#Coven Of The Inarticulate
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Time to dissect episode 3 of AMC’s Interview with the Vampire! There's some laughing, some crying, and most of all...there's some Sound Effects  👀👂
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I finally started listening to the coven of the inarticulate podcast, starting with the new tv show eps, which has so far been wonderfully insightful and very much cathartic and needed (lol ;~;) and I so appreciate you and Kacy for doing it. Now I'm really excited to get into the back catalogue for all my in depth vampire podcast needs!! 🥰
Haha that's so lovely, thank you for taking the time to send this!! Honestly this podcast is a catharsis for Kacy and I, so the fact that other people listen is just gravy. I hope you enjoy the rest! They're not all agonizing over the show— I swear there are some fun, silly, campy moments in there.
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meerawrites · 1 year
Meera Reccomends Podcasts
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As of recently I noticed just how many podcasts I listen too. So, here’s me, giving recommendations on podcasts on a variety of subjects. I recommend trying at least one, I for one, am a compulsive reader, researcher and audiobook/drama listener, but there’s informative content here as well. In any case, you might learn something!
American revolution podcast
Beyond bourbon street
French history podcast
TransParent cast - @ashleycutiepie
Murray mysteries
Monster thoughts - @writingvampires
The articulate coven
Cemetery confessions
Off the cuffs
The coven of the inarticulate - @covenofthearticulate
Lore by night
Re: Dracula - @re-dracula
Uniquely human
Cosmic cauldron
Eldritch girl - @cmrosens
Gallery of curiosities
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adleryoung · 2 years
For some reason I was standing in the scrying tower, with my bow in my hand. What was I doing here? I had to get outside and rally my troops! I dashed out the door and saw the vial of Plague of Battles spinning like a top, teetering on the edge of the balcony railing. I lunged desperately to catch it, but it tumbled over. Looking down to see where it landed, I beheld a horrible field of dead and mangled elves strewn all the way to the horizon in all directions. I stumbled away from the railing as a thousand voices shrieked my name. I fumbled the door open and dashed back inside, and there was Estmere with his back to me, staring at the scry orb. I tried to call his name, but the sound caught in my throat and I just croaked inarticulately. I reached forward and put my hand on his shoulder, and he turned around to reveal a ghastly skull where his face should have been.
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Its jaw fell open and a sepulchral voice issued from the opening, rasping out "DUUUUDE, WHYYYYY?"
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I awoke with a blood-curdling scream. I was lying on the grass, in the stone circle, and Burnside was inexplicably snuggled up against me.
"Calm down, sugar," she murmured soothingly. "I don't even have a knife or nothin'."
"Sire! Art thou all right?" some Ixies asked as they buzzed out of the bushes. "We thought we heard thee screaming."
"I had a bad dream," I gasped. My heart was pounding furiously. "How long was I asleep?"
"About a day," one Ixie said with a shrug.
"Nineteen hours, to be exact," another Ixie declared.
"Fuma's Musk!" I exclaimed. "Why did you let me sleep so long?"
"It seemeth that thou needed it," another Ixie replied. "When was the last time thou slept?"
"Plus you looked so cute an' peaceful lyin' there," Burnside added. "A nice rest was doin' you good."
"I don't have time to drowse the days away!" I objected. "Elves don't need to sleep! Especially when there is important work to be done! I have preparations to make! I have to get ready for my presentation to Rebecca's coven of witches!"
"Oh, about that," the Ixies interjected. "We were coming to tell thee, they are on their way."
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"What??" I blurted. "NOW???"
"They've reached the edge of the forest and will be here in an hour."
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bookoformon · 7 months
4 Nephi 1, Part 2. "Performances and Ordinances."
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The Prophet says the basics are all we need if we want to keep evil away. Every religious text including the Quran states religion is a means to an end, and should take up a large amount of our time. So long as we are all willing to get along and avoid corruption and controversey, just a smattering of religion is all we need:
10 And now, behold, it came to pass that the people of Nephi did wax strong, and did multiply exceedingly fast, and became an exceedingly fair and delightsome people.
11 And they were married, and given in marriage, and were blessed according to the multitude of the promises which the Lord had made unto them.
12 And they did not walk any more after the performances and ordinances of the law of Moses; but they did walk after the commandments which they had received from their Lord and their God, continuing in fasting and prayer, and in meeting together oft both to pray and to hear the word of the Lord.
13 And it came to pass that there was no contention among all the people, in all the land; but there were mighty miracles wrought among the disciples of Jesus.
The biggest miracle we will ever experience is peace on earth. It won't happen here for a few more years, every nation on the planet is making weapons, deadly, effective, gruesome weapons and shipping them to partners who plan to use them to annihilate each other.
Except the Book of Mormon forbids the minting and use of weapons. The Torah forbids violence, the Quran forbids fighting, the Gospels insist upon the Passover Feast at the Table in order that we remember the fullness of the Grace of God.
Anyone who can engineer and manufacture a weapon is capable of reading. So are all the members of the Congress, and the President and nearly everyone on the planet. If we do not implement the rules our books tell us to follow, how are we to keep the terms of their Covenants with God? How will we know God is Lord of All if we refuse to acknowledge these things? And if this knowledge is not appetizing to us, why are we bothering with religion at all?
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 10: The people waxed strong. The Value in Gematria is 7443, זדדג, "slow down." The secular world says we need to work harder, faster, and better, but religion says moderation is best. Jealousy, a product of ambition, caused Slavery in Egypt and it is enslaving everyone on this planet right now. All these presidents and future presidents running for election are trying to kill the world on the way to their inaugurations and someone or something needs to get in their ways.
v. 11: And they were married. The Value in Gematria is 7568, זהו‎‎‎ח, this is H. The hei represents thought, speech and action. Just as the form of the hei is composed of three lines, so do thought, speech and action comprise the three garments of the soul, the three garments through which we express our­selves.
Our responsibility is to focus instead on the soul, the G‑dly spark within each person.3 Since our souls emanate from the same Source, we are all equal in our essence. When we delve beneath the personality and externality of a person and go straight to his or her core, we experience that we are all one.
The hei’s right vertical line represents hierarchy, which is speech. A king rules with his words.4 He is empowered to sit in his palace and utter a decree, which then becomes law. People do not have to see him. He does not have to shake their hands. All he needs to do is speak; that is his power.
v. 12: The Performances and Ordinances. The Value in Gematria is 10968, י‎טו‎ח, "will power, to find the range."
v. 13: No contention in all the land. The Value in Gematria is 8458, חדהח‎, "sharp". This is how intelligent people live.
Our problems stem from the fact we are not trying to fall in love with each other, all we want to do is allow inarticulate persons to distract us from the ultimate duties we have as members of mankind.
I just don't understand why this is happening.
*Check out the schnoz on that new set of wheels. Lucky her!
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its-theraphaellus · 7 years
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Evaluating 2017 with one facial expression
Okay listen some of it was really really good (coven fam you’re the best ilu), but the last week was honestly the fucking worst. 
Do better 2018.
Happy New Years everybody! 
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samael-i-am · 2 years
but they’re lying all the time
trans hunter week day seven - mirror (@rqmdae)
rating: teen and up audiences
Belos told Hunter he was a boy. He had never thought about it beyond that until his life was turned inside out - and with everything going to pieces, he should have expected that simple truth to be a lie, too.
Takes place some point post-Hollow Mind, wherein Hunter stays at the Owl House instead of going to Hexside.
“Holy shit- Hunter, you’re trans?”
“I’m- what?”
“You’re trans,” Luz repeated, dumbfounded. “Shoot- I’m sorry, that’s probably rude-“
“No, I- I’m not trans? What are you talking about?”
“But you have…” Luz gestures inarticulately at his chest.
“Well, yeah? Doesn’t everyone?”
“Hunter. Cis boys don’t have boobs.”
“You- you’re lying!”
With that shocking revelation unveiled, Hunter had promptly locked himself in the upstairs bathroom of the Owl House, aptly labelled Ladies and King - because apparently, he couldn’t even be a fucking boy correctly, if what Luz said was right. It probably was. She was certainly right about- the Emperor.
He wasn’t stupid, he knew what being trans was. It’s just- he wasn’t. He’d always been a boy, he’d never not been a boy, and Belos had never led him to believe that he-
Ah. Belos. That would be it, wouldn’t it? His- whatever he was had been unsatisfactory, and the man had sought to change him, and never even bothered to tell him - he’d probably done it as soon as Hunter had been unearthed, or however grimwalkers were born, all the better to make him a perfect replica of the person he was meant to replace.
He’d never questioned the compression shirts, the potions he had taken every week - he’d never had a basis for comparison, after all, so why would he have ever thought that regular boys didn’t have tits, or need to chug their hormones in liquid form? He’d seen the coven scouts in the barrack changing rooms before, of course, and he couldn’t deny that strange stirring of envy in his stomach at how much flatter they seemed, how he would have to ask his uncle what sort of shirts they were wearing- but he’d never really thought himself different. It was just another lie, and it shouldn’t have bothered him as much as it did, it wasn’t nearly as world-shattering as all the rest, and yet-
And yet. When he looked in the mirror, what was he supposed to see?
He imagined himself like Eda, at first, the first decidedly female person he could bring to mind - gave himself that slim curve of her hip and chest, mentally thinned his biceps when he flexed them in the mirror- and it felt nothing short of revolting, enough to make him choke back bile rising in his throat. Well. Maybe he was doing it wrong? Terra was a woman too, so he could just- he pictures her long hair on his head, and her pink dress, and no, no, absolutely not, that was not him, could not be him, and he banished the thought from his mind, hugging himself tightly.
A knock at the door made his ears prick. “Hunter, I’m sorry- is everything okay? Flapjack is getting worried,” Luz fretted from behind the door. He could see the shadow of her pacing flickering underneath.
“Yeah,” he croaked. “I’m fine. Had to piss.”
“Okay. I- I’m really sorry Hunter, I shouldn’t have said that, it just slipped out-“
“Look- it’s fine, okay?” he snapped back, drawing his hand back from the doorknob. He wasn’t quite ready for that yet. “It’s just another lie about myself that I believed. No big deal.”
“Are you sure..?”
“No! How can I be sure of anything? I don’t even know who I am anymore?” His hands were shaking, and he buried them deep in his hair, back pressed firmly against the door.
“Okay, okay, um- well. Are you a boy, or a girl? Or something else?” Luz asked tentatively.
“A boy. Definitely a boy.” He was pretty sure of that, he thought, and if he could decide that without Belos, it was a good sign, probably. Maybe. Who the hell knew? Not him!
“Okay! That’s a start. Uh…actually, I feel like Eda is probably more equipped to handle…this..? Can I go get her?”
“Sure.” Air his laundry out to the Owl Lady, too. It was no big deal! His entire life was a lie, of course, down to something so simple as his gender, but who was he to complain?
“I’ll be right back, then.” Footsteps away, and then two sets returned, leaving Hunter without any time to gather his thoughts.
“Hey, kiddo,” Eda said from behind the door. “Having a rough time?”
“You could say that.”
“Alright, uh…so, sounds like Belos played Gender Santa with you, huh?” She chuckled at her own joke, for reasons Hunter could not discern.
“Gender what?”
“Oh, Santa- it’s a human realm thing, apparently, he gives people presents and stuff. Don’t worry about it.”
“Least of my concerns,” he muttered.
“Not the time, sorry kid. But- uh- ah, apologies in advance for asking this, but did you ever learn about, uh…you know…puberty? The bats and the griffins, and all that?”
“Oh, Titan- yes, Eda, I learned about that.” Eugh. He did not need to discuss witch puberty with the Owl Lady, thank you - that was probably the only way whatever the hell this was could possibly get any worse.
“Wait, Hunter, if you knew about puberty, then how come you never figured it out?” Luz asked suddenly.
“I don’t know!” He curled his fingers around his hair and pulled until he felt like he could breathe again. “I just- Belos said I was a boy, so I was a boy! I never thought much about it, I feel like my entire life is pretty indicative of the fact that I took everything he said at face value!”
“You’re right, kid, you wouldn’t have had any reason to think about that,” Eda said smoothly, jumping in before Luz had the chance to ruffle any more feathers. “Luz, maybe it should be just us for now?”
“Okay,” Luz said slowly. The sound of her creaking footsteps dissipated, and Eda sighed heavily.
“Alright. Well- I guess you’ll have some stuff to think about, but do you still want to be a boy?”
“Alright. That gives us a pretty good jumping-off point. Were you on hormones?”
“There was- a potion.” He’d read the stupid label enough time, and still never considered-
“Okay, okay, that makes sense,” Eda murmured. “Do you want to continue them?”
“I…guess? What happens if I don’t?”
“That’s a conversation for you and a healer, but generally, there’s some regression, and some withdrawal symptoms depending on your dose.”
“Regression..?” Hunter whispered, strangled. Regression, as in he would- no, no, absolutely not, he would not, he could not-
“Kid, you alright in there? Kid?” His breath was wheezing in and out of his chest, all strangled, like his throat was wrapped in wire, and the bathroom lights were suddenly too bright, and-
“I can’t, I can’t, I’m not a girl, I am a boy, I’m- I swear I am, I can’t-“
“Hey, kid it’s okay, it’s okay, we know you’re a guy, alright? Kid?” Eda tapped her fingers nervously against the door, speaking in a low, cautious tone, like he was some kind of animal, while Flapjack twittered nervously beside her. “I’ll get in contact with a healer tonight, and we’ll get you all situated, alright? Does that sound good?”
“Yeah,” he whispered back, knees hugged tight to his chest. “I- thank you, Eda. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it, kid. Are you ready to come out now?”
“No,” he said firmly. “I just…I don’t know. I need a little while.”
“That’s fine.”
“I…can you let Flapjack in?”
“Of course, kid. He’ll be happy to see you.” The door creaked open, and Flapjack fluttered inside, a bundled red ball of feathers.
My boy! My boy is okay! Love you! Love my boy! He settled on Hunter’s knees, tugging at the strand of hair that flit over them.
“Love you too, buddy,” he said softly, stroking the bird’s crest. Flapjack thought he was a boy. Knew he was a boy. That helped, he thought. “Thank you.”
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sangcreole · 2 years
favourite  colour : it literally fluctuates every day asdfgvhbjer though most of my wardrobe consists of maroon and plum colors, so I’d say somewhere in that deep reddish purple area
currently  reading : James Acaster’s Classic Scrapes because i need some fucking comedy in my life. 
last  song : “vampire money” by my chemical romance, babeeyyyy
last series: ..............the umbrella academy (don’t come for me pls)
last  movie : the Bob’s Burgers Move— which was 10/10 btw!! 
sweet / spicy / savoury : savory!!! i’ve definitely got a savory palette. chips over chocolate any day.
currently  working  on : idk if i’m allowed to say this or not but i’m gonna give y’all a little sneak peek anyway. i’m back on my bullshit recording more of my vampire chronicles podcast with my friend! if you haven’t listened to us on Coven of the Inarticulate, now’s a good time to catch up before we go absolutely batshit crazy reacting to the new iwtv trailer LMAO
Tagged by: @childofmanynames​ thanks friend <3 Tagging: genuinely this rpc is so small i feel like most of y’all have been tagged by now LOL
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Demon Alya fic snippit
Feel free to do what you want with this. (If you want to put it on your blog or AO3 or something as a related work, I don’t mind).
This, Juleka thought as she strained at the ropes which bound her tightly inside the bloody pentagram, is really not my day.
“The hour grows nigh!” shouted the loudest (and smelliest) of the five hooded dorks who were standing around the pentagram, one per point, and intermittently chanting while waving cloying incense around. “Soon a powerful demon shall accept our sacrifice and manifest before us, and in exchange for our undying loyalty and our immortal souls, shall grant us vast power over this world!” He spread his hands. “Rejoice, my coven! Rejoice!”
“Rejoice!” repeated the four idiots, as Juleka termed them, to the lead idiot. “Rejoice!”
Juleka thrashed a little but still couldn’t get out, and she growled to herself. If she somehow got out of this, she told herself, she would learn for her mistakes. For instance, the next time Rose had to cancel their date because something came up, Juleka would not browse around online until she found a meet up for people who ‘believed in the occult’ and ‘wanted to explore the horrors lurking beneath the world’s surface with an open mind,’ and even if she found such a group she certainly wouldn’t go to check it out without telling anyone where she was heading. Or at the very least, if she did go, she’d get better at dodging so that if a bunch of creepy robed guys jumped up from their Dungeons and Dragons spellbooks and  tried to seize her again she’d be able to get away.
But that presupposed she’d be able to escape in the first place, and unfortunately, it seemed like the one things these guys were good at was tying people up. She wondered briefly if she could try to get mad enough that Hawkmoth would akumatize her and give her the power to escape (and throw these idiots into the Seine), but she knew that if Hawkmoth was paying attention he’d likely have already sensed her anger and done that. And besides, even if she did get akumatized, wouldn’t the Miraculous Cure put her right back down here when Ladybug finished beating her up and de-akumatizing her?
“We have already laid the incense and slain the goat!” the first guy went on. “And painted the pentagram in the goat’s blood!” Juleka gagged. “Now-”
“Are you sure your Mom is cool with us killing a goat in her backyard?” another of the robed guys suddenly asked. “I mean, it kind of made a mess.”
The leader shook his head. “When we get our demonic powers, we won’t need to worry about messes or moms. We’ll be able to do whatever we want. We could–we could stay out after curfew! Order two desserts at dinner! Make girls hang out with us!”
Juleka wondered if it was possibly to die of sheer secondhand embarrassment.
“Now, the hour is nigh at last!” the shouty guy yelled. “And as for our sacrificial victim: know that your death is not in vain, for with your blood we shall obtain the power to change the world!” He grabbed a knife from within his robes and Juleka’s eyes widened; despite everything she realized that on some level she hadn’t thought these losers would actually do it. “Have you any last words before your soul is sent to the realm of the demons?”
Juleka debated a dozen different responses, but none seemed right–she wasn’t going to beg and plead with these morons, or even threaten them; there was no point and she wouldn’t satisfy them by looking angry or terrified. So she settled on, “You’re holding that knife wrong.”
“What?” The robed guy seemed to have been knocked out of his spiel. “I–no I’m not! The pointy end–”
“If you’re going to sacrifice someone, you grip it differently,” said Juleka in an annoyed tone. “You’re holding it backwards, like you’re going to stab up at someone. For a sacrifice you aim the knife down at the sacrificial altar. And you use a different knife in the first place, one specifically for rituals.”
The other robed guys stared at the leader as he fumbled with his blade. “This is a ritual blade!” he insisted.
“Ritual blades are made of special materials and don’t have serrated edges like that,” Juleka said. “That's… dude, I think that’s a steak knife.”
Everyone froze. “It is not!” the lead guy yelled at last. “It is magic! Look, this sigil on the hilt we could not decipher–”
“That’s the logo of the cutlery store down the street,” Juleka noted. 
All of the other robed guys looked at each other. “How do you know so much about knives?” one asked Juleka.
Because my Mom has one and every so often she insists on telling me about how she dated a coven leader one time and has her ritual dagger to prove it, Juleka thought. It’s the story that comes after the 'I dated a pirate and here’s the scimitar to prove it’ one and before the 'I dated a magician who I think might have had actual fey lineage and here’s some other sword to prove it’ one. 
Juleka loved her mother dearly, but she had to admit that Anarka was… not entirely moored in reality at times. 
“No! She knows nothing!” the leader raved before Juleka could answer. “And besides, I know the knife is real! I bought it on EBay from a genuine wizard; it said so right in his seller profile!” The leader took a breath. “I mean, come on, do you really think I would have spent eight hundred francs on a ritual dagger that was forged in the fires of Hell itself if there was any chance it was just a steak knife?”
“Based on what I know of you,” said Juleka, “I think you’d spent your life savings on a rock if a guy with a mysterious accent told you it could give you magic powers, but would only work once he took all your money and left town so you couldn’t get a refund.”
“She’s got you there, dude,” said another of the robed guys.
The leader roared something inarticulate. Then he slashed down and cut Juleka’s cheek, just enough to draw a trickle of blood that spilled down and touched the pentagram. And then, to Juleka’s amazement, the circle actually began to glow and hiss. “We’re doing it!” gasped the leader. “See? I was right! This works!”
Juleka felt herself growing warm as the pentagram heated up. The blood suddenly ignited and Juleka cringed away from it, but the only place to hide was the pentagon in its center, and the smoke from the burning goat blood was all drifting there despite the absence of a breeze in the dingy basement. She was forced to roll into the pentagon and hide against one of its edges as the smoke coalesced. “Demon, we summon you!” the leader was yelling. “We bid you speak your name! Have we summoned the mighty Asmodeus? The brilliant Mephistopheles? The great Balphagor? The–”
A crack of thunder sounded and the smoked cleared, revealing the shape of a girl a little shorter than Juleka. The figure had horns, red skin, small wings sticking out of her back, and a tail with a spade on the end, but otherwise looked like a regular girl. In fact, she looked like a very familiar girl to Juleka. She had red hair, a beauty mark on her face, glasses, a red-and-white checkered shirt–
“Um, Alya?” Juleka managed. “What’s going on?”
The redhead didn’t seem to notice her as she spread her arms and beamed at the robed guys. “You have summoned the demon Alya Cesaire!” she said. “Are you prepared to trade your immortal souls in exchange for great power?”
“Oh yes!” said the robed leader. “And we even prepared a sacrifice for you, oh mighty demon!” He pointed. “You can rip out her heart whenever you want!”
Alya glanced down, then froze. “Juleka?” she said. “Is that you? What are you doing?”
“Being sacrificed by these idiots, apparently.” Juleka briefly wondered if she was going crazy, but this didn’t seem like the kind of thing she’d hallucinate. Somehow, someway, Alya Cesaire had teleported in and at least appeared to be a demon. Maybe this was some weird akuma, or a new miraculous user with a demon theme for some reason (although Juleka personally felt that if anyone got a 'demon’ miraculous it would be LIla Rossi), but whatever was going on, it was really happening. So she’d just have to find some way to deal with it. “Alya, what’s going on? What are you doing?”
“They summoned me–” Then Alya caught herself. “Wait, no no no, you’re not supposed to know about me! Oh no, Nora is going to slaughter me…”
Everyone stared at Alya as she took a few breaths, suddenly looking less like a demonic tempter and more like an unhappy teenager who was about to get grounded. “How do you know these guys?” Alya asked Juleka at last.
“I don’t! They said they were looking at occult stuff, so I came by and they jumped me when I showed up!” Juleka insisted. “I don’t know them!”
Alya stared at her, and Juleka saw a truly frightening look of anger cross the girl’s face for a brief moment before Alya turned back to the cultists. “Did you seriously just try to sacrifice a random stranger to me?“ 
"…yes?” said the leader. “I mean, we’re not going to sacrifice someone we like–”
“It’s not a sacrifice unless you sacrifice someone you like!” said Alya, sounding both angry and exasperated. “The whole point of this is you’re promising to forswear any earthly attachments in order to devote yourself to demonic causes, you idiot! You can’t just kill some random stranger to do that! If it’s not someone close to you, someone where it’d mean something for you to betray them and give them up, there’s no point!”
“So,” said Juleka, “what you’re saying is, if Luka was going to sacrifice me for some reason, you’d be cool with it.”
Alya looked down at her with a hurt expression. “I mean, not you specifically, but…” She caught herself and quickly coughed before turning back to the cultists.  “I can’t accept this sacrifice,” the demon said more loudly. “I–”
“You have to!” crowed the lead cultist. “We summoned you. It’s a bargain, and you can’t leave until you take the sacrifice and give us the powers we want! And if you don’t do what we want we’ll cast spells on you to hurt you!”
“That isn’t how that works!” Alya rolled her eyes. “The only power you have is the power I give you! You can’t use it against me or I’ll just take it back! Devil below, did you put even five minutes of thought into this?" 
"You have to!” repeated the leader. “Or you can’t leave. Look, we don’t care if you take the girl, but give us our powers already!”
The demon and the cultist leader stared at each other for a long time. Finally, Alya said, “And what powers do you want, exactly?”
“All of them!” said one of the other cultists.
“Yeah, you’re going to need more than one sacrifice for that,” Alya snarked. 
“Then we’ll start with just one.” The cultist leader grinned. “I know. The one we discussed earlier. Make girls like us!”
The other cultists nodded. “Yeah, I need a girlfriend,” said one. “Someone who doesn’t care about dumb illogical stuff like 'showering,’ and who doesn’t mind me playing games with my friends all night.”
“Why just one?” The lead cultist rubbed his hands together. “You, demon. Make us irresistible to girls in general. We’re smart; we deserves harems!” He chuckled. “Oh, and we can have them wrestle to see who gets to spend each night with us!”
Alya exchanged astonished and exasperated glances with Juleka. “You can’t be serious,” she said. “You–”
“I read there was this Chinese emperor who had a harem of a thousand girls,” said another cultist. “So many that when he wanted to go on a date he had a donkey take his carriage around the harem quarters and just dated whichever women was closest when the donkey stopped, so the women put out salt and carrots and stuff to make his donkey stop by them. Give us the power to have that many girls!”
Alya shut her eyes for a long moment. “I might be able to do something,” she said at last. Her tone was a bit off and Juleka noted that this was how Alya sounded when she was lying, but the cultists didn’t seem to realize that. Alya went on to say, “But not with me in here and you out there. Step into the pentagram and I can give you power.”
The leader grinned. One of his subordinates said, “Hey, aren’t we supposed to stay outside that thing?”
“It’s fine. The demon knows who’s boss,” said the leader as he entered. (Juleka managed to roll over so she had a good view of the guy; she figured Alya was about to wreck him and wanted to see it when that happened.) “And maybe she’s charmed by me. After all, I did summon her, and it’s not like I’m a bad catch. I speak fluent Klingon and–”
Alya surged forwards as soon as the guy got into the pentagram, then rammed her hand into the guy’s chest. Juleka gasped but no blood leaked out, and then Juleka realized that Alya had somehow phased her hand into his body without harming his physical self. The guy cried out, and then Alya withdrew her hand holding a greenish-brown ball of light about the size of a billiard ball. “I do need to take a soul before I can leave here,” she said. “Fortunately, yours qualifies." 
"That’s my soul?!” gasped the lead cultist. “Hey, give that back! I–”
“Nope. Mine.” Alya grinned, and Juleka’s eyes widened as she saw that the girl had fangs in this form. She then looked at the captured soul thoughtfully and said, “Of course, one soul is fine, but five are better.”
“Five?” said one of the other cultists while the leader just gaped dumbly at his missing soul. “Well, we’re not going in there, so–”
Alya chuckled. “No problem.” She tapped the captured soul and it seemed to glow a little more brightly. “Break this pentagram,” she ordered–and the leader stiffened before mechanically walking over to the pentagram and scuffing out a section of the bloody lines with his foot.
The cultists yelled and began to run. Alya glanced down at Juleka and said, “Be right back,” before blasting after them. Juleka could only watch as Alya’s wings flared and she leapt, hands curled into claws, on top of the slowest fleeing cultist and ripped out his soul too. Then she threw some kind of fireball–Hellfire?–at the stairs, blasting them out and cutting off the cultists’ escapes from the basements, before she jumped at another. 
The battle was over in less than a minute, at which point Alya–now casually juggling five ball-like souls in one hand–ordered the cultists to 'sit down and shut up’ before hurrying back to Juleka and slashing the ropes with her talon-like fingers. “Are you okay?” Alya asked quickly. “Did they hurt you?”
“Not too bad.” Juleka managed. She stood and stretched before backing up a step and looking at her demonic friend. “So. Um…”
Alya hesitated, and then her head dropped. “Yeah,” she said in a voice that actually sounded sad. “I know. You know about me and now you’re scared and you think I’m awful and–”
“Hold on,” said Juleka quickly. “I’m not afraid of…” The word 'monsters’ seemed rude, so Juleka looked for a better one. “…unusual people,” she said at last. And it was true. She didn’t know exactly what Alya’s deal was, but now that her life wasn’t at stake, she wasn’t feeling nearly as scared anymore. Not scared enough to lose faith in a friend, even one with a demonic appearance, anyways. “I mean, you did save me from these guys–thanks for that–and we’re friends, so–”
“We’re still friends?” Alya asked quickly. “Really?”
“Of course, and–agh!” Juleka flinched as Alya rushed to hug her. The girl smelled like sulfur and brimstone, which Juleka decided really shouldn’t have been that surprising. Despite herself, Juleka felt a small smile coming to her mouth as she hugged Alya back. “Yes. We’re still friends. ”
Alya grinned. “You’re the best, Juleka.”
Juleka nodded, then saw something. “Um, Alya?”
“I think you just dropped one of your souls.” She pointed at the ball of light–this one a brownish-black–which had just fallen out of Alya’s hands and was rolling away towards what looked like a small hole in the floor. “So-”
“Agh!” Alya immediately sprang for the soul. Juleka wasn’t sure what Alya planned to do with it in the end, but she hoped it was something mean. The guy had tried to murder her, after all. “Bad soul! No running away! I need you to make my quota!" 
Juleka couldn’t help but giggle as Alya gave chase. This might not have started out as her day… but her life had been saved, she’d discovered an amazing secret about her friend, and things were starting to look up.
Chapter 2
Juleka had taken a few minutes to rest on the (gross) couch and munch a pudding pop from the cultists’ fridge while Alya fixed the summoning pentagram. "Just need to drop them off,” she had said cheerily. “Be back in a minute.” And then she’d vanished in a puff of smoke and brimstone along with the souls.
“So,” Juleka had said after a little bit. “Are you guys, uh, okay?”
The cultists gave her blank looks that were… well, 'soulless’ was probably how Juleka would describe it. 
“Meh.” Juleka finished her pudding, then looked in the fridge again and grabbed a soda. “You guys deserve it.”
Alya reappeared with a flourish and another blast of sulfur. “Alright!” she chirped to the guys. “Your souls are now safely stored in my demesne Down Below. I'l be in touch with your orders.” She turned to Juleka and seemed to hesitate for a moment before catching herself. “Want to get out of here?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” Juleka rose. At the same time, Alya shimmered and then her body took on the form Juleka was familiar with–no horns, no wings, no tail, and skin that was brown and definitely not red. “Let’s go.”
As they left the house, Juleka glanced back at Alya. Her mind was bursting with questions and she barely knew where to start. “So, uh–”
“You weren’t just saying that before, right?” Alya asked suddenly. “About still being friends with me despite, you know…?”
“Of course I wasn’t just saying it.” Juleka paused. “I mean, I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone that went around hurting innocent people, but the only people I saw you hurt were the guys that tried to kill me. And I know you. I can’t imagine you ever hurting an innocent. As long as you’re only going after really bad people like those guys, I don’t care.”
Alya let out a breath. “I’m glad to hear it,” she said, and Juleka thought she sounded sincere. “That's… that means a lot.” She managed a smile. “I’m sure you have questions.”
“More than a few.” Juleka considered, then went for one of the simplest ones. “So when you get someone’s soul, you just order them around? Can you control them directly?”
“Not exactly. It’s not like how Max can program Markov to run certain programs or take specific actions. But when I get someone’s soul I can influence their personality: make them more aggressive, or lazy, or hedonistic, or whatever. We do that to push humans on the paths we want for them. One of the things we can influence is loyalty, so I made those guys loyal to me. There’s limits–I won’t be able to get him to rob a bank or jump off a cliff, because his loyalty won’t be able to override his self-preservation or sanity or whatever–but within reason, now they’ll obey what I say.”
“Hmm.” Juleka paused. “And… just to be clear, you’re an actual demon. Like, this isn’t a really weird akuma or something.”
Alya giggled. “No akuma. No miraculous. Just 100% grade-A demon here. If you have a copy of Dante’s Inferno I can show you the exact circle I was born in.”
“Not necessary,” said Juleka, and the two girls exchanged grins. Then Juleka asked her next question. “So if you’re a demon have you… I don’t know… met the Devil?”
Alya laughed louder. “You’re French; that doesn’t mean you hang out with the Prime Minister,” she said. “I saw the big boss a couple times, including when I got assigned to Paris, but no more than that. Of course, if I do a good job here I could get a promotion.”
“Why are you in Paris specifically?”
“Well…” Alya paused. “Honestly, I got assigned here because I’m junior and the more senior demons filled up the other postings. Not a lot of demons want Paris these days. You can probably guess why.”
Juleka could. “The miraculouses?”
“Right. Historically, some miraculous users were known to go full paladin and strike down tons of demons. So all the demons want jobs in London, or Shanghai, or Abuja, or America–places without miraculous users. I got sent here because they needed someone and I was what was left.” Alya frowned. “But I’m going to do a good job. I’ll impress my superiors and show them all.”
“What exactly is your job?” Juleka thought back. “You mentioned a quota.”
“I just have to bring in so many souls a month,” said Alya. “That’s basically it.”
Juleka nodded. “And I’m guessing you can’t just run around yanking them out of people’s chests whenever you want.”
“Right. I can only 'yank’ the souls of people who make a souls-for-power deal with me, or who are like those cultists and do something evil enough that I can take their soul right away instead of having to wait for them to die–that’s in Dante’s Inferno too, actually, the story about Fra Alberigo–or in a few other circumstances.” Alya waved a hand. “There’s a bunch of rules. So my job is to get people to make a deal or otherwise break one of those rules so I can get their soul.” She smiled. “It’s fun work. Challenging too, since everyone’s different and needs a different strategy to tempt them.”
“What kinds of people do you usually focus on?”
“Well…” Alya’s eyes twinkled. “You know how the news is always wondering why Hawkmoth only akumatizes random people and doesn’t go after professional criminals, people who are already really evil and would work with him willingly?”
Juleka hesitated. “He worked with a criminal one time, when we were in New York.”
“Okay, but just looking at Paris. It’s like he can’t pick criminals. Why do you think that is?”
Juleka got it. “You get to the criminals first. When someone does something so evil it shows they’d probably be willing to work with Hawkmoth, you get their soul and then make them loyal to you and order them not to accept his akumas.”
Alya beamed. “Yep. I get the souls, and Hawkmoth loses a fighter–which means Ladybug is less active and there’s less chance of her discovering me. Win-win.” She paused. “There’s a rumor that a demon was assigned to tempt Hawkmoth and Mayura full-time; get their souls and make them use their miraculousness for Hell instead of whatever their real goals are. But if that’s true, I don’t know who the demon is.”
“Huh. Well, on behalf of Paris–thanks for screwing over Hawkmoth. We appreciate it.”
Alya grinned.
They stopped at the Dupain-Cheng bakery for snacks–Alya bought several pastries, murmuring to Juleka that as a demon she didn’t technically need to eat but she loved the taste of the Dupain-Cheng’s food, while Juleka got some lemon bread and a few Japanese sweets called mochi which she knew Luka liked–and then headed for Alya’s house. Juleka was a little nervous about going into a demon’s lair, but she figured that if there was a giant portal to Hell in the living room or something, Marinette would have noticed during one of her sleepovers at her best friend’s house and mentioned it. “Do you have any cool powers besides the soul thing?” she asked.
“I might,” said Alya in a teasing voice. “Let’s get to my room and I’ll show you.”
Alya let them in and then hurried Juleka into her room. “Is the rest of your family, uh, like you?” Juleka asked as Alya pushed her inside.
“Just Nora. Marelan and Otis couldn’t have kids, and so they made a deal with one of my bosses. In exchange for being able to have Etta and Ella, they’d agree to provide covers for two demons who would be based in Paris. The demon said yes, Marlena and Otis had the twins, and a few years later it was time to make good on their promise, so they took in Nora and I.” Alya shrugged. “It works pretty well. They know they aren’t allowed to interfere in our soul-collecting, but other than that they look after us okay.”
“Is Nora your real sister, or is that part of your cover?” Juleka looked around Alya’s room as Alya shut the door behind them. It certainly didn’t look like the room of a powerful demon who could literally rip out the souls of sinners. But of course Alya didn’t look like such a demon either, at least in her human guise. Looks could be deceiving.
“No, she’s my real sister. And she’s kind of protective of me, which is why it’s probably better if she doesn’t know you know about me.” Alya stretched, then snapped her fingers and dispelled her human glamour. “Ah. Much better.” She stretched again, and Juleka watched in amazement as her wings and tail flared. “Those get so cramped under the glamour.”
Juleka moved a little closer. “Do you mind if I, uh, take a closer look?” Alya gave her a curious look and Juleka blushed. “Sorry, but I find this stuff really cool and–”
“Go right ahead!” Alya beamed and Juleka wondered if she was just happy to have a human friend who thought her true appearance was neat and not scary. Juleka leaned in and marveled at her wings and her waggling tail. “What do you think?”
“I think you’ve got a pretty awesome body,” said Juleka before she realized how that sounded. Alya burst into laughter, Juleka couldn’t help giggling too. “I meant the wings and stuff! Seriously, I’d love to have wings. Flying sounds awesome.”
Alya hesitated, and Juleka blinked. “What, can’t demons fly?”
“We can, but…” Alya blushed, her already-red skin darkening. “It’s kind of embarrassing…”
Juleka got it. “Demons in general can fly, but you specifically can’t.”
“I’ll be able to!” Alya insisted. “My wings just aren’t done growing yet!” Juleka grinned. “I’m serious!” Alya went on.
“Of course you are,” said Juleka neutrally. Alya didn’t seem too put out by the teasing, and Juleka guessed that maybe she was just relieved Juleka was still willing to joke with her instead of freaking out and worrying that Alya would damn her over some tiny slight. “I’m sure you’ll be able to fly. Someday. Far in the future.”
“If you keep teasing me I won’t show you any of my cool demon powers,” Alya sniffed. “And some are really awesome.”
Juleka sat down on the bed. “I’ll be good,” she said, though she was unable to hide her smile. “I saw you throw a fireball at one of those guys–”
“Yeah, I can summon Hellfire!” Alya snapped her fingers and a bright ball of flame, about the size of one of the souls she’d taken from the cultists, appeared in her talon-like hands. (And now that Juleka looked closer, she saw that Alya’s feet were cloven). “This stuff is great. Burns hotter than human flame, and it’s perfect for barbecues. Seriously, meat grilled over this stuff is awesome.”
“Can you possess people?” Juleka asked. “Like in the movies?”
“Some demons can but I’m not good at it.” Alya summoned more balls of fire and began to idly toss them around. “I’m okay at Whispers, though.”
Juleka blinked. “Whispers?" 
"Have you ever been talking to a friend or family member and then heard a little voice in the back of your head saying something like, 'they don’t really mean it when they say they like you, they’re just pitying you, and as soon as they can find someone better they’ll abandon you?’ Things like that?”
“Uh…” Juleka couldn’t deny it. That had been worse before Marinette had fixed her photo curse problem, but she did sometimes have to fight off the fear that Rose and the others were only hanging out with her to show her charity. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Sometimes–not always, but sometimes–that’s a demon. Here’s how mine sounds.” Alya focused on Juleka, and her eyes grew a little redder. And then–
Juleka heard a voice in the back of her head. “Juleka,” it hissed in that familiar tone of cynical wisdom, the voice of a grizzled elder cutting through nonsense and delivering the hardest of truths. “You are a bad person. You must redeem yourself by buying more cookies at the Dupain-Cheng bakery for Alya–”
The goth snickered at that and threw a pillow at Alya, who cheerily ducked and impaled it on her left horn. Then Juleka mimed holding her hands straight out as if she were a zombie and meandered in the direction of the door like she was really about to do it. Alya burst into laughter as she removed the pillow from her horn. “Hey, stop, I wasn’t serious! And I’ve already got cookies. I go to her bakery every day.”
Before Juleka could respond, the door slammed open. “I heard noises, sis,” said Nora as she strode in. “What’s going–”
Her eyes flicked to Alya, still in her demon form, and then Juleka. Her face twisted into rage. “Human!” she hissed as she surged forwards, and by the time she’d grabbed Juleka by her collar and slammed her against a wall her body had shifted into a greenish lizard-like thing with four arms, bright yellow eyes, and a forked tongue. Her new form reminded Juleka of a yuan-ti from that Dungeons and Dragons game the cultists had been playing when she’d walked in on them. “Alya, what are you doing?!” Nora demanded. “We can’t show ourselves to humans! What if she calls a paladin or an angel!”
Juleka choked and struggled to escape, but Nora’s demon form was apparently even stronger than her human one and she couldn’t move. Then Alya was rushing towards them. “No, it’s cool! Some idiot cultists summoned me and tried to kill her, but I dealt with them. And hey–I got five souls, I’m ahead of quota–”
“Don’t change the subject!” Nora yelled. “And don’t take her word for things either! Do you really believe she just happened to be there when the cultists summoned you? What if she’s a paladin trying to get in close so she can banish you?”
Nora, Juleka recalled, was sometimes overprotective of her sister. This was apparently one of those times. “I’m not a paladin,” she managed in a deadpan voice. “Seriously.”
“So you say now, but I’ll make you tell the real truth.” Nora’s grip tightened and Juleka winced. Alya opened her mouth to object, but Nora cut her off. “Sis, you know I’m looking out for you. We can’t have humans knowing who we are. So let’s just lock her in the basement until I get the truth out of her and she also agrees to give up her soul in exchange for letting her out. Then you make her super loyal to you so she never talks. Or we just go the other way and have Marlena and Otis move across town and change our identities so she can’t sell us out.”
Juleka thrashed more. “I’m not going to tell anyone!” she insisted instead. “Alya’s a friend, I wouldn’t sell her out!”
Nora gave Juleka an astonished stare and Alya smiled a little. “She means it, sis.”
“We can’t trust that. And even if she’s serious now, these are long-term covers. What happens if in five years you guys have a falling out?” Nora shook her head. “It’s not safe. There’re rules against this for a reason.”
“Those rules have exceptions,” Alya pointed out.
“Yeah–for humans that form cults to worship us and make us stronger. Is she planning on being the high priestess of the Cult of Alya Cesaire or something?”
Alya hesitated. “Uh… yes,” she said. “That’s what she wants to be.”
Juleka swiveled her head to stare at Alya in surprise, but then Nora shoved her into the wall again and Juleka got it–if they could bluff Nora into believing this, the chances of Nora trying to rip out her soul or something would go way down. “Totally,” Juleka lied. “That’s why I was with the cult. I was like, 'I want to find a demonic overlord to pledge my loyalty to,’ and they seemed onboard with that, but then they tied me up and tried to use me to summon Alya. Once she saved me, of course, she earned my undying love and devotion.”
Despite the situation, Juleka saw Alya visibly stifling giggles as she turned away. But Nora was less familiar with Juleka and couldn’t pick up on her sarcasm. “Really,” she said. “That’s your story.”
“Uh huh. I even practiced chanting for hours.”
Juleka wondered if that last line was too much, but Nora gave her a long look before dropping her and stalking over to her sister. “Don’t go anywhere,” she said. “I’ve got a nose like a bloodhound. I could follow you across the English Channel.” Then she grabbed Alya and dragged her out of the room.
Juleka took advantage of Nora’s absence to take a breath and then try to think through her story in more detail. She didn’t know anything about being the high priestess of a demon cult, but she imagined it couldn’t be too hard–some chanting here, some praising the demon there, maybe lighting candles or setting off fireworks on whatever the demonic equivalent of Christmas was. (Although, she somehow doubted Alya actually wanted those things.) And besides, this was just a blufff for Nora. She wouldn’t have to actually go through with it–
The door banged open again as Nora came back in with Alya behind her. “So,” Nora said. “Juleka, right? Why do you want to lead my sister’s cult? What’s in it for you?”
“Magic?” Nora snapped her fingers and summoned some Hellfire of her own, though her fireball was much larger, about the size of a basketball. “I mean, that’s possible, but I think it’s best we’re all on the same page. Wouldn’t be good if you wanted something she couldn’t give you.”
Juleka opened her mouth, then hesitated. Magic was awesome and she’d love to have the chance to cast spells, but she wasn’t sure if she should say that. Nora still seemed volatile and Juleka figured there were probably 'wrong’ answers to this question which would be very bad for her.
“Or other kinds of power?” Nora went on. “Gold smelted in the fires of Hell? Demons have plenty of that. Or political power? Maybe a boost to your blog? Are you here because you want Alya to get Nadja Chamack’s soul and then induce her to promote you all over Paris?”
Juleka glanced at Alya for just a moment and noticed how nervous the other demon seemed. But then Nora went on. “Or do you want Alya to smite your enemies? Like Hawkmoth, or that Marinette girl who brought you on as a model and then made you so nervous you got re-akumatized into Reflektdoll?” Nora clenched a fist. “Well?”
“Um.” Juleka paused, having no idea what to say. If she got it wrong she was in real trouble, and…
And so why not just tell the truth?
Juleka gulped. “I, uh… I mean, all that stuff sounds cool but it’s not why I’m here. And honestly, I didn’t go to the cult hoping to meet a demon either. I found out about Alya’s whole, uh, demon thing by accident. But she’s a friend, a really good one, and I’m not going to abandon her. And so if being her 'high priestess’ is the only way I can keep my soul and stay her friend without you, I don’t know, changing covers so I never see her again or wiping my mind or something, that’s what I want to do." 
Nora stared at Juleka with a stunned look, and then her tongue darted out. "I don’t taste any deceit,” she murmured. “I…”
“See?” said Alya, looking relieved. “I told you she’s legit. You can relax.”
The bigger demon struggled for a moment before growling and saying, “Fine. Bind her properly, sis. Don’t screw it up. I’ll check on you later–I’ve almost got Roundhouse Ron’s soul, and if I can get him to throw the match tonight it’ll be as good as mine. But when I’m done I’ll be back.” She stalked out.
Alya ran to Juleka’s side and hugged her. “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I know Nora can be rough–”
“It’s okay. Not your fault.” Juleka returned the hug. “So. Apparently I’m your new high priestess.”
Alya’s skin somehow grew even redder as she blushed again. “We don’t, uh, have to go through with that if you don’t want. I’ll make up some story for Nora.”
But then Alya might get in trouble, Juleka thought. And she’d might never see her friend again if Alya were forced to change covers. “What would it entail?” Juleka asked.
Alya blinked. “Uh… well, there’s a magic spell I’d cast and we’d exchange blood. You’d become bound to me. I’d be able to lend you magic power, and when you 'worshipped’ me I’d get stronger. You’d be responsible for worshipping me on a regular basis, eventually bringing other people into the cult, and helping me to enact my will–that is, capture souls.”
“Any risks?” Juleka asked. “Would I lose my soul?”
“No. I mean, technically I’d be supposed to constantly tempt you into giving it up–that’s the usual reason most demons do things like this, most other demons don’t like humans and only loan them a little power to ensnare people who are too clever to just lose their souls the usual ways–but I wouldn’t do that. Um, if you ran into a paladin or angel they might notice that I’d marked you and want to smite you. It’s not likely unless you’re actively using demonic magic, but it’s a risk, so I get if you don’t want to do it. Like I said, I’ll lie to Nora–”
“I’ll do it,” said Juleka at once.
Alya stared. “Really?”
“Sure. It doesn’t sound too bad, as long as I get to keep my soul. And… and you’re a friend. I don’t want Nora to take you away. And this is sort of my fault anyways for getting captured by those morons. If this is the way to stop you leaving, let’s do it.”
Alya was still for a moment before a genuine grin burst onto her face. “Alright,” she said. “Here we go.”
She got a ritual knife–a real one this time–from her desk and then had Juleka sit cross-legged across from her on her bed while she summoned a ball of Hellfire between them. She murmured several words in what sounded like Latin, then motioned for Juleka to put her hand in the fire. Juleka cautiously did so, but whatever spell Alya had muttered prevented it from burning her. Alya used her knife to cut into her palm, forming a trickle of sizzling blood, before doing the same to Juleka’s hand and then clasping it in the flames.
Juleka gasped. Suddenly she felt as if power were surging into her, power that clutched at her mind and screamed at her to use it to do whatever she wanted, smashing up her enemies and building palaces of molten gold for herself and–
She caught the thoughts and forcibly pushed them away. Then Alya dropped her hand and when Juleka looked at her palm there was a strange sigil instead of a scar. “There!” said Alya. “You’re my high priestess now. It’s official.” She beamed. “I can’t wait to tell Asmodeus. He told me when I started taking soul-catching lessons that I’d never be good enough to start a cult. And here I am, one of the first in my class!”
“Great,” managed Juleka as she uneasily got up. Power was still surging through her and she felt heady. “Woah. That’s a rush. Um, do I need to worry about accidentally setting off fireballs or anything?”
“I haven’t given you any magic yet, just the potential to cast it once I do,” said Alya. “So no.”
“Okay.” Juleka took a breath. “And this worship thing. What does that involve?”
Alya hesitated. “You know, worship,” she said at last. “Spending time being devoted to me. Making me happy. I’ll do the same for you of course–we’re friends–but when you do it to me, I’ll grow stronger and then be able to give you more magic.”
“But specifically,” Juleka pushed. “How do I be 'devoted to you?’ That’s pretty broad.”
 "I don’t know,“ Alya admitted. "I’ve never, uh, actually had a cult before. I didn’t think I’d be strong enough to make one.” She glanced away. “Just… whatever’s traditional, I guess.”
“Ah.” Juleka tilted her head, then smiled wryly. “Well, based on Hollywood movies–which I’m going to assume are totally accurate–I think the tradition here is for me to take you into a drafty catacomb, light some smelly incense, chant in Latin neither of us understand, and talk a lot about how someday the rivers will run red with the blood of your enemies.”
Alya blanched. “Please don’t.”
Juleka’s smile grew. “I could also dress up in stupid clothes and wander around yelling prophecies that the dread lord Alya will slay all who do not bow before her. I could form a 'Satanist’ metal band and yell that everyone who didn’t buy my merchandise with your face on it would burn. I could–”
Alya burst into laughter and threw a pillow at her. “As your new demon queen I hereby order you to not do anything so ridiculous I’d get laughed out of Hell.”
“Or,” said Juleka, still beaming, “Seeing as how you told Nora you’re caught up on your soul quota and don’t have anything to do for awhile, I could rent us a couple movies about exorcists and demons. Then we could watch them together, eat popcorn, do each other’s hair, and laugh about everything the films get wrong. Would that count as being 'devoted to you’ and 'making you happy?’”
“I…” Alya smiled. “I think it would. And seeing as how literally no other cultist I’ve ever heard of would have come up with that–seriously, most of those guys love Latin chants, except they don’t know Latin so they just recite random phrases and usually wind up chanting that their togas got caught in their chariots or something–I think it’s safe to say you are officially a much better high priestess than all those other guys.”
She gave Juleka a hug, which the goth returned. And then she flopped down on her bed while Juleka got the movie set up. And as Juleka did so, she saw a contented look on Alya’s face and grinned.
It was nice to be someone’s friend. Especially a very unusual someone, such as a certain Alya Cesaire.
Chapter 3
Life as the high priestess of the Cult of Alya Cesaire, thought Juleka, was pretty similar to her life before taking on that role. She still went to school, did her homework, played music with Kitty Section, dated Rose, and helped Marinette’s various doomed attempts to win the heart of one Adrien Agreste. But now she was hanging out more with Alya too, and those hang-outs could be… interesting.
This was the case when, a few weeks after becoming high priestess, Juleka noticed that Alya was looking sluggish in school. She caught up with the girl at recess and asked, “What’s wrong? Can you, uh, get sick?”
“Not with human diseases, but there’s some demon ones that are a real bitch.” Alya wrinkled her nose, then sneezed into a tissue with an annoyed grunt. “Ugh.”
“Why don’t you go home?” Juleka asked. “I mean, your 'parents’ are just supposed to be looking after you for your bosses, right? They can’t actually ground you?" 
"They actually can. To 'maintain the cover,’” Alya smiled ruefully. “Wouldn’t look very realistic if I was just going around doing anything I wanted and they ignored it. I mean, I know Chloe’s dad does, but that’s because he’s a total idiot–it still doesn’t look right. But that’s not why I’m staying here.” She gestured at her bookbag, which Juleka saw had a thick notebook sticking out of it. “Today’s the study review session in Mendeleiev’s class, remember? And the test is next week. I can’t miss that.”
Juleka raised an eyebrow. “Seriously?”
“Yeah!” Alya sneezed again. “I mean, this is a long-term cover. I won’t be able to tempt people if I fail out of school and wind up living in an alley behind Marinette’s family’s bakery!”
Juleka gave Alya a long look.
“…and I like this stuff,” Alya admitted. “We don’t really have 'schools’ like this in Hell, just lessons on specific things like tempting people. It's… interesting being in this kind of place.” She gestured at the school around them. “I don’t want to screw it up.”
“Hmm.” Juleka tilted her head, then came to her decision. “Okay. As your high priestess, I’m making an executive decision and sending you home.”
Alya blinked. “I… I don’t think that’s how–”
“I’m supposed to look after you,” said Juleka. “So I’m ordering you to go home. I’ll take detailed notes at the study session and run them over to you once school’s out.”
Now Alya looked stunned. “You’d do that for me?”
“Of course–ack!” Juleka winced as Alya wrapped her in a tight hug. She was confused for a moment–taking notes for others was pretty common, after all–before remembering that Alya was new up here. She wondered if maybe demons didn’t have 'friends’ in Hell, and that was why Alya kept being surprised and overwhelmed whenever Juleka behaved decently towards her. (And now that Juleka thought about it, she could recall Marinette having said similar things about how happy Alya seemed to get over the slightest kindnesses.) “No problem.”
“Thanks.” Alya broke the hug and began to run off. “I’ll be at home then. See you later!”
Juleka took copious notes, paying even more attention than she would have if she were only focusing on her own learning, and after school she headed out for Alya’s house. Before she got there, though, she was stopped by Rose. “Juleka!” chirped the short blonde, giving her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek. “Are you doing anything?I got tickets to the new fashion show down on the Champs Elysses and I was wondering if you wanted to go?”
“Wish I could,” said Juleka, taking a moment to hug her girlfriend and lose herself in the girl’s sweet perfume and sweeter personality. “But I’ve got a thing with Alya; she’s sick and I’m bringing her notes to study for next week’s test. Maybe tomorrow?”
“She is?” Rose gasped. “That’s awful. But it’s really nice of you to go help her study. You’re amazing, Juleka.” She gave Juleka another hug. “Tomorrow is fine. See you then!”
Rose ran off and Juleka headed over to the Cesaire house to see her friend. When she knocked on the door, though, it was Nora who opened it. “You,” she grunted. “Right, Alya told me. Come in.”
Juleka let the older demon usher her inside and then tried to go to Alya’s room, but Nora blocked her. “Wait,” Nora said. “My little sis is sick. You’re her high priestess. So here.” She thrust an ancient-looking book into Juleka’s arms, and when Juleka opened it to see tiny, spidery writing, the book let out what sounded like a pained moan. “Use this.”
“…how?” Juleka asked.
Nora glared at her, then flipped the book to a certain chapter. “A spell for healing sick demons,” she said. “Now that you’re her high priestess, only you can cast it on her. So do it. Or else I’ll eat your soul.” She stuck out her tongue, and it briefly flashed back to being forked and scaly before Nora restored her own glamour. “Got it?”
Juleka glanced down at the ingredients for the spell and almost gagged. The first three were goat’s blood, the heart of a lamb whose wool was pure-white, and the frayed end of a hangman’s noose; the rest were similarly baroque. “Got it,” she managed. “Make Alya feel better, check.”
“Good.” Nora finally let Juleka go. “And remember, Juleka: her welfare is your responsibility. If you screw up and my sister gets hurt, or banished, or something worse, I’m taking it out on you.” She clenched a fist and a ball of fire appeared above it. “Just so we understand each other. Now: get out of my way.” She stormed off, presumably–Juleka guessed–to go capture another soul from someone she knew as a boxer. Juleka watched her go and took a breath, then headed into Alya’s room.
“Hey!” Alya was lying on her bed in her demonic form, which now looked a bit blotchy and mottled. The base of Alya’s wings in particular were covered with some kind of splotchy growth, and as Juleka watched Alya tried to scratch them but couldn’t quite reach. “You okay? I mentioned you were coming over and Nora freaked out.”
“I’m fine,” said Juleka as she set down her bag. “Nora just told me to make you feel better. Apparently I’m supposed to… let me see…” She looked at the book. “Sprinkle you with goat’s blood, then puree the prepared heart of a lamb and have you drink it…” She flashed a wry smile. “Do you like your lamb heart prepared any particular way, o mighty demon?”
Alya groaned theatrically. “Agh! Nora’s cures for things are worse than the diseases. Please don’t do any of the goat’s blood or lamb’s heart stuff.” The two laughed. Then Alya reached at her back again but still couldn’t reach the splotches at the bases of her wings. “Stupid demon-rot…”
Juleka paused, then went over to the bed. “Here. Let me get that.” She sat down and began to gently scratch the splotches.
“You don’t need to… oh. Oh, yeah, right there.” Alya let out a sigh of contentment as Juleka massaged the inflamed and splotchy patches of skin on her back. “Oh, you’re awesome.”
Juleka smiled slightly as she continued to work on Alya’s back, as well as a couple of blotchy spots near the base of her horns too. The demon made contented noises, almost purrs, and her tail began to thump on the bed and against Juleka’s legs. “That better?” Juleka asked.
“Like you wouldn’t believe. You’re the best high priestess ever,” sighed Alya. “Way better than that stupid toady Asmodeus got that he never shuts up about.”
Juleka massaged Alya for about fifteen minutes until Alya declared she was feeling a lot better and needed to get to studying. Then they got the books out and began going over Juleka’s notes, with Juleka still giving Alya an occasional scratch or massage on one of her sore spots. 
“Best high priestess ever,” Alya repeated quietly, and Juleka couldn’t help but grin.
The next day, Juleka got a text from Alya that she was feeling much better. “I’m practicing with Kitty Section before the fashion show,” Juleka wrote back. “You can come by if you want.”
But by the time Alya had gotten there, practice had been canceled and Juleka was consoling a sobbing Rose. “It’s awful!” Rose was saying. “I can’t believe it happened again!”
“What’s wrong?” said Alya, now wrapped in her human guise, as she climbed onto the Liberty.
“That XY jerk stole our music again.” Juleka growled something inarticulate and hugged Rose more tightly. “And Bob Roth threatened to sue us for slander if we protest.”
“You should tell people anyways,” said Alya at once. “We’ll show him.”
Juleka shook her head. “The last time this happened, Luka got akumatized when he found out. We can’t risk that happening again.” She looked down. “We’ll figure something out, Rose. We can write another song.”
Alya hesitated, and then a faint smile crossed her face while Rose’s head was buried in Juleka’s arms. Juleka saw the smile and gave Alya a querying look, but Alya just waved it off. “Well, let me know if you want to go public; I’ll talk about it on the Ladyblog if you do,” she said. “Anyways, I just came by to say I couldn’t hang around for practice after all. Maybe next time. Later!” And she hurried off.
Juleka didn’t think too much about it until an hour later when, as she sat in her cabin with Rose on her lap while they ate ice cream and tried to think of a new song, Luka came in. “Hey, you guys hear? Something’s going down at Bob Roth’s studios.”
The two girls looked at each other and then Juleka opened up her laptop to see a news report. “Fire at a major studio!” Nadja Chamack was saying while Roth’s building burned behind her. “Preliminary reports are that a fire somehow ignited in the server room and destroyed most of the master recordings, including a new piece of music scheduled to debut later today. The fire then spread through the building–oh, Mr. Roth!” Bob Roth and XY had just burst out of the building as firemen ran into it. “Do you have any–”
“Monsters!” Roth gasped. “A monster set everything on fire! Aaah!” And the two ran away.
Chamack blinked, then shrugged. “So to recap: a fire at a record studio appears to have driven famous pop musician XY and his manager Bob Roth into temporary states of insanity, as well as destroyed their new release. We’ll keep you informed. Now back to the station.”
“Hey,” said Rose as Nadja’s feed cut off. “If their recording was destroyed–that means they don’t have our music anymore! We can still release it and Roth can’t claim it was his first!”
Juleka smiled to herself. She had a pretty good idea of which 'monster’ had started that fire. “Yeah,” she said. “We can.”
Later, when Juleka was biking home, she happened to come across Alya and braked to stop near her. “Thanks,” she said.
Alya put on an innocent expression. “Who, me?” she said sweetly. “But I would never burn down a record studio! I’m very innocent and gentle.”
Juleka laughed at that, and after a moment Alya followed suit. “Hey, just like you look after me, I’m supposed to look after you,” Alya said. “I’d lose all my cred if I let someone mess with my high priestess. You guys practicing tomorrow?”
“Well, I’ll be there. Unless Roth tries again.” Alya winked, and Juleka grinned at her once more before biking off.
Two days later, Juleka helped Alya capture a soul for the first time.
“Our target is Aurore Beaureal, the wannabe weather girl,” Alya said. Juleka was with her in her bedroom, and Alya was in her natural demon form. Juleka smiled as she Alya’s tail lashing around eagerly while Alya spread out a map over her bed. “She’s a prime target for soul-capturing.”
“She is?” Juleka asked. “Why?”
“Because she wanted to be the weather girl but Mireille bribed the guy running the contest to pick her instead,” Alya said. “All I have to do is tell her and she’ll be so angry she’ll make a deal with me to get revenge–and then I’ll get her soul.”
Juleka shook her head. “Wait, back up. Mireille bribed Cataldi?”
“Of course she did. What, did you think a half million people really voted in a competition for a local news show to pick a weather reporter?” Alya shook her head. “One of my demon powers is… I guess you could call it a 'sin’ sense. I can tell when people are doing corrupt or evil things, and when I saw Mireille that day she was practically glowing red to my eyes. So I knew she’d done something really bad, and after that I made a few guesses as to what it might be, then snuck into Alec Cataldi’s room and recorded him telling one of his goons how he was going on a shopping spree because Mireille had bribed him with so much money.”
It took a moment for Juleka to consider that fully. She didn’t know much about Mireille, although she had indeed found it odd that the weather girl had won the competition by so many votes. “Shouldn’t we be going after Mireille then?”
“I tried.” Alya frowned. “But her soul is… guarded, somehow. I can’t touch it. That usually means she’s pledged herself to another demon. Well, either that or an angel, but if she were with the angels she would have had to admit to what she did to Aurore and she hasn’t done that. So she has a different demon patron, probably the demon that’s preparing to go after Hawkmoth, and I don’t want to mess with that. We’ll take Aurore instead.”
“Why now?” Juleka asked.
“Because Mireille’s contract with the studio is almost up. If she wants to renew it she’ll need to win the next competition, which means she’ll be cheating Aurore out of it again.” Alya rubbed her hands together. “I just need to tell Aurore what’s going on and she’ll be putty in my hands.”
“Oh.” Juleka hesitated. “I’m, um, not really comfortable taking someone’s soul just because they’re mad about being cheated in a competition. I mean, those cultists were one thing because they tried to kill me, but…”
Alya waved a hand. “I’ll get her to agree to some really awful revenge on Mireille. Something damnation-worthy. I’ll make it work.”
Juleka wasn’t fully convinced, and she thought she heard something catching in Alya’s voice. The demon didn’t seem entirely comfortable with this either, and Juleka wondered if Alya was doing this more because she her superiors demanded damnation for even 'minor’ sins like Aurore’s anger, as opposed to Alya being truly convinced Aurore deserved it. “Are you sure?” Juleka asked gently.
“Sure I’m sure! Now come on!” Alya snapped her fingers to summon her glamour. “Aurore posted on her blog that she’ll be visiting the studio today to submit paperwork, and there’s all kinds of back hallways in that place. We’ll just catch her in one of them and get it done.”
She hurried out, and Juleka followed, though with clear unease on her face.
Juleka raised an eyebrow as Alya put on a hooded robe after sneaking them into the back hallways of the television studio. “In case she says no, I need to keep my cover,” Alya explained. “Besides, this makes me look more credible.”
“It really doesn’t,” Juleka said.
Alya stuck out her tongue. “Well, maybe not to you, but trust me–when you try to get someone to sell your soul, you can’t do it in jeans and a T-shirt. You need to look the part. Here.” She shoved a robe at Juleka. “I brought you one too.”
Juleka glanced at it, then pointedly dropped it. “What am I supposed to be doing here, anyways?”
“Right now, watch and learn. Eventually I might have you help me with temptations, but for the moment, I just want you to see how awesome I am.” Alya chuckled from beneath her hooded robe. “And–wait, those are her footsteps. Hide!” She pushed Juleka behind a stack of crates and then moved into a shadowy part of the hallway.
Soon enough a disgruntled-looking Aurore came up. “Why won’t they take my papers?” she growled as she glanced over an office map. “Last time was bad enough, but this time it’s like they don’t want me here!”
“They don’t,” intoned Alya in a low voice.
Aurore jumped and then swiveled to point her parasol in the general direction of Alya’s shadows. “Who was that?” she demanded. “I’m–I have an umbrella and I know how to use it!”
Juleka had to work to stifle her giggle.
Alya slipped out of the shadows, and as Juleka watched, Alya’s robe shuddered in an almost inhuman way. Juleka made a note to ask her how she did that. Then Alya spoke again, “I think you know they don’t want you here. Mireille bribed the host last year, and she did it again this year. Your application to compete won’t even be accepted. They’ll have Mireille run against a fake candidate who already agreed to take a dive, and thus she’ll win for sure.” Alya shook her head. “Such a shame.”
Aurore flushed. “Why should I believe you? You’re just a creepy person in a scary robe!”
“Am I?” Alya held up a phone, her hand briefly shifting into its natural state–red, with talon-like fingers–before blinking back to its human form again. Aurore boggled but didn’t flee–Juleka figured Aurore was trying to tell herself she was just seeing things–and then Alya hit a playback button on the phone. 
“…going to be eating steaks and sushi for a month!” Alec’s voice said. “That Caquet girl paid me so much I can really take it easy for a while!” He laughed. “Maybe I’ll finally get that sports jacket… nah, I’ll wait until Caquet wants to win something else and comes knocking again. Say what you like about her, she’s loaded!”
Aurore flushed a bright crimson. “I knew it. I knew that jerk cheated!” Her fist clenched, and she dropped the papers she’d been carrying. “I worked harder, I was better, I deserved to win! Just because she has money–agh!” She slammed her fist into the wall.
“It’s so unfair,” Alya agreed. “But I could help you get revenge.” She lowered her hood just enough to reveal her horns and red skin. Aurore gasped, but Alya said, “What? In a world with miraculouses and akumas, are you so surprised there are other powers out there?” She waited for Aurore to jerkily shake her head. “So, Aurore. Would you like my help?”
“And what do you want in exchange?” managed Aurore. 
“I think you know.” Alya moved closer to Aurore. “Your soul. But in exchange… revenge on Mireille, perhaps Alec too, the job as weather girl, and so much more.” She spread her hands. “Well?”
Aurore hesitated, and Juleka could tell she was really tempted. But then she shook her head. “No,” she said twice, first hesitantly, then more strongly. “I don’t–just forget it. No way. I’m not the kind of person who would do something like that.”
She turned, but Alya quickly moved around her to face her again. “Not so fast,” she said in a charming tone. “You don’t want to give up your soul; I get it. We can work something else out. In fact… I might be able to lend you a little magic help to get your revenge, just so you can see what I"m offering. No other charge.”
Juleka frowned, but then remembered that Alya had told her there were at least two ways for her to take a soul: either to get someone to explicitly make a deal with her in which they gave it to her, or to convince someone to do something evil enough that Alya could just take the soul without a deal. The first tactic had failed, so now Alya would be trying to get Aurore to agree to some really bad sin and thus allow Alya to get the soul that way.
“Magic?” repeated Aurore.
“Sure.” Alya leaned close. “For instance, if I gave you a certain power you could…” and her speech trailed off as she whispered something, presumably advice on how to use magic to do something really evil, into Aurore’s ear.
But rather than agree, Aurore stiffened and then shoved Alya back. “What? No way. I’d never do that, not even for revenge. I told you, I’m not that kind of person.” She scowled. “You’re terrible, you know that?”
“But–” Alya began.
“Why am I even talking to you? Get out of here before I call Ladybug.” Aurore backed away. “And–”
Then Alya’s phone went off.
Aurore and Alya both stared down at Alya’s pocket, and Juleka winced–Alya had a distinctive ringtone, a theme song from one of those shows following investigative reporters, and everyone knew it because her phone sometimes went off when she was filming Ladyblog stuff. “Uh,” said Alya. “Hang on–”
“Alya?” asked Aurore. “Is that you?”
“No!” Alya insisted as she reached for her phone, but Aurore was faster and swept out her umbrella to fully knock down the demon’s hood. That revealed her head, which–though red and with horns–was still noticeably that of Alya Cesaire. “Alya?” breathed Aurore. “What’s wrong with you?”
“I’m not Alya!” yelped the reporter. “You can’t prove–”
Aurore turned, said, “Stay away from me!” and began to run for the exit.
As soon as she had turned a corner Alya slammed her head against a wall. “Stupid stupid stupid!” she hissed. “I completely botched that!”
“Yeah,” Juleka noted. “You did.”
Alya shot her a mock glare, but it quickly dissolved into fear. “If she tells people I’ll have to move and change identities, assuming I don’t get recalled to Hell and punished, and without her soul I can’t influence her to–”
“Wait.” Juleka thought quickly. “I might be able to set her up so you can take her soul. But then you have to do me a favor.”
Alya blinked. “Sure, anything, but how can you–”
“No time.” Juleka grabbed the office map Aurore had dropped. “Just follow me at a distance. And 'watch and learn.’” She shot a faint smile at Alya, then took off at a run.
Aurore had a head start but no longer had a map, which meant Juleka was able to catch up to the lost girl before Aurore could find her way back into the inhabited parts of the station. She reached the blond’s position just before Aurore would have passed through an exit door, then grabbed a random object–a little ball that someone, probably Manon Chamack, had left lying around–and gently tossed it at Aurore’s head before ducking into an open office.
“Huh?” gasped Aurore as the ball bounced off her. She spun around. “What was that?”
“You are Rain Delay,” called Juleka in her lowest, most imposing voice, “And this is Hawkmoth. I–”
“Oh, come on!” complained Aurore. “What, are all the bad guys trying to tempt me today?”
Juleka smiled. Aurore had been akumatized, but seeing as how it was hard to remember what happened once Hawkmoth touched someone, that didn’t mean she knew what it was supposed to feel like. For all Aurore knew it was a simple 'butterfly bumps into you and turns you evil’ thing. Meaning she’d have no way of knowing Juleka was faking. “Tempt you?” she said. “Oh, no no no. I’m helping you get revenge. No need to thank me, just get me the jewelry, yadda yadda.”
“I’m not–”
“Yes you are,” said Juleka. “You already want to. Your anger is growing. Nobody can resist me.”
Aurore hesitated, and Juleka smiled; she’d figured Aurore correctly. Aurore hadn’t refused Alya’s offers because she was opposed to taking revenge; rather, she just didn’t want to feel like she was the kind of bad person who would agree to a demonic bargain in order to get said revenge. But everyone knew that nobody could resist Hawkmoth, which meant that it wasn’t anyone’s fault for getting akumatized. So all she had to do was convince Aurore that Hawkmoth was making her do something bad, and Aurore–now believing that anything evil she did wasn’t really her fault but just was Hawkmoth’s influence–would go along with it. 
And Aurore finally said, “…yes,” in a tight, angry voice as a cruel smile crawled across her face. “Give me power and I’ll destroy Mireille. I’ll bury her in a storm, I’ll drown her, and Alec, and–”
And then Alya slipped out of the shadows behind Aurore and easily pulled her soul out of her chest.
Aurore flinched and shuddered, then turned–and gaped at Alya holding a ball of blueish-gold light about the size of a billiard ball. “What–”
“Your soul,” said Alya by way of explanation. “Mine now.” She glanced in Juleka’s direction. “Well done, high priestess. Your help was useful.”
“Help?” said Juleka in a joking tone. She came out of the shadows–Alya had Aurore’s soul, so she could ensure Aurore didn’t tell anyone about her identity–and frowned. “Is that what we’re calling 'doing the whole thing?’”
Aurore reached for her soul, but her hand passed through it without making contact. “Give that back!” she insisted.
“Nope. Mine now.” Alya beamed. “I’ll be taking this Down Below and–”
“You can’t!” insisted Aurore. “That wasn’t fair! I’m sorry!”
Alya hesitated and Juleka saw real conflict on her face. The goth coughed. “Hey, Alya, remember that favor you said you’d owe me if I got you her soul?”
Aurore turned. “Wait, Juleka Couffaine, right?” she asked. “Why are you helping her do this?!”
“She’s my high priestess,” said Alya.
“She what?!” Aurore sputtered. “You can’t have a high priestess! You’re a demon! You–”
“Aurore,” said Juleka at once. “Hold on a minute. I need to say something to Alya.”
The blond scowled at her but stopped talking, and Juleka turned back to Alya. “My favor is: don’t take her soul down to Hell.”
Alya blinked. “But that’s the only reason I got it. To make my quota.”
“We can look for someone else to fill your quota, a real bad guy. I’ll help you. But don’t take hers down there.” Juleka paused. “She doesn’t deserve it, Alya. You know that.”
“Well… I mean, my bosses–”
“Your bosses want you to take every soul that just barely steps over the line,” Juleka guessed. “Because they’re jerks. But I don’t think you want to do that. Getting rid of really bad people so they can’t hurt others, or work with Hawkmoth, or do things like that is one thing. Aurore’s not like that." 
The two locked gazes for a moment before Alya said, "…maybe… I mean…”
“No maybe about it,” said Juleka. “You know damning her isn’t the right thing to do. Besdies, I’m your high priestess and we made a deal: I’d get you her soul so she couldn’t tell the world that Alya Cesaire is actually a demon temptress running around Paris, and in exchange you’d do something for me. Well, what I want you to do is not damn her.”
Aurore blinked. “Um–”
“But–but then what do I do with her soul?” Alya asked. “I can’t give it back or she’ll be able to talk to people about me!”
“Can’t you just keep it around?” Juleka asked. “In, I don’t know, a desk drawer or something?”
“Hey!” Aurore said. “I–”
“–were going to willingly ally with Hawkmoth,” said Juleka in a deadpan tone. “If you’d been successful you would have stolen the miraculouses and possibly helped Hawkmoth conquer the world. You’re getting off easy, Aurore.”
Aurore blushed a bright red, but then bowed her head. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I just–I worked so hard on the weather competition, and learning that Mireille cheated… but alright, I know I should have tried harder to resist 'Hawkmoth.’ Still, I don’t want Alya to mess with my soul!”
Juleka turned back to Alya. “As long as you don’t try to rewrite her personality, will you having her soul effect her?”
“No. I mean, there might be a few odd issues now and then, but nothing big. I do need to make her loyal so she doesn’t tell–”
Juleka swiveled again. “Aurore, if you tell anyone about Alya or me, she’ll have to move and change identities, and then you won’t be able to get your soul back from her because you won’t be able to find her. So you won’t tell anyone, will you?”
The blond quickly shook her head. 
“Great.” Juleka smiled at both of them. “Then there’s no need for Alya to 'mess with’ Aurore’s soul, about loyalty or anything else. Alya can just hang on to it until… I don’t know… Aurore demonstrates she’s not the type of person to work with Hawkmoth anymore, no matter how mad she gets.” She nodded. I’m glad we worked this out.“
Alya and Aurore both seemed like they wanted to argue, but neither could come up with anything. And that was that.
"This is weird,” Aurore said.
They had returned to Alya’s house and Alya had put Aurore’s soul on her dresser, where it lit up the immediate area with a gentle blue and yellow light. Aurore had tried to take it back, or at least poke it, but her hand just passed through it; Alya had explained that only those whom she allowed to touch it could do so now that it was hers. “This is so weird,” Aurore said. “I mean, I’m happy I’m not getting damned, but…”
“Alya will take good care of your soul,” Juleka promised. “I’ll make sure of it. We’ll polish it every week, maybe take it for walks on Fridays.” Alya playfully stuck out her tongue. “And hey, if you want to check in on it maybe you can come over now and then.” When Nora is away, Juleka thought. “We could have you over for girl’s night. Ooh, you could even join my cult.”
Alya brightened. “Yeah! We need more members.”
“…cult?” asked Aurore. “What, like chanting?”
“It’s mostly watching anime, eating ice cream, and telling dumb jokes,” said Juleka. Alya tossed a pillow at her, and she easily dodged it. “But if you really want to chant I can pencil that in somewhere.”
Aurore actually laughed a little at that. “No, that’s okay.” She paused. “Um, does the whole stealing-my-soul thing being… allowed to happen, I guess… mean I’m a really bad person?”
“It means you did a really bad thing,” said Alya. “I wouldn’t be able to take your soul otherwise.”
“But,” Juleka went on, “It doesn’t mean you’re irrevocably bad. That’s just for people who actually do get sent Down Below. You can get better. We’ll help.” She smiled gently. “And also have some fun. For instance: the meeting of the Cult of Alya Cesaire is this Saturday at noon. We’re going to be 'worshipping’ Alya by watching Lord of the Rings–which she somehow hasn’t seen–”
“They don’t have human movies in Hell!” protested Alya. “At least none of the good ones!”
Aurore and Juleka both laughed at that, and then Juleka went on. “We will also be snacking on stuff from the Dupain-Cheng bakery and talking about what to get Principal Damocles for his birthday. And maybe we can fit in some, I don’t know, moral instruction or something. Sound good?”
“Yeah.” Aurore nodded. “I… I guess I’ll see you two then.” And she left.
Alya left out a breath and sagged down on her bed. “Ugh. That was a trainwreck,” she muttered. “I need to get better at tempting.”
“Fortunately, you have your expert high priestess to help,” joked Juleka.
Alya smiled at that. Then she said, “And… thanks. For coming up with the idea of what to do with Aurore. I think–I think you were right. Damning her would have been the wrong move.”
“Of course I"m right.” Juleka sat next to Alya, who leaned on her shoulder. “Happy to help.”
“Yeah… but I still need to get another soul by the end of the week.” Alya pursed her lips. “I–”
Juleka’s phone beeped with an alert. She looked down at it. “Hey, some nutjobs are trying to rob a bank,” she said. “And they’ve taken hostages that they’re threatening to shoot. If you hurry I’ll bet you can get their before Ladybug, steal a few souls from the robbers, and make your quota that way.”
Alya brightened. “Yeah, that’s perfect!” She jumped to her cloven feet. “Thanks again, Juleka! You’re great.”
“I know,” said Juleka as Alya ran out. Then she chuckled and lay back in the bed. Becoming a counselor and spiritual advisor to a demon–and, apparently, at least one newly-soulless girl who needed a little anger management–wasn’t really where she’d seen herself going when the year had begun.
But that didn’t make it not fun.
Chapter 4
It was about one month after Juleka had learned Alya’s secret when things began getting hectic again.
“You know what I think?” Rose asked as she lay on Juleka’s lap, staring at the sky while they finished their lunches. “I think we should do something special tomorrow. We should go to Andre’s ice cream cart, get our favorite flavors, and then ride in one of those boats that goes up and down the Seine.”
“Sounds fun,” said Juleka. She gently stroked Rose’s hair, and the girl grinned and wriggled deeper into Juleka’s lap. “Is tomorrow a special occasion?”
“The most special of all!” said Rose. “Tomorrow is our six-and-a-half month anniversary!" 
Juleka chuckled. "Ah. How could I forget. The most important day in any loving relationship–”
“Don’t make fun of love,” said Rose. “It’s amazing. Like, I love you, so when I look at you my heart starts racing and I feel like the most fortunate girl in the world.” Juleka blushed at that. “And I’m sure you feel the same way, 'cause you’re also in love!”
“Sounds about right,” said Juleka. “Although, at the moment, I’d kind of love to get back to class before Mendeleiev gives us detention…”
Rose checked her watch and made a soft 'eep’ sound. “You’re right!” she said as she scrambled upright. “But let’s cuddle more later. It’s fun.” She grinned at Juleka before rushing back to the school, with Juleka following at a slightly more sedate pace.
Juleka had gotten inside and was heading towards the classroom when she saw Alya approaching. “I think Marinette’s in that room there,” Nino was calling to her from around a corner. “I heard her say Lila wanted to talk to her about something.”
“Thanks!” Alya called back. Then she looked at Juleka. “Hey. Got any plans for this afternoon?”
“Cuddling with Rose,” said Juleka. “And after that… I dunno. We can do something or–”
A yelping noise sounded from the closed room. Jueka and Alya glanced at each other, then quickly looked through a crack in the door. Juleka’s eyes widened as she saw Lila pulling her hand away from Marinette; the hand looked bruised and Marinette was giving LIla an astonished look. “That’s all you’ve got? Poking me in the chest? Whatever. I’m done with you." 
Marinette stalked towards the other door. As soon as she left, Lila’s scowl deepened, and then–
Then her body flashed and took on an appearance similar to that of Alya’s.
They weren’t exactly the same. Lila’s horns, wings, and tail were all larger than Alya’s, and her skin was a deeper red. She also had some tattoos which writhed a little on her body. But they were clearly the same species, and Juleka couldn’t stop herself from gasping. 
"No!” hissed Alya as she covered Juleka’s mouth.
But it was too late. Lila glanced at the door, then waved one claw-like hand at it and whispered something in Latin, and then Juleka felt herself being dragged through the door by an unseen force. Alya was dragged in besides her, and the two were thrown to the ground in front of LIla.
“So,” said Lila. “I guess you two will be my next acquisitions.” She waved a hand and the door shut behind them. “Don’t worry, though. I’m not too hard of a taskmaster. Your souls will be safe and–”
“Hang on!” said Alya as she forced herself to her feet. Her body shimmered and then she was in her natural demonic form too. Juleka scrambled up afterwards. “Our souls aren’t up for grabs. I’m gathering souls for the bosses, same as you. And, uh, Juleka’s the high priestess of my cult.”
Lila blinked and then stared at Juleka. “You. The high priestess. That’s insane. She can’t possibly do the job.”
“I get that a lot,” Juleka drawled. “But it turns out I’m really good at chanting.”
Lila rolled her eyes. “Har har. If your demon shows up at midnight half-dead from fighting a paladin, can you rush out and sacrifice a vestal virgin to restore her strength?”
“No,” said Juleka, “but I can watch anime with her on the weekends. It makes her happy, and it comes up a lot more than the vestal virgin thing.”
Lila boggled, and then Alya stepped between them. “But seriously, I had no idea,” she told Lila. “I mean, you’re always doing charity work with these famous celebrities from all over the world and…” She trailed off for a moment. “…and now that I know who you are, I can see those stories are totally ridiculous and you’ve probably been using demonic magic to make everyone believe them.”
“Exactly. And even if Dupain-Cheng is still too 'pure’ right now for it to work on her, everyone else believes me. It’s the perfect cover.” Lila beamed. “And I’ll get Marinette eventually.”
“Hang on,” said Alya quickly. “That’s–that’s not a good idea. I mean, you just tried to get Marinette’s soul and you failed, right? That girl is damn-near incorruptible. No way would she ever do anything bad enough to be vulnerable to one of us. You’re better off looking elsewhere.”
Juleka gave Alya a querying look. The girl sounded nervous. Evidently Lila picked up at it too, because she leaned back on her cloven hooves, then grinned. “Oh, I get it! You’re actually friends with that little pink rodent!”
Alya scowled. “Marinette is… nice,” she said at last. “We’re allowed to have friends.”
“No, we’re allowed to fake being friends so we can get their souls.” Lila snorted. “As if humans were worthy of friendship. Bunch of self-righteous morons who’ve never really been tested and think they’re better than us. Put any of them with a decent tempter for thirty seconds and they’d sell their souls, their lovers, and their children to satisfy some sick desire. I might be here for Hawkmoth and Mayura, but along the way I’ll get Marinette, Alya. I’ll get anyone I want.”
“Marinette,” said Alya in a slow voice, “Is off limits. So are all my friends in class. Come on, Lila, Paris has millions of people. You can go after any of them.”
“Sure. I could. But I think I’ll go after Marinette and her friends instead.” Lila grinned. “Marinette annoys me. She acts like she’s virtuous, and she’s so… smugly casual about it. Like she doesn’t even have to try at it. Like anyone could be that nice if they wanted.” She shuddered. “Filthy human. And I don’t think she’ll be hard to get at all, Alya. See, first I’ll get the souls of her friends and make them act incredibly cruel to her. Then, when she’s hurt and broken, I’ll corrupt her and take her soul too. Hmm, maybe when I finish here and get back down to Hell I can have her as a personal thrall to trim my hooves and everything.”
Alya opened her mouth, but then Lila began talking again. “Besides, I have my own career to look out for, don’t I? Right now I know of two demons in Paris: you and me. If anything big happens, we’ll share credit, and half-credit’s just not enough for me. But if one of those demons should, say, lose her cover–because all of her friends start telling people she’s a demon, working to expose her, maybe even going crazy and drawing attention to her–she’ll have to leave. Then I’ll be alone, and when I capture Hawkmoth’s and Mayura’s souls–not to mention Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s, of course–I’ll be promoted for sure. I might even become an archfiend and have a whole legion of lesser demons under my command." 
Juleka stared at Lila as the demon grinned. "Sorry, Alya,” Lila went on. “But that’s how the game is played. If you don’t like the thought of me stealing all your 'friends” souls in front of you and using them to force you out in disgrace, you can leave now, quietly, with your dignity and reputation intact. I’ll be sure to keep you apprised on how my work in corrupting Marinette is going.“ She chuckled, then walked past Alya towards the door. "See you around, partner,” she called, then summoned her human guise around herself and left.
When the other demon was gone, Juleka shut the door and turned to Alya, who was starting to panic. “No no no!” Alya hissed. “This can’t be happening! This isn’t fair! I don’t want Lila to touch them!”
“Can you call your bosses?” Juleka asked.
Alya snorted. “They’ll tell me if I"m not strong enough to fight off Lila I deserve to lose everything to her. Damn it! We have to do something, but her magic felt really strong. I don’t know if I can fight it.”
“I could worship you more,” offered Juleka. 
“One or two worshippers won’t be enough, and even if you post an ad on Craigslist or something and get more recruits we don’t’ have time. Lila will already started corrupting the class more aggressively.” Alya clutched her head. “This is awful.”
Juleka thought for a few moments. “But we do have time, at least a little. Lila just tried to get Marinette’s soul and couldn’t, and in fact, her hand looked pretty messed up from the attempt. Do you know what that means?”
“That something’s blocking her, I’d guess.” Alya shrugged. “Marinette might have angelic backing; she’s pure enough it wouldn’t surprise me… although if she did they would probably have warned her about me by now. Or maybe some other semi-divine force is protecting her, though I have no idea what.”
“Still,” said Juleka. “We just saw she can’t get Marinette’s soul.”
Alya shook her head. “She can’t directly, not yet, but her plan’s a good one. Marinette loves her friends. If Lila gets their souls and warps them so the class is horrible to Marinette, then Marinette could break and become vulnerable.”
“Hmm.” Juleka thought back, and then an idea hit her. “You said you couldn’t get Mireille’s soul because someone already had it.”
“So why don’t we try to get the class’s souls before Lila does? If you have them locked up then Lila can’t loot them.” Juleka tensed as she spoke. She had no idea how she’d go about getting Rose’s soul in particular without it seeming like a betrayal. But if that was the only way to keep her girlfriend safe from Lila, Juleka would do it. 
Alya blinked. “That… that just might work!” she beamed. “Juleka, you’re brilliant!” And she hugged the goth.
“Thanks,” managed Juleka. “I–”
“There’s no time to lose,” said Alya. “We’ll start today. Operation: protect the class from Lila by stealing all their souls first is a go!”
Chapter 5
“Let’s deal with Alix first.”
Juleka leaned against the wall and looked at Alya, who was putting together a corkboard with photos of their classmates. Alya drew a red circle around Alix and then put a ’#1’ next to it. “She’ll be one of the easiest,” Alya went on. “She’s so hot-headed. All we have to do is challenge her to a dare and get her to bet her soul on it, then win!”
“Winning might be tough,” Juleka noted. “Alix is pretty competitive.”
“Fortunately, being a demon, I’m allowed to cheat.” Alya winked. “And that’s what you’re for. You’ll help me rig things so that I can’t help but win. Then her soul will be mine!” She grinned and summoned a small ball of Hellfire, which she began to toss up and down in one hand. “And then I–”
The Hellfire slammed into the ceiling light and blew it out, shrouding both of them in darkness–except for the light emanating from Aurore’s soul, which was quietly glowing on a shelf. Alya shrugged, then picked up the soul and began using it as a flashlight to see the corkboard. Juleka snorted. “I don’t think you’re supposed to use souls like that.”
Alya waved this off. “Now let’s see… ah. I’ve got the perfect way we can trap Alix in a bet she can’t win.”
“A race around the city?” Alix’s eyes gleamed. “That sounds awesome! The news station really asked you to help them plan it?”
“They know I go around the city to film Ladybug, so I guess I was the natural choice.” Juleka smiled slightly as Alya tossed her hair back, then gestured at the map she had set down on the cafe table where she had asked Alix to meet her. “I just need to get from checkpoint to checkpoint and then report back if there were any problems with the route–you know, road under construction, 'no pedestrian’ signs, zombie outbreak, things like that. I won’t even need to tell them how long it took, since the checkpoints are set up so that they’ll register when peoples’ phones get near them; that’s how they’ll make sure nobody tries to cheat by skipping a checkpoint, and that’s how they’ll record my time. So it seems really easy, right? But I was thinking, it’d be really boring to do it by myself, so… why not make it a race?” She gestured to her bike. “Me  versus you? You can use your skates, of course.”
Alix cracked her knuckles. “Sounds like a blast. But if we’re racing, we should have stakes. Winner gets the losers’ wheels?”
“Can’t do that.” Alya shook her head. “Mom will kill me if I lose my bike.”
“Hmph,” said Alix. “Well, we have to bet something, and it should be high stakes. None of this 'winner gets a cookie from Marinette’s bakery’ stuff. Something worth racing around the city for.”
“I agree, but what?” Alya glanced at Juleka. “Any ideas?”
The goth chuckled to herself, then said her lines. “I’m sure you guys’ll probably just bet ten bucks or something,” she said in a dry, slightly smug voice that she’d rehearsed with Alya. “I mean, I’ve seen weirder bets, but mostly just from some pagans I met online.”
“What kinds of bets do they make?” Alix asked.
“Well, I saw one group where they gambled blood,” lied Juleka. “Winner got a pint of blood from the loser.”
Alix wrinkled her nose. “Gross.”
“What? It’s high stakes betting, right?” Juleka smiled slightly. “And that wasn’t even the weirdest one. I saw one bet where the winner got the loser’s soul.”
Alix actually laughed. “Goth much, Juleka? Souls don’t exist.”
“Then you shouldn’t have any problem betting it,” said Alya. “That sounds fun! Winner gets the loser’s soul… and two hundred bucks.”
Alix snorted. “Soul shmoul, but I could use the money. Deal. Count of three?”
“Sure!” Alya beamed. “One, two… three!”
Alix took off at a blast, immediately turning a corner and rushing towards the first checkpoint on Alya’s map–the Eiffel Tower. Alya waited until she was out of sight, then darted into the alley behind the cafe with Juleka. “Perfect!” said Alya as she sketched out a pentagram in chalk on the ground. “Let’s go!”
“And this will still count?” Juleka asked. 
“Of course it will. Alix made the deal: whoever gets to all the checkpoints first and then returns here wins the loser’s soul. Sure, it might not be fair for me to use my demon powers to teleport, but I didn’t explicitly say I was going to use my bike to get around–I just implied it–and besides, like I said, demons get to cheat.” Alya grinned. “It’s part of our style. Now come on; Alix is fast and we’ve got to get going.”
Juleka followed her into the pentagram. “Why am I being teleported too, again?”
“Because if anything goes wrong I’ll need your help to fix things,” Alya said. “And besides, part of being my high priestess is accompanying me on my adventures and giving me support.”
Juleka blinked. “Okay. Rah rah rah, Alya is great, rah rah.”
Alya giggled. “I meant magical support, in case I need it.” She took Juleka’s hand. “Let’s go!”
And then they vanished in a flash of brimstone and sulfur.
For a moment, Juleka thought she had the impressions of fire–massive flames higher and hotter than had ever existed on Earth–but they didn’t seem to touch her. And a moment later she was back on the ground, having arrived with Alya in the pentagram they had secretly sketched beforehand in a small janitor’s closet next to the Eiffel Tower.
They then disappeared and reappeared several times in quick succession, all over the city, hitting each checkpoint in succession. Finally they reached the last one, landing in a dingy basement under Montparnasse Tower, and Alya grinned. “Now just to get back to the cafe and wait for her!”
But when she tried to teleport, nothing happened, and Alya frowned. “What’s wrong?” she demanded. “This always worked when I practiced it!”
“Maybe somebody disturbed the pentagram in the alley,” Juleka offered. “So we can’t use it to get back.”
“Agh!” Alya groaned. “Then–then we’ll have to get back the old-fashioned way. But we should still be way ahead of Alix, so–OW!”
Juleka blinked as Alya held up a small ball of Hellfire to illuminate the area, and they both winced as they saw that Alya had stepped into what looked like an animal trap. “Guess they have rats or something down here,” said Juleka as she helped Alya to pry it off.
“Stupid rats,” grunted Alya. “Ow, that really hurts…”
They got the trap off, but when Alya put her foot down she yelped and had to lift it again. “Will you be okay?” Juleka said at once. “Are you–”
“I’m fine. Demons heal fast… but not fast enough to win the race on foot.” Alya grit her teeth and leaned on Juleka. “We have to get as close to the cafe as we can before Alix catches us.’
"Then what?” Juleka asked. “You need to beat Alix, so is there any way I can slow her down while you go ahead?”
Alya nodded. “Yeah. I can… I can lend you some powers. Technically I’m supposed to demand you give me blood and swear more loyalty and so on, but whatever. I’m desperate. Here.”
She grabbed Juleka’s hand, the one that she’d cut to get Juleka into her cult, and chanted a few words in Latin. Juleka gasped as another surge of power flowed into her, this one deeper and more powerful than the first. Her hair stood on end for just a moment and she stumbled away from Alya as the surge faded. “What was that?”
“Just a couple basic powers,” Alya said. “Standard high priestess starter pack: Hellfire summoning, and a few passive spells related to magical strength, toughness, and so on. It should be pretty instinctive.”
Juleka blinked, then focused on her hand–and to her amazement, a surge of energy ran through her and a little flame appeared at her fingertips. “Woah!” she gasped. “That is so cool!”
“Yeah, yeah, demons are awesome, I get it,” said Alya. “Can we focus on the race right now?”
“Right, right. Here.” Juleka got Alya’s arm around her shoulder and began helping her limp back towards the cafe.
They almost made it back by the time Alya said, “Okay, Alix just hit Montparnasse. She’ll catch up to us in a couple minutes.”
“How can you–”
“I can sense when people I know go near my pentagrams.” Alya winced. “The cafe’s not that far. You just need to stall her for a couple minutes. But nothing too flashy in public, okay? If someone videotapes you summoning balls of Hellfire–”
Juleka nodded. “I know, I know. You’ll be very upset that they’ll have scooped you before you could get it on the Ladyblog.”
Alya snorted. “And, you know, you could be seen and then hunted down by angels and paladins. But other than that, yes, the blog is the most important thing.”
They got to a corner and Juleka let Alya limp on ahead towards the cafe. Then Juleka ducked into another alley and kept watch, soon seeing Alix furiously skating down the sidewalk. She thought for a moment about what she could do with her powers. Something very subtle, she thought, would probably be best. Something subtle and sneaky and…
Then she shrugged. She had Hellfire now. What was the point of that if she couldn’t have a little fun with it? 
So she focused, summoned up a big ball of Hellfire, and then–from the safety of the alley, where nobody was watching–lobbed it at a fire hydrant in Alix’s path.
The fireball blasted the hydrant to pieces, and jets of water began shooting in all directions. Alix yelped as a water blast hit her and destabilized her. She almost fell, but Juleka darted out from the alley and caught her. Before she wouldn’t have been able to do so, but Alya had given her just a taste of demonic strength and she was easily able to arrest Alix’s fall. “Careful!” she said as she helped Alix slow and then stop. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine!” said Alix. “Stupid hydrant just exploded!” She quickly shook herself off. “But no worries. I’ll still beat Alya back.”
Juleka stepped out of Alix’s way, but just as the skater began to take off again Juleka fired a very tiny bit of Hellfire down at her skates and melted one of the wheels. Alix tried to roll and almost tripped. “Oh, come on, what now?” she growled as she looked down.
“Looks like a piece of the hydrant may have smashed the wheel,” Juleka offered.
Alix kicked off her skates and shoved then into Juleka’s arms. “Hold these,” she said. “Don’t lose them.” And then she took off at a run.
Juleka frowned, not knowing how to further slow Alix, and began running after her. The girl was fast and even Juleka’s demonic-enhanced energy wasn’t enough to enable the goth to overtake her friend. But she was able to keep pace, just barely, and she chased after Alix as they rounded the final corner–
Just in time to see Alya stagger into the cafe and then turn. “I win!” Alya called as Alix groaned. “Hah!”
“Hmph.” Alix slowly approached Alya. “Only because a fire hydrant blew up.”
Alya glanced at Juleka, who smiled slightly. Alya returned the look with a grin of her own. “Guess you owe me.”
“Yeah, I’ll grab the money from my room and drop it off at your place. Oh yeah, and my 'soul.’” Alix chuckled. “Love to see you collect that, Cesaire.”
“You JERKS!”
Alya, now back in her room and in her demonic form, beamed triumphantly as she held Alix’s soul up in the air. Alix jumped for it, but she was so short she couldn’t even reach Alya’s hand. “I thought you said you wanted to see me collect it.”
“I wasn’t being literal!” Alix jumped again. If Alya’s demonic form phased her, she didn’t show it. “Juleka! Make her give it back! It's… it’s my soul!”
“Sorry.” Juleka shrugged. “I"m her high priestess. I’m on her side.” She paused. “Wow, Alix, your soul is really pink and red.”
Alya nodded. “Yeah, it’s kind of cute." 
"My soul is not cute!” Alix wailed. “It’s rough and tough! Like me!”
“No, it’s cute.” Alya poked it, and Alix suddenly stepped back and giggled. Alya blinked. “Wait, are you ticklish?”
“Uh–no! No way!” Alix insisted.
Alya and Juleka exchanged knowing glances, and then Alya began to tickle Alix’s soul, causing the redhead to collapse in hysterical laughter. “Stop!” Alix begged as she laughed wildly. “Stop please!”
“Only if you promise to stop yelling,” Alya said primly. And after a little more tickling, Alix had to give in.
Alya set Alix’s soul next to Aurore’s, and Alix tried to grab it but found she couldn’t touch it. “Seriously, what the Hell?” she demanded. “Look, Alya being a demon from Hell, fine, whatever, but taking my soul–”
“Another demon’s in town,” said Juleka. “Lila Rossi. She’s really good at collecting souls, and she’s coming after the class. We’re trying to get everyone’s souls first so she can’t actually send your souls to Hell.”
Alix hesitated. “Couldn’t you just warn us so we wouldn’t fall for her tricks?”
“Lila could get your soul even if you knew she was coming–I looked up her record after we learned about her, and she’s a validictorian-level tempter,” Alya said. “But don’t worry. As long as your soul’s safe with me, she can’t grab it!” She beamed. “You’re welcome.”
“I… agh.” Alix threw her head back. “What am I supposed to do now?”
Juleka smiled. “You could join the cult. Hang out with other people who’s soul got yeeted out of their bodies by Paris’s best demon.” Alya grinned. “See some really cool powers.” And she summoned a bit of Hellfire, causing Alix’s eyes to widen. “And watch some really, really ridiculous anime.”
“That's… that doesn’t sound like much of a cult,” Alix noted.
“Maybe for a lame demon who just wants to hear people talk about how great she is,” said Alya, “but my cult is very big on having everyone eat snacks and watch fun tv shows.” She paused. “Look, I–I get this is a big deal for you. I wasn’t planning on going after the souls of anyone at Francois Dupont, honest. But there was no other way to keep you safe from Lila. And if you’re in the cult, you can check in on your soul whenever we meet… we can watch out for each other, make sure Lila doesn’t attack…”
Alix slowly nodded. “Okay. I’m in. But I want your word that once Lila is gone you’re giving my soul back.”
“Sure,” said Alya. “I don’t need it for my quota anyways.”
They all looked at each other in silence for a moment before Alix said, “And can my soul at least get a blanket or something? It’s chilly in here.”
“It doesn’t need a blanket. It’s a soul; it can’t catch cold,” protested Alya.
“So? It’s still nippy!”
Juleka grinned and settled back as the two continued to argue. She’d helped protect someone today, she thought. She’d made it so Lila could not damn Alix. She’d done good. Nothing could ruin her mood.
Ten minutes after leaving Alya’s, she took a shortcut through an alley to get back to the Liberty, and then she almost bumped right into Lila Rossi.
“I know what you’re doing,” said Lila without preamble. “And it annoys me. I’ll give you one chance. Forswear Alya and take my side. I’ll give you more power and wealth, and–”
Juleka snorted. “Not a chance.”
“Fine.” Lila whistled, and something growled at Juleka from within the shadows. “Then you’ll get eaten by my pet Hellhound. See you never, Juleka.” She vanished in a puff of smoke as a gigantic wolf-like dog, drooling saliva that burned into the alley floor and breathing smoke and flame from its nostrils, approached.
Juleka gulped. Then she threw a blast of Hellfire at it, but it had no effect. Then it leapt at her and she cringed back–
Only for a blur to swoop in and knock it aside. 
Juleka stared as a short girl with blond hair, wings full of white feathers, and an actual halo raised a sword. “Begone, beast!” she roared in a very familiar voice. “And bother not the innocent, lest you taste divine wrath!”
“Uh,” said Juleka. “Um.”
Then the angel–whom Juleka knew very well as Rose Lavillant–turned back. “Juleka!” she said in a slightly nervous voice. “I, um… I have some things to tell you!”
Chapter 6
“Uh,” said Juleka. “Um.”
Her heart was beating very fast, and she quickly clenched her hand–the one that Alya had marked–into a tight fist so Rose couldn’t see her palm. “You’re an, um.”
“Angel,” said Rose. “And–hey! I said stop!” She pointed her sword at the Hellhound, which was still slavering. “The power of–”
The Hellhound leapt at Rose, who sighed, then quickly swung her sword up and decapitated the beast.
Juleka boggled as Rose wiped her sword clean on the alley wall. The Hellhound’s body shuddered, then both its head and the rest of it burst into flames and crumbled to ash. “As I was saying,” Rose said. “I’m an angel. I’ve been sent here to look out for the souls of Paris.”
“…a guardian angel is dating me?” Juleka asked.
And then Rose blushed. “Well, angels are allowed to love!” she said a little too quickly. “We’re not like the other guys. And–and you’re very lovable! I can see souls, and your soul is as bright and lovely as the sun!”
Despite everything, Juleka blushed. “Um.”
“You are! You’re kind, and loyal, and… oh!” Rose swiveled on her foot. “More Hellhounds!” Juleka turned to see four more darting in from the shadows deeper in the alley. “Stay back!”
Juleka cringed against the wall as Rose rushed forwards and dueled the Hellhounds, slashing and thrusting to keep them away. However, the sheer weight of numbers began forcing her back. “Begone!” Rose yelled again, but the Hellhounds didn’t listen. “Uh… begone, I said!”
“I don’t think they’re listening,” said Juleka.
Rose gave her a tiny frowned, then blinked. “Oh, I know! I can make you my paladin. Then I can give you powers to help!”
I’d love to see more but no stress, this was just so enjoyable
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Hope y'all are ready for a new CovenPod episode— this one's a doozy! At long last, AMC’s Interview with the Vampire has finally arrived, and this week Kacy and Ashley sit down to unpack Episode 1: In Throes of Increasing Wonder 🧛‍♂️ (Be warned: there are lots of spoilers and LOTS of opinions on our favorite immortal idiots).
Click below, or listen wherever you get your podcasts: LISTEN HERE
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I thought I was done writing long-winded tribute posts after Sondheim's passing, but this one really cuts deep. 
I’m a second generation Anne Rice fan— my mom devoured all of Anne’s books throughout her life, and when she was pregnant with me, she took a trip to New Orleans and actually ended up meeting Anne in her Garden District house. So VC literally runs in my veins. 
My mom first introduced me to Interview with the Vampire when I was in middle school, and I was hooked from the start. Since then, it's become our inside joke, every time we drive down Divisadero St in the city, every time we hear Sympathy for the Devil on the radio, every time we see Tom Cruise's stupid face. From heated debates on Lestat's morality to Armand's post-theatre arc, The Vampire Chronicles were our thing. 
But it was also so much bigger than our thing. Anne quite literally changed the face of fan culture (for better and worse LOL but still), and though I wasn’t around to experience some of the collective Fandom Reckonings some fans lived though, it feels really important, being in a fandom with such history and such a strong and resilient community. In 2018, I even got to start a fan podcast with some amazing friends as a place to collect our ramblings on these characters we cared so deeply about. With no agenda or end goal, I sat down with two other people across the world, and got to share what these books have meant in the context of my life. The Coven of the Inarticulate Podcast has given me so much joy, and knowing that people across the world have listened and responded to those ramblings still blows my mind, to be honest! 
Hours and hours of my life have been spent pouring over these books, recording this podcast with my friends, writing hundreds of thousands of words (and that's not an exaggeration) of fanfiction and meta posts and headcanons and textual analysis on my dumb little blog: how louis' hunting methods provide insight on his increasing cognitive dissonance throughout the series, was the scene at the end of IWTV a case of louis being an Unreliable Narrator?, reason #573 why armand and lestat are perfect narrative foils, etc. etc. etc. 
Whether I was screaming on the pod, roleplaying on @sangcreole, or making dumb memes on this account, these books have been such an important part of my life for so long. 
Her work has taught us to embrace all the pain and joy and fucked-up messiness that signifies humanity, and for that, the world will never be the same.
Thank you, Anne. May you find peace beyond this Savage Garden.
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Who are the more ridiculous: the Coven of the Articulate with their desperate try for a society of murderers aristocrats? Or the Coven of the Inarticulate hiding themselves all around the world as parasites, when they should claim what belongs to them?
“Both are rather ridiculous. I see no reason why we should parade about in antique clothing and haunt a castle far removed from society, nor do I think that we should be in the shadows, hiding from the world in a dungeon, sleeping in coffins. Rather live in the light. Among them. Show them what you are. They’ve already proven they will never believe we are real anyway.”
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marcmyworks · 6 years
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Ranking all the Halloween films.
A couple of years ago an average horror fan would have thought the Halloween franchise was (pardon the pun) dead and buried. With the series reboots failing to gain enough interest and Dimension Films losing the rights to the franchise, everyone thought one of the most prolific killers in film history was now in retirement. That was until comedian Danny McBride took interest in breathing new life into the franchise. McBride proved he could handle the role of being a more serious actor when he starred in 2017′s Alien: Covenant and fans were eager to see what he could do to bring back a character who had been killing teens for 40 years. 
Today I present my list and rankings of all the Halloween films *SPOILERS AHEAD*:
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13. Halloween Resurrection (2002)
Strangely it was decided to use techniques used in 'The Blair Witch Project' in an attempt to make this film scarier. We have a bunch of kid using hand-held cameras videotaping their experiences in Michael Myers’ house for a reality show.  Is it surprising that he comes back to kill them all? Busta Rhymes plays a clueless TV producer who fights Michael Myers with Kung Fu, and somehow lives. No joke! Just dreadful.
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12. Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)
A gore fest with a confusing plot with a young and inexperienced Paul Rudd thrown into the mix. The film's producer and director both had different visions of how this film should be created, the studio had even worse ideas, and this is the result. Danielle Harris, who played Laurie Strode’s daughter Jamie Lloyd in part 4 and 5, was ousted by the studio for refusing to be paid a minuscule salary and having her character be killed in the first act of the film. Overall not really worth watching.
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11. Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)
No thank you. Halloween 5 is Halloween 4's less original cousin. She likes to act like number 4, dress like her, walk and talk like her, but she is just bland and vapid.
Plagued with the infamous rushed-studio schedule and weak script, Halloween 5 is a mess of a film. Shot and released within a year of part 4, we see Jamie Lloyd in a mental institution voiceless and unable to cope with the previous year’s events. Briefly mentioned is the ending of Halloween 4, and it is explained away as her trauma. Donald Pleasance returns as Dr. Loomis, and the cast is rounded out by a group of unlikeable teens. This is a typical 80s slasher that promises and delivers nothing except an unmasking of Michael Myers, which is really nothing to write home about.
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10. Halloween II (Sequel of the 2007 remake -2009)
Halloween II had a lot of promise, but it feels disjointed. Without Michael Myers it could be a good study on redneck American culture and adolescent pain. Rob Zombie’s sequel feels more like a gory Netflix series rather than a film but because of its original take, and hillbilly (or hellbilly) feel, there is a great deal of suspense. What ruins the movie is unfortunately the use of his wife, Sherri Moon Zombie, as a cheesy ghost motivating Michael Myers rampage.
What really interested me though was final girl, Laurie Strode’s mental state. Is she crazy or a victim of a cycle of psychosis or even a victim of some evil possession? The ambiguity is both intriguing and frustrating and ultimately leads nowhere.
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9. Halloween 4: The Curse of Michael Myers (1988)
After Halloween 3′s original story crashed and burned, producer Mustafa Akkad wanted to bring back Michael Myers, and the result was quite formulaic. This is very much an 80s slasher film that does a bit of a disservice to the original two films. Lazily, Jamie Lee Curtis’s character of Laurie Strode is killed a year prior in a car crash, leaving her eight year old daughter to be hunted down by Myers. In typical 80s slasher form, there are a bunch of inarticulate and stereotypical teens who appear to be in their late 20s, who are randomly picked off one by one. Not a bad addition to the series, but like the remaking of Myer’s mask, its quite cheap without a lot of attention to detail. 
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8. Halloween (Remake - 2007)
I will give director Rob Zombie credit for taking an original and unique approach to rebooting one of horrors most classic films. The error in this reboot, and the error in most modern horror films was making it so violent. There is nothing left to the imagination in this film and the acts of murderous rage almost seem unnatural. Michael Myers seems hell bent on pure destruction and yet at the same time we are introduced to his back-story, a reverse engineering of how film plots normally work. Overall, it’s a so-so film.
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7. Halloween Kills (2021) 
Halloween Kills tries too hard to portray far too many ideas. A social commentary on mob mentality, a classic slasher, a psychological study, a horror comedy all while giving as much fan service to the original films as possible. Though not a great film, when Michael Myers is on screen he shines as he quietly kills in creative ways. I also liked the exploration on how Laurie Strode is quite delusional in her belief she is the cause of Michael’s rampage, but this is not explored that deeply, and rather she has a slap dash conclusion on why he’s “evil”.  
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6. Halloween Ends (2022)
Ends has the makings of a great film, while trying to be something completely different in the series, by focusing on a new character, Corey. Corey’s story involves how committing one tragic accident can break down his own sanity overtime, leading him down a dark path. He slowly becomes the protege of Michael, while wooing Laurie Strode’s granddaughter. A very intriguing idea of how Michael Myers legacy slowly unravels the sanity of a town. Unfortunately by the end we wind up with the same ol’ slash n’ dash, but at least it leads to a decent ending to the Strode family storyline (until Halloween: 60 years later, when it’s rebooted again).
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5. Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)
An original sequel to Halloween. John Carpenter originally wanted the Halloween films to be an anthology with a different and original story appearing in each film. The plot revolves around the deadly secrets within a factory that creates the most sought after Halloween masks, with a local doctor and daughter of the a murdered worker aiming to unearth the truth. After the critical and commercial failure the studio brought Michael Myers back for the sequel. Aspects of "Season of the Witch" are quite frightening, however the effects don't always work (i.e. the papier mache head of the lead villain). Though this film was panned it has somewhat stood the test of time and I will give it credit for trying something different.
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4. Halloween II (1981)
Curtis came back 3 years after the original to portray Laurie Strode, though she then swore it would be her last horror film. Halloween II takes place minutes after the first one ends with Michael Myers missing from the crime scene and leaving a body trail in his attempt to kill Strode. Curtis had a very tight filming schedule, so most of her role is reduced to being in a hospital bed. Donald Pleasance returns and his character becomes the main focus of the film.
Overall the scares and gore were impressive, though the script was not as original. I believe this is one of the stronger entries in the series due to the inclusion of Curtis and Pleasance and John Carpenter returning to produce as well co-write the script.
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3. Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later (1998)
H20 is not a bad film in the least, but it does have its problems. The film’s producers wanted to have Curtis come back one last time as Laurie Strode, but had a considerable problem tying in the parts 4-6 as their plotline had Strode killed a year prior. Several drafts of the script exist, one in which it is stated that Strode faked her death and gave her daughter up for adoption to be free of the Myer’s family curse, but due to plot holes this was abandoned. In the end parts 4-6 were deleted from the continuity and H20 became the direct sequel to 1981’s Halloween 2. In retrospect this was a great idea, as feminism in horror films was on the rise after the success of 1996’s self-aware horror hit Scream.
The problems arose in the minute details such as Michael Myers mask being oddly shaped on the actor’s head, parts of the music being recycled from Scream 2 score and even the inclusion of said film playing on a TV, though it only had been released in theatres 7 months previous. Funnily enough the original Halloween plays on TV in the original Scream, making a very meta statement. If the girls had been watching the original Scream, would they have seen the scenes of the original Halloween, and therefore would they then realize they were in a film? Overall though, the film does work.
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2. Halloween (Sequel to the original - 2018)
The 2018 entry of Halloween is a sequel to the original and negates and dismisses the other lore from the series, even including the other films starring Jamie Lee Curtis. This movie mostly works because it humanizes Michael Myers; he's a driven killer who is not at all supernatural. Curtis approaches her role more like Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2 as a broken Laurie Strode is now a gun-toting survivalist, dedicated in protecting her estranged family at all costs. At times the film suffers from moments of unnecessary humour that breaks the growing tension, this may have been due to Danny McBride’s involvement. I also felt though well shot and acted, at times the plot line felt a bit rushed, but overall it is a fresh take on the series, and horror films in general and it is a wonderful addition despite the controversial decision to retcon most of the series.
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1. Halloween (1978)
It’s hard to beat the original. John Carpenter’s vision is truly terrifying in that ‘it could happen to you’ kind of way. Haddonfield in a small and sleepy suburban town where it seems not much happens, well except for a string of babysitter killings. Halloween, though not the first film to do a slasher POV, truly is a masterpiece in itself. It was made for next to no money ($250,000 USD) and grossed $50 Million USD, a rare feat for horror movies in general. A truly suspenseful and terrifying film produced, directed, composed and co-written by John Carpenter. The film is scary without resorting to blood or gore or special effects but just pure tension. Jamie Lee Curtis, in her first film role, is brilliant because she brings an iconic level of vulnerability and power to her performance. The last shot of film still brings me chills, but I will leave you to watch it to see if you agree.
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sangcreole-archived · 6 years
Tagging Game!
Hi I’m bored and I was tagged by @aeternalis-aelia (thank you!!) so here we go:
1- Nickname(s): Ash 2- Zodiac: Gemini 3- Height: small 4- Last movie I saw: I have to watch movies every night for my documentary film class LOL but besides “The Murder of Emmett Till” the last movie I saw in theaters was Mary Queen of Scotts 5- Last thing I googled: "distracted synonym” 6- Favourite musician: Billie Joe Armstrong 7- Song stuck in my head: Hazy Shade of Winter from the new Umbrella Academy soundtrack omg pls go listen, it’s literally so good and the guitar just fuckin kills me 8- Other blogs: @theballadofmrslovett is my main, and @covenofthearticulate is my generic VC sideblog! (I also not-so-secretly run the coven of the inarticulate blog, but I won’t tag that here bc I don’t wanna get in trouble lol) 9- Do I get asks: Yes, and I’m very thankful for each one I get! 10- Following: Huh I didn’t even realize this, but I’m following 1,111 blogs! 11- Amount of sleep: I’m still a baby so I need 9 hours to function LOL 12- Lucky number: 17 13- What I’m wearing: My concert shirt from when I saw Elton John a few years ago, and purple pajama pants 14- Dream job: Theatre critic and/or dramaturg 15- Dream Trip: New Orleans, baby!!! I’m finally going this summer and I’m STOKED 16- Favourite food: Dim Sum  17- Play any instruments: No, but I still hella want to learn to play drums! 18- Languages: English and sorta French. Enough French to survive in France on my own for a week, but not enough to  19- Favourite songs: God, that’s impossible. My go-to is always Letterbomb by Green Day because I’m pretty sure that song could wake me from the fucking dead lmao like it’s such a banger and it’s so inspiring and the first time I heard it in concert I lost my fucking mind lmao. But also while I’m giving music recs, if everyone could do me a favor and listen to Vampire Money by MCR that’d be rad because it’s such a gem. Like, you can’t listen to it and not want to dance and punch the air like an angsty teenager lol it’s so fun 20- Random fact: I’m currently writing my communication and rhetoric thesis on the function of identity politics in fan culture within the framework of monster movies, specifically using The Shape of Water as my case study! 21- Describe yourself as aesthetic things: hair dye stains on your fingertips, Doc Marten boots, pin striped pants, pomegranate seeds, white cloth under black lights, old graphic t-shirts, curiosity cabinets, old annotations in worn books, long summer nights, liminal spaces.
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Coven of the Inarticulate
https://thecoveninarticulate.tumblr.com/post/176322129830/hey-everyone-were-here-now-were-still In 2016, my best friend and the kindest person that I have ever had the privilege to know, decided to start work on a podcast related to the fandom that really resonated with her soul - the vampire chronicles. Those stories had got her through some really tough times and she just wanted a way to express and share her love of it with the fandom whom she considered like a family. She invited several people from the fandom who had shown interest in this project  into a Discord chat where this podcast was created. Five shows they recorded under her leadership, then she was forced to take a 6 month hiatus due to extremely dangerous circumstances that caused ther to have to flee her own home and find a new place to stay. During this time they produced only 3 shows. After the hiatus was finished (during which time she kept in contact witht hem and kept them updated and even hosted Ashley for free when Ashley was travelling Europe) she returned. Then everything changed. Chris Rice promoted the podcast! Her dream had come true! She was so excited to be so close to something that she loved so much. The next day, Raphael and Kacy @monstersinthecosmos had changed the passwords from all of the social media accounts that she had created, removed her admin status from her own tumblr, kicked her all the way out of the facebook group. There was no warning. No explanation. They even locked her out of the soundcloud that she had paid for. And the very few passwords she had left? They demanded them from her under threat of legal action that she hand them over. By this time she’s absolutely crushed, why was her project suddenly taken away from her? And why would they put legal action against her?! She called me completely hysterically upset because she didn’t even know what was going on. I’d never heard her so heart broken before! So then we both spoke to them, no shouting, no name calling for our part. We asked their demands which they stated were: Access to their graphics/work they’d done - to which she agreed of course, she’d never denied them that. And that she hand over every password ever to them. They threatened legal action again, which didn’t stand up against real law, then explained to me that it was like “taking keys from a drunk friend” because my friend is “unstable” and a number of other rude comments about her being not mentally fit /sane enough which was directly abusing a trigger that she’d trusted them with believing that they were friends as they’d promised so many times that they were. What they are doing is literally fraud, and illegal and they are the ones violating copyright every single day as anything one creates is naturally one’s own copyright in the UK. That’s just the law. Beyond that, beyond their threats beyond trying to take over her project, beyond trying to profit off something that was meant to be a fan work, what is truly truly horrible is what they would do to her, my friend, the person they pretended to love in return. They just keep twisting the knife in her back and it hurts so much to see. She begged me not to do or say anything, but this is too horrible for me to just sit back and watch any longer. If you have any shred of human conscious in you DO NOT support these people - Kacy, Raphael and even Ashley. It’s cruel what they’ve done, they don’t deserve any recognition or affection for this despicable behaviour. If you have any questions or want any proof, feel free to message me. I only know the truth and have nothing to hide. -P
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sekhemsha · 2 years
Books Of Importance
There is much to post in this blog retroactively, as I have achieved much during former states of being that I either did not have the presence of mind to document at all or did so inarticulately. This post shall be a quick summary of the journey, with future posts dealing with the individual elements as I am able to revisit them.
My awakening to the Left Hand Path happened due to a combination of reading "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz (a Right Hand Path book that utilizes Left Hand Path methodology) and learning about (and ultimately joining) The Satanic Temple. These two significant events happened between 2007-2010, as I was on the precipice of a severance from my native (originally Catholic) Christianity, but hadn't yet found anything else suitable as an alternative.
In August of 2010, I went to school in Canada for a year, which was a total paradigm shift since I didn't know the city or anyone there. During that time, away from all reinforcing influences, I was able to experiment with alternative spiritualities. I entertained several religions, mainly Buddhism, Hinduism, and Wicca during this time, with the latter being intriguing enough to visit (but not join) a coven local to the area so I could speak with the people involved and learn more. However, with everything I explored, I found myself incapable of "belief" in it. The most significant book I read during this time was a library rental by the name of "Embracing The Goddess Within: A Creative Guide For Women" by Kris Waldherr. It sparked something distinct and powerful in me that I cannot quite recall, but I have ordered a copy of the book to reread all of these years later so that I might remember. I know that I formed a connection with Sekhmet during this time, but I saw her as an archetype to emulated and not a goddess to be served. I identified as "spiritual" during this time - I was too easily able to see the mechanisms of organized religions to ever be able to blindly ascribe to one again, but yet I also couldn't accept the dead mechanistic universe of atheism either, as I definitely felt that there was something "going on", as it were.
Returning home after my year away, I found myself lost. The professional future I had envisioned was not materializing in the way I had hoped, and yet I had an odd inner sureness that I would find my way. I met the man who would be my husband in 2013. He was and still is an atheist, and his arguments in this area were well-thought-out and compelling. I attempted to "convert" to atheism, but I found it to be strangely just as depressing and futile as trying to re-embrace religion.
I cannot remember exactly when I found out about the Temple of Set. I believe I originally heard mention of it within the online forums of The Satanic Temple prior to my year in Canada, but I did not investigate it at that time. I also do not recall what prompted me to look into it around the year 2015, when I visited the official website and proceeded to devour every article posted on there as though I had stumbled onto an oasis in the desert. It wasn't enough, though. Everything I read was too good to be true - it made too much logical sense. It was too perfect. There had to be a catch. I managed to find a PDF of "Black Magic" posted in a forum by Michael Aquino himself, downloaded it, and proceeded to read the most life-altering, alien text I had ever encountered. Life-altering because so much was self-evidently true. Alien because the talk of "magic" was, at that time to me, ridiculous.
I moved on to other spiritual/metaphysical explorations over the next several years as I tried to make sense out of my life and future, but found myself periodically discarding them and coming back to "Black Magic." Every time I read it, the more sense it made, but I still couldn't get over the "magic" thing. I had collected a few of the books on "Uncle Setnakt's Reading List by that time, as well as "The Satanic Bible ReVision", but I didn't have the understanding for some nor the patience for others.
One book on the reading list, however, finally made the idea of the existence of "magic" both understandable and palatable: "Synchronicity: Through the Eyes of Science, Myth, and the Trickster" by Allan Combs. I have always had a keen interest in all areas of science, and I had read many articles on the subject of quantum computing as well as a theory that fractals within the brain may allow it to function as an organic quantum device. Here, at last, the spooky world of quantum mechanics was now understood by me to be a door to the room of how a human mind could possibly affect the probability of things happening in the universe, and "magic" - the art of activating that ability of the brain - was the key to that door.
Ever the skeptic, however, I couldn't just accept this theory without testing it. Having had (supposedly purely coincidental) luck with tarot in the past, I decided to purchase two decks - appropriately, The Black Flame Tarot and the Starseed Oracle - for this purpose. The null hypothesis was easy enough: magic isn't real. I resolved to do several trials of readings, giving each my best effort, while being wary of the psychology of how my brain would try to exercise its very human inclination of finding meaning where there probably was none.
I will elaborate on particular readings from this time in a future post, but I attempted a 7-card reading at one point with the Starseed deck before I was truly ready to interpret such a thing. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th card positions would have corresponded to a normal 3-card reading, so I decided to try that instead. I reshuffled the deck and re-chose cards. To be clear, I always pick cards totally at random - when they "feel right" in my fingers as I touch them. I got the exact same 3 cards... in the exact same order. I was stunned. The probability of such a thing was unfathomable. While not sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis, I was finally forced to seriously entertain the alternative one.
A reading from The Black Flame Tarot about my immediate future proved to feel extremely significant, so much so that I did not do another reading with the deck until that which the reading predicted had mostly come to pass: my attempts to change my dead-end career and floundering life would bear significant fruit but would only lead to true happiness and prosperity if I was able to turn inward and do a lot of personal work to address psychological issues holding me back. Indeed, I shortly was able to get a job I actually enjoyed that necessitated moving out of my home state (which was very welcome) and I underwent a period of trials in which the stress of the relocation and being without my husband for a few months caused many hidden psychological issues to come bubbling to the surface.
It took a lot of understanding and effort, but I was able to recognize and address these chains upon my being. Many of them were related to childhood psychological development: how I learned to form relationships based on how I was parented, and how my dysfunctional attachment style went on to negatively affect almost every aspect of my teen and early adult life. The result of this has been an extremely definitive xeper, in which I now enjoy greater clarity as a being than I have ever known before.
This clarity has allowed me greater periods of awareness and lucidity in my day-to-day life, and I immediately felt the pull back to Uncle Setnakt's Reading List. When I moved because of my new job five months ago, I took it upon myself to purchase as many of the books from the list as possible so that I would have them available for when such a time would come that I could more fully commit myself to my initiatory work. That time has finally come.
The books I have recently finished are: "Lords of the Left Hand Path" by Stephen Flowers and "Cosmos and History" by Mircea Eliade. I have historically read "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey and "Uncle Setnakt's Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path" by Don Webb, but I intend to revisit them now that I am capable of a better level of perception and understanding. I am currently reading "A Very Short Introduction to Consciousness" by Susan Blackmore, and I do own the rest of the titles on Tier 1 of the list and nearly everything on Tier 2. I plan to post my thoughts on each book in separate posts from this one.
For now, I am contemplating finally applying for affiliation with the Temple of Set. This is something I've considered many times before now, but each attempt to write the necessary essay - due to the thorough self-examination required - has always revealed that I was not yet ready. The most prominent issue was always that I, on some level, realized that I was looking for approval, validation, and a sense of worthiness from an outside source because I did not truly feel it within. However, I also did not yet know at those times of how to remedy that problem, as its roots were deeply hidden from me. That being said, I am delighted to note that, due to my most recent and hard-won xeper, this is no longer the case. I now see the Temple as a potential friend and mentor, not a superior and savior.
I intend to work through everything on the reading list that is accessible to me, including the films, before attempting to write the application essay again. It is my sincere hope that, when the time comes, I will examine that finished essay and finally recognize it to reveal a being who, rather than seeking worthiness, finds themselves worthy.
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