#Corps des marines
carbone14 · 3 months
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Chance Vought AU-1 Corsair de l'US Marine Corps – 1952
©United States Navy National Museum of Naval Aviation - 1986.145.002
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American armored crewmen of the nation’s wars - in black and white:
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The Great War
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World War Two
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Korean War
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Vietnam War
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Cold War
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Desert Storm
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Iraq War
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Afghanistan War
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babe-heffron · 4 months
so far helmet for my pillow reminds me a lot more of parachute infantry than it does with the old breed and im wondering if its a case that leckie and webster were both writing so soon after the war (along with both of them having journalist/literary backgrounds) meaning that the view with which they were approaching the war was very different than sledge (and others) was decades later
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
Japanese construction workers on Wednesday resumed landfill work at the new site of the U.S. military base on Okinawa despite protests by the island’s residents that the move tramples on their rights and raises environmental concerns.
The planned relocation site for the base, on Okinawa’s eastern coast, has been at the center of a dispute between the government in Tokyo and the local authorities at a time of the island’s growing strategic importance.[...]
Three weeks ago, the Fukuoka High Court’s Naha branch ordered Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki to approve the central government’s modified landfill plan, and allowed the Land and Transport Ministry to order the work to resume by overriding the governor’s disapproval.
On a barge brought to the location on Wednesday, a pair of loader machines scooped up mounds of rock and gravel and dumped them into the sea as part of reclamation needed to reinforce the extremely soft seabed at the site planned for U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma.
Tamaki, who has appealed the order to the Supreme Court, said the court ruling was unjust and goes against the will of the residents. Under Japanese law, construction can proceed while the court decision is pending. He called the resumption of the landfill work “extremely regrettable.”[...]
Tamaki, the governor, has sought a significant reduction of the U.S. military on Okinawa, which is home to more than half of 50,000 American troops based in Japan under a bilateral security pact.
Hundreds of scholars, film directors and ordinary citizens who have advocated for Okinawans’ autonomy, signed a global petition demanding the island cease to be “a de facto military colony of the United States and Japan ever since the end of the World War II.”
One of the petition organizers, Satoko Norimatsu Oka who heads the Vancouver-based Peace Philosophy Center, provided a copy of the document to The Associated Press.
“We must end the discrimination and military colonization of Okinawa,” said the petitioners, who include filmmaker Oliver Stone.
The petition urged President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to “cancel the construction of the new base in Henoko.”
10 Jan 24
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ekman · 5 months
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Les deux quinquennats du sale môme autocentré auront une conséquence que les Français ne mesurent pas encore, à savoir l’épuisement des institutions qui sont sensées régir l’équilibre politique du pays. La cinquième république ne s’en relèvera pas, qui ressemble aujourd’hui à un poulet sans tête courant à contresens de sa propre histoire. Réformes sans débats parlementaires – ou alors d’apparence seulement, dans le souci du vernis démocratique – conseil d’État aux ordres, cour des comptes sous acides, conseil constitutionnel dévoyé, magistrature marxo-laxiste, police déboussolée, armée en délitement... plus rien ne ressemble à ce qui était, il y a vingt ans encore, un État menacé mais encore fonctionnel.
On pouvait croire alors que les corps constitués aideraient au maintien de l’équilibre, voire contribueraient à une forme de redressement. C’était mal diagnostiquer la profondeur de la plaie ouverte par l’intérêt financier – et gardée béante par un État profond soucieux de sauvegarder ses prébendes au détriment du bien commun. Cette “bourgeoisie d’ancien régime” (appelons-la comme ça pour remettre un cliché au goût du jour), n’a eu de cesse de faciliter les manœuvres économiques et financières entreprises par un sac de stipendiés mal élus, sous-marins de Wall Street, européistes détestés par leurs compatriotes. Ce dévoiement à grande échelle a liquidé l’esprit même de la “res publica”, espérance politique usée jusqu’à la corde, concept helléno-romain devenu gazeux à force d’être manipulé par des universitaires progressistes.
La société française ne repose plus que sur le bruit des médias qui gouvernent l’opinion à coups de sondages à façon, d’infos bidonnées, de guignol publicitaire et de mensonges rabâchés. Plus d’éducation donc plein d’associations, aucune justice mais des marches blanches, zéro cohésion pour des tonnes de subventions… l’hyper-marché France ne désemplit pas !
J.-M. M.
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aimeedaisies · 3 months
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The Princess Royal’s Official Engagements in June 2024
04/06 As Master of the Corporation of Trinity House, attended the Trinitytide Anniversary Annual Court Meeting, Church Service and Luncheon. 💼⛪️🍽️
As Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Corps of Signals, this afternoon inspected The Queen’s Gurkha Signals Regiment on public duties at St James’s Palace. 🫡
As Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Members Election Commission, held a Members Election Commission Meeting at St James’s Palace. 💼
05/06 With Sir Tim As Colonel-In-Chief of The Royal Regina Rifles, unveiled a statue and attended a Reception at 10 Place des Canadiens, Thue et Mue, Bretteville. 🇬🇧🇫🇷🇨🇦
With Sir Tim Attended a service of commemoration and reception to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings at Bayeux War Cemetery. 🪦🪖
With Sir Tim As President of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, attended the Annual Service in Bayeux Cathedral to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings. ⛪️
With Sir Tim As President of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, attended a service to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings at Bayeux War Cemetery. 🪦🕯️
06/06 With Sir Tim Attended the Annual Founder’s Day Parade at the Royal Hospital Chelsea. 💂
As Colonel of The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons), attended a Household Cavalry Council Meeting at Hyde Park Barracks. 🐎
07/06 Opened Forest of Dean Community Hospital. 🏥
Visited Ruskin Mill Trust in Nailsworth. 🏫
09/06 Attended the Bramham International Horse Trials Prize Giving, on its 50th anniversary. 🏇🏼
11/06 Opened Mercator Media Limited’s 25th Anniversary Seawork Marine Exhibition in Southampton. ⛴️
As Patron of the British Nutrition Foundation, visited the British Armed Forces Nutrition Programme at The Royal Logistic Corps Regimental Museum in Winchester. 🍏🍊
As Patron of Farms for City Children, and Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers, attended a Festival of Learning at Butchers’ Hall. 🥩🥓🍖
Unofficial Sir Tim attended a reception at the King Edward VII Hospital and unveiled a plaque dedicated to Sir Jameson Boyd Adams. 🍾
With Sir Tim As Royal Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, attended The Prince Philip Fund Commemoration Dinner at Prince Philip House. 🍽️🍾
12/06 On behalf of The King, held an Investiture at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
As Chancellor of the University of London, attended the School of Advanced Study 30th Anniversary Reception at Senate House. 📚📖
As President of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Study Conferences, attended a Dinner. 🍽️🗺️
13/06 As Patron of Transaid, visited the Multimodal 2024 Exhibition. 🛻
As Patron of the Townswomen’s Guilds, attended the Annual General Meeting. 💼
As Patron of the Foundation for Future London, attended the UK Cultural Exchange launch. 🇬🇧🗺️
With Sir Tim As President of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, attended a President’s Panel Discussion and Dinner. 🎤🍽️
14/06 Presided over a conference attended by the Colonels of the Regiments of the Household Division. 💂
Cavalry Regiments
Blues and Royals - Princess Anne
The Life Guards - Non - Royal
Grenadier Guards - Queen Camilla
Coldstream Guards - Non - Royal
Scots Guards - Prince Edward
Irish Guards - Catherine, Princess of Wales
Welsh Guards - Prince William
London Guards - Prince Edward
15/06 With Sir Tim Trooping the Colour
17/06 With Sir Tim Attended a chapter of the Most Noble Order of the Garter in the Throne Room, Windsor Castle. 🏰
With Sir Tim Attended a luncheon, hosted by the King, at Windsor Castle. 🍽️
With Sir Tim Attended an Installation Service was held in St George’s Chapel at which The Duchess of Gloucester was installed as a Lady of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. 🪽🎖️
18/06 unofficial Attended day one of Royal Ascot. 🏇🏼
19/06 unofficial Attended day two of Royal Ascot. 🏇🏼
20/06 unofficial With Sir Tim Attended day three (Ladies Day) of Royal Ascot. 🏇🏼
21/06 With Sir Tim Attended the RNLI Beating Retreat, Reception and Dinner at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich. 🛟🥂🍽️
22/06 With Sir Tim As Patron of the Eric Liddell 100, attended a Service in St Giles’ Cathedral, followed by a Reception to commemorate 100 years since Eric Liddells Olympic gold medal win. 🥇
~ Engagements cancelled due to hospitalisation ~
Total official engagements for Anne in June:
2024 total so far:
Total official engagements accompanied by Tim in June:
2024 total so far:
FYI - due to certain royal family members being off ill/in recovery I won't be posting everyone's engagement counts out of respect, I am continuing to count them and release the totals at the end of the year.
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thomas-querqy · 1 year
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Jakob Tuggener Schiffsnieter (riveteuse pour navire) 1947 collection Marin Karmitz
Vu au Centre Pompidou à l'exposition Corps à corps Histoire(s) de la photographie
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sinvulkt · 2 months
Edmond se tournait et se retournait sur la pauvre paille qui lui servait de lit depuis les longues années qu’il habitait le cachot. Il avait perdu le compte des jours quelques temps après sa captivité, mais cela devait faire plusieurs années, n’est-ce-pas ?
Une nouvelle crampe lui crispa le dos, et il changea encore de position dans le vain espoir de dénouer le nœud qui s’y était formé. La douleur ne partait pas, et le sommeil ne vint pas, alors, abandonnant l’idée de dormir, Edmond se leva et se mit à marcher en cercle.
Depuis quelques jours, une sensation de brûlure pulsait entre ses omoplates. Au départ, le dérangement n’était que très faible, la sensation à peine plus perturbante qu’une piqûre de moustique. Mais la situation avait petit à petit empiré, et désormais sa peau le démangeait terriblement. Edmond se serait bien gratté d'avantage, mais il en avait déjà irrité la zone douloureuse jusqu’au sang, et la moindre touche aggravait le sentiment de brûlure qui grouillait sous sa peau.
Il se résolut d’en parler au porte clé qui venait lui apporter sa soupe.
Ce dernier, mis au courant de l’étrange maladie qui frappait le prisonnier et soucieux de ne pas voir sa mort prélevée à sa paye, s'empressa de signaler à Edmond de se déshabiller.
“Je ne vois rien,” dit le geôlier une fois qu’Edmond eut enlevé sa chemise pour révéler son dos nu.
“Regardez encore !” demanda Edmond, désespéré de trouver la source du mal qui le tourmentait tant.
Le geôlier se pencha, lorgnant le dos du prisonnier. Les repas frugales de la prison d’If avaient rendu le prisonnier maigre, les os saillants, mais l’on pouvait encore apercevoir la silhouette des solides muscles qu’on les marins.
“Non, vraiment. Je ne vois rien.”
“Merci.” soupira le prisonnier en s’écartant tristement. 
Le geôlier n’avait aucune raison de se moquer de lui. Après tout, les portes-clés n’avaient que peu d’intérêt à le voir mort, emprisonné comme il était. C’était donc que l’homme disait la vérité, et que le mal qui déchirait le dos d’Edmond demeurait invisible.
Une fois son geôlier parti, promettant qu’il appellerait le docteur si les choses s’aggravaient, Edmond écarta sa soupe. Il n’avait pas faim. La douleur qui vrillait juste sous ses omoplates s'étendait maintenant sur toute la longueur de son torse, comme pour se moquer de sa faiblesse. Pis encore, une nausée montante rendait ses mains tremblantes et sa vue trouble. Même si son estomac avait été d’humeur, Edmond doutait qu’il eut pu porter la nourriture à sa bouche. 
Le reste de la journée s'échappa dans un flou nauséeux. Edmond était trop fatigué pour bouger, mais trop agité pour rester allongé. Il alternait donc entre les deux, plongé dans une vague brume cauchemardesque. Son cœur battait la chamade et son corps était secoué de frisson, sans que cela n’empêche la brûlure annexant son échine de le tourmenter. La fraîcheur de la nuit, loin de le soulager, empira encore son malheur.
Des vagues de crampes successives mettaient son dos à l'agonie, le laissant pantelant sur le sol froid et humide. Le moindre frottement était décuplé. Bientôt, Edmond ne supporta plus le tissu rêche de ses haillons, et avec un de ces regains d’énergies que la fièvre donne parfois, il s’empressa de les jeter au sol.
Edmond ne savais combien de temps il passa dans cet état intemporel que donne la maladie. Quelque chose de froid et gluant s’était mis à lui couler sur le dos, mais il n’avait plus la force de vérifier si ce n’était que de la sueur, ou bien du sang. Une sensation de douleur bien plus pénétrante que les autres le traversa, et Edmond ne put réprimer un hurlement.
Puis un second. 
Puis un troisième. 
C’était comme si une valve fermée s’était soudainement ouverte, libérant l'expression de toute la souffrance qui le secouait et lui coupait le souffle. Edmond se recroquevilla sur le sol, front a terre, tirant désespérément sur ses cheveux pour échapper à la torture qui le dechirait de l’intérieur. Des pas accoururent, mais perdu dans la fièvre et la douleur, Edmond ne les entendit pas.
“Mais bon sang, que se passe t-il ?!”
On le secoua, sans pouvoir provoquer plus que des gémissements. Puis, les doigts charnus qui l'avaient malmené le quittèrent. Il y eut une pause, puis d’autres cris; qui cette fois ne venaient pas de lui; puis une main contre son épaule alors qu’il tentait de se retourner pour frotter la zone brûlante au sol délicieusement froid.
“Ne bougez pas.” 
Edmond s’accorda très bien de cet ordre. Maintenant que la personne le disait, se retourner semblait en effet une bien mauvaise idée. Et puis, le sol était trop froid. Il préférait bien plus la main chaude qui était restée posée près de son cou. Une seconde vint se poser sur son front. Elle s’en éloigna presque aussitôt, et Edmond regretta la fraîcheur qui l’avait brièvement envahi à son contact.
“Mais c’est qu’il a de la fièvre, ce pauvre garçon.” Le geôlier leva la voix. “Appelez un médecin !”
Le cri, trop fort pour les sens surmené d’Edmond, lui fit l’impression d’un ballon qui éclatait dans son crâne. Ses gémissements reprirent de plus belle.
“Que se passe-t-il?” Une nouvelle voix lui transperça les tympans.
“Le prisonnier est souffrant.”
“Ça, je l’entend bien qu’il est souffrant. Cela fait une demi-heure qu’il nous casse les oreilles. Mais avez-vous une idée du mal?”
“Non. Ce matin, il parlait encore.”
Le flot de parole fut bientôt enseveli sous la vague de fièvre qui l'envahit comme un nouvel accès de crampe, tel une cruelle lance brûlante qui le perça de toute part. Sa gorge était rauque à force de crier, et le son ne sortait que par accoups étranglés. 
“Allons, allons.”
Les porte-clés, bien embêtés, tentèrent tant bien que mal d’aider lorsque ce dernier se releva sur ses coudes pour tousser. Ils ne réussissent qu'à le perturber davantage. 
Edmond voulait fuir toutes ces mains inconnues, bien trop moites, bien trop épaisses pour être celles qu’il cherchait. Il se languissait de la douceur du toucher de Mercedes contre sa peau. De lointains souvenirs remontaient le long de ses pensées confuses, prenant le pas sur les voix bien réelles qui l'entouraient.’
“C’est le milieu de la nuit. Ne peut-il pas tenir jusqu’au matin ?” l’une d’entre elle grommela. “C’est la prison, ici, pas l’hôpital.”
Une douleur, au moins dix fois plus terrible que toutes les autres, foudroya Edmond. Un cri final s’échappa de sa gorge desséchée. Il lui sembla, l’espace d’un instant, que sa peau se déchirait, mettant à nu la structure osseuse de ses omoplates et de sa colonne vertébrale. Que tout le sang de son corps se déversait le long de cette plaie sanglante, le laissant vide, sans vie.
Aussi vite qu’elle était apparue, la tortueuse agonie s’en alla, ne laissant derrière elle que les traces lancinantes d’un écho. Edmond était trop faible pour remarquer le silence qui pesa soudain entre les deux geôliers.
Le premier se tourna vers le second.
“Dites au médecin que c’est pour un ange. Il viendra.”
Le monde semblait bien lourd à présent, sans l’aiguille de la misère pour le garder éveillé. Les paupières d'Edmond se fermèrent au rythme des pas qui s’éloignent. Exténué, à bout de souffle, il ne réfléchit pas deux fois au répit qui s’offrait à lui et se laissa tomber dans le clément oubli de l’inconscience.
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thelostdreamsthings · 7 months
[Ten years ago, neo-Nazi thugs from the Svoboda party and their affiliated Right Sector militia executed a violent U.S.-backed coup to oust Victor Yanukovich, the lawful President of Ukraine.
These ultra-nationalists took Ukraine down a hate-filled path of confrontation with Russia.
When looking for someone to blame for the tragedy that has unfolded in Ukraine since that day, one need look no further than to the origins of the violence.
One can only hope that the people of Ukraine wake up and rid themselves of the cancer of Banderism.
Otherwise the Russian program of denazification will continue unabated to its bitter end.]
Scott Ritter
William Scott Ritter Jr. (born July 15, 1961) is an American author, former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer, former United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) weapons inspector
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Kharkov to Odessa
~100 years ago, banksters in US/Europe funded a color revolution in Russia.
Two years ago, Putin started Special Military Operation (SMO) to de-Nazify and demilitarize Ukraine, a new geopolitical pawn of the same globalists who have been trying to conquer Russia since the days of Napoleon, who had his own version of NATO.
Hopefully, this will be the last time the psychopaths will poke the Russian bear.
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Russian leadership is not elected to suit US.
We understand Washington would've loved a Zelensky in Moscow, ready to sell his country and people for a couple of villas. Not happening.
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carbone14 · 2 months
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Major Gregory 'Pappy' Boyington – US Marine Corps – 1940's
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M48A3 Patton (Late Model) Specifications Crew: 4 One 90mm Gun M41 on M87A1 mount in turret, 62 rounds One .50 Caliber MG HB M2 in cupola on turret, 600 rounds One 7.62mm MG M73 coaxial with 90mm gun, 5900 rounds Xenon AN/VSS-1 2.2 kilowatt white light/infrared searchlight or a Crouse-Hinds 18 inch diameter searchlight without infared Tracks: T97E2, Double pin, 28 inch width, rubber chevron Pitch: 6.94 inches, Shoes per tank: 158 (79 / track) Maximum Armor: 4.33 inches (110mm), Front upper hull (60 degrees) Engine: Continental AVDS-1790-2A. 12 cylinder, 4 cycle, Fuel: 385 gallons (1457 Liters) 40 octane diesel Cruising Range on roads: approximately 300 miles (483 km) Maximum Speed (level road): 30 mph (48.3 km/hr)
(via Patton Tanks in Vietnam – Mike's Research)
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qsycomplainsalot · 2 years
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Oil on canvas, Charles Louis Mozin
The Capture of the Dutch Fleet at Den Helder, 23rd of January 1795
  In which the French armed forces demonstrates that not having the best navy can in fact be okay.
  The French Revolution in 1789, followed by the imprisonment and then execution of Louis the XVIth in 1793, led to most major autocratic powers in Europe declaring war on France to restore the status quo. France was thus engaged on multiple fronts by many of its neighbors which, surprisingly, at the time included Austria through their ownership of the Southern Netherlands. Both Netherlandses had witnessed failed republican uprisings in the previous decades, and as such the new France Republic pushed through the Austrian Netherlands to declare war on the -nominally only- Republic of United Netherlands in the North.
The “Battle”
  After two years of campaign the combined efforts of the French revolutionary army and Dutch patriots had all but closed this front of the war, and the French commander of the Army of the North was garrisoned in Amsterdam when he caught wind of the Dutch fleet being anchored at the mouth of the Zuiderzee bay, just north of there. Due to temperatures averaging -10°C in the past weeks, the entire bay had frozen over, which he decided to use to his advantage.   He immediately sent Dutch patriot Gnl. Jan Willem de Winter at the head of about two hundred men from the French 8th Hussar and the 3rd Battalion of Belgian Skirmishers, also raised from sympathizers to the republican cause. Muffling the sound of their horses’ hooves with cloth and arriving during the night each with a Belgian infantryman riding with them, the hussars sneaked on the entire Dutch fleet frozen at anchor and captured it without a fight.
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  In a single cavalry charge the French Republic had captured five ships-of-the-line, three frigates, six corvettes and several merchantmen with crew, for a total of about 850 guns. This is one of only two recorded instances of a cavalry force charging and capturing ships in a battle and one of few instances where having light infantry ride as voltigeurs proved to be even remotely useful. There is debate whether the Dutch sailors and marines would have actually resisted capture however, as the Netherlands had essentially already been knocked out of the war by then and might have been ordered to surrender, which the French may have known as well. It is hard to discern the truth of the matter when what was two hundred men sent to secure a fleet that may have already been surrendered to them gets painted as a full army corps marching in tight formation on the ice.   In any case, a squadron of hussars captured a fleet of ships and that’s awesome.
  Following the capture of the fleet, the evacuation of the remaining Allied troops to other fronts or England and finally the surrender of the Austrian duchy of Luxembourg, the Dutch Patriot party were given the reins of the Netherlands renamed as the Batavian Republic - more or less a puppet state and the future Netherlands - while the Austrian Netherlands - future Belgium - and Luxembourg were incorporated in the French Republic as new departments.   The captured fleet was ransomed back to the Batavian Republic in exchange of a small loan of a hundred million guilders.
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gatheringbones · 1 year
[“The group cheered. I sat up, hugged the men on either side of me, and said I wanted a hug from each man. Everyone stood up and started embracing everyone else. What a sight it was! A whole roomful of naked heterosexual men, hugging each other like big bears, not A-frame hugs but full body hugs with love and acceptance.
When we sat in the circle to talk, John, the minister, thought the experience was “uplifting,” that my sexual warmth had been contagious. Rick was amazed by the difference between his childhood circle jerks and our masturbation ritual, where the objective was communal acceptance of selflove. He felt he’d never been able to caress his own body tenderly because he’d been afraid to like his own maleness. Roger pointed out that men usually countered their fear of liking men with anger and aggression. Sharing orgasms and naked hugs was a radical break from social conditioning. Hank, the only one who didn’t have an orgasm, said watching me was an inspiration to practice loving himself. “We’ll all be better lovers by loving ourselves more,” I answered.
There weren’t any spontaneous group hugs in my next several groups, but I included a group massage ritual that always got the men touching each other. It was even a bigger thrill for me to watch men doing massage together than women. Somehow it seemed more natural to see women touching and nurturing one another. Being with a group of nude husbands and fathers massaging each other made me nearly weep with joy. There was an esprit de corps from the gentle laying on of hands.
Working with men in the Bodysex Groups was a good way for me to confront my own stereotypes about the opposite sex. For example, in one group we did some martial-arts warm-up exercises. I showed the men the “horse” posture, standing with legs apart and knees bent, and had them punching out with fists from the waist. I was flabbergasted to see that a third of the group couldn’t do it. My stupid assumption that all men knew how to punch got blasted away. Still I loved doing the more physical things with them because they were conditioned to push beyond their limits. Women usually stopped the minute they felt any exertion, but men went beyond where they were comfortable. They inspired me to push my own limits.
One of my breakthroughs was allowing myself to act like a marine sergeant. Men knew how to take orders. When I became a no-nonsense disciplinarian, they loved it. I’d grown accustomed to never giving a women’s group a direct order because most women reacted to being pushed by going right into passive resistance. I didn’t have to baby men by making suggestions or easing them into the next activity. I simply stated what I wanted them to do, and they did it. Men had learned a different set of rules through team sports, the military, and the corporate structure.”]
betty dodson, from orgasms for one: the joy of selfloving, 1992
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Poutine répond : "Si je suis un criminel de guerre, que sont les présidents américains depuis Nixon jusqu'à aujourd'hui ? Dire tout haut la vérité sur les agissements des présidents et des militaires américains loin d'être une gageure. Selon moi ils doivent être jugé en tant que criminel de guerre, ils devrait être rejoint par tous les présidents américains qui ont provoqué des dizaines de guerres dans le monde sans même avoir le droit de le faire. J'énumère également les guerres dans lesquelles les USA ont été impliqués. Fin du 19e siècle 1890 Dakota du Sud, les troupes du gouvernement américain tuent et abattent 300 Indiens. 1890 - Argentine, intervention militaire américaine à Buenos Aires. 1891 - Les marines chiliens répriment un soulèvement local. 1891 - Haïti : l'armée américaine réprime une émeute de Noirs à Navas. 1892 - Idaho, l'armée américaine réprime une émeute dans une mine d'argent. 1893 (- ?) - Hawaï, la marine américaine renverse le gouvernement du Royaume indépendant et annexe l'État. 1894 - Chicago : l'armée américaine réprime brutalement une grève des chemins de fer, tuant 34 personnes au total. 1894 - Le Nicaragua est occupé par l'armée américaine pendant un mois. 1894-1895 - Chine : la marine et les marines américains participent à la guerre sino-japonaise. 1894-1896 - Corée, occupation de Séoul. 1895 - Panama, les marines américains attaquent la province colombienne. 1896 - Nicaragua, les marines américains débarquent à Corinth. 1898-1900 - Chine, participation de l'armée américaine à la répression de la rébellion des boxeurs. 1898-1910 (- ?) - Philippines, la marine américaine renverse le gouvernement et tue 600 000 Philippins. 1898-1902 (et +) - Cuba, la marine américaine combat pendant la guerre hispano-américaine. 1898 (- ?) - Porto Rico, occupation pendant la guerre hispano-américaine. 1898 - Guam, la marine américaine occupe l'île et y construit une base militaire. 1898 (- ?) - Minnesota, l'armée américaine détruit la tribu Chippewa (Ojibwe) près du lac Leach. 1898 - Nicaragua, les marines américains débarquent dans le port de San Juan del Sur. 1899 (- ?) - Samoa, l'armée américaine participe à la guerre du trône. 1899 - Nicaragua, la marine américaine débarque au port de Bluefield. 1899-1901 - Idaho, l'armée américaine réprime brutalement la révolte des mineurs de Coeur d'Alene. Premier quart du XXe siècle 1901 - Oklahoma, l'armée américaine réprime la rébellion des Indian Creek. 1901-1914 - Panama, la marine américaine occupe et annexe la zone du canal. 1903 - Honduras, les marines américains répriment la révolution. 1903-1904 - République dominicaine, les marines américains répriment la révolution. 1904-1905 - Corée, les marines américains participent à la guerre russo-japonaise. 1906-1909 - Cuba : les marines américains interviennent et suppriment les élections démocratiques. 1907 - Le Nicaragua, à la suite de l'occupation, crée un protectorat dans le cadre de la "diplomatie du dollar". 1907 - Honduras, occupé par les marines américains pendant la guerre avec le Nicaragua. 1908 - Panama : les marines américains interviennent dans le processus électoral. 1910 - Nicaragua, les marines américains occupent Bluefield et Corinth. 1911 - Honduras, l'armée américaine participe à la guerre civile. 1911-1941 - Chine : la marine et l'armée américaines occupent le pays et participent à la répression de nombreuses émeutes. 1912 - Cuba, l'armée américaine participe à la guerre civile. 1912 - Panama, l'armée américaine et les marines répriment une émeute électorale. 1912 - Honduras : le corps des marines défend les intérêts économiques des États-Unis. 1912-1933 - Nicaragua : l'armée américaine occupe le pays pendant dix ans et participe à la guérilla. La liste est longue a vous de la compléter et de la déposer à la cour de justice internationale
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Putin responds: "If I am a war criminal, what are the American presidents from Nixon to today? Speaking out loud the truth about the actions of American presidents and military is far from a challenge. In my opinion, they should be tried as war criminals, they should be joined by all the American presidents who have provoked dozens of wars in the world without even having the right to do so. I also list the wars in which the USA has been involved. End of the 19th century 1890 South Dakota, US government troops kill and slaughter 300 Indians. 1890 - Argentina, US military intervention in Buenos Aires. 1891 - Chilean marines suppress a local uprising. 1891 - Haiti: US army suppresses a black riot in Navas. 1892 - Idaho, US army suppresses a riot in a silver mine. 1893 (- ?) - Hawaii, the US Navy overthrows the government of the independent Kingdom and annexes the state. 1894 - Chicago: the US Army brutally suppresses a railroad strike, killing 34 people in total. 1894 - Nicaragua is occupied by the US Army for a month. 1894-1895 - China: the US Navy and Marines participate in the Sino-Japanese War. 1894-1896 - Korea, occupation of Seoul. 1895 - Panama, the US Marines attack the Colombian province. 1896 - Nicaragua, the US Marines land at Corinth. 1898-1900 - China, participation of the US Army in the suppression of the Boxer Rebellion. 1898-1910 (- ?) - Philippines, the US Navy overthrows the government and kills 600,000 Filipinos. 1898-1902 (and +) - Cuba, the US Navy fights during the Spanish-American War. 1898 (- ?) - Puerto Rico, occupation during the Spanish-American War. 1898 - Guam, the US Navy occupies the island and builds a military base there. 1898 (- ?) - Minnesota, the US Army destroys the Chippewa (Ojibwe) tribe near Leach Lake. 1898 - Nicaragua, the US Marines land in the port of San Juan del Sur. 1899 (- ?) - Samoa, the US Army participates in the War of the Throne. 1899 - Nicaragua, the US Navy lands in the port of Bluefield. 1899-1901 - Idaho, the US Army brutally suppresses the Coeur d'Alene miners' revolt. First quarter of the 20th century 1901 - Oklahoma, the US Army suppresses the Indian Creek rebellion. 1901-1914 - Panama, the US Navy occupies and annexes the Canal Zone. 1903 - Honduras, the US Marines suppress the revolution. 1903-1904 - Dominican Republic, the US Marines suppress the revolution. 1904-1905 - Korea, the US Marines participate in the Russo-Japanese War. 1906-1909 - Cuba: the US Marines intervene and suppress democratic elections. 1907 - Nicaragua, following the occupation, creates a protectorate as part of "dollar diplomacy". 1907 - Honduras, occupied by the US Marines during the war with Nicaragua. 1908 - Panama: the US Marines intervene in the electoral process. 1910 - Nicaragua, the US Marines occupy Bluefield and Corinth. 1911 - Honduras, the US Army participates in the civil war. 1911-1941 - China: The US Navy and Army occupy the country and participate in the repression of numerous riots. 1912 - Cuba, the US Army participates in the civil war. 1912 - Panama, the US Army and Marines repress an electoral riot. 1912 - Honduras: The Marine Corps defends the economic interests of the United States. 1912-1933 - Nicaragua: The US Army occupies the country for ten years and participates in the guerrilla warfare. The list is long, it's up to you to complete it and submit it to the International Court of Justice
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nemosisworld · 1 year
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Toi et moi, île dans la ville, sous la pluie, mis au monde, mêlés ensemble comme la terre et l'eau avant le partage,
Pluie sur la vitre. Si j'abandonne ton corps couché et pars en songe aussi, soulève des arches de pluie, quitte la chaleur du lit, goûte le sel des eaux marines à l'horizon roulées, toute la terre accessible, pareille à un tapis,
Toi, ta parole et ton silence, ta vie et ta beauté, ton amour me ramènent inlassablement, tel un rosier sauvage qu'on allume dans la nuit, sous la pluie.
Anne Hébert
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aimeedaisies · 11 months
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The Princess Royal’s Official Engagements in October 2023
02/10 As President of the Riding for the Disabled Association visited Avon Riding Centre, to mark its 40th Anniversary. 🐴🥳
03/10 Held two Investiture ceremonies at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
With Sir Tim As Patron of the Minchinhampton Centre for the Elderly, visited Horsfall House, Minchinhampton. 👵🏻👴🏻
04/10 In Cornwall Princess Anne visited;
Origin Coffee in Porthleven. ☕️
Camborne School of Mines at the Penryn Campus of University of Exeter, in Penryn. 🔨
St Ewe Free Range Eggs Packing Centre in Truro. 🥚
05/10 As Colonel of The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons), attended a Household Cavalry Medal Parade at Powle Lines, Picton Barracks in Wiltshire. 🫡
07/10 With Sir Tim Attended the Scotland vs Ireland Rugby World Cup match at the Stade de France in Paris. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪🇫🇷🏉
09/10 As Patron of Livability, visited Livability Millie College in Poole. 🏫
As Patron of UK Youth, visited Avon Tyrrell Outdoor Activity Centre in Bransgore. 🧗‍♀️
10/10 Attended a Future of UK Food Systems Seminar held by Crops for the Future at the National Institute of Agricultural Botany in Cambridge. 🚜
As Commandant-in-Chief (Youth) of St. John Ambulance, opened the new Ambulance Hub in Castle Donington. 🚑
11/10 Held two investiture ceremonies at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
Unofficial, Sir Tim attended the opening of the New Zealand Liberation Museum, Te Arawhata, in Le Quesnoy, France. 🇫🇷🇳🇿
As Patron of Scots in London Group attended a Reception at St Columba’s Church of Scotland. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Attended a Blue Seal Club Dinner at the Cavalry and Guards Club in Piccadilly, London. 🤵‍♂️
12/10 As Patron of the Campaign for Gordonstoun, chaired a Cabinet Meeting at the Lansdowne Club, London. 🏫
As Patron of English Rural Housing Association, attended a Parish Council Rural Housing Conference at Eversholt Hall, Bedfordshire. 🏡
Visited the Aircraft Research Association in Bedford. ✈️
As Grand Master of the Royal Victorian Order, attended Evensong and a Reception at The King’s Chapel of the Savoy, London. 🎶
14/10 Sir Tim represented Princess Anne, Patron of the Wiltshire Horn Society, at a dinner on the occasion of their centenary. 🐑
15/10 As Member of the International Olympic Committee, and Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Members Election Commission, attended the first day of the 141st International Olympic Committee Session in Mumbai, India. 🇮🇳
16/10 As Member of the International Olympic Committee, and Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Members Election Commission, attended the second day of the 141st International Olympic Committee Session in Mumbai, India. 🇮🇳
Attended an IOC Reception at Jio World Centre. 🌏
17/10 As Member of the International Olympic Committee, and Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Members Election Commission, attended the third day of the 141st International Olympic Committee Session in Mumbai, India. 🇮🇳
Visited the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Bombay 1914-1918 Memorial at the Indian Sailors’ Home, in Mumbai. 🪖
Attended a reception at the residence of His Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for South Asia and Deputy High Commissioner for Western India in Mumbai. 🌏
Unofficial Sir Tim attended a memorial service for Lord Lawson (former Chancellor of the Exchequer) at St. Margaret’s church in Westminster ⛪️
19/10 Hosted a Reception with the King, Queen and the Duchess of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace to thank those who contributed to and were involved with the State Funeral of The late Queen Elizabeth II and with the Coronation of Their Majesties. 🥂
With Sir Tim, As Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps attended the launch of the Corps History Book at the National Army Museum in London. 📚
With Sir Tim, As Patron of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, attended the Trafalgar Night Dinner at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich, London. 🤵‍♀️🤵‍♂️
20/10 Opened Cutbush and Corrall Charity almshouse accommodation in Maidstone.
Opened the Royal British Legion Industries Centenary Village, Greenwich House, in Aylesford, Kent.
As Patron of the Butler Trust, visited HM Prison Elmley.
24/10 Held an Investiture at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
As President of the English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth, delivered the Evelyn Wrench Lecture at Dartmouth House in London. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
25/10 In Scotland Princess Anne visited;
The International Society for Optics and Photonics Photonex Exhibition at Scottish Event Campus in Glasgow. 🔍
As President of Victim Support Scotland, visited the National Office-West in Glasgow. 🫂
Peter Equi and Sons Limited Ice Cream Manufacturer. 🍦
26/10 Opened the National Honey Show at Sandown Park Racecourse in Esher, Surrey. 🍯 🐝
As Royal Patron of the Security Institute, this afternoon attended the Annual Conference at the Royal Society of Medicine in London. ⛓️
With Sir Tim As President of the Royal Yachting Association, attended a 50th Anniversary of the Yachtmaster Scheme Dinner at Trinity House, London. 🛥️🍽️
27/10 Held an Investiture at Buckingham Palace. 🎖️
31/10 In Scotland;
As Patron of the Moredun Foundation, attended a Conference at Moredun Research Institute, Pentlands Science Park, in Penicuik. 🧬
As Royal Patron of the Leuchie Forever Fund, attended a Reception to launch Leuchie House’s new strategy in Edinburgh. 🏡
As Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh, held a Chancellor’s Dinner at the Palace of Holyroodhouse. 👩‍🎓
Total official engagements for Anne in October: 47
2023 total so far: 400
Total official engagements accompanied by Tim in October: 6
2023 total so far: 81
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