could be in danger, trusting both the supreme and mediums gift with all of your heart and knowing Wilhemina was tough but after everything you had read last night, thoughts of panic and concern still crash through you, causing you to hyperventilate a little.
Meanwhile, your girlfriends had made it to the house, Wilhemina had promised to stay outside, the only way Cordelia would agree on letting her drive them. And as soon as the supreme steps foot in the house, none of Billie's crew present as they insisted on investigating this without cameras, she can sense the lost and trapped dangerous spirits. ,,Follow me'' Billie tries, leading the supreme up the stairs and to the room where she had set up several of her failed methods. Cordelia's head begins pounding and aching with their screams as they must sense that a witch had entered the house, among her ranks despite a very different form of magic. As the medium enters one of the rooms, Cordelia inspects carefully, her hands hovering nearby the walls, trying to see if there was anything she could do, a spell she could cast or trying to figure out what the spirits may want and need to move on.
What all of them are unaware of though, is that the lost souls had no intention of moving on, of stopping the haunting of the poor family who had recently moved in. All they wanted was revenge, revenge for the way they had tragically been killed, despite that being by neither of the people affected by their hauntings. As Cordelia glances around, she feels a wave of discomfort course through her veins, their screams causing for her head to ache further, Billie equally shaking with their torture. And just like they intended, they managed to get into your girlfriends heads, using their magic to cause the only thing they had meant to do, cause agony and pain upon the innocent.
And as you continue pacing, you suddenly feel like losing your balance, your ears ringing as you hear an agonising scream, and it wasn't just any scream, it was Billie, the medium screaming for help and as your eyes widen, you are quick to force them shut, using your magic abilities to teleport to your girlfriends, panic rippling through your body. Wilhemina's eyes widen as you suddenly appear in front of her, your face filled with fear and panic. ,,Little one?'' she tries ,,Where is she?'' your shaky voice ripples through the air. ,,I heard Billie scream'' you announce, before brushing past her, quickly entering the house. ,,Y/N wait'' Wilhemina tries, confusion washing over her features.
Wilhemina watches as you try to ascend the stairs, taking a few steps before an invisible force takes over, causing you to fly up and down the stairs, as your body floats at first, Wilhemina's heart stopping in her chest. And then it all stops as your scared eyes meet the redheads before you are thrown across the room, the spirits enjoying their little game. A loud bang startles both Cordelia and Billie who are unaware of what had unfolded, their eyes meeting for a second before they run downstairs, finding you in front of Wilhemina on the floor, her expression filled with panic.
,,Y/N'' Billie shouts, seeing your lifeless body on the floor ,,What happened?'' Cordelia asks, glancing at Wilhemina who remains frozen, before she kneels down, taking your head into her hands, her hands quickly staining with blood. ,,She suddenly appeared and said she heard you scream Billie'' Wilhemina explains. Billie's eyes widen in shock ,,I didn't scream...Cordelia it's the spirits, we need to get out of here'' she ushers and the supreme is quick to agree.
The blonde is quick to take you into her arms, before running towards the car, putting you in the back seat before taking a seat and holding you in her arms. Wilhemina rushes to the drivers seat, Billie beside her before she starts the car. The supreme is quick to cast a few spells, trying to stop the bleeding, trying to heal you but she quickly notices that it must be more serious than this, considering her efforts are not working as the blood still poured and the colour fades more and more from your features with each passing moment. ,,We need to get her to a hospital now'' she ushers, Billie hysterically crying in the front, glancing at you and blaming herself for ever bringing her girlfriends there in the first place.
Wilhemina's determination quickly kicks in as she drives faster, focused to get you to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible. ,,Sweetie'' Cordelia tries, brushing her blood stained hands against your cheeks. ,,Y/N'' she ushers but you can't respond as the battle of unconsciousness had won a long time ago. Tears mingle in each of their eyes, Wilhemina glancing in the mirror as panic sets in, seeing you like this. Within minutes, the redhead has you in front of the nearest hospital, having ushered Billie to call ahead and as Cordelia exits the car, still holding your lifeless body in her hands, there are already some doctors and nurses waiting for you, quickly transporting you onto a gurney and rushing you inside.
The wait feels like an eternity, a lifetime of pain and memories, as the three of them pace back and forth in one of the waiting rooms where one of the nurses had escorted them to. Billie sits curled up in one of the chairs, occasionally pacing around as tears blurry her vision. Wilhemina remains standing, despite the sprain on her back, not caring about her back as all she could think about was you, Cordelia pacing back and forth, her thoughts clouded by the possibility of losing you. And as time passes on, you linger on their mind as the doctors work their magic on fixing your injuries. Cordelia keeps thinking over and over when you first joined the academy, how captivated she had been by you, at last a witch who was experienced, who she barely needed to teach anymore. How she often found you in the greenhouse as it had become your sanctuary, how sweet and polite you had been, often asking if you could borrow some of her books, how she had taught you potions a few times as that wasn't your strong suits.
She thinks back of introducing you to the other two, how your eyes sparkled, more with each moment you spent with them. How slowly you captivated all their hearts, despite Billie unsure about another person but quickly falling for her babydoll. The medium can't help feeling guilty, how she should have never told you, thinking back to all the times she had held you in her arms, how lately she hadn't done that enough, how she hadn't spoiled you in so long as her work had left her in a daze. And Wilhemina can't help but blame herself for how she didn't stop you when you walked in, regretting not having held you or kissed you before they had left. Thinking back to all of those nights where neither of you could sleep, either you finding her in the library or her finding you reading in the greenhouse, how the two of you would often read to each other, lulling each other to sleep as she would hold you close, thinking about how you truly opened up her heart.
,,How is she?'' Cordelia's voice rings through the air as she sees one of the doctors appear, startling the other two in the process and causing for the thoughts and memories to stop for a moment. ,,She's stable'' he explains, three gasps of relief echoing through the quiet room. ,,She just needed some stitches, we assume the shock and impact caused her to lose consciousness'' he carries on explaining. ,,We are just waiting for some scans but if it stays like that, she should be observed for a few days and then good to return home'' he announces before excusing himself again to finish his tests. ,,Thank you so much'' Cordelia whispers, tears lingering in their eyes, tears of relief.
,,Thank god'' Wilhemina announces, the other two meeting her brown eyes. ,,I'm so sorry'' Billie suddenly cries, startling the two, before she breaks down. ,,I should have never said anything, taken you there'' she apologises, feeling terrible as the thought of losing you causes her to lose her balance. Cordelia is quick to guide her to a nearby chair, taking her tear stained cheeks into her soft hands ,,Honey.. Honey it's okay, she's fine'' the supreme coos, Wilhemina taking a deep breath, having a hard time seeing any of her girlfriends like this. ,,We will be just fine'' Cordelia reassures, trying to coax the medium out of her state.
It takes another while, before one of the nurses guides them to a room, where you lay, asleep from the effects the drugs had on your body. ,,The scans confirm no damage'' one of the doctors returns, causing them to again gasp in relief. ,,I suggest keeping her for monitoring but she should be just fine'' he announces. Wilhemina steps forward, glancing at both Cordelia and Billie before speaking ,,Can we take her home?'' she asks, more her girlfriends than the doctor really. ,,She hates hospitals and if it's simply a matter of observing her, we can do just that'' she tries, noticing how you aren't attached to any machines anymore, how you are simply asleep, how you simply had stitches and no surgery that required any further actions.
Cordelia glances at Billie before she glances at the doctor and nurse, a little unsure whether that would be the best idea. ,,If that's what you would prefer, we are happy to provide you with some pain medication for her once she wakes, and if you have any concern or questions you can of course call or come back anytime'' he assures and that's all the confirmation your girlfriends need. As Wilhemina settles the details with the nurses, the doctor approaches you, as you finally open your eyes. ,,How are you feeling Miss?'' he questions and you struggle a little at first, with the bright sensation and the lingering pain but you quickly adapt to your surroundings ,,Fine, a little sore'' you admit and he nods in understanding before releasing you.
,,I'm so glad you are awake sweetie'' Cordelia smiles at you softly, having made a plan with Billie and Wilhemina to distract the nurses for a moment while getting your release papers and medications so she could teleport you back into the coven, figuring that may be easier given the circumstances. And with a swift motion she has you back where you belong, inside your shared bedroom, ushering you to bed before sleep washes over you again. While the supreme watches over your sleeping form, she worries whether bringing you home was the best idea, despite the events she knows your injuries don't seem serious and she also knows how hard it was for your other two girlfriends to constantly be around hospitals and doctors, given Wilhemina's trauma from those and the spirits in the hospital, making it hard for the medium and Cordelia equally. While awaiting for the other twos return, she tries calming herself, knowing that the three of them could certainly provide the best care for you.
Both Billie and Mina return within the next while, Cordelia sitting by your side, watching your chest rise and fall softly, not for once leaving your side. And when they both return, their faces soften seeing you asleep safe and sound. ,,How is she?'' Billie asks before walking over to Cordelia, her features still filled with guilt for what had happened. ,,Fine darling, she's just been sleeping'' the supreme reassures, before the three of them just take a moment to breathe after the dramatic turn of events from today. In the end they opt for taking turns, Cordelia the first one to leave for a while in order to look after the coven for a while and check on the girls, giving some of her classes for tomorrow to Zoe, so she could look after you. Next, Wilhemina retreats for a little, opting for a bath and change of clothes after the events from today, Billie the last one to shower and get changed before returning.
It's late afternoon when you awaken next, your eyes slowly opening after hearing some hushed voices, the bright sensation from the white room causing you to squint them shut, the remaining pain in your heard still lingering. After trying again, your throat feels on fire a little as you try glancing around the room. Billie is by your side straight away, smiling at you, almost beaming a little to finally see you awake. ,,How are you feeling?'' she asks, her voice ringing through the air causing your head to pound a little. ,,Wa'' you try to speak but the pain overwhelms you for a second as you force your eyes to close again. ,,May I have some water please?'' you try again, the request coming out quiet and broken.
,,Of course babydoll'' Billie ushers, reaching for the glass of water by your beside that Cordelia had placed there a while ago. The supreme by the other side of the bed, smiling at you, Wilhemina sitting a few steps away from you in an armchair. The sip of water feels like relief as it cools down the burning sensation in your throat. ,,Thank you nurse'' you speak again after handing her back the glass with shaky hands. Billie raises her eyebrow, chuckling to herself as she sets the glass back down. ,,Is there anything else I can get for my favourite patient?'' she chuckles again, Cordelias features soft and a smirk tugging at Wilhemina's lips as they enjoy your little joke.
,,No thank you'' you reply politely before turning to the other woman sitting beside you ,,What's the prognosis then doctor?'' you ask, assuming that the other blonde must be your doctor. ,,Yes Doctor, what's the prognosis?'' Wilhemina mockingly jokes, giving you a little wink, still assuming you are joking. ,,You will be just fine sweetheart'' she states, her hand brushing over your arm and rubbing little circles on it in a comforting matter, causing for your eyebrows to furrow a little. ,,But when can I leave?'' you ask, mistaking your bedroom for a hospital room as everything is still a little blurry and there is a lot of white.
,,What do you mean sweetie?'' Cordelia asks confused, scanning your features before Wilhemina is already up on her feet, noticing how this wasn't a joke, how this had never been a joke, her expression deadly serious as she approaches. ,,Little one, this isn't funny'' she urges, her features stern, causing you to feel even more confused. ,,Do you know where you are?'' Billie asks, her eyes already brimming with tears. You reluctantly look at the blonde woman who you assume to be your doctor before she speaks again ,,Do you know what happened?''. You try to think for a moment, remembering a man talking to you before in a room that looked quite different now that you are thinking about it. ,,Do you know your name?'' the woman asks again, causing one of the other two to scoff at the ridiculousness of her question. And then it kinda dawns on you how you aren't aware of anything really, you didn't know where you are, what happened or who you are, as if your memories had been wiped completely.
,,No'' you whisper, and by your statement you can tell that those people aren't doctors or nurses as their reactions felt way more personal than that. Wilhemina's eyes force close as she takes a shaky breath, her heart beating fast and aching with pain. Billie's face is stained with tears as they keep pouring, her hand still holding onto yours, squeezing it a little tighter as if she wanted to comfort you, despite you feeling the strange urge to comfort her, despite not knowing her. Cordelia's face is filled with panic, realising the extent of the situation. ,,Wilhemina, we need to call the doctor straight away'' she announces, knowing that Billie wasn't going to be able to think straight at the moment. ,,On it'' the woman with red hair announces before she leaves the room, an unfamiliar sound echoing through the room.
,,It's going to be okay sweetheart'' Cordelia whispers, her own tears streaming down her features, shocked and in disbelief this happened but still hoping they can fix this, that maybe they had made a simple mistakes with your scans, that maybe she could even fix it with her magic. The redhead woman quickly returns, telling them how the doctor was on the way and seeing their faces and feeling utter confusion, you can't help but ask. ,,Who- who are you?'' you whisper, glancing between the three of them and your words hit them like a tidal wave, as you watch their reaction. The crying blonde one sobbing, squeezing your hand a little tighter, the other comforting blonde one furrowing her brows as her eyes search yours, the redhead one's heart literally breaking in front of you, despite her features seeming angry.
,,Darling, this is Billie, that's Wilhemina and I'm Cordelia'' she explains, as she glances between them. ,,Your name is Y/N'' she explains, her heart heavy with pain and worry. ,,You had an accident and I assume you are suffering from amnesia but one of the best doctors we know is on the way and we will fix this'' she explains, bringing at least some light into the darkness in your brain as you repeat their and your own name in your mind, wanting to remember that much. However your eyebrows furrow with confusion again when they still didn't answer who they are to you. ,,But who are you?'' you ask again, knowing this was causing them pain but needing to understand. The three women simply look at each other, unsure how to explain this to you especially considering the circumstances and so noticing her girlfriends reactions, Cordelia speaks again, her usually the one taking over in tough situations.
,,We are your partners Y/N, your girlfriends'' she speaks, her eyes almost pleading with you to remember. ,,What all three?'' you blurt out, causing Billie to chuckle a little, despite the pain. ,,Yes sweetie'' Cordelia nods, before a little smirk creeps its way onto your features ,,Well I certainly must have a type huh?'' you question more to yourself than them really, causing Wilhemina to chuckle lowly. ,,Well at least you still have your sense of humour little one'' she chuckles, hoping to bring some light into the situation, Cordelia and Billie smiling warmly, despite their hearts heavy with pain and faces filled with concern.
The next while is certainly uncomfortable, the four of you sitting in silence before Wilhemina guides the doctor into the room, thanking her for coming over so quickly. Unbeknownst to you, the woman was Billie's close friends, one of her celebrity acquaintances, who eventually also became Wilhemina's doctor. She was familiar with the academy and witchcraft and so it seemed more fitting. Cordelia had showed her the scans and reports from the hospital before, doing it in a private matter because she didn't want to overwhelm you. You had slipped into a little daze of sleep, before Billie wakes you gently, as she hadn't left your side for one minute. ,,Darling, this is the doctor we mentioned'' she speaks and you watch as a brunette woman looks at you, a little torch in her hand. ,,Hi Y/N, do you mind if I take a quick look?'' she speaks and you simply nod, still feeling sleepy and exhausted. The torch blinds you a little and causes for your eyes to close ,,Sweetie I need you to keep your eyes open'' Cordelia ushers softly and you comply, letting the doctor finish her tests.
,,Do you feel any discomfort, pain or nausea?'' she asks and you glance between the four of them before nodding reluctantly, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with this as everything hurt and everything feels empty and confusing. ,,My head hurts'' you admit, causing for Cordelia to frown, Wilhemina's features stern as she observes, the worry almost drowning her in its intensity. And for some reason, your eyes search for the redhead who is standing opposite the bed, further away than all the others and for some reason you want to be closer to her as she seemed safe. You watch as all women leave towards the door, the doctor telling them how this wasn't uncommon given the circumstances, how she ushers something to Cordelia and wanting them to keep her in the loop, wanting to examine you closely over the next few weeks, wanting to get to the bottom of this.
By the time the three of them return, you are curled up in a ball, facing away from them, as tears prickle at your tired eyes, the confusion and pain causing you to feel a little overwhelmed, not understanding what was going on. You could feel all of these feelings, these things that you didn't understand. Cordelia's frame blurs into your vision as she kneels beside you, Billie and Wilhemina standing behind her. ,,Are you okay sweetheart?'' she asks, noticing your scared and sad expression. You don't say anything, simply blinking and letting the tears run before her hand wipes them gently, causing you to cringe at her touch, feeling overwhelmed by their presences as of right now. Cordelia senses it, her heart heavy with pain before she retracts her hand, sighing in the process ,,Would you like some space to rest?'' she speaks carefully, choosing her words in a certain way, to not overwhelm you further.
,,Yes please'' you speak quietly, causing for the blonde to nod and force a comforting smile before they leave, leaving you behind to sob into your pillow for a while before sleep washes over your tired body. They opt for Wilhemina's office in the end, as it was located right next to the bedroom, wanting to at least be a little close to you incase you needed them. Cordelia sighs, rubbing her temples in frustration before taking a seat on a nearby sofa, Billie standing nearby her arms crossed in front of her chest, her thoughts racing. Slowly, Wilhemina takes a seat in her armchair near her two girlfriends, her movements slow, matching both the physical and emotional pain the last few hours had left on her. ,,What are we going to do?'' Billie sighs, unsure what to do with herself as she begins pacing a little. ,,I think we need to be patient and give her some time'' Cordelia speaks, the doubt written on her features. ,,Like the doctor said, this can happen'' she repeats her earlier words.
,,Have either of you thought about what to do if she doesn't remember?'' Wilhemina questions, her voice and features stern as two blonde heads snap towards her. ,,She will'' Cordelia almost spits, the thought too painful for her to think it through. ,,But what if she never remembers us?'' Billie speaks, her eyes brimming with tears again. ,,We will make her remember honey, it will be alright'' Cordelia tries, walking over to Billie to wrap her in a comforting hug before glancing at Wilhemina, almost scolding her for freaking Billie out like this, despite knowing her concerns are valid and the supreme would be lying as the thought had also crossed her mind but she had pushed it down for now. ,,What are we going to do now?'' Billie asks, the other two knowing what she means as it was clear you needed some space.
,,We will go and have dinner with the girls, then we can check on her and see what to do'' Cordelia speaks softly and Billie nods, feeling safe at Cordelia's words. It takes a bit of convincing for Wilhemina to join them as she didn't feel like joining the girls, wanting to be close to you, look after you but knowing it may only make things worse as of right now. And dinner isn't exactly pleasant as your absence is noticed, Zoe and the older girls had asked and Cordelia wasn't really sure whether to fill them in, opting for now it was too soon and simply explaining that you had fallen ill and would need some rest for a few days. As Billie and Cordelia take care of the dishes and confiding in Zoe with what had happened as they needed to rely on her for a while at looking after the academy and girls, Wilhemina had opted to take some dinner and tea up to your room, carrying it in on a little tray.
As she enters the room quietly, assuming you are still asleep and struggling with both the tray and her cane a little, she is surprised to find you awake and looking at her. She smiles softly before placing the tray on the little table beside you, before clearing her throat. ,,How is the pain?'' she asks almost quietly, not wanting to cause more aching for you. ,,It's a little better'' you tell her, before she hands you some water and tablets. ,,These are painkillers from the doctor'' she explains as she watches you glance at them reluctantly but without thinking about it, you take them and she notices how you don't struggle in the slightest, her little one usually hating tablets and to take any form of medication. ,,You should eat something'' she ushers, softly handing you the tray with her shaky hands. ,,Thank you'' you whisper and smile softly at her, feeling a little less overwhelmed after some sleep.
She glances at you for a moment, before turning on her heels, thinking you still wanted some space. ,,Wilhemina?'' you ask, remembering her name from when Cordelia had told you before. ,,Yes little one?'' she asks, quickly internally scolding herself for the pet name. ,,Would you-'' you begin but stop yourself, unsure whether you could ask this of the woman. ,,What is it?'' she asks softly, taking some steps towards you again. ,,Would you mind staying with me?'' you almost whisper, before her eyes glisten a little ,,Of course Y/N'' she smiles softly, extracting a chair and sitting beside you. The room fills with silence for a while, as you eat some of the food that she had brought, also appreciating the warm tea as you felt a little cold. ,,Can you maybe tell me something?'' you ask almost reluctantly again and her head tilts a little at your request. ,,Of course, what would you like to know?'' she asks, unsure what exactly you mean.
,,Just anything?'' you ask and she feels bad then, not able to imagine what it must be like to forget, to not know anything. And so gently she fills you in about as much details as she knows about you, your age, where you are from, your favourite colour, your friends, the things you are passionate about. And you can't help but notice with how much softness and adoration she tells you those things, how kind you are, how nothing is ever too much for you as you loved helping out. She briefly mentioned you teaching at the academy and by now you assume that the place you are currently in must be said academy. ,,What academy is this?'' you ask a little confused after a while and for the first time, she halts, not instantly answering your question. ,,I- I think it's better if Cordelia explains that to you little one'' she tries and you simply leave it as that.
,,What time is it?'' you ask after a while, noticing how the room was much darker now, the sun having set a while ago. ,,It's 9pm darling'' she explains after glancing at her watch. ,,And so this is your bedroom?'' you ask after glancing around the unfamiliar room, seeing four dressers, what you assume to be on ensuite bathroom, and a large makeup table in the corner. ,,It's ours'' she explains a little hesitantly. And she can tell that this must be strange and uncomfortable ,,Do you feel like me showing you around a little?'' she asks, hoping that maybe the memories of this place would help you remember a little. ,,Yes please'' you reply, handing her back the tray she had given you, before you stand up, feeling slightly dizzy from the sudden movement but much better as the tablets are already showing their effects.
And so she takes you around the academy, first taking you to your old bedroom, now mostly empty explaining how you had lived there first before moving in with them, showing you both her and Cordelia's office, before taking you downstairs, leading you to the dining and living room, hoping that might spark something, considering the many nights you had spent together there. But by your reaction she can tell that nothing seems to ring a bell. And so at last she leads you to the kitchen where the other two blondes are still sitting and talking. As they notice you up on your feet they smile softly ,,Hey there'' Cordelia greets you warmly, taking in your features. ,,I have been showing her around'' Wilhemina announces to the other two ,,Perhaps you could show her the greenhouse Cordelia and tell her a little more about this academy'' Wilhemina ushers, her eyes speaking silently, Cordelia of course understanding what the redhead was implying. ,,Of course'' she smiles softly, before standing up. ,,Would you like to follow me outside?'' she asks you, and you nod, leaving the other two behind.
Shivering a little you take a look at the gardens, feeling the cold night air prickle at your skin a little. ,,This is the greenhouse'' she explains as the two of you enter. You glance around a little taken back and she recognises that face, sending her into a painful deja vu of when you first joined the academy and how your eyes sparkled that same way. ,,Would you like to take a seat?'' she offers, and you nod before the two of you sit in the quiet greenhouse. You glance at the blonde, for the first time really taking in her features and noticing how utterly beautiful she truly was. ,,About this academy'' she begins and you notice that same look of hesitation on her face that Wilhemina showed before. ,,This is Miss Robichaux's Academy'' she starts ,,For witches'' she carries on, startling you as your eyes widen. ,,This is a coven darling, the girls here are witches'' Cordelia explains gently, knowing this must be a lot to take in. She senses your disbelief and shock, before she places a hand on your shoulder.
,,I know this is a lot to take in'' she emphatically remarks before you look at her ,,Is this a joke?'' you ask, still in disbelief, despite having noticed some of the symbols on the tables as you entered and the countless books on potions and spells. ,,No darling'' she speaks softly again before her eyes lock with yours, trying to think of a way to prove to you that she was being genuine. ,,May I show you?'' she asks before you nod reluctantly. She walks over to one of the tables, extracting some rose petals from an earlier class, before closing her eyes and a beautiful white rose appears in front of your eyes. You gasp, your eyes flickering from the rose in her hand to her brown eyes. And then she watches the panic form across your features, as it all becomes a little overwhelming again, your head suddenly pounding again, ears ringing a little and chest rising and falling fast.
,,Okay darling, how about we get you back upstairs?'' she offers, noticing your trembling hands, before taking one into her hand and softly guiding you back inside. Once inside you find Wilhemina and Billie in the kitchen, their faces etched with concern as they notice your trembling state, already assuming the news would be a lot to take in. ,,How about we get you upstairs to bed?'' Cordelia offers but you pause, glancing between the three of them. ,,I- I don't'' you stumble over your words, feeling that same overwhelming feeling of emptiness again despite them having filled you in on more details. But it all feels too much, the thought of having to stay with them overwhelming despite the connection you feel towards them and knowing by now that they are your partners. ,,Y/N are you okay?' Billie asks, watching you seemingly struggle. ,,Can I stay in my old room?'' you blurt out, glancing at Wilhemina ,,The one you showed me?'' you ask.
Silence falls over the kitchen, Wilhemina and Billie glancing at Cordelia who stands frozen beside you, shocked at your request and utterly sad as you had always loved being close to them, always afraid of sleeping on your own. ,,I- the doctor recommended you to be under observation darling'' Billie tries, hating the idea of you being alone with all of this. ,,If that's what you want then of course, but promise to find us if you need anything?'' Cordelia offers, the other two shocked by her statement. ,,Thank you'' you breathe out almost in relief before looking at them one more time and leaving upstairs, struggling at first but eventually finding the room that Wilhemina had showed you before. ,,Why would you do that?'' Billie asks, her voice trembling before the supreme sighs ,,We need to give her time'' she announces before sighing. And so the three of them retract to their bedroom, without you, Cordelia checking on you once more and leaving some more water, pyjamas and painkiller with you, asking whether you needed anything but you politely declining. And so as the night slowly begins, neither of them manage to find much sleep, the bed feeling lonely and strange without you, feeling the urge to hold you close, the events replaying on their minds over and over again.
The next couple of days carry on like they had, you mostly spent your time on your own, the day after the accident, Cordelia had taken you to an appointment with the doctors, getting some more scans and checks done and she had worried since as you really didn't talk all that much with them, withdrawing almost. And you had felt bad ever since, the three of them really trying and showing you so much kindness. Cordelia had tried to convince you to sit in some of her classes, Wilhemina often checking on you throughout the day and Billie having left some photo albums with you. But you didn't feel ready, the headaches still returning as well as dreams at night, making it a little hard at times. A lot of questions had circled your mind and so the only thing you can do is toss and turn in bed for a while before eventually growing sick of it and sitting by the little fireplace in your room. As you glance around, you find a desk, your curiosity getting ahold of you before you open some draws, finding some books and when you read the title, the same question repeats in your mind, the question that lingered since Cordelia had filled you in on what this academy truly was.
You knew as much that this was your old room, your eyebrows furrow trying to think about whether they had mentioned anyone else staying there since. As you open the books, you find several pages on spell casting and potions and see several handwritten notes. Your eyes search the drawers until you find a pen, before it flies over a page, wanting to check whether this was your handwriting and whether you may also be a witch. The realisation ripples through you, your head hurting in that same way again as the handwriting is identical and then it dawns on you that you must also be a witch. The whole thing makes you feel sick, the lingering emptiness and confusion drowning you. You debate sleeping again but you knew it wouldn't come and so you opt for some water, the headache pounding into your skull. As you walk downstairs, you pass some witches and notice how they all smile at you, assuming they must have been your friends before. You take in the peace and quiet, hoping that you wouldn't find anyone downstairs, not necessarily in the mood after the realisation you had made.
Almost in a hurry, you rush to the kitchen, before you notice the three women that seem so familiar yet so unfamiliar at the same time. And you opt for leaving again before they notice your presence ,,Hi sweetheart'' Cordelia greets you with a warm smile, the other twos features equally filled with pain and longing. ,,Are you hungry honey? we kept you some dinner?'' Billie tries and you close your eyes for a moment to compose yourself. ,,No thank you'' you speak before explaining ,,I just came to get some water'' you explain, before Cordelia is quick to fetch a glass for you, before walking over and handing it to you. ,,Here you go love'' she speaks with so much love that it almost makes you feel bad for how angry and upset you are feeling at the moment. ,,Are you feeling okay? you look a little pale'' Billie Dean states, her features etched with concern.
You sigh then, trying hard to keep your emotions at bay before taking a sip from the water. ,,Sweeth-'' one of them speaks again and it bursts out of you, all the frustration, emptiness and their attempts of making you remember of making this better. ,,Can you stop'' you sigh, rubbing your head in frustration as it continues pounding. ,,Stop it with the constant petnames'' you sigh stomping your foot, their faces etched with worry and guilt. ,,And when were you going to tell me I'm a witch?'' you carry on, Wilhemina swallowing hard before glancing at the other two blondes. ,,How do you know that bab- Y/N?'' Billie asks, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. ,,I found a book in my room'' you announce, your voice matching your frustration. ,,I meant to tell you but I didn't want to overwhelm you'' Cordelia apologetically announces, her eyes filled with sadness. The room fills with silence before they notice a shift in your demeanour, your face considerably more pale, hands shaking as you hold onto the glass of water for support. ,,Are you okay Y/N?'' Cordelia tries again before taking a step towards you. ,,Please just leave me alone'' you almost shout in frustration as tears linger in your eyes ,,Y/N'' Wilhemina scolds, her cane banging on the floor once, causing for the pounding of your head to get even worse.
Without a word, you turn around, trying to ignore the stars forming in your vision and how much pain you are in. But then it all starts spinning a little too fast and you stop yourself, holding onto a nearby wall, Billie and Wilhemina standing frozen in their spot after your outburst before Cordelia rushes towards you, holding you up as your legs feel like giving in a little. ,,I don't - I'm sorry'' you whisper, closing your eyes bracing yourself for the pain. ,,I don't feel well'' you manage to somehow mutter before the blonde reaches for the glass, giving it to Billie who is now standing behind you. ,,May I take you upstairs Y/N?'' Cordelia tries, before you mutter out some sort of reply, unable to speak at this point. With a swift motion, both women are on either of your side, helping you up the stairs, Wilhemina following behind as they take you into your room, softly laying you down on your bed as hot tears stream down your cheeks. The redhead watches in pain, her heart aching seeing you in this much despair, Billie nervously pacing around a little, Cordelia taking in your features. Her hand lingers softly over your forehead, easing the pain that was so obviously written across your features and softly aiding you to sleep.
,,What is wrong with her?'' Billie asks nervously, before Cordelia turns to her. ,,I assume it's the headaches, the doctors mentioned that would happen''. And then the three of them stand there, almost a little awkwardly, feeling the urge to stay with you but knowing you wouldn't like it, given your withdrawal from them. And so they leave one by one, Wilhemina staying for a little while longer, watching protectively over your sleeping form but eventually joining her lovers a few doors away. Beside you, neither of them manage to get much sleep, Billie still crushed by the guilt of the whole thing, Cordelia's thoughts circling around what she could do to fix this, Wilhemina contemplating the outcome of you never remembering. And as the next morning arrives, they are the first downstairs, despite the weekend and opportunity to sleep in but they couldn't, not without their sunshine by their side who made weekend mornings so much brighter.
When you wake not much later, you feel almost relief as the pounding headache had stopped, as this was the first morning where you didn't wake after some very confusing dreams. The night prior lingers on your mind and you can't help but feel guilty, guilty for the way you had been treating them, withdrawing from them as they had showed you nothing but kindness. And as you change your clothes, getting ready for the morning ahead, you decide to do a little better today, wanting to try for them. When you eventually make it downstairs, the three of them are sitting by the kitchen table, Wilhemina reading the newspapers, Cordelia getting ready for something and Billie smoking a cigarette. ,,Good Morning'' your voice rings through the quiet kitchen, startling all three of them in the process as Billie almost drops her cigarette, Wilhemina lowering the newspaper. ,,Good morning Y/N, how are you feeling?'' Cordelia asks carefully, noticing how your features look much brighter and better, almost as if nothing ever happened. ,,Better, thank you'' you announce before taking a step towards them. ,,I'm sorry about last night'' you mumble, barely audible but they still pick it up. ,,I'm sorry about everything'' you apologise, their features softening.
,,You don't need to be sorry, we understand this must be a lot'' Cordelia softly reassures, offering you a seat and you hesitantly take it. ,,Are you hungry?'' Billie asks, smiling at you. You glance between the three of them before nodding ,,What would you like?'' she asks, happy to finally see you eating. ,,I- I'' you pause for a moment, unsure what you actually like. ,,I'm not sure'' you explain ,,What do I like?'' you ask and they glance between each other before Cordelia smiles ,,Let me make you your favourite Y/N'' and within minutes, you find a plate with eggs, some pancakes and orange juice in front of you. ,,Thank you'' you smile warmly at her before beginning to eat, your mouth watering as soon as you take some bites. ,,So what are you three doing today?'' you ask, causing Wilhemina's eyebrow to raise, surprised at your sudden change and as Billie and Cordelia begin speaking, it almost feels as it had before. ,,And I need to go to the markets today'' Cordelia announces before you look up at her ,,May I come with you?'' you ask, completely taking her by surprise.
The blonde looks at Billie and Mina who are equally surprised, Billie's heart swelling a little and the smallest smirk playing on the redheads lips. ,,Of course Y/N, I'd be delighted'' she announces. And so, Cordelia takes you to the markets, the car ride this time filled with conversation as you ask her all sorts of questions about witches and how you became one, asking about the things you used to be able to do and her filling you in with as much detail as possible. And it feels good, being in her embrace, her warm features, how she takes you around the markets, showing you her favourite stalls, taking you to a candle one and showing you her favourite scents, taking you food shopping and getting some ingredients to make your favourite things. And as Cordelia makes one last stop, you waiting in the car, you can't help but enjoy her presence, liking how warm she was, how ethereal beautiful both inside and out and as you return, you can't help but feel a little flutter in your heart. ,,How was it?'' Billie asks, the two of them still in the kitchen as you both return.
,,It was really nice'' you announce as you help the supreme empty the bags, despite her saying you should rest but you felt good and so you didn't want to rest. After unpacking most things, you find a bag with medication, assuming she picked those up on her last stop and instinctively you place them in front of Wilhemina. ,,Mina your medicine'' you speak, without thinking about it further. However, when you see her shocked expression, the other two equally startled, confusion washes over you again. ,,Y/N?'' Cordelia asks ,,How did you know that?'' her eyebrows are furrowed, Wilhemina's features very serious as you hadn't called her Mina since the accident. Billie looks at you with so much anticipation that you feel bad ,,I'm not sure'' you admit, scared to disappoint them again. ,,I'm sorry'' you mumble, feeling some tears brim in your eyes. ,,Hey, it's okay'' Cordelia reassures, her hand reaching for yours instinctively. And this time, you let her take it, holding onto her as she seemed safe for now.
The same pain in your head quickly takes over again, causing for you to take a step back, realising that maybe it was best to get some rest like Cordelia had initially suggested. ,,I'm.. going to rest for a bit if that's okay'' you speak softly, only met with understanding from your girlfriends, their gazes reassuring with a hint of concern. And as you return to your bedroom, you quickly fall asleep after taking a painkiller, unbeknownst that your memories must be connected to the random pains you would get throughout the days. They let you rest for the remainder of the day, Wilhemina bringing you some dinner in the evening and putting it on your bedside table as you are still asleep. The next day you had agreed to sit in on one of Cordelia's classes and so after breakfast with Mina and Billie, you make your way to the greenhouse, a lot of other witches already sitting and waiting for the potion class to begin. You listen intensively to the supreme, talking about the different herbs and ingredients, having somewhat of a hard time concentrating as again her beauty absolutely took you back. She looked stunning today, one of her black dresses, and you couldn't help but smile, despite it being ever so small, again you could feel the butterflies in your stomach, her voice so soft, her eyes burning with desire for her teaching.
As she begins to explain the last step for the potion, you can't help but feel your eyebrows furrowing before you begin speaking ,,Delia- isn't it supposed to be this one?'' you question, pointing towards one of the other vials and this time the whole class turns around. They had known by now what had happened and seeing your girlfriends shocked expression, you could tell you must have just said something incredibly stupid. ,,Class is dismissed for now'' Cordelia's voice rings through the air. They leave, Zoe exchanging knowing glances and you sit there, awaiting your fate and being told off. ,,How did you know that sweetie?'' she asks as she approaches you and then it kinda dawns on you that you had been remembering, despite it being ever so slowly. The blonde notices your hesitation, before taking another step towards you ,,This is good Y/N, you are remembering'' she smiles, her eyes brimming with tears but the happy feeling is quickly replaced by the returning pounding headache. And instead of sharing with her or them what was bothering you, the pain that had been lingering, you again retreat to your own bedroom, wanting some peace and quiet, away from everyone.
The next time you wake up, you had again slept through dinner and most of the day, again finding a tray on your beside, knowing it was from Billie this time as she always put some extra snacks on your tray for you. Curiously, you make your way downstairs, feeling a strange longing to the three women that apparently are your everything. You felt the urge to sit beside them, be in their presence. And you sigh in relief, seeing them sit in front of the tv, Wilhemina in her armchair doing some knitting, Cordelia on the sofa, chatting to Billie who is sitting on another armchair, as the two of them talk about something. You linger by the doorway for a minute, taking in the scene in front of you and strangely feeling like an intruder, as if you didn't belong. But your heart told you otherwise and so you clear your throat gently, startling the three of them and causing their heads to snap towards you. ,,Hi'' you awkwardly say, glancing around the room ,,Sweet- Y/N are you okay?'' Cordelia asks, their faces etched with concern. ,,Yes- um- may I sit with you?'' you ask, the two blondes face beaming with excitement, a small smile tugged on Wilhemina's lips. Instinctively, you opt for the space next to Cordelia besides your redhead girlfriend and again it doesn't go by unnoticed as that was where you usually sat, including in that same way.
This time they don't say anything, having noticed how their pointing out seems to only overwhelm you further. Yet they exchange knowing glances. Billie notices how you seem quite taken back and interested in what's on tv and it doesn't cross her mind until then that her show was playing in the background. She sees your features focusing on the scenes, Billie not in any of the scenes as of right now ,,Is this your show?'' you ask as you glance at her and again the three of them are taken back by how you would know that, unsure whether either of them may have managed it in the past. ,,Yes darling'' Billie announces. A little while later, the image is almost as it had been before, Billie now snuggled up on the sofa besides Cordelia, you also in the blondes arms slightly as she opted for putting an arm around you and you not refusing. Wilhemina sitting beside you three and watching with pride and the image gives her hope. She had struggled with the idea of you not remembering lately but seeing your milestones makes her unbelievably proud. As you continue watching her show, you suddenly feel an unsettling feeling in your stomach, the feeling of doom, that something was coming, something was severely off.
And then as if by some miracle, your mind is flooded with images, voices, scenes that you can't pinpoint. Your eyes widen as you vividly remember floating in the air, the screams of someone calling for help, confusing pictures of Cordelia's hands filled with blood, your blood. Suddenly your whole body shakes in the blondes arms, startling the three of them. ,,Y/N- are you okay?'' the redhead asks, noticing your shocked and yet unreadable expression. Cordelia's hand reaches for yours, trying to offer you reassurance but you freeze for a moment, unable to process everything your brain was currently throwing at you. ,,Sorry I- I'm tired'' you speak quickly before heading upstairs, leaving behind your three concerned girlfriends. ,,Do you think it was the show that triggered her?'' Billie sighs, walking over to her bag to sneak away for the comfort of a cigarette. ,,I'm not sure'' Cordelia speaks, her face filled with hesitation and concern, unsure why you had been reacting the way you did. Eventually, they opt for bed, choosing to give you some space, thinking that was what you would prefer, but despite that, neither of them could find much sleep, the concern and grief about you losing your memories and them losing their little sunshine, lingering on their minds.
If they had checked on you, they would have found you pacing through your old bedroom, occasionally curling into a ball on your bed, before pacing again as it seems that all your memories are returning. It was painful and slow, the first memories returning from the accident and the hospital, those ones particularly triggering. After followed all the good ones, each one from your girlfriends, before some more painful ones followed. And it hurt, your body on fire, as well as your mind, the throbbing in your head almost knocking the breath from your lungs. It felt like you were going through some weird magic ritual, wondering for a second whether Cordelia may have done something but knowing your Delia would never do this without your consent. And then at last, after several hours it finally stops, your ears ringing a little as the pain lingers but having sufficiently decreased. And then your eyes widen again, suddenly remembering it all, your heart weighing heavy with the guilt, not remotely able to understand how horrible these few weeks must have been with you like this. And then it dawns on you how much had been withdrawing, almost in disbelief to be in your old bedroom.
And then with steps as quick as light, you burst through your door, quickly making your way towards your real bedroom, hesitating for a moment but then the longing wins. Opening the door, not caring you find the three of them in bed, Wilhemina and Cordelia instantly jolt up, seeing your slightly panicked expression, Billie slowly turning around, a little confused. ,,Mina'' you whisper as you take in her appearance, as if you had just woken up, as if you are seeing her again for the first time in weeks. ,,Mina'' you cry her name out now, tears streaming down your cheeks. Cordelia's worried brown eyes meet her redhead lover's. And Wilhemina is quick to aid to your side, balancing on her cane before standing in front of you, her hand softly wiping your tears ,,What is it little one?'' she asks, her features soft but filled with concern. ,,I- I remember'' you stutter, and as you look up at her, her own tears greet you. She doesn't say anything, simply pulling you forward and into her arms, your head leaning against her chest, before Cordelia kneels in front of you, causing you to leave Wilhemina's arms for a moment. ,,Sweetie?'' she asks carefully, as if to make sure it really was you. ,,Delia-'' you cry out, your faces equally crumbling in front of each other. ,,My god- I'm so sorry'' you cry out, but Cordelia is quick to take you into her arms, tears of relief, rolling down her cheeks.
,,What is it?'' Billie's voice rings through the air but as she meets Wilhemina's expression, she instantly knows. ,,Oh- babydoll'' Billie whispers, quickly on her feet to equally take you into her arms. And in the end, the four of you are sitting on your bed, finally having you back where you belong. And for hours, you seem to apologise, for withdrawing, for not remembering sooner, for staying in your old bedroom. But they are quick to shush each of those thoughts, making you understand that this wasn't your fault and that they feel like they owe you an apology. ,,I'm so sorry this happened to you babydoll'' Billie apologises and by the way her voice shakes, you can tell she was blaming herself still. ,,This wasn't your fault Billie'' you reassure, before you ask Cordelia how they dealt with those spirits in the end and her filling you in. And then a silence follows, a comfortable one, finally being with your lovers again, finally remembering just why you loved each of them so much. For a while, you spent some time on Billie's lap, her telling you over and over again how brave you had been, snuggling into you, before the blonde softly falls asleep, content with having her babydoll back. Next you find yourself in Delia's arms, the blonde listening contently how you ended up remembering, her face crumbling as you explained the depths of pain you had gone through. ,,You were so brave sweetheart'' she tells you over and over again, eventually kissing you good night, content to have her little sunshine back.
And at last, you find yourself in Wilhemina's arms, your head resting comfortably on her chest as you look up at her features. It was dark, the only light source the moon illuminating the coven slightly, it was quiet, Billie and Delia's snoring softly filling the room. And then Wilhemina breaks it, telling you how glad she was to have you remember, how sorry she was and how proud she was of you. Her words are quiet, delicate and so unlike her usual demeanour. You snuggle into her further, feeling safe with her arms wrapped around you. ,,The truth is little one- I could never do this without you'' she admits and when you meet her brown eyes, you tear up again, her words so raw, filled with honesty as she fights back her walls and usual sternness keeping her from revealing her feelings like that. And so, the two of you hold onto each other through the night, eventually sleep washing over you both. Wilhemina content with having her little one back. And so after a long journey, you finally are back where you belong, right there, right now, with them.
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the-fandom-abyss · 1 year
Dates and Death with Cordelia :3
"What are you not telling me?" To any normal person, you would be certifiably insane with the way you spoke to yourself. For you, nature always responded, they held the answers to more questions than you could possibly ask. Wind seeped through the bottom of the door, bringing in a cold draft. The action sent shivers down your spine. "Witch hunters" you whispered, responding to the message. "Do I have time?" The flowers sagged like one would when they dropped their head in sadness. That caused the panic to vibrate within your bones. You were too far from the house to alert the others, too close to the danger to escape alive. All you could do was protect the ones you loved, even if their focus was gravitated elsewhere.
WIP Wednesday
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lotties-ashwagandha · 3 months
CURSED (nsfw)
billie dean howard x gn!reader, word count 1.2k
the premiere of the new season of billie's show gets rescheduled last minute, but you have a way to take her mind off the disappointment.
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A harsh silence enveloped the two of you. You were sitting at the edge of Billie’s bed, and you watched as she set her phone down on the vanity and began to pace the length of the room. 
The premiere of her show had been rescheduled on short notice. You were meant to fly out with her tomorrow for press meetings, interviews, every opportunity for recognition Billie deserved for her work. Your suitcases were packed and ready at the foot of the bed. 
Billie looked into the mirror of the vanity, sighing as she fixed a non-existent flaw of her eye makeup with the edge of her pale pink acrylics. 
You were at a loss for what to do – you had tried comforting her verbally, but she had barely said a word to you in the minutes after receiving the call. She got like this often when she was upset, silent and uninterested and cynical. 
You stood from the bed. Tentatively you stepped toward her. You placed your hands on her waist when you came up behind her, resting your chin on her shoulder and watching her reflection in the mirror. 
Disappointment swam in her eyes as she stared unfocused into her own reflection. You knew how much she had been looking forward to the premiere. Even if it would take place in a few weeks instead of tomorrow, the two of you had been planning this weekend for months. 
“I’m sorry,” you said softly, “that it was canceled. I know how excited you were.” 
Billie nodded, taking one of your hands in her own. She offered you a halfhearted smile in the reflection of the mirror. “You didn’t cause it, don’t apologize.” 
In response, you pressed a kiss to her neck, the junction where her neck met her shoulder. After a moment you kissed her again, and began to move up her neck, trailing kisses up to her jaw. You felt her relax slightly under your touch, a great sigh leaving her chest. 
Billie turned in your arms. She kissed you, bringing a hand up to rest at your jaw and looping her arms around you. The kiss was almost lazy, natural and reflexive to the two of you. You were overcome by the love evident in her touch. 
She pulled away only for a moment before capturing your lips again. This time, you felt hunger in her embrace – in the way her lips met yours in a way dripping with desperation, in the way she was backing you towards the bed. 
You denied your instinct to let her push you onto the bed – you wanted this, and she did too, but you wanted to give her more. You wanted her to feel the same euphoria she often gave you before herself, especially after the evening’s disappointment. She needed distraction, as was evident in every moment you spent in her arms, and you were always willing to give it. 
You turned her, reversing your positions. A look of surprise came over her features as the backs of her thighs pressed against the bed. 
You hadn’t said anything, but she nodded at the proposed switch in roles, and when you tried to push her down onto the bed, she let you. Billie pulled you down on top of her, slipping her hands under the hem of your shirt and letting them travel up your back. In a moment of impatience she pulled your shirt off and tossed it to the floor. 
You grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head. “Keep them there,” you warned her with a stern look, and she smiled at you in amusement. You hardly ever took dominance over her, it was foreign to both of you, but you were enjoying it. 
“This is new,” she taunted, unserious, yet you could see the desire clawing at her through the mask of her ego. “You’re learning, and so well.” 
You shook your head, brushing off her comment. You didn’t give her the satisfaction of an answer, pulling off her blouse and attaching your lips to her chest. Her breath caught as you trailed kisses down her sternum, nipping at her chest, leaving marks in your wake as you traveled down her abdomen. 
“You’re so beautiful,” you murmured into her skin, and a slight blush overtook her features. She shifted restlessly – her anticipation was evident, beautiful in the fervor with which she needed you. You understood why she was usually so addicted to you underneath her, you were drunk on the power of having her need nothing in the world but you. 
You moved between her legs, and instinctively her hips bucked toward you. As you pulled the rest of her clothes off she let out another sigh, this time out of pleasure, out of desire. 
With air-light touches you caressed her thighs. Slowly you kissed up the length of them, watching her expression closely. Desperation overtook her features, and her breath was shaky. One of her hands had moved to weave into your hair, a wordless plea for your attention. 
Just as she thought relief would finally come between her thighs, you moved away. With a look of satisfaction you climbed back up her body, straddling her, leaning down to kiss her. 
“What are you doing?” she asked in a whine. No one ever denied Billie anything, especially you. 
You shrugged. You trailed your hand down her abdomen, let it rest at her hip as you watched her squirm. “Beg.” 
She scoffed. She shook her head. “I’m not begging.” 
With a tantalizing smile you moved your hands away. Her only form of contact was the way you were straddling her. “Prove how much you want this. Beg for it, or you get nothing.” 
She sighed, and desire won over her pride, though it was not without a battle of ego. “Please,” she said. “Please, I need this. You know I need this, I need you.” 
You considered her words a victory, one of the scarce victories of dominance you took over her. In reward you slipped back between her legs. Finally relief came to her, your tongue sliding through her wetness. Billie moaned, her hips bucking into you again. You held them down, circling your arms around her tense thighs. 
You focused yourself on her clit, noting every response her body gave to your ministrations. Her moans, her whines let freely go as you slipped two fingers into her. She gasped, her new grip in your hair tightening dramatically as you set a pace that was quickly ruining her. 
Though earlier she had been utterly opposed that you’d made her beg, quiet pleas spilled from her lips as you brought her closer to the edge. Your name on her tongue like a curse, like poison you would drink from the fountain of your devotion. 
“Cum for me,” you murmured when she was close, and her body responded immediately – you coaxed her through her climax, the pace of your tongue and your hand working in sequence to prolong it as much as you could for her. 
When she came down from it, you pulled away. You laid at her side, pulling her into you to press a kiss to her shoulder and then to her lips, the two of you engulfed in the softness of her newfound peace. Billie relaxed into your embrace, letting you hold her as exhaustion overtook her. Peace found you both in inexplicable wonder, anxiety cursed in your devotion.
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luminescentkelpie · 1 year
Everytime I read a Vorkosigan saga book I am hit by the realization of just how bad Miles needs adhd meds
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blxckchxrrybxby · 2 years
FaceTime: No Violets in November [Pt. 1]
summary: Wilhemina despises her birthday. Each year is a reminder of her inadequacies. However, this is the year that she deals with her demons head-on. (The intimate chaos of being in a relationship included).
pairing: Wilhemina Venable x Billie Dean Howard x Cordelia Goode x Reader
warning(s): Cursing, perhaps.
a/n: @abeillesurlalunerose inspired the sweet tea part. Also, reader is she/they. More Mina in the next chapter. This was supposed to be a simple one shot, idk what happened.
wordcount: 3,581
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“Ready, Babydoll?” Billie questioned as she sprayed herself in perfume—trying to get rid of the smell of smoke. Her hand delicately grasped yours and held it above your head; guiding you to spin, so the falling fragrance would cover as much of you as possible. You were never the floral type, but you didn’t have much of a choice.
“As ready as I’ll ever be...” You mumbled, trying to focus on not tripping over your own two feet. Billie smirked knowingly, watching your nose scrunch up from the last spritz of perfume. It was clear that you were trying to hold your breath so the overbearing scent wouldn’t choke you.
She let out a chuckle and decided to give your nose a quick peck, “Such a cutie, you are.” Your cheeks burned—causing you to shy away and no longer scrunch your nose. Holding eye contact was by far one of the hardest things to accomplish at the moment. Despite your obvious timidity, Billie absolutely loved when you became flustered. “Babydoll, you have no idea what being shy like this does to me.” She stated in a lower voice, bringing her hand up to caress your warm cheek; instantly igniting a fire in the pit of your belly.
You could feel the warmth radiating from her touch and basked in it. Her thumb grazed across your flushed cheek, gradually moving across textured skin and acne. Naturally, you’d fall insecure, but you knew how much she admired every last bit of you. Her gentle touches no longer frightened you.
“B-Billie…” You whimpered, trying to find your voice.
A wicked grin spread across her plump lips at your demeanor. “My, my... I could just eat you up, kitten. Would you like that?” No matter how much perfume she sprayed, you could still smell a hint of tobacco embedded in her fingertips. Your eyes lifted momentarily; catching the blonde’s gaze as she gently pushed your hips against the nearby wardrobe. Her lips immediately attached themselves to your neck, planting tender kisses along the fragile skin. You let out a whine, trying your best to contain the sounds within you begging for escape. You always figured her favor towards your vulnerability was a power move. Quite similar to Wilhemina’s—
Oh shit. Mina.
You cleared your throat, hoping it would help break you out of the sudden bashful spell. Time was ticking and it did not permit for this—no matter how badly you wanted it. “We should really get going. Delia’s probably waiting.” Billie nodded against your neck in agreeance and took a step back from you, but not before giving you a love bite.
“There. A purple accessory to go with your outfit.”
You rolled your eyes—hiding the fact that you absolutely loved the hickey—before you spoke again, “Oh, wait-” She arched an eyebrow at you as she put the perfume back into her purse. After shuffling through your pockets, you pulled out a pack of gum. Opening it, you slid out a stick and held it out for her, “-here.”
Her expression fell as she stared at you, “Darling, are you trying to tell me my breath stinks?” She frowned, cupping her hand in front of her face to blow into.
You immediately rolled your eyes at her accusation, “No, but if you don’t take it, Mina will.”
“Why would Venny want a stick of gum?” She asked with both eyebrows knitting together.
“Wha- No, Billie, I meant she’ll tell you that your breath stinks!” You giggled, elaborating on your statement.
A soft pink hue graced her cheeks as she caught on. “Ah,” Her manicured nails tapped against the side of her purse as she looked away and hid her face out of embarrassment. The humility made her crave a cigarette, “I suppose that’s more logical.”
Billie knew how much Wilhemina hated the smell of the cancer sticks and didn’t doubt for a second the truth you spoke. The last thing she needed was the redhead scolding her for smelling like a walking pack of Marlboro. With a huff, she took the minty offering from you. The silver-covered stick of gum danced between Billie’s fingers for a moment before she finally unwrapped it and slid the gum into her mouth.
After indulging in a piece yourself, you crumbled the wrapper and held your hand out for Billie’s. She stared at you; absentmindedly folding the wrapper as small as possible before placing it in the palm of your outstretched hand. It was a habit she did with not only gum wrappers, but napkins as well. You always wondered if the tendency to fold was something she had been taught growing up or if it was just one of her silly little quirks.
“Thank you, Kitten.” With a closed-mouth smile, you discarded of the trash and returned back by her side within a minute. She chuckled at your eagerness and walked out of the bedroom, “Come, before we’re late.”
You mentally rolled your eyes, finding it a bit ironic that the woman who was always ‘fashionably late’ to events was rushing you. Nonetheless, you followed her with confusion written all over your face as she led you to Madison’s room.
“Uh, Billie? Why are we in here?” You questioned, walking into the room once she pushed open the door.
Madison walked out of the bathroom and jumped, holding a towel tight against her body, “Fucking knock next time, blondie! What if my tits were out?!”
You smiled apologetically at the witch, “Sorry to barge in like this, Madison. I’m sure Zoe finds them amazing.”
The younger blonde glared as you beamed innocently.
Billie ignored the whole exchange and darted directly to Madison’s bed. “That’s rich.” Placing the palm of her hand on the mattress to aid with kneeling down, she continued, “Besides, Madison, you don’t have much to be worried about if—God forbid—anyone did see.” You held in a laugh and watched as the older woman reached under the bed—admiring the way her ass looked in the lilac dress.
Madison rolled her eyes and watched as you stared at Billie’s ass as if you were in a trance, “Perv.”
You scoffed, now looking at her, “She’s literally my girlfriend.”
She shrugged, grabbing a second towel to dry her hair, “I don’t care. Go be gay somewhere else.”
“I apologize.” You held your hands up in mock defense, “Next time, I’ll be sure to switch the gay off before entering.”
Sliding from under the bed with three presents in her arms, Billie stood up and flipped her hair—handing you one of the presents. “Alright, doll, let’s get going.”
You held the gift and nodded, shuffling out of the room as Billie led.
“You’re welcome!” Madison yelled out as the both of you giggled to yourselves whilst descending the staircase.
Approaching the coven’s library, you couldn’t help but ask, “Why were the presents in Madison’s room?”
Billie shrugged, “Delia thought it would be the perfect spot since Venny never goes in there.”
You nodded, “Okay, but why didn’t anyone let me know they were in there?”
She chuckled, “You ask far too many questions.”
“And you don’t answer enough of them.” You stated with a pout.
Billie stepped closer to you, smirking, “Babydoll, we love you, but you couldn’t hold water even if it was frozen.” Noticing the slight furrow of your eyebrows, she figured you didn’t understand what she meant. “Must I elaborate?”
“Hold water?”
“It means to keep a secret.” She paused and snorted, mumbling to herself, “God, am I getting old, or is it a southern thing?”
You shrugged, “I doubt it’s the southern thing. I usually understand about 95% of what you say.”
Her expression went blank, “Did you just call me… old?”
You blinked, taking a moment to process what just happened. Clearing your throat, you smiled innocently, “I think it’s time we go in, but I would like the record to show that I am great at keeping secrets! I haven’t even told anybody that you despise sweet tea-”
“Shh!” Her hand immediately covered your mouth. You ceased talking as she looked around as if someone was listening and whispered, “Don’t you ever say that out loud again.”
You nodded slowly at her dramatics as she removed her hand and adjusted the two gift bags on her arm. Biting your lip nervously, you turned towards the door to the library. Your fingertips fidgeted anxiously with the wrapping paper on the present. Billie winked at you and opened the door; letting you enter first while following close behind. Her right hand found the small of your back, slowly rubbing it to help ground you.
As bookshelf after bookshelf passed, you proceeded to walk toward the fireplace. The closer you got, the more Cordelia came into view. She sat in a chair, tapping away on her laptop.
“Please tell me you’re not still working right now,” Billie stated, unamused by the always-working Supreme.
Cordelia jumped—startled by Billie’s voice—and instantly closed her laptop, “Well, hello to you too.” She displayed a bashful smile, standing up to greet the both of you.
“Has Mina made it yet?” You asked in a hushed tone; in case the other woman was somewhere nearby.
Cordelia chuckled softly, “Not yet.” She removed the gift from your arms and wrapped you into a tight hug, “You look amazing, sweet girl.”
You smiled, feeling your face heat up, “Thank you, Delia.” With your face buried against her neck, you took a moment to bask in the smell of her chamomile shampoo and vanilla perfume before pulling back. “You look stunning by the way.”
She grinned in response—absentmindedly smoothing her hands down the front of her long, flowy skirt. “Really? I was hoping it wouldn’t be too much for Mina.”
Your eyes scanned the entirety of the Supreme, “She will love it. Trust me.”
After setting down the gift bags, Billie greeted Cordelia with a kiss and complimented her on today’s outfit selection, as well. You genuinely found the whole thing funny, considering all three of you were wearing purple. The idea was cute, but the execution was questionable. Honestly, it felt a bit… cultish.
You took a moment to look around; admiring the purple and silver decorations, along with the few drinks and snacks placed on the coffee table beside a bouquet of violets. Cordelia had truly outdone herself. It wasn’t so over the top that it would overwhelm Wilhemina, but it was enough to show effort and that alone would please her.
The only thing missing now, however, was Mina.
“I thought she would be here by now,” Billie muttered, looking at her watch, then at Delia.
“She would have been here if she didn’t request to work today,” Cordelia mumbled, adding her gift to the other three.
You furrowed your eyebrows, moving your gaze to the both of them, “I didn’t know you could request to work on a mandatory day off.”
“You can’t, babydoll.” Billie rolled her eyes while texting on her phone, “Venny is just so stubborn that she thinks she can do whatever she pleases.”
Delia hummed to herself, “And her bosses are a bit too…” She paused, thinking of the right word to use, “…intimidated to tell her otherwise.”
You smirked, “So they’re scared of her? And she’s working for them?”
“It appears so.” Cordelia chuckled.
As if on cue, Delia’s phone began to ring. Billie swiftly picked it up from the coffee table and grinned mischievously, seeing Mina’s picture. She answered it without hesitation.
“Where is she?” Mina growled, rushing through the halls of Kineros, as her cane tapped loudly.
You glanced at Delia with furrowed eyebrows; confused as to why Mina sounded so upset. She shrugged in response with the same expression of concern and confusion.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t our Venny.” Billie stated, not at all phased by the redhead’s unnerved demeanor (and most likely using the camera to fix her curls).
“Billie Dean, I swear if this is one of your pranks-” Mina started, sounding beyond irritated.
“Wilhemina, it’s not ladylike to swear, honey,” Billie said in faux innocence.
“I am not in the mood, Howard.”
“You’re never in the mood, Venable.”
“She’s always in the mood for me.” You mumbled to yourself, picking at your nails.
“Stop it, you three.” Cordelia intruded, rolling her eyes at the bickering and somehow back on her laptop.
A moment of silence went by before Mina responded in a relieved tone, “Hello, little one.”
You bit your lip, looking up at the phone in Billie’s hand. Standing from the chair, you walked over and peeked a glance at your other lover from over Billie’s shoulder, “Hi, Mina. We’ve missed you.”
Delia shook her head, mumbling under her breath, “What am I, chopped liver?”
“At worst, you’re nothing short of a five-star Michelin steak.” Billie chimed in.
“How charming of you, Billie,” Cordelia responded with a chuckle.
“For God’s sake, give Y/N the phone if you’re going to socialize with Cordelia the whole time,” Mina stated in agitation.
“Well, someone needs to show our Supreme how cherished she is since you can’t seem to provide her with a simple hello. Where are your manners-” In the midst of Billie speaking, the call hung up. “Did she just-“
“Still no greeting,” Delia mumbled, typing away. Within a few seconds, a low buzz filled the room. Delia looked down—feeling her thigh vibrate. Seeing your phone light up with Mina’s contact picture, she smirked to herself and answered, “Hello there, Wilhemina.”
A soft chuckle could be heard on the other side of the phone, “Hello, Cordelia.”
“Playing phone tag, I see.”
“Unfortunately. It seems no one has their own phone.”
“Isn’t that a shame?” You chuckled, watching the Supreme pout in faux sorrow, “I assume you’re calling to speak with our sweet girl?”
Wilhemina smirked, “Perhaps it was you I wanted to speak with.”
Cordelia hummed to herself, “You know our communication is better done through action, my love. I’ll pass them the phone, hm?”
“Thank you.”
Billie rolled her eyes as you retrieved your cellular device and walked off to a less chaotic place to hold conversation. Cordelia arched an eyebrow and peered at Billie from above her laptop, “Now, why was she so upset to begin with?”
She shrugged, admiring her nails, “You know how Venny gets-”
“Billie,” Cordelia stated in a warning tone.
The Medium huffed and flipped her hair, “Calm down, Delia. I simply told her that Y/N was missing.”
“It got her attention, didn’t it?”
Cordelia shook her head and went back to typing, “You’ve got a few screws loose, Billie Dean.”
“The better for you to tighten, my dear.”
Cordelia looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, “Excuse me?”
Billie scoffed while grabbing her phone, then mumbled, “Now I know it’s definitely a southern thing.”
You sighed softly, leaning against a bookshelf, “So… how’s work?”
Her expression noticeably softened at your words, “I know you’re upset, little one.”
“And why would I be upset?” You asked—knowing full and well that you were seething on the inside from her deciding to go to work and not tell you.
“Are the others-”
“I walked away.”
With a deep inhale, she gathered her excuse, “I apologize, I was needed at work-”
“You were needed at home.” You stated with confidence.
“How naïve do you think I am? I expect you home within the next hour, Wilhemina.”
You took a moment to take in her features. Everything about her screamed ‘apathetic business woman’ but all you could see was the child in her. The fearful being that was dreading another year of life and despising the idea of celebrating it even more. You knew this was why she had fled the coven and chose to hide within the confinements of her office. She didn’t need another reminder of her age increasing and health declining. However, last year she had promised you growth, and what better way to bring in her new age, than with the first step of change?
No more running away.
“Happy birthday, my love,” Cordelia celebrated softly as she placed a tender kiss against Wilhemina’s cheek; handing her the last present. It was the same present you insisted on covering in violet wrapping paper—much like the others. “Enjoy. This one’s from an anonymous source.”
Wilhemina’s eyebrows furrowed at Delia’s words as her gaze met with the witch’s. What anonymous source could she possibly be referring to? She had already opened a gift from each of her lovers. Delia laid her hand on Mina’s—which happened to be resting on the unopened gift—and gave it a loving squeeze. As if to say, just trust me.
 Every year, Wilhemina made it clear that she preferred to ignore the day the universe cursed her with life—however—with three girlfriends who loved her immensely, it was nearly impossible. Although dreaded by Mina, November 11th was a day worth celebrating.
Cordelia perched herself on the armrest of the La-Z-Boy Billie gifted Mina the year prior and absentmindedly ran her fingers through her lover’s red hair. Wilhemina huffed under her breath and began to unwrap the gift; taking her time with precision.
“One of these years, I’d like to actually receive what I ask for.” The redhead grumbled.
Billie rolled her eyes, “Get over it, Venny. We’re not going a year without celebrating you.” Taking a sip of her cider, she smirked, “Besides, it’s a fun way to torture you.”
Once the gift was uncovered, she placed the paper aside and opened the large, rectangular box; revealing one of the most beautiful canes she had ever seen.
You bit your lip nervously and glanced at Cordelia. You had begged her to give Mina your gift; knowing if she found out her ‘little one’ spent so much money on her, she’d pitch a fit. Cordelia continued to stroke Mina’s hair as her gaze remained fixated on the cane. No words left the woman’s mouth. It was as if she were frozen.
 You knew your bottom lip was bound to become raw from how much you were currently gnawing on it, “Do you like it?”
Your words snapped her out of the flashback she was currently trapped in.
Taking a moment to swallow down the aftertaste of inadequacy with the apple cider Cordelia made, her piercing gaze hesitantly met yours. “Little one. Tell me you didn’t.”
You fidgeted with your blouse anxiously, “What do you mean?”
She sat up the best she could, frowning, “Did you buy-”
“I said it was anonymous, Mina. Leave it at that.” Delia stated as she interrupted. “Now, who wants pie?”
“Me, please.” You stated, ready to change the subject. Glancing over at Mina, her gaze remained fixated on the cane in front of her.
“Leave my slice on the table, won’t you, darling?” Billie asked, standing up, “I need a smoke.”
Delia agreed, but shook her head disapprovingly, “Fine, but you need to ease off the nicotine.”
Looking through her purse for a cigarette, the Medium pointed a finger, “Don’t. Tonight is a good night and we’ve already talked about this.”
Delia frowned, “I know, but I get worried, Billie.” She sat the plates down on the coffee table as Billie walked up to her and pulled her over to the side.
While grasping her waist and pulling her flush against her body, Billie began, “Hey…” She spoke softly, easing a few golden strands behind the Supreme’s ear, “You never have to worry about me.”
“I know, but-”
Cordelia took a moment to find her words then replied in a hushed tone, “That’s easier said than done. I practically watch you inhale your fate every time you go out on that balcony.” Billie frowned at her statement, but let her continue, “And don’t think that I don’t know about you sharing those cancer sticks with Y/N.”
Her eyes widened as she bit her bottom lip nervously, “Have you told-”
“No, but if she finds out, you’re dead along with the rest of the coven that knows.”
Billie arched an eyebrow, “Who was it that told you?”
“I’m not telling you that, Billie Dean.”
The Medium peered, adamant about knowing who told her business, “Coco? Queenie?”
“Madison? Nan?”
Cordelia sighed, “Nan.”
You smiled, walking over to Mina. Kneeling in front of her, you placed both hands atop hers. She jumped slightly, bringing her attention to you. “Are you alright, Mina?”
She inhaled slowly to control her breathing. Something you had noticed she would do if she didn’t want to draw in attention to her emotions, “Of course, Little one.”
You tilted your head, “I know you, Mina. Something is wrong. Do you not like your presents?”
“It’s not that.” Her fingers caressed the palm of your hand to not only ground you, but herself.
“Is it the pie? I thought you detested cake.”
“I do.”
“Then… what’s wrong?”
Her fingers intertwined with yours as a soft smile appeared on her lips. With a gentle squeeze of your hands, she spoke quieter than usual, “Not now.”
You could hear the waver of her voice. A few decibels louder and the dam of emotions would erupt. “I understand.” You accepted her decision and forced a smile. “Would you like some pie?”
Her fingers withdrew from yours and moved through your hair. “I’d much rather prefer you instead.”
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sapphicforsarahh · 2 years
Hello! If you are open for requests I was wondering if you could do a comfort fic where Cordelia is reader’s girlfriend and takes care of her when she has bad cramps?
Only if you want to💕😊
Ofc!! Here you go:
Pain Relief
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Ship: Cordelia Goode x Reader
Word Count: 425+
Warnings: None
Synopsis: Cordelia comforts reader during cramps.
There you sat, on the couch, curled up in a ball trying to get rid of this horrible pain in your lower stomach. You tried everything, nothing helped. Most painkillers weren’t working so you gave up. Your hot water bottle had gone cold and it was too painful to even stand up, so you left it. The rest of the girls in the coven has gone out on a day trip but you cancelled, so you were by yourself. Cordelia was in her office, completing some important paperwork so you didn’t want to bother her. 
Trying to distract yourself from the pain, you decide some TV will help. You looked for the remote, but it was on the other side of the table, too far to reach sitting down. You groaned in annoyance and stood up anyway. The pain was even more unbearable now and you almost lost your balance. Grabbing the remote, you sit back down and sigh. Just as the TV turned on, your heard soft footsteps of Cordelia’s heels coming through the hall. She comes into the room and walks over to the coffee machine. “Hey Delia,” you say to hear, a slight strain to your voice. “Hi baby,” she turns on the coffee machine, puts a cup under it and walks over to you. 
“Is everything okay sweetheart?” She stands behind you, her arms loosely wrapped around your shoulders and her brow furrowed with concern. “Yes yes, I’m fine,” you lie, slightly clenching your stomach. “No you’re not, what’s wrong?” She goes back to her coffee machine and picks up her cup and walks back over to you. You could smell her coffee as she walked past you and sat down right next to you. “I dont feel well,” you mumble, dropping your head into her shoulder. Her hand comes up to your hair, stroking it delicately. “I noticed you holding your stomach, you have cramps don’t you?” She softly spoke. “Yeah,” you curled up tighter into her frame. 
She reluctantly moves away from you, taking off her shoes and laying down on the couch, “come here babe.” You painfully crawl up to her, lying between her legs and wrapping your arms around the top half of her body. “This is nice,” you breath as your head lays down on her chest. Her hands cradled your back and rubs it slightly. “I’ve finished my work that needed doing today, so we can just stay here for a while. How does that sound?” She looks down at you, and you look up. “Sounds perfect.”
Taglist: @hngover @isle-of-earle @chillinftladygaga @cordeliaswife @aliensaurusrex @angelick1sses @gmtsu
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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