#Covid test
foone · 1 month
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You've tested positive for everything.
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feminist-space · 9 months
"Boston COVID Action Winter Surge Hotline:
(617) 652-0022
What is the Surge Hotline? Who is it for?
The Surge Hotline is a temporary, volunteer-run text and voicemail-based hotline for people in the Boston area created to respond to the Winter 2023 COVID surge.
Please only contact the hotline if you are in emergency need of high-filtration masks and/or tests due to a COVID infection or exposure. All supplies will be provided for free as soon as possible. We ask those without an emergent need to use our standard Request Form in order to keep the hotline responsive to needs that can’t wait more than a few days.
*If you are unsure whether you should contact the hotline, contact us!*"
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Order your free at home Covid tests from USPS:
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At home Covid tests costing between $7-30 each in the US. The FDA recommending you use three tests if you test negative. The government offering sporadic handfuls of free home tests per household; each household is determined by address. Have roommates? Have a big family? Homeless? Fuck you. "Get free tests from Health Co. inc. (TM)!" with the fine print "we'll bill your insurance." Having to travel to get a PCR test; hope you don't have to take a crowded bus or train for 40+ min each way. Hope it doesn't cost a $40 ride share fare. Hope you can get there at all. A PCR test being free only if you have insurance in the state you're getting the test, otherwise it's $150 per test. Hope you didn't lose your job. Hope you still qualify for Medicaid. Hope there wasn't a filing error, a missed phone call, an unfair means test, a confusingly worded webpage or document. Hope your job offers health insurance and paid sick days to part time workers, to people who haven't worked there for more than 6 months. Hope you've worked enough days to earn a single sick day. Hope you can earn sick days at all.
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ivstudios · 2 months
So I was eating a banana, and it seemed oddly bland. Like it had no flavour. And as many people are no doubt aware, losing your sense of taste is a classic symptom of COVID, so I started to get a bit worried. But hey, maybe it was just a bad banana. No reason to panic.
This required further testing, so I went to my fridge and started eating random things to see how they taste. Pepperoni: bland. Lemonade: bland. Marinara sauce: bland.
Shit, that’s not good.
So I run to the bathroom and pull out a COVID test and do the nose swabbing and such and wait and think about how there is a lot of COVID going around lately even Biden has it shit I definitely have COVID.
And the test comes back negative. And it occurs to me that even though I can’t taste anything my sense of smell seems fine. Don’t you usually lose both when you get COVID?
And so anyway this is a really long way of saying that it turns out I ate so many wasabi peas from the gas station that I fucked up my tongue and now I can’t taste anything
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markliebrecht · 6 months
FML 🤦‍♂️
So much for my 4-Year COVID-19-Free Streak.🤬
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I woke up fatigued with a migraine and a really bad sore throat, so I went into my pantry and took a big whiff of black pepper, and I've lost my sense of smell...
Well, I went to CVS and got a covid test, but it came back negative. This same exact thing happened to me in early 2021; I got deathly sick for two weeks and lost my sense of smell, but every single test I took came back negative. Home test, negative. Pharmacy kiosk test, negative. Different pharmacy drive thru test, negative. I still have no clue what I had back then because I had no insurance and couldn't afford to go to the doctor. My mom thinks I have a sinus infection, but even though I have insurance this year, it's the cheapest plan on the market, covering next to nothing, so I still can't afford to get checked out. I wouldn't trust a doctor anyway because every single one I've seen in the last 10 years has been a quack who just wanted to wring money out of me; tests I didn't need, follow-up appointments that cost a hundred dollars just for them to tell me they weren't gonna do anything that day and I needed ANOTHER follow-up in a week, they would draw blood and then do nothing with it until it "expires" then ask to draw more, money money money money money- the United States healthcare system is a con, a racket, a scam, rotten to the very core by capitalism. Doctors don't want people to get better, they want people to keep coming back to give them more money! It's like tech companies making their products shitty in purpose so they break and you have to buy more, doctors give shitty care so you have to follow-up. There's no incentive for them to cure peoole, it's a subscription model!
I bought a bag of cough drops for my throat and some painkillers for my head, and I'm just gonna have to wait it out, same as 2021...
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itsdetachable · 1 year
Beginning September 25, every U.S. household can again place an order to receive four more free COVID-19 rapid tests delivered directly to their home. Before You Throw Out "Expired" Tests: Check to see if your COVID-19 tests' expiration dates have been extended.
Click for the Covid dot Gov website
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machette-rhetti · 9 months
Fml I have “rebound covid” … tested positive and sinus & cough symptoms returned. Thankfully (sort of) I work in a hospital and they are still requiring 5 days of isolation (which is insufficient, 10 days is best acccording to the science) but like sheesh. I have tested negative every month for the past four years and have not had any physical illness symptomatically either. The second largest wave of this pandemic finally hit me and I get to be the lucky 1 in 5 that gets the rebound crap. WEAR A DAMN MASK, test, isolate when sick, vaccinate, and fight for clean air y’all like fuck this shit!!!
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genekies · 6 months
wait so I might have covid, this birthday might end up terrible after all
taking a test right now that'll be done in a couple minutes but then I got scared so I did a second one that'll be done in 10 minutes
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comicdiaries · 1 year
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We COVID tested with Raina Telgemeier at comics camp, no big deal.
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chaneajoyyy · 2 years
I just took another Covid test and it says your girl is NEGATIVE!! But i will take another one in 2 days to be on the safe side.
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tartlette1968 · 2 years
I'm writing this because I need to put this down, and here seemed the place.
After the National Cabinet met, the Prime Minister announced that in a few weeks, it will no longer be mandatory for positive COVID cases to isolate--not for seven days, not for five days... just not mandatory.
The Prime Minister claimed that this was because case numbers were low, and insisted that this decision was made following medical advice. The Chief Medical Officer declared it was time to stop relying on isolation "in isolation". He actually said that we need a diverse series of measures to address COVID, and to stop seeing COVID as an exceptional respiratory disease.
The translation of all this is that mandating an isolation period was costing too much. Cafe, bar and restaurant owners were finding operating a business difficult, because COVID positive staff would, at short notice, have to miss work. Dominic Perrottet, the Premier of New South Wales, declared it was time for us to rely on "personal responsibility". The Prime Minister repeated that we can't depend on one measure, and then, without a single trace of awareness, said that vaccinations are proving effective. We now have no mask wearing in small spaces, or on public transport.
Paul Kelly, the Chief Medical Officer, with a smile on his face, actually said that most people were vaccinated, and had one booster, and a lot of us had also had natural immunity, too. None of these provide us long lived protection.
I'm perching on that tipping point where I'm about to be livid. If there is nothing for us to worry about, as case numbers are dropping (they're not, they're holding level, dipping and rising and dipping by the month) then by that logic, the need for isolation will drop, naturally. Exercising personal responsibility has always proven effective... as the number of people who are breath tested and found to be over the legal blood alcohol limit show.
So the real reason this decision was made is purely economical. But what is so foul and disgustingly revolting is that it is being dressed up as some kind of carefully considered science driven decision.
If case numbers are going down, then isolation is playing its part... and should stay, because the need for isolation will reduce. If case numbers are going up, we not only need isolation, but we also need mask awareness, vaccination awareness, and more measures, besides, like reliable testing. And we don't need a Chief Medical Officer telling us that things are just fine and dandy.
But I'm still livid.
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So I got COVID... And that's just nice...
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